Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

04 Mar


Thanks, Izzy. Miss you, dude!


Originally posted by Bethlen

Totally get that you're not on the right team for this request, or that this is perhaps the right forum for it; but Hi! I'd love to see the game release on Google Stadia :) IRC they may require controller support, but perhaps that can be discussed with them ;) Or worked on :) Also, while it is a Linux based OS that they use, they do have a talk on their upcoming developer summit about how to run windows games unmodified, on Stadia. Could be worth looking into! Would love to have it available on every screen. And considering it's free for 1080p streaming, could be a good entry point for new customers. I know the ESO community on Stadia is pretty happy. Obviously, crossplay :)

Sorry, just had to :)

Totally get that you're not on the right team for this request, or that this is perhaps the right forum for it; but Hi! I'd love to see the game release on Google Stadia :) IRC they may require controller support, but perhaps that can be discussed with them ;) Or worked on :) Also, while it is a Linux based OS that they use, they do have a talk on their upcoming developer summit about how to run windows games unmodified, on Stadia. Could be worth looking into! Would love to have it available on every screen. And considering it's free for 1080p streaming, could be a good entry point for new customers. I know the ESO community on Stadia is pretty happy. Obviously, crossplay :)

Haha. You're right in that I'm not the correct person to handle this. I certainly wouldn't mind GW2 on more platforms, but this is far outside my realm of expertise or influence. :)


The team had a lot of fun with Snargle this expansion. In general, a bunch of the Arborstone collections have some really nice material in them.


Originally posted by Redfeather1975

We are very thankful you all did that. It paid off. So much fun it was. I spent so much time in game, sometimes just even watching OBs mode.

Yeah my obs mode account has like 18k hours lol it was twitch before twitch was cool.


Originally posted by thisiskitta

What a sweet message, and the teams bonds are always something I admire of Anet. There's something special when people truly enjoy working together. It makes me a bit emotional thinking back at all those years and all the work you all did to make us have a good time. Thanks to the whole Anet team, and to you as well Isaiah!

<3 yeah entertaining people is a fun career it’s a truck load of work and more fun with awesome people!


Originally posted by ANetCameron

<3 Thank you for your support Izzy. We miss you!

Miss you too Cameron!


Originally posted by Redfeather1975

I loved how many skills it had. I could make up my own guys and then dress them up. Make a vampire ninja, or bard or wind hermit. I'd still be playing it if they kept adding new skills and clothes.

Yeah there was a lot of fun there!


Originally posted by Dreamtrain

man GW1 was absolute chaos, with each profession having like a hundred skills you had thousands of possible build combinations and there was always the possibility that there was a sleeper OP interaction among the countless builds, I think Izzy did a good job adverting total buildpocalpyse

It wasn't just me I was just the face we had a whole bunch of people back then giving feedback, fixing issues, and discussing changes. I also ran a not-so-secret balance forum. Balance is a hard design problem. : )


Originally posted by SquirrelGirl_

I feel like I remember you doing videos for GW1 about the balancing. I still think that was the most impressive balancing Ive ever seen in any game, ESPECIALLY considering how many skills had to be balanced

Clearly you don't remember smiters boon :P, but yes I was the loud mouth skill balance guy who got on videos and blabed about game design and skills back on GW1 days, was there 17 years though.


Originally posted by Redfeather1975

omg Izzy. Hello!

Hi Redfeather : )


Originally posted by TehOuchies

This post is great.

This is how you know people enjoyed working with each other in the past.

Thanks, and yes ANet bonds and span a long time period : )


<3 Thank you for your support Izzy. We miss you!


Originally posted by Demilikos

It's good to see you again, Izzy.

I remember reading about you in 2004 working at ArenaNet. How the time flies.

Yeah that was FOREVER ago : )


Originally posted by ArenaColin

We've got some spreadsheets for you to review Izzy! :)

SPREADSHEETS!!!! OMW. Also Colin your icon is very hansom <3

03 Mar


We've got some spreadsheets for you to review Izzy! :)


Originally posted by Taken_was_Rev

Of course it's positive, Isaiah.

All the negative voices get banned from reddit and the forum, and kicked out of the partner program :)

Sounds like you need a hug


Originally posted by Leafycoke

I remember your skill balancing days in GW1. Where are you these days?

I founded two companies and working on both of them. : )


Originally posted by anet_ester

Thanks!! It was a long haul but I'm really proud of the whole team. Lot of hard work by a whole lot of people went into this.

We miss you Izzy!

Miss you too Ester!!! <3


Thanks!! It was a long haul but I'm really proud of the whole team. Lot of hard work by a whole lot of people went into this.

We miss you Izzy!


Originally posted by anet_PeterL

Good to hear from you, Izzy! Thank you <3
