Forge of Empires

Forge of Empires Dev Tracker

13 Mar

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
(sorry for the delay on this one)
  • In Space Age Jupiter Moon some packages in the shop were not available or not working. This issue has been fixed.
  • Finishing your cultural settlement would lead to a broken quest state in your main city (empty window with settlement questgiver). This no longer happens.
  • After upgrading your Champions Retreat to another era, the Champion was not unrecruited visually. You had to reload the game to recruit it again. This is no longer necessary. This issue was already once fixed a while back, but lead to other major problems, because of which we had to revert the changes.

  • No update today.

11 Mar

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
{ "lightbox_close": "Close", "lightbox_next": "Next", "lightbox_previous": "Previous", "lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen", "lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox_download": "Download", "lightbox_share": "Share", "lightbox_zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox_new_window": "New window", "lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" } logo.png Hello Queens and Kings,

The update to 1.226 will take place on XX.XX. There will be a short period of downtime during the update, we apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time.
F... Read more
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Dear Kings and Queens,

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is causing suffering for a lot of people. The Russian Army is attacking people’s homes, critical infrastructure and killing many civilians.

InnoGames is clearly against this war. We have colleagues from both Ukraine & Russia working for InnoGames, and we all want this war to be stopped. While the hometowns of our Ukrainian colleagues are being attacked, we are already seeing refugees reaching Germany, and we’re doing our best to support them, for example with free meals in our canteen. Also, as a call for peace, we will set a clear statement banner in our forums.

We decided not to block our players from Russia from our games. We rather want to set a clear statement against this war. But we might be blocked by the Russian government at one point. That’s why we recommend you sort out... Read more

09 Mar

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • The balancing changes for the Golden Orrery were only applied to level 9-10. They are now also applied to 1-8, so it does not require motivation on these levels anymore.
  • We added some missing data for buildings from Space Age Jupiter Moon.
  • In the Daily Challenges, the collect button could get covered and resulting in players not being able to collect it. This will not happen anymore.
  • Some info windows had a long headline in some languages, resulting in oversized windows. We will now truncate them.
  • Buildings outside of the city provided an era in the popup, when visiting other players cities. We have removed them.

  • Collecting the Venus Carbon Synthesizer did not show a blimp (/popup). This now works as expected.
  • Receiving the achievement "Great Commander" would result in an unresponsive app. This will no longer ha...
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08 Mar

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • In the Event History, the amount of medals as a reward for some PvP Towers was too large and did not fit in the box. We have fixed this issue.
  • Something similar happened to the diamond button to buy the missing goods for the A.I. Core. We have adjusted the button size here.
  • After unlocking a building in your Cultural Settlement, the building menu button in your main city could start blinking too. This will no longer happen.

  • Some Apple users were not able to login. This issue was also hotfixed today for the live version.
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • The production start sound for residential buildings and workshops did not appear. You will now hear the sound.
  • You were able to collect the A.I. Core, even if you were not in a guild. This is now not possible anymore to prevent voiding the collected guild goods.
  • Similar to a bug fixed in the last version, when entering the town hall while having more than 99 Forge Points in your bar lead to a persisting "clicking state". This lead to accidental collections. This will no longer happen.
  • The tooltip for the Golden Orrery showed a coin symbol, even though it does not produce any coins. We have changed it to a supply icon.

  • No player related updates.

07 Mar

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Also, here are the current unit stats:
Spoiler: Units
Age Type rank-57652d887.png attack-4d273fa55.png defense-72fdd7ceb.png range-fcf47db0c.png movement-5ac695fd7.png...
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    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Here you have the stats for the A.I. Core from level 1-10:
Spoiler: A.I. Core

icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods-50aa01a86.png Guild Goods Produces some of each current good for the guild's treasury. Can only be collected when in a guild.
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    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
CrashBoom said: blast ignores stealth in previous era

so it should be mentioned here too
(and even more if it can't ignore it here)
Added the info, thanks for pointing it out. :)  
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Kings and Queens,

We are proud to present a brand-new Age — Space Age Jupiter Moon (SAJM).

The Space Age Jupiter Moon starts on March 7th, 2022

Humans found a new exotic gene on the Jupiter Moon. It laid there for the past million years. This gene could help humans to survive a more dangerous environment and could counter the problems with radiation in space.

Only problem: the genes do need to be tested, refined and adjusted. Because they are extremely vulnerable, now humans need to test them on the moon itself. Test subjects: first plants, then animals, then humans.

The gene in the beginning (during testing) adds bio-luminescent attributes.

Mankind has triumphed over energy, transportatio... Read more
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
{ "lightbox_close": "Close", "lightbox_next": "Next", "lightbox_previous": "Previous", "lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen", "lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox_download": "Download", "lightbox_share": "Share", "lightbox_zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox_new_window": "New window", "lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" } JUP-MO.png
Dear Kings and Queens,
Today, on Monday, March 07th, our newest addition to the Ages, ... Read more
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • The Stage of Ages showed the normal goods icon when motivated, instead of the one for previous era goods. We have fixed that bug.
  • We have made some adjustments to the Golden Orrery and Stage of Ages. for more information, have a look here.
  • Last week, we fixed the issue with the incidents, however, this bug occurred again shortly after. We made some tweaks and have fixed the issue for the browser version. It is not yet fixed for mobile.

  • No player related updates.
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.
Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.

Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know here.  
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Dear Kings and Queens,
Today, we will make further balancing changes, this time to the Event Buildings.
  • Golden Orrery:
    • We have removed the need to motivate it. It can also not be plundered.
    • We have exchanged the Mass Aid Fragments and replaced them with Large Attack Boost (20%) Fragments.
    • We have added Previous Era Goods to its production (5 on level 9 and 10 on level 10)
  • Stage of Ages:
    • We have decreased the amount of Forge Points from 5 to 4.
    • We have also removed the coin production completely.
Thank you again for providing all your feedback. If you want to give feedback on these changes, please do so ... Read more

03 Mar

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • We have made various improvements to the current Event. For more details, check out the announcement!
  • In Guild Battlegrounds, the popup for a "Intruder Log Entry" was sometimes displayed at the wrong log entry. This no longer happens.
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Dear Kings and Queens,
After tomorrows update, we will make some changes to the Event. This will lead to the side effect, that the rewards on the board will get shuffled again after the update. The following changes will get implemented:
  1. We will remove the 2 blank tiles from the board and replace them with chests.
  2. We will also increase the frequency of chests on the board in general.
  3. We will increase the chance for Daily Specials in every chest.
  4. For the presents containing either the grand king or queen and the upgrade kit, we changed them to a selection kit, instead of one of the two rewards and added an item and Forge Points as possible rewards as well.
  5. We will increase the amount of Forge Points from the Daily Goal chest (10->20).
  6. We will also remove the incidents, which only contain 3 paper money and made the event incidents appearing more often.
Thank you for the feedback you provided alr... Read more
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • After we increased the grid size and made minor changes to the surroundings, incidents were on weird spots and looked not placed correctly (a couple pixels off mostly). We have now fixed all these issues. If you notice any more spots, were incidents do seem misplaced, please let us know in the feedback thread.

  • In Guild Battlegrounds, after a window was opened, tapping anywhere else opened the province you tapped. Now the current window will close, instead of opening the new one directly.

02 Mar

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • In the Event the daily goal could be placed way too far away on the board under special circumstances. This can't happen anymore.

  • No player related updates.

01 Mar

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Dear players,

Over the last days we are all watching with great sorrow the destructive effects of the Russian Army invading Ukraine. We are truly heartbroken to see the devastating war scenes from that part of the world. No soul in the world should go through the anguish, devastation and loss of war and yet this is the reality for millions of people, in the last days.
InnoGames has donated 10.000 EUR to the Red Cross, a well-known organization which is set to do humanitarian work, ranging from helping refugees to training doctors. Besides that, we are also looking into getting blankets, airbeds and other merchandise to organizations responsible with assisting the people of Ukraine that had to leave their houses because of this terrible war.

We know that there are many people out there that would like to help and don’t know exactly how. We have a beautiful and strong community of players in Ukraine and we’d like to do our best to support th... Read more

28 Feb

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • In the marble and alabaster goods buildings, the icons for the goods were swapped. They are now where they belong.

  • Having the Stage of Ages as a daily special led to the app becoming unresponsive. This should no longer happen.