about 4 years ago - ObsidianDan - Direct link
We released a new Public Test build for folks who might want to check out Version 0.5.0 before we formally release it across all platforms.

This Public Test will introduce a few game changes we want you to test out, and it also includes some important updates to the way that saving and loading the game works in the hopes to improve everyone's experience.

For players connecting through Steam, there are always risks involved so you may also wish to make a copy of your save to use on the Public Test. Please note that, if you play with any friends on Xbox or through the Windows 10 store, their saves will be locked into the newest build and will not be able to revert to previous builds once they have opted into the Public Test build.

Thank you all so much for being so amazing, and have fun out in the backyard!

Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay Grounded!

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