Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

26 May


Originally posted by Teletric

  1. Dead prisoner corpse decoration from Bastion of the Penitent

Are their lives forgotten (no pun intended)?!

The ones impaled by spears? Or the ones taken out in the riot? *ponder*


Aw crap.

*makes note to fix this*

25 May


Originally posted by BobbyStein

I've been watching both of them lately, too! Also have been checking out VelikiVuya on occasion.

Also been catching Deeg's GW2 streams. They're mostly interviews with content creators, fans, and devs (including one with me) but he also did a cool Elder Dragon retrospective a little while back that was great.


Originally posted by Kenny741

I love to watch new players trying out the game. Lately I have been watching Xandrii (sounds exactly like Taimi and she reads every tooltip and lore there is to find) and Visoman (really funny guy and has a great youtube recap of streams). Both are small channels so give them some love!

I've been watching both of them lately, too! Also have been checking out VelikiVuya on occasion.

24 May

22 May


I personally enjoy playing through expansion story on the elite spec for that expansion and unlocking more skills and traits as I play through. It helps me ease myself into the spec, and I get a bit more of a sense of progression from it that way. But if you're doing instanced group content, definitely don't play a spec you haven't fully unlocked yet, since it will hurt the experience of your teammates as well.

21 May


Originally posted by SaiyanOfDarkness

Got you. The timing of the tweet and us learning someone figured out how to duplicate items using an exploit. Your tweet made it look like they were related.

Yeah, I found out about it after the fact and that timing couldn't have been worse so I totally understand how it could seem related. xD I personally would never do a callout like that on Twitter though, I'm not that spicy. At least, not yet >.>

20 May


Originally posted by SaiyanOfDarkness

Was a duplicate exploit that very few people know about but anet working on a fix..

Hi! That's my tweet and it had nothing to do with anything relating to the live game or the Trading Post. :) It was in relation to exploits QA were finding within the content I'm making for End of Dragons.\_Nickk/status/1395383285358809088

14 May


Hi! I'd like to know if there's a piece of content that you find inaccessible (specific game modes, bosses, etc.) and why? Also the flip side, is there any content in particular that you think is engaging that is accessible when using one hand? I've got plenty more questions, but it seems like other folks have covered pretty much all of them. :)

I think this is an awesome idea and I'm personally really excited to see the video when it comes out! Thank you for taking the time to do this and querying other players for questions.

13 May


Grothmar Valley is also one of my favorite maps! The team that worked on it really nailed it.

Even within the golden path of End of Dragons, we try to inject as many small details as we can. There's a lot of fun side moments for players that like to take in the world and story or go achievement hunting.

One day we'll get to talk about it, but for now I do appreciate reading that you enjoy the little details in the game.

05 May


Originally posted by VegetableWest6913

Thanks for the response (and to everyone else that responded).

Ok I'll give fractals a shot. How far away am I from being able to play Raids? I'm guessing I'm quite far off but T4 fractals should help with that?

Raids are a different beast and I'm not really sure. Exotics should be fine for them, but you'll probably want to find a raid training group, or possibly a group of other fresh players who are interested in figuring things out with you.


Originally posted by Turkeyspit1975

I would toss Thaumanova into that mix, since everything up to the anomaly is 100% about mechanics, and I've seen many a group stall at subject 6 or even the reactor room.

yeah, that's fair


Most of the time there should be Fractal groups in LFG for the dailies, just look for anything from scale 1-19 (20+ starts requiring agony resistance). Most fractals at this level are pretty forgiving on mechanics combat-wise, with the exceptions of the final boss of Siren's Reef (scale 12), and Mai Trin (scale 18).


Originally posted by zerofake

This! Also they’re all so adorably goofy. I loved watching their raid videos.

Can confirm Laranity and CMaj videos are amazing and hilarious.

04 May

03 May


Originally posted by Guildwars1996

I think people are just pulling stuff out of thin air like the fact the name of the expansion is End of Dragons and GW2 is supposedly about the Dragons (ignoring the fact we have fought Scarlet, Balthazar, Joko and Caudecus separate from the dragon story). I have faith the game will keep going but the company does need to try and relay this information to the community because people are going to keep saying this and it will put new players off who see someone guessing "oh after EoD GW2 is over no more updates" this will make new players think "well whats the point in starting". Also I think the finale of Icebrood has played a part because it felt so low. Keep up the good work none the less Bobby and the whole team at Anet I can't wait for EoD, Cantha and whats to come afterwards for years to come I hope. As for the finale is there anyway we can get an idea of how it came around because I'm sure you saw the negative feedback behind it (I enjoyed the idea of the content but storywis...

Read more

I try to read/watch as much feedback about the releases as possible. I'm obviously mostly concerned with the story comments but I try to take it all in. Quite honestly, it helps me understand what people care about and gives me ideas on how to potentially improve. A lot of devs do this.

I may be doing another Guild Chat in the future. If I do, I'll think about providing some context if I'm able. Thanks for the tip.