over 2 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 2 years ago - Gunfire Reborn - Direct link
Hello everyone! In this update, we increased the duration of rest phase and optimized the interaction – now you could skip into the next phase by pressing interact key. Meanwhile, we fixed some frequently reported issues, like the camera stuck and so on. We’ve been adjusting and optimizing [Spiritual Assault] since its release. As more content is working in progress, we would like to ask for more time to optimize it, and we also would like to hear more suggestions and feedback about our game. Thank you for the support!

---Gunfire Studio

If you have any problems during the game and cannot use the in-game feedback function, you could send your Steam ID, issues descriptions and screenshots to [email protected], we will locate and fix the problem as soon as possible.

  1. Increased the duration of rest phase in [Spiritual Assault], and you can skip into the next phase by pressing interact key.
  2. Adjusted the spectating tips in [Spiritual Assault].
  3. Optimized the hit sound of weapon skill of [Wheel Saw].
  4. Optimized crosshair UI and sound effect of [Radioactive Gauntlet].
  5. Optimized the layout of mode description of [Spiritual Assault].
  6. Optimized the traction and the prompt of [Gluttony’s] Absorb attack.
  7. Optimized the art performance of Sprit Concentrator in player panel and ending panel.
Bug Fix
  1. Fixed an issue that under certain circumstances, the cursor could show up and stuck the camera.
  2. Fixed an issue that the VFX of Li’s Spiritual Blessing [Energy Draining] is disabled when the Special Effect is low or medium.
  3. Fixed an issue that the sound of [Swords Out] cannot end properly.
  4. Fixed an issue that the range of [Hexagon] is improper in Act. 4.
  5. Fixed an issue that the RoF of [Radioactive Gauntlet] is improper.
  6. Fixed an issue that the damage from [Radioactive Gauntlet] can be missed occasionally.
  7. Fixed an issue that [Talisman] can still inflict Elemental Effect when Elemental Effect cannot be inflicted anymore.
  8. Fixed an issue that the mark of [Rainbow] is displayed improperly when the graphic quality is low.
  9. Fixed an issue that [Cloud Weaver] cannot fire properly after entering CG while [Cloud Weaver] is in specific state.
  10. Fixed an issue that the life-steal VFX of [Nihilation Monk] cannot disappear under certain circumstances.
  11. Fixed the appearance error when [Gluttony] enters the next phase.
  12. Fixed the [Gluttony] CG error.
  13. Fixed an issue that the laser attack indicator of [Elite Corrupt Monk] is displayer improperly.
  14. Fixed an issue that when picking up the cartridge of [Yoruhime-Maru] in low graphic quality, the icon is displayed improperly.
  15. Fixed an issue that in [Mid Fjord], the attack of some melee monsters cannot hit properly.
  16. Fixed an issue that in [Mid Fjord] monsters may get out of the map.
  17. Fixed an issue that under certain circumstances the game progression is stuck in [Hyperborean Jokul – Stage 2].
  18. Fixed an issue that when Spiritual Jade [Empty Reserve] and Occult Scroll [Advanced Depot] are equipped at the same time, both of them are not in effect.
  19. Fixed an issue that the duration of Spiritual Jade [A Good Man] is improper when stacked.
  20. Fixed an issue that Spiritual Jade [Extra Shot] is not in effect under certain circumstances.
  21. Fixed an issue that Spiritual Jade [Lightning Conversion], [Fire Conversion] [Corrosion Conversion] are disabled after [Dual-Wield].
  22. Fixed an issue that the Shield from Spiritual Jade [Prepaid Defense] cannot be converted to HP properly.
  23. Fixed an issue that the duration of debuff is not paused while selecting the reward.
  24. Fixed an issue that [Radioactive Gauntlet] and [Wheel Saw] are dropped improperly in some Daily Challenge theme.
  25. Fixed an issue that achievement [Occultism Leader] cannot be achieved properly.
  26. Fixed an issue that the amount of Occult Scroll is displayed improperly in save data panel.
  27. Fixed an issue that the progress bar in [Spiritual Assault] is displayed improperly.
  28. Fixed an issue that Spiritual Ascension [Spiritual Ignition] cannot hit [Gluttony] properly.
  29. Fixed an issue that the Matching is not enabled automatically when the connection to the host is failed.
  30. Fixed an issue that the backpack cannot be turned off under certain circumstances.
  31. Fixed an issue that Steam Point Store item - Qing Yan animated sticker - cannot be displayed properly.

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