Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

12 Apr


Originally posted by noaho1

How is the development of Streets of Tarkov going? I know military base is a priority, but I am really looking forward to gunfights in the city.

right now we are on milbase fully


Originally posted by Tekpede

when are you fixing late spawns?

we done a lot of different fixes to this already. but today we discovered one more issue


Originally posted by xXoAHMADoXx

Will gun jamming mechanics be in .12 ?

i think it in .13


Originally posted by allleoal

Will we be able to have different sensitivities for different scope magnifications? (1x, 2x, 4x 6x, so on)



Originally posted by trainfender


but not 100% sure


Originally posted by PhxDomDad

Is the Vector in .12?



Originally posted by DonDOOM

Will the 0.12 soft wipe mean we'll keep our Trader Rep and Weapon Skills again?

probably. but im not sure. to test hideout we need clean profiles.


Originally posted by BigDave_76

Will guns have a hitbox (be able to be damaged by enemies) eventually?

not sure. but who knows


Originally posted by Twig

How has nobody asked about market bots yet? Nikita, do you believe your marketplace is being botted? If not, why do you think it isn't? If yes, what's going to be done to fix it?

already answered. its not bots


Originally posted by DptBear

Do you have plans to adjust the recoil system to make tap fire or burst fire viable in comparison to full auto?

right now its viable cause recoil increased and full auto is harder to control


Originally posted by KanserKunt

If this is not already answered will we see some very high caliber weapons like the barret m82 or 400 magnum revolver?

there will be .50 weapons. as well as .338


Originally posted by Poweredaqua

Are standalone magnifiers possible? Thanks for this QnA session, cheers from New Zealand.

possible. thinking how to properly implement them


Originally posted by TheRustyPeaches

Thanks for the great update Nikita and co!

My question is: MP5/10 or MP5/40 someday? It'd be kinda cool

yes we want to add mp5/10


Originally posted by BSM-Black

Were you testing something in particular with the pre-wipe event? Maybe servers performance with raiders insted of scavs, impact of traders on the servers, or something similar? If yes, I hope it was useful for you guys!

we got a lot of valuable info. especially with player driven economy event


Originally posted by shooterjari

Have you thought about armor classes translating to % damage reduction depending on the type of bullet and armor class For example (here youd have to change pen values from a flat number to a 0-10 scale. So instead of 30 pen, you get 8/10 pen for example, and every caliber would have thesame /10 scale) Paca: lvl 2. Fort: lvl 6

9x18 4pen round 60 damage 9x18 is a weak penning round, so paca takes away 40% damage flat Whilst fort takes away 90% damage flat

But a 545x39 8 pen 50 damage round would be for example: Paca: 5%reduction in damage Fort: 50% reduction because of the round And then you calculate the pen with it

So on top of the damage reduction caliber causes, you get the pen value the bullet has, to cause additional damage reductions

9*18 Paca: would leave you with 24 damage, but because the 4 pen, you get perhaps a x0.4 modifier, putting the final damage at 9.6 through a paca. Taking about 9 shots of 9x18 through a paca in the chest to...

Read more

this is how it works right now. more or less


Originally posted by HaiKalaSushi

Been playing this game for about 5-6 months for now and i have constantly heard, that the game will become most focused around squads.

As a harcore survival games lover (solo arma2 dayz/roleplay, Stalker etc) could you make solo playing more viable through having certain buffs when joining raid alone ((effect of these would be determent of progression and character level), such as increased awareness for example)).

Its not only me but there is a probably huge % of people (when reading posts over months) who like to play solo and probably not be left out so much when the game goes out to full release.

Thanks for your attention.

will become most focused around squads.

thats not true. i dont know when and where this gossip started. i like to play solo for example


Originally posted by Vilamus

Currently the modding screen only detects parts that are in the stash outside of my containers or are in the same container the gun is in.

Can it be altered so the weapon modding screen can add in components from anywhere in the stash, even if in other containers?

good thing. need to note this


Originally posted by Regicide22

Will you ever allow gun shields or shields of any form to exist in tarkov?

we modelled a shield. now we thin what to do with it)


Originally posted by KillerBeaze

Plans for helmet mounts?



Originally posted by ketchup_popscicle

curious how long it will be until the .12 patch/wipe? My guess would be another 6 months from now but an estimated time frame would be nice.
