
Fallout Dev Tracker

18 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


Have you tried scrapping her station, replacing it, then relogging to reset the quest?

17 Jun


Originally posted by da5hitta

gmaat3. This is the same as my PSN.

Here is a video clip of the bug in action. You can see at the end the Fat Man’s durability has gone down even though o used the MIRV


Thank you!


Originally posted by Papa_Shekels

Different player, but I can also confirm this has been happening for a few months. I managed to even get a picture of it during the fasnacht parade. The one I am currently using is a two shot experimental MIRV, but shooting it broke the instigating fat man in my inventory. Both are equipped with the vault tec paint. I also think that durability isn't even draining from the one I'm using, because I remember the heavy explosive weapons have pathetic durability but I never really have to repair mine anymore. Bnet username is papa_shekels

Thank you both for the information! We're looking into this now.


Originally posted by Cap-Coop

On a similar note are they aware of the Flamer range glitch? Non-default nozzles that add damage overwrite the range bonus of the long barrel. Making the Flamer behave as if it only had a Short Barrel.

The work-around is uninstalling and reinstalling the long barrel but this only temporarily fixes this until you connect to a new server.

Reporting it now to make sure they are


Hey there, we are aware of this issue but I don't have anything to share with you on its status at this time I'm afraid.

Please could you submit a ticket for it if you haven't already done so? It'd help our support team keep track of how many players are experiencing it. I'll send this thread along for good measure as well. Thank you!


Originally posted by komb_svic

For heavy your better off going PA with emergency protocols, since the int perk stabilized (armor pen and accuracy) only works with PA. If you want to not use PA the rad resist from regular legendary armor is not worth going for, I personally found that if I'm not using PA with my bloody heavy that I like bolstering, with just uny I get shit on (not much stealth with heavy)

Since unyielding provides so many other benefits I like it over bolstering. I am currently rocking a mix of both with secret service, and when you utilise dodgy with such high ap, I find it works well, then you get all the other unyielding benefits like more carry weight etc. Plus serendipity helps


I have reported this to the team today. Thank you for letting us know mate


Going to report this to the Devs. Thank you for this mate

16 Jun


Hello, are you playing on Steam or Bethesda.net? Additionally, do you have any mods running?


We have a Fallout channel in our official 'Bethesda at Home' Discord server here if that is what you're after!

The /r/fo76 subreddit also has its own in the sidebar.

15 Jun


Hi all,
When you're crafting, it definitely shouldn't be auto-scrapping your Junk before pulling from the Scrap you already have in your Stash or Scrapbox. Thank you for the thread about this, the dev team has this on their radar to fix in a future patch!


Sorry for the delay in responding to this, reddit does not tell me if I've been tagged in the body of a post- only if I am tagged in a comment.

You have some really great ideas in here, we will share these ideas with the devs.


Some great ideas in here! Thank you for writing all these out :)


Originally posted by Ahjazda

Does anyone know if this is currently being addressed? it's been over a month now.. u/Ladydevann

Thanks in advance! :)

Hey there! Yes, this will be fixed in a future update.

14 Jun

12 Jun