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For a detailed description of the changes, please see the list below:

  • Info Texts
    • The info text for the Event Prizes in the Shop did not fit neatly into the info box. It will now look way nicer.
    • Long descriptions in some languages did not fit into the reward window. We have resolved that.
    • Some Item names were too long in the Inventory. They will no longer cross their boundaries! Now that I think of it, maybe we should write shorter texts?
  • Display Issues
    • We found that the Pirates tried to cheat you by showing the wrong amount of Guild Goods in the popup for the Deadman's Bounty. It only took a bit of sabotage, a couple of threats, and a few rum bottles to make pirates behave again.
    • The unconnected building icon remained in the Buff Bar on the right even after selling the building that caused it. You had to reload the game to fix it, but that is no longer necessary.
    • Clicking through the Castle System levels would sometimes cause the background to go over the window boundaries. We fixed it. It's not much, but it's honest work.
    • In the Wiki, some building production rewards were displayed twice. We removed the double-trouble!
    • Some singular offers would get displayed multiple times in the game. This issue was hard to trace but it is now fixed!
  • Balancing Issues
    • Recently, we have adjusted the price for the Log Cabin in the Antiques Dealer. However, we forgot to adjust the bartering value as well. You will now receive more Trade Coins and Gemstones for it.
Mobile Only Changes
This is the mobile section of the changelog. These are things that you won't see on the desktop version of the game and only concern the mobile interface or functionality. Keep in mind that the time the mobile update becomes available depends on the stores and can be some days after the release of the browser version. So don't be surprised if you don't see the update on your devices just yet.
  • Display Issues
    • Once again, long reward names didn't fit into the reward window. We have now added a second line of text for that.
    • Special characters, like emojis, were not displayed in the PvP Arena ranking list. They are back now!
    • Have you bought Guild Expedition attempts with Diamonds lately? No? Then you probably missed that the confirmation window didn't always display the 120 Diamonds you had to pay. Anyway, it now will.
  • Improvements
    • For players who bought Forge Plus, the Daily Castle Points reward window would not appear upon the points collection. We have now added it back.
    • On some devices, iPads in particular, battles took a long time to load. We have brought them up to speed.
  • Video Ads Changes (available since the last update)
    • When trying to watch an ad, you will sometimes see a message that no ads are available. It means that our provider doesn't have an ad available just yet, so please check back later. It is an intended behavior, as rewards are only available for a completed ad watch.
    • We have further expanded the testing of the ads by adding a separate No Ads subscription to the shop. It's a standalone mobile subscription that allows to disable all ads for a month.
In the meantime, our developers have planned the features and changes for 2023. We hope we can bring some sweet surprises to you this year! If you would like to be informed about our features in development, please visit our Beta servers, or check the Mobile Beta Test Program.

Your Forge of Empires Team