Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

02 Dec


This is the robovoice we use internally before we have any voice acting. Sounds like the voice line didn't get hooked up right here.

01 Dec


Originally posted by UGHfineILLjoin

Thank you all for putting this together again for this year!

I had a quick look through the faq but couldn't find an answer - do you have a sign up for people to give gifts without receiving one? I'd be happy to send some stuff out to those who don't get anything from their toy maker

If I remember correctly, once you are entered (You would receive 1 gift and give out one gift) and give out your gift you can enter to send out extra gifts to other people in the list. Not sure if it picks people, is random, and if its based on not receiving a gift yet though. Last year there was a "Your donations" section.

30 Nov


Originally posted by StagprinceJP

how does it breath?

invisible jade tech aquabreather (not canon)


In the late patch notes : "Updated the character grid on the character selection screen, adding mouse-wheel support and dynamically adjusting the number of characters displayed based on resolution."

Personally at 29 slots, 3440p wide

26 Nov


Known side effect from some prep for next week's beta. Shouldn't impact anything. Thanks for reporting!

25 Nov


Originally posted by dvicci

What did this restructuring actually mean? I'm a casual WvW player mainly for the track rewards, and want to love it, but honestly all of my negative toxic interactions have been in WvW.

24 Nov


Originally posted by iCaps_

Is MightyTeapot a developer? Because if he's not, I am BLOWN AWAY at his knowledge about the games mechanics lol.

Playing 15 hours a day would give you similar knowledge! :)


Originally posted by CaesarBritannicus

Cancel your plans for the next 12 hours

very much this


This is *Chef's Kiss*


23 Nov


Originally posted by CheekLad

This cape is so f**king on point it's not funny. It's close to the best cosmetic you can own in GW2 IMO!!!

Aaaaah really?! Thank you so much! That seriously means so much to me! πŸ’–
The whole time I was making it I was excited to see how people would like it and I worked so hard to make it the best it could be!

22 Nov


Originally posted by HeartyRacingBeetle

a cat island


When EOD launches come hang out on cat island.

20 Nov


well, that didn't take long

18 Nov


Originally posted by Warscythes

I wonder if this could bring the beginning of a new service a bit similar to the GW1 droknar runs to unlock waypoints.

You just pay somebody and afk on the turtle while the driver just pilot you across all the waypoints in the map to unlock. I can see people do this for alts because it is pretty obnoxious to redo way points for every alt.

Taxi services ala Gw1 and introducing friends to the game who don't have a mount so you can play on a mount together were absolutely two of the things we hoped folks would do when we were in the early design phase of this sweet sweet turtle.

17 Nov


Originally posted by analogic-microwave

Gatorade-fueled cabbage.

Its got electrolytes, it's what plants crave!


Originally posted by 21Zedwolf

She’s carrying ANet on designs , love her work .. please gen4 legendaries already xD


16 Nov


We had a very similar setup in our house when the kids were younger. :D


Originally posted by Dahkeus

This is definitely one of the best capes. I'll be nabbing this for sure and it could possibly replace my Rurik cape on my main. Awesome work as always, Chelsea!

I did the Rurik cape too, so double thank you!


Originally posted by lulztard

Did you create it? I love the bloody thing. I might actually, for the first time in history!, slap a gemstore skin on my main. Got themes for characters, one is achievement skins only, my main is plain ingame skins, others are whatever, including gemstore.

But damn, that cape. Goes so well with the plain traveler look.

Give my thanks to whoever created it. :)

I did! I'm so glad you like it! Thank you!


Originally posted by Peatearredhill

It looks really cool. I will probably buy it.

I just wish this games transmutation system or whatever you want to call it wasn't so neutered by a premium currency. Because it's literally the best system like it of any MMO. You can unlock any skin regardless of what class you are on. It's nuts how good it is and then it's ruined by Transmutation Charges. It's like one step ahead of Wow's and then two steps back.

Sorry for the rant it just bothers me when something is so close to being the indestruty standout and they ruin it with some backward currency. Regardless of how easy or hard it is to get it stifles creativity and is a general negative thing about the game.

Fun fact: if you make a legendary it no longer costs transmutation charges to reskin that item.