Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

30 Apr


Originally posted by patholojizz

When will I get to be Thanos? This random choosing system sucks

Edit: Guess what just happened? I finally got a power stone (first stone) dropped right in front of me and just as I was about to become Thanos another f**king dude came in to disrupt my capturing of the Stone and he got to be Thanos instead. :)

Try grabbing the first gem - it appears when the countdown is at 3:00 and drops near the edge of the circle on the Chitauri side.


Originally posted by Sno_Jon

Chitari team was probably winning becuase you have challenges for the Chitari team that people are doing? Imo the challenge are horrible since most people on the hero team leave.

Saying that, the Chitari are way too boring to play and you will see more of a balance when most people have completed the Challenges.

The heroes are just more fun and will start winning again as most people on Chitari leave

Their win % did spike when that challenge went live, but it went from bad to worse from a Hero winrate perspective, not balanced to bad. We'll keep an eye on it and adjust again if necessary.


Originally posted by VelocityReaper

Can you fix the issue that allows Chitari teammates to use the charged blast to reset the countdown for players grabbing the stone?

Unfortunately, things like that can't be hotfixed.


Originally posted by CollinTheGreat5

But... Why? This ruins the mode for Chitauri

Team Thanos was winning WAY too often - around 75% of all matches. Since the hotfix, we have seen this number drop to a more reasonable ratio.

We felt this was the least invasive change we could make. We didn't want to nerf the Chitauri or Thanos since they are peforming fine in combat, in fact they are almost exactly balanced against Team Hero as far as elims.


Hey Warp15

First, thanks for the video, this was helpful in letting me see what was going on. This is something I can bring up to the team but I wanted to point out that in order to edit the ramp or any structure, your crosshair needs to be red. You can see the red crosshair early in the video and several times throughout. If you aim the crosshair up a bit higher on the ramp you should be able to select it with no issues.

Looking at the bottom of the ramp will not select it. I will bring this up and see what can be done.


In order to restore balance, the time to pick up Infinity Stones has been increased to 7 seconds from 5 seconds.

External link →

Originally posted by Charliethecadet

Can everyone do each other's party assists?



Originally posted by MaxxyWaxxy

Any update on this?

Hey MaxxyWaxxy,

We're still working with Honor to ensure the redemption flow is working correctly. As I get more information I will be sure to inform everyone.


Large Party Support is here. Starting today, April 30, you can now have (up to 16) players in your party in any game modes or Limited Time Modes that support more than 4-player squads. This includes Creative Mode.

Drop into the party now!

External link →

Large Party Support is here. Starting today, April 30, you can now have (up to 16) players in your party in any game modes or Limited Time Modes that support more than 4-player squads. This includes Creative Mode.

Drop into the party now!

External link →

This was legendary! When can I see it in a theatre near me?!



That's an incredible screenshot!!!

However, do you mind reaching out to me via Live Chat and tossing me your in-game username and platform so we can grab your logs and investigate what may have allowed you to pick up Hero Weapons as a Chitauri? Additionally, do you remember what steps may have led to you being able to equip those weapons?

    /u/iFlak on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Do you know what he was doing in Creative? Was he creating or playing a game?

    /u/iFlak on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we'll take a look.

    /u/iFlak on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thank you for letting us know and for the detailed report.

    /u/iFlak on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thank you so much for the video, we'll check into it.

29 Apr


As I mentioned in your other post, thanks for the very detailed video with multiple examples, explanations, and the workaround.

I do want to confirm that we're aware of this issue, investigating it, and working towards a fix as soon as we can.

A workaround can be found on the Trello Card.


Thanks for the video! I just wanted to drop in and confirm that we're aware of this issue and investigating it.

If you experience this problem in-game, please report it in-game using the Feedback button found in the Options dropdown bar. Please also use the word "Invisible" in the report's title or description. Thanks again!


Thanks for the video! I just wanted to drop in and confirm that we're aware of this issue and investigating it.

If you experience this problem in-game, please report it in-game using the Feedback button found in the Options dropdown bar. Please also use the word "Invisible" in the report's title or description. Thanks again!