over 5 years ago - /u/zakbeaudio - Direct link

Hello all,

We hope you all enjoy the release of Season 9, it was a blast for us to work on. Thanks for all the Fortnite audio quality feedback in the recent 8.5 release thread, it’s much appreciated. As always, please feel free to point out areas of audio improvement and bugs to us in the thread; we’ll be reading and investigating what the community shares and report what we’re working on. Here’s an overview of the Season 9 audio improvements and roadmap:

Release 9.0 Audio fixes and updates:

  • Switch audio dropout issues fixed.
  • Better tactical audio when inside player-built structures:
    • Enemy Pickaxe impact within ~one building tile radius has new, louder sound.
    • Wallbreak by enemy close/behind player much clearer/louder.
  • Explosion audio improvements- shorter, higher dynamic range sounds that will make explosion audio clearer and punchier.

Release 9.0 open audio issues:

  • Fix for PC audio device swap issues; we are planning to have this for the 9.1 release.

What we’re working on for the upcoming season:

  • Fix for footstep sounds on the edge of structures gives audio as if you're walking on the ground.
  • Better hear the approach of enemy players outside player-built structures.
  • Better audio tells for jump/landing:
    • Jump tell audio added (so bunny-hopping isn’t as noiseless).
    • Clearer landing sound detection.
  • Improvements to issues of sounds dropping outside of player FOV.
  • Improvement of close versus distant player gliding sounds, to help clarify distance of gliding enemies.
  • Longer sounds properly playing during Replays.
  • Improved differentiation of teammate verus enemy audio.
  • Internal testing of binaural/HRTF solution that will be a great help to headphone players, as well as other spatialization improvements.

As a reminder, the best way to inform us of your bugs is following the below format:

  • replay URL
  • time code of issue
  • display name of player followed via gameplay view
  • description of issue


Zak Belica, Director of Audio Production

External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/zakbeaudio - Direct link

Originally posted by bridgerellms

Does “PC device swap issues” mean I can plug in my headset after launching the game and have audio? If so, this is a great change!

Yes, this means you will be able to plug in a headset or other new audio device after the game is running and still have audio.