Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

27 Jan


Originally posted by IAmYoNeighba

/u/BobbyStein you are a treasure sir. I saw your monitor pop up during the stream and was wondering if anyone had looked into it yet. Well played!

Don't know if you'd remember, but my wife and I got a chance to talk to you in line for the PoF launch party at the Hard Rock Cafe. She'd been getting into writing at the time but had no idea what to say in the moment, and I believe went with "You look nice!". Didn't tell her you were a narrative director until after the fact, and she's never let me live that down.

HAHAHA. I'll never turn down a compliment, so please thank your wife for me.

Did you both have fun at the party? I remember it was tough getting food since there were so many people. By the end I think a bunch of us went upstairs to the terrace.

How's her writing going?


Originally posted by JustCallMeAndrew

I just realized how unfortunate that Icebrood Saga abbreviates to IBS.

In hindsight, this was a mistake. LOL


Originally posted by Diagot

Finally I can ship Logan and Rytlock to put the sexual tension to an end.

oh no


Originally posted by RubixKuube

EDIT: I was trying to respond to someone about Peter Fries but made a new post. That's embarrassing.

Good for him. I met him a Pax in Boston... He was going on about how Seattle lost a sports team to Oklahoma, where I'm from lol. I didn't follow it haha.

Haha. Was this at the "meet and greet" thing? Snacks and drinks?

Not gonna lie, I was secretly happy back then about the sports team moving because it meant less traffic on "game nights". My commute home would get pretty bad whenever the stadium had something going on. BUT...we just got a hockey team so I guess we'll have new traffic to enjoy soon. *sigh*


Originally posted by MagnifyingLens

The new snack and mount clearly should have been Hot Pockets and pocket raptors. Imagine the synergy!



Originally posted by RubixKuube

I haven't played GW2 in a long while... but I could've sworn Bobby Stein wasn't with Anet anymore.

I just celebrated my 15-year anniversary. Never left!


Originally posted by buzzlightyear77777

hmm... doubt.

As a huge fan of L.A. Noire, this comment speaks to me.

17 Jan


Gratz! I did the same as I found it easier than using LFG, LOL :-)

Pretty much all of them took me about an hour each, just doing them slowly and carefully.

08 Jan

03 Jan


This arrangement is so great! Thanks for having me (marginally) be a part of it and for all the time and effort everyone put into it!

22 Dec

16 Dec


Originally posted by Ben-Z-S

Shimmering Aurora set ... /u/Anet-Chelsea is this your handy work? love the colour scheme here. I very rarely buy BL sets...but ive got my eye on these

Partially. I directed their design but didn't make the models. I'm so glad you like them!


Originally posted by RemonaSiren

I find with Chelsea that if you have to ask "wait did you make this" the answer is probably yes. She's a cool artist.

Hahaha! Thanks :P

08 Dec

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by undeadgaming21

The trolls have gave us more content!


Not jebaited, they could be a troll, but if it isn't I'd like to be safe. I don't like thinking I've upset someone unintentionally, especially if I'm unaware of it!

07 Dec

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]

Is that it? It's nothign compared to raw Roy/Teapot who are actually toxic human beings.

I'm not sure who you are, but if I've actually done something to offend you in any way, then I apologize. I try pretty hard not to be toxic, but obviously everyone takes things differently. Regardless I do hope I haven't done anything to upset you or anyone else, and if I have please let me know! Also teapot isn't toxic.

23 Nov


(o д o)

18 Nov


Never have I seen a creature so happy during its own beheading.

I love it!


Originally posted by wes00mertes

Well first off thank you for your hard work!

But really, this Reddit community is generally more pessimistic and toxic than the GW2 community as a whole, so hopefully you are taking everything with a grain of salt!

I’ve loved this game for 8 years and continue to do so!


17 Nov


Originally posted by WertygoSpiner

wow, didn't know any deves were still alive and kicking, nice to see some are still alive. So how's life?

Haha, hello! I occasionally peruse the subreddit when I can find the time normally, but I especially am today because I worked on this episode and am excited and interested to hear people's thoughts!