Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

17 May


Originally posted by Harry_Flugelman

This totally happened to me yesterday. V annoying. Would love a response from epic. That umbrella should be mine!!

Are you sure you didn't get the umbrella? We are theorizing that this may only be a visual end screen bug, and that you actually were granted a win if this happened to you.


Originally posted by B4Nd1d0s

Will have the QA guys see if they can reproduce this. Please let me know if you guys are only seeing this when 1v1, or if it occurs in other situations as well.


Wow, that's a weird one. For those who have had this happen, was it always when you were 1v1 at the end of the match?


A few questions

  1. What device do you use?
  2. What are your current in games settings? EX: Med, 60FPS
  3. Did you report it in game once this happened? If so we can look into the report.

Originally posted by Karam2468

It happens everytime on mobile, check yourself if you would like u/FreightTrainUSA

Seems video is deleted, could you screenshot this chest for me and send it over?


Great suggestion! We're going to look into it.


Hey, know there have been a few reports of this - just wanted to acknowledge that we're looking into it.

16 May


We've released an update to resolve the stability issues with the Wick's Bounty Limited Time Mode. No download is required.


We've released an update to resolve the stability issues with the Wick's Bounty Limited Time Mode. No download is required.


Originally posted by thebigletdownskie

Any idea why i keep getting excommunicated with lives and coins left?

That means a different squad won.


Originally posted by vMirxage

Is screen recording my iPad good enough for the team. I can’t really record like the guy from the 3rd video.

That will be fine. It does not have to be a professional edit/video.


We're investigating a server stability issue with the Wick's Bounty Limited Time Mode.

We'll provide a status update once it has been resolved.

External link →

We're investigating a server stability issue with the Wick's Bounty Limited Time Mode.

We'll provide a status update once it has been resolved.

External link →

this is sick, i wanna live there


Originally posted by Mr_Odwin

*Description of the issue: Switch frames per second are at an all time low. Frequent long drops to below 20FPS (not just hitching). Especially in duos/squads. Especially in new areas like Tilted, or areas close to air flows

*Account Name (optional): Mr_Odwin

*Device: Switch

*Link to video or images: -

*Include details on when this issue started happening: Season 9. The 8.30 patch was magnificent for performance. Season 9 has taken away my enjoyment. I've been to Tilted maybe five times (of a hundred matches) because it's so laggy.

*Any additional details, such as how to reproduce it: Played tonight and left frustrated at the state of the game. Squads are the worst.

Performance issues are being worked on for all platforms. We did put a fix in that should help with the level of detail in POI's so that they render correctly.


Originally posted by vMirxage

Ever since Season 8 came out I would experience this bug where my screen would be unresponsive for about 2-4 seconds. I’ve sent a feedback in the game and provided what device I’m playing on. I don’t know if there’s a workaround for this bug because it happened randomly when I play, it occurs more often the longer you play especially when it’s lagging.

Device: iPad 6th Generation

Username: vMirxge 氷.

Video #1

Video #2

Video #3

I have brought this up to the team but we have not been able to reproduce this issue ourselves, thus causing a delay in fixing the issue. The videos are great examples but are near 30 days old. If you could send a video of this happening on the most recent patch I can send an updated video to the team.


We're aware of this issue and working on a fix. We're hoping to have it ready by the v9.10 update but will keep you posted.


Resolved: We’ve released a fix to resolve the issue that was causing crashes for Mac players on low settings. Drop back into the battle!