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Gunfire Reborn
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What’s up Folks, the second DLC “Artisan and Magician” now has officially been released!
It contains two new heroes: [Zi Xiao] and [Nona]. [Zi Xiao] is a hero mainly focused on “strategy” and “Fortunate”. By utilizing his unique mechanism of occult scrolls reset and quality upgrade, players can optimize the triggering probability of powerful skill effects. [Nona] has an auto-battle partner named “Iron Wing”. When you were knocked down, don’t be nervous and Iron Wing with “Emergency Function” talent will come to save you at once.
There are also 4 brand-new weapons at the same time! [Brick], [Jet Octopus], [Wolf Gaze] and [Star Ring]. Hope you will like them!
To celebrate the release of the DLC, we have prepared a 10% discount for the first week. The base game will also have a two-week discount promotion. Thank you all for your support!
In this update, we have also brought some free content for all players. The [Bizarre Dream] now offers two additional Modes: [Transcendent Arsenal] and [Ascension Fusion]. In the [Transcendent Arsenal], you can collect your favorite weapons, while in [Ascension Fusion], you can use Ascensions from different heroes to create unique BD. Meanwhile, we have iterated on the gameplay of [Qing Yan] and introduced a batch of new occult scrolls and inscriptions. To those occult scrolls and inscriptions that have existed, we also have made adjustments to them.
Finally, we get some exciting news to share with everyone: “Gunfire Reborn" has surpassed 3 million copies in global sales for the PC version! We would like to express our gratitude to all the players for their support and love. We will continue to update and refine the game, striving to bring you more joy. As a special commemoration of reaching 3 million copies sold, we have prepared an exclusive commemorative level frame. All players who own the game before the end of this promotional event (before 12:00 AM on June 16th, 2023) will automatically receive this exclusive frame.
If you encounter any areas in this update that you are not satisfied with, we encourage you to provide feedback to us promptly. We will work together with you to continuously iterate and improve on these updates. Wish you all a joyful gaming experience!
- Gunfire Studio
If you have any problems during the game and cannot use the in-game feedback function, you could send your Steam ID, issues descriptions, and screenshots to [email protected], we will locate and fix the problem as soon as possible.
DLC “Artisan and Magician”
After purchasing DLC “Artisan and Magician”, you will automatically unlock following content:
[Zi Xiao] Introduction:
[Zi Xiao] Skill:
Spiritual Blessing:
Spiritual Jade:
Spiritual Ascension:
[Nona] Introduction:
[Nona] Skills
Spiritual Blessing:
Spiritual Jade:
Spiritual Ascension:
[Jet Octopus]
[Wolf Gaze]
[Star Ring]
Update Notes - June 1st
Meanwhile, we also prepare following free update notes for base game.
[Bizarre Dream]
Two new-added options in [Bizarre Dream]:
(1)[Transcendent Arsenal]:Players will encounter an arsenal guard after clearing the vault in scene 3 and 4 or defeating the Pole Monarch. At this time, players can entrust the weapons they've collected during adventure to the arsenal guard for safekeeping. In a new game, players can retrieve these weapons when they meet the arsenal guard again. Meanwhile, the vault will become more dangerous, with previously unseen Demonic Aura Diffusion occurring. To facilitate weapon collection, players' weapon inventory will be expanded with three additional slots for backup weapons. To collect a desired weapon, simply hold down the pickup button to place it in a backup slot. Additionally, players can view other players' collected weapons in the team interface.
(2)[Ascension Fusion]: When players reach the boss stage in Longling Tomb, they can select Ascension from other heroes. The chosen Ascension will not be obtained immediately; instead, there is a higher chance of encountering it during subsequent interactions with the Golden Goblet. There are currently 24 Ascensions available for selection, with 6 options presented each time, and up to 2 of them can be chosen.
Occult Scrolls Update[Interdependent Fortune]
We added 50 new Monster Scrolls in this Update.
Optimization of other stages
[Qing Yan] iteration We have iterated on the gameplay of [Qing Yan], including aspects such as Talent, Ascension, and Spiritual Blessing.
[expand type=details]Talent:
After a Leap, +75% weapon and Skill DMG for 6s. Each enemy hit by a shot during this period restores 1 point of Armor (up to 6→12 HP/s).
·[Gigantic Explosion]
Old: -20/40/60% Leap cooldown, and +2/4/6m AoE. +20% Leap DMG for every enemy within the range of Leap.
New: +2/4/6m displacement range and AoE of Leap. +20% Leap DMG for each enemy within the range of Leap.
·[Iron Scud]
Old: When you use Leap, gain +30/60/100 max Armor and +10/20/30% movement speed for 7s, and if you are injured during this period, there is a 25% chance to become invulnerable for 0.5s.
New: -20/40/60% Cooldown and have a 30% chance to reset Cooldown. After using Leap, +30/60/100 max Shield for 7s.
·[All or Nothing](remove)
Effect:When hitting an enemy with Leap, consume all of your armor to increase the Leap DMG by 1.2% per consumed Armor point.
·[Unstoppable Momentum](new-added)
Effect:+5% total Leap DMG for 1m displacement of Leap.
·[Fully Equipped]
Old: After a Leap, +75/100/150% weapon DMG and skill DMG for 2/2/3s. During this period, regain 20/30/50% armor and -1/1.5/2s Leap's remaining cooldown for each enemy you kill.
New: After a Leap, +75/100/150% weapon and Skill DMG for 6/6/10s. Each enemy hit by a shot during this period restores 1/2/3 point of Armor (up to 12/18/24 HP/s) .
·[Last Stand]
With [Flesh and Bones], the effect of [Last stand] can be permanent.
·[Victory Rush]
Old: +50/100/150% weapon DMG in the next 5/5/10s when the number of hits caused by a single shot/slash is greater than or equal to 4/3/2.
New: The more hits a single shot causes, the greater the increase in Weapon DMG.
Level 1: +20%/40%/60% Weapon DMG for 5s when the number of hits caused by a single shot is greater than or equal to 1/4/8.
Level 2: +40%/80%/120% Weapon DMG for 5s when the number of hits caused by a single shot is greater than or equal to 1/3/6.
Level 3: +60%/120%/180% Weapon DMG for 10s when the number of hits caused by a single shot is greater than or equal to 1/2/4.
·[Death Mark]
Old: Enemies hit by Cleave receive a death mark for 4s. Marked enemies take +20/40/60% DMG from you (also applies to the initial Cleave). Killing a marked enemy grants you +20/25/30% Movement Speed for 6/6/10s.
New: +20/40/60% DMG on the enemy for the current and next 4 hits with Cleave. +300/400/500 Cleave base DMG for 6/6/10s upon defeating this enemy during this period.
·[Defensive Cleave]
Old: Regain 10/20/30% armor for each enemy hit with cleave; Regain 20/40/60% armor and -1/1.5/2s leap's remaining cooldown for each enemy kill with cleave.
New: Each hit with Cleave restores 10/20/30% Armor and -1/1.5/2s remaining cooldown of Leap.
·[Nova Shockwave]
Old: +10 max Armor for 9s for each enemy killed. When your armor breaks, release a Nova Shockwave that deals [max Armor * 50] DMG to surrounding enemies.
New: Gain 1 stack of "Nova Shockwave" for hitting an enemy with a shot. Each stack +1 max Armor for 9s (Up to 100 stacks). When your Armor breaks, deal DMG to nearby enemies equal to 50 times the max Armor. When "Nova Shockwave" reaches the stacks of 100, using Cleave will consume all the stacks of Armor and Shield.
Spiritual Blessing:
·[Unstoppable Momentum] (Remove)
Effect: For each enemy hit by a Leap, +100% next Leap base DMG and gain a 5% chance to reset the cooldown (up to 10 stacks). Removes all stacks on a miss.
·[All or Nothing] (New-added)
Effect: Consume all of Armor when hitting an enemy with Leap. +4% Leap DMG for each point of consumed Armor. -1s remaining Cooldown of Leap for every 10 points of Armor consumed.
·[Double Tap]
Deal extra normal damage based on Base Weapon DMG once when dealing Weapon DMG to enemies.CD 0.5S→0.3.
Spiritual Link:
·[Army Breaker]
Old: +5 max stacks for Spiritual Blessing [Unstoppable Momentum].
New: All or Nothing +5% Leap DMG for each point of consumed Armor.
·[Heart Piercer]
- 0.2s → -0.1s cooldown for Spiritual Blessing [Double Tap]. [/expand]
Adjustment of heroes in [Spiritual Assault]
In this updates we add more than 20 occult scrolls and adjust the effect of more than 10 occult scrolls.
Spiritual Blessing
Spiritual Blessing Adjustment
Weapons Adjustment
Inscription Adjustment: 1、Gemini Inscription
2、New Exclusive Inscription
3、Common inscription iteration This update includes iteration on the effects and quality of 40 common inscriptions.
4、Optimized description of inscription. Adjusted the descriptions of some inscriptions to match their actual effects.
5、Optimized the placement weight of some inscriptions based on their strength and applicability.
6、Delete following inscriptions:
Interface UI
Achievements New Achievements
BUG Fixes
Additional Update - 6/1
It contains two new heroes: [Zi Xiao] and [Nona]. [Zi Xiao] is a hero mainly focused on “strategy” and “Fortunate”. By utilizing his unique mechanism of occult scrolls reset and quality upgrade, players can optimize the triggering probability of powerful skill effects. [Nona] has an auto-battle partner named “Iron Wing”. When you were knocked down, don’t be nervous and Iron Wing with “Emergency Function” talent will come to save you at once.
There are also 4 brand-new weapons at the same time! [Brick], [Jet Octopus], [Wolf Gaze] and [Star Ring]. Hope you will like them!
To celebrate the release of the DLC, we have prepared a 10% discount for the first week. The base game will also have a two-week discount promotion. Thank you all for your support!
In this update, we have also brought some free content for all players. The [Bizarre Dream] now offers two additional Modes: [Transcendent Arsenal] and [Ascension Fusion]. In the [Transcendent Arsenal], you can collect your favorite weapons, while in [Ascension Fusion], you can use Ascensions from different heroes to create unique BD. Meanwhile, we have iterated on the gameplay of [Qing Yan] and introduced a batch of new occult scrolls and inscriptions. To those occult scrolls and inscriptions that have existed, we also have made adjustments to them.
Finally, we get some exciting news to share with everyone: “Gunfire Reborn" has surpassed 3 million copies in global sales for the PC version! We would like to express our gratitude to all the players for their support and love. We will continue to update and refine the game, striving to bring you more joy. As a special commemoration of reaching 3 million copies sold, we have prepared an exclusive commemorative level frame. All players who own the game before the end of this promotional event (before 12:00 AM on June 16th, 2023) will automatically receive this exclusive frame.
If you encounter any areas in this update that you are not satisfied with, we encourage you to provide feedback to us promptly. We will work together with you to continuously iterate and improve on these updates. Wish you all a joyful gaming experience!
- Gunfire Studio
If you have any problems during the game and cannot use the in-game feedback function, you could send your Steam ID, issues descriptions, and screenshots to [email protected], we will locate and fix the problem as soon as possible.
DLC “Artisan and Magician”
After purchasing DLC “Artisan and Magician”, you will automatically unlock following content:
[Zi Xiao] Introduction:
- Fate in hand, stars above head.Zi Xiao's mastery of occult scrolls surpasses all others. With each flick of his fingers, the star cards come alive like sharp blades, gathering cosmic power with each motion. When the moment is right, stars will heed his command, descending from the sky with a dazzling cosmic radiance.

[Zi Xiao] Skill:
- Primary Skill(E): Falling Star
Gain [Astrohouse] through obtaining [Astroaspects] randomly until slots are full, causing Stars to fall and deal DMG to enemies within a certain range according to [Astrohouse]. Afterwards, the [Astrohouse] is cleared. [Astrohouse]: forms by filling slots with [Astroaspects]. if [Astroaspects] are same, they form a [Normal/Rare/Legendary Astrohouse]; If [Astroaspects] are different, they form an [Impure Astrohouse].
- Secondary Skill(Q):Astroforecast
Obtain [Astroaspects] randomly and summon 3 cards for protection. Cards can track enemies within a 7m radius automatically and deal 500 DMG for each card. Astroaspects: Obtain [Astroaspects] randomly according to initial chance and quality of occult scrolls, Normal/Rare/Legendary/Cursed occult scrolls correspond to Normal/Rare/Legendary/Wild [Astroaspects]. [Wild Astroaspects] are regarded as any kind of [Astroaspect], [Wild Astrohouse] is regarded as a [Legendary Astrohouse].
- Scroll Divination: Upgrade the quality of Occult Scrolls in your backpack without changing its effect, or reroll the Occult Scroll to another one of equal or higher quality. Each Occult Scroll can only be upgraded or reset once. Start with 1 reset attempts. For each Ascension obtained, gain 2 upgrade attempts and 1 reset attempt.
- Stellar Recovery: If [Falling Star] deals no DMG, recover 100% cooldown. (CD: 15s)
- Card Practice: After shooting 300/800/1600 cards, shooting rate improves to a maximum of 2/4/8 cards at once.
- Concentration: +20% chance to appear Ascension Level 3.
- Star Rearrangement: After finishing stages, optimize the initial chance of drawing [Astroaspects].
Spiritual Blessing:
- [Star Compass]: +200% total DMG and +1 use of [Falling Star]. Affected by occult scrolls in the backpack, there is a chance to upgrade [Astrohouse] quality of [Falling Star] by 1 level.
- [Explosive Hand]: When a card hits an enemy, trigger a 5m Explosion, dealing card DMG once to enemies in range. Obtain the same [Astroaspects] as the previous slot through [Astroforecast]. Clear [Astrohouse] and gain Skill DMG for 7s if slots are full. There is a chance to gain a bonus without clearing [Astrohouse]. [Normal Astrohouse]: +80% total DMG. [Rare Astrohouse]: +160% total DMG. [Legendary Astrohouse]: +320% total DMG.
- [Functional Deck]: Obtain weapon bonuses for 5s when consuming [Astroaspects]. [Normal Astroaspects]: +5% RoF [Rare Astroaspects]</color>: +30% Weapon DMG. [Legendary Astroaspects]: +20% Lucky Shot Chance. [Wild Astroaspects]: +0.5x CritX.
Spiritual Jade:
- [Chip Exchange]: Obtain a [Legendary Astroaspect] for every 40 Normal Ammo/20 Large Ammo/10 Special Ammo consumed.
- [Card Master]: +20% Weapon and Skill DMG for every slot.
Spiritual Ascension:
- No Pain No Gain: Obtain a [Rare Astrohouse] when using [Falling Star] after dealing Crit Hits/Lucky Shots 20 times, or a [Legendary Astrohouse] after dealing Crit Hits/Lucky Shots 40 times. Accumulated Crit Hits/Lucky Shots reset after using [Falling Star].
- [Extreme Decks]: There is a chance to obtain reserve cards up to the card holding capacity when using [Astroforecast].
- [Final Words]: CritX of all weapons becomes 4x.
[Nona] Introduction:
- Adorable, Agile and Talented.Nona, who still retain a touch of innocence, had already constructed the outstanding mecha called 'Iron Wing'. Basing on its different core operation systems, Iron Wing can rush into the battlefield for close-quarters combat with enemies, or hold its position and transform into a turret for shooting at enemies. Besides her expertise in mechanical skill, she is also pro in forging meticulously crafted pistol.

[Nona] Skills
- Primary Skill(E): Mecha Drop/Redeployment
Primary Skill switches according to battle mode of Iron Wing.
Mecha Drop: Iron Wing - Strike Mode charges into the target location, dealing 150% normal damage to enemies and taunts them for 3s within a 10m radius.
Redeployment: Iron Wing - Fire Mode deploys in defensive position at the target location.
- Secondary(Q):Hardwood Missile
Fires a missile that explodes upon impact, dealing 500 DMG to all enemies within a 4m radius. Hitting on Iron Wing regenerates 20% of its HP .
- [Armor Reinforcement]: +30 Max HP for Nona, +25% HP for Iron Wing.
- [Improved Craft]: +100 DMG for Iron Wing. +100 Base DMG for [Hardwood Missile].
- [Lucky Magazine]: +20% Lucky Shot Chance for 4s after fulfilling the magazine.
- [Emergency Function]: When Nona is Knocked down, Iron Wing will go revive her.
- [Aggressive Craft]: There is a 25% chance to deal +100% Iron Wing total DMG.
Spiritual Blessing:
- [Pair of Us]: Iron Wing will not be knocked down as long as Nona is standing. +1% DMG for each 1 HP Iron Wing currently has.
- [Fire Coverage]: +40% Missile DMG for 5s for each missile dealing DMG and launched by Nona and Iron Wing (up to 20 stacks). Use [Redeployment] to gain 4 additional stacks immediately.
- [Same Boat]: 30% of the DMG taken by Nona is shared to Iron Wing. For 5s after Iron Wing deals DMG to an enemy, +3x Weapon CritX and +150% Weapon DMG for Nona when attacking the same enemy. For 5s after Nona deals damage to an enemy, Iron Wing - Strike Mode/ Fire Mode will regenerate 10%/5% HP when attacking the same enemy.
Spiritual Jade:
- [Component Recovery]: Iron Wing regenerateds 20% HP after defeating an enemy.
- [Extra Shield]: After Nona's shield is fully charged, +5 Max Shield for 10s (up to 10 stacks).
Spiritual Ascension:
- [Evolution]:+1 Max HP and +1% Base DMG for each enemy Iron Wing defeated (up to 1000 stacks).
- [Shells Symphony]: Obtain 1 use of the secondary skill every 3s. When hitting an enemy with a pistol, consume up to 3 uses of the secondary skill and trigger a missile explosion with +2m AoE (CD: 1s). For each use consumed, DMG is increased.
- [The Third]: +100% Lucky Shot Chance and grant a crit hit every third shot when using a pistol.
- Type: SnipersDual-Wield: SupportDescription: After a crit hit, a Starlight drops that, when picked up, grants the next attack a crit hit with higher CritX. Exclusive Inscription:
- The effect of Starlight is permanent and picking up a Starlight +0.1x CritX (up to +2x).
- +5s duration of Starlight staying on the ground. For every 1s before Starlight disappearing when you pick it up, +15% basic Weapon DMG of next hit each second.

[Jet Octopus]
- Type: Spray WeaponDual-Wield: SupportDescription: Absorb energy from enemies within a cone-shaped area in the front. Exclusive Inscription:
- 60% chance to restore one unit of energy when water column hits the weak point.
- -50% movement speed of enemies hit by water column and +100% Crit hit DMG taken.

[Wolf Gaze]
- Type: Submachine gunDual-Wield: SupportDescription: Hitting on enemies applies a stack of "Voracity". At 6 stacks, trigger higher damage and apply a stack of "Howl".Skill: Hitting on enemies applies a stack of "Voracity". At 3 stacks, trigger to scatter projectiles in surrounding area which can apply stacks of "Voracity".Exclusive Inscription:
- Defeating enemies causes an extra scatter shot. The enemies hit by the scatter shot will also receive an extra high DMG.

[Star Ring]
- Type: pistolDual-Wield: Not supportDescription: Star Ring expands, dealing DMG to enemies along its path.Skill:Star Ring contract, dealing high DMG to the enemies it hits. If it contracts from the maximum radius, the DMG will further increase.Exclusive Inscription:
- Each hit on an enemy +20% total damage of the next Weapon Skill (up to 100%).

Update Notes - June 1st
Meanwhile, we also prepare following free update notes for base game.
[Bizarre Dream]
Two new-added options in [Bizarre Dream]:
(1)[Transcendent Arsenal]:Players will encounter an arsenal guard after clearing the vault in scene 3 and 4 or defeating the Pole Monarch. At this time, players can entrust the weapons they've collected during adventure to the arsenal guard for safekeeping. In a new game, players can retrieve these weapons when they meet the arsenal guard again. Meanwhile, the vault will become more dangerous, with previously unseen Demonic Aura Diffusion occurring. To facilitate weapon collection, players' weapon inventory will be expanded with three additional slots for backup weapons. To collect a desired weapon, simply hold down the pickup button to place it in a backup slot. Additionally, players can view other players' collected weapons in the team interface.
(2)[Ascension Fusion]: When players reach the boss stage in Longling Tomb, they can select Ascension from other heroes. The chosen Ascension will not be obtained immediately; instead, there is a higher chance of encountering it during subsequent interactions with the Golden Goblet. There are currently 24 Ascensions available for selection, with 6 options presented each time, and up to 2 of them can be chosen.
Occult Scrolls Update[Interdependent Fortune]
We added 50 new Monster Scrolls in this Update.
Optimization of other stages
- Optimized the position of Dealer and Craftsman in [Anxi Desert-Stage 2] and [Chaos Realm].
- Optimized the lifting time of the elevator in [Duo Fjord-Stage 1]
- Optimized the sky rendering in the scene of [Duo Fjord].
[Qing Yan] iteration We have iterated on the gameplay of [Qing Yan], including aspects such as Talent, Ascension, and Spiritual Blessing.
[expand type=details]Talent:
After a Leap, +75% weapon and Skill DMG for 6s. Each enemy hit by a shot during this period restores 1 point of Armor (up to 6→12 HP/s).
·[Gigantic Explosion]
Old: -20/40/60% Leap cooldown, and +2/4/6m AoE. +20% Leap DMG for every enemy within the range of Leap.
New: +2/4/6m displacement range and AoE of Leap. +20% Leap DMG for each enemy within the range of Leap.
·[Iron Scud]
Old: When you use Leap, gain +30/60/100 max Armor and +10/20/30% movement speed for 7s, and if you are injured during this period, there is a 25% chance to become invulnerable for 0.5s.
New: -20/40/60% Cooldown and have a 30% chance to reset Cooldown. After using Leap, +30/60/100 max Shield for 7s.
·[All or Nothing](remove)
Effect:When hitting an enemy with Leap, consume all of your armor to increase the Leap DMG by 1.2% per consumed Armor point.
·[Unstoppable Momentum](new-added)
Effect:+5% total Leap DMG for 1m displacement of Leap.
·[Fully Equipped]
Old: After a Leap, +75/100/150% weapon DMG and skill DMG for 2/2/3s. During this period, regain 20/30/50% armor and -1/1.5/2s Leap's remaining cooldown for each enemy you kill.
New: After a Leap, +75/100/150% weapon and Skill DMG for 6/6/10s. Each enemy hit by a shot during this period restores 1/2/3 point of Armor (up to 12/18/24 HP/s) .
·[Last Stand]
With [Flesh and Bones], the effect of [Last stand] can be permanent.
·[Victory Rush]
Old: +50/100/150% weapon DMG in the next 5/5/10s when the number of hits caused by a single shot/slash is greater than or equal to 4/3/2.
New: The more hits a single shot causes, the greater the increase in Weapon DMG.
Level 1: +20%/40%/60% Weapon DMG for 5s when the number of hits caused by a single shot is greater than or equal to 1/4/8.
Level 2: +40%/80%/120% Weapon DMG for 5s when the number of hits caused by a single shot is greater than or equal to 1/3/6.
Level 3: +60%/120%/180% Weapon DMG for 10s when the number of hits caused by a single shot is greater than or equal to 1/2/4.
·[Death Mark]
Old: Enemies hit by Cleave receive a death mark for 4s. Marked enemies take +20/40/60% DMG from you (also applies to the initial Cleave). Killing a marked enemy grants you +20/25/30% Movement Speed for 6/6/10s.
New: +20/40/60% DMG on the enemy for the current and next 4 hits with Cleave. +300/400/500 Cleave base DMG for 6/6/10s upon defeating this enemy during this period.
·[Defensive Cleave]
Old: Regain 10/20/30% armor for each enemy hit with cleave; Regain 20/40/60% armor and -1/1.5/2s leap's remaining cooldown for each enemy kill with cleave.
New: Each hit with Cleave restores 10/20/30% Armor and -1/1.5/2s remaining cooldown of Leap.
·[Nova Shockwave]
Old: +10 max Armor for 9s for each enemy killed. When your armor breaks, release a Nova Shockwave that deals [max Armor * 50] DMG to surrounding enemies.
New: Gain 1 stack of "Nova Shockwave" for hitting an enemy with a shot. Each stack +1 max Armor for 9s (Up to 100 stacks). When your Armor breaks, deal DMG to nearby enemies equal to 50 times the max Armor. When "Nova Shockwave" reaches the stacks of 100, using Cleave will consume all the stacks of Armor and Shield.
Spiritual Blessing:
·[Unstoppable Momentum] (Remove)
Effect: For each enemy hit by a Leap, +100% next Leap base DMG and gain a 5% chance to reset the cooldown (up to 10 stacks). Removes all stacks on a miss.
·[All or Nothing] (New-added)
Effect: Consume all of Armor when hitting an enemy with Leap. +4% Leap DMG for each point of consumed Armor. -1s remaining Cooldown of Leap for every 10 points of Armor consumed.
·[Double Tap]
Deal extra normal damage based on Base Weapon DMG once when dealing Weapon DMG to enemies.CD 0.5S→0.3.
Spiritual Link:
·[Army Breaker]
Old: +5 max stacks for Spiritual Blessing [Unstoppable Momentum].
New: All or Nothing +5% Leap DMG for each point of consumed Armor.
·[Heart Piercer]
- 0.2s → -0.1s cooldown for Spiritual Blessing [Double Tap]. [/expand]
Adjustment of heroes in [Spiritual Assault]
- Li
Accurate Crush
Effects in main level: Increases DMG when Blazing Meteor hit only 1 enemy.
Effects in [Spiritual Assault]: If choose rare occult scroll [Blazing Nova], Increases DMG when Blazing Meteor hit 3/3/6 enemies.
Flame Arsenal
Effects in main level: Drop an extra Fire DMG weapon after defeating a Boss or an Elite.
Effects in [Spiritual Assault]: Drop an extra Fire DMG weapon after defeating 50 enemies.
- Lei Luo
Effects in main level: Elite monsters/bosses will drop an extra sniper rifle.
Effects in [Spiritual Assault]: drop an extra sniper rifle after defeating 50 enemies.
- Ao Bai
Precise Explosion
Effects in main level: Increase Total DMG if grenades or explosive weapons deal DMG to only one enemy.
Effects in [Spiritual Assault]: Increase Total DMG if grenades or explosive weapons deal DMG to 3/5/7 enemies.
In this updates we add more than 20 occult scrolls and adjust the effect of more than 10 occult scrolls.
- [Piercing Bullet]
Unlock: Initial Unlock
Quality: Normal
Normal: After dealing Weapon DMG to an enemy, +40% Skill DMG against that enemy for 5s.
- [Normal Ammo]
Unlock:Defeat [Catfish Warrior] 30 times
Quality: Normal
Normal: -100% extra ammo of other types when shooting with normal ammo weapons. +30% Weapon DMG for each extra ammo consumed in this shooting.
- [Large Ammo]
Unlock: Defeat [Kappa] 20 times
Quality: Normal
Normal: -100% extra special ammo when shooting with large ammo weapons. +0.5x CritX for each extra ammo consumed in this shooting.
- [Special Ammo]
Unlock: Defeat [Yaksha of the Seas] 15 times
Quality: Normal
Normal: -400% extra large ammo when shooting with special ammo weapons. +12% Lucky Shot Chance for each extra ammo consumed in this shooting.
- [Connected Mind]
Unlock: Initial Unlock
Quality: Normal
Normal: When using the same weapon type with a teammate, +10% Weapon DMG; when using the same weapon with a teammate, +10% additional Weapon DMG.
- [Take it all]
Unlock: Defeat [Elite Lobster] 3 times
Quality: Rare
Normal: You can select all options in Mysterious Chest. But you can no longer discard scrolls anymore. (cannot be discarded)
- [Nirvana Force]
Unlock: Initial Unlock
Quality: Rare
Normal: While knocked down, deals damage to enemies within an 8m radius per second (damage increases with lower max HP); +15% teammates movement speed and -30% revive time.
- [Concurrent Cooldown]
Unlock: Defeat [White Shark] 15 times
Quality: Rare
Normal: -10% magazine ammo per second and gains a stack after reloading. Each stack +10% weapon damage (Up to 100%). Stops consuming when the magazine is ≤50% or has 1 round left. Stacks reset after reloading.
- [Overflowing Waters]
Unlock: Defeat [Elite Yaksha] 3 times
Quality: Rare
Normal: Consume all when secondary skill count reaches the upper limit. +10% Weapon DMG for each charge consumed (last for 20s).
- [Blessing in Disguise]
Unlock: Defeat [Elite Kappa] 3 times
Quality: Rare
Normal: Ascension options are fixed at 2. You have 3 chances to select both Ascension options.
- [Lucky Roulette]
Unlock: Defeat [Dragon Qian] 3 times in elite or higher difficulty
Quality: Rare
Normal: When switching stages, change the highest digit of the copper to 1, and then randomly permute the digits.
- [Intimidating Presence]
Unlock: Initial Unlock
Quality: Rare
Normal: Defeating an enhanced monster inflicts Manipulation Effect on all monsters within a 7m radius of the defeated monster.
- [Explosive Magazine]
Unlock: Initial Unlock
Quality: Legendary
Normal: Reloading deals current Weapon DMG to enemies within an 8m radius. For every 0.5s spent reloading, an additional DMG is dealt. (CD: 3s)
- [Masterful Craftsmanship]
Unlock: Defeat [Flying Saucer] 10 times in elite or higher difficulty
Quality: Legendary
Normal: Acquired weapons always have 2 Exclusive Inscriptions. The maximum number of Exclusive Inscriptions is fixed at 2, and the total Inscription upper limit is fixed at 4 (cannot be discarded).
- [Convergent Paths]
Unlock: Initial Unlock
Quality: Legendary
Normal: After using a Weapon Skill, +40% Weapon DMG and -25% Skill DMG for 10s. After using the primary skill, +50% Skill DMG and -20% Weapon DMG for 10s. When both effects are active at the same time, the buff effect is doubled, and the debuff effect is removed.
- [Iron Circuit]
Unlock: Initial Unlock
Quality: Legendary
Normal: -25% DMG taken. -10% additional DMG taken for each teammate carrying the [Iron circuit]. When taking DMG, teammates carrying [Iron circuit] will share 30% of the final DMG. This damage will not knock the teammate down.(CD: 5s)
- [Quack Doctor]
Unlock: Initial Unlock
Quality: Team Cursed
Effect: +30% revive time while reviving teammates.
- [Stubborn Stance]
Unlock: Initial Unlock
Quality: Team Cursed
Effect: Unable to pick up shared Occult Scrolls from teammates or share Occult Scrolls with teammates.
- [Shared Adversity]
Unlock: Initial Unlock
Quality: Team Cursed
Effect: When a teammate acquires a Cursed Scroll, there is a 50% chance to have the same scroll.
- [Burden of Solitude]
Unlock: Initial Unlock
Quality: Team Cursed
Effect: Takes DMG equal to 50% of your max HP every 15s if there are no teammates within a 15m radius. This damage will not knock you down.
- [Struggle for Independence]
Unlock: Initial Unlock
Quality: Team Cursed
Effect: -15% final DMG if there are no teammates within a 15m radius.
Spiritual Blessing
Spiritual Blessing Adjustment
- [First Strike] and [Battle Scarred] are adjusted from Exclusive to Common.
Weapons Adjustment
- [Radioactive Gauntlet]
Attack Range adjustment: 40m->35m
Magazine Capacity adjustment: 80->60
Remove the function of reloading through using Secondary skill
- probability of Elemental Effect of Launchers adjustment.
(1)Deafening Mortar promoted to 15%
(2)Frenzied Shark and Shrieker promoted to 20%
(3)Tiger Cannon and Bone Dragon promoted to 25%
(4)Justice promoted to 40%
Inscription Adjustment: 1、Gemini Inscription
- New Gemini Inscription
(1)(Gemini) Magazine capacity is fixed at 1. +50% total Weapon DMG for 5s when reloading (Up to 150%). When basic DMG of current weapon is greater than or equal to the other one, -50% reload time; When basic DMG of current weapon is less than or equal to the other one, +70% Lucky Shot chance.
- Gemini Inscription Adjustment
Old: (Gemini) Weapon 1&2 magazine capacity become the sum of both weapon's magazine capacity, and RoF +25%.
New: (Gemini) weapon 1&2 share magazine capacity. Gain 1 stack every second while firing, and 2 stacks on hitting enemies. Reloading -50% the number of stacks. The max number of stacks is equal to the shared magazine capacity. Each stack +0.75% weapon damage.
- Optimized the recasting rules for Gemini inscriptions
2、New Exclusive Inscription
- New Common&Exclusive Inscription
(1)Each Projectile hit on an enemy +1.2% basic Weapon DMG for 3s (up to 120%).
- New Exclusive Inscription
(1)Each time the Weapon Skill deals damage, +2% Lucky Shot Chance for a period of time (up to 200%).
(2)Hitting enemies with projectiles will accumulate stacks. When the stack count reaches 25, a certain amount of additional projectiles will be generated and fired at the same targets.
3、Common inscription iteration This update includes iteration on the effects and quality of 40 common inscriptions.
4、Optimized description of inscription. Adjusted the descriptions of some inscriptions to match their actual effects.
- Some ”DMG increase” adjust to: “+XX DMG” or “+XX Total DMG”.
- Some “Weapon DMG increase” adjust to: “+XX Base Weapon DMG”.
Old: When scope is on for 1s, hits deal Crit DMG.
New: When scope is on for 0.5s, hits deal Crit DMG
Old: Enhanced Weapon Skill breaks normal enemy's Shield/Armor and deals DMG.
New: Weapon Skill breaks normal enemy's Shield/Armor and deals DMG.
5、Optimized the placement weight of some inscriptions based on their strength and applicability.
6、Delete following inscriptions:
- Weapon auto-reloaded when unequipped.
- 30% chance to recover 50% ammo to the magazine when you kill an enemy.
Interface UI
- Optimized the layout of the prompt for picking up items.
Achievements New Achievements
- [Victory of Zi Xiao] Win a game as Zi Xiao.
- [Victory of Nona] Win a game as Nona.
- [Destiny's Choice] Obtain [Legendary Astroaspects] 200 times.
- Shelter From Storm [Shelter From Storm] Use [Mecha Drop] to taunt enemies 500 times.
- [Unwavering Preference] Obtain Zi Xiao's exclusive level frame.
- [Never Defeated] Obtain Nona's exclusive level frame.
- Now multiple players can give aid to the same player in the same time.
- Optimized the rule of obtaining Ascension of Golden Goblet in the same scene.
- Optimized the performance of enemies revival.
BUG Fixes
- Fixed an issue that [Oppressor], the spiritual blessing of [Qing Yan] stacked HP improperly under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue that [Lei Luo] cannot trigger those effects which are supposed to be triggered after defeating enemies like [Magical Supply] under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue that interface appeared improperly after entering the Vault under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue that [Misfortune Aura], Spiritual Link appeared improperly in [Interdependent Fortune].
- Fixed an issue that the interaction interface performed improperly when handling occult scrolls to Peculiar Chests.
- Fixed an issue that [Radioactive Gauntlet] caused screen jitter and improper sound under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue that the special effect is improper when [Radioactive Gauntlet] has inscription of “50% chance to cause an explosion that deals Corrosion DMG when killing an enemy”.
- Fixed an issue that the special effect is improper after being hit by [ABYSSAL SERPENT].
- Fixed an issue that the Max HP of [POLE MONARCH] is imporper.
- Fixed an issue that players cannot pick up items dropped in stages of [Longling Tomb], [Anxi Desert], [Shoreside Valley], [Basement of Longling] and [Mid Fjord].
- Fixed an issue that players get stuck in stages of [Duo Fjord], [Hyperborean Jokul], [Desert Ruins] and [Desert frontier].
- Fixed an issue that players cannot pass the stage because enemies did not appear in [Anxi Desert], [Duo Fjord] and [Hyperborean Jokul].
- Fixed an issue that player cannot enter the main level under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue that the improper shield recovery of some enemies with Paranormality in [Interdependent Fortune].
- Fixed an issue that spiritual jade [Top Client] occasionally fail to work when choosing to upgrading the reward.
- Fixed the issue that players with multiple Playthroughs match improperly.
Additional Update - 6/1
- Fixed the issue with the card of Zi Xiao being unable to lock and automatically launch the aura jars.
- Fixed the problem with Nona where "Iron Wing" could not be reassembled in certain situations after self-destruction.
- Fixed the issue with the sound effect missing for the self-destruction of Nona's "Iron Wing".
- Fixed the multilingual display problem in some interfaces