almost 4 years ago - ObsidianDan - Direct link
Grounded is excited to include a variety of accessibility features for our players to provide the best backyard experience possible.

GENERAL ARACHNOPHOBIA SAFE MODE A slider scale can be located in the game's Options Menu that allows players to change the look and sounds of the spiders. Gameplay and difficulty remain unchanged.


  1. No changes to spider visuals.
  2. Reduces number of spider legs to four.
  3. Removes all spider legs.
  4. Removes all spider legs. Removes spider fangs.
  5. Removes all spider legs. Changes spider mesh to simple shapes.
  6. Removes all spider legs. Changes spider mesh to simple shapes. Changes spider materials to simple colors with shiny textures.


Certain game elements will be altered to be more legible for one of three types of colorblindness. Currently, this mode shifts to a set of distinct colors that remain the same regardless of SCA.B flavor or color deficiency selected.

Options: None, Deuteranopia, Protanopia, and Tritanopia

LARGE TEXT When this is enabled, some UI screens will use larger text size for better readability.

READ TO ME When this is enabled, the game will narrate aloud the text content of on-screen elements.

SUBTITLES SUBTITLES Changes what sounds and voices display subtitles.

Options: Dialogue Only, All, and None

SUBTITLE TEXT SIZE Adjusts the size of the game's subtitle text/

Options: Small, Medium, and Large

BACKGROUND When this is enabled, subtitles will have a dark background.

CHAT CHAT TEXT TO SPEECH When this is enabled, incoming text chat will also be read aloud by the narrator.

CHAT SPEECH TO TEXT When this is enabled, incoming voice chat will also be displayed as chat messages.

BACKGROUND Turns on the background for the chat log.

ADDITIONAL SETTINGS CONTROLLER VIBRATION Toggles the controller vibration function in the game. Vibration is typically used as a physical cue for something hidden or hard to see.

INVERT X AXIS When this is enabled, the horizontal axis of camera control is flipped. Right becomes left, left becomes right.

INVERT Y AXIS When this is enabled, the vertical axis of camera control is flipped. Up becomes down, down becomes up.

TOGGLE CROUCH When this is enabled, crouching becomes a toggle rather than a button hold.

TOGGLE SPRINT When this is enabled, sprinting becomes a toggle rather than a button hold.


These features and more can be found in the Options Menu which can be accessed from both the loading screen and while in the game. Changing any of these features while in the game will automatically be applied to prevent further interruptions while you are exploring.

If you would like to see a feature included to the game in the future, please contact us[] with your suggestion so we can share it with the team. We appreciate your feedback and hope you enjoy your time in the backyard!