about 3 years ago - Gunfire Reborn - Direct link
Being devoted to sniping, he can easily manipulate thunder to hit enemies with shocking damage. Through continuous training, he can also integrate his marvelous talents with firearm skills to make an amazing shot.

Which animal do you think is joining our forces and preparing to suppress evil? The final answer may surprise you all! So don't be afraid to take a wild guess.Leave your answer in the comment

For more information about this newly-introduced hero, please stay tuned!
about 3 years ago - Gunfire Reborn - Direct link
过去的一年,来自各地的侠客陆续赶到远山客栈,共同探查妖气异变的原因,在大家的共同努力下,越来越多的东西被发掘了出来。而这新的一年,远山客栈迎来了新的变化。据宝叔透露,一位侠客即将加入大家,共同应对妖气的祸乱。而这位新的侠客,根脚可不一般。 常人避之不及的雷霆他都能在指尖把玩,更是精通射术,尤擅狙击,能够将雷霆与狙击结合打出惊天一击。

早已加入远山客栈的你,觉得这位远道而来的朋友会以什么样的形象出现呢? 他又会如何使用自己的本领应对妖气? 快来畅所欲言吧!