11 months ago - Fortnite - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s Vadeal is probably
3s top five fighters in the game and he's also quite smart.
6s He's just great
8s Vadeal.
9s Is one of the fastest mechanical players.
11s He's very good at fighting.
14s He's just a very aggressive player.
16s There's not a lot of people like him.
18s He is ultimate confidence.
20s My name is Alexander Schlik, known as Vadeal.
23s I'm from Germany and I played this game like five years now.
28s I was always a pretty competitive player.
30s In every game I want to be like the best.
32s And in Fortnite I made it
34s I think.
35s What makes me better than the rest of the lobby is like my aim, pretty good from
40s like I'm playing high sens but my aim is like still really good.
43s My mechanics because of my high sens are really good as well.
45s People say I'm not a smart player, but I think I'm a smart player.
50s Every season the meta fully changes in Fortnite and like you need to adapt quickly.
55s Like people are just playing creative all day to be like better,
57s but they need to understand the game to game changes every season.
61s So you need to adapt instantly.
62s Landing at different spots and like every new season comes out.
65s Boom. Boom. Tweet. Tweet.
67s Bang. Bang.
68s On new learning spot.
69s Learning the new meta, then just dominating.
74s Now I'm pretty proud of my FNCS
75s win with JannisZ, we just had everything
78s perfect for the FNCS win, like nothing went wrong.
81s No, I'm playing with MrSavage.
83s The plan is like to do content and dominate. MrSavage
86s and Vadeal now coming together to form one unstoppable duo.
91s Vadeal and MrSavage
91s looking so, so good. So, so efficient.
94s These guys in the late game are going to go the distance.
96s I want to be like pretty early on the qual for Copenhagen,
99s so I don't have the pressure on the last major. Yeah.
103s I want to qualify for Copenhagen
105s because I'd just like to play in front of a crowd. They just cheer me up
108s if you win. If you play at home is I think, a bit boring at home
112s You feel like chill and in front of a crowd like you have this,
115s I don't know like energy in your body and you want to compete.
118s It's like the same with football, like people
120s screaming for you and you have the best time.
123s I want to be remembered as the best player in Germany,
125s but there's like two other people that compete with me.
127s So it's going to be hard, but I'll make it I think.
129s So going into a Major 2 me and my duo we'll like play the best
133s and be the best.
134s Getting the axe will be hard,
136s but we will try our best, play our best with our coach then...
140s We'll see. If I win Major 2, I would be like pretty happy.
144s Yeah, like I'm chilling then
144s after that. I'm qualled for Copenhagen.
146s I won an FNCS.
147s And then we just practice on Major 3 and Copenhagen.