Forge of Empires

Forge of Empires Dev Tracker

02 Nov

    Velvet Thunder on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you for reporting. We are aware of this issue.  

01 Nov

    Velvet Thunder on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
beelzebob666 said: Not sure what you try to demonstrate
Is this the bug you are talking about?  
    Velvet Thunder on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Confirmed. Thankyou for reporting.  
    Velvet Thunder on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
    Velvet Thunder on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Please contact the in game support as only they can investigate your account and determine if anything is amiss. If you have already contacted them, please wait for a response.  
    Velvet Thunder on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you for reporting, I am able to confirm this issue.  
    Velvet Thunder on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Artubar said: Little addition:

9) In the friends tavern - tavern boost, the green "Activate" button stays green (instead of gray / inactive) the whole time (even if the boost is currently active); clicking on it fails silently.
Thank you for reporting. I am able to confirm this issue.  
    Juber on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Could you maybe have a look in your browser console and see, if there are any loading errors?  
    Juber on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I just logged in and can't see anything wrong.
Is it always like this? Have you tried clearing the cache? What browser are you using?  

25 Oct

    Fire Witch on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the report. I could recreate the error and will pass it on!  

10 Oct

    Fire Witch on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, do you still experience this issue? :)  
    Fire Witch on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
This has been around since the start of the castle system afaik.  
    Fire Witch on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Will ask for feedback on this, but I guess this has also already been reported  
    Fire Witch on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
This might have been reported already at some point, will check :)  

24 Aug

    Velvet Thunder on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I have asked and can confirm that this is not a bug.  

18 Aug

    Fire Witch on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Can you please contact support? thank you!  

03 Aug

    Fire Witch on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I play a lot of GvG and know about the bugs :)

I received information on the how, so everything is clear to me now.  
    Fire Witch on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Owl II said: If you haven't updated the map after the recount, then in fact the shields have already fallen, but you still see sectors with shields.
I know that :) But the video was taken some hours before the update.  
    Fire Witch on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Like I said, the freezing issue has already been reported.

Still, I want to understand how you were able to see the "place siege" dialogue, because that should not be possible in the first place. Thank you.