over 1 year ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s hello everybody my name is TJ and today
7s I am joined by the champion of Masters
10s Tour murder at Castle nathria it's tan
14s soku tansoku how you doing today
20s I'm sure it is I'm sure it is so um I
24s mean I'm sure you knew because we
26s everybody's been saying it but you're
29s the very first player from Asia Pacific
32s to ever win a Masters Tour I think it's
35s what this is like Masters Tour number uh
38s 7 17 right 17 right six a year and
41s there's been five this year 17 Masters
43s towards here the first player from Asia
45s Pacific to ever win how does how does
46s that feel is there a special pride in
49s that like Beyond winning does it feel
52s even better that you're the first player
53s from your region to ever win a master's
55s tour yeah
70s and in the finals uh you got to play
74s against Glory who's a fellow Japanese
76s player a former world champion a world
80s finalist from last year uh was there
84s extra pressure because you're competing
87s against someone with this you know huge
89s uh resume this uh all these big
92s accomplishments
93s uh or you know did it feel comfortable
96s because you were just playing against uh
99s you know another Japanese player so this
102s is
111s um
141s foreign
147s it's very fitting uh I I remember that
151s tournament specifically HCT summer 2018
154s because one that's the event that uh uh
158s killing all day qualified to Worlds uh
161s that's the one that bunny Hopper won uh
163s and uh you know that's the the
167s culmination of me putting tonsoku's name
170s on the chalkboard
173s that was the the one time that it that
176s it paid off right because uh uh you
179s qualified twice that year uh in uh
181s summer and winter right is that
184s that was the year that he qualified
185s twice or maybe the beginning of the next
187s year it was still counted as 2018 so uh
190s very cool uh very cool do you still uh
193s um do practice or talk uh with the
196s uh the other you know notable Japanese
199s players like uh Glory pizzasi okashinski
202s Ali temu and do you have interactions
206s with them often or practice with them
208s foreign
234s so there's probably a lot of players uh
236s out there who uh uh might have started
238s playing Hearthstone or watching
239s competitive personal recently that don't
241s know that you've been around competing
243s for a long time
246s um but uh you know I've I remember you
249s all the way back so like playoffs in
251s like 2016 2017.
253s um but since 2018
255s you haven't had like that big uh result
258s right I I look at your your scores and
261s Master's tours and it's like six wins
263s six wins you know like top 64 top 64 top
266s 64. so you've been very close right
268s there for so long for like four years
270s now uh what keeps you motivated uh to
273s compete right because a lot of players
275s when they have that success and then
277s don't find it again they sort of lose
279s the drive but you you've been you've
281s kept coming back kept putting up decent
284s results
285s um what's kept you motivated uh to keep
287s trying uh for those big wins tonight
306s do you still have the uh the iPhone case
319s oh man uh I'm I'm flattered I'm
322s flattered to be honest uh and for
324s backstory uh tansoku when he came to
327s championship in 2018 so four years ago
330s um I autographed the back of his his
332s phone case uh uh because uh he said he
336s had you know respected me for a long
338s time and watched me cash for all the
339s time but tonsoku you you won a master
341s store you're way more famous than me now
344s so I think it should be the other way
346s around I think uh you know your
348s motivation should be you want to win
350s Worlds so that you can meet me a person
352s inside the back of my phone case okay
355s okay okay okay
358s because I I haven't won anything so uh I
362s don't deserve to sign anybody's phone
364s case so but I I'm I'm glad you still
367s have it it warms my heart it warms my
369s heart
370s um but I want to uh shift the
372s conversation and start talking about
373s lineup right
375s um you brought a pretty cool line up to
376s the Masters Tour uh I think the one that
379s I wanted to talk the deck that I want to
380s talk about the most would be the Mage uh
382s the skeleton mage because as a deck
384s skeleton Mage did not perform well in
387s the Masters Tour it for across the field
389s it only had like a 45 46 win rate
393s um but you had Success With It
396s and you had a car that not many other
398s people had which was the max polymorph
399s which seemed to win you a lot of games
401s uh what were your thoughts on on the
404s mage deck um did you think it was a good
406s deck was the mass polymorph that you put
409s in there the D card that sort of made it
411s work against the metagame so this isn't
414s it
441s foreign
444s yeah I mean you were really the only
446s player that was beating any of the
448s faster lineups with Mage so it seemed to
450s work out uh the other deck that I wanted
452s to talk about was the Rogue
454s um uh Tempo Miracle Rogue it doesn't
457s really have any everybody's been calling
458s it lamby Rogue because Lambie series was
460s the player that uh created it it was a
463s deck that sort of uh came out of nowhere
466s um a few days before the Masters Tour uh
469s how did you come to discover this deck
471s firstly and what made you decide to
474s bring it because it ended up being a
476s very successful deck not just for you
478s but for a lot of other players
479s um
493s foreign
516s brought down to three Mana so do you
519s think that this is the strongest deck in
520s the game now because of that
535s Edwin has been nerfed changed or had
538s other cards nerfed so many times in the
540s past even though it's a different
541s version it's still uh
543s still wreaking havoc but um overall your
546s your lineup as a whole did it uh meet
549s your expectations did it exceed your
551s expectations like based off how you
555s thought your lineup was going to perform
556s when you first started the Masters Tour
558s uh did you uh expect it to do this well
573s uh last deck question uh was there any
576s uh uh weird or you know spicy decks uh
582s that you almost brought to the Masters
584s Tour but decided not to at the last
586s minute any like uh special tonsoku brood
589s decks
602s that's sensible that's a very sensible
605s approach we probably wouldn't be having
607s this interview right now if you actually
609s had uh brought a spicy decks that's good
611s that's good
613s um but you know last question
615s um uh you know what's what's next for
617s tonsoku you maybe taking a little break
620s from HearthStone for a couple weeks or
622s are you fully focused on you know uh
625s next Masters Tour seasonal Championship
627s you know getting the world's winning
630s worlds what's next
632s foreign
648s right now all right well that's all the
651s questions but uh I would like to give
654s you the opportunity if you'd like
656s um to uh you know if there's anybody you
658s wanted to shout out or thank uh or any
661s uh final words you'd like to say uh you
663s can go ahead
666s of you love me love you I love you love
671s you thank you
674s okay okay awesome yeah Lambie the lamby
678s road coming in clutch uh I love that
682s love that love that
684s um all right well tonsoku uh thanks so
686s much for joining me for the interview
689s and uh once again a huge congratulations
691s on the win uh uh well deserved and a
695s long time coming so uh thanks again and
697s good luck in uh next master store and
700s potentially seasonal Championship good
701s luck thank you