over 4 years
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Today we are excited to announce the voice actors who will be bringing to life your new favorite characters, along with announcing the talented Michael Chu (Overwatch) who has joined the team to help develop the narrative experience!
The cast includes:
- Ozioma Akagha (“Runaways,” “Teen Titans Go!”) as Willow
- Josh Brenner (“Silicon Valley,” “Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”) as BURG.L
- Charlet Takahashi Chung (Overwatch, “Carmen Sandiego”) as Hoops
- Zachary Levi (“Shazam!,” “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”) as Wendell
- Max Mittelman (Spider-Man, Final Fantasy VII Remake) as Pete
- Luke Youngblood (“Community,” “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”) as Max
You will be able to hear all of their work in just three days! Check out our developer blog on https://grounded.obsidian.net/ for the latest up-to-date information!