over 1 year ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s Boy was it a busy month.
5s My goodness.
7s We've got a number of things to discuss in July
10s I have broken down the ones that are
11s probably the most significant
13s and I want to also mention
15s At the start of this month
17s we went live with the summer update.
20s So everything here is actually even better
23s in a playable state, in the current early access
26s of EVERSPACE 2.
28s Otherwise, let's get on to these topics.
32s The scaling of progression
34s has since been changed. We rescaled the scaling.
37s So now numbers at lower levels are much smaller and
40s numbers at higher levels are much more significant
43s so you feel the impact of leveling up.
46s When you get a new good item in place
48s you're going to get that power boost
51s that you also deserve.
53s Attributes were also rescaled so the
56s values that you get and what they provide
60s are now a bit more distinct to boot.
62s What does that mean, exactly?
64s Now we can put emphasis on the actual items
67s that you have instead of just your attribute.
70s Uh huh, so you're saying that we're putting
72s the emphasis in the items that you find
74s in this looter shooter that we're developing?
79s Now attributes still obviously play a role in this
81s to help balance out your build.
83s We also went ahead and updated mainframe expansions as well.
87s That way instead of just providing a mere ...
90s ... twenty points
93s now it adds five percent increase
95s to your total allotted.
97s this also means, by going up to five stacks
100s of mainframe expansions, you can have a
102s twenty five ... percent increase bonus
105s to your attribute.
108s Get on those locations challenges, people.
111s We were able to highlight
112s six new perks a bit earlier than they dropped.
115s We have one for Delia, one for HIVE, and
118s and one for Tareen
119s and three for the pilot himself.
122s Here they are on the screen for ease of convenience.
126s Also note those values are multiplicative
129s not additive so
131s if a value was twenty, and it got a fifty percent increase
134s that wouldn't make it seventy
136s that would instead make it thirty.
142s The Vindicator got a new set of wings,
145s These are the tempest style wings
148s and the body is also brand new
150s for all of the heavy fighters
152s this is just a more recessed body option.
159s Past me has some information regarding
161s the flak's new smart munitions.
164s Now whenever you are within a certain range
167s the flak does not trigger its radial attack.
171s So what that means is
173s if I'm shooting somebody
175s and a drone goes flying by
177s directly in front of my face
178s and I shoot my flak
179s instead of it immediately exploding
181s on the ship, to hit the drone right there
183s it ignores that radial attack and it just fires off
188s until it's at a certain range from the player ship
190s before it can explode
192s So see how we're too close to the target
194s and so the flak disables itself
196s from exploding in our face?
199s In short, if you're too close to your target
203s the flak doesn't blow up in your face.
205s That's all.
207s Other things that we did
208s we added device ranges to
210s every single on in the menu
213s you can see it's operating range.
215s Also, if you're in game
217s you use a device and you're not in range
219s it will tell you what the range you need to be at, is
223s Here's a quick clip.
225s Now you can keep flying around, it just tells you
228s Six hundred twenty meters.
229s And you can very clearly see that it's out of range
231s so now, it's like okay, so I really want to use this
233s so I'm going to fly into that range
236s Six twenty, boom. Hey! It works!
238s Just like it's supposed to.
240s It's magical!
241s Everyone rejoices!
245s That's a wrap for July. I hope that you enjoyed it.
248s I know that it came out a little bit later
251s than we had all desired
252s that summer update has been busy.
254s So the recap from August should also be
257s equally as exciting.
258s I'm going to leave you now with a little clip
260s of my daughter sneaking into the stream.
262s Otherwise, don't stop being awesome
264s and I won't stop being Erik, your community ambassador
267s Toodles!
271s This is my youngest daughter, Mercy
274s Say hello, Mercy, to everybody in the stream.
276s You're totally not supposed to be here, I'm sorry Michael.
279s Oh my goodness (that's green)
281s I know it's a green screen, nobody else can see that
285s One second (I can see it)
288s Oh my goodness.