Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

10 Apr


Originally posted by svetagamer

If Anet are adding this to the game soon please consider a profile I have been using for years, I know that you’ll likely allow players to set up their own buttons but.. just incase... Please get in touch and I can send the profile for you to check out! Cheers

Yep, I'm still working on it, in my spare time.

And yes, it does support changing the bindings just the same way you can change mouse/keyboard bindings. So it should work for anyone, with any profile.

I gotcha covered, don't worry!

08 Apr


Originally posted by DennisFreud

That bitter, sarcastic tour guide in Lion's Arch will forever be my queen.


06 Apr

02 Apr


Originally posted by Roooaary

gw2 feat. OwlKitty

gw2 feat. OwlKitty

Did you see the Red Dead 2 one?

01 Apr


Originally posted by EggsStirMinute

I, for one, welcome our new cat overlords.

I, for one, welcome our new cat overlords.

Don't blame me. I voted for Chauncey von Snuffles III.


Originally posted by SaiyanOfDarkness

The one outside LA .. its eyes "reflect"

It sees all. It knows all.


Welcome back!


Originally posted by ANET_BenP

I'll make sure skills QA sees this. They may already be aware of it. Thanks!

Already got a reply. They know!


I'll make sure skills QA sees this. They may already be aware of it. Thanks!

31 Mar


Originally posted by that_shaman

Definitely Queensdale, the first tests they made were prototyped in GW1's engine and traces of it can still be found in the dat file of GW1.

Most of it revolved around the garrison and farms near Shaemoor and some of the NPC's even made it over to GW2.

You can also find some really old Garrison map textures in GW2's dat file.

Definitely Queensdale, the first tests they made were prototyped in GW1's engine and traces of it can still be found in the dat file of GW1.

Now I want to go into GW1 dev to see if I can load into that test map after all these years. I have no idea if it's still in there but I'm dying to find out.

30 Mar


Originally posted by that_shaman

Definitely Queensdale, the first tests they made were prototyped in GW1's engine and traces of it can still be found in the dat file of GW1.

Most of it revolved around the garrison and farms near Shaemoor and some of the NPC's even made it over to GW2.

You can also find some really old Garrison map textures in GW2's dat file.

That seems correct. Queensdale was originally prototyped in GW1 and then was rebuilt in GW2. Pretty sure the human starter zone was among the first maps, though an art lead could confirm that.

Also, any of the content that we showed off in early demos is arguably the oldest stuff in the game, dating back more than a decade. If you find old YouTube vids from PAX and Gamescom you'll see what I mean.

27 Mar


Originally posted by MylianMoonstar

I love you so much right now Bobby :*

I love you so much right now Bobby :*

Aw, shucks.

26 Mar


Originally posted by alamirguru

The voice overs for the Charr fit their personality perfectly. Vishen and Nicabar especially. Top tier material right there.

The voice actors knocked it out of the park! I'm very happy you enjoyed the Steel Warband dialogue. Vishen's been a personal favorite of mine since the first drafts of scripts, and Tom (narrative director) pushed me to make the Steel Warband characters really pop. We never got through her 'meats' dialogue in table reads without laughing.

/u/anet-chloe worked so hard to integrate little character details. We brainstormed places where we could add in more character dialogue such as the sniper bundle abilities. When I asked Chloe whether that was possible, she'd always respond, "I don't know, let me investigate!"

25 Mar

24 Mar


Originally posted by Spiritbrand

Not exactly (I don't think) , like in the patch notes, or list of profession skills, if you mouse over the link it would show you a tooltip as if you had moused over it in game.

Yes there will be a tooltip via a new extension we've installed, but from what I can currently see it will need to be configured and that may take some content tweaking? I'm not sure, but those tooltips may not be ideal until all the content issues are sorted out (like /u/chieftainalex mentioned in his comment)


Wow. This is AWESOME. (takes notes on how to kill you in more ways that are more fun)

Hope you're excited for the next CM :)

19 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]


How incredibly nice! This community has some really good eggs :)


Originally posted by Heinzer17

that feel when you realize you get a bank from the crafting stations

That feel when you realize people aren't excited to unlock your NPC :'|

18 Mar


Originally posted by Sorez

Hows it look on charr? :o

Really, really good. I say this as a charr main, this will be the first cape I'll be using. My sister did a killer job on it. :)