Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

12 Apr


Originally posted by sunseeker11

Concerning the quests - is it possible that for fetch quests there might be some randomization what you actually have to find?

For example:

  • therapist might ask you to collect cans of herring or saury instead of tushonkas?
  • mechanic asking to find PSUs and Wires instead of CPUs and Rec batteries?

Something that could be randomized for every player and make more use of different items in the game.

its possible but im not sure about it


Originally posted by gxkjerry

Is the durability reduction on ADAR intentional or a bug/glitch?

To clarify, it is the bug where a perfectly fine ADAR (100/100 durability) would drop to 80/80 durability after you take it into a raid. This still happens even if you don't shoot a single bullet.

sounds like its a bug


Originally posted by Bakimaster91

Will the CTE come before the release of 0.12 for players to test it?

we want to do it before 0.12. it will be called Early Testing Servers (ETS)


Originally posted by InfoOlf75

Hello, will we able to have some sort of bitcoin mining in Hideout since physical Bitcoin is already in game? And will we have sort of darknet to buy stuff with virtual bitcoin? Btw thanks for doing this kind of QnA

we want to do it


Originally posted by Benji035

How are you doing today Nikita?



Originally posted by gaxit

Cultists, UNTAR , EX-PMCs what happened, are they coming to the maps in the near future.

after 0.12


Originally posted by MilkovichJ

There are still issues with the sensitivity of scopes, particularly the Vudu and Burris.

There is also still the issue with the selection of alternate optics changing after grenade throws or medical use (which can get you killed).

Are these issues likely to be addressed soon?

these issues are in the fix plan


Originally posted by Batster13

When do you think 0.12 will most likely be finished? 1/2/3/4/5/6 months?

Feels like most people are waiting on that patch.

we will give info a bit later


Originally posted by Unique_hobo

Any chance we see the G3 series of rifles in game? Perhaps as a low moding option for 7.62 NATO?

G3 is planned


Originally posted by Dzsekeb

Since the current quests should be optional sidequests, could we get an alternate way of gaining trader rep until the main questline is added?

Can we get more modifiers for offline mode? (A few examples: replace scavs with raiders, infinite raid timer, open all locked doors)

  1. we need to think about that
  2. planned

Originally posted by Wiggles_4

can pmc extracts be randomized like scav extracts are to avoid exit camping?

its hard to do right now. unless we can use scav exits for that


Originally posted by YeaahBoii

When are your plans to implement new/locked skills? For example prone movement seems like a rather simple addition because we already have covert movement.

we want to add most of remaining skills after 0.12


Originally posted by Schwertkeks

Where are all the scavs gone?

its seems like on shoreline numbers of scavs are quite low. need to check


Originally posted by Stefano_095

Will night become properly darker?

For how long reshade will be still permitted?

good question. it will come with graphics overhaul later this year


Originally posted by MustachioedMan

Maybe its bugged then? I had an instance on factory a couple hours ago where a player scav gunned down an AI, and when I killed the player all ai scavs became hostile

we will double check


Originally posted by hadNt_TW

Bullet fragmentation seems not working for low-penetration bullets (as /u/NoFoodAfterMidnight tested), is this gonna be fixed soon? Love ;)



Originally posted by sunseeker11

I guess something like in XCOM - you initiate the building process of a module and wait a set amount of ingame time until it's ready.



Originally posted by trainfender

mostly its initialization of different kind. Animation system for example. It all can be fixed. unity 2018 give more abilities to do it

but its a pretty fragile process. Fixing stuttering/freezes issues usually requires deep and legacy code changes/ It always lead to unpredictable bugs


Originally posted by OneMouseGaming

my question is about the flea market, has there been considerations for item max prices as they relate to the items price at a vendor.

people selling Salewas for 300k or balaclavas for 30k. selling an item at 10 to 20 times it's nominal price should not be possible.

in that effect is there a possibility of for market bans or restrictions for gross misuse or API bot injection. there was a guy with 22 trader rep in the first 6 hours.

I love the heart and passion BSG as a whole has for this project. i just want to thank you on behalf of the community. your effort has not gone unnoticed.

selling an item at 10 to 20 times it's nominal price should not be possible
i disagree with that. free market its a free market. its free for you not to buy with such prices. BUT! intelligent regulations are always needed


Originally posted by SchleyDogg

What do you think about altering the find-in-raid requirement? I saw one suggestion that would require you to only find one of the items.

So instead of needing to find all 10 graphics cards for example, you only have to find one in raid and you could buy the other 9 off the flea market or perhaps use the ones that you’ve stored up over the course of the game.

This way people can still sell quest stuff on the flea market, but you can’t just buy your way completely through every task.

there will be some changes really soon