Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

12 Apr


Originally posted by wickdsickkz

Can we get some kind of simple coded refund system for items when the servers crash, they consistently kicks us and deletes our gear for days after resets, and whilst its still in beta and all that, it does not feel good.

that will be complicated


Originally posted by Tekamei

Will the EOD bonuses stay in full version?



Originally posted by reaperk17

Will bullet drop be revised at any point it seems strange that an sks has very little bullet drop at 250m and the M1A has significantly more. The mosin has even more bullet drop after 150m but that's pretty okay.

yes it will be reworked


Originally posted by Mdogg2005

How has your vision of the game changed during development? Follow-up question, if the vision is still the same, how are you going to handle the day where you take everyone's gear abundance away from them to actually keep your vision in tact?

What i mean by this is that originally you wanted it to be a hardcore survival game. A game where if you have a can of beans and a full magazine inside of a functioning weapon you're in a good spot.

Right now, everyone runs around with top tier guns, armor, equipment, attachments, meds, etc. People have become accustomed to this. I want to know if that thought has crossed you or the team's mind and how you plan on handling that scenario.

vision is still the same, although its shifted a bit to some casualization. thats why we changed recoil, tried to slow down progression etc.

Final game is not in yet - it will be different than now. Right now its more like testing environment


Originally posted by drcordle

A little late to the Q&A but I had a quick easy question. What firearm are you most excited about adding to the game? It doesn’t have to be soon. Just your personal favorite.



Originally posted by AmazonBoxMonster

What is your favorite gun in the world?

cant tell easily. i just love guns. 20-th century and further


Originally posted by Mdogg2005

Did you see this thread? If so, what are your thoughts on some of those ideas?

ideas are interesting but will require a lot of working hours to implement


Originally posted by Mikecich

When is a second novel like "Predator" to be announced or to be expected?

we started English translation of the second book called Voice behind


Originally posted by Gabor3212

Any Plans for optimalization? 0.12?

yes, lot of good optimizations is planned


Originally posted by Hy8ogen

Will we be able to invite friends to our hideout? Not just visiting, but actually building it together like rust?

no its not planned


Originally posted by RamenLoversUnite

Hands down best shooter I’ve ever played. How cool is hideout gonna be? I’m excited.

very cool)


Originally posted by Kiakri

will look closely


Originally posted by AbsimUddin

Hey Nikita thanks for doing this. Do you have plans to introduce some form of tutorial,helper or even some form of quests to teach new tarkov players about the way stuff works in the game and make the learning curve of the game easier. Example: A tutorial on what type of ammo can be used by what gun and how to figure it out.

yes we planned something like this but it will be limited. we cant fit in all the info in tutorial


Originally posted by Turmoilss

Hey Nikita, any news on visible slings for rifles? I remember it was mentioned somewhere, but that it was a difficult thing to implement.

right now its not a priority


Originally posted by Anonymous_Quark

Do you intend to allow players to play cooperatively offline?

yes but much later


Originally posted by fichev

Are armor plate specific hitboxes planned?



Originally posted by Danger597

Why do you believe nauseating blur and sharpness effects are realistic and add immersion or benefit to the game? If I was shot in the arm and in pain, why would I struggle to see? Wouldn't loud random sound ques, eg screaming, crying, cursing be better? Tarkov is gorgeous and beautiful, showcasing what the of unity engine is truly capable of but completely ruined with the currents effects imo.

thats your opinion. but something need to be done to show damage to your body more visually cause you cant transfer pain through your monitor


Originally posted by mrdarrick

What's your favorite part of working on the game?

weapons and everything related to them


Originally posted by boomer343

What is your favorite feature slash feature you are most excited that the developer team plans on adding in the future?

clothing customization, tactical rigs customization, new map features


Originally posted by Danger597

Will the hideout bring any benefits to your character as it is upgraded or is it purely cosmetic?

yes there will be benefits