Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

04 Jan


Originally posted by Enlightenedbri

Do you remember who voices Xera? I believe it's the same voice actor that voices Kalla in the renegade spec

Kat Cressida was the voice of Xera.

03 Jan


Originally posted by RenegadeReaper

I know this is a really old comment, but I greatly appreciate how much work you put into this weapon. It's my favorite legendary in the game. Hell, it's my favorite weapon in almost any game. It's absolutely stunning and you can tell just how much work and thought went into making it. I don't have mine yet, but I'm working hard to earn it. I hope you're doing well wherever you are now, and wish to thank you once more for putting so much work into it. It's a huge motivator for getting through content in this game.

Thank you so much! That made my day. I'm excited for you to finally get it!


I'd have to go spelunking in the dev tools to confirm, but if memory serves I believe it was Fred Tatasciore.

31 Dec



When my wife and I were dating we'd bring our laptops over to each other's place and play GW2. (Or haul our X360 over for some Gears co-op lol.)

Now that we're married we have his and hers desks in the office.

Wishing you both the best!

22 Dec


I, I don't think the legwraps are the main issue here

20 Dec

19 Dec


Originally posted by Mooooose97


Testimonies of heroics can be used in wvw to gain hero points through wvw, which you get from wvw levels and a few other methods.

18 Dec


Originally posted by SubLimation7

O sweet, that should help.

Plenty to do as well, if alone to go for your legendary armory collection now.


Originally posted by SubLimation7

Appreciate the comments, just trying to get hyped as I await the download :)

Its in beta right now, but you can enable Directx 11 if you missed that while away.


Originally posted by moldvantal

I sent my match a Vintage Black Lion Weapon Box. I wanted him have the same feeling as opening a present. Asked him what they got in the mail, but prob just sold it cuz he just thanked it, and didnt told me what they got :( I will send the same for a donatee later, hoping that i will get an answer.

Who knows, maybe it will random pick me for it :P (I'll open it)

17 Dec


Originally posted by General_Resza

Sorry about wasting your drink!

It's okay, I've got plenty. You know us Anet folks, gotta stay hydrated.

16 Dec

10 Dec


Fear not, we're working on it.

09 Dec

04 Dec


I really enjoyed seeing everyone's reactions to these characters on the stream. We're all really proud of the cast of this expansion, and Morgan and Kwan gave great summaries.

Looking forward to you all learning more about them when the game comes out :)


Originally posted by Seikiii

I have anxiety that they will all get mad at me for not knowing what tf I am doing XD

nah, t1 fractal groups tend to be pretty chill, most t2 ones as well

03 Dec


Originally posted by GodakDS

Only tangentially related, but Exordium has to be one of the best weapons in any video game ever. You and the rest of the team did an amazing job there, and it seems like you're on pace for another excellent batch of legendaries.

Thank you so much!


Originally posted by Skogrheim

You're the best, Chelsea!
