We are excited to announce that we have patch 1.1.1 ready for you all to download and install! Thank you all so much for your patience while we worked to get this patch out to you, so please update when you see it and let us know how it works for you.
- Holiday Tree presents are only delivered at night.
- Buildings that get destroyed with stuffed creatures hanging from them will no longer crash if the building is destroyed.
- Fixed crash that could occur from charge attacking grass of clovers.
- Holiday Trees properly spawn presents again for players where it was not working.
- Fixed a few instances of missing text, including one of the quest objectives on the Javamatic quest.
- Changing difficulty no longer causes some items to break afterward immediately.
- Using the Building Radial menu with Gamepad will no longer sometimes select a different building page when pressing A.
- Repairing broken equipment that you have equipped will properly reapply set bonuses.
- Using the Mint Staff as it breaks will properly end the attack.
- Game Report Card scores are no longer sometimes surprisingly low on game completion.
- Presents no longer show up under unbuilt Holiday Trees.
- Relocating buildings near Partition buildings no longer lowers framerate.
- Diving the Depths survival quest will correctly complete analyzing objectives that have already been done.
- Games that have turned in every Super Chip but did not get the next quest update will properly fix upon load.
- Game Report Card screen works for clients instead of showing a black screen.
- Text-To-Speech no longer narrates your own chat messages.
- Text-To-Speech no longer narrates chat text twice.
- Fixed the wrong offhand animation playing while blocking with a one-handed weapon and wielding a torch.