Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

12 Apr


крутота токакая


Originally posted by EmrysRuinde

Can you give us any information on what the 'partial wipe' with 0.12 will erase? Full reset including traders and quests or only inventory?

something can stay. we will see what


Originally posted by Xealyth

How will clans work, and when?

you will see


Originally posted by Timbots

Are you guys still planning for this to, one day, be connected in a persistent open (ish) world?



Originally posted by Romwell420

Will that new trader (as well as his cool 1855 revolver rifle) be in next patch?



Originally posted by Timbots

Will we see smaller sections of the map connected, say 2-3, before everything is connected?

probably yes


Originally posted by snowsoftJ4C

Can you spare any details on how Arena will work, or when it’s planned(TM)? Love the shooting mechanics in EFT, and I’m pretty sure you guys would capture a gigantic audience with it

Curious to see how it will be developed to incentivize playing the real mode rather than Arena 24/7

there will be details later


Originally posted by snek_of_tarkov

Would you consider a game mode that would be an ironman mode where players are locked out from traders but exist in the same raids?

  • No trader access
  • Still in same raids
  • Only see flea market from other players with the same mode switched on.


yeah i noted that idea


Originally posted by Anal_Pancake

Ya having a good day?

im shocked about question number here :)


Originally posted by mr_dappers

Any plans to lower the sound when moving prone? Or have your prone speed adjustable like the other positions?



Originally posted by VTAWing

I really, really, really, REALLY would like to buy a accurate 8 inch, or 12 inch figure of bears/scavs/usecs. (and weaponry)

I would love to add these to my "man cave" as decorative figurines injecting money into your team and giving me something awesome to look at when I am not playing the game.

Do you have any plans for this?

we have something in mind


Originally posted by MeeMeeGod

Is optimization a high priority on your list?



Originally posted by e36mikee

Are different clothing options planned? If so will clothes be lootabable items?

no clothing will not be lootable


Originally posted by mlb720

What happens to my bullet that disappears at the start of a raid?



Originally posted by Bakimaster91

One more question: Will You change the size of reticles for example in Elcan or ACOGs? They are at least 2 times too big

it could lead to decrease in usability of these scopes


Originally posted by YaBoyFrosty

Probably too late but what about the Russian Groza bullpup?

i believe its planned


Originally posted by JonseyMcDanes

Is implementing guns of existing caliber and type a priority over new caliber and type?

Example: You'd implement a mini-14 over a colt python.

yes and no. when it comes to build up a line of one caliber weapons -we switch for other caliber. for example .45 caliber will bring 1911 and vector


Originally posted by patrickswayzay

Is leg armor planned?



Originally posted by jamjambanana

Will the new scav boss on woods have a dog?



Originally posted by CyberThreatx

Why do I have to use a website to help me mod guns? Will there be something added to the game to let me know what parts fit on what guns without trial and error?

you can use flea marked linked search