almost 3 years ago - Gunfire Reborn - Direct link
Yes,it should be linear increase. And I'd like to humbly ask the wiki editor about the theory.
almost 3 years ago - Gunfire Reborn - Direct link
Originally posted by John: Thanks for that reply.

So if I understand things correctly, a charged shot for Golden bow +10 would be:

baseDmg = (200 + 0.15 * 200 * 10) = 500
chargedDmg = baseDmg + baseDmg * 1.5 = 1,250
chargedDmgCrit = chargedDmg * 2.5 = 3,125

In comparison, a Goshawk +10 would be:
baseDmg = 400 + 0.15 * 400 * 10 = 1,000
crit = baseDmg * 4 = 4,000

In other words, a charged shot with golden bow does more normal dmg than goshawk, but a goshawk does more when dealing a crit?
No. Level bonuses and charged DMG stacks additively together.
It would be more like
baseDmg = (200 + 0.15 * 200 * 10) = 500
chargedDmg = baseDmg + 200 * 1.5 = 800
chargedDmgCrit = chargedDmg * 2.5 = 2000
The key difference is that chargedDmg is also based on the original 200, NOT baseDmg.

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