Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

21 Sep


Originally posted by RazorNion

Happy cake day!

Thanks! (:


Originally posted by SpecialKseZ

Aye happy cake day!

Oh, thanks! I didn't even realize until you said something xD

17 Sep


Seeing all of your reactions, watching the videos and streams, it's been awesome. Y'all are fantastic and I'm glad that the reception has been mostly positive. I will say, I'm reading everything here and on the forums, talking to people in game. We're listening to all of you. Your feedback, whether praise or critique, is being taken into account.

Thank you for all of your support. You're an amazing community. Keep rockin'.

16 Sep


Originally posted by commander-ametrys

Happy Cake day!!

Thank you <3

15 Sep


Originally posted by Scratchpaw

What’s PvD supposed to mean?

A few of my commanders in WvW say PvD (Door) whenever we attack a tower/keep :-)


Originally posted by Sneetzle

Happy cake day!

omg thank you! this is the first cake day I've actually ever been noticed on lol


Originally posted by DBZVelena

No, Raids are PvD, not PvE.

Player versus Door? thats WvW! :-)


You are welcome!

14 Sep


Originally posted by Neroxify

Not sure if you've heard it before, regarding the latest guild chat, but you have a very nice way of presenting stuff. No over the top hype, relaxed and friendly voice and no unnecessary fluff that'd make it feel like written by PR. Really enjoyed watching this episode.

Just wanted to point that out here, considering the reddit crowd isn't always the easiest to please.

That's very kind of you! I'm always worried I talk a bit too much or just say dumb things, lol. So it's nice to hear when things go well.

I appreciate the support, and glad to hear you enjoyed the Guild Chat. Looking forward to tomorrow!

12 Sep


Originally posted by kazerniel

Thanks devs, this kind of peek into the development process is super interesting.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! <3

08 Sep


Originally posted by InspiringCalmness

After proving their mastery of the fractal, advanced players will be able to tackle a more brutal version of the final fight in challenge mode.

I am a bit scared that this will mean that the majority of the fractal will be the same in CM as in normal mode.

Sunqua Peak CM is built, like Nightmare and Shattered Observatory before it, for hardcore endgame replayability.

27 Aug


Originally posted by TheDivision_Builds

no pyre gloves :(

Hey! The Pyre gloves are in the guaranteed wardrobe unlock now


Originally posted by notFREEfood

Looking at those service names, it sounds suspiciously like they're running the game servers on windows...

There's also one line that greatly concerns me:

We got rid of Guild Wars 1 virtualization by assigning processes to IP addresses and letting the OS schedule. We know a lot about how the OS schedules things. VMs just added another layer of complexity to scheduling

What we encountered in early 2012 was that the recommended way to deploy those VMs was to add up all our CPU and memory usage and then, as they say, over-commit, assuming that your underlying hypervisor will always do the right thing. And maybe in 2020 they do. But in early 2012 where we had a mix of game servers that hammer the CPU and other servers that use very little CPU but hold important state we found that the servers that use very little CPU wouldn't get scheduled for a long enough period of time that the game would experience timeouts waiting on those servers. AWS has two types of server instances: ones that are over-committed (T-series) and most of the others that are not. This gives us the control to allocate our resources very specifically.

Back in 2012 we had to get rid of the over-commit for the entire system to run reliably, at which point, what was the point of having a hyper-visor? I had to rewrite how every single network connection was made but o...

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By "macro-service" I meant, "A really big micro-service." The game servers scale horizontally just as the micro-services do in terms of players and concurrency. The one thing they can't do is scale an individual map across multiple cores or servers. Certain maps are slow because they are doing really complicated things and that's why we announced that it is not just a single thing that causes lag; every map has some unique game play element which might be causing lag that needs to be analyzed and optimized. And sometimes a map ships and is fine in terms of lag but uses a skill or effect that later on gets a feature added to it which slows down that effect. It's fine in most cases, but maybe in that older map, the effect or skill was used a lot, and that map slows down. I love our designers. They manage millions of lines of script code across an enormous game. Sometimes there are unexpected interactions in all of those millions of lines of script and it takes a bit of time...

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25 Aug


Originally posted by StevenTM

You don't take breaks? Is it because the brakes don't work?

Whoops. Yes, that.... Let's go with that and ignore my frantic, hype (yet sleepy) typo! :D


Originally posted by Darth_Chain

so im curious, and i understand if you cannot answer this, what is the importance of the two dragons in the emblem? i figure seeing as its water bubbles will be focused on in this.

It's something we can't answer now. But what I can say is that everything is deliberate. Multiple teams spend a lot of time ruminating over seemingly small details, and that goes for everything we showed today.

It's fascinating for us to read your interpretations and speculations!


Originally posted by AthisX

I can't believe how excited I just got when they showed this on stream. I'm actually so happy right now.

Everyone here is following the reactions. We love that you're all excited!


There are no breaks on this hype train!

So excited that this trailer is now out for you all to watch~ :D
