Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

03 Mar


Good to hear from you, Izzy! Thank you <3


Originally posted by ReLiFeD

Nice to see you here again Izzy, hope everything's still going well at the new company!

<3 Yeah things have been good. : )

I know what it takes to make these and it's been awesome seeing all the positive reception! Good job everyone at Anet miss you all, Mhenlo would be proud, keep up the good work! <3

External link →

Originally posted by SomethingMatter

I was only joking. I thought it was pretty obvious but that doesn't appear to be the case as it seems like a lot of people think I was being serious. I edited the post to make absolutely sure that it can't be construed that way.

I was only joking. I thought it was pretty obvious but that doesn't appear to be the case as it seems like a lot of people think I was being serious. I edited the post to make absolutely sure that it can't be construed that way.

Thank you! Yeah, I knew you were joking and then felt bad when you got downvoted. Sometimes nuance, jokes, etc. get lost on the Internet. Anyway, it's all good. I just wanted to be clear about my interest in this topic, and not create confusion or false hopes within the community. :)


Originally posted by IzzyOwnz

haha ^^ Bobby i have a question not releated to this. Regarding writting and ur work. im just curious, you do just the writting of the lore or more things? and also, you really need that many writers for EoD? i saw like crazy at least 8-10 in the credits!

I manage the entire narrative department (as of December 2021). The job is a mix of management and creative direction.

We (the Narrative Department) handle story breaking (i.e. developing the narrative in partnership with Design and Cinematics), writing it, light narrative design implementation (heavier stuff is done by our story designers and content designers), VO prep, casting and recording (with our outsourcing partner), interfacing with Design, Audio, Art, Loc, Cinematics, Tools, and QA, etc.

I also handle my team's recruiting, new hire onboarding, craft development, budget stuff, and help with studio-level initiatives.

Not sure if this answers your question. Apologies if I threw a lot of info at you all at once. :)


Originally posted by Yakushika

Up now. Control scheme can definitely improved, but should give a general indication how it runs.

Watching now!


Originally posted by Vortelf

For me, it works flawlessly through steam with Proton 5.3. The question is when will Guild Wars 2 be officially arriving on Steam.

Not for me to say.


Originally posted by SomethingMatter

So that's an official confirmation of this and many other features :D

Please don't get me fired. (I know you were joking, hence the :D. No need to get downvoted!)


Originally posted by Theantlersorg

omg does that mean official gamepad support is on the way? :D

I'm posting here as a fan of Steam Deck and someone who is interested in seeing what it'd feel like to play the game using a gamepad. Me doing this has nothing to do with any current or future plans for the game, and even if it did I wouldn't be the person to talk about a feature like that. :)

Hope that clears it up!


Originally posted by Yakushika

Only played for around 10 minutes so far. FPS were around 35-45 for areas without many other players. Lowest I've seen was 23 with a crowd of other players in view. This is mostly high settings though, without any optimization on my part. Will probably turn some settings further down.

I'll see if I can take a video once I've optimized the settings and controls.

Yes! Please post video once you optimize.


Originally posted by CondiMesmer

Do you plan on installing the game through something like Lutris and emulating through wine, or are you going to install Windows on it? I can say as someone who games on Linux quite a bit, Gw2 works on wine quite well!

That's a great question that I don't have an answer for. If Proton doesn't support it I'll probably create a Windows partition so I can play GW2 and also Game Pass for PC/game streaming.


Oh no, now I'll never be able to escape the thralls of Guild Wars 2!

Damn you, handheld gaming!


Thank you for posting this! I preordered my Steam Deck but haven't gotten the follow up/full payment email yet. Planning on doing the same once mine arrives, so I'll be checking back periodically for tips and suggestions on controller set ups, etc.


Originally posted by tokwa_doodles

Q_Q you made me fall in love with the Steel Warband then have me kill most of them in the next episode. How...could you?

Just to clarify, on IBS the only piece of content I directly worked on was Visions of the Past (where we created the Steel Warband.) I was sad to see them go as well :(

After Steel and Fire I moved on to be the lead of End of Dragons.


Originally posted by Lon-ami

Steel Warband are the best written characters of the game, period.

Snargle, eh, I'd rather he didn't exist, but that's just me, I guess.

I love the Steel Warband! Chloe Mills was the designer I worked with on them, and it was a real back-and-forth collaboration to really flesh out their personalities through not only the dialogue but their events, fighting style, etc.

Regarding Snargle, that's fair. He's not for everyone. :) We tried to keep his presence from being too intrusive for folks who aren't into him. I will miss expanding the Snargle extended universe with characters like Kippo and Bonnie.


Originally posted by MagicalMuffinDruide

Yeah my first thought was shit, we’re getting story of unprecedented quality just going up the last couple years (minus the end of ibs but that’s an exception for real life circumstances too), and now a lead behind much of it is leaving. But I remind myself that this is a company, hundreds of people working on making the game go round and one departure doesn’t spell doom

Hey Reddit! Not sure if my account still has the dev tag. I wanted to pop in and say thanks for all the kind words. I've been following your reactions and watching streams nonstop. Humbled by the reception!

I'm super proud of my work at ArenaNet, and there's a lot of specific moments I try to call out both for myself and other talented devs on the project.

With that said, the narrative on GW2 has a bright future. When I first came on at the end of 2019, it was a rather dour time for the franchise and at that time it felt like a lot of super talented folks were leaving the studio. Yet in the midst of those darker times, our little Visions of the Past team made something really special.

Fast forward to today, and the narrative team at ArenaNet is far more robust and healthy than it was when I came on. Bobby is a really amazing narrative director, and one of his many talents is finding wonderful people.

It's a hard line for us devs to walk to celebrate ...

Read more

Originally posted by Ravenclaw74656

Thanks for the edit. Just to clarify, is it the description that needs fixing or the values it gives?

If the former, any chance we can get this temporarily unsellable on the TP as a stopgap to fixing the description, or is that just as hard as the edit? Just aware that (as much as I'd love to keep getting that sweet silver) much of its determined value is based on that description.

Edit: more clarity and words.

It is the description that needs to be fixed. The values it actually gives if you equip it are correct.


Sorry! There was a mistake along the way and the attribute names got all scrambled with older ones on the slottable upgrade items for the new attribute combos. We have editing in the pipeline to correct it, but it may be a bit!

Edit to be super clear:
This upgrade does not give the stats it says it does! The stats it actually gives if you equip it are Ritualists: 17 Condition Damage, 17 Vitality, 9 Expertise, 9 Concentration.

02 Mar


Originally posted by NovaanVerdiano

Oh you have no idea. I'm sure the CM for this one in particular will be wonderful pain and suffering.



Thanks for the report. It's useful to have as much information as possible. Can you provide any extra insight into the series of events that led to this?

While we do read reddit, I'd encourage you to post this issue and any other relevant information to our bug report forums so it can be officially tracked: