Forge of Empires

Forge of Empires Dev Tracker

19 Jan

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Placing expansions in the colony too fast could result in an Internal Error
  • You were able to receive PvP Arena attempts before even unlocking the Arena. This can no longer happen
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No player related updates

18 Jan

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • The Set Reward window (which displays multiple rewards at once) did not display the icons from the first page, when you go to the second page and back. They will now always be visible
  • The unit animations in military buildings and the antiques dealer were too fast. The units will now move at a reasonable speed
  • If your guild had a lot of medals, they were not able to place any sieges in the All Age GvG map. They will now be able to do so again
  • Some players were not able to interact with others, resulting in internal errors when trying to visit their cities, accepting their traded or leveling great buildings. This will not longer happen and you can interact again as normal
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • The small icon that identifies set buildings as those was missing from the inventory. You will now be able to see, which buildings are set/chain buildings
  • The sector information window in Guild Battlegrounds was displayed on top of the negotiation window, when your guild conquered a province. It will now be displayed behind it, as intended

17 Jan

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • The rewards from the Aztec Settlement were not auto-locked in the inventory after receiving them. They will now be locked
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No player related updates
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Dear Kings and Queens,

Last year, we launched the feature Event Hub, which was designed to allow players to showcase the progress made in Events during a calendar year, as well as gain additional boosts for doing so.

Unfortunately, after further analysis, we can see that player excitement for the feature did not meet our initial goals. Therefore, we have decided that Event Hub will not be continued for 2022.

In terms of our plans for the feature, at this time, we will take a step back and evaluate the feature, as well as potential changes in the long-term.

As we are continuing to evaluate the feature, we have no current plans to remove it from player cities.

Should you have any comments, questions or issues, please let us know! We're very much looking forward to your ... Read more

16 Jan

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • We have made some UI adjustments in the Castle System window. These include a checkmark for already received rewards. This change was already implemented last Friday
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No player related updates
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.
Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.

Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know here.  
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.
Every evening we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the Beta App, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.

Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know in this linked thread.  

14 Jan

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
And for all the mobile players: The Event will be available as soon as you have the 1.222 update. You can get the by ether downloading the beta app (android only) or waiting until it will be released to the stores earliest next week.  
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Here are the current stats for the Celtic Farmstead:
Spoiler: Level 10
Age Provides Produces
happiness-57be1ee93.png population-e6f83cb5e.png rank-57652d887.png att_boost_attacker-6070a3719.png...
Read more

13 Jan

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello Queens and Kings,

For the detailed description of the changes, please see the list below:

  • In the Castle System, on some occasions, the level up animation would not be triggered as expected (after reaching the required number of points). This has been fixed.
  • Occasionally, with Ranking Points, there was a short-term display issue where the ranking points of a player would instead show, '0', or a negative number. This has been corrected and no longer happens.
  • In Guild Versus Guild, there was a known technical issue where a Guild could not be dissolved in the situation another Guild placed a siege. This has been fixed.
  • There was an issue with dialogue in the Production Window, where certain translations, caused text to appear outside their text-fields. The ...
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    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Having a random production in a building of more than 1 million would not display the first thousands separator
  • In the Town Hall Boost Overview, the button to add Boosts did not work and no window did appear
  • We have removed the blurry shadows behind building rewards in the Castle System
  • The new info window at upgrade-able buildings did also show for upgrade-able set buildings. It will now show the set window
  • The Castle System Reward window will now only be displayed, when you go to your main city
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • When creating a message, long names were cut off
  • Some attached units were displayed as unattached in the army overview
  • Also in the army overview, multiple cloud icons were displayed, instead of one or none

12 Jan

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No update today
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No update today

11 Jan

    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No update today
    Juber on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • No update today