Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

12 Apr


Originally posted by pingus25

Any chance we can get one (just one) screenshot of the game running on the updated Unity engine?

not yet. and don't think that new engine=new graphics. its a separate task


Originally posted by Bakimaster91

Last 2 questions from me Nik:

  1. Will the sliding stocks, for example on M4 or M1A EBR and every stock that can do that, be "slideable" or lets say foldable in 0.12 or later?
  2. I remember of Your devs saying that in the future we will freely move attachments on the rails. Is it coming soon or later?
  1. yes
  2. after 0.12

Originally posted by ChozoNomad

Why are you awesome?

you are too kind


Originally posted by Virion_Stoneshard

Hey! Awesome that you're doing this.

Is there any plan to take another look at the recoil system in tarkov? Being unable to control your recoil as actual player skill has lead to a meta where it's best to just spray full auto and dump mags, rather than taking accurate burst fire/etc.

as i said many times - we tested it without autocompensation and it was pure sh*t. but we will make a test somehow for you to test it


Originally posted by o4zloiroman

Dynamic prices when?

we will have a test run soon


Originally posted by __BigManOnCampus__

In your opinion, why would anyone use bolt actions like the m700 and DVL? Semi automatic weapons of the same caliber are available cheaper for .308

precision in general. reliability later when we implement jamming


Originally posted by Karl-TheFookenLegend

3 questions from me, that had been bugging me for several wipes:

1) Nikita, what do you plan to do to make economy much harsher, accumulating wealth much harder and forcing people to scavenge for supplies instead of rushing hot loot spots and making tons of money the easy way, which encourages aggressive zergling rush style game and discourages slow tactical playstyle?

2) Which leads to my second question - squashing hatchet runners for profit problem. How do you plan to get rid of hatchet/melee running for profit, which has no disadvantage at the moment, whatsoever?

3) Will scav AI ever receive more natural idle animations/stances instead of looking like cyborgs that drone around with their weapons raised all the time?


Edit: ahh, shite, I just saw that "one question per message". Sorry.

  1. yes
  2. answered in other question
  3. yes we want to do it

Originally posted by PaveKos

Can we have a special сеточка device for GSSH, for the very important ergonomics +1?

Can we have Tetris theme playing in the stash, if the player sits there for 3+ mins?

we removed this setochka cause its clipped with head :)


Originally posted by tim_fr

What’s your opinion on the progression system currently?


it needs to be tested more


Originally posted by RaiRaiTheRaichu

.45 ACP + weapons, possible for 0.12 or later?

possible, but low chance


Originally posted by Marksman-

Oh another one. Is there any idea when we can see AK handguards seperated into their two pieces like real life for more modular modding?

not sure about it yet. its possible, but we didnt plan it


Originally posted by SirActionSlacks-

I love your game but i enjoy playing it for different reasons than most, going in as a hatchling and playing it more like a survival horror game is my favorite.

What are your opinions on hatching? Do you want to phase that playestyle out eventually or think its cool as well?

hatchling is independent and solid class. but they will be more "regulated" when it wll come to heal yourself in off-raid


Originally posted by bikt

How far away is after-raid killcam or just more information how you died?

more info planned after 0.12


Originally posted by borjan96

What is the current state of the karma system at the momment is it comming any time soon bdw keep up the good work BSG

karma is not implementing yet. we plan to add it after 0.12


Originally posted by Shirik345x

How's progress on the engine upgrade going?

its going :)


Originally posted by bagelrod

  1. Do you plan on locking the Flea Market with the next wipe for a limited time?

  2. I remember reading that in the future you would be able to access it by upgrading the computer module in the Hideout, is that planned for 0.12 or maybe later?

  3. Is Broken English for BEAR planned for 0.12?

  1. dont know
  2. probably later
  3. not yet

Originally posted by MustachioedMan

i have a question about scav ai. AI scavs will only allow the player to kill other scavs if the other scav shot them first. Wouldn't it make more sense if a player scav could kill any other player scav who has already killed a scav? In other words, shouldnt player scavs be allowed to have the same rules of engagement as ai scavs?

we changed it as you described lately, i beileve


Originally posted by InsanityInAToolBox

In your opinion, how is development going from where you are now to where you wanted to be at this time?

faster but not fast enough


Originally posted by Dzsekeb

Do you have a rough estimate of when 0.12 will be ready?

yes, but i cant tell right now


Originally posted by BALIST0N

I wanted to ask when will we get ability to climb ladders (its a serious question)
