Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

20 Jan


Originally posted by szegediensis

I play on Geforce Now, where the GPU is top notch but the CPU is conparatively weak. With DX11 there is a very significant framerate gain, as in I can almost max all settings (other than model number in pve metas). So even with the current implementation of DX11 (setting aside a few bugs and rare crashes) the situation of “you need the most expensive CPU” is clearly changing.

I'm not saying you need an expensive card, I'm saying in your price range taking some cores over a single-threaded cpu, especially mid-to-high end, is likely a good option.


On the wiki pages,, you can see the gem store history section to get a sense of what sale prices and potential times have been in the past. With that stuff, definitely look into buying them based on when you are going to do the content. Doesn't hurt to wait if you aren't planning on doing them yet.


Definitely its a do whichever way you want, especially since it sounds like you already leveled a main. I typically leave the decision to when I'm wanting to do core/chill zone content that isn't map completion currently. Its really nice to just get access to another profession type especially in wvw/etc. To note, you can keep/use it to try out all 9 professions at 80 quick to see each and then revert in that map. Also as others have mentioned, level tomes are a thing and you will get a decent amount as you play wvw/pvp, so don't feel restricted in how many characters you will get to level in this way.


Originally posted by LirGeki

Thx for all info just want to know as I dont main my cook alt and want to see if get that drops

Yeah its a pretty good and important collection to get, those drops are decently valuable and build up as essentially free additional items that you wouldn't get without the collection done.

Comment - Good for currencies, bags, etc

Lots of places for items in places as discussed, but its really mostly about knowing and seeing conversion methods. One core thing to remember is that when you convert an item into another it is "Saving/Offloading" the 15% tp fee essentially, as you don't need to buy it. Generally possible to find profit in this way.

One of the main farming chains is Icebrood Eternal Ice -> Lw4 currencies -> Volatile Magic -> t5/t6 trophies or other mats -> upgrading to t6 -> gold/trade, stopping wherever is most ideal to you


Originally posted by HGLatinBoy

The best is whatever has the best single thread performance for your budget if you use dx 9 for dx 11 you’re better off with more cores,4312.html

Probably an i5 12 series

As he says for directx 11, I would recommend a 4/6 core cpu at least with the tiny single core speed cut. As directx 11 continues in beta in the future and for anything else you would be doing with the machine. Fyi, not based on any specific and/or direct information on directx 11 development really though

19 Jan


I'm pretty sure developing this instance left me dehydrated for a year following its' release.

17 Jan


Originally posted by GoddessofWvw

Will I be able to claim objectives with my five guilds or are 4 of em useless ones a wvw one is picked due to this rework? As a roamer I kinda own 5 guilds for claiming and use of tactics and last beta none of the 5 could claim anything.

You can still claim with all five. Your WvW guild is just used for matchmaking purposes.

I'd be curious to know more about what was happening when you couldn't claim.

15 Jan


Originally posted by Bipen

Hey Grouch,

Is there any solution within the current beta for players who have been assigned to a team completely different than their chosen guild?

Either way, Cheers for all the hard work on the new system! :)


Originally posted by lukeszpunar

Unrelated but big thanks to the work you all put in to the alliance. I am in the JA Vabbi alliance in EU and we had content until 2 am. Love you for doing something with this unique game mode.



Originally posted by ShannaraDeThurum

What about those who even after the fix cannot get in? They get a network error message.

We rolled out a second fix should have hopefully addressed this. Please ping me with your display name (Name.1234) if you're still having trouble entering WvW.


Originally posted by Kyle_Umbra

Yes, I've restarted the client, pc and even the router but nothing. Thanks anyway

You're likely fixed now. Please ping me with your display name (Name.1234) if you're still having trouble entering WvW.


Please ping me with your display name (Name.1234) if you're still having trouble entering WvW.

10 Jan


Originally posted by Natural-Setting1512

Oh that's awesome! Thanks for responding :)

I'm glad you weren't laid off. Got to leave on your own terms!

Any fun anecdotes about working at arenanet? Any fun things about guild wars 2?

Working at ArenaNet was a dream for me. I was a huge fan of the game before I got a job there. I raided, zerged, fractaled and fashion war'd every night, so having the opportunity of working with everyone there was the coolest thing ever.

The company is really great and goes out of there way to take care of their devs, all the benefits were awesome.

I remember when Covid started, thinking working from home was the greatest thing ever, but now after like 2 years of working from home I think I'm ready to go back into an office again... Just not every day 9-5.

I'm just thinking of all the great people there, and all the old faces that left already, a lot of people I miss I guess, lol. I guess one of the downsides of self employment during global outbreak.

Hmmm Anecdotes? Well we had this concept of 10% time at ArenaNet, where your supposed to be able to do anything you want 10% of the time. I'm pretty sure I abused that to the max, and was ALWAYS doing...

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Originally posted by Natural-Setting1512

Oh awesome. Did they get laid off ?

Just decided it was time to move on. Had been there for 5 years. Decided to take a break and enjoy some nature and the outdoors more.

Enjoying self employment, mostly flipping NFTs and hodling crypto. It's been a wild ride so far.


Originally posted by Marok_Kanaros

Before covid a dev worked on controler support and while doing that also looked into radial because for controler they probably are nececcarry considering the amount of keys in gw2, but the dev left since then, so we don't know how far the dev has gotten with that.

That dev got much further than probably anyone knows. Hopefully another dev can take his work to the finish line.

How long do NDAs last after you leave a job? Just kidding!

Really would love to say more, but I can't :-(

Very happy to hear I was remembered! :-)

Edit: Someone might want to take that symbol away from me now :-)

04 Jan


Originally posted by BobbyStein

I'd have to go spelunking in the dev tools to confirm, but if memory serves I believe it was Fred Tatasciore.

Update: I confirmed it's Fred. (At one point we'd temporarily assigned the role to a different actor--whose name is currently listed in the tool--but ultimately cast Fred for it since we needed him to do a few different voices in that recording session. I listened to a bunch of the voice files and it's totally Fred.)