Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

02 May


Originally posted by Pokefreak911

Its just such a hard thing for us to believe because of course the company is going to tell us its not the end of the game, they still have a product to sell. Until End of Dragons is out and we have a roadmap as to the future of the game, this will be a continual thought in the backs of our minds.

I understand. Thanks for sharing that.

01 May

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by kiranslee

What is the number of ppl per guild ? Also is there some video to promote this further ? Usually those worked really well. Maybe ask Noxxi for her charms <3

During GvG rounds, it will be 15vs15, but the guilds aren't limited to how many players can be on their rosters. However players are only allowed to play for one guild in the tournament.

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Greetings Gamers!

I am very pleased to announce that Guild MM, partnering with Hardstuck and Mightyteapot, will be hosting a GvG (Guild vs Guild) Tournament, and it will be starting in just about a month!

But Roy, there's no such thing as GvG in GW2!!!

Fear not, for that has never stopped us even a little bit in the last 8 years, and it certainly won't be stopping us now!


We've put on Tournaments in the past, but never with the same ambition as this! Starting May 31st Guilds on both regions, EU and NA, will be split up into groups, and will GvG within their groups for 2-3 weeks. Afterwards, on June 19/20th each region will have a Final, consisting of the top guilds from each group. Finally, on June 27th we will hold a Global Finals for the top guild from each region. For the first time ever, we will be including Cross Region GvG's in a Tour...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by ProofIndependence3

Might want to add a "As it stands now:" before your statement. We've seen how quickly A.Net can change their direction (or be forced to do so).

My advice to everyone is, look forward to EoD and enjoy it for what it is and treat it like it is the end of the "saga" or whatever you want to call it. After that we will most likely see more LS content in which A.Net is, once again, trying something new to "improve" content delivery.

Good point. I edited my original post to reflect that.

30 Apr


Originally posted by Kyouji

I think the community sometimes forgets we read

Its not that we forget, its just you guys don't speak anymore. When nothing gets said for months what else are we supposed to assume?

Back when the game was fresh and new the devs would host a AMA on every release and talk about the patch so much. Nowadays we might get something from a dev once a month. So I'm sure you can understand why we think you don't read anything.

I hear ya.


Originally posted by TheGreatAl

It’s still not clear if ‘not the end of the story’ is equivalent to ‘not the end of the game’. There could be plenty of Guild Wars story left to tell, but in a medium other than Guild Wars 2.

Maybe this is meant to be implied by your post and I am just being naive, but I think it’d go a long way to hear you say that EoD isn’t meant to be the end of Guild Wars 2.

Edited for clarity: As of now, from what I've been told by those who make these decisions, it's not the end of the game, either.

(Others farther down the post kept asking for more specifics so I hope this clears it up. Please remember that I'm a dev, not someone in marketing or someone making executive product decisions. I'm merely relaying information that I was told and that I was explicitly given permission to say because I wanted to say it.)


Originally posted by Day2Dan

Thanks for replying, Bobby! Many of us have seen Rubi's post, but I clearly should have referenced it directly in my initial post regardless.

I'll refrain from attempting to speak for everyone but at least I feel that when you all are putting on your livestream show and have the eyes and ears of people who are not entrenched in the game and keeping tabs on the forums, it's a great time to dive perhaps just a little more concretely into how the rest of the story will manifest itself in the coming months/years. :)

No worries! Yeah, a little reminder goes a long way. Thanks for that.

I realize that folks are sharing lots of thoughts and opinions on the game and its future lately so I just wanted to be clear that we've already stated that there's more to come. (I think the community sometimes forgets we read Reddit, the forums, YouTube comments, Twitter, etc. but can't/won't always weigh in for fear of intruding on the discourse.)

Anyway, carry on. Apologies if I derailed the discussion. :)

29 Apr


Originally posted by ShadowbaneX

Yeah, I've been playing since the launch and this is the first I've seen this. Wish you could do similar stuff with the "nearly completed" list. There a few achievements there I'll never finish and would like to get rid of them.

I added the ability to set those to Total Completion instead of Tier Completion last year. This helps with the things that aren't actually near completion (looking at you Dry Top coins). The filters that were added at the same time also work there, although it doesn't automatically refresh, since the person working on that and I didn't know that we were both updating the Achievements UI at the same time.

27 Apr


#LW5Finale #EoD #Balance #EliteSpecs #LegendaryAmory #LWLegendary #3rdGenLegendaries #Marionette #LW Cycle #Events #Dates

16 Apr

13 Apr


Originally posted by that_shaman

It's in an even more obscure spot than the wintersday book... but looks like Bonnie likes to write Game of Thrones styled SAB fan fiction!

It's an OFFICIAL novelization! This grimdark is licensed, baby

12 Apr

09 Apr


Mmm... soapy deathweed.

08 Apr


Originally posted by Kameid

I just want to remind you that you are using an infant of an intelligent species as a body shield, and form of amusement at the same time. Since quaggans have clearly demonstrated they live in close familial social groups, this is also quaggannapping. You monster.

Shooshadoo is an independent quaggan! They want to be a hero too, so they join you on your adventures! Besides, the top is open - quaggan could leave if quaggan wanted to. Quaggan choose to protec shield-mommy/daddy


Originally posted by Anet_Kwan

u/Anet_ConnorF wrote most if not all of them!

Samantha actually wrote this one, specifically. And Erin wrote “More than she Bergen for.”

But other than that, guilty :)


Originally posted by Sovereign42

Okay, I have to ask now... who actually wrote the excerpts from Snargle's books? Cuz, those were absolute masterpieces that shook me out of my chair, laughing.

u/Anet_ConnorF wrote most if not all of them!

07 Apr


Originally posted by Sovereign42

Snargle Goldclaw has been one of my absolute favourite parts of the more recent living world.

What I love about working on GW2 is how flexible and rich the world is. The fact that Snargle can exist as a character is part of what makes Guild Wars special.

I wrote for Steel and Fire and within the same release we had Snargle and Bonnie, as well as the dramatic ending with Bangar and Almorra.

Happy to hear you're a Snargle fan!


Originally posted by BaconSoda222

Quagtub Time Machine is the best legendary. Maybe Bird Stick gives a run for its money, but nothing better than this guy.

LOL this is my new favorite nickname for it.


Originally posted by I_Am_Not_Sure_Yet

Oh I totally agree! That would be an awesome idea! When you do the precursors it has a tiny sense of that. From Trust to Friendship and such. Also, the shield is dirty at first and all disgusting. Then, the more you work at it the more it becomes clean enough to be a home. It would have been nice to have to go and raise a Quaggan

That was my headcanon while modeling it. I would have loved this too! First precursor is an empty grungy tank which you try to clean up a bit and then put a quaggan egg in it for pre 2. Then the third precursor has a special surprise if you look real close :3