Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

24 Jul


Originally posted by imperfectman

Thanks for the update Nikitia. Hopefully you guys take care of yourselves working this much. Best of luck to you on .12. It sounds amazing.

If i could ask one thing:
Will there be a pre-wipe event again?

I would be really excited to just have everything go missing without warning and start fresh. No event, no date, no announcement (at least until right before the patch)

yes there will be prewipe events


Privet, rebyatishki!

Yes, this patch is huge, yes, we are sorry that it's getting long. We are working without weekends right now, so it's all and everything about getting things done right now.

So, status update.

  • unity 2018 migration, optimizations, fixes. Thanks to our friends in Unity team lately we got a lot of new info on how we can optimize game better for 0.12. Together we discovered several unity based problems that we gonna fix together.
  • hideout - base mechanics are done, visuals are done. Crafting and area bonuses in progress.
  • new map - mil base. Current status - continuing polishing and optimization, lightning adjusting also.
  • stationary weapon mechanics. KORD (actually it's UTES. Almost the same machinegun) is done. Switched to train EXFIL mechanic before switching to AGS grenade launcher.
  • weapon builds system - ready as said in last status update
  • character customization - first person hands poli...
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20 Jul


Originally posted by KinkiHeat

nikita, please take a brake. the game is important. but you're (and you're teams health) is way way more important. love you dad <3

we will take a break after this patch will be uploaded and stable

19 Jul


Originally posted by trainfender

just wanted to tell that we are aware and working

by working i mean that we ban them constantly, preparing big stuff for AC for 0.12, modifying current version. please, also report suspicious players with clips on hackusation subreddit and our forums. we are not ignoring and everything.


just wanted to tell that we are aware and working

18 Jul

16 Jul


yes. there will be a weapon from them in the next patches

09 Jul


Originally posted by Bakimaster91

WOW Nikita, thank You for the answer! :) On the other hand, I suppose that after 0.12 there will be some intermediate patches and then 0.13 after several months?

most likely


50/50 it will be in 0.12 or in 0.13

06 Jul


Originally posted by KingfisherC

Thank you Nikita - is the sound engine change also coming?

i'm afraid not- moved it to 0.13


Originally posted by HJALMARI

I'm curious we had some animations shown in some podcasts long ago, what happened to the totally reworked animation system, is that thing on hold or are you guys waiting until you are settled in with the unity upgrade before you are doing the big animation overhaul?

this also


Originally posted by nicog20

New trader?



Hello, tarkovians!

0.12 is the biggest patch ever in EFT:

  • unity 2018 migration. Status: fixing new bugs and visual problems. Also applying new optimizations and freeze fixes. Migrating is technically done already.
  • hideout (there will be more videos soon about it. Current status - actively in progress, still a lot to do)
  • new map - mil base. Current status - polishing and optimization. The biggest map in terms of searchable buildings and places and also with new exit mechanics.
  • stationary weapon mechanics. KORD almost done, AGS is in progress.
  • weapon builds system - ready.
  • character customization - polishing, playtesting. Adding last pieces of clothing. There will be 5 unique sets (lowers and uppers) for each PMC - USEC and BEAR. They will be locked behind some requirements - money, skills, standings etc.
  • new content. added LOT of new mods, new weapons (beretta, p90 and Ash-12 will be 100% in game. High chanc...
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28 Jun


i'm ok, thanks for asking. Just enormous amount of work. And thanks for support!

27 Jun




24 Jun

18 Jun


planned to reduce ergo for a start