Originally posted by IndependentBlckWoman: did the zoom out / change FOV option make it into the game? would like to buy but nobody on youtube shows the options menu
Yes, there is a Zoom slider in the ingame options!
Originally posted by IndependentBlckWoman: did the zoom out / change FOV option make it into the game? would like to buy but nobody on youtube shows the options menu
When using a Wizzard scroll near the Living beat NPC’s would turn them in a living walking beat NPC, They would behave like the living beets already do but can walk around and maybe even follow the player.
I’m not too sure how to describe,so here’s what sora said about it when she found it. “I captured 3 deathmoths and went to sell them in the market and suddenly had 54” “Looks like it’s just the deathmoths that are glitched when bottled i get 17”
The First Digging spot that spawns on the island with the player would contain a single coin, this is a little nod to the comic.
Reported by a patreon patron.
Maybe have it as a function of the shovel (it doesn’t do much right now)?