Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

20 Aug


Originally posted by Never_Trust_A_Cat

I have one of those frogs in my inventory for 5 years or so. One day I'll buy a shared inventory slot so I could took it on adventures with my other characters. Legendary frog armory.

Unfortunately they are soulbound so they cannot be put into shared inventory slots

19 Aug


Originally posted by AirlinePeanuts

That's the frozen fish box guy...Gorton!


17 Aug


We are looking into this, but you can try turning on the "Disable Skill Highlighting" option in the general options under the Combat/Movement section and see if that stops the crashing for you.


We are looking into this, but you can try turning on the "Disable Skill Highlighting" option in the general options under the Combat/Movement section and see if that stops the crashing for you.

16 Aug


Originally posted by Malyszeq

It was supposed to be UNDERWATER D;

Technically, when he raises the bottle he is under water. 🤔

14 Aug

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

God I love cmc

13 Aug


Originally posted by monzese

GW2 EOD = End Of Dehydration



I mean, y'all said you wanted more water content.

12 Aug


Originally posted by the_murder_of_crowe

Been waiting for that one, haven't you?

You have no idea.

11 Aug


There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


I think the community did a great job welcoming Staysafe. He seemed to have a pretty good time. It's always fun watching a new player attempt jumping puzzles. :)


B E A U T I F U L ! I really love the art style.

06 Aug


Originally posted by Kevurcio

All of us who this interview resonated with are cheering you on. The vocal minority will wear you down, but the rest of us who also care are here with you. We know you have your hands tied down with other factors out of your control, but just knowing you're this passionate and the potential of more challenging content that might come our way is beyond exciting.

Thank you, friend. I very much appreciate the kind words and affirmation.


I just wanted to say this week has been a tough one (non-work related), and seeing all the positive reinforcement here has really helped to lift my spirits and given me fuel to burn.

Y'all are awesome. Thank you for your support.


Originally posted by sharpmantis

This guy is great, Cool and all.

But dang, that shirt is so ugly!

I can't concentrate on what he's saying 😁.

Hey now.

*taps the thumbnail*

Positive Vibes Only ;)