over 1 year ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
22s [Music]
58s [Applause]
62s [Music]
73s [Music]
86s [Music]
94s [Music]
120s [Music]
138s oh my gosh okay hang on i have to pause
140s the i have to pause the pseudo travel
142s music for a second oh my gosh i just
144s want to mention uh hello arobagami uh
147s welcome to the stream i was uh hanging
149s out in yours your first time playthrough
152s that was me hi you're going to see my
154s face here in a little bit
156s but great gameplay by the way for a
158s newcomer very cool very cool glad you
160s can make it music's coming back on uh
163s and we will be getting started in about
164s threeish minutes
169s [Music]
174s [Music]
177s i love sneaking into streams where
180s people don't know i'm a dev
191s [Music]
209s [Music]
214s [Music]
225s [Music]
230s [Applause]
231s [Music]
248s [Music]
254s [Music]
286s [Music]
289s all right i think i think we've waited
291s long enough i know we're technically
293s slightly early but you know that's
295s that's just kind of the nature of it
296s sometimes
298s that's just kind of the nature of it
299s sometimes welcome ladies and gentlemen i
302s am your host eric schroeder your
304s community ambassador for rockfish games
307s your guide your servant through all
309s things everspace 2 related oh my
311s goodness we've got another fun little
313s day for you and of course if you are new
316s to the stream i'm going to be answering
318s your questions through the entirety of
319s this bad boy okay so if you have any
321s thoughts any questions about everspace 2
324s and its development you know shoot them
326s at me if you have suggestions that's
329s different we're not going to be having
330s like conversations about suggestions you
332s might have those would go to the forums
334s the steam forums would be a great place
335s for that
336s but otherwise uh yeah let's have a
338s conversation let's discuss the game
340s while i show you some cool new stuff
342s that's in the works you may even notice
345s like right out of the gates like looking
346s at the text on the left side that looks
349s it's a little different it's slightly
351s different yeah we're going through we
352s are tweaking ui elements for consistency
356s we're gonna keep it at that we're making
357s things more consistent
359s it's not that deep okay cool
361s so uh yeah if any of you guys have
363s questions just go ahead and shoot them
365s and uh geekbite one of our mods and
367s another community manager he is going to
369s be helping you out and catalog those so
372s they won't get lost
373s i will answer every single
376s one of your questions oh man that sounds
378s i feel like i just pinned myself against
380s the ball wall by saying that but
382s i digress all right so we're gonna get
384s started with a build uh that comes from
387s our community actually
390s we're starting with a build that comes
391s from our community this is this
393s incredibly experimental this first time
395s i'm doing this i don't even know if this
397s is going to be a thing or not i kind of
399s want it to be
400s because i've seen you guys posting
402s youtube videos of like
404s how you combine certain elements in in
406s your play styles and whatnot it's it's
408s fun it's actually really cool and i get
411s kind of stuck in my own play style so
412s much that when i try to branch out i
414s kind of suck at them like the vindicator
417s so um so the first one that we're
419s actually launching into we're going to
420s start with jared he had this stinger
423s build
424s um that uses
426s face off
428s what like i've never i've never seen
431s anybody use face off for the teleporter
433s device and i was so intrigued by this
435s there was this discussion and people
436s were saying like oh yeah you know when
438s you use telepath porter you use this mod
440s or that mod because it's clearly the
442s best and the jared swoops and he's like
444s objection
446s face off
447s is probably the most op
450s and explains why for his particular play
452s style of course right
454s and i want to show this off because i
456s was playing around with it myself and
459s it's good
460s it feels really good i so yeah so we're
463s going to be flying in with his uh his
465s stinger build
467s and uh
468s i'm yeah so
471s jared if you're out there if you're
472s watching
474s know that this isn't a perfect
476s recreation but i kind of got the basic
478s steps right um obviously you don't have
482s cruise missiles yet because they don't
483s exist in your build i tried to get the
485s coloration of your ship i stole it i
487s stole your ship from watching your video
489s i love the way you made this look though
491s i think it's a very beautiful ship
493s uh and what i also did is i have a
496s powerful beam laser and a calibrated
497s equalizer clearly we're only level 21
499s we're not level 25. we'll get there
503s uh but then we are more importantly
505s using these devices we've got the short
507s circuit emp generator we've got a
509s corrosion injector with mercy kill
511s which helps us focus fire our enemies
514s down this is very important
516s this build very much revolves around
518s focused on one particular target and
521s taking them down as fast as possible so
522s the corrosion injector and face off very
526s much helps on this front i'm very
528s impressed with it like you fly by an
530s enemy then you normally have to loop
531s around face i was like nah you just
533s instantly pop it you're focused you get
535s the kill pairs so well with mercy kill
538s which we'll show and then we also have
539s missile defense system i don't know what
541s mod he used on this one i'm choosing
543s retention because i like getting extra
545s missiles but that's that's basically
547s short of that one
549s so yeah that's what we're working with i
551s also kind of went with attributes to
553s give me more expertise so the hardpoint
555s duration lasts for almost twice as long
557s here and then firepower because you know
560s who doesn't want to have better
561s firepower all right
563s so uh that's the build that we're
565s running
566s and uh yeah one other quick point before
569s we like truly dive in
572s if you think this is a cool concept let
575s me know not only in the chat but also in
577s the discord and
579s share your unique builds that you have
581s something that maybe is a little bit
582s more obscure or weird that people
584s haven't considered that people haven't
586s played that you think you can capitalize
589s on it because of a unique situation or
591s or place file that you've discovered uh
594s we love to see that type of stuff and if
596s we like it so much we might even do
598s something like what i'm doing right now
599s and play the freaking thing in a live
602s stream so all right so in order to test
604s this bad boy we are going to go
607s to a particular high risk area i kind of
609s rolled a couple different ones but the
611s reason i got this one in particular is
613s because this kind of needs a focus
616s of killing enemies down one by one right
619s uh so
621s a little bit there could have been ones
622s that were better for it but whatever so
624s we have double trouble corrosive death
625s and strength and death so we have loot
628s quality plus
629s 160 percent
631s all right so that's
633s that's not small that's actually that's
635s pretty decent for a triple red it's
637s pretty decent for a triple red
639s and uh we're gonna just
641s try this build out
644s we'll see if uh
645s i'll show you how jared's build works
648s and then once we get through this a
650s little bit then we're on to uh fun new
652s things to show you
660s man
661s i am i'm looking for i like i just love
663s the way this ship looks too like it
665s pleases me when you guys have a nice
667s aesthetic
671s oh my gosh
672s [Music]
674s and yeah i'm a mouse and keyboard user
675s uh yeah it's what i've preferred for
678s like all my life it's just what i do all
680s right so let's get this build in motion
683s so to start things off we're just gonna
685s activate our missile defense system to
687s keep things nice and clear
690s [Music]
692s that was a that was a little bit more
693s dangerous than i probably wanted it to
695s be
699s all right look at that damage output oh
702s this is a perfect example
704s of how we kind of want to address a big
707s target
709s and get out of the range of those other
710s smaller targets those little bombers
712s look at that face-off just doing
714s absolute work for us
716s to focus fire the shots that we need to
718s take without losing our target
720s oh my gosh
723s and we get out of range of those oh my
724s gosh anything that could wreck a little
726s ship like us
728s how neat is that
732s makes me pretty happy honestly
736s never thought i'd be using face off but
738s it's
739s quite powerful
743s we can just turn around all these
745s enemies trailing behind us look at us
747s we're just focusing them down one after
749s another
750s not having to do loops or anything like
752s that isn't that incredible
760s it's it's silly how effective this is
763s and we keep on our target they just they
764s can't get away from us
767s oh what's that bomber what's that bomber
769s you're slow
770s uh-huh okay yeah well now i'm behind you
772s and you can't do anything about it oh my
774s gosh i i love this too much it feels
778s so good
783s jared thank you so much for this build i
785s never realized how much fun i would have
788s with face off
790s and how effective it would be
794s so good and look we're just we're just
796s stacking that damage that corrosive
798s damage with all these shots every time
800s it restarts
802s that very intense high pressured
806s single fire damage
807s can you tell i like this build guys
810s can you tell i like what i'm doing here
812s oh my gosh what a pleasure
816s very very clever putting this build
819s together
826s just always firing at something like
828s there's zero downtime i love it
837s [Music]
839s oh that sniper might be a problem though
841s we're gonna have to go focus them down
842s [Music]
843s oh we got we got lots of nasties over
846s here oh that's also a problem
849s no thank you hang on
854s all right all right let's centralize
857s your problem all right
858s let's focus fire the big boy
874s and then right back into the fray look
876s at that
881s it might not be any downtime for me but
883s it's also not any downtime for my foes
885s i just love it
887s and it works really well with the
888s stinger's heart point too because you
890s can maximize the duration
892s uh
893s by just staying in that fray right
896s oh whoops that was a bad teleport
900s very very clever build
912s i want to focus fire this guy down i
913s don't want to lose him
915s beautiful
916s what's also i think incredibly
918s impressive is that this conversation
920s kind of sparked from
922s a situation where we were talking a
924s little bit about
925s um controllers and keyboard users as
928s well
929s and jared he actually plays on a
932s controller
934s if i understand it correctly
937s so uh major kudos to him
941s for how he designs his build and then
943s capitalizes on all of it
946s because i for me personally like i just
949s i can't do controller
950s um
952s i just can't it's it's a little too
954s challenging for me
957s but i love it when i see it individuals
959s bring it all together it's pretty
960s stinking awesome
963s all right so
964s our foes are out now we got
966s boss is going to be coming in here in
967s just a moment i'm sure
973s please go away you're supposed to go
974s away oh it's my cop bob all right that's
976s still bugs
977s [Music]
979s bugs man early access
983s sometimes you get the weirdest things
985s happening
993s this i really want to just focus fire in
996s here destroy the missiles
1000s oh yeah that feels really good
1003s all right let's
1005s get rid of some of these drones behind
1007s us
1009s get out of the way of that guy oh gosh
1016s that's a little close
1022s get the sniper drones oh come on
1025s don't fail me now beam laser range
1027s there we go
1028s [Music]
1037s we're gonna cycle around for another
1039s pass oh yeah beautiful
1042s beautiful
1044s look at that we don't even have to worry
1046s about
1047s any sort of like alternate attack run
1049s because of the spacing we're given
1054s gosh this feels so good
1057s and boom just like that we've cleared a
1059s high-risk area
1062s just like that
1064s that was not very long
1067s that was not very long at all
1069s and then we get all these delicious
1071s goodies oh yeah
1073s oh my gosh but yeah
1075s super super cool what difficulty was i
1078s playing on that's a great question i was
1079s playing on very hard
1082s oh my gosh that is such a great little
1085s build so um uh big shout out uh here of
1089s course uh to
1091s uh jared who supplied this on the
1093s discord he had no idea this was going to
1094s happen by the way
1096s zero clue i don't even know if he's in
1098s the stream uh but yeah that was an
1101s absolute blast to play and i'm sure you
1103s could see just uh how effective
1107s utilizing something that maybe you
1108s haven't thought about yet uh really can
1111s be
1112s so don't underestimate face-off that
1114s teleporter can truly keep that focused
1116s fire
1117s into a single target dps
1120s oh i forgot to talk about the perks that
1122s i chose too but um i didn't really do
1124s anything crazy here it was just
1125s defensive massacre to keep my shield up
1127s then we had play it safe for you know
1129s using devices in the stinger like
1131s reducing the amount of damage that you
1132s take is always a good thing right then
1135s we also have critical hits have a 30
1137s chance to restore one alt good thing i
1139s used my ultimate there huh
1142s whatever anyway and then we also have
1144s excessive force uh to uh just do more
1147s damage while our shield's fully charged
1149s so kind of using this one to kind of
1151s pair with that so like trying to get
1152s kills quickly charge up my shield so if
1155s i did take any damage it would return
1156s back really fast then i would maximize
1159s damage by getting that extra 30
1161s bonus on it all right but yeah super
1164s super cool build thanks jared
1167s thanks jared whether you knew it or not
1170s that was awesome and
1172s i already saw you i was kind of like
1175s checking out the um
1177s the comments that you guys were having
1178s and it seems overall that you guys like
1180s the idea of us highlighting different
1182s builds so shoot
1184s i guess i'm going to do that
1186s oh e2 moto says i'm jared lol well
1188s welcome and thank you
1190s uh yeah you were honestly surprised not
1192s a lot of people used it yeah no um i
1194s kind of was too um i personally hadn't
1197s seen a lot of functionality to it in my
1199s play style so it's incredibly refreshing
1201s to see somebody who capitalized on that
1204s like just watching the video you shared
1206s over and over it was like dang this
1208s guy's got some shmoops
1210s and it uh yeah it spoke to me deeply
1213s which is why i wanted to show it
1215s but yeah so yeah i think um as this goes
1217s on you know guys continue to share your
1219s screenshots and whatnot uh in the
1220s discord and uh now start sharing your
1223s builds in that everspace 2 gameplay talk
1225s about why you have it built out the way
1227s you do talk about how you find it
1229s effective and uh
1231s i'll probably highlight one or two of
1233s them in the future it'll be fun
1236s very very good
1238s all right
1240s very very good
1242s all right so now in this next segment
1244s transition
1246s now we're moving into the section of new
1249s stuff
1251s so obviously you got a little taste of
1252s some ui i'm gonna just flash this screen
1255s to you okay and we're not gonna talk
1257s about it okay we're not gonna talk about
1259s it because i'm not technically supposed
1260s to show you yet but i don't care
1262s michael's not here so uh
1267s no no no it's it's it's probably fine
1270s anyway that's what i wanted to show you
1273s and maybe just kind of like do that and
1274s somebody could take a screenshot if they
1276s really wanted to and then we're just
1278s gonna you know then we're gonna go back
1279s to what we were doing uh let's see let's
1281s go to the shop
1283s um actually no let's go let's go to our
1286s inventory and talk a little bit about a
1288s couple other things
1290s because
1292s we
1293s i was following a little chain of
1295s conversations um
1297s both on the forums and then it also
1299s spawned up in the discord um and
1302s it was about the scout and its range and
1305s about collecting
1306s items at a really long range like you
1308s couldn't see them
1310s so
1311s keep that in mind as i answer some of
1313s those questions that have been asked in
1315s the stream thus far
1316s let's see we've got
1319s the first one from spoot knight some of
1321s the comments against faceoff's
1322s usefulness was how pointing directly at
1325s ships stop you early could it possibly
1326s be made where ship collision is ignored
1328s to better that use the mode's effect so
1330s spoon knight i love this question the
1332s reason why it operates the way that it
1334s does
1335s the reason why it operates the way that
1336s it does this for everyone of course
1339s if we allow the teleportation to breach
1343s any type of collision
1346s we are opening up a door
1348s for some tremendous error
1352s including but not limited to
1354s some remarkably cheeky and terrible
1359s interactions with
1361s your ship and an enemy ship especially
1363s say if it was larger and you could get
1364s stuck inside of it um we're opening up
1367s the door for problems with asteroid
1369s collisions and territories inside of
1372s them or like the floor anything like
1374s that where you could basically go
1375s through walls um it's
1378s unfortunately
1380s where we have established a
1384s stopping point for the device
1386s is you can't pass through stuff
1388s so while it does kind of make sense i
1391s get like where you teleport kind of like
1393s around i like that idea conceptually and
1397s even in execution i think that would be
1398s awesome it's just that coding wise
1401s that's going to create a number of
1402s errors unfortunately that we would then
1405s have to
1406s re-scrub because this has been a
1409s conversation internally before so um
1411s maybe it's something we can readdress
1413s again i'm not sure however i know that
1416s just changing that one little thing for
1418s this one device mode is unfortunately a
1421s bit more complicated than we would like
1423s it to be so great question sorry about
1425s the response because it's not what you
1427s guys want to hear but there you go
1431s um all right
1432s so
1434s i see a question about uh difference
1437s between firepowers um
1440s like about the attributes and we just um
1442s we just did a
1445s re-scrubbing between all of those
1447s figures and it is not in place yet but
1450s we are very much happy i will say this
1452s we're very happy with how we've
1453s rebalanced the
1455s attributes versus the equipment so that
1457s way the equipment is the most important
1459s thing as opposed to your attributes
1461s which are still important they're still
1462s valid uh but not nearly as much like
1466s your attributes like even at 1 510 you
1469s know only level 21 here and i don't have
1471s any mainframe expansions in here but
1474s at a mere
1475s 1510
1477s uh we have basically
1479s doubled over our damage right
1482s so
1483s that means that your equipment and what
1486s it's doing is going to be the most
1488s important source of damage
1491s and how you're stacking those attacks
1494s which this is actually a perfect
1495s transition into this build so let's talk
1497s about this build for a second and why
1498s this
1500s stacks so much damage
1502s because this is a ranger scout of course
1505s every single scout has the ranger
1507s special
1508s two percent increased damage per 100
1509s meters okay
1512s then we also have our expertise boosted
1515s up a bit here so the weapon range has
1517s increased further by 64.1
1520s and then we're using this railgun which
1522s at first glance the dps looks like
1524s absolute trash you're like wow really
1527s that's a garbage weapon i'm gonna show
1529s you why this is actually fantastically
1532s paired with this uh so that 750
1535s charge damage increase is very important
1537s here
1539s as well as
1541s um
1543s well that's that's really what it's
1544s about that's that's that's what it's
1545s about so keep that in mind with you know
1547s 100 meters every 100 meters we get two
1549s percent increase damage on top of that
1552s 750
1553s charge damage increase so like whatever
1555s the damage is fully charged just
1557s multiplies it by 750
1559s and it has a range of 3500
1563s but then we increase that further by 64
1566s so that is effectively uh
1568s math is hard
1571s uh 5 250-ish
1574s it's like 5250 range-ish
1577s it's still a little bit higher than that
1578s but still
1579s uh very long range a lot of bonus damage
1582s let's show this off
1584s let's show this off
1586s this is my little scout that could
1592s we got a couple targets over here
1594s beautiful
1597s we're gonna try it out on this elite
1601s which is now dead just straight it's
1603s gone
1606s we killed it
1608s it no longer exists we've got a frost
1610s shield drone now these this is kind of a
1612s waste of our
1613s you know sniping but
1616s that's okay and then we have this
1617s retaliator bomber kind of close
1620s but look at how much damage we still
1621s peeled off with one shot
1624s that's a lot of damage
1630s it's a lot of damage and look at this we
1633s are at we are at like over
1636s 3.5 kilometers and we started picking up
1638s this stuff on the radar what
1644s what
1645s that's that's a lot further than normal
1647s i wonder i wonder what's going on there
1648s well let me tell you about a new item
1651s that we have implemented into the game
1653s it is the prime sense
1655s observer
1656s this
1657s little device or rather sensor
1661s has enhanced loot range through subtle
1664s movement detection ideal for both prime
1666s sense approved salvage operations and
1669s unapproved
1670s in short any small little particulates
1673s that are floating around this thing
1675s picks up your loot range is
1677s massive
1679s look at that loot range through 3.8
1681s kilometers
1683s 3.8 kilometers that is
1686s huge in comparison to the other sensors
1689s okay uh however this takes a this takes
1692s a major dive in your resource range this
1696s is a level 21 mind you so like a lot of
1698s these stats have already been boosted up
1700s it's also a prototype so it's got a
1701s little bit more on top of that the
1703s resource range isn't even 500 meters
1708s so you have to get very close to
1710s resources to find them so you'd want to
1712s use this sensor if you're all about
1714s collecting that loot
1716s might not be the best for exploration
1719s so it depends on how you want to
1721s optimize now through this process we
1723s also did a little bit of tweaking to the
1725s other two sensors so the ship range on
1728s this one is average
1730s versus the standard uh the standard
1733s sensor has better the best ship range
1736s and then the
1737s peruser
1738s has the worst ship range but its
1741s resource range was further increased we
1744s actually bumped that up
1745s even more so uh maybe i'll grab one of
1748s those and be able to show you that that
1749s would have been nice to put in my
1750s inventory for the stream stream prepping
1753s is fun all right
1756s but yeah
1758s hopefully that's a pleasant surprise for
1760s a lot of you guys again this was a
1761s conversation in the discord and on the
1763s forums about
1765s loot detection range for our scout fans
1767s and uh from what i have been
1769s experiencing i very much value this
1772s sensor on the scout in particular
1774s it feels really nice
1778s the expertise on this thing what what
1780s are you talking about
1782s what's the problem
1784s what's the problem
1786s [Music]
1787s oh on the observer
1789s yeah the expertise um i can't remember
1792s um
1794s i think we were i'm not i wouldn't um i
1796s wouldn't look at that and be like oh
1798s yeah that's gonna totally be real i
1800s think we were experimenting with a
1801s unique trait for the observer that
1803s enhances the expertise specifically but
1806s that may or may not go so don't worry
1808s about that number just ignore that
1813s yeah so that may or may not be a thing
1815s can't guarantee that so uh just pretend
1817s uh
1818s there's nothing to see here pay no
1821s attention to the man behind the curtain
1835s all right
1839s so we are gonna head to a new place in
1841s drake that we haven't quite been to
1843s gonna show off this
1845s really powerful
1847s usage in this scout man also i don't
1849s know how many of you guys have these
1851s this wing type but i've slowly started
1853s to fall in love with it just because of
1855s those little engine lines
1858s am i a nerd i guess probably but man i
1861s love it i love that little detail those
1864s little wispy lines
1866s it makes me happy
1869s it makes me happy
1870s [Music]
1876s all right so this is the alpha draco
1878s claim um and we also have
1881s oh
1884s oh actually i'm gonna ask a question of
1886s my team real quick hopefully i can catch
1888s someone
1889s hopefully i can catch someone uh because
1892s i forgot to ask this before the stream
1893s hang on everybody let's just take a
1895s moment
1896s and just uh you know sit with me here
1899s as i very awkwardly uh scroll through
1902s the previous conversations to see if
1903s something's ready to show or not
1905s uh
1909s oh my gosh
1913s uh let's see
1917s just just no big deal guys everything's
1919s totally fine and the stream was
1921s perfectly prepared as always okay so
1924s there's no there's nothing to worry
1926s about um
1929s so yeah i totally can't show this yet
1931s okay um
1934s well i can at least talk about it
1936s probably
1938s i hope
1939s cause i'm gonna all right so
1942s we are in this area
1945s we are gonna start doing things oh my
1947s gosh and we're too close we're already
1949s too close
1950s let's get away from you
1954s i do not like those little drones
1955s they're gonna they're really gonna burn
1957s us pun intended
1959s but they are very dangerous
1961s we seriously need to keep our range also
1963s our energy core is not the best
1966s so
1966s our weaponry is not going to recharge
1969s nearly as fast as we would desire it to
1973s oh gosh i love that insta kill though
1976s that's nice
1978s so yeah the idea here is that we just
1980s kill our opponents straight up outright
1982s without having to worry about them ever
1987s just like that oh my gosh that feels so
1990s good
1993s let's get the drone and then we'll get
1995s the bomber next
1999s he's got a shield
2002s so do we let's go
2012s get wrecked nerd all right
2017s cool all right
2023s a couple more drones over here no big
2024s deal
2026s and a scout oh let's get the scout out
2028s first
2029s see ya oh my gosh so satisfying so
2032s satisfying
2034s i've been practicing my aim too can you
2036s tell
2038s i did that just for you guys so you
2040s wouldn't watch a complete noob on a
2042s friday evening
2044s oh my gosh
2046s [Laughter]
2048s all right
2052s all righty so uh we are gonna have to
2054s take out some some bases oh my gosh
2056s let's take out that missile
2059s where's this turret i can't see the
2061s turret oh there you are
2075s okay all right just making sure i knew
2076s where it was firing
2083s was that a bug no no where it gives it
2085s to them it's a feature
2087s it's called um
2089s snipe bouncing
2091s it's just added
2094s interesting all right
2100s very very good has the objective always
2103s said hell ride oh my gosh kazaa shh
2107s quit telling people of things that i'm
2108s not supposed to talk about okay look all
2110s right here it is here's a light little
2112s response okay so races are getting
2114s updated
2116s races are getting updated there's more
2118s to come
2119s starting with
2121s a naming convention that's that's it
2122s that's it that's all the more i can say
2123s don't ask more questions okay yes you're
2125s very smart shut up all right
2132s very observant of you
2134s but that's legitimately oh gosh
2138s excuse me
2141s excuse me that's legitimately what i had
2142s to go poke and see if i can talk about
2143s yet nope or we're not quite there yet so
2145s sorry about that
2148s but yeah races will have names now
2153s the aim assist is not very reliable says
2155s laser head uh i kind of
2157s agree um i kind of agree we did actually
2160s do some tweaking on the
2162s the um aim assist i think even
2164s i think it was this summer update
2167s i could like check the notes but i'm
2169s lazy right now um pretty sure we
2171s actually adjusted it for like mouse so
2174s even if you're like really close it's
2175s still gonna hit the target
2177s um
2178s in regards to controllers that's
2180s basically the same which is that it's
2182s has a lot of pull so if you're using a
2184s controller and you're seeking auto aim
2186s it's quite effective all right so that
2188s was me blabbing a little bit sharing a
2189s couple new things you know with this
2191s prime sense observer hitting things at
2193s range we're going to keep exploring this
2194s location but let's go into a question
2197s segment
2198s because i love you guys i want to make
2199s sure that we are answering them
2202s we got slorine tetson any chance the alt
2205s system will change much love the striker
2207s not its ult a second option like with
2208s the passives would be nice um
2212s interesting so we included a second
2214s option
2215s uh oh you're talking about a second
2216s option with the alt
2218s i see uh no we're not planning on doing
2220s multiple alts for ships that's not that
2223s was never in the plan that's not gonna
2224s happen
2225s um i'm glad you love the straw striker
2227s it's unfortunately you don't like the
2228s alt we're actually really satisfied with
2230s where the alt is for the striker in fact
2232s in some cases we think it still needs to
2234s be nerfed a little bit more
2236s but that being said
2238s we're very happy with its position
2240s you might just uh
2242s it might just be one of those things
2243s where you just don't like it it's
2245s preferential and you got to find a
2247s better fit or find out a better way to
2249s utilize the striker um
2252s unfortunately so
2254s yeah but like our stats do not argue
2257s with us like in some cases the striker's
2259s alt is the be-all end-all in the game
2262s actually like it's it puts the arc 9000
2264s to shame so
2266s it's just a matter of how you use it
2267s it's a very situational ult
2269s it's a very situational ult
2272s uh another question we've got from
2274s thunder flame
2276s uh it is will we be able to lock items
2278s to prevent them from getting
2279s accidentally dismantled i've seen this
2280s question pop up a couple of times
2282s recently but no that's not in the plants
2285s um and i know that some of you would be
2287s like what that's bullcrap how can you
2289s not do that well honestly i feel like we
2291s have enough
2292s information conveyed here to help you
2295s know uh what you're using what you're
2297s not using all that type of stuff like i
2299s get how if you like try to change your
2301s value or your latest and you know you've
2303s got like three rail guns that are all
2305s uncommons that it could be easy to like
2308s lose it
2308s um but the idea was never to be where
2311s you're holding on to like all these
2313s different equipment items that you're
2314s swapping continually that was never in
2316s the plans um
2319s and as far as i know from the last
2322s little discussions that popped up based
2323s on these little questions about like can
2325s we lock equipment um
2327s that's also in that territory similar to
2330s um
2331s the remastering of the
2333s teleporter where you could bypass
2336s enemies like go directly through them
2337s it's actually a lot more work and a lot
2339s more complicated than uh what we
2342s understand it to be i don't i don't
2345s understand it if i'm being completely
2347s clear but creating a locking system on
2349s top of all the other systems whether
2351s it's storing whether it's destroying
2352s whether it's modifying whether it's
2353s crafting whether it's showing the level
2356s whether it's expanding the view like
2358s there's so many buttons already that are
2360s associated with this thing um we would
2362s have to either reconfigure our button
2364s layout
2365s and not just for keyboards but also be
2367s mindful of the limited number of buttons
2368s on a controller um that it's just not
2371s something that we feel is very
2372s worthwhile to the game
2374s if i'm wrong in that front and like a
2377s billion people go charging into the
2379s forms being like fix this debs you suck
2381s eggs uh maybe we'll consider it but as
2384s of right now it's it's not in the plants
2386s right now it's not in the plants um all
2389s right
2391s uh we have another one from bearded frog
2394s after this one then actually let's do
2396s let's do speed run speed run does this
2398s new loot range sensor affect the range
2399s your ship detects puzzle related items
2402s sort of if the puzzle-related item is
2404s free-floating yes also if it's not
2406s behind a wall if it's behind a wall no
2408s it cannot see through walls this is a
2410s very important distinction that we've
2412s made across the board you cannot see
2415s into the interiors of spaces you have to
2418s find the entrance and go in first and
2420s then you can start detecting stuff
2423s so good question
2424s t3 cube will the heat distortion from
2426s the engines be added later or is that
2428s the final design of the engine outputs i
2430s don't think that the team is currently
2432s uh
2433s satisfied
2435s with the heat distortion
2437s i think that we're doing another pass on
2439s that whenever we get to the aesthetics
2442s um
2444s pretty i say i think but i'm pretty
2446s confident that there's going to be
2446s another pass um if your regard if you're
2449s speaking in regards to like the heat
2450s distortion effect i know that we've seen
2453s a number of people also saying like man
2454s it's a little bit too much uh it's
2456s supposed to be you are
2458s burning
2460s it is a negative impact if you don't
2462s want the effect don't get burned we
2465s intentionally have it mess with you
2468s uh next question aruba gami
2471s welcome welcome uh is there going to be
2473s in-game markets with each place having
2475s different prices or is there already one
2478s we want to do that we want to do that um
2480s i love this question we've actually
2481s answered a number of times no big deal
2482s asking again it's great i love anybody
2484s and everybody coming to the streams uh
2486s but yeah for anyone who doesn't know
2487s we're not going to create like this
2488s massive dynamic
2490s market system of you know pricing and
2493s it's not going to be crazy like that but
2495s we would like there to be certain
2497s stations that desire certain products or
2499s goods over other ones so that if you
2502s capitalize on a market of you know
2504s resources that you could grab and sell
2506s or commodities from one place to another
2509s you could actually establish like trade
2511s routes and stuff like that that could
2513s benefit you now also keep in mind when
2515s i'm talking about this take it with a
2517s grain of salt the focal point of
2519s everspace 2 is that it's a looter
2521s shooter we're not trying to do some sort
2523s of space trucking gameplay here okay so
2526s when i'm talking about like this system
2528s in place this idea of trading it's going
2531s to be similar to what you already see
2533s where you're collecting stuff maybe
2535s you're buying something from a station
2537s you're literally flying over to another
2540s one spatial bypassing
2542s super lighting however you do it you're
2544s going there you're going into the
2545s inventory and you're selling it that's
2547s literally
2548s the depth that we're looking at here
2550s it's not going to be more complicated
2552s than that
2553s so hopefully that irons out that
2555s expectation i know we get that question
2556s a lot um but yeah it's not going to be
2559s like anything crazy dynamic
2561s all right next question we got two from
2563s brian brown so we'll go boom boom
2565s uh has he ever used the mineral mender
2567s outside of play testing purposes
2569s no i haven't i think that it's going to
2572s change and it absolutely is the worst
2574s consumable that you feel uh it's
2576s straight up it really is so we liked the
2579s idea in like in concept we were like oh
2581s that's kind of fun you can build your
2583s armor back up on in a pinch but then
2585s because it's so situational um yeah it
2587s kind of sucks so yeah we are going to be
2589s looking at adjusting the mineral mender
2591s in some way shape or form
2594s and then the mineral mender by the way
2596s repairs ten percent of armor each
2598s mineral mine but destroys them
2599s regardless of whether your arm is full
2600s yeah don't don't worry about the
2602s intricacies of that mineral mender will
2604s be readdressed in some way shape or form
2606s yep
2607s uh i got i'm gonna do three more
2609s questions and then we are going back
2610s into the stream so thank you for holding
2612s down the fort as i'm going through this
2613s question answer format we've got uh fins
2616s will race's best silver gold platinum
2619s times be added to player stats in game i
2622s don't
2623s know
2624s that's a really good question though
2628s i want to say that we wanted to have
2630s some sort of in-game recognition for
2632s race times and whatnot um
2636s you know everyone everyone needs to have
2638s their own little personal
2640s yay moments
2641s and i do think that was something we uh
2644s we've at least talked about internally
2646s whether those are going to reach
2648s fruition or not
2650s um i'm going to have to follow back up
2651s with you about i don't know i mean i
2654s feel like the dream which is not going
2655s to happen but i also want to throw this
2657s out there to curb the expectations okay
2659s the dream
2660s would be that
2662s there's like an online leaderboard with
2664s every single race and you do a race and
2666s you can see like the top person and you
2668s know where everyone else is at maybe on
2669s your friends list stuff like that you
2671s can compete with your friends that's the
2673s dream but of course we are drm free we
2677s we can be played completely offline we
2679s have no need of you having to do any
2681s sort of online interactions and we don't
2682s have any type of multiplayer support
2684s even from that base level of connecting
2687s to
2689s esteem like your steam online account so
2692s yeah that's not going to happen i want
2694s to curb that expectation right now
2696s um but yeah there will probably be a
2699s couple more things added to the races
2701s because they're being adjusted right now
2704s awesome okay
2708s two more questions and then i'm going
2709s back to gameplay are there any future
2711s plans for trading economy i think i we
2714s answered that right
2716s we covered that
2719s kilted ninja are you good with the
2720s response that you heard earlier was that
2724s i'll make sure you you got it
2727s excuse me for my coughs by the way
2729s i've been fighting something fierce for
2730s like the last
2732s two months gosh spit in my throat get
2735s out
2737s very much okay good good let's make sure
2739s you're covered
2740s glad to hear it what is your favorite
2742s feature that will probably
2744s will not probably be implemented in the
2746s 1.0 release
2747s um from gregory martinez
2751s your favorite feature that will not
2753s probably
2755s that will probably not be implemented is
2757s that is that what you're
2759s i'll make sure i understand well i i
2761s couldn't tell you
2763s because
2766s spoilers probably
2768s um
2770s was your i'm going to read this one more
2772s time and make sure my brain is
2773s processing accordingly what is your
2774s favorite feature that will not probably
2776s to implement it in 1.0 release
2780s um
2785s i think
2789s that's too hard to say i think once we
2791s get more to a completed in-game state
2793s like this fall i think we'll be able to
2795s tell way more about the things that i've
2798s been enjoying and the things that i
2800s haven't been enjoying and you know
2802s pleasantly enough the things i haven't
2803s been enjoying are also getting
2805s reformatted and adjusted but
2808s uh yeah there's there's a lot more that
2810s we can open up on that front because we
2812s haven't even gotten to the end game like
2814s it blows my mind how many of you guys
2816s out there i mean i guess it shouldn't
2817s blow my mind
2819s but
2821s it is
2822s an interesting observation i've made
2826s and how in the current
2829s space of everspace 2
2831s the end game content is the high risk
2833s areas which you know is just a product
2836s of you know where development lies
2840s but it's not going to be the in-game
2843s content
2844s it's going to be part of it like you can
2846s do high-risk areas in the in-game if you
2848s want to
2850s but
2851s your primary source of in-game content
2853s is straight up going to be these ancient
2854s riffs that we are working on
2857s for the fall
2859s update
2862s and while we are getting ever closer to
2865s opening the doors for that discussion
2867s and what that looks like
2869s i still have to pull him close whoop
2871s nope we can't go there yet
2874s we can't go there just quite yet
2878s but i will say that
2880s the internal discussions surrounding
2882s what those look like and the challenge
2883s that
2884s it presents like anyone out there who
2887s has ever been like
2889s talking about difficulty in any capacity
2891s whatsoever i think that you'll be
2893s pleasantly uh you'll be pleased to know
2897s that we are taking in a lot of
2898s consideration to the challenge factor
2903s of these ancient rifts okay like they're
2906s not going to be some sort of walk in the
2908s park
2909s unless
2911s you want them to be very intentionally
2914s and you know based on those sort of
2916s factors but otherwise
2918s they are meant to be incredibly
2920s challenging
2922s and so the process that we've been
2924s starting on that front has already been
2926s looking good
2927s so just know that that's around the
2929s corner
2931s oh gosh we're gonna we're gonna get
2933s burned here oh gosh
2936s we're gonna just uh
2938s run like a little scaredy
2951s there we go that's better
2954s i like it when the enemy's dead
2958s oh whoops slightly too close
2965s i wanted to see that beam laser won the
2966s world all right
2975s i mean it's not bad
2977s it's not really that good either
2979s all right
2982s see we got a secure container
2984s we got some cables that they go inside
2989s what do we do when we see cables
2992s how do we get to the cables
2995s i guess we'll have to like
2997s think about things
2999s i don't want to think right now
3001s that's asking too much
3004s that's asking too much
3008s i want to blow stuff up
3014s boom
3026s we are we are fighting way too close for
3028s our own good
3030s because this is a long range build i
3031s just i really like being aggressive
3033s just getting into the fray that's my
3034s play style right
3036s that's my personal play style i love the
3038s striker for example
3043s but this still has quite the effective
3046s abilities
3048s for those of you who love sniping things
3050s down like this this is actually kind of
3052s insane to me like
3055s just being able to
3057s relax and pot shot your foes
3061s like that's that's a lot of fun
3063s there's some pretty great satisfaction
3065s on that front
3068s even if it isn't fully my place now
3078s that's the end of that
3080s and the end of them
3083s yes
3084s excellent
3086s excellent
3091s fun fact when i was testing this build i
3093s thought oh man i want to see what this
3094s would be like if i got burned i flew
3096s through these mines and instantly died
3099s uh just a reminder that your structure
3101s can be important i have literally
3104s nothing enhancing my structure this is
3106s like the lowest it can possibly be at
3108s level 22.
3111s and uh when you're flying a light ship
3115s yeah it can actually hurt you a lot if
3117s you're uh if you're not paying attention
3121s all right
3124s uh do we have more questions
3127s do i see one more
3129s sneaking over and see what you guys are
3131s talking about
3133s [Music]
3136s okay so i see a couple comments let's
3138s let's just have like a little discussion
3140s here really quick
3141s um
3151s i think hang on i'm making sure that i'm
3154s following the conversations
3156s um do the modular ship parts have
3159s different hitboxes yes
3161s they do
3162s uh danuk 303 absolutely um and so the
3166s smaller ships are going to be a lot
3168s harder to hit just in general and then
3170s they also have better maneuverability
3172s making them further
3174s more challenging to hit
3176s and uh
3180s yeah
3182s so there you go
3184s oh yes i love these i love these power
3187s cores and stuff that are like at the end
3188s of these
3189s uh holes
3191s because you can't fit even these little
3194s these little guys don't quite fit but we
3196s can grab it like this and we can
3198s pull it through look at that isn't this
3200s fun
3201s i think this is fun
3203s i enjoy that
3205s you gotta use your brain ever so lightly
3210s to get things where you need them and we
3212s do that with the other one
3216s i know somebody
3218s got to this place they looked at where
3220s they were at and they were like how do i
3222s how do i do this
3223s also we we almost died by getting too
3226s close to that lava
3230s really want to put more emphasis on the
3232s fact that we could really use some
3233s structure
3237s but hey we found a peruser and i wanted
3239s to just like highlight the differences
3241s here
3243s just a quick difference from the
3245s perspective of the observer which we
3246s currently have okay
3248s the peruser look at that resource range
3251s if you are trying to like
3254s get all the resources filled out on your
3256s map and you're like dang this is taking
3258s too long i just want to find them boom
3260s the peruser is going to be such a
3262s delight for you because you're going to
3264s find those resources
3266s so fast
3267s okay if you are a completionist and you
3269s want to do that it's going to be your
3271s friend the peruser is your friend
3274s uh the standard sensor is kind of in
3277s between on all of these marks so you
3279s guys are aware so the standard sensor
3280s would be like in comparison to both of
3282s these to be like
3284s 4.5 for the ship range which loot range
3286s would be somewhere around like
3288s 2.3
3290s and its resource range would actually be
3292s closer to about um
3294s one kilometer
3296s the peruser's almost double that of the
3299s second best sensor so peruser is like
3301s everything resources
3306s oh here's the here's the standard sensor
3308s okay so standard sensor has the best
3310s ship range there you go
3312s that's the best ship range it's not the
3313s middle ground i'm glad we have one look
3316s at that
3317s that's the best ship range standard
3318s sensor like if you don't care about
3319s picking up loot or detecting resources
3322s as much you're gonna fly over to them
3323s whatever sensor standard sensor it's
3325s gonna got the optimal range but then
3327s you've got the observer which is
3329s fantastic for loot and you've got the
3331s peruser which is fantastic for resources
3332s there we go
3334s we i'm glad we found that
3339s all right
3344s let's pick up some resources
3350s i'm a little scared to go over there so
3352s thankfully we have tractor beam range
3354s increase
3357s as i feel any scout player should
3360s since you're usually blowing things away
3362s much further away from yourself
3365s also i think we're gonna
3368s we haven't been using this maybe what we
3369s need to do is just uh yeah we want to do
3372s nano transmitter we only have one oh my
3375s gosh well that's fine we'll work with
3377s what we got
3378s we'll work with what we got
3390s and get our health back
3392s i missed oh nuts well that's unfortunate
3397s that's when i really needed it and
3399s that's
3400s really sad all right
3405s all right see you later sorry no
3409s no thank you
3416s robin
3419s that that's a victory straight victory
3422s ramen victory
3427s very very good
3431s i hear you pinging me
3433s i know right where you're at too you're
3434s on the tip of this aren't you yes you
3436s are
3438s it's like the
3439s it's like the level was designed
3441s intentionally to lead our eyes there
3443s let's see uh
3447s we could probably do with the coil gun
3453s ah that's fine
3454s all right
3457s all right
3461s this place also has an interior space
3464s let me see if i can find it again oh
3465s wait are we there
3471s yeah we're right there
3474s if we don't die that is oh goodness
3477s gravy
3479s give me health please oh gosh
3481s please more health plea oh gosh all
3484s right
3487s hey eric
3489s why are you using
3490s the scout so close
3492s [Music]
3493s well probably because i'm an idiot
3495s that's why
3497s i gotta figure out where the turrets are
3499s goodness
3505s where are you at turrets
3522s we are using the um
3524s i believe it's called avenger
3527s mod on the front shield generator
3530s and that allows us to return the shots
3533s back to the cinder
3538s oh there you are there you are
3552s okay good good
3558s there should be one more
3565s two more oh my gosh
3568s all right well it's fine we'll get up
3569s close and personal
3570s me
3572s all right so there's also this new
3574s little thing that we added i believe
3576s starting in drake if you've never seen
3578s these before
3579s you can shoot your um your minds into
3583s them and it makes them explode
3587s and it ticks off the people who are on
3589s the base
3596s oh hi alec
3598s hey alec maybe we can talk about your
3599s new ship
3602s maybe we can talk about your cool new
3603s ship that you got
3606s maybe a little bit
3608s that's interesting
3610s that's neat look at that
3613s it's got flames on it
3615s i guess those are lightning bolts more
3616s than flames
3617s but they're red so you know all
3627s right right intermission over that was
3629s the shortest intermission ever also if
3631s you don't have mines and you're like
3632s well how the heck am i supposed to do
3634s this there's gas tanks nearby
3636s that you can grab
3637s and you can also chuck those in
3639s um now i think i blasted the only two
3641s spots that were
3643s on the space but there's always going to
3645s be a way in order to accomplish a task
3647s we just also want there to be more than
3649s just one way so you can toss mines in or
3652s you can throw gas tanks in right
3655s so you can use those to your advantage
3661s and now we can go in here
3664s after
3665s some more questions oh my gosh
3670s yeah and i i always play on very hard um
3673s especially when i think i am
3675s sometimes i'll load up a save and it's
3677s actually on normal and whoops uh but
3679s yeah for the most part i try to play on
3680s very hard just to kind of give you a
3682s sense of like
3683s the challenge level and the chaos that
3685s there can be while also still showing
3688s you that you can keep things under
3689s control at least to the best of my
3690s ability
3693s but obviously we will have more on the
3695s front of difficulty um
3698s both in the sense of the ease of it as
3701s well as the challenge
3704s all right so questions first one comes
3707s from flory will suppressors drones and
3710s stationary make their entrance in
3711s unknown signals
3714s uh currently they are not very present
3715s but normally outlaws should make signals
3716s to attract people and then hinder them
3718s to leave yes so this was something that
3719s we did originally like a long time ago
3722s and then we took it out because
3726s of some reason i think it was just
3728s because they were so dang annoying
3731s like
3732s like sincerely i think the reason we
3734s took them out like we had them and it
3736s was like oh yeah this makes sense
3738s because they're like trying to trap you
3739s down or whatever but then we were like
3741s it's kind of not fun
3743s we kind of we kind of made part of the
3744s game unfun and we so we we ended up
3747s taking them back out now that's not to
3748s say that we won't end up putting them
3750s back in again who knows um but where the
3753s game was at when we initially plugged
3755s them in whenever you like stopped at an
3757s unknown signal the outliers were jumping
3759s you and then there's a jump suppressor
3760s sitting off and who knows where going
3762s like oh you can't leave it was it was uh
3766s it was more frustrating than it was fun
3768s so yeah we pulled it back out
3770s so we'll see if that uh we'll see what
3772s happens with that but at the end of the
3774s day
3775s we want the game to be fun right
3778s and we want the challenges that are
3780s presented to feel like something you
3783s overcome as opposed to something that's
3785s like a chore or frustrating
3788s because this was it this was it okay
3790s whenever you were done fighting the
3792s group of outlaws in the cases that we
3794s had it then you had to go track down the
3796s jump suppressor
3798s which was just annoying because you're
3799s like i've already bested the foes why do
3801s i now have to go do this tarring little
3803s task of this zippy little drone that's
3805s running away so
3806s we would either have to reapproach the
3808s ai of those suppressors
3810s or we would need to just keep them
3812s removed so um yeah we have them in place
3815s for some story-centric elements for
3817s dialogue options stuff like that so we
3819s do have purposes for it but
3820s again it's gonna be that fun factor that
3822s we're looking out for will it be a boxed
3825s version for consoles asking for a friend
3826s there should be yeah we have the plan to
3829s have box version for consoles
3831s yep that question's from sloan t tetzen
3834s yeah yeah we very much should
3836s we did that for everspace one and we
3838s said we were going to in the kickstarter
3840s so if we didn't we would be uh we would
3842s be bad that would be naughty
3844s naughty rockfish
3846s uh will lackluster ship passes be
3848s reworked
3850s what a staged question from thunderflame
3858s hey will the bad parts of the game be
3861s made to be good uh you know um
3864s we're working on it that's definitely
3866s [Laughter]
3868s i mean you're gonna have to be more
3869s specific as to why you think the
3870s passives uh that you feel are bad are
3873s bad right um so that sounds like you
3876s would need to head over to the forums
3877s and kind of list out your thoughts if
3878s you haven't already i feel like there
3879s was actually a post recently about
3881s somebody cracking open passives but uh
3883s regardless uh it's it's a little bit
3886s hard to to
3888s dip in on that uh a little bit further i
3890s even know that you provided some
3891s examples here like the gunship 50
3893s percent repair cost reduction and 30
3895s drone damage um
3898s and different types shouldn't uh take up
3900s one of those passives you feel uh for
3902s the gunship um so you're hitting the
3904s gunship pretty hard i see when the
3906s gunship
3907s man they just inherently have a benefit
3909s of firing
3910s twice as many hard points um but yeah
3914s yeah we're definitely evaluating
3916s passives we're going to be adding more
3918s and we'll certainly refine some and
3920s maybe remove some
3921s for sure
3923s but we are overall though with my cheeky
3926s comments aside uh i do appreciate the
3928s question yeah we do aim to you know iron
3931s out the things that simply aren't as fun
3933s or they don't feel as good and make them
3934s better yeah for sure for sure
3938s uh brian brown asks the scorpion
3940s missiles teleport to the target and only
3941s do kinetic damage is it supposed to
3943s bypass shields with the teleport
3944s function no it's not supposed to bypass
3946s shields it's supposed to teleport onto
3949s the target and if they have a shields
3951s the shield blocks it so the shield
3953s blocks the teleport yep it's working as
3955s intended um i don't know if it was
3959s going to only do kinetic damage for the
3961s future but um
3963s but yeah that was intended and how it's
3965s only doing kinetic damage right now
3968s and then can i somehow cancel or pause
3970s adam's perk
3972s which enables alec i've seen this
3973s question before i actually want this to
3976s be added into the game i've even
3977s recommended it to the team
3979s um
3980s so for anybody who doesn't know alec
3981s he's such a delight he's so playful what
3983s a wonderful little furry guy he's he's
3986s great uh but sometimes he's a little bit
3988s much and you just want to do things on
3989s your own it's like stay away alec i want
3991s to do my own thing um
3993s so we do have that suggestion on our
3995s table
3996s whether we implement it or not it's kind
3998s of a toss-up um it's not a priority to
4001s implement because at the end of the day
4002s when alex shows up when you don't want
4004s him to
4005s it's still beneficial um but yeah we'll
4008s see we'll see what happens
4012s we'll see what happens
4014s it's dealing corrosive damage that
4016s should bypass oh yeah that's right the
4018s oh my gosh yes spoon night yes the
4020s kinetic damage is listed because
4023s corrosion is kinetic damage that
4025s bypasses shields oh my gosh so as an
4028s example a corrosive mine it only deals
4030s kinetic damage but if you hit a target
4031s with shields it eats through that
4033s doesn't care about the shield so that's
4035s a great point scoot knight
4037s sorry that was a
4041s in my defense
4042s i have none all right
4044s no baddies then i'm out yeah all right
4046s see you later alec yeah so this section
4049s i'm probably gonna die because we're
4051s gonna be super up close and personal to
4052s turrets that are gonna get the first
4053s shot on us
4055s uh but man i love this space
4058s because of just like the way it looks
4060s and how it feels wow we are taking a ton
4062s of damage
4064s you really got to play this scout from a
4066s distance man
4069s but i love how this is kind of like a
4071s it's a little bit maze-ish and if you
4074s get to the right sections you can open
4075s up more passages
4077s oh we are totally gonna die if we
4079s survive i'm gonna be mad impressed
4088s thank goodness for the shield i guess
4100s i think there's a
4102s i think there's a thing over here
4105s maybe oh i went backwards oh shoot all
4108s right
4111s let's try and find this
4115s there it is oh no nope nope that's not
4117s it uh which which passageway oh gosh
4119s dang it is this one
4121s is this the one we came in
4125s there it is there it is
4128s yes
4130s okay throw that door open i love it all
4132s right now we can get in here
4134s find more secrets like this thermogun
4136s and these corrosion mines
4138s also oh oh this is also kind of fun this
4141s ship
4142s is totally on fire
4144s and i
4145s think there's another one i want to you
4147s can actually see
4149s that it's
4150s authentically burning oh i love this
4151s cavern
4153s i love this cavern there's some there's
4154s some resources in here but um
4157s yeah so this shipwreck look it's got the
4159s burn effect
4161s it's just constantly burning
4165s ah i don't know why i love that so much
4167s but uh it feels good that that's there
4169s and it's happening
4172s all right let's go through here and then
4174s we can open this door look at that
4176s so now we have an alternate way that we
4178s can go through this space i love it
4186s super neat super cool
4190s all right there's still more secrets to
4192s be found here though as you can see we
4193s got the secure container that we didn't
4195s follow the cables because i'm being lazy
4198s also i want you guys to figure him out
4202s some of them are a bit more fun than
4203s others and i don't want to spoil all the
4205s fun
4206s let's be clear
4208s well that happened
4209s yes it did
4215s got too close my damage is coming down
4234s i don't know why but that just it hurts
4238s it hurts it hurts when you miss
4241s ah
4242s he survived with half a whole point
4245s that also hurts
4248s all right
4250s there we go grab our credits
4255s all right let's answer a couple more
4257s questions here i'll open up the
4258s inventory so you can kind of
4260s uh see if any of you haven't seen the
4262s cruise missiles these things are
4263s absolute beasts
4264s um which also pair incredibly well by
4268s the way with um
4270s the
4271s missile defense system and retention
4275s i've discovered recently
4277s very very good pairing
4280s so yeah
4282s but i digress so let's answer let's
4284s answer some questions
4286s you guys have been great today i love
4288s the questions i appreciate your
4289s discussions that you're having um
4292s you know there's a little bit over on
4294s youtube that i'm glad some of you guys
4295s are just ignoring that's always that's
4297s always good thank you for making
4298s moderation easier
4301s oh my gosh all right
4303s will we be able to switch around
4305s observers perusers regular sensors at
4307s will or will they be penalties i love
4309s this question this was something that i
4310s considered talking to hans christian
4312s about but i haven't brought up yet so
4313s the answer is
4315s i have no freaking idea thank you so
4317s much for coming to this very specific
4319s stream where we talk to you guys answer
4321s your questions very intensely very
4324s professionally and uh hope you come
4326s again uh yeah sincerely have no clue i'm
4329s sorry that's that's the legitimate
4330s answer so
4332s we don't mind that players are able to
4334s swap certain things out like in fact we
4336s made it easier for like the platings to
4338s be done in that regard right um because
4341s it doesn't feel good to find something
4342s new and then not be able to immediately
4344s use it now obviously we also made some
4347s implementations so that uh whenever you
4350s are trying to swap out weapons for
4352s example you don't immediately get to use
4354s those it has to charge up its energy
4356s first right so that way you can't hold
4358s on to literally nine different weapons
4360s and effectively are able to use them all
4362s instantaneously uh same thing with
4364s secondaries and consumables when you're
4366s in the heat of battle right as you can
4368s read up here um when you're in the heat
4370s of battle you have to wait 15 seconds
4372s max when you have this perks uh
4374s completely topped off
4376s so you can't just constantly be spamming
4378s missiles or you know you can't
4380s constantly be spamming consumables stuff
4382s of that nature um we want there to be
4385s some level of restriction um in regards
4387s to
4388s all of the modules uh including the
4391s plating for that matter it's been very
4393s much a system where you just kind of get
4395s the results once you swap it out um i
4398s think the shield's also gonna be tweaked
4401s in a similar way that the plating is so
4402s whatever so however much shield you have
4404s remaining if you swap another shield out
4406s it kind of starts where that's at as
4409s opposed to like refilling it uh maybe
4411s that's already been implemented i'm not
4412s 100 sure
4415s um so you can't like get cheeky with
4416s like holding on a bunch of shields and
4418s cycling them out right
4420s um but yeah so
4423s i don't know
4425s i said all of that to then just go right
4426s back and say i don't know i don't know
4427s if we'll have that sort of thing on the
4429s sensor i don't know if that's something
4431s we care too much about like do we care
4433s like if a player is being that cheeky
4435s and is like
4437s instituting a new meta where every
4439s single five seconds you pass the game to
4441s cycle out
4442s a new way to look around
4444s to maximize your ship loot and resource
4446s range like that's incredibly tedious and
4448s it's also kind of on you
4451s like if you want to do that
4453s should we restrict that
4457s the only reason we'd restrict it is so
4458s that it doesn't become
4460s tedious
4461s um
4464s i'm asking a rhetorical question here
4465s but
4466s in short um i don't know
4470s goodness
4472s that i don't know meter it's uh
4474s skyrocketed today all right next
4475s question
4477s next question then we'll get back to
4478s some gameplay arobagami again
4481s will there be primary rocket weapons at
4483s all weaker than secondary ones but still
4485s the ability to spam rockets so
4486s ironically enough in your stream i know
4488s that you did not like the umbra um the
4492s blasters are probably gonna be the
4493s closest thing you get to a primary
4496s missile uh because rapid fire missiles
4499s in that in that sense um or you could
4501s even consider the rail guns like a super
4503s long-range sniping missile that's weird
4505s no that doesn't work anyway no the short
4507s answer is no primary weapons are very
4509s distinct in regards to their energy and
4511s kinetic outputs um they are ammunition
4514s so that is the classification of a
4516s primary weapon your secondaries however
4519s um those are always going to be
4521s a projectile large projectile based good
4525s uh product however you want to put it
4527s that is being cast into space or
4530s planetside whatever uh to hit its target
4534s um so yeah there are distinct
4538s on that front but spamming rockets
4540s you're definitely going to enjoy the
4542s bomber once you make more progress in
4544s your game i think
4546s because it's all about spamming
4551s secondaries uh let me see i think that's
4554s i think we've caught up for the most
4556s part on questions so we'll get back into
4557s some more
4559s uh
4560s spoon knight says i'd love having the
4562s seeker battery in so that railgun is an
4564s unguided scorpion oh my gosh seeker
4567s missile batteries from everspace one
4569s those things were such a joy
4572s man
4574s yeah they were those are a lot of fun
4576s for sure
4577s yeah and
4578s as i have said multiple times we would
4581s love to bring back everything from
4583s everspace one and incorporate it into
4585s every space too we really would
4587s maybe the secret missile batteries on
4589s that list
4590s that would be
4591s amazing
4593s that would be super cool
4596s but i also can't guarantee anything at
4598s this time we're doing a lot of work
4601s already on the next system we're doing a
4603s lot of work already on ancient rifts
4605s we're doing a lot of work already on a
4608s bunch of other things that i can't talk
4609s about
4610s uh it's crazy
4611s i wonder how much trouble i would get if
4613s i started this i i want to
4616s but it's not worth it it's not worth my
4621s job so uh i think what we're going to do
4624s is we're going to head back to a base
4627s we're going to swap out ships for
4628s something else
4633s flying through asteroids
4638s change up our play style
4646s alright cool
4651s amazing super cool but not dope normally
4653s when i say that would be dope wouldn't
4655s it it's kind of actually code for saying
4657s yeah that's definitely coming
4660s i can't quite do that with um
4664s can't quite do that with all content
4665s yeah you know
4667s there's some stuff that we would like to
4668s incorporate but we just might not be
4670s able to
4672s that's the reality of it
4674s let's do a distress call why not
4676s one quick distress call
4693s all right here we go
4710s we'll just stay at range we'll just
4712s recharge slowly
4718s how dare they
4726s they got enough health they're fine
4728s they're fine
4731s what could possibly go wrong oh man look
4733s at all these goods
4740s uh he's he's taking a little bit more
4742s damage than he probably should all right
4744s okay okay
4747s oh gosh he's gonna oh oh goodness
4760s keep your shield down all right
4766s that's better much better
4769s out
4778s did the other guy blow up oh no
4781s we lost the other one
4784s i'm pretty sure that nobody in the
4786s history of ever has failed one of these
4788s distress calls and here i am in a live
4789s stream
4796s you're you're totally welcome
4799s sorry sorry about your brother
4804s all right
4808s beautiful all right
4815s it felt exciting
4817s it's actually not better
4820s oh we're going to hang on to our
4821s recharge booster
4824s we're going to check we're going to hang
4825s on to our recharge booster
4827s all right cool let's clean up our
4829s inventory a little bit uh we'll do that
4830s when we get back to base
4835s slow and steady doesn't win the defense
4836s mission yeah i know right who'd have
4838s thought
4838s we need help come support us okay i'll
4841s shoot them from way over here
4844s i've got you
4845s i'm gonna i'm blasting them i'm getting
4848s them
4849s i'll take them all out just hang tight
4854s not as effective
4855s as one would probably hope
4858s all right
4867s eric can find a way to fail i look over
4869s that's the comment that i see in the
4871s streams in the chat
4874s eric can find a way to fail oh my gosh
4877s i mean
4879s it's kind of a compliment though because
4881s uh you know especially when i started my
4883s roots in quality assurance testing
4886s i needed to find ways to fail that
4888s nobody else could i mean that it's
4891s spitting facts okay
4893s so
4894s so thank you
4896s i fail hard
4899s professional failer right here all right
4904s oh my gosh all right let's go ahead and
4907s clear out some of this inventory
4911s and oh we have a drake serial decoder
4914s i love it
4915s we got gmb allies
4918s that's fine that's fine
4920s that's fine we'll do it
4921s we'll do it anyway
4923s system recovery routine we're actually
4924s going to plop that on instead of the
4925s nano repair kit
4927s um and then let's just start clearing
4929s out some goods
4936s i'm going to scrap actually we're going
4937s to hang on to this sensor so we can talk
4939s about that more when people show up and
4940s they're like hey yo what gives also way
4943s better armor goodness than our level 18
4946s should probably replace my stuff a
4948s little bit more frequently
4960s i think we're gonna use this goss cannon
4967s and uh
4969s [Music]
4978s oh thermo gun
4982s we have all these other things i forgot
4984s to scroll down how dare i um
4996s almost done i promise i just got to
4998s clear this out and i have to be a little
5000s bit respectful of what's on my ship
5004s a little bit
5006s now we have the two sensors to compare
5008s the peruser
5010s the standard the observer
5012s uh we have a bunch of consumables which
5014s is fine that's fine we have cybernetic
5016s implants nanofibers mining clement and
5018s ramen
5020s as well as small arms
5022s beautiful
5028s we don't need a craft
5030s actually we do need a craft
5032s i was going to do that to this so what
5034s we want to do is we want to increase the
5035s rarity of this guy
5038s yes yeah uh-huh excellent we'll do it
5040s again
5042s yeah
5043s okay all right uh okay
5049s all right that's what we like to see
5051s yeah
5052s five percent chance of disabled targets
5053s shield for two seconds with each hit
5056s excellent with how fast this fires that
5058s basically means they don't have shields
5060s i love it
5061s that feels good
5063s alright and then let's see uh
5069s see what else could we put on it
5072s is that the only one
5075s oh we haven't unlocked other catalysts
5078s yet we got to get on our high risk areas
5080s this save file look at this oh my gosh
5082s somebody's like wait that's not right
5084s actually it is because look i don't have
5086s any of the other catalysts unlocked
5091s ah this safe fall hasn't done any high
5093s risk areas
5095s goodness gravy
5097s oh my gosh
5100s all right all right okay okay okay
5103s maybe we should swap our ship nah let's
5105s not do that let's keep playing this i
5107s like the goss cannon this is gonna be
5108s good
5109s all right let's answer some questions
5118s all right let's see what what am i
5120s missing in this discussion what are you
5122s crazy kids talking about
5124s all these children
5130s okay there hasn't been much gunship
5133s you're right i haven't been playing a
5134s lot of gunship i feel like the gunship's
5136s a very straightforward fighter it's like
5138s put guns on it shoot
5141s profit like that's it that's all you
5143s have to do
5144s i think the gun ship should be a little
5145s bit more interesting personally
5148s but also this is coming from a space
5149s with somebody who like i did not enjoy
5151s the gun ship in everspace one and like i
5153s hammered that thing whenever we were
5154s doing play testing will you find it a
5156s healthy bet and i think it's in a good
5158s spot in every space one i really do
5159s it's just not my play style like at all
5164s okay
5165s um
5166s so
5169s so i
5170s bearded frog asks if we can get some
5172s beat boxing again after the stream all
5174s right maybe we can i'll i'll see if we
5176s got time for it it's an intended game
5177s design that the anti-missile drones
5179s cannot target mines it helps when
5181s playing bomber says brian brown um
5188s it is intended
5189s but you're making me wonder if they
5191s should target more
5195s um no i think that it's fine
5198s i i personally think that's fine i don't
5201s think that
5202s uh the anti-missile drones should be
5204s completely
5206s uh nullifying of every single secondary
5208s i think that it should only block
5209s missiles
5211s i think that maybe also gives room for
5213s another
5214s drone type
5215s perhaps
5219s and how is the signal decoder loot
5221s change percent supposed to work
5222s increased number of loot items rarity of
5224s items or is it modifying a random number
5226s generator um this is a fantastic
5228s question from brian brown and i want to
5230s get you the exact response that i
5232s received
5237s so let me pull that up
5242s [Music]
5254s so one second guys i'm looking up uh the
5256s exact
5258s uh
5260s definition of what loot quality is
5263s so you guys all know
5297s this is a little bit harder for me to
5298s find than i thought it would be so my
5300s apologies
5303s i had this discussion somewhat recently
5305s so um
5312s all right here it is here it is i found
5314s it ladies and gentlemen so
5316s what the loot
5317s quality means
5319s the rarity for the loot is calculated as
5322s if the player level was plus 5 then
5325s there is also the loot quality which
5327s changes the probabilities of rarities
5330s dropped so it's entirely focused around
5333s the probabilities of rarities okay
5337s so the loot is calculated as though the
5338s player level was plus five the items
5341s aren't plus five but it's calculated as
5343s though you're a level five levels higher
5345s okay that adjusts the quality of the
5348s loot and of itself and then the
5349s probability of the rarity is enhanced by
5352s that
5353s loot quality percentage
5358s so
5358s that loot quality percentage so i'm
5361s going to say this one more time to make
5362s sure it's super clear what that loot
5364s quality percentage specifically means is
5367s it's the probability of the rarities
5370s dropped it is not increasing the number
5372s of drops it is specifically making the
5375s stuff that does drop
5377s greater quality
5378s that's what that focus is about okay
5387s perfect excellent solid question
5391s solid solid question i think that's a
5393s great question
5396s uh
5397s yeah cool
5400s let's go to another place
5403s specifically this high-risk area and see
5406s how it works when we're trying to
5410s fly around
5415s and keep our distance
5418s i feel like doing high risk areas and a
5419s scout are kind of challenging but we'll
5421s see
5423s we'll see right now
5425s will we be able to increase the speed at
5427s which we prepare to jump like how we
5429s could with the scout in everspace one
5431s what about increasing the fast forward
5432s speed make you go from times four to
5434s times eight for example
5436s um hasn't really been a discussion that
5438s we've had
5441s but
5442s i know that there's still room for
5444s adjustments and improvements
5447s and i also know that
5449s uh you know
5450s we started working on legendaries
5459s just making sure that there's nobody
5460s from rockfish around when i said that um
5463s but hey like i think it's really
5465s important to know that there's there's
5466s definitely
5467s there's some cool things that are abound
5469s okay that's all
5473s definitely some cool things that are
5474s about
5479s don't don't shoot at me
5482s go away all right
5485s oh
5486s pain all right
5494s you know this weapon is really good but
5496s on this scout build in particular this
5498s uh
5499s you know what i need
5502s you know what i you know what i need i
5504s need
5505s i need face off but the problem is i
5507s can't reset oh i can reset okay oh
5510s that's right i uh i gave myself a
5512s friendly boost to memory recalibrator so
5514s i could customize the devices for the
5516s stream
5521s oh i'm a cheater all right um let's see
5525s instead of energize boost
5527s because we don't really care about
5528s getting too close no instead what we're
5530s gonna do i really like this teleporter
5533s teleporter teleporter uh we're gonna go
5536s right back into kind of a similar sort
5537s of thing
5541s um even though i think that the best way
5545s forward here is to go party gift instead
5547s of face off
5550s because i think leaving those minds
5552s behind is gonna give us a bit more
5554s spacing for
5556s you know all of this fancy stuff
5572s just gonna hopefully rock this a little
5574s bit
5575s keep facing the same direction
5580s so many elites
5593s all right
5594s more distance more space
5596s [Music]
5598s that's much better i like how our gmb
5600s allies are all just gone
5605s [Music]
5607s excuse me good
5621s did gb even last 30 seconds i guess not
5624s i guess they didn't
5627s how dare they huh
5642s that's an interesting question i looked
5644s over
5645s i see a question about if we've got the
5648s the funny lines at the bottom or if
5650s they've forgotten about them again i
5652s never forgot
5653s that's something that i add just kind of
5655s for funsies we just didn't have anything
5657s to uh show last week
5661s so i left it out of the equation that's
5663s all
5666s but yeah we will have some screenshots
5668s to show here in a little bit
5670s and when we do that we will absolutely
5672s have uh
5673s some fun
5675s i want to try and finish this high risk
5676s location first if possible
5680s i might die
5682s because i can't keep my range as
5685s far as i would like it to
5686s be
5690s we are getting some solid kills when we
5692s can't keep the range where it needs to
5693s be up
5697s oh my gosh
5710s so much health
5714s so many drones
5730s oh come on
5739s okay where's that bomber
5743s they had a bomber right
5744s [Music]
5749s not anymore
5763s so
5772s if i can give that one angle windshield
5774s should do all the work right
5777s right
5786s run away shall you
5787s good that benefits me
5792s oof all right
5818s yeah this is just this such a different
5821s play style
5823s than what i'm normally acclimated to you
5826s know
5831s like i just want to jump into the fray
5832s but like when i do that the scout just
5834s gets torn up so fast like look at me
5836s look at me oh my gosh
5841s ouch destroyed
5847s that is
5848s very painful
5861s okay let's take care of that and uh just
5863s reposition ourselves
5869s it's like shield ping pong yeah it
5870s basically is
5875s i also want to mention i did see some
5876s discussions about like um
5879s you know
5880s ramming build with the front shield
5882s generator and you know i do think
5884s there's something cool to that but um i
5888s do want to make sure that the
5889s expectations are aligned here
5891s there isn't a plan to
5893s like do anything on that front
5896s um but that being said i mean
5898s you can absolutely pop a front shield
5900s generator and ram an opponent it's hard
5902s to do like you can zip into them and you
5905s don't take damage
5907s because it's a shield
5909s here let me try and show you this might
5910s be hard to do no i missed
5915s but the shield does stop
5918s the enemy it's not very good damage and
5920s it's really hard to pull off so i
5922s wouldn't recommend it if you want to do
5923s some sort of ramming speed build
5925s i would highly recommend
5928s going for the energize boost because it
5930s creates an added hitbox around you
5933s that rams when you get nearby a target
5936s okay
5938s so you're all aware
5948s all right
5951s we're doing decent on time i think
5954s let's go hide all these bosses get their
5957s acts together
5959s [Music]
5965s [Music]
5970s all right here we go
5972s [Music]
5977s why do i have a feeling
5979s this is going to take a while
5983s let's just keep just keep getting range
5992s i got a second hang on a second uh
5996s [Music]
6003s we're gonna use that once it's available
6006s that should help right
6009s should make things a bit easier right
6019s yeah now we're gonna we're gonna play
6021s this like i'm playing a different ship
6023s all right
6026s hello there
6041s yeah i'm not disappointed
6045s that seemed to be the right thing to do
6047s all right
6049s cool
6056s nice
6061s it is a little bit of a hiccup that
6062s enemies still remain after the boss is
6065s destroyed uh they are supposed to all
6066s warp out or just blow up um describe a
6070s byproduct of some other ways that we've
6071s kind of been messing around with
6072s mutators in the high-risk areas uh but
6075s uh there are going to be more mutators
6077s that show up by the way i don't know
6078s when
6079s um and
6081s probably more catalysts too uh
6083s but uh yeah for the most part
6087s that was fun i like this build it's just
6089s not my playstyle i'm sure that there are
6091s a number of you guys who have like
6093s done absurd things with your ship
6096s and like your firepower is like insane
6099s and you have a railgun that's been like
6101s super primed to craziness values uh i
6104s would love to watch that so again like
6107s you know we shared jared's build uh
6109s earlier in the stream if you have a
6111s crazy build that you think would be a
6113s lot of fun to highlight uh share it with
6115s us in the discord and i might choose you
6117s in a future stream so otherwise now what
6119s we're gonna do is we are going over to
6121s the community section of screenshots
6124s so i hope that you enjoyed everything we
6126s were able to cover and show uh operating
6129s with the scout using the new sensor the
6131s observer the premises observer being
6133s able to see loot at a much greater range
6135s uh feels much better
6137s not that it matters in high risk
6138s locations but
6140s uh yeah
6143s sweet all right so let me go ahead and
6145s i'm gonna do uh a quick thing um to just
6149s kind of like you know take care of
6150s myself
6151s and we'll jump right back into things
6155s one moment
6161s of course
6162s while you're raiding
6163s feel free to follow or you know
6167s do the little the subscribe thing you
6169s don't have to pay any money just like
6170s follow us on all these places where you
6172s can get more information we do upload to
6174s a lot of places we try to reach as many
6177s communities as possible uh you know but
6179s we are just a small little indie deaf
6181s and uh you know i'm also combating the
6184s music here i know it's loud music
6187s but uh yeah
6189s [Music]
6202s so one second
6206s [Music]
6210s okay i think
6212s i think it's ready
6215s all right sweet so here we are now in
6218s our little community section where we
6219s are covering
6221s screenshots
6222s and uh yeah this is always a fun little
6225s time so what we're gonna do is we're
6226s going to uh highlight some screenshots
6228s from the community and i'm gonna keep
6230s answering questions through this so
6231s that's what this entire segment is it's
6233s screenshots and questions so if there
6235s have been anything that's been
6237s shown through the course of the day
6239s the course of the stream that you were
6241s like man i wanted more information on
6242s that how dare you ignore me i'm not
6244s ignoring you it's just you know there's
6246s a lot um
6248s shoot the question down we will get it
6249s answered as quickly as we can
6252s but otherwise you guys have been awesome
6253s today i really do appreciate you for
6255s showing up this has been a lot of fun so
6258s first picture out of the gate we've got
6260s flory
6261s and their never-ending
6263s uh pictures of their ship getting frozen
6266s while they try to freeze others
6268s i think that this one came out
6270s incredibly well i love the framing as
6271s well the station in the background that
6273s circular broken uh station back there i
6277s think it's uh it brings the whole image
6279s together pretty well
6280s it's pretty cool
6286s it's because it's because it's
6289s all right okay all right we're going on
6291s all right so uh next up we have kazaa
6294s who has who's looking down the sights of
6298s this ancient
6299s um and i love it i i love the depth of
6303s this great eye staring at you
6306s um
6307s it's fantastic
6309s what a clever little shot i also love
6311s all of these
6312s like the intense orange where you're
6314s just like
6315s stuck in this corner there's no getting
6317s out you see the the light at the end of
6319s the tunnel the blue in contrast but you
6322s have to go through this thing first and
6323s i think that is conveyed incredibly well
6326s so way to capture that shot kazaa very
6329s very cool
6331s next up we've got
6333s geekbyte
6334s who's been highlighting a couple of his
6336s new shots lately so i do appreciate that
6339s um
6340s he is flying a very uh it's a it's kind
6343s of like a colonial colored ship it's got
6345s a lot of reds and uh whatnot uh but very
6349s much dig it especially when he's
6350s utilizing these centralized
6354s focal points
6356s i suppose you could say while it still
6358s presents this great sense of movement
6359s like you want to know where he's going
6361s to next you kind of can tell where he's
6364s at but you're not 100 sure it's
6365s obviously somewhere in zarkov
6367s but what site specifically i'm sure
6370s somebody was going to be like oh well of
6371s course it's that one place that does the
6373s thing and that's fine you guys know
6375s that's great but i love seeing your
6377s adventures especially i love these
6378s photos that are telling a story you know
6384s so nice work geekbite love the angle
6387s i want to see more
6388s kazaa again now he's flying down i
6391s wanted to highlight a number of fiery
6393s photos because we've been getting a lot
6394s of icy ones lately um and it was a
6397s pleasant surprise to see this one uh
6399s kazaa's flying down to these lava pits
6401s because there's a lot of detail that
6402s went into
6403s uh the
6404s the level like i know that sounds kind
6406s of silly but like lava and its movement
6409s are
6411s hard to like
6413s realize
6415s it's uh i
6418s it so
6420s i'm really proud of our team
6422s for bringing this site together and
6424s making it look authentic
6427s there are so many different lava levels
6430s in other games where you just like oh
6431s it's a lava world it's just like
6433s plastered lava and it just looks it
6435s looks like a pool of red water right
6437s it's not the same and i love how kazaa
6440s captures
6442s the intricacies
6443s of this site just from looking onwards
6446s into the sun
6448s what's out there what's beyond and these
6450s lava streaks are just like flowing down
6453s ah
6454s liquid hot magma it's such a delight i
6457s love it
6458s i love it
6459s oh my goodness
6461s so let's see what else we've got in
6464s store we got another one from kazaa i
6466s had to do a double take for a brief
6468s second i thought we were um we were
6471s looking at like a death star or
6472s something uh i dig it i love the
6475s centralization of the planet on your
6477s stinger
6478s and i love that
6480s that very striking shot
6483s coming from the stinger's third
6485s hardpoint while there's nothing else
6487s happening from the two main ones
6489s very very cool
6492s this comes together well i dig it
6495s i dig it we got one from harbaugh we
6497s actually had a number from hybarf but
6499s this one that he particularly captured
6501s was pretty neat in the sense that it
6503s makes it look like the ship's coming
6504s apart uh which is definitely the
6507s intention of these particle effects and
6508s whatnot so this scout just absolutely
6512s not holding it together
6517s because this
6519s okay so anyway um
6522s i love it i love the way that it's
6524s conveyed i also think the backdrop is
6525s incredibly pleasant too because you have
6527s all these bright oranges that are you
6529s know you got these even as shots i mean
6531s shoot i didn't even notice that until
6533s just now but like everything is just
6535s exploding on the screen where the
6536s background's this nice cool and calming
6538s blue uh it's a nice contrast it really
6541s works together well so very well done uh
6544s very very cool i said i was gonna be
6545s answering questions while i was doing
6547s this wow look at me what a scrub i'm
6549s just showing screenshots not answering
6551s questions here's our first question
6553s uh we got brian brown again oh my gosh
6555s brian i am so happy that you joined the
6557s stream you have so many questions and
6559s i'm happy to be here to respond to you
6561s bring it on i dig it so for signal
6564s decoders does the level and rarity of
6566s the decoder itself impact the hra it
6568s generates
6569s yes the enemies seem to match your
6572s current level so i hope it doesn't
6573s matter so
6575s there will be some modifications to that
6577s uh but in short
6579s for high risk areas specifically they
6582s are meant to generate exactly where you
6584s are at there are no other factors it
6587s doesn't take into consideration of the
6589s uh the system that you're in uh in
6592s general ceto stuff's gonna be lower than
6594s level than you if you're in drake
6595s stuff's gonna be higher level than you
6597s just based on their progression in the
6598s story like those bits um there is
6601s scaling that is continually being
6603s refined and adjusted and i'm sure
6604s everyone's gonna want to open that into
6606s a new conversation don't okay just
6608s telling you right now scaling is not
6610s entirely where we want it to be yet but
6612s we i hope that you've seen it being made
6614s into
6615s a much better state especially since the
6617s spring
6619s but um yeah that's going to be a
6620s constant process but again high-risk
6622s areas are intentionally meant to scale
6624s exactly where you're at and present the
6626s challenge of that system whether it's
6629s redeemers whether it's cerulean
6630s retaliators whether it's just common
6632s outlaw you know uh that's the focal
6635s point of the high-risk areas and then
6636s the emphasis is put on the mutators
6639s themselves so that's how those are meant
6641s to generate the um and and
6645s yeah so i think that covers the majority
6647s question let me just read through it one
6648s more time make sure it's covered
6650s properly as i cycle to this image
6653s from geekbyte again
6655s oh my gosh got some like gundam or
6658s transformer vibes going on here i can't
6660s remember what you said specifically but
6662s i dig it i dig that color screen
6664s god bless america am i right oh my
6666s goodness that's that looks
6668s so it's what i see so what i see you
6671s look at that that's what i think of uh
6673s so i dig it
6675s um
6676s so
6677s let's see what else we got um
6679s rarity
6680s and level so the rarity is going to
6682s affect the loot qual quality uh and the
6685s level is going to impact partially the
6687s quality
6689s um so yeah i mean i feel like i covered
6691s that so yeah
6693s yeah if you have another follow-up after
6694s that one brian brown totally let me know
6696s but i'm pretty sure that's uh
6698s pretty sure we got it covered
6700s next question we have from finn
6702s sometimes level 26 signal decoders drop
6704s will these generate loot as if the
6705s player was level 31 then technically yes
6709s technically yes
6710s i really like that ship design actually
6712s i really
6713s i dig that a lot i just
6715s having this the corner of my eyes and
6717s looking over the questions like that was
6718s that's a really solid paint job that was
6720s well done
6721s yeah all right that's good
6724s that's good
6726s very good not biased oh my gosh
6729s oh i mean i feel like everyone should
6731s have some pride in the country they live
6733s in otherwise
6734s why are you living there all right
6737s uh let's go to the next place
6740s which is
6742s med bed we've got a really solid shot i
6745s love the ship standing out here oh my
6748s goodness
6749s look at that orange
6752s look at that orange it pops so
6756s well
6758s that's that's why i like it so much i
6760s just love the detail of this shot based
6762s on your ship floating there alone
6765s so good
6767s so stinking good i love it mad bad great
6770s shot i love the way that you've
6771s customized your ship um and i love the
6774s juxtaposition in front of this icy cool
6778s water where you are staying fresh and
6781s fire oh it's so good
6783s yeah absolutely
6786s so good
6788s very very solid uh we have another
6791s question from bevage are legendary items
6794s coming in the fall update along with
6795s riffs so i'm uh
6803s [Music]
6804s well um look
6807s we're working on legendaries i can say
6808s that
6809s i think i can say that can i say that oh
6811s i can't say that is that is that i'm
6814s talk i'm looking at nobody nobody's over
6816s there okay it's all a facade um
6819s uh yeah we're working on legendaries uh
6821s i feel like some of you guys probably
6823s picked up on that if you're in discord
6825s uh and you're a backer you probably saw
6827s that we sent a message out to the
6828s backers and said oh hey if you're a
6830s legendary backer uh we just sent you
6833s some emails so if you're in the stream
6834s right now and you missed that and you're
6836s waiting for an email check your emails
6838s check your spam because we are receiving
6840s uh your legendary ideas uh right now as
6843s well as trying to you know
6845s put those together that's what we're
6846s doing
6847s that's what we're doing um
6850s and because riffs are the end game
6853s because they are a big part of the end
6855s game
6856s i would personally be
6858s disappointed
6860s in the team
6861s if the end game content
6863s didn't generate legendaries i'm just
6866s putting that out there
6868s i would be
6869s shocked
6871s if ancient rifts wasn't some specific
6874s means some specific challenge to acquire
6877s the latest and greatest stuff
6879s through chance and skill
6882s oh my gosh all right
6885s all right will there be rare and unique
6886s spaceships to find in alien chips ah
6889s this question comes from
6891s cyril
6893s cyril
6894s from a user on youtube thank you so much
6897s for your question and sorry that i
6898s botched your name uh in short the ships
6902s that we have right now um
6904s come in a variety of forms and play
6906s styles think of them like classes
6909s from an rpg
6911s and we're very pleased with having the
6912s nine ship classes that will have new and
6915s improved little details added to them
6917s over time like new passives for example
6919s and tweaks to their systems
6920s but for the most part we are very set in
6923s stone and what those ships look like we
6925s are going up to tier four so there's
6927s going to be an additional set of wings
6928s by 1.0
6930s um but alien ships is kind of a no-go
6932s we've kind of we don't really want to go
6934s into that weird section uh for the 1.0
6936s release
6938s uh we want them to be
6940s more lore centric
6942s and how branching into alternate ships
6945s doesn't quite work yet we've seen some
6947s factions tampering with it but it's
6949s generally not well loved it's not well
6952s approved of in-game
6955s uh from these other factions and whatnot
6957s so could we see that in the future like
6960s in say dlc
6961s there's a possibility there uh but as
6964s far as expectation goes on the front of
6966s unique spaceships and like alien ships i
6969s would put that very low expectation
6972s um because a lot of what we want to do
6974s is utilizing this modular system and the
6977s second you start throwing in
6979s weird alien appearances into that
6981s modular approach and how it all combines
6984s i think that that's asking for trouble
6986s from a development side
6987s and uh then that's eating away time we
6990s could be developing other things this
6992s shot also comes from med bed by the way
6993s i forgot to mention that but i love his
6995s approach on these cute little combat
6998s drones ready to fly out and assist the
7000s coalition just look at him look look at
7003s old jeff here look there's larry looking
7005s over his shoulder oh hey larry oh my
7007s gosh what an adorable what an adorable
7010s team oh my gosh larry's my favorite
7012s though by far he's such a good guy such
7014s a good drone
7016s good little drone boy oh my goodness
7018s what a pleasure um
7020s but yeah so solid sought
7022s solid shot med bed and again med bed
7025s with another shot that is very
7027s delightful
7031s this this is like
7034s this is one of those like thought
7035s provoking shots where you don't really
7037s you don't really think too much about
7040s anything happening in every space too
7041s because it's video game looter shooter
7043s pew pew
7045s i get loot yay um but then when you like
7047s sit back and you just like take a look
7050s at your surrounding
7052s and
7053s absorb it like from a level of like
7055s what's been going on in the dmz and the
7058s strife between these warring factions
7061s and these races you know the ownership
7063s of the dmz itself is in great peril and
7066s there's just been so much conflict
7069s and it's left anybody who's been trying
7072s to survive out here like on the brink of
7074s destruction
7075s and
7076s again it's these screenshots that tell a
7078s story like look at me go i'm like
7080s painting a whole picture based on what
7082s medved provided here i just
7084s you see this planet in the distance
7087s that's longing to be
7090s embraced it's longing to be loved to be
7093s cultivated terraformed
7095s you know colonized
7097s and you have this
7099s gigantic spacecraft station something
7104s that's just been torn asunder
7106s and its ability to try and reach that
7108s planet or anywhere else is just
7110s struggling it's on the on the fritz
7114s trying to
7117s it's
7118s good to get deep if you wanted it to
7121s okay
7123s i love it so much i love the way that
7125s this was was taken
7126s so keep it up my bad i dig it we have a
7129s new gentleman named mr kex or actually
7132s haircakes um i'm assuming it's a german
7135s uh name
7137s but uh
7138s taking some shots they were
7141s and i think that they had a couple nice
7143s ones now we will have to talk about that
7145s high-res screenshot button uh this is
7147s something that everyone has access to
7149s these look like they are steam
7150s screenshots still great for submissions
7152s though i'm happy to highlight them i
7154s love the way that you are locked in on
7156s your target here uh a very focused
7160s streamlined approach to what your goal
7162s is and i also like to highlight people's
7165s ships and how they are uh how they look
7167s this one just caught me by surprise
7169s because i haven't really seen too much
7170s of these like blue little lights uh
7173s shying as such um and it just kind of it
7176s was like i i like that i like that i dig
7178s it a lot this is a fun little
7179s interceptor
7181s i think it comes together well
7182s um we got one more from hair kicks as
7184s well which is a scenic one uh it's it
7188s could also paint a story about the
7190s perils the challenges uh within zarkov
7193s gosh you don't see a lot of green zarkov
7195s but when you do it's kind of scary
7198s and while we were looking at this one
7200s i'm going to answer another question
7201s from arubagami will there be a unique
7203s weapon item that will level with the
7205s player or is strong and unique that can
7207s only have one of it
7209s so that would be a little bit telling
7211s but i don't think that's something that
7212s we are interested in doing we would much
7214s rather have the item system deliver the
7217s way that it is uh in the sense that when
7220s you're fighting
7221s level x you're gonna get x items um we
7225s are looking to
7227s we are
7228s evaluating how levels drop behind the
7232s player
7233s um
7234s i'm gonna i'm gonna say this guys but
7236s again this is one of those things where
7238s it's it's in discussion it's not a
7240s guaranteed but as an example of one of
7242s the ways that we're looking to kind of
7243s like help leveling out uh the level
7246s progression
7247s um
7249s is that like if a ship is lower level
7251s than you
7252s we are considering instead of it
7254s dropping lower level loots it has like a
7256s normal chance to drop lower level hoot
7258s it'll have a reduced chance to drop the
7262s same level of u-loot so the lower level
7265s they are it's just removing your chance
7267s to get loot at all but when it does drop
7270s it will at least be usable right
7273s but again this is just very conceptual i
7275s can't guarantee that's going to happen
7276s uh but then we also have some ideas for
7278s higher level stuff and i'm not getting
7280s into that yet because i do think we're
7282s gonna move forward with some stuff on
7284s that front and it's gonna be good so
7286s yeah
7287s next up we got another shot from kazaa i
7290s think somebody mentioned that this kind
7292s of has like a batman vibe to it and i i
7293s agree it definitely has that batman vibe
7296s to it
7297s very good
7298s um
7299s the the dark knight is definitely
7301s calling down um i love that angle too
7304s it's a really good shot the darkness of
7306s your stinger coming at you
7309s very very good
7311s super cool we have another question from
7313s brian brown any updates to the ocar
7315s protection system planned before the 1.0
7317s release unfortunately i do not have
7319s anything to report at this time i will
7322s say though that we still don't quite
7323s like it we don't think it's in the right
7324s spot we do want to do something about it
7326s it just has not been addressed yet
7328s yeah and it has been a while since the
7330s the police have gotten any love you're
7332s right uh we just haven't uh it just
7334s hasn't been priority unfortunately um i
7337s would be very surprised if we didn't
7338s revisit that system though
7341s uh my time is almost up so let's get
7343s through the rest of these we got another
7345s one from kazakh because i was still in
7347s the show today but dang
7350s that's that's awesome that is super cool
7353s like and i love how he has the um
7357s i don't know if you guys know about this
7359s emblem that you can unlock but there are
7362s some
7362s secret more secret emblems that are
7365s available and the name on this one look
7368s at that it's just a radio uh radio waves
7372s so headphones and radio waves i love it
7374s he's just like vibing out he's just
7381s you know that's what's going on here
7382s he's just freaking pummeling this foe to
7385s the beat of death
7386s um and i dig it so much i love that
7389s explosion though like the alts from the
7391s sentinel is
7393s it's great it's fantastic
7396s it's fantastic i love how it all comes
7398s together and the explosions you know the
7401s the blue and red in particular of this
7403s shot just make me very happy
7405s very very happy indeed kazaa again stop
7408s it stop it i'm choosing too many of
7410s yours it's not because you're a galactic
7413s photographer and because your shots are
7416s really stinking
7418s good
7419s uh
7420s actually that's partially it but still i
7422s love this ship i love the way that
7424s you've approached that with those
7426s purples and still with like the dark uh
7429s coloration uh so much can be done with a
7432s little bit of care pertaining to your
7434s emissive lights and it i love it it's
7438s great it's fantastic
7440s very clean very awesome
7442s keep it up gaza uh also this one's from
7445s kazaa dang it uh
7447s but i also wanna i wanna share this one
7449s because this uh
7452s i don't know if i should tell you guys
7453s yet
7455s it's a little bit it's a little bit
7456s bittersweet
7457s um but
7459s i'm gonna tell you i'm gonna tell you
7461s anyway because i do think it's an
7462s important change that's coming up
7464s so i love the way that these turrets
7466s have been plugged into this outlaw base
7468s and the turrets themselves are basically
7470s turning against their own target very
7472s clever that's a ton of turrets
7474s i'm pretty confident that it's not going
7476s to be possible to lay down this many
7478s turrets anymore in the future ow
7480s what
7481s oh no
7483s how is that that's such a killjoy it's
7485s so much fun eric you can't do that it's
7487s not breaking the game in any regards
7489s actually it is
7491s there's there it actually there's some
7493s uh you can actually break the game and
7495s someone goes no you can't you're lying
7497s to me it's so much fun don't let it go
7499s no you gotta let us have some fun i'm
7502s really sorry guys we we've got to make
7504s some adjustments to the turrets um
7507s so
7508s they're they're yeah so just giving you
7510s a heads up so you're not too heartbroken
7512s whenever it gets patched um
7515s but yeah i mean we got so many memories
7517s of absurd numbers of turrets though it's
7520s gonna it's like it's so bittersweet
7523s oh my gosh
7525s but uh yeah this one is very much a
7527s necessary one uh turrets were actually
7529s breaking the game
7531s um
7533s so you definitely be uh just note that
7536s that's going to happen that is going to
7537s happen all right another one from kazaa
7540s gosh dang it cause i stop it you're
7542s stealing the lights of everybody else
7544s that submits screenshots but that that's
7547s a great shot that's a fantastic shot
7550s like
7551s and i love how you instead of like even
7553s though the drones emissive lights are
7555s light blue and technically yellow you
7557s decided to change into the engine color
7559s and go with that green and that is such
7561s a fine compliment well done
7564s kudos to you that was clever
7566s that was super clever so um love the way
7570s that that comes together uh last shot
7572s and uh another question
7574s about freighters gmb have them
7576s freelancers have them but outlaws don't
7577s appear to have any why um well because a
7580s lot of times the outlaws blow them up
7582s take the goods and take them back to
7583s their home base they wouldn't be using
7584s freighters so much um but they could
7587s like
7588s maybe procure a freighter uh perhaps
7590s i was actually a slight discussion that
7592s i had internally about maybe there could
7595s be a distress call that is a freighter
7598s that's been captured
7600s right um
7602s but we'll see uh we'll see about what uh
7605s what that looks like and if there's any
7606s room for that in the future but in short
7608s outlaws shooty shooty go boomy um
7612s freelancers freighter uh gmb stuff like
7614s that they're gonna have the more stuff
7616s where you have to protect and defend uh
7618s intentionally designed on that front but
7620s it doesn't mean we can't reach out and
7622s do a little bit more last shot i wanted
7624s to incorporate here was from bradley who
7626s snuck in last minute as i was doing
7628s stream prep
7630s it took some really solid looking photos
7633s and i just i love this one that's it's a
7635s new save
7637s uh he updated his ship spoot knight
7639s knows exactly what ship this was i can't
7641s even believe he just looked at it he's
7642s like oh yeah that's a this ship all
7644s right it's nuts to me um very very good
7648s um
7649s i dig it
7650s i dig it i love looking onwards to see
7652s what's out there and seeing this planet
7654s in the distance very much embraces this
7656s idea of exploration uh in adventure so
7660s cool stuff
7661s last question and then the stream's got
7664s to end are there going to be any black
7666s holes that are locations
7668s we've also seen this question a number
7670s of times um it's totally a great
7672s question to ask
7673s in short
7675s i don't know if we are going to go the
7679s direction of black holes in every space
7681s too
7682s there's a very big difference between
7685s how they were utilized i just realized
7686s my mic has been up this entire time
7688s goodness have you ever been able to see
7689s my mouth whatever um
7692s but
7693s the uh black holes
7695s the black holes uh in aerospace one make
7698s a lot more sense because they are
7699s specific
7701s momentary uh
7703s disruptions
7704s that change how you have to navigate
7706s that area and every space too it would
7708s have to be persistent right like we
7710s couldn't just randomly make a black hole
7712s appear
7713s um
7715s and like an unknown signal because when
7717s you leave it that black hole's
7718s technically still there it would
7719s definitely be something that would need
7721s to be focused in on or something um
7723s maybe if there's a way to like make a
7725s temporary black hole i don't know but
7727s regardless we don't want there to be a
7729s location with a black hole because it's
7731s because that persistence it's going to
7733s be like the only location that has it
7735s look it just looks different um it's not
7737s as enticing as how it operates in that
7739s gameplay
7740s of the roguelike uh cycle of everspace
7743s one so it's not likely beast otd uh was
7749s inspired by the looks of everspace ships
7751s and this is a 3d model that he printed
7753s off
7754s and here's his painting of it which also
7756s has uh some you know it's it's more like
7759s space
7760s colorations in general but i do love the
7762s way that he's approaching this i want to
7763s say this when it's fully complete i've
7766s been feeling he hasn't done
7768s his wash yet
7770s uh to make those crevices really pop i'd
7772s love to see more on this front
7774s i love what he's doing very very cool we
7777s have jared this was the scout that we
7780s flew look at that he posterized this
7783s scout build that i did
7785s that i showcased his his scout build
7788s that i flew
7790s excuse me
7792s goodness uh but i love it what a great
7794s way to honor that build that we did
7797s today very cool and last but not least
7802s this rocks
7804s [Applause]
7809s it's real it's really good it's really
7810s good this is from the chemical bro and i
7812s mean what more to say about that he made
7814s a rock fish i mean come on that's
7816s freaking awesome
7818s that's super freaking awesome and uh
7820s yeah more stuff like this
7822s it's really well done too like you look
7824s at that and you look at our logo you're
7825s like jay
7827s jack like just i love it i love it so
7830s much thank you so much for your
7831s dedication to everybody out there who's
7833s been supplying any sort of fan art um
7837s any sort of screenshots and now your
7839s playership
7840s builds i know that because we shared
7842s jared's off today that now like
7844s everybody's gonna be like oh yeah but
7845s look at mine that's great
7847s send them our way put them in the uh
7849s everspace 2 gameplay channel and
7850s describe
7852s how you play the build you set up and
7854s remember i am looking for ones that are
7856s rather unique if it's like super
7858s standard like oh my build is where i
7860s have weapons and i fire them and i take
7862s on my enemies
7864s let's let's try to
7866s work on that okay let's make that a
7868s little better uh but otherwise send them
7870s our way yeah i i would love to highlight
7872s more of your guy's builds because i
7873s think that's a lot of fun
7875s and uh i'm over time my wife's calling
7877s me everything's terrible uh except not
7880s you guys because you have been awesome
7882s and i have been eric schrader your
7884s community ambassador through a as a
7887s guide to all things ever space to your
7890s servants oh my goodness it has been such
7892s a delight don't stop being awesome and
7895s we'll catch you
7897s in the next stream next week
7899s toodles
7918s [Music]
7923s [Music]
7935s i keep adjusting my throat because i
7936s want a beatbox i'm not sure i'm gonna be
7938s able to do this
7944s hang on don't hang on hang on don't
7946s change the screen yet i gotta
7955s hello there
7958s all right anyway let's catch the chase
7959s all right guys you know the drill it's
7961s like the after stream messaging system
7963s here just quick notes per usual
7966s everspace 2 early access
7969s free demo
7970s cheapest right now if you wish list and
7972s follow for you know like all the offers
7974s all that fun you get it you know and if
7977s you don't know well hey do that because
7979s when you wish list us it helps us out it
7981s helps you know when there's sales and
7983s it's cheaper right now than it's going
7984s to be at the 1.0 release the beginning
7986s of next year so
7988s if you want to support us
7990s by all means dive in now if you're
7992s pinched for time or wait for that 1.0
7994s release to see how many promises we
7996s satisfy
7997s spoil alert it's gonna be all of them
7999s otherwise here's a really poor attempt
8002s at beatboxing for you guys today
8015s [Music]
8025s [Music]
8030s [Music]
8038s my wife just walked in hi
8040s do you need something
8041s i i'm a professional doing a live stream
8044s here can you please
8047s can you
8049s i just
8066s [Music]
8071s [Music]
8080s foreign