Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

12 Apr


Originally posted by __BigManOnCampus__

I heard mounted guns being planned for some new maps, will they have infinite ammo/ how will it work?

randomly generated ammo count


Originally posted by ShadowDevi

When will co-operative offline play be possible? This game NEEDS it so new players can learn the game with their friends.

not so soon


Originally posted by Darkateyer

When can we expect some new pistols in the game? Would really love some more variety when it comes to endgame pistols.

yes more pistols are planned . beretta m9a3 for example


Originally posted by hktscuba

  1. Any plans on making M995/BS ammo barter only like 9x39 spp/bp to remove it as the "go to" ammo and add balance back to armor?
  2. Any plans on implementing interchangeable armor plates for chest rigs. Example: removing an armor plate from one rig and installing it in another for higher/lower protection?

  3. Any plans on reducing the price of armor class 3 helmets/face shields due to the "shoot for the head" mentality that everyone has.

  4. Any plans to make quest items random, to mitigate hoarding prior to quest start?. Example: Current quest goal of collect 3 gphones/ 5 t-plugs. When the quest is generated it would Choose 1 of x possible out comes. Collect 2 golden gphones/ 5 t-plugs or collect 6 ram/3 gphones ect.

  1. probably
  2. with rigs/vests customization
  3. maybe
  4. not thinking about it right now

Originally posted by LMP3car

What is your favorite hobby to do outside of coding/working for BSG?


playing piano


Originally posted by Fuman20000

Does your team plan on adding more exotic 5.56 caliber weapons like the AUG, SIG 550 platform, Galil, HK 53, and etc?

aug planned for sure


Originally posted by Stamperboy

How in depth will the character customization be? Will it be like selecting 1 - 7 preset faces, or will it be relative to games like fallout and darksouls where the face is almost completely changeable?

its clothing customization. not face customization


Originally posted by Echo024

Will ETS be open to all backers or just certain groups? (EOD?)

its possible that there will be some kind of application process


Originally posted by Azshadrahnor

Are female models for PMCs and Scavs planned?



Originally posted by maku_89

Why Unity, instead of any other engine that's more suitable for open world games? I'm pretty sure you guys have to create so many tools and plugins yourselves, it must be very challenging.

yes its very challenging but we did a lot of things to make such game. also new unity will give us more power to make open world


Originally posted by ksig162

Is there an ETA (update version not timewise) for ability to heal teammate?

after 0.12


Originally posted by dud908

  1. Will different clothing be included in character customization in 0.12?
  2. If so, will you have to buy clothing every time your PMC dies or will it be saved/protected?

yes the closing will be protected from loss


Originally posted by MissingNum

Is every answer "yes"?



Originally posted by MachineGunBenny


Just wanted to hop by and say thank you for doing this again Nikita. Usually I am your basic 'lurker' that only does upvotes, but I appreciate you taking time for us to clarify some current in game situations and respond to future features.



Originally posted by Baconcandy000

  1. Is the loot tables updated/ will be
  2. In the military base and labs will there be more specific loot that comes from there (i.e. Grenade launchers from Mil. base and intel folders from labs)
  3. Your awesome Nikita thanks for the games awesomeness
  1. they are always being updated
  2. milbase location will have some unique loot

Originally posted by NetworkGuy22

I know you confirmed scav boss for woods, but scav boss on shoreline is really something I would like to see.

Any plans for this?

yes there will be boss on shoreline


Originally posted by Speza_

Hey, Nik. About healing in raid - Heard of plans that you will not be able to heal fully a damaged body part but only 90% of it for example. Is this correct? And what are your future plans for the healing mechanic? Healing teammates etc...?

there will be surgical kit - it will give an ability to heal balcked limbs with max hp limitations. healing teammates is also planned but later


Originally posted by RuskiMark

Why does the akm cost more than a ak74, when the akm is more common ak in real life

in EFT world is costs more because of its caliber


Originally posted by SeskaRotan

Thank you for doing this Q&A!

Is the SA80 family of rifles planned?

not sure


Originally posted by ICE-RIDDICK

Is there anyway you can make the raiders a QRF for some maps that could deploy if say kiba was unlocked?
