almost 2 years ago - Fortnite - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

20s so
35s [Music]
46s uh
78s so
102s um
126s this
134s [Music]
149s so
174s [Music]
183s [Music]
198s you
218s [Music]
224s [Music]
234s [Music]
251s um
267s [Music]
273s [Music]
297s uh
329s so
332s [Music]
352s you
386s so
470s um
484s [Music]
492s foreign
572s [Music]
587s [Music]
614s [Music]
647s um
672s [Music]
790s [Music]
794s my
805s so
828s foreign
860s so
912s you
930s [Music]
938s hmm
1066s [Music]
1093s um
1112s my
1124s [Music]
1156s [Music]
1165s [Music]
1171s [Music]
1197s so
1259s what's up fortnite fam the new season
1261s means new loadouts for fncs let's break
1264s down some of the most common loadouts
1266s based on your role in your duo starting
1268s with the igo
1270s the in-game leader or igl is responsible
1273s for calling and mapping out your
1274s rotations guiding your teammate and
1277s often tarping the igl holds a vital role
1280s in guiding the team to victory a proper
1282s loadout is a huge key to that success
1285s this season we have seen them focus on
1286s having one close range weapon and one
1289s distance weapon for surge tags then the
1291s remainder of the items will be healed
1293s the most common loadout is the drum
1294s shotgun first assault rifle and then a
1297s variation of heels to feel the remainder
1299s of the slots this combo however doesn't
1302s cover everything but that's why you have
1303s a fragger on your team as well
1306s the prager is responsible for getting
1308s crucial tags and eliminations throughout
1310s your game
1312s now the loadout of the fragger is all
1314s about fighting and ending fights quickly
1317s this is why we often see that the first
1318s assault rifle is swapped out for the
1320s combat smg
1322s meaning that in this role you'll hold
1323s two weapons designed exclusively for
1325s close range engagements while the rest
1327s of the slots are dedicated to heal
1330s the fragart loadout often includes the
1332s striker pump shotgun the combat smg and
1335s then a variation of heals the ability to
1337s clean up fights quickly and effectively
1339s leads to this loadout being a top pick
1340s among the more aggressive players
1344s after hearing the different loadouts and
1346s rolls which ones are you choosing in
1348s your next game until next time we'll see
1351s you on the battle bus
1353s [Music]
1359s what's up fortnite fam chapter 3 season
1362s 2 is here and the island is changing
1364s let's talk about some of the most
1366s notable changes starting with the
1368s addition of the blimps
1369s [Music]
1372s in the start of the season we saw the
1374s island's skyline get swarmed with an
1376s array of i o blimps across the map these
1378s floating ships bring additional loot on
1380s board to each of the areas they exist in
1382s they also allow for the ability to fly
1384s and redeploy from the wings these blimps
1387s can be found in command cavern coney
1389s crossroad tilted towers and rocky reels
1392s there's another blimp on the south coast
1394s however you'll have a hard time rotating
1396s from this one
1398s also we can't forget to talk about the
1400s addition of the siege cannons in these
1402s areas while they don't solely exist on
1404s the blimps you are guaranteed to find
1406s them there these siege cannons allow you
1407s to propel cannonballs towards your
1409s enemies though that's not all you can do
1412s you can also use them to propel across
1414s the map or into enemy builds this
1416s providing another great rotational tool
1418s for competitive play however the blimps
1421s weren't the only addition this season we
1424s also saw the addition of an entirely new
1425s poi in the fortress as well as some new
1428s i o bases
1432s the giant drilling machine known as the
1434s fortress is located in the central part
1436s of the map although the fortress isn't
1438s the biggest poi it still packs a punch
1442s both inside and outside the fortress you
1444s can find several io guards along with dr
1447s sloan if you can find and take down dr
1450s sloan you can grab her mythic striker
1453s burst rifle be careful sloane won't go
1456s down without fight
1458s then step inside to find three i o
1460s chests along with plenty of other loot
1462s scattered throughout the poi
1464s when you're ready to rotate out simply
1467s jump into the siege cannon up top or hit
1470s the launch pad that spawns on the
1471s outside of the fortress
1474s multiple other outposts popped up across
1476s the map you can find io buildings
1479s scattered across the island they vary in
1482s size and utility but all of them include
1484s more loot you can add these locations to
1487s your drop or drop here to start your
1490s games
1492s [Music]
1494s over on the south side of the island
1496s another new addition in the form of
1497s synapse station has emerged on the
1500s island there are several chest spawns
1501s throughout the poi and ample ammo boxes
1504s giving enough loot for multiple duos to
1506s land here the best part of synapsation
1509s is not the loot though it's the mobility
1511s that comes with the poi three different
1514s riffs have the chance of opening which
1516s gives you easy movement into the zone
1519s another addition you should be sure to
1520s add your rotations are the many craters
1522s that have formed across the map inside
1524s these craters is usually a handful of
1526s chests and shield barrels which is just
1528s enough to provide one person with the
1530s full loadout although not every crater
1532s is the same with some having a slurp
1534s truck and reboot vane inside that crater
1536s is located just southeast of broadcast
1538s bunker and is home to both
1541s with craters seemingly on every side of
1543s the map it also offers a saving grace to
1545s those who either prefer the scavenger
1546s routes or got pushed out early because
1549s they had to retreat
1551s all of these map changes will surely
1553s keep you on your toes make sure to dive
1555s in and explore the map until next time
1558s we'll see you on the battle bus
1560s [Music]
1563s yo what's going on fortnite fam it's
1564s your boy zeke we're here we got reese we
1566s got levin and we're gonna talk about
1568s chapter three season two preview let's
1570s jump into it guys what are your initial
1572s expectations coming into the competition
1574s i'll tell you what end games are a lot
1576s of fun with the new mechanics in terms
1578s of just seeing how things felt last
1580s season everyone's always trying to get
1581s some sort of pepper right you know you
1583s want to be able to move a bit faster in
1585s the end game get to your destination
1586s that bit quicker now what we've been
1588s starting to see in the dual cash cups
1589s and the start of the season is players
1591s are able to use the mantling when
1592s they've got like low materials sneak up
1594s into players boxes from behind tax print
1596s behind them just like pick up easy
1597s eliminations from players that wouldn't
1598s expect it so like now you have way more
1601s options when you just have no materials
1602s have nothing let's talk about that for a
1604s second right we have these py's last
1605s season felt really chaotic right we had
1607s these duals landing there these
1609s head-to-heads that we just were like why
1610s are you still going back there what is
1611s the point of this and now you put a
1612s blimp on top of that so we've taken
1614s chaos from like a 10 to an 11. we all
1616s know the struggles that people have in
1618s terms of trying to get surge trying to
1619s get a good position on the map being
1621s able to sit up on a blimp and just sort
1623s of ping people from far away it works
1625s wonders you know i mean so that that is
1627s going to probably be one of the biggest
1628s factors in how these new competitive
1630s games play out think of the amount of
1632s vision you have across the whole map
1633s then when you're on top of a blimp it's
1635s like it makes rotating so much more
1637s difficult we're talking about the the
1638s nerdy lines of sight in terms of the
1640s blimps there's just more loot on the map
1642s now that's right and so we have pois
1644s that were already very attractive pois
1646s to land at but even more attractive now
1649s right and there's sort of an extra
1650s incentive an extra spot a lot of these
1652s pois for a new team to get involved is
1654s there any duals in particular you guys
1656s are kind of like looking forward to i
1657s know right now we're kind of this state
1659s of shake-ups right people still trying
1661s to lock in who they think is the right
1662s duo for them i'm a simple man i see
1664s tayson
1666s you know
1669s looking back at last season of course
1670s they did well in terms of placement but
1672s looking at the circumstances they had
1674s the best poi on the map and i think a
1676s lot of people would have expected the
1678s two best players in the region two of
1680s the greatest fortnite players ever to do
1682s better so i'm really looking forward to
1684s say at the end of the day right um seti
1686s is just so so good he's one of the
1687s hardest workers in the scene hands down
1690s now he's teamed up with kami they won
1692s fncs throughout chapter two season eight
1694s they look super strong they're like
1695s they've got this incredible dynamism
1697s that they saw back then last season they
1699s weren't playing together it didn't work
1700s out that well for both teams now kami
1702s and say back on it together looking good
1705s in the cash cops they could be that
1706s winner again it'd be criminal to not
1708s talk about the rise of queasy and hen uh
1711s in terms of just how great they've been
1714s you know last season and this season ken
1716s is someone who gets slept on in the goat
1718s conversations and when you're talking
1720s about who's the best fortnite player
1722s ever hen will be thinking i'm only one
1723s away from catching up to tayson in
1726s fncs's right like i'm there i've done it
1728s with multiple different people as well
1730s put some respect to my name guys i love
1732s uh talking with you both the insight and
1734s unreal but we have to it's okay we have
1737s to get ready the battle bus is all
1739s warmed up which means we're jumping in
1740s all the action right here right now eu
1743s let's get this popping beep
1750s [Music]
1760s i'm so happy to be back
1762s yes i'm really excited and i can't wait
1765s to win it
1766s i'm so hyped to be back
1768s i'm pumped up i'm ready to go i've put
1770s in all the preparation and i got this
1773s i'll put in a lot of hours to make sure
1775s that i'm at the top well i've got so
1776s much experience that it's just gonna
1778s make me unstoppable my geo is off the
1780s shots this season they don't know what's
1782s coming my dude and i are both excellent
1783s fighters we have great synergy i know
1786s i'm one of the best ideas i've got the
1788s best aim of anybody here i planned for
1791s everything and i was coming i am so sick
1793s of getting second place and i finally
1795s want to win nothing cheers this year i
1796s know i got what it takes to win don't do
1798s it fncs was over for everyone the moment
1800s i qualified
1802s i've won events twice but i looked in
1804s number three
1805s watch out we're coming fncs let's go
1808s baby let's go
1813s [Music]
1829s ladies and gentlemen fortnite fans
1831s around the world welcome to the fortnite
1834s champion series if this is your first
1836s time tuning in welcome to possibly the
1839s greatest fortnight competition you'll
1840s ever see for the rest of your life it's
1842s just today but it's not just today it'll
1845s be for the next few weeks that's right
1848s it's a fncs my name is zeke i'll be your
1851s host here for europe and it's a pleasure
1853s to have you here if it is your first
1854s time first time here for real i'm
1856s excited that you're here and you're
1857s gonna be watching some crazy fortnite
1859s action like you've never seen before now
1861s you probably think yourself zeke that's
1862s crazy you're just gonna run a whole show
1864s by yourself yes there is no one else
1867s here with me don't worry about it no we
1868s actually have two members here that will
1870s be joining us on the analyst desk first
1872s off let me introduce you guys to the
1873s legend himself it's boop and of course
1876s rhys right there
1879s i didn't know he was gonna do that yeah
1880s yeah no you said that you know i wasn't
1882s gonna be here you can't do it by
1883s yourself so i just wanted to give that
1884s feeling that you earned by yourself you
1886s know
1886s um yeah this is what happens so this is
1889s the european broadcast uh i'm going to
1891s do a lot of laughing the whole time
1892s because i can't contend myself around
1893s these two incredible human beings but
1895s we're here to talk about fortnite so
1896s let's get this popping first off legends
1899s landing what's up baby it's great to see
1901s you if you've never uh hop by you need
1903s to check it out there's some cool box
1904s fighting elements there's a holla
1906s champions and you can hang out and watch
1908s this broadcast with your friends in
1909s fortnite do it check it out all right
1911s let's talk about the broadcast schedule
1914s so what does it look like if you're like
1916s man zeke i've really enjoyed this
1917s fortnite action when you guys doing this
1918s next here it is for you right here today
1921s is qualifier number one now do keep in
1924s mind we actually have three regions
1925s going on today so this first one is
1927s europe later on the day we'll have any
1929s east and then we'll have n a west so
1931s come back at different times in your own
1933s time zone you might be able to catch
1934s more fortnite action qualifier two may
1937s 8th qualifier three may 15th semifinals
1940s and then mark your calendars for the
1941s finals come back then i'm telling you
1943s you won't want to miss out on the action
1945s but reese how do we make it to the
1948s finals i mean there's only i'm gonna say
1950s only one way that's a complete lie and
1952s only one way today and that is getting
1954s to the top five so we've got 50 teams
1956s out of those 50 teams of teams who make
1958s it into the top five we'll advance
1960s straight through to the finals where all
1961s of that juicy juicy prize money is every
1963s other player will get serious points and
1965s then guess what we're gonna do that
1967s again on sunday and again the sunday
1968s after that
1969s yep but who really cares about those
1970s qualifiers it is all about today the
1973s actual format of this finals
1977s and with the format we know that this is
1979s a very heavy placement format with 32
1983s points per placement points
1985s there we go 30 points for your victory
1987s royale and your first placement points
1989s coming in at top 35 but remember it is
1992s one sorry it is three points per
1994s elimination so it is going to be a lot
1996s of variety a lot of different types of
1998s gameplays a lot of different game styles
2000s and it should make this finals very very
2002s exciting
2003s that's right man a lot of different ways
2006s here to kind of make it into that top
2007s five right can your duo pop off get
2009s these eliminations can they place well
2012s make it to those end games or do both
2014s that's what we're looking to achieve now
2016s this is a list of our qualified players
2018s so these will be the players we're
2019s actually watching compete here and now
2022s uh reese anybody stand out to you right
2023s away i'm gonna bunch you've got some of
2025s the biggest names in the region an ass
2026s pink in the top left and like sweet top
2028s middle tasting oogway which is chappix
2031s no jerky i drop we have the who's who of
2033s x f and cs champions and current in
2035s there as well with any queasy as we see
2037s there too a lot of names that i'm
2039s looking forward to mustache malabooka
2040s one that didn't have a amazing season in
2042s terms of fncs last time but hey this
2045s time it's them to prove why they're some
2046s of the best duos in this region yeah you
2049s can name all the pro players these but i
2050s want to shout out some of the underrated
2052s players naka and dan coming all the way
2054s from spain jackson and vico the german
2056s players had an incredible season so far
2058s i'm expecting it to do really really
2060s well as well today
2061s absolutely move over to that next page
2062s you'll see the other half of the players
2064s that we have here indeed and similarly a
2066s lot these are the players who've just
2067s been putting in tons and tons and tons
2069s of work this season who have popped up
2072s and i've done super good one right in
2073s the middle who i'm looking at right now
2075s vortex and janus played extremely well
2077s last season from the memory four i don't
2079s know if that's correct it's probably not
2081s off the top of the dome but again
2082s they're looking super super good they
2084s are contested off spawning greasy grove
2085s today so i'll have to see how they end
2087s up actually playing that out through the
2089s games but again a team i definitely want
2090s to keep my eyes on
2092s i like it i like it very quick there and
2094s to the point i mean one duel you did not
2096s mention there reece was mr savage and
2100s benji fishy the crowd favorites of
2102s course uh i know how could you forget uh
2105s you know fun fact in case you didn't see
2106s it all over social media we just had a
2108s media day we brought some players in had
2109s some time with them they played some
2111s games we had some interviews and check
2112s this out levin got to sit down with mr
2115s savage and conduct an interview so let's
2117s take a look at in the lobby with mr
2119s savage
2126s what's up everyone my name is 112k and
2128s i'm in the lobby with the one and only
2130s mr savage it was always clear to people
2132s you were a bit of a prodigy rat do you
2134s think yourself i could be like the best
2136s pro player in the world like what was
2137s your mentality all the way back then i
2138s started watching these top streamers
2140s right like ninja and tv at the time yeah
2142s and then i was watching them and i was
2143s like i feel like i could do the same
2146s that they're doing so i started
2147s streaming and then it kind of just took
2149s off from there one of my earliest sort
2151s of stories that i had with you was you
2153s said like we got a grind every single
2154s day we've got to keep pushing even if we
2156s can't compete now eventually we'll
2158s always be able to like have you always
2159s just had that mentality of like just we
2161s got a grind no matter what
2163s i've always had fun playing the game so
2164s it's been really easy you know i've kind
2166s of just been grinding since the start if
2168s you're grinding non-stop right do you
2170s make much time to do things outside of
2171s fortnite it's been kind of hard
2172s balancing it but
2174s i feel like i've done quite well with
2176s like social life and when you're playing
2178s for like 10 hours a day then
2180s it's it's kind of hard yeah
2182s understandably it can be quite hard well
2184s somebody whose career i definitely think
2186s you helped jumpstart benji fishy right
2188s you know you obviously started playing
2189s with him back then and you've become one
2191s of the most famous jurors you've ever
2192s had in the game
2194s when you first met benji and your
2196s opponent of him did you feel like you
2197s two could be the dominant do what you
2199s went on to do i was like
2200s bro i gotta i gotta do it to do with
2202s this guy yeah and then we started
2204s playing and then you know
2206s it just
2207s went well constantly a couple world cup
2209s qualifiers later and uh you know things
2211s you know sort of paid off obviously you
2213s know speaking of world cup qualifiers
2215s you're one of the few fortnight players
2216s that's played on land do you just sort
2218s of have no nerves in that sense like are
2220s you just stone cold you can just go out
2222s there and and really just dominate
2223s wherever you are i think there's just
2225s something with lance that makes me like
2227s more in the zone because it's like
2228s you're there you know so i think it's
2230s something with the atmosphere that just
2232s makes me really like focus
2234s you live for the atmosphere i can tell
2235s man the way you carry yourself you look
2237s for the atmosphere who's the one player
2239s who you sort of look and you go yeah
2241s he's a serious player like that guy is
2243s top top probably tayson we haven't seen
2245s orlando but i think tayson's going to be
2247s good online as well if you had to retire
2250s tomorrow what would be the one thing you
2251s want to do in your career before you
2253s retire of course
2255s i'm not an fcs champion also the world
2258s cup i want to give another shot at the
2259s world cup fair play man so it will be
2261s real for you this season this could be
2262s the season where you finally do pick up
2264s that vinci's title where can people find
2266s you man where can they catch you watch
2268s some of your you know game play if they
2270s want to check you out
2271s it's uh mr savage on all platforms tick
2274s tock youtube twitter insta twitch
2276s everything we've got the brandon
2278s everywhere yeah of course i love that
2279s man honestly bro it's been a pleasure
2281s it's been living to uk and mrs savage in
2283s the lobby thank you for hanging out with
2285s me man thanks for having me
2290s um i don't know if you guys knew this
2293s because i actually discovered this on
2295s media day
2296s rhys and levin have bodies
2302s give him that
2303s you said and i couldn't not uh wow thank
2306s you though levitt for hanging out with
2307s mr savage that was in the lobby and if
2309s you like those kind of player pieces
2310s trust me there's a ton that'll be coming
2312s out over the course of the fncs and all
2314s the regions so make sure you check them
2315s all out they're super super great so
2318s guys let's talk about duels that we will
2319s be seeing compete where they'll be
2321s landing potential just things maybe if
2323s someone's never seen fortnite let's just
2325s give a few duos kind of keep eyes on
2327s let's start things off with pink and
2328s anas we know they just ended round three
2331s which is one yesterday in first place
2333s with 190 points they're landing over
2336s there to command cavern and they were
2338s eighth last fncs so i mean rhys what do
2341s you have to say about this duo these
2343s guys are really experienced now this
2345s season right they're very comfortable
2346s they put in the work to practice they
2348s understand the meta and because of that
2350s like they are game winners look at this
2353s yesterday out of the seven matches they
2355s played four victory royales with an
2358s average placement of three like i think
2359s they had a second as uh a fourth and
2361s another game that was a bit of a throw
2363s on in comparison unbelievable
2365s performance from them what i want to
2366s know is with a lot of the obviously
2368s caliber in this round is a lot higher
2370s we've got a lot of top level teams you
2372s know cuisine hey and the running
2373s champions are also a height team so
2375s they're in the end game they play up
2376s high ground very similar to pinker and
2377s ass so it's like we'll be able to keep
2379s that performance today i hope so fingers
2381s crossed yeah it's a battle for them to
2383s survive against the aggression right so
2384s many good teams in this lobby but you
2386s know they also had a really slow start
2388s to the season but they sort of picked it
2389s up obviously now moving away from their
2391s draws part of the llama split over to a
2393s command cavern a lot more different
2394s situation to get aggressive on and a lot
2397s more things to go wrong but you know
2398s they're the team to be the most prepared
2400s so i'm expecting a lot from them
2402s maybe they know something we don't right
2404s maybe they've done their homework
2405s they're ready to kind of have several
2406s plans of attack if something does fall
2409s through i'm curious to see how they kind
2410s of develop coming especially from that
2412s last season right let's give you guys
2414s another duel to talk about you actually
2415s touched on them queasy and hen right
2418s this other high ground team that we just
2421s every time we look up we feel like it's
2423s just them up there they're landing north
2425s side of sleepy talk to me about this duo
2427s so you know cuisine hen won last
2430s season's fncs duos but most importantly
2432s they also qualified through qualifier
2434s number one right so you know if trends
2437s are anything to go off of today it's
2439s going to be a really really good day for
2441s these guys now i've looked at the stats
2442s from them from yesterday obviously
2444s similarly one victoria but they are game
2446s winners this is not exactly very
2448s replicant of the way that they play but
2450s what this does show is the fact that
2451s these guys can play other styles that
2453s aren't just high ground right like i
2455s just said pinker and ass they're game
2456s winners they take height and end game
2458s and they usually win from height but if
2459s they don't get it their games aren't
2461s usually as good as guys that queasy in
2463s hand where if they're on the mid ground
2465s they can absolutely still frag out yeah
2467s and they went into the season with a
2468s bang two back to back do a cash cup wins
2471s however the last cash that they placed
2473s only 12th right and that was after the
2475s removal of cars after this after this
2477s last patch sorry and you know that's a
2479s little bit worrying for them but you
2481s know these guys are champions they're
2482s fncs winners and they have no problems
2484s adapting when it comes to the pressure
2486s let's pray for north zones for them you
2487s know hopefully
2489s others will get some tweets we'll see
2490s we'll see uh let's talk about this last
2492s duo at least for this moment it's tayson
2495s and chappix they're also landing at the
2496s command cavern but they're landing more
2498s on like that slurp truck side uh i mean
2501s they kind of i'm pretty sure they're
2502s newly formed right yes yes yes so that
2506s little area we saw we saw there's the
2508s split of taste and thomas hd if you've
2509s watched previously from a solo cash cup
2511s amazing clip by tayson by the way
2514s out there to get it done and right now
2516s it's like last minute change so tasting
2518s champions we haven't really seen them
2519s play as a duo for very long at all but
2521s they won the grand royale right they won
2523s with hane last season so we know that
2525s these guys can play well together
2527s yeah i mean these guys the uncon on that
2529s southern side of command cavern so
2531s consistency is just gonna be the name of
2532s game for them can they sort of get away
2534s from all of the players in there can
2536s they avoid players trying to go for that
2537s vault card as well and if they can do
2539s that i mean these guys are two multi
2541s fncs champions they should have no issue
2543s today just running the map
2545s absolutely
2546s um and you know what i like this command
2548s cavern talk we got to keep talking about
2550s it
2551s because there's another duo that lies
2554s in wait in the shadows in the demon of
2557s the cavern it's malabuca so really we
2560s kind of have three duos sort of landing
2563s on top of each other but it's a very
2566s vertical poi right so there's a lot of
2568s opportunities to kind of say like okay
2570s look look look we just want this half
2571s you guys stay over there we'll do our
2573s own thing right rhys well here we go
2576s firstly i'm gonna put a little little
2577s correction in there because right now it
2579s seems like we may have five teams
2580s landing in caverns right
2582s uh my boy maxine montoya always does all
2585s these drop map shows where people are
2586s landing right now and just hot off the
2589s press we may also have raisin and peanut
2591s in here as well so as you can see right
2593s now there's four teams there we're that
2594s last minute potentially a fifth team
2596s also landing here so the dynamic of this
2597s drop spot is going to be knox right this
2599s is obviously what the majority of the
2600s loot is overall but having five teams
2603s going here like this is going to be
2604s questionable yeah let me drop you a
2606s little bit of history on these guys
2607s contesting each other started the cash
2609s cup first cash coup of the season malibu
2611s mustache i have to say dominated them
2613s right they had a different strategy one
2615s of them landed at the bottom side
2617s picking a nice landing towards the top
2618s side of command cavern and you know it
2620s wasn't at 50 50. now fast forward to the
2622s last cash cup that they played and
2623s contested each other now anderson pink
2626s decided to change up the strategy 50 50
2628s malibu mustache and all of a sudden it
2630s was a 6-0 for pinkerton us so you know
2633s they're very used to that 50 50
2634s playstyle from the llama split of last
2636s season so you know if they continue that
2638s today i'm gonna see some sparks flying
2641s either way like this is a show this is a
2643s drop spot that's gonna be a mess you
2645s know if the teams in here could do
2647s either amazingly you know if they
2648s 5-1-6-0
2650s or you know this could just go downhill
2651s for all the teams involved
2653s another poi man another hot spot right
2656s now we can't forget about tilted towers
2659s we just saw mr savage they're in the
2661s interview but benji fishy will be there
2663s alongside him going up against dks and
2667s bad
2668s sniper gentlemen did we not just see
2670s this play out last season
2672s we did and realistically we didn't see
2675s that i just want to see we saw dks and
2677s bats never do well like i know the
2678s community everyone out there wants benji
2680s and sandwich to do super well and
2682s through the qualifiers that's what it
2683s looked like but the second day in
2684s particular last season's finals like
2686s benj and savage were being really run
2688s over by dks and bad snipers so dks bad
2690s sniper clearly have this drop saw
2692s practice they have it down so far now
2694s with the changes just coming this season
2696s with obviously there's less loot there
2697s we've got three whole teams there this
2699s is a whole new battlefield a whole new
2700s way to fight with the blimp is still
2702s involved as well so it's like i'm not
2704s sure how this is actually going to play
2705s out today but i'm the one to see let's
2707s be real yeah you mentioned the
2708s battlefield right this prop spot now has
2710s been completely altered a lot of the
2712s loot has been taken out and what used to
2713s be able to be split by three teams is
2715s probably going to be a battle at the
2717s blimp and honestly i don't know who's
2719s really going to be taking it all in
2720s those benji and savage they sort of
2722s struggled in the first open qualifier
2724s almost didn't qualify to this finals and
2726s then also didn't qualify past opens
2728s almost so you know they're coming in
2730s with a little bit of that um that chip
2732s on the shoulder but you know this this
2734s this rivalry has been continuing on for
2736s multiple seasons in a row now and they
2737s definitely want to prove themselves to
2738s be the better team i want us to be
2740s honest my main focus here what i want to
2742s see is like are these teams going to
2744s play or they're just going to play for
2745s the draw spot right i think win qualify
2747s yeah are they gonna be like we got two
2748s more qualifiers left we can go to
2749s serious points let's make sure we own
2751s this drop spot as much as possible and i
2753s think it can go either way let's be real
2756s yeah i mean if they don't have that
2757s confidence going into finals right and
2758s then it's just kind of like well yeah
2760s we're just also competing for this poi
2761s but it's your poi we're just kind of
2763s here stopping through that's not in the
2765s spot you want to be you know um guys we
2768s watched that mr savage content piece now
2770s let me throw a fun one at you this is
2772s really fun okay we basically showed our
2774s players a picture very small a snippet
2777s of an area in the map and then said
2778s where is that go track it down hop into
2780s whiplash see if you can find it this is
2783s where in the world
2788s [Music]
2790s all right guys let's play a game
2792s basically we get showed a picture and we
2794s have to drive there whoever gets there
2795s first gets one point whoever gets the
2797s most points wins okay okay
2808s wait i hope it's this way i have no idea
2810s it would have been smart to take the
2812s road no gg
2814s it's wraps i have no fear as well yeah
2817s wait i'm not even sure if it's over here
2818s because i can see the blue thing
2820s how are you not out of fuel
2822s because i'm crazy
2824s okay i'm here i found
2826s it too easy
2835s bro where is that bro oh do you know
2838s that
2839s it's impossible to know no it's not bro
2842s i know where that is remember i don't
2844s know where to find this thing there's
2846s five million buildings it's impossible i
2849s don't even remember what i had to find
2851s oh i know i don't know bro looked at my
2854s screen and then said i know
2856s no no no no it's impossible
2859s i find it i got a first i got it first
2861s it's coming up where is that right where
2863s should it go
2864s 10 1 1.
2867s [Music]
2872s but i know where it is but i know i know
2875s don't crash guys drive safe no i'm full
2878s speeding
2880s i might be through again
2882s we're in the wrong poi no way bro
2885s yes what else could it be
2890s like really goodness i know where it is
2892s but i have no fuel though
2894s no no it's not here
2897s there is nowhere i'm gonna see it
2901s it's not here yep i got it right there
2903s rocky of the rails drive in theater look
2907s at this
2908s i think let me triple check yep yep
2918s oh i know where that is isn't that holly
2920s had just me oh wait how can i do that
2923s bro that one is the easiest one that's
2925s been
2925s i'm already here stop looking at my
2927s screen bro bro i'm already here
2930s i'm here i think it's fully over for you
2932s yeah bro you don't know where it is
2933s though
2935s i'm pretty much know like i'm bending
2937s here
2942s okay i'm here
2944s from time to butts
2947s but i was here
2948s [Music]
2955s so far yeah that is very far
2958s it's actually crazy that we all know
2959s this one
2961s yeah and then he does not just know this
2962s one then we know it's easy maybe i can
2964s do a little bit of this
2968s oh and there's bots yep
2971s grab a little jet pack if someone's
2973s faster than me then they have full
2975s cycles
2976s they suit us how much
2980s i'm gonna
2983s win my car's blocking it's over it's
2986s over there's no way you guys have enough
2988s fuel bro
2989s no tan is winning dan is winning this is
2991s you're throwing no
2993s is this this is this i wanna wanna one i
2995s wonder what i want
2998s i won
2999s i won
3000s i won i when i won i was here first
3006s [Music]
3020s i i very much enjoy wearing the world
3022s that was a really fun one yeah once
3024s again thank you for all the players who
3025s came out the media day super super fun
3028s time okay
3029s we gotta focus in now we only have a
3031s little bit longer before we get ready to
3033s jump on that battle bus and kick off the
3035s first game of qualifier number one
3038s so let's do this let's talk about
3040s predictions everyone's favorite moment
3043s of the whole show now fortnite fam i
3045s will say make sure you guys stay on top
3047s of the casters and analysts in every
3048s region
3050s because one of them will be receiving a
3052s crazy award depending on where they play
3054s so the first place winner in each region
3057s will get an award that's right that's
3059s right so there's that much more pressure
3061s all right i was right for a second here
3063s we'd be like going up against any west
3065s guys they're just going oh it's epic
3066s whale and arkham they're just
3068s like i'm going to compete they can get
3070s it right every week okay okay you know
3072s what uh yeah yeah all right we'll have
3073s more talks about this but yeah that's a
3075s good point that's not they have an easy
3076s road that's okay we'll just we'll just
3078s make sure that that everyone knows that
3079s our job is more difficult because you
3081s know
3083s just kidding any west we love you guys
3084s so much okay let's start this off
3087s uh i went with floki and clemens uh
3090s listen i think these guys could make it
3092s into that top five right historically we
3093s know they are this kind of pop-off team
3095s they can find themselves in the right
3097s spots but you know sometimes rhys if
3100s they don't get kind of the their feet
3101s under them
3103s they may struggle but i'm hoping that
3104s doesn't happen yeah they're uncontested
3106s at trunks today from what it seems like
3108s and they've had a history of being
3109s fighting against teams and teams every
3111s single basically weekly qualifier last
3113s time so they're in a good position me
3115s and boo hey
3117s reigning champions we're eye to eye with
3119s this one right now look they're looking
3121s super strong i think you made a really
3122s good point earlier though with no cars
3124s like if they get a bunch of south zones
3126s it could be really difficult for them
3127s yeah but obviously the no coil is going
3129s to affect them a little bit but these
3130s guys you know first day of the last fncs
3132s as well you know they struggled a little
3133s bit came back in the second day so these
3135s guys you know the name of the game is
3136s adaptability and that's what champions
3138s do so hen and queasy very easy i mean
3140s that's why they pay us the big bucks
3143s you're going with a nice and pink
3145s changing his prediction left right and
3147s center finally sticking to that because
3149s we talked about how good these guys are
3151s but yeah again they're kind of going up
3152s against our predictions the height teams
3154s battling out head to head up on the top
3156s of the high ground so i'm very very
3157s interested to see how these two teams go
3159s both could get in the top five and then
3160s eleven with tayson and champix who could
3162s have predicted that
3164s eleven yeah
3167s i mean levin's is a very simple man
3169s right he sees chasing that's who he just
3171s goes head on the side with i mean
3175s um well fortnite fam we're getting ready
3178s here not that much longer we're gonna
3180s have a lot of things to talk about over
3181s the course of these six games ahead of
3183s us right the new mechanics in the game
3185s as well manchelin combat sprinting and
3187s of course i'm sorry tactical sprinting
3189s and still paired up with sliding that we
3191s feel like people still haven't mastered
3193s so we'll have to see how all of this
3194s kind of place into today's games but for
3197s now we got two casters who are standing
3198s by they're ready to say hello so give a
3200s big warm welcome to shywager 11 2k let's
3203s go
3205s thanks so much zeke boop and reece
3207s another season of the fncs the stakes
3208s are higher the action is faster and the
3210s casters look even better levin how are
3212s you doing my friend oh wow thank you man
3214s i you know people don't compliment me
3216s that often but i appreciate that man
3218s look i'm looking forward to it right a
3219s new season new beginnings for a lot of
3221s these players right we have a lot of new
3223s teams as well of course like the
3225s analysts said i see chase and i like
3226s yeah yeah but even even removing the
3228s emotional aspect of it right you know in
3230s a world where there are a couple doors
3232s that we're not too sure about tasting
3234s traffic's when you pair that with the
3235s circumstances they have at command cabin
3237s you would expect them to do incredibly
3238s well today right so you know of course
3240s first days sometimes people don't
3243s necessarily perform as best as you could
3245s but i am very optimistic about some of
3247s our more experienced teams today
3249s absolutely week one always has that
3250s switch up getting into the quals round
3252s one and two after three we have the
3253s mishmash the mosh pit even at half these
3255s poi as you mentioned command cavern
3257s tilted towers as well i feel like it's
3259s gonna be a complete jumbo show sign up
3260s station daily bugle there's so many
3262s three multiple team contested poi 11 i
3265s don't even know where to begin
3266s honestly it's gonna be hectic for us as
3268s well right and of course as always it is
3271s gonna be fun because we have the first
3273s game of qualifier one just around the
3275s corner
3282s all right game one for qual one another
3284s season
3285s same kind of map the new poise but the
3288s action i just feel like is gonna be so
3290s fresh already that bus makes command
3292s caverns start the game earliest that's
3294s an awesome pink that we're in line with
3295s the highest point of drop as well near
3297s the blimp they're gonna have control and
3299s this is gonna be one of the more
3300s interesting fights to watch today
3302s you can see they're literally right on
3304s top of each other and so the amount of
3306s moments you'd expect to fight to break
3307s out mustache and malabu could have
3309s realizing that pink and us have access
3311s to the barrels and so they're going to
3312s have that shield advantage option to
3314s head over to the blimp and get their
3316s loot up as well ready to make sure that
3318s engagement is somewhat fair between them
3324s and don't get it confused i know you're
3325s looking at the mini map and even
3327s this top view right now this is not a
3328s creative map we're not just remaking the
3330s cavern and watching a few teams join in
3332s and play that is pretty much and
3333s straight up five teams rocking that poi
3336s in different layers completely so we'll
3338s see what goes down already said he put a
3339s snazzy and potassium out benji fishing
3341s savage i believe also fell and are gone
3344s and mxr getting completely totaled as
3346s well bad sniper versus savage i feel
3348s like uh 11 has been a story we've seen
3350s season after season at almost so many
3352s different pois it seems like i think on
3354s the side of bad sniper they've just been
3356s leveling up being a little bit more
3357s composed overall and are getting the the
3360s better half of that equation
3361s yeah they obviously got the better half
3363s last season right maybe that's a bit of
3365s an understatement even obviously i got a
3367s chance to speak to savage and you know
3368s they were hopeful about their chances
3370s this season turning the tide a bit but
3373s of course with the changes that have
3374s been made to it at what point maybe they
3376s think actually maybe you don't even want
3377s to end it at all anyways right so
3381s plenty of changes to be
3384s adjusted to
3385s i think we're going to actually check
3386s out how those guys went down
3388s mrs savage and benji going for that
3391s oh no oh dude
3393s it's like that they even had such a cool
3395s job i was like there's no way this goes
3397s bad but yeah unfortunately even with
3399s benji just being a powerhouse and
3401s getting one of the knocks down you can't
3403s really stop vico from pushing that box
3405s that was also you know reese mentioned
3407s the wishy-washy predictions back and
3409s forth i had a feeling in my heart that
3410s if benji and savage are given enough
3412s time maybe just a game or two they can
3414s get so many points but having these
3416s types of players and teams around them
3417s it's tough yeah full 50 50s are
3419s difficult this fight here that's
3421s actually just wrapped up isn't a full 50
3423s 50 but hard find an adn
3426s versus janice and vortex over greasy
3428s this is also a really interesting fight
3430s because
3431s again if you know me i'm a big fan of
3432s janice and vortex they're obviously very
3434s much impressed last season
3436s but this time around alien and hard fine
3437s getting the best of them yeah you would
3439s think that on the side of genesis vortex
3441s specifically a little bit more patient
3443s and greasy fights favor kind of the
3445s teams that take it a bit slower and are
3446s a little bit more methodical overall but
3448s it seems like horrified indian got the
3449s drop on them i was seeing that fight
3451s going the other way but clearly these
3453s guys have a plan
3454s yeah hard found at adn
3457s continued to improve i think last season
3460s hard fan really
3461s started to sort of get back into the
3462s swing of things right there were a
3463s couple seasons where maybe you weren't
3465s seeing these guys performing at the top
3466s level
3467s and a hard fine
3469s reached out to my guy coach harry
3471s started getting a bit of help in that
3473s regard and now we're seeing them back
3475s into the important games right fmcs
3478s round four of the qualifiers is where
3480s you want to be
3482s by the end of the six games there's an
3483s even more important place you want to be
3484s right in that top five
3486s absolutely some of these teams are
3487s watching i mean head and queasy and
3489s absolute shoeing to rocket
3491s and get all the way up there towards
3493s that top five sleepy sound they're just
3494s investigating for now
3496s we just had an election like squeeze on
3497s screen 11. talk to me about them because
3499s namesake wise fueling wise if you look
3502s at the history they should be assuming
3503s for top five but a lot of the times
3505s analysts players fans don't have them
3507s there
3508s yeah i think as a whole that they're
3510s doing that's very representative of a
3511s lot of what's happening with you know
3513s the french scene in fortnite right at
3514s the top level where a lot of these
3516s players are very established you expect
3518s them to do well they have the potential
3519s to come out and pop off i wouldn't be
3521s surprised if ander lex finished in the
3523s top five today but again
3526s have they been putting in the hard yards
3528s throughout the season
3530s i think a lot of people question that
3532s and therefore question how well they can
3533s do
3534s in these more difficult lobbies
3537s but they did well in the lead up right
3539s of course they have made it here and so
3540s we'll give them that much credit and
3543s they deserve to prove themselves
3545s and this is something that will be a
3547s sight to the whole taser and traffic
3550s have the vote in game one
3552s i don't think that's gonna change much
3554s over the next couple games
3555s i love how you're just like walking down
3557s the street type vibe in your voice you
3559s know keeping it nice and nonchalant you
3561s see taste on the screen i've never seen
3562s this man smile mid-sentence this this
3565s hard this wide and just be sound just
3568s this happy over one pov man they're not
3570s even doing anything why is
3572s you want to know the truth bro it's
3574s because we're getting a prize for
3575s predictions so i just want to do really
3577s well and get the prize you know i could
3579s have predicted you know jack and harry
3581s it wouldn't matter who i predicted as
3583s long as they do well you will see me
3584s smiling so
3586s hey if you're watching two you're
3587s wondering hey what's going on i might
3589s have just started playing fortnite again
3590s because of zero build or i haven't
3592s watched competitive before i want to
3593s predict some teams i want to be a fan
3595s welcome to competitive basically you
3597s watch the early game portion of
3599s fortnite drop down and it's pretty much
3601s just fighting for your poi it's the same
3603s in many modes after that those where
3605s things get a little bit more interesting
3606s mid game it's all about trying to get
3608s some tags trying to get some damage up
3609s storm surge is the thing that's kind of
3611s exclusive to these competitive modes i
3613s mean it's active in a lot of places but
3614s this is where you see it a lot of the
3615s time and
3616s all you have to do is more damage than
3618s most other players in the lobby there's
3620s a cut off i believe it's 70 players for
3621s the first
3622s kind of threshold overall so you'll see
3624s teams facing up a little bit going for
3626s that damage being strategic that's the
3627s name of the game and then we'll see that
3629s classic end game mumbo jumbo that's so
3632s much fun to watch
3633s yeah as a whole right you're almost
3635s playing your whole game with that end
3637s game in mind can we get to that stage of
3639s the game with the most resources with
3641s the best possible chance
3643s of being able to win out the game
3645s resources will be a big part of that
3646s you're seeing hen farming up right now
3647s making sure he can get himself up in
3649s that regard
3652s and players will break out into
3654s different fights all around the map
3656s with that same goal in mind
3658s control is basically the name of the
3659s game and one of the duals i kind of want
3661s to talk about in that aspect the one
3663s that did the best in the previous round
3664s first place overall pink and anas and
3666s they have cavern mountain basically to
3669s themselves they have a chunker car as
3670s well to be able to move around those
3672s tires make you basically stick to any
3674s surfaces you're driving up
3677s i feel like if they are allowed to play
3678s i think that was the biggest thing right
3679s being super contested off spawn or
3681s they're going to be allowed to have a
3682s say in every single game damn
3684s comfortable in game one is gonna be a
3686s scary sight for everyone else even
3688s tasting the traffic's on the right
3691s yeah well this is actually a scary site
3692s for the rest of the lobby right because
3694s they have
3695s a vehicle for people don't know right
3698s a lot of vehicles that were in the game
3699s before were taken out except for these
3701s ones here the io ones the black vehicles
3703s and uh if you're a team that has one
3706s let's just say
3708s you have a decent leg up from the rest
3709s of the lobby a lot of people would like
3711s to to share the same fortune as you
3713s right and so
3715s that will be a huge factor into how
3717s they're actually able to traverse the
3719s map right because
3720s what we're gonna see in a lot of these
3721s games is people crowded on the edge of
3723s these zones right you know the storm
3725s circle you're just going to have a whole
3727s line of teams
3729s and if you're if you're a team of a
3730s vehicle
3731s you have that ability to get around
3733s you're just that bit more mobile than
3735s the rest and
3736s it works wonders that's why you'll see
3738s queasy and hen as much as they'll be
3740s confident about their chances qualifying
3742s queasy will tell you guys look
3744s we're good but we ain't got a vehicle so
3746s don't have your hopes up right
3748s everybody knows how strong they can be
3754s most definitely even with that central
3755s zone a little bit
3757s it's going towards that south side a lot
3758s of people will be playing that edge and
3760s have access to
3762s moving in and actually playing the game
3763s it's nothing too crazy like the
3765s mountains up top north
3767s michael on astro
3770s seeing exactly what they can do but it's
3771s split bases for a lot of players and
3773s then the opposite side of that are just
3775s combined ones
3776s maybe a spot that has a bit more of a
3778s vantage point overall
3781s rolling in lois este as well second
3783s place overall from round three this team
3786s i feel like has been pretty 50 50
3788s throughout history sd specifically
3790s always kind of toughed out on spawn
3792s always kind of in the middle of the pack
3794s when it comes to placements as well can
3796s i have some momentum riding in you
3798s already mentioned tasting the chatpix
3799s eyedropping jerky playing here today as
3801s well
3802s everyone here kind of has that potential
3803s for the pop off
3805s um but i think consistency is something
3806s that everyone's gonna be striving for
3808s trying to get towards that top five
3810s yeah most definitely right i think
3812s you know coming into this game as much
3814s as these guys have all done a great job
3815s to get here there will be nerves talking
3817s about
3818s if you can sort of get a really good
3819s early start that momentum can do wonders
3822s that's my biggest hope for this doer
3823s here on our screens right
3825s take some chat pics both great players
3827s both fmcs winners they've actually won
3828s an f interest playing together but if
3830s you don't know much about these two uh
3832s i'll tell you this they argue quite a
3834s bit right
3836s both both great minds in terms of
3838s fortnite right two of the smartest
3839s players in the game and they can clash
3841s sometimes right and so things don't go
3843s their way early on
3845s right that momentum not going in their
3846s favor can be huge right when the
3848s arguments start breaking out can they
3850s actually keep things together
3851s and stay on the same page when it
3853s matters the most
3854s [Music]
3856s you got to see a bunch of these players
3857s living at media day recently talk to me
3859s about the vibes of them on site finally
3861s you know meeting some of their
3862s competitors for the first time like was
3864s everything hunky-dory or was it kind of
3866s like you know as intense as things get
3868s in game or maybe even in solo catch cups
3871s you know what everyone's lovely man
3872s that's that's the one thing all these
3874s players are are very lovely people
3876s uh of course things did get quite
3879s intense right during the cash cup i know
3881s we will talk about a bunch but
3883s queasy
3884s if you are watching queasy in person
3886s player cash cup you wouldn't think he's
3887s doing well
3890s he gets so angry he gets so fired up
3891s that you just would not think he's
3893s actually doing well but you know you
3894s look at the leaderboard and he's way up
3896s there right so
3897s sometimes players allow their emotions
3898s to get in there but for the most part
3900s everyone's quite cool so i'm sure as we
3902s go player to player i'll have some more
3903s anecdotes for for each one
3906s but um now it was it was a great
3908s experience these guys their passion for
3910s fortnite is brilliant they all work
3912s incredibly hard
3914s and i'm sure that'll pay off for a lot
3915s of them today
3917s stakes wise i mean just every game every
3920s player is obviously looking to win we're
3922s talking about cash cups you're trying to
3923s come you know towards the top first
3924s overall for this week this qualifier
3926s these six games by the time they're over
3928s every duo here is gonna be looking
3929s towards getting towards that top five
3932s if so they're going straight towards the
3933s finals
3934s towards the end of the season so
3937s um there are a few shoe-ins
3938s on your screen right now as well
3940s but anything can happen
3943s especially with the way some of these
3944s pois are set up in terms of fights it's
3946s just getting insane and crazy this might
3948s be one of the slowest in terms of action
3950s games we've seen
3952s so far across both seasons everyone
3954s playing super slow i feel like a little
3956s bit of that loot pool as well gives you
3957s access to
3959s take a few more passive fights go for
3961s tags overall the introduction of the
3962s shield kick just having that 100 shield
3964s for free after taking a few engagements
3966s people are looking just to base up a bit
3967s more than the goal all in 50 50 these
3970s box likes
3971s yeah i think being able to actually find
3973s a team you can get tags on can be
3974s difficult a lot of people in these
3976s lobbies will be playing just a bit safer
3977s than they usually would
3980s and so you always have to pick your
3982s timings and your openings wisely
3985s you see bad sniper and dks they think
3986s they found an opening
3989s i'm not able to connect with much just
3991s there they will have to find something
3993s lower 222 below
3996s you can see on the right your screen
4000s so that means
4001s that desperate times are among them they
4003s have an i o vehicle as well so
4005s they'll really want to stay in this game
4008s always have great potential to go far
4009s into the moving zones of that
4012s but you have to do damage if you don't
4014s do damage to serve up
4015s who will claim it's damage from you
4018s and this is what
4020s yeah
4021s this is just top dks bad sniper 86 below
4024s focus on that number on the right side
4025s of the screen it's already gone though
4026s as are both these players yikes is there
4029s with vico they started off the game
4030s taking out benji and savage and now
4032s they're here just raining and leading
4034s the lobby in eliminations yeah those are
4036s obviously two tilted tower teams
4039s not actually fighting out at tilted but
4041s later on in the game they meet
4043s and it's only one that comes out on top
4046s but that is gonna be an interesting sort
4047s of theme to watch for right will that
4049s team continue to struggle with search
4051s throughout the games
4052s if the top team struggles in for surge
4054s in one game you can forgive that right
4056s things happen
4057s but again a game
4059s being able to adjust yeah
4064s the tree being knocked down
4066s such an interesting mechanic that sort
4068s of almost goes unspoken about but it is
4070s huge right you need to knock a tree down
4073s and you can see the effect now though
4074s this isn't gonna be able to pick sdr and
4076s he's not gonna have to fend for himself
4078s the combat smg is providing endless
4080s amounts of pressure he tries to get up
4082s and over
4083s with such low hp things are gonna be so
4085s difficult it's a nice shot i believe
4087s that's the crack as well and so he's
4089s even things up a tad bit
4091s but can he do the finishing blow before
4093s the teammate comes to help it doesn't
4095s seem like it you can hear them scurrying
4097s around all over him but you can't
4099s actually find the shot he's actually
4100s getting shot from the team in the
4102s distance as well
4104s this is not looking great for loners
4106s whatsoever
4107s completely out of heels too so you can't
4109s really come back by any means but these
4111s siphons right now
4112s these are just all into this fight but
4114s more time this bot the bigger the health
4116s bars get below him
4118s this man is trapped in a reverse dungeon
4119s this is just so tough for him there's no
4121s way out
4126s oh man on the left side as well you can
4127s see
4128s blue
4129s and then away i mean they're doing the
4131s opposite of fighting trying to heal out
4134s surge i mean i saw our entire shield
4137s can't get used
4138s loosely so many heals available that
4140s must be
4141s some of the
4142s things that nano had in his inventory as
4144s well but they're getting focused now a
4146s little bit above as a few teams go down
4149s we'll see only one player needing to go
4151s down before
4152s serge will stop ticking for the meantime
4154s and so he'll hope he can just weigh it
4155s out obviously 163 above now
4158s works in his favor
4160s and now that we've hit 78
4162s serge will be switched off
4164s for now at least
4167s he's going to be back but this is not
4168s good whatsoever pink and then that's in
4171s a bit of trouble and that's actually
4172s being taken down ain't gonna be many
4174s places to get a review off
4179s how is this even possible two pads
4181s rolling in with
4182s this type of inventory
4185s it was a surge that kind of put them
4186s into this position i'm not even sure
4187s they had a few tags and had control of
4190s cavern as well as a vehicle so
4192s this is i feel like
4193s first of all i'm worried second of all
4195s this i feel like is how every single
4196s fncs starts for this duo it's usually
4198s pink is the one that's going down
4200s somewhere near this time or in the next
4202s zone and then a nice clutching up but
4203s with two pads those heels i feel like
4205s you can still clutch maybe even a top
4207s ten
4208s yeah that's going to be really tough but
4209s of course like you said the two pads
4211s will be huge in terms of being able to
4212s get him zone to zone is luke was
4214s brilliant like obviously if he had a
4216s we'd be talking about them in the
4217s context of you know they're going to go
4219s on to have a really strong game
4220s that's really unfortunate i guess but
4223s we'll see how pink fares tasting on the
4225s other hand another team from command
4228s he has two launch pads as well and
4229s that's gonna be phenomenal i wonder if
4231s chappix has some himself yet he does has
4234s the one as well three launch pads in the
4236s hands of this team
4238s i don't wanna jinx anything but that's
4240s almost unfair you know
4243s yeah just allows them to save so many
4246s maps right in these moving zones right a
4249s lot of teams right if they don't have
4250s any sort of mobility item like a pad or
4252s a vehicle they're gonna have to just
4253s burn through materials to keep
4255s themselves protected and safe these guys
4256s can just glide their way into the next
4258s zone
4259s almost free of charge at times
4261s over and over again and then have those
4262s mats when they're most important
4264s that being said that the zones aren't
4265s really switching over to one complete
4267s side it's kind of squishing all the way
4268s in the middle
4269s everyone's gonna be forced to just move
4271s in pattern notepad the pressure's kind
4273s of on for every single team hopefully
4276s they have the damage dealt as well
4277s because might be a bit too late to go
4279s for force fights at this moment pink is
4281s still up top
4283s acting like he he owns the lobby i mean
4285s tayson's right beside him somewhere i
4286s think i just saw his name maybe a little
4288s below
4290s still confident with the teammate down
4293s yeah and
4294s i think that's going to be key to sort
4296s of how he has to play the rest of this
4297s game out you can't make yourself look
4299s vulnerable you can't yourself look weak
4302s a scuff solo is the dream of many of
4304s these teams right that will be what they
4306s want
4307s and so he has to move forward as strong
4309s as he possibly can be that one shot
4311s not huge but it will at least tick him
4313s over in terms of search keeping 161
4315s above
4316s in his pursuit of getting into zoe
4322s he's sneaking around a little bit 303
4324s should be good
4325s in terms of damage and yeah one thing we
4327s didn't really get to talk about yet is
4328s the new mechanics in terms of movement
4330s mantling sprinting as a duo sometimes
4332s it's tough to keep those stamina bars in
4335s check the movement and check overall
4336s when you're solo and you have these
4339s tools available to you in terms of just
4340s being that more agile when you're on the
4342s ground you can do great things and
4344s really are able to hide away from
4346s pressure
4347s so much more so you don't really need to
4349s focus on that teammate that being said
4350s half the mats available half the
4352s pressure available there are obviously
4353s some really big downsides but
4355s i think still has a chance right here
4357s chappix and tayson up top getting forced
4359s off
4360s their base there's gonna be a push here
4361s double armored wall to make sure there
4363s is no funny business they're taking no
4364s risk especially
4366s three pads in tow
4368s taser should be the power man to watch
4369s right now he's gonna be the one
4370s dictating who moves where with this team
4373s yeah you can see how awkward things got
4374s for them right where traffic's over
4376s peaks of it takes some damage and so now
4378s they're on the back foot but they'll be
4380s all right i don't know about this dude
4383s you're able
4386s doesn't have a teammate and he doesn't
4388s have an ehp left right back to the lobby
4391s in just a matter of a flash
4393s was that a base or a blender i'm not
4394s sure because those hp bars they went
4396s down so fast and they're still falling
4399s yeah man a bit of the chunks left over
4402s just dripping through
4404s that is real tough swaps and edison
4406s though they will not complain they
4408s needed that damage and they needed the
4410s loot as well captive got a pad and
4412s they're sitting in zone as well this is
4414s set enough to be a real nice first game
4416s for these guys
4418s swaps on this and let's see what they
4420s can do ada hard find although winning
4421s the fight off of spawn
4422s blow on damage for surge as a result
4425s that lightning strikes them down
4427s sue goes down the map unfortunately as
4429s well hard fine going for his last few
4431s shots but doesn't really the end of
4432s these guys are now in the hair can't
4434s really heal off the damage that will
4435s strike so
4436s they have to land quick get some good
4438s shots and hopefully stay alive four more
4440s people need to go down 80 end though
4441s lands into disaster it's just hard fine
4443s for the 360 beam but he gets deleted too
4447s yeah that was real tough wasn't able to
4449s stay behind abn quick enough to back him
4451s up in the box and they both fall because
4453s of it and now holding players in they do
4456s this incredibly well always set up in
4458s great positions to take out players who
4460s are wandering in the back of the zone
4462s trying to get to safety
4465s and that's going to be a continued theme
4466s in the rest of this law but you can see
4468s everything shaping up now
4470s everybody finally started to get into
4472s that position but this is where things
4473s really get hectic shy up as the moving
4475s zones are upon us
4477s yeah right now exactly where head and
4479s queezy are above them is satan and
4480s trafficks beside them floki and clement
4483s three teams were expecting to do so well
4484s all in one of the best spots for this
4486s zone they pull it as well so they have
4488s advantage for now for sasha malabuca
4491s also here a strong duo who the further
4493s they get the stronger they are they'll
4494s see what they can do excuse me picking
4496s up andy in the feed everyone quiets down
4498s only one
4500s burst they are kind of railing a few
4502s shots in sight everyone's getting ready
4503s for that move it's gonna be tough here
4505s lemon in this first game
4506s yeah i don't know how tough it'll be for
4508s these guys right you saw their maxim
4509s materials they've got a pad as well i'm
4511s sure they'll look to scout high ground
4513s see if that's an option for them
4515s they've got to be careful because
4516s there's a bunch of other teams a little
4517s bit i want to do some floating clemento
4520s oh my goodness are they in the blue
4522s they're picking up another elimination
4524s first of the game
4525s and loki
4527s was so unsuspecting just got completely
4529s caught out from behind and
4532s that's going to be huge for these guys
4533s moving forward that refresh is nice
4535s big arc up top everyone basically using
4536s the same launch pad to get to where they
4538s need to go fury landing first and up in
4540s the sky we see vanya still waiting to
4542s see what he can do chadpix re-hits it
4544s with tayson they'll dictate exactly how
4546s height looks it feels like all the way
4548s up top here but they see a few people
4549s already building up super fast they're
4550s gonna keep the low key for now and maybe
4552s take height later yeah you see they have
4554s the eyes on it the double dip he wanted
4555s to be the highest in the sky make sure
4557s he could scout it well and see what
4559s their options were they chose to leave
4561s in the meantime but we'll see how that
4562s pays off for them pink is doing this one
4564s in the bottom right of your screen and
4566s you'll see how he can do he's going to
4567s be running lower maps eventually but a
4569s refresh in the back of the zone will be
4571s the way to solve that and you can see
4572s him attacking the wall those guys
4574s pulling their pants down they don't even
4575s know where they're getting shot from
4576s this is crazy think about it sometimes
4578s this man has a teammate and he can do
4580s even more right now he's doing more than
4582s half the teams we've seen already as a
4583s solo player on second high ground no
4586s one's even focusing him just yet and
4587s he's ahead of surge it's jerky and i
4589s drop that have control for now every
4590s time i see jerky on high ground 11 he
4593s does not lose it easy yeah these guys
4595s gotta be careful though they need to
4596s reinforce height you can see already
4598s jerky getting chopped down down to just
4600s wood and it's gonna be really hard to
4601s hold this when you have the likes of
4603s tayson and traffic's looking up for it
4604s they would have spotted that wood they
4605s would have known what these guys are
4607s doing we're taking it like ourselves you
4609s can see the build fight pulling out the
4611s cone from jerky isn't going to come
4613s through and so he's forced to knock it
4614s down but as he does that he forces a
4616s fight and yeah winning a fight against
4618s these guys jason and traffic they're up
4620s there on height and they're up there for
4622s the win you can see they've got it now
4624s dry drop the big drop will be forced all
4626s the way down and tayson and traffic they
4629s hold height in game one but for how long
4631s you can see they themselves are down to
4633s it and that could be a problem as they
4635s move forward big cost to get it pink
4637s still alive though somehow still
4638s surviving 300 mats for wood still left
4641s now he's finally getting focused taste
4642s and desperate for a pickup for anything
4644s at all down low there's even more
4645s pressure pink now sandwiched from all
4647s sizes to give it all up down the low
4649s ground where it's catacombs it's a
4651s graveyard there's no one here it's empty
4653s and he finds some reprieve one player
4654s slides in but pink sees it coming denies
4657s access towards his builds this man a
4659s legend the solo from the fourth zone is
4662s still somehow alive yeah you can see
4664s going up against jackson jackson will be
4665s taken out and so pink will be able to
4667s stay on low for just that bit longer but
4668s he wants a fight with edison he needs to
4670s be careful he wanted to try and get that
4672s and he will do it but it's not going to
4673s be enough right to flop up we're keeping
4675s it again
4677s the trunk splashes as well but can you
4678s get over this hill it doesn't quite look
4680s like it one build comes out can you so
4682s fast his way around it's gonna be so
4683s difficult but it's fine because so many
4685s players are going down at this stage you
4686s can see malibu and mustache are
4688s responsible for that as well and now
4690s down to just bare bows pink will
4692s eventually fall but a brilliant fight
4694s nonetheless a valiant effort
4697s but you can see malibu mustache they
4699s want it oh they're clearing out their
4701s layer they will not give anybody space
4703s to breathe you can see as well the
4705s floppers will be huge if it comes to a
4708s heal off they're sitting up real nice
4710s going out into this closing moments of
4712s the game unbreakable wall down low made
4714s of wood and a strong duo meanwhile
4716s traffic's up top is trying anything to
4718s have a sane elimination another one for
4720s mustache malabu they're up to seven
4722s trying to wrap this one all out and all
4723s the sniping mats come in prefecture is
4725s still raining up from above armored wall
4726s to maybe just silence them for just a
4728s second look at the distance between both
4730s teams right now it's first versus fourth
4731s overall and one more player down below
4734s shizo and krusty two separate no duos to
4737s be able to help them out in this
4738s circumstance men miss actually for
4740s crusty to be able to mantle around and
4741s get straight up into the zone big shot
4743s over and shazo goes down afterwards
4745s though mr malabuca yeah the sonar on
4747s they hear everything they pick him apart
4749s and now things are getting dark this is
4751s where they were born and molded one
4752s player down mustache this is popping off
4755s for the moment six for him but there's a
4757s trade now 1v1 malibu floppers and chuck
4759s splashes didn't play the zones not fully
4760s closed yet he's going to be able to heal
4762s for just a second look at jason's hp
4763s pool he might just be able to do this
4765s krabs had to start off this game
4766s afterwards has time to work with to
4768s maybe even make this 1v1 something
4769s special for us to witness final jump
4772s down malbuka might be running out of
4773s matt syria just on the back side but he
4774s gets 150 pod off he's looking good for
4776s now it's going to be an even clash on
4777s both sides first build block now taste
4779s is going up from the right he doesn't
4780s know exactly where malibu is look up my
4782s friend he's got the high ground
4784s has a hard food option as well 170 max
4786s no almost 200 to use and tayson's force
4788s to the ground has nothing for protection
4790s he has to go for the spray malibu low on
4792s hp as well this one we won't dictate how
4794s today goes it completely takes a look at
4796s the shot he gets rattled up a little bit
4798s he still has the hp advantage
4799s looking for it jason almost tries to
4801s shot down one more shot it's coming down
4803s jason with a big one going off to the
4804s right but it's valid
4806s it was just too good and can't be
4808s stopped with the first victory royale a
4810s close 1v1 in our first game between two
4814s exciting teams who will continue to
4816s battle it out on the leaderboards all
4818s day long my rebuking mustache was set up
4820s so well they cleared out everybody on
4823s the middling low ground layers and then
4824s they went up in the final moments as
4826s well some keyshot look at that down to
4829s just a lick of hp he couldn't even
4832s afford to take just a tiny bit but the
4835s stone cold ice in his veins to hit the
4838s final shot malibu mustache win game one
4841s and in emphatic fashion shia that's a
4844s mali shot i'm calling to that right now
4845s because it was a millisecond more he's
4847s out and the angle was just way too good
4849s i mean that is how we start off the fncs
4852s in eu i want to see the analysts
4854s reactions because that was just insane
4858s yo what this is what i live for man it's
4861s fortnite moments like this when it comes
4863s down to the 1v1 and for a moment rhys i
4865s thought it was actually going to go
4866s tayson's way right he gets the trade
4868s over he has 200 hp but no materials man
4873s oh
4874s i mean that's interesting to me because
4876s it's like two of the best solo players
4878s on the region going head to head 1v1 at
4880s the end obviously they had their
4881s teammates before that but it all came
4882s down to that final shot who is it gonna
4885s be in this is just a clip from a little
4887s bit early on from the absolute
4888s decimation like malibu mustache one of
4890s the best things about them is they're
4891s just so good at fragging out an end game
4893s right it's like if you get them next to
4895s each other they just run at you look at
4896s this like how you went to stop against
4898s that to the best aimers in the region
4899s charging you with smgs yeah unrelenting
4902s aggression is probably just the name of
4903s the game for malibu and mustache right
4905s those double smg's those pre-edits
4907s coming out we've seen them do that even
4908s from a high ground as well and here's a
4910s little replay of the taste in malibu i'm
4911s going it gave me a little bit of
4912s flashback some solo all-stars you know i
4914s thought this was gonna get there but you
4916s know malibu a little bit shaky there in
4918s the high ground maybe those first game
4919s nerves coming out it was a little bit
4921s too close honestly for my heart to
4922s handle but wow that makes it very
4924s exciting for game number one yeah i was
4926s thinking exactly the same thing you're
4927s trying to remember which tournament was
4928s i was like oh tasting clutches there's
4930s no problem at all yeah look malibu yeah
4932s maybe a little bit of nerfs again a
4933s little bit shaky but at the end of the
4935s day like he's one of the best players on
4936s the region for the last two seasons and
4938s now finally it seems to be able to be
4940s shortened in an fncs
4942s dude so sick i can't believe i just
4945s think again we have five more games out
4947s ahead of us this is very much set the
4949s tone of the the five games that remain
4952s right and honestly i feel like in a lot
4954s of ways rhys this may have set the tone
4955s for qualifiers to come let's take a look
4958s at our standings together as we see kind
4960s of how this is all transpired remember
4962s this is just game one don't get too
4964s crazy all right just look at the points
4966s just think okay we have five more games
4967s things will continue to develop right
4969s now though with that victory royale and
4972s nine eliminations reese
4975s murstash malabuka they're sitting
4977s comfortably at the top i mean here's the
4979s thing like nine elims for them is huge
4981s but like that's not their cat by any
4983s means like they're a team who can get 10
4985s 12 15 in the game maybe not today but i
4988s hope so hope we'll see it but like
4989s that's off to a great great start it's
4991s only game number one some other teams
4993s obviously see floss and mappy down in
4994s fifth we didn't get to see too much of
4996s but i've done really well throughout
4997s some of the earlier rounds and in
4998s seventh the team they definitely want to
5000s point out vico and jikes or jackson as
5002s well a player who did super super good
5004s in that early remember they're going
5005s into the towers one of the poise we
5007s highlighted earlier white both the teams
5009s out from there yeah and a big shout out
5011s to pink there for making it from all the
5012s way from first moving all the way to
5014s zone number eight in that game you know
5015s clutching up those placement points for
5017s himself and anas over there other
5019s players on this lead but of course kathy
5020s and milady the only polish team i think
5023s we've seen lania kami spit no kami and
5024s seti this week unfortunately for them
5026s and uh yeah we're seeing a lot of these
5028s teams being a lot more consistent but
5029s with five more games to go you just
5031s never know what the leaderboard's gonna
5032s look like
5034s yep and again it's just the first game
5036s right like okay everybody take take that
5038s deep breath just work those jitters out
5040s it's okay we have five more to kind of
5042s come back through and look to try to say
5044s like all right whatever happened in game
5045s number one that's just my warm-up game
5047s okay everything's fine uh guys what are
5050s we hoping to see starting in game number
5052s two was there anything you guys felt
5053s like in game number one was maybe like a
5055s little lacking
5057s yeah i mean let's be real till the
5058s towers always has action a little bit
5060s lacking but it's just a place that i
5061s want to revisit again it always happens
5064s action going on you know we saw the 50
5066s 50 right off the spawn here when it came
5068s up into the blimp and right now it
5070s didn't go mr savage's way alongside
5071s benji bishop right vico our kind of
5073s highlighted them earlier had them on the
5075s drop you can see exactly where it went
5077s wrong here for mr savage of course
5078s benjamin she left then has the 1v2
5081s situation then with barely any materials
5083s left he's just trying to do what he can
5084s here this is what i want to see how it
5086s plays out again in game number two
5087s because dks and bad sniper land to the
5088s south down in obviously tilted down
5091s below and this is going to be 50 50
5092s we're going to see overall you know it
5093s seems like you know on the game number
5094s one but vikko and jackson are doing
5096s significantly better but can they keep
5098s that train up or can benji and savage
5100s turn around yeah that's about a
5101s preparation right beacon jackson i know
5103s them the absolute grinders of practice
5105s every single day i see them in the
5107s discord grinding out tournaments in
5108s practice they have a coach as well so if
5110s it comes down to a 50 50 it's all about
5112s preparation and it's a little bit
5113s worried for benji savage then
5115s yeah and i just got to say that landing
5117s for mr savage just hitting that right
5118s angle to just land right into the blimp
5120s that's so sick dude i got to try that
5122s i'm not going to achieve that something
5125s every
5126s 100 of the shots that i take i'll tell
5128s you what
5130s guys we are enjoying all of the action
5132s here so far i'm sure reece i'm sorry uh
5135s levin and of course shywagen got more to
5138s say they want to get us all warmed up as
5140s we prepare for game number two here from
5141s qualifier number one so let's kick it on
5143s over to them to take us in this battle
5144s bus
5147s hey thank you so much guys zeke doesn't
5148s matter how you land in blimps you land
5150s in my heart the right way every time and
5152s these plays levin are etched into my
5154s mind they're perma landing i mean
5156s goribuka basically right off of that
5157s first game this guy's just insane
5160s yeah
5160s so much happened in that game we already
5162s saw one of our first intense battles for
5164s height that we're gonna see of course we
5166s know how many dominant high ground teams
5167s are in that eye drop of course wanted to
5169s get it jerky as well with him was trying
5171s but they couldn't handle tasting
5173s traffics in that moment too low on mats
5175s i can't wait to see the rest of these
5177s end games but even then some of the
5178s osborne battles we have right can greasy
5181s grove go the other way what's going to
5182s happen at till it again there's just so
5184s much happening right now shia to be
5186s excited about
5187s cavern there's so much to explore no pun
5189s intended it always is and so is game
5191s number two we're getting right into it
5194s [Music]
5199s let's go we got game two on our hands
5202s game one did not disappoint one bit and
5205s as we head into some of these off sport
5207s and battle scio
5208s any any sort of early predictions right
5211s who do you think's taking it home at
5212s tilted this game
5214s for tilted i still feel like vico has
5216s the bag locked down especially if their
5218s drops are just that good on game number
5219s one if the jitters aren't even there to
5221s begin with looks like savage is slightly
5223s lower on this time as well doesn't even
5225s make it all the way no he's going for
5226s the bottom side it's going to be him
5227s with the burst they are vehicle going
5228s straight all the way down and savage
5230s actually doesn't even grab the rope but
5231s no he does for a second it's going back
5232s and forth how does he not find vico
5234s already too much of a distraction dks
5237s get some down 11. it doesn't matter who
5239s wins because whatever team does nothing
5241s it feels like they're the ones who get
5243s the reward what just happened on our
5245s screens
5247s oh my goodness
5249s that is literally how all my arena games
5251s go by the way i just land i get out drop
5254s i lose the weapon i jump off the blimp
5256s the guy chases me down
5258s and i get not oh boy benji has a tough
5260s task on his hand but nothing he's not
5262s dealt with before
5264s jackson you can see very much the scene
5266s for him as well vico is obviously not
5268s and laying waste blow
5270s and dks and bats are both just licking
5272s their lips right there they'll be very
5274s chuffed about that
5276s benji getting a third partied by ai as
5278s well
5279s and he's gonna be very low losing all
5280s his shield man what's going on
5283s that is tough that is very very tough
5286s you can see now as well
5288s jackson trying to take the fight to
5290s benji and he wins it
5292s for the revive as well wow
5295s benjamin
5296s again
5298s that's tough and like for me honestly
5301s it's not even what benji
5302s and jackson we're gonna do in that
5304s instance for me it's dks and bad sniper
5306s knowing that you have two players solos
5308s right now choosing to play it safe and
5310s maybe just go for loot i think might be
5313s a bit too safe of an option right now
5314s malibu mustache caught off the press off
5316s that first vr drop against picking and
5318s also have a lot more control on their
5319s side of the bump here in command cavern
5321s or stash already down once again this is
5323s a scaling team in my opinion in terms of
5325s their strength in the game in the early
5327s game it feels like where you can stop
5328s them super fast and right now you can
5330s see that mustache already down yeah this
5332s is huge right this is a team that
5333s literally just won that first game and
5335s we knew this fight could happen over
5336s here at command cabin we've seen it
5338s happen in cash cups in the previous
5340s weeks leading up to fncs
5343s but malabuca all on his own right now in
5345s this moment the nature of command kevin
5347s if you've not really seen things play
5349s out here
5350s is such that he can get away right come
5352s back a bit later he's not gonna actually
5354s observe from the entrance you're right
5355s there son you're at night
5358s is he just trying to beat the sound
5360s he's definitely
5362s it's just funny seeing
5370s they're not going to take the bait right
5372s but look he'll be able to get mustache
5374s up at some point but that is really huge
5377s in terms of them just being able to get
5379s that elimination early on
5381s and of course
5382s the points in the search that comes with
5384s that is huge as well
5387s i mean just look at how fast mustache
5388s malbuka as well got to play that first
5390s game they were out of command cavern
5392s they were on their loot path so so
5394s quickly picking the knots kind of had
5395s their own stuff to deal with different
5397s duo that was landing there i just feel
5399s like they don't get to have the steps
5401s the first steps taken in their game to
5403s start off with go perfect that's where
5404s we just don't see mustache ever just
5407s show up i think that's what's uh what
5408s was happening previous seasons ago it's
5410s thingy stacks that's just what's been
5411s happening for them majority of the time
5413s if they don't have that fast win or if
5415s things just aren't even
5417s they disappear for the game
5419s yeah and and this is going to be one of
5421s those games where they'll have to sort
5422s of overcome that right with the early
5424s setback trying to get themselves loads
5426s out back the bid
5428s it sounds like i'm trying to make this
5430s way too positive right but in terms of
5431s just like being in this area of the map
5433s you saw the vault that jason and
5435s chadwick just opened there was like
5437s four teams worth of loot that they just
5439s didn't collect right so
5441s if you're mad if you can massage you
5442s know that at any point you can just head
5444s back into command and sort of loot up
5446s get any spare loot from the vault and in
5447s the surrounding areas you can get your
5449s metal up as well in this area and
5451s there's some god brick in the area as
5452s well that you can get so
5454s overall right you know it's not doom and
5456s gloom for them at this stage right but
5459s like you said sort of that the mental
5461s implications of that for them are going
5463s to be massive
5465s okay let's see the physical implications
5468s first
5469s [Laughter]
5472s i think that was like 90 seconds of you
5474s breaking down something perfect for
5475s jason to just be like 11 men you talk
5477s too much look he got he got way too big
5479s for his boots right he you know you he
5481s went in there
5483s and tased him in traffic's like hold on
5484s a minute big man we're not done yet
5486s do you know where you are you know we
5488s don't mind you coming out we're coming
5490s back when we're gone and we're finished
5491s but you can't roll in here trying to
5492s sleep sneak something you think you are
5495s big man look facing the traffic it's
5498s really nice for them they'll be
5499s chuckling that elimination
5501s and uh oh sorry what's going on all
5504s right so von trex and jason i would say
5506s the elephant in the pond or in the lake
5508s the flopper in the room okay these guys
5511s rolled in zero eliminations round number
5513s three kill strat uh majority are you
5516s sure they've seen an arena
5521s i'm not even sure but they've got a
5522s scratch locked down we'll tune in with
5524s them that's just like just in case we're
5526s watching and we see two teams left and
5527s there's only one in the zone you know
5529s where the other one is healing off so
5532s yeah well
5533s good luck to those guys
5535s you know
5537s i'm sure everybody in the lobby will be
5538s happy about them
5540s all this fishing crazies doing you might
5542s be thinking he's about to go join them
5545s four floppers gonna be super nice one
5547s thing that's really key this season
5549s right you'll see all these top teams
5551s always wanting to make sure that they
5552s can
5553s have some sort of you know white hp in
5555s terms of floppers chug splashes being
5557s the most popular one right because the
5559s ability to dip back into the zone and
5561s the storm plays in end game is so vital
5564s right and so
5566s a lot of these top teams will always
5567s make sure they have some form of flopper
5569s or chug splash
5572s it's so huge
5573s and that's why traffic's right now we'll
5576s be looking to try and get
5577s two more chunk splashes from cap up on
5580s six
5581s i mean talk about the effect of even
5584s three truck slashes in one flopper pink
5586s the difference between 12th and what
5588s eighth place overall was him finding
5590s just that right a little bit of loot one
5593s or two chuck splashes so definitely
5595s prowling that in your inventory looking
5596s forward in the end game as well it's
5598s huge
5601s i got some sneaky info right you know
5603s and that was only not in that game due
5605s to some technical errors right and so
5606s hopefully this time around
5608s they'll actually be able to play
5610s together as a duo
5613s because when them when they are up
5614s together they are forced to be reckoned
5616s with it'll be interesting to see how
5617s they play into the height dynamic of
5619s course we know they're a high ground
5621s team but there have been times when you
5623s know we've seen them in bigger games and
5624s bigger lobbies tried to go for high
5626s ground against some of the other big
5627s dogs and it just maybe doesn't quite
5629s work out how they would like it to hope
5631s and so maybe you know they sort of
5633s cower away in that sense
5635s yeah i think like for not specifically
5637s especially the church he's been under
5638s the past as well i think he's been the
5640s one to give things up and play that
5641s clutch mode first or the defensive side
5644s of when a tick happens so actually
5646s that's one of the reasons i wanted to go
5648s with them today is just i feel like if
5649s things do go crazy on height without
5651s queasy in the business with what we just
5652s saw would take some traffic they would
5653s be the ones not to hold on
5657s yeah nasa's one of those players right
5659s who when we got to see him play in
5661s person at media day he is the most
5664s chilled out guy like if you saw this guy
5666s playing the catch up you'd have no idea
5667s you'd think he's just chilling right
5668s like
5669s this guy was just
5670s he plays like leaned back in his chair
5672s for one so like he just looks ultra
5675s casual and then you know if you watch
5677s the differences last season i caught
5679s this guy a robot because he just doesn't
5680s really make mistakes he's
5682s like he's almost as close to perfect as
5684s you can be a lot of the time right and
5686s so
5688s very much one of the the top players in
5691s the region regardless of what people
5692s tell you he is uh in that upper echelon
5695s the tier one as they say sometimes
5698s well the s plus if your boop s plus as
5701s well if you want to name it differently
5703s yeah
5705s we'll look at girls and scheizer were
5707s just on screen a moment ago
5709s i mean the solo performances we've saw
5711s so far just in terms of clutches in game
5712s one
5713s definitely up there but now it's about
5714s staying consistent i think that's the
5715s toughest part about things is having an
5717s even better or equal game too
5722s you can see your video and hard found
5723s right they don't actually have any
5724s elimination so i wonder what happened to
5726s spawn that greasy if they even went
5727s there of course
5729s there's always a possibility that they
5730s decided they didn't want to take that
5732s fight or maybe they disengaged
5735s sort of try get some update on that and
5737s see where janice and cortex are they are
5739s definitely another top team to watch out
5740s for
5744s siren osv
5746s and if i for the moment with the third
5747s party also flying across the lake this
5749s is about to get really hairy i don't
5751s even think they see it coming siren
5754s head off on the back side
5755s team in there to help down
5757s and go for a floor chop they're gonna
5759s stimulate a little bit of damage up
5760s inside the box
5761s that's one big healing but now comes the
5763s pressure from the other side
5765s gravy might be down but they have an
5766s entire new beast to fight
5768s yeah
5769s art's going to chips
5772s definitely a team you want to be dealing
5773s with at this stage
5775s they've moved over this season right not
5777s sort of landing in the northwest like
5779s they were last season
5781s they haven't back quinn they haven't
5783s quite been the same sort of beast that
5785s they were last season in these lobbies
5787s but still
5788s a very similar animal
5789s and we'll see if that can be unleashed
5791s in this lobby today
5794s just got to break more records and when
5796s it comes to
5797s their record so far it's been 50 50 off
5799s spawn on that northwest side that's what
5800s you're talking about
5802s right now uncontested for the day uh
5804s this is one of the teams i feel like
5805s that have that
5806s prowess the talent the potential to be
5809s one of those top teams if they get a
5811s history a little bit a legacy built up i
5814s think this might be one of their first
5815s squall rounds where they have a chance
5817s to actually you know have a footprint in
5818s the lobby and not have their shoes
5820s stomped out right off spawn
5824s yeah we're
5825s actually gonna get a peek into one of
5828s the many sort of storm surge battles
5830s we'll see in the mid game a box fight
5831s between alien and hard find bad snap in
5833s dks
5837s why why does this team choose to play
5839s fncs on insanity difficulty dks and bad
5842s sniper i'm so confused like
5845s lazy lake just just you know going for
5847s some of those
5849s i'm throwing it way back man it started
5851s there like going for some of the hardest
5852s off spawn contestants never switching
5854s right and just roughing through it now
5857s just you know pervert contested that
5858s tilted against benji savage every single
5860s season
5861s and then every time you see them dealing
5863s with their surge 11 it's a difficult box
5865s fight against like you know the most
5867s cracked 13 year old player you can find
5868s that that's landing pixel shots like why
5872s some people like to rush
5875s they go through the two that's the most
5876s surprising part they survive
5878s sometimes top five like it's it's crazy
5880s yeah man some people like the thrills
5882s you know what i mean so
5884s i can't knock it so you try it yourself
5886s true
5889s easy and hen
5890s 449 above playing edge
5894s nothing unfamiliar right in terms of how
5895s they like to play they surge they like
5896s to sort of especially with now not
5898s having vehicles they like to sort of
5900s car around the outskirts sneak up on
5902s teams that's one of their
5904s their sort of uh
5905s staples right they like to just sneak
5907s around and see if they can get a little
5909s beam on the team it often works quite
5911s well
5913s i feel like vortex and janice end up
5915s doing that a lot too but now you're
5917s wondering what was happening off of swan
5918s and greasy they were taking that in 48
5920s right so that's that's definitely all
5922s small without aggressive e was today and
5924s then alien heart fine not having
5926s eliminations
5927s was was it vortex and genus that might
5929s have switched and then it got wrong
5931s possibly right there there were people
5933s talking about whether they would
5934s disengage if they lose or spawn and so
5937s that is always a possibility right
5939s players aren't bound to the poison that
5941s they can switch things up
5945s this is one of the awkward parts right
5947s you see queasy and hen they're trying to
5950s run towards zone but you see there's
5951s players around them right and these are
5953s the things that are just so awkward
5955s right without that
5958s traffic he's chilling 490 above uh he's
5960s comfy ain't no problems
5962s uh difference in power in the lobby too
5964s i mean no car that's what you and reese
5966s are talking about specifically right
5967s like no car on cuisine hen and they end
5970s up having so much more of a struggle
5972s getting towards these south side zones
5975s yeah it's it's one of those things man
5978s it is one of those things where it will
5980s take time for people to adjust
5982s i think in these lobbies with these
5984s players you'd expect adjustments
5985s happening a bit sooner right if you're
5986s playing a solo cash cup anytime soon
5990s it might take a bit longer for players
5991s to adjust players again oh wow i
5993s actually have to rotate maybe i
5994s shouldn't just fight everyone i see you
5996s know
5998s in these lobbies it won't be as bad i'll
6000s tell you that
6007s all right let's see exactly what the
6009s difference is between
6011s and queasy and the rest of
6013s leaders of the lobby it's another tough
6014s rotate for them look at how far they
6016s have to get to zone
6017s it's actually really rough like you can
6019s see they're watching their backs is all
6021s they notice players around
6022s this is so difficult hey chat look spam
6025s this
6026s cheesy to you help queasy am i right
6028s sorry i'm alright
6030s i don't know
6032s spam something i mean
6034s i i don't know what they need
6036s i'm at a loss for words i wish that
6038s airdrops came with vehicles or something
6040s help these guys out like
6041s can chat manifest wheels and
6044s axles gasoline and metal
6046s to uh
6048s i don't know what composition cars are
6049s making
6051s chat can do every anything
6052s without chat chat can do anything
6054s sometimes they do too much
6056s yeah that is true
6059s but it's nice that they can actually
6060s have the ability now you know what i
6061s mean
6062s well actually right the actual secret
6064s story i'm not supposed to tell you this
6065s but the secret story behind that is that
6067s like um zeke just accidentally turned on
6069s and like
6071s yeah yeah yeah so classic zeke bro we
6074s actually have we actually have to keep
6075s it low key otherwise someone might
6076s notice and and fix it so no more every
6079s time you talk about it i have a mute
6080s button on his headset so he's not going
6082s to hear you yeah
6083s yeah
6084s perfect perfect we like chat i hope each
6087s other likes us hopefully
6089s would it would have been on it
6099s all right
6100s you have to play the positive for this
6102s team because for me when i look at them
6104s i see great potential but a lot of the
6106s time them stumbling falling why does
6108s that happen is there potential actually
6110s there is my hater mindset correct i
6113s would say no but why
6114s um i think your mindset is not correct i
6117s i actually think they are sort of like a
6118s dark team to call today um of course i
6121s know they have problems of spawn in
6122s terms of being contested or whatnot but
6124s like i actually really like them as a
6125s duo great
6126s great fundamentals i think
6128s especially when it comes to firepower
6129s end game they definitely have the
6130s ability to go out there get a bunch of
6132s refreshes if needed so
6133s we'll see how they fare in these games
6135s yeah i would not be surprised by them
6136s calling whatsoever
6138s it's top five though it's gonna be so
6140s tough just looking at some of these
6141s teams who can zest in there too fury
6143s bubak on the left side definite
6145s potential we always know there's two
6147s upsides there's always those five teams
6148s that are the greats that everyone
6149s expects to roll in but yes these dark
6152s horses the underdogs they do end up
6153s coming in
6154s i'm wondering like if hen and queezy
6156s have auto regen mats on i have no idea
6159s how they still have any materials after
6160s all these long rotates and defensive
6162s positions and pressure relieving moments
6165s they still have time to make a metal
6166s base like where did we change them to
6168s have more mats in total eleven like are
6170s we helping is the cha actually doing
6172s something that's that's the supreme you
6174s know the map awareness right you know
6176s queasy knows that one like little thing
6178s sticking out the ground that he can hit
6180s for like a thousand brick you know yeah
6183s they get their matters up they get the
6185s max of all nice
6186s you can see he is down a bit right they
6188s have had to burn some but i'm sure
6190s they'll look to try and get that back
6191s you can see they've knocked down that
6193s structure there nobody was in it though
6197s things aren't looking too bad for them
6199s i'd say in this moment
6202s they'll have an easy sort of way to get
6203s to the next zone
6205s oh okay
6207s so these guys
6211s it's just this i've actually never like
6212s seen this in action you know what i mean
6214s like i've seen it happen and like cast
6216s it over there especially zero build i
6218s think it's a big strat but yeah
6220s they've made a whole base just like save
6222s the world so for context right for
6224s people who maybe are a bit confused
6225s these guys are gonna just out heal the
6226s zone um they actually have like a mad
6229s heel strap where like they can like heal
6231s off for like almost 30 minutes on a good
6233s day you're like on a good game if they
6234s get lucky and whatnot against search
6236s like yeah against serge they're vibing
6238s they're fine most of the time they've
6240s been practicing i'll give them credit
6242s i'll give them they've been practicing a
6244s bunch like they will grind this out for
6246s hours and hours every single day they
6247s actually play in pro scrims and practice
6249s this in the pro games as well so like
6251s they have been practicing and they've
6253s got to around four of an f and
6254s disqualifier with it
6256s we'll see whether they can actually you
6258s know get a win or anything i highly
6260s doubt that but never say never it is
6262s fortnite at the end of the day
6265s we shall have to see across map hewlock
6267s potentially in one of these games i'm
6270s thinking about all the eliminations i've
6271s been watching so far levin in these
6273s zones and my mind blanks because there
6275s barely been any i feel like this surge
6277s is about to go crazy 64 players
6280s some team 700 damage above others 100
6282s below lolis once again caught off on the
6285s backside
6286s and in 13 seconds it's gonna be disaster
6289s for him as that surge lightning will
6291s strike already caught up in the backs on
6293s his own he's down that scene's gone as
6294s well
6295s they've already been removed eliminated
6297s so many bases here in this barren desert
6299s there's nowhere to hide once you start
6300s getting focused down your mats will
6302s bleed
6303s and right now it's making an awesome
6306s hitting all the cuts on these bases
6308s again you can see here
6310s for xerox synthetic
6312s they're down on surgeon so they need to
6314s hit something ensued
6316s they've got a pad which would be nice
6317s once movement's gonna start but you know
6319s they gotta get their template still need
6321s to go down before the threshold
6324s will stop and they're getting pre-edited
6325s on oh that is rough that is so so rough
6329s rising and pain up no
6331s ryzen wasn't even able to get out of it
6333s alive painter now as a solo but they
6335s prayed it on those guys and absolutely
6338s you cleaned them out taste was actually
6340s the one now to pick up painter as well
6342s so he doesn't even stay in the game
6344s and they went for a power play that they
6346s thought was going perfectly
6349s and just like that they get taken out
6351s tough tough times
6353s sups and edison
6355s waiting out to see
6357s some this is really rough come on guys
6359s no way
6360s that was so crucial for them 100 damage
6363s below unfortunately big misses and now
6366s you'll see the cost of it they need to
6367s jump back into creative maybe hit some
6369s of the aim training maps in there i know
6371s a couple codes lads i can sort you out
6373s the pad will come through
6377s only a tiny bit now below but gliding
6379s through they gotta be careful
6381s oh boy very lucky nobody had their eyes
6384s sit on them
6385s but now people do even though they've
6387s landed
6388s and that's actually going to be hen
6389s running past
6390s swaps just there's just not much he can
6392s do in this moment
6393s but he needs to go down he's so low his
6396s team is now done they are above but
6399s this is just going to be such a mountain
6401s to climb shire
6403s i mean look at what's left you might
6404s have max max but utility wise just that
6406s harpoon i mean it's the best option
6409s maybe if the goals were allowed right
6410s now that could be nicer but what's
6412s happening here same situation as swaps
6415s head and queasy there definitely is a
6416s cost to moving towards the opposite side
6418s of the map from the poi you drop at he's
6421s gonna be a solo and so is pink once
6423s again anas is down in this zone the
6426s fifth to six movie
6428s i mean i i don't even understand in this
6430s section that's where picking an
6431s announcer the strongest but pink has to
6433s be able to just like hand solo this one
6435s again and you can see he's looking about
6437s hey i'm sorry you know he's upset he
6438s would have wished he could actually do
6440s something about it there but you can see
6442s a mac zone he's gonna have to try and
6444s recycle this pad at some point he's got
6445s four floppers which will allow him to
6447s stay in the zone a bit wait for those
6448s players to use it as he goes for himself
6451s but this is really tough the pad is an
6454s absolute life saver does have time but
6456s even then you'll get in but even then
6458s he's such low hp
6459s needs to get landed
6461s in the future
6464s you can't just hold it as a solo here
6466s he's gonna have to try and make a play
6468s at some point even then it's not enough
6470s he goes down in pink as well
6472s another game another solo
6474s clutch for the young one 23rd at the
6477s moment
6479s well 23 teams in the game at the moment
6481s was able to get eighth last time will it
6483s be able to match that or even do a bit
6484s better and mass will certainly hope so
6489s some of the mantle's all about making
6490s sure that whenever you knock on a box
6491s you're not going to be doing it on the
6493s front side of it big shot and close to
6495s the piece unfortunately needed to spray
6497s pink is down and out of the way at 20
6499s seconds yeah snapping dks now i've made
6501s a play for height they're sitting up
6502s above
6503s chasing the traffic's a team that went
6505s for a last game
6506s they do still have a pattern so maybe
6508s that'll be an option i'm sure they'll
6509s look to scout it once they use it
6511s but zone is pulling
6513s up towards that northeast and so they've
6515s got nick they're moving quickly you can
6516s see taken looking for an opportunity to
6517s place that head and he sees height and
6519s he's scouting that he's looking at he
6520s knows he can block it down it's only on
6521s one wall what are they doing why do they
6523s only use one wall to hold up high
6525s they've knocked it down can you take it
6527s or can you claim it it doesn't seem like
6529s it they weren't able to take any big
6530s shots and so now it's just gonna be
6531s about being on the move trying to stay
6532s ahead of the zone get into that front
6534s side building up and now they realize
6535s that their height is truly there's
6537s another game where chasing traffic have
6539s just been almost seemingly allowed to
6541s have height for not much whatsoever and
6543s you can see i dropped in the back of the
6545s zone he's got such low hp it doesn't
6547s really feel like he's gonna have a say
6549s or whether or not they keep it but dk
6551s some bad stuff if you weren't on it i
6553s don't know how they weren't able to
6554s reinforce it better but at least they're
6555s still in the game at least they still
6557s have a fighting chance and that's what
6559s they have to do here now that they've
6560s dropped down to the midfield layers
6562s they're trying to on the other side
6563s there's axe force he was going for the
6564s height for a second when the zones first
6566s started moving so these are all the
6567s residual duos who failed to achieve the
6570s trophy of the maximum spot at the top
6572s that challenge it takes to have right
6573s now potassium snazzy went down early in
6575s that first game
6576s finally thriving now potassium getting a
6578s few eliminations way more than a viewed
6579s six for the big man and the big shot two
6582s denied with the window that was clean
6584s from him seven rolling nine for the team
6586s three for tayson and traffic's up top
6588s they're ready to make it all the way to
6590s that last spot and get this vr yeah and
6592s zone pulling towards the north back over
6594s towards rocky means all these teams are
6596s going to have to keep on burning through
6597s the materials they'll give tasting
6599s champions a chance to get some
6600s eliminations
6601s who barely snuck in i believe they
6603s qualified through to this in 50 if they
6606s will go down
6607s not much they can do you can see who's
6608s running on bare bones and kiro in the
6610s back of the zone with a med mister
6611s slowly slowly running out eventually
6613s he's gonna have to force his way in and
6615s hit a big shot as well to match it
6617s he's gonna be right on the sidelines of
6618s that high ground team a long winding
6621s road with no cover down below as soon as
6622s you touch dirt that's where the pressure
6624s starts to ramp up meanwhile the sunny
6626s heat from up top the beams are just
6628s going down over and over again travis
6630s and tayson are not stopping any of the
6632s pressure
6633s as a result everyone down low no
6634s materials at all
6636s satan darkest looking for their shot to
6638s have a little bit of low guard control
6640s but they're not finding much at all but
6641s you can see how long it took all these
6642s teams to get any form of control right
6644s all these teams left the low ground they
6645s are just in such difficult positions i'm
6647s sure tasting the traffics are laughing
6649s up above right they saw nobody even
6650s trying to build out to claim it they
6652s know they know it's only a matter of
6654s time until the moment they have to just
6655s stay connected they can't afford to
6657s fumble it now but if they can just stay
6659s up and really capitalize on just how
6660s weak the rest of these teams are they
6662s really have a chance of getting their
6664s revenge getting a victory royale satan
6666s they'll have to do their best to
6668s stop it no materials here will say and
6669s the reinforcers will come through but at
6671s what point is that going to be enough
6672s this one's going to continue to pull and
6674s you guys have to leave those boxes and
6675s swiftly if they just leave going into
6677s the open season isn't going to miss
6679s these shots you know they're going to
6680s hit them jason does oh no he gets
6682s knocked himself champion's now in the
6684s zone he gets some finishes and that's
6686s going to be good in terms of refreshes
6687s but what do we have here what do we have
6690s here he's off team
6692s team against champions he still has a
6694s flopping left traffic so in the zone he
6697s doesn't seem like he's going to be in
6697s much trouble but i believe von tripps
6699s might have some more heels left you can
6701s see him running towards the power
6704s he drops it all down he understands
6707s there wasn't enough time there was one
6708s team left but von tricks does exactly
6711s what he's thought out to do got that
6712s second place meanwhile chappix i guess
6714s the zone is the name of the game it
6716s melts the team that he was facing and
6718s they get the victory royale i was so
6720s worried there for a second that to taser
6722s would have been robbed of the victory
6723s all right von trex almost did everything
6726s he could in order to stay out by that
6728s point you saw him chuck away the
6729s floppers traffics would have known who
6731s he was up against and he would have been
6733s swim sailing tasing in traffic after
6736s coming second in game one they pick up
6738s game two what a start we talked about
6740s how they needed good momentum shia and
6743s there probably isn't a better start they
6745s could have asked for than this
6746s yeah you're talking about pick up game
6748s two i think they grab both game one and
6749s two by the throat and forcefully got
6751s their placement and eliminations because
6753s that was high ground retakes eleven are
6754s just insane yeah they are so aware you
6757s could see tayson had that ie soul right
6759s when he went for the ipad he slaughtered
6761s a minute there's just one warning what
6762s are these guys playing at not that wall
6764s down the aksum bad sniper would force
6766s down as well and they just claimed it
6768s for themselves right if the lobby is
6770s going to keep giving them height so
6771s easily they will keep taking it and they
6773s will keep winning i want to see what the
6775s desks have to say about that one a very
6777s well executed win from those boys but
6779s plenty more happened below them as well
6781s guys what do you think
6785s okay
6786s i
6787s have a lot of questions okay uh reese
6790s and
6791s uh
6804s yeah all right so let me start off this
6805s way i volunteered this team you know von
6807s trex and jason
6809s they are basically just utilizing the
6811s game's mechanics of having all these
6813s white heel items in the game and just
6815s making themselves to lake him so they
6816s land over towards the left side of
6818s sleepy they get the boat they did the
6820s little dead side voted all the way
6822s towards sundown's favorite spot of the
6824s flopper places fish over there they go
6826s to camp cuddle pick up the med mists buy
6829s it from there go all the way to command
6831s cavern get themselves low launchers set
6833s up so they can perfectly execute the
6835s movement and then they use the med mist
6837s on the zip lines to move around the map
6838s and then they go from campfire to
6840s campfire it's a whole bunch of math it's
6842s kind of ridiculous but honestly i i have
6844s to praise them it's so much work and so
6846s much thought out dedication to get into
6848s this sort of position that's honestly
6850s just impressive you can't fault them for
6851s it yeah there's a lot of planning a lot
6853s of preparation but at the end of the day
6854s we see that he knew after practicing it
6857s so much that they didn't have the time
6858s right they didn't have the time to win
6859s the game so he just said no i'm chucking
6861s those extra floppers out just end this
6862s game quicker give us on the desk a
6864s little bit more time to talk about it
6865s because the game ends faster and
6867s obviously then the win went through
6868s champions
6870s i mean i'm not surprised right we just
6871s saw them come in second place in that
6873s last game and like shy wager was saying
6875s right this duos in particular they're
6877s they're kind of one of these duels that
6878s i would put in like a class of their own
6880s they're like they just kind of because
6882s their their names exist in the
6884s leaderboard or within the 100 playing
6886s the game
6887s everyone else is just gonna kind of be
6888s aware of them at all times right reese
6890s yeah i mean one of the things you're
6891s going to be really concerned about
6893s straight up when these guys that's good
6895s is like they are going to play like a
6898s jewel who's been together for the
6899s longest time right remember we just sit
6900s at the top of the show that these guys
6901s have been together only for like a small
6903s amount of time right before this
6904s qualifiers when they started to play
6905s together as a jewel yes they played
6907s together as a trio in the last season
6908s but again that was kind of a last-minute
6909s team as well but they play like a team
6911s who has that amazing synergy who's
6913s practiced for months and months and
6914s months and months together yeah they
6916s haven't really right they've just such
6918s good individual players clearly the
6919s chemistry works between them and a first
6921s and the second so far yeah it's also
6923s because of the lack of the high ground
6925s teams in this lobby right we have henna
6926s queasy far zone pool this game and
6929s obviously we're also missing pink and
6930s nasty keep going down very very long on
6932s the leaderboard as you can take a look
6933s at the standings here chapex and tayson
6935s first place only eight points of
6937s difference actually well for krusty
6938s coming up there is
6940s yeah massively up by four placements on
6942s the leaderboard overall up to 73 points
6944s another game team that had a really good
6945s game is kept melody right they're
6947s capitalizing on the fact that kami and
6948s city have not qualified through so that
6950s cami's puddle pond is free for the
6952s taking for another polish duo to land
6954s that and now that after a huge game have
6956s pushed them up till fourth so that is a
6958s massive massive for them snazzy and poe
6961s design eight notice that up 23
6963s placements i'm just excited about this
6965s new graphic by the way
6966s and then
6967s kovacs and zrox they were last they were
6970s 50th
6971s the dead last just before that game
6973s there and they've moved all the way up
6974s into top ten so huge huge match from
6976s them
6977s yeah that's a quick math coming out
6980s i was going to be able to do it in my
6982s head i 11 38 that's a i think there were
6985s 49 last game mr satan and darkest also
6988s having a really good game funnily enough
6989s they do land near-hand and queasy but
6991s had a much better game this time so
6992s maybe a little bit of different strategy
6994s coming out of these guys a little bit
6995s more experience with the uh the scuffed
6996s rotation
6998s absolutely you know 16 dks and bats
6999s never again moving up 32 placements
7001s which is huge huge for them because
7003s again we've seen the off spawn mess that
7005s they've had right yeah we've seen them
7006s going up against savage bench we've seen
7008s them again also going up against ecos
7010s and packs in it as well so it's like the
7012s mess that they're having in early game
7013s that game they were able to capitalize
7015s which was fantastic but to get into the
7016s top five where all of the qualification
7019s is it's gonna be a big ask for them
7020s still
7021s man they sell four games right it's yeah
7024s it's doable
7026s many things in life are achievable
7028s you just have to make sure you're
7029s playing your cards right i mean we've
7031s already seen the difference sort of like
7034s just kind of going back to we've talked
7035s about with mr savage right benji fish
7038s that initial land it it looked like this
7040s early game in game number two is going
7042s to go well for the maurice um but
7045s uh it didn't quite go that way yeah it
7048s didn't we saw basically a really nice
7049s maneuver there from uh from vico even
7051s though he didn't manage to get the
7052s weapon mr savage didn't pick it up first
7054s you saw him kind of swoop over to the
7055s right and get in front of mr savage to
7057s block him off from picking up the weapon
7058s now it didn't work but it was still cool
7060s at the same time
7062s i appreciate the aggression right just
7064s trying to get in there and secure like
7065s okay look last time we you got the one
7068s out but we would like the one up let me
7069s just make sure i track this target down
7071s full confirmed them and we keep going
7073s but this is this game three right it's
7075s time to kind of change things up but
7077s instead time fortnite fam let's send it
7079s back over to shy wager and 112k for game
7081s number three
7085s welcome to the midpoint thank you so
7086s much zeke poop and rhys a lot happening
7088s that game definitely the helop
7089s explanation was also just awesome to
7091s kind of see that side of the game and
7092s that's a threat now 11 for all the
7094s players in the lobby that's one place
7095s and they might have to get rid of early
7097s yeah honestly i i think a lot of people
7099s would expect those guys to maybe be
7101s targeted almost right you know if
7103s they're not going to fight us back if
7104s they're just going to try to sit there
7105s and heal can we deal with them early on
7107s but hasn't gone that way the first two
7109s games and we'll see if it goes that way
7110s in the third
7112s [Music]
7117s all right let's see exactly what change
7119s is up because these players have a few
7120s games under their belts now they
7121s understand what the off spawn drop looks
7123s like they know exactly how stressful the
7125s end game can be can't taste in the
7127s chappix he's stopped on height will von
7130s trex continue to heal find out in game
7132s number three
7133s spoiler alert one checks will continue
7135s to heal
7137s what's up
7145s this is very interesting you can see
7147s they've not even landed yet and they're
7148s getting shot
7150s from the hill that's because of the
7152s where the bus powerful enemies at the
7154s team over that side landed before them
7155s were able to pick up a weapon and that's
7157s made this fight
7159s so what a mantle there
7161s that was just so clean for me the end of
7163s putting down the pressure that's only
7165s available this season as well yep the
7166s whole combination with the duo just not
7169s being targeted on the side of 80 in
7170s their heart find make vortex and janus
7172s have a very rough start to their day
7179s yeah unfortunately for janice and
7180s voltaic's one of my favorite duos
7183s but again alien and hard find
7186s putting in the hard yards and winning
7188s off that fight
7189s it'll be interesting to see whether or
7190s not an adjustment's made
7192s as we head into the next couple games
7194s because
7195s after going down my spawn a couple times
7197s right that can really affect your
7198s momentum your morale
7201s makes you question certain things maybe
7202s you shouldn't question
7204s we're going to part two here at command
7206s kevin this time at the beach is the one
7207s that's down and mustache is having to
7209s fend for himself but
7211s for how much longer because he actually
7213s gets taken down as well so anderson pink
7217s winning that fight off spawn
7219s without the help from tasting in
7221s traffic's time round
7224s and a really nice start to what has been
7226s uh
7227s an unfortunate day for them with some of
7229s the issues they've had in the previous
7230s games
7232s yeah i'm more concerned about anastas
7233s making one of these end games than them
7235s really winning off spot personally so
7238s let's see if it's a possibility in this
7240s game
7241s and then queasy though sleepy sound some
7243s trouble here so far low hp totals on
7246s both
7247s we'll see if they can really rock in
7255s unfortunately it doesn't look like these
7256s guys have got a zone and
7258s very unfortunately we talked about uh on
7260s the desk right they talked about how
7262s that's actually impacted them right i
7263s believe
7264s it was maybe it was rhys man there's a
7266s reboot same guy you know just same guy
7268s just different kind of you know root
7271s beasts are we shipping them together
7275s isn't that also just someone
7277s that in the community i swear someone
7279s could root that's hard yeah i
7292s are these guys the goats right now
7296s know you hate that term
7299s look after those two eliminations they
7300s may be the goats right now bro
7303s yeah it may just be look chunkers
7304s they're used to fighting more teams at
7306s chunkers
7307s they used to having like three or four
7308s guys in this area it's not been as bad
7311s today
7312s only having to do with one there so
7314s we'll see what they can actually do with
7315s that because i think that's always like
7316s you always get that sort of leeway where
7318s it's like oh yeah man you would have
7319s done so well but you had like 17's
7321s contesting you man it's like
7323s really got anyone there today what can
7325s you guys do
7327s now cause then the excuses now we're
7328s used to having you know four teams
7330s there's no surge like yeah yeah you
7332s can't do much beyond classic you're
7334s classic we'll see that i'm back in the
7336s french ways another another duo that i
7338s actually got the pleasure of meeting um
7340s floki doesn't speak great english but he
7343s agreed to teach me french if i teach him
7345s english
7346s and now we have a bond that can never be
7348s broken
7351s sure i was trying to find a way to break
7352s it but that's a pretty solid bond yeah
7355s bro
7358s good trade deal good agreement yeah yeah
7361s so i'm going to be uh rocking up next
7363s next time around speaking
7365s as french
7368s very nice
7369s i learned it too then um nah i stopped
7371s stuff stop copying my flow bro
7373s be unique
7377s but you have such a nice flow man it's i
7378s just i just got it you know sorry bro
7382s i understand
7384s we've just hopped around to like every
7385s french duo
7387s and electricity
7393s am i watching trios we just work for
7395s analytics lazy straight up i got some
7397s nice flashbacks
7399s that's a good third fight they also had
7400s a very rocky day starting off so far
7403s put aside though that last game i mean
7404s we saw the eliminations he had the big
7406s edit open as well that window 54 points
7409s total they brought it back in that last
7411s end game and now they're still rocking
7413s yeah seventh place ain't too bad
7414s considering you know in round three they
7416s actually came 50th right so they were
7417s like the last team to qualify for it
7420s very easily couldn't have been it could
7421s have not been in this lobbyist i should
7423s say
7424s but to be here now
7426s and to be impressing
7428s actually does match the trend right
7429s polar size this season's been really
7430s impressive
7432s uh very much surprising people in terms
7433s of he's obviously been someone that's
7434s been around the scene for a while
7437s his performance has started to dip for a
7438s bit but this season
7440s just brought it back a bit we'll see if
7441s that continues today
7446s check out the andy and joe's well under
7449s pressure i feel like is where these two
7450s just perform but also the fight for high
7453s ground i feel like in terms of end game
7454s is where they see a majority of their
7456s points actually roll through
7458s against tayson and chadpix again some of
7460s these teams that are just there even eye
7461s drop and jerky i feel like it's so hard
7463s to be able to just passively take it
7465s never really see zen angel fighting for
7467s they can just start with it and hold on
7468s defensively the entire time
7470s it's just there's too many tough teams
7472s that are so good at that high ground
7474s fight i i don't know if they can adjust
7476s their gameplay to go for any other type
7477s of game you know strat
7479s yeah i guess it's one of those tough
7481s ones where right like a lot of the teams
7483s you know who are sort of better in that
7485s regard sort of uh understand the racks
7487s or triggers to go for it and the timings
7491s where teams will be vulnerable
7492s especially those zone transitions right
7494s is where you want to be looking for high
7495s ground or whether you could any any
7497s actual layer you're on right zone
7499s transitions are when you want to track
7501s dessert control because things are sort
7503s of hectic everyone's sort of adjusting
7504s to where the new zone pulls
7506s for these guys crazy in hen it's
7509s obviously been tough
7510s the nature of the way the zones have
7512s played have meant that they can't maybe
7513s exert that control the way they'd like
7515s to in these games having to sort of
7516s traverse throughout the whole map
7518s to get there
7521s and now in a standoff
7523s still over towards sleepy
7525s not looking ideal for them
7528s that sound is yeah
7530s as you mentioned towards that south side
7532s a little bit as well so it's going to be
7534s tough once again
7536s for the duo shia zone grows
7538s one good game followed by another
7540s consistent one
7542s gonna be seeing if
7544s they can actually just hold on to the
7545s top five i feel like some of these
7546s qualifications do come up some nice
7549s game one game twos into playing
7551s consistently and that is what the team
7553s is going for lola's and este
7555s being bullied game after game
7557s are in that same spot right now
7559s yeah the size on girls have done a good
7561s job
7562s of getting to those end games
7564s consistently we'll see if that trend
7565s continues
7567s obviously against lolis and st they've
7568s not had the best day and so if they're
7570s going to win a fight it probably would
7571s be this one
7572s let's not speak too soon
7574s you can see now the end of zone zone is
7576s ticking it won't be doing too much
7577s damage so they won't be worried about
7579s how much time left they have to fight
7580s especially considering they have a
7581s madness and some truck splashes but i
7584s can't afford to allow someone to run at
7586s you with a drum gun
7587s with a drum shot then i should say sorry
7590s i was about to say yeah yeah just
7593s jumping over different seasons
7596s it's all good though i mean it has kind
7598s of the same effect as that jungle when
7599s it comes to the pressure shaizo grows
7602s just one little second of air one little
7605s second of shots in the body and that
7607s fight is wrapped up
7613s you can see the boys tasting and
7615s traffics over towards greasy they've
7617s come down from command
7620s they wanted to stay on this side
7629s how is it when it comes to tasting and
7631s chopping specifically in in this round
7633s of qualifiers
7634s they just make the height take look easy
7637s like i didn't find that one wall you
7639s just saw in that first game or the game
7640s we just watched and the first game i
7642s take as well was just it was so fluid
7644s honestly uh you know i i don't underplay
7647s the the nature of these lobbies right
7648s but it has been easy for them in the
7650s sense of
7651s you know the other teams that know how
7653s to secure hype properly are having to
7656s travel the whole
7657s you know map and are spending so much
7659s right like
7661s the the honest you know with cuisine and
7663s they're traveling all the way across the
7664s map they're solo materials they can't
7666s really play the high ground the way they
7667s want to same with eye drop and jerky or
7669s should i say you know the big drop and
7671s jerky
7673s you specifically wants to only be called
7674s the big drop so you know i'll do them as
7677s following this
7678s so you know these guys obviously landed
7679s towards the north side and of course
7681s tasting tropics are landing north side
7683s as well right but they have an io car
7685s right so you know they don't have to
7687s spend the sort of materials that the
7688s other guys have to spend when traveling
7690s all the way south um so
7693s that's going to be the biggest thing of
7694s course maybe as the zones start to favor
7696s them the other teams if they do in the
7699s later games maybe that could be
7700s something you see but look this is just
7702s so rough for cuisine and like
7705s i know queasy queasy will not be happy
7707s crazy will be complaining why can't we
7709s get a song why can't we get a zone
7711s that's not my greatest queasy impression
7713s but something along the lines of that
7715s right you know you won't be happy
7716s honestly and it's unfortunate but
7718s they're just gonna have to sort of roll
7720s with the punches for now
7723s yeah the most impressive thing for them
7725s is like even if they do well today
7726s they've essentially played 12 games
7728s whereas everyone's played six in terms
7730s of pressure in terms of a journey yeah
7733s like
7733s that is so rough honestly we do get like
7736s uh some stats i'd love to see distance
7738s traveled right
7741s yeah a distant travelled stat would be
7744s great i'm sure they'd be high up there
7746s in the distance traveled
7749s because they have just had to travel so
7752s far
7756s we'll
7757s see surge as well specifically
7761s in this qualifier has been
7763s a very patient one a lot of the times
7764s you see some teams maybe even lose
7766s composure in that game number two and
7767s start going for quick rushes
7769s but
7770s we're seeing upwards of you know 60 plus
7772s players surviving towards that
7775s half and half search
7778s and a lot of passiveness
7780s just passed off spawn for a bunch of
7782s teams
7783s tasting traffic's boxed up the entire
7785s time
7786s similarly about 20 other teams are doing
7788s the same thing it's tough for any of
7789s these free walkers to find any tags on
7791s anyone else
7794s never seen
7796s and not simply one job
7798s there's one job just
7800s no car shenanigans no no nothing just to
7803s survive towards them fingers crossed
7808s does anas have a chance guys check can
7809s we can we come up with a chance for anas
7812s i don't know what we can spam for an ass
7814s but we need to give him a something
7816s because
7817s is there a grass emoji he needs
7822s spam this grass to help hanas ah you're
7825s so american for north america you guys
7827s don't have grass in the uk well okay i'm
7829s british so well i'm
7832s southern british so i say grass so it
7834s doesn't really work you know
7835s an arse grass
7837s if i was maybe like uh from up north in
7840s in the uk maybe i'd say grass so it'd
7842s work
7843s yeah yeah scramming this grass to help
7845s them ass but just from where i'm from
7847s bro in london it don't really work i'll
7849s be real
7852s conceal a page from boobs journal just
7854s go spam the sink to help an arson pink
7856s yeah that's true
7858s that works
7859s guys
7860s it works
7870s brazen and pain are going to be rocking
7871s in as well i think this is one of the
7872s most fun teams to watch
7873s deal with search
7875s that was it hyperactive go for those box
7877s fights
7878s yeah they love that creative place don't
7880s they
7882s actually gonna mention something about
7883s it if they end up running out for this
7885s one while using up yep there it is the
7886s first one because there's gonna be a
7887s fourth read it doesn't even matter auto
7889s shotgun is rolling
7891s who is down rising is just chomping
7893s chomping stomping in
7895s he finds both
7897s oh rain is down or penis down as a
7899s result
7900s that's gonna be tough
7902s the last time when those free edits were
7904s active to get these guys into boxes the
7906s reason that ryzen actually went down is
7908s painted picked up his knocked body threw
7911s him at a wall that he needed to build
7912s but it was his pre-edited wall and he
7914s went right through and then taste and
7915s pick up the elimination so
7917s you have to make sure to reset those
7919s credits as you rock in
7921s using the head next to a reboot van that
7922s just sounded somewhere hand is down
7924s queasy still walking around was that 200
7927s hp and got beamed and has to spend
7929s all his medal to try to get in this is
7932s so
7932s sad for our previous fscs winners it's
7935s painful man it's honestly painful like
7938s there's just not much they can do that
7940s they just get help right they are so
7941s deep they have to travel so far that
7943s they literally just get held in by the
7945s teams that are ahead of them
7947s um
7948s it's just
7951s it's so tough for those guys man i
7953s really feel for them they're just
7954s getting unlucky zones you know what
7955s happens
7957s maybe leave early leave some loot behind
7959s but you always have that process the
7960s embedded way to loot your poi it's gonna
7962s be so tough to even try to make a call
7964s to rotate early i have no idea how the
7966s map even moves
7967s there's always you know those chat
7968s analysts that roll in why didn't they
7970s just you know leave earlier there's so
7973s many different
7974s things that are taken into account
7976s and are so different when you mess up
7978s with the timings meanwhile though let's
7979s look at some of the bases some of the
7980s people who are
7981s up at this portion of the game floating
7983s clement have a very good spot towards
7984s center zone
7985s and austin pink
7987s both players am i looking at this
7988s correctly
7990s i think they'll probably ditch the
7991s vehicle from this point
7993s no particular reason but uh no reason
7996s enough i think they'll just stay on foot
7998s from this point probably the wiser
8000s option for them at this stage
8002s did i just see mrs savage i was about to
8005s say the same thing oh don't you see
8007s here
8008s oh my goodness
8010s that go down so they're active i think
8013s the one main thing about benji mr savage
8014s especially in fncs qualifier rounds
8016s around force
8017s they might not make four of the games
8020s right towards end game the two they make
8022s are the most banger games from a duo you
8025s you see right like and they have so many
8027s points it feels like they've played
8028s eight like it's nuts yeah it's weird man
8031s of course like uh you know as anybody
8034s does i've watched quite a bit of benji
8035s this evening and and you know it's
8037s technical levels are still just so high
8039s in terms of what he can do
8041s in game right mechanically it's it's
8044s almost unfair still
8046s um
8047s but can he get that grip can he have
8049s savage there to really lead him
8051s the way he needs to go
8054s of course if they get to end game
8055s there's always that possibility
8058s we know what savage's intuition is like
8060s in those moments
8063s and so yeah i think i'll be spamming my
8064s cabbages in the chat for savage as well
8068s so we like to hear that the air's going
8070s down so they should have like a morale
8072s booster right now
8076s they're gonna be looking good this team
8078s though i feel like we're just not paying
8080s enough attention to in some of these end
8081s games
8082s chazo gross it's been consistent maybe
8084s that's why it's been invisible almost
8086s the way they've been playing
8087s if this is another good game for them it
8089s might solidify their top five
8092s yeah that's going to be really huge
8093s they've done brilliantly of course
8097s four eliminations already at this point
8098s in the game is huge
8101s don't have to worry about surge
8102s just a matter of how they use their
8104s resources i don't know if they had a pad
8105s i can't remember i don't think they did
8109s and so their rotations
8111s will have to be pinpoint perfect
8116s same can be said for these guys in terms
8117s of the fact that
8120s you know
8121s or spawn like greasy means that
8124s they don't know technically even though
8126s they've done really well and they've
8127s basically been bossing it there next
8129s game they might not get to play it out
8130s right if they go down on sport so you
8132s really have to make use of your games
8134s when you get contested they actually do
8135s have a vehicle and so i'm sure some
8136s people don't know wait i thought you
8138s said vehicles were taken out of the game
8139s how did these guys have a vehicle um at
8142s greasy there is a lambo that's actually
8144s just sort of like broken down right it
8146s looks broken down but if you chuck some
8147s trunks tires on it you can actually use
8149s it and so that's why those guys have a
8151s vehicle yeah
8153s and the whiplash in effect being used
8156s the weightless
8158s yeah with the chunkers you like to see
8160s it
8161s hopefully he gets to survive and speed
8164s around ralph isn't crusty gonna be a
8166s very different type of situation as
8167s they're down on surge same thing with
8169s tayson and chappix maybe he's staying a
8171s bit too low-key maybe being a bit too
8173s observant for the moment but
8175s i mean
8176s one player is editing the other one
8177s doing damage they should be good to go
8179s in just a second 125 is a lot harder to
8181s catch up on than just 48 krusty and
8183s ralphus are basically perma box fighting
8185s get this damage down
8187s yeah they've got to be careful about how
8188s they play the angles they don't want to
8190s expose themselves too much to the rest
8191s of the lobby
8192s that could be cause for
8194s parties michael and astrodo they've
8196s gotta be aware because
8198s what was that that was very very nice
8201s from krusty and elvis
8203s completely caught them unawares the
8205s trump splashes are huge you need to take
8207s those melting
8210s they're still in the zone yeah they
8211s gotta get in to the safe zone there is a
8214s pathway to the heads
8216s so they'll build in but really nice
8218s stuff from those guys
8221s now watching exactly where we are in
8223s terms of the zone as well very similar
8225s to last game baron wasteland
8227s it's the south side desert and when
8229s you're on low ground it gets really
8230s tough you have no reprieve you have no
8232s you know easy cop out of the ground
8235s falling like it's a mountain and getting
8236s a little bit of breathing room
8238s to be able to work everyone falling down
8240s is going to be desperate very close to
8242s you it's going to be tough to operate on
8244s low
8245s meanwhile vico jackson i mean jackson
8247s down these are the remnants of the
8248s tilted teams it seems like every time
8250s benji and savage survive no one else is
8252s allowed to play from tilted mentioning
8254s their names right beside the big drop
8256s and jerky we've gotten an airdrop as
8258s well this is going to be huge for them
8259s to open up possibilities of a pad
8261s many other goodies
8263s the heels they desperately need right
8264s now i think
8265s drop has a 50 pot to pop yep it's right
8267s there and it's good
8268s everyone moving in now though you can
8269s hear the cars rub up you can see the
8271s pads fly from the top side eyedrop wants
8273s an even better spot they're not all the
8275s way in just yet but they really build
8277s high
8278s and they're almost into the zone
8280s yeah i think they realized that they had
8281s to ramp that team in order to actually
8283s have a stamp of controller they weren't
8285s going to be able to go through
8286s underneath them ramping them was the
8287s right play
8289s but of course hijab has that pad
8290s obviously you have to burn quite a bit
8292s of materials to secure that position but
8294s it'll be worth it in the long run
8296s very scary setup for the zone
8298s specifically as well eye drop and jerky
8301s on one side that's a high ground team
8302s that really wants it all the way towards
8304s the top the bottom chatpix and tayson
8306s are there you know they're going to be
8308s going for height as well in the middle
8310s is andy and joe they have a chance too
8312s so we just have like obelisks or totems
8314s all around the circle all these height
8316s teams
8318s up in skyscrapers wherever the zone
8320s poses who gets control first and that is
8322s going to be the top side so jerky and i
8325s drop have reign of height first then
8327s we'll be padding what seems like all the
8328s way last and
8331s they already
8332s straight there they're in with the game
8334s plan too
8335s they might have not been the first
8336s visitors but they're ready to play and
8337s join the party yeah i think the big
8339s thing here is that we're gonna see these
8340s guys stagger their rotation right
8342s they're gonna wait for other teams to
8343s sort of glide their way in
8345s try and pick up some tags maybe even
8347s some eliminations on the way and then
8348s wait for the last possible moment to pad
8350s up make sure that they are the highest
8351s in the sky in order to claim that high
8354s ground once they can get close to their
8356s zone we saw how they did in the game two
8358s when everyone padded they took some
8359s extra damage and went for a repeat pad
8362s that's how they just had that free
8363s height
8364s yeah we're seeing that come through now
8366s all these teams moving away and you can
8368s see traffic's in the top of your screen
8369s right he's looking backwards making sure
8371s he's pressurizing teams
8373s and then clearing the pathway before
8375s that launch had to come through the team
8376s was actually running over their box so
8378s they will be a bit careful right but the
8380s pad will come out a high padding you'll
8381s see again they'll be looking at it
8383s they'll be figuring out whether or not
8384s they can take it
8386s it looks relatively well enforced it'll
8388s be interesting to see who it was up
8389s there and it is a nice and pink and
8391s that's why it's harder to take they
8393s enforced it much better we saw in the
8394s last game it's not just on the one wall
8396s and from this point onwards can these
8398s guys continue to hold it out pink
8399s reinforcing it making sure it's
8401s connected
8402s but they have to make sure that they
8403s pressure the teams on second height
8405s don't allow any of them to actually get
8408s a chance to even look up to try and take
8410s it from your eye drop and juror key will
8411s pad in the back of the zone and they're
8413s looking to land on high they want to get
8415s it they're landing up there and the
8416s fight's breaking now i'm sure floppy all
8419s by himself on low ground as you can see
8421s i drop and jerky have taken it the big
8423s drop has high ground in this game and we
8426s saw them in this position before can
8427s they hold on to it round two is a big
8432s he's going for it screwy takes it and
8434s maybe even drops them off teachers is
8436s now also going straight for height and
8438s austin's back round number three we're
8439s going for the third instance of this
8440s fight thinking about to give it up just
8442s slightly for the moment still very
8444s strong on mats entirely too it's a break
8446s and eye drop and jerky still have
8448s control
8449s yeah we're seeing i jump in jerky
8451s but how much longer you can see a nast
8453s he's trying to break it out they're not
8455s pressuring him enough they're allowing
8456s him to just drop it and if they continue
8458s they might have it for themselves oh
8459s we're going to see a bit of a last piece
8461s right now
8462s right now someone doing the big damage
8464s and then us can actually take it down to
8466s wood but i'll be all right because i
8467s drop and jerky
8468s have not happened to be able to keep it
8470s again she will go down i don't know if
8472s jericho will follow him but pink and
8474s that's take it for themselves
8476s that's the fusion while all this
8477s commotion's going up top with builds the
8479s bullets are flying down below snazy six
8482s eliminations we saw floki for the moment
8483s before as well he had six these solo
8485s pop-offs are insane on the low ground
8487s i'm looking at where tayson and chappix
8489s are but i don't see a second orange
8490s light so he might have gone down at some
8492s point it's just tasting so there is no
8494s quick high ground retake victor and us
8496s have it for now but we've seen tayson
8498s have solo clutches before one of the
8500s best solo players to ever grace this
8502s game
8503s and so this will be his chance to show
8504s why everyone crowns him with that title
8507s so he's still alive and still getting a
8509s few eliminations all the way on lower
8511s ground shaizo finally going down but his
8513s teammate also still up so so many high
8515s point performances are still active
8517s inside this game girls rolling in second
8519s place overall looking to take the lead
8521s from tayson who's alive right now two
8523s solo players have the lead kind of the
8525s first place spot the podium on their
8527s hands for the midpoint of the tournament
8529s seeing exactly what he can do art school
8531s right below taste in his words have to
8532s go through a duo he's pinched on both
8534s sides before he's allowed to play this
8536s game he has to get rid of one seven
8537s teams all in an impasse taser with a big
8539s 117 but there's way too many avenues to
8542s look at he gets caught in the crossroads
8544s yeah no potential to play in the zone
8545s and outlast teams of any heels he just
8547s had to get right into the thick of it
8549s but he couldn't handle it way too many
8550s people down there girls was one of them
8552s but how long will it be till gross
8554s actually follows tayson back to the
8555s lobby you can see he's trying to stay up
8557s 52 hp
8558s doesn't have any potential to play in
8559s the zone so he has to just stay in here
8561s and hope that nobody manages to find
8562s anything onto him but right now and
8564s that's in pink they've got easy pickings
8566s down below but do they know it they need
8568s to get involved
8569s from
8574s but you can see pink will follow him
8575s down as he drops down trying to pick up
8577s these final eliminations it's been such
8579s a clean game for them round off the
8581s round they went for height and they have
8584s the endurance they go the distance they
8586s win the game pink and an ass after two
8589s games but it didn't quite go their way
8591s they finally roll through the game
8593s winners of the lobby
8595s and do it in emphatic fashion shia a
8598s brilliant display from these boys a walk
8601s in the park a stroll in the sand for
8603s that five different high ground retakes
8605s happening and they're the ones to kind
8607s of hold on and start it over in round
8609s number one and now they're here winning
8611s that same game it's just nuts to see
8614s pink with a big shot as well to wrap it
8616s all down that was just a master class on
8619s how to play defense and really take back
8621s what belongs to you the victory royale
8623s yeah brilliant brilliant stuff pink and
8625s an that's picking up a six elimination
8628s victory out five more than they usually
8629s get with a victory as i'm just playing
8631s i'm just playing these guys had a
8633s brilliant game guys on the desk hit us
8635s up what went down we saw so many battles
8638s for high ground can this keep happening
8643s dude love it's over here dude he's just
8645s kidding me dude he's i'm just kidding
8647s i'm just kidding uh yeah man game number
8649s three was uh definitely a turning point
8652s here in qualifier number one in the
8654s european region reese i feel like
8657s everyone's awake now they're like no no
8659s no we're not gonna hand away high ground
8662s if you're gonna do anything in this game
8663s you're gonna work for everything low
8664s ground high ground doesn't matter you're
8666s working for it yeah exactly and thinking
8668s and asked for the team who's managed to
8669s capitalize on that right that's the
8670s first game they've managed to get to
8671s endgame as a full duo and they're on
8673s high and they're winning like this is
8675s what this team does this is the reason
8678s they got four victory royales at the
8679s seven in that previous round this is why
8681s they always in set lobbies managed to
8683s pick up tons of victoria's usually two
8685s so i'm just saying right now this is one
8687s and potentially maybe a second one in
8689s the second half but up in the
8691s leaderboard be interesting to see
8692s exactly where they are now because it
8693s definitely started creeping higher
8694s towards that top five yeah and game
8696s three seems to be that magic number
8698s right that's the third victory out in
8699s the game three during the fncs set
8701s lobbies which is kind of a ridiculous
8703s statistic there to think about it but
8704s like you said you know it's always them
8706s winning a game in these set lobbies and
8708s the question is where was the other high
8710s teams well this time tasting chappix
8712s weren't here and also we're missing
8713s henna and queasy these four zombies are
8715s definitely struggling with the lack of
8717s the car meta and you know when anas and
8719s pink finally make it to the late game
8722s guess what they win the game so you know
8724s that's going to be the battlefield who
8725s wins his game taste in traffic's anna's
8727s pink and hen and queasy just depending
8729s on whether zone goes though
8730s also you said earlier to me they're
8732s gonna win game four now they've just won
8734s game three so maybe it's gonna be three
8736s and four hopefully
8739s let's take a look at the standings here
8741s as we wrap things up in game number
8742s three still three more ahead of us but
8744s we can kind of start to see some things
8746s develop here right tasting and traffic
8748s that's oogway there at the top they're
8750s currently sitting in first place and
8751s remember we're looking to to land in
8753s that top five here at the end of the six
8756s games that'll auto qualify a duo right
8758s into the next stage of the competition
8760s um i mean i'm looking right now and and
8763s okay first and second place sure they're
8765s kind of pulled far away but you know
8767s boop
8768s third to like tenth it's not that split
8771s yeah exactly well it's basically it's a
8773s game of one games if that makes sense
8776s okay right all you need is one decent
8778s game as you see a float can come out
8779s moving 12 places up the leaderboard
8782s similarly also i want to mention uh
8785s potassai and snazi right fifth five
8787s places up on the leaderboard but the
8788s osha being contested so if they can make
8790s those games count that's all you need to
8792s do just one crucial game get yourself
8794s those eliminations and put yourself up
8796s the leaderboard yes i want to mention
8798s there would be gross and shizuo up in
8799s second now obviously they saw so far
8801s ahead
8802s massive 10 eliminations in the final
8803s game 10 eliminations only fourth place
8805s so if they keep up that fragging
8807s potential like that should be i mean
8809s realistically since they're on 122
8810s they're so far ahead of the second or
8812s the third place team right now almost 40
8814s points looks like it could be an easy
8816s qualification for them
8818s i mean we can't forget it was as well
8820s annas and pink after that game now
8822s they're online right they're ready to go
8824s they do have a pretty good average
8826s placement overall here we can see them
8828s on your screen now these are the stats
8830s from round number three so yesterday but
8833s we can use this as a pretty good metric
8834s to kind of measure against today
8837s yeah i mean exactly exactly what we
8838s mentioned right the victory our
8840s potential coming up picking an ass the
8841s high ground play style that they have is
8844s just so strong and i i am so interested
8846s to see given the fact that this was the
8847s first time that they had a successful
8849s mid game where they managed to get
8850s themselves both into in-game and that
8852s was a victoria it's like you know 100
8854s success rate from fifth zone onwards so
8856s far i mean i i want to mention that we
8858s do mean them slightly right about the
8860s amount of eliminations that they get in
8862s endgame but it just shows you how good
8864s they are if you can make it to those
8865s final moving zones with one or two
8867s eliminations it means you're the most
8868s efficient team in the lobby you're using
8870s very little builds using very little
8872s shield and you're just making that
8873s consistently so their game plan is far
8875s above and superior to everyone else and
8877s on top of that like they've been getting
8879s better at elims like usually my note
8881s specifically from last season is this is
8883s a finals team and this is this is a team
8885s that basically performs in st lobbies
8887s but now we've seen them in kind of open
8889s lobbies in earlier rounds of fss and
8891s opens of cash cups do really well too
8893s pick up high elimination games they even
8895s had a 19 elimination game in one of the
8897s earlier rounds of fnc which is unheard
8899s of unheard of for this team in
8901s particular so they've got their weakness
8903s of getting eliminations and it's clearly
8905s improving as time's going on which i
8907s think is one of the reasons why this
8908s team's gonna be unstoppable this season
8909s yeah you saw them drop down that game
8911s right you never see pink ever drop down
8913s from high ground this time he was down
8915s there fragging he was getting involved
8916s with that smg while anas was just
8918s chilling trying to get the piece going
8920s but yeah they're making something happen
8922s and i'm excited for it yeah another
8924s another team owner talk about ralphus
8925s and krusty right oh yeah a team who we
8928s us two or us three sorry don't leave
8930s yours zizzi
8932s haven't really mentioned so far but they
8934s are like fragging out so bad there was a
8936s particular clip let's see look at this
8938s look at production hooking up for me
8939s that that beautiful two-piece from
8941s krusty here where obviously jumps
8943s straight outside the box and goes back
8944s like these guys have such a good
8946s fragging potential so far in each
8948s individual clip right you're seeing
8950s these clips are almost like highlights
8951s but when you look at the average
8953s eliminations they're getting it's like
8954s three per game so it's like you know
8956s each individual dealing they get is
8958s really nice but they're not really
8960s getting that whole load of them they're
8961s just being super consistent always
8962s getting through the end game
8964s we'll have to see man three more games
8966s they could really surprise us make it in
8967s that top five i i'm down for that okay
8970s you guys make that happen i'll be here
8972s for it but it's time for game number
8974s four so we're going back on board that
8975s battle bus we got 112k we got shywager
8978s this is game number four
8982s calling it this is gonna be the best
8983s game we watched so far 11 i think game
8985s number four is the the banger game you
8987s know it's right after the midpoint some
8988s people frustrated everyone got their
8990s stuff sorted out we're just ready to go
8992s yeah i think people finally sort of hit
8993s their rhythm hit their momentum some
8995s teams momentum just been completely sort
8997s of shut down right so it does work both
8999s ways but i'm looking forward to it right
9001s we're already seeing the development of
9002s some of these places of spawn that we
9004s were very excited about of course now
9006s some of the big teams big high ground
9008s boys getting back involved in lobbying
9010s pink and ass
9011s all things considered i'm pretty excited
9013s i'm happy
9014s they are here and hopefully here for
9016s this game as well and just seeing the
9018s difference in how a game is when tayson
9020s and chadpix have height versus pink and
9022s us i mean if both of them are finally
9024s allowed to coexist i don't even want to
9026s think about how that looks
9027s can we get a north zone though
9029s maybe for the one time
9033s let me talk to my people in the back
9034s let's just get in the game first all
9035s right cool
9036s [Music]
9041s all right so uh north zone activated
9044s spoiler
9053s it depends on who goes down and tilt the
9054s towers is what i've been told if it's
9056s dick has some bad sniper that don't make
9058s it out spawn it'll be a north zone if
9060s benji and savage go down it'll be south
9062s same thing here actually uh i'm just
9064s getting word if ayden and hard find go
9066s down first
9067s uh south zone if they win north zone
9069s simple okay well then it's definitely a
9071s soft zone then
9072s because these guys aren't going down
9074s these guys have been bossing it over to
9076s us
9077s and we're seeing it again janice goes
9079s down
9080s oh dear
9082s it's too free there's just no way
9083s they're making it look effortless and
9086s vortex as well
9088s i mean i understand the big you know
9090s bath shop the fishing shop in the middle
9092s is just so much power so much control a
9094s lot of loot you have nano landing here
9096s too
9097s third team rocking it they've kind of
9098s given up
9100s their side of the map this is going to
9101s be tough for anyone honestly to find any
9103s room to play off of from greasy grove
9106s unfortunately vortex and janus are the
9108s first focus and gonna be an easy find
9110s for this duo
9111s yeah so tough man i i do i feel you know
9114s i'm split between the middle here right
9116s you know
9117s big fan of hardband and alien one of the
9119s few uk duos left still kicking it
9122s and uh janice and versus janice is quite
9124s literally my teammate you know that's my
9126s yeah yeah
9128s that's my duo partner do you know what i
9129s mean so
9131s to see him not doing well is rough but
9133s those guys
9134s will go down again
9136s and the british boys will uh
9139s will be bouncing right now they have
9141s just been rolling off spawn so far
9144s i got nano and luna still work with
9147s pink taking a little bit of damage but i
9148s see no elims that's what i was looking
9149s for for this team so far mustache
9151s malabuka looks like they have the
9153s advantage this time and will be on the
9154s offense and they're not going to stop
9156s now
9156s bill's available for us to have a little
9158s bit of a prolonged fight but this is the
9160s scariest position we've seen so far for
9162s picking an awesome early game pink down
9164s to one hp as well off of a big shot they
9166s can get out with this cannon at any
9168s moment but i don't think pink has the hp
9170s just yet to make that escape yeah it's
9172s down to the big and that's really to
9173s sort of put the team on the shoulders
9175s right now
9177s because mustache and malibu are no easy
9180s team to battle against especially when
9182s they have simulated the advantage they
9183s just have so much control right now and
9186s you can see and that's his build just
9188s continually being burned
9192s and he's trying to get up trying to
9193s force the issue a bit understandably can
9195s we see a bit of an ass piece right now
9198s mustache keeping his distance not giving
9200s him a chance hitting a 41.
9203s she's gonna force him that's back down
9204s as well this is really awkward for the
9206s team that just won
9208s hold up
9209s stole a chance on this side and also a
9211s few angles still buying a little bit of
9212s time for pink
9214s not much going down though maybe they're
9216s waiting for taste in the chappies to do
9217s something i'm not sure what the angle is
9218s here from this duo there's no way you're
9220s going to be able to survive and do much
9221s down below saying maybe close range is a
9223s good option because versa has no smg
9225s ammo but that's there now pink trade in
9227s a few damage shots and now two teammates
9229s on both sides are down on low hp pink
9231s finally knocked moustache super low the
9234s siphon coming in for malabuca so okay
9236s there's the big trade now it's a 1v1
9238s announce with a quick finish too they're
9240s going for it siphon materials not really
9242s picked up by not so he's one for the all
9243s in straight inside the box goes for a
9245s little bit of control taste in the
9246s chopsticks are here from the back
9249s and no they get taken down an awesome
9251s pink they're gone malibu too there might
9254s be no winners off of this fight when
9256s there's three teams in the poi
9259s that is so painful man like shia said
9264s nobody wins
9266s taser and chappie just put in an enter
9269s that shenanigan
9271s wow they did not even give them an inch
9273s of a chance man and that's just starts
9276s taking shots in the back
9278s and it's just wraps up oh wow well
9281s that's just man like it's the same thing
9284s that was happening at tilted right like
9285s deacon has mass sniper looting up mr
9287s savage fighting over and over again they
9289s they finish their fight dks cleans up
9291s over here this is such an isolated fight
9293s on the side of the mountain tayson and
9295s trafix went out of their way to come
9297s here and go for those elims i mean
9300s it's just it's just too much it's always
9303s painful when you see a team who does so
9304s well in the previous game go down so
9306s early
9311s that just is what happens sometimes man
9315s i had some slight confusion a little bit
9316s because i saw malibu pick up the
9318s elimination onto anas
9319s um but that's just because you got the
9321s last shot as a result though that
9323s two-point difference
9324s makes gross the one effectively in the
9326s lead and we're going to watch that
9328s early game fight
9330s look at the difference in
9333s skillability and narrative for this one
9335s they just landed
9337s these landing diff
9338s landmarks
9339s i mean the fight just looks so much
9341s easier compared to what some of the top
9343s pros are fighting over at cavern yeah
9345s big big props to girls and shizuo they
9348s have been very impressive not a team
9351s that's vying for height right and so you
9353s know we don't see them necessarily in
9354s that battle but
9356s at the end of the day they don't mind
9358s not being in that battle if they can
9359s just continue to
9361s push themselves in these standings above
9363s everybody else
9366s and grows
9367s trying to make his journey to his second
9370s left ncs made his first one last season
9372s finishing in sixth
9375s and maybe he's gone under the radar but
9377s definitely part of this newer generation
9379s of top fortnite players that are going
9382s to be cementing themselves
9384s in the region
9385s flick seat and kidduo
9387s will be wiped out by my guy
9390s the andy
9397s they'll rock in and rock out clement and
9399s floki a little bit of familiarity with
9401s them fighting a few people
9403s off of spawn
9405s it looks like that's
9406s might be why you know they're even
9407s ramping up in the placements and the
9409s elims they see every single game floki
9411s with a nice cohen to stop the spider
9414s from being able to escape the fight or
9416s have his own rain they swap out and tag
9418s team clement in but it might not be the
9420s best oh my goodness maxie what was that
9425s what a play honestly what a play
9429s that is really something and it's gonna
9432s be so heartbreaking if you fall so
9434s shortly after it
9437s some nice damage by
9439s skydoom
9441s and he's looking for the piece
9445s max she's not making it easy though he
9447s is just scurrying away as much as he can
9450s little destro coming in it just becomes
9453s impossible for him ah dude he did so
9455s well there shayo
9457s yeah
9458s but it takes a lot of fuel to be able to
9460s do that right in terms of
9462s personal prowess and shots that was a
9465s nutty pre-fire onto clement on the back
9467s and then i don't know why they just
9468s didn't both take the fight 2v1 i mean
9470s maybe just a little bit of
9471s overconfidence and the damage done maybe
9474s weapons weren't loaded completely on the
9475s side of floating clement but
9477s i mean backstreet just gives us a nice
9478s little highlight reel in the early game
9483s also
9484s sanctuary fights
9486s thoughts on them
9490s you see i prefer not to speak if i speak
9492s i am
9503s it's so tough being able to actually
9505s find anything useful in terms of an
9507s advantage in this poi it seems like it
9509s takes so long usually the fights we see
9511s here never go well for either player but
9513s for hype
9514s and jjt they're rolling in
9517s and quickly actually find a drop
9519s one quick pick up this is where things
9521s can get super delayed though the setups
9523s the roundabouts the mazes
9526s can be tough to decipher
9528s sometimes you can just brute force the
9529s password though that's exactly what hype
9531s does rolling in they pick up their
9533s opponents really fast yeah i like that
9535s approach a bit more you know just get
9537s right stuck in
9538s it's my cup of tea
9540s this isn't my cup of tea though astro
9543s what are you doing there buddy
9544s you're uh you're in zone buddy
9548s be back in fury
9550s we'll uh deal with him
9552s it's a shame
9554s the most interesting thing i've seen
9555s from fury and blue back so far is that
9557s they've been in very similar positions
9558s in multiple games like tasting the
9560s chappix have in terms of the half and
9562s half zone where they are but i think
9564s their approach to mid and low ground
9566s right now with the way the zones have
9567s been going
9568s not actually working out the best for
9569s them so
9571s maybe you have to adjust that this game
9572s take a few more risks
9574s that being said the consistency will be
9576s rocking in and it looks like squeeze
9578s getting a few eliminations before that
9579s end game really starts but maybe it's
9581s surge maybe it's their overall position
9583s the lack of pads even to have them you
9586s know in trouble converting uh their
9589s their positions and the placements
9590s overall
9594s not necessarily had the best of days so
9596s far but definitely a team that people
9599s will be expecting to rise up
9601s of course one of the typical tropes that
9603s is discussed when andelex is mentioned
9605s is his ability to come back right
9608s always the back half of events the back
9610s half of tournament days
9612s where he starts to rise
9615s and we've reached that point right so
9617s hopefully now we'll see these guys have
9618s a
9619s couple bad games
9621s speaking of bad games
9624s tasting traffic's ain't been too bad
9626s yeah and they've created kind of a power
9628s vacuum for analytics and experience to
9629s step into right
9631s like mustache malibu cup really powerful
9633s low ground team not there this game
9635s making the nas the tempered high ground
9638s not going to be a possibility either so
9640s a lot of these teams looking to have a
9642s bit more room
9643s should be able to play scheizer should
9645s be good to go
9646s and this might be the turn for analytics
9648s well you know you're talking about your
9649s power vacuum right clown not clowning
9652s girls that's the former duo grows him
9655s see i'm in autopilot you know
9659s he's not with clown anymore but gross
9661s and
9662s they have been very powerful playing on
9664s those mid and low layers right
9666s yeah you know the the key to sort of how
9668s they've been able to just get so many
9670s eliminations is just the control that
9671s they garner right in those zone
9673s transitions
9674s just absolutely wiping people out a bit
9676s of peace control
9679s that's the kind of stuff that gets
9680s really excited you know this is that's
9682s the thing you know yeah
9684s peace control race control
9687s i can't see the difference between two
9688s of those at all
9690s main things too for schizo specifically
9692s and photo science nazi floki clement not
9694s being in this game they just like soak
9697s up so many points and the best slogan
9699s positions the fastest i feel like
9701s towards the end game and they're not
9703s gonna be here so a lot of these front
9704s runners for
9706s the this qualifier that we've seen so
9707s far in the first three games
9709s unavailable
9710s show up to this media day
9712s this game for
9716s as a result the gaps must be filled
9719s and we asked for a little bit of that
9720s north zone
9721s didn't really happen
9723s it's better than the complete desert
9725s right but it can still pull down
9727s yeah i don't know man i used to have all
9730s the connections back
9733s used to say something it used to just
9734s happen like on the spot but
9737s he's lost his juice a little bit clearly
9740s hey just wait for it man it's i've
9742s figured out the tech you don't want to
9744s waste the juice on the qualifiers you
9745s know oh yeah yeah the zone pulling juice
9750s the finals just trust i have the
9752s easy pulls easy pulls left and right
9757s recent hoop also talking about christine
9759s velvets that last game their pinches
9762s the dynamic duo
9764s not even being inside boxes just
9765s rattling on walls
9767s looked very good when you know
9769s things are out of control
9771s they're very good at sorting out the
9772s chaos when they have a little bit of
9774s peace and quiet though
9775s they crumble under the thought process
9778s of what to do is my question
9788s still seeing how loud tayson and chappix
9790s want to be at this point as well
9793s i think this zone poll will dictate
9794s exactly how fast they're going to be
9795s able to play this end game
9797s and right now yeah they get to just slow
9801s things down dictate exactly who goes
9804s where
9804s this is this is marketability right i
9807s mean
9808s this
9809s this is just
9810s this is unfair is chasing the new benji
9813s jason
9814s i mean benji's in this lobby man
9819s oh goodness
9821s wow
9827s this is interesting
9829s because obviously as much as they've
9831s been
9832s pretty solid and they've not had many
9833s issues right
9835s we did see last game when they went
9836s towards greece they weren't able to get
9838s enough search tags and they were sort of
9840s teetering along that line of being above
9842s search and so
9843s this time around they may need to just
9845s get a bit more aggressive
9847s in that regard and trying to make sure
9848s that they have no concerns
9851s when it comes to surge
9853s of course the zone very much favors them
9855s and so i do expect to see them making
9857s some sort of paper height as long as
9859s the zones continue to pay for them i
9861s guess but
9863s in the meantime we got
9865s strokes
9866s in kovacs
9868s who's sitting in ninth place
9870s i've actually forced in the in an arena
9872s game this season
9875s wouldn't call it much of a fight though
9876s he landed in a siege cannon and took me
9878s out instantly basically so
9881s ggs i'll get him back though
9883s i would i'll always get him back you
9885s know mean
9886s no one invests 11 at all yeah
9889s no one wins
9890s he he's the
9892s human embodiment of a third party
9898s i'm sorry that just i'm trying to like
9900s imagine what that actually looks like
9902s but i guess it's just me right like yes
9904s i am the human embodiment
9909s always have the last laugh and right now
9912s i'm not hearing that much joy and
9913s excitement from
9914s a lot of these players for the zone
9917s trees water low ground in the way
9919s can't really see much in terms of
9920s visibility too
9922s article t chips has been a while since
9924s the zone threat or the damage threshold
9926s has popped up for many players i'm not
9927s even sure if they know how far up they
9929s are
9930s how much work they need to do to stay
9931s ahead
9934s i like that position though from art
9936s school and teachers in terms of where
9937s they were situated
9939s center in the zone
9941s very likely to pull that neck zone as
9942s well
9945s off that hill they can operate at a very
9947s wide range of angles right 360 degree
9949s radius they have players sort of in and
9951s around them in order to get surge tags
9955s really nice stuff then this is actually
9957s something that we see quite a bit
9960s because there's not many vehicles in the
9961s game people know how valuable the
9963s vehicles are right and so if you see a
9964s vehicle when you don't have one you're
9966s gonna take shots you need to do
9968s everything you can to immobilize that
9970s team that has the vehicle and in that
9972s case there we saw snakes was actually
9974s able to blow it up use it as a person
9977s was a weapon against the team that was
9979s driving it and the knock is really
9981s really clean for them as well so
9983s they won't be able to actually pronounce
9984s on that loot i don't believe chris if
9986s it's still up there as well as a solo
9989s i'm sure they'll think about if there's
9990s a pathway to get there but
9992s it does seem like it might be a bit too
9994s risky so
9995s we'll just have to watch from afar but
9997s really nice stuff from these guys
10000s just looking at some queasy shia
10004s they've invested man they've
10006s really invested to get to this point and
10009s they still don't have the zone
10011s so
10013s i'll have to move in just a second being
10014s beside eye dropping jerky though
10016s apologies the big drop the jerky though
10018s yes
10021s they're in the right place
10022s let's hope the timing is good on when
10024s they actually end up moving in it's
10025s going to be very difficult to find a
10027s foothold once again some of the late
10028s movers in these zones end up being
10030s beside the bottom of a rock cliff or
10033s maybe somewhere else
10035s can't really see one side or one half of
10038s your position of where you are i drop
10040s actually chooses to move up and across
10043s not being a troubling position is very
10044s nice girls in schizo once again lots of
10047s these dominant low ground teams not here
10049s this time and this game will be able to
10051s have a lot more space
10053s faster much quicker than before
10056s and have possibly the biggest possible
10058s to get points or pedestal to get points
10060s at this moment
10065s everyone also rocking in undisturbed to
10067s greasy right now i'm not seeing many
10068s people fall in the feed moving into this
10070s circle but the north side will have to
10071s be the focus
10073s i'm guessing desperate box fights will
10074s be had in the south if there are maybe
10076s one or two teams we're in trouble but up
10078s north there's still a few teams we're
10079s not in
10080s slow way screaming moving through and
10082s he's gonna be induced on the backside of
10084s some of these players who are really
10085s late and getting into the zone
10089s a few picks and that's bubok down
10092s that's one and a lot of crucial match
10095s for the man as well still below on surge
10096s though and this is all about getting as
10098s many points as possible before you go
10100s down you have to be super screwy in this
10102s moment as a solo player making this much
10105s noise his chuck slash his opponent okay
10107s talk about disrespect he rocks it in
10110s could be a crucial one he needed though
10111s this is gonna be so unfortunate for the
10113s man ten
10114s five and he's gone
10117s did a lot to actually slow down the
10118s backside though let's see who's holding
10120s some of these players towards the north
10122s it's not gonna be znd and joe they're a
10123s little bit more
10124s towards the south and middle of the map
10127s so far
10128s it is still such
10130s uh you know
10132s just
10133s a cluster a traffic jam all the way up
10135s top
10136s for the zone so far now everyone's gonna
10138s have to move once again barely any team
10140s pulls that next zone
10142s yeah in terms of the teams who have been
10143s able to pull it ryzen and payne up
10145s within 50 50 will be huge for them
10149s i'm trying to see if there's any other
10150s teams who really can make use of it
10152s right obviously last game pink and ass
10154s they pulled 50 50 and
10156s we saw how far that was able to take
10158s them in their pursuit of a win obviously
10160s this time around they're not here but
10162s other teams will be looking to emulate
10164s that kind of performance
10166s i really want to see where taylor and
10167s chad picks are in this moment right now
10169s they're going to be up against schreizer
10170s and girls both teams will be playing two
10172s very different games this should be one
10174s of the most exciting dual perspectives
10175s to watch for a team one focused on being
10178s completely the center of attention on
10180s high ground
10181s the other focused on being as silent as
10183s possible just racking in consistent
10185s placement and a few eliminations on the
10186s low
10199s will also be rocking in
10200s a very specific or a very similar spot
10203s to where
10204s we just saw shaizo they're all about
10206s just moving between the lines and going
10209s for a bit of damage
10210s and picking up as many points as
10211s possible
10213s while working off of the pressure other
10214s people create
10216s talking about the ones that create that
10217s pressure queasy
10218s active right now he's the one to pick up
10221s lola's in the feed st down
10223s i'll have a little bit of a say on what
10224s to do but look who the right side on the
10226s left side of your screen we have jerky
10227s and i drop tasted in chatpix kind of the
10230s high ground apartment complex ready to
10232s go and play the game
10235s meanwhile everyone else is just sitting
10237s silent they don't want to be the focus
10238s of anything who are some of the
10239s challengers here right now as well too
10240s nanoway and lou on the other side
10244s battling for a spot both
10247s in separate built towers seeing exactly
10249s what
10250s the zone will say it'll give pen and
10252s queasy the first chance to drop some
10254s pressure
10255s and the last leg to actually jump yeah
10257s we talked about how earlier in terms of
10259s materials and resources they weren't
10260s looking in the best position but other
10262s people has ken has a harpoon right and
10264s that's going to be so key for them to
10265s actually stay in this game because even
10267s though they're low on resources if he
10269s can find lou in the storm they'll be
10271s able to keep height and the smallest
10273s opportunity they have to get height and
10275s they're taking it they want to hold on
10276s to it all the way up top but they built
10278s a little bit of a ramp for anyone
10280s who's daring enough to kind of come up
10281s and take it i called it a little bit but
10283s everyone has their own focus on making
10285s that to the front portion of the zone
10287s tasting the choppers too or just making
10289s sure
10290s it's taking off anyone down below they
10291s finally look up and see this monstrosity
10293s of the build this is like okay they find
10296s another pad that's even closer how do
10298s they even think and hear or see it this
10300s man is just i don't know how it has
10301s eight eyes in 17 years jason finds a
10304s perfect path all the way in this is all
10306s impromptu
10307s met up with traffic as well who fought
10308s his own way into the zone from this side
10310s insane the way these guys just see the
10312s way the builds move in the zone
10314s we talked about how creepy the hen would
10316s take the opportunity but they've
10317s actually been forced down i jump in
10320s cherokee the big drop taking another
10322s shot at a high ground can this finally
10324s be the game when they're able to hold on
10326s to it i don't want to speak to you soon
10328s but you'll see scheizer and girls the
10330s first place team at the moment we know
10332s how dominant they've been able to be on
10333s mid and low ground but can they continue
10335s up that pay scrolls actually will go
10336s down they're below on surge and so
10338s things are looking really difficult for
10339s these guys in their attempt to keep that
10341s hot first base spot
10343s not even in a good clutch spot right now
10344s whenever you're a solo player you want
10345s to take your teammates mass the utility
10347s they have every option you have is at
10349s your disposal as a team but
10351s unfortunately
10352s rules was full piece
10354s no chance for charizard to get back into
10355s that box because i have to work with
10357s just what he's got which is half the
10358s power of the duo completely so going for
10361s a little bit of rattling damage on the
10362s walls but doesn't find any connections
10364s from this layer so far has to drop down
10365s soon as soon as he does his mats will
10367s melt he only has about five boxes to
10369s make this is your first place positions
10371s pov on the top right of your screen
10373s meanwhile jerky and i drop on the left
10375s side still didn't take everything all
10376s the way from height crazy and pull the
10377s side ready to ramp up down bottom
10379s they're one of the most powerful duels
10380s we see so far on the bottom right
10381s they're now moving free getting ahead of
10383s the zone looking for their positions
10384s trying to stuck in the back side has a
10386s chance for a few floppers left and right
10387s and blowing for a sidewinder pump shot
10389s that's going to be huge for him but
10391s drops down with the improper timing one
10392s more flopping to take his desperation
10394s but he goes down and now it's a chance
10396s possibly for traffic to rap back and
10398s take that first place spot as i say that
10400s though heading queasy so alive this man
10403s is in a world of hurt he's feeling that
10405s pain still moving right past it and
10407s surviving so far in the zone yeah there
10409s was a med miss down there that's going
10410s to be huge right he really had one in
10412s his inventory but if he has any hope of
10413s making some sort of so crazy solo clutch
10416s the madness will be huge i've seen
10417s sneezy realizing that for himself as
10418s well he needs that to stay in this game
10420s the zone's actually going to pull back
10421s towards him and that's going to be huge
10423s right for snazzy and pro decide can they
10425s claim and take control of low ground as
10427s it pulls down this little hill here as
10429s well this is going to be a crucial
10431s moment for them in their pursuit of a
10433s win traffic still alive though getting a
10435s few picks inside that feed eyedropping
10436s cherokee also taking apart duo after
10438s duel all the way up top it's a duo
10440s that's also alive in that first place
10442s spot tayson and traffic's meeting hand
10444s in hand inside their builds ralphus was
10446s down at chappix before and krusty gets
10448s found out by tayson galore it's huge for
10450s this duel right now and they pick up the
10452s mats as well they're ready to go look at
10454s the space they have levin this must be
10455s their game yeah this is easy as pie for
10458s tayson and chappix they run this layer
10461s but how many more can they dominate they
10463s want it all right now easiest fight with
10465s their crunch like a pastry inside the
10466s mid ground as well it'll be tough for
10468s them to move through the sauce meanwhile
10470s both sides sneezy 360 degrees of
10473s pressure and somehow they're making
10474s sense of it move past on their own layer
10477s jerky and eye drop actually start to
10478s tighten things down from high ground
10480s looking down below they have the
10481s meadmits opportunity as well as the
10483s harpoon it's all wood builds and big
10485s piece takes it's on the traffic's too
10487s he's a half hp tasting desperate to move
10489s inside these boxes with jerkys moving
10490s forward to have even more pressure all
10492s walls controlled but tayson finds a
10494s little bit of reprieve some escape this
10496s man is just too fast he has a permanent
10498s sprint mode on and jerky loses him yeah
10500s turkey had to be careful there needs to
10502s reload his weapons right you can go down
10503s to take fights but you need to make sure
10505s you're wearing equip chasing will go
10507s down that's our first place team and so
10509s the battle is not done sneezy we'll go
10511s at it hold the sight now left alone
10513s snazzy gets knocked in so a clutch
10515s potential here for bonus site can he
10517s drop down in the right amount of time
10518s jericky is still up right he's playing
10520s it looks like he's a solo but no i drop
10522s his teammate is still there the
10524s elimination finally comes through and so
10526s it's a 2v2 well actually no there's more
10528s teams in this one might be
10538s now not done with the battle himself he
10540s needs to be careful because paul decide
10542s hits hard and hits heavy eye drop now
10545s trying to clean up for what his teammate
10546s couldn't do can he take podesta out in
10548s this moment you can see how difficult it
10550s is a zone he's closing put his side away
10552s he's tanking that damage and eye drop is
10555s able to just stay up and away as the
10557s zone continues to take zesting all the
10558s way down below he needs to make use of
10560s his madness he needs to get his hp up
10562s while he can before it's too late pola
10564s decide we're just an inch of hp
10566s it might be too late for him as well if
10568s he's not careful
10569s he's found corn and bandages as well
10571s this man is ready to go while i drop has
10573s his 120 hp of that med miss to use
10575s someone's about to clock and lock in
10577s zestin's already started to take a
10578s little bit of the damage on the back
10579s side does i drop have enough heels can
10581s he find zestin as well now he
10583s understands what's going down if this
10585s gets shot a little bit he might take
10586s that fall damage too all the way towards
10588s the floor but they're both gonna go for
10590s the heels who has it his eye drop this
10593s man is too healthy this man is too
10595s powerful he overheats in that eight zone
10597s gets so many eliminations and the
10599s victory royale it's the big drop with a
10602s victory royale appeal off no that's not
10605s the type of heal off we've been
10607s accustomed to seeing today but
10609s definitely one he will be proud of the
10611s med miss came in clutch and the big drop
10614s was able to close it out for eye drop
10617s and juroki and you can see what it means
10619s to them
10620s cherokee ecstatic brilliant brilliant
10623s stuff for that duo game four goes to
10626s them
10627s i really like the split they had too
10629s sending jerky down to do as much damage
10631s as possible interrupt aside maybe put
10633s some pressure on the zestin down too
10635s that was a lot of trust in eye drop or
10637s the pig drop once again by sorry all the
10639s way up top but let's see exactly what
10641s the analyst does have to say about that
10642s one because that was a very thick game
10646s thank you so much shia wager and levin
10648s my goodness you love to see those
10650s moments we can like tune in with the
10652s players have those player cam moments
10654s just see them get excited that's what
10656s this is all about baby game number four
10660s i believe that was if i'm not mistaken
10662s reese you know me i never learned how to
10663s count or read so don't hold anything
10665s against me thank you so much for that
10666s confirmation rhys ah wow one for the
10669s books a lot of chaos now in this last
10672s game but i kind of really just want to
10674s go back and touch on like potassi there
10677s and snazzy their awareness on those mid
10679s game tarps we're kind of next level man
10681s they were they looked so clean for a
10683s long time to make it into the top three
10685s that's pretty good
10686s yeah i mean for them that's kind of like
10688s a classic playstyle that we've seen
10689s sneezy do way way back when they're in
10691s trios right a long long time ago that
10694s mid to low grand play styles where he's
10695s always been super good and podesta like
10697s is a player that it's so funny because i
10699s don't know that much about him right
10701s when i when i was looking back i feel
10702s like every tournament i hear about
10704s podesia i see podesia and when i looked
10706s him up i was like he's only made one f
10708s in cs finals back in chapter two season
10710s six and it was assumed that he'd made
10712s way way more than that but this could be
10713s the time for him now
10715s yeah and i want to talk about eye drop
10716s and jerky right idop and jerky from that
10719s high ground they got a little bit of
10720s lucky zombo zone pulled back slightly
10722s into that seventh and eighth moving zone
10724s but you know you can always rely on eye
10726s drop you know this guy is the absolute
10728s solo demon the big big drop sorry about
10730s that he's the absolute solo guard right
10733s qualified multiple solo cash cups and
10735s when you want someone in a 1v1 v1 in
10737s those final situation he's the guy with
10739s the nerves of steel and he's going to be
10741s able to do it i like by the way how
10742s jerky dropped down there really trying
10743s to play the format trying to get those
10745s extra eliminations and at the end of
10747s course seeing his face cam there's
10748s always lovely to see
10750s absolutely and you know what in three of
10752s the four games so far they've been on
10754s height at some point right they've been
10756s always repeatedly trying to trying to
10757s get it this time it finally paid off for
10759s them they were able to hold that out
10761s because none of the other height teams
10763s were really left in the game we saw
10764s cuisine hen on very early in the fifth
10766s zone however they took it with minimal
10767s materials then we saw a huge material
10769s investment in that first moving because
10771s they didn't have a launch pad so it's
10772s like out after that pinker and ass
10774s weren't in the game either so a lot of
10776s the big height teams were gone which
10777s allowed jerky and i dropped to
10778s capitalize on that yeah and i thought it
10780s was going to be the return of hen and
10781s queasy right you know they're finally an
10782s end game that they made it into but as
10784s you saw in 5050 the mac count not
10787s looking too hard about 50 builds per
10788s person there and uh you know
10790s unfortunately they're not going to be
10791s one of those teams that are going to do
10792s it today i feel like
10794s man that's a tough pill to swallow but
10796s again a few more qualifiers we're still
10798s playing for series points
10800s much can still happen let's take a look
10801s at our standings and see how we can
10804s prepare ourselves for games five and six
10806s remember once again
10808s top five is the off that's what we're
10810s trying to make it if we can get in that
10811s top five we can ought to qualify the
10813s finals and just take a deep breath
10816s take a look at our top five right now
10818s reese
10819s i mean one of the interesting things
10820s here is that between second to third was
10823s like 40 points between before that last
10825s game now that margin has definitely
10827s narrowed up a little bit with a lot of
10828s the other team's potential so it seems
10830s like chasing the champions in first look
10832s they've probably qualified in the next
10833s two games sneezy and boris are kind of
10835s the same maybe not you know they could
10836s go down on swan whatever you want to
10838s look at is relevance krusty and fourth
10840s yeah kovacs and drock's popping off who
10841s are now all the way up and then from
10843s that win the big drop and
10846s now up in sixth alongside uh satan and
10848s as well so these guys are all super
10850s super close to that ability to qualify
10852s here so i want to see there's two more
10854s games left can any of these teams manage
10856s to keep that consistency up through the
10857s next two games i don't like the curse
10859s there that you did visa on taste and
10861s traffic you never know two games that
10863s you saw fourteen places above fired up
10864s and jerky anyone can do that and take
10867s some chapters could fall out of the top
10868s five so i'm gonna i'm gonna keep my
10870s fingers crossed because the reese's
10871s curse is kind of crazy
10872s definitely
10874s with just two more games to go we're
10876s gearing up right now this qualifier one
10878s is coming to a very quick conclusion
10880s so let's find our seats on the bus let's
10882s find some popcorn let's get ready for
10883s this next game shy wage 112k
10886s over your beautiful faces
10890s i don't have popcorn here zeke what i do
10891s have is an appetite for more amazing
10893s games 11 i mean some of the top names
10895s not in the last one are you liking the
10897s way it's going with these up-and-comers
10899s jumping up spots or do we want to see
10900s that big hot tough action no that's what
10903s it's all about right i think even when
10904s you look at round four the teams that
10906s qualified through right after round
10908s three yesterday people were sort of
10910s saying well there's a lot of teams who
10911s would have expected to call that didn't
10913s right and so if you sleep and you miss
10915s out on your opportunity people will be
10916s there to take it right and that's what
10918s it's all about of course some of these
10919s newer names have been impressing over
10921s the past couple seasons and at some
10923s point right people will have to start
10925s taking over and i think we're starting
10926s to see that today
10928s yeah and even if you aren't asleep even
10930s if you're awake or ready to go on your
10931s pois there's some people who are ready
10933s to put you to bed right we're seeing
10934s these third-party things happen game
10935s after game it was tayson and chadwick's
10937s in the last one dks and bat sniper
10939s sometimes what can we expect in this one
10941s look if it's the case of greasy grove
10943s that's a deep deep sleep right hey
10945s waking up from that anytime soon and
10947s that pains me to say but you know we've
10949s seen some domination we're going to
10950s probably see some more domination but
10952s let me not speak to you soon we've got
10954s game five coming up right now
10957s [Music]
10961s all right two more to go
10963s one more chance to kind of fix mistakes
10964s and after that it's a lock in game where
10966s it's kind of the last chance to do
10968s whatever you can
10969s this might be a slight switch up for
10970s some teams but
10972s everyone should be
10973s in trouble right off spawn three teams
10975s over here so far and cuddle one flying
10977s across that's low-less doesn't want
10979s anything to do with this fight so far
10981s and girls is already down yeah that's
10983s real tough you're seeing scheisse was
10985s able to
10987s get to pick me up there
10990s oh okay reverse sleep happening over at
10993s greasy adn finally going down for the
10995s first time that's tannano a new team
10996s that's landing there
10998s well that's what i was actually gonna
10999s say right in terms of before we saw the
11001s fight happening here come cuddle the
11002s nature of the bus path meant that the
11004s team that was third party in the greasy
11005s fight would have landed first right and
11008s they would have been able to get a third
11009s party again and that's what actually
11010s happened i believe vortex went down to
11013s leon flares right which obviously isn't
11015s one of the teams you'd expect it to be
11018s in the nature of those fights janice
11019s actually just going down there in the
11021s feed so
11022s we didn't get to see greasy but a lot
11024s went down there and the bus path played
11026s a big big factor into what actually
11028s happened
11030s look at tilton right now savage benji
11032s and jackson all going for it
11034s i think benji gets knocked but that's
11036s just a after the fact factor of what
11038s actually happened inside the drop and
11039s it's gonna be benji and savage that
11042s end up winning that off spawn fight and
11043s are chilling still this one a very
11045s important one
11046s dictates if one of the top three teams
11048s gets to keep playing
11050s other charity in hand
11051s shazo needs to find the ceiling fast
11055s you can see
11057s he's hunting he's running
11060s come on bacon oh he's getting first
11062s let's give him two off
11063s he was getting shot from camcorder i
11065s believe as well
11068s but lucian hydro not seen much of these
11070s guys but
11071s they came in clutch in that moment
11073s four so at least but
11075s now he'll have to get away make sure he
11077s can pick rolls up
11080s oh they're running
11082s my man's farming chests and roofs and
11085s lucy and hydro are running
11087s not sure about this one we'll keep an
11088s eye on that feed to see exactly what
11090s breaks down analyzing squeeze
11092s up against who consistent condo canyon
11094s looks like that's already taken down
11096s and someone else as well knows analytics
11098s just picking up one of the
11100s eliminations so far they're gonna just
11102s wrap up hookah and that's how you finish
11103s a fight fast
11105s yeah that's a team that was really deep
11107s into last game right so to go off or
11109s spawn like this is rather unfortunate
11112s but
11112s i'm sure the french shoots won't mind
11116s that squeeze still yet to have the sort
11118s of game that
11122s i think many people will want them to
11124s see andy and joe in a fight again off
11126s sport something we've seen a bunch
11128s i think he actually saw the andy
11130s complaining on twitter about being
11131s contested and having to fight off spawn
11133s but
11135s look just win your fights mate and maybe
11137s they'll stop contesting i wouldn't
11139s contest if i was them if that helps but
11142s i don't know what that does
11144s or would i handy taking
11153s every time you say something level the
11154s opposite just kind of happens like in an
11157s instant
11158s love to see it
11159s this is why i don't want taste into an
11161s fncs you know
11163s okay
11164s i like you covering your bases man
11168s okay you say that it takes us down
11172s what are you doing this is your fault
11174s this is your fault and chad has seen it
11176s too i'm throwing i'm actually throwing
11179s right now that was crazy
11182s how did razor pick that one up i don't
11184s know there's just no way we just have to
11185s hurt well i'm hoping tropics can do a
11187s little clutch i don't know why would you
11189s say that why why would you say that now
11191s he's gonna go down too
11193s oh dear well the andy's on a brilliant
11195s job while we were walking about curses
11197s and whatnot
11199s picked up two eliminations
11201s here and they've just been really
11203s dominant at sign up station so i don't
11206s know why anyone would want to contest
11207s him
11208s this is what happened over at command
11210s kevin traffic's actually was already
11212s down so they're actually out
11214s that's a first place team and so this
11217s isn't even this is no no no i'm not
11219s letting you guys do this this is not
11220s eleven jinx what who are the guys on the
11223s desk waffling about
11224s oh hopefully they keep their first place
11227s who was it
11228s that scottish guy
11231s i don't know what he was saying
11232s some drinks he might do it just they
11234s dare upset right that i'm on court to
11237s win the prediction prize so they're
11239s doing everything they can i am then
11242s first i don't know man anastas is still
11244s in the lobby somewhere yeah yeah yeah
11246s yeah you know how it goes
11248s right last new game of nos is uh kind of
11251s a different warrior but the same beast
11253s as a wise man once said
11255s um
11257s but i will see we need more wreaths i
11259s guess
11260s to make some nice calls because
11263s yeah
11263s it makes it interesting when that first
11265s place team goes down sometimes
11267s yep it definitely uh creates a power
11270s struggle right a battle for that first
11272s place that we've seen play out so many
11274s times
11277s and snazzy and podesta will be vying for
11278s it
11280s could talk about you know something that
11281s i feel like boop and reese have been
11282s keeping under the rug which is uh
11285s their hot spot pick of cuisine hen i
11287s mean eleven let's let's talk about it
11290s with them you know what i'm saying it's
11291s a sensitive point you know that i'm sure
11293s they want me to talk about psych
11295s they're gonna talk about it crazy in hen
11298s it's not been great i'll be honest i
11300s feel better i'll be i feel bad because
11302s of my guys
11305s i wasn't i didn't want to go in but i
11307s was i was in the cool with queasy before
11308s offensive started like and he knew
11310s himself that if they didn't get zones it
11311s was always going to be rough right like
11313s and they have genuine like i don't like
11315s to be the guys to like put things down
11316s to luck because at the highest level the
11319s whole goal is to mitigate luck right in
11321s your favor and and and go that way but
11323s genuinely with the changes them not
11325s having vehicles and playing at the
11328s northernmost part of the map when you
11330s get so many south zones it does just
11332s become so difficult to really do
11333s anything in these lobbies and that's
11335s been a very big hindrance in their
11337s momentum
11338s again all we can do is hope that these
11340s last couple games sort of go much better
11341s for them because they are a top doer
11343s right they've been top top this whole
11344s season they obviously one fncf they're
11346s accustomed to winning games in the
11349s qualifying stages rather early on as
11351s well so
11353s uncharacteristic performance from them
11354s but
11356s they'll rise soon i believe
11359s i think the best thing for them too is
11360s that this is just the first qual where
11361s they're getting all these qualms out of
11362s the way as well right like how it feels
11364s to rotate in the zone how it feels to be
11365s with some of the best teams i mean five
11367s of the best ones here we're watching
11368s right now i won't be here in the next
11370s squall you have to assume that any
11371s queasy will because it's heading queasy
11373s so
11374s guarantee they call for finals at some
11375s point until then though they have a few
11377s weeks to figure out what to do when they
11379s don't have zone because yes it is very
11381s difficult
11382s there has to be something because you're
11383s not always going to get it and we've
11385s seen how this season is with south zones
11387s it feels like that desert is very much
11390s more so preferred
11391s in this chapter than any other
11394s yeah it's it's kind of crazy how many
11396s houses
11398s you got to talk to your guy in the back
11400s asking what's going on
11402s i think he's on vacation somewhere in
11403s the desert right now so it actually
11404s makes a lot of sense
11405s you know what you're just making it
11406s easier for himself
11410s oh man robert's crusty versus decor and
11413s company
11415s them fights where you know you or either
11418s you or your opponent is using
11420s a shield keg are always hilarious
11421s because like i just stand there and like
11423s my opponent is just healing me while i'm
11424s fighting it you know
11427s and fair play he's being healed as well
11429s but like he's just trapped healing me
11431s who's weird
11433s so
11435s a liquid time you know you just want to
11438s want to get healed
11439s i'm trying to find some type of joker
11441s pun but
11442s it is you literally just
11444s said the most literal thing possible
11446s there was there's no yeah
11447s i didn't leave any room for like
11449s interpretation any fun or anything no
11452s that's fine that's fine happens
11454s sometimes
11456s [Music]
11458s you mentioned these guys slightly before
11459s we started talking about shield kegs uh
11461s snazzy and bloody side
11463s i think are the most
11465s graduated team coming into this
11468s disqualifier let me explain how that
11470s works like i'm guessing you know z andy
11472s podusai maybe even floaty cloud you
11474s could toss them in here as well um
11477s kind of coming in massaging my book as
11479s well as so will they do well will they
11481s find a footing i feel like potassium and
11483s sneezing have found the best one out of
11485s all teams so far
11486s yeah obviously rhys talked a lot about
11487s per decide there on the desk in terms of
11489s just sort of um
11491s you know how he's very much an
11492s established name in competitive eu4 now
11494s right like if you're in the streets for
11496s you for now you know birdish eye
11498s but you know he's almost not
11499s accomplished as much as you'd expect for
11501s someone of his namesake
11503s um
11505s but these guys have impressed man
11507s and so from going to 50th in round three
11509s maybe a cheeky first place for them
11511s today
11512s that would be quite the something
11514s something we've seen on the e before
11516s right way back in the day and
11519s the old competition we saw this is
11520s actually really nice for them i don't
11522s think we've seen much of this in terms
11523s of them taking out the south sleepy team
11526s so that's huge
11528s right obviously vettel and lotics the
11530s team lending south sleepy and con
11533s mahan and queezy
11535s having a bit of a word with them
11537s and an aggressive word with them
11541s how about a shout
11543s i mean well
11544s it's kind of different on the other side
11545s of the map no conversation being had no
11548s person a talks on person b it's silence
11551s as people are just kind of
11552s setting up in their bases what does that
11554s say one of them
11556s i guess this has to be the game for head
11557s and queasy though
11558s to really move forward and
11561s just be able to win off this game or
11563s maybe even get in that top five get some
11564s control some essence of it but it feels
11566s like that zone will just keep pulling
11567s down down and down astro with a quick
11569s boost up okay maximum accuracy
11573s he picks that one apart and down
11575s so we saw that fight last game and it
11577s was the reverse where they were just in
11579s storm but astro lost so congratulations
11583s that's my guy
11585s just shouting at all my friends today on
11586s a pretty unprofessional by me actually
11588s you were talking about what was it the
11590s duo tree explain that explain that to me
11593s what is so
11594s okay so everybody right
11596s yeah we all have duo trees right and a
11598s dual tree is just like the link of your
11601s doers so like if you have once played
11603s with
11604s shire wager and shia ajar played with
11607s mongrel then mongrel is on your duo tree
11610s via shia agent do you get it okay yeah
11613s i'm following and and
11615s i was just making the point that my duo
11617s tree is not i'm like my like my duel
11620s tree i might be the greatest fortnight
11622s player of all time when it comes down to
11623s oh okay that's not a pro that's not a
11625s pro yeah yeah explain to me your dual
11628s training so so my do a treat we got we
11630s could be here for a long time right
11631s obviously i played with a big tripping
11632s right tripping's obviously playing with
11635s thomas hd this season so thomas is on my
11637s my dirt tree uh trip thomas hd's played
11640s with tayson so tasty is on my dirty um
11643s you know i've got you know the likes of
11645s i got so many people in my dirt tree at
11646s this point man i can't even keep check i
11648s got
11649s all of them all of them are my duty
11651s somehow from people i've played with um
11654s so like i honestly if you were to add up
11656s my door tree i think i have like every
11658s single fncs
11659s victory
11661s plus some from like n a as well
11663s i i go i go across the region with my
11665s dear friends
11671s it's a forest
11673s forest yeah
11674s that's insane i can't even i'm not gonna
11677s pretend to even try to match that
11679s uh
11680s you know i don't have the benefit of
11681s starting with tripperin i mean you have
11682s a pretty big leg up so yeah he kind of
11684s carried me too
11686s he's carried me a long way i'll tell you
11689s that
11691s oh man
11693s all right now duo's taking turns
11695s carrying each other in terms of
11697s total elimination points per game
11698s sometimes sneezy as the edge today i
11701s feel like politicize just been popping
11703s off though they're struggling a little
11705s bit on the back foot
11706s it sounds like this level where do you
11708s like to be in in general are you a
11710s center man are you a line man who's
11711s trying to always be on the move what is
11713s the 2k lifestyle well for me
11716s before the changes were made i had i'd
11718s been grinding the scrims right because
11720s i'm a grinder you know i'm on my grind
11722s set and i i was landing rocky
11724s and i had an i o car there ripped my car
11727s i also used to always have a launch pad
11728s so i used to just like play centers up
11730s right center zone yeah yeah ping people
11732s off get my search
11734s that's the sort of guy i am right and um
11736s also my straps are
11738s not really as functional now sadly but
11741s for the site sneezy that i'm not the
11743s greatest of sports
11745s they're being forced into taking this
11746s fight and it doesn't actually go that
11748s way so second place goes down that's
11749s going to be huge as well first and
11751s second place no longer in this game
11754s and that just means everybody else below
11756s again has a leg up grows
11758s and tries it
11760s come on
11771s went down so unlucky shia yeah we did
11773s that thing with roles in scheisse where
11775s like the screen went full yellow sepia
11777s and then it was said to be continued
11779s okay
11780s he was farming a chest and hydro and
11782s pelosi were crushing the hill yeah yeah
11784s yeah you're doing it for what you will
11786s grows just went down in the feed so okay
11789s there we go there's the update you guys
11790s were looking for and i was looking for
11792s um that team's gone
11796s so a lot of teams in the top five are
11798s basically down is what we're getting at
11800s if you didn't figure that out before
11801s yeah did we see chappix fall completely
11803s or no champix was knocked when tayson
11806s fell so okay so it was a full full
11809s yeah yeah
11811s they're fully gone an awesome pink i
11814s hope this is not a complete
11816s elimination is this from the cannon
11817s damage dude this is a complete
11819s elimination there oh okay
11822s i saw a player icon like an arrow going
11825s straight for that build yeah ballping
11827s was going for the res so
11829s i don't think they made it either
11833s well another game where we can see a
11835s shake up at the end of the day we're
11836s getting closer and closer to that final
11837s game
11838s and at the end of it you want to be
11840s sitting in top five that is
11842s the ticket the golden ticket to the fncs
11845s finals in a couple weeks time
11848s you don't want to miss that one i
11849s promise you that
11852s oh wait okay so did you mention that
11854s rules went down completely or that he
11856s was just in the feed so so scrolls just
11858s went down those went down in the feed
11860s well on the bottom left you were
11862s watching different games yeah yeah you
11863s got you got no you got red you got red
11866s yeah yeah
11867s he went down to the stop i think he uh
11869s either was a storm or something or
11871s something he went down to him so maybe
11873s full damage actually i don't think it
11874s was full damage either way girls is back
11876s up in the game so they're not completely
11878s out
11879s if i did say that they were completely
11880s out apologies my bad
11882s i'm not going to say my understanding is
11884s my ears are the ones that are often
11886s that's probably not for sure
11890s let's not apologize for andy and joe's
11892s position right now look at this we
11894s talked about them needing control they
11896s finally have it it's just in the fourth
11898s zone
11899s on the edge
11900s i was waiting for you to realize that
11902s zone was about to pop in so everything
11904s you're setting up right now could just
11905s be like
11906s absolutely tragic hey instead of us just
11909s waffling they can just put updates to
11911s the top and let us know who's been
11912s eliminated
11913s i'm not going to speak anymore you guys
11915s can see that
11917s for how this was the game bob man all
11920s these like you know runner up so if
11922s someone falls they have a chance to fill
11924s the spot
11925s it's just so
11926s i don't know surprising to me when they
11927s go down i feel like they should have
11929s that one game unlocked but who knows
11930s what happened on the south side we're
11932s locking in to the fortress for now and
11934s this is where i think this is one of the
11936s most difficult zones to traverse in this
11938s game no eleven it could literally be
11939s mountainous
11940s we could go straight up you know chapter
11942s two vibes in the ocean
11944s there's so many opportunities yeah the
11946s fortress is a an interesting area
11950s we all do play the game i'm sure many
11952s people share the same sentiment as me
11953s when uh
11955s i say i try to avoid the fortress
11958s ai just constantly
11960s hounding you down
11962s can get uh tiring
11964s what the pros can do with it they're
11965s fine
11967s you don't know why they're hounding you
11968s specifically
11970s they're just jealous of the duo tree man
11972s there's not much else to say
11974s i'm gonna start getting mean for this
11976s dude
11977s people are gonna really think i like
11979s hold that close to my heart but
11982s oh okay let's see what the big drops got
11984s heading queasy also in here two of the
11986s biggest dudes to follow right now inside
11987s this game shots are looking to take that
11988s lead away from chadwicks and tasting as
11990s well a ten point differential for him so
11992s travis and girls or not choppers girls
11994s scheizer and girls
11995s need to make sure they survive for at
11997s least what is it
11998s five more minutes past that fifth zone
12004s and then to the sixth and moving eye
12005s drop trying to look for anything right
12007s now this is gonna be enough damage to
12008s beat
12009s up and above that some people falling
12010s inside that feed though x squeeze down
12012s the map beat shy is on a tough spot
12014s before 20 damage above they are
12016s completely fine
12018s you saw either they hit that guy for
12019s white hp usually that's a trigger to
12021s just sort of relentlessly continue to
12023s hand them down he was
12026s nice in the fact that he stopped to heal
12028s up but i would expect him to start
12029s focusing him again you can see he sort
12031s of
12032s aim down his sight looking at it
12035s and this is going to be huge now
12037s as that fifth zone pops who would it
12040s favor who can use that momentum size and
12042s growls have done a great job using that
12044s momentum thus far we saw they pulled it
12046s last game but this time they won't have
12048s that same benefit
12050s a very tough distance for them to travel
12052s i don't believe gross has a launch pad
12055s in his inventory
12060s might be if you drop towards that south
12061s side there's a
12063s few air drops towards
12065s where the safe zone is some team is
12067s possibly battling over it
12068s in just a little bit of a second jackson
12071s boa
12072s they'll be constricted right now barely
12074s any room to breathe this is gonna be
12075s tough for this duo but they're gonna
12077s make the most of it
12078s only white hp available for boa so if
12080s you can't even top off with that shield
12082s jack's also getting into his flopper
12083s pool this is this is so bad in terms of
12086s even finding a fight you're not gonna be
12087s that strong either
12089s basically just operating at 50 hp at all
12091s times bo is gonna hopefully wait out in
12093s the zone
12094s one person needs to go down and
12096s apparently it's just him
12098s yeah you saw
12099s shaizo and growls
12101s capitalized on his tm8 jacks
12104s and they got that loot and they sort of
12105s tax printed out nobody was able to sort
12107s of be in that area to recycle powder by
12109s any means and so
12111s they're just gonna have to sprint away
12112s and you can see they're trying to make
12113s their way onto the pad that's actually
12115s there by default at
12117s the fortress but with such low hp you'd
12119s expect sizes to go down boa wasn't able
12121s to take the shot you can use the pad
12123s though and make his way in but with such
12125s one hp oh my goodness
12130s one hp you've got to be kidding me
12133s they've stayed in this game and what a
12135s way to do it as well
12136s there's a reality where that spray
12138s fabula hits and this game goes so
12141s different you see the match that we're
12143s put down we're all from groves
12144s beforehand as well scheizer has the
12146s majority of them
12148s then the white hp shy so has the
12149s utilities all on shaizo the elims the
12152s momentum from this game are riding on
12153s this man who got in with a sliver and
12156s right now we look at who else is not
12157s allowed to play edison down and i'm
12159s seeing mapping pick up another
12160s elimination this man is really rolling
12163s with the pressure and the momentum in
12164s this game i want to see exactly what
12166s their duel is about belusine hydro up
12168s against malibu and mustache who've made
12170s it here too a team where once again i
12173s feel like
12174s they just hyper scale when they get into
12175s these games the later it goes the
12177s stronger they get though we talked about
12179s it right being able to make the most of
12180s your opportunities in the game so you
12182s have them especially when you can just
12183s in the sport
12184s and we'll see how they play you can see
12186s the zone pulling back towards the
12188s fortress to that west side going over
12190s some elevation as well and we'll see how
12192s these teams deal with that
12194s jericky and i drop up on height they'll
12195s be uber aware of what they have to do
12199s and if they can sort of climb up
12201s and beat that battle shy zone grows
12205s have their eyes on some pads and you'll
12206s see they wait one out and it finally
12208s does
12209s get to them so now they can make their
12211s way towards that first zone
12214s and this is going to be a huge game for
12216s them if they want to secure that spot in
12219s the top five they're in second and they
12221s can take first eye dropping jerky in the
12223s back of the zone finally taking their
12225s pad the recycling one making sure that
12227s the highest up in the sky and they can
12229s land back on high ground where they most
12231s are comfortable
12233s and robertson crusty another team that's
12234s done very brilliantly
12236s but on lower layers and maybe this is
12238s why sneaking in the back of the top
12240s doing some damage there elvis we're not
12242s getting too greedy
12243s not over extending just staying in this
12245s game with his teammate by him
12247s now the way they're moving on the top
12248s right right now elvis and cross who are
12250s on your screen i mean this was like a
12252s secret spy mission box the box mantling
12255s over different layers and as the
12257s pressure escalates so does the low
12258s ground in the zone we're kind of moving
12260s up mountains and then jumping across
12261s right and left it is belusi and hijo
12263s that have height for now jerky is ready
12265s with eye drop to maybe go for that big
12267s jump they have the potential on the mat
12268s to be able to do it but the space might
12270s be running out there's so many different
12271s types of mountains in the way now we're
12272s even moving even more north in this zone
12274s jerking down with so much damage needed
12277s to be gone and eye drop actually falls
12279s this is gonna be huge for the potential
12281s for this duo they get fragmented in half
12283s jerky still has the power to take down
12285s everyone in his lair it's his space and
12288s you cannot invade juricki hitting some
12290s big shots there this is his time to solo
12293s clutch he won't be able to do it from a
12295s height just yet but if he can stay in
12297s this game that will be huge they are
12299s just outside of that top five shot
12301s oh my goodness
12303s hitting some huge shots in that moment
12306s keeping this team in the game gross
12308s isn't there but he certainly is for
12310s elimination he has all of his team's
12312s eliminations up to this point
12314s and he might not be done yet if he can
12316s keep hitting shots like that
12318s everyone now fragmented there's a huge
12319s cost in moving that zone height has lost
12322s their partner all the way down towards
12323s the low ground it's just solo games
12325s meanwhile mustache malabuca they stay
12328s just together unsegmented ready to go up
12330s towards that second height layer and
12332s mustache there it is here's the pov
12334s they're just rattling down it's the
12336s effects of a minigun almost the way
12338s these guys are utilizing the pressure
12339s they're so good and they have so much
12341s space to work with pre-edit plays in the
12343s end game these guys have unlimited
12346s confidence they are reaching ultimate
12348s levels of comfortability in this lobby
12351s right now and that's going to be a big
12353s problem for anybody that gets in their
12354s way potential with the six truck
12356s splashes available as well they have so
12358s much to work with all towards the end oh
12360s my goodness it's 12 13 in mustache's
12364s inventory he has the loadout of gods
12367s right now for this position the best
12368s possible place he can be in with the
12370s best loot as well no one else really
12373s realizes that jerky now out of fuel out
12375s of ammo out of everything in terms of a
12376s position and he's lost in the low ground
12379s too everything's starting to move up
12380s mustache malabu basically on the perfect
12382s player everyone else squeezed can't
12384s breathe all the way here in low ground
12386s relevance and krusty have a little bit
12388s of a pocket of hair to kind of work with
12390s darker going down but this is where
12392s pressure really starts to ride up yeah
12393s this is going to be tough right they
12394s didn't have enough maps to be able to
12396s close teams off as it went up the hill
12397s and so they're just gonna have to go
12398s back into the zone use all those chug
12400s flashes they have and this might be huge
12402s they might actually build
12403s this rising and painter though they're
12405s suspicious they know that there's a team
12406s in the zone and so they need to be uber
12408s aware of anybody trying to take it
12410s mustache they've actually had it they're
12412s paddling back into the zone they've got
12414s a bit of that so don't you but they're
12415s now trying to fight for height they need
12416s to be careful is it going to be too
12418s early can they actually hold on the
12420s trunk splashes of dwindling but their
12421s shots are hitting they now have height
12423s they forced them off and this is their
12425s game for the taking they want to do
12426s another one
12428s what a way to get that high ground big
12430s shots on the back side from verstash
12432s malibu is there with the wrap down it's
12433s like watching an arm and a hand work
12435s together at the same time they're
12437s reading each other's minds on these
12439s takes as a result though max three
12441s pushed down towards the low he always
12442s hits those big shots restocks and
12444s melabuca are there they want to win this
12446s game single-handedly by themselves
12448s malibu now low for the moment there'll
12451s be a cost of this fight krusty melts in
12453s the zone what a way to own a vr mustache
12456s and malabuca are just on fire today they
12459s don't get many chances to do this
12461s fighting off spawn but the games that
12463s you give them they take them wisely a
12466s brilliant performance showing us what
12468s they can do pre-edit that's not going to
12471s get over the fact that they were going
12471s to play this out here the 13 splashes
12475s these guys were set up for victory they
12477s took a pit stop they literally took a
12479s timeout mid-end game peeled up padded
12482s back in and said oh yeah we gotta win i
12485s mean i've not seen the likes of that
12487s before from a duo it's always a solo
12489s type of play that might be one of the
12490s most interesting vrs we've seen so far
12492s in europe yeah very very impressive
12495s stuff and we cannot forget about krusty
12497s and relvis who did so so well second
12500s place is huge for a team that's already
12502s in the top five they have etched their
12503s way potentially into the fncs finals
12506s guys on the desk you guys need to hit us
12508s up with what's going on in the standings
12510s because that game was huge for everybody
12514s in that lobby
12516s but but lovin where did they get 13
12519s splashes from where
12521s was this they just they they stopped by
12523s the store on the way to this game
12524s they're like hey let's just stock up on
12526s splashes let's make sure we just
12527s eliminate a bunch of players 13 splashes
12534s yeah with 13 splashes i mean you just
12536s have look at me
12538s good stuff sorry i totally dropped a
12540s little technical
12542s i was about to say it was it was
12543s dropping fire trust me one of the best
12545s things is that they had 13 splashes but
12546s that was only on mustache malabuca
12549s himself also had more and we saw that
12551s when they went back into the zone you
12552s started to see them using them in the
12553s heels they were one layer apart and they
12554s were just splashing themselves at like
12557s different times or double wasting and i
12558s thought this seems a little bit off but
12560s the retake from them was absolutely
12563s phenomenal
12565s yeah and i was thinking after last game
12566s they were a little bit invisible you
12567s know malibu mustache not in an end game
12570s and all of a sudden they come out with
12572s an explosiveness i i don't even know
12574s what i just witnessed in this game they
12575s were just jumping in and as i mentioned
12577s at the start of this broadcast they love
12579s their pre-edits off on the high ground
12581s dropping down pre-editing just jumping
12582s into boxes and you know with that type
12584s of game they must be somewhere in the
12586s top five yeah and honestly when i saw
12588s them in game i saw them go for the
12590s pre-edit play at that moment you know i
12592s think it was what 20 players are left
12594s alive i was like these guys won this
12595s game just from that moment it was like
12598s you could tell they had that confidence
12600s you could tell that they were on a roll
12601s and that that was just going to keep
12602s going uphill
12604s it was either them rhys or was going to
12605s be whoever eliminated them right you
12607s just find the elimination like 13
12609s splashes three floppers what
12613s you love to see it i cannot believe uh
12615s guys super quick this is the first time
12617s we've actually seen storm surge
12620s be prominent in qualifier number one all
12623s these other games you know you're
12625s looking it was right around 70 people
12626s and everyone's just like no
12627s no storm surge necessary i guess that
12629s three points per elimination really
12631s showing up baboo
12633s yeah i mean we did see it in game number
12635s one and i believe after that we didn't
12637s see it at all and obviously the three
12639s points per elimination really making a
12640s difference but i think it just has to do
12642s a little bit with the meta as well lack
12643s of course people just don't really know
12645s how to rotate and we saw what happened
12646s to podocy and sneezy this game
12649s unfortunately they were top of the lead
12650s but they're second place before this
12651s game and nobody expected it right you
12654s don't oh these games are those games are
12655s really unstacked we can play it out we
12657s can sort of have different positioning
12658s but when storm surge creeps up as it
12660s always does things can sort of explode
12662s in that way yeah i think also we're just
12663s seeing like so many fights all spawn
12665s like there's so many different guys that
12667s we've seen that just have like five well
12669s no no not that many of five one of them
12671s has five teams on it and there's just
12672s fights every single place around the map
12674s left right and center and it's like the
12676s numbers just drops but after it hits
12678s like that 70 it stays you know and when
12680s it gets that third and fourth zone like
12682s then we're seeing surge come into the
12683s moving zones at that point
12685s yeah and i'm talking about those five
12686s responses right this and going down
12688s early reese i don't know what kind of
12690s magic you have you didn't mention them
12691s top level they're so easily qualified
12693s but there you go first game down to
12695s reason
12696s i mean what what's gonna happen the
12698s leaderboard then i don't know uh i mean
12700s they were first i can't remember if
12702s anyone went higher than 157 i didn't see
12703s that this was up to the clip of them
12705s going down at that moment you know what
12707s i did curse them so you know what i'm
12709s gonna avoid doing is i'm gonna avoid
12710s making any predictions on this team
12712s right now because they were in first
12713s place now that's what happened after i
12715s made a prediction the first time that
12716s they asked around try not to cast
12718s recursive too much more and here we go
12719s this is what the actual leaderboards
12721s look like right now they are down to
12722s third so absolutely there is potential
12725s that if tayden and thomas i was going to
12726s say thomas hd old habits from last
12728s season who are now in third place with
12730s 157. if they go down off spawn again
12732s then sneezy potassium alabuka who will
12735s maybe be the team who would eliminate
12736s them could overtake them and hit that
12738s qualification as well
12739s yeah and eliminations are running
12741s rampant right as you take a look at it
12742s 25 17 18 and then 28 and 24 for malibu
12746s mustache these guys that are fragging
12748s out not even making it fully to end game
12749s they're the ones on top you know what's
12751s interesting also is those mustache
12752s malibu elims are basically just from two
12754s games
12757s that's wild yeah how i mean especially
12760s to jump up from 12 and now being top
12762s five boop that's where i want to be as
12764s like being my duo
12766s yeah we all wish we could be in that
12767s position but not everyone is malibu and
12769s mustache so
12771s that is absolutely fair indeed we only
12774s have one more game left here
12777s remember we're trying to get in the top
12780s five if you're just tuning in you've
12781s missed five incredible games of fortnite
12784s but don't worry stick around this is the
12785s last one here in qualifier number one if
12787s you want to catch more action na east
12789s nas will be back later in the day we
12791s also have the next qualifier two days
12793s from now if you want to enjoy more
12795s fortnite action at the highest
12796s competitive level but this is it this is
12798s game number six buckle up everybody
12800s we're doing this one last time in eu for
12802s the day 11 2k shia wager over to you
12806s here we go
12808s thanks so much zeke boop and reese one
12810s more game indeed two players per team
12813s three to four decisions 11 that kind of
12815s dictate what happens here top five make
12817s it in because it's game number six
12819s yeah this is huge right of course we've
12821s been setting everything up all day long
12823s and now we finally have that final
12825s opportunity
12827s for teams to get their spot in the fncs
12830s finals the first round of teams to get
12833s that opportunity and definitely a worthy
12835s bunch right these guys have been so
12837s impressive over the course of the five
12839s games but it almost doesn't matter if
12842s you can't deliver now and it matters the
12844s most when you need to have a big game to
12846s secure your sport in that top five yeah
12848s and it's been see-saw it's been
12849s flip-flopped before these teams a lot of
12850s the time sometimes they're not in the
12852s game they're off of spawn sometimes it's
12854s a solo kind of clutch that's bringing
12856s them all the way here towards the top
12857s five so
12859s they have to make sure it lands on their
12860s side of the court here 11 because if not
12862s i mean this is the last chance it's the
12864s last hope
12865s yeah and with last chance his last hose
12867s comes you know last opportunities for
12869s teams to have any bit of joy of spawn
12871s and we're gonna have to see who will
12874s have the last laugh of today of spawn as
12876s we head into the final game of qualifier
12879s one round four
12886s here we go
12889s had a top five so far that's been
12891s looking pretty solid the entire day a
12892s few people are jumping in
12894s 12 spots jumped fire winning team last
12897s gamer stash and malibu they're in fifth
12900s place 136 is what everyone's trying to
12902s catch up to that point total will start
12904s to rise one focus is that feed for now
12907s mustache taking down anas it happens
12910s almost immediately
12911s i command cavern
12913s looks like this duel is here to stay
12917s that is huge
12919s that is absolutely massive the desk
12921s talks about how they've not even had
12922s many games to actually even be able to
12924s play out and when they have had them
12926s they've done so well if this can be
12928s another one that would be massive shizuo
12930s and girls
12932s nothing special here you can see they're
12933s celebrating
12936s because they have had no issues
12937s whatsoever
12941s cuddle area look vortex and janice
12946s finally some uh some good news for them
12950s even if they can't get towards that top
12951s five i mean it could be a crazy you know
12954s 30 bomb that happens who knows
12956s um even then i'm not sure if there's
12958s enough but it's about the experience
12960s about understanding how some of these
12962s end games even play and getting your
12964s dynamics down getting a leg up on the
12966s competition both on your poi your
12968s rotations
12969s and how things might look next week for
12971s your duo if you hopefully do make it in
12974s that being said this is exactly what i
12975s wanted to be this is what i wanted to
12976s watch is pink down answer is no just
12980s anas taken away off the top blimp
12982s meanwhile malibu mustache they just
12984s gobble up all the loot this is the
12986s tropics also probably waiting to see who
12988s they can target next
12991s yeah you talked about whether or not it
12993s would be possible for those guys
12994s yesterday on any east peterbot did drop
12997s a 24 bomb on his own as a team that had
12999s 30 so
13001s i was in round three and it was her name
13003s that's okay that's the opportunity
13004s to say he knows he's joking i'll just
13007s play around
13019s alternatively though so there is a you
13021s know i feel like he's also one of the
13023s only players that can do that
13028s xerox and kovacs rolling through saw
13030s their name somewhere to the top
13031s beforehand i think they were
13033s near that top five now ninth overall at
13035s 118 points
13038s pay attention to that golden number
13039s beside the shield and health bar total
13041s it is top five that rolls in you can
13043s also pay attention to the bottom left
13045s where you can see the dual mate's name
13046s right above him it says team number nine
13048s it's on a random tag that is their
13049s position on the leaderboard so far if
13051s you see anyone
13053s with the number and letters of team
13055s number five or above
13057s then they are qualifying
13059s for the finals right now four places is
13061s what kovacs and xerox have to climb
13068s pump spray confidence it was really well
13070s there to hit that shot i thought moment
13072s he was going down
13075s drops wasn't able to stay up though so
13078s unfortunate times snazzy and polar sigh
13081s that is tragic it was all going so well
13084s for them in their games leading up to
13086s the final two but another game where
13087s they just go down way too early that was
13090s the fourth place team
13091s and so we'll see if their spot holds but
13093s they won't have much of a say in whether
13095s that is the case or not they go down
13097s over that kony
13099s and that could be heartbreaking for a
13101s team that's done so well today
13104s when it comes to flows to mapping
13105s overall today they have just been
13106s menaces in these last two games four and
13108s five so far
13110s taking apart so many top teams
13111s especially towards that fourth and fifth
13112s zone looks like their battle actually
13114s their hunt
13115s starts
13116s now in the early game
13121s flowers and nappy
13123s haven't had the best today's obviously
13124s flowers and mappy did very well in some
13127s of the earlier rounds of qualifier one
13129s but
13131s just haven't quite been able to piece it
13132s together
13135s cherokee and i dropped though
13137s i really hope they have a good game man
13140s i was talking to idrop earlier today he
13143s talked about how he has sort of no
13145s expectations almost right
13147s coming into this round
13149s no expectations just wanting to keep
13151s things chill
13153s jerky was a bit more excited again
13155s in terms of their chances but you know
13157s he wanted to make sure that they keep a
13158s level ahead and i really do believe
13160s they've done that today right they've
13162s been very composed a team that's very
13163s much impressed me in this first
13164s qualifier and i'd love to see them call
13166s through
13168s but of course they have to earn it and
13170s they are
13171s a couple points just outside of that top
13173s five and so we'll see
13174s where they can deliver in this final
13176s game now what do i drop and jerky need
13178s for the moment they obviously want some
13180s of these height teams gone an austin
13182s pink might be down for the count in this
13184s one possibility of that revive coming in
13186s or the reboot
13188s in just a little bit on the side of pink
13191s meanwhile i think jason and chappix
13193s aren't supposed to be allowed to play
13194s the game either you know joe and andy
13197s uh ken and queasy a lot of these teams
13199s that like to prefer high ground
13201s need to be gone for
13203s jerky night
13204s solid or they just give up their height
13206s takes and plays second height but that's
13207s been tough for them so far today 11
13211s yeah it's been very difficult in terms
13213s of how the high ground battles have gone
13214s out
13215s to me for eye dropping jerky i've always
13217s had a say in them every single game
13218s right and so that alone
13220s you know deserves its own credit
13223s but i would love to see this duo get
13225s back involved
13226s the high ticks we saw in
13228s the first two games was so cerebral so
13231s clean so well executed
13233s by them
13235s as well as these guys have done i
13237s wouldn't be surprised if there's been a
13238s couple arguments today
13240s knowing these two guys
13242s i mentioned at the start of the show but
13243s you know
13244s they do clash heads at times and i'm
13246s sure some of the more unfortunate games
13248s they've had of late maybe have sparked
13250s some but in this final game they have to
13252s be united
13255s well at least they have home turf in
13257s this game right i think for
13259s finally four out of five games yeah
13260s we've been in the desert we got one pull
13262s up near the top which was the last one
13264s but now we're all the way on that north
13266s side
13267s well to be fair like we sort of
13269s mentioned earlier right of all the north
13270s teams they're the team that probably
13272s won't mind as much just because they
13273s have a means of transport unlike some of
13276s the other ones right so
13281s it makes a lot more sense and they don't
13282s even move that much either
13284s dark isn't satan as well eighth overall
13286s i think they've kind of been our poster
13289s child for mid game positioning
13290s and uh just a safe spot to tune in with
13293s the entire day but also pretty quiet so
13295s far
13295s very close to being inside the top five
13298s don't have like the pizzazz some tag we
13300s can put onto them like we are on a bunch
13301s of these teams today
13303s but maybe they can finally find that
13304s definition the personality they need the
13307s one big play
13308s in this final game to get top five
13316s let's take a look at some of the things
13318s that have been happening
13319s in and around the map
13321s karmi here over at rocky rails
13325s forcing his way
13327s into rox's box and
13329s dealing with him appropriately
13331s mustaching out
13333s getting some shots of his own on pink
13335s pink was looking a bit lost there
13337s unfortunately he goes down
13341s oh wow the clean shot from axe force
13346s these are some
13347s chunky striker pumps coming in just
13349s taking away
13350s hp pulls over and over again
13352s and this is going to be very good for
13354s ruffles and crusty on some of the teams
13355s that we saw fault in that replay package
13357s a lot of opponents that have been
13358s picking them apart the entire day they
13360s get to live breathe and they're in
13361s second place looking really good right
13363s beside girls and shiazo
13367s you think these guys hold on to their
13368s fifth place slot
13369s see
13370s let's actually answer it from the
13373s perspective of casters and analysts
13375s let's do our store chopper once what do
13377s they need to say in fifth place
13380s in this game
13382s well
13383s to start off with
13384s max materials is nice on mustache
13387s yeah they've obviously got
13390s decent positioning i'm assuming they'll
13392s be found on surge in terms of the
13393s osborne fight that they had with pink
13395s and an ass yep
13396s obviously i've had would help i'm sure
13398s but i'm not sure if there was one in the
13400s other infantry he didn't have one when
13402s we were just watching there
13406s what i'm thinking from them right is
13408s they need to get to a point where they
13409s can start playing their game i feel like
13411s the one big buff and the one aspect of
13414s mustache malabuca that no one can touch
13416s as soon as they hit that six zone
13418s seventh zone
13419s they're not playing on anyone else's
13421s lair anymore right no one's kind of
13423s coming to them in a sense they get to
13425s dictate every fight they get to see
13427s every rotation make pre-edit plays
13430s they get to dictate the pace of the game
13433s yeah one of the keys to why they're so
13434s successful in that
13437s particular sort of field is the fact
13439s that they are so incisive with their
13441s decisions right
13443s doubt is one of the biggest
13445s you know sort of problems you can have
13447s at the highest level fortnight right
13449s that is is huge and they have none right
13451s they make all their decisions with such
13453s conviction in those moments and so if
13455s they get there
13457s they're always going to be a big threat
13460s we've seen why and hopefully we can
13461s continue to see why as they push to keep
13463s fifth place and even higher
13466s floating clement
13468s not looking too comfortable right now
13473s trying their best to make something out
13475s of this game but you have to understand
13476s everyone that's kind of like in this
13478s position 16th to 22nd place they not
13481s only need this vr they need so many more
13482s eliminations so as a result you've
13484s already seen this lobby second zone only
13486s 62 players alive
13488s all these fights bringing out all these
13489s small bases everyone's trying to get
13491s their games ramped up fast now to go
13493s back to mustache malibu one place where
13495s they don't have control is when the game
13497s does get very slow when there's so many
13499s people alive and they don't get to
13500s choose where to go where now they're
13502s indecisive rather than the decisive like
13504s 11 saying where some of the hesitation
13506s comes in it's really good for them and a
13508s lot of these teams that are good for
13509s late game like floating comment that you
13510s just saw with so many people going down
13512s there's more room to actually play
13514s there's more room to be passive you
13515s don't have to actually stick your neck
13517s out and get that much surge
13518s it's so much better for these late-game
13521s mid-low ground teams and that's exactly
13523s the game that mustachio malabuca and
13525s cloaking
13527s yeah this is nice you can see how every
13529s position they're taking
13531s they're sort of trying to optimize to
13532s make sure that they can keep a high
13534s level materials refarming on the wood
13535s there as well
13537s a metal box just for some added layer of
13539s security at this stage in the game
13543s but all round things are looking really
13545s nice for them
13548s it's really good for krusty and elvis as
13550s well i think the only times they've
13552s ever gone down is when someone actually
13553s shoots at them
13555s when it comes to defending against
13556s pressure i feel like this is one of the
13557s teams that gets bullied and tossed
13559s around a lot with less teams in the mix
13562s with people not really going for surge
13563s as much but more quiet on the map they
13566s get to skip a bunch of these problem
13568s zones
13569s meanwhile jerky i drop people who like
13571s to bully who like to play that slow form
13573s kind of game go for the big mountainous
13574s positions get tags
13576s without box fighting this would be a
13578s different change of pace overall in game
13579s number six
13581s that being said though who do they have
13582s to take out i mean mustache and malibu
13584s have to go down
13585s joins the andy have to be removed from
13587s the equation as well snazzy and potassi
13589s are already gone but everyone ahead of
13592s them are just so sticky in terms of duos
13595s they don't like to go down early even in
13597s late game they end up solo clutching all
13598s the way towards that top ten i'm worried
13601s for eye dropping jerky
13603s yeah they're gonna have to have a really
13604s strong game and especially with how well
13606s tayson and traffics are setting up right
13609s we've seen how they've struggled in some
13611s other games in terms of being able to
13612s continue to fight for height right we've
13614s described it as the rounds off the
13616s rounds like do they have that endurance
13618s to go all the way
13620s in these fights
13622s i'm just like it feels like as we watch
13624s these replays by the way come in and
13625s float
13626s doing a really good job of waiting on
13627s the third party that was analects and
13629s then turning around this entire fight
13631s going back to eyedropping jerky they
13632s only have like one move which is played
13634s for high ground we haven't seen anything
13636s else in their deck of cards we haven't
13637s seen much inside their arsenal other
13639s than doing that fine or surviving off of
13641s that
13642s can they make the last minute switch the
13644s play
13647s i don't think they just can and i don't
13649s think they should
13650s okay
13651s i think i think they they have their
13653s philosophy set they have their gay
13654s models set they understand it well and i
13656s think they should stick to that right
13658s because it can be effective it can work
13660s you know we literally just saw it work
13662s right
13664s true
13665s but at the same time
13668s you have to have that belief if you
13670s don't if they don't again like as it all
13672s goes back to us before about doubt right
13673s if they don't have that belief in
13674s themselves as they go into that final
13676s game into those final moments
13679s you know what what are you here for at
13681s the end of the day so
13686s some key decisions to be had and to be
13688s made look
13690s grovers and krusty they've had a very
13692s consistent mid and uh and mid and early
13694s game
13695s very very consistent very secure
13700s i mean look at their placements on the
13702s day so far third third and second in the
13704s business
13705s middle of the day 19th and 9th still not
13708s the worst but yeah these guys scream
13710s consistency they don't get too active on
13712s the eliminations though but they are
13713s here to stick and play
13716s they've just been super efficient
13717s they've just been super super efficient
13721s and a lot of the more a lot of the teams
13723s that were optimized for efficiency in
13724s these lobbies do you look to try to play
13726s height they haven't necessarily done
13728s that but it's still been just as
13729s successful as anyone else right so
13732s props to them
13734s i don't expect that to change in this
13735s game
13736s jason and chappix
13739s making use of the io vehicle that we've
13741s been raving on about all day and
13744s they're gonna just be able to pick that
13746s spot need to be careful right it is sort
13747s of uh getting towards that side of
13749s hp where you consider it low
13754s they only really need it for like the
13755s next zone i think they're fine after
13757s that
13759s but this is i think the hot seat i mean
13762s i've already talked about it so much
13765s this is the only team in trouble i feel
13766s like i think everyone else's game plan
13767s works
13769s it's them against the lobby right now
13772s this isn't good
13774s i'm gonna be
13775s forced to stop that
13778s they are so nice they've got a bunch of
13779s shields oh my god some white hp
13782s of course your key takes some damage
13783s there which
13784s may be bad and so that's gonna chunk
13786s into their shield total a bit but
13790s the big thing here is that the team
13791s that's actually holding them it seems
13795s is mustache malabuca right a team that
13797s will very much be wanting them to not do
13798s well so
13801s we'll see manabuka looking for an angle
13804s sport versus sex
13807s stinger from that range
13810s this isn't amazing but it can be
13811s annoying to deal with
13816s but you can see that jerky and agile
13817s they just decided we're just gonna
13818s invest in materials to guarantee our
13821s safety into the zone
13822s to tunnel their way in not taking any
13824s risks and i think
13826s that very much will
13828s be a theme to watch out for if somebody
13830s does try to take height from them and
13832s things get a bit too hot in the kitchen
13834s or they just drop down and leave
13837s maybe that will be the play
13841s brazilian game yeah yeah
13844s the longer they can stay in the game
13847s the better their hopes are right at the
13848s end of the day and i think that will
13850s also play into their thought process
13852s process sorry
13854s just don't want to overthink that's all
13856s it is
13856s because against six like that's where
13858s the pressure really comes in so you're
13860s right just
13861s have good uh beliefs and your values and
13864s the philosophy you have in the game and
13866s keep rolling some of these philosophies
13867s are tougher though to execute than
13869s others what's happening the darkest two
13871s different edits
13872s two sides and you have to assume now
13876s there's going to be some communication
13877s going back and forth
13879s i've been in this position i'm saying
13881s too i'm definitely
13883s getting yelled at right now that's
13884s that's too much
13887s i know what those com sound like
13892s talking about this team real quick
13894s up in this base really raining shots on
13895s every single duo
13897s across the world
13899s their secrets the indian joe so far
13901s today has been consistency but
13903s consistency with elims to get towards
13905s the top five
13906s they're kind of just sitting at top ten
13908s they sometimes come 20th but they're
13910s getting close to almost 10 heliums in
13912s some of these games seven five eights
13915s an elim heavy play style to get into the
13917s top five is really scary to walk in with
13920s in the game six
13922s cause a lot of the time the lobby is
13923s smaller and the pressure is really
13925s really high
13927s yeah and it's all about your own
13929s convictions right you're playing in your
13930s own hands
13933s can i drop
13936s go be careful guys 182 above
13939s so hopefully they'll be satisfied with
13941s that engagement and leave it be
13945s when tons was the andy and joe like he
13948s said they're relying on just being able
13949s to hit their shots and so going into the
13951s last game there's more pressure on them
13952s than
13953s almost anybody else right because
13955s they're not making it that deep into
13956s these games
13959s and then look who's sitting right behind
13961s them like trying to take over right it's
13962s jerky
13963s it's hydra
13965s they want to take down z andy
13967s and joe and right after them is malibu
13969s mustache in front of them tayson and
13971s tropics on the bottom left and then we
13973s have relevance in paradise girls and
13975s shizuo
13976s two of the stickiest duels so far making
13978s so many
13979s top spots seconds and thirds places
13982s jerky the low eye drop
13984s desperate for what is the question some
13986s type of control positioning and defense
13989s but they're going straight through so
13991s many different heels there are people
13993s under surge around their base trying to
13995s find a way in
13996s and eye drops down two inventory slots
13998s already the end game hasn't even started
14001s yeah they were looking so healthy around
14003s third zone and now
14005s it's all down it's it's really tough
14007s there is some loot here and so i think
14009s some minis would they'll be able to grab
14011s back that's huge materials
14013s the materials of dwindled their shields
14016s are also a lot lower and so
14020s are they even going to be able to play
14021s for height in the way that they want to
14022s with what they're working with
14024s eyedropper was at 100 metal before and
14027s low brick he just got fully refreshed
14028s right there and swapped out the green
14030s burst for a mythic that might be a big
14032s change
14033s you can see mustache he's waiting for
14035s someone to pad and it's just not coming
14038s he has his own but he just wants to use
14039s somebody else's eventually making that
14041s decision to drop the pad themselves
14044s it's trapping
14045s risks yes trafficking
14048s i said i wanted to see them back up here
14051s and look
14052s they might look comfy in terms of
14053s qualification but they won't be
14054s satisfied with that they want first
14055s place and i want it for them as well
14058s chopper is finding a few knocks already
14060s off on that high ground
14062s jerky eyedrop moving in but the finish
14063s line for them is getting further and
14064s further away the andy who's ahead of
14066s them has found one knock already inside
14069s the feed so that pressure rise hit your
14071s shot play style already going good for
14073s the duo in fifth place on that bubble
14075s jerky fall from sixth to seventh
14078s that's gonna be tough for them a mental
14079s hit that they can't really see but we
14081s can't from our side of the feed look at
14082s how high chappies and tasting are as
14084s well
14085s that's insane do they even pull the zone
14087s that's a big question
14089s yeah that's going to be huge zones
14090s pulling towards tilted right
14093s and so things are going to start really
14094s getting interesting
14096s in terms of traversing through some of
14098s those builds over there you see the
14099s blimp 11 i see the blimp and i feel like
14101s it's gonna be in play look at how high
14103s ground or look at how high high ground
14104s is like i just feel like with the way
14107s pads work as well i this is gonna get
14109s really really unique
14111s yeah i'm sure tayson traffic they'll be
14114s thinking about that
14115s doing as much damage as they can i'm
14116s sure they'll be looking to try to
14117s recycle that pad they've got the track
14118s flashes to re-up on the hp when that
14120s time comes directly
14122s though on this side of your screen
14124s let's be forced to play low ground
14127s and try and make their rotation if they
14128s haven't got that luxury of a launch pad
14131s you can see someone's just trying to get
14133s into their box this is really awkward
14134s now
14135s i drop jericky needs your help you need
14138s to get in there helping out he's such
14139s low hp hard fine doing so much to stop
14142s him and address able to stay up for just
14144s a moment hard find eventually go down i
14146s just ruined the fight
14148s but that's cost them so much in terms of
14150s timing
14151s and in terms of hp as well they still do
14154s need to move on just that bit but it's
14156s not going to be an easy path on this
14157s layer schizo is down in first place
14161s he's going to be taken out not sure if
14162s his teammate is still up and alive but
14165s still providing that pressure and yes i
14168s drop who's just looking so good as a
14169s solo jerky shake it up inside that box
14171s look at mustache malabuka though it just
14173s seems like they're playing in their own
14174s pocket dimension so much space it's
14177s peaceful meanwhile jason and tropics at
14180s war
14181s their entire home up top broken down and
14183s they're up inside second height now so
14185s much invested no metal for the moment
14187s but the beams are still there jason's
14188s going for it they're under in terms of
14190s surge is it no not even it's just the
14192s pressure on the other team they're
14193s getting their shields completely wiped
14195s and removed have to find some time to
14197s back off play on the defensive and heal
14199s of all the teams you wouldn't have
14200s expected tayson and traffic to get
14202s awareness checked but that's what
14203s happened and so now they can't play hype
14205s for the meantime it's gonna have to stay
14207s below the hp is so low but we know
14209s they're comfortable regardless of delay
14210s we'll see how that develops i dropped on
14212s the bottom right of your screen only has
14214s himself to fight in this game and
14217s eventually he will fall
14219s it won't be enough
14221s they tried so valiantly but
14223s they fell just before the finishing line
14225s and so now tayson and i drop will take
14228s their places up on low ground
14231s and as the zone continues to move back
14233s away from till it
14235s people are going to be fighting through
14236s their old builds as well as the andy and
14238s joe just on that fifth place slot they
14240s need to stay in this one as much as they
14242s can
14243s the longer they stay in
14245s the better for their chances of going to
14246s the finals that's krusty and elvis in
14248s front of them can they knock out some
14250s rivals
14252s everyone does not want to go down so
14255s many people still alive 22 inside this
14257s zone we moved way past city limits
14260s we're going
14260s way passed out to the suburbs there's
14262s barely even any buildings to be able to
14263s hide behind all the way on low ground
14264s chasing the traffic's still moving in
14266s second place i really want to see the
14267s andy's perspective they're the ones in
14269s fifth they're the ones right on the line
14270s malibu and fourth are gonna be in that
14272s position as well eighth place for max
14273s three and ax force they've done some
14275s crazy things
14276s in terms of just individual fights and
14278s they're looking to just wrap things up
14279s still on the top side krusty and
14281s relevance have taken over that first
14283s place slot coming up huge cost as well
14285s though as they're low on materials down
14286s on low ground
14288s the asphalt
14289s all blown up
14290s it's a nuclear war zone for the moment
14293s right now and unfortunately they're
14294s gonna go down to the radiation they are
14296s gone max result up top tasting taken out
14300s is he gonna have enough to stay in it
14301s looks like it's yandy in fourth place
14303s currently they're looking so good
14305s they've survived up until this point the
14307s andy taking a little bit of that mist
14309s and landing a few shots as well will
14311s this be enough for 161 hold is the
14313s question he's still making it all the
14314s way in the zone he finds his way in a
14316s little bit more time to delay but how
14318s much is left for him just five hp on
14320s that met miss 30 on the shields overall
14322s this squeeze also being taken out malibu
14325s in third sixth place for axe force and
14328s max three they need this win they need
14330s the elims as well let's see what they
14332s can do i saw a little bit of a point
14333s total there 140 for them they're so far
14336s back behind right now i don't think it's
14338s even possible but what a ride they had
14340s up until this point
14341s they're gonna have to try their best
14343s these last two eliminations won't be
14345s easy to get malabu mustache doing their
14347s victory lap 12 eliminations on the game
14350s already this has been such a performance
14352s for them such a climb
14354s we knew all the struggles they had all
14356s the battles they had to face but they've
14358s taken it on the chin and they've moved
14360s through
14361s and now as the final fight breaks out
14363s max 3 will hit a huge shot it's not the
14365s first time we've seen him do that today
14368s but isn't going to be enough like shia
14369s said
14370s now
14371s in the 2v1 malibu we've seen him with
14373s situations like this before with vax
14376s force and mexican hit the kind of shots
14377s we've seen them hit
14379s it'll be easy work they're knocking him
14381s down they're trying to force him to
14382s fight and you can tell he doesn't want
14384s to
14385s doing some
14387s love taps here just forcing them back
14388s down
14389s trying his best to stay alive in this
14391s one as much as he can
14393s forcing a mistake if possible but i'm
14395s actually in axles they just got to stay
14397s composed cool calm and collected and
14400s keep trying to chop him out
14402s two shotguns are better one
14405s and you can see they're just gonna keep
14406s it going spraying relentlessly
14410s another connect for malabuca i mean this
14412s dual top has been so good at just
14414s keeping control this entire game he is
14415s 1v2 with this pressure they have to fall
14418s at some point just having no materials
14420s whatsoever max street has a chance for
14422s some type of build off one player
14424s already down no way malibu does this
14426s again there's just no way he does it 1v2
14430s in the sixth game
14434s the goat this man is just too much to
14436s handle
14438s malabuca is an absolute animal what a
14443s player
14444s to close it out with the victory out two
14447s versus one
14450s oh deary me yes it was a healer but he
14453s never wavered the relentless pressure
14455s they applied to him in those final
14458s moments we were highlighted they just
14459s kept spraying they just wouldn't stop
14461s and he never wilted one bit and game six
14465s is theirs we wanted to know whether or
14467s not they'd be able to handle it compete
14470s in contesting over at command cavern and
14474s they did more than just handle it they
14476s thrive they soared and they are heading
14478s to the fncs finals just absolutely a
14481s blowout in terms of the way they've
14482s handled every single portion of the
14484s competition today and as recent boobs
14486s said they basically only played like
14488s half the games level i mean if that all
14489s six we'd be breaking records
14491s it is actually unfair what we've been
14494s able to see from these guys and i can't
14496s wait to see them competing in the finals
14498s but i want to know who the other teams
14500s are that will be competing in the finals
14501s so we're going to kick it to the left
14503s side it's been an absolute pleasure
14504s casting of you today i can't wait to see
14507s you on the next qualifier as well to
14509s everybody in chat thank you very much
14511s and we'll see you very soon desk hit us
14513s up who's going to the final
14517s you know we'll get there in just a
14518s second levin first off i gotta say thank
14520s you to you both of course levin and shy
14523s wager super awesome games great next
14526s level casting abilities y'all brought
14528s the heat and so did europe i mean reece
14531s this last game those final few moments
14533s it just looked like a shark playing with
14535s their food you know just kind of like i
14538s feel like for malibu he was never even
14540s worried right he's just running around
14541s like okay yeah there's to you like i
14543s have everything and i needed my loadout
14545s i'm just gonna hold you up because like
14546s you could think for a moment he could
14548s have been a good guy right like oh well
14549s we probably qualified let's just let
14551s them get the win you know maybe that'll
14553s push him into fifth he's like no no no
14555s no i'm just gonna make you happiness
14557s it's gonna seem like you have a chance
14558s and then i'm just gonna rip it away yeah
14560s i mean i think we always give malabuka
14562s the the props that he deserves i think
14564s on the broadcast and let's be real last
14566s season right i put him as the best
14568s player coming into fncs and then you
14570s know overall fncs didn't have that
14572s bigger performance i was slightly
14574s concerned about them coming into this
14575s day because like they're good in cash
14577s cops they have the potential to do so
14579s well but in essence they haven't proved
14581s themselves right now this is just a
14582s dominant sweep they're just showing why
14585s they are probably will i say it the best
14587s team on the region right now
14589s oh here you go again
14592s it's a little bit scary though
14594s do you disagree i mean you know you're
14596s not wrong they're definitely the most
14597s exciting team to watch right and you
14599s know like you mentioned they came into
14600s this tournament with a little bit of a
14602s you know a a lack of
14604s uh let's say momentum obviously they got
14607s six old by pink and that's in the last
14608s cash cup now all of a sudden you know
14610s they did sort of tie with pinker than us
14612s and then you know in three games they
14614s just did this absolute master class of
14616s fortnite who can even compete with them
14618s at this point
14619s this is both good and bad right like
14621s they secure themselves the spot in
14623s finals that's the good the bad this
14625s means that they are now in finals which
14627s means we won't get to see them until
14629s that
14630s point here
14632s i'm gonna get there don't worry this
14633s means that now other duos can look to
14635s compete at the cavern as well right so
14638s wow we'll see but here's your top five
14640s that have qualified and be going on
14642s through to finals and i just wanna just
14644s like if you're tuning in and you're just
14645s like what does that mean zeke like
14646s what's happening so we're trying to
14648s compete for top five and everyone else
14650s who does not make it in the top five are
14651s playing for series points right so the
14654s game is not over for any of these duels
14656s by any means we still have two more
14658s qualifiers either make it into the top
14659s five or make it high on the series point
14662s leaderboard but congratulations to to
14664s joe and zn excuse me they made it into
14667s that top five followed by girls and
14669s shush oh my god shizzo i i went to i
14672s confused myself reese just save me
14673s please don't worry dory i got you in
14675s third we've got relves and crusty a team
14676s who popped off and i was gonna say no
14678s games to be honest with you but they
14680s were just super consistent through every
14681s single one of them a team who just had
14683s pretty low eliminations really oh 3.17 i
14685s think the lowest in the top 10 of any of
14687s the teams today but just we're really
14689s consistent all the way through in second
14691s you know him tyson and champix and then
14693s of course in first mustache malibu so
14695s that means the first top two teams are
14697s both command cavern teams so that's them
14699s now out so when we see the next
14701s qualifier come what sunday yeah we're
14703s going to probably see a little bit
14705s difference going on here different teams
14706s you know and that always makes finals a
14708s little bit more spicy because if the top
14710s teams for command cavan are making the
14712s two it probably means that we're going
14713s to have a few more going into the finals
14715s as well and that's always going to be
14716s really scary i want to touch really
14718s quickly though and ziandi and joe you
14719s know that was a duo made out of the big
14721s snake that happened in eu we mentioned
14723s at the start of the show thomas hd and
14725s trip uh thomas h and taste and sorry
14727s splitting up from each other now one or
14729s two of them are qualified the andy who
14731s used to play with chad picks qualified
14733s chad picks user play was the andy now
14734s qualified with tayson and now the
14736s question is would there be more of this
14738s command cabin teams coming through
14739s yeah i mean let's be real yes it's i
14742s think
14746s as well at some point they've you know
14748s both players performed really well last
14749s days and seem to be doing well this
14750s scene so the command camera teams
14751s definitely i think like the andy picking
14754s on him right now from what we just saw
14755s this is like a perfect solo clutch you
14757s know the andy is known as the clutcher
14759s for a good reason and that was it right
14762s there the solo clutch to take him up
14764s till fifth up ahead of the 6.2 much you
14767s know we'll see how many points they're
14768s on in a second when that whole graphic
14770s comes up from that point but great
14771s qualification through good clutch from
14773s ziandi
14774s yeah definitely uh especially in the
14776s qualifier one right to kind of hit hit
14778s the ground running is where you want to
14779s be because remember we are playing for
14781s those series points right so if you
14782s can't make it in the top five that's
14784s okay let's still fire as hard as we can
14786s get as high up those standings as we can
14788s because we're still accruing series
14790s points here's our look at our overall
14792s standings how are you guys feeling about
14793s that sixth place through 10th place
14795s people want to start with you yeah i'm
14797s not sure about the math like we
14798s mentioned my math isn't my best suit but
14800s i'm pretty sure malibu merchants just
14801s took away axe voices and max who's
14803s qualification unless i'm wrong i think
14806s that is probably the worst way to go
14807s about it but yeah the top 10 here
14809s definitely names you would expect polar
14810s signs daisy eyedrop and jerky you know
14812s they had their games they were in height
14814s a lot of the times but couldn't really
14816s battle it with some of the big boys on
14817s top so maybe come next week we'll see
14819s them qualifying just just to confirm if
14821s they won that game they would not have
14824s managed to qualify one more elimination
14826s point so another three and then fourth
14828s of the virtual so no but regardless i
14830s actually want to give huge props out to
14831s max ray who has usually on on twitter i
14833s made to look for his proper name i think
14835s max who just make sure he's hitting the
14836s maximums and he absolutely has been
14838s there is a fantastic 1v2 moment that we
14840s saw earlier on against clement
14842s which clutched them massive points and
14844s then even in that end game we saw
14846s maximum after maximum so that ain't
14848s looking real real crisp right now
14850s oh also we didn't see the we didn't see
14851s the floss from jericho you know it's out
14853s there
14854s it is i'm ready
14856s i'm ready to see it
14858s somewhere out there let's take a look at
14859s the the next page over here to see where
14861s players placed in that 11th through 20th
14865s um and i think here it's not that far
14867s apart right we're talking top to bottom
14869s right around 40 points give her take a
14871s few points forgive my math i never
14873s learned how to read write or add i'm
14875s just gonna keep adding to this list by
14876s the way uh but still once again players
14879s that i just wouldn't expect to see on
14881s this second page right i'm looking at
14883s floating clement my prediction and
14885s elects an ex-squeeze right pink and anas
14888s just to throw three names out there
14891s what can we do to prepare for next week
14892s reese
14893s i mean firstly you got two days to do it
14896s right so you gotta start tomorrow so i'm
14898s sorry next time yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
14899s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
14899s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
14899s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
14899s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
14899s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
14899s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
14899s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
14899s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
14899s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
14899s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
14899s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
14899s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
14899s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
14899s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
14899s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
14899s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
14899s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
14901s next week you already think some of
14902s these teams might qualify through on
14903s sunday right so qualifier two starts
14905s tomorrow they've got like the first two
14907s rounds there so they don't have much
14909s time to start to answer prep right so
14910s it's like tonight these guys don't go to
14913s bed at 10 o'clock right so we know that
14914s they've got a couple hours today to just
14916s figure out what were the mistakes that
14918s we made today what actually went wrong
14919s was an early med late game where were we
14921s making the full errors so figure that
14923s out today and then just
14925s stop thinking about it move on and start
14926s focusing on the next qualifier
14928s yeah they already made it to finals once
14930s right so you don't have to change it up
14931s too much but when it comes to finals you
14933s know they're going to have a little bit
14934s of different situation and just a smico
14936s micro adjustment could make the
14938s difference between making the finals
14939s this season
14940s i love it guys thank you so much for
14942s hanging out with me and breaking down
14943s all the action recent boop you
14945s incredible humans make sure you guys at
14946s home give them a follow and give shout
14947s out 112k a follow that wraps up the eu
14951s region once again if you like what
14953s you're seeing you're like dude i
14954s absolutely want to see more don't worry
14956s we have any east and any west later on
14958s in the day so come back for that before
14960s we say goodbye let's take a look at our
14961s predictions let's see how we did i'm
14962s going to tell you right now i didn't do
14964s great you know classic zeke i don't get
14966s my predictions right i'm so sorry but it
14968s happens okay uh reese boop um explain
14972s please no comment
14975s yeah go next go next let's not talk
14977s about it uh really no no no no no let's
14981s be right
14982s yeah so so they had the first three
14984s zones full south and i know
14986s firstly right we know queasy we know hen
14988s mentality can be thrown off pretty
14990s substantially so for them if they had a
14992s kind of a rocky first couple games it's
14995s gonna be really hard for them to get the
14996s mentality back on role so you know i
14998s think either on sunday or the next
14999s qualifier depends how they play if they
15000s have a good first couple games it's like
15002s that that's a qualification for them
15004s because they're going to keep that
15004s momentum up
15006s yeah and we did mention it right the
15007s last tournament that they played the duo
15008s cash club they got 12th place so they
15010s still got a micro adjust to the lack of
15012s cars in their draw spot different kind
15013s of meta but you know they'll come back
15015s stronger they're one of those teams that
15016s are not going to give up and they'll be
15018s here again next week oh sorry not extra
15019s sunday i know i did the same thing right
15022s so we added an additional qualifier
15024s that's what we're so used to saying next
15026s week but it's really just in two days so
15027s hey more fortnite more face time with us
15030s really it's more face time with reese
15031s and boop because who cares about me
15033s fortnite fan i do that is it thank you i
15035s don't know if boob does but i do yeah
15037s depends on the day
15039s you'd love to see it for that fam that's
15041s it from us today remember two days week
15043s from now we come back for the next
15044s qualifier next week we come back for the
15046s last one we're here for semi-finals and
15048s finals we love you all so very dearly
15050s legends landing if you're watching from
15052s there we love you all too thanks for
15053s hanging out we appreciate that until
15055s next time we'll see you
15057s on that battle bus
15067s [Music]
15100s so
15113s [Music]
15121s [Music]
15159s [Music]
15170s [Music]
15212s [Music]
15218s [Music]
15253s so
15263s my
15269s [Music]
15280s [Music]
15322s so
15344s um
15457s [Music]
15472s [Music]
15493s so
15541s uh
15575s so
15632s so
15758s so
15771s so
15842s so
15868s so
15874s [Music]
15924s so
16011s so
16060s [Music]
16087s uh
16163s so
16324s um
16394s um
16401s [Music]
16409s [Music]
16458s oh
16500s so
16582s so
16646s thank
16650s [Music]
16679s so
16711s [Music]
16739s so
16780s foreign
16831s um
16920s so
16946s [Music]
16961s so
16976s so
16987s [Music]
17026s foreign
17074s so
17143s so
17159s so
17202s [Music]
17243s so
17259s [Music]
17264s foreign
17320s foreign
17353s so
17383s so
17400s hey
17411s so
17425s [Music]
17567s so
17586s foreign
17739s [Music]
17747s [Music]
17749s so
17763s my
17772s um
17786s so
17873s so
17884s [Music]
17901s so
17906s [Music]
17915s so
17928s so
17957s so
17997s so
18026s [Music]
18062s my
18164s so
18215s this
18217s [Music]
18258s foreign
18267s [Music]
18284s [Music]
18321s so
18341s [Music]
18352s my
18367s [Music]
18376s so
18388s um
18391s [Music]
18400s awesome
18499s [Music]
18522s um
18550s um
18570s so
18581s [Music]
18594s [Music]
18686s so
18708s me
18730s [Music]
18766s so
18835s [Music]
18836s so
18873s uh
18894s [Music]
18900s um
18945s [Music]
18978s [Music]
18980s so
19000s foreign
19061s so
19132s [Music]
19144s [Music]
19182s [Music]
19280s um
19290s [Music]
19308s what's up fortnite fam the new season
19311s means new loadouts for fncs let's break
19314s down some of the most common loadouts
19315s based on your role in your duo starting
19318s with the igo
19320s the in-game leader or igl is responsible
19323s for calling and mapping out your
19324s rotations guiding your teammate and
19327s often tarping the igl holds a vital role
19329s in guiding the team to victory a proper
19332s loadout is a huge key to that success
19334s this season we have seen them focus on
19336s having one close range weapon and one
19338s distance weapon for surge tags then the
19340s remainder of the items will be healed
19342s the most common loadout is the drum
19344s shotgun first assault rifle and then a
19347s variation of heels to fill the remainder
19348s of the slots this combo however doesn't
19351s cover everything but that's why you have
19353s a fragger on your team as well
19356s the prager is responsible for getting
19358s crucial tags and eliminations throughout
19360s your game
19362s now the loadout of the fragger is all
19364s about fighting and ending fights quickly
19367s this is why we often see that the first
19368s assault rifle is swapped out for the
19370s combat smg
19372s meaning that in this role you'll hold
19373s two weapons designed exclusively for
19375s close range engagements while the rest
19377s of the slots are dedicated to heal
19380s the fragger loadout often includes the
19382s striker pump shotgun the combat smg and
19385s then a variation of heels the ability to
19387s clean up fights quickly and effectively
19388s leads to this loadout being its hot pick
19390s among the more aggressive players
19394s after hearing the different loadouts and
19396s roles which ones are you choosing in
19398s your next game until next time we'll see
19401s you on the battle bus beep
19405s [Music]
19408s what's up fortnite fam chapter three
19411s season two is here and the island is
19413s changing let's talk about some of the
19415s most notable changes starting with the
19417s addition of the blimps
19422s in the start of the season we saw the
19423s island's skyline get swarmed with an
19425s array of i o blimps across the map these
19428s floating ships bring additional loot on
19430s board to each of the areas they exist in
19432s they also allow for the ability to fly
19434s and redeploy from the wings these blimps
19436s can be found in command cavern tony
19439s crossroad tilted towers and rocky reels
19442s there's another blimp on the south coast
19444s however you'll have a hard time rotating
19446s from this one
19448s also we can't forget to talk about the
19450s addition of the siege cannons in these
19451s areas while they don't solely exist on
19454s the blimps you are guaranteed to find
19455s them there these siege cannons allow you
19457s to propel cannonballs towards your
19459s enemies though that's not all you can do
19461s you can also use them to propel across
19463s the map or into enemy builds this
19466s providing another great rotational tool
19468s for competitive play however the blimps
19471s weren't the only addition this season we
19473s also saw the addition of an entirely new
19475s poi in the fortress as well as some new
19477s i o bases
19482s the giant drilling machine known as the
19484s fortress is located in the central part
19486s of the map although the fortress isn't
19488s the biggest poi it still packs a punch
19491s both inside and outside the fortress you
19494s can find several io guards along with dr
19497s sloan if you can find and take down dr
19500s sloan you can grab her mythic striker
19503s burst rifle be careful sloane won't go
19506s down without fight
19507s then step inside to find three i o
19510s chests along with plenty of other loot
19512s scattered throughout the poi
19514s when you're ready to rotate out simply
19516s jump into the siege cannon up top or hit
19519s the launch pad that spawns on the
19521s outside of the fortress
19524s multiple other outposts popped up across
19526s the map you can find io buildings
19529s scattered across the island they vary in
19531s size and utility but all of them include
19534s more loot you can add these locations to
19537s your drop or drop here to start your
19540s games
19541s [Music]
19544s over on the south side of the island
19545s another new addition in the form of
19547s synapse station has emerged on the
19549s island there are several chest spawns
19551s throughout the poi and ample ammo boxes
19553s giving enough flute for multiple duos to
19556s land here the best part of sanap station
19558s is not the loot though it's the mobility
19561s that comes with the poi three different
19564s riffs have the chance of opening which
19565s gives you easy movement into the zone
19568s another addition you should be sure to
19570s add your rotations are the many craters
19572s that have formed across the map inside
19574s these craters is usually a handful of
19576s chests and shield barrels which is just
19578s enough to provide one person with a full
19580s loadout although not every crater is the
19582s same with some having a slurp truck and
19584s reboot van inside that crater is located
19587s just southeast of broadcast bunker and
19589s is home to both
19591s with craters seemingly on every side of
19592s the map it also offers a saving grace to
19594s those who either prefer the scavenger
19596s routes or got pushed out early because
19599s they had to retreat
19601s all of these map changes will surely
19603s keep you on your toes make sure to dive
19605s in and explore the map until next time
19608s we'll see you on the battle bus
19610s [Music]
19612s what's going on fortnite fam it's time
19615s once again anna east i've missed you and
19617s now i get to hang out for just a little
19618s bit with spg and sundown guys what are
19620s we kind of expecting here coming into
19623s season two the tactical sprinting i
19625s think is going to play a huge part in
19628s how end game is played we saw sliding
19630s slightly change it but i don't think
19632s that's going to be as big of a change i
19635s think the biggest thing we've talked
19636s about across the other regions is the
19638s change in movement across the game
19639s whether it is the blimps and the actual
19641s movement how you get around the map or
19643s the movement of your character itself we
19645s don't have those movement inventory
19648s items anymore so last season we had the
19649s peppers we had the chili chug splashes i
19652s think the harpoon is gonna come back
19653s into a strong piece so how can we expect
19656s to see loadout shift in this season we
19659s saw the change to coolers as well so
19661s they're now dropping floppers which is
19663s going to come back into meta because
19665s players are now going to understand the
19667s value of playing in storm because with
19669s all of the movement we had last season
19671s getting ahead was so important n a east
19674s in particular is notorious for having
19676s these monstrously high storm surge
19678s numbers we saw the recent changes right
19680s you have to be able to make it to end
19680s game it's so much harder to actually
19682s survive there so you're relying on
19684s impacts as well like there's just so
19685s many layers to this i'd predict an nae
19688s east as we normally see a monstrous
19690s roster change even the weak if not
19692s sometimes in the middle of the fncs as
19694s players try and get their last chance to
19696s make it i think this season the duos who
19698s end up staying together are going to
19700s have a
19701s better run than previously at enemies
19704s looking at the bug in the mirrors
19705s looking at the faction the pam styles
19706s the ones who were able to put together a
19708s consistent game plan played a ton last
19711s season and are able to take the game
19712s plan that worked there and then add the
19714s new components i think as you pick up a
19716s new duo particularly this season trying
19719s to put all the pieces together it's
19721s going to be really hard i want to sit
19723s here and talk more but the battle bus is
19725s ready okay it's warming up for us na
19728s east it is always a pleasure hanging out
19729s with all before we go do you guys want
19731s to work we find you if you want to give
19732s you guys a follow uh pretty consistent
19734s branding for me x sundown 0.0 on pretty
19736s much everything
19738s same i'm somebody's gun on everything as
19740s well thank you guys so much for hanging
19742s out uh super fun to do this and at least
19745s let's get this started
19750s [Music]
19761s i like full confidence this season we've
19763s been working on the last few seasons i'm
19765s really excited the new season the new
19766s map changes i know me and my duo djing
19768s could do very well in place at the top i
19771s practice every day with my duos and i
19772s really think we're gonna make it there's
19774s no way people can do better than us this
19776s season people should be worried about my
19778s duo 14 years old this kid's crazy at
19780s fortnight i have really really good
19782s mechanics there's no way we don't win
19783s this my biggest strength in my game is
19786s probably my iglings we just both are
19788s super smart and like no one can really
19790s like outsmart us my mechanics are just
19791s so good i know you think you're winning
19793s but i'm winning when you see us on high
19795s ground the game's already over
19802s [Music]
19816s this is it a new dawn has broken over
19819s the island where duos will be met with
19821s resistance as the greatest in the region
19823s battle out for supremacy who will be
19825s this season's champions chapter three
19827s season two fncs nae here we go my name
19832s is adam savage i am so excited to be
19835s your host bringing you all the action
19838s here from the region it is good to have
19840s you guys here massive shout out to chat
19841s as well good to see you guys we want you
19843s guys to be interacting with us as much
19844s as possible at the course of the show of
19846s course it's not just me though i have
19848s the ultimate trio with me here on the
19849s desk i am joined as well by spg and
19852s vivid boys it is great to see you here i
19854s can't vivid we're here again it feels
19856s like yesterday we wrapped up the last
19857s season we're starting again we're ready
19859s to go we're energized how are you
19861s feeling going into this season
19863s energized indeed we've had a little bit
19865s of a break in between season the players
19867s have had a little bit of a break as well
19869s but as adam mentioned we are back and
19872s listen shout out to eu for kicking off
19874s this season with a bang awesome watching
19877s them over there spg how you feeling i'm
19880s feeling awesome like you said eu is just
19882s a little teaser we got ni east about to
19884s come up and man i'm super excited for
19887s this season yeah me too there's so much
19888s to get excited i'm gonna give you guys
19890s all the info as well discuss a bit of
19891s intel with you as well as we said get
19893s get in the chat you know share your
19895s themes your thoughts on who you think's
19897s gonna go all the way and win each of our
19898s qualifiers and onwards and upwards in
19900s the semi-finals and finals later as well
19902s but first things first let's talk about
19903s the broadcast schedule today and
19904s qualifier one on what is coming your way
19907s on this show which is going to be
19909s amazing trust us uh of course you can
19911s see qualifier one may sick that is of
19913s course today but we're gonna have six
19914s games coming your way we have five
19917s qualifying duos going through all the
19919s finals straight from today
19921s first two fifth position will qualify
19923s today and go through two finals remember
19925s as well guys you can watch all of this
19926s from legends landing it's a great place
19928s to hang out and watch things with the
19929s community and you get the same drops
19931s there as you would do on twitch as well
19932s so make sure to link your epic account
19934s and enjoy but that's today may 6th of
19937s course we also have our schedule what's
19939s coming your way how our players actually
19941s got here uh being part of this
19943s competition um it's all coming your way
19945s i think david you should give us the
19946s rundown of what you how you see this
19948s competition and uh why is such an
19950s exciting thing for our players and our
19951s viewers as well yeah so today we find
19953s ourselves in qualifier one there are
19955s gonna be three total each of these
19956s qualifiers having four rounds and we are
19958s going to be spectating over the fourth
19960s round 50 teams have made it here and
19962s we're gonna be paying attention to those
19964s top five at the end of these six games
19966s because they're going directly to the
19968s finals and the other ones are competing
19970s for a serious point so that way they can
19972s get into the semifinals and eventually
19974s we will have our finals in just a couple
19976s weeks
19977s all right now let's talk about what
19979s these guys are playing for today the
19981s point format we have the victory royale
19983s that's what everyone's trying to get
19985s that's 32 points for the victory royale
19987s you start getting points for placement
19990s at 35th and you accumulate them where
19992s you really get a lot of the points is in
19994s that top ten and then especially that
19996s top five is where you want to be in
19998s order to secure a ton of placement
20001s points outside of that you're getting
20002s three points per elimination as well so
20004s we've seen some teams put up big games
20006s and scoring a lot of those elimination
20008s points yeah it's all about the
20010s combination fellas that is key in a
20012s format like this on fncs but let's talk
20014s about nae of course as well the three
20016s previous rounds this is technically
20017s round four of qualifier one and these 50
20019s duos have qualified let's go through
20020s some of the players we're looking
20021s forward to seeing compete here vivid who
20023s sticks out for you
20024s i mean we see ibuga and mira making an
20026s appearance we know that they did just
20028s come off of that fncs win just last
20030s season so we're going to see what they
20032s can do today we got the likes of day and
20034s clicks at the top there dj and yamza
20036s with a powerful performance yesterday
20038s spg who stacks out for you though man
20041s i've been seeing aviva and gold doing
20043s really well they're a newly formed duo
20045s only been playing together a couple of
20046s weeks but aviv is one of the more
20048s underrated igls and gold is an
20050s up-and-comer reminds me a lot about cam
20052s last season playing with bucky i think
20054s those guys will be playing super well
20056s today yeah what's interesting for me as
20058s well fellas of course is every season
20061s qualifier one so many teams because
20062s there are so many great viewers in the
20064s region have haven't qualified to this
20066s part as well so we'll see them later
20068s down the line but the ones that have
20069s today this is a this is a big shock for
20071s the vivid as well as you can see at the
20072s second page here to get into finals off
20074s the back qualify one is huge for these
20076s duos
20077s oh yeah it would be a big swing in
20079s momentum for any of these right a lot of
20081s confidence because honestly looking at
20083s the player list here there are a lot of
20085s suspected teams that didn't actually
20087s make it into this fourth round so a lot
20089s of opportunities for a lot of these new
20091s guns to kind of show up and show out in
20093s this first qualifier it's going to be
20095s really important for them to take
20097s advantage of that because i i highly
20099s doubt a lot of our veterans don't make
20101s it again in this next qualifier so like
20103s you said they have to take advantage of
20105s their opportunity here they absolutely
20107s do now of course you've seen some fun
20108s content pieces that we we've done here
20110s this season already but we have another
20112s one for you now uh let's talk about
20114s rituals in nae here are some fun stuff
20116s from the players competing tonight for
20117s your viewing pleasure here you go
20120s [Music]
20127s like turn is usually around six so i
20128s warm up about three hours so i'll warm
20130s up with an aim trainer and then it's
20132s loading into you know fortnite creative
20134s course peace control maps mechanics maps
20136s 1v1 maps and stuff like that and then
20138s more importantly just playing against
20139s top tier players because if you're not
20141s practicing against them before you're
20142s not gonna be ready for them in the game
20143s top and creative and free build they're
20145s like pg a friend or two stretch my ends
20147s a bit to not get injured on my wrist
20148s just listen to music get myself in the
20150s zone for my aim and practice and create
20152s it for like 30 minutes aim train for the
20154s first 30 30 minutes and then for the
20157s next 30 minutes i just play with a
20158s friend try to just get my mechanics on
20160s before big tournaments i like getting a
20162s big breakfast
20166s i do like a 200 pump map for about 30
20168s minutes to warm up i usually just go on
20170s my own maps just kind of free build and
20172s aim training a little bit just one of
20174s these ones and pg another player my best
20176s recommendation for any creative mouse
20178s would probably be raiders a map raiders
20180s mechanics maps or peace control maps i
20182s think he probably makes the best
20183s creative maps for warming up
20185s [Music]
20188s i'll try to like focus more on my sleep
20190s and just make sure i'm on like a
20191s specific pattern so it's easier to fall
20192s asleep and everything so i think sleep's
20194s a very important part of any anyone's
20196s routine if not the most important thing
20198s if you don't get enough you'll just end
20200s up being just tired and really bad
20205s i throw my phone behind me i don't like
20207s open twitter really i don't tweet
20209s honestly just like walk away from my
20210s setup look at my dogs if i need to i
20212s always go take a quick walk sometimes
20215s every day see outside and
20218s get some sun it's always good to go
20220s outside and you know get some fresh air
20224s [Music]
20225s the mental preparation and the pressure
20227s it just calms itself when you've played
20228s a lot of tournaments i got like super
20230s nervous especially i was like younger
20232s now i'm just used to like all the
20233s pressure it doesn't really get to me
20234s anymore i just like don't have pressure
20236s or anything to be honest i just go into
20238s it like trying to do the best i can i
20240s thrive in the competition side i think i
20243s play better when there's a lot of money
20245s in the line or if we're on finals i want
20247s to get to that top 100 no matter what
20254s i love i love hearing from the players
20256s there are about things like you know
20257s sleep is really important of course but
20259s it's the pressure element as well being
20260s in competitions like this and experience
20262s goes a long way vivid you you've been in
20263s the hot seat you've been in these
20264s situations before how did you deal with
20267s pressure personally
20268s you know you really do just got to get
20270s as much practice in the game as you
20272s possibly can kind of get used to being
20274s in these situations that puts your back
20276s up against the wall and the more
20277s experience you have the less pressure
20279s you will feel thus you can be better in
20281s those type of moments it was really
20283s interesting to hear you had bizzle and
20285s edgy were like i don't really feel
20287s pressure i enjoy that moment and then
20289s there's iamzo who's a new player on the
20292s scenes like i love it i just want to
20294s dive in i feel no pressure i'm the best
20296s it's a great it's a great balance isn't
20298s some of the veteran players who have
20299s been there done it they got a t-shirt
20301s they know how to deal with the pressure
20302s but the new players have just they they
20304s just feel so confident as well and the
20305s combination is is amazing let's talk
20307s about some of those combinations as well
20308s some of the duos we're going to be
20309s seeing compete tonight uh there are so
20311s many to talk about we're going to
20312s highlight a few of them for you guys
20314s at home the first ones of course dejan
20316s and eomsa we just mentioned yomzo there
20318s but these guys i mean they i think round
20320s three they they they top deletable with
20322s four victory hours over ten games so
20324s they are at a good place right now why
20326s are they so exhilarating to watch vivid
20329s got to be the end games listen you said
20331s it for victor royales in round three is
20335s very very impressive and we can see that
20337s they are actually going to be laying in
20338s over at command cavern and we know
20341s there's just so much loot to gather over
20343s there but there's also a lot of teams
20345s laning over there as well as you can see
20346s here their performance yesterday was
20348s astounding they did top that leaderboard
20350s like adam mentioned
20351s it was kind of crazy to see them play
20353s yesterday they qualified at almost the
20355s first four or five matches and had other
20358s players coming for them they were doing
20360s this challenge it was so interesting and
20362s some of the best content i've seen in a
20363s while so these guys are feeling
20365s confident they're talking to other
20366s players that are at the top of their
20368s region so they're understanding the game
20370s very very well
20372s uh in addition to just you know playing
20373s at a super high level yeah they they're
20375s for all those teams is what we mentioned
20377s who have got a combination two players
20378s there you have younger been around yeah
20380s dj's been there for a long time as well
20382s and they're doing amazing things so
20383s we'll have to wait and see what happens
20385s this evening uh let's talk about of
20386s course clicks and day as well we have to
20388s talk about this duo um there's a lot of
20390s fans in the chat i'm sure um but the
20392s joneses looks like they're gonna be
20393s landing at the joneses i mean vivid uh
20395s again a duo that we can say so much
20398s about here um and they are just just
20400s they're just brilliant and the fans love
20401s them
20403s i mean the one thing about this duo is
20405s for sure their mechanical prowess you
20407s give them an inch they will take a mile
20409s in any of these situations which why you
20411s can see their average eliminations 7.67
20415s the crazy thing is when this duo gets
20417s rolling in these end game situations
20418s they do not stop so if you see a refresh
20420s come out of them in the end game expect
20423s a lot more
20424s and this team keeps getting better we've
20426s seen clicks kind of take over that igl
20428s role with day continuing to frag like he
20430s does and clix is only getting smarter
20433s better understanding of the game he's
20434s always kind of been that support or
20436s fragger role in the past now we get the
20439s opportunity to see him lead a duo and
20441s the more he plays the more he
20443s understands and this team is only
20446s beginning to see how good they could
20448s actually be
20449s yeah it's purely the origin what it
20451s could be something very very special um
20454s of course peterbot another thing we know
20456s very well and bylaw as well are
20458s combining forces they're a duo now as
20460s well um i hear there's been quite a few
20463s eliminations coming from peterbot within
20465s the last couple of days
20467s yeah absolutely incredible performance
20469s yesterday from this duo fourth place is
20472s where they finished you can see they are
20473s going to be landing just south east of
20476s our clicks and they are going to be
20477s laying into a little bit of a split drop
20478s they will have to be careful because
20480s clicks and they do like to wander around
20482s and try to see if they can get a quick
20483s pick but you know i mentioned clicks and
20485s day high average eliminations for them
20486s but no peterbot and violet impressing me
20488s even more
20490s 9.11 and that is going to be on the back
20492s of a 30 elimination fifth place game
20496s yesterday oh that's kind of kind of
20498s crazy from these two and we've seen
20500s peterbot put up some incredible games i
20503s mean he stole the show last fncs with
20505s that solo clutch that was honestly one
20508s of the best clips that i've seen in a
20509s really long time so we know these two
20511s have it and him playing with bile i
20513s think this dude is going to work out
20514s very well
20515s yeah i think you're right i think you're
20516s right i think you know we you know
20518s eliminations last year but they come for
20519s three points a piece as well they are a
20521s massive impact when it comes to overall
20523s score we saw it last year booger mirror
20525s obviously who won last season and
20527s previous season before that as well i
20528s think eliminations were such a big
20530s factor which made such a difference so
20532s if you're if you're coming into this on
20533s fire like peterborough is i mean this
20535s could be a big night for that duo um
20537s let's talk about this the map in general
20539s as well and in a second we'll go through
20540s kind of some contested areas we're
20541s excited about but pois in general now
20544s obviously this season the likes of
20545s airship's been introduced so more
20546s players can kind of like start you know
20548s in the same kind of poi region but up
20549s above uh you know rather than down below
20552s with the uh the the actual poi they used
20554s to vivid how does that differ differ the
20556s game play this time around how does it
20557s change things up for our duos knowing
20559s that they have multiple areas uh in the
20561s same space they're used to dropping um
20563s that they can they can they can attack
20564s from the get-go
20566s yeah it's all about adapting adam and
20568s yeah the blimps they really do add an
20570s interesting dynamic you know you have
20572s those zip lines that kind of lead down
20573s to these pois you can kind of use those
20575s siege cannons to instantly rotate away
20577s so you know if you are contesting a team
20579s at a poi and you want some of that loot
20582s from that blimp it's going to be very
20583s very hard if a team it does land up
20585s there so the blimps do add this
20587s interesting dynamic to these pois and
20590s also rotations
20591s and the crazy thing about it it's almost
20593s like a whole nother poi sitting on top
20596s of the poi we see teams that
20597s specifically land there and take all
20599s that loot so it adds that much more
20602s flexibility when you're trying to drop
20604s at a specific spot yeah the island has
20606s got layers a lot of layers to it now
20609s which is really exciting um let's talk
20610s about some of these kind of main areas
20612s we think that there's going to be some
20613s you know contestations if you will um
20616s one of them is indeed command cavern we
20618s know that there could be up to i think
20620s five duos in the region uh that are
20622s gonna be all competing for supremacy in
20624s that particular poi i mean dj the orbs
20627s are being one of them we've talked about
20628s already and highlighted them but so many
20630s big things even muslim avery a previous
20631s uh one of the you know fncs with mars i
20633s mean now indians these are big teams i
20636s mean is it going to affect the way that
20638s our teams rotate is it gonna fit the way
20640s that they kind of progress now there are
20641s so many top duos going into the same
20644s space there
20645s yeah so command cavern is an interesting
20647s poi because you know you just mentioned
20649s how the island itself has layers put
20651s command cavern in itself just has so
20654s many of its very own layers you can go
20656s inside the cavern itself you can kind of
20658s stay up by all of those events or you
20660s can go all the way up to the blimp and
20662s we saw over actually in the eu region
20664s where a lot of these flights that took
20665s place on the outside of cavern instantly
20667s got third party because there are just
20668s so many people landing around you so you
20670s really do have to be careful when a poi
20672s like this is so contested and there are
20674s so many layers to it it's gonna be tough
20676s too because it has so much loot there
20679s and i also want to see who's able to get
20680s the vault because that's a huge piece of
20682s the poi but ultimately i think either
20685s people are gonna have to leave or it's
20687s just gonna be all these teams are
20688s struggling to get enough loot and get
20690s off spawn because of how much is going
20692s on
20693s i mean it is it can be a bit of a
20694s blessing in the curse we've seen this
20696s obviously in previous seasons as well
20697s but you know if you do have such a
20699s congested poi with a lot of teams in the
20702s vicinity you know you get those tags
20703s early on like some storm surge when it
20705s comes around if it does come round you
20707s know you've got those early tanks so
20708s it's not as much of a factor i mean does
20710s that players think that do they want
20712s those engagements earlier or they do you
20714s think they're going to try to avoid them
20715s that they're going to loot up and get
20717s out and start their rotation and kind of
20718s avoid players until later in the
20720s competition today there are many
20723s different shadows you can go with one
20724s for sure is going ahead and taking those
20726s early engagements so that way you don't
20728s have to worry about storm surge later
20729s but even sometimes taking those early
20731s engagements since players aren't usually
20733s full
20733s effective hp then you don't actually get
20736s a lot of storm surge right because if
20737s you just take somebody down it's only
20738s 100 hp that's only 100 damage so you
20741s know or players can choose to kind of
20742s just make rotations and set up on a hill
20744s and get tags from a distance
20746s yeah i'm not sure either way we'll have
20748s to see because like we mentioned there's
20750s so many players there those early
20752s engagements are almost a no win scenario
20754s unless they're quick like that and like
20756s vivid said then you're not really
20758s getting too much damage off of it so
20760s i'll be interested to see how much we do
20762s see the fights off spawn i command yeah
20764s me too i mean game one so close guys i'm
20766s so excited uh let's have a look at
20767s another poi as well there's gonna be
20769s undoubtedly contested uh greasy grove as
20771s well vivid um who can we expect to see
20773s there what do we think is gonna happen
20775s and unfold for the viewers at home
20777s you know greasy grove is a scary one we
20780s are going to see a big name due in
20782s canada and ages land here and we saw
20784s plenty of flights go down last season
20787s actually here and it's all about that
20788s main building because they do have those
20790s coolers and in those coolers you can get
20792s so many heals with the introduction of
20795s the floppers and stuff that you can get
20796s though it is less likely to get all
20797s those chuck splashes but still it is
20800s possible and here we're going to put up
20802s some stats here where you can see canada
20804s with a way higher average elimination
20807s than a baller's duo which could
20809s necessarily mean that they are better at
20811s fighting which could be a scary factor
20813s for ballers to consider when they are
20814s going to be fighting them off spawn
20816s really interested to see how this plays
20817s out because like you just mentioned it's
20820s one team that plays aggressive one team
20821s that seems to be more passive and then
20823s it's also the veterans versus the
20825s newcomers off spawn last season we saw
20827s this it was 50 50 every time you're all
20830s going for like one weapon one chest and
20832s it's decided very quickly this season it
20835s could honestly be split there's a lot of
20837s loot here at greasy and i'm interested
20839s to see how exactly this play is off
20841s spawn if i'm cannot in agers i'm not
20842s letting these new guys try and take my
20844s loot but also ballers and co they have
20847s to make their name and not get bullied
20849s off spawn if they want to continue to
20851s land here so we'll see exactly how this
20853s plays out between these two teams
20866s yeah so
20869s i guess um we are going to be going in
20872s to the game here shortly but before we
20875s do that spg we do actually have a
20878s do don't say it n a east content piece
20882s for you guys to check out
20887s [Music]
20889s um i'm gonna say a word
20891s i'm not i'm gonna describe something
20892s without saying words it's gonna be
20895s describing a specific item in fortnite
20897s without you know using it like that
20900s exact word all right there's three man
20901s words that i cannot use all right
20904s i think we're going to be the best just
20906s like fortnite
20909s infinite metal glitch
20910s uh reporters yup
20912s uh the little emote that shows how many
20914s things you got
20915s crown emote
20917s uh greasy
20919s building in the middle taco or
20922s i don't know no where rise lands where
20924s you fishing
20926s what's in there
20927s chugs yep
20929s i'm swinging smacking on the wall with
20930s what pig pickaxe
20932s i'm dropping out of the way
20934s battle bus
20935s where og og
20941s all right
20942s bad shotgun shouldn't be in the game oh
20944s i messed that up
20947s on height i'm throwing down something
20950s oh wait a pad lunch man not in the game
20952s right now used to be season x
20954s bouncer shockwave
20956s booga
20958s with with the specific type of oral club
20961s no no no recently with marrow at that
20963s poi what do they have for
20965s chugs four only four of them
20967s [Music]
20970s that was that was fun that was fun yeah
20972s it was it
20985s um
20986s i might do good if we can get past the
20987s first one
20990s it's about to get off
20993s all right it's in pubs and you can it
20995s marks people when you shoot it
20998s that's the best i can do the mythic
21001s revolver no no no no
21004s no go next go next go next
21006s no shot all right
21008s when you break it you get madrid
21013s a llama yeah
21016s um
21017s you get pads
21019s drops
21021s mythic um mystic mk oh
21024s mythic mk where where is it oh sanctuary
21028s uh booga wonderful cs at that spot
21030s shockers
21032s um the gun you hold for search every
21034s time
21036s oh thermal thermal thermal
21038s um you put items in it
21041s it's in pubs the the little the tents
21043s the tents
21045s you get fish when you shoot it harp
21047s [Music]
21049s um
21050s we get we always use it together
21053s i was locked in man i was locked
21057s that was a lot better um it was good it
21059s was good after the first one it was it
21060s was good
21062s [Music]
21069s i love those games we should do that
21071s ourselves on on on the desk at some
21073s point they're great they're really fun i
21075s love these this is great um right of
21077s course we are we are moments away from
21079s the very first game here on uh on the
21082s very very first game of the very first
21084s qualifier this is massive i'm so hyped
21086s for this um before we do that of course
21087s predictions this is very important to us
21089s you may have seen the eu broadcast
21091s earlier on there's more at stake this
21092s season for us here on the broadcast as
21094s well for who we choose as well like down
21096s the line we'll see more about it but
21097s it's it's all to play for amongst the
21099s desk here in the broadcast calendar i've
21100s gone for booga and miro i had to i want
21102s to know in the chat let me know if you
21104s agree okay last season's fncs champions
21107s you know you one of us had to they're
21109s they're you're amazing team they're both
21110s incredibly good in any situation i had
21113s to go for mirror i think they could do
21114s it again the legacy could continue vivid
21116s tell me who you've chosen
21118s yeah i am believing a little bit more in
21121s day and clicks if you can see some
21123s clicks fans arise in the chat come on
21126s this duo is just too good not to pick
21128s them and also mdf picking dubs and mega
21132s i also you know we were talking a little
21133s bit backstage we both kind of agree this
21136s is a solid pick because they do just
21137s they're gonna be landing uncontested
21139s over at shifty staff they have so much
21140s space there it's a really good solid
21143s pick for mdf
21144s great picks guys but ultimately it's
21146s going to be djen and yamzo taking home
21149s today we know that they are playing
21151s really well they're riding the hot hand
21153s and dj yamzo gonna win command cavern
21156s and just win the entire tournament we
21158s also have sundown going with spade and
21160s chimp they finished really well in
21162s second place in last fncs so another duo
21166s that has been continuing to play well
21168s throughout the cash cups earlier this
21170s season i would expect sundown to pick to
21172s do well
21173s in addition to mine probably not as good
21175s as dj
21176s though yeah right i mean let's go by
21178s last season spg i think you got zero
21181s points last season but we were that's
21183s fine
21183s hey it was the first season these things
21185s happen but i tell you what with the
21187s whole with the team here is what every
21188s one of us picking a different viewer
21190s makes things really exciting for you
21191s guys at home for us as well so let us
21193s know in the chat who you think is gonna
21194s go the way who who do you think is gonna
21196s become you know first place here in
21197s qualifier one we can't wait to hear all
21199s about it but um we are moments away from
21201s game one it all starts right here this
21203s is the beginning of what is going to be
21204s an amazing season of fncs nae uh we of
21208s course have the ultimate duo the
21210s ultimate duo waiting in the wings here
21212s bringing you all the action uh the
21214s almighty sundown and monster d face guys
21216s take it away over to you it all starts
21219s here
21221s thank you so much adam spg and vivid and
21225s what's up fortnite fam and for the first
21228s time in a while what's good twitch chat
21230s how you guys been my name sundown joined
21232s by monster d face here to call all the
21234s action we got six games going down to
21236s monster you looking forward to it
21238s oh man i'm absolutely looking forward to
21240s it today's like a new day for fortnight
21242s competitive you know we got the chat
21243s going we got the vibes rolling here on
21245s the desk of course and you saw the picks
21247s man it was so hard to boil you down to a
21250s top five picker for today everyone's got
21252s some great options up on the board but
21254s of course it's going to come down to the
21255s players ultimately right who has the
21257s confidence who has the drop spot who has
21259s that little bit of lady luck in their
21260s corner sundown because you know we all
21262s know you're going to need everything to
21264s come together if you want a big spot
21266s yeah who's going to be able to put it
21268s all together over the course of the six
21269s games we're gonna find out match number
21271s one is underway
21280s alright ladies and gentlemen n a east
21282s game number one for the qualifier is
21285s here and it's about to begin as the
21287s battle bus starts to take the world put
21288s yourself in the player's shoes now
21291s how are you going to step up to this
21293s plate and smack this ball home and over
21296s that fence because getting a top five is
21297s not going to be easy you saw the player
21299s list you saw who is being contested here
21302s on the drop some of our favorites have
21304s big battles to overcome right now one of
21306s them of course kannada and age are
21307s sundown this is a very interesting drop
21310s spot it does seem like their reputation
21311s alone though has won them the greasy
21313s grove yeah it's about to say looks like
21315s suscript gave just like a nice little
21317s 180 but gave them plenty of space so
21320s we're gonna check out the utter clown
21322s fiesta that is command cavern i mean
21324s we've seen upwards of four or five
21326s different duos leave here and none of
21328s them even have to fight off the start
21329s you do have the options if you do want
21331s to go down and contest one of these
21332s others but there is so much loot and so
21335s much space available so centrally on the
21337s map as well as great dividing lines
21340s based on just how much different
21341s verticality there are where
21343s comfortably you can see tragics and seas
21345s they're finding a little bit of room you
21347s know i'm zoned they have room as well
21348s and so far another single shot has been
21351s fired now listen i mean i challenge you
21354s i challenge the twitch chat was the last
21356s time you've seen in a final setting this
21359s many teams contesting a single draw spot
21361s sundown you and i have been casting for
21363s years i don't think we've seen upwards
21365s of four teams housing around one
21368s singular drop spot and this time around
21369s for whatever reason command cavin has
21372s drawn in the bulk of the competitors now
21374s jumping over to of course buga and mero
21376s right they have a completely uncontested
21379s draw spot and a little bit of a
21380s challenge for themselves right that
21382s they're facing this season because
21383s there's some adjustments that have gone
21385s through competitive and now they don't
21386s have those big rotations but hold up we
21388s have our first fight
21390s let's see first one we're going to be
21391s able to catch on over here let's trap
21393s kills and flow trying to dive on in
21395s using that drum shotgun to try and get
21396s wall to wall we'll swap him immediately
21398s over the stinger get some good tags but
21399s flow bites off a little bit more than
21401s control he's going to get taken down
21402s however dropkill is going to be able to
21404s bail him out a little bit there well
21406s done picking that one up
21408s that's going to be nasty who's going to
21409s fall there a player who's had quite a
21411s successful track in recent times on the
21413s other side though easy 2k is also going
21416s to fall to the hands of bucky and kim
21419s the veterans the kings of the daily
21421s bugle i mean you saw what they did the
21423s last time they were here on the fncs
21425s stage they qualified first week they
21427s came out strong and they brought it all
21429s the way home it looks like they're
21430s trying to repeat that performance here
21432s today now of course it's about of course
21434s qualifying now and bringing that same
21436s energy to finals that's still gonna be a
21438s big ass for any player but hey they're
21440s off to the right start cam and bucky now
21442s have a solid two elimination lead over
21445s the lobby yeah don't forget it was
21446s effectively after four games in the last
21449s first qualifier they were able to go
21450s through us we're going to take a replay
21452s some of the other early fights that went
21453s down specifically the one we're just
21455s taking a look at him bucky finding some
21456s big shots from range and safely
21458s resetting this is what we've seen a lot
21460s of whereas bucky's really kind of
21461s supporting cam letting him run around
21463s and i also would be remiss if i didn't
21465s call out that psg tna tag yes that is
21467s paris saint-germain and team new age
21470s hopping into the fortnightly nice little
21472s deal that went down between the past
21474s fortnight season so cool to see them
21476s getting involved also with a nice little
21478s transition there as we hop on board here
21480s with cloud9's avery and psg tna muzz the
21484s oc transplant who's found a lot of
21486s success over in nau so far
21488s yeah definitely has found his hand at
21490s success i mean here on this stage and
21493s then of course on the uh the rival stage
21495s with the creator series uh pairing up
21497s alongside somerset and others to go
21499s ahead and you know just compete
21500s alongside any competitions he can get
21502s his hand on but for clicks and day i'm
21504s sure there's plenty of you all in the
21505s chat that want to see this duo succeed
21507s here today and they're doing just that
21509s right they're at their drop spot players
21511s right now most professional players are
21512s going to be looking to max out their
21514s loadouts really optimize their entire
21517s kits here before they go ahead and take
21518s on a position there shouldn't be too
21520s many teams battling it out like this but
21522s we're of course going to have these
21524s early game rivalries right now this is
21526s the first time we're looking at druzzo
21527s and carrie here take a fight and again
21530s they're gonna find a couple tags they're
21532s gonna back off now comfortably because
21534s they want some storm surge tags right
21536s looking at how many players are up right
21537s now sundown i mean i think it'd be safe
21540s to say we're gonna be seeing a very big
21542s surge tick coming soon yeah and
21544s additionally too as if a team is used to
21546s landing on that small little boat you
21548s don't want to get stuck in a dragged out
21550s fight against them because if you don't
21551s have experience taking a fight on that
21553s boat there's so many awkward little
21554s angles and ways that they can disengage
21556s and they're used to being pinned on the
21557s coast in that circumstance because no
21559s matter what you're in a disadvantageous
21562s position when you're on the outside the
21564s map however the boat has so much initial
21566s early loot that you can trade out
21568s forever against people and if they get
21569s stalled on the interior eventually
21572s you're going to be able to chip away at
21573s them and have more resources so good
21575s decision from kerry and co to disengage
21577s us we're gonna swing on over to chewie
21579s pog trying to line up a shot here with
21581s that snipe nope instead just scouting it
21583s out because it looks like monster wants
21584s to go back to the reboot card there's
21586s down duo
21589s yeah and i absolutely agree with you
21590s with the whole story about hey you know
21592s you stick around for too long you can
21593s actually stall out like right there you
21595s know for instance you saw that team's
21597s really waiting it out you're losing time
21599s on the clock dj yams are not wasting any
21601s time to get their loot go but also
21603s looking around for some tags here this
21605s is the scout method that you can
21606s actually use from this this high ground
21608s position of this drop ship but hold up
21610s back on over to chewie's trying to
21611s clutch up now it looks like he's made a
21613s mad dash for the reboot card and it
21614s might just be backfiring here he's
21616s putting it all on the line as he's
21618s already burned through all the heavy
21619s material to try and really fortify
21620s himself here inside this base but in a
21622s 2v1 situation we all know it is
21625s really not looking good and the odds are
21627s stacked against you here's no shotgun
21629s dude the only way he's able to make a
21631s play here is a close-range snipe onto
21633s acro because even if he hits it onto
21635s xenophobia it's going to require an smg
21637s swap and immediately he gets back down
21639s by that striker they know he has a crack
21641s shield chewie is in such a tough
21642s position and a really good job playing
21644s this 1v2 closed out and there they are
21646s they're going to take it away
21649s nice quick elimination there and that's
21651s going to bring two for cinephobia now
21653s very nicely done and just look at the
21656s loadout legendary smg to work with
21658s that's a very powerful loadout as we all
21660s know on over to rhythm though who's
21662s looking at the team that was of course
21664s just challenging them on that waters
21666s front
21667s this is of course carrie and flu drizzle
21669s they're going to be backing off now this
21671s takes a lot of damage so they're going
21672s to actually have to ditch the vehicle
21674s here and it's going to kind of stand off
21675s now look notice the positioning they
21677s have that slight advantage so rhythm has
21679s to be careful here it has to be careful
21681s about approaching but don't forget
21682s there's so many limited numbers of
21684s vehicles on the map now which is just
21686s really the i o cars and a couple other
21688s very select taxi spawns across the map
21690s which means once that does get chunked
21691s out players are going to pay attention
21693s they're going to be shooting your wheels
21694s they're going to be getting whatever
21695s attacks because if they can force you to
21697s not have that resource it ends up
21699s becoming massive as now drizzle and
21701s carry are forced to basically box up
21703s defensively with not a lot of excess
21704s resources
21706s clean tags being traded back and forth
21708s now and over to day and clicks who are
21709s also looking to do the same exact thing
21712s can they find tags unfortunately that
21714s vehicle is gonna slip right on out of
21716s their reach these are some weak walls
21718s and nicely done for a day he finds a few
21720s there these are crucial they can start
21723s to add up these tags are really gonna be
21725s important later into the game but before
21726s we get there it's peterbot and bilo
21728s let's take a look at the highlight here
21729s peterbot man the kid's electric he jumps
21732s inside the box and shuts down beef there
21735s to go ahead and wrap up that duo that
21736s was an instant elimination and just like
21739s that another team is sent back to the
21741s lobby yeah and that's the position where
21742s peterbot really thrives just being able
21744s to know he can go into 1v2 kind of trade
21746s attrition lead with that smg and even if
21748s the opponent gets off a huge striker
21750s kind of swap right there he's not going
21753s to be under pressure and i just realized
21754s that car's not completely broken yet so
21756s if somebody's able to get a repair torch
21758s to it they could get that all the way
21759s back up wheels and all but
21762s would end up being a risky maneuver and
21764s at this point you're not seeing as many
21766s repair torches really be carried
21769s yeah and it's probably not by choice
21771s ladies and gentlemen the repair torch is
21773s very very powerful it can come and play
21776s its usage in the game even a team like
21778s booga and mirror of course we expected
21780s them to be you know in a different type
21782s of situation this tournament come around
21784s and take a look here they did manage to
21786s find themselves elimination that might
21787s have been a stolen elim on some of the
21789s teams rotating by either way it's gonna
21791s be big points to kick things off you can
21793s see they're hovering right at that three
21794s mark and of course the minimal you want
21797s to get to is of those top 35 points or
21799s so right and placement so you can start
21801s actually earning those points here in
21803s the game this rotates important there's
21805s a couple of teams in front of them so
21806s it's not going to be completely free
21808s here as they start to enter in they will
21810s have to be just a bit cautious
21813s now this is the name of the game right
21814s now you're just kind of going to get a
21816s tick over on this side not too many
21817s players have dropped you can see in the
21819s top left-hand corner there's only one
21821s player who doesn't necessarily have
21823s their duo up right now and also just a
21825s slight correction to my earlier analysis
21827s repair torches aren't in when it comes
21828s to competitive playlists and tournament
21830s stuff so ignore me in that regard i
21832s apologize i was looking at all the min
21834s maxing and sometimes i get too excited
21836s thinking wait somebody might be able to
21837s save that but no there's no saving that
21839s i think it's chunked in a single burst
21842s by anyone and then it goes uh up in
21844s flames and unlike the song you're not
21846s quite gonna enjoy that
21848s yeah you know what that that's fair
21849s enough right we see what happens when
21851s repair torch had its play and
21852s competitive a lot of vehicles stay alive
21854s and it can make for some chaos in the
21855s end game so of course competitive is
21857s always going to see its checks and
21859s balances if you will for peterbot and
21861s bilo though their rotation right now is
21863s looking beautiful here they just skate
21865s across this water's edge no worries in
21867s sight
21868s went over to the other side though duke
21869s and jeffers putting some pressure on
21871s players all nearby they've already found
21873s themselves a bit of a power position and
21874s talk about min maxing farming the chest
21877s there for any little bit of extra wood i
21879s mean hey you never know if it comes down
21881s to a one bill difference yeah that's
21883s seven extra wood but i mean
21884s sometimes you just gotta break and you
21886s gotta deal with what you gotta deal with
21887s especially when you look in the bottom
21888s right hand corner i was gonna say
21889s there's not a ton of wood nearby but
21891s there's plenty of trees he could have
21892s gone and swung out with no one near him
21893s so you know what it is what it is is
21896s we're gonna swing on over to my
21897s prediction spay tb chimp tb up just
21900s outside the bugle that posted up on that
21902s high ground now this was the duo that
21905s got second in the previous fncs chapter
21908s three is season one doing it roughly
21910s right out of the same spot as well so
21913s with the same rotations kind of having
21914s the same pattern a lot of faith in them
21916s you know i talked about in the preview
21918s piece how those duo's sticking together
21920s it's going to end up being more
21922s beneficial for them and you kind of see
21923s a little bit of the strategy coming out
21925s from bucky and cam as well as chimp and
21926s speed it's just like hey get the high
21928s ground and know that pretty much
21929s everybody on the southern part of the
21930s map has to rotate past this sight line
21934s you saw the distance there vehicles
21935s exploding and
21937s chaos ensuing on the map for and
21940s subscript though this
21942s aspect now
21943s and players are going to
21945s honestly decide what does they want to
21947s engage with other players it's just safe
21950s now only succeed
21962s yeah as you can see now though with 20
21964s players in the top left-hand corner
21966s we'll need to get down to 70 players
21968s left here
21969s when it comes to the storm surge turning
21971s off and that's going to turn on in the
21973s next minute so actually with the reboot
21975s coming up we don't even have a solo
21977s rider everybody will have a partner
21979s there's going to be a ton of action
21981s coming down within the next minute or so
21983s as everybody tries to jockey for
21984s position around the storm surge so what
21986s we're going to do is going to take a
21988s peek at some of the duos who are
21989s underneath now as a viewer the two
21991s things you're going to want to pay
21992s attention to is the number on the right
21994s hand side above the map that shows the
21996s storm's threshold through the number in
21997s the top left hand corner on the right
21999s hand side you want to see above that
22001s means you're not going to be taking that
22003s storm surge damage 25 damage every five
22006s seconds with the number in the top left
22007s the players want to see 70. that's when
22009s it will turn off now when will all that
22012s action go down in the next 35 seconds so
22014s everyone's trying to get into zone in
22016s their about face and make sure they're
22018s somewhere near the threshold because
22019s right now eden and ave they're much
22022s underneath and they're going to need a
22023s little bit of breathing room as the feed
22025s is lighting up in the top left-hand
22026s corner you can see muzz picking an up
22028s picking up a knock for himself you will
22030s end up trying to get the confirmation as
22032s players are going to beginning to over
22034s peek and look for a little bit of room
22035s we'll have a split of two of our bigger
22037s duos here with ab on the left and
22038s skittles on the right looking to get the
22040s shots down as storm surge turns on in
22042s just five seconds
22045s and immediately you can see the pressure
22046s coming through on aven e dan they're
22048s going to get taken down immediately will
22050s swing on over skittles and users who
22053s have a great position but not too many
22055s lines of sight as everyone has already
22057s invested some hard mats underneath them
22059s somebody else who doesn't necessarily
22061s have a great position you can see swirl
22062s on the right hand side starting to get
22064s hit by that damage and separated from
22066s his duo so not able to utilize those
22068s chug splashes to his full effectiveness
22070s until they're together and boxed up and
22072s every second they spend shielding it up
22074s means they aren't shooting as we see
22075s users go down on the left hand side of
22077s the screen
22079s yeah it's looking really good right now
22081s things are continuing to spice up here
22083s for of course swirl in the oxy it's not
22086s looking too hot here they are down 200
22088s damage below this surge there's plenty
22090s of targets nearby though right we have
22091s jake here inside the box fresh edit
22093s comes out this is exactly what they're
22094s looking for but no time to capitalize
22096s those shots were amiss and you can see
22098s these bolts of lightning are coming down
22100s they're out of heels they're out of time
22101s it's up to you a oxy now as this
22103s teammate's going to fall here look at
22104s finds one in the feed that's huge but
22106s the time is ticking and the oxy gets
22108s tagged swirl gets tagged as well and
22110s down they go those elims fall into the
22113s hands of cash and jake there for
22115s peterbot and bayla it seems like they've
22117s managed to weather the storm quite
22118s literally here they find themselves
22120s above the surge sitting on tons of loot
22122s that's the of course refresher now from
22125s those two elims that really just
22127s barreled into their box right looking
22129s for their storm surge tags
22131s yeah and that's what if you were above
22132s storm surge in that first circumstance
22134s particularly when there's so many
22135s players who really need to press you can
22137s kind of put yourself in a position to
22140s take advantage of the fact that that
22142s your opponents are going to be taking
22143s constant damage we saw it with jason
22145s cass basically getting a couple rifle
22147s shots and then just running away knowing
22149s that their opponents were actively
22150s getting ticked they'd run from the
22151s outside the zone and as long as they're
22153s able to stall it out hey it turned into
22155s six free points for them now monster
22157s we're also closing in on that first
22159s placement threshold so everybody will
22161s get a point here once one more duo does
22163s fall and we currently have a duo who's
22166s still getting hit by storm surge as we
22167s jumped back above but just as i talked
22169s about that kerry ends up getting the
22171s confirmation on to muslin he goes down
22174s outside the top 35. what a huge
22176s elimination there in another falls just
22178s nearby as well to the hands of the storm
22181s surge
22182s man you know i was just gonna bring up
22183s that was a very long storm surge fight
22185s right there it took it all the way past
22188s the next warning zone and then into that
22190s moving zone well into about a minute or
22192s so that that's a very very long and
22195s taxing storm surge right there that's
22197s going to truly dig into the lobby um
22199s remember that number starts to trade
22201s back and forth really pinging between
22203s multiple teams so you know
22206s it's only a matter of time we'll find
22207s out who is really affected this time
22208s around but for iamzo and dj it seems
22211s like they've managed to maintain their
22213s position in this lobby so far and
22214s honestly with the amount of heals
22216s they've had you can tell that they
22217s didn't have too much of a problem that
22218s time around bucky and cam have
22220s themselves a nice wide fortified base
22222s here but they are on the outer edge it
22224s doesn't look like they're gonna pull
22225s this zone and talk about an interesting
22228s zone it's all the way up here north it's
22230s going way deep into the sleepy sound i
22232s was just about to say i don't think
22234s we've seen a zone quite like this the
22236s one other time we came out north we were
22238s a little bit farther east and much more
22241s over these vertical mountain ports this
22242s zone is so interesting because the
22244s moving zones here well there's a ton of
22246s verticality around the outside the
22248s players who have the advantage right now
22250s are the ones who are already boxed up in
22251s the center of sleepy the thing is there
22253s that doesn't really exist at this point
22256s right there's one two maybe three or
22258s four duos who put themselves in there
22260s everyone else was banking on it pulling
22262s back in towards the interior these
22264s moving zones are going to be utter chaos
22266s because one there's a ton of stuff to be
22268s refarmed here but two the sight lines
22270s are going to be so chaotic just look at
22272s these slight little changes in elevation
22274s the grid space here is very awkward if
22277s you're not used to playing late game
22278s zones in this area
22280s i agree with you
22283s i mean i've seen a lot of
22289s you can foreign spade actually going
22291s down in the feed there you can right now
22292s we have a three box with clicks yamzo
22295s and boga boga in the bottom right hand
22296s corner clicks and day in your top and
22299s then the bottom left hand we got iamzo
22301s indigen everybody looking good on space
22303s right now but the next storm surge
22304s warning is about to pop as soon as this
22306s fourth zone closes so we'll see who's
22309s able to get a little bit of real estate
22310s and we can expect a decent amount of
22312s action to be occurring on the southeast
22314s side as we're going to take a peek at
22316s djinn finding some fantastic shots there
22319s with that burst rifle going to be able
22321s to sneak through as threats is going to
22323s get the confirmation on to cam so cam
22325s and bucky not repeating the qualifier
22328s one take from last season as ellison
22330s jock the g2 player looking for a little
22332s bit of space they found it on the
22334s southwest side of the map no one really
22336s remotely near them clicks and day also
22338s have a ton of real estate on the
22340s northern part but their issue is in
22342s space their issue is numbers and time as
22344s you see on the right hand side 32 damage
22347s below
22348s keeping an eye on the top left hand
22350s corner the number we're going to be
22351s looking for is 50 so right now seven
22354s different duos are going to be pressed
22356s put under pressure from that 25 damage
22358s every five second two of them are on
22360s your screen right now with the roller
22362s and end pen on the right as we switch
22363s back on over clicks and day they're
22365s getting into it wall to wall and i can
22367s see why clicks rocking that legendary
22369s drum shotgun just got a
22371s pretty significant buff when it comes to
22374s player versus player combat a little bit
22376s of a nerf when it comes to the actual
22377s wall pressure so it's not quite as
22379s effective when you're actually the one
22381s doing the pressure but in duo's you can
22382s see how day is the one trying to clear
22384s space as clix is the one trying to find
22386s the shots but they need to start going
22388s because that damage is going to start
22390s ticking they're going to be forced to go
22392s in their chug splashes as we keep an eye
22393s on the top left-hand corner as well
22395s chimp ends up getting confirmed and my
22397s prediction is down just outside that
22400s second round of placement points we've
22401s had our next race placement point end up
22403s going through that's why you see the
22405s plus two next to clicks his name on the
22407s left hand side as threats picks up yet
22409s another knock in paper is gonna get the
22411s confirmation of the jamming take a look
22413s over at the roller and m pen who are
22415s just five below surges clicks and day
22417s are just barely able to get themselves
22419s above thanks to the air shots coming out
22421s from clips
22425s i can see chug splash is going through
22426s making sure they're topped off 49
22428s players left they're gonna get a little
22429s bit more room here as we're also going
22431s to close in on those cascading placement
22433s points now look at where the moving zone
22436s pulled we're going straight to north so
22439s everyone who is in that power position i
22440s talked about has to rotate into clicks
22443s and day right now and it's just such a
22444s great position to be in i'm with you i'm
22447s with you on this i mean it's looking
22448s really difficult right now players are
22450s starting to house up on this northern
22451s side it's looking very congested but hey
22454s at least we can think that there is some
22455s land in play here this could have easily
22457s landed on top of the water so let's take
22459s a look for djinni amazon they're putting
22460s this pressure on its shadow is going to
22462s fall inside the box and of course
22463s they're going to be able to finish that
22464s elimination there big pick up here for
22467s djing in the option it just seems like
22468s they continue to find loot after loot
22471s when they need it most and this is where
22473s you know most importantly send down the
22474s points they're going to start adding up
22477s yeah the points now with that
22478s elimination coming through or no there's
22480s another dual going through because they
22481s get a knock there so omg me too still on
22483s his feet somewhere but we're into the
22484s cascading poison points now so each duo
22487s that drops is plus one additional point
22490s until we're into the top three then it's
22492s plus two plus two and an additional plus
22494s three for that victory royale so those
22496s points are going to go up and oh boy
22498s we're going straight up a hill old man
22501s mountain is called in early the first
22503s small moving zone is going up to one of
22505s the higher points in this area of the
22507s map and i mean we're going to be forced
22509s to burn a lot of utility expect to hear
22511s a bunch of launch pads you put out on
22513s this rotation but for dj and yams i mean
22515s they have a launch pad right they
22516s definitely have one booga and miro they
22518s have two i mean that's even better you
22520s get to use one to cut all the way across
22522s the field now and then another to get up
22524s and over this elevation let's see it
22525s here though look at make sure the sky is
22527s clear it does look like it they're one
22528s of the last teams on the back side of
22530s the zone here comes the wave of launch
22532s pads a lot of course of recycling
22534s happening here as players start flying
22536s across but they're touching down they're
22538s looking good the surge is active if your
22540s clicks in day you need to get inside a
22541s box and you need to do an asap a day
22543s needs to heal first before you can
22544s actually think about taking a fight for
22546s clicks though he wastes no time he finds
22548s someone there it's a down body it's
22549s perfect for him too and that's a full
22551s finish on tsunami
22553s yeah that was his knock too which is
22556s monstrous the points coming through you
22557s see clicks starting to go to work we
22559s talked about that drum shock and the
22560s head shots bring so much additional
22562s damage and these players don't tend to
22564s miss when given the opportunity clicks
22565s finding great room and giving his team
22568s an opportunity to breathe which is what
22570s you need in these end games
22572s yeah for sure slacks though by himself
22575s playing as a solo right now player up
22576s above him it's of course clicks and day
22578s there that's not a fight you want to
22579s take clips in day edging their way onto
22581s high ground they might actually be
22582s playing for the top position here but
22584s kanada doesn't want to give it up for
22585s free he's also based up all way up top
22588s here he's going to take a peek outside
22589s does he realize he's free no instead he
22591s gives it up this is starting to change
22593s elevation here everyone gives it up dj
22595s and the arms are going to be the team
22596s that ends up cranking up to the side
22597s here and it's theirs that is what we
22600s talk about that's that loot and that
22601s material count threshold that we saw was
22603s so heavily favoring into their uh their
22606s inventory right and remember they're
22608s coming off the hot streak of yesterday's
22610s multi victory royale streak as well in
22613s the previous qualifying round so i mean
22616s talk about a team that's on fire right
22617s now they might just line up their first
22619s win today yeah fantastic positioning
22621s there to be able to ramp up on the front
22622s side of the zone but it will take them
22624s out of the relevant action for now
22626s they'll just be raining shots down so
22627s the eliminations will be picked up the
22628s lower part why i love picking up one
22630s dubs picking up one mega picking up one
22632s as well looking for a little bit of room
22633s as n pen and d roller will also get full
22636s confirmed but look at the slight change
22637s on elevation there is no ultimate low in
22639s play because if you drop down the
22641s mountain is right there so dj and yamaza
22643s are just going to continue to run it
22644s down lars in the bottom right hand
22646s corner he gets cleaned up just outside
22648s the top ten we're gonna hop on board
22649s kanado tries to hop into a little bit of
22651s space but instead the straight line jump
22654s gets him ripped apart just to shield and
22656s 87 hp to his name
22657s i see miro find ryze in the feed but
22659s threats claps back and takes him out
22661s there too booga is left by himself
22663s edging his way around the outside
22664s threats manages to pick up nine
22667s eliminations this is so massive talk
22669s about eight
22670s and of course it does not stop here
22673s in the fight as he has to stop slapping
22675s he's working his way up
22680s what a shot on the mega there but
22682s somebody get pep on the line might as
22684s well sub in threats because man said he
22685s could use everyone right now and he's
22687s putting on a show a clinic one might say
22690s as he also has the med miss finding some
22691s space on the backside of the zone he has
22693s plenty of builds so old man mountain
22695s isn't going to end up being a problem
22697s here and he finally gets a little bit of
22699s space towards the side you can see 15 hp
22701s still has the men miss finds a little
22702s bit of room with 107 builds into the top
22705s six clicks and day find another one
22706s that's marzo w going down peterbot also
22708s going down they finding yet another one
22711s so nrg fans rise and rise you will as
22715s bilat tries to find his way through the
22717s catacombs of the player built buildings
22719s there looks like he's going to go down
22721s in just a second we should have a 2 v 1
22724s v 2 here to close out the game no bila
22727s just hitting the med miss finding some
22728s room and then he gets caught out so 2 v
22731s 1 v 2 ianto and dj up on the high ground
22734s threats the one man army the 10 he limbs
22736s himself drops down and that's in the
22738s clicks and days trying to take the 1v2
22740s still has plenty of builds isolates the
22741s 113 hp it gets taken down
22744s huge slowness right here
22752s trying to be able to find it they have
22754s plenty of resources going to top off
22755s with the truck splash and they're
22756s looking for the 2v2 day tries to find
22758s some room but immediately gets blocked
22760s off what great defensive building from
22762s dj
22767s still looking for room here today trying
22769s to find an angle over on the side five e
22771s limbs combined between the two of them
22772s three on this side you can see the
22774s additional plus one from yamaza so five
22776s verse four the victory real here will
22778s make a monstrous difference for whoever
22781s is able to run it through
22782s and they end up trying to get hit to hit
22784s they're trying to find some space trying
22785s to knock the tree but out of builds they
22787s are in the high ground could end up
22789s being it dj going to be forced to drop
22791s down putting the spray in only one build
22793s needs to try and parkour his way down
22795s but they're going to close it out
22798s and game number one here in qualifier
22801s one of chapter three season two goes to
22804s djinn and yamzo but clicks and day
22807s putting on a show as well as threats
22810s what a game indeed you got to see eons
22813s on dj and of course walk home with that
22815s victor royale up against the one and
22817s only day and clicks there big game for
22819s both duos but jin yamsel the confidence
22822s is on top
22823s yeah i mean four victor reals in round
22825s number three yesterday looked like it
22827s translated over and they had no problem
22830s putting on the makeup in the shoes over
22833s at command cavern and they walked away
22835s completely fine monster yeah we saw such
22838s a great performance out of them there
22840s what a big game and again contested at
22842s their drop spot that is of course an
22844s uphill battle in its own but of course
22846s we have the desk as well who is waiting
22848s in the wings to go ahead and break down
22850s the scoring here for us and give us some
22852s highlights guys
22855s thank you so much boys want to start the
22857s proceedings there i mean i mean we we
22858s have to take into account the teams we
22860s mentioned in the pre-show did manage to
22862s get into the end game but threats
22863s they're coming through with the insane
22865s double eliminations off the bat they
22866s vivid incredible stuff from the get-go
22869s man threats showing up and showing out
22872s amazing butt not to take any credit away
22875s from the dj and yamaza and listen me and
22877s svg man we got the biggest smiles on our
22878s face right now his pick getting first
22880s mind getting second let's go
22884s oh man enjoy this spg
22886s hey they did exactly what we expected
22888s them to do take height in game one they
22891s typically play really well off the start
22893s and i want to see them continue this
22895s because often times we've seen them do
22897s well in the first game or two and then
22899s struggle to continue that strength but
22902s we've seen in round three they they're
22904s just winning games they know what's
22905s going on right now and we're going to
22906s continue to see them play beautiful high
22909s ground take to take height on the front
22911s side of zone and and it's been so nice
22914s to watch these guys all season and i'm
22915s hoping it continues here yeah and i mean
22918s the thing about dj iamzo as well is
22919s they've managed to you know we said
22921s yesterday the amazing round three
22922s they've come into round four
22924s still
22925s feeling hot they're feeling good they're
22926s straight in i mean i mean this is a
22928s great start for these guys obviously
22930s last season
22931s it was brand new it was duos we had
22933s trios for a very long period of time now
22934s we have duos and of course there's some
22936s teething stuff at the very beginning
22938s with the yeah the first fncs but now
22940s this is like a chance now they've had to
22941s adapt to work together
22943s this is looking i'm gonna say it spg
22945s your pick is looking pretty good right
22947s now but
22948s as you mentioned vivid yours are too
22951s yeah we'd love to see you know spg
22953s praising them for taking that high
22954s ground but dan clicks really shown me
22956s how good they are in that mid ground i
22959s saw clicks at one point get a refresh
22961s give us max max and i was telling this
22962s video i was like listen this is it he's
22964s gonna run with it
22966s it was really impressive to see these
22968s guys play this mid ground and then
22970s ultimately take low here and this is one
22972s of the things that i think is that next
22974s step for them understanding that they
22976s can play together how to navigate
22979s different layers and end game and we
22980s know they're crazy good braggers they'll
22982s just clean up but it's the understanding
22985s of the layering the tarping that is
22987s going to push them to the next level
22989s here
22989s yeah it really is if you can understand
22991s that it used to be
23002s yeah so threats and rise all the way up
23005s at the top there 56 points on the back
23008s of that 10 elimination game there from
23011s threat so really putting his team up on
23014s the board they're in first place
23015s nonetheless indeed no surprise up there
23018s as well second place with 50 total
23020s points but look at this spg mega and
23022s dubs creeping in there you know i was
23023s expecting clicks and and day to be a
23025s little bit higher but no megan dubs
23027s actually third place eight eliminations
23029s going to be doing it for them
23030s that's a big game and we were watching
23032s behind the scenes i saw him get a little
23034s three piece and they just they're
23036s playing really well right now it might
23037s be time for the old school duo to come
23040s back and reign supreme we see a lot of
23042s the top teams up on that leaderboard man
23046s we can't talk enough about what threats
23047s did in that end game 10 elims by himself
23050s putting his team into first place it is
23053s so incredible but we also see crumbler
23056s and marzo w two names that i haven't
23058s seen on the leaderboard in a little bit
23060s they had a solid game one even though
23061s they're not getting the elims they made
23063s it through navigated that end game and
23066s hopefully they found the right formula
23067s here vivid
23068s yeah it's really great to see a lot of
23070s these names that we
23072s you know haven't seen in a long time
23073s like mega and dubs you know we know that
23075s they're always very very consistent but
23076s at the top you know maybe not so much so
23078s it's great to see them all the way up
23080s there hopefully they can continue
23081s throughout the rest of these games but
23082s another name that we kind of see a lot
23084s but haven't seen in a while is jack and
23086s ellis so it's nice to see them in 11th
23088s place kind of setting themselves up
23090s you know to be able to push themselves
23092s into that top five not a bad game 22
23094s points is definitely a safe number to be
23097s at but a trio that's actually sticking
23099s out for me on this page is bucky and cam
23101s we saw them dominate off spawn but they
23102s only got one placement point so if they
23104s can kind of figure out their mid game
23106s rotation i think that they do have the
23108s edge over at the daily bugle so i think
23109s they do very very well out of that but
23111s the rotation is clearly a little bit
23114s troublesome for them yeah that's a
23116s really great point and you mentioned
23117s that bucky and cam that could be a good
23119s off spawn fight for them while we were
23121s just sitting watching them if they can
23123s continue to win that now they just got
23125s to figure out the next half of the game
23126s it gets really difficult to navigate
23129s these mid games especially when they're
23131s as stacked as they are here on na east
23133s absolutely right game two is right
23134s around the corner is back to sundown mdf
23136s to bring us all the action over to you
23138s boys
23141s thank you so much adam vivid and spgm
23143s with one game down we have five more to
23146s go monster and so far the tale of the
23148s tape seems to be the eliminations yeah
23152s it really is and you know the the stage
23154s has really been set for us right big
23155s eliminations big games and most
23157s importantly it's coming from the vets
23158s the players that you really expect to
23160s punch that huge ticket in and go
23162s straight to finals well it seems like
23164s and we talked about it on kind of the
23166s intro show how there's a little bit more
23168s room for the experienced players a lot
23170s of the big name duos who in the practice
23172s in the second round the cash cups they
23174s aren't there they aren't in their spots
23176s and that means the ones who are get a
23178s little bit more room to operate a little
23180s bit more wiggle room and you can see
23182s that in that translating to these high
23184s elimination plays and then being able to
23186s pick up on these opportunities
23189s not only that our picks are pretty spot
23190s on but it does sound like that battle
23192s bus is ready so let's go ahead and gear
23194s on up to jump into game number two
23203s two of
23204s six
23205s closing in on a third of the way through
23208s hopefully a refresher if you're on the
23209s bottom half of the ladder if you're on
23211s the top half of the ladder you're
23213s looking to just keep the ball rolling
23215s right now top right hand corner we got
23218s psg tna muzz but in the bottom right
23221s hand corner we got our match one winners
23224s 50 points on the board but still quite
23226s not quite enough to contest
23229s with threats as 10 eliminations it's
23230s djinn ionzo heading up the top of
23233s command cabin
23234s crazy to think that it seemed like
23235s threats and rise pick up a full 10 piece
23238s and just break away with the lead there
23240s it is definitely impressive but not to
23242s shy away from an eight elimination uh
23244s elimination victor royale here from moz
23245s and avery though pressure is on huge
23247s tags come in and they're sending running
23249s right now very early it's sprite sprite
23251s checks on in muzzles got that right
23252s camera peak but this is not the greatest
23254s close quarter weapon yeah so i don't i
23258s don't know if i missed that right off of
23259s the start i think he might have clipped
23261s something and gone down to fall damage
23264s because i didn't see him actually
23265s getting knocked in the feed i was trying
23267s to keep an eye on that top left-hand
23268s corner but uh
23270s i think there might have been a little
23271s bit of a little bit of shenanigans
23273s happening earlier on there to avery we'd
23275s love to get a look back at that
23277s at some point off of the star saw
23278s something out of the corner of my eye
23279s but see what else happened i mean we
23282s talked about a command cavern might as
23284s well just cl cue the circus music
23286s because we got a lot of people nearby
23289s just look at the bottom right hand
23290s corner
23291s yeah we knew we knew it was going to
23292s continue to be contested here we knew
23294s it's going to be a difficult draw spot
23296s for anyone to play
23297s but on over to another spot that's not
23299s looking too high it's the chewy team
23301s here
23302s of course chewy pog sitting on top right
23304s now of the two teams down low why's
23306s teammate is farming off in the distance
23308s now he's the only player with shield
23310s currently so he kind of does have to be
23312s that tank of the squad if you will he's
23314s gonna have to be the guy who's on the
23315s front line here to take that initial
23317s battle
23319s should they get tagged first it's not
23320s gonna be looking too hot but they're
23321s looking for any angle possible right now
23323s yeah trying to get the first drop on him
23325s he does and we have to shock him but
23326s he's doing a whole lot of jumping and
23328s moving around for the person who's doing
23329s the ambushing like
23331s xenophobia is gonna know the players
23333s here but it doesn't matter if you get
23334s back to back tags like that 43 and 43
23338s that's 86 i can do math and completely
23341s breaks the shield so you talked about
23342s kind of that cumulative hp advantage and
23344s xenophobia is having to go straight into
23347s the utility and he's going to top back
23349s off so
23350s to me they should be happy with that
23352s honestly this mansion isn't a spot where
23354s you really want to contest if you can
23356s get 83 damage right away and get out
23358s before your opponent can lock you down
23360s like that's better than a worst case
23362s scenario now
23363s you're in a really bad spot because that
23365s damage has come through and if they want
23367s to chase they can make a problem out of
23369s it
23370s yeah
23387s and right now hopping in you can see
23389s rhythm and milks two e limbs on the
23391s board already so they were able to pick
23393s that up but you can see jamper already
23395s trying to get out of dodge as we're
23397s gonna get a replay of what went down
23399s here you can see
23400s milk able to section him off and a nice
23403s little piece control there jump shotgun
23404s comes out and he puts it to work drizzle
23407s and carry just get sat down almost
23410s immediately that was fantastic they're
23412s really good aim coming out from that
23414s drum shotgun of flu milks
23417s now looking for a little bit of room
23419s going to check the western side of the
23420s map one of my favorite areas of the map
23422s there's actually a surprising amount of
23424s loot in that area particularly if you
23426s want to take the time to fish but it
23428s gets a little bit more difficult in
23429s games quite like this when you have to
23431s deal with the storm surge however
23433s picking up those early e-limps means you
23435s get a little bit more options and the
23436s ability to kind of adapt your gameplay
23438s so we're gonna swing on over currently
23440s in fourth place second
23442s finisher in that game number one match
23444s energy duo clicks and day looking for a
23447s little room over in the joneses and our
23449s current leaders
23450s basically in the backpack of man city
23453s threats on his 10 eliminations we got
23455s threats and rise they got plenty of
23456s space
23457s over in rocky wheels just trying to hang
23459s out get a little bit of loot make sure
23461s they top off on as many materials as
23463s possible hit up the coolers and max that
23465s out a little bit and you can see them
23467s also making sure they store the floppers
23468s there
23472s it's going to take a little bit of a
23474s break a little bit of time here and
23475s actually right as i say that subscript
23477s going to go wall to wall that's inquest
23479s and aimred on the other side of it and
23481s they're going to actually slam down a
23483s shield keg here in the 1v2 situation and
23486s if i'm suspect i don't really want to
23487s try and take a drone out engaging
23489s against that but might not have a lot of
23490s opportunity you can see there's yet
23492s another team trying to move in he's
23494s actually heading straight towards them
23497s jack and ellis they're just lurking in
23498s the bush playing some bush bookies and
23500s they're going to be able to jump right
23501s on top of this looking good right now
23503s for jack and ellis they're initiating
23505s this fight on in they go this player has
23507s no shield they're going to swing around
23508s the sides here but of course break it
23510s open right give themselves a little bit
23512s more space it's a solo player in front
23514s of them it should be easy pickings here
23516s but suscript putting up in a fantastic
23518s fight here as he starts to tag back
23520s swings around the side there before
23522s getting fully taken out and just like
23524s that they get to honestly capitalize on
23526s the find here for young and uh team moon
23529s aim red there you see they manage just
23531s back up they don't want to rest
23533s or risk this game here
23535s there seems like there's another team
23536s that does want to it's a oxy and swirl
23540s as you can see now too everyone needing
23542s to head over towards this north and
23544s eastern part of the map so we're a
23545s little bit north again but pulling
23547s pretty far to the east with dan clicks
23549s being very firmly inside the zone which
23552s for them monster every time i vote
23554s review this seems to be the times when
23556s they have the toughest job of storm
23558s surge where nobody is being forced to
23560s rotate past them they can't kind of take
23561s advantage of it and they have to go
23563s looking for tags put something kind of
23565s an awkward position in some
23566s circumstances so currently have dj in
23568s the amsoil now rotating way over from
23571s the western side of the map so they got
23572s to hike as well
23575s i agree with you
23577s here
23592s right now you can see tahyun paper 33
23595s duo trying to find a little bit of room
23597s a little bit of space here
23599s sleepy sounds
23601s just outside to the eastern part here
23604s hide and seek over on the other side
23605s that's looking to try and take advantage
23607s of the paper doing a good job making
23608s sure he's owning those very awkward
23610s walls over the side you don't want to
23611s get caught trying to throw up a wall
23613s there being unable to
23615s see the other side of this fight in the
23616s bottom right hand corner but paper going
23618s to about face on the other team who's
23620s trying to get some tags on him saying
23621s hey leave us alone this is our fight
23624s and you can tell they kinda wanna you
23626s can tell they're looking to get a little
23627s bit aggressive you can tell there's some
23628s points available here and right as i say
23630s that
23631s paper gets backed
23633s down immediately
23639s disengaging looking for a little bit of
23641s room
23642s as you can see the shots are just just
23644s obnoxious enough they do have a shield
23646s keg they're willing to burn one of them
23648s papers going to want to make sure he's
23649s actually getting the tags from him and
23651s they're doing a good job of trading the
23653s tags out but because they're central to
23654s so many different teams and there's so
23656s many different sight lines eventually
23658s they're gonna get chipped away
23660s fortunately they do have plenty of
23662s excess shields that can go over the top
23664s here but right now it's a little bit
23667s tough it's a little bit tough as you can
23669s see everyone has pretty much a view on
23672s them in some way shape or form with
23674s clicks and day
23676s trying to execute a little nick merc's
23677s high ground take here on the steam
23679s monster
23681s yeah i agree with you i mean they're
23682s just looking up to try to get this
23684s ambush going right here
23685s it will just come down to a matter of
23687s timing though right they can go ahead
23689s and slip on in and be huge but dave's by
23691s himself he doesn't have the backup not
23693s just yet he's gonna go in anyways
23695s this is it he's committing to it he gets
23697s up on top and what a madman to start
23700s this fight off as a solo here
23702s i mean this is pretty much how clicks
23704s and day usually fight they let day run
23705s up and if clicks isn't there close
23707s enough it's basically click's fault in
23708s that regard because today he gets a
23710s little bit of a leash but sometimes when
23713s when he smells the opportunity to go he
23714s is going and he's picked up some points
23716s but it's also gotten him in trouble
23718s occasionally
23719s yeah definitely has in the past here
23722s for a team that's sitting on six points
23724s right now two eliminations this is
23725s pretty good for them but they're deep
23727s inside the storm right now trying to
23728s play for some deep tags now if they
23730s start a fight with a team that's on the
23732s edge there that could also backfire so
23734s that's a big decision you have to make
23736s for peterbot and bayla big fight for
23737s them here as well so much time on the
23739s clock to really finesse this battle but
23742s it's against veterans it's mars it's
23743s crumbler teams that have again been
23746s contested since the dawn of time we're
23747s talking way back to the stealthy
23749s stronghold
23751s and mars is no stranger to taking fights
23753s at every stage in the game one of the og
23756s arena grinders and crumbler on the
23757s opposite side these two have played
23758s together forever we're on the flip side
23761s of that peterbot has pretty much flipped
23763s duo's flip trios nearly every single
23765s season somebody is known as just a
23767s fantastic solo player but struggling to
23769s find consistency when it comes to
23771s teamwork aspen could bayla end up being
23773s that missing piece so far sitting in
23775s third place is looking pretty good
23778s peterbot sitting on the box right now
23780s again deciding hey do we take this fight
23782s do we jump in where's the angle where's
23784s the opener this team sitting very
23786s passively down below
23788s again controlling some of the pieces
23790s here nicely done there trying to play
23792s this real textbook very slow i like the
23795s edit hold right now you have a lot of
23797s visual
23798s awareness there but nothing comes of it
23801s finds a great angle it's a crumbler and
23803s no hesitation to find that shot there as
23805s well these are wood builds there's a
23806s perfect opener here and a weak wall but
23808s no doesn't want to fully commit and it's
23809s just mind games it's back and forth here
23812s peterbot though he's such a good player
23814s in the distance of teams to
23816s sneaks on in those are some great tags
23818s for them here it's gonna break up the
23820s pace right now so
23822s i don't see this fight progressing any
23824s further for now
23825s you're talking he's such a good
23827s individual player but you see there how
23828s the initial shot under crumbler i think
23830s he barely got a 30 tag you could tell
23832s he's like oh i can still press my
23833s advantage but just a little not quite
23836s having the experience and the discipline
23837s there when it comes to the team game
23838s mode knowing that hey if you're putting
23840s shots out there and you're pressing
23841s somebody's going to be looking for the
23843s looking the distance so when he did get
23845s cracked and backed up in that
23846s circumstance it didn't fully box himself
23849s up in that regard so a little bit tough
23851s in that regard because now we're going
23852s to swing over to ripa here chewie
23855s sliding right on into the box getting in
23857s on to the flu duo that was gross oh my
23860s god chewie
23862s man talk about you know playing to the
23864s game's mechanics in the state of the the
23866s season right there nicely done he's
23868s gonna just edge his way right on in
23869s there and they make that fight
23871s very quick they end it so quickly i mean
23874s that's the ideal version of taking a
23876s battle right there but now we see why
23878s bayla and peterbot have been fighting
23880s why they have really been pressing the
23882s issue here sundown they need surge tags
23885s and they need them now yeah they gotta
23887s go 13 below you can see just a minute
23889s left on the timer but with nobody else
23891s near them what are you gonna do rotates
23893s the center zone and hope to trade no you
23895s take this fight and you're going to dog
23897s it down but on the opposite side of this
23899s mars and crumble mars smart enough to
23901s know it's like hey are they just flying
23903s at us unnecessarily they're probably
23905s underneath surge immediately that means
23907s hey defense on hip to hip make sure
23910s we're looking at the same wall and
23912s peterbot is putting on a fantastic
23914s display of how to kind of micro utilize
23916s the sprinting to just move around these
23917s box by a little bit more efficient but
23920s it's not generating into anything
23922s monster and time is ticking
23924s what they are doing well though is
23925s pushing this team back little by little
23927s finding tags without getting hit back
23929s very much and this might be it this
23931s might be the opener he's been waiting
23932s for bob's going in he's not wasting any
23934s time here comes the setback though they
23936s wait hey listen these are enemy builds
23938s we shouldn't really do this
23939s this is the this is top tier play and in
23943s action right now and i love to watch
23945s viola and peterbot you know kind of take
23946s this as a master class right now look at
23948s how far they've managed to push this
23950s team back into fresh builds making them
23952s commit even more and now now they have
23954s the advantage and they have this storm
23956s line in front of them as well these are
23957s great tags here but day and clicks are
23959s also in a fight on the other side for
23961s storm surge as well it's important
23962s battle after an important battle right
23964s now yeah keeping an eye right on the
23966s outside of zone there but one thing
23967s peterborough they don't have to fight
23969s they did everything they needed to do
23971s they got their storm surge and they
23973s could just get away from this team so i
23974s don't understand why they're spending
23976s the extra time to kind of push these
23978s guys out they can still just get people
23979s from inside the zone which is exactly
23981s what they're going to do now so a little
23983s bit of extra pressure now now on the
23984s right hand side you can see clicks today
23986s they're able to get back above search
23988s but monster the difference between game
23989s one search and game two search game one
23991s we had ninety duos up right now now only
23994s or not ninety dollars ninety players now
23996s 76 so only three duos being hit instead
23999s of 10 by the storm surge
24001s and we've seen this right this is the
24002s type of pacing that normally does happen
24005s you have these big game ones the nerves
24007s are high everyone takes their time but
24008s then you reassess you re-evaluate your
24010s position in this in the tournament but
24012s hold up though it's a mirror zone too
24015s and some sense of the way it's going
24016s north again here so a lot of the western
24018s teams battling with that uphill kind of
24020s fight here and this is why we see it
24022s seems like eonzo and positioned up so
24024s greatly here already cuz the first two
24026s games could we be seeing a repeat
24029s performance as of right now if i had to
24031s throw a dart i think my odds are pretty
24033s high at hitting somewhere in the center
24035s because they are in such a key position
24037s right now
24038s yeah but right now on the right hand
24039s side somebody's in a key position but on
24041s the wrong side of the wall there you can
24044s see the bugle while providing fantastic
24046s sight lines look in the bottom right
24047s hand corner monster uh there's one duo
24050s these guys can kind of look like other
24052s look at otherwise they're aiming across
24053s the way and just 24 damage above they
24056s are hoping and praying that the other
24057s duos who are below stay below right now
24060s because they are out of any of their
24062s excess shields now only nine above chimp
24064s and spade
24066s reigning second place duo from the
24067s previous fncs has struggled so far today
24072s so far on the bubble here coming out of
24074s game number one right in the middle of
24075s the pack of the tournament and another
24077s surge issue is just chewing away at
24079s their hp pool here and it seems like
24081s they are starting to run out of fuel
24083s honestly right this vehicle is going to
24084s come to a screeching halt here shortly
24087s if they can't get out and find some of
24088s these tags they'll be stuck at the light
24090s sundown they won't make it to the show
24093s yeah but fortunately for them the light
24095s it held yellow for just an extra second
24098s the copper was hanging at the crosswords
24100s was like yeah you're okay you'll get
24102s through there but i
24104s very well timed revive coming out there
24107s from clicks trying to close out on the
24109s cooper trying to find an angle but
24111s almost goes for the pickaxe they're a
24112s little bit greedy as cooper's able to
24114s slip out the side and clicks now very
24117s much so on the back foot what extra
24119s utility do they have we already saw the
24121s daggone knock down they're on the edge
24123s of the zone they don't have any extra
24124s white heels that's a two tick zone they
24126s need to get back on the inside they're
24127s 16 hp 14 hp ticking down on clicks this
24131s is not a good position to be in
24133s not at all and if it touches it's gonna
24135s go to five tickets all over it doesn't
24137s matter he gets face checked by a team
24139s there omg me too elite and aviva the
24142s team down below there and unfortunately
24145s they are gonna fall just a little bit
24147s early and that's the hands of of course
24148s a mistimed battle there you saw that
24151s other team just slip on in and all of a
24153s sudden put their two cents into it and
24155s he gets punished for rising threats
24157s though they have managed to safely
24159s secure themselves a position here on the
24160s zone and it does favor them as well as
24162s it starts to edge its way down south
24164s things are looking to stabilize for this
24166s team right now and again they're placed
24168s pretty decently coming out of game one
24171s what a ridiculous zone for this game
24174s just just appreciating the fact that
24176s laird like everyone is boxed up it's
24178s just it's going to be so difficult this
24180s fifth zone and where the half in half
24182s out is going to dictate so much in this
24184s regard particularly because of where the
24186s high ground is and just the
24189s like the
24191s absurdity when it comes to
24194s bugle and these moving zones and trying
24196s to navigate them when you use your
24198s launch pads and what other rotation you
24200s have available to you like it's this is
24202s going to be a fun one
24203s if you could pick a difficulty before
24205s you lob you know jumped onto the battle
24207s bus this would be like max difficulty
24209s we're gonna put you in a beautiful end
24211s game it's gonna be very very uh tough to
24214s navigate this as you can see it's some
24215s of the highest verticality you can ask
24217s for but more importantly yeah you know
24220s webb still around the area there's all
24222s types of things that can play against
24223s you or play for you in these matters but
24225s for bila and peterbot
24227s surge is now starting to get active here
24229s they are well above it pretty
24230s comfortably they're going to be able to
24231s make their rotation free of charge for
24233s now of course the biggest threats here
24235s are the teams that have already
24237s positioned themselves up on the outer
24238s edge it doesn't seem like anyone's
24239s actually looking in their general
24241s direction so peterbot gets to slip all
24243s the way on in through and honestly they
24245s save a lot of material for what it's
24246s worth that could cost so much more yeah
24248s that's a great sight line and angle from
24250s them and because of the first one you
24252s generally expect
24254s other teams to try and trickle in but
24256s they're going to be able to about face
24257s and pretty much cut off that rotation so
24259s you can see everyone kind of packing in
24261s towards the outside of this circle
24263s because the next zone will be that half
24265s in half out so it will no longer be
24267s concentric to the previous circle it
24269s will intersect it and honestly if i was
24272s a betting man monster i'd put it on the
24274s eastern side of the zone i don't think
24276s it's going to end up pulling back inside
24277s the bugle and if that ends up being the
24279s case everyone who is on that interior
24282s has such a tough pull here in two
24283s seconds
24284s all right ladies and gentlemen if you
24286s were on sundown side you
24289s were not right it goes east here wait
24291s somebody
24296s it's gonna be even more difficult for
24297s players that are inside the daily bugle
24299s here they're gonna have to climb up and
24300s over the divots or funnel their way down
24303s south into a team like threats and rise
24306s acro and cinephobia here though nice
24309s usage of that armored wall that are
24311s completely shut out bucky and cam they
24313s were winning the trade there but they
24315s felt like there's a lot of pressure
24316s coming back at us let's go ahead and
24318s fall down for a second but hey they have
24320s bigger fish to fry bigger issues to
24322s worry about now right it's getting over
24324s this volcano essentially this crater
24326s that they found themselves stuck in
24328s and right now you can see
24329s zeus and jamie trying to find some
24331s angles some good shots coming out from
24332s jamie he's just gonna get him 30 above
24333s and he's also going to slam down an
24335s armored wall saying nope no entry from
24337s there no entry from there it looks like
24340s they're trying to get an angle here
24341s maybe set up a low pad but instead
24343s just going to ipad and go all the way a
24345s little bit dangerous considering the
24347s sight lines across there but everyone
24349s else is too busy rotating to bother
24351s spraying some shots over as we're
24352s basically going to have a full reset on
24355s the high ground the positioning as
24356s everyone is forced to rotate through but
24358s the storm surge will take back over
24359s there one of two duo's being hit jamie
24362s does have plenty of choke swatches to be
24363s able to offset this initially and
24365s because of the rotation they will just
24367s barely be able to tick back above so
24369s they'll relieve that pressure for now as
24371s they about face and start spraying shots
24373s away
24381s you can see
24383s mura looking for a little bit of room
24385s here looking for a little bit of space
24388s trying to find
24389s what they're able to do here you can see
24391s jamper dukes up on the high ground cam
24393s and bucky four eliminations to their
24394s name
24395s much better than what we had previously
24397s seen in game number one don't forget
24399s qualifier number one
24402s last season they were able to just run
24403s away with it in the first four games
24405s largely on the back of bucky's igling
24407s and cam's ability to just slay
24409s absolutely everyone who came in their
24411s path and oh my good golly gosh we are
24415s going right back over to where we just
24417s were this full move is one of the
24420s hardest because everyone has already
24422s invested their pads and we're going up
24424s and over and it sounds like i got
24426s another guest with me hello can you hear
24428s me
24429s how's it going sundown shire wager here
24430s ready to go and see exactly how this
24433s zone acts with and you're talking about
24435s it right it's so tough to maneuver
24436s already and by the state of this game
24437s everyone's already used half their mass
24438s to get to this spot they've got a
24440s quarter of the tank left to keep going
24443s and keep going they have to because
24445s they're going all the way up over the
24447s hill through the river and it's not to
24449s grandmother's house it's the sixth zone
24451s and hopefully the fncs finals a ticket
24454s is what awaits them and if you're able
24456s to chain together two good games like
24458s you've seen previously you're in a
24460s pretty good spot as crumble's able to
24462s pick up jaith in the feet acro ends up
24463s getting by the dj now has a great angle
24466s taking over on the side but is going to
24468s need to cut in shortly as canada agers
24471s up on the high ground miro takes to the
24472s sky yet again looking for some more
24475s space and only 25 above the surge make
24477s that 19 below shia and it turns on
24479s too many layers active for too many
24481s different duels right now and cap right
24483s now booze will be rolling in the same
24484s time with his teammate he's gonna be
24485s tough to see exactly what they can do
24486s from their spot because the ground is
24488s also falling d-roll is the one all the
24489s way down low meanwhile though sundown no
24491s one up top is stopping cannot end agers
24494s on having this hype
24495s yeah they're just gonna be able to rain
24496s shots down everybody too busy worrying
24498s about rotations we're gonna pull south
24500s and west so out from where everybody
24502s else rotated there should be a little
24504s bit of space and some old bills to be
24506s recycled as we hop back on board our
24508s match one winners here dj and yamzo four
24510s victory reals yesterday in round number
24512s three can they keep it
24515s exactly rolling
24516s they'll try to do right now
24518s buy some threats
24520s the captain's position still looking to
24521s see what they can find completely out of
24523s options another time between every
24525s single possible threat kind of denied as
24527s long as the rights try to just pick this
24529s one up from the ground
24531s threats you put 10 eliminations down by
24533s yourself last game rise it's your turn
24536s to step up to the plate what can you do
24539s where will the solo clutch be and will
24541s you be able to ride it out top 15 duo's
24543s remaining been in the cascading
24545s placement points for a while every duo
24546s that goes down is plus one and the enzo
24549s and djin trying to find some more here
24550s they'll get the knock onto one great
24552s confirmation coming through yonzo
24554s looking for a much needed refresh he'll
24556s only get the 15 base mats from it and
24558s then he'll be able to about face he gets
24560s hit to him but you can see kind of down
24562s agers almost completely out of matt
24564s schaio and we're still pulling away
24566s they'll have to abandon high ground
24568s we need to do something for one of these
24569s low ground teams if we get a refresh
24571s completely in there but who can
24572s accompany already down here doing as
24573s much damage as possible this is just
24575s crazy in terms of just dominating that
24577s mid-ground there are complete refresh of
24579s mats as well for boogie they cost them a
24580s little bit a lot of hp for the total
24582s team as well topper in this blow ground
24584s there but look at this
24586s oh no complete edit open and booga's
24588s down
24589s okay gets blasted koni owner right
24591s around the corner he takes the right
24593s hand de roller goes down the right side
24594s but him and n pen another good placement
24596s game as miro gets picked up that's ninth
24598s place agers and kanata still looking to
24601s hold on to that high ground but
24602s absolutely no bills they're just walking
24604s alongside the second tarpon i think they
24607s were able to realize that it gets ripped
24608s away he's trying to find the shots but
24610s instead just throws down some chug
24612s splashes might have caught a teammate
24613s there but it doesn't matter because he's
24614s able to get hip to hip gets edited down
24617s and cleans out bank that's a much needed
24619s elim as mars finds one of his own he's
24621s up to three by himself and pushes into
24623s the top four
24625s duke is the one kind of in the middle of
24626s everything watching
24627s just the world collapse around them
24629s somehow still surviving with just a
24630s little bit of hp finally he goes down
24632s all to mars now to maybe do that solo
24634s dream make it possible but it's a dual
24636s below the dual above that he has to deal
24637s with kana's got all his mats back as
24639s well all the options available for this
24641s spectacular individual this is beamed
24643s down and never miss a single spray
24645s owner goes away coney's gone and with
24647s another shot that's death down two
24649s kanada makes it look too easy
24652s canada agers just riding out the high
24654s ground barely ever shot at and even then
24657s when they didn't have max they said no
24659s problem we'll just walk on the opponents
24661s he gets edited down and he finds a much
24664s needed refresh and then really good
24666s awareness over here on the side just
24668s making sure he's spraying down putting
24670s the pressure for his teammate and look
24671s at the tracking shield
24673s it's almost perfect this is the pressure
24675s that they had it was almost permanent
24677s pressure from the start of that fifth
24678s zone all the way to the end of the game
24679s is just unstoppable like how do you deal
24681s with that as any player in the lobby i
24683s mean being able to grab the high ground
24685s there in those moving zones i mean
24687s basically whoever claimed it first it
24689s was yours nobody had the ability to both
24691s rotate and fight off heights so good
24694s timing by them and good execution to
24696s close it out
24697s absolutely we'll see exactly what the
24698s desk has to say about that one because
24700s it should shake the standings up towards
24701s the top ten
24705s yo what's going on and it's your boy
24706s ziggler's prime i know i've returned but
24708s don't worry adam we'll be back in just a
24710s little while for now my goodness kanata
24712s and agers i feel like now that i'm
24714s jumping back into na east vivid it's
24716s almost just like oh yeah those guys are
24719s really good of course they're going to
24720s win the game right
24722s of course they are zeke and yes of
24724s course zeke welcome back of course you
24727s know it's great to see you and uh it's
24729s great to see canada and agers taking the
24731s higher ground there and as sundown
24733s mentioned kind of towards the end here
24735s they were practicing their zero build
24738s mechs there at the end because they did
24739s run out of mats but bank kind of edited
24741s them in there gave them that quick
24743s refresh and they went ahead and cleaned
24745s up the rest of that game with ease
24748s it was a really solid game by them we
24750s know they can play high ground and
24752s they're gonna consistently do it kanada
24754s picking up several elims towards the end
24757s of that game and that should shoot them
24758s right up the leaderboard we've only
24760s played a couple of games so these two i
24762s was a little worried to see how they did
24765s especially when we thought they would be
24767s contested off spawn but clearly cannot
24769s agers you're not contesting those guys
24771s they now have greasy all by themselves
24773s and they're running away
24774s i think the only thing i could ask more
24777s of this duo right guys is maybe just
24779s like more eliminations right they're
24780s probably kicking themselves thinking
24782s like and those those three points per
24784s eliminations is really juicy five listen
24786s five eliminations and a victory out
24788s super awesome right but now it's about
24790s making sure we can get all the points as
24792s quickly and as efficiently as possible
24794s right because we want to make that top
24796s five we'll take a look at our standings
24797s in just a little bit to see how things
24800s are actually going here remember in case
24802s you've forgotten in case you're tuning
24804s in for the first time welcome to the na
24806s east region this is the fncs and at the
24808s end of six games whichever duos fall in
24810s the top five they will automatically
24811s qualify to finals two or three weeks
24815s from now and that's worth fighting for
24817s right now after that game we got agers
24819s we got kanada jumping up from fourth
24821s place or excuse me four places
24824s up now and now in their top three that's
24827s okay vivid that seems pretty good
24829s yeah yeah yeah getting all the way up to
24831s that third place is very very good you
24833s mentioned that top five as we see our
24835s top five kind of shaping up a little bit
24837s here just after two games though the top
24839s three standing out from the rest of the
24841s pack dj and the amazon have another
24843s great game putting themselves at 81
24844s points threats and rise up there at 79
24846s points but as you can see they only have
24848s 12 eliminations which means they only
24849s actually got two eliminations that came
24852s so a little bit of a slow down for them
24854s what do you think spg
24856s yeah it's been a little bit of a
24857s slowdown but it's only one game and just
24859s so you guys are aware you see those
24861s little numbers next to the placements
24863s that's how much they rose or fell so we
24866s see
24866s 13 places up for death and coney owner
24870s they just shot up the leaderboard with
24872s that massive second place a ton of elims
24875s and we see 13 places for qua and tabs g
24877s down there as well a lot of movement
24880s going on and i'm gonna just keep rolling
24882s with it 25 there by redux and play as we
24885s look at 11th place and that's just
24887s another big game everyone shooting and
24889s mixing up the leaderboards right here
24892s a lot can change right you know this is
24894s this is the kind of beauty of the new
24896s format the new kind of juicy number and
24899s i actually like behind the scenes in eu
24902s had this question
24903s for our analyst is three points really
24906s that much crazier than two points like
24908s it's just it's just one more point
24910s sundown was like no zeke you're dumb and
24911s 50 is good and i was like oh actually
24913s okay and now we see it right the the
24916s points are just off one incredible game
24919s vivid you could just be like hey i'm not
24921s even in contention just kidding hello
24923s top ten it is i and my duo
24927s yes sing i think that your problem here
24929s is you're quantifying them as just one
24930s elimination right but if we can threats
24932s is ten elimination game from that first
24935s game right we do 10 times 2 that's only
24937s 20 points but then if we do 10 times 3
24939s that's 30 points so that's an additional
24941s 10 points with the three points per
24943s elimination right so we know these
24945s players do get more than one elimination
24947s here zeke so that one point difference
24950s does make all of the difference when it
24952s comes down to these leaderboards
24954s that's a great point there vivid
24955s especially as we expand it out over the
24957s six games i mean 30 points just talking
24959s about that one one game by threats
24962s that's the difference between let's say
24963s first and eleventh right now and that is
24966s huge and you know as we continue to roll
24968s here the geniums are looking really
24971s strong death and tabnay starting to move
24973s up the leaderboards and then obviously
24975s kanada and agers making their mark with
24977s this last game but they've been all over
24979s the place and we see a little djenniamzo
24982s unfortunately not able to make that top
24985s five here but a solid game by them
24987s picking up enough e limbs to secure that
24989s first at least for the time being
24991s i think that there's a strong start
24993s right i mean currently right around 81
24996s points you know not terrible right vivid
24999s they're hanging on and if they drop like
25001s one game i think they're still fine
25003s right as long as they can look to make
25004s up those points in a subsequent game
25007s listen your words are very comforting to
25009s me because dropping one game is kind of
25011s what clicks and day did there they did
25014s fall down seven
25015s spots there they are now hanging out at
25017s 12th place so not ideal for my
25020s prediction but hey listen i am still
25022s confident in those boys
25025s i think it'll work out well
25027s oh yeah yeah i mean look if anything can
25029s still happen right again that was just
25032s game two everything's fine no one bust
25034s out pitchforks listen four games
25036s anything can happen and anything will
25039s happen this is the fncs it's time to
25041s jump into our next game on the day so
25043s let's get over to the casters to take us
25045s in
25047s thank you so much zeke vivid and spg
25051s sorry i had to put my uh pitchfork away
25053s real quick i said that we weren't
25054s calling for him yet two games down
25056s closing it on the halfway point i got
25058s shia wager with me to call the rest of
25060s the action absolutely i've been watching
25062s so far and i'm just seeing that it's
25064s elim heavy towards the top five of a
25065s bunch of these teams if you're making it
25066s towards the end sundown you're not only
25068s surviving you're mega thriving yeah
25070s you're making plays and we've seen some
25072s individual solo efforts really be able
25074s to beat the difference and as the deaths
25076s noted that plus three per eliminations
25078s you think oh wow it's only one
25080s additional point what does that really
25082s mean but you have to look it in the
25083s context of total overall points right
25085s plus one when it was only two points
25087s before is a fifty percent increase in
25090s the value when it comes to eliminations
25092s that's pretty significant
25093s yeah i mean that's a whole basically
25095s halfway point for some of these teams
25096s you look at these games for some of the
25098s bottom players as well when you look at
25099s you know maybe thinking about the future
25101s in finals they only get a few
25102s eliminations overall per game so you
25104s have that extra little tidbit you're
25105s boosting more than just miles of the
25107s port
25108s and sometimes you're able to just take
25109s advantage but who will take advantage of
25112s match number three we're about to find
25113s out
25121s right
25122s batch number three up on board this is
25125s where sometimes the strats ends up
25127s changing the people in the lead start to
25129s solidify their game styles but there's
25131s always those underdogs ready to take
25133s that new crown
25135s yeah basically match number three is
25136s where we really start to get a good look
25138s at what the top five is if you're able
25140s to put together three consistent games
25142s it puts you in a circumstance where one
25144s more even solid kind of top 10 a couple
25147s elimination games almost guarantees you
25149s a spot for the final and that's a huge
25152s alleviation when it comes to stress when
25154s it comes to thinking about the rest of
25155s season when it comes to prep you can
25156s really just focus on hey what is the map
25158s looks like we don't have to worry about
25159s the other qualifiers we don't have to
25160s worry about the open rounds as we've
25162s seen here in nae's have been a little
25164s bit tricky for some duos as we have dj
25167s nyamzo our current leader sitting at 81
25169s points and
25170s man djinn has that drop under that
25172s balcony you're perfected
25175s almost pixels of a difference between
25178s him just not making it falling that is
25181s basically perfect in terms of the
25183s landing and having control up here so
25185s nice at the same time having inhuman
25186s reaction speeds can also suffice for it
25189s if you're not getting the best spot on
25190s drop and avery right there just shut
25192s sprites dreams down it was avery last
25194s time who was knocked almost immediately
25197s this time getting the revenge and you
25198s can see the cooldown of the 25 minutes
25200s there didn't impact him at all and still
25203s feel real good about that especially
25204s considering he had the big pot there was
25206s almost trying to pop and he's like hey
25207s 350 shield thanks sprite
25211s and then just how canada and ages also
25213s end off that last game with the win they
25215s start this one off with the same type of
25216s momentum a big bang they're just getting
25218s greasy completely almost to themselves
25220s virtually basically uncontested because
25222s this fight just looks effortless from
25224s the side of kanada
25225s and i mean it's going to take a whole
25227s lot less effort when you roll a
25229s legendary burst pretty much off of the
25232s rip i mean we talked about just how good
25234s of a player canada really can be but
25236s when you give him a weapon disparity
25238s particularly like that at the start that
25240s thing rips
25244s all about where you go from there as
25245s well and although he'll be good on surge
25247s overall too you're talking about the
25248s differences
25249s in you know points overall from two to
25251s three when you have that legendary burst
25253s in station as well you're hitting shot
25255s after shot at the shot that adds up for
25256s your damage totals as well it's not
25259s going to be the easiest for jack and
25261s ellis to get out of so the towers have a
25263s few teams overall to deal with and
25265s they're making things look really sticky
25267s game red
25268s i think this are here and
25270s it's going to be such a weird fight
25271s happening all around somehow illest is
25273s down jack's landing more than 300 damage
25275s per second it looks like but still isn't
25277s finding all the eliminations to go with
25279s them he's got one someone else just
25280s escapes in the vehicle completely i
25282s think the number one thing is he's saved
25284s illest for now and he's just gonna be
25285s able to pick that res up and go on as
25287s mary
25289s yeah now the people into the stairs
25291s trying to get him back up on his feet
25292s before slacks and clarity come crashing
25294s down knocking on the door saying who's
25297s in there but
25298s was a little bit of an awkward fight
25299s honestly really well played from jock to
25302s just deal with everything that went on
25304s there getting knocked up in the air from
25305s the car hopping in real quick the player
25307s hopping out he hit pretty much every
25308s shot he could he's been able to get his
25310s teammate up and slack says well nobody's
25312s getting that car and he just drives it
25314s right on into the gap
25318s it's fun to see you know just throughout
25320s the seasons
25321s slax and jack go back and forth between
25323s different poi sometimes just together as
25325s well on different
25326s sides of teams and we're not told that
25329s it seems like even if you do make it off
25330s of spawn you somehow find the duo that
25333s landed there in the mid game in those
25335s storm surge situations and your destiny
25337s never really ends
25340s does your destiny really ever end shia
25343s does it really ever end
25344s like when you get to the final of it
25346s it's like oh you completed your destiny
25348s then what do you just like kind of hang
25349s out your life purpose is over with it's
25351s like you destiny plus
25353s imagine like if you're
25355s like you have to continue in the same
25356s pathway so like you know
25358s if your destiny ends sundown and they're
25359s like they give you an option it comes
25360s like a zeke are you taking the new
25362s destiny plus
25364s do i have like the option of like
25366s prestige is that basically what that is
25367s do i just like going
25369s do it
25377s are you sure i can't be literally
25379s anything or anyone else
25381s could i be like a pet rock is that an
25382s object
25388s um i mean
25390s is the other option to just kind of like
25392s hang around just like um you could shut
25393s around just kind of chill you can wait
25395s till the next patch yeah um
25397s do you know i might i might have to just
25399s hang around in that circumstance if
25401s that's the parameters of the option just
25403s like uh you know i'm so in djing right
25405s now just kind of hanging around looking
25406s for some shots that anybody might be
25407s rotating away from command cavern uh you
25409s know unlikely just hang around as you
25411s can see cam doing right now bouncing
25413s around using the webs to try and rotate
25415s through efficiently using them much
25416s better than i do i feel like any time i
25418s touch those things i just go in the
25419s opposite direction from what i want
25421s i was about to say i was trying to teach
25422s someone to use those webs a little bit
25424s and grab the zipline all the way up top
25425s yeah okay
25427s let's just say we never made it out of
25428s the first zone so
25430s that's a tough one yeah
25432s it's like okay you just hit this one
25433s then you hit this one okay no i swear i
25435s did this just a couple seconds ago okay
25436s so you hit this one at like this angle
25438s no you have to run and jump and sprint
25440s okay well the zone's coming let's just
25442s hop in the car that's how that
25443s conversation went
25445s yeah pretty much word for word verbatim
25447s maybe you were listening in or i was
25448s playing with you who knows but
25451s yeah that's
25452s how it really broke down and released
25454s clicks and day i think just seasons
25455s across they find these eliminations
25457s where they just shouldn't be allowed
25458s like on rotation by the sanctuary
25461s they're picking up a body i just never
25462s see that really happen in any region for
25464s any players
25465s i
25466s i don't i'm not positive that was their
25468s knock they were able to secure an elim
25470s point going through early on there but i
25471s think the shots came out from the side
25473s there you see one player over in the
25475s boat just kind of just ripping away the
25477s rockets now those are unlimited it's a
25478s good little bit of her ass but
25480s didn't see the other confirmation come
25482s through but again better start here from
25484s clicks and day we've talked about them
25486s generally struggling when it comes to
25488s consistency in these lobbies they have
25489s those really really high points but they
25492s tend to struggle to kind of chain them
25493s together and sometimes get a little bit
25495s caught in the mid game they're able to
25497s clean that up though they're one of the
25498s scariest duos in niece but speaking of
25501s scariest duos and naes bogan miro still
25504s just moving around
25505s occupying tons of space right now
25508s you think there should be like uh i mean
25510s it doesn't make sense in this context
25511s like a salary cap for teams and what
25514s in duo's like the skill cap basically
25516s because there's there's no like salary
25518s equivalent right but it to balance like
25520s like duo's in a sense like booga and
25522s miro does not just seem unfair for the
25524s rest of any east
25526s i mean if that was unfair they'd win
25528s absolutely everything right they don't
25529s win everything i feel like na east and
25532s arguably eu as well i think they have
25534s probably like 10 or so players who are
25536s kind of in that upper echelon but it
25539s really always feels like there's a
25541s little bit of a shake-up in nause you
25543s know what i mean out of any of the
25544s regions i would say are arguably like
25546s you look down in brazil and whoever has
25547s magazine that's where i'm just like okay
25550s this is like he wins everything 50 of
25552s the games go to him might as well just
25553s like give him the crown right now
25555s we have we haven't really seen that in
25557s any eastern europe even n a west had uh
25559s arkham rex an epic whale for a while but
25562s that kind of petered out towards the end
25563s and it always seems like nauseo and eu
25565s have just had a constant changing of the
25567s guards at the top
25569s this is actually very true i would
25570s always equate it to like maybe if it's
25572s not wins this like top three top five
25574s guarantee for some of these teams that's
25576s just still so nice to have under the
25577s belt right like the comfortability of
25578s that obviously they're still working
25580s hard right there's this opening of the
25582s hours that's
25583s absolutely crazy the amount of work that
25585s goes into it but it just seems like you
25586s know there's guaranteed to this top five
25588s every single time
25590s but we're also not seeing that across
25591s like all the tournaments right like
25592s we're not seeing one of these duos just
25594s win absolutely everything when it comes
25596s to cash cups and third-party tournaments
25599s and fncs right there's always just a
25601s little bit of disparity when it's coming
25602s through particularly in n.a east and eu
25606s we just have so many of these players
25607s who are able to if they have everything
25609s going for them really press their
25611s opponents
25613s this is very true there's always chances
25615s for an opening to rise for another
25617s player to come through
25619s and i think that's what's good for the
25620s top teams as well it means you always
25621s have to be innovating you always have
25622s been putting in a different style of
25624s work it's not just about being good but
25626s being different enough every single time
25628s to where no one can really catch up to
25629s your level two and right now
25631s chip and spade have a chance to do that
25632s as well
25634s a lot of these
25635s teams might be used to being overall all
25637s the way close to
25638s top five of a chance this season to kind
25640s of rewrite their own history and do just
25642s that i think with this blue pool the
25644s amount of damage that's on the board as
25646s well and the balancing with the shield
25647s the other side is uh just in general
25649s across the map with the vehicles being
25650s taken out there's a chance for just raw
25652s gameplay to show through and i think we
25654s saw it earlier on the day as well just
25656s the way end games are playing out now it
25658s is just completely insane and with the
25660s duels format as well solo clutch has
25662s become that much more so possible and
25664s are a lot of fun to watch
25666s yeah you get a little bit more room to
25667s operate it's
25669s a little
25670s less unfeasible when you open up into a
25672s duo that you might be able to win that
25674s fight if you play a couple things well
25676s they do a couple things wrong and you're
25677s able to take advantage of it it's a lot
25679s harder to do in trios when you're facing
25681s down just the one extra member you can
25682s dedicate somebody to just perma holding
25684s a wall they're slapping a pre-edit in
25686s your face when you might have the
25687s opportunity to make a play and we've
25690s seen people take advantage of that hen
25691s over in europe last season able to
25693s basically win the fncs on one of the
25695s more ridiculous solo clutches that we've
25698s seen over on the right side of your
25700s screen you can see lancers picking up a
25702s key elimination much needed there on to
25704s susscript over in the zone and he's
25707s gonna be able to about face it looks
25708s like he has fusion's card as well so
25710s he's gonna be happy about that
25713s so might be one person needs to go right
25715s through and yeah that's
25717s tracking him as well what a perfect time
25719s to drop down on layers diagonally to
25721s perfect waterfalls as well to get all
25723s the way down to the ground and it always
25725s seems like the people with the best loot
25726s are way back in the zone as well so he's
25729s gonna have a lot of ground to cover to
25730s get back into this game yeah plenty of
25732s madness though this we're gonna hop on
25733s over to the first elim here from lancers
25736s and nice little mantle move to actually
25738s get up one extra box into the 175. it's
25741s going to about face a 140 onto and
25745s then he puts them in the blender that's
25746s a fantastic opportunity to work around
25749s the side we saw the reset after the fact
25751s but hey man take a bow that was great
25754s clinical and just
25756s wasn't even a pre-fire by any means it
25758s was just well tracked well-timed and
25761s just great i hope we get to see that all
25762s the way to ungame and then get that
25764s reboot rolling in as well becca picking
25766s up chewy in the feed that is one big
25768s just male stroma before stopped by
25770s another one as well i mean megan and
25772s dubs i feel like at the start of this
25774s game or the start of the tournament game
25775s one uh apologies they they just popped
25777s off as well some really really good
25778s fourth overall seven elims that's huge
25780s to start off the day yeah and we talked
25782s about them a little bit on the pre-show
25784s and even in the green room before the
25786s show when we were looking at the drop
25787s map looking at where players might land
25789s we were like wow something mega got a
25792s lot of room
25793s there was no one near them at shifty
25795s shafts and well sometimes people will
25797s talk down on shifty shafts and kind of
25799s the sight lines the advantage and the
25800s amount of available loot there um if
25802s there's no one within like a couple of
25804s grid spaces of you right it doesn't
25807s really matter the quality of the drop
25809s spot because you're just able to do
25811s whatever you want and so far they're
25813s finding the eliminations and this is the
25815s type type of dubs and mega i like to see
25817s play i like to see a little bit of early
25819s admit aggression because they do have
25821s more chemistry and just overall better
25824s skill than a lot of these other duos in
25827s the circumstance because they've been in
25828s these situations how many hundreds of
25830s times
25831s absolutely in all those situations the
25833s hundreds of them that you're mentioning
25834s it's always kind of also been a little
25836s bit of a comeback story for them i think
25837s the last three games are always their
25839s strongest so to have such a good one to
25841s start off today to have that in the
25842s roster already and that's a seventh with
25844s eight elements by the way not a fourth
25846s seven my apologies uh it's still really
25849s good and it's like a buff overall to
25850s what their you know total standings
25852s should be at the end
25855s shia look at the bottom left-hand corner
25857s right now
25860s love this so this is this is actually
25862s something that is fantastic and he got a
25864s hit he just hit someone oh my god that's
25866s so good so boxing up on top of one of
25868s these cannons in any other type of
25871s fortnight gameplay even just in a cash
25873s cup that's not a round two in the
25875s circumstance you will never ever ever be
25878s able to do this effectively because
25879s people will just move away from it you
25881s don't know where people are boxed up
25882s those are very slow moving however in
25884s this circumstance where players are
25886s boxing up with excess materials they're
25888s showing you exactly where they are you
25890s can start lobbing some of the shots over
25892s there granted it is much more efficient
25894s to just take out your scope burst rifle
25897s and start spraying ar shots however it
25899s is much more hilarious when you direct
25901s somebody with one of those rockets right
25903s as they're fighting
25905s yeah i mean
25906s this is just
25908s unfortunate for the people who are
25909s basing up there's not much else they can
25911s really do
25912s but at the same time yeah i mean it's
25914s just complete bullying this is easy
25916s damage to people to get for surge
25918s overall as well and it's just a nice
25920s strategy good control to be there first
25922s before everyone else
25925s chamberlain more shots after the fact as
25927s well
25927s while the cannon keeps raining
25930s skittles on the right side is in a very
25932s different world of her users
25935s not going to be the last one going down
25936s there still needs to be one player that
25937s leaves before that surge is gone but
25939s they're really feeling the hurts and
25941s he's gone yeah and unfortunate for him
25944s another player drops almost immediately
25945s after that and while the cannon might be
25948s hilarious from duke it seems like jamper
25950s is the one who is putting in almost all
25952s of their storm surge work just finding
25954s some great angles and some great tags
25956s particularly on these players trying to
25958s rotate around the northern side of the
25959s zone so honestly really good positioning
25962s and teamwork out of the two of them
25965s split blaze two from miro and buga
25968s this is just to be able to get as much
25970s mats under the belt as possible might
25972s cost you a few tags here and there but
25973s that's fine
25975s but look at all the control they have
25977s basically stopping certain rotates
25979s being a little bit more elusive overall
25981s and not the focus of you know possible
25983s cannon fire and at the same time many
25986s other different
25987s random box dives as well especially the
25989s surge line i like the fact that they
25990s actually split up a little bit and stay
25992s far away a little bit more incognito and
25994s spread apart
25995s yeah i i don't necessarily know how i
25998s feel about the loadout from klux and him
25999s being the one in the lead because if
26001s somebody opens up on him he's not going
26003s to be able to really effectively return
26005s fire so now he's kind of just stuck here
26008s looking down and looking up at the
26009s supply crate without something to shoot
26011s it but day luckily is able to catch up
26013s and see here flow trying to find a
26015s little bit of space here towards the
26017s side great peace control into the
26019s harpoon and that was fantastic by flow
26022s and trap
26023s the fact that an elimination like that
26025s can come so fast as well it's very tough
26028s especially people who are desperate of
26030s the back lines mirror and broken though
26032s they don't need that many strategies
26034s when it says hey beam at wall hopefully
26035s we get one elimination they get two yeah
26038s this is what i say i wonder where they
26039s picked up their elim because it didn't
26040s seem like they were getting bogged down
26041s in any kind of fight well just throwing
26043s shots towards somebody fighting for
26045s storm surge and hey sometimes the dice
26047s comes up seven and they're able to take
26049s that one away as adrius has a fantastic
26051s beat on to spade and chimp here looking
26054s to make their lives a little bit
26055s difficult but might just be scouting for
26057s info
26060s all right for this zone adria's position
26061s sundown what are you doing to get in
26063s what is the what does the rotation look
26065s like um honestly i would have about
26067s faced and started walking right now like
26069s you already know there's other duos on
26070s the outside if they turned around they
26072s should see the fact there's only one
26073s other duo there and as long as they're
26075s able to go before all of the other trios
26077s who are on that western side can kind of
26079s establish themselves just on the edge of
26081s the zone they should be fine but ignore
26083s me they have a whiplash so they're going
26085s to hop in the whip skirt right to the
26088s edge of the zone no problem for them
26089s they're going to box that thing on up as
26091s well because that is a very full hp
26093s whiplash for this late in the game
26096s like a couple weeks ago you would have
26097s seen that all the time i don't think
26099s we've seen that at all so far today
26101s yeah i think there was one instance of
26103s one that got fully bullied it's so tough
26105s to get it out of greasy and specific i
26107s mean with certain zones it's so easy to
26109s first of all hear it you have to have
26110s chunkers to use it so it's a little bit
26112s high profile as well but having it in
26114s that spot specifically with old builds
26116s on the right side any of these low
26117s ground teams are going to be unable to
26118s park right beside that base and even
26120s bully the builds that are around the car
26122s they're looking really good in that
26123s makeshift garage meanwhile dj picks up
26126s jack on the way to his next zone move
26129s dejin his rifling has been fantastic so
26132s far today i don't just want to say today
26133s because his rifling is almost always
26135s fantastic while iamzo is very good close
26138s range not saying that either is bad at
26140s the other right but it's just every time
26142s you tune in to djing it seems like he
26143s just has a perfect feed has a scope has
26145s a line on players it's never just one
26148s shot right like that's the difference
26150s between players at the highest level
26151s here everybody can sneak a rifle shot a
26153s first shot accuracy shot in every now
26155s and then it's about getting the angles
26157s where you're able to sneak in multiple
26158s particularly when you have that burst
26160s you chain all of a sudden a body shot
26162s into a headshot or two headshots
26164s together and you have a window to go or
26166s you force utility out of the other
26167s players for right now plague and
26169s radiographs they're going to be forced
26170s to either go or use utility as they are
26172s 61 below and that storm surge is turning
26175s off
26176s well you told us they really have to use
26178s striker pump was in hand when redux had
26180s a free shot over maybe a beam could have
26182s been a little bit better but no other
26183s options available with that look he'll
26185s put a little bit of damage on the board
26186s but 51 below still
26188s they're looking pretty nonchalant right
26190s now still just kind of eyeing out what
26191s they need to do instead of actually
26193s moving and doing something in 15 seconds
26195s that relationship between surge and them
26197s is not going to be so peaceful
26199s six duos will all be pressured by surge
26201s three of them on the screen right now
26202s top of the page plague and redux 22
26205s below bottom left edan and ab 35 below
26208s they're immediately into a fight there
26210s edam loses almost the entirety of his hp
26212s but av is able to just barely get them
26214s back above we can see in the right
26215s bottom right hand corner peterbot by the
26218s 52 above they do have a shield kick that
26220s the drop down and try and offset the
26222s initial bit of surgeon redux and plague
26224s off of that first dive they're able to
26226s stay above same story for bogo and miro
26229s they're able to keep themselves just
26230s above with 109 as players are beginning
26233s to drop but still five underneath the
26235s pressure
26237s 10 total players kind of need to go down
26239s before this pressure ceases i think for
26241s peterbot he's been sitting looking at
26243s that number 60 for a long time now no
26245s one is falling that's trouble some
26247s armored walls put out so there's no
26249s chance for him to have any safe edits
26251s forward to be able to deal much damage
26253s they're playing the full defensive four
26254s people now gone down six more need to
26256s leave and that zone is starting to move
26258s soon too so they have multiple
26260s dimensions of pressure on them a lot to
26262s be able to use but there's nothing to
26263s really stop them now they do have a
26265s little bit of damage above some of those
26267s teams have gone down some room to work
26269s and breathe with
26270s but let's see where they go from here
26271s rise and threats down shadow and me too
26274s down room to operate at the top of the
26276s table and so far after the first 10 elim
26279s game out of threats they've started to
26281s stall first place after match number one
26283s but so far only really adding a couple
26286s of points on to their total here but
26288s yonzo and dj looking to pull away
26290s looking to maybe secure a top five here
26293s with still three games left to play they
26295s could do it with a solid enough
26296s advantage 40 above the search they need
26298s to be wary as only one duo will be under
26301s pressure here we're also closing in on
26303s our cascading placement points two have
26304s been given away the next round start we
26307s get to our top 25 duo of some three more
26310s we'll need to go down as we're going to
26311s hop back on board here bureau bogo
26314s looking for a little bit of room 72
26316s above for them as kanata picks up one
26318s somebody else picks up another that's
26320s agers picking up a double on the larson
26322s and kowanti and that's going to turn off
26324s serge and shia we're going back to the
26326s north over to the crossroads
26328s this is so bad for every team they kind
26330s of just moved in and kind of left the
26332s west and east open for themselves
26334s overall if the zone does pull north or
26336s south that is north right now everyone's
26338s gonna have to move through all builds
26339s they just have to basically jump over
26341s and on top of each other it's gonna be a
26343s stampede look at the way things are
26344s basically sectioned out here so you
26346s can't go left and right you have to just
26347s go move through all of these builds
26350s move through all the builds or straight
26353s up the middle there is a little bit of a
26354s window there and we're seeing now if you
26356s peek towards the bottom right hand
26357s corner most of those triangles are going
26359s to hit that middle gap as fast as you
26361s can because going around the outside
26362s it's going to cause a lot of damage
26363s redux picking up the confirmation on to
26365s accept one more duo needs to fall and
26368s we're into those cascading placement
26369s points but right now dj's also very low
26372s on maps they're looking for a little bit
26374s of room here
26375s that wall on the left could be a nice
26377s box time for the harpoon
26379s on the tragics that might be the angle
26381s i'm so patient on this shot not really
26383s doing much damage yet but he's going to
26384s be the one to take away a hundred shield
26385s of his own hp bars dj also going down to
26389s the same fate he is gone wiped out iamzo
26392s it's all up to you now to hold on to the
26393s lead one build just barely above 100
26396s combined hp trying to find the back side
26399s of that box instead finds a little space
26401s on the grid just gonna take a knee right
26403s there you know trying to buy a little
26405s bit of time 40 seconds on the clock
26407s sorry wrong sport there will use his
26409s last build and then gets chewed up
26411s ripped apart that's the drama shotgun
26413s from above taking advantage and he will
26416s go down 21st there that was bila who's
26419s able to pick him up and close that one
26421s out as redux in the top right corner
26422s feet trying to find some real plague
26424s just barely holding on with a sliver of
26426s hp bulga goes down the bottom right hand
26428s corner as mira finds some room but look
26430s who's up on the high ground yet again
26433s agers canada just raining shots down
26435s from above and shia i feel like i read
26438s this book already
26439s i think i see the roller on low as well
26441s with the tabnay and dashu
26443s moving around it's the same thing
26445s entirely i think this is the biggest
26446s difference dubs and vega or dubs and
26448s mega having a little bit of control down
26450s low that will actually make things so
26452s much harder for all these low ground
26453s teams and you can see day ends up
26455s picking up rhythm but then mega ends up
26457s getting clicks and mega gets the
26458s confirmation there to roller then picks
26460s up dubs it is just utter chaos on this
26462s mid-ground tarp but through all of that
26464s mira was able to pick up booga and while
26466s he doesn't have a ton of hp he's back up
26468s on his feet and the solo world cup
26470s champion is as dangerous as ever looking
26472s for a little bit of room but somebody
26474s who knows something about danger that's
26476s day he's looking for a little bit of
26477s space 17 builds not a ton of white hp
26479s doesn't want to take these storm ticks
26481s but facing off against the metal wall he
26483s takes two there that could end up
26484s playing a difference with only 70
26486s effective hp trying to close it on top
26488s 15. he gets the line there will he be
26489s able to get the confirmation he gets the
26491s knock but it was a duo so no extra
26494s points and he will fall in 15th that's b
26496s picking up back to back ones there
26499s and meanwhile we watch all this low
26501s ground commotion go down bala is here
26503s locking away even more pressure down try
26505s just can't even move but now he's gonna
26507s be forced to actually move over top of
26509s these builds c is gonna be taken apart
26511s and needs to go for a few of these mats
26512s possibly even but with 500 wood what
26514s more do you even need there's not much
26515s even left over this isn't the cost of a
26517s lot of hp too something he can't really
26519s afford down to what 30 20. one tick
26521s almost yeah 20 down from going for those
26523s builds and it was just 50 that he picked
26525s up canada still raining shots from above
26527s jamper picks up a two-piece for himself
26530s is he trying to add more nuggets to that
26532s veal looks like he might get picked up
26533s right after that mega ends up going down
26536s nani goes down to the hands of beef as
26537s the roller still up on his feet coney
26540s ends up taking out beef but belief
26541s picked up three or four for himself so
26543s good individual effort there as flo
26545s tries to catch it back on up he's
26546s popping flops over in the back of the
26548s zone hoping to get another point and yet
26550s chayo i'm telling you man this is just a
26552s bad remake as on the high ground ages of
26555s conor not getting shot at but no builds
26557s in miro alone yet again boog it down but
26560s he dives on in and he finds the solo
26562s bailout gets picked up and he's into the
26564s top five
26565s a spinning top that can't be stopped
26567s miro is just sliding over these belts
26569s and doing crazy damage d rollers still
26571s just popping off and ages is finally
26573s down so kanata might be able to get
26574s taken out but he takes out duke and
26576s jamper in the matter of an instant now
26577s we're down to four teams miro with a
26580s humongous shot on the canada now he
26582s rules the skies with 11 hp how far can
26585s he really go he's trying to pop the car
26587s to get the explosion to expose somebody
26589s there get one shot he will have an
26591s opportunity but he has no more builds he
26594s has 11 hp he could drop down onto the
26596s cone but any damage he's going to get
26597s shot out and de-roller will not miss the
26599s tags through there the original fncs
26602s invitational champion tries to clean it
26604s out but coney drops in and cleans the
26607s fight out at the end everyone was
26609s looking up and instead midground just
26612s plows through cleared it up three four
26615s eliminations and the victory royale
26618s i mean you give them a little bit of a
26620s chance that the damnit gonna roll in and
26622s take apart everyone around them coney
26624s owner is just there at the very end of
26627s the game ready to just look inside this
26628s box and pick people apart it's just too
26631s much deja vu started off sundown but a
26633s very different game at the end very
26635s different but i mean when we talk about
26637s leaderboard implications i feel like it
26639s might end up being roughly the same
26640s they've gained 14 places in the last
26642s game and with that victory royale
26644s they're gonna rocket their way up into
26646s the top five as we close in on our back
26648s half of games
26654s dude sundown is just so intelligent you
26656s guys ever just think like i could listen
26658s to sundown tell me about like paint
26660s drying what the process looks like and
26662s i'd be like yeah this guy's really smart
26665s i could do that you know what i'm saying
26666s anyway back to this last game that is
26667s not a diss by the way this is 100
26669s serious sundown so don't clap back later
26671s uh wow cody under owner and death shoe
26674s they get themselves the victory royale
26676s boys and i do want to celebrate this
26678s moment for them right for this duel
26680s however
26681s i have to still think about like kanada
26683s and agers right still making it into
26686s that top three with what we saw at the
26688s time was six eliminations and as well
26690s buga and miro so it's a huge win for
26693s coney owner and his dual mate but
26695s there's still so much else going on
26696s around them vivid
26698s yeah huge game for death and i love the
26700s fact that you point out you know even
26702s though they did get the victory out so
26703s many other teams just put in so much
26706s work towards that end game as well we'd
26708s love to see the uh agers and kanada up
26711s on the high ground again looks like they
26712s had full control but they did run out of
26714s builds no refreshes came through so
26716s eventually they'd have the drop down and
26718s even when he did go for a refresh mirror
26719s was like no let me just stop you right
26721s there so a lot going on and that game
26723s was definitely chaotic in the end game
26726s super chaotic and one of the people that
26728s took advantage of that was miro and we
26730s know this is how they won last f and cs
26732s it was booga clutching solos miro
26734s clutching solo hey they're back on their
26736s same horse they're riding it once again
26738s he's somehow able to pick up buga right
26741s here like okay and then now he just goes
26743s on pikachu rocking taking down multiple
26746s players on his way and securing a ton of
26749s placement points that honestly they
26750s should not have gotten
26752s yeah i think for me miro has always been
26754s that player right it's just like he he
26757s can
26758s look at a game and be like what micro
26760s advantage can i acquire here and what do
26763s i need to do to achieve that and then he
26765s just like disappears into the shadows
26767s and then he comes back and it's like yes
26769s booga is still up hello we are now
26772s jumping in your box good luck everybody
26774s like they're just such great players
26776s what else uh excited you guys about this
26778s last game was there anything else that
26779s stood out to you
26780s uh definitely peterbot and byla coming
26783s through i know that they put up a large
26785s number of points and that is because
26787s another solo clutch came through but
26790s before we get there you know peterbot
26792s and viola have already had two
26793s eliminations and this is impressive in
26795s its own right seeing that they are 25
26797s below right there and then getting a
26798s quick amount of tags in to make sure
26801s that they are good for the end game and
26804s you know we've talked about a little bit
26805s spg but not too much these launch pads
26807s playing a big part in the season them
26809s actually opting to use it there to get
26811s to that half zone
26812s oh yeah the launch pads are so key
26814s especially as one of the big movement
26816s items we see peterbot go down and then
26818s violet's just able to take the rest of
26821s this game into his hands just like miro
26823s solidifying a ton of placement points
26826s picking up a couple limbs and putting
26828s his team in a much better position i'm
26830s interested to see where they find
26831s themselves on the leaderboard because
26833s now this is i believe their second or
26835s third solid game that they've had and
26838s they're a team that we talked about at
26840s the top of show they're going to be
26842s fighting for one of those top spots
26844s i like that spg let's take a look at
26845s these standings together and see how
26847s things are going looking at our top five
26849s peterbot jumps on in and exactly like
26853s you're saying i love spg let's go baby
26855s keeping up with them story lines right
26857s because of that game
26859s now they're looking at d jen and yamco
26862s and they're saying oh hello are you guys
26864s in top five we'd like to knock you out
26866s of top five a vivid
26868s yeah not the best game from dj m so they
26870s are going to be dropping down with 92
26872s total points there but you know we
26873s mentioned agers and kanata they were on
26874s the higher gun didn't actually end up
26876s getting that victory out but they got
26877s plenty of points to keep themselves in
26880s that first place position with 120 but
26883s following closely is death and tapping
26886s 125 points only one point separates
26890s these top two teams but look at this spg
26893s buga and miro showing up they are in
26896s third
26897s yeah they were hanging out in six the
26898s past two games and you know they're
26900s about a half game everyone's in that 90
26902s to 70 behind death agers kanata and
26906s tabnay and they're all going to be
26908s fighting for it one team that we've seen
26910s put a couple of solid performances
26912s together as d-roller and m-pen we
26913s mentioned them during or the casters
26916s mentioned them during the last game but
26918s that is a team that seems to be hot
26919s right now and playing very consistent
26921s the elims aren't there like everyone
26923s else but nonetheless they're
26925s consistently getting themselves to the
26926s end game and putting themselves in the
26928s arena
26930s this is page two vivid you got mega you
26932s got dubs are sitting in 11th place i
26934s mean look because of the format i'm not
26936s super worried at least right now
26939s i think with the next game leaving only
26941s two left i will be more worried but with
26943s one big game vivid any of these guys
26945s could just show up in the top five right
26948s yeah exactly and you know we saw right
26950s there i think it was all the way down to
26951s like the 15 position we had 67 points
26953s but then like in 10th we had 71 points
26955s so there is not a lot of points
26958s separating those duos right now and i'd
26960s love to see clicks and they actually
26961s make themselves back up to that top 10
26963s position of my prediction of course that
26966s first played spot looks very very good
26968s on them
26970s it's that top five what everyone wants
26972s it's gonna be a close one as we go into
26973s the second half here's he
26975s oh sbg got me hyped up boy let's get
26978s ready to jump back into more fortnite
26979s action we've got monster d face who's
26981s back in the house and sundown standing
26983s right next to him so gentlemen over to
26985s you
26988s thank you so much zeke vivid and spg my
26990s name's sun down joined by monster d face
26993s here to close out the back half of the
26994s game some monster i know you've been
26996s keeping a close eye on things what are
26998s your thoughts so far
27000s dude miro miro is just popping off that
27002s ridiculous clutch right there in the
27004s very end and then of course d roller
27006s popping off as well just really getting
27008s on his uh his own little steam train
27009s there was super impressive to see how he
27012s continued to take out big names like
27013s d-roller was truly the upset of that
27015s last game yeah and with just three games
27018s left particularly here in match number
27020s four we're going to see a lot of very
27022s much leaderboard informing matches we're
27024s going to see kind of what it takes to
27026s place in that top five so far it's
27028s averaging just above 31 points but
27031s enough from us let's get into the game
27040s all right ladies and gentlemen the
27041s qualifier won round four and game number
27045s four is here this is the back half of
27048s the tournament you guys watched game one
27049s game two game three unfold but now how
27052s well have the players been doing how
27054s well can they continue to stay in the
27056s running right now if you're a team like
27058s kanata and angels you want to upkeep
27060s that momentum that they've managed to
27061s pick up they're currently sitting at 126
27064s points just a single digit single point
27067s away from the teams trailing behind them
27069s but it hasn't been easy right they've
27071s been fighting for it and after that
27072s victory they picked up in game two i
27074s mean it was looking like they might have
27075s secured the game three win too
27077s and sprite first the weapon here on the
27079s drop gets great tags on the muzz but not
27082s quite able to finish him trying to get
27083s the angle slides in but gets blocked off
27086s by the wall so now he's gonna need to
27088s regroup up with his duo and we've seen
27090s just the madness that is command cavern
27092s how quickly these fights can resolve and
27095s maz is gonna need to get with this duo
27097s asap
27098s what's crazy about this is you can see
27101s what placement the teams are currently
27103s in this general area of the command
27105s cavern for the most part if you've been
27107s landing inside the cavern it's been a
27109s pretty rough day for you that at least
27110s for the first three games because there
27112s are players everywhere right they're
27113s really fighting that fight right here
27115s and it hasn't been easy for anyone in
27117s the feed big names getting taken out
27119s there though bucky finally does lose the
27121s daily bugle battle and i saw dubs pick
27123s up at early elimination as well so it
27125s does seem like maybe a team might have
27127s gone in his general direction on over to
27129s the shifty chefs or he picks someone up
27131s out the sky which is also possible
27133s because of the elevation and the loot
27135s that's there um either way book is going
27137s to find some early game tags here and it
27138s does seem like a bit of a skirmish going
27140s down for our third place team uh so
27142s that's a nice little feel good moment
27144s there you're able to pick up a beat on
27145s an opponent just kind of on the opposite
27147s plateau headshot body shot with that
27149s burst rifle and that's gonna get those
27151s storm surge tags ticking away as you can
27154s see right hand side we'll transition
27155s over kurt fourth place team
27157s d-gen and e amso sitting on those 92
27160s points and also don't forget we say
27162s fourth place we're looking kind of at
27163s the number team number four that's where
27165s they currently sit on the leaderboard
27166s but that number does not account for
27169s tiebreakers so keeping that in mind as
27171s muzz will keep in mind his early game as
27174s he'll get sent back to the lobby they're
27175s gonna have to clean that one up but a
27177s brilliant job making sure they resolve
27179s that fight those sprite and nouns that
27180s we talked about sprite putting the early
27182s damage down but they took a little bit
27184s too long to resolve that unfortunately
27186s as nowzy gets pushed back and some huge
27188s shots from him but not enough but the
27190s huge shots end up basically being a nice
27192s little parting present this is the
27194s madness the clown fiesta we talked about
27196s in the cavern cue the circus music as
27198s just duo after duo filters in
27201s yeah for every blow given another one of
27203s equal if not more powerful returns right
27205s back at him because there are so many
27207s duos here looking to continue to jump
27209s into the mess here jump into the fight
27211s and create some noise themselves and you
27213s can see that it has really come at the
27215s detriment of multiple duos now the
27218s command cavern uh just really being the
27221s place of uh the home of elimination if
27223s you will in
27225s in other words
27226s this is a place i don't think anyone
27228s should be trying to dip their toes into
27230s you right the water's a little too cold
27231s on this side of the pond
27234s yeah
27235s like you can see the appeal it's roughly
27238s centered it's on the west side of the
27239s map which shout out catch analytics if
27241s you've looked at a zone breakdown you
27242s have a higher percentage of pulling
27243s towards that side and there is just an
27246s absolute i mean just metric a ton
27250s and i mean ton of resources and
27252s consumables in this area and you can see
27254s why like you can happily foster six plus
27256s people here but the loot pass once
27258s you're committed to inside it just makes
27260s it so easy for everybody to trickle into
27262s these fights to just get chipped from
27263s different angles you're not covering
27265s every single sidewall and it's really
27268s difficult on top of the fact that you're
27269s just getting scanned out constantly by
27271s somebody above
27272s yeah that's the thing too right that
27273s information drive that download that dj
27276s nyamzo would be getting from up top i
27277s mean if you start rotating out at that
27279s moment it's over you're gonna get picked
27281s off and they know when it's time to come
27283s on down because they can just see how
27285s many players are how much threat is
27286s lingering nearby when it's too much you
27288s know what it's not worth their time they
27290s just get on out of here and they
27291s actually end up being the guys holding
27293s players inside the zone so if you're in
27295s the command cavern it just never really
27297s seems like it's gonna work out um not at
27300s a surface glance at liso seeing a team
27302s like season
27309s the bronze you can see he is going to
27311s decide to go ahead and rotate on out the
27313s side there and continue to get his pace
27315s on here but for sonetto for 7w i mean
27318s they've already found a little bit of
27320s success here three elims better than
27321s most
27323s three elims largely just being able to
27325s trickle into that fight a little bit
27326s later but you can see jason cash just on
27328s the outside trying to get some shots in
27330s immediately onto the wall that sees it
27331s gets taken and they're gonna back up try
27333s and find another angle and they're gonna
27334s be able to catch it cash gets caught but
27336s then sanetto returns fire jace ends up
27339s going down and they're now trying to
27341s push through cash is running like he
27343s just got stolen from a bank and he's in
27345s a robbers bag he wants nothing to do
27347s with that fight esenetto 7w pick up
27350s their fourth elimination here in the
27352s cavern and they're putting some points
27353s on the board i mean before this they had
27355s nine now they're adding 12 to the tally
27357s here 21 total and if you're gonna get
27359s the ball rolling here's a good way kick
27361s it down a hill
27362s yeah what's wild about this cash and
27364s jath are doing pretty okay in the
27365s tournament right they're in that upper
27367s bubble almost inside the top 15 there so
27370s that's a big elimination the big team to
27372s take out it just seems like 7w and
27374s sennetto have really figured this out
27376s and started connecting the dots here but
27378s the replays roll on the music continues
27381s to play take a look at some of the other
27382s perspectives of the fights going down
27384s the command cavern cash and j for also
27386s finding a bit of success here this is
27387s why they wanted to stay around but of
27390s course you saw like we just broadcasted
27392s over
27392s ch7w
27394s they're doing just that as well so it's
27396s like you know vehicle versus brick wall
27399s you know there's no tension it's back
27401s and forth it's a big collide there
27404s right now we see some other shots being
27405s sprayed out for bugger does have that
27407s legendary scope burst rifle going to be
27409s able to just right click or left trigger
27412s whatever your button is for that aim
27413s down sights pull up that nice little red
27415s dot in when you're as good and accurate
27418s as the solo world cup champ he's gonna
27419s be able to find those shots but somebody
27422s who knows a little bit about being
27423s accurate and again we talked about how
27426s generally we don't see better games from
27429s mega and dubs till we're in the back
27430s half of the games guess what monster
27431s we're on game number four three elims
27434s all in the back pocket of dubs 79 points
27436s and they've all sudden push themselves
27438s up from 11th to 7th in just this early
27442s game
27443s huge that's how close the standings are
27445s as well it really gives us an idea of
27446s what those points are looking like right
27448s if you wanted to see what dubs is doing
27450s well take a look here it's the shotgun
27452s coming into play here he's gonna find
27454s mentality there we're talking about how
27456s some of these newer folk some of these
27458s newer players making it to this final
27459s stage might just be up for grabs against
27462s the vets and that's what dubs is really
27463s doing right now he's finding some of the
27465s new blood out there right and claiming
27466s those elimination points and think about
27468s it as the stages develop on as we get
27471s later into the tournament phase right
27472s the points change the format right now
27475s and the way the points work out
27476s eliminations are weighted so much more
27479s and that's why we're seeing teams like
27480s dubs now three elims mean so much it
27483s jumped him up four full placement points
27485s uh i was about to say man is yamzo
27487s driving that car because uh oh actually
27490s yeah
27491s was driving that car because he's 14 he
27494s definitely does not have his permit
27495s maybe 15 now but either way don't want
27498s him on the road because uh that was that
27500s was a little sideways there make sure
27501s you uh do all of your driving lessons if
27504s you're out there and
27505s if you already have your license then be
27507s responsible and signal even if nobody's
27508s there if you're making a turn come on we
27510s want everybody to get home safely there
27512s are limited cars now on the island you
27514s got to take good care of them nobody
27515s wants to be calling no sweat insurance
27517s and dealing with that right as we hop
27519s back on board here current leaders still
27521s holding on to their spot by just the
27523s point canada and agers plenty of space
27526s yeah i haven't really earned anything
27528s but neither has the team right behind
27529s them right because otherwise they would
27531s have been overthrown so a single
27533s elimination separating the two uh big
27535s wolves the alpha dogs in the pack here
27538s but for ages and kanada they're they're
27539s keeping a low profile they're really
27540s taking their time and trying to decide
27543s how they can find their storm surge tags
27545s they found themselves in i think a very
27546s peculiar situation they're kind of
27548s isolated you saw there for a brief
27550s moment the drone shot revealing there
27552s wasn't really anyone nearby them and
27554s that's something you have to weigh in
27555s when you start picking your spots if
27557s you're not very high up in a high
27559s position to look outwards i mean that's
27561s the kind of stuff that's going to
27562s backfire but looking at the zone now it
27564s is going to just edge out all the
27565s players from
27567s that are coming just out of that chunker
27568s speedway and it does seem like it's
27570s gonna play into a favorable position for
27572s them rising threats though they have
27574s kind of fallen down a couple of places
27576s the last two games they have a ways to
27578s go after dropping that first 10
27581s elimination first game and having that
27583s first place spot i mean they've tasted
27585s success in the tournament so far they're
27587s looking to recreate that magic
27589s i mean they had 56 points after the
27591s first game and since then stalled out to
27593s 80 so it just really goes to show one of
27596s those really solid games you pick up a
27597s lot of eliminations can make such a big
27600s difference yes they've had some two
27602s really rough games since then however
27604s because of the performance of that one
27606s game they are still very much so in
27608s touching distance of that top five so
27610s they know hey doesn't matter what
27612s happened to game number two game number
27613s three buckle down here get a couple
27615s points let's get into that top 25 and
27618s let's have a go at it and we've seen
27620s there in plenty of times where if you
27621s don't look at the entire qualifying
27624s process in the round as your individual
27626s game but instead you look at it as kind
27627s of the tournament management book and we
27629s i've talked about this into oblivion
27631s where if you're death and tabnay or
27633s you're counted on agers right now or you
27636s want to chill you're taking no access
27638s fights because you know you get into one
27640s more end game here and get in some solid
27642s points you're basically guaranteed a top
27645s five you create you created a 30-point
27648s gap to the rest of the field you don't
27650s need to stretch that out from here on
27651s out you just need to hold on to it and
27654s as i say that actually you see kanata
27656s picking up a knock on to bila in the
27658s feed that is monster oh not by the
27660s excuse me pick up a knock onto av in the
27662s feed as we're watching bilo right now
27664s that's huge for them
27666s yeah i was going to highlight that as
27667s well kanata with the knock there we
27668s didn't see the finish though so it does
27670s seem like the exchange the revive might
27672s be happening inside that box there in
27674s the distance
27675s unfortunate unfortunately yes exactly
27678s very fortunate that he did find the
27679s surge now when this zone ends up closing
27682s i mean as of right now six players have
27684s to go down we've been about around this
27687s area after the last couple games that
27688s first one being the most staggering of
27690s course up at the top let's take a look
27692s where ages and kanada are right now if
27693s you bring your attention to that map
27695s right there you see there are about 150
27698s damage above the search it's not too
27699s much but it's not too bad right now it
27702s could be much worse obviously there's a
27704s couple teams on the map right now that
27705s are sweating
27707s yeah but tabnay aka kony owner letting
27711s everybody know that he is the one who
27713s owns the cones aka coney crossroads
27716s that's how spaka and trash they're 198
27719s below so uh they need to get tagging 224
27722s below that basically means hey rifle
27725s shots aren't gonna do it we gotta jump
27727s right in somebody's box especially when
27729s you see that glace is sitting on that
27733s epic drum shotgun they're just gonna try
27735s and drive right on in but n pen is
27737s having none of that tries to rip that
27738s aisle cards to i'll cart to shreds glace
27741s immediately tries to go over the top one
27743s but now just gonna try and get an angle
27745s 166 below isn't too ridiculous to
27748s potentially try and rifle out but it's
27750s gonna be hard
27752s no but this is the way you do it you
27753s don't wait until the final moments to go
27755s and get on up you gotta go early and
27757s that's at least what they did so i can
27758s respect that that's an admirable push
27760s right there unfortunately they didn't
27762s find the exact tags or really get to
27764s initiate the fight the way they would
27765s have wanted but they have put themselves
27766s in a much better position now notice
27768s what's happening there glace is up top
27770s kind of by himself trashy has decided he
27772s wants to take the water wall exchange we
27774s are watching such a good fncs right now
27777s high level play high level mechanics in
27779s action literally the best the region has
27781s to offer and you're watching the players
27783s make these decisions that are honestly
27785s gonna make or break their tournament run
27787s right now this is a fifth place team on
27789s the other side of the barrel right now
27790s this means everything not only for them
27792s but of course for trashy and glace who
27794s want to stay alive right now it's the
27796s box they go beautiful exchanges happen
27798s they have someone on that back side of
27799s the wall can glace actually finish the
27801s job it's going to be the question here
27803s on the other side day and crew are doing
27805s just that as well right sundown there's
27806s a lot of action on your screen right now
27809s yeah and de roller got picked up there
27811s and it was actually agers who got the
27812s confirmation looks like glace was the
27814s one who got the knock though as they
27815s were able to get the elim over and it
27817s got them just barely above 23 above but
27820s 560 above and still fighting is day and
27824s click so it looks like they feel they
27826s have a good enough advantage to take
27827s that but clicks takes a ton of damage
27829s he's desperately trying to disengage
27831s dave tries to get over to him and he
27832s gets ripped apart the drum shock and
27834s able to take him down cooper ends up
27835s getting picked up but now clicks which
27837s is 57 hp and his teammate is knocked not
27840s confirmed yet just not
27842s yeah it does look like there's a team in
27844s the distance sending in that incoming
27846s additional fire that in that additional
27849s shot from the side there and that's
27850s going to be why click's elimination
27852s actually gets finished there but day
27854s isn't fully finished because that extra
27856s pressure pushed that team off of them
27858s you can see they actually backed up they
27859s didn't even secure it this might be one
27861s of those stories that just end up
27862s piecing together so nicely for day and
27865s clicks here very very fortunate for them
27867s to be able to actually even play for the
27869s safe even entertain the fact that they
27871s can get the pickup right now you don't
27872s see that very often more often than not
27874s this is done and wraps for a team that
27877s gets dropped in a fight like this i mean
27879s clicks even left clicks left like he
27881s just straight up he left and then
27882s realized day is probably just screaming
27884s at him be like hey no one's near me hey
27886s revive hey they left teammate clicks
27889s help
27890s but they're able to double back down and
27892s i think it's super beneficial that it
27894s wasn't the people they were actively
27896s fighting who ended up getting the knock
27898s right i'm pretty sure it was a teammate
27899s on the side but they didn't want to
27900s commit to it because it seemed like they
27901s weren't necessarily tracking what was
27903s going on or because that team ended up
27905s getting knocked immediately it could
27906s have ended up being them right and then
27908s they got cleaned up so the other team
27910s didn't have the info because they
27911s weren't tracking luckily due to all the
27914s other action going on but now we're
27915s gonna swing on over peterbot and bila
27917s still just holding on right around that
27919s fourth and fifth line
27921s yeah they're doing a great job here
27923s holding and maintaining position here
27925s and they have i mean trap and flow in
27926s their sights
27928s and the replay though take a look here
27929s as nanny and cooper this is that fight
27931s that we saw unfold and how day
27933s did get knocked there and then fully
27935s finished by the other team so that's
27937s that limited little bit of information
27939s that was missing as to why clicks
27941s managed to survive and get away and day
27943s wasn't fully finished so the story does
27945s end up piecing together you were spot on
27947s information is key in fortnite we all
27949s know it pros know it i know when they
27951s review the vod later on they're gonna
27954s see oh man we could have gotten an extra
27956s one there that could have been a
27957s difference and we'll see how much that
27959s actually weighs in right how that
27960s factors in as the day goes on
27963s as day will keep going on here
27967s both in this game and in terms of the
27968s number the match is playing we are in
27970s match number four and some great lineup
27973s coming from trashes there opens up
27975s headshot body shot duke picks up another
27977s confirmation there on
27979s to mars it looks like crumble was able
27981s to just trade out a little bit of damage
27982s here but we're moving
27985s pretty this is i honestly like we've
27986s talked about these awkward zones and
27988s this isn't one that would normally kind
27990s of come up on the list you're like oh
27991s this is a pretty mild area but there's
27993s so many little hills that have that just
27996s concave entrance you're not able to
27998s really build on as you fall off of them
28000s that when players really start to invest
28003s their builds ahead of time they're able
28005s to just make it a nightmare to rotate
28007s through the area but speaking of a
28009s nightmare rotation right now glace with
28011s a great bead on the nets trying to deny
28013s him re-entry to the zone
28015s yeah you know what that's a team that
28016s absolutely needed i mean you saw why
28018s glace even found themselves in that
28020s position they took their vehicle they
28021s threw it all on the line they barreled
28023s into the team that was in fifth place
28025s just to secure some storm surge tags so
28027s these little exchanges you're seeing
28029s them pick up right now that's how that's
28030s how important it is to have a key
28032s position on the map but more importantly
28033s how much it means to a team like that
28035s that absolutely needed it for coney and
28037s elite death they've managed to find
28039s their way up to second place just off of
28042s their raw eliminations and consistency
28044s replacement thus far and they are still
28046s trying to do just that there this
28048s rotation though stopped very short it's
28050s going to cost him a lot of material here
28052s take a look as tahi tries to skate his
28054s way around the sides there taking
28055s advantage of the additional battle and
28058s chaos the distraction there if you will
28060s for threats and rise though we know
28062s what's on the line for them right it's
28063s kind of coming up to that glory point
28065s that there were in game number one this
28067s game looked a little bit better for them
28068s let's take a look at this highlight
28069s though
28070s that click's able to find the tag we saw
28073s in the zone with the angle going through
28074s there clicks actually being the
28076s benefactor of the player being held so
28078s from a position where dave was knocked
28080s they're gonna get a nice little refresh
28081s there and that's going to put them in a
28083s good spot if they're able to just kind
28084s of pinch around into this fourth zone
28086s don't forget we will have our half and
28088s half out after this storm surge will
28090s also be turning on in 40 seconds that's
28092s 25 damage every 10 seconds coming out
28095s and pressuring on to the opponent so
28097s they're going to be able to get plenty
28099s of damage down but with 412 above
28102s they're not worried about it check the
28103s bottom left 467 above check the bottom
28106s right 186 above so none of these duos
28109s are going to be pressured however eight
28111s duo's will and that's common in just 15
28114s seconds
28115s these are some of our our more important
28117s standing teams right now you can see dj
28119s and nyamzo still rocking that fourth
28122s place position now take out your notepad
28124s here and pay attention to how the
28125s rotates gonna have to work out this
28127s lobby is very evenly dispersed across
28129s the map there is not going to be a
28131s single location that's going to get it
28132s for free by any means and look tons of
28135s the lobby is going to have to move here
28136s now the ops and dj have managed to save
28139s the vehicle but not only that it is 100
28142s health it is fully fully in the business
28144s right now for this rotate they're not
28145s going to have a single problem that's
28147s honestly the most ideal position to be
28149s in so i'm not worried about them who i
28151s am worried about is peterbock it's bylaw
28153s who are in fourth place right now storm
28155s surge has already done its work it's
28157s done its course onto them and they are
28158s feeling the the pressure of having zone
28161s land on top of them they can actually
28163s move to battle they need to wait until
28165s people actually expose themselves to
28166s them and luckily that is happening and
28168s peterbot has some fantastic rifling you
28170s can see them just barely right hand
28172s peeking just kind of jiggle peeking that
28173s corner on the left hand side and pen
28176s just out healed the storm surge knowing
28178s that players would have to make a
28179s tougher rotate but monster we talk about
28181s players having to make a tough rotate
28182s nobody's moved everybody's looking to go
28185s late and that just means it's this
28186s awkward zone i talked about if you go
28188s early in this zone you're just going to
28190s be completely covered so everybody
28192s well almost everybody resorting to pads
28195s on the rotation as ages of kanada they
28197s find the straightaway straight down the
28199s autobahn they're good right into the
28200s fifth zone and honestly they could box
28203s up that whip if they really wanted to
28204s but it looks like it might have taken a
28206s little bit too much damage instead
28207s they're gonna leave it top right hand
28209s corner of that wide on your left hand
28210s side you can see tabnay and death take
28212s to the sky right now they're going to
28214s get their rotation off
28215s yeah canada agers riding in
28217s style there that rusty whiplash coming
28220s in you know coming into effect it's had
28222s its ears on the field and it ends up
28224s working out for them byla and peterball
28225s are still on the move right there you
28227s can see them in third place now starting
28228s to slide and edge their way on up to the
28230s top here but agers and konada have
28232s managed to continue to maintain their
28234s number one spot here with their two
28235s eliminations they're really starting to
28237s break open this gap where are the
28239s opponents that are on their trails you
28240s can see that peter bottom byler are just
28242s up above looking down one of the only
28244s teams deciding to actually position up
28247s top and go for a vision play go for a
28249s potential high ground we saw who was it
28251s in the past kanada in asia is trying to
28253s play for high ground really taking it
28255s back to the old trusty style of high
28257s ground play but you have a team like the
28259s uh dj and nyams as well who are no
28261s strangers to playing for these dominant
28263s positions and it does seem like they're
28265s gonna go for just that but it can cost
28267s them they don't have that many materials
28269s right
28270s i want to see how many in djinn's
28272s loadout before i end up agreeing with
28274s that because the amazon's pretty healthy
28275s in that regard however djent is the one
28277s who generally will do a lot of the early
28279s building down to 85 builds so not awful
28282s but not great more worried about that
28284s storm surge number given at their
28286s position on the map they're going to
28287s have to take to the zone and take to the
28288s sky a little bit early they don't have
28291s the opportunity to shoot as they're
28292s rotating now we're going to swing on
28294s over agers canada looking for a little
28296s bit of space good job by canada to make
28298s sure he held that wall agers didn't
28300s necessarily believe it but it came out
28302s in time so no damage leaking through
28304s here the real question is who ends up on
28306s height when all is said and done and can
28309s and pen make it any farther right now
28310s with just 56 hp three builds and not a
28314s whole lot else
28315s there's no shot 400 below the surge
28317s right now it's not looking good for him
28319s a team that i did see leading this
28320s rotate right there was dubs and mega and
28322s in the in the corner of my eye i just
28324s spotted them as well right below to the
28326s left-hand side of n pen and pen looking
28328s for anyone that's a day knocked body
28330s there and fully finished too so that
28331s means klix is by himself now in this end
28333s game taking a look at the feed av is
28335s gonna fall what can av do nothing much
28338s for ed penn he gets fully finished there
28340s dubs and mega are still alive right now
28342s three eliminations haven't found
28343s anything since the last time we uh took
28345s a little temperature check with them but
28347s they are back and they're in the
28348s business now the shots are coming in on
28350s high ground peterbot and violet managed
28352s to edge their way out building all the
28354s way across so you know they have
28355s invested so much material to maintain
28357s this position it's really going to come
28359s down to whether or not they have enough
28361s in the tank enough fuel to continue to
28363s push through here i mean we all know
28365s prices are high right now so this could
28367s be the end for peanut butter and bylaws
28369s run on height but we'll see as dj and
28371s the arms are starting to size up the
28372s players in the area clix has picked up a
28375s third elimination so far as a solo on
28377s that low ground we see death back in the
28379s zone trying to hit the med miss running
28381s around in circle trying to wait time
28383s ends up going down make sure he gets the
28384s recycled bills now he has to take a
28386s straight line he goes through trying to
28388s catch off clicks knows that's the solo
28389s but the spirit ends up going through
28391s currently our second place duo still
28393s trying to occupy a little bit of space
28395s but you can see adrius canada just below
28398s him death picks up the elim on the
28400s clicks that's the full confirm and the
28402s placement point coming through that's a
28403s nice little plus four as tragics also
28405s gets me too we hop on board back here
28407s with death with only eight fields left
28410s he's managed to slide his way into first
28411s place by pure resilience staying alive
28414s finding eliminations and now he's doing
28415s it by himself down to six builds this is
28417s where it's make or break for a player
28419s like him but he does have this zone
28421s favoring back up onto this little bit of
28423s elevation now the lower it goes though
28425s it's the harder it's gonna be for him
28426s because he does not have materials to
28427s climb back up for a player like booga
28429s though he has just a little bit to work
28431s with and he's got a wing condition right
28432s he can actually sit out a little bit
28434s into the storm more so than some of the
28435s other players that we've currently
28437s touched base with just like what death
28438s is doing right now just trying to wait
28440s by his time his player starts to fall
28442s he's racking up points little by little
28444s that's a solo in front of him he saw he
28446s did to clicks can he find another that's
28447s it he's out of material now it's all or
28449s nothing here six he lives for him so far
28451s but doing what he does individually mega
28453s picks up another one yamazo gets jock on
28455s the other side but ellis returns the
28457s favor and he knocks dj and everything is
28459s coming up death shoe right now 126 in a
28461s brilliant swap that is why you run the
28464s striker in that circumstance a huge
28466s first shot and he got a med miss out of
28469s it that was brilliant but peterbot and
28470s byla still working down the right hand
28472s side don't forget in the backside of the
28474s zone you still have boga up on his feet
28476s lots of solos running around but one's
28478s going to get dropped and that's booga
28479s actually taking out illus death trying
28480s to find a little room but he gets taken
28483s down not before a top seven and this is
28485s a chaotic end game resolving here in
28487s match number four as kanada picks up
28489s another pair
28490s and look at the yamzo here trying to
28491s play for a little bit of high ground as
28493s well but he's pinched between all kinds
28494s of players right now the shots are going
28496s through the bills because he wants to
28497s escape but he cannot he gets shut down
28499s peterbot and byla managed to find
28500s themselves a little bit of a refresher
28502s to keep them in the game and i can't
28504s believe agers is still alive down low
28506s remember they are so up they're in
28508s second place because the shots that have
28509s been exchanged here comes kanata's
28511s perspective can he find a big one it's
28513s against the vets dubs and mega it's the
28515s best the best on any east in kanada and
28517s agers get shut down dubs and mega find a
28519s little bit more of a peterbot and violet
28521s close out strong and they snatch up the
28523s second position
28525s everyone was just fish in a barrel for
28528s peterbot and bylaw while everyone was
28530s thinking they were the big fish in the
28532s pond the great white shark swimming
28535s around the cape cod beaches instead it
28537s was the rangers from above just raining
28540s down shot after shot look at peterbot
28542s dropping down and these are just gimmies
28545s gimme gimme gimme two free eliminations
28547s give me the victory royale and give me a
28550s top five placement spock from bayla and
28553s peterbot they're gonna feel good about
28555s that with just two games remaining
28558s yeah you just gotta roll out the royal
28560s carpet right give the man a crown they
28562s come out on top they end up doing it in
28564s clean fashion as well from zone six
28566s holding a high ground and honestly
28568s looking the lions dead in the eye right
28570s cannot and ages are right across from
28571s them and they managed to make that
28572s happen so very impressive across the
28574s board yeah we're going to kick it back
28576s on over the desk because that
28577s leaderboard is going to look real
28579s interesting zeke vivid spg or excuse me
28581s adam vivid svg break it down
28586s thank you son yeah so i've morphed back
28588s into myself uh the prettier version of
28590s me zeke though massive shout out to you
28592s for covering me the last kind of past
28593s buddy um guys everything's been
28594s happening in my absence it's been
28596s amazing uh again we talked about
28597s peterborough and by like the beginning
28598s of the show here and uh we saw yesterday
28600s eliminations left right and center and
28602s vivid it's happened again they've got
28604s the victory royale they utilize the high
28606s ground and just played it with aplomb
28608s superb work from this duo
28610s yeah and honestly the difference here
28612s for peterbot and bila versus what we've
28614s kind of seen out of the previous high
28616s ground games is that they had got so
28618s many eliminations because of their
28619s position right we saw asians and kanada
28621s kind of struggled they didn't
28622s necessarily have the builds to get those
28624s victory royales when they were on the
28626s high ground but no peter bought and
28627s buyer were like listen we have plenty of
28628s builds we found these refreshes and they
28630s actually end that game with eight
28632s eliminations so that in its own right is
28634s impressive
28636s it was perfectly played by them on the
28638s high ground no one really even contested
28640s them and then that last little refresh
28642s onto yamzo trying to scoot through on
28644s that mid ground and we see byla able to
28647s pick him up get that little refresh and
28649s enough mats from that point there on out
28652s in order to win that game it was
28654s beautifully played and they got to be
28655s feeling good about themselves yeah dj
28657s yomza have just been again they're
28659s putting themselves right there and it's
28661s two games to go as a sundown mdf said as
28663s well so they're very very close but you
28665s look at canada and ages as well now
28667s canada we know and ages to an extent of
28669s course but canada one of the top players
28671s qualifying for so many fncs's in the
28673s past and continues you know two games
28676s these guys managed to turn things around
28678s and they are right up there on top of
28679s the leaderboard here what is it that
28680s makes them so special david
28683s i mean it's got to be the experience but
28685s even more so impressive kanada does this
28687s with so many different duos right like
28688s just the previous season he actually got
28690s six with a different duo while ages got
28692s 16th and now they are teaming up here
28694s and it's been so good you know we kind
28696s of tuned in with them during that middle
28698s game and they were just set up in such a
28699s good position i literally told spj i was
28701s like how are these guys consistently
28703s finding themselves in a good position
28705s every single game like it is truly
28706s impressive yeah they're playing so well
28709s and everything is clicking right we see
28711s them there on the low ground being able
28713s to take the second place we've obviously
28715s seen them on the high ground already
28716s they're getting whatever they want and
28718s just playing through everybody it
28720s doesn't matter they're on a train track
28723s going straight to the finals
28725s i would highly highly expect them to be
28728s at the top of the leaderboard oh my
28729s goodness they are not oh there we go we
28732s got tied first and second place right
28734s now with deaths and ages as duo's 167
28738s points here with peterborough on violet
28739s in 148 just behind there but the top
28742s five or six now is looking very very
28744s very tidy here vivid with booger and i
28747s see pikachu or miro they're in fifth
28749s place as well
28750s yeah and the gap is ever so increasing
28753s between the top here death and tabnay
28755s showing up and showing out as well as
28757s agers and canada there's actually a 44
28760s point difference between that first and
28761s second place and fifth place right now
28763s so the top
28765s people here are really looking to secure
28766s themselves that top five but we still
28768s have a bunch of fighting chances in the
28770s likes of mega and dubs who now have 130
28773s points only 10 points behind that fifth
28775s place position in buga and miro spg
28778s so four games in look at the top of the
28780s leaderboard every team that has won a
28782s game is currently in our top four i feel
28784s like we never see this so there's always
28786s one team that you know wins one match
28788s and then falls everyone is playing so so
28791s well at the top it is going to be a
28793s fight for these last few games just to
28795s see who's able to grab that top five but
28798s like like you mentioned vivid there is
28800s some room there's some gaps especially
28802s that top five the fifth spot there's
28804s room if someone falls or makes a mistake
28806s and stumbles we see threats and rise
28809s right there and 11 jumper dukes there in
28812s 12th there's a lot of teams trying to
28814s make their way up the leaderboard and
28815s just because you don't make top five
28817s doesn't mean it's not important where
28819s you place here those series points that
28821s you earn if you're outside of the top
28822s five are also important to find a way to
28825s advance the semi-finals yeah we can see
28827s in 11th position right now actually you
28829s know threats and rise 11 eliminations i
28831s think threats had in the very first game
28832s only two cents and after three more
28834s games that's that's not that consistency
28836s you're looking for really in qualifier
28838s one but on the previous page as well
28840s obviously i picked mira and booga
28842s earlier in this uh earlier today as a
28843s qualifying duo but interestingly as well
28846s sync eliminations they only had 12
28847s eliminations after four games which
28850s is not what you're used to seeing with
28851s this duo and is it a case vivid do you
28853s think because of the way that you know
28854s rotations what obviously might change
28856s obviously they're coming out of chunkers
28857s there's vehicles on the map their
28858s rotations are different are they now
28860s being a lot more smart with their
28861s placement positions their placement
28862s points seem a lot higher than usual
28865s honestly their ems usually come from
28868s those solo clutches that they usually
28870s find just these random eliminations in
28872s the end game where they're kind of
28873s creeping around so i feel like you know
28874s we've already seen multiple times today
28876s where these solo clutches have come into
28877s play that we see so often out of booga
28879s and mira and i feel like just the
28881s eliminations aren't necessarily finding
28882s themselves for them in those scenarios
28884s and we always know that they're usually
28886s not a duo in those end games anyway so
28888s they can never really fight for those
28890s eliminations but i feel like the
28891s placement points that they find because
28892s of those consistent solo clutches is
28894s actually where a lot of their points
28895s usually come from
28896s yeah beautifully said and i they're not
28899s normally a team that just unbelievably
28900s frags out the placement is where they
28903s make it and that's where we're seeing
28905s them strong today indeed yeah they
28907s qualified in the qualifier one last
28909s season with by one point i think in the
28911s very first one so we'll see if it
28913s happens again let's head over to sundown
28914s and mdf to set things up a penultimate
28916s game now we're going into it uh let's
28918s hand over to the fellas take it away
28921s thank you so much adam vivid and spg two
28924s more games to go and what's effectively
28926s turned into the battle of fourth and
28929s fifth will be decided in games number
28931s five and six my name's sundown joined by
28934s monster d face to close out the action
28936s here on nae's but don't forget we got
28938s n.a.s right after this a lot of action
28941s happening here today and that was a
28942s ridiculous game number four i can't
28944s believe we're already leaning into game
28946s five the day is flying by but that's
28948s what they say when you're having fun it
28950s does sound like battle bus is ready to
28952s take us into the world so let's go
28960s on to the island we go two more times
28964s and looking at the board the top three
28966s they're pretty secure they're tucked
28968s into bed right now all they got to do is
28969s read the story drink the warm glass of
28972s milk and then we'll be seeing them in
28974s the final or yes straight to the finals
28976s there
28977s the question is
28979s who will be joining them as we keep an
28982s eye on the feed you already see avery
28985s lighting it up right off the bat now nz
28987s and sprite go down
28989s yeah but after this it's not bedtime
28992s it's celebration for five because
28994s players will be punching their tickets
28996s into the finals of course for bucky and
28999s cam i mean what a story we've had here
29002s today right the daily bugle a great drop
29005s spot for teams it can definitely house
29007s up multiple players but what we're
29008s seeing is a back and forth exchange for
29010s players that want to essentially alpha
29013s up this main drop in buckingham i mean
29016s they found success at least in game one
29018s game two things turned around and it
29020s just seems like it's been an equal
29022s exchange if you will between the teams
29024s here
29025s and bucky looks to take a beat on a
29027s player there but it almost felt like he
29029s should have had out that legendary burst
29032s rifle in that circumstance would have
29033s been able to chain a couple shots trying
29034s to pick off noxi knowing he's already
29036s had a couple in there good reposition
29038s coming out from cam to just kind of
29040s change the angle a little bit bucky does
29042s something i would never do just got a
29043s little bit of vertigo there actually uh
29045s i would have just straight up missed
29048s that spiderweb 100 times out of 100.
29051s yeah definitely you start looking down
29053s and you think to yourself hey man can i
29054s really make this but bucky kim i mean
29057s listen they're professional players
29059s they'll leave the decision making up to
29060s them inside the fortnite world uh but
29062s look at the look at the standoff here
29064s right they get a couple tags this is
29065s honestly
29066s more so an okay position to begin you
29069s get some trades here and do you have to
29072s finish it not exactly if you can get
29073s enough loot to go ahead and rotate out
29075s you should do just that but it has
29077s seemed like you know maybe pride maybe
29079s ego has decided that they wanted to stay
29081s here round after round and finish it up
29084s for avery musdo command cavan you can
29085s see how the action's been unfolding here
29087s it has been quite the day at command
29090s cavern every round you don't really know
29093s he's gonna be walking away successful
29094s there because it's been such a
29096s fast-paced game here and look at avery
29099s he's got three elimination muzz doesn't
29100s have any but they're still working with
29102s each other also we talked about kind of
29104s that drum shock and last season being so
29106s effective in the early game well you add
29108s in that plus the additional buffs it
29110s just received and avery going to work
29112s there and using the siphon very
29114s effectively as well making sure he's
29115s aiming at the right opponents here you
29118s can see them adding on nice little 12
29120s points to the total nine points to their
29122s total so i feel good about that coming
29124s in the match with only 33 and really
29127s just looking for some confidence
29128s building the top five pretty much out of
29130s range for them unless they were able to
29131s win back-to-back games with some big
29133s eliminations which muslim avery are very
29135s capable of but don't forget just because
29137s you don't get top five doesn't mean you
29139s aren't playing for anything plenty of
29141s series points on the line and some teams
29143s will still be able to go through from
29144s that semi-finals route so still plenty
29147s to play for
29148s that is absolutely true there is so much
29150s to play for you want to get as many
29151s serious points as possible i mean you're
29153s not guaranteed to make it week to week
29155s right so you really do have to take
29157s advantage of these moments that you get
29158s here in the fncs finals stages as you
29161s start to make your way through week to
29163s week for bila and peterbot they have
29165s done such an exceptional job i mean
29167s tying up for that top spot there is
29170s something impressive they are just so
29172s close to the finish line
29174s they've managed to pick up such a lead
29176s too right like over like third and
29178s fourth and fifth they've really started
29179s to distance them uh themselves from the
29181s rest of the pack for trapped and flow
29183s they're trying to catch up to those
29184s players up at the top right now you got
29186s to be around that 100 point threshold in
29188s order to get into that conversation but
29190s they're going against the nut dubs and
29192s mega players who have made every end
29194s game that we've tuned in with so far
29196s only missing one out of the five games
29198s so far so i mean we're talking about a
29200s team that's consistent right now they're
29202s on it
29202s and chop coming out from dubs they're
29204s trying to make a push towards the very
29206s top of this table we talked about it
29208s just chaining together good games
29210s getting aggressive working together but
29212s trap killed honestly i am very impressed
29215s he's had the movement not just the
29217s movement tossing sh in front of it
29218s because he is making people miss he is
29221s hitting shots he's playing this 1v2 like
29224s he's a part of the two and he's chasing
29225s down a one right now he's got mega and
29228s dubs backed into a box on top of a
29229s shield keg even with noxie in ezk trying
29233s to
29234s rotate out from that bugle fight they
29236s were the ones who were buckled down by
29238s bucky and cam they're trying to get a
29239s part of this and all of a sudden which
29241s should have been an easy cleanup
29242s elimination for dubs and mega trap kill
29244s fights his way out of defensively
29246s fantastically but monster they're still
29248s going and so is the other team
29249s everyone's closing in on this this could
29251s be a huge fight
29252s yeah players are starting to look at
29253s this fight and say hey how can we get a
29255s piece of this action but one thing we
29256s know about dubs and mega is they they
29258s will not give up their communication
29260s lines are very much precise this
29262s honestly probably came down to a bit of
29264s a misplay and not necessarily connecting
29266s with the tags and the shots here you
29267s give them this third chance and
29270s this should be enough you know we're
29271s talking about hitters that don't miss
29273s and they're up within the fifth place
29275s spot right now so they really have been
29277s consistent today
29278s at this point it's a matter of time but
29280s trap has done an exceptional job staying
29282s alive thus far another beautiful tag
29284s from trap there dubs should know better
29286s taking that left camera peak it's almost
29288s textbook at this moment right now him
29290s and megan need to get hit the hip if
29291s they want to keep pushing this 2v1 they
29294s need to actually go as too because trap
29295s killed has shown that hey 1v1 he can
29298s back off any of these players he did it
29300s to mega at the start he did it to dubs
29302s again now they've invested two shield
29305s kegs into trying to clean up this single
29307s player this is very well played from
29309s trap kill
29310s it really is a lot two shield kegs are
29313s so much this late into the early game
29315s and i say late because guys as this zone
29318s starts to close i mean
29320s we're looking at a a map that's going to
29322s get looted so fast we're really going to
29324s begin running out of opportunities to
29326s find looting yeah they just decide hey
29328s man you know what hats off to him this
29330s is a respectful disengage they have too
29332s much on the line for clicks and dado
29334s they are on a much different pace and
29335s it's the same story though it's a 2v2
29338s fight instead here they're trying to
29339s find their first elimination into the
29341s box they go clicks with a beautiful
29342s piece control oh my he bad
29345s just straight boxed up goldie right
29347s there easily done for him and day
29350s looking to do the same to vive right now
29352s into his box he goes
29353s from a respectful disengage to a
29355s disrespectful engage day and clicks are
29358s just going forward and they got it
29360s different jumped the water and click
29362s says give me those pick it up i don't
29365s want to be on the outside looking in i
29366s want to book that ticket right here
29369s right now
29371s i mean when you see how quickly things
29374s can change for players it really does
29376s put it all in perspective for you right
29378s when you don't miss your tags when you
29380s don't miss those shots the momentum you
29382s just you have a team like clicks in day
29384s that they're playing off that momentum
29386s and they're doing a great job here
29387s they've really rocketed their way right
29389s back into this conversation here they're
29391s sitting currently at six right now in
29393s the overall standings i mean we've seen
29395s clicks and day pull up on these clutch
29397s type positions here it's always at the
29399s end of the tournaments as well where day
29401s will just come online right well quick
29402s will come online and all of a sudden
29405s they're up there and they make their way
29406s through trying to make this first week
29408s qualify um is is a huge feat for a team
29411s like clifton day
29413s as we see what i believe is the
29415s conclusion of the circus over at the
29416s command cavern with cease cleaning out
29419s the vault over there
29421s and turn off the benny hill music as
29422s he's able to get that one done and it's
29425s a nice little 180 from tabnay and death
29428s they're like we don't really want to go
29429s that way that's what we're talking about
29431s when somebody gets a line on one of your
29433s vehicles that is the prime example they
29435s had no way they could go but their
29437s vehicle wasn't going to take 200 plus
29440s 300 damage so what they do they turned
29442s around they put a hill between them
29443s saying this car is a way too valuable to
29446s just use it for this rotation very well
29449s think about that they have to weigh that
29450s right they have to weigh that decision
29452s air drop for a launch pad or vehicle
29454s that's you know right now gonna you know
29456s work for us here and now that vehicle is
29458s so much more important and their
29460s position in the tournament they are the
29461s number one team here why take the risk
29464s and they knew better than to do just
29466s that for dubs and mega i mean you can
29468s ask them that same exact question right
29470s why take the risk it's the points they
29472s need to break up away from the sixth
29474s place teams of clicks in day catch up to
29476s kanada and agers catch up to these teams
29479s that are up here at
29480s 167 points after four games of fortnight
29484s now in the fifth i mean you couldn't ask
29486s for a better beginning start for a team
29488s like canada and agers at this point i
29491s mean they might have just done enough
29493s it's gonna be very hard for them to not
29495s call now they basically need two less
29498s than five point games right just keeping
29500s about average looking through it's been
29502s about 31 points per game so multiply
29504s that by six do some math going through
29507s and the final number comes out to be
29509s right around 184 185 ish right so if
29512s they're just able to put together one
29514s more end game or even just two like
29517s fifth zone performances tossing a
29519s sprinkle in a couple e limbs they should
29520s be well above that first uh fifth place
29523s pace again don't forget there's no money
29526s on the line directly today the prize for
29529s first in the prize for fifth is the
29531s exact same thing it is a ticket through
29533s to the finals if you aren't in that top
29535s five you get some serious points to
29537s potentially slot you into the semifinals
29540s but you really want to end up in that
29542s top five it doesn't matter where
29544s just in the top five
29546s yeah it's true you really just want to
29548s make it there that's the that's where
29550s the bar is set make it to top five for
29552s agers and kanada though how have they
29554s been finding their tags where are they
29556s finding their success i mean it's
29558s everywhere it's it's box the box it's
29560s end game it's picking players off of
29562s builds just like that players that
29564s thought hey we just got two elims okay
29567s and they're out in the open but no no no
29569s you have players like aegis and kanada
29570s looking in on the distance here and this
29573s is where again you have to think about
29575s the state of the game we have burst
29577s rifles in play here red dots 1 000
29580s accuracy all you have to do is put the
29582s put the target on the mark or the mark
29585s on the target in this instance and
29587s you're gonna get your tags and that's
29588s what these guys do
29590s one other thing to know you talked about
29591s the state of the game and evaluating one
29593s thing we haven't seen yet take a look at
29595s the top left corner of each one of these
29597s perspectives that number says 70. now
29599s take a look at the bottom right hand
29600s corner we're in the second zone that
29602s means unless there is a reboot coming
29604s out and oh my great tags from ages on
29606s the top of the screen um there's no
29608s storm surge escape that's going to make
29610s this next zone storm so it's the fifth
29612s zone storm surge that much more
29614s important because again unless a reboot
29615s comes out nobody is going to get a
29617s warning on their right hand side nobody
29619s knows how much damage they've done they
29621s don't know if they're below they don't
29622s know if they're above there hasn't been
29623s the temperature check all of a sudden
29625s that fourth zone positioning means that
29628s much more if you haven't been tagging
29630s people you know you're going to need to
29631s get aggressive but speaking of somebody
29633s who's used to being aggressive and
29634s immediately put on the back foot that's
29636s dubs and mega and they get caught in an
29637s awkward situation you can't build on
29639s that half wall so forced to build ramps
29640s inside their own box and then disengage
29642s immediately into the building that was a
29644s good call
29645s and you know for them i mean this means
29647s a lot right they're in sixth place they
29649s can't take the risk of fighting this
29651s random team that they know nothing about
29653s and instead mega gets rolled up on
29655s inside the bills dubs is by himself he
29656s has to fully disengage i like that he's
29658s moving closer to this opponent's team
29660s this can actually give him a little bit
29661s of buffer maybe some additional
29663s firepower but if he gets outed it's not
29665s going to be good and he does chewie
29666s notices what's going on here they see
29668s this player why did he come back why is
29670s he based up we can take advantage of
29672s this and they're doing just that it's
29673s not looking for dubs right now it's not
29675s looking good at all he has no launch pad
29676s to get out of here either sun down i
29678s mean
29680s needs to find aggressive needs to
29681s isolate a 1v1 he's trying to do that
29684s against chewy pog on that side there but
29686s we saw chewie pog already somebody who
29688s has been grinding the mechanics when it
29690s comes to the season good job putting the
29692s disengage sprinting away getting back to
29694s zz but dubs creates enough room and one
29696s thing look at where we are monster we're
29698s in the northern part of sleepy there's a
29700s ton of reboots around here not
29702s necessarily just right in not
29703s necessarily just right in sleepy but
29705s also to the northern part of the area
29707s it's very much free so dubs is able to
29709s double back and grab that reboot card
29711s there might be a play there and it looks
29712s like he's just trying to disengage a
29714s little bit stealthily over to the side
29716s here pretend like he doesn't know but
29718s noxie smells him noxie sniffed him out
29720s he says hey i smell a little blood over
29722s here is there chum in the water is there
29723s a disengage coming out dubs tries to
29725s create a little bit of space but boxed
29726s in his noxie he's trying to run away
29729s duff's doing a great job putting some
29730s tags down though knoxy now down to five
29732s hp but his teammate is here so dubs has
29734s got everything to fight for right now
29736s and yes he still does have this little
29737s bit of an advantage over both the
29738s players can he actually win this 1v2 i
29741s mean i'm starting to second-guess myself
29742s at this moment i thought it was all over
29744s but he's making it look like it's not
29746s that just yet those chug splashes are
29748s gonna be the sign for him though okay
29750s you've managed to heal up i'm gonna back
29752s off do you respect me now is the
29754s question and this is good for dubs he's
29756s gonna he's gonna also take away this
29758s extra information right
29760s yeah but that's not good for dubs as he
29761s loses basically everything he's gonna
29763s try and get on a quick right hand so he
29764s can about face but easy 2k x and knoxy
29768s should know exactly where his dubs
29769s trying to desperately run away throws up
29771s one more brick wall but that should be
29774s the final call and dubs and mega don't
29777s get to order anything else they get
29779s kicked out and that was brilliant from
29781s noxie in easy2k to take advantage of
29784s that situation but if your dubs and mega
29786s man you got to be a little bit
29788s frustrated right there
29790s absolutely they now have one more game
29793s in order to break home and take home the
29795s top five here i mean it's gonna be a
29797s good one too it's gonna need to be a
29799s great one the lobby's gonna continue to
29801s pick up points look at booger right now
29802s who is in fifth right buga and miro have
29805s 124 points where dubs and mega just left
29808s off they were just around that 120 mark
29810s or so so this is really gonna start to
29812s distance himself i mean i'm thinking
29814s they're gonna need at least a top five
29816s with some eliminations in the last game
29818s in order to make it through yeah but as
29820s we talk about a little bit of room we
29822s talked about the battle for fourth and
29823s fifth fifth is dropped fourth right now
29825s yamzo and digen digen's down and it's
29828s paper and tahi who have a line on him
29830s there are no strangers to forcing a 2v1
29832s if they need to they could look to go on
29834s this however yamza if there's somebody
29836s who could fight a defensive fight like
29838s we saw a trap killed do earlier it's him
29840s instead he says uh nope and he's just
29843s gonna put on the wheels and get out of
29844s dodge
29846s i mean this is this is actually great
29847s for players like dubs and mega right if
29849s fourth falls the fifth falls i mean
29851s that's your direct competition so it
29853s kind of jam packs the point threshold
29855s into the other the other areas allows
29857s you to stay competitive so honestly
29860s things are looking pretty up even though
29862s we've seen big teams fall right now but
29863s for cory and elite oh no elite death is
29866s actually down too all of our top teams
29868s looking fragmented here and i mean the
29870s stage is starting to open up for a lot
29873s of the other teams like booga and miro
29874s who are still a fresh duo now we might
29877s have a little bit of a late game
29879s shooting i mean we thought we had hit
29881s that climax and we were on to the day
29883s new mode the following action we were
29885s only looking to see who would fill out
29887s those final spots but monster the caveat
29890s the asterisk there
29892s was that these top teams had to keep
29895s being consistent and so far the first
29898s little spanner has been thrown into the
29900s work somebody just hucked the wrench on
29902s in there and said deal with this and the
29904s question is how do they deal who can
29907s step up and get that individual solo
29909s effort that we've seen so far and
29910s honestly if i'm addressing kanata i'm
29913s sitting here being like this is great
29915s yeah yeah no it really is great they're
29918s their competition of second i mean
29920s they're hurt they're down they're not
29922s completely out just yet and canada and
29923s ages are so up right now they have a car
29926s it looks pretty decently uh you know
29928s healthy as well it's positioned right
29930s underneath this base here so plenty of
29932s space to work with they have some green
29934s pasture as well to go ahead and ride out
29936s with a little bit later as they decide
29938s to make their late game rotates here so
29940s it is looking pretty nicely and they
29942s have a couple elims so you know surge
29944s shouldn't be too much of an issue right
29945s we talked about how once we got around
29947s that seven a 70 players alive mark there
29950s was no warning to the lobby so players
29952s don't necessarily know where they are
29953s currently standing in the lobby but if
29955s you have a couple elims i mean that's
29957s enough to know hey we should be all
29958s right
29959s yeah somebody who's definitely going to
29960s be all right avery added another one to
29963s his total he's on four he limbs by
29964s himself his and moths are trying to make
29967s a case to ride in late it would take a
29970s miracle but hey weirder things have
29972s absolutely happened is right now
29974s somebody who's just trying to hold on
29975s and take advantage they were our sixth
29976s place team coming in currently slid up
29979s into fifth sentinels boga dignitas miro
29982s aka fat pikachu 20 trying to find a
29984s little bit of space mural i am begging
29986s you to change your name back to a
29987s branding you just got signed by an
29989s awesome org please
29991s please yeah
29992s i had to dm him later
29994s is this you this is 100 years right oh
29997s okay okay i'm done
30000s it's like come on man but hey like
30002s everybody knows who miro is but we'd
30003s love to be able to just give you the
30005s proper shout out skip dig to toss the
30007s love for picking up an amazing player
30009s but right now we have bayla peterbot on
30011s the left-hand side of your screen tabney
30013s and death death has been down we already
30015s talked about tabnay trying to make out
30016s the individual effort he's still 65
30018s damage above so he gets his nice little
30020s storm surge check does it solo you're
30022s happy with that but he's going to need
30024s to hold it off here as omg me too gets
30026s his first confirm that i've seen in the
30028s field
30029s and we're seeing the shots come in
30030s because he's building in just wood now
30032s finally managing to fight his way to
30034s those heavy material counts and this is
30036s going to allow him to go ahead and burn
30037s some mats here get some more fortified
30039s structures built out and of course that
30041s extra little bit of help is the
30042s difference but this team in the distance
30044s is noticing hey this guy is by himself
30046s there's a reason why we were focusing
30048s him of before and now you're seeing it
30050s come all in and the team's gotten closer
30052s the squad in the distance is also
30053s starting to send in shots it's not
30055s looking too hot it's only a matter of
30056s time now it's under the ramp of the
30058s opponents he starts to fire back and he
30060s gets taken out tabney falls and just
30062s like that another position on the
30064s leaderboard begins to open up for yamzo
30067s it might be the same thing too he does
30069s straight though beautiful exchange there
30071s that song say clicks talk about a
30074s headliner shot there and a big takedown
30076s as well to stay in the game here he
30078s might just find another one as well
30081s yamzo doing it himself right there the
30083s knock on today klix gets picked up on
30086s the other side by crumble then
30087s immediately about faces the other duo
30089s who's right there blah blah two shots to
30092s the face two shots to the body backs
30094s them down you wouldn't even know he was
30095s a solo somebody's like hey watch out for
30097s that duo over there but it's really just
30098s a yamzo running through everyone that's
30100s the left side of your screen 643 above
30102s as a solo on the right side of your
30104s screen and pen and d-roller are the only
30106s duo underneath they're sitting on 99
30108s points and they're 159 below monsters
30110s this is such a huge moment for them on
30112s the right-hand side rifle shots aren't
30114s going to do it they have to take a
30115s wall-to-wall fight and as i say that
30116s they get obliterated so unfortunate
30119s their storm surge on one side drum
30121s shotgun on the other and that's mars the
30123s benefactor there he'll pick up two storm
30125s surge turns off but we're not quite into
30127s the cascading placement points yet still
30129s 26 duo's up
30131s yeah definitely there are still players
30132s up alive here you want to break into
30134s that top 25 and then watch the team
30136s start to fall in the meantime kanada and
30138s agers though continue to get active here
30140s they're now in first place here and they
30142s find themselves a refresher elimination
30144s and everything that they need to start
30145s really setting themselves up for end
30147s game this might be the world where we
30149s see canadian agers actually pick up that
30151s second victory royale they have the mass
30153s now to play for high ground in this late
30155s game if they really wanted to and
30156s they're starting to size up the
30158s competition size up the terrain here
30161s see the rotate kanata starts to make a
30163s move wants to get to the front side of
30165s the zone this is what professional
30166s players do so so well this is what
30168s separates the pros from the new guys
30171s here in finals right now yeah but
30173s there's no way you're getting to the
30174s front side of this zone with another
30175s bugle zone and you got that thick boy
30178s north side mountain in the way and on
30180s top of it jamper and dukes just taking
30183s stock of the lobby saying who's going
30184s first who's popping a large launch pad
30186s because they're pretty much right at
30187s launch height you can see somebody
30188s trying to get a side angle they're
30190s actually going to let that angle go i
30191s would have tried to chop that down as
30193s quick as possible instead looking back
30194s in the zone trying to catch the launch
30196s padders as they take a straight line
30197s nobody is quite able to get up to their
30199s level of height so it's really just
30201s skeet shooting from duke right here with
30203s the legendary outfit but what can he
30205s find and so far the answer is not a
30207s whole lot as they lose priority position
30209s on the front side of the zone
30211s yeah they definitely do but out comes
30213s the launch pads they actually go across
30214s kanada does get knocked here armored
30216s wall comes in for the most fortified
30218s type of defensive structure you can
30220s actually put down in the game right now
30221s but the team finds a new angle and all
30223s of a sudden agers has to leave his own
30225s teammate behind here and what looked
30227s like a great end game now has come down
30230s to a situation where agers will have to
30232s clutch up he still has a little bit to
30233s work with though these floppers are
30235s great for playing this late zone here he
30236s finds a launch pad ends up hitting it
30238s just in time and it's a battle for high
30240s ground we don't even know who that is
30242s just yet but judging by the feed it
30244s could be anyone because players are
30246s fighting back and forth here peter bob
30247s being one of the few that actually find
30249s some elims here and it is still jamper
30252s and duke who is up top
30254s zone bounced right back over to where we
30256s just were we saw everybody break out the
30258s launch pads nobody's taken to the sky
30261s now everybody is just sprinting and
30263s sliding dipping ducking and dodging but
30266s they're trying to make sure they don't
30268s get hunted down from the top in the
30269s bottom right hand corner yamzo still up
30272s on his feet trying to clutch a crawl in
30274s the top right hand corner agers doing
30276s the same for his duo the difference
30278s being about 50 points and agers has
30280s pretty much locked it up here a couple
30282s more placement points and we'll be
30284s seeing him and canada straight to the
30286s finals but high ground still taken away
30289s yeah they get broken down just a little
30290s bit they're focused from behind there
30292s it's peter bob who ends up swinging his
30293s way all the way on up to the top here
30295s and down he goes but yamzo is the man of
30298s the hour right now finding another
30300s elimination here as a solo keep in mind
30302s he has been this by himself for several
30305s zones now and has managed to survive
30307s this entire chaotic end game and he is
30309s doing it in great fashion right now
30311s still has some maps to work with here
30313s plenty of enemies nearby i see buga
30315s that's a name that you have to continue
30316s to focus on i see agers still up as well
30319s just a few layers down below and take a
30321s look here it's peterbot who's by himself
30323s just just holding on right holding on to
30325s what is this third place spot
30328s first second third and fourth all have
30331s solos running around desperately trying
30334s to just secure a couple more points in a
30336s second in the top right you have third
30338s in the bottom right trying to find
30340s whatever space they possibly can right
30341s now and that's another one and that's
30343s peterbot onto agers himself he says
30345s he'll slap that one down those in the
30346s top right hand corner peterborough opens
30348s up into another box and he gets it
30349s that's muzz peterbot's making a list
30352s he's checking it twice and he's trying
30353s to go all the way through to the finals
30355s on the back of a ridiculous solo effort
30357s here in match number five
30359s he's got the inventory to work with as
30362s well as now the refreshers end up coming
30364s through the win condition begins to open
30365s up for him three floppers med miss
30368s several big pots here time to start
30370s using that inventory and getting it all
30372s chucked down booga is still alive but
30374s iyamzo is trying to do his best solo
30376s effort as well right now he's managed to
30378s continue to stay in the game to keep
30380s this fourth place position up and all he
30382s is doing is racking up placement points
30384s after placement points on high ground
30386s threats gets slotted out by duke and
30388s company they end up putting some big
30390s hurts on him peter bottle on the other
30392s side still in the game right now armored
30394s wall that's it that's his last one now
30396s here comes the peak can he actually
30398s overtake this high ground can he
30400s actually open up the game right now for
30401s others
30402s right side of the screen so he finds
30404s another one he puts it down great shot
30408s still going still finding something
30410s that's a huge point swing there too here
30412s comes the pressure and finally now yom
30414s so forced off the layer and they're
30415s chasing here and he's just gonna chop
30417s his way down he's got this zone lead
30419s though it does seem like it's working
30420s for him and it's a two-man team who's
30422s pushing meanwhile peterbot sneak around
30424s the outside has he actually found high
30426s ground he has he's right above duke duke
30428s doesn't see him he connects to old
30430s builds and beyond he also and peter bot
30432s are now the two solos that are still in
30434s this as players trying to maintain their
30436s positions but peter bot is the guy on
30439s height here
30440s on height we still have bogo up on his
30442s feet as well peterborough trying to find
30443s a little bit of the real mike high
30445s ground take first shot was huge but
30446s second one put him back down duke and
30448s champer says good effort but not quite
30451s enough romero finds yet another to
30453s himself booga and mira rolling through
30455s trying to push themselves clean into the
30457s top five
30458s look at miro might actually win this
30460s here because the object's forcing his
30461s way down so that's gonna open up that
30463s second layer here comes the breakthrough
30465s with this zip line you'd love to see
30466s that what a shot from yonzo so clean
30469s 146. he says he fat cease and cease now
30472s has to think about it he gets jumped in
30474s by duke and jamper cease goes down these
30476s are down bodies everywhere
30478s is trying to decide who's alive right
30479s now what can i do here the zone's
30481s starting to take he's down to just a
30483s couple of more ticks inside the storm
30484s here he can't actually stay in for too
30486s much longer it's super important that he
30488s stays in front of here
30489s it's all or nothing now
30491s 1v1 1v1 v2 iamzo being one of them on
30494s the other side he finds one he gets the
30495s reverse that's me too on the other side
30497s but he gets taken out by shadow now it's
30499s just a 1v1 and shadow trying to run back
30501s to jamper but
30503s high ground wins the games the perfect
30505s med kit timing from the luminosity
30507s gaming player and
30509s honestly monster that was just solo
30512s efforts all over the place and i have no
30514s clue what the top five looks like i mean
30516s players are playing so well in that end
30518s game you really couldn't even decide who
30521s was gonna take it all the way in the end
30523s it was of course jamper with a
30524s beautifully timed med kit and the solo
30527s efforts from shadow you have to take and
30529s tip your hat off to him but in the end
30531s duke and jefferson secure themselves a
30533s big win and those are vets that deserve
30536s it yeah they put themselves into the top
30537s ten into that first page and into the
30540s conversation for the top five however we
30542s saw some brilliant and i mean absolutely
30545s brilliant play from the solo efforts of
30547s players in the top five so plenty of
30550s points went over to them i just want to
30551s know what the battle of fourth and fifth
30553s looks like
30554s yeah i mean and we have someone there to
30556s break it down it's adam savage and the
30557s team
30558s thank you so much guys bibster sbgz guys
30562s that was a total solo clutch up at the
30565s end i think early on we lost i think was
30566s uh mega and dubs in sixth position there
30569s lost them early on so then one through
30571s five was wide open at least three of
30573s those teams like yomzo peterbot they
30575s were there solo clutching all the way
30577s eons though getting so close to the
30579s victory royale but jamberry dukes is on
30581s top on high ground retaining it and
30583s getting the victory in the end there um
30585s what a game that was a game five there
30587s vivid i mean we'd even begin that we are
30589s so we look at the leader in a second for
30591s you guys at home as well because we're
30592s going to talk about all the different
30593s story lines come at the back of this one
30595s but what did you take from this i mean
30596s it just goes to show the caliber of
30597s players in this be there in a duo or
30599s solo as well
30601s yeah kind of the roles were reversed we
30603s saw booga and mira actually as a duo
30605s dominating throughout that endgame but
30607s peterbaugh and byla find themselves in a
30609s situation where they need another solo
30611s clutch and peterbot is there to do it he
30613s does such a good job he had those
30615s floppers at the end there and he
30617s actually tried his very hardest to sneak
30619s up on the high ground against jamper and
30621s duke but ultimately as we saw it didn't
30624s end up working out but you've really got
30626s to respect them to be in a position
30627s where you could kind of just play for a
30628s couple more placement points but he's
30629s like no i'm going to go up the high
30631s ground and i'm going to take this 1v2
30633s i'm really going to try my hardest to
30634s actually get a victory out so gotta
30636s respect peterbot in these situations but
30638s these solo clutches out of this duo
30639s today are the reason they are so high up
30642s on this leaderboard
30643s man vivid and adam it's been so long i
30645s feel like since we've seen one of these
30647s high ground takes from peterbot and that
30649s pretty much should have secured him a
30651s top five placement unless someone does
30653s something crazy here and if you're dukes
30656s and jamper you're sitting there like all
30657s right yes we finally won a game but then
30659s you look at it's like everyone that was
30661s on the leaderboard in the top five also
30663s made it to the final few zones and it's
30665s like i i have no place to make it up the
30668s leaderboard you see ionzo peterbot so
30670s many players just clutching up trying to
30672s get it and i really want to see where
30674s this leaderboard is because this has got
30677s to be close going into our final match
30679s yeah jamfriends you thinking just give
30680s me a break why is everyone here
30682s everyone's another party um i mean that
30685s we've got to talk as well obviously you
30686s mentioned mirror and booger who were
30687s kind of in there as well they were in
30688s the position going into this too which
30689s is you know obviously that we're going
30691s to see the top five in a second in the
30692s top 10 even where things are usually
30694s still quite open going into the last
30695s game here but um for me personally like
30697s watching it all unfold you can you can
30699s definitely get a get a feeling that our
30701s teams i mean you came into this like
30703s peter what we talked about at the
30704s beginning of the show yomzo and dj came
30705s into this they were all like riding high
30707s and they're still doing so and this is
30709s how things look going into the final
30712s game of qualifier one with one to go
30714s game six aegis and canada there they are
30717s riding high on top but only by one point
30719s with peterbot and baylor in second
30721s position 184 vivid this is
30724s incredibly close top five though is
30726s looking like it's just starting to edge
30728s its way away from the rest of the pack
30731s yeah and let's put our focus on that top
30733s five because going into this last game
30735s spg this top five positions are going to
30737s secure these players a direct shot in
30740s the finals that will happen in just a
30741s couple weeks and it's got to be really
30743s really comfortable for a lot of these
30745s top five deals because look at this gap
30747s between fifth and six actually it is 20
30750s or
30751s 38 point or 28 points and that is a lot
30755s that's almost a victory out in its own
30756s right so these top five teams got to be
30759s sitting comfortable up here
30761s yeah we're gonna have to see one of
30763s these top teams fall early or at least
30766s in the mid game if anyone else wants to
30768s make
30768s a push for one of those top five spots
30770s we saw jamper and duke they pushed their
30772s way up clarity and slacks are sitting
30774s right there waiting mega dubs they're
30776s all sitting there but they have to have
30779s an opportunity if all of these top five
30781s teams make it into the end game if
30783s they're in that seventh eighth zone
30785s they've almost all but secured it unless
30787s someone does something crazy but guys i
30790s mean we've seen plenty of crazy things
30792s happen during these games we've seen a
30794s 10 elim game by threats himself he's
30797s sitting right outside the top five so
30800s i would buckle up because we're gonna
30802s have an awesome final match yeah we are
30804s that's what we that's we've come to
30805s expect with nae as a region in general
30807s like every single time we have fncs
30811s it's just constant entertainment because
30813s it's so tight at the top obviously as
30814s you guys mentioned top five teams
30816s already kind of looking like they're
30818s edging away but there's still plenty to
30819s play for if one team has a great game
30822s and the rest of the teams don't so much
30823s so it's order it's it's all there who is
30826s gonna qualify let us know in the chat
30828s you guys are so involved in this today
30829s who you think is going to go through
30831s we'll of course get to our predictions
30832s at some point down the road but you guys
30834s let us know over to sundown over to mdf
30837s it's game six qualify one the hype is
30839s real over to you boys
30841s thank you so much adam vivid and sbg one
30845s more match to go in the top five looks
30848s pretty secure the question is monster
30850s will anybody upset the apple cart as we
30853s head in here to the final game
30855s that is really what we're starting to
30857s look at here if you're inside the top
30859s five you have such a nice and
30861s comfortable lead over six seven in
30862s eighth place that realistically those
30865s teams they have to they have to decide
30867s if they want to
30868s target those squads right figure out how
30870s to position up against them the battle
30872s bus is here we'll see what they decide
30877s [Music]
30881s and here we go one more match and we'll
30884s see if anybody can pull it off and after
30887s that last game duke and jamper made a
30890s huge swing plus nine position points can
30893s they do it again because it's really
30895s going to come down to a victory royale
30898s and some eliminations if you want to
30899s upset somebody who's not in the current
30902s top five
30903s it's so true it's so true the top five
30905s teams have gotten such a consistent
30908s start to the day here and other teams
30911s dropping a game or two have really just
30913s been the deciding factor as to why they
30915s are slipping so far behind trailing
30917s behind for the early game action for
30919s these other teams it's still a battle
30921s for series points here sprite and nancy
30923s touching down first look at the sal
30925s coming in hot there with a nice slide
30927s picks up a weapon first but there was
30928s someone behind him and down he goes
30931s nancy on the other side though trying to
30932s escape here does not find anything and
30935s all of a sudden lancers is the one who
30937s ends up getting his set of eliminations
30939s right there yeah lancers up on the
30941s grassy knoll making sure he put those
30943s shots in well somebody else was covering
30945s for infusions was actually the one able
30948s to get the confirmation there a little
30950s help from avery on the other side to
30952s close it out so they'll split the elim
30953s split the points going through and
30955s actually no close still hasn't been done
30957s on that one player so they're going to
30958s close that one out
30962s there goes a quick finish
30964s onto the down player here comes the
30966s closeout for the teammate but j in the
30968s distance here trying to escape out the
30970s side here they have to know he doesn't
30972s have a lot of mass but neither does
30973s fusions he is sitting on a little bit of
30976s the
30976s siphon mats of course so before they go
30978s for the push here you can cap off now
30981s keep in mind there is a lot of material
30984s and loot on the outskirts here right
30985s it's not just all the loot that's inside
30987s the command cavern it's what's on this
30989s outer area as well so plenty to play for
30991s and that's that game knowledge really
30993s starting to kick in there on the other
30994s side of team that's doing a little
30995s better than some of the ones we watched
30997s earlier it's qua in tabs g he's going to
30999s find av out the gate av really having a
31002s rough day today being on the losing end
31004s of a lot of these gun fights here
31007s i mean speaking a rough day though i
31009s think uh dr sloane just got a knock in
31011s the feed so whoever that was that's
31013s going to be
31014s even rougher in that regard so
31017s definitely not necessarily something you
31018s always want to see but hey man sloane's
31020s got them hands you got to be careful
31023s qua here basing up on top of the reboot
31026s card i'm wondering if they're gonna go
31028s ahead and hold that one out
31029s it'll be a pretty interesting play for
31031s cam and bucky the fight rages on here at
31034s the daily bugle
31036s see what kind of headliners they can
31038s continue to make here as stories are
31040s being written out
31041s easy 2k you know they've done a great
31043s job kind of maintaining things here last
31046s game cam and bucky
31047s respectively made it all the way through
31049s to those final moving zones you have to
31051s give them a little bit of a
31053s you know a shout there for actually
31055s making an end game because it's been a
31057s it's been a bit of a tough day here at
31059s the daily bug it's been a somewhat of an
31061s uphill battle for them
31063s uphill get it because there's a hill
31065s around the daily bugle get it oh yeah
31067s get it well i think it's more so been
31069s because the there have been very awkward
31071s zones when it's come to the bugle like
31073s the zones dropping on top of the bugle
31075s are actually really poor because
31077s generally you want to post up on there
31079s and you want players to have to rotate
31081s past your sight lines but if everybody's
31082s rotating in they can kind of box up and
31085s know that like hey somebody's gonna be
31086s on top of the bugle let's make sure we
31087s don't give them a sight line keeping an
31089s eye on the feed though miro picks up
31091s another confirmation for himself and
31093s that's going to further solidify again
31095s if you're watching the stakes the
31098s teams in the top five go through to the
31100s finals that's all that matters for them
31103s first second third fourth doesn't matter
31106s where you finish you get a ticket to the
31108s finals everyone else you're still
31110s competing for serious points so
31111s overtaking somebody else could mean the
31113s difference between a ticket to the
31114s semifinals or you sitting out in the
31116s postseason of this fncs so still plenty
31119s on the line here but it's really going
31120s to come down to if any of those top five
31123s teams drop out early then things get
31125s real interesting
31127s exactly and we are in the last game so
31129s this is it the final opportunity for
31131s players to actually go ahead and do that
31133s right make that story happen make that
31135s finals
31136s honestly come to fruition here and now
31139s so you don't have to go through those
31140s semi-final stages because things are
31143s only going to get a little bit harder as
31144s the competition begins to continue on
31146s but for clicks and day they know they
31148s need a huge game and we have seen them
31150s do this before when they need to step it
31152s up they step it up and they go for the
31155s fights and they play fearlessly and they
31157s have done just that right now already
31158s finding one elimination we saw this in
31160s that last game too they found a little
31162s bit of success but it's carrying the
31164s success into the end game it's so much
31166s more difficult as you start to make a
31168s further day is gonna get punished though
31171s as you can see ch on the other side does
31173s not give it up easily but
31175s in the end
31176s kamado does fall clicks ends up
31178s following up here and now he's just
31180s trying to close this one out what can
31182s rhoda do
31183s nothing much is right gets shut down
31185s there and there it is two eliminations
31187s for clicks and day here to kick things
31189s off a big point swing in the right
31191s direction and now they're in ninth place
31193s but they're gonna need about i don't
31195s know 10 12 more of those maybe and an
31198s end game maybe a win to go ahead and
31200s snatch up it and even then they're going
31202s to need somebody else to go down as we
31204s catch up with some of the other action
31205s happening around the map here his flu
31207s rhythm getting some good shots around
31209s the side making sure he's working with
31211s his partner there to close it out taki
31213s on the other side of it with the drum
31214s shotgun good little replays and able to
31216s follow up and just really battering
31218s opponents of the shot that's really how
31220s you want to be using that drum shotgun
31222s is just keep throwing the pellets
31224s towards your opponent
31226s keep tossing things at the wall and hope
31228s it'll stick
31230s maybe eventually it will
31232s for djing and the yamzo i mean we're
31233s talking about costco right that's how
31235s you check if it's ready you toss them in
31237s the wall and it sticks
31238s if there's ever an expert on pasta we
31241s know it's sundown guys he can tell the
31243s story at some later date if he feels
31245s like it
31246s but
31248s yeah he's the spaghetti man here that's
31250s the story it's not that long
31253s oh man i mean listen how did boog and
31256s miro even find elimination right they
31257s have these teams basing up here and they
31259s they actually get those points which is
31261s interesting to me because it's a long
31263s rain or early game engagement there
31265s normally players will have a lot of
31267s shield and whatnot
31269s i i feel like the one thing booga is
31271s fantastic about is he throws shots at
31273s absolutely everything if you move on his
31276s map he has no problem just getting a
31277s couple tags but every now and then it's
31279s one of the reasons why you very rarely
31281s ever see him underneath storm surge
31283s pressure
31284s and every now and then that converts
31286s into elimination hey someone else is
31287s throwing the tags hey maybe one of them
31289s dinks a headshot when the player wasn't
31290s ready for it it can happen coming
31292s through especially without sniper rifles
31294s sometimes people like to hang their
31296s heads out there just a little bit longer
31298s so we can see right now mars and
31299s crumbler they're trying to make their
31300s own push currently 11th just outside of
31303s that front page and they've done all
31305s right in terms of getting eliminations
31306s but done much more in terms of getting
31308s placement points but they're going to
31309s need a combination of both and there's a
31311s good one there taking out encos
31313s yeah accused into falling there marzo
31315s delvin crumbler man talk about you know
31318s the sleeper duo sliding on in finding
31320s eliminations and taking out some pretty
31323s big teams right if only if only they had
31327s not fallen a little bit early around
31328s that fourth game or so things could have
31330s been different for them they could have
31332s been in that striking distance for the
31333s top five but right now it is a it's a
31337s it's a dream it's a dreams away as they
31339s are just
31341s outside of that reach because of the
31343s point threshold but it still comes down
31345s to whether or not fourth fifth sixth
31347s right these teams end up falling or not
31350s being as consistent as they'd like
31353s but even then with the faster pace of
31354s the lobby those placement points start
31356s to add up one more duo going down will
31359s mean that first place in point ends up
31360s getting gifted out and that's where the
31362s tournament management mode ends up
31364s coming in you recognize the fact hey
31366s each placement point we get is a point
31368s that the opponents can't also close on
31371s us right not getting knocked out like
31373s yes they might get the point but you get
31374s it too so they don't close any of the
31376s delta it means they have to keep
31377s pressing for eliminations and each time
31379s you take a fight it's a little risky
31382s like yes you might think you're better
31383s than a dual on the opposite side of you
31384s but every single duo in this lobby when
31387s given the opportunity can win a fight
31389s against every other duo
31391s yeah and we've seen that happen we've
31393s seen upsets we've seen you know what you
31395s know honestly expectations being met
31397s between some clashes and everything in
31400s between honestly for booga and miro
31402s getting back on track here with the team
31404s that's making a rotate i mean i i was so
31406s so
31407s just interested in how they were going
31411s to perform out of their drop spot
31413s without those big whiplash vehicles
31415s those upgraded chunkers tires and they
31417s have surprised me by far they have
31420s managed to stay consistent they have
31421s managed to find eliminations and they're
31423s doing it in championship fashion it
31425s really does just put you know put a
31428s microscope onto why they are fncs
31431s champions why they've managed to do this
31433s multiple times now on the big stage and
31436s they continue to perform now in this
31438s fifth place spot i mean it's still on
31440s the line it's still gonna come down to
31442s this last game but if history tells us
31445s anything it's that they're gonna have a
31446s strong last game and they've managed to
31448s do that so far they're one of the few
31450s teams that actually have an elimination
31452s right now
31453s and checking on our sixth place team has
31455s vivid
31456s so aptly noted at the start of it
31458s there's a 28 point gap and each one of
31460s those placement points that gets taken
31462s out you don't get to close that gap so
31464s slacks and clarity if they want the
31466s ticket to the finals they need to chop
31468s chop hop on the horse put the pedal to
31470s the metal some other euphemism for going
31472s fast insert it here because they the
31474s time is ticking and it's just past the
31476s hour right now
31478s yep and if your day and clicks the story
31480s is the same for them as well
31482s many eliminations separate them from
31485s that fifth place spot
31486s and that chance to the finals that quick
31489s ride to the finals
31492s but the game has continued to battle
31493s right the the lobbyists continue to
31495s fight here let's take a look at some of
31497s those fights that have gone down early
31498s action here
31499s tilted towers jack and ellis that's the
31502s second time we've seen the stylish slide
31504s up followed by the shotgun shot right
31506s there you love to see
31507s the flashy plays come out talk about big
31509s plays though duke in the feed wraps up
31511s redux and plague dignitas is duke man
31513s another again we talk about the pickups
31516s from team dignitas entering into the
31518s space here
31519s and their teams are doing so well right
31521s now it's uh miro duke and pgod right he
31525s got yup nice yeah i just saw
31526s unfortunately pigott being unable to
31528s qualify today but the other two
31530s absolutely showing up i mean dukes has
31532s been around for a very long time he's
31534s put in the effort just one in fncs being
31536s able to come through and right now you
31538s can see
31539s cabinet and death still just trying to
31541s hold on they've been
31543s honestly one of the more consistent duos
31545s game plan wise doing a very good job
31547s with it making sure they're staying
31549s mostly center of all these rotations
31551s getting up high and utilizing just high
31553s quality rifle aim to stay above the
31555s storm surge tags and then let them play
31557s end game
31559s and i really do respect players like
31561s death and tabnay who just keep their
31562s head down and keep their focus on the
31565s game practice week in and week out take
31567s advantage of all opportunities and play
31569s every tournament it's a major you have
31571s to appreciate players that put in that
31573s additional effort and you know what dubs
31575s and mega do the same as well if you just
31576s look at dev uh dubs track history i mean
31579s he paired up with ro kane recently in a
31580s cash cup and took home that w and that's
31582s something that's impressive across the
31584s board because you have the best of the
31585s best playing in there
31586s now of course his signature duo mega for
31590s the finals four f and cs's they've been
31592s doing so good that last game i can't
31594s believe they were taken out over at this
31596s sleepy sound there all because
31598s of their
31599s hunger to pick up the airdrop
31602s yeah we're trying to hawk that launch
31603s pad knowing how valuable it would be but
31606s ultimately they got hawked in the end
31608s picked out as prey
31610s what could have been a fortunate
31611s situation for them but instead turns
31613s unfortunate and we have fifth and sixth
31615s pretty much right on top of each other
31617s booger mirror with slacks right above
31620s him to the side so that would be the
31622s fight that needs to happen if slax is
31624s able to kind of get some advantage get a
31626s press down on him you can see boog and
31628s mirror not quite sitting at full hp
31629s while they do have still plenty of
31632s excess heels so if they can get the drop
31633s on him there is a potential jamper picks
31635s up bucky so it's still adding to the
31637s total
31639s yeah definitely racking up a little bit
31641s here but again mero making a move right
31643s now
31644s could be potentially dangerous for them
31646s if the team on top if slashing clarity
31649s ends up sinking onto the side dookie is
31650s gonna get knocked here
31653s so back and forth exchanges here jamper
31655s has to play for the scene can you see
31656s the body no not quick enough
31659s just a little late
31661s and now
31662s it's jamper versus cam it's
31665s cam who's just young fresh and so good
31669s in these kind of battle situations up
31670s against the vet jamper who's been here
31672s before who can keep his composure in
31674s these final game one be fun last game
31676s situation boxes up cam makes him look
31678s like the new player that he is but no
31682s cam slips away here launch back comes
31684s out
31685s things the treat
31687s what a fight
31688s it's about to say tough launch pad there
31690s and as jamper he looked around saying
31692s hey wait how did you actually get out of
31694s here there's a tree above and he didn't
31696s go too far he should know that cam is
31697s right on the other side of it
31699s looking to potentially still press this
31701s fight but he really wants to go back for
31703s the card you can tell that he's trying
31705s to hawk the card he wants to be able to
31707s pick it up but based on the zones i'm
31709s not sure he's going to have the
31710s opportunity to make that play unless he
31712s can resolve that fight quickly the flip
31714s side of that day and click still up on
31715s their feet three eliminations to their
31717s name now
31719s once again this is that last game if
31721s you're down and out if you're sent back
31723s to the lobby it is wraps your tournament
31724s weekend
31725s it's over
31727s there's nothing you can really do about
31728s it well i wouldn't necessarily say
31731s weekend your tournament friday will be
31732s back sunday
31734s we do have sunday your weekend's not
31735s over
31737s just today's chance is done
31739s you do have another shot speaking you're
31741s right you're absolutely right more
31743s action to come here a little bit of a
31744s different pacing though right more
31746s demanding because you have to play those
31748s rounds to get to that uh that broadcast
31751s setting once again here and again shout
31753s out to everyone watching along here
31755s whether you're inside the game at the
31757s legends landing or of course following
31758s along in the twitch chat it has been
31760s exceptional
31762s watching you all kind of chime along and
31764s root for the players this is a new kind
31766s of turning for the community we love to
31768s see it but for jamfer hold up the fight
31769s is continuing here the standoff between
31771s jamper and kim remember jamper's in
31773s seventh right now sundown he's still
31775s fighting for this three eliminations i
31776s mean he really has done a valiant effort
31779s to try to close that gap yeah but now as
31781s a solo i mean there there is a reboot
31784s van right out in the open on the edge of
31786s zone so i'm not saying there's a chance
31788s but i'm saying there's a chance you see
31790s clicks picks up another pair in the feed
31793s and
31793s hold the phone don't drop it won't break
31796s right now but
31797s potentially the nrg duo they pushed from
31799s 11th up to ninth so far and he's going
31802s for it
31804s we said they need about 10 of e limbs
31806s if he starts this van
31808s i'm pulling
31809s cam is going to obliterate him if he
31811s starts it
31812s or clicks and day are gonna come on in
31814s and take this fight they're good because
31815s they need it too
31818s chimps there what chip wants to do oh
31820s gosh
31822s everybody is just hocking this reboot
31824s man right now and i mean you he heard
31825s that trunk splash there's no way he
31826s didn't hear that jug
31830s he's looking sees the bill come out sees
31832s the trees rustling as well player on the
31834s side too there's a lot going on here
31836s it'd be so risky if he gets if he gets
31838s both of these it's huge and we do have
31839s clicks and day on the opposite side of
31841s them we're going to take a look at the
31842s elimination they did just pick up oh my
31844s gosh
31846s honestly it feels like they're playing a
31848s different game than fortnight when i
31849s play fortnite because that was just
31851s gross
31853s that's what i'm talking about that's
31854s that's that's why they are a difference
31857s when they want it they want to show that
31859s watch how fast they end up just
31861s committing they commit they go all in
31862s they go for these box fights they both
31864s get the shots they shut that player down
31866s that's six eliminations now we know they
31867s need to get to 10 maybe 11 maybe 12 in
31870s the end game they're doing it right now
31871s they are halfway there ladies and
31873s gentlemen if you're rooting for them i
31874s mean they are putting on the show for us
31878s you can see there's still two more solos
31879s there they're not aware of that fact
31880s they got one they could push through to
31882s that there are still plenty of people up
31884s on their feet without a partner two of
31885s the three solos are over on that side of
31887s the map they're gonna rotate behind but
31889s honestly that could have been an
31890s opportunity for them to pick up even
31892s more points and right now over to our
31895s current fourth place team iomzodija 169
31898s in terms of points j picks up larson
31900s cash gets quantity and then larson turns
31902s it back around on the cash you see arms
31904s are trying to get a line onto jamming
31906s his duo as dj just ripping shots away
31908s and look at this angle
31910s yeah no eliminations yet for dj and the
31912s enzo
31914s they're just living off the placement
31915s points chipping away at the big iceberg
31919s trying to reveal that top five at the
31921s end of the day here
31923s but it's going to continue to take more
31924s and more work 44 players left in the
31926s lobby that's a lot of points that
31928s continue to be dispersed out
31931s for teams like clix and day for teams
31933s like slacks and clarity g i mean the
31935s points are being eaten up right now
31939s don't forget we're into the cascading
31940s placement points as well 22 duos up
31943s we're just into the fourth zone there's
31945s no fifth zone storm surge so storm surge
31947s might not play a factor at all here in
31950s game number six but those placement
31952s points are a ticking and each one is a
31954s point that you're not able to make up
31956s that means the timer is moving that much
31958s faster the sand in the hourglass got a
31961s little wet and gravity is doing its
31963s thing pulling it down i actually don't
31964s know if that's how it worked it might
31965s clog the bottom i don't know that was a
31967s shy wager analogy metaphor whatever just
31969s pretend it made sense and it was really
31970s cool as we hop back on board here with
31972s the energy duo and honestly monster zone
31974s dropped right on top of their head but
31976s they don't want to they don't want to
31977s wait they want to take this fight
31978s immediately and that's tabnay on the
31980s other side of that human death if they
31982s could pick that up that could be huge
31984s and you can see they double back they
31986s want to say hey are there other teams
31987s behind us can we choose anyone else to
31989s key right now and the answer is no so
31992s the the options here are tab name and
31994s def that's who they want to battle
31995s that's who they want to just honestly
31997s finish off if they can get anything
31999s click says hey let's go back here the
32001s zone's starting to you know swing this
32003s way we can get a front of this
32005s yeah but monster there's still 41 points
32008s behind booga and miro right now like yes
32010s they're doing well yes the six
32012s eliminations the 18 points that's
32014s monstrous but they they need to do that
32016s basically again they need to double
32017s their elimination
32019s they can they absolutely can
32022s we've seen it before
32023s and with the way all the other teams
32025s that are in the safety position right
32027s now a fourth fifth and six are playing i
32029s mean the opportunity to do it is
32031s actually here because everyone is
32033s playing slow here it is that's one
32035s player here's another will they start
32037s from underneath yes because the box is
32038s oh he tries to cone off defeat he almost
32041s catches him but instead dave's gonna go
32042s in he's fully committing third place
32044s might just be on the line here that's a
32046s tag there tries to grab the wall clicks
32047s doesn't quite get it swings around to
32049s make sure this is his teammate and it is
32051s unfortunately could not get enough
32052s damage to go ahead and finish this one
32054s off but miscommunication between the two
32055s they still wants to continue it here
32057s they're starting to re-engage
32059s re-initiate here decide once again and
32061s there it is into the box they go it's
32062s going to come down to this days down ken
32064s klix gets the finish here he does not
32067s and just like that
32068s all hope might just be lost clicks is by
32071s himself here oh man it looked like they
32073s were going to have the open up and the
32075s opportunity to press but the team fire
32077s was just better from death and tammany
32080s able to defensively take that fight
32081s saying hey they're knocking pretty
32083s aggressively let's uh let's drop the
32085s defenses pour the boiling water out the
32087s front kick him in the moat get him with
32089s the crocodiles whatever other defensive
32091s measure you need to take they had it
32093s there and we're able to shut that down
32095s but and booga still up on his feet he
32097s picks up an elimination the placement
32098s points are ticking away tick tock on the
32102s clock and if you're not in that top five
32105s you got to be sweating however i do like
32107s the way clarity and slacks are going
32109s about this they're saying hey one of
32111s those teams goes down and we play for
32113s the win knowing that if they get the e
32115s limbs they'll come but they need the win
32118s and whatever else
32120s that's right slow and steady can win the
32122s race here dubs and mega are still also
32124s in this in game here a small glimmer of
32127s hope for those teams too but booga and
32129s mero have not found any eliminations
32131s they are just barely above the surge
32132s here
32133s of course looking to just wait it out by
32136s their time
32138s the longer it takes though the less
32139s likely it will be for everyone else here
32142s clarity g finds one as well that's
32144s another pickup for them a three-point
32145s swing and now to the front zone they go
32147s someone knew though is starting to build
32149s up for height they're gonna land right
32150s on top of them they are truly playing
32151s for the win and that's that new mechanic
32153s right there clarity actually climbs on
32154s up to the build off of the slight mishap
32157s in the miss there and they are the kings
32159s of high ground now at two eliminations
32161s can they find a little bit more
32163s dubs omega taking down clarity good
32166s good striker pump shot towards the side
32168s they're able to pick that up zone going
32170s to bounce and pull its way
32172s south
32173s away from any old building death and
32175s tabnay got about six builds between the
32178s two of them so their time might be up if
32180s they can't find a refresh it's clarity
32182s and slacks they have the high ground
32184s they're playing for the dub peterbot
32186s goes straight up he's looking for a
32187s window but speaking of a window mirror
32189s opens one up and he gets it immediately
32191s slammed on his fingers he says ouch that
32193s hurts he's going to pop his shield back
32195s up and that's a battle for height
32196s monster it's a battle for height and
32197s this could be it
32199s this is peterbot trying to go for height
32201s they want to win this game and win the
32203s first place they want to take it all
32205s home in fashion they're doing just that
32207s they have nothing to lose and for
32208s clarity and slacks everything is on the
32211s line that's the different pressure
32213s between the two decision decision now
32215s they have to give it up here if they
32216s want to stay in the run right now and
32218s down they go and honestly this might
32219s actually work a little bit better for
32220s them because they need the point they
32222s have to get into this activity right now
32224s yeah they need the points you see degen
32226s going down but again he was so far up
32228s eons are still doing well we still have
32230s pretty much everyone in our top five
32232s they go up on their feet but slacks find
32233s you
32234s on the opposite side of it that's the
32236s fourth place team on the other side
32237s trying to get everything they can
32240s that's a huge elimination right there
32241s fourth place is now down and out that's
32243s one of the pieces of the puzzle there
32245s completely finished and this is gonna
32247s start to open things up a little bit but
32248s there is still so much more that needs
32249s to be done here slacks now 142 points
32252s can they find these double eliminations
32253s down low they need to commit here for
32255s booga and miro they've only gotten a
32257s single elim they're starting to run out
32259s of material here no more armored walls
32261s either and that's it defenses are down
32263s slashing clarity g starting to pop off
32265s here four eliminations 17 players in the
32268s lobby 15 can be theirs if they get
32270s active here and now can they
32273s oh no the pressure from behind the flick
32274s shot there it was good but doesn't quite
32276s finish miro is down booga is down
32279s clarity g is up couple of points here
32281s and if they fall now it's over and it is
32284s done there the only place that's
32286s available is seventh and that's rise
32289s here he's gonna need to do everything
32291s and more if he wants to secure it there
32293s goes an elimination but we might just
32295s have seen the full solidification of our
32298s top five there sundown yeah i mean we
32300s still saw pretty much everyone in the
32302s top five make it to the top ten we'll be
32305s seeing that same top five in the finals
32308s and honestly there's a reason there was
32309s a gap heading into this game they just
32312s played better on the day and peterbot
32314s and byla they're going to flex on that
32316s number one spot saying we don't just
32318s want to finish first we don't just want
32320s the momentum we want everything that
32323s goes with it but honestly shadowing me
32325s too these last two games have earned
32327s themselves a bunch a bunch of series
32330s points second place at least in
32332s back-to-back games and some good
32333s pressure on the pilot trying to slap him
32336s down here and deny the victory royale
32338s this is still a great fight though
32341s peterbot foreign a great side angle just
32344s exchanged peter
32346s tries to get the pickaxe but no the
32348s disrespect was not enough shadow holds
32352s his own and manages to save his
32354s reputation he doesn't get pickaxe not
32356s today and honestly if you're me too in
32358s shadow you'll take that a vr in a second
32361s place really late on but honestly you
32364s gotta respect
32366s you have to respect violent peterborough
32368s you know the comms at the end he's
32370s knocked pickaxe pickaxe only pickaxe
32371s only he was going for it he had about
32374s one hp it was there but the siphon ended
32377s up coming out and omg me too matrix
32380s shadow will win the final game but no
32384s surprises no dramatics when it comes to
32387s the top five the top five from last game
32389s monster they're the top five this game
32391s and for good reason
32393s absolutely everyone played incredible
32395s coming into the end of course we try to
32397s root those other parties up but at the
32399s end of the day the ultimate consistency
32402s comes through for our top five teams
32404s there and you'll love to see it there in
32405s the end though omg shadow and me too can
32407s celebrate with the victor royale that is
32409s still no easy feats here on the fncs
32411s qualifier stage especially looking at
32413s the last round when finals is on the
32415s line so
32416s every team that did get a win today can
32418s still keep their heads up oh yeah you
32419s have to keep your head up and again it's
32421s not just the top five everybody else is
32423s still competing for serious points still
32425s competing for a slot in the semifinals
32427s and don't forget we got a little bit
32428s more time we'll be back again tomorrow
32430s with rounds one and two and then we'll
32432s have three and four going through on the
32434s sunday so make sure you're paying
32436s attention playing those games out but we
32438s got our top five and again no real
32440s surprises peter bought by the second
32442s place in the last game thanks to a
32444s couple of near-miss pickaxe swings g2
32446s agers kungarna kanata elite
32449s death and then kony owner aka tabney
32452s digen and yamzo and then dignitas miro
32455s in senbega rounding out the top five
32458s and a great showing from all of them
32460s there again just gapping the competition
32462s from sixth and company by about 20 or 30
32465s points or so so these teams absolutely
32468s played phenomenal that's where you go
32470s ahead you hit the reviews you see what
32472s worked for them because clearly they
32474s were on top
32476s yeah they were able to run it out let's
32477s take a look at what the top 10
32478s leaderboard was and how that gap ended
32481s up farming because again the top five a
32482s really good push from slacks and clarity
32484s g if they've been able to put it
32486s together get that victory royale get the
32488s extra points they might have been able
32490s to sneak it away but like i said they
32492s had to play for the win see threats and
32494s rise ellis and jock day and clicks and
32496s then shadow and me too rounding out our
32498s top ten
32500s man how crazy would that have been if
32501s slax and claire dg did it they took out
32504s mero and booga had there not been that
32506s little bit of resistance on the storm
32508s line there it would have been the
32509s complete difference there sundown at the
32511s very end but that was nae's for us what
32514s a six game series we had yeah that was
32516s it six regions down but we still have
32519s one more and we're gonna throw it right
32521s on over to them n a west starts right
32524s now kelly panda clay take it away
32531s thank you so much sundown and monster d
32533s face and everyone from the n.a east crew
32536s if we have even a sliver of the action
32538s that we just got to see from that action
32540s then you guys are in for a treat welcome
32542s everyone to the fn ces chapter three
32545s season two qualifier day one we don't
32548s have time for height pieces or for
32549s trailers we're hopping right into the
32551s action and to do that i have panda and
32553s clay joining me right now panda how's it
32555s going man
32556s he's super excited to dive into these
32558s games because if it's anything like east
32560s and eu today it's going to be hype what
32562s do you think of clay i am feeling the
32564s exact same way it's gonna come down to
32565s that last match for the top five to
32567s qualify through
32569s all right well we have to take a quick
32571s look at our broadcast schedule because
32573s maybe you guys are just joining us for
32574s the first time and you don't know what
32575s exactly we're here for well this is
32577s qualifier one everyone this is the 50
32579s team's chance to jump into the finals
32581s those top five teams gonna be able to do
32583s that but they're gonna have another
32584s chance in two days on sunday that's may
32587s 8th and then one more chance everyone
32589s we're adding another qualifier to this
32591s season and that's going to be next week
32593s but of course all of that leads into the
32595s semifinals where our teams are going to
32596s have one more shot over three days to
32599s take their ticket into the finals and of
32601s course as you can see may 28th may 29th
32604s is going to be a two day super final a
32607s fair you're not going to want to miss it
32609s make sure you put that down into your
32610s calendar but of course to even make it
32612s into the finals panda they're going to
32614s have to compete in our competition
32616s they absolutely are and this is how the
32618s format's going to look right obviously
32620s we'll dive into the semifinals in the
32621s finals when that comes right but we got
32623s to talk about the qualifiers because
32624s that's where we're at right now now
32627s there are three different chances to
32629s advance we have qualifier one two and
32631s three this is qualifier number one and
32633s in each qualifier we have four
32634s individual rounds
32636s the round that we are watching today is
32637s actually round number four so they have
32639s competed up into this point to get into
32642s this lobby here for round four now the
32644s top five from this round will advance
32646s the finals but that's not all for these
32649s teams right so these teams are also
32651s going to be focusing on being consistent
32652s throughout not only this qualifier but
32654s the other two as well for an opportunity
32656s to make it through through series points
32658s kelly
32659s it's going to be a hard journey for a
32661s lot of these teams right now but another
32663s change that's been added to the fncs is
32665s that eliminations are now three points
32667s each so i definitely think that we're
32668s gonna be seeing some w key games right
32670s here and possibly a team that's gonna be
32673s bringing some w king is quinn and
32675s defiable the first duo that we're gonna
32676s be focusing on right now and we're
32678s taking a look at them because they came
32680s out of round three in first place panda
32683s they definitely did and with daily bugle
32685s contested it's gonna be a tough drop for
32687s them but if there's any brain in the n a
32689s west side of fortnite that can handle it
32691s it's quinn this man knows how to handle
32694s these high pressure situations and then
32695s adding defiable to the team again just
32698s an all-star player throughout any west
32700s this is what you love to see they're in
32703s round three they got a total points of
32704s 141 they got two vrs out of their games
32707s and they averaged 6.56
32710s eliminations that is no easy task to say
32714s the least and they were able to
32715s accomplish it
32716s and look it's just so
32719s good compared to some of the stats that
32721s we have seen and panda is completely
32723s right quinn is notably the one around
32726s naos that everyone goes to for that igl
32729s brain like place and so i'm excited to
32731s see how they adapt this because 21
32734s average placement is not what we would
32736s expect out of them we'd expect them to
32738s be a little bit higher up and we know
32740s when they get into those set lobbies
32742s when it's less unpredictable like panda
32743s was saying they can definitely pop off
32745s definitely during round three obviously
32747s they had a great performance because
32749s they got first place but it kind of
32750s seemed like they were either really hot
32752s or really cold i think they had five
32754s games where they placed above sixth
32756s place and then they had four games where
32757s they placed below 40th so gonna be
32760s interesting to see how they're gonna be
32761s competing today but of course when we
32763s talk about na west we'd have to talk
32765s about some of the best players that this
32766s region has to offer and chat i think you
32768s guys know who i'm going to be talking
32769s about it's arkham and epic whale clay
32772s fncs champions seven times over but last
32776s season not the best performance we've
32778s seen out of them you know they didn't
32779s get off to the best foot and that's okay
32781s they're coming back with the vengeance
32783s they're landing right here in the middle
32785s of the map where they landed last season
32787s at coney crossroads it is looking so
32789s much better though for them because of
32792s the extra loot there just everything
32794s they they're gonna be fine and as you
32796s look at their total average eliminations
32799s it's looking great this is where we
32801s expect to see them i think they got
32803s tenth overall maybe fourth overall in
32806s round three coming through and so i'm
32808s excited to see how they play this out
32810s you know i'm excited too right i had the
32813s chance to talk to epic whale through
32815s media day and and he was
32817s very confident going into this fcs in
32819s comparison to last season right he's he
32821s talked about how he was contested off
32823s spawn how that caused a lot of issues
32825s for him and arkham early on and so now
32828s they're they're looking forward to not
32830s being contested any longer but
32832s obviously being contested is is only
32835s kind of a shield that you can hold on to
32836s for so long right now that you're
32838s uncontested we have to see a
32840s dramatically different performance here
32841s from them to reinstate the confidence
32844s from the west coast that these are these
32846s champion players but you know what
32848s listen if anybody's gonna be able to do
32849s it of course it's our from an epic whale
32851s and just looking at their stats that
32853s they had from round three we saw them
32854s grab a first place finish with 15
32856s eliminations obviously doing a great job
32858s in the end game but also they had a 20th
32860s place finish with 14 elims so even when
32863s they're not placing that well which we
32864s know you kind of need a little bit of
32866s both eliminations and placement they are
32868s still able to grab those much needed
32870s elimination points which again are three
32872s points per elimination so much more
32874s important now but a team that we
32876s obviously have to look towards again the
32879s reigning champs it's fabs and snacky
32882s yeah i mean look these are the boys i i
32886s obviously didn't have necessarily the
32888s same confidence i had in them in seasons
32890s past last season and they showed up and
32892s they said you know what panda don't even
32895s sweat it we're still gonna win it anyway
32897s right it was all about the batman buga
32899s and wheels for me last season but then
32900s stacking fabs they came up showed up
32902s showed out and came out as champions now
32904s back-to-back champions mind you and
32906s here's why they're able to not only do
32909s very well in high-pressure lobby
32911s situations like we're about to go go and
32913s experience they're also very good at
32915s getting eliminations and and really
32917s decent average placement now this isn't
32920s necessarily the average placement we're
32921s used to from snacky and fabs here that
32922s we saw in round three however with an
32924s average limb of 5.3 and them still being
32927s able to get a vr clay i i can definitely
32930s see them coming out on top today you
32932s know i doubted you last season panda
32934s i'll admit i did but you know this
32938s season this was my second choice of
32941s teams to go with is snacky and fabs
32944s because you're right they are really
32946s good at getting eliminations and if they
32948s can do that in a set lobby they're
32950s qualifying
32952s and let me i mean what they got a
32954s victory royale with 20 eliminations i
32956s don't even know if any other team was
32958s able to do that in round three obviously
32960s round four is a different beast i don't
32962s know if we're gonna be seeing a 20 bum
32964s but i'm i'm asking for it right now fab
32966s snacky if you want to provide a show for
32968s the audience give us another 20
32970s elimination vr you are going to be set
32973s going into the finals with that and
32975s obviously they have all the momentum
32976s going into it right now everyone i know
32979s you want to get into it right now as
32980s well but we have just a moment before we
32982s hop into game number one for n a west
32985s and i actually want to compare two of
32987s the best teams that we have in na west
32989s right now of course that's going to be
32990s arkham and epic whale and rex and reed
32993s now
32994s rex and rit an incredible team right
32996s here ree being one of the most volatile
32998s players in the entire game pretty much
33000s winning every single cash cup from every
33001s region ever joined by rex who used to be
33004s a trio of epic whale and ark room now
33007s clay real quick talk to me about this
33009s matchup that we're seeing right here
33011s it's definitely elim heavy verse is
33014s victory royale have you just look you
33016s see a little bit more average elims
33018s there we know rex and reid can put those
33020s elims up on the board well arkham and
33022s everywhere are really going to be
33023s focusing on that placement you can see
33025s in the highest point game going 42 epic
33027s well over the 33 from rex so it's kind
33030s of the dichotomy of those two is one of
33032s them's going to be very focused on those
33033s placements while one of them is going to
33035s be trying to elim their way to those
33037s placements
33039s yeah and one thing i really got to
33040s mention right you look at average
33042s placement average elims right both are
33044s better on reit and rex's side however
33046s epic whale and arkham have that that
33049s comeback
33050s ability and it's crazy to watch we've
33052s seen it time and time again whether it's
33053s the finals qualifiers etc they always
33055s have this this breakout moment whether
33057s it's they've fallen behind or it's in a
33060s separate game whatever the case may be
33062s they know how to come back and have big
33064s point games which is why the average
33066s placement and the average didn't matter
33068s they still had more points than rex and
33071s reed so it's going to be interesting to
33073s see how that all unfolds but it's
33075s getting ready to unfold kelly it is
33077s indeed everything will unfold in just a
33079s moment but of course it's the best part
33081s of the day everyone predictions and let
33083s us know and chat right now who you
33085s predict to be in first place for n a
33087s west and as you can see oh
33091s uh a lot of us kind of have the same
33093s opinion of epic whale and ark room but
33096s panda you seem to disagree okay look
33099s guys
33100s this uh this happens every season with
33102s epic arkham i don't know what it is
33105s right but i will say this i had a really
33107s good conversation with ree earlier today
33109s very very confident he had really good
33110s strategy going into today with rex um
33113s that's why i'm confidently picking them
33115s to qualify on that doesn't mean epic
33117s whale and arkham won't qualify i just
33119s feel like with it being three points per
33121s elimination reed and rex know how to get
33124s those elims and clearly based on the
33125s round three results that we saw there
33127s they know how to stay alive as well that
33129s average placement was uh surprisingly
33130s better than arkham and epic whale but
33132s let's see if they can combo that here in
33134s this lobby because this na wes action is
33137s about to be underway i mean we all know
33139s though panda that victory owls are where
33142s it's at who got two of them in their run
33144s it's gonna be epic whale and arkham we
33147s know that like you said they have that
33149s comeback potential and what's better to
33152s show it off than the season after you
33154s got dethroned
33157s that is i mean pretty much this
33159s opportunity right now is their time to
33162s claim their spot back on top because
33164s they won pretty much every single fncs
33167s of chapter two from season three on of
33170s course they were with rex though so it's
33172s kind of hard to pick between rex reit
33174s and arpa archamuel and epic or arkham
33176s and epic whale uh but you know there's
33179s so much to talk about there's so much to
33180s look into but chad i know what you guys
33182s want you want the game you want the
33184s action you're ready for game number one
33187s everyone if you're just joining us right
33188s now this is chapter three season two day
33190s one of the qualifiers five teams are
33193s gonna be finding their spot in the
33194s finals in a few weeks right now but
33197s before we can even get into that we have
33199s to get into the game everyone so we're
33201s gonna be seeing you after game number
33202s one is done but for now we're gonna be
33204s tossing into our two commentators and
33206s guys who better to bring it than jacob
33208s pr and takata
33210s thank you oh so much kelly clay panda
33214s breaking it down from the schedule the
33216s format the duos the drop spots they're
33218s doing everything necessary to get me
33220s excited for game number one but takata
33223s our resident pro player you gotta let me
33224s know how are you feeling and how are
33226s some of these players feeling heading
33227s into game number one i mean look game
33230s one can be a bit nerve-racking
33231s especially for the players who don't
33232s have as much experience right in these
33234s 50 duo lobbies right so this is an
33238s important one if you start off with a
33239s strong game one you're gonna be going
33241s forwards with that confidence with that
33243s momentum and you'll be able to power
33245s through but if you don't have too good
33246s of a game one you're gonna have to
33247s showcase that mentality right can you
33249s keep it strong keep it moving forwards
33251s and then pop off in the next games yeah
33254s i like that you're the resident pro
33255s player you know i trust you i trust your
33257s judgment carrying me out of tilted
33259s towers alive and and that's what a lot
33261s of these duos are going to hopefully see
33263s the big games big eliminations and if
33265s things go wrong like takata said that
33267s they have that duo they built enough
33269s chemistry and a game plan to survive
33271s everything that's thrown at them but
33272s luckily for you guys the battle bus is
33274s ready and so is game number one
33282s first match of the day the battle bus is
33286s just getting its engine started here six
33289s total matches today we have the veterans
33291s of fortnight competitive we also have
33293s some of the new faces here in the na
33296s west region let me know your favorite
33298s duos in the chat i want to see who is
33300s being rooted for today but we're going
33301s to be getting right into the action here
33304s in the daily bugle we've got the
33305s fireball we've got notorious we have so
33308s many duos that are just getting into
33311s this axe and jacob i mean i'm feeling
33312s hyped up and we got a full on
33315s elimination already
33317s bars wasting no time sending solution
33319s back rex taking a piece of that pie as
33321s well as defiable and quinn the duo that
33324s ended up in first place throughout round
33326s number three of the qualifiers and
33328s they're looking to kind of mimic that
33329s here in our finals but one of the
33331s biggest things that our analysts did
33333s break down to perfection is there's a
33335s playstyle differential you have to
33337s change up not only how you play but your
33339s thought process because this is a final
33341s set lobby everybody here knows exactly
33344s what to do in this situation
33346s i mean yeah if you're contested here in
33347s the daily bugle game one you're most
33349s likely gonna be contested again in game
33352s two so you have to adapt to your
33353s opponents note down what their strategy
33355s is how they're playing and then just
33357s overcome it right as the games go on so
33359s this could be an engagement here that
33361s they decide taking or maybe if they feel
33362s like they have enough loot they can
33364s disengage but i know a location here
33366s which is a very contested in the covert
33368s cavern i mean you can see how many duos
33371s are on the minimap at the bottom right
33374s this is gonna have some engagements in
33376s this early game yeah this has the power
33378s of at least two three suns that's how
33380s hot this drop is and you can see it
33382s batman booga and wheels with honestly a
33384s little bit of struggling performances
33386s coming into this one i don't think that
33388s is going to affect them too much because
33389s they've already seen the worst of the
33391s worst that can happen they've already
33393s had that practice and a huge game plan
33395s switch in this finals lobby is gonna be
33397s needed and i think honestly takata i
33399s think they're gonna have what it takes
33400s wheels is one of the best igls when it
33403s comes to the west region taking such a
33405s young gun underneath his boat and is not
33407s only helping him perform but he's
33409s helping develop this kid and making him
33411s one of the best not only players in the
33413s region but streamers as well and
33415s speaking of the best players in the
33417s region we have our previous champions
33419s here favs and snacky who are going
33421s straight into the tilted towers this is
33423s a drop spot which can be pretty
33425s dangerous it's pretty heavily contested
33427s so you know that if a duo's dropping
33429s here especially in a round four they've
33431s got the confidence and they've got the
33432s mechanical skill to come out on top yeah
33435s luckily for them you know it's a little
33436s bit of changes coming with tilted towers
33438s so it's not going to be as contested as
33440s it was in the past so it's going to
33442s allow a team like snacky and fabs the
33444s early game that they're looking for loot
33446s up mat up get exactly everything that
33449s they need and then they could be on the
33450s hunt for surge thereafter
33452s taking a look here though at panda's
33454s pick for today we've got rex and reed
33457s who are dropping on contested in greasy
33459s you can even take a look here rex look
33461s at that aim you know he practices it as
33463s he gets a knock down right off the start
33466s of the match onto ezzo playing for
33469s fusion esports but also pars who's
33471s contested here in the command cavern i
33473s mean you can see all these engagements
33474s happening so quickly into the match
33476s jacob yeah and you kind of heard my
33478s doubts during that nae scheme while we
33479s were watching in the green room that's
33481s such a real 50 50 drop more than i've
33484s ever seen going for the uh slurp truck
33486s to try to get your shields back up and
33488s if you find that combat the shots could
33490s be that
33491s much easier parse and raise a duo
33493s honestly they took fabs and snacky to
33495s the wire last season going down in the
33498s very final game which gave up their run
33501s they still placed in the top but i know
33503s that's not fit they want they want that
33504s pickaxe of champions they want to call
33507s themselves the best team just like this
33509s team in front of us arkham and epic bow
33511s for multiple years multiple fncs's in a
33514s row they have been known as the best
33516s team in the region hands down oh and you
33518s can see getting to the game one they do
33520s have their drop spot on contested so
33522s they're feeling pretty good but taking a
33524s look here at eval who's gonna get into
33526s an engagement in the first zone trying
33528s to actually secure the high ground here
33529s she's going into a third party there's
33531s already a duo in this engagement so if
33533s they pick the timing right this could be
33534s huge for them
33536s team
33537s so good when it comes to playing the end
33539s game as individuals it's when they find
33542s themselves in this exact spot towards
33544s synapse station at the edge of the
33545s entirety of the map not just the zone it
33548s might even look like they added in a far
33549s pole but this is where they're trying to
33551s get that surge get their early
33553s elimination so that way for the rest of
33554s the game it's all about finding their
33556s location in the center of the circle
33558s it's where they no longer no longer have
33560s to worry about the surge but they still
33561s have to go through this and the longer
33563s they take for this one is the harder
33565s it's going to be because then they have
33566s to travel so far north the riskier it
33569s gets you can see on the minimap at the
33570s bottom right that the zone did pull
33573s further away so they're not safe
33575s currently if they lengthen this
33577s engagement out too long they could end
33579s up getting in storm they could ending up
33581s losing a lot of heels here just to
33583s rotate into the first zone so you kind
33585s of got to think is it worth it do we try
33587s and do a quick engagement here and get
33589s these eliminations or do we back off
33590s keep rotating keep forming up and set
33592s ourselves up for the end game
33594s tag from above
33596s high ground playing the roll but you go
33598s and you find that miss that's gonna make
33599s fighting in the storm a little bit
33602s easier i wouldn't say it's going to be
33603s exponentially less difficult by any
33605s means but knowing that you can take some
33607s hp not have to peek and hoping that your
33610s opponents do but that separation is
33611s there baca and delta not together and
33613s that's going to cost them some hp but
33615s delta quick to react immediately going
33617s on the offensive putting some shots down
33619s to try to alleviate that pressure
33621s trying to see if he can find an angle
33623s here connect any shots with that striker
33625s pump but delta gonna be getting cracked
33627s here down to nine effective hp has to
33629s build up has to cover himself as baka as
33632s well it's going to be down to 60 hp they
33634s need to make something happen here if
33636s they want to do a comeback on this
33637s engagement against on and evolve yeah
33639s this is something we talked about all
33641s last season from qualifiers or
33643s semi-finals and finals all it takes is
33645s one second of being separated just like
33647s that is evil forced to drop down low 22
33649s hp he has just enough to get about 125
33653s effective shield at hp big pots being
33655s tossed around so that's gonna make it
33656s even better but the damage has
33658s definitely been done you can see the
33660s team in the mini-map they're not backing
33661s down from this fight because they know
33663s they have that much of an advantage and
33665s even if they want to takata they can go
33667s ahead they can move forward ahead of
33668s zone and set themselves up to continue
33671s putting the shots on this team what the
33672s question is i mean look at the material
33674s count baca only has seven builds his
33676s dual delta i'm sure is not too healthy
33678s on the materials either so if they just
33680s keep staying here trying to get these
33682s two eliminations they might end up
33684s getting to zone with not enough
33685s materials and they won't be able to form
33687s since they'll already be duos there so
33688s this is a very risky play but you can
33690s tell they want these eliminations and
33692s delta is gonna be getting exactly that
33694s as he knocks down one goes for the
33696s second and that's both players
33697s eliminated delta and vodka come out on
33700s top in game one yeah my biggest fear was
33702s if that one continued to go on not
33704s everything not only everything that you
33706s said is added on but then they're not
33708s gonna have the resources the heels the
33709s shields to get themselves back up once
33712s they get in towards the center of the
33713s zone but luckily for them they finished
33715s it rather quick
33716s on board reed and rex who are just going
33718s for that surge damage they already got
33720s one elimination underneath their belt
33721s that comes with surge and now they're
33723s setting themselves up in zone to collect
33725s even more so that way they don't have to
33727s worry towards the mid game the late game
33729s when they're forced to make nothing but
33730s rotations
33732s taking a look here at rex gonna pop some
33734s mini shields now closer to the log jam
33737s area on the map a very important thing
33738s to do in these round fours or these
33741s these matches there where there's only
33742s 50 duos is that you want to set yourself
33744s up for storm surge that minimum damage
33746s threshold you need to reach depending on
33749s the zone so you need to get as much
33751s damage done as possible if you're able
33753s to position yourself on a high elevated
33754s location such as batman booger here on
33757s wheels who can see a majority of the map
33760s you're gonna have a lot more opportunity
33762s to get tags just like batman booga is
33764s doing and that is crucial to these
33766s matches yeah and this is something this
33768s duo has practiced time and time again or
33770s either this spot right here on the blimp
33773s where you see wale and vanillas that's
33774s just their game plan because it's so
33776s contested over towards command cavern
33779s they know they don't have to go in and
33780s risk it all even if they do sometimes
33783s try to test their luck down there but
33784s they just sit in the high ground collect
33786s the damage that you're talking about and
33787s because they're so far in the zone
33789s already they have really nothing to
33791s worry about but arkham and epic they're
33793s trying to do a very very similar thing
33795s everybody in the game as this one is
33797s slowing down the action game number one
33800s playing their lives very very carefully
33802s you're not gonna see any big moves up
33804s until storm surge becomes activated
33806s that's where you're gonna see those
33807s teams that are below the threshold
33809s become a little bit more aggressive
33810s trying to get the damage they need zone
33812s you can see closed a little northwest
33815s from shifty shafts so they are going to
33817s have to make a rotation but they don't
33819s want to do it until they have that
33821s damage done from the storm surge they
33822s know other duos are going to be further
33824s out in the zone rotating in and they'll
33826s have that chance to get some tags done
33828s we can see snacky fabs though that have
33830s made a good rotation here over to the
33833s log jam but be careful there's already
33836s the dual position there so you might not
33837s want to get too close yeah
33839s trying to save the car as much as
33841s possible vehicles can be very very
33843s important because of that update
33845s most of the vehicles but the ios are out
33847s of the game so a lot of duo's made it so
33850s a part of their game strat during this
33852s qualifier they're gonna have to think of
33854s something new and for fabs and snacky
33855s that's just gonna be an extra boost
33857s because it's gonna allow them to go from
33859s zone to zone movement to movement
33860s rotation after rotation and while
33863s minimizing the amount of damage they're
33864s gonna take it's not gonna be
33866s something that they're not worried about
33867s at all because damage onto the car
33869s you're gonna see so many players begin
33871s to make them a target
33872s taking a look here at quinn and the
33874s fiber again our first place team from
33876s the third round of this first week of
33879s qualifiers looking to just do the same
33881s thing as we've seen epic whale doing as
33883s we've seen snacky fabs doing is just
33885s getting those tags now there are more
33888s ways to get these tags from the storm
33889s surge you could force an engagement off
33891s spawn if you contested or you could even
33892s just force an engagement while rotating
33895s if you're very confident mechanically
33897s and feel like you have a huge advantage
33898s in that engagement i mean you can just
33900s take it and that's a good way to get
33901s storm surge but the safest most
33903s consistent way is to do it from afar
33905s like we're seeing these duos do it right
33906s now yeah and this is a prime example of
33909s quinn and deviable i wouldn't say
33910s necessarily switching up everything that
33912s they've done but we talked about when it
33914s comes to these set lobbies you cannot
33916s play exactly one for one the same as you
33918s would in open lobby and i think quinn
33920s has perfected that i think he knows when
33922s to get aggressive in these open a little
33924s bit easier lobbies and when it comes to
33925s these final lobbies i think he just uses
33927s his brain power he plays to win every
33929s single one of these games whether it's
33931s placement points only going for
33932s eliminations when he has to where he
33934s sees a clear opening to do so but wale
33936s and vanillas man i've seen them shoot up
33938s leaderboards qualify for cash cup finals
33941s they progressively get better each and
33942s every competition they play in i'm just
33944s excited to see how they're gonna finish
33945s in this first qualifier i mean that's
33947s what you'd love to see right jacob these
33949s teams consistently making it to the
33951s fourth round the semis to the finals and
33953s just improving every time right learning
33955s from the mistakes adapting to the
33957s changes and just keep getting better and
33959s that's exactly what we see from these
33961s top teams but now taking a look here at
33963s bacon alongside his duo they seem to be
33966s on not so high of an elevated location
33969s but it did seem like they got into
33970s engagement so they're already 305 above
33973s the storm surge goes down a bit but
33975s they're still feeling safe here when
33976s they have that security they can just
33978s focus on the rotate get to mid zone even
33980s play corner zone if that's what they
33982s want it's just all up to them and they
33984s can make whatever decision they want
33985s yeah and i like this trust right here
33987s bacon and duke separating just a little
33988s bit he's just trying to get him a good
33990s spot in towards zone even though his
33991s teammate is taking some damage he knows
33993s it it's not a focus of the lobby so he
33995s doesn't have to go back just yet to go
33997s from his danny fishy bonds are
33999s trying to go ahead and spot the
34001s information go for the shots
34003s 248 below the threshold they have to
34006s start being proactive but the biggest
34007s thing here is that shield keg in their
34009s inventory they could throw that one down
34011s and peek as long as possible but the
34013s biggest thing is they have to start
34014s peeking for these shots i mean that's
34015s what i love about the shield keg it's a
34017s great way to trade damage for storm
34019s surge you know to peek out and even if
34020s you risk losing some shield you're just
34022s gonna recuperate that right back up with
34024s the shield keg but taking a look down at
34026s jakey rayleigh here wants to get into
34028s engagement seems like he is 135 below
34031s the storm surge so has to make something
34033s happen here trying to find a wall
34034s replace trying to find an angle some
34036s sort of damage onto this opposing duo
34038s yeah i like this decision to get
34040s aggressive instead of just simply trying
34041s to out heal it because once the floppers
34043s and the splashes are gone you're gonna
34045s have to get aggressive anyway so outside
34047s of zone still having to think of
34049s something not throwing all their game
34051s into this one play though trying to
34053s spread it out but you see storm surge
34055s beginning to activate they're trying to
34056s spread out those resources but like i
34058s said there's a very finite mount in fact
34060s they're already running out of splashes
34063s you can see it's getting ticked second
34065s by second here the players are losing
34067s shield maybe even losing hp if they
34069s can't recuperate it but also jakey there
34071s it's gonna end up going down they were
34072s playing aggressive but was it worth it
34074s now his duo left alone and two tone is
34077s gonna go down as well they got the
34079s damage they needed but in the meantime
34081s they got eliminated and they will be
34082s coming back for game two
34084s for sorry and photo that's a blessing in
34086s disguise that's 348 above the damage
34089s threshold something you're not gonna
34090s have to worry about in the immediate
34092s future maybe something later on you see
34094s 71 players still alive even nate picking
34097s up a big double in the elimination fee
34099s going to work trying to get those
34101s elimination points because remember it's
34102s three points per elimination if you're
34105s able to score 10 10 eliminations and a
34107s win that's a 60 point game that's
34109s definitely going to allow you that
34110s cushion for the remainder of day one
34113s but to get those eliminations you have
34114s to get past that storm surge threshold
34117s right and we're seeing danny fishy here
34118s in bonzer they're not having a good time
34121s they've already used the shield keg
34122s they've already used their big shields
34124s all they're left with are minis now and
34126s they're still 145 below storm surge
34129s third zone is closing they have to make
34131s something happen here getting nice
34132s little bit of tags on the opponents or
34134s rotating in but it's not enough an
34136s opponent actually got straight into the
34138s box and takes them both out jacob bro he
34141s was so sneaky i didn't even come he was
34143s he must have been barefoot that's what
34144s it is he took off his shoes entered the
34146s box barefoot to minimize the sounds
34148s because frappe and monkey these guys
34150s there's no there's no other way possible
34152s that they could have seen it coming but
34154s maybe their audio was just a little bit
34155s too loud going for those shots because
34157s you know when you're
34158s focused on going for that storm surge
34161s damage sometimes that's a tunnel vision
34163s you you get lost in the sauce on the way
34166s oh and then look at this i mean are you
34168s seeing what fabs and snack you have done
34170s here jacob they've got a tunnel seems to
34173s be the length of all of log jam here and
34176s they still have spare materials you see
34179s the snackiest two eliminations meaning
34180s that they took kind of the more
34181s aggressive approach to get that storm
34183s surge we know the two are the most
34184s mechanical players on the west region so
34187s they're feeling confident but do you see
34189s the feed there jacob i didn't see the
34191s feet i was looking at the max max that
34193s he has just laying around on the ground
34195s there for a moment that makes me believe
34197s those two eliminations were on route we
34199s saw him very very early on make his way
34201s towards logjam lumberjam he didn't have
34203s this many mounts when we saw him so
34204s those two eliminations were more recent
34206s if anything which is gonna allow them
34208s this very long tunnel that you spoke
34210s about we've seen tunnels like this play
34212s a big role once we get towards those
34214s moving zones as long as it stays towards
34216s that side of the map but nope it's going
34218s to get a pull forcing everybody just a
34220s little bit more northwest
34222s slam gonna be getting eliminated in the
34224s feed and speaking about the feed arkham
34226s and epic have went down here in the
34229s fourth zone so one of the favorites here
34231s from the desk going down early but
34233s remember there's just game one there's
34235s six total games so even if you don't
34237s have a great first game you can always
34238s make that comeback even if it's in the
34240s last match we're gonna take a look at
34241s sweat here as three eliminations i mean
34244s they're looking good but let's check
34245s that replay out jacob
34247s just checking out indeed and how arkham
34249s and epic did go down they abandoned the
34251s car early and you can see the shots just
34253s continuously
34255s raining down on the ark i'm unable to
34257s really
34258s shield himself out you see epic trying
34260s to go ahead and build and allow
34262s themselves that extra cover but
34264s sometimes takata when the whole lobby
34266s begins to make you a focus there's very
34268s little you can do to get out of it it's
34269s all about positioning it beforehand
34271s right staying one step ahead of the game
34273s and avoiding
34274s those i mean occasions where the whole
34277s lobby will be looking at you and
34278s focusing you down like what's happening
34280s to these players that rex and reit are
34282s taking some shots at we can see it blast
34285s and his partner are actually going to be
34287s taking down landrock punisher a veteran
34289s duo of the west region that's been here
34291s for a very long time so i always love
34294s seeing them back here in today's fncs
34297s but taking a look at batman booga as
34298s well wheels he talked about wheels
34300s incredible igm batman booga incredible
34303s fragger i mean you've got the dynamic
34305s duo here and
34306s i feel like they might even be able to
34308s take it home today jacob you can already
34310s see though as well the adaptations as
34313s the game has already progressed it was
34315s batman buga early on with the striker
34317s burst ar going for those surge shots but
34320s as the circle closes forcing everybody
34322s closer together you see that cqc the
34325s close quarters combat loadout between
34327s the combat smg and the striker pump
34330s shotgun and we know how deadly batman
34332s booga can be in a box at the wrong time
34335s so i'm interested to see as it goes on
34336s but quinn
34338s defiable they were the ones who got
34340s first place in our round number three
34342s and you could see only one point so far
34344s not very well when it comes to
34346s eliminations and definitely not faring
34347s well when it comes to the damage they're
34349s trying to get this damage done they're
34351s forced to play it a little more
34352s aggressive of the 100 below the storm
34355s surge here but actually the viable is
34357s gonna get some nice little tags onto his
34358s opponent but it's not enough there's
34359s still 22 below five below they just need
34361s one more shot and they'll be above the
34364s storm surge but right as i say that they
34366s get tagged they're even more below
34369s they're getting focused by the lobby
34370s this is not a position you want to be in
34372s in this first match yeah it's just going
34374s to get exponentially worse once the
34375s storm surge actually activates and it
34377s does i think my curse is just reigning
34379s supremes far beyond the predictions
34381s defiable and quinn now have to get
34382s aggressive be proactive now they fall
34384s above the damage threshold and they get
34386s the elimination with the siphon that was
34389s a perfect blessing that they absolutely
34391s needed to keep themselves going bumping
34392s themselves up to five points in this
34394s game
34395s that is a huge refresh for quinn
34397s defiable here they're now gonna be a
34398s little more healthy on that storm surge
34400s damage but this is just the beginning
34402s they're gonna have to keep it going as
34403s kika here and kika are gonna be looking
34406s for some tags there 112 below it seems
34409s like so many players in this lobby have
34411s not done enough damage you can see the
34412s fiber in the feed also picked up another
34414s elimination so quinn and his duo are
34416s feeling pretty happy i see frappe close
34419s by i mean the rotations have to come in
34421s this is the fifth zone this is where the
34423s action begins yeah everybody's gonna get
34425s jam-packed together touch a close circle
34428s fab's a snack he's still putting out
34429s those shots three eliminations now fabs
34432s picking up one along the way making
34433s their journey that much easier because
34435s you know they have the damage they don't
34436s have to peek unless they absolutely want
34438s to because they don't have to as they go
34440s on box for box zone for zone trying to
34442s close out the options of every player
34444s that's next to him
34446s three total eliminations here for snacky
34448s and fast but they're just getting
34449s started they are one of the duos that
34452s got a 20 elim game in the qualifiers
34455s here for the fourth round and they're
34458s looking to do it here as well you can
34460s see the confidence looking for some drop
34461s downs looking for tags looking for
34463s anything that can get them that nice
34466s three-point elimination i mean it's it's
34469s very good if you're able to pick up a
34471s good amount of eliminations before the
34473s end game because just with that three
34475s points per elim you can boost yourself
34477s so high up on the leaderboards
34480s thanks
34481s fun moment that's why i always try to
34483s preach to the the young west players
34485s that you know get aggressive at every
34486s single moment you can have the mechanics
34488s and the confidence to take every single
34490s fight under the sun but you need to have
34491s the brain to back it up knowing which
34493s ones a fight you should take which ones
34495s you shouldn't which ones you should run
34497s from so on and so forth and that's what
34499s reet and rex are looking to do here
34500s figure out which fights they can take on
34502s their way towards the center of the
34503s circle which jump pads they can recycle
34506s what their preferred route is going to
34508s be because you want to see all that
34509s information before the zone begins to
34511s pull taking a look though
34513s he's getting through a little bit of a
34515s sticky situation as he's getting tagged
34517s down to 22 shield does have a good
34519s amount of storm surge but has to make
34520s the rotate is able to recycle a launch
34522s pad here now but he's gonna have to
34523s group up with reed they're gonna have to
34525s play together and rex has to heal up
34528s looking like a sitting duck with the
34529s amount of hp and shields he has but a
34531s perfect pad reeks
34533s rex gets right in using the floppers
34535s immediately use the minis to try to get
34537s himself back up to tip top shape or as
34540s close to it as possible and look at them
34542s going from defensive straight to the
34543s offensive trying to shoot through a box
34545s defiable and quinn still on six points
34548s but they are playing towards the end
34550s game they know any eliminations from
34552s this point forward are naturally going
34553s to come as long as they continue to play
34555s how they practice
34557s 44 players alive 24 duos we need 14
34561s players to get eliminated for the storm
34563s surge to get deactivated and the viable
34565s is 300 below now that quinn has gone
34567s down he's gonna have to make a play
34568s happen here popping a big pot trying to
34570s get the rotating the storm trying to
34572s find an angle onto an opponent and this
34574s could be it he gets into the box hundred
34576s damage tag gonna knock down one if he
34578s can get this finish that's gonna be huge
34580s oh the refresh defiable is going to be
34582s able to get it but immediately is going
34584s to get shut down you see nate towards
34586s the backside trying to jump pad towards
34588s the zone and give himself a little bit
34590s of a better time but lebron gets the box
34592s of the perfect moment shots down one
34594s player looking for the next but that's
34595s batman booga booga is down now wheels
34597s has to do this one as a solo
34599s lebron and nate they're feeling
34601s confident now they got the refresh they
34602s got the e limbs but take a look at that
34604s high ground we have fabs and snacky
34606s they're feeling good they're feeling
34608s confident now with this high ground
34610s trying to get some tags from above
34611s laying down the rain seeing if they can
34613s pick up some of these extra eliminations
34615s you can see snacky takes down wheels who
34617s is playing as a solo we can see all
34620s these duo's down below rex actually
34622s going to be taking down now leaving reef
34624s as a solo yeah fabs and snacky the
34626s previous fncs duo champions playing its
34628s perfection biting their time waiting for
34631s the seventh zone and that's where
34632s they're gonna take it but re doing it by
34634s himself losing rex early still three
34636s eliminations trying to make his way
34638s towards the end game and he's gonna be
34639s one of the most dangerous solo players
34641s that we have in the game right now but
34643s no heels not a lot of resources and a
34645s player trying to get into his box all he
34647s needs is one moment with that drum and
34649s the combat and he can end one player's
34652s run but fab snack he's still holding on
34653s to the high ground putting the pressure
34655s on so many players including ri who just
34657s gets taken down
34659s very close there from re managed to pick
34661s up a bit of those placement points
34663s before getting knocked down but taking a
34664s look at nate now another player who's
34666s playing playing it out as a solo here
34668s six total eliminations for his duo 36
34670s points trying to get that number up fabs
34673s and snacky still on the high ground we
34676s have pars and rays on second height here
34678s getting a little bit of close to the
34680s high ground duo but lime chip they're
34682s picking up some elims and it is looking
34684s great for them
34685s yep this is another two i've seen
34686s performed so well during last season but
34689s lime's run might come to an end with 25
34692s hp i don't know how he's doing it but
34693s he's finding a way to get towards the
34695s center of his own and his teammates so
34697s close behind him hot on his heels but
34699s fabs and snacky they're ready to drop
34701s down get aggressive and get their hands
34703s dirty and pick up those eliminations you
34704s talked about a 20 bomb with a win where
34707s they're looking to try to get as close
34708s to that as possible
34709s five eliminations for fabs and snack he
34711s gets bumped up the six and they're just
34713s racking elip after elim chip getting
34716s knocked down here fabs is still hungry
34718s though he wants more of these
34719s eliminations trying to find an angle
34721s here onto pars but pars has six elims
34725s just by himself he is clutching out so
34727s much here as a solo yeah this is almost
34729s number one and number two of last season
34731s as far as trying to drop down low
34733s separate the two players but no matter
34734s what only a sliver of hp boxed in forced
34737s out towards the zone and that's gonna be
34738s fabs and snacky continuing their
34740s domination from last season taking game
34743s number one
34744s that confidence is just gonna keep
34746s getting built up here as they take home
34748s that first match i mean you just i i
34751s can't wait to see what's gonna be coming
34752s here jacob from fabs and snacky when
34754s they get into their game when they're
34756s feeling confident as some of the most
34758s mechanical players on the west region i
34760s mean this could be a domination yeah
34762s when you know how to play you know how
34764s to play and you saw almost every facet
34766s of their game being tested throughout
34768s that last one a contested drop over
34771s towards tilted quick rotations up
34773s towards logjam lumberjam and then
34775s finding a crucial elimination because
34777s that set themselves up only not only for
34779s max mats on fabs and snacky but for max
34781s mats on the ground as well which made
34784s their trajectory into the center of the
34785s zone that much easier
34787s but not only fav snack yeah i mean we
34789s saw pars and rays there racked up a good
34791s amount of eliminations and a second
34793s place so there's a lot of these duos
34795s that you know they're getting a good
34796s first game they're feeling confident but
34798s even if you didn't have the best first
34800s match i know arcane epic got knocked out
34802s early you still have five more games i
34803s mean you can make a comeback you have so
34805s much opportunity here to get back up on
34807s that leaderboard yep and uh wondering
34810s what that leaderboard is looking like we
34812s have a good-looking desk panda clay
34815s kelly please break down the action and
34817s let us know who's in first place after
34818s game number one thank you so much jacob
34821s and takata and i don't think it's gonna
34823s be too much of a surprise of fabs and
34824s snacky being on top right there with
34827s nine eliminations great vr but i do have
34830s to talk about what jacob was saying
34832s panda pars having an incredible run
34836s yeah and it's interesting right
34838s pars and rays i believe is one of those
34839s teams that that almost didn't qualify if
34842s i'm not mistaken out of round three so
34844s to see them being so successful here in
34846s game number one is gonna be huge but
34847s what else is huge snacky fabs high
34850s ground domination from start to finish
34853s here in this end game and it's just
34854s honestly it's a master class on how to
34856s handle these games here in n a west clay
34858s and look they had no struggle with surge
34861s at all once they're in the high ground
34862s we've seen teams that do struggle with
34864s it but it didn't matter for them they
34866s were finding elims you see snacky just
34867s going down getting elims as players are
34870s trying to come up they had a really
34872s great zone favor them as everyone had to
34873s kind of funnel into them so they were
34875s able to find eliminations like this when
34877s normally your high ground team's got to
34879s stay all the way up there snack even
34880s throwing in that w emote as well just at
34883s the end of it look at the edit course
34884s that fabs does right here it's just
34886s so amazing and you know
34890s i'm excited for them right you want that
34892s defending champ to go through and make
34894s it to the next season that way they have
34895s that chance to say hey it wasn't a fluke
34899s oh no without a doubt definitely not a
34901s fluke especially now being the two-time
34903s fncs champions the reigning champs of
34905s course and you know it's funny when we
34906s were starting at the the top of the show
34908s we were talking about our predictions
34910s and every single caster and analyst said
34913s well snacky and fabs is my second pick
34915s but so to see them doing so well we're
34917s all kind of eating our words right now
34919s but we have to talk about another team
34920s and of course ree running as a solo for
34923s quite a while though rhee and rex had a
34925s decent middle game and obviously dropped
34927s off a little towards the end game there
34930s yeah look this is what we were expecting
34932s from them right
34933s rex uh just honestly we knew that they
34936s were going to go for some eliminations
34937s but also in round fours they do
34940s typically play a little bit more passive
34942s than they do in the other rounds so
34944s that's why we see them play a little bit
34946s uh differently however rex going down
34949s here definitely not part of the plan but
34951s you know what it's game number one and
34953s ree still showed that as a solo player
34955s he can make some things happen clay i
34957s mean that's something we've known for a
34958s while right reed is a solo clutch
34962s performer but unfortunately you see
34963s right there
34965s two players with almost full hp is
34967s really really hard when you're trying to
34969s clutch it up so great performance though
34971s from him
34972s yeah let's see how that performance did
34973s in our top 10 leaderboard right now
34975s again i think we know who is going to be
34977s in first place and yes indeed it is fabs
34979s and snacky with 59 points so actually
34981s not the lead that i thought they were
34982s gonna have although still seven points
34984s away from second place which is pars and
34986s rey's a great performance right there
34988s from parsons raisin you were right
34990s actually they placed 49th out of round
34992s three so barely being able to make it
34995s into round four and to do this well clay
34998s that's a great start it really isn't
35000s only a seven point difference from first
35002s to second that just shows that how on
35004s point they were they had eight elims so
35007s one behind first place great to see but
35009s looking down against top five is where
35010s we're looking lime and chip up there
35012s lebron and nate
35014s uh notch and salty as well everyone's
35017s looking really good
35019s yeah they definitely are notch being one
35021s of those names that we always see here
35023s in a top 10 situation on the leaderboard
35025s here on na west so it's nice to see him
35027s here come in and have a great game
35029s number one but we gotta talk about the
35031s people that are shortly behind the top
35032s ten and there it is to my boys rex and
35035s rite they're just outside of the top 10
35037s in 12th place but
35039s that's a that's a good game you know
35040s what i'll give it to him warm-up game
35042s for them and are coming epic whale right
35044s it's what they need right let's get them
35046s warmed up and good to go but for some of
35048s these teams they're feeling confident
35049s slick nick convic another team that uh
35052s we definitely expect to do pretty well
35054s here on the day will they get a top five
35056s we'll see here shortly but uh kelly this
35059s is just incredible
35060s i mean this is just game number one
35062s everyone we have five more games to go
35064s and remember when we look at the
35065s leaderboard the number that you want to
35067s look towards chat is the fifth place
35068s spot because the top five teams are
35070s gonna automatically make their way into
35072s the finals so that's where they want to
35074s be right now but real quick another team
35076s that we got to watch of course we have
35077s to look there we have it fabz and snacky
35079s up on top right now so that fifth place
35081s spot 35 points it's still game number
35083s one so the separation between fifth and
35085s six is going to be very small but we've
35087s seen it come down to a single
35089s elimination in the past that will make
35091s their way into the finals right now so
35093s vanillas and wale an incredible team
35095s grabbing four eliminations as well as a
35097s few placement points gonna be hopefully
35099s having a same situation in this next
35101s game but just a little better uh
35104s everyone we only have a few seconds left
35105s before we toss it into game number two
35107s panda anything that you want to see
35109s listen i just want to see arkham epic
35111s whale make it to the end game right
35114s that's where they shine most and and
35115s seeing them go down early was definitely
35117s unexpected but also for some of these
35118s other players that are showcasing some
35120s talents here making their way to the top
35122s five keep it up stay consistent because
35124s that's what's going to keep the key for
35126s these players that aren't normally at
35127s the top of the leaderboard and clay i
35129s know what you want to see you want to
35130s see a harpoon play and it might be
35132s possible everyone but guys for right now
35134s that is it for us we're going to be
35136s tossing it back to jacob and takata for
35138s game number two
35141s thank you so much kelly panda clay great
35144s breakdown from the desk but i mean jacob
35146s from the edit course fabs did on that
35149s last opponent to reyes and paris doing a
35152s great job racking up those eliminations
35153s in the second place i mean we've just
35155s seen one match and we still have five to
35157s go yeah and honestly i'm loving it from
35160s top to bottom everything is fulfilling
35163s that excitement i knew was gonna come
35165s through and honestly i'm seeing chad
35167s even take part you see it kind of quinn
35169s for win you're seeing fans of arkham and
35172s epic so many different fans in the chat
35175s and i just love how they're showing up
35177s and really giving their energy to their
35178s favorite players their favorite duos and
35180s teams i want to see that continue
35182s throughout all six games and that's
35184s going to be a sign for their favorite
35186s competitors if they look at this chat in
35187s between games and they see their team
35189s getting voted for that's gonna be a huge
35191s boost of confidence going into this next
35193s game number two in which the battle bus
35195s is ready
35199s [Music]
35203s one game down five to go the engine's
35206s already hot from that first match but
35208s we're just getting started drop the
35210s names of your favorite duos in the chat
35212s i want to see who you're rooting for i
35214s mean personally we've seen some crazy
35216s action from fabs and snacky but there's
35218s still some top tier veterans in this
35220s match that still have a lot of time to
35223s show what they're capable of yep you
35225s heard the analyst desk from 49th place
35228s in round number three barely getting in
35230s that door was just creaked open and they
35232s slammed it wide open to second place
35235s eight eliminations as well so you can
35237s see they're already heated up and i'm
35239s talking about pars and rays who are that
35241s close just inches away from being the
35244s fncs champions of last season and
35247s they're gonna be feeling good we can
35248s actually see them going straight into
35250s this match here they're dropping in a
35251s spot which is very contested you can see
35254s how many players are flying around them
35256s how many duos they have to go up against
35258s here but pars seems to know what he's
35260s doing you can tell that he's studied
35262s he's prepared his path knows what to
35265s loot knows what he has to do but take a
35266s look here he might even stir it up with
35268s an elimination and he takes down nate
35270s but his duo partners watching closely
35271s taking some shots onto par as part of
35273s after makes a decision here decides to
35275s stay gonna maybe reform but that's a
35278s great way to start jacob yeah probably
35280s didn't want to get shot out of the sky
35282s but you can see in the mini-map
35283s somebody's hot on his heels trying to
35285s finish off that elimination you can see
35286s the cannon already being used as well
35289s reyes is there to try to save the day
35290s with the i o car and immediately trying
35292s to splash and get them both to tip top
35294s shape that one that play right there is
35297s how you start off a game number two
35300s after finishing second in game one but
35302s we're getting right into some more
35303s action here as we have monkey and clone
35306s taking an engagement and seems to be
35307s kind of more of a split drop on the
35309s corner of the map here is clone takes
35311s down one now looks like they might have
35314s actually secured i mean they see they've
35316s secured one elimination here but i'm not
35318s sure where his dual partner is it could
35319s be that player that is making an escape
35322s route right now on the side of this
35325s island in a boat so i mean i don't i
35326s don't know what his uh game plan is now
35328s maybe played a bit of safe go back for
35330s the reboot card later and hopefully get
35333s a reboot but that's a difficult way to
35335s start your match yeah that's a big hope
35336s and a big prayer there but depending on
35338s where the zone is that could be a little
35340s bit of a help but judging off this mini
35342s map it is going to pull south so may not
35343s have to move but flux biz trying to do
35345s what they can jake's going to go down
35347s but a trade teammate for teammate but
35349s vlogs full hp not a worry he's saying
35353s it's fine it's fine nothing to worry
35355s about
35356s nothing to worry about here i was
35358s getting a little scared there when the
35359s shots were coming in but vlux he was
35361s feeling calm feeling confident managed
35363s to secure both of those eliminations and
35365s even pick up his partner so now we're
35368s gonna switch over here to zora and his
35370s duo who seem to be in not an engagement
35373s but they do have opponents close by
35376s maybe they just want to get some tags
35377s for storm surge or maybe they want to
35379s secure those eliminations it really
35381s depends on what their game plan is
35385s russo you know you know me and him you
35387s know me and him we go way back to those
35388s zone wars where i always just end up
35391s getting taken down no matter if he's a
35392s high ground low ground he never lets me
35394s escape as
35395s nitrix and caesar over towards rocky
35397s rails it is going to be a contested drop
35399s but just judging off of what i see in
35401s the mini map so far it's going to be a
35402s slow drop they're not going to want to
35403s get aggressive and and i like that
35405s because these teams and players they
35407s know like i said you can have all the
35408s confidence to fight any fight but you
35410s need to know that you cannot throw it
35412s away in the early portions of the game
35413s because if you don't get those elims
35415s you're not going to get placement points
35417s either you get absolutely nothing for
35418s your efforts
35419s right i mean if you get eliminated early
35422s that's
35422s not the way you want to start off your
35425s day here for a round four of the
35427s fortnight f and cs on the any west
35429s region but i mean you can always jump
35431s back right make that comeback and that's
35433s what i'm looking to see epic whale and
35434s arkham do today you can see they're
35436s still feeling good they've got the route
35437s down farming up getting those shields
35439s getting those materials and now it's all
35441s about just adapting to what happened in
35443s their last match you know how can we
35445s overcome that and not let it happen
35447s again
35449s maybe a big one for them and i don't
35451s think we're gonna see that right now
35453s that's the thing they got an uncontested
35454s drop they know they have that
35456s championship caliber mindset it's about
35458s getting the materials getting the
35459s resources the weaponry every single
35462s piece of loot out of that drop before
35464s you make your way forward and then from
35465s there they're gonna be looking for
35466s position and serves as fabs and snacky
35468s doing something very very similar but
35472s i'm about to say right now just already
35474s getting something out of the blue what
35476s are we doing fast oh my god
35480s that right there that's skill
35482s you love to see it right fast and snacky
35484s didn't have enough with just the victory
35486s royale they wanted to play some games
35487s with the vehicles right make them bounce
35489s kind of mimic a trampoline there but you
35491s know they're feeling happy they're
35493s laughing they're enjoying themselves and
35495s they're just getting started i bet you
35496s have the same reaction i did like what
35498s what is going what is going on i didn't
35500s know that was an interaction maybe he's
35502s just trying to trying something new do
35504s you know how flashy can get after
35505s putting a player in the blender last
35507s game with that edit course this game
35509s maybe he's trying to throw a car at
35510s somebody and them that way but rita and
35512s rex uncontested this time around though
35514s takata the biggest difference is they
35516s didn't get that elimination off of the
35518s drop so they are going to be happy to
35520s look for search
35521s that is absolutely correct jacob they
35523s might have to change up their plan but i
35524s mean you know rate and rex they have so
35526s much experience in fortnite competitive
35528s i'm sure they are more than able to
35530s adapt depending on the drop the duos
35532s which are close by the rotates that they
35534s have to do i mean they're ready for
35536s anything that gets put in their path but
35538s look at that clone here this is the duo
35541s that got into that early game engagement
35542s but you can see instead of one elims
35544s clone now has two so it looks like he
35545s picked up that solo that kind of escaped
35548s in the early game and now with six
35550s points from elims and the storm surge
35552s they need for these first zones they can
35555s just focus on their rotate yeah and
35556s that's where the games switch up no
35558s matter if it's game one game six
35560s anything in between where you're at in
35562s your current surge loop path that
35565s matters so much about where you have to
35567s position yourself in zone and that was
35569s one of the biggest questions that we
35570s were kind of talking last season you've
35572s seen a bunch of content pieces at it and
35574s there's no more asking that question
35575s because you had the full season you had
35577s years to figure it out so this one it's
35579s gonna be all or nothing when you're
35580s positioning yourself as wheels and
35582s batman booga once again the very very
35584s similar game plan loot up get as many
35587s mats and resources as possible you see
35589s them with two eliminations each so the
35591s storm surge very very early on so that
35593s way the rest of the game they can do
35594s exactly what do what they want when they
35596s want
35597s i'm taking a look here though just like
35599s jacob was saying is one of the most
35600s powerful igls also known as in-game
35603s leaders in the west
35604s region wheels alongside batman booga i
35606s mean i'm excited to see what they're
35608s going to be doing today landing in a
35610s very congested very contested drop spot
35613s but they have a game plan they know how
35615s to play it you can even see them farming
35616s up full metal here before leaving you
35618s have the option for the rotates you have
35620s the option for the storm surge tags i
35622s mean you know they've studied and
35623s they're going to make anything happen
35625s here if they want to get to that late
35627s game but epic whale and arkham they are
35629s looking for some tags here zero
35630s eliminations they have the materials
35632s they have the loot they have the
35633s mobility but i don't think they have
35634s those tags jacob yep once again though
35637s you can kind of see it everything that
35639s is going down not too many early game
35641s skirmishes 92 total players still left
35644s alive so we're gonna have a massive hunt
35647s when it comes to that storm surge so
35649s positioning yourself now is so important
35651s impactful for the rest of your game
35653s because you put yourself in a bad spot
35655s using those resources early and talk
35657s about a bad spot rex over peeking taking
35660s a couple birth shots to the face he's
35662s going to have to rethink that one and
35663s figure out does he want to peek again
35664s but at least that gives him another
35666s position information of where more
35668s players are located
35670s i mean the good thing about rex and reid
35671s here is they do have greasy uncontested
35673s so they have a lot of loot right you can
35675s see the chug splashes the mini shields
35677s they can recuperate this damage which is
35679s being put back to them but i mean it's
35682s how much right how much damage do you
35683s want to take for it to be worth it
35685s versus how many of those tags you can
35686s get without losing some hp like they're
35688s looking for here with a team that's
35690s trying to rotate in a vehicle here but
35692s they're wasting a lot of materials
35694s because rex and reed they want that
35695s damage yeah luckily for them though it
35697s is gonna be wood
35699s something they can farm up pretty easily
35700s but over on that side i'm just trying to
35702s think how much wood is actually over
35704s there tons of brick tons of metal when
35706s it comes to the actual wood it might be
35707s a little thin but i might be
35709s overspeaking overstaying my welcome when
35710s it comes to that part of the game as
35712s reet and rex sitting comfortably i got
35714s to imagine arkham and epic are doing the
35716s same thing over on the other side of the
35717s map with kony as you see a lot of teams
35719s in your mini map just backed up boxed up
35721s looking for those shots to make the rest
35723s of their game easier as you see they're
35724s already sitting pretty in towards the
35726s zone and judging by you know last time
35728s we saw camp cuddle this one did pull on
35730s this side of the mat
35732s we can see that the second zone pulled
35734s but it seems the wrecks and reed they're
35736s still in it but just like you said the
35738s edge is at that northwest side so for
35741s third zone they might have to make a
35743s move but the good thing is now they're
35744s in zone they can kind of wait it out and
35746s let the other duos which have to rotate
35748s into the zone get in and then get those
35751s tags onto them but pars rays second
35753s place right now you can even see it at
35754s the bottom left they are feeling happy
35756s 55 points two shield kegs if they need
35760s to use one but they already have an
35761s elimination so i'm sure they're feeling
35763s good on damage they're feeling good at
35765s loot max materials they just have to get
35768s into zone and get positioned in a place
35770s where they can still use their vehicle
35771s hopefully it doesn't get exploded or get
35773s shot at you know that's kind of the most
35775s dangerous thing that could happen to
35776s them here i like it just just finding
35779s extra looting weapons around i wouldn't
35781s say it's a risky play by any means but
35782s you definitely know as well as i do
35784s timing is of the essence in certain
35786s situations
35787s getting to your spot making sure it's
35789s it's not taken just yet it's gonna be so
35790s important you see the marking exactly
35792s where they want to go land jock and
35794s punisher not too far off and taking
35796s those shots is gonna make cars and rays
35798s take another route try to find another
35800s entry towards the zone or another spot
35802s to kind of box up at as you see them
35804s getting shot becoming a focus of the
35805s lobby in that i o car and that's where
35807s they're going to stop dead in their
35808s tracks box it up and be safe for now
35811s switching up to quinn and defiable
35813s though looks like they were in a box
35814s fight here but they're not getting too
35816s risky right they're taking shots looking
35817s for edits but they're not going all in
35820s into their opponent's boxes they just
35822s want to do the damage they don't need
35823s the eliminations they need the damage so
35825s they're boxed up close to slicks here
35827s and cz are a spanish speaking duo slick
35830s playing for psg tna so i mean they're
35833s feeling pretty good here but you don't
35835s want to get into an engagement here and
35836s get eliminated right we're in second
35838s zone still 44 duos alive 88 players so
35842s as long as you get damage and keep
35843s rotating you should be good but if you
35845s get into a very
35846s risky situation and end up getting
35848s eliminated that is just not what you
35850s want to happen
35852s when defiable
35853s i would think they have a consistent
35855s game plan when it comes to playing they
35856s don't vote for those early game
35858s skirmishes quinn knows and he has the
35860s kind of down pack that they're going to
35861s naturally present itself as the game
35863s progresses but 58 above the damage
35866s threshold arkham and epic from the top
35868s coney crossroads they haven't had too
35870s many people cross their paths and now
35872s they're forced to move in they're going
35874s to get themselves to spot and that's
35875s when they are going to be on the hunt
35877s for that damage as long as they don't
35879s position themselves i want to stay on
35881s the side of this mountain because
35882s there's possibly a couple teams at least
35884s one right above them
35886s yeah you gotta be careful but what
35887s they're trying to do here is just make
35889s sure that their vehicle doesn't get shot
35890s at doesn't get destroyed because that's
35892s what they're gonna use to rotate but the
35893s scary thing about this mountain is i
35895s mean you've got vision but not as much
35898s vision of the map if you were in a
35899s higher elevated area right like on top
35901s of that hill or maybe even another hill
35902s a little bit more south so they're going
35904s to look for tanks and i mean hopefully
35906s get some because they're only 21 above
35908s but this might be a little risky yeah
35911s that's the only reason why obviously you
35913s could position yourself there like you
35914s said you see a lot when it comes to
35916s getting the actual shots for the people
35918s that you're seeing that's where they're
35920s gonna find that difficulty and already a
35922s half of the map is not gonna be seen
35924s because of the mountain that is right on
35925s arkham's right but another team facing
35928s that damage threshold the worried
35929s sitting 12 beflo is going to be cozy and
35932s notorious as you see him getting shot
35934s but the shield keg and wondering where
35936s his teammate is at right now is going to
35938s say he needs to take use of that shield
35939s cake because it's their only one
35942s the only one they're making good use of
35944s it though a lot of shield needs to be
35946s recuperated here but my concern is the
35948s 85 below the good thing is they have the
35950s shield popping so if they want to take
35951s some trades now take some peaks look for
35953s some damage i mean it's the time to do
35955s so while that shield keg is supplying
35957s them refreshing that shield and that's
35959s exactly what notorious is looking for
35961s here some damage some tags but he's just
35963s not able to find it yeah he needs to be
35965s a little bit more proactive a little bit
35966s more aggressive when it comes to looking
35968s for those shots while the keg is
35969s actually active but it is going to be
35971s dying down so that means that they're
35973s going to be a little bit more risky when
35974s it goes for going for those shots but
35976s you got to risk it for the biscuit two
35977s more maybe three shots going to be
35979s landed 75 plus damage already that's
35982s going to bring out above the damage
35983s threshold but they know the players in
35985s zone taking that hp damage the shots are
35988s also lining up with other players in the
35990s lobby even if they don't get the actual
35991s elimination it's getting them one step
35993s closer to first that matters oh
35996s in his duo here they're 81 below the
35999s other drill we saw managed to get that
36000s damage but now
36002s 117 below goes down to 81 below they've
36005s got to make something happen using those
36006s chug splashes recuperating the shield
36008s but they're getting shots taken on their
36010s box they're getting shots taken at them
36012s they have to be very careful here but
36013s also do damage quickly yeah and we
36015s something we learned so many seasons ago
36017s when storm surge was actually first
36019s introduced when it starts to activate
36021s and damage players you can see the lobby
36023s begin to focus they want to make sure
36025s that they cannot get aggressive forced
36027s to play on the defensive wallet he's
36028s going to go down unable to continue
36030s living as creeps going to clean that one
36032s up vanilla's now hopes and prayers is
36035s all he's left with as he's getting
36036s dropped down one player needs to go down
36039s you see the elimination feed multiple
36041s players dropping left and right but it's
36042s still not going to be enough oh i also
36045s saw there at the right side of the
36046s screen snacky actually got knocked down
36048s fabs was able to pick him up and he
36050s recuperated his shield but i'm wondering
36052s what happened there i think they're kind
36054s of fighting the surge right now they're
36055s above but not by too much so if they
36058s don't have any
36059s heals now snacky might be stuck at low
36062s hp for some time but they're able to get
36064s a siphon get a refresh i mean we saw
36066s from landscape how confident they are
36068s mechanically in box fights and even just
36070s getting refreshes in that late game that
36072s i'm sure they'll be able to get a bit of
36074s health back but for now we see teams
36076s going down slick gonna get knocked bouzo
36078s gonna get elimination and now all these
36079s duos they're gonna have to be rotating
36081s into this third zone but there's still
36082s just so much more to come yeah you can
36084s see the game plan fabs and snacky not
36087s similar like last game they didn't have
36089s very many eliminations early on a lot of
36091s their eliminations came throughout
36093s course the mid of course the late game
36095s towards those moving zones to where i
36097s always say it's just naturally going to
36098s come to you as long as you play your
36100s game and you can see him already what
36102s he's thinking getting that car ready for
36104s this next rotation but it's going to
36105s sacrifice some damage from the storm so
36107s i'm hoping reyes has something up his
36109s sleeve but immediately the car is going
36111s to become a target parts and radius have
36113s to abandon that play and think of a plan
36114s b
36115s they abandoned the car but they made it
36117s into the zone just
36119s barely as you can see they're on the
36121s edge there gonna recuperate the shield
36123s they lost but my concern is the next
36126s zone jacob if that fourth zone pulls far
36128s and they have to make a rotate they no
36129s longer have their vehicle they have
36130s duo's looking at them now and that is
36133s just gonna be a difficult one to rotate
36136s but nate and lebron here they're feeling
36138s pretty happy feeling pretty confident
36140s actually trying to kind of find an angle
36141s on to pars and rays but so far it's kind
36143s of waiting game until the next zone
36145s appears yeah right now they're at the
36147s edge and they have the i o car for
36149s rotation as well
36151s they know they just can't get greedy
36152s here that's going to be the biggest
36153s thing and with zone not too far off this
36155s is where i ask you what would be the
36157s play here you have a car you're nate and
36159s lebron you're set up what would takata
36161s do
36162s the problem here is if you have a car
36164s it's it's a little risky right if you
36165s end up getting focused and go too early
36167s and then your car gets exploded you're
36169s gonna get focused right so if you're
36170s going with a car rotate you have to go a
36172s little later uh depending on on how the
36175s situation is right here you could go in
36177s the corner zone maybe try and get on the
36178s left side here it really just depends on
36181s what your shields are how much mats you
36183s have if there's a duo in front of you
36184s can follow maybe recycle some materials
36187s and raise and parse case we saw that
36189s nate and his dual partner were close so
36191s if they end up rotating early they could
36192s go behind them reuse their materials and
36194s not have to waste as much on this
36196s rotation so it just really depends on
36198s what the players and the surroundings do
36201s how
36203s how beneficial was vanilla's right there
36205s just a chest left wide open and it's a
36208s med kit that's going to get them back on
36209s up but arkham and epic they were able to
36212s survive the low numbers when it came to
36215s watching them early on in the storm
36216s surge damage and that's exactly why i
36219s picked them when it comes to consistency
36221s these guys got what it takes and if
36223s anybody believes they're gonna have a
36224s very similar day number one like they
36226s did in last season's grand finals you
36228s guys are crazy these guys are built like
36230s ford tough
36231s oh even with that position that we were
36233s talking about arkham and epic they're
36235s looking healthy jacob i mean they were
36236s under that mountain but they're full
36239s right now on effective hp but
36243s i don't want to speak too soon they are
36245s 145 below the storm surge but quickly
36248s refreshing up to 90. they were able to
36250s get some quick tags here but it's not
36251s going to be enough they have to keep
36252s looking for damage keep looking for tags
36254s but luckily enough we have some duos
36255s trying to rotate into storm here so this
36257s could be very good for not only epic and
36260s arkham but also fabs and snacky for only
36261s 68 above everybody's gonna have to be
36263s forced in you see
36265s another shot's gonna be landed that's
36266s gonna boost it on the storm surge but
36268s not nothing to call home about as
36269s vanilla sitting 297 below quickly trying
36273s to get in a box and catching some
36274s players off guard that's wheels trying
36276s to get out he's going to land one shot
36277s but it's not going to be enough to
36278s alleviate the pressure of storm surge so
36280s vanilla has to reload and go again find
36283s another target here but he has to be
36285s smart about it not putting himself in
36286s the open and take shots from everybody
36288s else he's going box to box cover to
36290s cover trying to chase down wheels and
36292s he's hot on his heels trying to make the
36294s elimination happen but wheels is doing a
36295s good job of just staying alive
36297s that's what he has to do he has to
36299s overcome the aggression from the
36300s supposing duo but vanilla's hitting an
36302s incredible sniper shot 180 damage right
36305s onto his opponent and that is incredibly
36307s helpful for a storm surge now they don't
36310s have to get as much damage but reyes and
36312s pars they're pretty close to the
36313s threshold as well they have to look for
36315s something but vanilla is getting
36316s straight into a box here going right
36317s into that engagement unfortunately
36320s though is gonna go down here we have
36322s wheels though close to lebron and nate
36324s and i'm not sure if they know that he's
36326s a solo no i don't think they do because
36327s i feel like if they did know he was a
36329s solo they would go right after him try
36330s to get in the box make quick work before
36332s everybody on the northern portion of the
36334s maps begins to move south you see about
36336s maybe four duo teams currently in the
36339s circle 23 still have some traveling to
36342s do before they can say they are two in
36344s the circle lebron and nate's gonna be
36346s one of them the e dog's gonna have to do
36348s it as a solo wow sitting 14 below the
36350s damaged threshold so not only does he
36352s have to find his way to the circle he
36354s has to find some damage along the way
36356s the dog has a difficult rotate here
36358s saying that he also has to do damage
36359s just like you were mentioning but a duo
36361s that's feeling pretty good right now is
36363s nate and lebron they are pretty close to
36365s the circle here have the damage but
36366s let's focus on b dog here see what he's
36368s able to do i mean he's popping the med
36370s mist he's getting everything done but
36372s lebron nate actually getting cracked
36374s here now with half hp lebron is feeling
36376s healthy but he's gonna have to be the
36378s one that tarps here if they want to make
36380s it into the zone the problem is there's
36381s so many duos close by you have to pick
36384s the right path here if you end up
36386s getting into a box of an opponent that
36387s could just be it as lebron gets dropped
36389s down almost into a box but manages to
36392s escape now with 61 effective hp but be
36394s careful there's more duos there's more
36396s players raining down shots onto both of
36399s these players they have to make
36400s something happen soon yeah and i like
36402s that that quick move right there they
36403s got in different boxes and immediately
36405s brawn reunites with nate because they
36406s know all it takes is a second of
36408s separation to cost you your entire game
36411s up until this point but sitting at 46
36413s points fourth place right on that bubble
36416s and here currently in game number two
36417s which could be important to hold on to
36419s your position and pars are gonna have to
36421s hold on to second place by himself but
36423s that's something pars and rey's are good
36425s at doing we've seen it last season we've
36427s seen a taste of it this season already
36429s and we're seeing it again here in this
36430s game
36431s zone actually gonna be closing the sixth
36433s zone the first moving zone is gonna be
36435s closing on nate and lebron's side here
36437s so you can see all the opposing duo
36439s snacky favs and the players around them
36441s are gonna have to make a further rotate
36444s so it's gonna be a bit difficult but you
36445s can see the launch pads coming through
36446s the rotation the mobility happening and
36449s meanwhile the duos which are already on
36451s the side of the moving zone they're
36452s gonna be taking shots they're gonna be
36454s looking to see if they can knock down or
36455s maybe even get an elimination on these
36457s players that are rotating but lan jack
36459s and punisher they have the high ground
36461s yep high ground here in sixth zone and
36463s this is where we've seen so many players
36465s take it a little too early not kind of
36467s hold on to as many resources as possible
36469s in single layer build and it cost them
36471s at all 157 below the threshold arkham
36474s and epic still have to look for shots
36476s and put the pressure on a couple players
36477s it even looks like they might be trying
36479s to chop down that high ground and make
36481s it theirs later on in the game but for
36482s now it's all about the damage making
36484s sure that they can alleviate the
36486s pressure of what's in front of them and
36487s that's that storm surge and they did
36489s just enough they're living on a prayer
36491s but no they're teeter targeting back and
36492s forth like a game of ping pong when it
36494s comes to the threshold just a small
36496s taste of that damage is all they need is
36498s landshot gonna go down to snacky but
36500s lancer also going to knock down a player
36501s here as fabs has been knocked down
36503s snacky left us a solo but we have epic
36505s whale and arkham battling against rex
36507s and reed two of the most veteran titan
36509s duos of the any west region going head
36511s to head battling it out for this high
36513s ground jacob this is just the seventh
36516s zone and these engagements are already
36518s crazy looks like you look up you see is
36520s that a bird is that a plane no it's four
36522s fnc as champions battling it out for the
36524s high ground and epic well it's trying to
36526s claim that top spot hot on stack he's
36528s healed not wanting to let him escape but
36530s he turns he still gets the burn though
36532s epic whale will survive getting the
36534s siphon still has the flopper but snacky
36536s drops down low for a moment even rat
36539s read there for a second i thought his
36540s loot was gonna go to shambles and it
36541s does it falls down low epic well's not
36543s going to be able to make that his but
36545s the high ground is still there to hold
36546s on to
36548s be careful though lime hitting launchpad
36550s trying to see if he can get an angle
36551s onto that high ground but arkham did an
36553s amazing job of going ahead early
36555s claiming that high ground for the
36556s opposing duos they might have been
36557s looking for it but now rex left alone as
36560s a solo we saw what happened to reid rex
36562s is gonna have to clutch us up here
36563s already has two eliminations looking to
36564s make it three as he gets the shots but
36566s it's not enough to get that elimination
36568s and luckily enough the storm takes him
36570s down now three eliminations and rex is
36572s just getting started i was thinking
36574s there somebody might have snatched it
36575s away but rex is able to hold on get the
36576s scythe and using the men miss trying to
36578s get to zone before he continues using it
36580s to try to maximize as much as he's going
36582s to get out of it even has the splashes
36583s to get himself up to 200 200 but once
36586s again former fncs champions are back on
36589s top on the high ground with rex almost
36591s getting taken out 9 hp in a dream he has
36594s the heels to kind of get himself back up
36595s but does he have the time in the space
36597s rex might play zone here with the med
36599s mist he can sit inside of it for a
36601s little bit of time but not too long as
36603s all these players they're getting
36605s eliminated they're looking for these
36607s solos that don't have too much hp to
36608s work with but look at this rex gets a
36610s great angle onto zeo takes down one but
36612s isn't able to get the finish or another
36614s elimination epic whale and arkham still
36616s on the high ground now they want to get
36618s some elims they're hungry they have four
36620s but they want to rack that number up and
36622s you can see them just pressuring on to
36623s multiple players they're not just
36624s thirsting for a single elimination they
36626s know the game is theirs in the bag as
36628s long as they continue to force players
36630s load slick no now under siege epic well
36633s is going to take them out another
36634s elimination under their belt and that's
36636s going to bring them to a total of five
36638s and they might even be one of the only
36640s duos left alive as flux is trying to out
36642s heal the storm he has the men miss to
36644s get his hp up and combined with a chug
36646s splash that's gonna get him to tip top
36648s shape seven players alive five duos
36651s there's a lot of solos here vlogs
36652s getting elimination epic whale trying to
36654s find the angles trying to find the shots
36656s to rack up those elims three points for
36658s elimination they're so important but
36660s just as they're looking for that boyo
36662s reed thinks the high ground now is a
36663s solo so epic whale and arkham they got
36665s to make the choice do we go for the high
36667s ground do we keep eliminating the low
36668s what is the game plan here yeah they
36670s were separated for just a second arkham
36672s took so much damage dropping down to a
36674s sliver and you can see epic heard the
36675s call tries to reunite with him but
36677s belfie zeno their full hp or as close to
36680s it as possible towards the low ground
36682s trying to find those extra resources
36684s maybe some extra mats and heels to use
36686s for the rest of this game here as it
36687s does look like it's going to come down
36688s to the wire the two duo teams are
36691s smashed together with puyo trying to
36692s recycle the high ground fields and hold
36695s on to the position epic whale and arkham
36697s got to make a decision do they take the
36698s 2v1 on the high ground or they take the
36700s 2v2 on the low i think the 2v1 is a
36701s better decision and they feel like that
36703s too as epic whales gonna actually get
36705s knocked down by boyo now arkham it's all
36708s up to him foyo gets eliminated it's a
36710s one versus two arkham versus zeno and
36713s his duo here on the low ground
36715s it's gonna be a tall task for arkham if
36717s he wants to come out on top depending on
36719s what is all around you can see zeno
36722s belty just making their way in towards
36723s the zone 85 on the med miss when it
36726s comes to arkham so he could play around
36727s dodging in and out of storm jump pad in
36730s front of him trying to formulate a plan
36732s here as he doesn't have very many builds
36733s he's getting chopped little by little
36735s hp's going along with it and he is fresh
36737s out of bills now men miss coming out
36739s trying to hop around he's gonna get
36741s taken down zeno and belty take game
36743s number two
36744s great play there from zeno and belfie
36746s claiming the low ground letting all the
36748s action happen above and just by playing
36750s it safe they were able to have that man
36752s advantage that two versus one and take
36755s home the victory royale of game two yeah
36757s belty and zeno i didn't even know for
36759s most of that end game that they were a
36760s fresh duo looking good holding onto the
36763s low ground and you know as well as i do
36765s if nobody knows you're down there you're
36766s a cycling match you're just traveling
36768s through everybody getting eliminated
36770s above you luke is just raining on you
36772s from above that is a recipe for success
36774s but arkham and epic they got to take
36776s that one and stride even though they got
36778s second they got a good amount of
36779s eliminations good amount of placement
36781s points to jump them up towards the
36782s leaderboard i mean i want to give props
36784s to them from having a first game which
36786s wasn't too great now making the comeback
36788s getting a second place with a good
36789s amount of eliminations i mean they're
36791s feeling good now we've still got games
36794s to go this was just the second match so
36796s all these duos they've got to adapt now
36798s what's the change they're gonna make
36800s what are they doing correctly what are
36802s they doing wrong and how can they
36803s improve to i mean get a better placement
36806s right get up on that leaderboard and
36807s qualify to the finals yep and with two
36810s games down there's four games to go
36812s you've got to imagine the blueprint and
36813s the strategy has been laid down for a
36815s lot of these duos what that blueprint is
36818s well there's too many duos for me to
36819s call it all out but there's three people
36821s on the desk that can lay down all the
36822s action we saw in game number two panda
36825s clay kelly please make some sense of
36827s this
36828s thank you so much jacob and takata and i
36830s really want to speak on what takata was
36832s talking about right now that after game
36834s number two this is when the teams are
36835s really going to be looking towards what
36837s they can do to change up their play
36839s style to have a better performance and
36841s we just saw that from arkermann epic
36843s whale what they placed in the 30th 40th
36846s place last game and now getting second
36848s place panda
36850s yeah you know what look the jacob curse
36853s couldn't hold him back there from the
36854s second place but uh uh surprisingly
36857s enough so he's they're gonna be able to
36858s hold on here in this game but uh look
36861s this is the the normal epic will and
36862s arkham we're used to seeing uh and
36865s arkham being left as a solo player
36867s it was not concerning to me whatsoever i
36869s i had confidence that he was going to be
36871s able to clutch it up unfortunately they
36872s did end in second place but that was
36874s still enough clutch potential there to
36876s last get those extra placement points
36878s and get some eliminations like you see
36880s epic will get under read there clay i
36882s mean it was just such a
36884s i want to say textbook with textbook
36886s performance from them they waited until
36888s seventh a zone they took high ground
36890s they dominate with it unfortunately they
36892s did end up losing epic whale there but
36895s still overall i mean this is a
36897s phenomenal game for them this is where
36899s we expect to see them and this is where
36901s they want to be as you see arkham almost
36903s is the one that ends up going down there
36905s but poyo made an amazing play to
36908s essentially deny them the victory royale
36911s right here as he takes down epic whale
36913s with that but still six eliminations in
36915s a second place we know that's going to
36917s be a lot of points which is something
36918s they needed coming out of that first
36920s game
36921s oh without a doubt an incredible
36923s performance from them and then of course
36924s a great performance from zeno and belfie
36926s there sticking to the low ground
36928s grabbing eliminations when players drop
36930s down which seemed to be happening a lot
36932s and one of those teams that we saw kind
36934s of have a rough end game there was
36936s snacky and fabs although they were still
36938s able to make it to the end game after
36939s grabbing the first vr of the day let's
36941s talk a little bit about that clay
36943s as you see they go for the 50 50 on the
36945s high ground but then they lose fabs
36948s early they just end up getting boxed up
36951s and snacky is there to try to make
36952s something happen but just as quickly as
36955s they got that elimination snacky goes
36957s down and when you're going for haigan
36958s you really have to make sure that you
36960s can secure it if not at least secure the
36963s build battle for it but going to land on
36965s a player is always just that much more
36967s risky well let's talk a little bit about
36969s securing the end game there because we
36971s saw reit try to steal hype as a solo
36974s player when what there was seven players
36976s left panda
36978s yeah i mean listen it was definitely a
36980s risky play there on reed's part but but
36982s rex kind of playing a little bit
36984s differently right went straight to the
36986s low ground as a solo player
36988s and just went for every elimination that
36990s he could get which ended up leading to
36992s him walking away with some crucial
36994s elimination points which is so important
36996s but here was is where the mistake was
36998s made right he had to use all of his
36999s heels to get back in the game and he
37001s spent a little bit too much time in the
37003s zone hoping to pick up an elimination
37004s here but it just wasn't enough the
37006s siphon was not able to come through
37008s quickly and sure enough that's why they
37009s were held back just a little bit but man
37012s what a change up here on the leaderboard
37015s because now zio and polo are up top
37018s there with 73 points well they started
37021s it off in the low ground and you know
37023s obviously with zeno and belfie they were
37025s able to grab that
37026s vr but to see them zeo and puyo able to
37029s grab eight eliminations after that
37032s incredible 73 points now but fabs and
37034s snacky still on top clay are still in
37036s second place they are but i want to
37038s shout out 10th place there zeno and
37040s belfie who went from the literal last
37042s place on the leaderboard into 10th place
37044s with that game that is a statement right
37047s there right you say hey we have not that
37049s good of a first game let's go out and
37051s let's just win
37053s wow i honestly quite surprised to see
37056s zeo and poi able to jump up from around
37058s eighth place all the way up to first
37059s place right now showing that placement
37061s and consistency is important everyone
37064s but how is that all gonna play out in
37065s game number three well who better to
37067s talk about it than jacob and takada so
37070s gentlemen please take it away
37072s thank you so much game number three
37074s takata and the key words i heard on that
37076s analyst desk is honestly coming from
37078s kelly
37079s consistency and placement snacking fabs
37082s a big game number one victory nine
37084s eliminations no longer in first place
37087s that goes over to puyo because he simply
37089s survived last game
37091s i mean that's how it works right if
37092s you're able to stay consistent for all
37094s six matches it's the best thing that
37096s could happen but it's not just about
37098s those placement points it's about
37099s staying consistent but also racking up
37102s those elims three points per elimination
37104s that really counts up over time now it
37107s definitely does count up over time but
37109s we don't have to count up the time it
37110s takes to start the game game number
37112s three starts right now
37117s [Music]
37120s third match of the day i mean the battle
37123s bus is already getting weighed down as
37125s these matches go down one by one four
37128s more to go with that arkham and epic
37130s making the comeback snacky fabs in the
37132s first game dominating and then poyo and
37135s his duo just playing for that
37136s consistency there's so many story lines
37138s so many players and so much that can
37140s still happen i mean it's anybody's game
37145s sanctuary another contested drop over
37148s here you see danny fishy and bonzer
37149s landing over here trying to loot up the
37151s instant floor loop get as much as
37153s possible start to get the resources
37155s because they know with not only the
37156s teams that are landing actually at
37158s sanctuary but so many more of those
37160s teams that go around sanctuary and
37162s travel through it that's why they're
37164s just trying to get themselves up before
37165s they take any early exchanges you mix
37168s that with the mythic boss that is right
37169s here with the mythic striker burst ar
37172s that is something that is definitely
37173s going to pack a punch and we've seen so
37175s many players and teams use that to get
37177s to the end game
37178s taking a look here though at caleb and
37180s solution in one of the most contested
37182s areas on the map we saw some early game
37185s engagements here from rays and cars and
37188s i mean it gets messy around this drop
37191s you can see all the duo's scattering
37192s around at the bottom right of the mini
37194s map and it's all up to what their game
37196s plan is right are they playing this
37198s for a contest station where they have to
37200s get some eliminations in the early game
37202s or they playing it just to loot up get
37204s your materials and keep rotating it
37207s really depends what you're trying to
37209s get what you're trying to loot and what
37211s you want to do in the in the late game
37214s yeah especially after two games you know
37216s depending on what actually happened off
37217s their initial drop they gotta account
37219s for that as well and make those proper
37221s adjustments make sure they don't get you
37223s know the shot out of the sky very early
37225s on which is what they were looking to
37226s try to do on a player if they even saw
37228s him in that moment as caleb and solution
37230s are just trying to bypass a lot of this
37232s early action you see the zone is
37233s immediately on their right side so
37236s they're just going to be looking for
37237s those storm surge tags on their way to
37239s the circle as they're just going to
37240s continue on with their loop path taking
37242s a look though at epic way on arkham
37244s seems like they're still
37245s pretty secure here in the kony
37247s crossroads doesn't seem to be contested
37250s so now that's three games down where
37252s they have not had to get into an early
37253s game engagement but correct me if i'm
37255s wrong jacob they've been kind of having
37257s a bit of trouble with the storm surge
37259s later in the mid game we've been seeing
37260s them kind of struggling just on the
37262s borderline do they have enough damage do
37264s they not so i wonder if they're gonna
37266s take that into account and maybe loot up
37268s quicker and not loot as much as the of
37270s their drop spot and start looking for
37272s tags sooner if they're just going to
37274s keep playing like how they're playing
37275s because last game it went very well yep
37277s knocked salty landing over here towards
37279s rocky rails as well doing that exact
37280s thing that you're talking about going
37282s for those early surge tags as nitrics
37284s and t's are going to have to i think
37287s they're going to try to rotate out i
37288s wouldn't see them being crazy enough to
37290s take this early rocky rails fight just
37291s grab the resources on your side of the
37293s poi keep it moving and get yourself a
37296s good spot in zone and in the spot you
37297s want to get in zone isn't going to be
37299s your final spot towards the end game
37300s you're getting yourself a spot that you
37302s know a lot of players are going to be
37303s getting to rotate around because that's
37305s where you're going to get your tags at
37307s night tricks in his duo here and that's
37309s exactly what they want to do they've got
37311s their loot they've got what they need
37312s and they're moving out getting into a
37314s better position in zone and i mean
37316s that's a great strategy you don't have
37318s to take these engagements off spawn but
37320s speaking of engagements we have slam
37322s here alongside let's sent on here the
37324s duo 23 points they've got a bit of
37326s builds they've got shield but they're
37328s ultimate engagement but they might be
37330s trying to disengage here as tawn is
37332s trying to get out not getting tagged but
37334s down to 58 shield this looks like it's
37337s going to end up in a battle now it
37339s definitely is especially when you get
37340s that early damage you want to make sure
37342s it doesn't go to waste and try to finish
37344s and execute it as soon as possible and
37346s this is going to be the two duos that
37348s are here there's another one slowly
37349s towards the outside that might be josh
37351s and wukong just trying to get themselves
37352s a good spot in zone and not take part in
37354s any of this action but there's a fourth
37356s team also in that same direction so
37359s everybody here has to play their lives
37361s very carefully otherwise they could be
37363s sent back to the lobby before you know
37364s it oh i mean if this engagement takes
37366s too long like you're saying there's a
37367s lot of duos close by a third party could
37369s come through so vodka and delta they've
37371s got to make a decision do we end this
37373s fast do we start wall replacing just
37375s like they're doing now and trying to get
37376s into that action or do we just decide to
37378s disengage keep rotating and farm up but
37380s i mean we know these players they like
37382s playing aggressive great 150 pump
37384s another one taking his
37385s opponent down and now it's just the one
37388s versus one delta has to clean it up
37390s bucket did a huge amount of damage now
37392s actually gives delta the hp advantage
37394s here at almost 200 effective hp against
37397s his opponent who's down to 30 or 40 hp
37400s delta just has to clean it up and that's
37402s exactly what he does you know like a dog
37404s though that hears the car running by you
37406s see that duo slowly but surely hearing
37409s the shots and they're wanting to take
37410s part and get the information is it
37412s something that we can just fully try to
37414s attack and get the elimination points do
37416s we need to stay on the outskirts try to
37418s third party and it does look like they
37419s want to at least get a piece of that pie
37421s russo and his duo are gonna try to
37424s bypass it and get themselves safe entry
37426s towards the zone to see shots flying
37428s their way they know players are on the
37430s hunt so for them it's just about
37431s sticking to the plan not stray far from
37434s it because that could be disastrous
37436s that could be dangerous as clone here
37438s trying to make an attack onto his
37440s opponents here doing a interesting
37443s strategy with the tip line here but it
37444s turns to actually works out as they take
37447s down delta and now it's a two versus one
37448s they have the player advantage but
37450s there's another do it duo coming in for
37452s the third party i mean speak about third
37454s parties fourth parties even fifth
37456s parties jacob this is a dangerous place
37458s to be in yeah i know for sure one of
37459s those dudes is josh and wukong that are
37461s landing on the southern eastern portion
37464s of the map almost uncontested by itself
37466s if it was a poi but it's not so they're
37468s just gonna be fighting for this loot but
37469s it does look like josh might have gone
37471s down early biting off more than he can
37473s chew a siphon going on the back of baka
37476s and that's going to go the confidence to
37478s keep this one
37479s going vodka feeling good now with those
37481s three eliminations but the problem is
37483s gonna be that reboot right if it can get
37485s out of this situation this is still
37487s players close by vodka trying to make an
37490s escape but it's not gonna happen he's
37491s gonna have to take this one versus two
37492s and he's gonna have to come out on top
37493s as he gets straight into the box here
37496s cracks down vodka and now not only with
37498s the player advantage now also the hp
37500s advantage they're just looking to clean
37502s this up quickly
37503s quickly indeed i don't even know if they
37505s just caught that elimination or not
37506s because clone gets back down chopped
37508s only 10 hp and a dream but baca still
37511s keeping them hot on their heels
37512s basically making a 1v2 possible or at
37514s least potentially so as he landed
37517s commanded enough damage on these two
37519s players to create some separation and
37520s get his shields back on up but he knows
37522s the show's not over yet a third party
37525s towards the side it's definitely going
37526s to hurt and that's russo and his duo
37528s slowly but surely moving in they realize
37530s this fight has taken longer than anybody
37532s has hoped and this is now theirs for the
37534s taking i mean i don't know if the call i
37536s don't i don't know if i should call this
37537s a third party or a sixth or seventh
37539s party i mean we've seen so many duos
37542s just coming into this engagement one
37544s after another i don't even know what
37546s number we're on at this point but what i
37548s know is this is a very dangerous
37550s location to be in and it's not a place
37552s where you want to extend a fight at this
37554s point it just looks like they're
37554s crashing the party because they didn't
37556s get an invite but
37557s fncs champions favz and snacky another
37561s early game exchange and honestly this
37563s has been their key to success or at
37565s least in game number one they have the
37567s early game skirmishes which gives them a
37569s bunch of surge to kind of pick and
37571s choose which spot they want because like
37573s i said early on if you don't have the
37574s surge you can't go to the center of the
37576s zone right away as they're chasing them
37578s down they want to make sure it's not
37579s only the elimination points but the
37581s siphon and the resources that they're
37583s going to garner from this
37584s snacking fabs i mean we know them
37586s they're so confident mechanically
37588s they're going to want to take these
37590s engagements especially if they have an
37591s advantage in them currently in the
37593s second place spot you can see it here on
37594s the screen but the question is are they
37597s just gonna farm up or are they gonna go
37599s for those elims go for that engagement
37600s there's 86 players alive 46 duos i mean
37604s not too many people have been knocked
37606s down so this match storm surge is gonna
37609s be just as strong as it's been the past
37611s two games
37612s and the duo that they're fighting right
37613s now fabs and snaky bow crows and his duo
37616s 50th place barely edging in to this
37619s qualifier one getting this opportunity
37621s the series points are going to be
37623s massive for their game as well see
37625s snacky just trying to get his hb on back
37626s up because he knows right below him is
37629s that threat but since they're in circle
37630s and they're so far in circle they don't
37632s have to tunnel vision they know that
37634s they can go ahead and drop down low take
37636s the skirmish if they want in the blink
37637s of an eye but they know just getting
37639s that high ground the information getting
37641s ready for next circle is so much more
37642s important
37643s they have so many options right and you
37645s can even see that the zone has just
37647s appeared i believe it's second zone now
37649s and they're not in it so they are gonna
37651s have to move but look at this
37652s positioning from rex and reed they are
37655s on the corner of the zone here but they
37657s have so much vision around the map that
37659s they're gonna be able to get an
37660s incredible amount of tags here and for
37662s that third zone they're gonna be so
37664s healthy they can focus on just going
37665s straight to the mid
37667s or i mean depending on how many duo's
37669s already boxed up but they'll basically
37670s have a lot of time to choose the best
37672s rotate they can make yeah i think right
37674s now they're doing exactly that they're
37675s trying to get the information of where
37677s all these other duos are rotating in so
37678s when they finally make their move
37680s they're ready but they're simultaneously
37682s looking for surge because they see
37684s they're on the edge zone like you said
37685s they know multiple players have the
37687s potential of passing on by but kika and
37690s his teammate here now under siege forced
37692s to the low ground
37693s looking like it was going to be
37694s offensive but things in the blink of an
37696s eye turned to the worst that's remy and
37698s react that take him out sitting in 29th
37700s place and that's a boost of confidence
37702s that you need here in game three that's
37704s the pace you want to finish these
37706s engagements jacob you want to end them
37708s quickly so there's not even a chance for
37710s a team to get that third party remy did
37712s that so perfectly we can even see a
37714s replay of this on how it was done just
37716s instantly full piecing their opponents
37718s 150 bump shot onto one of the players
37721s with that striker pump and then
37723s rapidly switching to that smg
37725s annihilating the other one i mean that's
37727s how it's got to be done jacob yep theo
37729s and poyo showing us how it's done as
37731s well the shots are just landing from
37733s miles away and with damage like that and
37736s they have to go forward anyway they're
37738s not gonna get too greedy they're gonna
37739s take what they can get realizing hey we
37741s did wonders last game as solos imagine
37744s what we can do with storm surge in our
37746s pockets and a full duo team and
37748s possibilities are definitely going to be
37750s endless but they still have to travel
37751s through sanctuary through all these hot
37753s pois we've seen so many skirmishes go
37756s down just moments ago and you could even
37758s see on the minimap there when it was up
37759s i mean you can't even see the zone so
37762s they're quite a ways away they're gonna
37763s have to make that rotate but fabs and
37765s snacky we'll see here when the zone or
37767s storm surge refreshes they're 18 above
37770s so they have to do some damage here
37772s luckily enough there is some duo's
37773s trying to rotate they've managed to get
37775s 102 damage above but
37777s i wouldn't feel safe there i'd want to
37779s do a bit more
37782s see i don't know i feel safe as well but
37784s i gotta imagine these guys have
37785s definitely seen it all waiting towards
37787s that edge of zone forcing everybody up
37789s but they know with the high ground that
37791s they possess and and you got to imagine
37793s they still possibly know that team is
37794s directly below them the one that we're
37796s fighting early on so they know that it's
37798s just a matter of time so close to zone
37800s they're just gonna wait to the very last
37801s possible second before they move in and
37803s that's where they're gonna start to try
37804s to rotate even further after that next
37807s zone but for now it's just looking for
37808s those shots
37810s looking for those shots looking for
37811s those connections looking for that
37812s damage done speaking about damage done
37814s lyman chip here 554 above they are
37818s feeling good here don't even have
37820s eliminations and they have so much
37822s damage that's all of their positioning
37824s or maybe even their early game
37825s engagements right making the right
37826s choices but flux here and his dual
37828s partner 66 below they're feeling a
37830s little bit more stressed out they want
37831s to get those tags and make those shots
37833s onto these duos that are rotating at the
37835s zone maybe a little late
37837s yeah 66 below and i know you feel that
37839s pressure
37840s kind of just shoot at everybody under
37842s the sun but 66 that's two well-placed
37844s shots two head shots with either one of
37847s these weapons you're gonna be sitting
37848s above the damage threshold so you cannot
37850s tunnel vision you cannot get antsy too
37852s greedy to go for the shots there you go
37853s there's at least 52 right there sitting
37856s only 14 below so it's calm cool
37858s collected that's going to be the
37859s strategy you see on the right side rit
37861s and rex 10 above they too are going to
37863s sit calm cool collected and let's see
37865s how they continue to stay that palm cold
37867s collected i'm talking about as they fall
37869s below the threshold
37870s calm cool collected but for how long
37872s jacob is they've fallen below but
37874s luckily enough looks like they got some
37876s trades there but it's still one below
37878s even just blowing on their opponents
37880s here would be enough damage to get above
37882s the threshold but they need to do a bit
37884s more than that storm surge is now active
37887s players will start losing hp soon and
37889s then jake i mean rex and reed they're
37892s looking for tags looking for damage but
37894s they might have to switch up their
37896s position here i mean they just need a
37897s few tags
37899s just a few and they're just looking at
37900s the same two spots hoping somebody over
37903s peaks but now they're going to become a
37904s target here people know they're taking
37906s that damage and i would hope at least if
37908s this was me i wouldn't peek in that
37909s direction and not give them the shots
37911s that they need to get above the
37912s threshold they may not know it's written
37914s rex but you want to make sure this duo
37916s goes out of the game
37917s oh no rex now they don't have shield
37920s anymore they're using everything they
37921s have but they're just not able to get
37924s this damage maybe build up do anything
37926s they can to get a bit more angles onto
37928s these opponents now well you can see
37931s they got three bigs for mini so it's not
37932s too bad seven players need to get
37934s eliminated for the storm surge threshold
37936s to get cancelled out here but 27 below
37938s again i mean they're just on constant
37940s rain from this storm surge jacob and
37943s they need to do damage now and you can
37945s see it just the lack of peaking coming
37947s out from everybody else in the lobby
37949s they don't know who exactly that is but
37951s they know exactly not to peek especially
37953s if you got a couple 100 above that
37955s damage threshold but they're not going
37957s to slow down they're not going to stop
37958s they don't have a choice but to continue
37960s to put down those shots unless two other
37963s players fall and you see the elimination
37965s feed begin to light up players are
37967s getting taken down but two more are not
37969s out just yet
37972s wrong here 200 or is that even 351
37976s below now i shouldn't be playing because
37978s a solo two getting ticked no more
37980s shields left i mean they're gonna need a
37982s miracle to come out on top but you can
37984s see rate has gone down leaving rex's
37986s solo they weren't able to get enough
37989s damage in time i mean you can see now
37991s rex was above the storm hurst threshold
37993s but he lost wreath so now he has to play
37995s it out alone i mean there's that chance
37998s to to make a good comeback but with a
38001s duo close by it's not going to be easy
38003s yeah interesting to see that he did not
38005s give over the big pots to try to keep
38007s alive that means they're conserving
38008s their resources he's trusting rex to do
38010s this one alone and a possibility for
38013s reboot i'm definitely for it but i do
38015s think that it's going to be a hard one
38017s to kind of get through regardless if you
38019s find that open ground because you're
38021s going to have them floating through the
38022s sky would definitely go down again but
38023s rex is doing such a good job finding
38025s that fire pit getting the hp up he does
38028s have a big pot if he wants to match the
38029s shields along with it but they're salty
38031s and notched they know he's a solo and i
38033s want to see them get aggressive to try
38035s to fit this elimination but great shots
38036s firing back from rex back-to-back shots
38038s gonna be fired salty's gonna go down and
38040s that's a delicious siphon if he can get
38042s it
38043s takes down one changing that two versus
38045s one into a one versus one from not
38047s having the advantage to having the hb
38050s advantage he's gonna be playing
38051s aggressive now he's gonna be the one
38053s pushing this duo here is teed is down to
38056s zero shield only has 100 hp rex gonna
38059s pop that big pot and i'm gonna get right
38061s back into that action yeah you know as
38062s well as i do he smells this one like
38064s blood in the water he's gonna go try to
38066s attack and being proactive not trying to
38069s go for the revive instead of shielding
38070s up but great backfire keeping rex on his
38073s heels and even trying to get offensive
38075s to clean it up 84 hp forcing that big
38077s pot out but it's salty who is still down
38080s trying to go ahead and reposition
38082s himself to make the revive easier for
38084s naj and it is going to be started and he
38086s finishes the big question you see his
38088s covers getting taken one by one re
38090s getting on the offensive and he goes
38091s through and gets that one but both of
38093s those kills to get him six points more
38095s six more points for rex two more
38097s eliminations and not only that that's
38099s gonna help with the damage that's gonna
38101s help with the storm surge and give that
38102s possibility as a solo clutch but snacky
38104s is already down playing as a solo fafsa
38106s has been knocked snacky it's still up
38108s and going seeing if he can survive but
38111s no is gonna get knocked down eliminated
38113s and now taking a look at arkham and epic
38116s i mean this is a good chance for them to
38118s jump up on that leaderboard as fabs and
38120s snaky have been eliminated
38122s yeah you can kind of see that first game
38123s was a little bit of a warm-up game going
38125s out a little early you see i think it
38127s was arkham or it might have been epic
38129s well trying to box up but he came the
38131s target of the lobby nobody wanted to let
38133s somebody that dangerous try to survive
38135s and you see exactly why peeking through
38138s joining with the rest of lobby trying to
38139s take down a team that is towards the
38141s edge and look at them sitting almost
38143s towards the center but what i like about
38144s them is they're not directly towards the
38146s center if that zone pulls or either at
38148s the bottom the right or if the top half
38150s of the map they're going to be good to
38152s travel the only spot they don't want it
38153s to go is the north west portion of the
38155s map
38156s got slick nick here and his dual convict
38158s 202 above the storm surge threshold but
38161s look at zeo who has to make a dangerous
38163s rotate here not only that 25 below no
38166s spare shields to work with but i mean if
38168s you want to talk about something that
38169s they got they do have a launch pad for
38172s mobility but they're really not going to
38173s get the chance to use it if they don't
38175s get a refresh here we've got duo on the
38176s right taking some shots trying to get
38178s that damage trying to take out that solo
38179s and that caused duos from the front to
38181s also take shots and now zeo is just in
38183s the worst situation you could be in here
38185s but will he be able to get out that is
38188s the question manages to avoid some of
38189s the shots here still has a good amount
38191s of materials but will they be able to
38193s base up yeah that was the biggest thing
38195s he knew he couldn't stay in that spot
38197s because he's just wasting materials
38198s holding on to his covers and staying
38200s alive but he used to have two med kits
38202s there so he's gonna get his hb up if he
38204s just has a moment to stabilize and
38206s breathe here but it doesn't look like
38208s multiple duos want to let that be a
38209s possibility that's not only a big
38211s elimination point but one less person to
38213s worry about in the lobby if they can
38214s make it come to fruition as his bills
38217s are dwindling down only down to wood 300
38220s at that taking a big chunk towards the
38222s side 32 hp and a dream he needs a
38225s miracle to try to stay alive he's even
38227s getting pushed back into the zone zeo
38229s you got to do something here polio did
38231s it last game to bring you guys into
38232s first place but you're just getting
38234s chunked out little by little but
38235s honestly takata there's very little
38237s options in a moment once he runs out of
38239s build that's going to be it he gets
38241s taken down honestly that's the most
38242s unfortunate thing we've seen today i
38244s mean what more could he do right he used
38246s all his materials but all
38248s hold on a second here as we have kid in
38250s here on his duo b-dog actually gonna be
38253s securing some eliminations and now you
38255s take a look at the bottom right that
38257s fifth zone that half and half it's
38260s closing in a poi and it's closing far
38262s away from these duos that are on the
38264s edge
38264s yeah it's going to be a risky revive as
38266s his own continues to kind of move in and
38269s enforce those players as rex by himself
38272s let's see what he's going to be able to
38273s do can he stay alive you've seen him do
38275s a 1v2 before tries to go back read
38278s back-to-back toby ones if they don't get
38281s a top spot ree is going to be mad reed
38284s already picked up four limitations as a
38286s solo 130
38288s builds two splashes three minis med
38291s missed i mean all i'm seeing right now
38293s jacob is that opportunity to clutch it
38296s up and rack up an incredible amount of
38298s points solo he's already got four elims
38301s that's 12 points if he can rack up some
38303s placement and even a bit more this is
38304s gonna be one of the best solo clutches
38306s we've seen today
38307s yeah before this game started they were
38309s in eighth place and it almost comes down
38312s to that big battle last game against
38313s arkham and epic whale for that high
38316s ground that really costed them all but
38317s now rex has to do it alone here and i
38319s don't see him contesting for any high
38321s ground he's going to stay as low as
38322s possible conserve the mats and try to
38325s take any eliminations that present
38326s himself but you know he's not going to
38328s be aggressive for any eliminations
38329s unless he has to you can see the zone
38331s has pulled northeast so it's actually
38333s the opposite side
38334s of where he's currently sat at so either
38337s he recycles a launch pad maybe has his
38339s own launch pad or this is the first
38341s moving so all these players they're
38343s going to be using launch pads a majority
38344s of them so if you go on the low ground a
38347s little late you might not get looked at
38349s really just depends on how rex wants to
38352s play this out but currently lime in a
38354s great position here has one at 70 above
38357s the storm surge threshold this could be
38358s another solo that can make it count
38360s yeah uncontested when it comes to kind
38361s of matting up and regaining those
38363s resources players using and recycling
38365s jump pads ray's kind of taking a chunk
38368s of storm surge to make that one be a
38370s possibility as buzzo's gonna have to do
38371s with the same a couple of ticks but it's
38373s not gonna be too much for him to worry
38375s about is he's trying to get as far into
38376s the zone as possible and even claim some
38379s high ground along the way and that's
38381s where it's going to be big but you
38382s already see first place being taken away
38384s already
38385s great rotate from rex chose that low
38388s ground option not recycling a launch pad
38390s and it worked out so well you can see
38392s how confident it is not messing up a
38394s single edit to build with metal right
38396s into the zone and now rex is gonna look
38398s back see if he can maybe get some tags
38400s get an elimination but so far it is
38402s looking great punisher also taking down
38404s paris but arkham took down lanceock so i
38407s already see three solos in this match
38410s tied for second place here lime and rex
38413s both of them kind of do it as a solo
38415s it's like mirrored images shots being
38417s fired down lime just trying to chunk out
38419s players and make their box harder but he
38420s gets kind of aggressed on but turns
38422s burns taking out photos siphon is
38424s necessary has only one splash and mini
38426s so he can get himself back up to at
38429s least 50 shields 100 in hp and if he
38432s wants that big pop that'll get him up to
38433s 200 200 but he's taking a lot of time in
38436s the zone he's gonna have to use those
38437s floppers so no more why hp other than
38440s the med mist oh will lime make it back
38442s because rex also was having a little bit
38444s of trouble there into the zone it looks
38446s like these two solos just keep racking
38448s up more and more points there's now only
38449s 14 duos in the match 21 players and lime
38454s gonna look for a little rotate here has
38456s 130 build still so many materials
38459s meanwhile remy and his dual partner try
38462s to get the high ground but it is not
38463s looking too good as remy gets knocked
38465s down right now with five eliminations
38468s dropping down seeing if it can make a
38470s comeback from this high ground retake
38472s yeah after losing his duo he's trying to
38474s make something happen here splash is
38476s gonna be forced out try to gain the hp
38478s but high ground was taken away he's
38479s getting shot from above forced and low
38481s layer by layer with splashes running out
38484s he only can top one but no eight hp
38486s that's not enough to take the tick as
38488s high ground goes over rex trying to
38490s survive in the same spot he almost goes
38492s down one tick it's all it's going to
38493s take players towards his backside trying
38495s to fight it off and get the siphon this
38497s one is going to be big can rex survive
38499s as he's jumping back on up a couple more
38502s placements to go to reclaim that second
38503s place spot already at 85 points about to
38507s get that 10th place placement rex has
38509s done such a good job already but it
38511s looks like he's not done looking for
38513s that elimination on it so gets the crack
38515s gets into the box and might even secure
38517s their elimination but no so
38520s close still a great play from rex there
38522s great clutch but lime he's still going
38524s now in the seventh place spot here has
38526s one elimination but trying to get
38528s another one has the bed mist has the
38530s minis but the pressure being applied
38532s from the high ground might just be too
38533s much
38534s yep
38535s you can get the shield back up to 50 but
38537s not enough to get the hp there nitrix
38539s takes out ray's backside of zone lime
38542s trying to survive get himself in so he
38543s doesn't take the storm damage because
38545s that will be an elimination gets into
38547s the box gets the siphon that was big
38549s three more points for line second
38550s elimination double men missed as well
38553s with some minis he is definitely doing
38555s just enough to get those points keeping
38557s a hold of first place because that's
38559s gonna be their first time at the top
38560s it's arkham and epic well still alive
38562s one of the duos left as they spot a
38564s player in front of them they're trying
38566s to make quick work they want this game
38568s victory to boost themselves to the top
38569s of the leaderboard two duo's alive two
38572s players alive looks like it's turned
38573s into a two versus two over if rexy and
38575s his do a partner on the high ground and
38577s we have arkham and epic whale on the low
38579s ground will they be able to make that
38580s comeback from the last match and change
38582s that second place into a first place
38586s a very similar situation as last game
38588s the duo is alive they had a choice do
38590s you go top or bottom now the choice is
38592s simple it's only up as the shots are
38594s being fired no more resources to build
38596s there goes the 2v1 is arkham and epic
38598s are looking like they're gonna take game
38600s number three here but it's all up to
38602s rexy how he plays this trying to create
38604s some separation epic whale goes down 1v1
38606s with arkham in the storm but he does
38608s have the men miss trying to drop down
38609s low rex he needs to get towards the
38611s storm but arkham knows he's there hot on
38613s his heels the shots are gonna fire off
38615s are coming up they're bouncing around
38616s and arkham comes out on top to take game
38619s number three from second place in game
38621s two to now first place in game three
38624s with not nine not ten but eleven
38627s eliminations that is gonna boost them up
38630s on the leaderboard and not only on the
38632s leaderboard now their confidence is just
38634s gonna be at a whole other level like you
38636s said second place first place
38638s progressively getting better after each
38641s and every game and for every competitor
38643s still in the lobby you guys better be
38645s worried and be scared because i don't
38646s know what can stop this freight train
38648s that is arkham and epic but so many
38651s other duos also doing a fantastic job
38654s back-to-back 2v1s by rex that is just
38657s insane and if i don't see that in his
38658s next montage i don't know what to say we
38660s also have lime there rex and lime we're
38663s really just playing it out as solo's
38665s lime i believe in god into the top five
38667s there securing so much placement from
38670s his duo but for the solo clutches from
38672s the
38673s arkham and epic whale victory royale
38675s come back i want to see what the desk
38677s has to say so kelly panda and clay take
38680s it away
38683s you know we have to talk about the whale
38685s in the room right now our crim and epic
38687s whale coming back i love to see it
38690s getting second place in game number two
38692s and now grabbing that coveted vr with 11
38696s eliminations panda no absolutely but i
38699s gotta let clay take it away this man is
38701s so hyped right now we were talking about
38703s it before but clay tell the people
38705s what's going on with arkham and epic
38707s quail now i mean everyone doubted them
38710s after the last two seasons everyone was
38711s like guys is it over
38713s can they not come back from it but just
38715s look even in fifth zone finding
38718s eliminations just when you think oh
38720s they're not going to be able to do it
38721s they had high ground for so long picking
38724s up four arkram picking up five six seven
38728s eight
38729s nine eliminations throughout this game
38732s just putting them on the his back and
38734s said you know what i may be 14 hp right
38736s here i'm still going in i'm still
38738s getting eliminations still
38740s popping off and this these are the
38743s champions that we know right panda
38745s you're absolutely correct i mean
38747s watching the soul of these players just
38749s leave their outfits it was just wild as
38752s elimination after elimination came
38754s through for arkham and epic whale and
38756s what a way to finish out the game you
38757s saw there they had close two if not ten
38760s eliminations on top of that victory
38762s royale
38763s i mean look i i can sit here and doubt
38765s them on the prediction board but man
38768s what a game
38769s well you doubting them doesn't mean that
38771s you don't think they're gonna do well
38773s you just don't think that they're gonna
38774s get first place and you know game one
38776s they kind of look like maybe we're gonna
38777s see a similar situation to the last
38779s season but these last two games arcrum
38781s and epic whale are back and for the fact
38784s that it went down to a 1v2
38787s incredible and and i think it really
38789s speaks on their ability to
38791s know game sense where they took hide at
38794s zone six and we were even talking about
38796s it in the green room saying like oh it
38797s seems maybe like a little bit early
38798s height steel's typically happening
38800s around zone seven zone eight and someone
38802s even stole height from them but arkham
38804s and epic whale are such pros that they
38806s knew exactly what to do they didn't try
38808s and try and fight for height they
38810s dropped down grabbed all of the
38811s eliminations that were on the low ground
38813s there so not only did they get placement
38815s points from the vr but they also grabbed
38817s a bunch of eliminations that were the
38819s teams in the low ground so excited to
38821s see how they're going to be doing and
38823s our top 10 leaderboard right now but do
38826s have to talk a little bit obviously
38827s about rexy and dynamic the team that was
38829s able to steal height away from arkham
38831s and epic whale and uh they had an okay
38834s performance earlier on but right now
38836s obviously showcasing panda how they're
38839s doing i mean look this is the
38841s performance they needed right these are
38843s two players that infamously do well on
38846s na west and they needed this to be in a
38849s top five situation which is why they
38851s they came out on top or almost came out
38853s on top i should say against arkham epic
38855s whale it came down to the battle the
38857s last 1v1 situation uh in this moment and
38860s it was huge right rexy potentially could
38863s have played a little bit differently but
38865s with arkham down there doing the most it
38867s would have been tough regardless and
38869s that's why now we see
38871s arkham
38872s epic whale up at the top with a hundred
38876s and eleven points but listen rex and
38878s reid are far behind they're in a top
38879s five situation as well because of that
38881s huge clutch up from rex so listen it was
38883s just an incredible game to watch
38885s yeah look at the numbers there jumping
38887s up from 24th place all the way to third
38890s big shout outs to rexy and reinke right
38892s there but obviously arkermann epic whale
38894s with 111 points one vr 17 eliminations
38897s they are pretty much beating out the
38898s rest of the teams from everything that
38900s we can see except for lime and chip 70
38903s points for placement points right there
38905s yes elims are great but if you're able
38907s to make it to the end game like this
38909s team is right here that is gonna
38911s solidify your spot into the finals and
38913s remember everyone you can see the line
38914s between fifth and sixth place that's
38917s what we're looking for the top five
38919s teams get to go all the way to the
38921s finals automatically but clay look how
38923s close six and seventh are
38925s it's one point that that line is gonna
38928s move right it'll stay in fifth but those
38930s points they're gonna shift a lot as you
38932s can see it's all well with individual
38934s royale still for a lot of these players
38936s again it gives 32 points for that
38937s victory royale but right now it's still
38940s a lot of players games but we got to
38942s talk about momentum right we see
38944s momentum coming out of arkham and epic
38946s whale who we know once they get a
38948s victory royale it's very very hard to
38950s stop them so yes they only have an
38952s 11-point lead it seems on the
38954s leaderboard but
38956s we i expect them to just take that lead
38958s and run with it i am looking for caleb
38960s in solution though they've had some
38962s pretty decent games i mean 38 placement
38964s points 11 eliminations right like
38967s they're there i just want to see them
38969s more in the end game you know i i was
38972s looking for defiable in quinn's name and
38974s maybe i'm mistaken or couldn't see them
38975s but actually they were in first place
38977s after game number two and now to not
38978s even see them in the top ten that is
38980s just showcasing how volatile these games
38983s are everyone and we are reaching the
38985s halfway point right now which means game
38987s number four is ready to go so jacob and
38989s takata take it away
38993s great breakdown from kelly panda and
38995s clay i always love what they come up
38997s with on the desk but jacob i mean i
39000s don't even know what to say from lime
39002s solo clutch getting to the top five from
39004s rex having two 1v2s also securing a good
39008s amount of placement points to epic whale
39010s and arkham from first game getting
39012s eliminated early to second game getting
39014s second place the third game winning the
39017s match getting the victory royale with 11
39019s eliminations i mean we've just had three
39022s games played out there's three more to
39024s go and i i'm losing my mind
39027s no i'm definitely losing my mind as well
39028s there's not much for me to say and
39030s thankfully the bus is ready i don't have
39032s to say much at all let's get right into
39034s game number four because i'm itching for
39036s the action
39042s three games down three more to go these
39045s players are feeling warmed up now
39047s they're feeling ready for the last half
39050s of this tournament will the drop spots
39053s stay the same what are players gonna
39055s change up how are they gonna adapt from
39057s the previous mistakes on these three
39059s matches that we've already seen i mean
39061s it's all up to them all up to what they
39063s want to do but
39064s this is just getting started
39066s yep one of those teams pars and rays
39068s here
39069s they were sharing first place at one
39071s point as well so many teams had a taste
39074s of that first place second place and
39076s third place after that last game but
39077s this is that drop bars and raise versus
39079s caleb and solution pars goes down early
39082s ray's trying to survive he gets the
39083s striker 1v2 is gonna be in the books but
39086s it's actually two different players
39087s though he only gets down on caleb
39090s solution saves the day
39092s solution gonna save caleb his duo
39094s partner here which was kind of in a
39096s sticky situation but caleb did a great
39098s job standing up for himself there taking
39100s down one and almost taking down two
39102s actually but that's what it's all about
39105s the teamwork right solution and caleb
39107s doing a great job here but this is just
39108s the beginning you can see how many duos
39110s are still up and running in this cavern
39113s so
39114s i'm kind of curious to see how they make
39116s this comeback right they have to loot up
39117s they gotta get their shield up health up
39119s even mats up and there's still so many
39121s duos close by it it's scary
39124s yeah it's definitely gonna be dangerous
39125s as you see our previous game winners
39127s doing exactly what they do best right
39129s here landing at crony crossroads
39131s uncontested it even looks like arkham
39133s has taken a detour towards the southern
39135s portion of coney crossroads not even
39137s looting up the actual poi it even looks
39140s like he's just going for what i think
39142s might be
39143s the little mushrooms to get the shield
39144s on up so that way he doesn't have to
39146s waste minis he doesn't have to wait big
39148s pots he doesn't have to waste anything
39149s and it's for use later on in the game
39152s epic whale here does already have the
39154s met mist has the three bigs and i just
39156s want to talk a bit about how powerful
39158s the med mist has been this season right
39160s you can use it to stay in zor storm
39163s longer in these last moving zones and
39165s kind of pick and choose how your path is
39167s going to be maybe even find some
39169s eliminations from people who are already
39170s in the storm i mean having a med mist is
39173s crucial in these late games
39176s it definitely is you've seen
39178s so many players kind of utilize that to
39179s perfection but baca learning from his
39181s mistakes of the past you have to finish
39183s these fights rather quickly if you're on
39185s this side of the map because there's so
39187s many threats you may not see them in
39188s your minimap but you know as well as i
39190s do they are really close by they're
39192s going to hear the shots they're going to
39194s try to move in quickly if they don't see
39196s those eliminations in the feed get
39197s picked up
39199s vodka here though in delta i mean you
39200s remember what happened in the last game
39203s from the third party fourth fifth and
39205s even like seventh party this duo was not
39208s having a fun time here in jonesy's so
39211s good thing is they picked up those two
39212s eliminations quickly and hopefully they
39215s don't have to run into that again but
39217s buso here and his duo partner are not in
39219s the best situation they have a good
39221s amount of points with 86 but now
39223s left as a solo this is gonna be a tough
39226s one to come back from
39227s yeah it is definitely gonna be a tough
39229s one and i thing that makes it just a
39230s little bit more tough is they're right
39231s there in the zone they don't have to
39233s move they can camp the card if they want
39235s and that's why you see it's all good man
39237s just just trying to get out just trying
39238s to make his position unknown so that way
39240s he can hopefully go back later in the
39242s game and collect that card batman boo
39244s gun wheels though
39246s having a good start to this game wheels
39247s already having two eliminations you see
39250s great resources on both batman buga and
39252s wheels they just need to be able to
39254s survive they know what they can do once
39256s they reach that end game they're some of
39258s the most mechanically gifted players
39259s that we have it's just today it's
39261s getting to the end game seems to be the
39263s problem but i have a feeling let me
39264s cross my fingers i have a feeling game
39266s number four is gonna be the one we'll
39268s both be crossing our fingers so you're
39269s seeing what they can do but we got diego
39272s three eliminations but wheels and batman
39275s booga i mean they're hunting for their
39277s prey here trying to see if they can find
39279s them and oh my gosh jacob
39282s he's not gonna take a shot he might have
39284s just done it he might have just hid it
39286s in the perfect location here to make a
39288s comeback in this match
39291s i just want to see him kind of hunt for
39292s the card it does look like he's going to
39293s try to get out for now he may already
39295s have it you see wheels and booga that's
39297s the same position we saw him in game
39299s number one they try to claim as much of
39300s the high ground as possible get as much
39302s surge as possible so that way when it
39305s comes to mid and end game it's all
39306s rotations they can pick and choose
39308s because they're not forced with the back
39309s up against the wall sorcerer's being
39311s active to have to go for these shots and
39314s and this is a great game plan like i
39316s said it's just making it towards the end
39317s game seems to be the struggle for them
39319s today but like i said let's just keep
39320s our fingers crossed throughout this one
39322s keep our fingers crossed keep our high
39324s hopes up because there's still three
39326s games to go we're just halfway there we
39328s saw the comeback that epic and arkham
39330s made so wheels and batman booga i mean
39333s they can do just that in these next
39335s three games if they play it correctly
39337s and starting off with two eliminations
39338s already not having to worry about storm
39340s surge too much and just wearing on that
39342s rotate i mean i have high hopes for them
39347s i hopes indeed and
39349s for another duo that so many fans have
39352s high hopes up snacky and fabs playing a
39356s very very solid game up until this point
39358s but after that great start it's kind of
39360s hard to match that win with so many
39362s talented teams in the lobby currently
39364s sitting in 10th place but
39366s that's been the thing about this spot
39368s they won the championship but during
39370s their qualification process it was
39372s everything but easy it took him a full
39374s five games and it took him a victory
39375s royale just to make it to that finals we
39378s got kitten here and b-dog trying to hunt
39380s down a squid here not in the ocean
39383s though on some grass and let's see if
39385s they can do it they have the player
39386s advantage they have the effect of hp
39389s advantage and they're gonna do just that
39392s as squid gets taken down here 51 points
39395s for v-dog in his duo and now just like
39397s wheels and batman booga they have the e
39399s limbs they have the damage for the storm
39401s surge in these first few zones and they
39403s can just focus on the rotate
39407s say focusing on that rotate indeed a
39410s team that cannot focus on that rotate
39412s over towards the sanctuary not too far
39414s off from the jones is the fight that we
39416s saw early on and this time it's just
39418s more deadly though two teams directly in
39420s this altercation one team towards the
39423s north moving in another team towards the
39425s south they're here in the party and
39426s they're ready to dance
39428s ready to get some dancing going slick
39431s and czr some of my favorite spanish
39433s speaking players here on the west coast
39436s might be getting into another engagement
39438s here as they already have two
39439s eliminations so if they take this
39441s engagement it's just for the points as
39443s they've already done a good amount of
39444s damage but take a look there's some more
39446s players here it's fabs it's snacky and
39448s they wanted a piece of the pie here as
39450s fabs taking down one of his opponents
39452s there now in a two versus one but slake
39454s is gonna get annihilated they're getting
39456s knocked down i mean this is a three duo
39459s engagement jacob this looks like an
39461s over-the-top rope battle royal with
39463s nobody but one team able to survive if
39465s c's are doing what he can
39467s trying to get in the box but he knows he
39469s needs the heels as well as this one is
39471s looking like it's going to be a
39472s prolonged fight hopefully he has flicks
39474s card because there's so many teams
39475s moving in his only option here is to run
39477s away keep things going and get those
39479s placement points because it cannot all
39482s end here you see so many teams really
39484s trying to take a piece of it and so many
39486s trying to get out but i don't know if
39487s fabs and snacky are gonna let that be a
39489s possibility because see them hot on the
39491s heels of the only solo player in the
39492s bunch i mean i'm wondering why i'm not
39495s getting invited to these parties right
39496s and last game in jonesy's we had the
39498s same thing happening where duo after duo
39500s just kept showing up to this party that
39502s i for some reason wasn't invited to and
39504s now it's happening in sanctuary as well
39506s i mean something's going on here jacob
39509s yeah the only thing i see going on is is
39511s we need to make better friends with
39512s these people that's all we need to do
39514s right now because i need to get invited
39516s to these parties because it's usually me
39517s i'm usually that first duo team that
39519s starts the party and i'm stuck in the
39521s lobby watching the rest of it i want to
39523s get invited at the end of the day but
39524s this is a duo right here i'm interested
39527s to see the rest of their tournament
39529s performance i was doing the math i was
39531s kind of chatting it up with chat during
39533s the analyst segment i know for a fact
39536s rex got at least 12 elimination points
39539s in those 1v2s he was able to clutch up
39541s you add that with placement points he
39543s possibly got 20 plus points as a solo to
39547s boost ri and himself up into fourth
39549s place and i just know if rex ends up
39551s going down earlier mid for any reason i
39554s know rit he's gonna he's gonna feel
39556s something right rex just made that
39558s clutch as a solo and reid's gonna be
39560s like it's my turn it's my time to shine
39562s right but let's hope that doesn't happen
39563s and they can play it out as a duo just
39565s like fabs and snacky are doing here
39567s already with one elimination from that
39569s previous engagement close to slick that
39571s we saw still wandering around here in
39574s the sanctuary kind of seeing what they
39575s they want to do right 132 builds almost
39578s at max materials has a shield keg two
39580s big pots i mean looks like the
39582s ammunition is good i think it's really
39584s just on the on the rotate now
39587s yeah and you can see they're going a
39588s little bit towards the right to make it
39589s their spot that much better towards the
39591s end but replay back into this whole
39593s chaotic fight that we saw babs dropping
39596s into the box taking short work of side
39598s razor and immediately helping snacky as
39600s well as you see he's under siege smg in
39603s the box takes out slick and that's
39605s something that he saw he didn't even see
39606s that one coming because there were so
39608s many players in that one fight what a
39611s shot from that striker pump on the slick
39613s i mean he he was kind of lost there i'm
39615s not gonna lie i got annihilated but the
39617s good thing is that his duo partner is
39619s still up and going and you can get a
39620s reboot onto slick and they can make a
39622s comeback i mean we saw in the last game
39624s they made it into top three or top four
39626s so they're feeling good they're doing a
39628s good job right now and just has to
39629s maintain that consistency as remy here
39631s and his dual partner might get into a
39634s surprise engagement no they know that
39635s they're opposing those inside the
39637s building and they want to make that
39638s action happen
39640s the goodman buzzer making some
39642s adjustments as well everybody in this
39643s game this is game number four depending
39645s on where you're at in the leaderboard
39647s you have different adjustments to be
39649s made from everybody else in the lobby if
39650s you're at the bottom you need to get
39652s more aggressive match those elimination
39654s points with the placements if you're at
39655s the top you got to tread lightly going
39657s down early could be the end of your run
39659s but goodman and buzzo doing a good job
39661s of at least holding off this altercation
39664s not taking damage just yet but with only
39666s two builds there's only so much they can
39667s do
39668s only so much they can do so much they
39670s can conquer here as i believe on the
39672s mini map there's a duo there driving by
39675s might not get into the third party but
39676s bouzou gonna get knocked down here now
39679s two versus one remy has the player
39682s advantage here all they have to do is
39683s play this right play this like a two
39685s versus one and not take two 1v1
39687s engagements says rambi trying to find an
39689s angle trying to get a shot onto his
39690s opponent here they've already done so
39692s much 702 damage above two eliminations
39695s looking to make it four
39696s yeah and i like this they know they
39698s don't have to go after this one because
39700s of the damage threshold and they're so
39701s far above but they know so many teams
39703s are nowhere to be found maybe one two on
39705s the outskirts so they have a moment and
39708s the moment is now if they want to clean
39710s up this elimination and get those extra
39712s three points for their game but tall
39714s goodman is doing a good job here staying
39716s alive but wall is out no more the
39718s pre-edit is in and back to the lobby you
39720s go great way played it slow right they
39722s know they have well they knew they had
39724s that player advantage might have even
39725s had the hp advantage so they just kind
39728s of waited for the right a moment to
39729s strike right when it was a two versus
39731s one both going at the same time and it
39733s would have been very difficult to pull
39734s off what rex did last game getting two
39736s one versus twos but we'll see what they
39738s can do now in game four we still have a
39741s few games to be played out as ranky here
39743s and rexy they have a vehicle they have
39745s storm surge damage that loot epic
39748s assault rifle epic striker pump i mean
39751s they're feeling good
39752s yeah they can go and peak for shots if
39754s they want but they also know that they
39756s don't have to they have 600 like you
39758s said above the threshold they have a car
39760s right now i actually think it would be a
39762s negative play to start peaking for these
39763s shots because not only can they take
39765s shots on you they can start to destroy
39767s your vehicle which is a huge key to
39769s success in terms of rotating towards the
39771s late game but zeo and pollo
39773s they know exactly what needs to be done
39775s but working together right now is not
39777s necessarily um their strong suit in
39780s terms of how it's been going but i do
39782s believe this is gonna be the chance as
39784s they shield back up with the shield keg
39786s they're in zone they spot one duo just
39788s not too far on the outside and as soon
39790s as they land the shots the damage
39791s they're gonna go but for now it's just
39792s all about the rotation that's the
39794s problem i'm seeing though 200 below and
39796s only one duo close by like do you make
39798s the choice to get some damage on that
39800s duo or you're going to rotate like you
39802s were saying and then later on go for the
39804s damage because i mean storm surge is
39806s going to be ticking soon and it's going
39807s to be ticking heavy here as you can see
39809s it's already activated zeo and foyo
39812s might even have to take this engagement
39814s close by as we have cried pass also only
39816s six above the threshold here so these
39819s duos they got to make something happen
39821s yeah it does look like they're gonna try
39822s to out heal it with the shield keg and a
39824s couple of minis that's a great
39825s combination to keep yourself with
39827s maximum amount of shields while taking
39829s the storm surge damage you also need to
39831s match that with going forward these
39832s shots is simply how healing it is not
39835s gonna be enough as five players still
39837s need to go down and they spent their
39839s eyes on a duo that's on the outskirts
39841s they hoping they're by themselves
39842s because they're ready to get aggressive
39844s and get the damage they need they're
39845s looking for that angle looking for that
39847s early shot right crack their opponent
39849s give them the advantage on the feed we
39851s see arkham and epic also just got two
39853s eliminations so they're feeling pretty
39854s happy but now zero and foyo they want to
39857s get those two eliminations zero do a
39859s nice little flank here as boyle's going
39861s directly into the engagement so
39863s hopefully they make something happen
39864s soon because zeo's already down to two
39866s big pots once he pops that one i'm not
39868s sure how much shield boya has but
39870s they've gotta take this engagement
39872s quickly jacob yep that's another shot's
39874s gonna be landing but it's not going to
39876s be enough storm search continuing to a
39877s thing plus fall damage this is not
39879s looking good for zeo as surge continues
39882s to tick and take him down 34. they need
39884s a couple of shots here 89 hp and it's
39887s only just living on a prayer here and
39889s honestly the time it takes to pop the
39891s big pot i don't know if he's gonna be
39892s able to survive but that's neither here
39893s nor there shots right now in the
39895s distance he's gonna get dropped down
39897s though as pollo goes down as well
39899s they're both out and back to the lobby
39901s having to rethink their strategy for
39903s game five that's why you got to make
39905s those decisions quickly right jacob do
39907s you want to zone or do you take that
39908s engagement right and you just gotta go
39910s straight to it you don't have a lot of
39912s time when storm surge is ticking and
39914s fast and snack snacky know exactly that
39916s as they already have an elimination they
39918s already have a good amount of damage
39919s done
39920s but will it be enough right they're
39923s pretty close to the mid zone here
39924s they're looking all right are going to
39925s be epic i mean you can see it with a
39927s blue beam coming from their players here
39931s they're in the first place spot they're
39933s feeling good 118 points and not only
39935s that i mean they almost have a perfect
39937s loadout right you've got the ammunition
39939s you've got the shields jug splashes
39941s mobility with the launch pad i mean if
39943s they're in a good zone position right
39944s now there's not much more you could ask
39946s for
39949s it's like wreathing wrecks here they
39950s have a portion of the high ground
39952s towards daily bugle
39955s but it's almost like guaranteed unless
39957s they get that pull towards the north
39958s that they're going to have to try to
39960s move forward here
39962s in a moment's time but they know that
39964s they have all
39965s so much time here in terms of being able
39967s to push forward even after the storm
39969s moves it's not going to be a worry but
39970s evo and on one behind that elimination
39973s on leo and that's gonna be a big three
39976s points here as shades and klux also
39978s putting that damage and that was a fight
39979s that we saw early on that's what took
39981s playo down
39982s took him down from afar i mean that's
39984s why you gotta cover up your open spots
39987s right you gotta make sure nobody has an
39989s angle on you but it can be difficult
39991s especially if you're going for storm
39992s surge you don't have a lot of time you
39994s gotta pop the big you didn't build and
39996s if you stop popping the big storm surge
39998s eliminates you i mean you've really got
40000s to stay calm collected and focused in
40002s these
40003s i mean stressful situations you could
40005s say but mektin and chicken here they're
40007s feeling pretty good fifth place on the
40010s leaderboard currently have a decent
40011s position i think they're a little more
40013s edge zone though and yeah you can even
40014s see at the bottom right in the mini map
40015s they've got to rotate as the zone closes
40018s closer to the daily bugle so curious to
40020s see how they're going to do that
40023s even though they're sitting in the
40024s center of center zone ranki
40026s and rexy's they don't have much to worry
40029s about because they have five big pods
40031s three minis on one player they have the
40033s i o car so no matter where this one
40035s pulls up down left or right they're
40037s gonna have a great rotation they just
40039s can't go too early that's something that
40041s you taught me once you have that car you
40043s need to go and rotate while everybody
40045s else is also forced to rotate that way
40047s nobody's really shooting at you you have
40049s a safe travel towards the zone or
40050s wherever you need to go next
40052s caleb and solution
40054s both crouched i'm wondering if this is
40056s not there i don't yeah i don't think
40057s this is their box jacob trying to see if
40059s they can get a sneaky little play on to
40061s their opponents but little they know
40063s their opponents are going to be arkham
40064s and epic whale they're already rotating
40066s into the zone so they might actually be
40068s able to recycle the tarp that arc and
40071s epic has made so it actually could turn
40073s out pretty well from them they might not
40075s even have to use too many builds here
40077s and they can make it in pretty pretty
40079s safely hopefully
40082s one splash for caleb and i like the way
40085s he's conserving it he can easily have
40086s used that picked up the med kit try to
40088s keep things going get himself to about
40090s 190 but he's waiting for solution to
40092s take some damage as well so that way
40093s they both get use out of it but arkham
40096s and epic and a spot that we haven't seen
40098s them too often 135 below the damage
40101s threshold even with two eliminations
40103s that goes to show how active this entire
40105s lobby is you see them looking left right
40108s center trying to get the damage that
40110s they need so they don't have to worry
40111s about the pressure of storm surge
40113s convict here with this duo slick nick 13
40116s below but not as low as arkham and epic
40118s are right now even with those
40119s eliminations i mean just like you're
40120s saying they've got to do something more
40122s here as reit takes down an opponent
40124s that's a number they should read even
40125s another elimination for notch there so
40127s these these players i mean they know
40130s they have to do damage and a good way to
40131s do that is get those eliminations put
40133s yourself into that risky situation
40134s that's exactly what convict just did now
40137s over a hundred above storm surge but
40139s it's up to epic whale and arkham now to
40141s see what they can do they're getting
40142s ticked they're losing shields here they
40144s have to chuck splashes to tank it but
40146s well they have enough
40148s last time some 135 65 more damage below
40151s the threshold and now it's being
40153s activated with the backs up against the
40155s wall this is something similar to them
40157s that happened in game number one forced
40159s to make a play the decision is no longer
40161s theirs because they honestly don't have
40163s enough resources and heels to out
40165s healing when they found a player they
40166s get the damage they get the siphon
40168s everything that they need but it's
40170s actually going to be slick nick that's
40171s trying to stay alive forced to leave
40173s convict down and out of the game and
40175s he's now left as a solo but the damage
40177s is in epic well are
40179s just enough to get them above the damage
40181s threshold but it's only 155 that's not
40184s much at all although four players three
40186s now have to be eliminated in storm surge
40188s won't be active anymore so if just one
40190s more duo goes down these players who are
40192s getting picked will have a bit of that
40195s miracle coming into place is just one
40196s more player has to get eliminated fabs
40198s and snacky though they're not worried
40200s about storm surge 413 above now we've
40203s reached 50 players alive so storm surge
40205s is no longer active but at what cost how
40208s many duos have just been eliminated
40210s trying to get that damage snacky fabs
40213s though i believe they might not even
40215s fully beat it in zone here if they are
40217s they're just on the edge so they've got
40219s to be careful
40220s gotta be careful indeed there's so many
40222s teams just building above them taking
40225s away the option to go up to where they
40226s have no other choice to go forward on
40229s that same layer drop down a few here and
40231s where the next one pulls is going to be
40233s important because look at where it is
40235s that now it's towards daily bugle on the
40237s mountain that can pull down across into
40239s the actual daily bugle through buildings
40241s it can pull down or even north not only
40244s through daily bugle back up the mountain
40246s they're gonna go on a roller coaster
40248s ride like never before i cannot wait to
40250s see what happens here at jacob i was
40252s talking about the ground rotates on
40253s first moving in the previous match but
40255s trying to do a ground rotate here
40257s through the daily bugle i mean that is
40260s gonna be incredibly difficult i'm sure
40261s we're gonna see a lot of launch pads
40263s being used a lot of launch pads being
40264s recycled for the players who don't
40266s currently have one in their loadout and
40267s this is just going to be
40269s very chaotic see i was thinking the same
40271s thing and if our resident nas pro
40273s players think of the same thing
40275s our championship caliber players are
40277s thinking the same thing with a zone like
40279s this no other choice but to launch pad
40281s your way in and honestly that was a
40283s delicious play from arkham and epic
40284s because now they get front side of zone
40286s and theirs is now for the taking with so
40288s many players also recycling those jump
40290s pads they just could try to get above
40292s the threshold but fabs goes down stacky
40294s sito is gonna have to do it all by
40296s himself 87 points coming back to see if
40300s he can do another solo clutch we've seen
40301s so many today and we might just be able
40303s to see one more here as snacky cracks
40305s his opponent not having to worry about
40307s surge but hungry for those eliminations
40310s that three point per elim as rex is
40313s still alive here with reit his dual
40314s partner they're looking good they're
40316s looking healthy and wheels and batman
40318s booga they have the high ground but
40320s right as they take it arc and epic they
40322s come from the back of storm and they
40324s take down batman buga they want to
40326s secure the high ground for this match
40328s that's like the third time in four games
40330s that they go for a high ground play
40332s towards seven circle but defiable and
40334s quinn we haven't seen them in a long
40336s time but this is their chance on the
40337s fourth game to get the points and what a
40340s better duo to get those points on than
40341s the first place team and they've done
40343s just enough they're forcing arkham and
40345s epic down the high ground goes to quinn
40347s and defiable but look at their resources
40350s they don't have a ton of light ammo on
40352s defiable not a ton of light ammo on
40354s quinn so they can only put infinite
40356s amount of pressure
40357s snacky going down here i believe we
40359s still have reet down on the low ground
40361s lime once again playing it out as a solo
40364s is he gonna be able to do just as much
40365s as he did in the last match as arkham
40367s gets an elimination here rexy also
40369s taking down some players high ground now
40372s being controlled still by the opposing
40375s duo rex though three eliminations reid
40377s has two 117 points and they're both
40379s alive
40380s somehow wheels even though booga did go
40383s down he's to figure out a way to survive
40385s and create some distance between quinn
40387s and defiable so he doesn't go down but
40388s lime not having that same luck he gets
40391s dropped cripe is doing what he can
40392s brokers as well epic well back to lobby
40394s arkham goes down as well their luck has
40397s definitely run out and how long can they
40399s run out of first place here as there's
40401s still 10 duos remaining rex is alive
40404s right now i know panda's smiling
40406s watching this 122 points in the second
40409s place spot will rex be able to clutch it
40412s up again we'll be able to get enough
40413s points to take that number one spot but
40415s quinn in the fireball although they
40417s didn't have the materials they've been
40418s able to hold height long enough looks
40420s like zone might even pulled kind of
40422s towards their side so they don't have to
40424s use too many materials here mexton two
40426s eliminations also looking to see if it
40428s can pick up some more there's so many
40430s possibilities so much action and rex is
40432s looking for some of it oh we've seen
40435s some big plays last game looking to
40437s replicate those here sitting in second
40439s place five heliums as a team plenty of
40441s use and resources to go except for those
40444s masks that's the thing that's looking a
40446s little thin or at least thinner than he
40447s would hope but you know how dangerous he
40449s can be against the box gets the piece on
40452s b dog's heels and even trying to go
40453s underneath angles are his to claim and
40456s even an armor wall getting thrown down
40458s to alleviate that pressure reload the
40460s guns get the hp and shield back on up so
40462s he has another chance at this already in
40464s the sixth place spot he's racking up
40466s placements and eliminations look at that
40468s too the zone pulls back towards rex and
40471s he drops down an opponent in his box but
40473s he's not able to do enough damage to get
40475s that elimination b-dog barely coming out
40477s on top the fireball though and quinn
40479s they're out of materials but they're
40480s both standing here will they be able to
40483s get the refresh needed to fireball
40484s getting cracked here they're in at this
40486s engagement it's looking messy it's
40488s looking scary but quinn takes down vodka
40491s now they have that player advantage but
40493s there's a whole other duo on the low
40494s ground
40495s yeah that was an absolutely needed
40497s refresh because the biggest thing wasn't
40498s only the siphon and the mass but he gets
40500s the light ammo as well so he can switch
40502s from the striker shotgun into the combat
40505s and there goes that lima ammo being put
40506s to use they get a knock onto one player
40509s quinn loses his teammate but he gets
40510s flanked towards the side coming down to
40512s a 1v1 delta versus dukes for the game
40515s right here and this is going to boost
40517s them up the leaderboard 20th or 13th
40519s place absolutely needed but the builds
40521s go to the high ground he's creating the
40523s necessary separation to prolong this
40525s game does he have the ammunition to put
40528s down the pressure it doesn't look like
40529s so as he only has the striker out but he
40531s actually has so much combat ammo he can
40533s continue to put that pressure but he's
40535s dropping down low with the shotgun
40536s making sure to use it wisely and end the
40540s game here followed up by the pressure of
40541s the combat it's definitely zooks for the
40543s taking dropping down low to equal level
40545s the final blow is in delta goes down
40548s zuke rises up victory royale for game
40550s four zuke's taking the high ground at
40552s the perfect time they're quitting
40554s defiable just didn't have the materials
40556s to hold it and with that high ground
40558s retake managed to secure that victory
40560s royale not just for him but also for his
40563s duo with a good amount of elins i mean
40565s that's what you got to do to start a
40567s comeback jacob
40568s yep we saw first place go down we saw
40571s second place go down we saw third place
40573s go down with about 15 18 duos left in
40577s the game so you got to imagine what that
40579s is going to do to the leaderboards
40581s overall as you see quinn and defiable
40584s really rise to the occasion here and
40586s claim the high ground even though they
40587s didn't claim the victory i mean we saw
40589s that match happen live and i'm not even
40591s sure it went down arkham and epic had
40593s height at one point quinn had height i
40595s think even rex and reed were thinking
40596s about battling it there i mean so much
40598s happened i'm gonna need to throw it to
40600s the desk kelly panda clay please tell me
40602s what we just saw
40605s i mean takata jacob thank you guys so
40608s much once again and i think we're gonna
40610s have to look at the highlights because i
40611s completely agree with you guys there was
40613s a moment where three maybe even four
40615s teams were fighting for height and it
40617s was so pivotal to the rest of the game
40620s that we got to see right there speaking
40621s of which congratulations to zuke's i
40624s love it when it comes down to a 1v1 and
40626s with it being two kind of relatively
40629s unknown teams right there zuke's versus
40631s delta but of course zuke's team with
40633s bacon coming out on top panda
40636s yeah coming out on top indeed zuke's did
40638s a really good job here
40640s of playing with his teammate as long as
40642s they could staying alive here through
40643s these crucial moments and then
40644s inevitably taking high ground despite
40647s all these other players wanting it being
40649s able to hold it is crucial and that's
40651s what dukes was able to do in these final
40652s moments clay
40654s yeah and it seems like ultimately when
40656s you get into one of these zones that's
40657s moving off of a high ground position
40660s right off of that elevated incline
40662s everyone forgets about who's on high
40663s ground and that's the perfect
40664s opportunity for that for that solo to
40666s take it and zooks was aware of that
40668s which was a beautiful play by their part
40670s because you saw nobody
40672s worried about them they were all trying
40674s to fight their own battles and that's
40676s the best possible outcome for someone on
40677s high ground that's a solo well with that
40679s being said uh teams taking height we
40682s have to talk about quinn and defiable
40684s because there was a moment where batman
40685s booga and wheels had height arkham and
40687s whale tried to steal it and then
40689s defiable came up with quinn to steal it
40692s as well which we're watching right here
40693s clay
40694s yeah and i was worried i didn't think
40696s they had enough materials to really make
40697s this or you see quinn on one here but
40699s there's a lot of players fighting nearby
40701s because it was such a high high ground
40704s that they were able to get a lot of
40705s different refreshers through and to make
40707s it into this final zone
40710s yeah i couldn't agree more and i think
40712s the mistakes were made here in those
40713s final moments on the low ground not
40715s necessarily having the awareness to
40717s understand that there was a player right
40718s there to the left and that you were out
40720s of build you saw quinn attempt to build
40722s the wall there to defend himself but
40723s just didn't realize he had none left so
40725s unfortunately he ends up going down
40726s there
40727s but regardless still a great game from
40729s them this is what we want to see from
40731s these knowledgeable players but they're
40733s going to need some more of that action
40734s if they want to continue to climb that
40735s leader which kelly i believe is almost
40737s ready
40738s yeah let's see how well they performed
40740s and if that's going to put them into our
40742s top 10 leaderboard right now and it
40744s looks like i'm looking for zuk's name
40747s and i don't see it unfortunately but
40749s what i do see is arkham and epic whale
40752s on top with
40753s 151 points 25 elimination seven more
40757s than the next leading team which is rexy
40759s and ranky but
40761s rex and reed panda second place
40764s right there behind hey listen that just
40766s speaks to our ability to pick teams
40769s right first and second place i'll take
40771s it yeah give us the shout out not the
40773s players
40774s no honestly though these players have
40776s been showing up and doing a really
40778s really good job despite arkham epic will
40779s having a tough start on the day being
40782s able to get huge elimination games has
40783s been vital to their game plan clay
40786s yeah and i want to take a look at team
40788s number six right now we've got
40789s krypos and uric who moved up seven
40793s places with that game into contention
40795s for the top five 93 points so it's well
40798s within their graphs again there's a lot
40800s of shifts to happen here a victory we're
40801s out with 10 elims 62 points so that's
40805s definitely something a lot of these
40806s players can achieve we've seen it so
40808s that's where we'll start to look as we
40809s get into the latter half of these games
40811s i love that you point that out because
40812s krypus and thorik we had a shorter show
40815s open we usually have 15 20 minutes to
40817s talk about them and this was one of the
40818s underdog teams that i wanted to talk
40820s about because they didn't look like
40822s underdogs in round three they got second
40824s place out of round three right there so
40826s to see them come up into sixth place
40828s right now that is a big deal but one
40830s more thing that i do want to mention is
40832s that that separation between fifth and
40834s sixth place is starting to get larger
40836s right now n a west has always been
40838s notoriously a very top-heavy competition
40841s and we're kind of seeing that now after
40843s game number four so game number five and
40845s six two more games for these teams to
40847s have an opportunity because reminder
40850s chat top five teams automatically move
40852s on to the finals they don't have to go
40854s through qualifier two they don't have to
40856s fight next week in qualifier three and
40858s more importantly they don't have to go
40859s through the gauntlet that is the
40861s three-day semi-finals competition
40863s everyone it is brutal it is
40866s exhausting so a lot of these teams right
40868s now are hoping to make it into the top
40870s five but which teams will it be well
40872s game number five might give us an answer
40874s because we only have two more games to
40876s go for naos everyone it's fncs chapter
40879s three season two and we still have jacob
40881s and takata calling all of the action so
40883s let's head over to them
40885s thank you so much you guys heard the
40888s best desk in the west lay down the
40890s action and everything that is on the
40892s line here only two games left and
40895s depending on where you're at in the
40896s leaderboard you're really going to have
40898s to make it all count and for the top
40900s five right now you're gonna have to hold
40902s on to your spot and for the team that's
40904s really trying to separate from the rest
40906s of the pack arkham at epic well thank
40908s you so much hopefully you guys are
40910s ending the curse today i mean two games
40912s to go anything can happen right jacob
40914s you can get a comeback like arkham and
40916s epic did with an 11 to 11 elimination
40918s victory royale which just shoots you up
40921s the leaderboard you can even get some
40922s back-to-back decent games so it's really
40925s up to what these players do how they
40927s learn from their mistakes in these
40928s previous matches and how they make the
40930s best of their abilities right their
40932s rotates their decision making so i'm
40934s really excited to see which duos are
40936s gonna excel here in the last two games
40939s yeah and as this one comes down even if
40941s you don't find yourself getting that
40942s auto qualification spot to the finals
40944s you need to remember where you place
40946s gives you series points and those series
40948s points are going to be what gets you
40950s into the semi-finals and on here to game
40952s number five for more of these teams to
40954s collect those series points
40961s heading into game five just two more
40964s games to go this is your chance to kind
40967s of make a switch up right if you're not
40969s playing too hard right now and you want
40971s to get into that top five go straight to
40973s the finals it's time to make something
40976s happen do you change your rotates to
40977s your change your jump spot do you just
40979s play the same and try and do something
40981s else in the late game it's all these
40983s questions that these players are asking
40986s themselves what do we do to qualify
40990s be a big question and
40992s and this is going to be a rough start
40993s for some of these guys pars and rays
40995s that 50 50 here against caleb and
40997s solution is really telling about where
40999s you're at and you can see sitting in
41001s seventh and tenth whoever wins this spot
41003s ends up having a good game overall caleb
41005s they get the slurp truck taking down
41007s pars because of it and that's going to
41009s leave reyes by himself trying to figure
41011s out a plan here and he gets just a
41013s little bit of those shields from the
41015s barrels it's not going to be a ton here
41016s to fight this 2v1 so he's going to have
41018s to have a trick up his sleeve and there
41020s goes the trick down goes solution down
41022s goes raise though back to the lobby as
41024s caleb and solution stand tall and bump
41026s themselves into sixth place that was
41028s just back and forth from caleb almost
41031s getting eliminated from that drum
41032s shotgun to hitting the one bump with the
41035s striker pump shotgun to then going over
41038s to pars who had
41040s the disadvantage takes down solution
41043s having less hp but then caleb coming in
41047s saving the day i mean i had no idea who
41049s was gonna take the and get i mean the
41052s early game fight right so it's been back
41054s and forth it's just so difficult to come
41056s out on top consistently but so far it's
41057s going very well for caleb and his duo
41059s partner though
41061s kika and kika here in the daily bugle
41064s have six points so they're gonna have to
41067s make something happen here right play
41069s for that consistency in these next two
41071s matches rack up as many series points as
41073s they can hopefully even get a reboot on
41076s his duo partner here but it looks like
41077s you might have to get some eliminations
41079s before doing so
41081s that's quite indefiable who just came
41083s off of a good game boosting themselves
41085s up the leaderboards not as high as they
41086s wanted here but definitely going to be a
41088s boost of confidence coming into the last
41090s two games as kika's just trying to go
41092s for the reboot
41093s with quinn and defiable hot on his heels
41095s he's gonna have no choice but to try to
41096s back up but with the damage being dealt
41098s it makes me wonder are they going to try
41100s to chase down this elimination because
41101s they're one of those teams who have to
41103s have a good number of donations mixed in
41105s with a good placing game as well
41107s quit and defiable you can see that they
41110s want it jacob they want that elimination
41112s they have the player advantage and they
41114s have the effect of hp advantage after
41117s hitting that shot so now it's all about
41119s finishing it quickly right can you find
41121s the angle can you connect the shots as
41123s quid
41124s using that stinger smg to get a good
41125s amount of damage done now with the trump
41127s shotgun to finish it off and there it is
41130s two eliminations for quinn six points
41133s added to the 75 they now have but be
41135s careful as a third party might be coming
41137s in
41139s i'm getting that feeling of deja vu here
41140s because even though it wasn't with the
41142s fiber it was literally last season in
41145s qualifier number one quinn changed up
41148s his strategy i think it was with cool
41150s overall from a passive game to getting a
41152s little bit more aggressive and that made
41154s it to where he was able to qualify
41156s through placing in the top placements
41158s skipping through the semi-finals going
41160s directly into the actual finals looking
41162s to take notes and replicate that a
41164s solution and caleb's job are not done
41166s just yet they realize where they sit on
41168s the leaderboard two eliminations already
41170s and they're looking for more because
41171s they want to try to boost themselves as
41173s high up on the leaderboard going into
41174s game number six as possible
41177s trying to see where their opponents are
41179s where is safe to go where
41181s has a bit of danger is caleb's actually
41183s split up with solutions but quickly
41185s moving over to some engagement here on
41188s the corner of the map we have monkey and
41190s clone 23 points here looking to see if
41192s they can rack up some more as they
41194s already have one elimination make that
41195s two possibly if they can get this elim
41198s on the one versus two but it's not gonna
41201s be easy as their opponent has the high
41203s ground
41204s yes josh just trying to stay alive
41205s losing his teammate like you said shots
41207s are there goes on a full on 50 50 spray
41210s battle
41211s he doesn't have a teammate there to
41213s alleviate the pressure and allow him to
41214s heal so he's gonna have to do something
41216s here and he gets taken down nothing's
41218s going to be garnered josh goes back to
41220s the lobby and honestly he is going to be
41223s tested coming into this last and final
41225s game number six he's gonna have the
41227s choice do i try to get the points claim
41229s that top five spot or do i simply play
41231s to get as many series points under my
41233s belt as possible play for that
41235s consistency or play for that victory
41237s right i mean you can do both but it's
41239s gonna be the decision they have to make
41241s here as solution and caleb just got some
41243s eliminations here let's see how they did
41245s it
41248s still over towards command oh easy
41250s that one that one looked easy it looked
41252s like it was it was going against me
41253s there for a moment
41256s i love to see it right quick little elev
41258s on the knock down opponent but be
41260s careful from going from such a peaceful
41262s place securing the elimination to two
41265s opponents trying to get into your box
41267s with smg's solution
41270s got a little scared there i'm sure but
41271s now has gotten out of the box gonna use
41274s those chug splashes to heal up and i
41276s think i might have got more scared than
41278s solution there
41279s all i can do is think about that meme of
41281s well that escalated quickly it almost
41284s gets taken down for him to be able to
41286s survive there he's got to be thinking
41288s not god but his teammate to kind of
41290s alleviate that pressure and keep him in
41292s it and this is where caleb and solution
41294s this is where the loadout comes into
41296s question when we talked about it in a
41298s content video what is your preferred
41300s loadout and it looks like they're going
41302s to get aggressive to try to hold on to
41303s the spot the cqc with the striker and
41306s the stinger but they also have that
41308s striker burst to get the surge from far
41310s away i mean it is
41312s interesting thing i would also bring up
41313s is that your preferred loadout can
41315s change over time right in the early game
41317s you're going to be getting into more
41318s engagements right you're going to be
41319s battling off spawn so you can go for the
41322s more aggressive loadout but when you've
41323s already got those elims and you're going
41325s to start rotating might be a good idea
41327s to drop that smg and maybe pick up some
41329s floppers like we did here having the six
41332s chug splashes and the four floppers so
41334s your loadouts don't have to be the same
41336s for the whole game you can change it up
41337s depending on what zone it is what your
41340s plans are for the future rotates and
41342s it's it's really just situational but i
41344s like there that reid looked for some
41345s tags decided it wouldn't be a good
41346s engagement and just kept rotating but
41348s kitten here and b-dawg they're going
41351s against the number one team here ark and
41352s epic i mean maybe they don't want to
41355s battle it out but they might want to
41356s just get some tags because that storm
41358s surge has been very strong at these past
41360s matches
41361s yeah i think that's exactly what they're
41362s doing arkham and epic we see them in
41363s this position at least two maybe even
41365s three games so far they take as much of
41367s the high ground as possible a good
41369s mountain so that way they can get the
41371s surge and if a team is below them
41372s they're not really worried about them
41374s because their plan isn't to fight it's
41376s to get surge to play later on in the
41378s game and the team below them has to be
41380s taking what they can get they realize
41382s they're not going to try to have an
41383s early game battle for the high ground so
41384s they too are just following suit going
41386s for surge and they'll worry about that
41388s rotation later because right now they
41389s got a good spot zone good spot in zone
41391s but the vehicle isn't looking too good i
41393s mean i see sparks coming out of it i
41395s mean i haven't even seen the flame down
41397s there jacob i don't know if i'd feel too
41398s safe having one of those close to my
41400s wood builds but snacky fabs they know
41402s what they're doing they're feeling happy
41403s feeling confident seeing what they can
41405s do in these last two games they still
41407s have a chance to get into that top five
41409s and get into that qualifying threshold
41411s currently in the eighth place spot so
41413s they can get a big game here that would
41414s be huge
41416s another team
41418s that's just kind of going for those
41419s surge tags ree and rex they got a good
41422s spot boxed up going for recycle on the
41425s mats leaving them there on over for
41427s reeks and you see him shooting into the
41429s bush just making sure nobody is hiding
41430s but oh my gosh rex just got a a beamer
41434s right there looking like a laser the way
41436s he's just taking out players from afar
41438s now man i got to put on my glasses
41439s because i didn't even see him yeah i i
41442s looked like it was i mean shooting it at
41443s the door or something i mean i don't
41444s know what would happen but he got a good
41446s amount of tags from it so i mean great
41449s job there as mektin though here on a
41452s hill by the shifty shafts alongside
41453s chicken they're doing great right now
41455s third place spot getting an incredible
41457s knock down onto an opponent and that
41459s knock just might be enough for them to
41461s want to get a bit aggressive here as
41463s they close in that gap on their
41465s opponents gonna use the zip line and see
41467s if they can even cancel this this revive
41470s and you got to imagine with the high
41472s ground that they had they must feel
41473s confident in the information that no
41476s duos are there or not too many teams are
41478s around in close proximity to be able to
41480s interrupt this fight but the revive is
41482s going to go on regardless they have to
41483s know that one was going to come through
41485s but they're playing on the fact that
41486s they know he's going to get revived with
41487s very little hp and shield mechan with a
41490s big shot 114 armor walls gonna be laid
41492s down to alleviate that pressure but it
41494s doesn't mean it's gonna stop him from
41495s getting aggressive because he continues
41497s on allowing chicken to move forward and
41499s claim that ground as he's hunting down
41501s this target because they not want one
41503s they want both of those eliminations
41505s both of those elims and now let's hold
41507s up the squid here who has no shield
41509s trying to pop as many amenities as he
41510s can before chicken gets close by but
41512s chicken connecting a nice hundred damage
41514s shot just has to blow on him now to get
41516s that elim and that's exactly what he
41518s does three eliminations for chicken goes
41520s up to four with that final elim for a
41523s total now of 12 points just off the
41525s early game epic whalen arc though looks
41527s like they want a bit of those limbs too
41529s yeah you can see as soon as the zone
41532s pulls them off of the hill and there's
41534s no more just sitting at the top to get
41536s the surge they're immediately being
41538s proactive whether they're just trying to
41540s intimidate the team and not make them
41542s peak as they rotate on out and get their
41544s eyes onto that next spot but mectin and
41546s chicken close by this could be a heated
41548s exchange between first and second place
41551s we do have rexy and his duo here though
41554s on a nice position until the towers has
41557s a high ground so they're be they're
41559s gonna be able to get the tags right they
41560s can get the damage done from afar
41562s without putting themselves in too much
41564s of a risky situation but fourth place
41566s here oh no okay
41569s got a little scared there jacob i
41571s definitely uh definitely got a bit got a
41574s bit scared but they're they're feeling
41577s good right 119 points have a vehicle to
41579s make the rotate have the shield kegs and
41582s in the top five i mean fourth place they
41584s really just have to play consistent
41586s right get to the late game get a few
41587s elims here and there and just get a
41589s decent placement these last two games
41591s and they'll be getting that golden
41592s ticket to the finals yeah i'm pleased i
41595s pray please everybody take note of what
41597s they just did instead of using the blimp
41600s to kind of
41601s travel that way and risking getting shot
41604s out of the sky they immediately dropped
41606s down low they know exactly where their
41608s iowa was and if they didn't there's
41609s another i o car waiting there and
41611s they're using this to rotate because
41613s they're not sitting ducks flying through
41615s the sky easy target so please if you
41617s guys are at home trying to up your game
41620s ready for the next fncs take note of
41622s things like that
41623s great calls there jacob i'm liking that
41626s analogy i mean you're you're right it's
41627s very dangerous to do some rotates here
41630s even sometimes a launch pad can be too
41631s dangerous if you're launch padding into
41634s a full mountain of duos that already
41636s boxed up so you really gotta think about
41638s what you're gonna do before making a
41640s rotate like that but taking a look here
41642s at buzzo even b-dog here and kitten
41645s they're playing aggressive they're
41646s looking for that aggression they want
41648s those eliminations as they're 73 below
41650s the storm surge threshold
41654s e-dog just playing with those covers and
41655s just a big shot's gonna be landed on him
41658s rethinking it luckily for him he does
41661s have the shields to get back up but it's
41662s the white heels that worries me a little
41664s bit sitting on 69 hp and you can already
41667s see puzzle and saul come in they're just
41669s separated that could be just enough for
41670s b dog and kitten to go but buzz oh him
41673s landing that good shot alleviated that
41676s pressure knowing that they had to heal
41677s that was his moment to get out alive and
41679s that was a moment he took and ran but
41681s b-dog and his teammate making that same
41683s mistake getting separated here could be
41685s the cause for destruction but kitten is
41687s hot on his heels not wanting his
41688s teammate to go and fight this one alone
41690s ooh still 38 below but he gets a huge
41692s striker pump shot onto his opponent
41694s they're getting straight into the box
41695s straight into the action but be careful
41697s there's more duos looking at you b-dog
41699s there's more players that are hunting
41701s for those eliminations as the third
41703s party comes in from sweet and his duo
41705s partner who just cleaned up those two
41708s players but they might even look for
41709s more
41710s i'm just i'm just kind of looking where
41711s is rex at through all this because it
41714s wasn't them who got both rex landed a
41716s burst ar shot and somehow stolen away
41719s that elimination stealing away three
41722s points and he's sitting in second it's
41724s them versus arkham and epic the battle
41726s for first and second place but i do
41727s believe now there might be another team
41729s fighting and trying to interrupt that
41731s calm cool collected water yeah that's
41732s mexican chicken sitting close by in
41734s third place as well i mean so many of
41736s these top teams they're close by just
41738s one early game engagement one versus the
41740s other could be the end of it but so far
41742s they know they want to play for that
41744s consistency if you're already in that
41745s top five spot it's all about just
41747s staying alive get into that end game
41749s getting those placements and no way
41751s eliminations when you can wow look at
41752s that jacob you asked for it and you got
41755s it that's how rex and reid ended up
41758s securing those three extra points i want
41759s to know how many meters that was away
41761s right they are incredibly far they still
41764s picked up that elin i know i made a joke
41766s about glasses before when they were
41768s shooting that long range but i need to
41769s up my prescription i need to get the rex
41771s prescription to see how he's seen these
41773s players from long range distances and
41776s it's not even in just little moments
41778s those are big moments to get
41779s eliminations big moments to get damaged
41781s to alleviate the pressure of storm surge
41783s he knows exactly what to do at every
41785s turn in the game just like caleb and
41787s solution still here towards command
41789s cavern trying to get even more
41791s elimination they're sitting on six so
41792s far sitting in sixth place as well just
41794s a huge combination and they're looking
41796s to add to that
41798s caleb here trying to see if he can find
41799s an angle onto that opponent already have
41801s six eliminations and we're just getting
41804s started in game five but caleb quickly
41807s gonna decide maybe maybe we shouldn't
41809s take this engagement right we have
41811s mobility we have shields we have
41813s materials ammunition we have everything
41815s we really need to play this out so maybe
41817s going for that extra elimination might
41819s not be worth it but take a look at epic
41820s whale on the right side of the screen
41822s here alongside arkham they're getting
41823s some shots fired onto them they've got
41826s to be careful because going down now
41827s would be one of the worst things that
41829s could happen
41830s yeah great usage of the armored wall
41832s just one angle they don't have to worry
41834s about
41835s as evo and on one are just hot on their
41837s heels that's the targets they were
41838s separated early on but i do believe they
41840s also did get an early elimination
41844s but for epic and arkham gotta imagine
41846s what does their surge look like they're
41847s sitting at the edge of zone so not many
41849s rotations are going to be needed unless
41851s they just simply want a better spot in
41853s the zone klux and shade sitting in 37th
41855s place simply just trying to get
41857s themselves a spot in the zone everybody
41859s right now i do feel like storm surge
41861s isn't necessarily that worry it's about
41863s getting themselves a great spot
41865s frankie here and rexy looking for those
41867s tags they're in a pretty good spot here
41869s and now it's all about that aim right
41870s can they land those crucial shots to not
41874s have to worry about the storm surge
41875s meanwhile you have other duos that
41876s instead of going from shots from afar
41878s they're going for those elims going for
41879s those engagements close by his epic
41881s whale gets the wall looking for the ramp
41883s looking to get into the box of his
41885s opponent here for the key be careful
41886s there's another duo close by this
41887s engagement can get messy very quickly
41890s needs to recuperate a bit of those
41892s materials you can see there's only 22
41893s builds on the epic whale i mean their
41895s corner of zone this is just a very scary
41898s situation
41899s and they're going to be forced in not
41901s too much to go especially with floppers
41902s there he's going to drop his long-range
41905s weapon knowing he's not going to need it
41906s for too much longer here as the zone
41908s closes everybody's going to be having
41909s that seek you see the close quarters
41911s exchange as chicken is going to take
41913s down ton the high ground is not going to
41915s get away as they find that elimination
41917s yet again that's gonna go in way of
41919s arkham and that siphon that we were
41921s talking about look at their mats now
41923s that is such a huge refresh for this duo
41926s i mean you know they're smiling now the
41928s problem is if you saw the zone at the
41930s bottom right jacob they've got to make a
41932s rotate and there's a lot of duos who are
41934s looking at them they just picked up that
41936s elim and they know that they have to
41938s make a rotate so it's it's going to be
41940s difficult but you know arkham epic whale
41942s they have the experience they know how
41944s it should be done so pretty confident
41946s that they'll be able to make it fabs and
41947s snacky though here do have an
41949s elimination already inside of the zone
41952s i'm pretty sure at least at the edge of
41953s it so now they're just gonna look for
41954s some damage as these duos rotate in
41957s yeah every single person that has to go
41959s past them is going to become a potential
41961s target
41962s of their fire here and chicken and
41964s mecton they got themselves a good spot
41966s towards the edge of zone as well a
41968s little bit of hype but not too much as
41969s multiple teams are around and above them
41972s as you see them picking and choosing
41973s which shots they're trying to take as
41975s arkham and epic no shields to their name
41977s getting pressured back down outside of
41979s zone with some travel that they need to
41981s do but it's all about surviving here
41983s almost even boxes his teammate in arkham
41985s has to get the heels but him and epic
41987s well go down everybody else in the lobby
41990s is going to rejoice because this is
41991s their chance to get to the top i mean
41993s that's what i was saying that rotate
41994s just looked so difficult and that's
41996s exactly what ended up happening there
41998s was duo's waiting there was duo's taking
42000s shots from afar and it was just very
42001s difficult to get into the zone but now
42004s 1476
42007s above storm surge chicken with five
42010s eliminations alongside mexton here
42012s they're feeling very good on the damage
42014s done this match
42016s if we do 1500 above only peaking because
42019s they want to knowing it's not because
42020s they have to look at the back side of
42022s zone they see all the chaos that's still
42024s going down fresh builds being laid as
42026s they know multiple players have a chance
42029s to go down even if they don't pick up
42031s the eliminations it's just making
42032s everybody's lives as hard as possible we
42034s see about three maybe even four duos in
42036s that direction
42038s rexy here down below we have nate who
42040s made it into the zone after getting
42042s arkham an epic whale there eliminated we
42045s have rexy though looks like he's trying
42047s to make a move trying to find an angle
42049s onto some of these opponents that are
42050s close by and this could be it nate
42052s getting knocked down lebron now has to
42054s make it into zones of solo while rexy
42056s and these other players just reign from
42058s the sides from above from every angle
42060s possible and there it is that's one
42061s quick elimination for rexy gonna
42063s recuperate some materials there we could
42064s bring some shields and they're just
42065s gonna keep it going yeah they're at the
42067s edge of zone so they can really recycle
42069s all of this drop all their mats drop all
42071s their resources put it in the box go
42073s back for more and really give themselves
42075s the best chance to take this game just
42078s like caleb and solution are doing you
42080s see them splitting the loot making sure
42081s that one person has all the medium ammo
42084s the other player has all the light ammo
42086s and then sharing the shotgun ammo that
42087s they do have right down the middle to
42090s have a good sound game sitting in sixth
42092s place still on the bubble need to
42094s continue to have a big game number five
42096s and follow it up a big game number six
42098s as well if they want to advance directly
42100s to the finals six eliminations still so
42102s they did decide to take it a bit slow
42104s after coming out of the command cavern
42106s there didn't want to get into any more
42107s engagements but they're gonna be landing
42109s right on the snacky and fabs box i mean
42112s not a box i would be wanting to land on
42114s top of but maybe they don't want to play
42117s too aggressive if we are in the fifth
42118s zone half and half so taking engagements
42121s here can be very dangerous caleb though
42123s and solutions they're in a great
42124s position here might even be able to pick
42126s up some eliminations on the duos that
42128s are going to be rotating in
42130s both the fiber and quinn make an
42132s appearance as well
42134s a big elimination aggressive start to
42136s their game they got the storm surge so
42137s they're not focused on that they're just
42139s trying to make it the end game quinn igo
42141s mind is now in play and being tested as
42144s solution finds elimination zooks goes
42146s down zora as well as krypos trying to
42148s put the shots down and letting thor
42150s clean those up as monkey doesn't look
42152s like he's going to be a target as he
42153s does fall there goes another elimination
42155s in the books or at least looks like
42157s could be the first as long as they can
42159s pick it up which right now he's still
42161s just down 46 players alive 24 duos now
42165s there is players that have given their
42168s all to get that damage to be alive right
42171s now and they are going to see if they
42172s can make it count here as krypas
42174s actually going to get a nice little bit
42176s of loot there but at what cost as he
42178s almost gets cracked they're losing some
42180s shield i mean you can see all these
42181s duo's positioned gonna have to rotate
42184s south as you can see on the bottom right
42185s in the mini map and it's all about how
42187s they're gonna do it right fast snacky
42189s switching up a launch pad and most
42190s likely gonna use it to rotate here let's
42192s see how it goes
42194s yeah everybody getting that max full at
42196s least the majority of the lobby spotting
42198s out that first launch pad
42200s looking to kind of make it use of their
42202s own 441 above the damage threshold for
42205s them and just get the front side of zone
42207s hold on to that front side of zone as
42208s long as possible stacky gets into the
42211s box with his teammate now looking back
42213s clone is there he lost his teammate
42214s early on forcing out the armored wall to
42216s alleviate that pressure and you see
42218s everybody trying to get and recycle
42220s those jump pads to get to the front side
42221s of zone but it's fabs and snacky they're
42223s trying to put the pressure on the high
42225s ground players look at the high ground
42226s though we have rexy we have ranky and
42228s then even wheels down below looks like
42231s there's multiple players here which won
42233s it but currently rexied as duo in the
42235s fourth place spot they have the high
42237s ground they're feeling good but they're
42238s actually below storm surge so they have
42240s to do some damage but be careful as a
42242s player landing right into ranki's box
42245s taking it down to four hp this is very
42247s dangerous one shot and he's gonna get
42248s knocked down you know it looked like a
42250s homing missile the way he targeted them
42251s as rankings with those splashes with the
42253s med miss trying to get those shields and
42255s hp back up they're gonna find just
42257s enough time to stabilize and rebuild
42260s what they've lost a few moments ago as
42262s fabs and snacky now hold on to the high
42264s ground pretty convincingly as well in
42266s seventh moving zone this is the perfect
42268s time to take and if you have the
42269s resources to hold on to it this is a
42271s recipe for success this could be it this
42274s could be snacky and fabs take it to the
42276s finals two games left and they have the
42278s high ground currently in eighth place
42280s they just need that top five as mektin
42282s here on the low ground has chicken with
42285s the six eliminations vecton with one
42286s that's seven elims already but now
42289s playing as a solo has to clutch it up
42291s has to get through this maze to get into
42294s the zone willy have enough time as he
42295s has exo in front of him just one shot to
42298s take him down will they be able to
42299s connect it no gets stuck on the wall
42301s here has to get out of the box will he
42302s be able to survive bob's the men missed
42304s it's just the last moment but it is not
42306s enough
42308s not gonna be enough you see mekting
42309s going down as well fabs and snack he's
42311s still holding on to that high ground
42313s caleb two has to do it as a solo but
42315s they picked up a few more eliminations
42316s eight total to their name that's a total
42319s of 24 points off straight eliminations
42321s alone you gotta imagine what he can do
42323s picking up more placements as quinton
42325s goes down that's another elimination
42327s another three points in the book but
42328s look at the high ground calm cool
42330s collected not much to worry about fabs
42332s and snacky vanished leo reed and rex
42334s though hold on to that first place
42336s they're in the mid ground but they're
42337s staying in front of the storm which is
42339s absolutely perfect for them they are
42341s feeling good they've taken that number
42343s one spot but snacky fabs they want to
42345s take that top five they want to be in
42347s that qualifying range and with the high
42349s ground they have the chance to do so you
42351s can see though caleb rexy they're
42353s playing here at the low ground by the
42354s mid ground trying to find any placement
42357s any elimination points they can get
42359s defiable also seems to be playing as a
42361s solo there's so many opportunities so
42363s many chances for these solos for these
42365s duos but caleb getting tagged getting
42367s shot has no more chuck splashes left but
42369s he makes it the zone yeah you can see
42371s fifth through eighth place or fifth
42373s through tenth place even going back and
42375s forth everybody's sharing a b slime
42377s trying to out heel towards backside of
42379s zone caleb goes down that gives lime a
42381s convincing share of that first place but
42383s reed and rex hold on to the front side
42386s of zone first place convincingly and you
42388s gotta imagine if they have the resources
42390s and they're dodging all of this chaos
42392s they could be one of the last team
42393s standing cry pass though here trying to
42395s find an angle to zone you see lan jock
42397s two on the side but rex and reed they're
42400s just holding that first place spot
42402s getting heal him after lee lim i know
42404s banda's feeling happy about this one 166
42407s points already at six eliminations here
42410s they just want to get more top six right
42413s now in the duos not sure how many
42415s players nine players alive snacky fabs
42417s are still in it too there's so many
42418s titans alive right now
42421s he looks snack he knows landrock's weak
42422s he's on on his heels has some help from
42424s fabs they're gonna clean up that
42425s elimination as well seventh place 122
42429s points but still more to go with rex
42431s still alive as well i do believe there's
42433s only one solo player the rest are going
42436s to be duos and that one solo player is
42438s going to be ranking
42439s frankie two eliminations 155 points has
42442s a med missile with only one taking it
42445s two mini's will he'd be able to stay
42447s alive longer than these duos of the dues
42448s are battling out it's rex and reid
42450s versus fabs and snacky the battle of
42453s titans who's gonna be able to come out
42454s on top here and snacky tries to find an
42457s angle but he runs out of materials
42458s getting knocked out to fall damage now
42460s it's all up the fast playing the solo
42461s but rex is gonna take him out now rex
42464s and reid they have that player advantage
42466s they're both in it but actually remy and
42469s his duo are here too it's the high
42470s ground versus low ground two versus two
42473s that we'd love to see
42475s this is a chance to really build them
42477s that cushion for first place more than
42479s enough ammo of all the varieties to
42481s continue putting that pressure on from
42483s above but the only thing that they lack
42485s is resources but that's neither here nor
42486s there as they're slowly but surely
42488s dropping down layer by layer taking
42490s piece by piece even forcing players who
42492s are trying to go for the shots the
42493s battle is going to start outside of zone
42495s two floppers on reed's back so he could
42497s out heal it and he gets the victory
42499s royale no heel straight eliminations as
42502s they claim that top spot for sure i love
42505s that from winning the high ground
42507s against fabs and snacky to playing
42509s together as a duo hunting down that solo
42512s trying to heal often storm like it was
42514s their prey securing that elimination and
42517s with that securing the victory royale
42519s putting them in the first place spot i
42522s mean you know rex and reed they're
42523s feeling good
42525s this is the this is almost a battle of
42527s champions because you gotta imagine
42528s we've done five games three of them are
42530s won by former fnc as champions and they
42534s all want to get that first place at the
42537s end of the day and we know right and rex
42539s with a big game like that they have
42541s their share of that first place but it
42543s only makes me wonder where are else of
42546s the rest of the top competitors at
42547s that's what i'm saying jacob arkham and
42549s epic whale they were first place going
42551s into that match fabs and snacky they
42554s almost secured a victory around that
42556s game that's gonna bump them up rex and
42558s reed we know they're first place but i
42559s mean how's that top five looking there's
42561s only three people that can let us know
42563s it's kelly panda and clay take it away
42569s you know at this point in the show is
42570s when i would talk and do some kind of
42572s intro and talk about the end of the game
42574s but you know what panda i'm just going
42575s to let you take that
42576s all right listen
42579s i came into this pretty confident in
42581s this team
42582s they told me in four games they were
42584s gonna call they had a great amount of
42586s points in four games but they showed up
42587s in game number five and just blew it out
42589s of the water close to 10 eliminations
42591s victory roya i mean literally everything
42594s you could ask for in a powerhouse game
42596s and it was presented to you by rex and
42598s reed honestly shout out to them
42600s incredible performance but clay man
42603s this has been just an eye-opening
42605s experience for this team they came
42608s prepared this is not what we saw in
42610s chapter three season one by any means
42611s clay
42612s no not at all you can just tell look at
42615s look at that they're go their tactical
42617s sprinting into zone something though we
42620s don't see in fortnite you you don't go
42623s into zone in the last moments unless
42625s you're
42626s by yourself right to try to heal off you
42628s maybe send one player you don't both go
42631s into the zone that's just
42633s not advisable yet they both did it
42636s giving themselves an opportunity of
42637s losing but they wanted that elim they
42639s wanted to have victory out and they
42641s wanted it with convincing fashion so i
42643s gotta say congrats to them on that win
42646s it should put them
42648s pretty high up i mean we know they're
42649s first but that leads gotta be big i have
42653s to agree with you right there we never
42654s see the tactical sprint in such an
42656s aggressive way like what we saw from rex
42659s and reit right there but where does that
42661s put them in our leaderboard right now
42663s we'll put them in first place oh no
42666s by so many points oh my god 33 points
42670s above the rest of the competition and of
42673s course are from an epic whale in second
42675s place right now they have more elims but
42678s rex and reed are going for the placement
42681s points right now just below arkan arkham
42684s and epic whale we have rexy and ranky
42686s they had a great performance in that
42687s last game right there actually tied for
42689s arkhram and epic whale in second place
42692s chicken and mektun also doing a great
42694s job with those placement points and e
42696s limbs getting that fourth place spot
42698s lime and chip of course you know it the
42700s placement is where they are going for
42702s with 138 points but panda what i'm
42705s looking at right now is that one point
42708s separation between fifth and sixth place
42711s i mean you're absolutely correct caleb's
42713s solution just on the tails of lyman chip
42715s so it all comes down to this final game
42717s this final game of the day is going to
42720s define who obviously who qualifies on
42722s but not only that it's going to be a
42724s close one not only is it that that close
42727s matchup between predictions it's so
42729s close from fourth to seven these teams
42733s really need a solid game and a solid
42735s performance if they want to qualify on
42736s especially a team like snacky and fabs
42738s who had a great start to the day but
42740s they're just not picking up that same
42742s momentum here going into the end i would
42744s say even beyond that beyond seventh
42746s place krypis a team that got second
42748s place out of round three we saw them in
42750s the end game in that last game right
42752s there just below sixth place as well so
42755s a lot of opportunity a lot of
42756s possibilities going into this next game
42758s the final game of qualifier one now chat
42762s the top five teams from our leaderboard
42764s are gonna automatically qualify into the
42767s finals in three weeks now you might be
42768s saying well that's not my favorite team
42770s i want them to make it well they're
42771s gonna have another opportunity in two
42773s days that's this sunday for qualifier
42776s two and then we've added another
42778s qualifier in week or in one week so
42781s we're gonna have three qualifiers three
42782s chances for these teams to automatically
42784s make it into the finals but if your
42786s favorite steam team still hasn't
42788s qualified after round three or after
42790s qualifier three don't worry because then
42793s we're going to have the semifinals the
42795s best teams through placement points
42797s elimination points are going to be able
42799s to fight once again in our semifinals
42801s for that chance that coveted spot in our
42804s finals competition everyone and speaking
42807s of the finals this is the final game
42809s everyone the final opportunity for
42810s qualifier one for our top five teams to
42813s claim their spot at the top who's it
42815s gonna be well jacob and takata are gonna
42817s find that out for us
42821s i mean i couldn't have said it better
42822s thank you so much kelly found a clay
42824s great break down from the desk as always
42826s but jacob just like kelly was saying
42828s we're on to game six we're on to the
42830s last match of the day i mean it all
42832s comes down to this from the solo
42834s clutches we've seen snacky and fast
42836s taking home the first victory royale
42838s from epic whale narco making the
42839s comeback to now reit and rex being in
42842s that number one spot coming into this
42844s last game i mean there's so much that
42846s has happened and so much that could
42848s happen in this last match it's really
42850s just who plays their best for tonight
42852s yeah and it's really improving to show
42854s that anything is actually possible when
42856s it comes to fortnite all the way down to
42859s ninth place is up for grabs in a
42861s realistic manner everybody else hoping
42863s for a miracle playing for those series
42865s points but honestly if you look at reit
42867s and rex you gotta believe anything is
42869s possible yet again just like game number
42872s six being possible that it's going to
42873s start right now
42881s the battle bus has had a long day from
42883s europe to na east now na west in the
42886s last match here there's been so many
42888s players so many people competing here
42891s trying to get in to that final
42894s qualifiers just get as many series
42896s points as they can