EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

25 Sep


Very tentatively - I don’t think the next mirror will be occurring until later in October.


o7 Capsuleers,

We are aware of an issue with the Vorton Projector Boosters from the Rolling Thunder login campaign where the boosters are coming pre-expired and cannot be used. This issue will be fixed in a patch next week, so please just hang onto these rewards and they’ll become usable in the near future.



Hi everyone,

Later today Singularity will be updated with a new build for testing. Among the things you may notice will be a slight change to the appearance of the text in the UI. We are experimenting with some new rendering techniques to enhance readability of the text.

Since the update will be arriving on Sisi before formal communications about this change are ready we just wanted to make a quick post to say yes - if the UI text looks different you’re not imagining things, it’s on purpose and we’ll be giving you more information on the how’s and why’s and seeking your feedback soon.



Combat Sites are not being affected.


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Back in March, the EVE Online Ecosystem Outlook blog described the plans for resource distribution in New Eden. This endeavour started last December with asteroid belt changes, then moved on to...

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24 Sep


Hi everyone,

Back in July we announced the Champions of the Abyss - a quadrant-long contest with some cool prizes for whoever racked up the most victories in the Proving Grounds events that were taking place over the Zenith quadrant.

With only two Proving Grounds events remaining in the quadrant I figured I’d add up all the results from ...

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Эта ветка была закрыта для просмотра из-за большого количества флагов.

Всем напоминаем, что следует вести беседу вежливо и избегать злоупотребления системой флагов.


Hey, welcome to EVE!

Whether or not you can shoot depends on the security of the system you’re in.

1.0 to 0.5 you cannot shoot unless they’re either suspect (yellow flashing), criminal (red flashing), have a limited engagement with you (cyan flashing), or at war with you (red star flashing). Shooting any of these will allow them to shoot back though, so be careful! If you set your safety to yellow you won’t get accidentally concorded for shooting the wrong target, but you can do criminal actions that make you suspect and allow others to shoot you accordingly. Safety set to red means you can shoot people ‘illegally’ in highsec but concord will respond after a few seconds and destroy you (there is no avoiding this).

In 0.4 to 0.1 you can shoot anyone safely as long as you’re not on a gate or a station. Shooting someone you couldn’t legally shoot otherwise ( suspect, criminal or war target) will make you a criminal, so be careful. If you commit a crime (shoot some...

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