
Fallout Dev Tracker

22 May


Thank you for sharing this. I'll pass this over so they can take a look and investigate.

21 May


Originally posted by Myllari1

So after the latest update some of the backpacks now have clipping issues.

Know anything when the backpacks are going to get fixed?

We're looking into all these reports and hope to have an update for you on this soon!


Originally posted by baddada1

Can someone please explain to me what seasons is all about?

Other folks already replied with some of the details, but if you're interested in reading more about the Seasons system we posted a lengthy article here on Fallout.com last week.


Originally posted by bluekthulhu76

was kind of hoping there would be more information about the seasons beyond reiterating their clarification.

im guessing we might hear about patch 20 next week based on jeff gardiners tweet the other day saying that patch 20 is coming "sooner than you think"

we'll see i guess.

So, the previous article was an overview of the Seasons system as a whole. In June, we're going to take a deeper dive into more of the specifics for Season 1 and show many more of the rewards.


Originally posted by UnwoundTime

So when will vending be enabled again?

We want to make sure the duping issue is fully addressed before we re-enable Vending Machines and Display Cases. I know that the wait is tough in the meantime (it is for us too!) We're still actively working on that fix, and even though I don't have an exact timeframe to share with you just yet, we're planning to hotfix as soon as that fix is ready.


Originally posted by SirDouglasTheScholar

Anyone else notice that if you had the balloons from last year unlocked (red and blue) they are now locked?

Hi! We've been looking into reports of being unable to build Fasnacht Balloons even though you've learned the plan. You will be able to build them again when Fasnacht begins next week, so you should be able to decorate with them on Monday. We're looking into a more permanent fix so the balloons aren't locked for players who know the plan.


Hi all, apologies for the issues affecting the Garage Door in that returning Red Rocket Bundle. We've removed it from the Atomic Shop for now and we're actively working on fixes so that you will get the door you expected when you bought the bundle. Will share more info on the fixes as soon as I hear an update.


Hi all, thank you for the reports about this and we apologize for the issues affecting the Garage Door in the Red Rocket Statue Bundle that returned to the Atomic Shop on Tuesday.

We've since removed that bundle from the Shop, and we're actively working on fixes so that those of you who own this bundle will have access to the correct Garage Door that was expected to be included in that bundle.


It is! It's what I use too 😇


Originally posted by KinkyBuns

Strange bedfellow is still bugged on David's photo, the recent patch never fixed it for me and submitting tickets with bethesda on their site hasn't gotten me anywhere

Thanks for the info. Could I get the ticket numbers previously submitted?


Originally posted by KinkyBuns

Great, the one thing i can't access because of bugged quests 🤦🏼‍♂️

Hey there, what quest(s) are you having problems with?

20 May


Originally posted by EL-_PsYchO_-

Oh that's a way I didnt think about, thanks for the fast reply!

You're very welcome!


Originally posted by EL-_PsYchO_-

I'm looking for a list in-game where I can see the rewards I already earned and the rewards I can get in higher Overseers-ranks. Is there something similar? Maybe on a terminal in Vault 51?

In game, press start, challenges, character and then you can scroll done to see what you've unlocked :)


Which rewards specifically? If they're skins, you need to head to the relevant workbench/station to apply them to your existing items (ie weapon skin, power armour skin, etc).


Originally posted by DUUDEwith2Us

I had the exact same problem when decorating earlier best course of action is to Submit a ticked to Bethesda support. u/ladydevann any chance you could notify bethy to this issue?

This is on our radar we're looking into this!


Originally posted by MandyMarieB

u/ladydevann u/valseek Might you take a look at this please?

Hey there this is on our radar!


Hey there, please can you submit a ticket using this link and let me know the ticket number?