11 months ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

22s [Music]
29s foreign
43s good evening good afternoon good morning
45s to you all yes
47s time of the week it's Friday
49s after the Stream
50s with you in a moment
52s yes this isn't Eric if you have a guest
55s it's me geek bait Gary I should be with
57s you very very shortly
59s grab some drinks food snacks
63s you on shortly
75s questions
122s [Music]
151s foreign
221s [Music]
227s howdy hello
230s I'm not Eric I shall put that right out
233s there right now I am not Eric I can see
236s thank you bye I'm Gary how are you all
238s hope you're all tickety-boo I'm just
241s checking through some of the chats uh
243s sorry Flory no hat today
246s I know what you mean about that how are
248s you all anyway thank you very much for
249s joining us we are here with a
251s playthrough of a difference uh it's not
254s by Eric B is not gonna be on nightmare
256s but you boys and girls are gonna help me
259s make a decision
261s yes now I've played through I think
265s twice now and we have a sentinel
269s playthrough and we've had a gunship
270s playthrough I like the gunship Eric not
274s so much he doesn't like that you know
275s but what we're gonna do is we're
277s actually going to play a bit more uh but
278s I'm Gonna Fly a new ship but you boys
280s and girls are going to decide what that
283s is now we've got to save there's gonna
286s be in and around nifties
288s um where we get our first ship vendor uh
290s and we've already got a choice of ships
292s there but I want you boys and girls into
294s various chats to decide what we are
296s going to do
297s Bearded Frog sing or no sing we decide
302s you should say
303s I don't know why people think I can sing
305s I really don't know I don't know but
307s anyway uh yeah Alex said Eric's not here
309s he is in the chat uh intermittently uh
312s he's got some personal stuff to take
313s care of so he asked me to drop in and do
316s these next two wonderful hours
319s um of uh of everspace 2 Gameplay we are
322s going to play on hard I know we play on
324s normal so this could be a wrecker you
327s know disaster
328s we'll see a new ship uh
331s slurry doesn't like decisions can we
333s stick with the Sentinel uh we've already
335s got it anyway so we are gonna dive in if
338s you do have any questions do ask them I
340s will try and get to them with the
342s gameplay obviously normally I collect
344s them for Eric etc etc we know how it
346s plays you know it works every week uh if
349s anything does get missed uh please do
351s stick it up on the Discord uh ask rfg is
355s probably the best place but we will try
357s and get through everything as much as
359s possible so uh yeah we'll do that uh and
363s also we've got quite a few wonderful
365s screenshots this week
366s um you guys have knocked out of the park
368s as you normally do
370s and it's uh he's very impressive with
372s the quality that you come up with week
374s in week out so thank you very much for
376s that it does give us a wonderful bit of
377s content uh to look at and know how much
380s you boys and girls are enjoying the game
382s which is cool uh you know I'm happy with
384s it you're happy with it it's all good
386s it's all good
387s um just one point
388s um the latest patch that's gone up on
391s Game Pass is the near equivalent uh to
395s uh the one that's on Steam in regards
398s the Flack fix okay so the game pass
401s users myself I've got a Game Pass
402s version as well uh that has
405s um Gone live a couple of days ago so you
407s should have the flat fix
409s Etc uh there's a few little Oddities
411s outlying uh fixes that weren't pushed
414s for that patch we didn't want to delay
415s any further but that is in for
416s certification as far as I am aware so
421s without further ado
423s let's dive in we shall load in I want to
426s just load in that one there we go
430s there we go very good I I've actually
433s checked and yes I do
435s if anybody remembers one of my older
438s this close to G and B Turf the Eric has
442s um here we go look familiar you've been
445s here before
446s no I'm a wingman from alsinai station we
449s had a bit of server trouble so I was
451s ordered to come here and get a fresh
452s batch of jump keys so you once sent us
454s reinforcement
456s I was drastic bureaucrats there is a
458s tandem School of outralls at our
459s doorstep and all management cares about
461s is a fresh batch of jump keys I'm sorry
464s to inform you but you were sent on a
466s Fool's errant the only Keys we were
468s given are reserved for my own people ah
471s there are none left down none whatsoever
474s to take care your Outlaw problem well
478s in that case I might be able to think of
480s something before you leave have a look
482s at our ship Loadout there may be
484s something that catches your eye
486s there we go so yes
489s alathaniel yes
491s um the depth that we went into uh the
494s guys over in Hamburg who actually sort
496s out that black bug was quite immense and
499s now a big shout out to the community
501s testers that we have as well because
502s they've been trying to work on this as
504s well
505s testing builds reporting what they've
507s come across issues ETC it all really
509s really helps a big thank you to to those
511s people that have uh have helped us on on
513s that score it was very annoying it did
516s cause uh Untold problems for the dev
518s team
519s um because it's just dealing a haystack
521s needle in a haystack now anybody that's
522s just asked I know we've seen it just on
524s Twitch uh there uh Eric is fine he's
527s just got some personal stuff to take
528s care of so he asked me to step in uh and
531s do the stream so um yeah he's perfectly
533s all right he's Eric he's still tall
537s um he's still funny he still plays on
539s nightmare so you know he's good he's
540s good uh yes Lauren don't worry I'm going
543s to cut the uh do the cut scenes I'm
545s gonna skip all this because it is early
547s play through this is still in the Sito
548s system as such so
551s um basically I like I'll give it to the
552s story without skipping the dialogue yeah
554s I am gonna generally skip them uh so
557s that there's nothing too revealing as we
559s go along so don't worry yeah
561s um but yeah if uh David as you can see
564s in that top
569s I've got 22 000 of them uh well that's
573s always good so as I said at the the top
576s of the Stream
577s we're gonna look at the shift dealer
580s that's our choices okay this is the word
583s that it's it's played its hand to us
586s so we've got a Vanguard
589s we've also got a striker
594s uh We've also got the stalker
597s to the Interceptor and then we've got
599s the typhoon Vindicator now I could go
601s for a stinger or a bomber obviously
603s though the OnePlus is slightly better so
607s um what would you like to see me fly
608s bearing in mind I've actually not flown
611s any of these
613s not a single one of them so that makes
615s change so flory's saying Striker or
617s Vanguard I know YouTube's a little bit
619s behind so it'll take a little bit of
621s catching up so yeah please let us know
622s what you want
624s Striker for Bearded Frog okay sting it
626s all Vindicator okay let's let's see
629s where we get to
632s something
632s oh see we're getting a bit equal now
635s we've got Striker and Striker we've got
636s two for the Stinger
638s uh as we toasters saying Striker
644s isn't an option I guess uh Stinger oh I
647s think Stinger's just taking it up to now
649s okay okay thing in this thing
652s yeah this thing of it is literally
655s um same level uh one for the Interceptor
657s another Interceptor one for the VIN D
659s who for the vendy
662s yeah we'll stick passives on the
664s Vanguard
668s uh 20 increase so if you want to be in
671s your face uh
674s yeah yeah
676s so just say it was the passive on there
679s drones yeah the drones okay uh into
682s Center Vanguard
685s mmm it's all very very close isn't it
688s it's very very close
692s thank God I don't see much love for the
694s Vanguard to be fair
696s um some people do like it again I've not
698s been a fan so
700s I could stay here
702s staying here staying here we try the
706s Stinger
707s we tried the Stinger
709s I think it will be too easy to get out
710s with your comfort zone go light
713s people are just like um well I think
716s it's
719s it's so difficult so difficult staying
721s here okay uh I think it's gonna be
724s Stinger um so
726s we'll go with that we'll go with that
728s we'll go with that we'll go with that
729s yeah okay by yourself currently there we
732s go we've got a stinger we'll go Stinger
734s like you say I've not played this so I
735s have no idea how it's gonna go
737s I am gonna up the um the difficulty as
740s well
741s yeah see what this bad boy can do yeah
744s because I did have it on normal I'm just
747s going to change that to hard
750s there we go let's resume so uh
754s yeah stay here there we go we're going
756s for it we're going for it I'm just gonna
757s check uh where we got up to with this
760s credit yeah we need a lot of that the
762s tractor payment grade so we've got a
763s little bit of upgrade anything in the
765s shop that could be nice
767s okay we've got uh one being three
769s component to get uh we'll just um
771s briefly talk about that because every
773s time I haven't got the minis run through
774s I always wanted to just say ah let's
776s just talk about the Mainframe components
778s and what they actually give you but
779s we'll have a look so we'll we'll have a
781s look
782s um
783s he's like man that really is Australia
786s spreads like gunship yeah gunship is the
789s Fun Ship right so we're just going to
791s carry on with the uh question blues uh
794s the missions we'll just go do these and
796s we'll see how this plays
798s this is going to be an interesting so
800s we've got a thermal gun and we've got an
802s auto Cannon transfer data concerning two
804s nearby mines
810s and Godspeed not speed indeed
818s yeah to be fair I do normally
822s play a
826s um
829s thank you
836s there we go
844s all right
847s we do all feel like the uh the game
849s sounds too much or anything like that
850s just let me know and I'll watch it
862s I think I got them all got to go
866s camera Shake on
871s how do I
875s all enabled nice
877s the other cave
880s I think other resources
896s right this is where we always get lost
897s and look for the exit
909s oh hello
915s yep yep
933s Nader drone
934s I don't like where this is going
939s oh
940s a valuable wreck
949s oh
951s let's go under here pick up the valuable
953s shipwreck
955s useful Gadget
957s report so and a lot of credits nice
975s I'm stuck in the wall
991s he's gonna bend it around the corner
994s offline today
997s Ryan
1011s oh right down onto there ship color
1017s change that to something putastic I'm
1019s sure
1020s all right Coral
1024s right
1026s let's head out again then
1030s bend your light back yeah I knew I
1031s thought somebody might give that
1032s reference
1033s uh we'll conform
1035s um we're just trying out a new ship
1050s yeah NFD station expect things to be a
1054s lot calmer from now on thank you we're
1056s in your debt I'm glad I could help
1059s heading back to your place now
1061s huh
1066s yeah if anybody does have any tips for
1068s the gameplay of the Stinger please do
1069s let me know again I'm a complete and
1071s obvious with the uh with the Stinger
1073s definitely more of a gunship ownership
1075s kind of guy
1077s those keys
1079s where's my green cup actually
1082s I do have one but it's not green screen
1084s signatures I do have a green cup
1087s straightforward solution
1089s it is
1090s right so let's just see what's that scan
1094s going to get I'm not a fan
1097s fan firm yeah don't worry I I've got
1099s that so just remind me to keep drinking
1107s move around and shoot stuff that is
1110s always good that is always good to lay
1111s down like that right hey
1115s plasma plasma nerve I'll stick there
1118s really I mean that's quite an increase
1121s it will buy that and equip and we'll buy
1124s itself there we go
1126s It's gotta be an improvement gotta be an
1128s improvement
1130s rights uh decks on the perks nothing
1133s there Cruise drive
1135s usual exactly I do want to try that out
1138s I just want to use it on something
1139s decent uh something decent but um we'll
1142s see we'll see
1144s [Music]
1147s this is interesting oh yeah there's our
1148s original Sentinel right
1152s so that's that one done
1158s right let's head out then so we need to
1161s go to Caribbean's Bowl
1164s foreign
1172s some people do some people don't it's
1175s nothing wrong with that to be fair just
1177s uh I think once you get used to it and
1179s play it a bit more then you know you'll
1180s start to feel a bit more confident I
1182s think sometimes you can be just that
1184s person as well maybe put you with hard
1186s reset okay nice I do like the teleport I
1190s even do use that on um uh the gunship
1199s this is one of the nicest planets you
1201s can come to
1202s look at that look at that
1205s right let's add down there shall we
1221s uh rap battle Just Junk rubbish won't
1225s beat me to it right now
1234s yeah
1236s indeed
1242s let's head in the correct direction of
1245s my help
1253s how to find a single suppressor in this
1255s junk
1261s I'll be able to find it Well hello
1269s and
1272s oops
1274s oops someone clearly doesn't want me to
1276s leave
1277s yep
1279s yep
1282s I must remember I'm actually playing on
1283s hard as well so this could be uh
1286s interesting
1291s Rogue
1293s they're getting processed today
1301s from the battery
1313s boy
1320s foreign
1362s people
1369s coming from near the jump gate maybe
1371s that bot knows what happened to the
1373s gates key module
1378s to be fair I can play through on normal
1381s fairly well uh Jesse
1383s um
1384s but I think uh I thought we'd give a bit
1386s of a challenge you know if we die we die
1389s you know it's one of those fun things
1390s you just gotta roll with it a little
1395s I mean to be fair I give Eric so much
1397s grief
1399s uh and smack talk when he um dies on
1403s nightmare so to be fair
1408s all right
1409s we will skip some of the dialogue
1413s so that we don't see at all welcome to
1415s Karim dis recycling
1417s right just have a little look at the
1419s shop anything good
1422s I'm gonna get rid of them
1425s them
1428s um
1429s some credit energy injects can go into
1432s there
1434s scattergun not a fan not a fan
1438s [Music]
1444s um
1447s let's have a look
1450s Okay so we've got some stuff we've got
1454s the static on already
1458s and that
1460s sold up into the shop
1463s uh puppies here you could play nightmare
1466s too it's not that difficult really yeah
1468s I thought I may overdo it a little bit
1470s with playing a ship that I'm not used to
1472s and then trying nightmare as well I
1474s think it was just that little extra step
1476s too far so I'll give it a whirl uh as as
1479s it is
1482s right it's the only someone's got the
1484s ship uh
1487s uh okay yeah I do like the teleporter
1489s rather than yeah so let's plug that in
1491s let's do that I do like that
1494s we'll do that
1496s great that
1500s do you like that wool maastrix we've got
1503s one more and
1506s um I actually think the Scurry is a good
1508s option because it's got 25 to refund a
1510s chair a charge which I always think is
1512s very very nice so you've got like a one
1514s in four chance of
1515s you get an extra jump out of the way as
1517s well so uh yeah we'll use the EMP and
1520s then if we need to get out of there
1524s um
1525s we shall see we shall see
1527s right
1529s nothing else that we wanted to buy got
1531s some plasma Nano fibers Rockets
1535s nothing there nothing there
1538s um
1541s now obviously we've switched over now
1543s what I would normally run would be
1545s defensive Massacre uh for you boys and
1548s girls obviously a um
1550s Stinger Pilots
1551s um
1554s not entirely sure which is uh the better
1557s one for that one because I do like the
1558s fact that you can reach out as a shield
1560s when you kill
1561s um an enemy
1564s um
1565s interesting so instead of taking lethal
1567s damage your Shield deploys that grants
1569s you visibility in last 10 seconds now I
1570s know Eric does use that it's very very
1572s handy for him
1573s um because he really dies a lot sorry
1576s Eric
1578s but
1580s yeah I do like defensive Massacre I
1583s always find it um handy
1586s we'll go with that for the time being we
1588s can always switch it around as uh as
1590s necessary
1598s let's head back then let's compare
1600s that's really
1605s band Jack is off or an awesome character
1608s really is
1613s any word on the jump Keys yeah one good
1616s one bad just throw them together in one
1619s line I know how to get through the gate
1621s but we will need a military override an
1624s override like at a hive unit wait what
1627s we need a hive that's what you just told
1631s me you don't happen to know where to
1632s find one do you
1637s no I don't I'm not sure I trust the
1640s sound of those pauses looks like there's
1642s only one place where we will most
1644s definitely find one but it won't be easy
1652s he's awake no the other one get your ass
1656s back here
1659s Dr popsicles are live and well
1667s hello
1670s what I want to do is I just want to
1673s check
1674s um
1677s on the challenges
1683s uh okay
1695s not yet
1705s we might have a problem
1708s hey what are you
1710s what is it
1714s hold on tight I'm on my way
1720s he's swoop it in
1726s let's
1728s yep
1731s yep skip I'm Delia by the way Dr Delia
1735s wendo call me dad there we go
1741s Alexandra type descriptor love that name
1743s love our name I'm in love with this game
1745s I'm glad you are enjoying it I know a
1747s lot of people do I feel the same uh and
1749s it's uh a wonderful thing to happen now
1752s we've got dealier as well so she can
1753s give me energy orbs or nanotechnology
1755s which is nice
1757s now let's have a look at this style
1760s uh let's actually do a little edit shall
1764s we because we did pick up some
1765s model I think
1767s we should take the
1768s uh
1773s audit all the wasps
1780s I quite like that
1781s I'm sorry the WASP rather
1788s yeah we'll stick with we'll stick with
1789s the uh with the holding wings
1791s uh yeah so we'll go with that
1794s let's have a look at paint job
1806s to show on that colors to be fair
1816s Eric you are gonna love this look at
1819s that look at that
1821s I care that bad boy that's
1824s almost awesome
1827s in fact
1830s trying a little bit of metallic oh
1832s that's not cheap
1838s oh liking that liking that
1842s it's shiny understanding
1845s I like that I like that
1850s Eric's gonna love that color scheme love
1852s it
1854s if Eric wasn't sick before he is now
1860s uh t3q will skin let's be coming to the
1863s game that adds sort of patterns that can
1865s fill with your own primaries uh and
1868s tertiary colors
1871s um I'm not entirely sure I don't think
1874s that's planned as far as I know but I'll
1877s try and follow up on that one
1879s um after the stream we'll see if we can
1881s uh do anything uh pesky yes I'll
1884s certainly have a look at the engine
1885s colors see if we've got anything
1889s ah see my men's rusters at the moment uh
1892s I just oh yeah I've only got the neon
1894s carrot and the Maya blue so
1902s you know we're gonna go all carrot let's
1904s go all carrot
1906s in my ride
1908s uh fresh back no uh Eric is not ill
1911s um he's not ill he's just got some
1913s personal issues that he had to take care
1914s of this evening so he asked me to step
1916s in and periodically from time to time uh
1919s I will be um doing the streams just to
1921s give uh Eric a little bit of a break so
1924s yeah uh he's fine he's okay
1928s oh
1932s there we go
1936s okay
1941s we'll go without
1944s the top there we go uh decal oh God
1950s that's not too bad
1959s I'll just go on that one there we go
1962s look at that I think that's cool I think
1964s that's quite nice too shabby
1969s go with that
1971s I'm happy with that I'm happy with that
1975s oh yeah Fallon Pango is uh is an amazing
1978s character very very cool
1981s very cool and we will obviously probably
1983s won't get to him at this precise moment
1986s so we are going to go find and destroy
1988s the distractor base in deep Fields
1990s region this may be
1995s um
1996s outside my remit on this one
2001s because I'm only level five
2003s the markers show all bases are detected
2005s within the Deep Fields a few maybe Duds
2008s but I'm certain at least let's go do the
2010s bean bags
2014s I use a little trick to pinpoint the
2016s others
2020s uh Flory a little bit of insight
2022s question but other devs able to fly the
2025s other uh the dev magic or not
2029s as long as well
2034s I know by now you're just a regular dude
2037s and all right but there's a lot thanks
2042s not even Ben knows better keep it that
2045s way
2049s hey you've got Explorer uh
2055s um I'm not entirely sure to be fair
2058s um I wouldn't think they could
2061s um
2062s because they're kind of AI driven rather
2065s than fully LED and
2068s player ships player flyable ships anyway
2079s on Scout gunship Striker but yeah 99 of
2082s my gameplay is Striker
2085s oh yeah this is
2088s um
2089s that's not too bit it's a bit
2091s Barney the dinosaur but you know I think
2093s it works
2095s uh now screenshots I think he's probably
2098s one of the nicest things that you can do
2099s with the game obviously apart from the
2100s wonderful gameplay but as an addition if
2102s you want to have some wonderful desktop
2105s uh artwork for your system you've got it
2107s in this game uh for those who don't know
2109s because some people were actually quite
2111s surprised we did see a comment uh over
2113s on Steam that there was a photo mode and
2115s yes there is you just need to press Z on
2118s your keyboard or whatever your keybind
2119s is and then you can fly around it's also
2123s handy as well if you're investigating
2125s things so for example if you want to get
2127s you a little bit of a heads up about
2129s what's in front of you you can use that
2131s as well you know we've got some mines
2133s there and stuff so yeah
2136s it'll be hard to find a base in this
2138s Mark
2146s sometimes
2148s these they were a bit of a giveaway that
2150s this thing's around so I was trying to
2152s mind out of the equation
2163s because what will probably happen later
2165s on is I will end up flying into one of
2167s them
2168s like that one
2174s uh dear typical oh cred that's always
2178s good that's always good
2180s um
2182s a little
2185s look around oink
2188s very handy for throwing at things
2193s right we've got the annihilator virus
2196s and finally a Mainframe component
2201s no device unlocked now before we go any
2204s further I'm just going to touch on the
2205s Mainframe components it was something
2206s that like say I've always wanted to
2208s interject on Eric
2210s um
2211s uh telling us a little bit about these
2213s and how we utilize them because some
2215s people uh I know we've seen on some
2217s other streams that we've been watching
2218s the people have collected them and
2220s haven't realized that they can actually
2222s give your
2223s um attributes a boost okay so a
2225s Mainframe component pretty much
2228s on the description is in a complete part
2230s of rerouted uh military grade circuitry
2233s designed to amplify ship in all the
2234s instructions a full stack of these will
2237s construct a mountable Mainframe
2239s expansion so obviously we need three
2242s um just
2243s obviously what we've got now when you
2245s combine them which is by obviously
2247s default hitting the r key you will find
2249s up above my head uh that we will get one
2252s Mainframe expansion uh there and now
2257s we get the ability to add uh uh an extra
2261s point basically into various things now
2265s we can't do that because obviously we're
2266s already on one but we've got stuff like
2268s Precision structure resistance and
2270s utility
2273s um now again uh people who
2276s are efficient in flying uh the Stinger
2280s we'll probably give me an idea of what
2283s is the best thing I mean I generally got
2284s Firepower on Precision
2286s um but I can imagine there's a lot of
2289s utility value
2291s um as well so uh
2293s do you let me know what usually just yet
2295s but um if you do have any advice on that
2298s yeah
2303s but just
2305s right
2317s I'm just gonna go to the dutches
2321s and we bring the Duchess in I'll try not
2325s to hit that just by calling on the
2326s beacon and then she will appear
2328s okay she's coming in she's coming in
2331s there she is
2338s awesome forever and always Firepower
2342s I know that thanks
2347s let us see what she got and did we
2349s already get the cruising
2353s no we haven't
2355s do like that
2357s uh recharge booster
2364s hmm interesting
2372s [Music]
2379s I feel like we might need these so I'm
2381s just going to utilize them
2384s it has 70 percent
2387s uh useful
2391s we're trying to be able to cruise Drive
2393s boost a Delia
2396s what we're doing on that super gel all
2399s this ACM
2401s [Music]
2402s stick something to there this can be
2404s quite handy we just need a bit more
2406s Flawless ATM
2413s OS
2420s is
2424s start using it I'm sure
2425s [Music]
2432s I'm gonna use that just yet
2434s let's be
2435s [Music]
2437s so tired really warm yeah oh yeah it's
2441s not yet
2442s [Music]
2448s yeah there is because I was trying to
2450s work out whether it be worthwhile doing
2452s that or putting it into something else
2454s um right so we
2463s were just jumping in there
2468s yeah I'll just come over there aren't
2470s they
2475s aha
2478s things come up yeah I actually meant to
2481s uh
2494s that's good
2496s see that one instead
2499s let's go
2501s uh well we're flying along uh
2505s to see the flying dutches from the very
2506s little bit it was out close but pretty
2508s cool I kind of miss it okay
2511s Alexander type descriptor will there
2513s ever be a left eye of the boss fight
2522s who knows
2523s who knows
2526s uh because I dare you to do the right
2528s location in hinterlands
2537s any clues I should look out for if it's
2540s a beanie they should have some dome-like
2542s structure attached to it but even then
2544s you'll need to blow the whole thing up
2546s to be certain it's an outlaw base all
2548s right but I'll see a dump must be one of
2551s the Duds
2554s hello maybe interesting
2571s I can't handle this easy
2589s foreign
2597s bothered by all these mines again
2604s now I'm on a level five and he's level
2606s nine and I think he's gonna eat me for
2608s breakfast unfortunately
2613s even with any uh extra special
2619s onesies
2632s although that was quite handy well find
2634s the goop
2636s back up
2638s oh
2640s a Mainframe component Justice ticket
2643s just a ticket
2646s well I don't know
2651s let's just grab girls come
2654s yeah I don't want to have a uh a death
2658s counter because that would oh
2662s we got wet I want you either nope not
2665s today
2684s look good
2697s that was not a good jump was it
2719s oh I don't like that I actually didn't
2723s think I was gonna survive there
2727s really didn't think I was going to
2729s survive at all
2739s one second we'll say I'm just catching
2740s up all sort of the questions uh you need
2743s that first question
2745s uh subscribe now we did a gigabyte death
2748s camera on screen which is separate from
2749s very difficult funnily enough I didn't I
2751s didn't die I expected it I expected it
2754s so uh super Scrapper what was that goop
2756s or whatever that is the alt of
2758s um
2759s a wonderful void swarm of the Stinger
2761s again this is the first time I've flown
2763s the Stinger so it's all new to me but uh
2766s it's very very nice
2769s um so instant reset all device cooldowns
2772s and releases a huge swarm of aggressive
2774s microbots that will consume everything
2777s in their way prioritizing the locked
2779s Target upon return they will restore
2781s Hull and armor based on the total damage
2784s dealt
2786s very nice very nice
2788s um
2790s there we go let's have a quick look on
2792s tube of you uh slowing yeah probably to
2794s be fair I I do uh yeah the thermal gun's
2797s okay but I'll I'll work on it a little
2799s bit more yeah
2801s um
2802s wolf thanks for sharing it yeah to be
2804s fair talking about PCS uh just
2806s technology-wise I've actually just
2807s upgraded my PC I do have a 3080 TI in uh
2810s for the graphics card but I've just
2812s switched over to the AMD ryzen 7 7800 X
2816s 3D oh I'm rocking now
2820s there we go right so well yeah I've
2823s picked up all this stuff I can't use
2824s just yet although I could technically
2826s you know do a little bit of
2830s after Rooney's for that right let's just
2832s have a little look see shall we
2837s serve it
2848s I think thank you not today
2853s definitely not today
2862s it's Sunday yeah
2864s a little bit of debris oh hello
2870s Hefty boy Hefty boy
2873s stopped I was gonna I was gonna throw it
2875s but it's a bit of a chongous piece of uh
2877s debris there and it's a little bit
2878s problematic for a small ship to maneuver
2882s oh
2885s are we gonna get any we're gonna get any
2887s you're gonna block no that was rubbish
2893s trying to see if I can actually hit any
2895s of these um
2901s like 10 Pin bowling
2906s all we need is Adam to go straight
2910s [Music]
2913s field generator and a rapid railgun
2920s Maybe
2922s more there's more before I tell you
2931s this is where things like scattergun or
2933s a flat Cannon coming very handy
2955s I don't know
2957s oh yeah flat Cannon is definitely the
2958s best Minesweeper
2974s just not my mouse sensitivity down to um
2977s being a bit less than it was
2988s here
3002s oh hang on my mouse is just
3005s sensitivity's just gone absolutely
3007s bonkers
3009s not good
3013s we'll check my sensitivity
3021s it's just gone a bit Willy Wonka is that
3039s there we go
3041s for some reason a DPS had halved
3047s um I
3048s you can tag me and I'll try and keep up
3050s with the questions so if you do see if
3051s you do want to question uh answering
3053s them please do uh just tag me I can
3056s still see the chat so I'll try and get
3058s uh
3060s try and get through them
3064s uh yeah Bearded Frog is all sorted now
3066s all sorted uh
3075s yeah
3078s uh let's have a look Alexander do you
3081s guys plan to add more Legend ratings
3082s with Mainframe components which were
3084s really really chill to A Min maximum my
3087s heart and yes there is going to be more
3089s legendary items coming
3099s he finally got the answer on the Boost
3101s mat that's always good it's always good
3106s hello as soon as I get anywhere somebody
3108s wants to try and rip my face off
3112s I want to work with your own out of the
3114s equation if I can
3126s yeah we do need to work a little bit
3128s more on the uh
3134s weaponry
3146s come on it's
3149s yes
3152s thank you
3176s I think
3177s that I'm going a bit mad because I'm not
3179s seeing
3184s me
3186s distractor here
3189s that was the other one we went to wasn't
3191s it
3194s regard to that one right get over there
3202s so uh actually we can probably read this
3206s um speaking boosting is a percentage of
3209s speed so here's an example speed is 19
3211s meters per second speaking boosting is
3214s 300 this means boosting is 270 meters
3217s per second
3218s three times three again uh wizard Jerry
3222s any plans for Community build showcases
3224s in the future yes we are going to bring
3225s those back uh we have discussed that
3228s don't worry
3229s uh
3231s so if the Boost speed boosting will
3233s increase by 10 then speed would be 90
3235s meters per second and boosting move to
3236s 297 okay
3241s I'm gonna have to go look uh for another
3243s one
3245s uh actually there's also siren C next to
3247s it
3248s [Music]
3251s final because
3254s oh my God
3256s we shall see if we shall see but yeah if
3258s you do have any questions do throw them
3260s into the chat try and answer them the
3262s best I can if not I will try and get a
3264s follow-up answer from you or you rather
3267s at some point further down the line
3270s it's all good
3280s hey no worries uh baby frog no it's uh
3283s it's good that obviously people who are
3284s on YouTube can get to see it as well
3297s hello all right where are you
3301s guys run
3318s all right this one looks promising there
3321s we go
3327s [Music]
3330s oh there we go nice
3334s all right there we go we will clear out
3336s all the debris first
3339s but let's just have a quick look at
3340s anything we've picked up
3343s railgun you'll probably try that
3346s we can probably try that we've got yeah
3348s that's no good it's no good rubbish
3351s rubbish
3355s [Music]
3387s huh
3390s iron deposit in here thank you
3395s but yeah if you do want to mine quickly
3398s then the Flack is probably King however
3400s if you do want any of the uh Prime
3403s resources
3405s um then you may be looking at uh
3409s turrets over there pip at me
3411s um something such as a mining laser
3419s keep behind me
3426s oh boy
3429s oh really
3443s one of my favorite weapons uh in every
3446s space one was the railgun
3456s thank you very much
3458s take that
3462s right so let's take out the base but
3464s we'll get this bulletproof container
3467s why not
3471s a TV Cube uh when will the official
3473s soundtrack be released hopefully in the
3475s very near future we'll have more details
3477s on that uh I can't say anything just yet
3479s but hopefully
3485s foreign
3513s I love these little things that um you
3515s know when you see that
3518s reinforcements great great yeah
3537s have you gone nowhere
3540s it's vengeance
3542s oh not
3545s totally avoid everything I've just done
3548s there we go
3566s opening call
3585s triangulated source to the other two
3587s locations once here and the third damn
3591s this is not good
3594s find it or too dangerous let's just say
3597s calls for more advanced planning I'll
3600s focus on the next one for now and then
3601s meet you back in the hangar we can
3603s figure it out from there good call see
3605s you at base
3609s so that there was just an example
3611s sometimes there's still the outline bug
3613s of resources disappearing into objects
3617s buildings or in this case a large
3619s asteroid
3620s um if it's within about 100 meters then
3622s you can still get there you can still
3624s get that uh super Scrapper uh any idea
3626s if the official soundtrack will be
3628s available on Apple music and other
3629s places I don't have those details but as
3632s soon as we do release details then uh
3634s obviously we will let you know where
3636s it's gonna be
3639s so hopefully
3641s in as many places as possible
3652s yes and there we go right let's jump
3662s anything on YouTube with you any
3666s questions but yeah if you do want to tag
3668s me then please just that geekbite in the
3671s chat and then I will see uh everything
3673s that I need to see
3676s right
3677s let's head to Simon see
3690s yeah we hear your supers grandfather
3692s yeah definitely definitely yeah I mean
3694s we're very excited to get to the the
3696s soundtrack into people's hands because
3697s people do like the game for the sound
3700s some people don't that's perfectly to
3702s them
3708s [Music]
3711s thank you
3714s anyway thank you
3720s let's go
3725s I got Prospect for helping him that's
3727s not fun
3729s you know what I'm gonna do
3731s Bend in the Swarm
3736s while you're eating him
3748s one look at the dickity on there I'm
3753s just gonna see if we can spot the armor
3755s plates that need to come off so you can
3757s see there's an armor plate there
3761s there's one underneath one on there some
3763s of the sides so you do need to take
3765s those down to make it easier for
3767s yourself
3773s I just don't want to get eaten alive by
3775s his guns
3782s hello this could be a sticky situation
3785s here
3787s don't come any closer here we go again
3795s to take him out so he's getting a little
3798s bit too problematic
3803s the power through that shield with some
3805s kinetic
3808s uh that's right trying to eat my face up
3811s as well
3825s right blast is coming out to play
3827s instead uh
3829s uh we
3834s so I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna
3837s just take the real good there we'll just
3841s dismantle that for the time being
3843s there's a mine there
3850s I'm in your face
3865s foreign
3887s okay I'll take that
3891s just have a little look see what we've
3893s got that we don't need we're just going
3894s to dismantle the parts
3901s he died it was six yeah
3908s it's good
3912s exactly
3918s thank you
3920s awfully Gonna Fly to that right
3923s I still feel that I should have picked
3925s up
3926s because you never know what we're gonna
3927s get will be good
3935s beam laser
3937s now they are quite handy
3945s um
3946s [Music]
3948s try it we'll try it we'll try it with
3950s the beam first
3953s one more
3956s come on honey there we go mid frame now
3960s the transmitter
3961s and a memory recalibrator they come in
3964s handy a lot later on when you want to
3967s switch things up
3970s oh my God
3990s foreign
4010s [Music]
4016s foreign
4056s I didn't want to be there when he
4057s exploded I definitely didn't want to be
4059s there
4068s uh just had a question there cranky
4071s gamer what is the actual effect of
4073s adding tears uh in riffs
4077s uh basically a spoon Ice Pop there it
4080s just forces the legend just appear if
4081s you're below 500 lunacy it just
4083s increases the chance pretty much you can
4085s give you a guaranteed drop of a
4086s legendary
4088s um
4089s so it is a way to make sure that you get
4091s one from the Run obviously you just need
4093s to make sure that you complete the Run
4099s it can be uh
4102s a bit of a oh I've died and I've kind of
4104s wasted those tears so you're just gonna
4106s be mindful that you
4108s it's kind of a almost like betting a
4110s little bit if you want but you're gonna
4112s bet that you can you know guarantee
4114s you're gonna complete the Run uh by
4117s gambling some of those tears
4121s situation
4130s the prince
4135s and what else can you get down there
4137s underneath
4139s hello
4143s need a rocket
4147s okay
4156s down
4157s all right
4160s thank you
4165s myself got one energy spear there
4177s that one
4179s across two yeah
4187s there we go
4190s we get some nice fun stuff
4193s Rockets
4197s and pretty frog says gunship and Striker
4200s probably easiest ships to learn High
4202s Rift levels yeah I mean gunship to be
4204s fair it is uh quite an amazing piece of
4207s kit uh we've got another Mainframe
4209s component there by the way uh so that
4210s gives us the three we'll do those in a
4212s second
4213s just double checking that I've not
4215s missed anything in there
4219s uh yeah Junior uh yeah
4222s uh what is the benefit of the intuitive
4224s device yeah I know a bit of frog thank
4226s you very much for the answer on that it
4227s basically lets you use the device at a
4230s lower level it's almost like you uh your
4233s skill level allows you to be
4237s um very in tune with that kind of weapon
4239s or module
4241s uh well yeah we'll go with that we'll go
4243s with that right
4245s so oh hello
4249s I think we may just need to upgrade that
4254s uh I don't need that I'm not going to
4256s use a third bar so we'll shall dismantle
4259s that
4262s we've got the corrosion missiles we've
4263s got the homie missiles table I'm going
4265s to do I'm going to switch to them
4267s uh still keep the blast uh not gonna use
4270s the real gun
4271s so I've got these treats for us at seven
4273s as well
4277s that gunship is cheating I love it yeah
4279s right so again we're going to combine uh
4281s the three Mainframe components which
4283s will give us a Mainframe expansion we
4285s now if you see up above my head up there
4287s and we've got the two so that means we
4289s can anything with obviously more than
4291s one pit we can put that into now
4292s Firepower I still think is gonna be
4295s something that we need uh to be fair
4299s um yes
4301s I'm gonna put two in see it takes two so
4304s every pip if it's one it's one if it's
4306s two Pips then it takes two three etc etc
4309s so where yeah it's all good so what we
4312s unlocked now is the railgun
4314s secondaries we've got the rockets and
4316s then the modules we've got the core and
4319s The Shield
4320s okay
4324s right that's that opened up
4327s and let's head out of here
4329s oh hopefully we'll hit a little bit
4331s harder
4333s so let's go back to rodia two before we
4336s get jumped
4344s anything new on that third distractor
4350s hey Dax went down to the hangar a little
4352s bit more sentence
4354s of a legendary
4356s he means many tears and how do you get
4358s Mr something to do with the enemies uh
4362s well when you're in the riffs you'll
4363s earn tears of the Mad
4366s um from killing enemies and then you'll
4367s be able to spend them you'll have a
4369s modifier when you go into the rift to
4371s actually add
4373s um tears that's how you spend them and
4375s that will then uh improve your droplet
4377s it's kind of a currency to almost gamble
4380s a little bit with
4381s to guarantee a drop
4385s that's why I look at it anywhere
4393s it's interesting um if we have a look at
4396s uh let's see let's just resume just go
4398s back to the challenges there's several
4400s challenges obviously various regions
4402s have the challenges but
4404s is there any specific one
4407s um that you find is a real challenge
4410s that you thought I cannot do this it's
4413s going to take me ages to do what am I
4415s gonna do blah blah blah
4417s um there's one that um I think I've only
4419s ever done once and I think it was by
4421s accident that was destroy all the Amber
4422s plates on the bloodstar obviously
4425s but it can be done it can be done as I
4428s showed earlier when you're looking
4429s around the ship uh specifically in
4431s camera mode if you can ping off those
4434s specific parts that does help that does
4437s help
4444s so we're heading back heading back
4454s listen put this Fresco just popped up it
4458s just popped up
4474s there we go
4477s excellent you're back
4480s so close to fighting the ghost Fleet but
4482s there's one last distractor between us
4484s and that hive
4486s and it's located at the worst possible
4488s place palaemon's wound
4490s isn't that where the oakheart blew up a
4492s planet oh yeah probably right there only
4495s one orbital Fortress survived
4497s uh so yeah baby frog just said the early
4500s game uh of getting uh the destroy enemy
4503s past the 4K range
4505s um there you go how you doing good
4507s afternoon hello Vega welcome back
4509s welcome back good to see you uh so if
4511s you don't know Vigo and I think DD King
4513s as well
4514s um they are
4516s uh people from Alienware who you will
4519s see Eric on a Monday doing the streams
4521s in the afternoon here certainly here in
4523s the UK anyway
4525s um uh I think it's early morning for you
4527s guys uh over there so yeah DD King I
4530s believe is on the moderation team and
4532s then Vigo is the presenter who will
4534s hopefully have all the technical issues
4538s audio Especially You Gotta Love audio uh
4541s sorted out for next week uh always good
4542s streams to see uh Vigo flying around he
4546s gets distracted so what should we say
4548s it's like oh shiny I'm gonna go do that
4551s yeah but no uh he's enjoying the game if
4553s you want to see the player through and
4554s even if you want to win a key
4557s um or five there's five keys I believe
4559s every week then uh you pop along to
4563s those streams on a Monday
4565s so much to do indeed indeed
4569s yeah so we've got Alienware Vega over in
4572s the twitch chat currently uh and uh yeah
4574s they do have some wonderful gear we had
4576s uh some of the beastly machines uh
4579s monitors uh over in PAX East when we're
4581s showing off everspace just before we uh
4584s we launched the game and it they all
4587s performed performed flawlessly
4589s absolutely flawlessly we loved them we
4590s love them
4591s definitely definitely definitely
4593s definitely cool loved it right
4595s I think I'm gonna craft anything
4599s that Ultra Cannon needs to go so I'm
4600s just going to dismantle it that's gonna
4602s dismantle it there we're gone see ya bye
4604s yes because uh EMP myself
4608s the other decks clear the decks uh we've
4611s got some upgrades obviously it's seven
4612s and nine I'm just gonna point right into
4613s there because I'm not gonna be able to
4614s use that just yet but we did get that
4616s from that wonderful
4620s um bloodstar obviously earlier so uh
4623s we've got to go find uh yeah see seven
4626s it's not bad I'm gonna do that
4633s right let's jump let's get out of here
4641s and you've extended the streams two more
4644s weeks five Keys every week giveaway nice
4646s okay so more chance to dive into the
4648s game if you've not already
4650s um
4652s easy way go watch the streams and an
4655s easy question at the end uh get involved
4657s in the giveaway and then you can be one
4659s of those lucky winners
4668s Alexander over on um YouTube you're
4671s saying that they're trying to complete
4672s the game without any Primary Weapons
4674s there are several main missions where
4676s you need to fire red buttons I can
4677s trigger them without firing
4679s oh that that's difficult that's
4681s difficult to do I love that people are
4682s trying all sorts of different ways
4684s different ways to try and do these uh
4686s the placement
4696s tough
4702s foreign
4711s weapons in first person view
4715s I am
4717s that would be uh amazing
4725s so yeah we're playing on the striker
4727s which is something that I've not flown
4730s before uh so it's an interesting one for
4732s me
4741s so I mean this is just an amazing
4748s it's amazing stuff
4760s some people like this music
4766s right ah BlueStar overseer thank you
4769s very much and what else have we got with
4771s you uh Alma's real all right
4775s come on you can go I'm having you
4777s serving
4781s check out this prospector meeting
4788s wow
4790s come on thanks do you biz
4795s [Music]
4802s keep you alive there we go we're going
4804s to do this stuff you know the dropping
4807s bits
4810s I feel like I'm just missing oh there we
4813s go yay
4814s hahaha
4816s you know the one I said that I don't
4818s tend to do about taking off the plates
4820s on the blood cell Rovers here yes
4822s we did it we did it I'll tell you what
4824s I'm gonna give myself a a round of
4826s applause
4829s I don't normally do that one
4834s usually takes me a while but he was
4835s because he was taking such a while to uh
4837s to die
4839s right
4840s I said another Prospect
4851s here
4856s wow
4863s your face
4871s can we know
4878s all right
4883s let's go hate that just go ahead
4886s oh hello thanks uh for turning up out
4890s well Destroyer
4898s all right let's take on the Destroyer
4900s now you can fly around these hitting
4903s them hard but if you see the pop-up on
4905s the vent at the side that's where you
4907s really want to be in and hammering
4909s because then they blow up fairly easily
4912s and he's gonna go boom boom any second
4915s oh
4928s so much stuff so much stuff
4938s good I want to see more of that of what
4941s exactly of us being still alive
4953s I leveled up she's good
4958s I was just trying to get away when he
4960s just hit me from behind there
4969s now we need to take that oh it's a bomb
4971s thrower
4979s come on give me the ball give me the
4981s ball throw it back oh
4988s you guys throw one no you know
4999s [Music]
5005s foreign
5020s [Music]
5052s nice stuff
5057s racing
5059s yeah check that out
5063s nope
5064s making that little liquor a bit of ramen
5067s nice
5071s right let's head back over here
5075s up some more stuff we still got the
5077s remainder of this base to take down
5081s fun stuff to keep picking up
5086s you really got it in you well I'm a
5088s prime ballista remember I believe I'm a
5091s ballerina but I guess in your case
5093s that's the same thing
5107s oh it's warm dude it's magic again
5115s recall that back
5118s all right
5130s stopping for this looks like I've got
5133s company
5134s damn it more of them
5148s it's hitting me huh
5150s I'm not a fan of
5164s your voice won't back up
5166s your drone
5169s it should relate to Target that so it's
5171s not
5176s come on oh really
5180s no way
5182s [Music]
5186s just don't let your guard down just yet
5189s I never do
5194s wow look up the rest of this stuff
5201s magic coils
5204s wow we've got friends in there
5207s all the stuff
5209s [Music]
5211s I have room for all this iron deposits
5213s as well
5216s all that in the way
5221s oh
5235s hell yeah
5236s see that marker that's the ghost Fleet
5238s right there yeah it's on the other side
5240s of the planet up for grabs for the whole
5243s system to see too we better hurry before
5246s the Scavengers start flocking nice
5249s well for this
5254s and I'm just gonna dismantly Bob that
5257s one
5259s [Music]
5264s you never know
5273s come here thank you
5276s bye
5280s something else underneath oh hello be
5282s careful about blowing them up
5285s good ending tears straight into the
5287s equation to the account
5290s right
5292s let's jump to the ghost feet
5300s right
5301s just pause uh just gonna check for any
5304s questions that might have come through
5308s uh pesky thank you very much yeah I'm
5309s enjoying blowing things up um I'm
5311s actually enjoying the Scout more than I
5312s thought I would uh it's very quick very
5314s very quick it's totally different
5316s um
5317s uh kind of gameplay uh for uh from a
5321s gunship for example
5328s excellent cool cool all right let's
5330s crack on
5332s so challenges new one is the advanced
5334s combat okay so that's in the data Tab
5336s and the challenges uh Advanced combat so
5339s destroy a missile with a flat Cannon
5341s relatively easy to do that well destroy
5343s and then be affected by three or more
5344s debuffs
5346s it depends on the ship
5347s um
5348s destroy five enemies in five seconds
5350s that's quite doable that's one I've
5352s struggled with destroy two drones with
5354s one mine
5356s that'll be a bit problematic but never
5358s mind right onwards we go
5362s [Music]
5364s it's time to find ourselves to hive
5367s I'll check the AI units of those ships
5369s and I'll keep watch for newcomers the
5372s longer we Linger The more trouble will
5374s come our way
5376s than about this place seems oddly
5378s familiar
5379s damn
5388s how was the room hello
5392s hello
5404s there we go
5409s that's going on
5414s right
5418s okay okay
5428s just came into those because I know if I
5430s don't I'm probably gonna fly into at
5432s least one of them
5434s and then that will
5436s blow me up somehow
5440s uh okay so
5443s okay
5445s oh you're hidden me out there right we
5446s need the uh energy sphere you've created
5450s I believe it's all the way back here
5455s where
5460s right they are units the terminal
5466s it's on the Frets that was no good
5477s that
5481s right so let's create a
5494s you know I find it very disorientating
5496s with it being so quick ship normally you
5499s know something on the less speedy
5503s let's see is this AI units
5507s pack the terminal
5510s The Hive self-destructed along with
5512s their vessels yeah the fleet was always
5514s stinky when it came to their hive Tech
5516s they didn't even give one to me
5518s something about this
5521s right oh
5529s right let's just take that out there
5532s break that down
5537s I think it's been dropping so much nice
5538s stuff it's been um problematic feels
5541s horribly wrong
5544s shouldn't be here
5549s wait that if we can
5557s you'll see what uh you can find over
5559s here
5562s on
5572s this is epically heavy
5576s I think
5578s forget such a light ship it's very
5581s difficult to move stuff
5591s yeah yeah
5597s we're running out of time here is one
5600s here I know it
5624s is
5629s thank you
5634s are you missing your little cell
5643s it's the gas mask
5645s [Music]
5650s is that a fact
5651s see all those red Fighters quite a few
5655s still have Pilots attached to them
5664s oh hello just dropped it damn it back
5666s here
5671s it's turned he just really he just
5676s wrong
5678s where are you where are you
5680s oh
5682s that's gonna be such a hefty thing to
5684s try and we get him can we get now
5686s probably not
5688s just getting drones
5693s why are we bounced off him come on there
5696s we go
5705s whoa hello
5707s could go in the party
5709s it's very nice of you have to drop in
5712s get in the way
5721s where are you
5728s finally it's very very close
5738s no point me actually trying to hit him
5739s with that we did quite a bit of damage
5741s there
5744s there we go oh
5748s that bastard had it coming I hate to
5751s break it to you Adam but this was a
5753s waste of time
5754s now I'm just gonna make sure that I grab
5757s some of this stuff to be fair
5759s there is no Hive here
5764s uh
5767s that will leave us a blast a dead end
5770s you're wrong there is one you said that
5773s before
5774s it's right over there so how can we know
5777s this all of a sudden yeah we'll see
5781s let's go
5782s let's head over there
5789s hmm
5791s when the gas mask said that no one ever
5793s left this place alive
5796s remembered
5798s hey grim because it was certainly true
5801s for me
5802s damn is that you in there
5805s yeah a Marauder shut down my thrusters
5808s hmm plundered my ship but didn't kill me
5810s had to wait until I ran out of oxygen
5813s for that
5815s man I'm sorry
5818s let's search this thing and never come
5820s back
5826s nice
5831s [Music]
5832s still active live buddy do you read me
5835s this is me Matlab in her Six Mile ball
5838s chunks sounds broken genitive on madam
5846s get rid of that don't want it
5848s maybe it's just a speech module it might
5851s still be able to override the jump gate
5852s meet me at Union Bridge so we can give
5854s it a try
5857s cool right we Are Gonna Fly
5869s it's actually a bright green but green
5871s screen Tech you know it's just like
5872s disappears
5874s friend of yours right yeah Maddox see
5877s the stars
5878s at Prescott Starbase
5881s Dax
5883s body we just found I saw it I felt like
5886s that was still me in there
5888s I remember dying so many times it's
5891s almost as if I never even had a life at
5893s all let me get your point it's been a
5895s long time since I served in the fleet
5897s but I still wonder if I could ever stop
5899s being a soldier
5901s for a guy like you who's been at War for
5904s multiple lifetimes but I do believe I
5906s know what you're thinking yeah yeah
5909s you're thinking it can't end like this
5913s like the the wheat and tricks and
5916s the lob signs crackle the sofa both are
5918s six that this Hive really works
5922s let's hope so five is hilarious
5942s thank you
5950s soon better sue me then
5962s [Music]
5970s so we're gonna I am just gonna dock
5972s properly
5974s [Music]
5979s ah let's just skip that
5982s I don't want to see them do you
5985s know nice
5986s let's just head away
5991s yeah good question is hive
5996s a um Advanced version of chat TV DPT
6002s okay
6006s okay so five
6007s What conflict here of wants and Minds
6010s scarf house luring Eagle Souls cut that
6013s out just open the gate for us you call
6016s on taxo General me maybe if I connect it
6020s directly to the key module I can force a
6022s link between it and the gate yeah it's
6024s worth a shot
6026s it's gonna dock
6028s you know Wonderful ship
6031s right so let's just sell some stuff uh
6035s nope
6037s no
6040s it's not too shabby
6042s uh use it
6047s stack there
6049s and
6053s yeah definitely look great
6062s there is that eat them
6069s [Music]
6071s things that we may use in the future
6076s room
6081s oh like a quick restock as you do let's
6084s just see if we've got anything else that
6086s we can customize but
6089s pull up Grizz there to use
6092s okay
6096s the edit
6099s I've got any of those yet haven't we
6101s get anymore
6115s Oh Black
6125s let's go connect
6135s [Music]
6138s I think it worked
6152s well here we are can't see I'm keen on
6156s seeing that bastard Maddox again but
6158s compared to all that he and I have been
6159s through to get this job on the way All
6161s That Remains is just a small nudge and
6164s will be made for life hell we'll live
6166s like Intergalactic royalty for
6168s generations to come good for you guys
6170s just don't
6176s yeah didn't want to keep talking about
6178s that
6180s I'm on you I already
6194s going wait over here
6198s here
6200s damn it he's repairing himself
6208s this is going haywire
6213s it's on tight I'm pulling you out
6218s we are going to skip that as well
6222s try Maddox no we're doing this together
6225s yeah right oh man this is why I hate
6230s plans if
6233s [Applause]
6235s [Laughter]
6248s there we go
6252s let's skip all that fancy schmancy bit
6254s there
6255s you want to you know give away too much
6260s just in case anybody who hasn't go that
6261s far I know a majority of people will
6263s have got past that point but obviously
6264s new players do come in and we don't want
6266s to you know spoil too much of the story
6268s uh especially early on because it does
6271s set the scene for them how everything
6272s else plays out so it's all good it's all
6275s good let's just have a quick check on
6277s there
6278s are we doing on that no that's good
6280s that's good and the data is not locking
6283s too shabby
6291s keep an eye on the town that that is
6292s gone so quick it's ridiculously quick
6297s so let's just jump out of here we'll
6300s head to Union gear again
6312s don't worry we are going to have a look
6314s at some screenshots and everything else
6317s people have been putting up this week
6319s over on the Discord the amazing shots
6322s that we're gonna run through so we'll
6324s definitely take a look at that
6327s issue
6337s actually suitably impressed
6339s Laurie's looking forward to the singing
6352s hey guys I have access and I'm going
6353s through okay watch your back over there
6359s yep they are certainly uh frog they're
6362s definitely on strike
6368s last time I saw them they were sat in
6369s the Tea Room eating custard creams and
6372s dunking them into their tea which is a
6374s travesty in itself
6398s okay okay I get it how are you handling
6402s your processes the Eterna update is
6405s taking most of my power
6406s wait oh wait wait wait wait don't do
6408s that override update update overwritten
6411s back to normal processes can I ask why
6414s you do not wish for the update
6416s we can't have the colonial authorities
6418s knowing where I am right now hive best
6420s keep this
6422s we have arrived
6426s it looks like I might have some
6427s immediate problems to take care of and
6429s I'll call Patrol
6431s you are aware that this system was
6432s released
6435s until now so long as you don't cause any
6437s trouble no the bloody clown yeah clone
6440s clone let's be fair
6448s oh no we've got Hive there he is one of
6451s all characters that he is so let's just
6454s jump on get Knocked Up The Craft you are
6457s piloting is unfamiliar uh Flory uh will
6460s the official soundtrack how also have
6462s Hive sequence in it like those two right
6464s now I want them raise ringtones for
6465s messages
6467s that would be cool I don't believe so I
6470s don't believe so
6471s well that would be cool getting woken up
6474s in the morning by hive
6477s that would be uh interesting
6484s Prescott Starbase
6489s and you tell me you're not an outlaw my
6492s protocols require me to initiate
6494s self-destruct
6495s four three two there is no self-destruct
6500s wishful thinking
6511s so the Outlaw's armed up does that mean
6514s G and B will too yes you will have to
6517s account for this when traversing the
6519s Sito system in future
6522s there we go
6524s just when you thought it was getting a
6527s little bit easy no we don't want to make
6529s it too easy we'll have it so that you
6532s get a little bit of
6535s struggle should you go back
6539s in these unknown signals are above my
6541s level before I have come here a little
6543s bit earlier
6545s it's gone
6548s could have put myself into a little bit
6549s of a quandary here
6551s further down the line
6557s I Prescott bar Starbucks is an amazing
6560s looking uh creation from the team and
6563s over the time of um
6566s optimization
6570s there it is
6576s purposed by Freelancers as part of the
6578s concession
6581s date
6590s this place is huge
6593s Parable to a mid-sized shopping malls
6596s appears to have gained of India of
6598s legitimacy
6603s okay the DMZ is changing hive
6605s it's late yep
6612s I'm just gonna get docked we're gonna
6614s find somewhere nice
6616s people about it all I know is that he's
6619s here and he's expecting Dax at a ramen
6621s noodle joint there is no Maddox listed
6624s in the local directory I can only
6626s suggest manually scouting the local s
6628s let me know that's what needs to be done
6634s so who do we have here a cup oh there we
6638s go right you wish you picked up but
6643s I'm just gonna hold up there uh that is
6645s our playthrough we're gonna just
6646s transition like how he does because
6648s we've got some wonderful screenshots to
6649s look through from a variety of people
6652s some Legends some Galactic photographers
6654s and uh some new people who have been
6657s putting the shots on to the Discord so
6659s just
6660s stay with me while I switch around and I
6663s should be back in a bit don't go nowhere
6691s momentos and we will be with you again
6693s we have a look at some screenshots from
6696s these wonderful peeps
6701s boot now oh look at that there we
6705s go it's good to see my own face I can't
6707s normally see my face all right
6709s so we're gonna have a look at some of
6711s these screenshots that have been posted
6712s on the Discord by you wonderful Pilots
6713s over the past week or so and uh
6718s hopefully you may spot one of yours uh
6721s but first up we've got one from stray
6724s with the uh
6726s uh I love the color scheme and I love
6728s the engines on this one and uh if you
6731s remember from the last time I did the
6733s streams in attic stead uh I always try
6735s and give a title to the screenshots when
6738s I see them
6739s um so I've done for for all of them uh
6742s that I've found uh and this one I pretty
6745s much
6746s right into the sun uh yeah you can
6749s imagine you just you know you're gonna
6750s get there you're going out for a you
6752s know a journey you don't know where
6754s you're gonna go but you're just heading
6755s towards the sun you're just gonna get
6756s there
6758s just you know take your time I think the
6760s clouds give a nice relaxing feeling
6762s you're gonna you know eternally burn to
6765s death in the middle of that hot sun you
6766s know but that's fine you know you'll get
6768s there eventually just wrecking along
6769s tracking on but uh a great start there
6772s from stray
6774s um bit of frog I think the orange
6775s engines would look better possibly
6777s possibly I think it's very subjective
6781s um your ships how you
6783s um dress them how you outfit them it's
6786s all subjective one person loves
6788s something some people somebody else is
6789s like no I prefer this uh you know that
6791s kind of thing so uh
6793s Rebel with the cause calls with a rebel
6795s yeah so yeah
6797s right into the sun there from Strayer um
6800s if they if you do actually name your um
6802s uh screenshot some people do then
6804s obviously we'll stick with that but a
6806s lot of them you know don't have a name
6807s so I just try and name them so next up
6809s we have
6811s uh this one is from high bath this was
6813s an amazing shot uh well done High bath
6816s uh love this one now if you're not aware
6821s and I think you can just about see it
6823s just in the middle of that
6825s um planet
6827s is a ship and it's in stealth
6830s uh it's very much
6832s um
6832s a a great composition uh very very
6836s thought uh but uh yeah this one's from
6839s high bath and I actually called it the
6840s stealthy Batman
6843s which was cool because you think of the
6846s symbol of Batman obviously being shown
6848s over Gotham City
6849s this is kind of a almost a reverse one
6851s you know they're kind of trying to hide
6853s it they're uh it's silhouetted by the
6856s planet behind and it does take quite a
6858s bit of time
6859s to uh to to do these things so high bath
6862s uh to be fair has been absolutely
6864s Plastering the Discord with the
6866s screenshots uh and we just have to dig
6868s through and just find those amazing ones
6870s and that is definitely uh one of those
6872s one of those definitely
6875s uh yeah MCS game just join the stream
6877s have a few questions first one does the
6878s game difficulty affect the wrist uh
6880s Bearded Frog I know you've mentioned it
6881s uh no it doesn't uh so yeah the riffs
6885s are affected by the lunacy uh in any of
6888s the tiers of the mad that you put into
6890s that as a gambling element as such so
6892s yes
6893s um the game difficulty whether you play
6895s on easy up to uh nightmare is not
6898s affecting the riffs
6901s uh so yeah that one's stealthy Batman
6903s from high bath so next up
6906s we have
6908s got chaos
6911s um now this one is from everspace one uh
6916s and I think the game stands up
6918s against uh test of time with how good it
6922s looks uh I do think it's an amazing game
6924s still now uh the wardens are
6927s interesting creatures to come up against
6930s um I'm sure if you've come Acro up
6932s across them you never space two as well
6933s uh you know how tough and difficult they
6936s can be uh every space one there can be a
6939s slightly different challenge so uh yeah
6942s uh MCS games is a function plan to lock
6945s item slots so that you don't actually
6946s sell and not at the moment
6949s um it'd be one of those nice to have but
6950s I don't think it's planned uh MCS gives
6953s you just need to be very careful
6955s just need to be very careful but yeah
6957s people do
6958s um it has been requested
6961s um anybody on the steam forums Etc knows
6964s that we can
6966s um we read a lot of the game suggestions
6969s the comments that get posted on there so
6971s we do obviously want to
6974s um look at things that you guys are
6975s requesting but who knows further down
6977s the line but um yeah we shall see we
6980s shall see uh so this one's data chaos
6984s um wonderful Galactic photographer over
6986s the Discord now this one I ever called
6988s sorry a bit of a play on upon bad pun
6991s you Warden Wanna Be There
6998s all right
7000s anyway moving on swiftly right
7005s this one is from kizor uh and this one
7009s it names itself above my head up there
7011s but I don't think it disappears uh and
7014s that is No Loot here uh so in various
7016s places you will stay you will see these
7018s little messages dotted around uh just to
7021s remind you
7022s but there's nothing there
7025s what is that
7027s would it be throwing you off who knows
7029s sometimes you just need to have a little
7031s look around a little look around yeah
7035s that one was from her uh yeah from well
7038s done
7038s nothing yeah exactly flory's like
7042s nothing there
7044s yeah see what are you talking about yeah
7048s sorry I can't help it sometimes right
7050s next up uh we have another one from high
7053s bath uh this one is uh GMB Elite fighter
7057s going head-to-head with his ship and
7060s I was trying to work out whether that
7062s GMB Elite fighter is just about to uh go
7066s into super light
7068s or if it was just making contact with
7071s the shield of his ship but either way
7075s um a great shot to get them so close and
7077s uh almost nudging away and uh that one
7081s I've actually called basically Head to
7082s Head uh the head on with each other
7085s bashing together
7088s um but yeah well well done High bath
7089s again for getting such an amazing shot
7091s uh sometimes you just gotta think out of
7094s the box and think what would be really
7095s really cool and positioning yourself in
7097s that place just grab that
7099s exactly what it is so YouTube chat's
7102s just coming along with all these
7103s different you wouldn't want to do that
7105s or I'm wardening you yeah Warden off
7108s yeah
7109s you give him an inch of the turkey mile
7112s right uh next up this one I loved for
7116s the Simplicity uh cool shot really cool
7119s shot and this comes from BW lambrecht uh
7123s one of uh a really good photographer in
7126s real life as well if you do see the
7128s hardware uh section uh he does post a
7131s lot of his shots that he takes as well
7133s as uh his gear as well as he use but uh
7137s this one
7138s um
7139s I've gone for 45 degrees of movement uh
7144s literally when I saw it it's just
7145s perfect really 45 degree angle
7148s going through I mean there's a bit of
7151s um things at Play I Believe maybe some
7153s soft focus on there as well but uh
7156s that is a good one I I do like it uh
7158s just for its Simplicity it doesn't have
7160s to be the most complex shot uh obviously
7162s it's uh it's just that top down
7164s flying fast 45 degree angle across the
7168s image uh but yeah well done to uh the B2
7171s wheeler lambrecht on that one now I know
7174s they've just arrived uh in the uh
7176s YouTube chat but this one is from
7179s Excel
7181s now that is a great shot and I believe
7184s uh that there may have a little bit of
7186s influence from a certain TV program
7190s uh that was shown a few years back
7194s uh called Battlestar Galactica now I
7196s remember the original and obviously then
7198s there was a remake in the early 2000s as
7200s well and
7202s um this one is uh he's titled the I've
7205s just called it Battlestar Galactica uh
7207s Viper launch
7209s because that is literally all I saw the
7212s if you ever saw the the original
7215s certainly as well
7217s um you had the effect
7220s of going through the the tunnel when
7222s they launched the ship so Excel I know
7224s you I think you're in the chat still on
7225s YouTube uh do let us know if that was
7228s your um
7230s um Creative Juice
7232s did it give you that inspiration was it
7234s Battlestar Galactica inspired because I
7236s I think it is and uh I'm fairly certain
7239s as well that that's what you were going
7240s for yup nailed it
7243s I did actually say that it was
7244s Battlestar Galactica and the Viper
7247s launch tube yeah very very good I think
7250s as well it's the archways at the top
7252s that kind of had the uh the helmet as
7255s well uh in the original series as well
7257s the helmets were very much in that
7260s uh ship but well done Excel uh love that
7264s shot well done on that see sometimes you
7266s just gotta take inspiration from
7267s something else and try and apply it into
7269s uh
7271s into the Everest two screenshots so that
7273s was Excel next up uh wizard Jerry
7277s uh again uh now this guy is an absolute
7280s Legend when it comes to uh
7283s mastering riffs you give them a
7286s challenge and they'll probably complete
7287s it and this one
7290s um I've actually named power of the Sith
7294s you can probably see why
7296s um
7298s probably not going to say much more on
7300s why I think that but there you go you
7301s know we get obviously we get inspiration
7303s from from many genres uh within the
7306s Sci-Fi world and uh that ship does look
7309s very much like that and when you've got
7310s the red uh weapon fire
7314s you know CIS power yeah you know it but
7317s uh wizard Jerry uh great shot loving it
7319s loving it well done well done uh next up
7325s himself and uh
7329s we did comment on this one already on
7331s the Discord and uh
7333s uh I did actually ask if this was taken
7336s in the UK and um
7338s it's kind of um
7341s I think I think it's a guild but if I
7343s remember correctly but yeah it's
7344s tricking it down with rain bad weather
7346s but my title for this was rainy days
7349s AKA British summer time
7353s so uh yeah great shots but I love the
7355s atmosphere of this one and it does look
7357s like a horrible deadly sea out there we
7360s know that there's a lot of
7362s uh ice in that place and you can get
7365s Frozen quite easily if you're not too
7367s careful but uh yeah a good shot on that
7370s one spook well done well done yeah the
7372s the image of light yeah very good point
7374s from Excel on that one uh yeah lovely uh
7377s voice of emissive light so uh that was
7381s spookmaster himself next up is one from
7385s kizor
7387s now when I first saw it and I saw the
7390s asteroids I was thinking is that ever
7392s space one but then I Show the ship
7394s designer thought no can't be
7396s um but I was trying to work out it's
7398s very clever like the rainbow effect
7400s around the explosion
7403s um which Drew my eye but then it I do
7406s like the ship design as well I love the
7408s emissive lights uh and obviously the
7409s yellow on the engines but then you've
7411s got the uh the white thrusters as well
7414s uh very very good kizor uh now this one
7417s uh I was struggling a little bit with
7418s the name for this one if I'm honest but
7421s um I just I nearly said Ice Ice Baby but
7424s that was really cheesy you know
7427s I go ice but so I just went ice ice boom
7429s instead because there's ice everywhere
7431s there's ice ice and then boom so we're a
7434s very good kids are loving it uh we've
7436s got a new user uh who has entered The
7439s Fray and um posted a couple of wonderful
7442s screenshots but this one I particularly
7444s liked uh and this one is from RDX now
7448s it kind of did tend to just a good name
7452s on this one and uh it was Ride the
7455s Lightning you can see that uh wonderful
7457s lightning strike zipping through
7461s um uh but I love in the atmosphere in
7463s the background the the red contrasting
7465s against the background uh of the planet
7468s and obviously the ship as well you see
7470s the ship you're drawn by the uh the
7473s lightning strike and then the explosion
7475s as well that is
7478s good good good so uh uh and there seems
7481s to be a lot of loot just popped out of
7483s that whatever's just gone boom so yeah
7486s that's uh very very nice so uh RDX good
7488s first shot that we've shown very
7490s impressive I'm liking that one a lot
7492s liking that one a lot uh
7495s uh Excelsior I have a question regarding
7497s random locations to kill why is there no
7499s software happening in Randall question
7501s when uh within the in a flare Zone
7505s oh I'd have to get back to you on that
7507s one Excel I don't know if that was just
7508s a design Choice
7510s um
7512s uh obviously we know that the inner
7514s flare zone for some people can be
7516s problematic in terms of performance uh
7519s which the team are working you know
7520s working on
7522s um so it'd be interesting to uh to find
7526s out on that so yeah uh put it up on um
7529s ask rfg and we'll see uh if we get an
7532s answer for you on that one
7533s uh so next up is one from high bath
7537s again now this one I I was like what
7542s I'm very confused with this screenshot
7544s uh don't worry babe we're still going
7548s we're still going don't don't worry I'm
7550s not gonna end it yeah I've still got a
7551s few more screenshots to get through
7552s um but this one the atmosphere on this
7555s shot was uh was amazing
7558s that
7560s obviously you barely see this here uh if
7563s my finger disappears away you barely see
7566s the uh the station and you see all the
7569s action but your eyes are just drawn to
7571s that ethereal planet
7574s really very strange
7577s um so I've been intrigued to find out
7578s where that was actually taken but uh
7580s High bath again did a wonderful shot on
7583s that one and uh this one I actually
7585s called Ghost Moon
7587s and I don't think it'd look out of place
7588s in something like destiny
7590s uh so yeah I went for Ghost Moon on this
7592s one uh because it just looked like some
7594s ghostly apparitions on that Moon surface
7597s very strange but uh really does it look
7600s like artwork it really does quite
7602s baffling it's almost like somebody's uh
7604s posterized it but yeah it's very very
7606s good well done hi buff uh next up
7608s another new one I had not seen before
7610s again very much in the vein of um a
7614s certain very large uh sci-fi um IP uh
7618s but I just love the contrast of the
7621s I think I'm trying to think of whether
7623s that's the same engine color as what I
7625s had uh for my ship but a very raspberry
7629s pink
7630s um very vibrant and that one
7633s um I just went it's not Star Wars
7638s no matter what you think uh but yeah a
7641s great shot but again it just shows the
7643s influence uh of uh
7646s um an excellent uh yeah quite right
7648s there uh frog
7650s um
7651s very nicely looking uh Good Ship
7653s blasting one brat yeah but it's
7656s definitely not Star Wars I don't know
7658s where you're getting it from definitely
7659s not Star Wars
7661s uh next up uh because we've got a couple
7663s more to just whiz through uh this one I
7665s believe again is from everspace one uh
7668s we're getting a lot of love for the um
7670s environments on overspace one because
7672s again it's still a fantastic looking
7673s game and why not uh we'd love to see
7675s them uh we'd love to see them posted up
7677s on the uh
7679s um the channel as well so please please
7681s if you do still play through everspace
7683s one get some of those screenshots posted
7686s up now this one is from dark chaos and
7689s um
7691s what more can you say the volumetrics
7693s are wonderful the depth with the planet
7695s of the background amazing and literally
7698s I just went for dust to dust on this one
7701s I was thinking ashes to ashes but I
7703s thought no we'll just go duster dust
7704s because it looks Dusty you know like a
7707s Sandy environment almost like a desert
7709s style you know but we'll
7711s yeah people are people coming with all
7714s different names for uh things definitely
7716s not no it's War Styles this definitely
7718s war stars yeah definitely more stars but
7720s uh yeah that is a great shot from dark
7722s chaos uh back to a shot from Wizard
7725s Jerry
7726s the the this one um you kind of want to
7729s get out of there quick uh because I
7731s think you're gonna get uh your daddy air
7733s is gonna get cooked if you're not very
7736s careful on this one with the Jerry but
7738s uh a great shot uh just trying to escape
7740s that massive explosion uh I'm not
7743s entirely sure where you took the shot
7744s but um that's looking hot uh now this
7747s one I actually called Flame Rider
7750s because you've got some cooking behind
7752s you that you need to get out of there
7754s definitely uh and you'll be cooking if
7756s you're not using that uh that boost and
7759s getting out of there quick
7760s but great shot from uh was Jerry and
7764s then finally uh just a bit of funsies on
7766s this one from the chemical bro and if
7768s you've not seen it this is not a real
7771s thing I will preface that before anybody
7773s gets excited
7775s and I couldn't remember if we're
7777s actually showing it on the previous
7778s streams with Eric uh but this is a
7781s mock-up this is Fan Art of a pop vinyl
7784s forever Space 2 of Adam Roslin so uh
7787s yeah uh amazing uh whoever did it uh but
7792s uh thanks very much chemical bro for
7793s sharing that with us as a bit of fan art
7796s uh that is uh very very cool so
7801s people will be like yeah I want one of
7804s those very very cool I love it yeah we
7806s want merch yes yes but again this just
7809s to just to reassure it before anybody
7810s gets excited is not real we're not you
7813s know tidying with Papa uh pop vinyl or
7815s anything like that so uh as much as we'd
7817s love to see something like that yeah
7819s it's not not in the plans so uh yeah
7825s I looked to see if it was real
7827s people oh dear Michael I think people
7830s will be after this left right it's gonna
7832s be uh uh be on many desks on top of many
7835s PCs I think it'd be very very cool as
7837s well but uh yeah uh so uh yeah that's
7840s all the screenshots for the time being
7843s um right we are way way over time uh as
7846s always but um
7848s it's always good it's gone so quick uh
7850s thank you very much as always I know
7852s obviously uh we were able to fly through
7854s so many more questions when uh when
7856s Eric's here uh but suddenly you just had
7858s to take some personal time off he has
7860s been in the chat on and off uh keeping
7862s an eye on everything but if you do have
7863s any questions that need to still be
7865s asked please do stick them up on the
7867s Discord on the ask rfg Channel and we'll
7870s try and get through them uh and get
7872s answers for you if we don't know them
7874s already so wizard Jerry's like take my
7877s money they want the pop vinyl they want
7879s the pop vinyl so uh
7881s uh yeah please do join us on the Discord
7884s um enjoy the game if you do find any
7886s more bugs
7887s um we're hoping we've Crush most of the
7889s major ones
7890s um then do get the bug reports posted up
7892s on the steam it is always always welcome
7895s we might not be able to reply to
7897s everything
7898s um it's something that we do try to do
7900s uh but do please note that we are uh
7903s reading them and then we're passing on
7904s the details as necessary so um
7907s we'll be back next week hopefully Eric
7909s will be with us for that one uh I hope
7911s you can join us we're way over time uh
7913s but uh
7914s in the meantime I shall bid you ajia
7916s we'll see you in the next one
7919s Doodles for now
7950s thank you
7955s foreign
7964s okay every week Eric does his beatboxing
7966s I'll tell you now I'm not gonna beatbox
7969s people think I can sing I can't sing so
7972s there's not gonna be any singing however
7974s just as a little treat because I don't
7975s get to do this very often because Eric's
7977s usually the the host of the show
7980s we've got a little bit of word smithery
7983s for you uh which I wrote this afternoon
7985s I thought I'm doing this dream so why
7987s not well let's have a little bit of
7988s words mystery and to hope you can enjoy
7990s this just for a little bit of funsies
7995s gay crap
7996s sorry I think you've missed a letter out
7999s there
8001s so there's a bit of Works mystery it's
8003s not singing but I hope you enjoy anyway
8007s flying through the belter grades in
8010s colors quite flamboyant we sometimes
8012s wish we weren't so flashy some would say
8015s our style is trashy
8017s could this be a spoiler that Adam is a
8021s clone we're sure a bovine character
8023s would not let that be known
8026s Dax a legend in kayaking was taken far
8030s too soon we wish he'd stuck around for
8032s longer but oops his ship went boom
8036s friends will come and friends will go
8038s we're certain of that fact one mammalian
8041s flies in with noodles but soon he's gone
8044s with a clip of toodles
8047s spend your credits wisely now as you
8050s travel through space and time
8052s not forgetting kill GMB well that's a
8056s lucrative crime
8057s my friends I've tarried far too long and
8061s leave you with this plea use your alt
8064s they're great to see you'll find it
8066s under G
8070s doodles
8089s [Music]