over 1 year ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hahaha
1s it's a miracle all right
5s things happen
12s I'm having some connection issues though
15s I'm gonna test for a moment
27s what are you doing encoder oh it's good
30s all right we're green
33s because I just needed a moment figure
35s things out oh we are live okay
38s hi everyone
42s nailed it
58s [Music]
69s oh I see wizard Jerry's in the YouTube
72s chat it's his community built today guys
75s it's exciting
76s goodness I'm not sure if I can live up
79s to the expectation of what it
80s accomplishes though that video you
82s shared is nuts
84s if I suck really bad I'll just play that
86s video okay
87s [Music]
91s the build is amazing though
93s it's gonna be fun
103s wild charger I love this there should be
105s super lightweight screens for the other
106s two systems
107s unfortunately it's just not a priority
109s on my to-do list but I it's on my to-do
112s list believe it or not I want to do it I
114s want to add those
116s I want to add more weight screens
126s Bearded Frog Yeah so basically I pulled
128s up the community uh suggestions then I
133s created a random number generator
135s and just push the button and the number
137s that it landed on happened to be wizard
139s Jerry's
143s foreign
171s we're just gonna jump over to the guy I
173s know we're slight and starting slightly
175s early but we're gonna test this I want
177s to see sound checks going on
181s was that a nice little transition I
183s certainly hope it was welcome ladies and
185s gentlemen to the official Rockfish game
187s stream where I'm your host your guide
189s and your servant through all things ever
191s space 2. Eric Schrader your community
193s Ambassador oh my goodness we are about
195s to have a lot of fun here uh we're going
198s to be doing three specific things in
202s this stream the first one which we have
204s pulled up right now is we're going to be
207s doing the Community Showcase first I
208s want to do it because I'm excited about
210s this I was gonna practice it beforehand
212s didn't have enough time so I'm gonna be
215s diving in and checking this build out
217s straight as it is the only reference I
221s received was Wizard Jerry's video of
223s being absurdly powerful with it
226s um so that's this it's so
228s the performance of the build is
230s indicative of how it was put together
233s and uh yeah so I'm I'm really excited to
236s jump right into this so uh the other two
239s things that we'll be doing we have a
241s little bit of a fun section where we're
244s going to be comparing the assets of
247s certain locations specific stations that
250s have been redesigned have been updated
253s through the course of Aerospace 2's
255s development some of these things you
256s guys have probably seen before I know we
258s talked about Prescott uh quite heavily
261s at one point and talked about the um
264s oh what's the specific term that's all
267s the little gizmos and doodads and what's
270s the calls it's uh basically to optimize
273s Prescott while also making it look
275s better and uh this has continued to
277s happen as well as on a number of
279s locations and I'm going to show you uh
281s what that looks like in a direct
283s comparison format so you know that I'm
285s not just bsing you guys you can actively
288s see it so that should be a nice little
290s thing as well and then we're going to
291s top things off with our community
293s screenshots per usual just because you
296s guys are insane with them I love
298s highlighting you all uh it's such a
300s blast to see you all contributing so
301s much and being so devoted to the cause
304s it's crazy what you all come up with so
307s uh yeah that's that's the docket for
310s today so let's cover this build right
314s now What wizard Jerry has uh proposed
317s for us is this very aggressive
321s bomber build
323s that uses both a Synchro pulse and an
327s executioner so you know he means serious
329s business when those are the two items
331s right like come on we all know that
333s Synchro pulse is just insane when it
334s comes to energy output uh and we know
336s that the Executioner it's it is
338s unbeatable so long as your opponent's
341s Shields are down it is insane how much
344s these things can do
346s now in conjunction with this because
348s most notably the Synchro pulse can be a
351s little bit of an energy hog as well as
353s the fact that the bomber uses energy for
356s secondary uh Weaponry we also have
359s energy injectors on board to just like
361s streamline the high risk areas that we
365s will be undertaking we also have an
367s energy Shield just in case things get a
369s little more rough than we'd like because
372s we kind of want our Shield to be
374s disabled the majority of this build in
378s fact in his notes he mentions not to
381s have a shield XC okay or St excuse me St
387s Superior Titanium because that gives way
390s too much Shields you need your Shield to
392s come down you need to be disabled why
395s you might ask what is the point of that
397s well if you look over here one is one of
402s one of these ah here it is we have a
405s couple actually we have ulterior motive
407s 100 increase alt generation while Shield
409s is depleted this is incredibly important
411s for being able to use the arc uh in a
414s lot of powerful ways and then there's a
418s wasn't there another Shield thing I feel
420s like there was maybe I'm forgetting
421s where it's at
423s uh but regardless you want your shield
425s down that's the main main focal point
427s here in addition to that
429s uh everything else is more or less on
431s the standard side with the focused
433s attributes look at this Focus like oh my
436s gosh major praise to the dedication of
438s this build we got serious Firepower we
442s have insane precision
444s and we have just absurd amounts of
447s utility here so this is all going to
449s chain together because we need to be
450s using devices in order to get reactive
453s armor so we can protect ourselves when
456s our Shields are down when we fire our
459s Arc in close proximity of ourselves so
461s it annihilates everything around us then
464s regenerates our alt super fast because
465s our Shields are down with ulterior
467s motive
469s oh gosh so I'm excited I'm very excited
474s Shield depletion EMP it doesn't have
476s that even though I do think that could
478s be beneficial in this build it's not
480s necessarily necessary so
483s all right uh and the pink combination he
486s says is called uh German Superman all
489s right I'll take it very nice very nice
492s uh other quick details to note I believe
494s one of these passives is important that
496s I'm blocking two of them are kind of
498s important and well I think all of them
502s are so we do increase damage against uh
504s movement uh impeded enemies right so
509s um our EMP is gonna come into play there
511s but then we also have reduced damage
513s from enemy explosives just to kind of
515s like make us the champion of explosives
517s in this build and we also have the arc
519s 9000 damage increase by two percent
521s every second after being fired so what
524s can be really awesome here is if we get
526s a long range Arc 9000 shot fly into it
529s where all the enemies are at paparia
532s Papa device to get reactive armor
536s and then uh question marks and then
540s profit it's yeah should be should be a
542s lot of fun
543s so
544s um something else to kind of point out
546s and I'm sure this might be a little bit
547s surprising for uh wizard Jerry he had
551s gone through and tried to find some of
552s the best um high-risk areas for loot
557s and we have been working on the loot
558s modifiers
561s uh just a little bit so those numbers
563s might not look as familiar to you as
567s they previously work
570s but we're gonna try this one
572s [Music]
573s this is gonna be this is gonna be a
575s challenge uh we got double trouble
577s which honestly I don't think is too bad
578s but strength and death this one's
580s increasing all the other opponents by
582s five percent in regards to their speed
584s Shields armor and hole can definitely be
586s a nuisance and then we have Evolution
587s which I think is actually uh one of the
590s hardest ones even though it has like the
591s lowest Loop modifier as Christian change
593s that come on man
594s um in which case one enemy continues to
597s increase every 15 seconds uh it's level
601s uh up to five levels higher this might
605s not sound like a lot you might be
607s thinking oh that's not too so bad but
608s when it's always one enemy out there
610s that's ramping up you want to drop them
613s before they get to that five levels
614s higher especially with how we've kind of
616s been evaluating and revamping the level
620s scaling systems
621s they are insanely dangerous if you leave
625s them alone so uh that's enough
627s explanation I think I hope open up one
630s more one more we got to cover the
632s devices this is also actually an
633s important aspect of this build
635s EMP
637s is so that when your enemies are all
639s clustered together you pop it they take
641s increased damage for having their
642s movement impaired
644s also gives you a moment to breathe also
647s gives you the reactive armor we also
649s have Fusion hook mainly for Mobility
651s we have oh wait I I said I looked at
654s that when it said EMP that's uh
656s Annihilator virus but you know what this
659s does here an allergy virus is just that
661s added additional damage to you know all
663s opponents nearby and then teleporter uh
666s he said use parting gift if you can
669s still like exploit the damage uh I don't
671s even know if that's been fixed yet I
673s really don't it hasn't been something
674s I've looked into
677s um pretty sure it has been uh but
679s regardless I know that it will be
681s addressed but yeah we'll go ahead and
683s keep it because why not
684s so uh a bit of mobility in here mixed
687s with some crowd control
690s to trigger those adaptive armor stacks
694s all right
696s very good very good
699s so let's uh let's do it let's fly this
703s bad boy
707s so we are going to America I'm actually
709s nervous
712s I'm actually nervous doing this because
714s I I haven't uh I haven't tried this I
717s haven't tried this build yet so
719s where's Jerry
722s nervous
724s [Music]
726s there's like 180 maximum total last time
729s yeah I think it was something like that
732s um yeah we definitely upped the ante we
734s just we guys want you to get better loot
736s based on uh what you're engaging with
739s and we just figured
741s that's that's the whole incentive of
743s having those mutators so you get the
745s harder mutators to get greater Rewards
748s all right here we go I am so nervous why
752s am I so nervous
756s all right
758s I guess I can fast forward
763s so welcome everybody to the stream for
765s those of you who don't know if you have
767s questions pertaining to any aspect of
770s the stream whatsoever or straight up
772s everspace 2 in general uh feel free to
776s just straight up uh feel free to
778s straight up just ask a question and then
780s we have another individual another
782s Community manager geekbite on the line
784s who will 100 take your questions plug it
788s into a nice little format thing and uh
791s then we'll have these segments in the
792s Stream where we'll just straight up
794s answer it'll be delightful it'll be
795s wonderful it'll be fantastic so all of
798s your questions in fact will be answered
800s we won't miss a thing
803s all right here we go we got an elite
806s zirilia drone that's going to be
807s leveling up this is terrifying okay
810s how do I how do I play this game all
813s right
815s let's see we're gonna
818s explode probably
837s oh I missed it I missed it my Shields
839s came back up all right so I missed the
842s combo
844s already right out of the gate
847s we'll have to work on that I want to get
849s this scout out of the way though
856s also guys let me know uh what the how
859s the sound's going I did do quite a bit
861s of a number to
864s um adjust the sounds
866s so that the game is uh
870s I'm not going to be overpowered by my
871s voice
872s stuff like that
878s okay
881s I know wizard Jerry is like probably
883s cringing here oh that was good that was
885s good we got damaged while our Shields
887s was down we almost got her all back
889s there we go
897s I'm gonna try and do our combo
905s damn
910s that was uh
912s yes I had my Shields back up oh my gosh
915s it's so explosive everything just dies
919s including myself apparently
926s all right we gotta get more alt back so
929s we gotta have our Shield straight there
931s we go do some damage
936s get out of Dodge
949s foreign
959s just staying in like where the combat is
964s happening it holds its own as we are
967s just causing an absolute
969s crab time of day is very explosively
973s including to ourselves
977s but it all works out in the end
986s oh
989s didn't get my reactive armor in time
995s oh is there really a drone killed me
997s there oh yeah the little laser beam
999s probably hit that last uh one whole
1001s point that I had
1004s my goodness
1005s whoo
1010s game volume could be lower all right
1012s yeah I can adjust that real quick
1014s actually
1023s is that better
1026s wizard Jerry says oops hey no no worries
1028s like as you can tell like it's a very
1030s very aggressive build
1032s and uh yeah we're gonna try this again
1034s straight up now I'm kind of getting the
1035s feel for the groove and how it's coming
1037s together all right here we go
1041s foreign
1043s so good yeah those laser beams can
1045s absolutely wreck any amount of reactive
1048s armor you have because of how quickly
1051s they proc everything basically
1059s well that should give us no do I have
1061s did I still have shields oh man I didn't
1063s get like hardly any alt back
1066s I thought that was a good one silly me
1078s where do they all keep coming from
1084s foreign
1100s all right
1110s is it too much damage again
1114s but apparently my Shields aren't for
1115s good gosh dang it I can't get that
1117s timing
1118s the timing's tricky
1127s yeah don't worry guys if this uh if this
1129s ends up being like user error and I
1132s can't bring this together I am
1133s absolutely going to play the video
1135s that wizard Jerry shared with me because
1137s it it seriously is impressive and I
1140s think you should all definitely see it
1141s so that's my backup plan in case I
1143s continue to suck
1147s whoo
1149s those drones are a huge pest
1161s that's rough but you can also I hope you
1164s can also see there's a lot of explosions
1166s happening
1167s um just how quickly that boss meter is
1170s building on the right side I'm gonna
1172s give this one more go uh in an attempts
1175s to combo this alt regeneration
1178s um unless we actually change that Marco
1181s uh I don't know if Marco's actually in
1183s this I'm gonna check out one thing real
1185s quick
1186s uh sorry about the music dying I
1188s actually disabled that intentionally one
1190s second I want to check because I think
1192s one of the changes we've actually made
1194s for a future update is that alts can no
1196s longer uh generate alt and that might be
1200s something that is imperative to this
1202s build
1204s and how Splash damage works so I'm going
1206s to look this up I'm also going to uh get
1209s the music going again so that we can at
1211s least hear that
1217s all right uh hang on one second
1222s all right cool
1226s we're gonna pause
1228s I'm gonna look at this real quick
1242s now this isn't something that we are
1244s going to do
1254s not seeing it at the moment but I know
1257s that we've talked about it internally
1261s okay so this was a bug fix that should
1265s actually be live now
1268s yeah this should be this should be live
1271s now so I
1272s hmm all right uh so basically uh we made
1275s it to where the arc 9000 and the quantum
1277s tether for all of you Striker fans uh
1280s they don't they shouldn't be recharging
1282s their own alt energy back
1287s um so alt is not gained through using
1290s alt energy is not gained by using an ALT
1293s you have to do it through other means
1294s that being said I know that I still have
1296s very explosive damage to the EMP as well
1299s as uh the annihilator virus so I'm going
1301s to try and focus on those
1303s wizard chair if you got any pointers
1305s real quick I would love to hear them if
1307s there's something else that you worked
1308s around on that front
1312s my goodness isn't this great pulling up
1316s another person's build that's just
1318s insanely different from my play style
1320s that's so aggressive I don't even know
1322s what I'm doing it's fantastic
1325s it's fantastic
1327s oh my gosh
1329s the more aggressive build you are
1331s playing the more calm you should be
1333s have you been to any of these streets
1336s oh my gosh
1340s oh man my my
1343s energy and my excitement over these
1345s builds just like it's like over nine
1347s thousand okay like it's it's insane
1350s asking me to be calm in the midst of so
1352s much joy and enthusiasm
1355s I'll try I'm not sure how well I can
1357s hold it together
1360s all right let's start things off uh with
1362s the bang
1363s right
1364s yeah
1374s all right let's gain some distance over
1375s here so we don't accidentally kill
1377s ourselves there's a bad art it's a bad
1378s Arc
1379s I recognize that
1382s all right proper spacing
1385s all right get some distance okay okay
1387s all right here we go just taking things
1390s nice and easy
1399s really need this guy down though
1402s oh my goodness do I ever
1414s all right there we go
1416s all right okay all right I'm getting the
1418s feeling I'm getting I'm getting this
1421s this is coming together
1430s oh there we go we got it we got it
1432s all right so we can zoom on by again
1434s it's going to charge the arc and then I
1436s just release the feast and say good
1438s night
1440s oh yeah look at that boss spawn charge
1443s yo oh that is beautiful all right all
1446s right
1447s I just have to uh you know make sure I
1450s don't get
1452s annihilated instantaneously
1459s or try something here
1462s a little bit closer to our adversaries
1465s pop this
1467s which should start giving us a heck ton
1469s of Alt
1472s we move out
1473s our Shield's charts dang it
1483s those corrosion mines are certainly
1484s keeping our health up though
1490s okay another Alt
1503s toasty
1507s [Music]
1509s oh we hit ourselves with that in mind oh
1512s that was that was pain incarnate
1515s that's unfortunate
1519s foreign
1526s up though it's as crazy as it looks we
1530s did in fact get the boss spawn
1534s wowzers
1539s would have been nice to have start off
1541s with the uh
1544s with The Arc 9000 but here we are
1552s [Music]
1555s oh that's just a heck ton of damage
1557s though
1559s even without using the
1562s the arc
1564s I don't have to go for the weak points
1568s I'll just top it off
1570s with a nice explosive
1574s whoo
1579s wow
1583s now obviously that was not optimized by
1585s any stretch of the imagination
1588s but uh
1591s if we were to start from the beginning
1594s of going into this high risk area to the
1597s conclusion of it uh that was actually
1599s one of my fastest HRA clears
1603s um and I don't necessarily go in through
1606s and like optimize my builds or anything
1607s uh but that being said even though like
1611s I'm not used to this play style even
1613s though it's a little bit actually it's a
1616s lot a bit out of my comfort zone and how
1617s it's played
1619s um I do like all of that stacking damage
1621s where you're dropping all of these
1624s corrosion mines that once they get those
1626s kills it's bringing back your house so
1628s fast it's making sure that your Shields
1631s are ironically still down so you're
1632s getting a lot of alt back in conjunction
1635s with that crowd control of the EMP and
1637s the annihilator virus like that was I
1639s was sick I'm not sure how many of these
1642s things I'm allowed to pick up because I
1644s have to be careful about content being
1646s shown today
1647s we have been making some wonderful
1650s progress
1651s we'll take this though
1653s nice but yeah that's three blueprints
1655s for those of you who are uh wondering
1658s three blueprints
1660s at it we had a number of
1664s uh prototypes in there do we have a star
1667s forged I can't remember if we did or not
1670s as well as an echo canceler
1673s all right
1674s um but yeah for anybody who's wondering
1676s like oh my gosh the drop rates blah blah
1679s blah we are always working on those
1680s clearly it's not done clearly it's work
1683s in progress uh but uh we are making sure
1685s that we want the loot to drop from high
1687s risk areas to be meaningful to have an
1690s impact on the game
1692s so that is a continual work in progress
1694s also keep in mind that as we're working
1696s on that particular element we are
1699s working on end game elements too okay we
1702s will have a lot of fun stuff to show uh
1705s this coming fall
1707s and uh yeah high risk areas are not
1710s technically in-game content but they are
1713s a nice means to get Bountiful loot uh by
1718s overcoming these challenges So speaking
1720s of overcoming challenges
1722s let's use this bomber again we'll do one
1725s more
1726s and uh then we'll show some of the work
1728s that we've been up to in regards to uh
1731s location stations getting improved and
1733s updated
1735s uh and we'll also go into questions
1737s after this second high-risk area let's
1740s see if we got uh see if we got a good
1741s one here
1742s strength of death turrets on asteroids I
1745s was warned about
1748s um let's see
1759s and also if you're wondering about the
1761s values that you see here versus the one
1762s that was in space
1764s um I think these are well no these are
1766s also updated okay never mind
1769s I was gonna say I don't think these were
1771s updated but I think they are
1774s old uh items getting transferred to like
1777s new data sometimes there's wonky things
1779s that happen so I wouldn't think about
1780s these too much I think uh
1783s enemy region might be fun since we have
1786s corrosive but that's also turrets on
1788s asteroids man some of these are are
1791s terrible
1792s and terrifying we'll just go with the
1795s one that has the highest loot quality
1796s how's that sound we got 260 over here we
1799s have 260 over there they both have
1800s turrets on asteroids okay uh we'll do
1802s strength and death Evolution oh we just
1804s did those
1805s let's mix it up uh wait
1808s over leveled strength and death
1811s Shard sensors
1818s this should be pain for all intents and
1821s purposes
1828s all right
1829s so yeah be sure to be asking your
1831s questions
1832s [Music]
1833s we're gonna go to one more high risk
1835s we're gonna do this again I think I've
1837s got the hang of it I think I think I
1838s know what I'm doing
1846s let's see
1848s if I'm just talking myself up
1851s or if I can prove it here we go
1860s all right first things first oh my gosh
1863s level 28 this oh they got too many got
1868s too many over level that's insane
1871s look at the damage output they got going
1874s on oh my goodness
1877s all right we got a
1880s we got a curb their enthusiasm that's
1881s what we gotta do
1884s all right we're gonna position ourselves
1886s a little bit more accordingly
1893s oh my goodness
1896s execute we are getting some nice kills I
1899s need that bomber down whoop here we go
1903s focus on this guy uh we annihilated him
1906s gusting and I didn't want to do that to
1908s him
1908s oh well it should be enough to get the
1910s kill
1923s that oh I need it thank you
1943s all right
1947s oh too close
1953s all right yeah I'm feeling this this is
1956s uh I like that I like how this operates
1968s I really wanted to hit that Annihilator
1970s virus there maybe I can get close enough
1974s perfect
1979s all right all right
1985s let's go after this bomber who just
1986s absolutely crushed me
1992s there we go more speed up more speed
1995s please thank you
2001s clear the drones give me that oh yes yes
2012s yes I
2015s hello there
2022s wrong spot wrong time
2028s that was almost really bad actually I
2030s need that alt back
2031s there you are
2033s oh that's bad placement but we'll take
2035s it
2045s oh I don't want to be near that okay
2048s I let it go too far shame on me
2053s so I'm gonna try I'm gonna try something
2055s and this is we do need the alt charge
2057s back up though maybe I'm not gonna be
2058s able to try it up
2067s yikes oh I'm doing it
2072s all right oh
2074s my gosh I was feeling so good about that
2077s like I just needed one more little
2078s maneuver and I missed it I missed my
2080s button press
2081s oh my gosh this is nuts though I love
2083s that the fact that I'm holding my own
2086s with enemies that are three levels
2088s higher than me on this build is actually
2091s crazy
2093s um
2094s because death build and differences uh I
2097s should also point that out uh wow
2101s this is nuts
2105s jeez
2106s um yeah I almost got the boss to trigger
2109s there that was awfully close but um
2111s seriously wizard Jerry
2112s um
2114s that is so much fun that isn't that is
2117s crazy I'm probably gonna come back to
2119s this and play it a little bit more
2121s um a little bit later in the Stream but
2123s I do want to go ahead and transition
2124s over to our question segment uh so we're
2127s gonna go ahead and do that geekbite are
2129s you there
2130s I am indeed awesome so yeah go ahead and
2132s uh start rolling off those questions and
2136s we'll get some clarity for the fine folk
2138s that are out here in the chat
2141s good evening everyone at first up we
2145s have Bearded Frog over on YouTube and in
2147s reference to the percentage change in
2150s the high risk areas is it a higher
2153s percentage all round like the g b allies
2155s want is that a bigger debuff on the loot
2157s quality too
2159s uh and so so like positive mutators
2165s is that the the focal point of the
2167s question
2168s uh overall I think just wondering if
2170s it's going to be a higher percentage for
2172s all hras
2174s um
2175s yeah okay so the positive ones but the
2177s the specifically uh asking about the GMB
2180s allies one that's gonna debuff on the
2182s loop quality okay yeah I I totally get
2184s that I like that question a lot um the
2186s short answer is I don't know and I want
2190s to be very clear in this response
2191s because it almost sounds like juvenile
2194s um but sincerely when I showed you those
2198s um those signal decoders and I started
2200s saying like oh hey yeah the values are
2202s changing this was not my plan to talk
2205s about today because we are legitimately
2207s not done with those adjustments so
2210s even if I knew that we wanted to go in a
2215s direction of making even like the
2217s positives be a greater ramification to
2220s the player's loot pool uh for example
2223s you know we haven't tested that yet we
2225s haven't figured that out yet and you
2227s guys haven't either like it hasn't been
2228s in your hands so what I can say on that
2232s front is that overall we just want there
2234s to be better loot drops from the high
2236s risk areas that's what we've seen from
2237s Community feedback that's what we've had
2240s in our own internal play testing
2242s sessions and so those modifiers are
2244s being adjusted so I know it's kind of a
2248s bit of a non-answer because I know that
2249s you're you're really wanting to know
2251s about that very specific detail but it's
2255s being worked on as we speak I'll be able
2257s to give you more information when we
2259s lock in a few more of those numbers
2260s though so I appreciate your patience as
2262s we get those tweaked
2265s all right excellent uh next up we've got
2268s uh Lego my superego uh on Twitch who
2272s asks any reason that the newish fire
2274s planets are causing major lag on my
2275s system the rest of the game is fine and
2278s I think it's just optimization yeah it
2280s really comes down to optimization I mean
2282s we're really happy with how we've been
2284s optimizing as we've been going through
2286s the game um but you know Drake is the
2288s latest system and therefore it's
2291s probably gonna have the greatest
2293s optimization issues you're probably
2295s going to find the largest number of bugs
2297s there
2298s um there's going to be a slew of issues
2300s because you know it's a you know it's
2303s early access and I'm not using that as
2305s like you know uh well you know you have
2307s to you have to deal with it now
2309s um it's just a matter of this was the
2311s most recently added and in order to
2313s balance those systems I'm sure that
2315s they're working accordingly with the
2316s rest of the game especially in a level
2318s of fluidity
2320s I think that that's the proper word here
2322s um then uh yeah it's got to take a
2325s little bit more time you guys have only
2326s had your hands on Drake since this
2329s summer and I'm and like the I know the
2331s feedback that we've been receiving on
2333s the forums uh as well as the bug reports
2336s goodness
2337s we have been chopping the block
2340s to make sure things run so much more
2342s smoothly and me flying through Prescott
2344s right here during the course of the
2347s stream where my encoders going crazy
2349s right like you're not seeing it skip
2351s anymore you're seeing my face move
2353s accordingly in my whoops and my
2355s driving's terrible but my mouth is
2357s moving with the audio exactly before
2361s like whenever we were still developing
2364s parts of Union and into zarkov and even
2366s the kite nebula Prescott hadn't been
2368s fully optimized we hadn't completed all
2370s the parts yet and it was lagging during
2373s the streams like visible lag during the
2375s stream so it is a process I'm sorry that
2378s your computer's having some challenges
2380s but I can assure you we are wanting the
2384s whole game to be played at those minimum
2386s specs that we've listed which can be
2388s seen on Steam as well as on the Discord
2390s and uh so long as you're meeting those
2392s requirements yeah we will have it be
2395s fluid
2396s um at those bare minimum specs for sure
2404s lent
2405s um right on YouTube we've got spooky
2407s Mysteries asking will there be a way to
2409s turn off UI sound effects and like the
2412s pinball sound effects when grabbing
2414s stuff
2416s uh that is an interesting accessibility
2420s request can't say I've heard too many
2423s people talking about that one uh if at
2425s all but that is not in the plans no uh
2428s we are quite happy with our sound design
2430s UI
2432s um but I do know that even with that
2434s being said like if you wanted to
2437s um adjust certain audios well I guess
2441s that's not really going to be something
2442s you can really adjust without also
2444s adjusting like Blaster fire and stuff
2448s I mean I throw the suggestion on the
2450s steam forms see what other people are
2452s saying surrounding it I just I haven't
2453s seen people talking about that one it
2455s doesn't bother me
2456s but you know if it does bother you like
2459s it's really impacting your immersion if
2461s it's impacting your enjoyment Factor
2463s yeah let us know throw a comment on the
2465s forums and let's uh have a conversation
2467s [Music]
2472s over on YouTube who wants to know will
2476s AllCast swamp Fighters make a comeback
2481s we want everything from Aerospace one
2484s and every space too
2490s you're like oh here he goes again he's
2492s on this hold but it's true like if we if
2496s we could we would take every single
2497s aspect of our space one and just right
2500s back into outer space 2 except in a uh
2502s greater capacity right greater degree so
2505s uh hopefully we see him in the future
2509s I can't guarantee they will
2511s but I'm not gonna say they won't
2513s it's toss-up
2518s um we've got a bit in front following up
2520s with some more HRA question at will
2524s higher level items drop from the hras
2526s now since that is one of the reasons
2527s really unknown signals and jobs are a
2530s better source of loot it's higher level
2532s items are better adapt
2534s so I think in regards to the signal
2538s decoders the oh I need to double check
2541s this I might not be speaking truths so
2545s um let me let me um
2547s let me say this really quick don't take
2549s it completely verbatim I haven't had a
2551s talk with Ponce Christian about HRA
2553s generation in a while but uh the way
2556s that I understand it is that the level
2559s of the signal decoder is what the base
2561s level of what all the enemies are going
2563s to be there so if you're level 25 you
2566s find a level 26 signal decoder that
2569s should make all the enemies spawn at
2571s level 26 and so then if you had like an
2573s all levels are one to three levels
2575s higher uh if I'm understanding it
2577s correctly they should be able to go all
2579s the way up to level 29s for example
2580s because it should be according to the
2582s level of the HRA
2584s signal decoder now that being said
2589s that being said I also know that we have
2592s had conversations internally about
2594s equalizing the playing field when it
2596s comes to hras
2599s versus
2600s jobs missions
2603s other outside sources so that if you are
2606s looking for something more specific you
2607s go to jobs if you're looking to outfit
2610s your current build where you're at and
2612s getting a lot of chances hras
2615s so
2616s um yeah I don't think Hans Christian's
2619s in chat unfortunately
2621s um but that is something that I would
2623s I'm gonna follow up with you about
2625s because you've also struck my curiosity
2628s high risk areas just haven't been a
2630s priority as of late you could probably
2632s tell
2633s um the values have just been
2636s getting modified for other reasons
2640s and uh yeah
2645s so I will follow up with you about HRI
2647s generation
2651s at level and that was Bearded Frog right
2656s that was this all right yeah because I
2658s don't like questions gone uh unanswered
2661s because I don't know that's like the
2662s lamest thing ever uh and uh yeah I'll
2665s follow up with you
2667s hey thanks right wizard Jerry uh it's
2672s maybe a little bit spoiler territory but
2674s a quick question will we do Dev streams
2677s when DLCs are being developed oh I mean
2681s whether Michael wants me to stream or
2683s not I'm not stopping I'm just he's like
2686s no we don't need any more for Rockfish
2687s screw it I'm doing on my personal
2689s Channel
2690s no I I uh I think that as we continue
2694s through development for everspace 2's
2696s lifespan and you know maybe into the
2698s future of what other other projects we
2699s have you know like a potential ever
2700s space three or whatever you know
2703s um I'm very confident that we have been
2706s enjoying this formula of streaming and
2708s having conversations with you clarifying
2710s questions it's been a good formula it's
2712s allowed us to be incredibly transparent
2713s you guys know exactly what we're up to
2715s so we don't happen to become like a
2718s shady company in your eyes because it's
2720s like oh Rockfish did a Kickstarter they
2722s strolling my money no we're like
2723s explaining exactly how that money is
2725s being spent what we're developing on
2727s where our priorities at so yeah so long
2729s as you're developing stuff I'm rather
2731s confident that the uh the streams will
2735s continue
2739s uh right final question and again a bit
2742s potential spoilery uh so we may not get
2744s the answer all the exploring on Twitch
2746s yeah it will be a system where the Orca
2750s are the default enemies
2752s the default enemies
2754s so uh this is actually a lore question
2757s believe it or not
2758s I need I need like little reader glasses
2760s to put on like okay gather round now
2763s children uh but the long story short of
2766s this is that the okar are not your enemy
2770s they're not you might be going uh but
2773s Eric in everspace one yeah in everspace
2777s one you were a colonial fighter you were
2780s impeding on the peace treaties that were
2781s kept that the okar Were Meant to stop as
2785s well as the Colonials for example but
2786s the okar were like oh this is a marked
2789s Colonial fighter registered as a wartime
2793s fighter like directly from the oak
2797s colonial conflict Oka aren't gonna let
2800s that slide so absolutely they start off
2802s as your enemies they're engaging you and
2804s you are forced to engage with them and
2806s the result of that is quite the mess yes
2808s absolutely and uh but in everspace too
2812s because you ditched that Colonial
2814s fighter and you start using much more
2816s updated Fighters since the war that
2818s happened uh approximately 15 years ago
2824s um and after the events of everspace one
2825s about a year after those events
2828s then uh the okar are like oh this isn't
2831s a registered Colonial fighter from the
2833s war front uh We're not gonna just
2835s immediately be your enemy Okay so
2839s at best you're going to see the more
2844s overzealous okar like the oak R Prime
2848s for example who have this belief that
2851s instead of diplomacy being the uh way to
2854s engage with Colonials that the only way
2856s to take care of this
2859s aforementioned treaty is to just
2862s annihilate them so the oak R Prime are a
2866s different cast than say like the oak our
2870s clerics
2872s and uh they have different values they
2874s have different beliefs
2876s but they do kind of go to similar
2878s councils
2880s except those Ogar Prime that you start
2882s engaging with especially here in
2883s everspace too they're kind of operating
2885s on their own accord they're not supposed
2887s to be flying through the DMZ they're not
2890s supposed to be attacking uh Outlaws
2892s Colonials gmbs but they are
2895s so
2897s all of that context
2899s taken care of now
2901s the question is will we have the okar as
2906s the leading enemy in everspace 2.
2909s getting it all back around
2912s no not really
2914s not really you will have pockets to
2916s fight against the prime the ocar prime
2918s uh but I don't foresee us getting too
2922s heavy-handed and you having to aggress
2924s all of the okar again because uh the
2927s events of everspace one almost LED that
2930s conflict to a new war
2933s so there you go
2937s wake up there
2939s all right final one uh before we can
2943s crack on again uh again from Lego my
2945s superego on Twitch uh what are the
2947s challenges with making any sequels
2949s multiplayer or even Co-op
2952s the the challenges of read the question
2955s one more time I want to make sure I
2956s understand the question what are the
2957s challenges with making any sequels
2959s multiplayer or even Co-op or Michael has
2962s answered it as well in uh twitch chat
2964s okay perfect okay
2967s um yeah if Michael's answered it then uh
2969s shoot we're gonna read it off
2972s but um otherwise I mean there's so
2975s there's so many
2976s um but uh oh Michael does have a
2978s response and he's got he's got the super
2980s like intense one and I love this
2983s straight to the chase as per usual
2985s Michael doesn't mess around uh basically
2987s we would have to rewrite all gameplay
2989s code from scratch so no dice for
2991s multiplayer and ever space too sorry
2994s wait I'm gonna read that again
2996s we would have to rewrite all gameplay
2998s code from scratch so no dice for
2999s multiplayer in everspace too
3003s sorry
3007s but uh yeah I mean I don't know if you
3009s guys have read any of the articles about
3011s Michael's Journey
3013s um and the establishment of Rockfish
3015s games but there is some history there in
3018s exploring what would be kind of like
3021s multiplayer territory what that looks
3022s like
3023s um it's just not the focal point of what
3026s we are designing everspace to to be it
3027s really isn't we wanted this to be a
3029s single player experience we knew what we
3031s were diving into for the development
3033s thereof and that's what we are focused
3035s on so everspace 2 would completely alter
3038s the formula we'd have to redo a lot and
3040s so it's not going to happen
3042s um future projects potentially yeah I
3045s mean we even have said that on the
3046s forums you know people were saying like
3047s everspace 3 MMO uh hold your horses
3051s there that's that's a little bit bold
3052s but it's possible that we could see
3054s future titles that have you know Co-op
3058s that is possible
3059s uh we'll just have to see
3062s so time will tell
3064s time will tell so thank you for those
3067s questions geekbite thank you for all the
3068s questions that you guys have been asking
3070s it is awesome
3071s um we are going to jump into some more
3073s gameplay uh by specifically talking
3075s about these uh areas and everspace 2
3079s that have received visual updates that
3083s you guys may or may not noticed in fact
3085s I was flying around Prescott as a little
3087s bit of a Segway
3089s in order to address this in fact looking
3091s at these buildings right here
3093s I know some of you know this already but
3095s still like this building
3098s completely different
3100s from the original one that you guys had
3102s seen as well as this one
3105s as well as this one
3108s as well as we could we could like just
3110s fly around and I could address like so
3112s many different assets that have been
3114s completely reworked
3116s and uh it's it's crazy it's crazy the
3119s what this does even is I don't know the
3123s technical jargon of it
3126s but basically game run faster that's
3129s that's the short of it that's the short
3130s of it so I I want to show you I want to
3134s show you the difference here on some of
3136s these because it's it really is uh
3139s pretty insane
3143s and like seeing where it was at and then
3145s where it's now uh at
3148s that sounded weird okay so I'm gonna
3150s jump over here real quick
3152s so this is uh what it was like before we
3156s reworked it
3157s okay
3159s this is what it was like before we
3161s reworked it
3163s we had this building which was much more
3165s simplified less geometric stuff going on
3170s um there's a there's a specific word for
3172s it I keep ah it's like on the it's on
3174s the tip of my tongue can't remember
3175s what's called but um
3177s very simple structures so that we could
3179s just make the place playable so you guys
3182s could fly around you could have your fun
3183s uh and then we did this to it
3186s [Music]
3188s what
3191s look at that
3194s this makes the game run smoother
3197s this makes the game run smoother
3201s it's insane and you can see just like
3205s you can't see all the buildings of
3207s course but you can see so much was
3209s transformed just from readdressing these
3212s key assets and Prescott making a
3215s smoother performance making it more
3216s visually pleasing like it's it's crazy
3219s it's genuine Game Dev magic yeah it
3221s really is
3222s space witchcraft 100 100 now there's a
3227s couple more locations that I would uh
3229s like to show you on this front as well
3230s so we're gonna go to them
3233s so you can just you can really see how
3236s much this all like it's all come
3238s together how much so much of it has
3240s changed
3241s oh wait we need to use
3244s our space Magic
3248s pretty nuts
3252s pretty nuts so
3254s um Michael was able to uh but
3257s get a few of these to show there's
3260s there's so many of them but we're going
3262s to be going over four key locations
3264s today I believe
3265s we're gonna go to Devana gas orbit here
3271s just really show you because like
3274s sometimes through Early Access like you
3275s look at something you're like I think
3277s that's different but I can't put my
3278s finger on it right like I want to
3280s actively show you what's going on so you
3283s see just how wildly different it is
3291s thank you for that question Joyce I
3293s think Mommy's going to help you
3295s excellent no big deal I have five
3299s children all right let's go
3301s so we're gonna go over to
3304s um
3305s we're gonna go over to devonna gas orbit
3328s still think this is my favorite super
3329s light what's your guy's favorite super
3331s light
3333s what's your favorite super light
3340s five children but there's only two ever
3342s spaces
3345s oh
3347s thank you thank you for adding a little
3349s joy in my life that was great intimate
3351s 22. I appreciate that charcoal
3354s that's good
3356s foreign
3361s shout outs to Joyce oh my gosh you guys
3365s [Music]
3367s all right so we're we are here in
3369s davanagas orbit and you know
3372s these gas Harvesters
3376s have actually gone through a significant
3378s number of changes believe it or not
3382s also don't want to die here that would
3384s be embarrassing
3387s but a lot of the prospects of GMB
3390s actually got changed around to a pretty
3392s healthy capacity to make the theming a
3396s little bit more accurate
3399s just to bring it all together
3401s look at these guys
3403s attacking all over the place
3408s flying near her just looking around you
3411s know at this crane
3414s all the textural qualities that you're
3416s seeing all these pipes
3418s these massive canisters full of
3421s probably gas
3424s the ventilation says like all of this
3426s stuff
3431s this was not in here when it first
3434s launched to you guys
3435s now we just
3438s yeah well you got what was coming to you
3440s deal with it dang that's just that's
3443s kind of that's kind of
3445s that's kind of mean Adam you're kind of
3446s a jerk
3448s so uh let's show the quick comparison of
3451s this site so you can see where it was at
3453s when it first launched versus where it's
3455s at now
3458s this was when it first launched
3464s what yeah
3467s yeah this is the gas Harvesters
3471s when we were initially working on them
3473s you can see that it's much more straight
3475s line across the top right you know not
3477s nearly as many like those little detail
3479s details and stuff uh this is showing red
3482s I don't think this was actually red
3484s maybe it was whenever there's enemies
3485s nearby so that might be why that's
3487s showing red
3488s but it normally was blue as well I think
3491s it's just right because enemies nearby
3493s Museum like kind of like the simplified
3495s rendition of how we were bringing it to
3497s life and then we have
3503s wow like
3510s that's insane
3513s is that not insane
3517s the amount of work we go to revisit
3520s these elements for optimization purposes
3522s as well as you know because we want to
3525s be incredibly aesthetically pleasing
3529s [Music]
3538s thanks
3539s and um
3542s just a huge shout out
3544s to
3546s your guys feedback
3548s as well as the team just like continuing
3550s to dedicate the cause because as you
3554s guys know like Prescott was a
3556s problematic location where you were
3557s getting frame drops Galore and it was
3559s awful right then you have uh devonna gas
3562s orbit here which was also the cause of
3565s frame drops we had issues on that front
3568s it was nasty it was not pleasant
3570s and we go through and we make it better
3572s and more optimized crazy let's go to
3575s another one
3576s let's go to another we got we got a
3578s couple more to show
3580s a couple more to show
3589s and we're gonna be manually traveling to
3592s these locations because it feels better
3594s than cheating
3597s also I looked over and I see a couple
3599s people still talking about multiplayer
3600s and blah blah that's not the other thing
3602s uh you know that's all fine and dandy
3604s guys but I do want to make sure you guys
3606s know uh we are not doing multiplayer in
3609s everspace too like it's not happening
3610s okay so if you're like oh well yeah but
3613s what if you did this and you could do
3614s that and I know these development
3615s techniques no uh we are not doing
3618s everspace 2 multiplayer
3621s done and okay I just make sure you guys
3623s know that
3625s okay this is not debatable
3628s Vision single player game just being
3630s super clear on that front
3632s stop harassing my boss
3639s all right
3646s you guys aren't you guys aren't actually
3648s harassing
3650s I love you all you're wonderful
3653s foreign
3657s VR or multiplayer pick one
3660s about new
3663s [Laughter]
3666s oh my gosh
3671s I know this is a crazy concept but how
3673s about uh the developers create what
3676s their vision is supposed to be and then
3678s from that point
3681s from that point based on garnered
3684s feedback development time and resources
3686s we make those decisions of improvements
3689s huh
3691s I know I know it's mind-boggling
3696s there's always pays havoc on my
3698s geolocationary sensors you'll get used
3701s to it hive
3705s oh my goodness
3710s all right so next site we are going to
3713s is in the middle of Sito
3717s got a beautifully updated uh site
3720s if you guys remember it's kind of the um
3722s it's the Star Trek esque you guys
3725s mentioned that before uh the station
3727s right
3730s so we are going in that direction
3733s gonna be checking it out
3736s flying around
3738s seeing the beauty that is
3743s the solar research station that's what
3746s it's called
3751s [Music]
3760s yeah and I wanna I wanna read this
3763s message off too because Michael said it
3764s and I want to make sure you guys do know
3766s like he says don't get me wrong we'd
3768s love to have co-op in the everspace
3770s universe someday uh yeah and I I really
3773s want to stress this too because like our
3775s internal discussions guys like
3777s yes we have this initial Vision we have
3779s these great plans on how we're bringing
3781s everything together but sometimes uh we
3783s just have to stop and go
3785s but what if we did this you know we
3787s asked those questions
3789s what would this look like how how much
3792s time would this actually require what
3793s type of resources do we need
3796s [Music]
3797s we don't just we don't just like slide
3799s it on our table we're like no it's not
3800s gonna happen
3802s you know like no it we talk we discuss
3805s we evaluate
3807s multiplier is not happening that's all
3809s but Co-op and multiplayer we do think
3812s would be amazing
3815s in the everspace universe
3817s all right so this is this station I'm
3820s already seeing details that I when's the
3824s last time I was at the station holy cow
3826s this is
3828s do we update this even further Michael
3829s goodness um yeah so just seeing all the
3832s improvements
3833s uh on the sides of the station like
3837s I even remember we had kind of like this
3841s uh cheeky part of the station that was
3843s still under construction we had like
3845s this Banner like covering up uh little
3848s doodads
3849s that hadn't been refined yet
3852s maybe that's not another station
3853s probably because we don't really delete
3855s our assets we like to reuse them
3858s um but yeah you can see there's so much
3863s so much on these bases like these are
3865s these are not small assets
3867s look at this
3869s who spends this much time on a little on
3872s a little thing under a spaceship that
3874s most players are probably never gonna
3875s see we do because it's cool dang it we
3879s love it
3881s look at those details you want to see
3883s where this thing started from it's kind
3885s of crazy
3886s it's kind of crazy so uh so that's what
3889s we're gonna do we're gonna we're gonna
3890s show you where this one started from
3891s it's nuts oh my gosh this one is crazy
3899s all right here we go
3902s here's where this one started from and
3904s you might be looking at this going like
3905s oh wait a second you'd literally just
3906s showed us that this is exactly what nah
3910s nope I didn't let's look at some of
3913s these details see see these uh sides
3915s these kind of rounded uh bits here a lot
3918s less detail work on the sides like these
3920s angles in particular
3923s not uh it's kind of kind of
3926s I'm the smoothest thing ever right
3930s a couple little details here and there
3931s check this out you ready
3933s [Music]
3937s it's like we just we just like just
3941s waxed the thing thing down and like put
3943s planks and just super smooth like
3947s ironed it out
3949s grinding it down look at look at that
3952s we got this like almost like plate work
3955s looking thing all these little details
3958s right which just it just wasn't doing a
3961s force boom
3962s how much more refined I need tea you
3966s know like
3969s look at this
3971s all those details
3974s pow
3974s [Music]
3980s oh okay so Michael adds a nice little
3982s bit of clarity here he says a lot of
3984s details but they were just slapped onto
3986s the surface without a proper structure
3988s yeah uh yeah absolutely absolutely so um
3991s what you see in that transition oh
3994s whoops
3995s what you see in that transition is the
3997s refinement of all of these different
3999s um
4000s we're going to call them like
4002s I need to know the terminal that the
4004s technical terminology I'm so sorry but
4006s basically you have like different little
4008s parts that you then put together to make
4010s a large hole right something like uh
4013s this right and so what happened first is
4016s we had these little parts and we kind of
4017s tossed them together but there wasn't
4019s integration
4022s of the design structure so you have
4025s Parts like this uh like this little bit
4028s here that's just like jetting into it's
4031s like one asset into another and they're
4032s not really a cohesive whole they're just
4034s kind of uh there they exist but then you
4037s have it be refined like that and now you
4041s have actual functional uh components
4044s that are coming together
4045s connecting where they're supposed to you
4047s don't have any of that wonky sort of um
4050s you know things look like they're
4052s passing through one another weirdness
4056s a lot of that was cleaned up on that
4058s front as well as the stylization
4061s to uh ensure that it's coming across as
4065s the way it's meant to be presented right
4073s so there's a lot of detail work that
4076s goes in on these elements after we get
4079s the initial structure in place like we
4081s build all the things
4082s plug it all together and then we
4084s integrate it
4086s we make sure it's talking to each other
4088s we make sure it's it's friends with one
4090s another
4091s all right one more and then we are going
4093s to jump over to uh more questions
4097s one more site
4099s [Music]
4106s it's probably my favorite one too so I
4108s saved it for last
4112s and yeah as I'm as I'm like flying
4114s around uh chaotically uh just note that
4118s uh
4120s we are still collecting your questions
4122s so if you have any uh any questions at
4125s all like about the development of
4126s everspace too if you have observations
4128s or statements that you kind of want to
4130s make that can be formed in the phrase of
4132s a question to get clarity on your
4135s observation uh you can ask those whether
4137s it's about the work that we're doing or
4139s anything like that
4143s and uh yeah Michael also says this but
4146s um for those who don't know our creative
4148s director UVA
4150s uh he is a he's an architect
4154s he is an architect so when it comes to
4156s like structures
4158s and uh like
4164s realistic
4168s operating
4171s functionality
4175s he desires that stuff like and you see
4178s that probably a lot in Prescott as well
4180s like we don't want to just
4182s throw things in that simply look cool
4185s we wanted to have like a certain
4188s function about it you can actually spend
4190s time in Prescott and watch the various
4192s lifts transport boxes
4195s around the city
4198s you can do that
4200s because that's what we did because we're
4202s crazy
4205s it's all there
4212s yeah UVA is a a pretty dedicated dude
4215s for sure
4217s realism in my ever space too okay all
4220s right all right this is good I mean you
4223s have to have you have to have some
4225s degree of realism for that immersion
4226s Factor right like if we were flying uh
4229s you know
4232s a stretched out bison with lizard wings
4235s and was shooting ketchup guns like maybe
4239s that's gonna appeal to certain players
4240s that's just not our vision it would
4241s still work I suppose but like there's a
4244s huge difference of immersion right
4245s versus you looking at this versus you're
4247s looking at that so that's a very
4249s different expectation
4254s foreign
4261s so we're going to Vesna mining colony
4279s so um
4282s where to begin
4284s um
4287s um
4287s man
4292s I even remember
4295s seeing this location go through so many
4299s different iterations
4303s of you know taking the concept art which
4306s I feel like this is like it just pulls
4308s the concept art and just it's in the
4310s game now like it's kind of crazy
4312s so many different ways that we were
4314s connecting all the dots and making uh
4317s parts and pieces that felt like they
4319s were valuable to a PlanetSide location
4325s all of this stuff is
4328s gosh I mean
4332s what
4335s who do you just put that much work in a
4336s satellite we do
4338s please put this much work in a laser we
4342s do
4344s like that crane we've seen before it's
4346s okay but we do
4348s um like all of this stuff like this
4350s right here is the the centerpiece I
4352s think
4353s this right here is the centerpiece
4355s you're gonna see a lot uh including the
4357s fact that these are entirely new turrets
4359s that we actually added later in
4360s development
4362s I think you guys know that pretty sure
4363s we talked about it once
4365s there's actually different lasers
4368s different uh turret types I should say
4372s you know this is definitely not the same
4376s a lot of work to bring all this together
4378s and don't even get me started on this
4379s bet oh my gosh oh my goodness it's crazy
4383s so here we are at another location let's
4386s look at the before and after shall we
4388s because that's the fun bit that's the
4390s fun bit
4391s this one is such a night and day
4395s difference it is absurd okay just look
4397s look at this look at this initial like
4400s you you already can like see how much of
4403s a difference this one's been through
4404s right
4405s look at that initial design for the
4408s headquarters of GMB
4412s the initial design okay where we're
4415s plugging in the details and making
4417s things all Snappy and happy and then we
4419s were just lying now it needs to be
4420s better boom
4423s what
4426s and okay so I know obviously there's the
4430s there's the screen right now look at
4432s everything behind
4435s look at everything behind
4442s what like
4449s and of course this was yet another
4451s location that we were seeing a lot of
4453s you guys have optimization issues or
4455s frame rate issues so we decided we've
4457s got to go back in we gotta crack it down
4458s we got to make things fit we got to make
4460s things work we gotta let you guys play
4462s the game you know we got to make sure it
4465s is optimal and that's what we did all of
4469s these improvements
4470s all of these improvements
4472s have not only been for us to make the
4475s game far more visually appealing but
4477s have also contributed to a much better
4480s optimized state of performance so we're
4484s just going to like go through all of
4485s these once again we're just going to
4486s start back at the beginning it's crazy
4488s to me it's crazy to me okay we got
4490s Prescott the initial Prescott stuff here
4493s right you can you can seriously see the
4496s difference of that GMB headquarters
4497s right it's just like
4498s GB
4500s I am I'm a rectangle right that's it
4502s that's right and then boom crazy
4508s crazy and I was like the details are all
4510s around too like the building on the left
4511s the very left
4513s like there's a lot more going on
4515s underneath as well I don't have a
4516s comparison there but still it's crazy
4518s we've also got you know devona gas orbit
4521s we go from here it's humble beginnings
4523s to Boom
4528s crazy
4533s so nuts
4536s we head on over to this station
4539s the solar station
4547s all those little intricacies Binding
4550s Together
4552s get the angles right you could like the
4555s the geometrics here are off right like
4558s even just looking at this you've got
4559s this curvature here that's not really
4561s the same curvature anywhere else you got
4563s like this really sharp angle for example
4565s these are these are like little details
4568s that we care about because consistency
4570s in your designs is incredibly important
4572s here
4574s right
4575s we see all these little all these little
4577s traits about it
4578s and are adjusted in order to bring it
4581s together as a cohesive whole we've got
4582s these lines now far more consistent with
4585s one another right far more smooth right
4589s see that smoothness here instead of that
4591s sharp angle
4593s everything's like it fits together
4598s it fits together
4600s right
4603s so much work on this front
4606s after we've plugged it all in just to
4608s make it just cleaning it up it's nuts
4610s and then finally we've got
4612s G and B's Main Headquarters over here in
4615s zarkov
4621s so we've been hard at work
4623s sometimes you might not notice it ah but
4628s there's so many little details
4634s that are constantly getting refreshed
4636s updated improved in order for a quality
4640s gaming experience
4652s it's crazy
4655s it's crazy all right so we're gonna head
4657s back to the game
4658s and uh we are going to maybe we can do a
4661s high risk area or something uh while uh
4665s geekbite's gonna throw some more
4666s questions
4668s so what do we got what are you guys
4670s asking yeah
4672s uh well to be fair uh YouTube we've been
4675s asking I think we're getting a bit uh
4676s slacking on on Twitch they're not asking
4678s him any questions oh it's a YouTuber
4680s coming to the floor okay uh so Excelsior
4683s has asked uh would you consider
4685s reworking The Parallax texture of
4688s Windows in Prescott and maybe other
4690s locations some of them look very blurry
4693s and weird when getting close
4697s that is a very specific question yeah
4701s that I would love to say oh yeah I
4704s totally know we're working on a normal
4706s like I I I I gotta ask the specific
4709s person on the team
4711s who works on Windows is it the windows
4714s of the buildings that is something I
4718s would absolutely have to follow up with
4719s you about uh but I will say that we are
4722s very pleased with the results that we
4725s currently have in regards to how
4727s Prescott has come together like night
4731s and day stuff okay I mean you saw the
4734s comparison you saw the comparison
4738s um
4738s so oh Michael says nope too much work
4741s for such a minor detail all right
4744s yeah so I mean you can see that we're
4746s putting in a lot of work for all the
4747s different components and and uh spaces
4749s and and whatever of these sites uh but
4753s we do not need that Precision detail at
4757s the level of
4758s like walking around for example so it
4762s does not sound like those windows will
4763s be just thank you for swinging in on
4765s that Michael I appreciate it
4767s so all right next question
4769s next up slowing uh over on YouTube again
4772s another law question so you might like
4774s this one in everspace one why did the
4777s Orca attack throng on site I thought the
4781s gnos were considered by all to be a
4783s non-threat
4787s uh so that is lore accurate yes the
4789s notes are considered to not be a threat
4791s however uh one thing that throng does
4794s that really ticks off the okar and is
4797s why he's actually targeted by them is
4800s that he's directly working with a
4803s colonial militarized asset and as such
4806s the okar are like oh heck no this guy's
4809s got to be brought down
4811s he is listed by the okar authorities as
4813s a prime target that's why
4818s great question next one
4821s um Eric Oldham on YouTube has asked
4824s regarding loadouts for ships can we have
4826s loadouts in our home base only you can
4829s have two ships set up with different
4830s equipment but not perks and devices as
4833s far as I know oh my gosh so I I love
4836s this question so much and this has been
4838s something that uh I have definitely
4841s harassed my teammates about because I
4844s want that
4845s um I want to be incredibly clear like I
4848s think that would be amazing however
4852s um
4853s there's a lot of work that goes into
4857s setting up the ability
4859s to have all of those different layout
4861s options to be able to cycle your
4864s equipment in a correct capacity based on
4867s so many internal factors in order to
4870s outfit your ship
4872s correctly uh without accidentally making
4875s something vanish
4877s and
4878s um the short answer is it is on the list
4881s of would be super awesome
4885s but
4886s it is not something of a priority at all
4890s it is almost to an extent considered to
4893s be an aesthetic
4895s I know I know I know
4898s um it's almost considered to be an
4900s aesthetic so uh if if and this is a
4904s massive if here
4905s we were to approach uh the home base and
4909s expand its opportunities in regards to
4912s swapping ships swapping equipment uh
4915s choosing a specific Loadout uh again I
4918s would love this like I want to be I want
4919s to be so clear on this front like I
4921s would love that that's what I want
4923s um you know I think we can even both uh
4926s easily reference like Diablo 3's what's
4929s it called like wardrobe
4931s feature right where you can save
4933s multiple loadouts on that front you just
4935s like click and it just takes whatever's
4937s in your stash equips it to you like such
4940s a fantastic feature also note
4943s um when I mentioned Diablo 3 that this
4945s is a company uh that is not exactly
4948s small and that feature of customization
4951s and saving builds to choose them did not
4953s show up until years
4957s after the DLC
4960s of the game
4962s okay we're talking
4965s a long time after their initial launch
4969s did they add in the ability to save
4972s bills and access them so so uh if we're
4975s doing just a very light comparison on
4978s this front it's like you take Rockfish
4979s games in comparison to Blizzard and you
4981s look at the same feature opportunity
4985s you're kind of seeing why it's not a
4987s priority like we have so many more
4990s focuses
4992s to ensure that the gameplay uh
4996s progression the gameplay scaling the
4998s gameplay itemization the gameplay and
5001s game the gameplay
5003s Etc
5004s is exactly where it needs to be now when
5007s all of that falls into place like this
5009s is this is where like this is not a
5011s priority it's an aesthetic right if we
5013s can get all of these things in place in
5015s a timely fashion
5017s um uh then we can look into those
5020s incredibly fun and functional quality of
5023s life features such as saving saving
5026s build loadouts I really hope we find the
5028s time to do so I really do but it's
5033s just please know that it's not it's not
5036s a priority right now
5037s so
5039s yep
5040s ah
5042s I want it so bad all right next question
5046s uh variable ass on YouTube uh is enemy
5050s scaling being worked on or redone or
5052s whatever it is because they feel like
5053s it's uh not in a good place Fair struck
5056s on at the moment well this is the first
5058s time we've heard anyone talking about
5060s level scaling oh my gosh
5064s yeah I mean it's I mean I certainly hope
5067s that you know that we are still quite a
5070s bit of ways from having that polish of
5072s level scaling um but just just to like
5075s really answer your question fully
5076s because like this is a very serious
5078s question okay I want to give you the
5080s answer that you deserve because I really
5082s appreciate this question so
5084s um With all sincerity like where we are
5086s currently at in everspace 2 where you
5089s stop at level 25
5091s we are decently happy with where the
5094s scaling is at for this space for the
5097s opportunities that you have like the
5099s high risk areas the jobs uh the
5101s different sectors stuff like that we're
5103s decently happy we are not a hundred
5105s percent happy however this has not been
5107s something we wanted to like crack open
5110s and evaluate and and like go ham with
5113s because
5115s a scaling system whenever you are doing
5117s any degree of
5120s difficulty scaling
5122s any sort of dynamic scaling you have to
5125s have the starting point and you have to
5128s have the endpoint to authentically make
5131s it work you have to level 25 is not the
5134s end point
5135s the equipment you have access to is not
5137s the endpoint
5138s the situations you're encountering
5141s are not the end point
5144s so even if we wanted the level scaling
5148s to be like perfection in the Early
5150s Access state right now uh it wouldn't be
5155s a proper representation of what it's
5157s going to look like at full release like
5158s it just it wouldn't it wouldn't so
5161s um
5162s all of that to say is you can absolutely
5165s be assured that level scaling is a
5169s system that we are using because of how
5173s it eases certain players in and
5175s challenges players who are asking for
5177s that uh in accordance with the
5179s itemization uh with the missions that
5182s we're designing with the like all of
5185s these different aspects right so level
5186s scaling is not leaving
5189s but I can guarantee you that we are
5191s certainly fine-tuning and in some cases
5194s completely changing how those systems
5197s operate and tandem to your overall
5199s gaming experience so thank you for that
5202s question I'm
5204s I'm sure we will be able to talk so much
5207s more on level scaling when we actually
5208s have something to show uh it's just not
5211s right now
5213s so we'll see
5217s fabulous sounds a fabulous answer uh
5219s fins on YouTube ass and he said the
5223s prime for for some info any updated
5226s expectation about roughly when fall
5228s update will go live now that we're
5230s halfway through the calendar fall of
5232s 2022.
5233s I would anticipate probably in the
5236s second half of fall
5240s yeah I can't I can't reveal more than
5242s that but you guys knew that
5246s but I can't okay actually actually one
5248s thing I can say is that we haven't had
5250s any delays so so there you go we haven't
5254s had any delays everything has been
5256s according to the timetables
5258s so
5259s that's good news
5261s progress is being made accordingly
5266s so yeah
5269s um another one pertaining to the fall
5271s update not asking about any kind of deer
5274s but uh will these refined models that
5277s you've been showing come in the fall
5278s update and will more model places get
5281s optimized in the future like air on
5283s force and that's from Wizard Jerry okay
5285s yeah so um if I understand it correctly
5289s a lot of what I showed you is actually
5291s in your games now uh the main reason why
5295s I went back and showed you kind of like
5297s where things started from and where
5298s they're at now is because a lot of
5300s individuals actually just haven't
5302s noticed it almost becomes like second
5304s nature because your focal point is in
5306s space it's it's in combat with your
5308s opponents right like a lot of you have
5310s gone through the story and you're like
5311s okay I'm done with the story I'm just
5313s gonna I'm just gonna like play around
5315s and do all the other things but this is
5316s part of the aspect of like how
5319s everything is still being worked on
5320s through this development process right
5323s so when you go back to a lot of these
5324s locations you're gonna see the updated
5328s assets okay there's still more to come
5331s of course and I'll have more comparisons
5333s to show you maybe even next week I'm not
5335s sure uh maybe Michael uh but I do know
5338s that we uh like this is something that
5340s we catalog something that we are uh like
5343s we have these as visual references to
5345s just like make sure we're not going
5347s crazy right like we we want to see the
5349s differences we want to make sure it's
5351s all coming together well so
5352s uh yeah
5354s there you go
5356s excellent excellent all right last one
5358s uh for this section uh from Finns again
5361s uh one thing that I sometimes Miss is an
5363s ability to somehow mark an area that I
5365s visited it struck cleared especially in
5368s low visibility areas uh will this be
5371s addressed somehow I know some of the uh
5373s the systems that we're going to have
5375s like foggy atmospheres and sometimes you
5377s can't always remember if you've been in
5378s the same place or not right so foggy
5380s atmosphere is definitely something that
5381s we've seen as kind of An Inconvenient uh
5386s uh effect of the gameplay experience
5389s because I mean on one hand like we are
5391s intentionally impeding your vision right
5393s like that's that's part of the challenge
5395s that we're establishing uh but on the
5396s other hand we have had a lot of people
5400s um
5401s predominantly say that it's like their
5403s least favorite location to do X Y or Z
5407s because clouds right there's a there's
5410s frustration that's occurring and that's
5412s uh that's not that's not good right
5414s that's not good so I know to a degree
5419s um we have been going through and
5420s especially like ensuring the um
5425s the way that the secrets are hidden
5428s we're making sure that they are
5429s accessible to where you're not just um
5435s how to phrase this
5438s trying to find anything and everything
5440s hidden amongst the the gas clouds right
5443s because like that would be
5445s that would be a really hard challenge
5447s right to just be flying into the clouds
5449s and just trying to find anything at all
5451s we are intentionally designing those
5454s levels so that there are
5457s leading points of interest to help you
5460s find certain elements and
5463s a couple of weeks ago maybe a month ago
5466s now we even like were evaluating the
5469s state of all our secrets and and uh
5474s how you're collecting them all that
5475s stuff and determine that some secrets
5478s are really crappy
5481s um and I know that the gas locations
5484s came up I gave it from a level of us
5486s internally testing trying to bring it
5488s all together it was a little bit more
5491s challenging than I think we intended it
5493s to be so
5495s those little locations uh secrets and
5498s stuff absolutely we'll see a bit more uh
5501s adjustments maybe some will even
5503s straight up change
5506s so uh
5508s yeah
5512s I think that's uh I think that provides
5515s uh decent Clarity on that right I've got
5518s one last question that we've just
5519s sneaked in from twitch station
5521s yeah black coffee writer just asked how
5523s do you guys make screenshots from the
5525s exact same perspective is that available
5527s to us
5531s ah no it's it is uh definitely a feature
5534s only available uh on the dev console we
5538s we're wait we basically
5540s um
5541s shoot I don't even know how it's
5543s freaking done I'm not even gonna pretend
5544s to
5545s to understand how it's done but you're
5547s basically I'm pretty sure that it comes
5549s down to like loading different versions
5551s of of you know the game while you're
5553s literally sitting in the game it's like
5555s an editor command
5557s so no it's it's not that's not something
5559s you'll be able to toggle uh you can't
5562s play Legacy ever space two or anything
5566s like that that's not going to be a thing
5568s can't boot up the Prototype version uh
5572s style inside of everspace 2 proper like
5579s there you go
5581s oh my God that's me something now for
5584s the questions
5585s all right sounds good thank you so much
5587s for those questions so I'm gonna finish
5588s this challenge area it looks like I'm
5590s gonna lose
5592s um and then we are gonna go into your
5594s community screenshots
5597s and just showcase how freaking awesome
5599s you guys are and of course in that
5601s process we will continue to answer more
5602s questions
5604s um how did we win that I honestly
5605s thought we were gonna lose
5609s weight um but yeah we'll continue
5610s answering questions and why not
5619s you're welcome
5620s excellent
5622s I do want to I want to do this Hydro
5623s scary first though
5626s I like how we just say oh yeah we're
5628s gonna go to screenshots it's highlight
5629s how awesome you are oh I do this high
5631s risk area
5632s it's a little more gameplay slow a
5634s little more is that okay
5635s [Music]
5640s yeah and I had to have been super close
5641s I'm I'm surprised I didn't lose that
5643s honestly
5650s I see just a couple observations about
5652s how you have to check every gray before
5653s deleting it's also very obtuse path to
5655s getting your gear essentially the path
5656s of getting best gear loadouts is very
5658s obtuse and very grindy and specific in
5660s this current build yeah
5664s yep
5666s I agree
5668s without proper end game in place I
5670s definitely agree with them
5674s so yeah
5678s I think
5686s I think that
5688s there are a lot of concerns
5692s surrounding
5695s the itemization and the grind of
5699s everspace 2
5701s um right now
5703s that you guys honestly shouldn't be too
5706s worried about
5707s and I'm glad that you are like like
5710s don't don't get me wrong here I love
5712s that that's something that's like
5713s driving you forward it's like everspace
5714s too it's a focused looter shooter so the
5717s Looting and the shooting better be
5718s freaking on point agreed a hundred
5721s percent agreed however it's really hard
5724s to gauge what that fully looks like
5728s with an incomplete experience
5731s so
5732s I know that you guys like I see a lot of
5734s passion in the chat and we also see it
5736s on the forums there's a lot of active
5738s discussions about uh what I would argue
5741s to be hot topics not really but you know
5743s like real people are wanting that very
5747s fine-tude uh looter shooter focused uh
5751s combat in space experience and we do too
5754s we are not done
5756s we hear you
5757s all right and you guys have some really
5761s cool suggestions of really crazy ones
5763s our vision is not complete you're not
5764s experiencing the full thing
5767s when this fall comes around and if
5770s somehow you still don't like it then you
5773s open those doors for complaining okay
5776s all right
5779s because this fall should be offering you
5782s a first taste of how this all comes
5784s together
5785s and how the progression
5787s of your content builds up
5790s and
5792s probably a pretty decent taste of what
5795s authentic in-game content should look
5798s like it's not going to all be done
5800s it's not gonna all be done but I think
5802s it's going to reveal so much more
5808s than you guys might think
5811s and I think you'll also be
5813s insanely happy
5816s with this coming fall as well
5822s all right I'm gonna Crush these guys
5826s and then we're gonna get into some
5827s Community screenshots here um also I am
5831s in a level 23 high-risk area and all the
5834s enemies do appear to be level 23s even
5837s though I'm level 25 so I know that was a
5839s question like a long time ago uh but uh
5843s yeah pretty sure
5845s pretty sure it's relevant here
5848s I believe this is the intense
5867s man you know it's it's kind of crazy
5869s because even though I am you know
5872s much more focused on taking these foes
5875s out
5876s uh it's not technically as hard because
5878s they're lower level right
5880s but that boss spawn is so much slower
5884s than that freaking wizard Jerry build oh
5887s my God like we're talking night and day
5889s difference and yet I still get crushed
5891s oh gosh
5892s I'm gonna chalk that one up to uh I was
5895s having a conversation and uh the chat
5898s distracted me and the light was in my
5900s eye and my brother was playing and my
5901s dog ate my homework uh let's go to your
5903s screenshots
5904s we'll follow under excuses
5907s thanks just catalog that one uh totally
5910s not my fault whatsoever I don't know
5914s you guys know what you're talking about
5915s uh
5917s but uh yeah we have some we have some
5919s really Pleasant screenshots uh that you
5921s all have been taking so one quick moment
5923s as I prepped the screenshots I will have
5926s a delightful little view what you've
5928s been up to as well as answer more
5929s questions that are generated on the Fly
5932s ah awesome awesome
5944s as a reminder everything that you are
5947s seeing rotate at the bottom of the
5948s screen here this is where we have a lot
5950s of activity with everspace too so if you
5953s are not a part of our Discord if you're
5955s not a part of our Instagram if you're
5956s not a part of our Reddit you know all
5958s those types of things you know it's okay
5960s if you don't want to be but we do have a
5962s lot of Engagement we have a lot of
5964s little discussions and sometimes I can
5966s sneak things here and there uh don't
5967s tell Michael uh and it's a lot of fun
5969s it's really a good time I think this
5972s next week I might be doing a little bit
5974s of work actually in uh in the Discord so
5979s you would be able to dive in and like
5981s see what I'm kind of doing on that front
5982s uh it could be kind of fun and no it's
5985s not going to be like heavy spoilers or
5987s anything like that but you can just kind
5988s of like be a part of my process and uh
5990s ask questions and it'd be kind of like a
5992s mini stream through the course of the
5995s work week
5997s I was a lot of talking while music was
5998s going on I don't know how much you could
6000s hear but uh yeah I stand by it
6003s so next up we've got
6006s fan art yay all right uh and by fan art
6009s I mean screenshots uh we haven't had a
6011s lot of fan art recently
6012s um we need more of that we need more fan
6015s art if you guys like making stuff with
6017s your hands like you know I don't know
6019s Clay
6021s Legos I I don't know stop animation you
6025s know uh you're into metal working
6027s whatever uh we have received some
6030s incredibly cool stuff in the past we've
6032s had people put together uh ship Snips is
6036s that what they're called I always forget
6037s what they're called uh making incredible
6039s uh reproductions of Aerospace two ships
6042s in like this size uh wizard Jerry
6044s actually who supplied the bill today he
6046s also uh made a miniature Fighter for his
6049s favorite ship
6051s um which uh is not this one but uh it's
6055s really cool stuff like definitely fun to
6057s check out and if you are into that style
6059s of stuff share it with us we love to
6062s highlight your talents and abilities on
6063s that front as well so diving in to our
6066s screenshots this very first one comes
6068s from pretzel who's a completely new user
6070s to the Discord at the at the least and
6073s uh he had some nice solid shots to dive
6076s into and and showcase where he's at I'm
6079s definitely digging his ship build as
6081s well it looks nice and Polished love the
6083s way that this is angled to go off into
6085s space voyages prepped and ready to go
6089s very very cool Nice Shot pretzel
6092s uh next up we've got uh Thunder flight
6095s oh that did not transition the way I
6096s wanted to there it is we got Thunder
6098s flame using some cheeky ways of taking a
6102s photo now this one at first I was like
6105s hang on a second and then I realized
6107s this is very likely an Underside shot at
6110s a station maybe even
6113s um Marie De vent in her flying Duchess
6116s where you can see actually it wouldn't
6117s be there because the ship doesn't show
6119s up
6120s but I digress it's a place that
6122s certainly has ships for sale
6124s uh and then just taking a shot right
6127s next to it I love it I love seeing more
6129s than one player ship in the same shot uh
6131s you know because it makes me uh it makes
6134s me really happy uh and excited uh you
6139s know about the possibility of
6141s multiplayers
6144s Michael's gonna slap me oh my gosh uh
6146s we're not doing multiplayer nurses too
6148s oh my gosh I'm sorry brought up it's my
6150s fault it's not you it's me but I love it
6152s I really do like how this comes together
6153s it's it's Pleasant it's great
6156s and uh you know it's clever too I like
6159s those shots clever shots are fun uh next
6161s up we've got one from crispy muffin uh
6164s this one crispy muffin supplies some
6167s outstanding shots uh just in a nutshell
6169s and uh he's one of our Galactic
6171s photographers and this one you know it's
6174s this is like par for the course for him
6175s you know we got that nice little bit of
6178s depth of field that pulls your focus
6180s inward to what the heck's going on you
6183s have this debris field that I mean it
6185s almost looks like this all these parts
6187s are falling down to this planet right
6189s now like it feels like this entire
6191s structure is just coming down in this
6193s instance by the use of the smoke and the
6195s fire and the depth of field again you
6198s also have the shards of a destroyed ship
6201s nearby or turret or something like the
6204s way that that is brought together is
6206s fantastic it's awesome looks like a
6208s falling station uh getting pulled down
6210s into this planet's gravity so great
6213s awesome shot from crispy muffin
6217s very very good I am cycling way too many
6220s photos without answering questions
6222s geekbite do we have some more questions
6224s I got nothing no questions all right
6228s stream's over get out of here everyone
6231s that's totally fine there's no pressure
6233s to ask him questions but guys if you do
6235s have any you know whether it's about uh
6237s wizard Jerry's build I suppose you want
6240s to ask him questions he's over in
6241s YouTube
6242s um if you have questions about we've got
6243s one we've got one we've got okay perfect
6246s Jerry
6248s has some level 25 weapons damage numbers
6251s seem unfamiliar I think it's because
6254s they changed in level scaling did I
6256s guess right uh like from the build that
6259s I was currently showing is that what
6260s he's referring to I'm guessing yes yeah
6262s probably yeah um yeah and the the answer
6264s is yeah probably
6266s yeah I mean it's no secret that like we
6269s because we're not at level 30 yet we
6272s can't be done with level scaling so
6273s there has to be more dominant front
6275s right
6276s um and we'll probably have more
6277s discussions about you know that in the
6279s future uh right now is not the time
6281s because we you can't see it uh we're
6284s it's not in a position to Showcase you
6285s know so uh but yeah I mean there's
6287s definitely tweaks and adjustments to all
6291s the levels uh both in how it scales and
6293s also its static numbers uh for balancing
6296s purposes so
6298s yeah
6300s I like that question a lot
6302s um more to come on that front I'm sure
6304s of it so on this photo we've got Seth
6308s 1784 I didn't know Nobu was in everspace
6312s too
6314s anyway
6320s let's dig these uh close-up planetary
6322s shots with that sort of like uh rainbow
6325s what's it called thing going on words
6328s are hard for me today apparently
6330s um it's just it comes together really
6331s nicely this is It's almost like a scene
6333s out of a movie
6335s um a nice poster to slap up on your wall
6337s really
6339s Pleasant
6340s nice
6342s colorful
6344s this comes together well I dig it
6347s I dig it so it's good stuff uh geekbite
6350s if you have another question and it like
6352s I transitioned pictures just go ahead
6354s and say I've got one or something like
6355s that and we'll do more questions
6357s otherwise I'm Gonna Keep moving yeah
6359s I've got one uh just bitter Frost uh
6361s Frost frog even asking how did your week
6364s go Eric are you doing well oh yeah my
6367s week was good
6371s no I'm fine I'm fine guys uh all is well
6375s with the
6377s uh yeah I mean there's there's a lot
6380s that I could talk about on a on a
6381s personal level but as the stream's not
6383s for that
6384s um I appreciate you asking though uh
6386s yeah I'm I'm definitely well I think
6388s Rockfish as a whole we've been man
6390s there's so much more that I wish I could
6392s show you guys With all sincerity like
6394s there's there's so much and you're kind
6396s of seeing those results right you're
6398s seeing that you know that I'm not making
6400s this crap up because like you're seeing
6402s these number values that are a little
6403s bit different you're like and maybe you
6405s noticed a marker that wasn't on your
6407s game or you know stuff like that because
6408s I'm playing in the Dove build that has
6410s more stuff updated you know a lot of
6412s this stuff just isn't ready to talk
6414s about yeah it's not ready to show
6416s because simply put it's not done it's
6419s not done so I would show you and then
6421s you get all excited and it's gonna
6422s change after like three revisions and
6423s you're like wait I like that one more
6425s well that doesn't matter because it's
6427s according to how we need to have it fit
6429s with everything else right so
6431s um it's it's a it's a tricky process and
6435s uh you know I'm glad that you guys
6437s emitted those Community builds so we
6438s could pull one out today I think we had
6440s a lot of fun with that
6441s um so yeah so in regards to how I'm
6444s doing for work there you go uh it's
6446s insanely productive but it's all it's
6449s all hidden trust trust stuff so we got
6452s this shot that is a super hot from dark
6456s chaos
6457s I don't even know the location of this
6459s one I think this is Draco claimed too
6462s I think this is one of the Drago claims
6465s I can't remember
6467s oh
6468s but I love it
6470s I love it it is burning don't get to see
6474s a lot of those lava asteroids but when
6477s you find those proper nooks and crannies
6479s where secrets are hidden uh can be
6483s can be pretty neat this almost looks
6485s like you're too close to a star in
6486s everspace one
6489s so pretty neat
6491s all right let's bounce to another image
6493s do we have a question I do I do a crispy
6496s muffin on Twitch uh do you think
6499s Freelancers or something will use ships
6502s that are made of some random Parts as
6504s the player ship does would be neat to
6506s give the impression since the play is
6508s technically a freelancer themselves I
6510s understand if performance or other
6512s difficulties with making are doable but
6514s still a neat thought yeah I know um so
6517s there's
6518s there's a number of reasons why we don't
6519s do that um I don't actually think any of
6522s them are performance related believe it
6524s or not it's more that we are like as a
6527s single player game we very much want it
6528s to be focused around like this is your
6530s ship and nobody else has it so from an
6533s immersion level yeah you go stop at a
6535s station like all these ships for sale
6536s you're like oh wow like all these ships
6538s should be being flown about in this DMZ
6542s right like they should exist out there
6544s technically but they don't because it's
6547s yours like yours needs to stand out from
6550s everyone else that's how we are
6552s intentionally designing the structure of
6554s the playership as well as the way that
6556s it all comes together so would that be
6558s cool I mean
6561s arguably yes arguably no really comes
6566s down to the vision and the vision we
6568s don't want that we don't we don't want
6570s that
6571s um so yeah
6572s that's all
6574s I do like that question though
6576s um I I would love to see more variety of
6578s ships and they're probably coming anyway
6581s uh so you know
6585s here you go this shot comes from T3 Cube
6588s uh
6590s wow
6591s I think this is how I was supposed to be
6594s playing wizard Jerry's build
6597s uh based on like how I watched him play
6599s it uh but yeah like you just you go ham
6602s with the minds just to cover all this
6604s distance and the second your opponents
6606s get close to you your alt just goes
6609s launch an arc 9000 wipe the screen your
6612s energy comes back for your secondaries
6614s and you do it all again I didn't use my
6616s consumables
6617s wizard Jerry that was I I didn't use
6620s energy injectors oh my gosh that would
6622s have made a huge difference goodness
6625s anyway but no I love the way this comes
6627s out um it's also kind of refreshing to
6630s see something
6632s a bit more different than the the
6635s standard takes uh it's a standout image
6637s so nice job T3 Cube
6639s I love the mixture of different types in
6642s here uh while I technically don't know
6644s if those are corrosive or not you can
6646s definitely tell those are webbing uh
6648s mines so cool cool stuff
6651s all right I'm gonna transition do we
6653s have another question
6656s I've got one just come in from a sunk
6659s room on Twitch how in the world do you
6662s manage to stay so psyched about this
6664s labor of love you're all working on it's
6666s so awesome to see are there any specific
6669s things that really drive you forward
6672s oh my gosh we could we could we could do
6675s an entire stream on this
6678s um I think that like
6683s the the simple answer
6685s is that we love what we do
6690s that's the simple answer
6692s um what that means
6695s is so
6698s so much more because what we love to do
6703s there's so many different specifics
6705s there's there's uh
6707s oh my gosh I just I'm like I'm
6710s speechless
6711s because of
6714s how this all comes together for all of
6716s us at Rockfish right for all of us like
6719s we have individuals who are super
6720s dedicated to the story some people don't
6722s necessarily care though we have people
6725s who are super dedicated to that end game
6728s gameplay experience we have other people
6730s that don't really care about that right
6732s like everybody has a specific role that
6734s they bring to the table that they're
6736s incredibly excited about in order to
6739s make sure all of those elements are done
6742s as a labor of love they're coming from
6746s our hearts they're coming from uh
6750s you know the Integrity that we have as
6752s human beings it's man
6755s it's it's crazy for me for myself like
6759s whenever I dive into everspace too
6761s um you know what really what really
6763s drives me forward it's gonna kind of
6765s sound negative I I don't want it to come
6766s across negative what really drives me
6768s forward is
6770s um it's kind of twofold one it's that
6773s there are
6775s so many games that exist that just don't
6778s put a lot of emphasis on that next level
6781s of quality and polish
6783s um that you know Rockfish does like this
6786s is something we do this one of the main
6788s reasons why I joined Rockfish actually
6791s um and that level of dedication that
6793s level of of quality and maintaining
6797s um you know ourselves as human beings
6799s through that process like it's just it's
6802s so important that that in and of itself
6803s drives me forward
6805s and the second reason is because this is
6807s a game that I really love to play
6811s it's a game that I really love to play
6813s right
6814s um you know I I play a lot of different
6816s games
6817s um the ones that last the most for me uh
6820s ironically aren't shooting games
6822s however the way that this game captures
6826s the skill-based nature of
6830s gamer performance
6832s while allowing a tremendous amount of
6834s player agency
6836s over the course of you know
6839s X number hours I don't really care about
6841s play time so much but like you are able
6843s to do a lot within the space of
6846s everspace 2 and when I'm going through
6848s it and I'm evaluating systems and I'm
6850s cracking things open I mean shoot if
6852s Marco was here you would even know that
6854s just today I was evaluating some perks
6856s because it was just like you know
6857s something doesn't quite feel right for
6859s this to me and like I want it to feel
6861s right I want it to be fun I want it to
6862s be good and so I slapped Marco well not
6865s really slap Marco but like I I sent a
6867s message to the whole team was like I'm
6869s not sure how I feel about this I feel
6870s like maybe we have things maybe a little
6872s bit differently this is my suggestion
6874s you know and you know of course Marco
6876s claps back because he's incredibly smart
6877s and Brilliant uh designer and you know
6880s we that's how we iron out these details
6882s right it's like we love it we want it to
6885s be the best like we really do I'm not
6887s like I'm not saying that as like a you
6889s know some sort of like facade or like
6892s gotcha go buy our game like it's that's
6894s the way it is like we love doing this
6896s and I hope that shows I really do hope
6899s that shows it that's what drives me
6901s forward I see something that I might not
6903s quite like I want it to be great
6906s boom I'm in hey guys this that other
6909s thing let's fix it let's drive it
6911s forward
6912s and a lot of people on the team are like
6915s that
6915s they're dedicated to a very specific
6917s cause they want to bring it to light
6919s they want to make sure that it's
6920s honoring the vision that Michael and UVA
6922s and others have set and maximize the
6925s goodness that it creates
6928s we've been sitting on a photo from
6929s Bradley here uh who's been doing a lot
6932s of fine work with his uh very intimate
6935s photos that's what I'm going to call
6937s them close-ups of these ships it's
6939s always a pleasure I always enjoy these
6941s just seeing the detail work of Matthias
6943s for example on these ship models and
6945s bringing them all together like it's oh
6947s I love it I love it like it's nuts so um
6951s Michael says he saw my wall of text on
6953s slack thank you thank you for that Mike
6956s foreign
6962s anyway uh but yeah I love the love the
6966s way that he's using the depth of field
6968s again like just it makes you just feel
6971s like these photos bring you into the
6973s gameplay experience very solid
6976s I dig it
6978s I dig it we're gonna transfer to another
6980s uh image and I'm I'm sure there's
6982s probably a couple questions that
6983s generated after my little I got so
6985s excited there but man we we love this
6987s stuff that we're making if we didn't why
6989s would we be making it you know so yeah
6992s if you guys have more questions be
6993s shooting them at us geekbite do we have
6995s another one
6996s uh no everybody's in stunned silence
6999s after your uh after my rousing speech
7003s speaker
7004s look at how
7008s like man yeah it's it's good stuff we we
7011s have we have a lot of fun at Rockfish uh
7014s it's it's pretty fantastic kind of like
7016s this shot from high barf hey all right
7018s uh High barf uh drops us lots of photos
7021s and he's got some little gyms in there
7023s once in a while I think this is one of
7024s them uh you know I've still gonna
7026s question your ship colors High barf I
7029s think I've seen that like every time you
7030s share a screenshot
7032s I just I'm just not sure how I feel but
7036s you know what if that's your style and
7037s you're loving it you do you man you keep
7040s rocking it oh my gosh but I do love how
7043s we have this progression downward we
7045s don't see a lot of downward focused
7047s shots actually we see a lot of either
7048s moving upwards which is generally A good
7051s rule of thumb and uh conveyed uh
7053s photography
7054s um as well as to the right which is also
7057s a significant aspect of Photography as
7061s well uh ask me why I know
7063s um and yeah I think that this is I think
7066s this is a nice Twist on it just because
7067s you're seeing how much of this uh planet
7070s is like dominating the photo and then
7073s you have the ship almost like descending
7075s on the location uh so nice nice clever
7079s shot uh cool stuff we also have this one
7083s from high barf
7085s um and this one's more focused on the
7087s elements up top while you have the ship
7089s going downward
7091s um
7092s and we have you know I just talked about
7094s like downward shots I would actually
7096s like to flip this photo over can I can I
7100s actually do that can I rotate this I'm
7102s just curious let me
7104s uh
7107s it kind of works it kind of it's
7111s probably as of uh whatever uh regardless
7113s it's a great it's a great little shot I
7115s do I do like this shot too and you guys
7117s did as well uh just highlighting all
7119s this debris outside and then like flying
7121s in uh the reason why I was I like really
7124s like the shot is this reminds me of the
7126s colonial derelict space stations at
7128s everspace one
7130s feels like it's just like pulled
7131s straight out of it in fact uh so that
7134s made me happy that made me pretty happy
7138s very very good stuff I'm gonna cycle
7140s over to the chemical Bros shot right
7142s here
7143s questions we got the one that teach
7147s three Cube from twitch that when will
7150s balance for different factions be
7151s Revisited I personally still feel like
7154s izzurilla and retaliators are a very far
7156s cry from each other
7158s okay um I mean balance is
7164s balance what a beast I feel like
7170s I feel like balance is
7174s always
7176s the most important aspect of game design
7179s right
7180s and as such uh at least it's one of the
7183s most important aspects okay uh maybe we
7185s could find arguments in others but but
7187s balancing like if there's if a game is
7190s too easy that changes your experience so
7194s much if a game is too hard again
7197s massive change right there has to be a
7200s lot of these Middle Ground solutions
7201s that bring everything together in order
7204s for uh you know the player base to
7206s experience and enjoy because that
7208s enjoyment factor is ultimately what
7210s we're after if something's too easy
7213s I would argue that most players don't
7215s enjoy that they get bored they drop out
7218s whereas if something's too challenging
7220s players are not feeling very good it's
7223s leaving a sour taste in your mouth you
7225s kind of get frustrated and then you go
7227s play another game at three in the
7229s morning and you can't seem to get your
7230s win streaks and you complain to
7231s everybody and you call people names and
7233s you feel like a terrible human being
7235s um like there's just
7237s balance is something that is constantly
7239s refined constantly evaluated constantly
7242s looked at and Frankly Speaking it's one
7245s of the reasons why I had a as Michael
7247s put it wall of text to our team today
7251s because it's it's constantly something
7254s that we are looking to refine and adjust
7257s so when will the zirilia and Retaliator
7262s factions get fully balanced to their
7265s perfection uh probably 1.0 release is my
7268s guess uh but also note though that like
7271s with where the game is at right now
7274s um I know we've seen you know a lot of
7276s remarks about zurilla uh drones in
7279s particular we did scale that one back we
7281s I think we've made a couple other little
7282s tweaks and adjustments zurelia is very
7284s strong right now they are
7286s um but that is intentional they are
7288s meant to be one of the strongest
7289s factions of the game where their
7291s Firepower it just dominates
7293s um it also is kind of thematic going in
7296s with the whole fire and flames right
7298s um whereas irelia they are meant to be
7299s much more defensive they're a lot harder
7302s to bring their ships down sometimes it
7304s might not be able to see that because of
7307s maybe certain types of equipment you're
7309s using or or builds that you have but
7311s they don't actually put out as much
7312s damage as cyrillium so they are
7315s intentionally meant to be on different
7317s playing fields
7319s maybe that needs to be further split for
7322s that to stand out or maybe there are
7325s elements that need to be equalized there
7328s who knows
7330s but we'll figure it out
7331s that's that's what we do
7333s that's what we do this shot that's been
7336s sitting on the screen uh the chemical
7338s bro uh you know I really love how
7342s everything about this location for this
7344s Aurelia comes across it really is like
7347s one of my favorite visual locations and
7349s just adding the Scout flying upwards
7352s that has the burning thrusters as per
7355s normal uh just it really just
7359s I dig it I dig it I love the framing I
7362s love the depth just everything about
7364s this I just want to put on my wall
7367s another poster for me please that would
7369s be great so good we're gonna cycle over
7371s to medved's shot here uh a nice
7375s soft Embrace with space as geekbite
7378s might have another question I think I
7379s saw a couple questions show up
7381s yep I've got
7383s um one from black coffee right it just
7386s comes through so is it just my feeling
7388s or are there only very timid negative
7391s sweep forward sweat Wing designs in the
7394s game so far it feels a bit old like non
7397s here or non there is it is there
7399s something really in your face like an
7401s x-29 also what is driving the design
7404s team in terms of component choices like
7407s what other Inspirations they are looking
7408s for my goodness there's a there's so
7412s much man I want to listen I I wish I
7415s could just call Matthias and be like all
7416s right Spill the Beans how do you how do
7418s you build ships
7419s um and you know he's answered me on that
7421s front before
7422s um so to a degree I can answer this for
7425s him um but I also want to make sure that
7427s I'm not like going too out of bounds so
7429s from what I can recall like it comes
7431s back to so many different things but um
7434s um
7435s first let's focus on what's in the game
7437s actually so with each playership class
7441s we have a specific style of their wings
7445s to make them stand out right so they
7447s have somewhat similar Silhouettes in
7449s comparison to one another right so in
7451s regards to Ford swept wings for example
7453s we have Sentinels that always have the
7456s wings moving forward some of them are
7458s kind of you know softer and then some
7460s are just like wow I'm out there you put
7462s your guns on the front your cockpit set
7464s back your guns are literally blocking
7465s your view
7467s um and there's four specific Wing types
7469s per each ship that then have four
7472s different variants based on which tier
7474s it is right so that's 16 different Wings
7477s if uh in this game that you're gonna see
7479s as forward swept for the Sentinel the
7482s Vanguard uh excuse me not the Vanguard
7485s The Vindicator also has somewhat of a
7489s forward swept Wing stylization uh Motif
7492s to it and so you'll see a little bit of
7495s that as we move forward like I think
7496s that the latest uh Wing sets on that
7499s front you can really see on that heavy
7502s the Drone carrier ship right The
7504s Vindicator
7506s really bringing that thing forward as
7508s well in regards to like the inspiration
7511s that Matthias draws from I mean it comes
7514s from so much sci-fi right whether it's
7516s you know Star Wars
7521s or like Babylon 5 or
7526s um whether it's uh Star Trek or like
7531s uh Blade Runner even uh freaking
7535s uh I know aliens is in there too uh
7539s there's there's so there it
7542s it just goes on and on and on and is
7545s from where all of this inspiration comes
7546s from it's it's nuts
7549s um
7550s and how he brings it all together oh
7552s Michael adds some clarified details
7554s thank you so much Michael I appreciate
7555s that ship design is mostly coming from
7557s UVA and Toby oh okay excuse me all right
7560s all right so Matthias is just the
7562s Mastermind to bring it all together all
7563s right but UVA creative director and uh
7566s Toby who's the concept artist
7569s uh they pull from like uh Star Wars uh
7573s star bgs
7577s beat
7578s bgs what well static Galactica but but
7582s that would be BS
7584s yeah okay all right I got confused yeah
7586s Battlestar galacta
7588s um uh St ma'am
7590s why why am I blanking on these acronyms
7593s uh but you know a lot of uh sci-fi Halo
7596s Destiny uh Starcraft I believe like all
7601s so much
7602s somehow
7605s Galaxy Quest
7608s I don't think Galaxy Quest is on that
7612s list but you never know
7614s uh goodness gravy Star Trek start asked
7619s to Star Trek oh my gosh it's getting
7621s late my brain's turning off guys but
7623s yeah there's there's a lot that brings
7625s these together
7627s um we gotta get through the rest of
7628s these images I gotta go soon uh but yeah
7630s we oh my gosh the time is the time is
7633s over okay turn off the questions I gotta
7635s fly by the rest of these screenshots we
7638s are the stream is over oh my gosh so
7640s next up we have med bed again with just
7644s it's we changed the pace of all these
7646s like really explosive things we like
7648s we we um we
7651s we cooled things down
7655s where's my where's my we we cooled
7659s things down there we go all right
7661s perfectly time uh great shot I love it
7664s asteroids are fun we've got dark chaos
7666s being dark and chaotic of course uh love
7669s the way he's passing through this space
7671s with those lights on very ominous
7675s awesome stuff dig it
7678s we've got Phantom Lord which I think was
7681s his first shot that you submitted on the
7682s Discord but such a pleasant shot from
7684s everspace one just massive amount of
7686s praise for him to dip in here share this
7690s screenshot especially because like right
7692s now uh he says that his computer can't
7694s really handle everspace too so the fact
7697s that I know that his settings are
7698s probably reduced when he took this photo
7700s from everspace one like man that's still
7703s that's still a quality shot I love that
7705s we have so many so many details going on
7708s here we've got a great range of motion
7711s uh conveying exploration and The
7714s Narrative of everspace one all in all in
7716s just a single shot very well done
7718s Phantom Lord five seven five three
7720s seriously really comes together well
7722s we've got chemical bro uh another one of
7725s these lava Planet shots you guys really
7728s enjoyed this one I really am digging the
7730s coloration that happens on the ship here
7733s I don't necessarily know 100 what colors
7736s that ship is but the light from the
7738s engines slapping on there with the heat
7740s from all the places I dig it I love it
7743s almost looks like a watermelon I just
7745s want to take a bite out of it
7746s it's great and then we've also got spoot
7748s Knight who started sending a bunch more
7750s images uh today and I didn't have time
7752s to like catalog anymore uh you guys are
7754s nuts but I love it
7756s um this one I just I like because of the
7758s The Vibes it's bringing you know always
7760s these close star shots with debris
7762s and the ship kind of in the space
7765s surrounding it is very enjoyable a lot
7767s of fun uh good good stuff all right guys
7771s uh
7772s so yeah
7776s hang on a second I see it I see a thing
7778s a potential question that I think I want
7780s to answer
7781s uh Aerospace roadmap link seems to be
7785s broken okay yeah we'll have to probably
7787s revisit the website every now and then
7789s there's a little hiccup that occurs
7792s um but yeah if you are interested in
7794s seeing the road map of of uh you know
7796s where we're at and what's to come you
7798s can absolutely head on over to uh that
7801s didn't work hang on you can absolutely
7803s head on over
7805s to the Discord the Discord and the uh I
7809s think it's the everspace two frequently
7812s asked questions there's actually a
7813s little timeline of what was recently
7816s released and what's to come forward
7818s excuse me and when
7820s so definitely keep that on your radar uh
7823s otherwise we are gonna go right back to
7825s the screen again hi just a quick just
7827s showing you the Discord thing I actually
7829s have to go normally I do some uh post
7831s stream Shenanigans with you all uh but I
7835s I do not have the time so what I am
7837s going to try and do is set you guys up
7839s for twitch to head on over to Corbin
7843s um and geekbite actually if you could
7845s set the raid there that would be super
7847s awesome
7848s um if you had questions that were
7850s cataloged that I was not able to answer
7852s go ahead and send over to the Discord
7854s and ask uh ask rfg there's a channel for
7856s that I'll respond to you pretty quickly
7860s um otherwise guys you have been awesome
7861s today thank you so much for all of your
7864s questions and your contributions as well
7865s as another shout out to wizard Jerry for
7867s his community build that borrower was
7869s insane uh I gotta get my practice in for
7872s that style of build
7874s um otherwise I have been Eric Schrader
7875s your community Ambassador for all things
7877s ever space too don't stop being awesome
7879s and we'll catch [ __ ] again next week
7882s toodles
7906s [Music]
7914s [Music]
7931s foreign
7933s [Music]