Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

27 Apr


Thanks for the post. I'll get the team to investigate this issue.


Interesting interaction going on there. We'll have the team take a look.


Thanks for the report, we're taking a look at this.


Originally posted by Fabuleusement

Explanation: Last prisoner stage is no longer available in lockers

Evidence: Multiple users

If replicable, how: Happens when transitioning from a patch to another. For me it has been the same since the first time I reported it, beginning of the season.

Platform: Affects every of your platforms, PC and Switch for me. I have seen reports for switch mostly.

Thank you for the report!


Originally posted by Mr_Odwin

Explanation: Audio cuts out on emotes and chugs in matches on Switch

Evidence: Drink a chug in match

If replicable, how: As above

Platform: Switch

Thank you for letting us know.


Originally posted by FrancGstlm

This happens to me on Tilted Towers and half of Retail Row. My friend said it also happened to him on Polar Peak, but I can’t confirm since I died to storm before getting there.

Hey there, we've rolled out a server fix that should have addressed the textures not loading properly.


Originally posted by Fiorezy

Explanation: Battle bus audio is cut off for 2-3 seconds at the start of every game

If replicable, how: Play a game

Platform: PC

Thanks for the post! We'll take a look.


Originally posted by BlamingBuddha

PS4 players cant see other player's kill counts in their squad when in-match. Has been happening since the patch before this one.

Yet I just played with someone on Xbox who says he's still able to see other player's kill counts. I thought you guys just removed the option but it seems its still there same for one system but not the other? It kinda sucks to have it removed for one party tbh I wish ps4 could have it back.

Thanks for letting us know! I'll send this over to our QA team.


Originally posted by Mr_Odwin

Explanation: Switch has regular hitches or micro stutters that show up as 15FPS in the game counter minimum

Evidence: Seems to be when entering new areas or when turning quickly

If replicable, how: As above

Platform: Switch

Note: This started happening with 8.40, as 8.30 was so so good, and I had 0 issues with performance.

Thank you! I'll report this over to the performance team for investigations.


Thanks for the post! I'll let the art team know that this is occurring.


Originally posted by Bourgs

Explanation: auto reload is bugged.

Evidence: if you empty a gun switch to another gun and then switch back you will not reload the gun automatically.

If replicable, how: Empty magazine, switch to pickaxe and then switch back to empty weapon, It will not reload until you try and fire it or press your reload hotkey.

Platform: PC

10/10 replication

edit: so far the pump and dual pistols are the only guns that I can find that do have this bug..

Thanks for sharing! I'll have the QA team run some test on this issue.


Originally posted by sebte

Explanation: buildings in Tilted Towers stop rendering for the rest of the game when you respawn the first time as one of Thanos soldiers.


If replicable, how: I guess you die and have to respawn in the sky near Tilted Towers.

Platform: PC (never had a rendering problem before this)

Hey there! We're currently aware of this issue. This should be resolved as we sent out a server fix for this issue.


Originally posted by Mr_Odwin

Explanation: Ragnarok challenges still appear in my challenges tab, and currently the Ruin challenges are not showing (even though I've already unlocked the skin and have the backbling, and I think I have the harvesting tool)


If replicable, how: Look in the challenges tab

Platform: Switch/Mobile/PC

Thanks for the post! I've documented this and will have our team investigate.


Originally posted by DriHarT

When playing crossplay ( example pc with ps4) when you return to the lobby the pc player’s game will close without error message.

Evidence: try playing cross play on pc with a console person.

If replicable how: Make it so the game doesn’t close

Platform: PC

Thanks for sharing this! We'll have the team dive in and see what's causing this.


Originally posted by neric05

I would like to add onto this as well

Explanation: Item Pickup and general movement is sluggish, delayed, and non-responsive

Evidence: When going to pickup items that are on the ground, pressing the interact button to pick them up results in either a delay or failure to have the input register at all. Multiple presses trying to pick something up end with them being delayed and played out as much as 1 to 2 seconds after pressing them.

  • ADDITIONAL: Movement appears to suffer from these same input / output delays and at times, there is simply no response to pressing a movement key. This applies to all movement actions: Omnidirectional movement (WASD keys), Jumping, and sprinting. Actions that can cancel out a sprint will also be delayed.

  • ADDITIONAL 2: In short, it feels as if the entire game is running on a large delay. Nearly all player input a...

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Thank you for the additional details on this issue! I've forwarded this over to the team for additional review.


Originally posted by NeedlesslyAngryGuy

Yes, I don't know how this isn't at the top of the list.

If you spam E (or whatever your pickup key is) around loot, it doesn't pick up most items, you have to pause movement, press E and nothing else and it will then usually work.

Took me about 10 seconds to pick a purple shotgun near an enemy and this is unacceptable.

Thanks for writing this up, we'll pass it along to the team for investigation.


Originally posted by Stache24

Did it fix polar peak as well?

To our immediate knowledge it seems to have fixed Polar Peak as well. Let us know if you see any additional strange shenanigans happening in the snow!


Update as of 3:12 AM ET: We have applied a server fix which seems to have solved the issue. This will not require a game restart or any additional download. Please let us know if you continue to experience the same problem as before, and good luck out there!


A recent server deploy to improve the situation inadvertently made it much much worse - we are in the middle of rolling back.


Hey everyone,

We're currently aware of an issue where Tilted Towers and Retail Row are stuck in a low texture (HLOD) state across all platforms.

We understand the potential impact to this weekend's tournament and are actively working on solutions. We'll keep you posted on any updates and when this is resolved.

Update as of 3:12 AM ET: We have applied a server fix which seems to have solved the issue. This will not require a game restart or any additional download. Please let us know if you continue to experience the same problem as before, and good luck out there!

Thank you!

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