Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

22 Feb


This is beautiful! Looking forward to seeing the others :)


Originally posted by Silverdisc

I really hope you will enjoy!!

We enjoyed it!

21 Feb


I didn't decide eod balance changes, but I do play the game a lot and provide general game feedback around my own play, unbiased as possible :

A) I don't see how 5 man mirror comp would be worse than 10 man mirror comp. There is always going to be best in slot options for very specific uses, even if they are super close and "balanced" in various ways for various occasions. I'm not necessarily referring to how the game is currently, but more a theoretical situation comparing a 5 man mirror comp to a 10 man mirror comp.

B) There are many options now in comparison to the past. Beyond that, I don't see exact mirror composition being important to my own gameplay. I play both arguably strong stuff and also arguably weak stuff, regardless of whether I'm finishing cm main clears for the week or for a learning boss for hours. I don't base my build wholly on just how powerful it is, or the builds of people around me.

C) The benefits and potential of 5 target over 10 t...

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19 Feb


Plant myself somewhere and people watch / get overwhelmed trying to jump between streamers


Originally posted by mandala30

I’ve been listening to the piece that starts when the countdown clock hits 2:30 before the stream on repeat.

It’s so pensive and minimalist. I’d be curious to know which of the Korean strings instruments is being used there, it has such a wonderful sound.

That track just sounds like “acceptance” in sonic form, it’s so calming and just washes over you like the tide.

I’m assuming it’s one of Maclaine’s pieces, but if you had told me the composer who did the PoF music could also write music with the subtlety the EoD soundtrack has 5 years ago, I wouldn’t have believed you. He has magnificent range and such a strong and relatable voice as a composer.

I’m simply blown away.

Thanks so much for all the kind words! That track is kind of a feature for the gayageum. It's such a cool instrument, I didn't want it to always be relegated to playing background stuff. The woman who played the gayageum on the entire soundtrack is amazing and really put some incredible sensitivity into her performance.

The sound quality on this is just OK, but it's a solo performance of the same woman, Yuny Park.

18 Feb



Will be watching this with my family tonight. :)


Originally posted by Aeterne

Solar! I have at least 2-3 thousand hours in LoTRO and I played actively from late in Shadows of Angmar all the way through Siege of Mirkwood. I still play, having witnessed the destruction of the Ring and so on... I don't actively play it at this point but it still has a very, very special place in my heart.

May I ask when you worked at Turbine / Standing Stone Games, and what work you did there? :)

I was a game designer at Turbine from 2009-2014. GW2 is my 5th MMO. :)

17 Feb


Oh wow! I worked on Lord of the Rings Online (and loved playing Warden!), but you'll be happy to hear that I made Engineer's new elite specialization, Mechanist, with the explicit intent that it be much simpler to play effectively than core Engineer (and many Holosmith and Scrapper) builds.

Although I think several wonderful people here have probably explained this already, you can think of an 'Elite Specialization' as the upgraded profession (that's GW2 lingo for your character class) that you turn into at level 80. You can freely unlock all of them through gameplay, and swap between your builds while out of combat.

15 Feb


Originally posted by PeterBenjaminParker

Just want to say from one professional classical musician to another, 100% your music for Guild Wars is THE best video game music out there! Really something truly unique and evocative.

I usually listen to your music on Spotify but is there some way I could listen that would benefit you better? I want to support my fellow artists as much as I can!

Bravissimo, Maestro!

Hey, thanks! I'm no Maestro, though. Just a guy who likes making music :). Thanks for listening.


Hey folks. First off, I can't tell you all how excited I am that this thing exists (or will exist soon)! It's going to look amazing along side the other two expansions.

Speaking of which, if you're interested in this, don't wait. The Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire vinyls have both sold out. While I'd love to get them back in print, I can't guarantee that will happen, and I expect this one will sell out as well.

If nothing else, you'll get a digital download of the entire score and have a beautiful collectible to look at and display while you listen. The iam8bit people are top notch and put together gorgeous packages!


Originally posted by Targal

As a Korean, I can recognise a lot of stuff from traditional Korea(Joseon era) in sounds and the real contents too. The queen has a wig called 'gache' which was often worn by noble/royal women, but also I see some NPC wearing clothes of styles from that era.

For the soundtrack video, I see some traditional instruments - ...

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Originally posted by OmegaXreborn

Since we now have a teaser song (discounting the tracks we've heard during livestreams), (presuming main theme for EoD). Will the it and the rest of the EoD soundtrack be uploaded to the Anet official soundcloud on release day?

All will be revealed soon. Stay tuned!

14 Feb


Originally posted by Rhywolver

Stupid question: Why are they putting their hands into the instruments (at 1:26 for example)? Is it meant to be played that way?

I just want to geek out for a second and share this video which explains it a bit:

The hand in the bell is used to shape the sound. It's not as important now as it was in the earlier stages of the instrument's development when it was necessary to play a complete scale, but there's still a lot of interesting things modern horn players can do with their hands to shape the tone of the instrument.


Originally posted by TannenFalconwing

I want to say thank you for coming here yourself with this much data and setting the record straight without delay. Major respect right there. All emotional kneejerking aside, this was fantastic to read.

Can we assume that Strike CM rewards will be greater than normal mode? I can assume yes but straight answers are always appreciated.

Yes. One word of caution- strike CM's are not available at launch. Before you panic: they're done, we've been playtesting them for months internally, and I personally think they're a ton of fun.

However, we want normal mode to go out first. There's going to be bugs we didn't catch. There's going to be strategies (and heck, probably weird exploits) we didn't think of. Tuning may be off a bit.

We want a few patches to clean those up, fix the bugs found on live, and then do a final tuning pass based on real live play before we open up the strike CM's to the world- after all, it'd be no fun for anyone if they were buggy or the balance was radically off-kilter on release. News on dates and such will be coming later.

However- strike CM's are intended to be "raid difficulty". And they'll each give 1/week Legendary Insights, among other things.

The main difference here is that since these same encounters have a lower difficulty 'normal' mode, you have a way ...

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Originally posted by JonSnuur

Solar, this is a good post. Thanks for clarifying, I like the numbers to back up Strikes being able to keep MCs from getting more expensive. That is a big concern for many of us. I do have to ask though: if the MCs from Fractals are really so small in impact, why delete them? It’s great that people will be incentivized to do the new strikes, but why hurt another instanced mode in the process? Has high-end instanced content not suffered enough in this game? Why hurt a small community of players for no reason?

I’d also like to forward my concerns on the other part of the post: Waiting till summer for a balance patch will ruin the entry of the Strike CMs as the horribly unbalanced state of many specs like Sourge, FB, and Ren will run rampant over the content.

Hi! End of Dragons' launch update does have some tuning adjustments, just not 'full balance patch' level of things like skill reworks. It includes some key adjustments to Firebrand, Scourge, and Renegade intended to tamp them down a little, and help give new specs some breathing room.


Hi peeps; I'm Solar, and I co-authored the blog on strikes and rewards that went up on Friday afternoon.

You probably don't know me unless you play with me regularly in game. And that's OK- I don't use social media aside from a few guild discords (I just made this Reddit account to come here and post this)

When writing a blog for website publication, we try to keep it to the most necessary details, because those blogs have a large and more casual audience (compared to say, the small but hardcore audiences on places like discords or Reddit!)

And here, lack of those details really hurt, because it created a space ripe for misinformation- and I'm sorry. It's my fault, and I'd like to clear that up by giving everyone some real numbers that should clear things up a lot!

So, dev infodump incoming:

1: Mystic Coin drop rates in Fractal CM's
Your average Mystic Coins earned for a session in which you complete all three...

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11 Feb


dear reddit, please delete this leak. -anet