🏡 Join Shyla, Obsidian's Social Media Manager, as she shares all the new base items to craft, updated features, and more in Update 1.1.0 for Grounded! We’re here with holiday cheer and a handful of quality of life improvements in this update.
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https://www.tiktok.com/@obsidian A HOLIDAY TREAT We have a special gift prepared this holiday season.
All players during the month of December will be able to unlock the "Holiday Tree" and "Holiday Wreath" building recipes! These holiday recipes are purchasable unlocks in the Science Shop, as well as a new December Sign Set. On top of that, the “Holiday Tree” may also present random gifts to the player only during the month of December. We hope you enjoy this holiday season and we’re excited to have you check out what’s under the tree.
Please note that the recipes can only be purchased in the month of December, but you will be able to craft them year-round once you have acquired them. For those playing in Creative mode, you will have them unlocked permanently in your game if you load them in the month of December.
NEW FEATURES AND CHANGES Additional Row of Backpack Inventory
The teens have discovered a hidden pocket in their backpacks. Players now have access to additional backpack space. How much space? A whole row of inventory space that allows you to carry more items while adventuring! We know how much the Grounded community wanted this and asked for it, so please fill your backpack with all the things you need.
Hot Pouch Update
On top of that, you can customize three different hot pouch settings. Players can customize three unique sets of hot pouches and swap through them while running around the yard. That way, you’ll always have what you need at your fingertips. Whether you're out building or adventuring or just going through and having a grand old time with your friends, the hot pouch is there for you!
Zip It Up!
Introducing the ZIP.R! The ZIP.R utilizes Aphid power and a gear train to overcome the force of gravity. What’s that mean? You can go up ziplines! Ascend ziplines and traverse the backyard in ways you couldn’t before. You can decide which direction you would like to zip along the backyard.
The ZIP.R item can be found in a new room in the Oak lab that requires the Assistant Manager keycard. Once collected, the ZIP.R will be permanently unlocked for all players in the world.
Looking to change things up at your base? Well, we have new building crafting recipes for you in store. Three new vases and three folding partitions are now available to craft, along with a beautiful grandfather clock that tells the real-time in the game. There’s even grass side table, which doubles as storage! Feel free to place the new Holiday Tree or a stuffed creature on top of it.
Now that we’ve mentioned stuffed creatures, we’ve got plenty of new ones to share. New stuffed insects and wall mounts are now available to craft, including the Moth and Spiny Water Flea. You can also use the new wall mounts to mark a foe. That’s right! Players can use the “Mark Foe” ability on any wall mounted bug trophy to give them a 15-minute damage buff against that creature. Go forth and fight back against those pesky creatures!
With all those new base items, you’re going to want to make room. Make much room with mushroom stairs, and its also available as mushroom half stairs if you don’t need the entire length. Not a fan of fungi? Grass half stairs have been added too. Be sure to check it out!
Light Colors
Time to lighten up your base! All lights that you build can be customized to any color of the rainbow using new Color and Saturation sliders. Change the color of the lights into a variety of different colors and adjust the brightness and saturation using the customization options. To top it all off, you can copy the setting of one light and then paste it onto all the other lights in your base to make things easy.
Pick Customization Options
Speaking of copying something, you can also copy a building’s customization options using the Pick control. The Pick control will copy building customizations for you to paste onto newly placed buildings. Need to recycle? No problem! Buildings now give back 100% of their resources when destroyed or recycled by the player.
We’re excited to have you try all the new crafting recipes and features that will help you build the ultimate base in the backyard.
One of the scariest things you can do in the backyard is fight in the dark, so we have changed the way sleeping works. Instead of just sleeping for eight hours and waking up in the dark, you will now sleep until 6:00 AM when the sun rises. That way, you’ll get an early start to your day in Grounded.
Killing creatures just got a bit tastier. When you kill a creature with a spicy weapon, instead of dropping the raw meat that they usually would, they will drop cooked meat. If you prefer your meat cured, salty weapons will cause creatures to drop jerky instead of raw meat. Fight the rawest battles and reward yourselves with a delicious meal.
Coolest Lab Addition
Remember to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! That’s why we’ve added a new water cooler building to the labs. Now you can quench your thirst and discuss the most recent televised sporting events with your backyard roommates.
Mutation Changes
Another BIG thing we have updated are the bonuses you’ll receive for different combat mutations. Take a gander at our list of mutation changes below.
Depth of Field
You can now adjust the background depth of field blur. High, Medium, and Low options are available for the Depth of Field Blur setting. Not sure where to find it? Head on over to the Display tab in options. We hope this setting helps you see in a more comfortable way while exploring the backyard.
Other Adjustments
The "Nearby Storage" range has been doubled. We increased the range for storing capabilities, so you can be a little bit further from your chest to store things. To add, players can build from nearby chests and pallets at a more considerable distance than before! This will enable you to build much quicker and ultimately get you back into the game much faster.
Thrown items will show from further distances and always be on the screen. The thrown item markers have been adjusted so the chances of you losing something that you throw will be much lower. Just in case, we also made it so bows and crossbows can no longer be thrown. If you hit the default throw button while having those equipped, it will bring up the ammo radial instead.
If you like to use trail markers for everything but forget what they mean, here’s a game changer! Players now have the ability to name trail markers. While accessing the Icon Selector setting, you can add text as the first option. The text will be shown anywhere you can see the trail marker.
Another cool quality-of-life feature is that you can now toggle off and on your nameplate for everyone in your game. This will make hide and seek in the backyard a little bit trickier and make it more exciting to go out and attack your friends when they least expect it.
Let's be honest, we all die in the backyard. With that said, we created an option that respawns you at the nearest field station on the death screen. You can still respawn at the kid case, but we wanted to give you the option to make things easy.
What about my backpack? We’ve got you! Players only drop resources from the backpack instead of everything in all difficulty modes and creative mode. Anything that you crafted will remain in your backpack, and you will only lose the resources you had when you die. You can still adjust the Backpack Items on Death settings in Custom mode when creating a game. In addition, the game lobby UI has been updated with a pop-up to better convey the different modes when creating a game instead of just a drop-down.
We hope all these updates help you survive and thrive in the backyard. For more information the 1.1.0 update, check out the Patch Notes down below!