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952s affects direct damage true
955s you never expects it that's insane
958s Solitaire plus a spell grabs the win and
963s the clutches of defeat there for Glory
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981s because that is filthy
985s a brief single way
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998s hello everyone and welcome to Masters
1001s Tour more and disorder I'm Raven and
1004s joining me to kick off the show is Geo
1007s welcome Gia how's it going uh a slightly
1009s new background I see and um are you
1012s ready to cast some Masters tall that's a
1014s lot of questions Raven yeah I am doing
1017s very very well happy to be back it's
1019s been a while since I've cast a master's
1021s tour and now in a very different
1022s capacity it's not just this immediate
1025s background but the entire country
1026s surrounding me is very different I moved
1029s to the wrong time zone for this Master's
1032s tour but still very very happy to be
1033s here we've got a lot of action coming up
1036s over the course of the weekend and not
1037s only is it the player's final chance to
1040s qualify for the fall Championship to
1041s then maybe get into Worlds but also
1044s we've had a mini set the meta is still
1046s changing we've had some recent Nerfs as
1048s well so a lot all up in the air for
1051s these players as they get ready to kick
1052s off their weekend just over 300 players
1055s are gonna be battling it out across
1057s eight rounds of wish to then try and cut
1059s into that top 16 elimination bracket and
1062s there's a lot on the line here GM the
1064s qualification for the fall Championship
1066s really uh being decided by the total
1070s number of wins for the last three
1071s Masters tours yes it is the very last
1074s chance to get points towards that and in
1076s the fall Championship consequently it's
1078s the last chance to make it to the World
1080s Championship we already have I believe
1083s eight of the 16 slots locked up from uh
1087s previous events throughout the year
1089s there's also quite a few qualifiers from
1091s China as well so really there's only
1094s four left to be gained here and this
1096s final Master story of the year is the
1098s best chance to make it through we of
1100s course have our three days of play we're
1103s on Friday on Saturday we each have four
1105s rounds of Swiss and then we see that
1108s crucial top 16 all the way through to
1110s the finals on Sunday
1112s yeah it's a huge deal as well because of
1114s course the total wins across three
1116s Masters tours is something we talk about
1118s a lot but the winner of this Master's
1120s tour will automatically go through as
1123s well so again just through pretty much
1125s every single stage of the next three
1127s days and there's something for these
1129s players to be fighting for as well as a
1131s good chunk of prize money Gina because
1134s there's still of course that prize money
1136s and then those points adding to
1137s potentially more prize money if they
1140s qualify to the uh to the fall
1142s Championship so yeah definitely a lot to
1144s keep an eye on as well and we will keep
1146s you up to date with web you know where
1149s players are landing on those tables
1150s because
1151s um even just looking at it overall like
1153s glory for example Gia being in a
1156s fantastic spot to get into that fall
1158s Championship I think unless something
1160s miraculous happens he's going to be
1163s feeling quite comfortable as long as he
1164s doesn't have a disastrous weekend but
1166s outside of that there are still plenty
1168s of other players there having those
1170s spots up for grabs yeah that's right so
1172s many players tied around that 10 11 wins
1175s mark and it really makes such a huge
1177s difference if you're able to get to the
1179s top 16 because that's where you start to
1180s put in the big gaps and leave the other
1183s players behind you and the format that
1185s you will have to go through to get each
1187s and every one of these wins is of course
1189s Conquest one that we are very used to
1191s seeing we know it very well by now for
1193s decks for Unique classes one band and
1196s you gotta win with all your remaining
1198s decks but the nature of Conquest even
1200s though we talk about targeting and
1203s what's the weakest deck in Nevada can
1205s you get through it recently I feel Raven
1207s it's not had a clear answer and we've
1209s seen so many so many different
1210s approaches to Conquest we have lots of
1214s people going for what they feel are
1215s there for con for Comfort decks but also
1218s I think in this meta in particular it's
1222s very very viable to go for a suite of
1224s four decks that fall within the aggro
1226s category or the control category yeah
1228s 100 when I was looking at what I thought
1231s the popular the lineups are the winning
1232s lineups would be I know if I was playing
1235s I'd definitely submit just for aggro and
1238s you know maybe ban out one of them or
1239s awkward control decks uh if you run into
1241s it and then go from there because I also
1244s think the meta game right now and maybe
1246s you know for the past couple of months
1247s or so has been in a spot where you can
1250s play almost anything like no class feels
1253s truly unplayable I know there are a few
1255s Rogue Specialists out there that might
1257s disagree with me on that one but overall
1259s each class feels quite strong and also
1262s has a multiple different archetypes they
1265s can play generally speaking and
1267s especially when we take a look at some
1269s of the decks our first two players are
1271s bringing and when we look at Mage uh
1273s Hunter to a lesser extent but especially
1275s like Druid Warlock and even Paladin gear
1278s there's a fair few different archetypes
1280s of Paladin knocking around at the moment
1281s yeah Paladin really rejuvenated by some
1284s of the new cards from the mini set a
1286s version with the Jailer knocking around
1289s in there some that are going just
1290s straight up for the control and even
1292s bringing back Mr Smite at the top and
1294s because of ordering the court as a huge
1297s inclusion in the deck that makes you get
1299s carial very very consistently you get to
1301s Mr Smite etc etc but that first match of
1304s course Raven what a headline we have
1306s aoju versus Tice on the left we had
1309s aojiru who is a man after my own heart a
1312s Caster who also competes occasionally
1315s competes way more often than me because
1318s he is a very very good player and he has
1320s a very spicy control lineup and of
1323s course going up against one of the
1325s titans of the Hearthstone scene
1327s throughout it its entire history entice
1330s yeah twice as well are looking great I
1333s know he's been playing a lot I mean Ty's
1335s plays the game a lot if you noticed he
1337s streams to just a few viewers and pretty
1339s much every single day and but he's also
1340s been doing very well hitting very very
1342s high Legend on ladder and I'm guessing
1344s going into this Masters talk feeling
1346s quite confident based on his prep over
1348s the last week or so but we're looking at
1350s Algeria overall here a pretty solid
1353s Masters Tour I think very strong
1355s performance when you add on as you said
1357s to the fact that he is a Caster I mean
1359s you're like oh well you know he competes
1361s more than me and you're like yeah you
1362s know eyecasting
1364s thanks Gia wait to make me feel bad at
1366s the start of the day I only cast my
1369s competing days are long gone in the past
1371s as I'm uh too old for that now he's
1373s going to be the excuse I run with and
1375s but yeah pretty cool lineup overall and
1378s uh algeria's lineup really goes to what
1381s I was saying where yep Beast Hunter is
1382s pretty much top of the meta right now
1384s the sort of leader of the pack uh spooky
1386s Mage does have a few different
1387s archetypes but then this Jayla Paladin
1390s and the the sort of control shaming and
1393s even with the nerves it had it's still
1395s looking to be good enough because I'll
1398s do is not the only player bringing this
1400s shame in a fair few strong players have
1401s brought it just from sort of glancing at
1403s some of the lineups I've seen and I'm
1405s excited to see what a lineup like this
1407s can do because it's definitely not what
1409s I would have brought because it does
1411s feel like a a bit of a mixed bag when
1413s we're talking about you know aggro
1415s control combo sort of General archetypes
1417s yeah there is a lot to post here first
1420s of all going through our Jewish tweet of
1422s his own lineup he did brand this as a
1425s control lineup which is somewhat funny
1427s to say because people also include Beast
1429s Hunter in their aggro lineups just
1431s because it can curve out really well and
1432s that's why it's sort of become the
1434s centerpiece of the meadow one of the
1436s most if not the most broad archetype
1438s here and then out here also mentioned
1440s that he had a practice partner who
1443s helped him build this Paladin and kept
1445s its secret the Jailer Secret Sauce in
1447s there and there's a couple tech cards
1449s that you're not seeing from other Jailer
1450s pal it's very very excited to see that
1452s and then you brought up the shaman which
1454s as you said has taken very very heavy
1457s Nerfs but is still knocking around in
1458s the meta personally in my opinion
1460s because it's one of the Decks that can
1462s still get repeated use out of dinathrios
1464s even with the kalethos Nerf because of
1467s that brilliant macaw the other class
1469s able to do that being Druid because
1470s they're they can still get above 10 Mana
1473s but it's just not a combo that's
1475s available to most classes anymore ever
1478s since chaos went up to eight so Shaman
1480s definitely still has a lot to watch out
1482s for yeah I think it shows its overall
1485s power when even with the you know the
1487s sort of uh the freeze nerve to it
1490s basically and it's still more than
1491s strong enough because it still has that
1493s super strong murloc package with
1495s mutinous of course being able to snipe
1497s uh sort of the combo pieces or just key
1500s pieces from hand sort of what we've been
1502s seeing from the theater and a few
1504s complaints here and there about theater
1506s everyone's had it where it just yoinks
1508s the key card you would really not like
1510s it Steel and music kind of does the same
1512s job but for now we are going to check
1514s out his opponent Tyson almost needs no
1516s introduction if I'm honest uh this to
1519s Media looks like
1521s it's very early but what I feel would
1524s call it a sort of standard bring to this
1526s tournament this sort of these soft four
1528s decks is what I was really expecting to
1530s see the most from and once we get the
1532s whole lineup breakdown a little bit
1534s later on and we'll see if that's true or
1536s not but Beast Hunter the Imp warlock
1538s ramp Druid and the Spooky Mage it
1541s definitely feel like a very solid core
1543s for Dex to just bring and say you know
1545s what I'm just gonna win games with good
1547s decks no fancy Shenanigans going on here
1550s to write not featuring Too Many new
1553s cards outside of Sylvanas but the
1555s important distinction here is that M4
1556s lock is imp curse so it's not just going
1559s to be a straight up easy deck for audio
1561s to prey on with his control lineup I
1565s don't think he has necessarily hit any
1567s of his targets here outside of maybe the
1570s Beast Hunter if you are going to say
1572s that this deck can gas out in the late
1575s game if it doesn't hit any of the summon
1578s package then maybe one of the control
1580s desks can get through but we can also
1582s just see this go to the very late game
1584s because all of the eight decks available
1586s to our players have some decent early
1588s curve and the capability of duking it
1591s out in the late game but out here is
1594s going to lead with his Jailer Paladin
1596s very very fun deck that you can get the
1599s Jailer down uh right on time almost as
1602s soon as you want it because of that
1604s Order in the Court putting it at the top
1606s and then he also has a couple
1607s interesting tech cards in here like the
1609s bunker sergeant
1611s yeah it's definitely I'm excited that
1613s we're starting with this because it's
1614s the deck I really want to see you know
1616s get a lot of games on stream under its
1618s belt and see how it performs in a
1620s setting like this because even though
1621s hitting super high Legend with certain
1623s decks is impressive it's not the same as
1626s putting it through its Paces in a
1628s Masters Tour like we have now so very
1630s excited to see how that one turns out
1632s this as you mentioned of course is the
1634s implicus Warlock from ties and this is
1636s the build I like the most I like this a
1638s lot more than just the imps and this is
1640s going to sound negative but it does just
1642s have that ability where when you play
1644s imps you get pushed off the board it's
1647s very difficult to come back whereas this
1649s deck does not rely on imps it's just
1652s there for you know a little bit of a
1653s strong opening of course and it just
1655s goes uh flows well into some of the key
1658s cards in the deck to help out with card
1660s draw to make the odd big minion but also
1662s as you said have that secondary plan
1664s against some of the more control style
1666s decks and which I think people are
1669s expecting to see along the lines of you
1670s know this Paladin even drew it to an
1672s extent as well so excited to see what
1674s this one could do
1675s yeah I am also very much looking forward
1678s to the interplay of the end game the
1680s timing of the Jailer can get very very
1682s tricky here because yes you do have an
1685s extremely powerful effect which
1686s effectively makes your board Untouchable
1688s because Tice is not running twisting
1690s nether you know there's none of these
1692s huge board wipe effects available to
1695s this warlock list so if our jiru can
1697s consolidate his board and just protect
1699s it with the Jailer you can straight up
1700s get lethal but will he have the time is
1702s there ever going to be a turn where he
1704s can spend on that turn essentially 10
1706s Mana do nothing and also destroy your
1709s own deck and start taking fatigue that
1710s can get super scary with the curses
1712s stocking up as well so it'll be in my
1715s opinion of all about how our jiru
1717s manages the early game here and there is
1720s still quite a lot that Paladin has up
1723s its sleeve from this list I'm not seeing
1726s the sinful sous chef but which I've seen
1728s a lot of people include just alongside
1731s Alliance Bannerman giving you a lot of
1733s options to fill out the board and kind
1735s of annoy your opinion in the early game
1736s but that bunker Sergeant could be very
1738s very interesting because that deal won
1741s damage to all enemy minions is a very
1743s good counter to fiendish Circle yeah 100
1746s and it's going to be interesting as well
1748s or maybe not as interesting as the
1750s release of Jayla because I think a lot
1753s of players maybe not the pros of course
1755s that did not realize that taunt doesn't
1757s exist when that taunt minion is immune I
1760s think there are a lot of people who were
1761s just insta-conceived in thinking how do
1764s I win versus the immune taunt minion if
1766s I have no burnt spells but yeah that
1768s doesn't exist so I think Jayla is a very
1771s interesting card in the the timing of it
1773s you still have to set it up right you
1775s start to be conscious of board space
1777s I've seen even top level players play
1779s jail and then go oh wait now I don't
1782s have space for you know let's say
1783s dinathrius right because that is a key
1785s piece because it stars lifesteal and
1788s that's something you can use to offset
1789s the um the the damage from fatigue so
1793s it's those tricky things hopefully we
1795s don't see any blunders but a small part
1797s of me hopes we do as well and these
1799s players are just getting ready overall
1800s just to get into the game number one but
1803s just looking at the lineups here with
1805s the bands as well who do you think's got
1808s the edge here just on the surface
1811s really tough to say
1813s um I some would think that aojiru is in
1816s the lead I don't think you bring a
1818s lineup like this and leave up Hunter
1819s thinking that that would be a mad a bad
1821s matchup for you it's just something that
1823s you should expect and if I would do is
1825s batting away the Druid instead I feel
1827s like he at least feels confident that he
1830s can get several wins on that but right
1832s away we are seeing the interplay we
1834s talked about with that bunker Sergeant
1836s one of In Our jiru's Deck but it's just
1838s the perfect counter to fiendish Circle
1840s which ties has kept and is on the coin
1842s very likely to coin that out
1844s yeah and realistically in this matchup
1847s yeah I was I was going to ask you but I
1849s assume so there's no way you play bunker
1851s sergeant in your deck and not keep it in
1853s your Mulligan right even off coin or
1855s anything you see Algeria just giving us
1857s away you can tell he's a Caster you
1859s could tell he's a Caster he knows
1861s there's a camera there and he utilizes
1863s that fact I love it and
1865s um I don't know if a lot of people
1867s outside of the Japanese Community know
1869s this but I'm just gonna put this out
1871s there aojiru's wardrobe Rivals bro dance
1873s oh yeah yeah you can tell that from a
1876s second one when we saw the photo earlier
1879s on a rock in the nice jacket of course
1881s but so far Tice does have Library as a
1884s pickup could choose to coin out the
1886s fiendish circle instead to just go wide
1890s straight away then follow up with the
1892s library slightly off curve and a little
1894s bit messy but it could just be a little
1897s bit more valuable just go full aggro and
1899s give your opponent the least possible
1901s time to get some kind of answer
1903s yeah it's definitely heavily rewarded if
1906s they don't have exactly bunker Sergeant
1908s or I guess pyro one cause fell and it's
1911s kind of tough to put put them on having
1912s that this early but I don't see much
1914s downside to just waiting a little bit
1917s more playing the library outstanding the
1919s Mana cleanly and saving the coin but
1921s Tice says he wants the damage with the
1924s librarian as soon as possible in our
1926s Drew with a big smile here sees that
1929s he's going to get that amazing Tech card
1931s value yeah just the snap play you know
1934s that's exactly what he wanted to start
1935s off the day with and suddenly even just
1938s the factors are too far as well is going
1941s to be a bit of a problem for ties to be
1943s able to actually just deal with he does
1945s have a touch he could you know
1948s take this apart over the course of a
1950s turn or two but it is just a little bit
1952s difficult because this this too far is
1954s just going to secure the board and
1956s that's exactly what you want this
1957s Paladin right you want the board to not
1959s run away too early because there are
1961s times you don't have access to Reliable
1963s board clears and if Algeria can actually
1966s get ahead here Tice has to almost
1968s instantly fall back on the curse plan
1971s which is fine but there's carry all
1974s there's heels in the Paladin like this
1976s is where it starts to slip away honestly
1978s that's right the one thing going for
1980s ties though is that because his amps
1983s died straight away it's a very easy
1984s Infuse on the impking reform but can he
1987s get in a position where that's going to
1988s be effective enough we even saw ties
1990s preemptively using the touch of the
1992s naturism even though he could have
1993s gotten a value trade with his librarian
1995s on the 1-1 uh not a big difference
1998s except that he creates a bit more hand
2000s space which I think he is hoping to get
2003s a good impending catastrophe with
2006s and we saw algero actually go for the
2008s first pump when equality was drawn
2010s because again it's something as Paladin
2013s you just need against a deck like this
2015s he knows that if we're a farm is in hand
2017s for ties he's looking at a scary bond in
2020s the near future right but the fact that
2022s now he's got equality and pyromancer
2024s great make you a farm board it gets
2027s absolutely deleted with little effort
2029s now and then Algeria can just take that
2031s you know sort of threat card off the
2033s list and then start to just plan for the
2035s curse push later on so a really good
2038s pickup again there for algeru Tice
2040s don't do what he can to clear up this
2042s board let's get the job done so it's a
2044s good turn payment as well but Azure I
2047s think he's just in such a good position
2049s you can almost take a turn off if he
2050s really wants and uh just uh sort of take
2053s stock of what's going on and then get
2055s ready for that AOE clue that's right on
2058s this turn just building up a little bit
2059s of value he knows he can clear any board
2061s that ties puts together the next turn
2063s with pyro equality on the worst case and
2066s then follow that up with kariel it's
2068s just a very very powerful curve it
2070s Tyson's but in barely any damaged face
2072s here but he can go for the M King reform
2075s now infused if he wants to go for that
2077s big push and just ask the question do
2080s you have the clear out you
2082s boiler he does yeah I even think Alger
2085s you can tell right he's just waiting for
2087s it because the the sort of mindset for
2090s this where he's just sat saying okay
2092s does he have it is because he has the
2094s clay he I think he almost wants him to
2097s have the very far more the few times you
2099s want your opponent to play an infuser a
2100s farm on curve uh because you can answer
2102s it because he's just set up for this he
2105s feels like he's coming he knows it is
2107s there's the thumbs up and he's like
2108s perfect we're a farm just can just
2111s forget about it now once he clears it up
2113s so looking really really good Friday
2116s exactly what he wanted to see I can't
2118s help but think that between him tweeting
2121s specifically about the Paladin and the
2122s lineup and his outfit that he is full
2125s role playing here yeah golden Blazer
2129s here
2130s who's that incarnate
2133s and now here's the point where you ask
2135s I'm winning so much is there a way that
2137s I don't even have to use the Pyro
2139s equality
2143s and um
2146s there was the option to retain the Pyro
2148s on board by going equality then pyro
2150s then Maki roll but I do prefer this
2152s option of going for the scorpid that
2155s Maki roll can get more mileage out of
2158s the second pyro if John later and be
2160s heal if necessary and just setting up
2162s that poisonous means that even if Tice
2164s were to put together a decent amount of
2166s imps and get that Library buff it can
2168s immediately be destroyed
2171s yeah that's what's tricky there wasn't
2172s it I mean I was looking at what maximum
2175s greed looks like there from algero but
2178s the library coming off cooldown is is
2179s too big right you just don't want to get
2181s hit for a million if you just don't have
2183s to so ties now
2186s draw a plan
2187s but again this is one of the the weird
2189s problems that uh warlock finds itself in
2192s is it's looking good it's looking good
2194s you glance at your health and go oh wait
2197s I'm nearly dead like I need some big
2199s heels here to come down but Alger are
2202s just loving life right now and can you
2204s blame him this feels like the perfect
2206s opening right like this is exactly what
2209s he's wanted when he needed it so
2214s yeah I don't even think he needs the
2216s Jailer to win this game I mean he could
2218s play it to close it out sooner but
2220s between just carry all this turn or even
2222s just Leviathan honestly I kind of like
2224s the Leviathan for getting more pressure
2226s on board and potentially just hitting
2229s ties for lethal rather than grinding the
2231s game out a bit longer I'm just curious
2234s what beat he was snapping to
2238s I really hope it's
2241s nothing like what we would expect
2247s all right
2249s he's a jamming to the beat of his own
2252s game all right there you go
2254s or is just the Hearthstone soundtrack
2257s it's game sound
2260s all right choosing to preserve the
2262s Divine shield on the main body of
2264s Leviathan rather than his 1-3 scorpid I
2266s think is pretty clever here
2269s um leaving it up without any protection
2271s does have potential for dying to
2274s combinations of drug below with tamzin
2276s for example or maybe uh dreadlich tamzin
2279s plus some cards
2281s it's the way I'm going to come down now
2283s clear up one but not the other
2286s you said that Divine Shield helping out
2288s don't think Ajira is going to be too
2289s bothered about these curses for now
2294s a huge amount of lifesteal as well with
2297s all the line
2300s true it is kind of tempting to go for
2302s that except that he didn't really have
2304s much pressure to put alongside it so
2306s it's just gonna take the turn to get
2309s that carry all set up uh stem the
2311s bleeding from the curses a little bit
2313s and kind of force Ties on
2317s I don't even know what the answer is
2319s because the zakul also just gets less
2320s lifesteal
2326s yeah I don't think
2328s without sounding too negative I just
2330s don't think there is an answer like I
2331s said ties you know blinked and suddenly
2333s he's on Seven health facing down carrier
2335s a six seven that he can't even really
2337s deal with
2339s it's just all gone wrong but this is
2342s what happens right if you play Tech
2343s cards for certain matchups you draw them
2345s on curve yeah the matchup goes well
2350s guys does have the answer for the board
2352s but it's so inconvenient because he uh
2356s algeru didn't even have the hand space
2357s to get that other curse and tice is
2360s slowly but surely dying to just swings
2362s of the immovable object here aojiru if
2365s he wants can choose to stay on 10 cards
2368s and make sure that no additional curses
2371s can be added to hand immediately he
2373s could commit the Jailer that's also
2375s winning line in my opinion yeah I mean
2378s he has equality and blade Master right
2381s so even if there's taunts put down
2384s somehow the equality blade Master clears
2387s things and then the Jailer just smacks
2389s him in the face oh wait the blade Master
2391s wouldn't clear things right necessarily
2392s all right we'll clear one thing with
2395s equality gotta remember about the
2398s immunity of course they're needing it to
2399s be frenzied but still Jayla does feel
2402s like the let's just end game one now
2404s play
2406s absolutely has no way of clearing them
2412s such a it's such an odd card
2416s wow that is what I like to see that is
2419s enthusiasm and um
2422s popping off like it won the whole
2424s tournament and it's only game number one
2426s that's when you know someone's taking
2427s things seriously but um it's one weird
2430s thing about the Jailer It Feels So
2432s unbeatable it feels like the most unfair
2434s card in the world but that would have
2437s looked very very different if Tice had
2440s gotten control of the board early on
2441s right and didn't get pushed off because
2443s Algeria wouldn't have been able to
2445s effectively go 10 Mana pass take fatigue
2448s next turn and then get hit right you
2450s can't always just play the Jailer and
2452s say oh I'll be safe next turn and that
2454s is really the role of the opponent to
2457s put um to put a in that position to
2459s actually not be able to safely play
2461s Jailer but every turn of that game from
2463s the piled inside was nearly perfect
2466s right it was almost just the perfect
2468s game and uh yeah algeru goes up to a
2470s very quick one zero victory over ties
2473s yeah I really like that you emphasize
2476s the point about how the game could have
2478s looked super different if say there just
2480s wasn't that bunker Sergeant at the
2481s beginning that means Tyson snowball and
2483s suddenly all of the top end cards from
2485s aojiru are a lot less effective but one
2488s thing's for sure Paladin is so popular
2490s because if they do get to that end game
2492s safely they can so solidly win it
2494s because it's so consistent we never saw
2496s the Order in the Court drawn but it
2498s effectively Drew everything that our Jew
2500s would have wanted out of it right the
2501s Jailer and the carrier and they are able
2504s to get that more games than not but we
2507s shall see if aojiru can continue the win
2510s streak moving on to the spooky Mage now
2513s saving that Hunter for last oh sorry the
2516s hunter got banned away from him yeah
2519s yeah it's the uh the shaman that's left
2521s right is the last one I think but yeah
2523s the the spooky Mage there's still as
2526s usual a lot of different versions of
2528s Mage even being brought to this
2529s tournament they all kind of have the
2531s same shell anyway I didn't see any
2533s secret Mages even though I have been
2535s dumpstered by the man ladder uh since
2538s the mini set came out I think there is
2539s something there maybe needs one more
2541s push we'll see uh but for now yeah it's
2543s just gonna be the spooky me the sort of
2545s um the the almost end result of that
2548s deck that we found to be more popular
2550s like top before the mini set where there
2552s was still Rune of the archmage in there
2554s but it wasn't really running the whole
2556s sort of big spell Mage package it's just
2559s there it's just a well this card does
2561s the job very similar to the cards I've
2563s seen in the past where you can say okay
2565s well it probably clears the board and
2567s draws some cards so that's enough so
2570s we'll see if it pays off and it looks
2572s like Tice is going to be sticking to the
2573s Warlock it might have a slightly better
2576s go of it here as Mage doesn't feel like
2580s it has as many strong answers in that
2582s early game
2588s every win
2590s the case I need to confirm things
2595s hopefully this Stacks throughout the
2597s whole tournament and if that's the case
2599s I want algero to win this tournament
2601s because I want to see how many things he
2604s can wear if he's in the finals and he's
2606s been stacking them since round one
2607s that's what I want
2609s I mean there's that made outfit hanging
2612s in the background that looks like a sub
2614s goal maybe I didn't even notice that
2618s well all right game two another one of
2621s our Jews signature gestures a lot of
2624s them coming one after the other but I
2627s will say his opening hand is a lot less
2629s powerful than it was last game uh the
2633s nightclub sanctum of course being pretty
2635s good to tide the aggression from Tice
2639s but other than that he is far from
2642s hitting any of the Heavy Hitters
2644s yeah this is one of the games where ties
2646s can definitely run away with it and
2648s Prince renithal gonna come down here
2650s again not the best option uh but good
2653s enough for now I suppose
2656s well there is the Magister Don grasp
2659s John for our Euro so already there's
2660s sort of a turning point that he just
2663s needs to look to surviving up to ties
2666s with the double mischievous imps and
2668s hand certainly has the refill even if
2671s our zero were to say draw The Reckless
2673s Apprentice this turn
2675s um not run so that is sort of a relief
2678s for a Tice but it also means now he has
2680s to think about whether he wants to play
2682s one of these uninfused I think it's
2683s worth it
2686s yeah I think with this you just want to
2688s just put as much on board as possible
2690s and Algeria does have a solid selection
2693s of free spells where if he can get to
2696s Dawn grasp whichever one of the three
2699s the Don graspberry plays is fine
2702s obviously there are some you can argue
2703s way better than others but you know
2705s whether it's flurry solid Alibi or
2707s blizzard I think you should be very
2709s happy at the outcome no matter what so
2710s the defensive setups are there for turn
2713s seven
2714s Ty's choosing to take the trades to
2716s infuse his mischievous imp misses a
2719s little damaged face but probably worth
2721s it to get the extra body on board and be
2723s less week to Reckless Apprentice the
2726s Cold Case drawn for aojiru also helps
2729s um sort of bridge the gap to turn six
2731s and then turn seven with that Dawn grasp
2734s but it's interesting whether he wants to
2736s put a different Frost spell in the pool
2738s or if he wants to curate it so that Don
2740s grasp will always replay blizzard and
2743s that might be why he's playing the
2745s minion right
2747s yeah good afternoon freeze as opposed to
2750s the spell version double back to back
2752s blizzard gonna be very very strong
2754s indeed and not shut down for the whole
2756s game but at least shut down the uh the
2759s minion based aggro for the foreseeable
2760s future at least
2763s in a somewhat awkward position where it
2767s feels like it should be a Time's intern
2769s but it blows up his own board more than
2771s it does our Juris so he could double
2773s down and stack some more mischievous
2775s imps here there isn't the board space
2777s though after that to play the library
2780s um this board also if he gets hit by a
2783s blizzard is just saying that he can do
2785s nothing on board on the next turn
2788s actually wonder if we see him we almost
2790s certainly will see this blizzard come
2792s down from algeru I honestly wonder if
2794s Ty's will press the button on the
2797s treadlich tams in because it just feels
2799s like I don't know if
2801s you draw a card pass is realistically
2805s going to be good enough I guess he could
2808s um touch his own one of his imps
2811s and then library after that but it feels
2814s like a lot of faffing around him because
2816s it's not pure implog it does have the
2818s curses I I think there's a very strong
2821s Merit to actually just playing tams in
2823s against all these uh even though kill
2824s all these three ones yeah I think you
2826s make a very good point especially since
2828s algero considering playing the second
2830s charge of sanctum here has eight damage
2832s on board and that Tutu could potentially
2835s death rattle go face Tice is only at 19
2838s now and he's at a very real risk of just
2840s dying to a couple pings if he doesn't
2843s immediately clear this off
2846s okay but that's catastrophe now that
2848s potentially gives him other options if
2850s he can draw into grammar of sacrifice
2852s that could be huge
2855s it's just going to get touched down
2857s straight away see what happens which I
2859s do like uh just to see where where the
2861s damage goes if that opens up any space
2864s for vile Library which it does does have
2867s a drag below and
2870s surely that takes priority now over the
2874s the library do you think just drag below
2876s the uh don't grasp maybe and then just
2879s passed
2883s away yeah
2889s oh it's honestly really close
2893s if you are expecting the worst case of
2895s Magister Don grasp replaying the
2897s blizzard then of course it does make
2899s more sense to remove one more minion but
2902s outside of another Mass freeze getting
2905s that buff while you have amps does seem
2908s beneficial but he is going to get the
2911s bad news
2914s and as you said so much damage being
2916s pushed right don't grasp into blizzard
2919s once again
2921s there's still a flurry there's still a
2924s solid Alibi in hand
2926s and again even though the hero Dawn
2928s grasp did receive a Nerf it's still very
2931s strong there's a reason a lot of people
2932s have still brought Mage to this
2934s tournament and so even though it doesn't
2936s quite stack as quickly they're just
2937s relentlessness of the damage is there
2940s and algeru wants again in this series
2943s looking to be in a very very good spot
2945s to a really pressure ties out of this
2947s one
2949s there's a big turn though it gets the
2951s replay Touch of naturalism get some
2954s healing and copy his drag below for
2956s later uh ending on drug below just in
2959s case he wants that in the lady dark vein
2961s which does you know start to stack
2963s curses very heavily
2965s um aojiru does have another charge of
2968s blizzard in the gray Sage parrot
2972s but currently doesn't have big damage to
2975s Tyson's face
2977s awesome but there's Reckless
2981s foreign
2983s interesting dilemma right because the
2985s pirate can play blizzard which lets him
2987s get honorable kill on the 8-4 but that
2989s would mean leaving the tams in Rome up
2991s which does not feel legal at this point
2994s yeah so instead going to go for Ping and
2996s then Reckless which will then upgrade uh
2999s before hitting Tamsin because it was on
3001s board first and kill it off yeah this is
3003s nice just get those upgrades in this
3005s very very clean play and again something
3008s we've seen from Azure so far this series
3010s he helped Along by the fact that his
3012s drawers have been strong you know his
3014s decks have been doing what he wants them
3015s to do but yeah all the different choices
3018s he could have made he's made the right
3019s ones as far as I'm concerned
3022s now the cases where the Nerf the Don
3024s grass feels good because now you got the
3025s honorable kill on three Health yeah yep
3030s well uh Ty's here certainly in a
3033s position where he has somewhat
3035s stabilized but really needs that zakul I
3038s would say to feel like he's safe against
3041s other rounds of things coming up I'm not
3043s sure where the more Josh count is at
3045s probably just a little bit shy of being
3048s active
3053s yeah I think it's on like six or seven
3055s maybe you know something like that like
3057s close enough like one ping away
3058s basically is my rough estimate
3062s because of that I think Tice is fine not
3065s to play dread Village times in for the
3067s armor here just stocking up curses has
3069s that lady dark vein for another two this
3073s is three then four
3075s and then the other two will deal five
3077s and six and if r0 doesn't replay first
3080s two he takes another three and four oh
3084s I I love this about Mage you have a plan
3087s things are looking up right you know
3088s there's options Cold Case solid alabi
3090s ping face stop pushing damage and then
3093s you draw Rune of the arc Mage and you're
3095s like but what if and then you do have to
3098s at least just sit and think about
3100s whether you just want to slam that on
3102s curve and hope for the best but it looks
3104s like Azure is at least gonna try and
3106s reduce some of this damage down and he
3109s played one of the curses I imagine the
3110s higher cost one a high damage one gonna
3113s be cold case get some skellies on board
3114s and hear a power of the face as well so
3116s again just having a nothing too shiny of
3119s a turn but a solid turn at that since
3121s these skeletons could easily translate
3123s to full damage right I like that he
3125s found the window to try and push a bit
3127s more damage while ties didn't have much
3129s on board I also like the flurry commit a
3131s lot because even though our gear is at
3133s 34 that um librarian could translate to
3137s a two-term lethal setup between the
3138s curses because solid Alibi doesn't
3141s actually interact very well with curses
3142s it doesn't protect you because all the
3144s damage happens on your next turn after
3146s The Alibi has expired
3154s adding algeru to the list of players I
3156s could actually just watch their camera
3157s and be entertained
3161s all right this is gonna go for the five
3164s damage curse then six damage right oh
3166s one to face okay yes it is yeah
3174s and there's one that deals three in hand
3177s so 14 damage coming our jury's way on
3180s the upcoming turn
3182s eight staring him down on board but Tice
3185s is not far off from dying
3190s oh I could get armor but it could also
3193s get Wildfire yeah I'm just trying to
3196s work this out whether like one curse
3203s you know that one curse Alibi deep water
3206s ping that you know because I think Azure
3209s wants to Ping gray every turn because
3211s he's so close to ending the game
3213s mm-hmm
3215s things dealing for now though which is
3218s just a little bit short of setting off
3219s that two turn lethal what room are the
3222s arc Mages for to finish the job to deal
3225s the wand
3226s well if it is going to be ruin perhaps
3230s doesn't need to go for
3232s um the evoker this turn
3236s because if he plays a voker he has to
3238s choose between Alibi and ping oh it's
3239s going to be right instead
3242s oh
3245s Bill gets blizzard right It's Cold Case
3248s isn't it didn't it cast okay it's the
3251s last turn
3252s it's five sorry sorry five some reason I
3255s thought Cold Case was five yeah you're
3257s right it's still Buzzard yeah I'm still
3258s waking up I apologize you want more
3261s nerves to me
3262s they need it
3265s um right below again here for ties these
3268s curse is really starting to stack but
3269s the problem is
3271s is what like tamzing gone
3274s the um the shades gone as well there's
3276s no great way to really pop off with
3279s curses that don't involve bran and
3281s obviously Brand Plus minion not spell
3283s right
3284s getting to a real tense Point here Raven
3287s neither player with enough damage to
3290s close out the game but next turn
3293s Tice has another two curses minimum and
3296s certain he'll play either drag below or
3299s zero cast with grim or this turn you
3301s just cannot afford to take that four
3302s from the pirate yeah
3305s it's gonna be right below right kill the
3307s pirate and also just give yourself more
3308s brand options
3311s oh jeru is in a tough spot again could
3315s just snap the Rune and hope for good
3316s things to happen still has solid Alibi
3318s to at least not take the minion damage
3321s that might make the difference obviously
3323s we can see that it would not but still
3329s yeah I think our Giro also will realize
3332s that the break point of saving to health
3334s effectively from solid Alibi is really
3336s not worth it he's still dead to two
3338s curses either way assuming he of course
3340s plays the one in hand uh so the next
3344s question is is a deep water evoker break
3347s point relevant gaining 10 armor if he
3349s gets the good sorry what's the best you
3351s can get here I think yeah no it's a rune
3353s right yeah that is a relevant break
3356s point
3357s but at that point if you're risking
3360s going for the nine when you could get a
3361s wildfire do you just ruin yourself
3368s oh I like this I think I do agree it's
3371s desperate enough to just have to press
3373s Rune and Hope
3375s there was the brand new voker which
3377s looked kind of interesting but okay a
3380s lot of Mana remaining oh my God he still
3382s has 13 to spend
3385s cold okay
3387s uh that's armor that's something
3393s that doesn't matter
3399s damage
3402s okay
3404s um we're at
3406s curse eight and nine is it if it's eight
3408s and nine then that is lethal but Tyson
3410s is concerned about objection
3413s [Laughter]
3416s I mean you can play flame yeah yeah he
3419s heals from zakul from the curses anyway
3421s right so this is always
3424s should have played the flame in first
3426s though right I think so I think I think
3429s he could have just
3430s lost wonkers wouldn't have been enough
3433s to objection right yeah oh it's seven
3436s then eight oh that's my bad I thought it
3439s was eight and nine
3442s oh wait I don't even know what I saw
3444s there wait did he have oh did he still
3447s have a curse in hand yeah he saw the
3449s curse from the previous turn right
3450s because it was it was right he took the
3452s seven first from the previous one
3454s because he played Rune which meant he
3456s couldn't get rid of the curse right so
3458s yeah
3459s um really good job there from Thai sir
3461s algeru looked strong early on you know
3464s pushing their ties off board time and
3465s time again but again it's the reason I
3468s talked about right at the start of the
3469s show saying that the curse version just
3472s feels better because the imps feel more
3474s like a nice bonus to your plan that
3477s sometimes wins games on its own and you
3479s still have that solid end game state of
3482s just stacking these curses over and over
3484s again so Ty's did a really good job to
3486s hold on there he was in some tough spots
3488s throughout that game
3490s very very tense in the middle there
3493s where aojiru had that really offensive
3495s push but just couldn't quite find that
3498s last bit of damage usually relying on
3500s some combination of brand Reckless
3502s Apprentice or finding more dress he
3505s didn't quite hit wildfire in the early
3506s game and that's where you really see how
3509s much the Nerf to Magister Don grass
3511s comes into play there but good on ties
3513s for recognizing the break points there
3516s and playing to his outs it doesn't mean
3519s that both our players have a win on the
3522s board now and both players have Mage
3523s available so we could potentially see
3525s this mirror where the lists are slightly
3529s different because Tice is not a rune
3531s gamer
3532s yeah I'm just looking at the list now it
3534s is going to be the Mage Bearer I believe
3536s uh but yeah you are right it's going to
3538s be the mode rash kel'thuzad at the top
3540s along with the muldrash of course uh but
3543s overall both players have the same plan
3545s going into this but as you said there
3548s isn't so much as the uh get out of jail
3550s free card that Algeria is running in the
3552s form of that Rune of the archmage so a
3555s very interested to see how this one will
3556s pan out and again a a match up that now
3559s has a little bit more wiggle room
3561s because previously before the Nerf to
3564s Dawn grasp if someone got Dawn grasp
3567s early they won what nine times out of
3569s ten because the damage would just start
3571s getting ridiculous and because that
3573s isn't necessarily the case anymore there
3575s is more time to recover so it's
3577s something I do like about the Nerf even
3579s though I like Don gasp as a card and I
3582s do like that um the
3584s uh it gives your opponent a little bit
3587s more time to react as opposed to saying
3589s well I got Don grass first in the mirror
3591s haha I win
3593s the shades have come off
3595s disappointing maybe maybe yeah he takes
3598s things up for losses yeah yeah
3601s what I want to know is from cam only
3605s and someone by the end of the weekend
3608s calculate his win rate you need to know
3612s very difficult because if you can lose
3614s win lose you go back to neutral yeah
3617s well that someone has to worry that out
3619s that's the challenge I'm saying there
3620s someone in chat to try and this is
3622s assuming we're gonna have our Drew run
3623s every round which I would be okay with
3625s but I'm just not sure that's how we're
3627s allowed to work so we'll see how it goes
3629s beginning to the Game Gear and one
3631s player definitely having the better end
3633s of the stick than the other one so far
3635s I mean dice did hit one drop and
3638s Wildfire but based on his expression the
3640s suspicious Alchemist outcomes don't seem
3643s to be that good I don't know we didn't
3645s see fixed deathborn here
3648s which is it went great were they yeah
3650s it's invariably the best card but now
3652s here's the mind game for Audi would Tice
3654s pick the best card would Tice be okay
3656s without Drew potentially gutting a
3658s deathborn
3660s my take is that the other two are so
3662s useless that like they might just clog
3664s up hand space like firetail is a
3665s tradable so maybe you could say that's
3667s pickable but
3673s oh this is so clown you know the
3675s deathborne tennis one just leaves like a
3679s couple tutus on board and they just go
3681s back and forth back and forth that's so
3683s much damage yeah I mean this goes back
3686s to where almost expansion release day
3688s right when everyone was playing
3690s skeletons like full skeleton Mage and it
3692s really was just the death bomb back and
3694s forth dealing like you know 14 damage or
3697s something each like it was so crazy
3699s and now you're reacting like drawing and
3702s not Frost spell was missing lethal
3705s there's not a big deal he still has so
3708s much value in hand I will say losing the
3711s one ones on board can be relevant as
3713s trading tools especially if you're
3715s getting in a position where it is going
3717s to be back and forth death importance
3718s they sometimes represent more tokens
3720s later on but he has the cards to stun
3724s the bleeding for a little bit of time
3730s and one of the big differences between
3733s the two decks is Tice is running double
3735s Frozen touch which is something I'm a
3738s huge fan of I love that card and the
3740s amount of damage you can pump out is
3742s pretty ridiculous and since you can
3744s obviously cast the infused one and then
3746s just recast it in the same turn for six
3749s so um I really like the potential damage
3751s push that ties has available later in
3753s the game especially since you know
3755s infusing it is never really that
3757s difficult especially in the mirror match
3758s we'll see how that one pays off but
3760s Azure as you who got his Elementals that
3764s is game over to you it must be from that
3766s reaction he's just one he knows it seen
3769s into the future
3771s okay
3772s um I like your point about Frozen touch
3774s I agree it's really good especially in
3776s the mirror to have any bit of extra
3778s reach that you can get your hands on
3780s sometimes it gets to the point in the
3782s late game where the board is not where
3785s your focus lies so it can be tough to
3787s infuse it later on but even if you just
3788s get like two cycles of this right and
3791s the base body it represents nine damage
3793s and because there's damage permanence in
3796s Mage mirrors they don't have access to
3797s Healing outside of evokers and
3800s dinathrias getting that uh additional
3803s Bit Of Reach can be very relevant yeah
3806s so really good that because of the way
3808s the Infuse works it can be re-infused
3810s but it also means that it's a really
3812s good filler for some of your turns where
3815s a lot of the time it's better than
3816s pinging something right and you just
3818s play out deal three either kill a
3819s mineral push damage and you know you've
3822s got time to reinfuse it again so yeah
3824s really good card there overall but ajiru
3826s is sitting on
3828s what seems to be endless value in his
3830s hand
3831s it's going to work out how to actually
3833s get to it all in a safe manner
3836s I think signaling the number nine here
3838s which is the number of
3840s armor you get from the evoker at best
3844s it's also the amount of cards he can
3846s Shuffle back in his deck if he wants and
3848s reroll with Finley to have a very good
3850s shot at finding Magister Don grass the
3853s of course downside of that is he'd be
3855s putting back two deathborns and
3856s denaturius to the bottom of the deck and
3859s then active azshara which may be too
3862s high of a cost I'm actually thinking
3864s with these death bonds and that we can
3866s see there's going to be a lot of tennis
3867s going on uh skeletons playing tennis not
3871s something I thought I'd ever see but
3873s with the denaturis in hand for ajiru
3875s like I think that's just the win better
3878s than Don grasp is at this point because
3880s that is so many infuses gonna be
3882s happening over the course of this game
3884s it's like I am very ready for it he also
3887s if if he loses the match of tennis so
3890s basically Tice ends with all the
3893s skeletons and aziro doesn't have the uh
3895s the clear he does have the mass
3896s polymorph to sort of switch off all that
3899s damage if he needs it as well so I'm
3901s actually liking this a lot and I think
3902s ajiro is too because he's getting these
3904s thumbs up here and there here we go to
3907s you
3908s Ty's of course doing this knowing that
3911s aojiru has one deathborn in hand doesn't
3913s know about the second and he's taking
3914s the risk that Ty sees he has his own
3917s second one so sometimes he just gets to
3920s end the back and forth with the board
3923s intact but currently our hero is gonna
3926s come out on top of this not before
3927s taking 10 damage to face though
3930s yeah it is very funny I don't know why
3933s this makes me laugh so much but it is
3935s it's like HearthStone for
3939s by even more childlike children than
3941s already play it it's just like you go
3944s okay that was fun now my turn okay now
3946s your turn and it just never seems to end
3949s well Enzo and one players just takes too
3951s much damage but it is very very funny
3952s indeed and tice does have solid Alibi
3956s now so he can I don't want to say ignore
3958s these skeletons but take a good chunk of
3960s reduced damage you should start with the
3963s teacher
3964s I'm really curious about where his
3966s azshara is at because I'm looking at
3968s this Frozen touch infused if you play
3970s that and then have Azure active that's
3973s you know each the copy you get back
3975s represents six damage our gears at 14.
3978s uh but ties using that last slot on
3981s azshara's
3983s um spell regeneration on the solid Alibi
3985s looking to preserve his health a bit
3986s more which leads me to think he has an
3989s Avenue to lethal even without copying
3991s the Frozen touch with the upgraded ping
3994s that does seem pretty reasonable also
3995s just getting back a more deathboards
3997s looking good
4000s I'd actually love to see a pink face
4002s here you know or maybe even a frozen
4004s touch face and um what was this Pinger
4006s now is it two yeah okay
4010s definitely like this
4012s um he can just do some pretty clean math
4014s right six damage from two frozen touches
4017s minimum
4019s um and then
4020s a couple things and he is looking golden
4024s with the solid Alibi he does have a bit
4027s more time I'm pretty sure a dustbourne
4030s is going to be woven in at some point
4032s but just in case our Giro blows up his
4035s own board somehow uh knowing that the
4038s death barns are in hand for ties he has
4040s other options as well with the school
4042s teacher over on our Junior's side we do
4045s have the solid Alibis for him also yeah
4048s I think what Tice has to do or at least
4050s you know maybe I overthink this when I
4052s play but when I've been in this
4053s situation before and I always try and
4056s ensure I have a solid Alibi especially
4058s if we're entices spot right where he is
4060s very close to winning in his mind right
4062s he's only a few bits of damage away from
4064s winning the game he wants to solid Alibi
4067s going into turn 10 if there is a turn 10
4070s because one of the if not the only big
4073s problem this game could say for ties is
4076s if dinathrius has been in hand all game
4078s and he's gonna heal for an absolute
4080s absurd amount and he really wants solid
4083s Alibi down for that because as long as
4085s tires doesn't have a board full of
4087s minions then athletes just doesn't
4088s really work
4092s I liked the proactive parrot from our
4095s juru here essentially blowing up his own
4097s board just to get the death rattled
4098s pings still a lot of damage even through
4100s an alibi here uh is going to commit the
4105s second one and then play his own
4108s deathborn
4109s doesn't get any immediate damage from
4112s this but will take was it four or five
4115s yeah
4117s but the crucial part is he's not able to
4119s weave in a ping here
4125s considering whether it's worth it to
4127s flurry to Stave off all of One damage uh
4131s probably not
4137s probably not I think I'm with you on
4139s that
4142s very tricky this is so close with
4145s another solid Alibi for ajiru and just
4149s get there right with denaturis or at
4152s least not die it's probably something
4154s slightly more accurate
4157s it's tough because you could look at
4159s these skeletons as
4161s still dealing full damage through an
4163s alibi if they also get all their death
4165s rattles face
4167s um
4168s so if they all attack for one damage
4171s each and all go face for one damage each
4174s Tice only needs two sources of damage
4176s and I think our jira knows about the
4178s Frozen touch or did he see the first
4180s half of it played I don't know but
4181s things definitely still scary
4184s and just sold Alibi blizzard here though
4186s right
4187s which would
4189s do enough of a job right
4192s make him almost certainly not die and
4195s then and then he just placed an athletes
4196s next to him
4205s yeah
4206s I don't know if
4207s okay the blizzard probably was safer
4210s than this I agree because this play I
4213s think there's still a chance that he
4214s dies okay but that death rattle going on
4216s the savara is a big deal
4222s that's the one he needed like I said he
4226s so if he
4228s ah let me think
4231s does he do this
4235s it's so weird because removing your own
4237s board here saves damage against exactly
4240s the nazia Saves by Steel I should say
4244s push three death Pawn to push a
4248s minimum of two oh no sorry three yeah of
4252s course it'll kill the thing yeah
4253s um
4254s and then pink Alibi right
4258s yeah I don't know right because it feels
4260s like Tice doesn't have denatures on his
4262s mind because I don't think he would
4263s Death porn there if you're playing
4264s around in atheist because rebuilding
4266s your board even bigger means that our
4268s jira gets more lifesteals uh potentially
4272s though right because doesn't in atherius
4275s like still put x amount of damage into
4278s the Mage is that how that works because
4280s I know it does it with immune right
4283s I think it can anyway I think Tice is
4286s still just setting up Max here comes the
4288s nazarus for a smooth 27 on his side but
4291s he's only going to gain 12 and take uh
4294s what was that six
4296s yeah
4297s the Tice is a little bit short of lethal
4301s here you can freeze the nanathrios which
4302s is a big deal but he's out of his own
4304s Alibis does have a cold case
4307s yeah I'm just looking can school teach a
4310s game something that would be lethal yes
4312s siphon Mana Frozen touch Frozen touch
4315s yeah I mean I just don't think the Mana
4318s is there
4320s but we'll see anybody doesn't of course
4323s have to play both Frozen touches this
4325s turn oh he still can't see the outcome
4329s over that noggling Tice
4337s we'll never know you can see it no
4341s I would instantly message toys yeah
4345s flurry Cold Case ping unless the
4347s nagaling does something amazing
4352s that not yeah like you said if that
4354s naggling doesn't blow your mind then yes
4357s this is just a play right
4364s still not gonna oh sorry didn't have the
4366s Mana yeah
4372s it's still a lot
4374s yeah so you would get 10 Brock's face I
4378s mean so 10 procs not all of them face
4380s necessarily
4382s but if they did go I'll face that's
4385s lethal but what if
4389s I mean it's funny right because if the
4392s other procs go on Tyson skeletons that
4394s could blow up some of the skeletons that
4396s our jiru has on board which could then
4398s go face after that there is of course
4401s the school teacher which absorbs some
4403s damage but there's still the Ping for
4405s our Giroud to think about so this I
4407s think I could not give you the odds off
4410s of my head but they can't be bad here
4411s the circle of life Theory sounds great
4414s it's like well I'll meet you skeletons
4416s they'll die the pings could hit those
4418s skeletons which then could it my
4419s skeletons which then could hit face yes
4422s here we go perfect sense I'm not
4425s disagreeing
4427s oh my God okay I thought the school
4429s teacher was just completely dodging
4432s okay not lethal which means Tice has it
4435s double Frozen touch siphon mana and ping
4438s that was insanely close oh wow Reckless
4441s as well just to throw it in there but
4442s yeah plenty of damage the Frozen touch
4445s uh not really used all game we didn't
4448s see those constant recycles of the
4450s infused but didn't need to it does its
4452s job in the end getting that extra reach
4454s which is what we were talking about all
4456s the way back at the start of the game
4458s entice moves up to a 2-1 lead now uh
4462s looking pretty good but uh those match
4465s up or at least that specific match got
4467s kind of crazy those skeletons going off
4469s the solid Alibis and again the solid
4471s Alibi coming down or being drawn at the
4474s perfect time for ties I was worried when
4476s he used it to turn I'll say a turn early
4479s you know what I mean
4480s um before the dinathary is because again
4482s when you're in that spot I felt like
4484s Tice was uh could only be thinking like
4486s well the only thing you lose to here is
4489s a huge heal uh but yeah that you got the
4491s second one in Diamond managed to defend
4493s so huge huge win there for ties because
4495s Gia means he only has his Hunter to take
4497s a win with and if there's a deck in this
4500s tournament you're going to be confident
4501s getting wins with it's probably Hunter
4505s um yeah I would agree with that in a
4507s vacuum just because Hunter has been so
4510s ubiquitous on ladder for a reason it's
4512s just such a well-rounded deck has decent
4514s stats across the board but because it's
4516s in that position in the meta where it's
4518s the most expected to be brought there's
4520s also going to be a handful of people
4521s that are trying to Target it more likely
4524s soft target because again it's not a
4526s straight up aggro deck and I feel like
4529s in theory that's what our giro's lineup
4531s is trying to do I think you don't bring
4533s a full control lineup and leave Hunter
4536s up without having a very very solid plan
4538s for it but uh in my opinion I don't feel
4541s like Mages heavily in the lead against
4543s their under and the shaman matchup into
4545s Hunter is also a 50 50 so I am not
4549s really liking our Jews chances here
4551s let's take a look at the list from Tice
4554s here not too many new cards featured not
4556s going for the um New infused piece that
4560s gets rushed and Buffs other beasts uh
4562s sorry I forgot the name of it Sylvanas
4565s is here yeah yeah
4567s um yeah this deck I would say this is
4570s probably the most standard list you will
4573s see this is the list you probably see
4574s the most if you're just queuing on
4576s ladder and running to Hunter but it's
4578s the standard list for the reason it kind
4579s of just does everything right there's
4581s nowhere dinathrius in there for super
4584s late game Shenanigans but the there's
4587s basically the steady curve in there
4589s Sylvanas does make an appearance again a
4591s card I really like and Hunter especially
4593s because you are going to naturally
4595s Infuse things if things aren't being
4597s infused you're probably losing because
4599s you've not curved out uh speaking of
4601s curfew ties already getting to the point
4604s to have exactly what he needs to open up
4606s this game algerio does have wildfire and
4609s the um the snow flurry but look at the
4612s opening from ties all you want in Hunter
4614s is a one drop or two dropper three drop
4617s a four drop and just carry on like that
4619s because as long as you do that one you
4622s will naturally get to your late game or
4623s maybe even get there early with the
4625s helps of a Harpoon Gun but also you just
4628s keep the pressure on make your opponent
4631s have to work on removal and then you hit
4634s them hard later on and basically
4635s overwhelm your opponent
4638s coin poacher I was honestly looking at
4640s coin double peasant here because how do
4642s you can only pick one of them in a turn
4646s yeah I've actually found myself doing
4648s this play a lot and when I have poacher
4651s and one drops with the coin just because
4654s it gets um the the uh the Wild Spirit
4659s earlier right if it's the the fox then
4662s this two three would now be dead and you
4664s play two peasants uh if it's the bear
4666s well yeah you just get a lot of stats
4668s out early same with the weapon all the
4670s big stats just come that bit earlier and
4673s I feel like a lot of the time you don't
4675s lose too much it's not gonna pay off
4677s this time for ties because his want
4678s drops were um of course those peasants
4681s are gonna get cleaned up very nicely by
4683s the snow flurry but I do like the
4685s overall plan
4688s it was certainly risky without
4691s additional card drawings not guaranteed
4693s to have a turn three or less likely I
4696s should say but the tracking helps
4697s alleviate that a little bit
4699s is upon us
4702s uh
4703s I mean it's tavish right that just gives
4706s you four five six seven you accept you
4707s have a slow turn three but the curve is
4709s there from this point onward
4713s yes
4718s yeah okay I thought it was close because
4720s again like although tavish is very very
4723s good I was just looking at what's some
4727s of the other cards did even okanie just
4729s to cause some trouble but I think the
4730s problem with the okanie choice is at
4732s this stage of the game Tice cannot
4734s guarantee he'll be ahead on board enough
4736s to play okani and if Phil Jerry gets to
4739s just trade it away with minions well
4741s that was a waste of time right so yeah I
4743s think I do fall on tavish at the very
4745s end there but o'conni feels like a
4747s nightmare in this matter just like the
4748s one before and if it's played whilst
4751s ahead it's I feel like a lot of decks
4753s right now are so predictable in what
4756s they're going to do like if you just
4758s play me if you go akani minion against
4760s Hunter
4761s they really need a one dropping hand
4763s right because otherwise you you your
4765s whole point is to curve out you spend
4767s all of the amount of passing a turn like
4769s it's a nightmare
4771s and Hunter doesn't run spell-based
4773s removal at least right
4777s okay
4779s then quite get to see what choice he
4782s picked again but looked pretty
4785s interesting it did I was actually
4787s looking at snake trap
4789s um
4789s maybe that's because I've been playing a
4791s shaytown version and snaked just in that
4794s deck uh but I do think again with the
4796s Rat King in hand coming out on curve uh
4800s that there is an argument for just snake
4802s trap in general it's a little little
4804s dudes a little snakes dealt with some of
4806s the Infuse and just gonna be difficult
4808s to squeeze that in at any point is the
4810s uh the problem I guess
4813s if it is revive pet though that nuggling
4816s might not come down till much later
4818s because Tice has good ways to fill out
4820s his curve until then and get better
4821s beasts in the pool
4824s uh this turn for aojiru still gets to
4827s spend Mana cleanly but no good trades
4830s into the school teacher it looks like he
4832s is just going to give Tice uh two clean
4835s trades
4836s make sure that there's no target for
4839s doggy biscuit and the like on board
4843s thank you
4844s oh that's better than the right King in
4847s this matchup any most match-ups actually
4849s I think it's fair to say
4852s now it's a big deal that our jiru of
4855s course Drew Mass Polly because that's
4857s insane against all these death rattles
4859s from Thais and tice also knows that
4862s there's a mass poly in hand because of
4864s the exactly seven armor game there's no
4866s other seven cost spell that our Jew runs
4871s thank you
4874s you know if taste is running the
4876s shadehound version that's a direct
4878s counter to mass poly because all those
4880s are sheep and they get buffed from
4881s straight down trades so that's true
4884s you've got to think outside the box in
4886s this one
4887s there's no rush Target though
4892s don't question me
4894s we always buff the Sheep
4897s um improved ice trap always want to look
4900s out against Mage it's a very minion
4902s heavy deck I love motion denied it's so
4905s much damage on the improved one uh and
4908s honestly
4909s it feels better than freezing explosive
4912s against this matchup right so I like
4914s this pick up here from ties nine damage
4917s is huge
4919s imagine if
4921s I was gonna say the freeze yeah it does
4923s seem pretty unlikely to get big value
4925s and the exclusive but I actually don't
4928s know if Algeria is going to be playing
4929s three cards in a turn for a while
4932s yeah you know you will at some point
4934s know right I think that's a decent
4936s assumption to know that it it will
4938s happen if you can just survive and both
4940s players still sitting above 40.
4942s I mean will it though like our Drew I
4945s think concert get away with playing just
4947s one to two cards per turn
4949s um
4950s in his mind though he's probably
4952s thinking uh ice trap and uh
4956s uh emergency Maneuvers is the scariest
4960s combination here at least I would think
4963s that's the most annoying
4970s also um if Alger is really worried about
4973s it he can actually just defend against
4976s it right because he could just proc it
4977s with Alibi as his third card
4981s no that's true that's very cute
4985s because it's cheap enough right you can
4986s often fit it into a three-card turn
4988s right it's only a two cost here though
4990s Tice is stacking up a ton of damage ton
4993s of beasts as well oh
4996s not doing a great job of actually
4998s pushing damage so far in this game ajiru
5000s with the help of that nine armor looking
5002s very very comfortable this Reckless is
5005s gonna do a ton of work although what's
5007s The Kill Order actually
5009s it's oh
5012s actually pretty good the right key well
5014s yeah because of the oh they're right
5017s um but that came down last right
5019s so The Kill Order is actually perfect
5021s like kill everything with Reckless and
5023s then the rat dies
5027s how'd you just slowly narrowing down the
5030s secrets in his head I think he knows
5032s very likely that there is ice trap and
5035s so at some point the solid Alibi could
5038s be committed just to like proc the eye
5041s strap and let yourself get a safe Mass
5043s probably in the future
5050s yeah I think I I'm not 100 what algeru
5055s knows he's tested for at this moment in
5057s time but if he has the knowledge that
5059s it's ice trap it's probably worth
5060s playing The Alibi the only frustration
5062s is if he thinks it could be any other
5064s two Secrets he's just playing Alibi on a
5068s turn that he's just cleared the board
5069s right so it feels kind of terrible
5072s I think he's tested for everything
5073s except ice trap uh the deal nine and
5077s explosive and so he can't put it yet on
5081s being a hundred percent eye strap so
5083s doesn't want to waste the solid Alibi
5086s there is the revive pets for a pretty
5089s good outcome here in the rad King and
5092s tice is getting to the point where the
5094s boards just keep coming how much can
5096s aojiru actually Stave off because he's
5098s nowhere near the damage game plan we're
5101s seeing the power of tavish to really
5103s move the deck from an aggro game plan
5106s more to the mid-range and value type of
5109s play
5111s kind of interesting as well because of
5113s the way the Rat Kings have sort of
5115s worked out this polymorph doesn't feel
5119s as good because he's gonna polymorph
5121s kill off the four sheep and then summon
5124s the rat I think I would have loved to
5126s have like summoned the other rat first
5128s somehow and then done the polymorph but
5130s simply does not have the Mana uh no time
5135s it's awkward though isn't it
5137s I still think he has to go Mass poly
5140s here at least like if the other Rock
5142s King comes back he can replay Paulie
5145s with the Grays age pirate
5147s but how do you disagrees looks like he
5150s is gonna go for the three cards in a
5152s turn was wait actually if you get ice
5155s trapped on one does that count as a card
5157s blade
5159s I don't know
5161s um I've not done it I would assume it
5164s does because you did play it it's not
5166s counted or anything right it's not like
5168s oh carnid or anything it is played it's
5171s just back at four okay we're about to
5174s find out that's the case then this is a
5176s very good Alibi because it should
5177s probably yeah there we go
5179s at dice's response
5183s oh his face was not impressed
5189s okay clever line with this outcome
5192s because if Tice takes enough trades and
5195s gets that rat king revived then audio
5198s can get that full value Mass poly
5203s at this point
5205s probably the mountain bear yeah
5208s something else is so low impact
5211s well Tyson needs to do now is get
5213s through that polymorph and then just
5216s keep dropping minions right one after
5218s the other uh he still does have uh some
5222s pretty chunky stuff left over still has
5224s Huntsman out tomorrow obviously it'll
5226s take a while for that to be infused but
5228s it does have King crush and their wing
5230s Commander as well although the power of
5233s wing Commander has gone uh kind of down
5236s the pan since they're just aren't really
5237s that many great cards for it to pull
5240s foreign
5242s leaving his two Rod Kings in dormant
5245s because he knows about his Mass Folly in
5246s hand like it a lot
5251s and we are entering a sort of limbo in
5254s the match-up right where aojiru has
5256s answers for boards and stall for quite
5259s some time and ties has you know a little
5262s bit of refill but neither player has
5264s huge damage able to go face
5270s it's kind of interesting he could
5275s uh
5280s I am looking at hydrolodon simply
5282s because it has clear potential for our
5284s Giro as well
5292s you give some pardon unless he wants to
5295s Warden this turn so then maybe gray Sage
5300s oh but the gray stage with the mass fall
5302s you felt pretty good I actually feel
5304s like Audrey wanted to give his calculate
5306s because it's yeah at the moment yeah
5309s yeah
5310s here all I know is it's not polymorph
5313s that was the one that wasn't happening
5321s it has the least utility for ties at
5323s least so
5325s um vardan used for now to stem some
5328s bleeding it doesn't really solve the
5329s issue of putting ties in a position
5331s where he inadvertently revives his Rat
5334s Kings though
5336s which means that the poly is still going
5338s to be awkward
5339s and I'm interested as well
5341s um
5342s let ties keep Hydra because of the Rat
5347s Kings right because although you could
5349s say oh well the head's just summon the
5351s rats it's like right but the rats never
5353s go away unless he polymorphs them which
5355s means there's so much less space for
5357s hydralidan to do anything with
5365s foreign
5368s has to bite the bullet now with the mass
5371s poly
5377s wait a minute what's his Reckless do he
5379s has Reckless and the freeze this turn
5382s Wildfire Reckless
5385s it's a lot of damage
5387s I start to wonder though like how much
5389s overall damage does audio have available
5392s to him like he hasn't had denatures in
5394s hand since early so that might not be
5396s getting too Juiced and playing The
5398s Reckless before being a Magister Don
5401s grasp really hurts your reach potential
5403s in the late game
5405s late late game I should say we've long
5407s been in the late game already
5422s there could be a world where he just
5424s greets yeah okay
5428s and it does get traded Away by the board
5430s but I think Audrey was trying to set up
5432s a position where it trades on board
5434s revived the Rat Kings
5436s and then you get a better Mass poly
5439s yeah because the rackings can't be used
5442s to trade into the bear now and then if
5445s the ratings get summoned it'll be going
5447s into the excuse me the the cups which
5451s then obviously won't kill them up
5455s ties as well now where the board space
5457s becomes an issue because you can see
5459s he's trying to eek every last bit of
5463s value out of the Rat Kings by protecting
5464s them from Mass poly but every turn
5466s they've been on board taking up space
5468s but not doing anything is like an animal
5470s companion missed from the hero power one
5474s less offer laughs
5482s it gonna dredge out the sunken saber
5486s and there's so few beasts left in the
5487s deck red I feel like King crush is a
5491s very real possibility yeah I think
5494s there's one mountain bear one king Crush
5497s and the list is over
5502s all right Ty's going for
5506s I mean I was gonna say Middle Ground by
5508s only Reviving one rod King but aujiru
5510s with the minions left on board can kill
5512s off something from Tyson because that
5514s other rat king is on four out of five
5516s revive everything and then sweep them
5519s away with the mass poly
5531s all right
5538s Drew
5539s been a long time but he's found a way to
5541s finally exterminate the rats
5544s yeah it's a long drawn out setup
5548s somehow
5550s beep beep rats
5553s yes that's how that works
5557s but the rest of the Mana between
5559s Wildfire ping or just dungeoneer and I
5562s do favor the draw here he needs to find
5564s his Dawn grasp sooner rather than later
5569s death born very interesting oh that is
5573s nuts a leock
5581s tricky as well because Algeria now has
5584s right close
5586s this one probably at least half decent
5588s death Pawn available like damage is
5590s gonna start stacking up I think the
5592s stall parts of the game are long gone
5593s now both players finally reach in the
5595s air a huge total of 30 health
5600s yeah it depends though how many sheep go
5602s oh he's not trading the Sheep the
5604s deathborn is going to get lots of
5607s mileage
5608s I didn't even see
5611s ping first well one of them's Commander
5613s right so I think he can
5616s with saber with saber trade Commander he
5621s can guarantee King Crush like one way or
5624s the other right you'll get bear Crush
5627s okay Don grasp arriving on a somewhat
5630s awkward turn where algeru would rather
5632s deathborn but that's okay he can delete
5635s on grasp
5644s I like weaving in the Sorceress since he
5646s had the Mana for it that wouldn't have
5648s discounted anything else anyway so might
5650s as well cash it in for a skeleton
5658s come on
5662s it's been such a weird mid game where
5664s Tice had all these threats that were
5668s sitting in hand because he locked the
5669s board space yeah
5672s yeah the two rats really saw it was good
5675s because it put a lot of pressure on
5676s algeru to deal with them and and play
5679s around them but it also kind of did the
5682s same thing to tags it was like a neutral
5683s outcome for both players right yeah
5686s that's the king Crush which means I
5688s think there is only a mountain bear
5691s beastwise
5693s dice has not gotten a single Huffer a
5696s true Hunter player
5698s and even Leo would have pushed marginal
5701s damage this turn and a lot on the
5703s previous turn
5707s second attack either right yeah that
5710s throttle killed the other head
5715s it's good he has built quite a lot of
5718s pressure that the Don grasp is not
5720s guaranteed to alleviate
5723s has but this could SP if ajiru can clear
5726s this or at least you know freeze
5728s stabilize whatever
5730s um
5731s ice is in trouble because Tice doesn't
5734s really have anything else apart from
5737s rolling huffers and we've seen he's not
5739s good at it
5741s and that Cold Case draw is amazing it
5743s lets out you fill out the last of his
5746s Mana this turn because it was guaranteed
5748s to be this Reckless clear yeah and
5750s continue juicing like uh kel'thuzad
5756s foreign
5763s right now
5765s any pigs and a dream nope
5770s oh apologies actually I actually think I
5773s could well be wrong and the mountain
5774s bears are gone the tracker didn't update
5776s so yeah there was only the king Crush
5781s explains why he didn't judge the
5783s Eichmann yeah yeah yeah 100 percent
5787s and this is one of the drawbacks as well
5789s right like Hunter is very very strong
5792s but Pace didn't really cheat anything
5795s this game right I think Ty's played a
5798s fairly Honest Game and there was no pet
5800s collector there was no um early saber
5803s the
5805s the Harpoon Gun there was none of that
5807s on curve into like a hydros or a bear
5810s right I think everything was played
5812s fairly honestly and you know this is the
5815s problem with Hunter right if it has to
5816s play too honest it does fall behind yeah
5823s not having reach anymore oh and the
5827s ultimate were drawn so late and I'll
5829s have her arriving when it doesn't matter
5831s anymore to add insult to injury
5836s it is a tough one yeah that's just late
5838s so no matter which way you slice it and
5840s uh how's your room
5842s the sunglasses back on he's won a game
5845s he deserves to wear them once again he's
5847s gonna even up versus Tice and yeah
5849s coming all the way down to game number
5851s five in the first series of the day
5853s Shaman versus Hunter and again that
5856s looked like it was a sort of weird mid
5859s game as you mentioned here but I think
5861s that overall this is how I expect it to
5864s pan out if Hunter doesn't get to do the
5867s cheaty things then Hunter isn't that
5870s good right the deck is not that strong
5872s if it's just playing Fair Minions on
5875s curve uh whereas Mage gets to do a lot
5878s of shenanigans I'll say how do you feel
5880s with Hunter going up against their the
5882s sort of newer versions of Shaman now
5885s I feel it's very close I I in my
5889s experience 50 50.
5892s um I do think the play out uh compared
5895s to the Mage matchup is quite different
5897s though where there is a lot more
5898s struggle for the board in the mid game
5900s Shaman has less access to actually
5903s answering boards especially since
5904s they're not even running Mass freeze
5907s anymore just cutting the snowfall
5908s Guardian but they do have a lot more
5910s access to card draw which means on
5912s average they're gonna find their
5913s denatures more often of the time which
5916s means that the hunter has more of a
5918s clock on them and it's less of a wet
5920s noodle fight towards the end
5921s Shaman has a lot more um to make up for
5925s in the early game though they can fall
5927s behind if they don't hit schooling don't
5929s hit uh the null into evolve don't hit
5932s the murloc package they can easily get
5934s run over
5935s yeah and just look at this as well the
5937s primordial wave can be huge not only to
5940s evolve the shaman targets but to
5943s actually sort of devolve any you know
5945s bare Bots Even Rats like we saw from
5947s previous uh from the previous game and
5950s things like that so it's not the beyond
5951s all of the game but it is something to
5953s keep an eye on if ojiru does have any
5955s great chances at just devolving ties
5957s this board and really ruining the game
5959s plan right because it's even it's less
5963s about the stats of the minion because
5965s the mounting bear isn't the biggest
5967s seven drop in the world but more about
5968s what the minion is so any devolves are
5971s absolutely huge
5973s uh you're just summoning the schooling
5975s here he has no Muk pools and he's on
5978s coin that can be a turn to evolve Noah
5980s if he finds the schooling
5983s nice
5985s wish him for one drop
5987s since he's off coin we do as his choice
5990s of two drop oh he gets fatty as well
5992s huge okay yeah that is very good
5997s um more than likely going to land a safe
5999s ramming Mount Target and that's actually
6000s pretty tough for Shaman to deal with
6005s so are you choosing to spray out muck
6008s pools here it's not an insta playwright
6010s when you have Nolan hands sometimes
6012s you'd rather just keep the card but I
6014s think the window has maybe closed to try
6016s and turbo out the null maybe he's just
6018s going for coin three into three and
6019s wants to evolve his clown fish instead
6021s yeah I think against Hunter uh because
6026s you have to go into the game assuming
6027s they're gonna curve oh wow okay
6030s um I think against Hunter you roll the
6033s dice in your Mulligan see if you hit the
6035s schooling and if you don't you just play
6037s the game because I think if you mess
6039s around too much suddenly Hunter's got
6041s five Minions on board and hitting you
6043s and then you've got nothing because you
6044s waited so I do like the overall planner
6047s although ajiru did decide to save coin
6049s actually and looks like he's gonna go
6052s for a null next turn
6054s oh with the flurgle this
6057s makes things very tempting I mean he
6061s could just play three murlocs
6063s this turn you'd only get one proc of the
6065s AOE if he did choose to go clown fish
6068s flergal coin cookie
6070s um so I wonder if there's a way to greet
6073s this out a little bit more
6075s yeah wifey if he just plays cookie
6078s and then goes null evolved next turn
6082s or just clownfish whatever like just one
6085s and then null evolve I think I like that
6086s a lot because that could like Hunter
6088s doesn't have a way to answer that many
6090s minions right it doesn't as you said
6092s didn't we have a removal anymore so
6095s if you can actually just drop massive
6097s stats on Turn 4 that can be difficult
6101s big deal though that the ramming Mount
6103s gets a good value trade here uh means
6106s that the null will trade over the Baddie
6109s guest but it does pop out
6112s um
6114s an extra token and if this is your
6117s average 10 drop which is about eight
6119s eight I think are most of the outcomes
6121s it's actually done on board
6124s yeah I wonder if Algeria will take that
6126s though you know even if it's dead on
6128s board it requires all the trades and
6130s we'll buy them a lot of time and of
6132s course the battery does have the ramming
6134s Mount so that wouldn't die oh good job
6136s to you exactly right I get that one so
6139s often in Sea giant
6141s anecdotal evidence for you
6144s yeah and now there's the saber that can
6147s clear this off it's just a bit awkward
6148s that the immune when attacking minion is
6151s the one with three attacks so it makes
6153s the breakpoints a little bit icky
6155s I think you face tank this every day of
6158s the week with the three three you three
6160s three and then face time with the bow
6161s and then put the saber in
6163s the damage does not matter you're a
6166s hunter you weren't meant to have health
6167s so let's bring it back down to 30 where
6169s it should be at
6176s be the same but right
6178s uh this is a frenzy get infused fully by
6182s this no it doesn't oh but Tice just
6185s wants the saber on board as a body
6187s playing around flurgal a little bit more
6189s I can only assume
6193s yes this is just a solid devolve though
6195s isn't it it's there
6198s I think getting the um because getting
6200s the
6202s and the saber back into the deck is more
6205s than just to say but right it unlocks
6207s the weapon it unlocks pet collector like
6210s that there are more cards you can draw
6212s that actually massively help you game
6213s plan whereas holding the saber things
6216s can go wrong it could just get Frozen
6217s right and then which delays the game
6219s plan as well and tice really needs
6222s something to happen soon because he will
6224s start to slip away now that he doesn't
6225s really have a strong turn six play
6229s very clever use of Boulder here for
6231s aojiru because if he hadn't gone for
6233s that in the turn the maximum amount of
6235s murlocs he could have played post
6237s flurgal is three so it wouldn't have
6240s cleared the entire board I think there
6241s might be some outcomes here if he gets
6243s Giga cheap murlocs on every outcome or
6246s especially a clownfish that he gets to
6248s play more than that and get the full
6249s board clear doesn't uh get that option
6253s though so gonna go cooking probably coin
6255s thinly just to hear the three Health
6257s minions
6259s just redraw the hand right I think you'd
6261s be happy with three different cards than
6263s these three right now although as I said
6265s I do think okani is good versus Santa
6267s because you just always pick minion and
6269s know it's gonna work
6271s foreign
6274s okay these are some pretty good cards
6277s local are from the boulder amalgam
6280s effect is not too bad either
6283s like it's not unrealistic that Tice puts
6285s our jira down to 15.
6287s all right
6290s a huge with with wing Commander
6293s yeah
6295s it's not looking good
6297s and no real value trades available
6300s either best you can do is Infuse the
6303s frenzied fangs put a couple three threes
6305s on board and
6306s I think he is forced to trade he just
6309s cannot leave the boner up right right
6312s there's no real path to racing I would
6315s you either because there's a cookie and
6317s if you kill the cookie he's gonna get
6318s the lifesteal weapon so it's only a
6321s board-based game plan and hope somehow
6323s that our jira's hand is less playable
6325s than Tyson's but my gosh it is not
6328s looking good for ties yeah just the
6330s command of the neptulon I would argue
6332s he's good enough to win this game at
6334s this point right like the fact it just
6336s gets those value trades instantly and um
6339s and Algeria can still push he's huge but
6341s it just has the backup as well anything
6343s that survives with that primordial wave
6345s and then after he is just sitting ready
6347s and waiting
6353s I'm gonna push five which is effectively
6355s pushing three this turn
6360s oh
6362s dueling actually better
6366s okay still gonna go command I was
6368s wondering if he was going to do
6370s something Fancy with Fish And evolving
6372s fish right right
6375s yeah but I do think this is better on
6377s average you got the full board clear
6384s and for Tice
6387s uh
6390s uh best top decks
6392s not that way we can get saber now right
6394s next turn at least
6398s the frustration here though as well is
6400s if you saber into Hydra
6404s I just Battle Cry doesn't go off so they
6407s don't actually the heads don't get
6408s rushed and that honestly you'd almost
6410s rather get any other minion in the game
6413s than a Hydra without the heads are in
6415s rush so although this is the right pick
6417s it's the only thing ties can
6418s realistically do it is awkward if he
6421s gets like the one card weirdly he needs
6425s and audio knowing most likely that the
6428s dredge minion is coming up can just take
6430s this turn to go full pressure
6434s oh frostbite
6440s I guess spells aren't super relevant
6442s yeah
6443s but neither title search right
6448s um
6449s just in the case that it does more
6452s damage it sounds silly but if a Hydra is
6455s drawn or you know if whatever is pulled
6458s out from this um from the saber next
6461s turn the tidal surge plus the Piranhas
6465s can clear things right so
6468s I was just gonna use it now okay
6470s I was honestly wondering if it's frosted
6472s by just to save it for face damage oh
6474s true yay
6476s because he still could have cleared the
6477s two three with two piranhas played and
6479s hold the nagaling back but a piranha
6482s committed on board here could mean plus
6485s three damage next turn so this probably
6487s ends up better
6492s okay well it's all down to this and it
6495s pretty much has to be bare I think
6497s to survive
6499s no it's not oh I told you it's the worst
6502s one it does nothing oh and your opponent
6506s either lethals you or kills the Hydra
6509s anyway so it really does do oh still
6512s they can Crush
6514s I mean he's just triple counting all you
6516s need to do is play one piranha and then
6518s it's lethal but RG is making sure
6521s and then steal the crush that is the
6523s correct play
6525s yeah that looks like it's game to me
6527s unless I really cannot do maths
6535s looked like everything was going super
6537s well Ty's fought back looked strong in
6540s some tough matchups but ojiru finally
6543s got there and again like I said when
6545s Hunter has to play a fair game it
6548s doesn't look so good anymore right again
6550s there was no Harpoon Gun into a really
6553s great early drop like mountain bear
6555s Hydra and and nothing really went well
6557s he had a couple of turns of basically
6559s not doing anything and that is not what
6561s you need to do as unto and then yeah
6563s this lineup from ajiru it was 3-2 so it
6567s wasn't a stomping by any means but it
6569s didn't look bad at all did it on a sort
6571s of deck by deck basis for sure all of
6574s them have decent match-up spreads as a
6577s control lineup I wasn't necessarily sure
6579s if it had the hardest Target on Hunter
6580s but the hunter did get swapped for ties
6583s or partially so it is looking good for
6585s our Giro because Hunter is a big
6588s contender in The Meta right now I am
6590s looking forward to The Saga of whether
6593s there are more props than just the
6595s sunglasses coming up later on who knows
6597s it is only round one yeah there's only
6599s one way to find out and that's by
6601s watching every single minute of
6603s hearthstone this weekend uh we are going
6605s to go to a very quick break while we set
6607s up more matches from round number one
6609s don't go anywhere we'll be right back
6611s [Music]
6627s [Music]
6630s Fair Witness
6633s [Music]
6637s bad for your life
6645s you must acquit the dark lady did not
6650s commit this unspeakable lies
6655s your cell awaits
6659s your confession will save us all the
6662s time
6665s [Music]
6683s [Music]
6689s [Music]
6704s thank you
6705s [Music]
6723s foreign
6727s [Music]
6742s thank you
6744s [Music]
6767s foreign
6771s [Music]
6796s foreign
6798s [Music]
6812s hello everybody and welcome back to
6814s Masters Tour Ma and disorder my name is
6817s TJ I'm joined by Derek Brown
6820s it's Flamingo Friday here at the master
6822s store Round One Flamingo Friday how you
6824s doing Derek good uh excited to get back
6827s into the Masters Tour system the last
6829s one of the year uh somewhat emotionally
6831s uh but a very exciting one because of it
6833s because we're going to get to find out
6834s who's going through to the full Champs
6836s and uh who is just the winner of the
6839s last Masters Tour of the year which is
6840s worth a lot in terms of with prize money
6842s and of course Pride for all of our
6845s players and I believe for our match TJ
6847s we have a previous Mt winner that we're
6850s going to be casting in round one
6852s that's right and uh should be a good
6855s matchup we're actually going to start
6856s this match up uh from the very beginning
6858s uh we're gonna broadcast this entire
6861s match up even though you know this is
6863s our continued coverage I believe that's
6865s what we refer to it as continued
6867s coverage this is round one continued
6869s coverage later we're gonna have some
6870s more continued coverage uh but for right
6872s now this is what's going to be Derek our
6875s continued
6877s coverage uh yeah abu-gabu
6880s um coming off some some impressive
6882s performances over the past few months uh
6885s definitely a player that uh on
6886s everybody's radar they're paying
6888s attention uh to competitive Hearthstone
6890s he's got him going up against baby bear
6892s uh who's bringing's kind of an
6894s aggressive lineup which we'll talk about
6895s in a moment but for now 14 Master tour
6898s appearances the 2022 summer champion
6902s and a pretty pretty good pretty good
6906s record
6906s in master stores this year I wonder what
6909s his record is in continued coverage
6910s though not sure I have to get them right
6912s now
6913s I mean I like the phrase continued
6915s coverage but I think the probably the
6917s more accurate term is uh excessively
6919s long fill because Bank Yugi is bringing
6922s control which means that the whole round
6924s is going to take at least three hours to
6926s get through every single time uh but
6928s like I say Abu Gabba has been an
6929s absolute Rampage recently just one of
6932s the continual best players which is
6935s honestly like his secondary Accolade as
6937s the premier deck builder in Hearthstone
6939s right now he just continually comes up
6941s with either spicy New Creations uh or
6944s breathing new life into quite stale
6947s archetypes that need a little bit of
6948s extra juice to bring them into tier one
6951s uh if you needed an example for that
6953s matter I think he pretty conclusively or
6957s in my opinion at least perfected the
6959s build of Paladin got rank one with it
6961s and then didn't bring it he just had
6964s four decks better than the list that he
6966s got rank one with on Legend just before
6968s this Masters Tour which is kind of
6969s hilarious and even though Paladin is
6971s kind of seen as the only deck that you
6973s can bring the Jailer in for most people
6975s because of ordering the court in order
6977s to tutor out when necessary Habu
6979s disagrees he's a druid Jailer gamer
6982s which is exactly what we want to see
6984s from our spicy competitor
6987s yeah was it habugabu who's the one who
6990s just like posted the uh This months ago
6993s the the Big D big DH
6997s uh I think all yeah the the topple DH
7001s before like yeah you know people would
7003s refined it he's like here you go break
7005s one and then it was nobody was playing
7007s it but it was like an actual deck in
7009s Nature's replay like a 44 win rate yeah
7011s like a month uh yeah
7015s um maybe the the old beaten switch with
7018s the Paladin but uh you gotta look at uh
7020s baby bear there uh bringing we're gonna
7023s call it aggressive lineup right pretty
7025s much every lineup or most lineups is
7028s going to be bringing some variation of a
7030s slower Mage and Beast Hunter right just
7033s kind of fits into everything it's what
7034s you do with the four the third and the
7035s fourth deck and Bayberry said to go in
7037s warlock it's not in curse warlock it is
7040s just good old imps
7043s um and the aggregate uh which you know
7046s is is just kind of been sneaking around
7048s as a little bit of a meta breaker right
7050s uh yeah for quite a while now
7052s yeah I think high pressure is actually
7053s in a really good spot uh some of the
7055s people we've been talking to during
7056s testing uh have been saying that aggro
7058s Druid has been their best performing
7060s deck uh the uh the pony Dojo as one of
7063s the other Premier practice groups I
7064s think has been uh espousing that aggro
7067s is like as good as it's ever been uh in
7070s competitive Hearthstone which is a very
7072s bold statement to make but you can see
7074s the Merit when you start to run through
7076s the deck lists a lot of these archetypes
7078s are very weak to a strong board-based
7081s aggressive deck rather than a burst
7083s based aggressive deck which is uh I
7086s think maybe the Difference Maker that
7087s people have been missing out on because
7089s renithal being such a key factor in this
7093s tournament I haven't seen any players
7094s who have a 120 card lineup almost
7096s everyone I think has at least
7099s burst is quite weak because 40 health is
7102s very damaged very difficult to deal but
7105s board is very strong because of that
7106s because renithal decreases the
7108s consistency of their defensive
7109s capabilities and so I think baby bear
7111s really has a uh a strong strategy here
7114s and we'll see if it can pay off in
7116s practice
7117s Yeah just in the side I I think uh
7120s funnily enough uh playing a little bit
7123s of super mange just to try and you know
7124s test the waters a little bit I feel like
7126s something's there but at the same time
7128s no yeah fireball's never been worse
7132s okay you know that just to go on to the
7135s point of like you know burn based
7137s strategies just don't work because so
7138s many players are uh bringing renithal in
7141s multiple decks
7142s um at the very least one but it just
7146s feels like you know Fireball wants
7148s Premier burn card now
7150s it it kills a mountain bear
7154s but not even the Cubs Cubs just keep on
7158s coming
7160s well starting things off here baby bear
7163s with uh you know some decent decent
7165s starter here spending all her Mana uh
7167s getting an infused simp is a nice way to
7170s start things off uh but none of the real
7172s power Spike cards that we're looking to
7174s see in the location or a infused reform
7177s to double down in the mid game uh so
7180s definitely relying on that impending
7181s catastrophe to fill in those missing
7183s puzzle pieces next turn
7189s give me a lot of draw
7193s um I'm gonna be able to clear up a
7195s couple of these to keep it in check a
7197s little bit but
7198s Uber is going to have
7201s all the cards necessary to uh work
7203s through this Cyrus and atheros is going
7205s to start to get quite large
7206s uh in hand with that infused so but you
7211s know Abu Goblin's got the uh the ramp
7213s it's got the Aquatic form try and uh
7215s find something specific
7217s deal with the board so I'm not hating
7219s this uh this Druid start either for
7222s habugabu
7224s um but maybe we're gonna try and put on
7226s some aggression here and with the M4
7228s lock versus cursed warlock you do have
7230s of course that consistency all the good
7234s stuff
7235s just Spam the board on uh
7237s hey any turn Mission should be uh
7240s infused then after that in King reforms
7243s not uh long after and then the murlocula
7247s oh yeah
7252s if at that point you don't like your
7254s board just get rid of it we'll try the
7256s stampson that's true you saw again yeah
7258s I don't like this I want to do over
7262s yeah the catastrophe for you very much
7264s going from impending to impotent very
7267s quickly
7271s works
7275s great one
7279s I love jokes
7283s all right how do you even spend this
7285s manner as effectively as possible I
7287s guess even with all these options a uh a
7290s Juiced up mischievous imp is just wrong
7292s right
7294s I wonder or flustered librarian it does
7298s get so much attack
7306s or stats
7311s well Habu Gabba has all the manner in
7314s the world but now needs to find
7315s something to do with it ends up with two
7317s 10 costs off of The Dredge which really
7320s does hurt and totally but there's also
7322s topiar I don't know that's oh it's so
7325s slow though right you can't play that on
7327s this turn you could Miracle growth this
7330s turn and then okay hopefully you pick up
7332s some cheap nature spells
7334s uh for topir to to follow up going into
7338s the next turn
7344s yeah I think you have to if you go topio
7345s this turn and then Miracle growth next
7347s turn it's just wait
7350s oh and nice little uh Druid of the reef
7354s I'm gonna take this power off but
7357s this ain't stopping
7359s um oh no
7361s one problem though is that no vile
7365s library has been picked up yet so
7369s um not a good way to kind of juice up
7371s these stats if you look at the Mana
7373s expenditure that baby bear can do this
7375s turn it's really not that great nothing
7376s lines up like super cleanly
7378s to be able to develop a ton of power and
7381s then also push a ton of damage face
7383s right the vowel yeah our vial Library
7385s would have done a lot in
7387s um in allowing that to happen but
7391s a still strong place
7393s I mean again I think you just keep it
7395s simple stupid right you play double
7398s blood bound sorry you triple trade in
7400s double blood bound him and then
7402s flustered librarian plus the molecular
7404s to fill up the board but by trading and
7407s hitting exactly the location uh baby
7410s that does get a decidedly better
7412s situation I will admit
7418s foreign
7426s big truck
7427s but what can we get off the planted
7430s evidence that could be helping habugabu
7432s here
7434s have natural causes would be really good
7437s here
7438s a little bit of Mana to work with
7441s up to a Four Mile spell could be played
7443s there's not much on four though is the
7445s the
7447s really helps wipe anymore sadly
7463s good silence obviously with attorney at
7466s Moore to massively lower the attack on
7470s the 9-2 and then
7472s the uh
7474s tree uh sorry the welps into other
7477s places I suppose yeah it's not a great
7480s use of it
7481s I'm so short
7484s okay there we go
7486s [Applause]
7489s pretty good that's pretty good
7494s I guess you just go for immunity
7499s I think you hear a power and just try
7501s and
7502s okay on the board a little bit this is
7505s taking a lot of power off yeah I guess
7507s we'll get the uh in King reform
7511s nice and Juiced however
7513s uh which is a problem
7516s a little too juicy
7521s absolutely no such thing
7526s yeah I think I'd rather just play it and
7527s get the immediate buff right even if you
7529s lose out on one imp like sacrificing the
7531s way the one one really doesn't do
7534s much it allows you I suppose to trade in
7537s the blood bound imp into the boat deal
7539s if you're thinking about trading but I'm
7542s kind of thinking about Ghostface
7547s oh that's the juice
7560s oh
7562s Sensational devour clears up a lot here
7564s and it also is a ton of damage
7570s kind of just lethal yeah kind of
7575s close
7577s um you could get push it over the edge
7579s yeah and this is the like I've mentioned
7583s multiple times here in the continued
7586s coverage of round one uh baby bear's
7589s playing in warlock not in curse warlock
7590s so the reach is not there it's it's all
7593s board based well the reach is there with
7595s siren after us but we're still three
7596s turns away and this 2020
7599s it ain't going anywhere
7602s so
7605s so I think your win condition is to not
7607s play times in and just hope that you
7609s survive at one right uh like it's
7613s unlikely to work but you know you're
7616s unlikely to win this game you need to
7617s take a risk somewhere and I think the
7619s risk comes in the form of just shipping
7621s this whole face yeah
7626s freeze
7631s still follow this up with uh
7635s power right with um murlocular plus a
7638s librarian you can also get amps from the
7640s actual draw uh from the strips and
7644s um but just trying to play around a
7645s little bit of damage at the expense of
7648s uh not putting quite as much power on
7650s the board though like bloodbound dip
7653s can't can't attack right you don't want
7656s there's not really much sense in playing
7657s that in gang boss not really high attack
7660s so there was really wasn't that much
7663s more power
7664s uh that uh baby bear could have put on
7666s the board
7668s um so dreadlich Thompson uh makes sense
7671s oh dimash
7675s that is dimash
7680s that's an Arcane not a nature spell so
7682s you're not going to be getting another
7683s whelp uh but it's still just a pretty
7686s efficient card
7692s no again however that if you clear off
7695s the board you're not dead right there's
7697s basically no way for baby bear to deal
7699s damage from hand unless you're at turn
7700s 10 inside a denaturis is available uh
7703s the big concern I suppose for habogaboo
7706s is Finn that he needs to be concerned
7709s about and of course just development uh
7711s on the following turn uh so you could
7714s argue that it's a theater enter the turn
7716s to try and snipe out that gigafin so
7718s that this board can't be cleared up
7731s ah but I mean
7736s and funnily enough the uh
7739s the fact that if gigafin were to come
7741s down it would Infuse the Devourer is
7743s like kind of bad for Abu gabu because he
7746s wants his minions back at the same time
7748s you know I I mean that but it'd probably
7750s just be probably doesn't matter yeah
7752s yeah
7755s yeah and uh again 13 life is a lot
7759s considering there's no damn for him
7761s except for the sir tenathrius which is
7763s massive right now
7766s but even then I think if this was like
7768s turn 10
7770s avocado might still be uh in a good spot
7774s because what Saturday night race is
7776s probably at like 20. yeah there's a 2017
7779s on board
7781s and obviously the late game is uh very
7784s much so it was the longer this goes on
7791s amazing yep it's just basically the Last
7794s Stand Here for Vape it actually needs to
7795s survive until she can get downside in
7797s Africa first time I don't see how she
7801s does that right now uh uh unless I guess
7804s making minions so threatening to have
7805s who is forced to trade into them every
7807s single turn is the best hope that she
7809s has uh but how about as we can see has
7812s multiple ways of just uh ignoring these
7815s minions with the Devourer itself and
7817s Sylvanas Devourer from hand whatever to
7821s clean up the rest of it yeah
7834s and I think once again with you know
7836s leaving a 1-1 on board if both locations
7839s were still available then maybe you
7841s would be afraid of dying by some
7842s ridiculous burst with summoning circle
7844s plus double location uh but with one of
7847s them already having been used I would
7848s not be afraid of anything until 2010
7857s but I think in the end before going the
7859s wild growth settling on guitar I would
7862s imagine
7864s the most sense to try and snipe out that
7866s dinaris
7868s those Miss
7873s surprisingly enough
7875s a bear still has the tall task of
7877s actually dealing with this devour or
7880s putting
7881s enough stuff in the way which which is
7885s trade gigafin this is the out has to be
7889s gigafin right here
7892s that's a Miss no more manner
7897s oh void Walker there you go
7901s into a second void Walker
7909s uh
7910s I liked where your head was at
7912s and still obviously be extremely dead
7915s but you know at least uh
7918s okay Abu gabu takes game one I feel like
7922s uh maybe I was in a pretty good spot in
7925s the opening um yeah
7927s got the the really big impactful uh
7930s infused cards the mischievous imp and
7932s the M King reform uh down on curve which
7936s is you know what you want to see in that
7938s deck got a vile library on a turn where
7940s it was
7942s as good as it's going to get right full
7944s Board of imps
7946s um just kind of stalled out habogabu hit
7948s enough ramp got topior Miracle growth
7951s uh and enough stuff to clean up the
7954s board to keep it in check uh long enough
7956s for the insatiable Devourer to just end
7958s the game on its own
7962s yeah it was an interesting game as well
7964s I think Habu had a pretty easy run of it
7966s for the most part you just ramp up and
7968s spend your manner in the most efficient
7969s way possible to stabilize which you know
7971s kind of did for the most part uh baby
7974s bear I think I might have tried to play
7976s a little bit more face oriented than
7978s trading quite that much even though I
7980s was just you know saying that uh board
7982s based is the way to win these matchups
7984s with agradex right now I think in that
7985s instance I would have played it a little
7987s bit more aggressively to the face but I
7989s doubt it would have made much of a
7990s difference once the uh the stabilization
7992s was it from Abu gabu so
7994s not going to harp on about it too much
7997s as habogabo now goes over to the control
7999s Shaman a deck which historically he has
8002s been a pretty big fan of I think if I'm
8005s remembering correctly one of the first
8007s adopters of 40 card Shaman uh which was
8011s a pretty big point of contention it
8013s seems ridiculous now to think about it
8014s when control 40 card Shaman is so
8017s ubiquitous but back when 30 card Sharma
8021s was dominating The Meters one of the
8023s Premier archetypes and then you know the
8025s Nerfs rolled around the core of the deck
8028s changed a little bit uh when the
8030s guardian uh sorry the snowfall Guardian
8032s got nerfed and it did just kind of
8034s slowly warp into a much slower variant
8036s of the deck which now seems like the
8039s only way to play it and abu-gabu is one
8042s of the first players to realize that I
8044s think
8045s yeah one of the uh bigger weaknesses of
8048s the deck is that
8050s there's just no removal right outside of
8053s schooling in the early game there's no
8057s removal spells there's not really
8059s anything you can do to interact with the
8060s board outside of just playing minions
8063s and then using minion combat
8067s um
8067s uh obviously you know you can get things
8069s with school teacher but that's later on
8072s the game right it's minimum 25 before
8075s you can even play that and that's
8077s assuming that you even get a removal
8078s spell from it
8080s uh so you can get these uh pretty clunky
8083s hands with the deck that can much get
8085s steamrolled uh buy some things with a
8088s little bit more aggression
8089s uh but if you do hit that mint game you
8093s have plenty of you know super powerful
8095s options just wild paw Caverns by itself
8097s a lot of times can oh yeah um can uh
8101s stifle the aggression
8103s um clown fish and then you go super wide
8105s with murlocs specifically if you can get
8108s uh fireman's or flurgle
8110s in there along the way
8112s um and you have those little combat
8115s tricks with muck pools that allow you to
8120s you know gorlock ravager draw a bunch of
8123s murlocs and then Beef It Up uh the the
8126s most classic is you know you schooling
8128s early fill up your hand Knoll plus muck
8131s pools and get a 10 drop really early on
8133s in the game that's the bread and butter
8142s oh baby bear obviously with the
8143s knowledge that there's two wind chills
8145s in hand right now which de-incentivizes
8148s her from going for one
8150s important minion like the flustered
8152s librarian which would be the majority of
8154s her attack power were she to play it it
8156s could be then just Frozen and it was
8158s traded away one by one uh so I was
8160s probably leaning towards Wicked shipment
8163s I think at the end there just to go as
8164s wide as humanly possible uh but the
8167s Flaming
8175s oh
8181s it does feel bad to use second macaw so
8184s early doesn't it
8186s older
8191s oh no wind chill or just bullet trade
8196s probably just boner
8198s in trade
8200s uh
8204s because I kind of got a respect boner
8208s dude the thing is though that habug is a
8211s clownfish away from a really good time
8213s with Boner and amalgament man sure yeah
8216s okay I do think I would hold on to it
8219s with that potential that feels a little
8221s bit more valuable to me than the para in
8224s hand
8224s okay
8227s like he's got a lot of power Spike
8229s drawers there's this clownfish there's
8231s muck pools obviously uh there's command
8234s of neptulon wild poor Cavern would not
8236s be terrible either uh gorlock ravager
8239s would be fantastic again like there's a
8240s lot of cards that put Abu Dhabi very far
8243s in the lead here I think
8249s but right now he hasn't found which
8251s quite clearly puts baby bear in the
8253s driving scene
8258s a lot of power being represented on
8260s board even more potentially at least
8262s from Papa gaba's perspective
8265s okay so schooling picked up
8268s this allows for null to come down for
8270s pretty cheap and all three swarmers to
8273s be able to be played which can clear up
8276s nearly everything
8278s just leaving two one ones uh on the
8282s other side but you know this is
8285s perfectly fine like if Abu gabu can kind
8288s of keep this board
8290s um even like going into turn seven right
8294s uh for glug
8297s uh Gluck is a very difficult card for
8300s warlock to do with uh in its entirety
8303s you can't really bypass
8305s uh the taunts it's gonna be big
8309s very true but then on the other side you
8311s know baby bear has her own power Spike
8313s one turn earlier in the form of M King
8315s reform so it's
8317s like you say Obviously time is in the
8319s advantage of habugabu the longer this
8321s drags out whether or not it will get
8323s there is not necessarily so clear this
8326s reform plus molecular is a very powerful
8329s Gambit
8334s cool okay
8349s [Music]
8352s it gets the bad ones most
8364s yeah blood bound imp foreign
8369s oh yeah of course I always
8372s apologies
8375s it should be it's so imp like in its job
8379s yeah it's a it's a cheap warlock minion
8382s yeah it's a demon
8389s all imps are demons but all demons
8395s are wise beyond your year
8401s on why are we sat here thinking like
8403s trumps
8404s it's it's glow time it's Glock time
8420s oh none of his tail has even died and
8423s he's already so big
8432s how does it work
8434s like
8437s destroy his tail and his head gets
8439s bigger that's true yeah it doesn't quite
8441s make sense that you chop it off and he
8443s just eats it or
8445s he like he is it his tail isn't actually
8447s dying he's just shrinking up more and
8449s more
8453s consolidating his power yeah exactly
8455s like coiling up
8458s I know it's his brain
8462s his brain's getting bigger uh
8465s learning from you attacking his tail
8470s and so this 11 attack is not his size
8472s it's his intelligence
8474s uh
8477s well I mean what would you expect from a
8479s creature called glug
8483s sharp wit
8487s okay what have we got with null
8491s legal
8494s plus the amalgam I guess you've won AOE
8497s it's not great could just take the
8499s gamble on flurgle Plus amalga
8502s or you could Rook on
8505s yeah okay
8507s plus uh talks makes sense protect your
8512s Glock yet further
8513s a little cleaner I was looking for a way
8515s you could maybe get a little bit bored
8516s out of it then more bored uh but the
8520s taunt is probably valuable
8533s was about to trade over the M king or
8536s bomb first
8538s that would have left one additional
8539s board space up which could make a
8541s difference right
8543s um
8549s and it always feels terrible eating up a
8551s colossal minion with a gigafin but I
8554s think it's what you have to do here in
8556s order to send this damage face you're
8558s losing this board really really quickly
8560s yeah
8563s [Music]
8572s down to eight
8576s and back we go
8584s so sick oh poor baby bear like she knew
8587s this was the card that she just loses to
8589s but it was the only part available to
8591s her yeah
8592s no other options
8596s slug Libs
8598s yeah exactly uh 23 though it's I mean
8601s it's the same game again it's still
8603s Tilton athrus well there's a giant
8605s Devourer on the other side of the board
8609s foreign
8619s or else you die like
8623s red lipstampson
8625s dead
8627s I give 10 attacks
8630s you can dreadlish Thompson and then
8632s attack face and you're alive
8636s at oh well you're alive at like seven
8640s because the armor yeah it's it's still
8643s not great
8646s okay
8653s yeah you're like just alive here
8656s oh yeah it's 31. yeah yeah I was just
8660s thinking it was just gonna be uh I
8662s always forget to add the actual base
8664s three attack from the glove his base
8668s intelligence okay don't be turning your
8671s nose up at that Baseline free IQ yeah I
8675s mean there was a potential lethal there
8676s for for Baby Bear right it would have
8678s had to have been all all three imps off
8681s the top oh okay and then a wicked
8684s shipment vile Library
8687s or exact yeah but it that's a massive
8692s sequence to hit right it so unlikely
8695s because there would have only been you
8697s would have to have had to draw all three
8699s of the dreadlich Thompson imps from the
8702s Battle Cry and then on the draws hit
8705s exactly the one Wicked shipment left in
8708s the deck plus one of the vile libraries
8709s very unlikely but it was a possibility
8714s so we need a way to play goldshire Knoll
8718s rush in and have it die or play the
8721s command of neptulon Russia and have it
8722s die
8723s uh so the glug can gain its stats and
8726s get lethal but it's currently not
8728s possible this taunt is really annoying
8731s and none of these imps are quite big
8732s enough very annoying
8735s um yeah
8736s um though Hubble gobble can just play
8738s clean up here and you know the hero
8740s power is that he also can get out of
8742s range of uh of a lot of stuff clear off
8744s the entire board so by a library can't
8746s really do anything
8752s a little bit
8754s exactly yeah I mean it should well I
8758s don't know like it's like about I think
8760s it's like 25 to 30 damage somewhere in
8762s that range divided between six targets
8765s some of which which will die before they
8767s take the max damage but it's just 44
8770s likes in minions
8772s oh
8774s close
8776s yeah and no chance here yeah it was very
8778s unlikely to hit 10 damage to face with
8781s that much of Indian Health
8784s on the board so cobbagava goes up to
8787s zero
8788s uh in the series and
8792s um
8792s posts have trouble on these continued
8796s coverage matches
8798s beating the bands but I think its Mage
8801s was banned yeah okay Mage was banned
8804s which means that Hunter the final deck
8807s remaining
8809s for Abu gabu
8812s yes Hunter the last one I believe that
8814s makes sense uh the deck that I think was
8817s the most of all right I haven't actually
8818s seen the breakdown of class
8820s representation but just having a pretty
8821s good look along uh social media at the
8824s Players deck list being posted it's just
8825s absolutely everywhere right in ladder in
8828s tournaments uh and it's an interesting
8832s debate to have because I personally
8833s don't believe the deck is that
8835s oppressively powerful I think it's just
8838s very arguably the best deck but not a
8841s massive outlier at all it's just very
8843s popular on ladder because it's a fairly
8846s easy deck to play in terms of the
8848s overall power stealing whoa
8851s comparative Oh Derek
8854s comparatively we're talking about master
8856s Souls where people are winning with bore
8858s priest and mind lock right like these
8859s are complicated combo decks throwing
8861s shaded thousands of players
8865s hey I'm I'm doing it as well I am
8869s climbing to the lofty Heights of almost
8871s uh out of dumpster uh Legend uh with
8875s this deck but you know it's it's a curve
8877s deck right it's
8879s I don't know whoa am I that out of
8882s pocket no you're right
8886s but there is there are tricks incredibly
8889s whoa
8894s got a load of this guy
8901s uh yeah I mean the the thing to like uh
8904s be keeping your eye on with this deck
8905s the difficult part is which part of the
8908s deck do you want to go for is it
8911s spending all your Mana every turn
8912s curving out which is pretty strong
8915s pretty valid there are a lot of very
8917s powerful Hunter cars uh in terms of just
8919s curving out especially with the wild
8921s seeds uh put into the mix or do you go
8924s for the power Spike Mana cheat curves
8927s where you get down pet collector the
8930s Azar and saber pull it out pull out the
8932s sunken saber as well and the Harpoon Gun
8934s uh in order to cheat out some massive
8937s Beasts for cheaper uh and a lot of the
8940s time it's you know just what the hand
8941s offers you but in the Mulligan you can
8943s make a pretty asserted effort to try and
8946s hit one or the other yes
8950s and oh this is actually oh fantastic
8953s pretty good hand
8955s um if you ignore like the naturalist
8958s right which actually may not be a
8961s terrible ah no it's not like anything
8963s else but just poacher into wild Spirits
8965s is fantastic uh to try and uh get the uh
8969s early board presence so
8975s I can't wait to have that Mouse over the
8977s flustered librarian for the whole game
8981s I I instinctively took my mouse
8984s tried to get rid of it
8990s oh there we go the mouse isn't working
8992s now we get flame it
8994s all right now we need to see if that
8997s impending catastrophe that is the card
8999s that turns this all around for baby bear
9004s uh okay okay five million is or less
9007s please baby bear yeah yeah yeah keep in
9011s mind
9012s viewers oh this is continued coverage
9017s um which is our way of saying recorded
9022s I don't think we're allowed to say that
9023s but it's the last match tour of the year
9025s come on now let's part of the command
9027s all day yeah so uh that mouse
9031s was there 20 minutes ago so uh we can't
9037s move it
9039s we just have to hope that whoever was in
9041s the past controlling this caught me bad
9044s at the production team for being asleep
9045s in the past come on
9052s all right well obviously the beat down
9055s continues but for Abu gabu this is where
9058s this particular deck can start to come
9060s into its own because he has access to of
9064s course uh the Tarantulas which is a
9067s pretty spicy choice in its own right and
9069s then of course uh defense attorney
9071s nathaniels which were it to come into
9073s hand at this point in the game is an
9076s absolute Monster uh to get back the
9079s death rattle of the spider it can clear
9081s essentially any board the turn it comes
9083s down
9088s and I mean at this point baby bear also
9091s just has to worry about life total
9093s like blood bound dimp plus life Taps
9096s like power on board the the possibility
9099s of you know some damage from pan right
9101s there's a ramming mount
9103s um like if you just kind of ignore
9105s everything go face how about God we
9107s might win that race
9112s yeah I think pretty convincingly right
9114s now
9118s Roars is there a way that she can Infuse
9121s you have to trade in so much
9132s this does it actually right that's the
9134s tour form dying so both of them will uh
9136s be able to be played okay that's a
9137s pretty big swing
9139s yeah the second one was picked up off
9142s the light tab so it was a turn left so
9144s it was a wonderful but this this is fine
9146s puts a lot of power on board
9149s um and you know like we said it's
9151s impossible to win the race
9154s if you just go all face there problem
9156s for repair empty hand file Library not
9158s going to be active next turn gonna have
9160s to go for a live tabugabu
9162s guess that 88 is threatening
9166s but you can clean up a lot here with uh
9168s like just
9170s framing Mount plus the rush though and I
9176s draw it on next turn exactly I do think
9178s Abu gabu is going about it the right way
9181s of clearing off the a tape rather than
9183s the two three fours uh because it's less
9185s attack going phase and even though these
9187s content sorry can continually trade in
9190s and get lifesteal whereas the rammy man
9191s would of course denied the initial
9193s lifesteal because they don't deal any
9194s damage uh I think saving his own health
9197s rather than trying to go for the race is
9200s much more important here for Habu
9201s because he will win the board if he just
9204s carries on for long yeah
9211s [Music]
9218s lightly awkward with the hydralodon here
9220s in terms of board space
9224s because you obviously want to send one
9227s of the the three one rushes in Boyd
9229s Walker but then there's no room for it
9231s to duplicate uh
9233s on the death rattle
9239s but my end up as Huntsman Ultimo I'm not
9241s sure if he can get it fully infused on
9243s it
9258s death battle
9262s s
9269s all right perfectly reasonable yeah just
9272s praying that one card is not there and
9274s that one card is exactly what baby bear
9276s has this is her chance now to take this
9279s game
9283s foreign
9286s always forget about the ram
9290s they'll be sleeping on that run
9297s still far from over because even with
9299s the death rattle deleted the gigafin on
9301s its own not gonna be getting the job
9303s done and there is 11 damage on the other
9307s side
9308s which means hey a king Crush off the top
9311s or in hand for all baby bear knows could
9313s close this one out
9318s sorry we don't have anything
9327s not the happy dog car
9338s yeah so currently this is lethal with a
9341s Harpoon Gun because there's 11 on board
9343s hero power Harpoon Gun though baby bear
9347s you know quite obviously if you use
9349s grimoire's sacrifice you open up or
9351s sorry you take away a lot of break
9353s points from them but you lessen your own
9355s chances of hitting lethal on the
9357s following turn it's just honestly it's
9359s like an estimation at this point it's a
9361s guess either way whether they have it or
9363s not she makes the correct call in this
9365s particular instance to survive the turn
9367s uh but that doggy biscuit I think seals
9371s up
9374s one of them
9376s but I mean Abu gabu can here can just
9379s you know clean up the board and
9383s foreign
9388s yeah if you kill every minion right
9391s there's just no there's no way baby bear
9393s can win
9395s not a single car in the deck right
9398s uh sorry to not throw yourself the top
9400s actually no no if you play frenzy fangs
9402s then it wouldn't be a win
9404s okay found the Lost condition
9411s yeah play any minion
9413s and actually just gonna you know trade
9415s away the doctors to give these rushes
9418s very smart gonna have beans on board
9421s uh very nice one from habagabu Full Mana
9425s utilization as well
9428s clean yeah
9431s and
9432s a pretty good demonstration from baby
9434s bear as to why players have been moving
9436s away from this traditional version of
9438s warlock I was saying coming into the the
9441s series at the start though I actually
9442s thought that the full-on in warlock was
9445s a pretty smart way to go about things
9447s because there are a lot of players going
9448s for Druid if you have the capability to
9450s just dominate the board in these
9452s starting turns then you can capitalize
9454s on that into a win quite quickly but
9457s with three losses in a row just getting
9459s clean swept on the Warlock uh for baby
9462s bear there we can see the theory does
9464s not quite translate into practice
9465s because even with some decent hands it's
9468s got to be said you know she was hitting
9470s uh imps spending all her Mana in the
9473s starting turns a lot of big impending
9475s catastrophes hitting the locations
9477s getting reform on curve it still just
9479s wasn't enough against all of these
9481s standard meta decks of Druid Shaman and
9483s Hunter they all just had these mid-game
9485s tricks ramping up into devourers and the
9487s Warlock just can't close out the game
9489s quick enough
9490s yeah he was uh pretty tough and you can
9495s see why players like gravitate towards
9497s the M curse warlock obviously you
9500s sacrifice some of the consistency of
9502s just early game boards but
9504s um being able to have that which against
9506s Decks that are going to close things out
9508s against you
9510s uh does wonders in in some matchups
9513s um but I also in the same boat as you
9515s like if I if I was submitting an aggro
9518s deck Agri alignment to this tournament I
9520s would have omitted the curses and just
9522s straight imp yeah oh uh just didn't work
9525s against Abu gabu
9527s um but Derek our continued coverage
9531s has come to an end at least for round
9533s number one don't worry if you're a big
9534s fan of continued coverage like Derek and
9536s I are there'll be plenty of more
9538s throughout the day but for now we're
9541s gonna go to a break when we come back
9542s we're going to continue on uh with
9544s Master's tour Mal and disorder with
9546s round number two so don't go anywhere
9548s we'll be right back
9550s [Music]
9558s no no no
9566s [Music]
9569s their Witness
9572s [Music]
9577s beg for your life
9582s but you were
9584s you must acquit
9587s the dark lady did not commit this
9590s unspeakable life
9594s your cell awaits
9598s your confession will save us all the
9601s time
9604s [Music]
9609s [Music]
9622s [Music]
9626s [Applause]
9628s [Music]
9631s thank you
9634s [Music]
9645s thank you
9646s [Music]
9656s [Music]
9660s thank you
9661s [Music]
9663s foreign
9672s [Music]
9700s foreign
9701s [Music]
9725s [Music]
9750s no no no
9754s everyone and welcome back to Masters
9757s Tour I'm Raven back again joined by my
9759s long lost casting partner subtle how's
9762s it going mate I've not cast with you for
9764s years it feels like I know yeah all the
9766s better to be to be back home Raven
9769s alongside my my casting partner and
9772s partner in crime although if anyone from
9774s disorder is on the lookout that is
9776s metaphorical crime and not real crime uh
9779s yeah we may allegedly in front of him
9782s allegedly is the magic word you can say
9784s whatever you want if you just say
9785s allegedly at the end uh yeah I mean with
9788s grand Masters coming to an end obviously
9790s much more rotation going into the the
9791s casting pairs it does feel like it's
9794s been a while but Battlegrounds breaking
9795s things up as well where we haven't
9796s really cast with each other for a while
9798s so yeah it's it's good to see you Raven
9800s how are you doing how's your family we
9803s we definitely don't talk outside of work
9805s we only talk when we're on the casting
9807s desk which is why a lot of the time we
9809s talk about absolute rubbish but we do
9811s have our next match coming up in round
9813s two so we kick this one off it's going
9815s to be language hacker versus Django and
9817s an interesting lineup Soul especially
9820s when you pair them with the bands so far
9822s on stream we've not seen Hunter really
9824s blowing anyone away right we've not seen
9826s it really be the dominant Force everyone
9829s believes it to be at least on ladder and
9831s we are seeing different bands here as
9833s well priests going out the window for
9834s language hacker and warlock going out
9837s the window for Django so what do you
9838s make of just the lineups the players
9840s overall here well I'll touch on Hunter
9843s first I think coming into this one this
9846s is largely what I expected you quite
9849s often see this and you know Derek was
9850s right in his analysis as we were just
9852s leading into this Hunter's a great deck
9854s for ladder it's a deck that you can jam
9856s hundreds of games in not mentally
9858s exhaust yourself it's a good deck with a
9861s good curve good quality cards it win
9863s games wins games on ladder that's good
9866s enough to be a bringable deck a
9868s competitive level it's not normally good
9870s enough to be the best deck at a
9872s competitive level and I think that is
9873s kind of what we're seeing there's a few
9875s other decks with higher skill caps which
9877s are putting up better numbers and more
9880s uh aggressive Decks that are doing very
9882s very well indeed in a lot of players
9885s practice I believe you know things like
9887s aggro Druid the Naga priest or bless
9889s priests which have a various variation
9891s you want to go with so some both of
9893s these players are going with that bless
9895s priest for example or some variation of
9898s the the buffing nagas package so it is
9901s you know interesting to see that both of
9903s these players do are playing something
9904s just a little bit different from what
9906s we've seen from most of our coverage in
9907s round one so far and kicking off our
9909s first match we do have language hacker
9911s on this Mage versus Django on the Druid
9914s now this is a match up in not too uh
9916s distant history and we've seen time and
9919s time and time again but it has since at
9922s least you know in more recent weeks it
9924s has been nerfed and both of them have
9926s been nerfed right Dawn grass bear has
9928s been reduced in damage with a couple of
9930s other Nerfs to Mage and then during I
9932s think mainly has lost a certain amount
9935s of power on Golf and with taking those
9937s into consideration who do you think as
9940s the matchup changed because I always
9941s felt it was fairly even has that change
9944s have the Nerfs kept things even just at
9946s a slightly lower power level
9948s well so with the exact way that you
9951s phrased it it's a difficult question to
9953s answer concisely no I don't think it has
9955s changed that much but I think it remains
9958s Druid favored as it pretty much always
9960s has in the past
9961s um I I think this is fairly
9963s significantly Druid favored now after
9965s the Nerfs are settled down but I don't
9967s think it has moved that much from where
9970s it was but I guess the big difference is
9973s that the games where the Mage would win
9975s it did generally come off the back of
9978s just that early Dawn grasp and just
9980s massive ramping on the hero power very
9982s very quickly to be able to pressure the
9985s Druid down before they're able to get
9986s anything done and then you have those
9987s big clears available with the Reckless
9989s Apprentice as well obviously there's
9990s things you can throw out there with root
9992s of the art major whatever to scam
9994s various games but yeah I think this is
9996s the kind of uh match up The Druids
9998s always want to see right Dex that build
10001s up slowly to a critical mass that's what
10005s Druid is very good at because they can
10006s just skip the mid game and just start
10009s absolutely bombing you way before you've
10012s ramped up through that mid game period
10014s that you really want to do as mage
10016s yeah it can be difficult right for
10017s amazing and honestly a lot of to keep up
10019s with this which is why we've seen some
10021s of the more like hard aggro Decks that
10023s you would talk about earlier such as
10024s pre-star grow Druid and so on because
10026s even though the Mana crystals gained
10029s from Gulf are empty you still have time
10032s in a lot of these matchups right and as
10034s long as you have time then you're still
10036s drawing cars when you play it you still
10038s gaining the empty empty sorry Mana
10041s Crystal you still heavily ramping and
10043s you are quite right like Mage especially
10045s in most of the forms we've seen in this
10048s Masters Tour so far aren't even going
10051s for you know like I would say like raw
10053s pink Mage right they're still playing
10055s you know cards like death bond that we
10058s saw and a lot of the slightly slower
10059s later game tools so it's not as if they
10061s can get after a lot of those sort of
10063s Minion aggro starts that certain
10066s versions have made you uh used to be
10068s able to do but let's just get into it
10070s game number one is round two of the
10072s Swiss of course both players winning
10074s their previous round so let's see how
10077s this one goes golf in hand for Django
10079s already
10080s a language hacker not really having the
10083s best follow-up here
10085s yeah Django one kept the Guff on the far
10087s left of the hand no great surprise
10089s nothing really has changed card is
10091s weaker yes card is still one of the best
10094s cards in the deck and to keep in a vast
10096s majority of match-ups on language hacker
10099s side I would imagine just slightly
10102s pleased to see at least a spell come
10105s into the hand on the post Mulligan draw
10107s uh just so the one drop on one was
10109s actually uh vaguely effective but not
10112s the most attractive looking hand but it
10114s does have potential if the deck is kind
10116s for the next uh one or two draws and
10119s that's a reasonably Good Start then the
10121s combination of Cold Case and then savara
10124s to be able to repeat some high value
10125s spells later it might just be able to do
10127s something
10128s yeah I do think this is a good display
10130s of what you were saying though like look
10132s at the hand for language hacker it it's
10135s fine it's oh you know it's absolutely
10137s fine but it's not doing anything yet is
10140s it and then suddenly you look at Django
10141s oh now there's the nourish options
10143s there's an innovate in there and coin to
10145s help him get there there is of course
10147s gov that he could choose to go into now
10149s and personally like I am a fan of just
10152s play golf early especially in a matchup
10154s like this where your opponent's not
10155s really uh kicked off too far but of
10158s course could go for the nourish instead
10160s if you just wanted the like constant
10162s manner to be available but the follow-up
10165s wouldn't be that strong with those two
10166s extra Mana crystals
10171s a little furrowing of the brow or
10173s narrowing of the eyes from language
10175s hacker probably I think sort of going
10177s through the same internal dialogue as
10179s you did where you know he knows that
10180s there is the nourish option in hand
10183s um so Django choosing to go for the Guff
10185s there which is a little bit slower as
10186s mentioned these days than nourish but
10188s getting that investment in the Guff
10190s doesn't mean that you have the long-term
10191s payoff over time of course
10196s either language hacker does have access
10198s to that Arcane intellect if he was going
10200s to play night cloak again it's fine to
10202s lock it in but another card that did
10204s take a Nerf was that location so it
10207s would have been a little bit slow
10208s because again I think with language
10210s knowing as you said that the nourishes
10212s are in hand it's so unlikely that Django
10215s is going to play a minion this turn
10217s right yeah or at least a minion that's
10218s freezable as we look at kelp Keeper in
10221s the hand and everyone starts laughing at
10222s me or something but um yes so unlikely
10224s nourish is going to come down suddenly
10226s Django is going into nine mana and those
10229s options are really starting to stack up
10231s now especially with the um Topia just
10235s ready to go this is what I was referring
10238s to earlier about the potential of the
10239s hand at least with the savara his deck
10241s was kind giving him wildfire and Arcane
10243s intellect in fast order and that means
10246s he's now been able to curve out with the
10248s savara uh he's already played the second
10250s Wildfire now has a third wildfire in
10253s hand as well this can start to represent
10255s an amount of pressure and that is at
10258s least step one I do really think this is
10260s one of the most pressure based meta
10262s games I can remember in Hearthstone for
10264s a long time and I say pressure like
10267s pressure comes in a number of forms but
10269s you have to be putting a clock on your
10271s opponent either with that that being
10272s damaged on board and Minions that are
10274s going to go face or just being like a
10276s fast combo like ball priest right is
10277s putting pressure on the opponent because
10280s you have to do something before they get
10281s to the end of their deck because if you
10283s don't pressure your opponent they're
10285s just gonna sit there ramp up get to
10287s their win condition or if they're A
10288s disruption deck they're just going to
10289s spend their turns playing theater or
10291s mutinous and whatever else like pressure
10293s is the solution to both of those
10295s problems language hacker doing is best
10297s to pressure the Druid here it's not
10299s great but the fact that that savara has
10301s filled up with some good options has at
10303s least given him some hope yeah stacking
10305s wildfires is never that big of a problem
10307s sounds like a good plan to me but Django
10310s now has Topia down and that means that a
10314s lot of the damage from this deck from
10316s those skeletons can be at least
10318s partially negated right because it feels
10321s so easy for the Druid to just stack
10323s three threes on board and even trade if
10325s they want to there's so much of that
10328s death rattle damage is going to hit
10330s other minions we saw Django actually
10332s pick up the miracle growth as well so
10334s that's going to be even more value in
10336s hand as well there's a ton of Health on
10338s board
10339s yeah it's such a big deal in this
10341s scenario just kind of how inefficiently
10344s the skeletons deal damage yeah Tokyo
10346s boards it's such a it's a great two for
10349s one because not only are you dealing
10350s with the board State obviously the
10352s repeated 2-2 bodies of the skeletons
10354s themselves can be a little bit
10355s undervalued in some situations not only
10358s are you clearing up that problem but
10360s yeah as you say every three three that
10362s goes into a 2-2 then leaves a one Health
10364s body to potentially absorb a skeleton
10366s death rattle as well
10368s options here now for Django
10372s and see the Nerf coming into play right
10374s if he did go for the uh the ramp hero
10377s power back in the day would have still
10378s been able to say play raid boss in nixia
10380s but uh not gonna be the case anymore
10382s yeah it's interesting going back to that
10384s initial debate of Django choosing to go
10387s into nourish for crystals plus hero
10389s power there was situations where that
10392s sometimes felt a bit weird with old Guff
10394s because as it happens Django did draw
10396s kelp Keeper in the middle so he would
10398s have with old Guff he would have been
10400s able to go nourish for Crystal's hero
10402s power than spend the one Mana that yeah
10403s at the end but if you don't have that
10405s option you kind of feel weird that
10407s you're floating that one manner so I
10409s don't know whether that influences
10410s People's Choice on the curb options of
10412s whether to go golf or nourish first in
10414s that spot but the fact you don't have to
10416s find something to spend that last one
10418s manner on with the empty does make a
10420s difference to those early game curves
10421s and to late game situations as Raven was
10423s just pointing out
10425s yeah language hacker I would imagine is
10428s already feeling uh under pressure as you
10431s were talking about earlier because
10434s he has good cards but are they cards
10437s that are going to win in the game
10438s against this Druid Django not only
10440s winning on board but has you know
10442s roughly equal resources in hand both
10445s players have the nathrius as well but
10448s the problem is like Joey can just throw
10450s out threat after threat after threat
10452s even if that is just a board of two ones
10455s right it does need some level of answer
10457s but here Django can do whatever he wants
10460s to follow up with keep on ramping and
10463s keep on just piling the pressure on
10465s board and all he really needs is an
10468s earth and scales that he was offered
10469s earlier but didn't take chose the
10471s miracle growth instead but if he has an
10473s Earthen scales or any real point that is
10476s when things get scary for for the Mage
10479s because it's so much extra damage you
10481s have to deal to catch up
10489s Bill options are plenty for Django
10494s identity is on the left hand side has
10496s got all the world of options here with
10499s the scale of inyxia raid boss everything
10501s being able to juice that as hard as
10503s possible but really it just goes back to
10506s Django's ability to pressure here he can
10508s just continue just Jam big threats on
10510s the board and really limit what language
10512s hacker can do in terms of trying to set
10514s up a race going the other way the Varden
10516s Dawn grass pickup from language hacker
10517s might give him some options
10519s uh but Django looking pretty comfortable
10522s in this
10523s yeah and then scales picked up there
10525s like I said what the probably the piece
10527s of the puzzle that you just want to
10529s finish off this hand honestly because
10531s you just don't want any Shenanigans to
10533s happen right you don't want your Mo
10535s dress or any big players to come out and
10537s then denatures to just wipe you out of
10539s nowhere I think Django now just needs to
10541s safely secure this game
10544s she got dropped in athletes then I was
10546s like well you fine don't worry it's okay
10548s you've got time
10552s I like this just doing everything you
10554s need to do right this will naturally
10555s continue to stack the dinathrias and the
10558s Sylvanas that's in hand as well so it's
10561s all looking good here for Django
10562s language hackers got his work cut out
10564s for him especially with no Dawn grasp in
10566s hand yet or at least the hero form and
10569s that deathborn pickup this was the one
10570s thing that was making Django's turn just
10573s a little bit awkward I was talking about
10575s all these great options that Django had
10577s available loads of ways to get tokens
10579s into play that would reduce the Sylvanas
10581s and the dinathrius but they didn't
10583s immediately trade into things which
10585s means they're left hanging around on
10587s board and if they're left hanging around
10588s on board then suddenly the the AOE can
10592s sweep them up and replace them with
10593s skeletons on the other side so that is a
10596s beautiful top deck now for language yeah
10599s but was it really just part of the plan
10601s because now the board's full of things
10603s he can trade the scale yeah yeah true
10605s and it's just gonna juice even more
10609s yeah you are right of course language
10611s hacker would need or would have been
10613s very happy with that death Barn to just
10616s alleviate some of this pressure from
10617s Django
10619s only pick up as well
10624s this must be the way
10630s not the best
10632s [Music]
10634s yeah I'm suspecting it probably is a
10637s Devourer
10639s almost certainly going to be immediately
10642s infused on this turn
10650s yeah what the hell Tango does this like
10652s does he ever drop his attorney as well
10654s [Music]
10655s not initially of course but
10657s after a trade yeah you could also
10660s silence one and just say you know what
10662s I'm guaranteeing some more trades right
10664s it's also the question like whether to
10665s get the Drury to The Reef in play
10667s perhaps even as a three one to maybe
10669s soak so that your Rush minions can
10671s attack better
10672s uh yeah language hacker I would imagine
10674s happy with that outcome as many hitting
10677s minions as uh really could possible in
10679s that situation
10681s those type your effects it's going to
10683s allow Django to keep clearing this up oh
10685s it's what it's so annoying that it's a
10687s wealth isn't it you know it's like oh
10689s wait okay the the annexee might take
10691s some damage oh never mind there's a uh
10693s Garden dragon on the board which means
10696s that it's immune once again
10701s which I could just
10703s what he can can't quite squeeze the Ping
10706s in this turn as well to help out with
10707s that murderer so I have to drop the KT
10710s what was that 11 total yep oh the soak
10714s oh so strong yeah the onyxia took a real
10717s pounding there
10719s like I said the outcome on the previous
10721s turn with the uh the way the whelps
10723s traded and rushed into the skeletons on
10725s the previous turn I think landed in
10727s language hackers favor I'd say that's
10729s probably a slightly more important
10731s outcome from language hackers
10733s perspective
10734s uh but still Django really not sure of
10737s options to be able to deal with this
10739s boards
10743s as well at least where Django is in the
10745s game uh gonna change my questions
10747s slightly now I've seen the draws but how
10751s uh is there a world where Django plays
10754s dinathrius and it doesn't strictly just
10756s win him the game on the spot or do you
10759s think Django is in such a good spot that
10761s he can just sit there and just wait and
10763s wait until the denatures does you know
10765s let's just pretend 50 damage and
10767s guarantees lethal I think there would be
10770s a scenario if we had seen
10774s um a hero card come down already from
10776s language hacker oh wait then is it
10778s lethal then you would be afraid oh I
10780s didn't even I hadn't paid attention to
10781s them yeah yeah wait I was gonna say hang
10782s on a minute did I know 24 48 so no I
10786s don't believe it will be I know he's
10788s exact very very nice calculation yeah
10790s Django my apologies I had not paid
10793s attention to the possibility of the
10795s brand being picked up which did end up
10797s being lethal so in fact the very simple
10800s and direct answer to your question Raven
10802s is no there's no world that the
10804s dinathrius comes down without ending the
10806s game easy yeah that was kind of crazy
10808s wasn't it like as soon as the brand when
10809s I sort of just looked at it and went
10811s hang on minute you always have to count
10813s this but that's the difference as well
10815s that both players not having um theater
10818s come down right being able to steal
10819s those or at least look at the hands and
10821s both players have in the denaturius but
10823s druid's ability to just sort of juice
10826s Infuse minions is ridiculous because of
10830s the scales of a next year the raid boss
10831s annexia as well like those three cards
10834s total in the deck alone can Infuse
10837s whatever you want when you want and
10839s again why Sylvanas uh pretty much should
10842s always make the cut in Druid as well
10844s because it's so strong and so easy to
10846s infuse even at that level
10848s yeah Nick it's really speaks to one of
10851s my problems with the spooky Mage as a
10853s deck I'm fine with it as a bring for
10856s this tournament in certain situations it
10859s does have a debatably good matchup
10861s against Hunter for example so if you're
10863s trying to let's not say Hard Target
10865s Hunter but if you're trying to lean your
10867s line up in a way where you can leave
10868s Hunter up and not worry about it then
10871s the Mage makes sense as a deck that
10872s comes in but I think there are a lot of
10874s matchups in the game as I was talking
10876s about pressure earlier where the Mage
10878s just fails to pressure and then they can
10881s get messed up by a theater by a mutinous
10883s against Shaman or just out pressured out
10886s of the game themselves because other
10888s decks you know bless priests can just
10890s save up a big greedy push and just go
10892s out on the board in the right time Druid
10893s can just spend all that time in the mid
10895s game ramping and explode onto the board
10897s because you saw from language hacker
10899s that was about as good as it got in
10901s terms of consistent pressure right a
10903s little bit slow in the beginning but one
10904s drop on one into Cold Case survara more
10907s Cold Case multiple hero power ramps
10910s kel'thazard for 11 skeletons and then
10913s mordresch thrown in as well pretty good
10915s to follow that up which is a pretty
10917s solid curve in terms of pressure but
10919s just not nearly enough to deal with what
10921s was admittedly a very very good jury
10924s draw on the other side okay well jumping
10926s into game two uh we have one of the sort
10929s of Talks Of The Meta right now which is
10931s this priest from Django
10934s um I'll be honest Sol this is not my
10936s preferred priest I normally play the uh
10939s the more Naga heavy one like original
10941s wig priests so to speak and this is
10943s definitely the more offspring song isn't
10945s it original
10947s oh probably at this point I don't know
10950s um but this one with the switcheroo and
10953s the extreme lack of minions is
10957s definitely a weird deck to wrap your
10959s head around what do you think about it
10963s uh for me this is one of the strongest
10967s decks in The Meta game and might just
10970s continue to be so because
10972s it's a it's a deck where it's it's one
10974s of those decks where everyone will
10975s debate forever because the stats will
10977s never really represent it wildly as the
10981s best deck in the game but I think in the
10983s hands of very very accomplished players
10985s both this and you know your preference
10988s of original wig priest do have a lot of
10990s Merit but I do think if you really
10992s really understand the relevant path
10994s through the game when exactly to time
10997s you're all in there's so many decks in
10999s the game that just can't handle the all
11002s in when it happens and they just kind of
11003s lose uh Mage isn't necessarily one of
11007s them because of all the abilities to
11009s freeze and so on that they have later in
11011s the game if they're playing roon of the
11012s archmage and they can get to that point
11013s by just stabilizing the board with
11016s freeze effects then obviously broon
11017s makes anything possible and you can get
11019s some massive juicy hero powers to be
11021s able to clear things up in the late game
11023s as well so this is a one of the trickier
11026s matchups I would say I think it's fine
11027s maybe 52 over to the Mage overall but I
11031s think match-up spread against the Decks
11033s that we see right now the pop-off turns
11036s this deck has are nion unbeatable for
11039s quite a few decks in The Meta game so
11040s I'm a big fan of it being brought to
11042s this tournament would you 52 change if I
11045s told you that language hacker doesn't
11046s run ruin of the archimage it would
11048s change yeah I don't know how
11050s significantly so but I do think that has
11052s some of the success I've seen in this
11054s matchup is the fact that the Mage can
11056s freeze
11057s but can they win the game or kill the
11060s minion right because I think that's
11062s gonna be where they struggle right where
11064s the actual and without ruin of the
11066s archmage or mass polymorph that we've
11067s seen some other decks
11069s [Music]
11074s I will not tell them it's fine
11078s oh nothing
11082s wonder what he picked up from the other
11084s one as well because he had the um
11088s oh I can't remember the name the secret
11090s that uh copies a minion when it hits you
11092s in the face and hits your opponent in
11094s the face that's definitely an
11096s interesting is it vengeful spirit
11098s sounds right yeah he had that offer to
11100s him on his first one
11103s yeah I mean perfectly Illustrated as I
11106s was about to counter is that you know
11107s Rune of the art major is the go-to uh
11110s but basically whichever version of made
11112s you play there's some form of random
11114s generation thrown in there right and
11116s even though you don't play them the
11118s ability to find Jelly Mass polymorph
11122s various
11123s [Laughter]
11124s full Visage there you go absolutely and
11127s for Spirit close enough
11132s oh using his school teachers instead
11135s just to look for those random solutions
11137s that he does need to the problem as you
11138s were saying because the problem that
11140s does need solving is definitely that
11142s final kill on the minion and shattering
11144s blast is just absolutely absurd to go
11147s alongside the freeze effect oh didn't go
11150s for the snow flurry
11152s foreign
11169s language Hacker's hand now he does have
11172s a lot of on-demand freeze as well as
11176s obviously that insta kill option with
11178s the second naggling yes it's gonna be
11181s fine for a while and he is parted on a
11182s bit of pressure on Django but I will say
11185s that you know I hope you agree that this
11187s priest is deceptive right it looks like
11189s it does nothing for a while and then it
11192s pounces and then you think how am I
11194s supposed to win this game of hearthstone
11196s so although Django looks like he's
11198s effectively passing every turn the plan
11201s is to do a pop-off he's just got to time
11204s it right and I think as you mentioned
11206s earlier that's by far the hardest part
11208s of this deck to learn yeah it's only
11210s when you play against good less priest
11213s players you you have various levels of
11216s hubris essentially defeated over time
11218s where they're doing so little for so
11220s long in the early game like if you're
11222s playing a ball based deck you get so far
11224s ahead you're like okay this time there
11227s is no way even with their nine card hand
11230s and their seven Mana there's no way they
11233s can stabilize in this position and then
11235s you know next thing you know half your
11236s board's been cleared there's like two 40
11239s 40 talks okay
11244s like hydraulic go oh wait that's not
11247s enough never mind
11260s anger not paying to be too happy here
11262s even this bit of a board you can't
11265s uh clear up by himself here he does need
11268s something extra or to make the big
11270s minions soon of course but
11273s gonna be just a little bit scared here
11277s because there's also the worry that if
11279s language hacker gets him low enough he
11282s knows that what that secret is so he'll
11284s either have to be healthy enough to hit
11287s and not die himself or be um
11291s have a smaller minion to hit with which
11294s again feels unlikely against Mage yeah
11297s he also I believe saw the kel'thazard on
11300s the identity theft so he knows if
11302s skeletons start appearing that that
11304s finisher is going to be there available
11305s in hand so it won't have all the time in
11308s the world oh did he notice did he there
11310s he picked very very quickly there
11312s because he was roping I wonder whether
11314s his eyes had the chance to to uh to
11316s acknowledge that noggling on the
11318s left-hand side I'm choosing to believe
11320s yes you cannot see a Naga link and not
11322s look right you know it must be a natural
11325s reaction agreed yeah
11330s solid Alibi really nice pickup as well
11340s this is the other I would say skill cap
11343s of the deck as well is that you you do
11345s sort of play that smattering of thief
11347s priest as well where sometimes you just
11349s have to find Creative Solutions to
11351s problems that your deck doesn't really
11352s deal with the deck is more flexible than
11355s it appears but it is still quite linear
11358s in game plans apart from those box
11361s effects right and the steel effects and
11362s the thief priest effects that you have
11364s going on so you can see Django just kind
11366s of building up a little supply of cards
11368s that might be useful
11370s um deathborn for the skeleton tennis
11371s obviously solid Alibi as well just be
11373s able to to buy time against all this
11375s pressure that's coming down those are
11377s Creative Solutions to problems that he's
11379s going to face over the course of the
11381s game here
11382s yeah it was language hackers just trying
11383s to work out
11385s how much to push how much to commit I
11389s know has he got set ups to kill minions
11392s because again one of it's not as much of
11395s a problem with the board language Tech
11396s has at this moment in time but what he
11399s has to be fearful of is
11401s if Django ever just plays a Minion out
11405s and clears the board can language like a
11407s kill it even if it's got no Buffs on
11409s right because again it's that issue
11410s where where you have to kill every
11412s priest minion you can't just leave it up
11414s because even if small one can grow
11416s dramatically so you just have to make
11418s sure that he has that uh the insta kill
11421s of the the blast just locked and loaded
11423s for anything big but he still needs ways
11425s to clear out the smaller minions
11430s a dawn grasp on curve which is going to
11433s be pretty nice even with the the nerfed
11436s hero power it's still going to start
11437s stacking damage
11442s I think good recognition as well even
11444s with the dawn grasp in hand for language
11446s hacker to just throw the Reckless
11448s Apprentice out on board did help with
11450s the clear a little bit but also just
11452s represents a significant amount of
11454s pressure right it's making Django have
11456s to react it gets that solid Alibi out of
11458s hand on this occasion so even though the
11460s dawn graspy is there and would start
11462s juicing uh language hacker recognizing
11464s pressure now better than uh additional
11466s AOE later
11479s thank you
11481s interesting
11483s language hacker could go for the big
11486s brain play The Alchemist and pick this
11489s stupidest card offered and then Django
11492s will assume he wants to miss
11495s so he doesn't overdraw
11497s and then pick the card
11500s that's the bigger brain
11505s uh it's it's
11508s so directly opposed to the conversation
11511s I had with Derek well I think you were
11513s casting I think it was I think it was
11515s when you and jiah were casting and so
11517s there was a there was a suspicious
11519s Alchemist situation and we both have
11521s just sat there like I hate I hate these
11523s Mind Games I think both players are just
11525s supposed to pick the best card every
11527s time yep yep both agree yep as soon as I
11531s get on the cast of Raven Ranger right
11532s hear me out yeah
11536s everyone Tunes in for let's be honest
11539s now I think I would have picked Arcane
11541s overflow yes
11545s yes okay oh okay I have made it
11550s it's called Draw for card draw fine yeah
11552s fine yep absolutely fine then go
11554s realizing he needs to do something it's
11557s he's ran out of time
11560s all right picks up the other handmade in
11561s here as well does have Priestess
11563s alongside all of this the wigs in hand
11566s picking up the handmaiden crucial both
11568s as a Naga
11575s foreign
11584s comes down Priestess I think the only
11586s question here as to whether you may be
11587s committed one week for two Mana before
11590s doing this but choosing not to goes all
11592s the way back up to eight and important
11594s juice handmaiden as well importantly as
11597s well he's gonna have more than two
11598s minions right so won't necessarily
11600s guarantee an easy uh uh Freeze from like
11603s flurry into that shattering blast
11609s it's disgusting isn't it
11614s hell Ravens are really really big fan of
11617s this deck I mean I kinda I appreciate it
11620s like I say I do play you know a slightly
11622s different version I don't play the big
11624s pop-off version but you can still do
11625s turns like this
11629s oh
11631s nothing right wait wait wait
11638s please don't grasp again to repeat the
11641s flurry theoretically
11644s stay where you are there it is
11648s both of the big minions are now Frozen
11650s and now hello
11652s [Music]
11654s yeah fair enough yeah wow language
11657s hacker takes the victory with the help
11659s of a shattering a blasting again uh
11662s creative outcome to a big big problem
11664s because as you could see there if there
11666s wasn't a way to kill those minions
11669s what is what is he supposed to do right
11671s if he doesn't have a way to get rid of
11673s those they're only realistically going
11675s to get bigger or they're just going to
11676s sit there and not die and then the game
11678s will end at some point so yeah tough one
11680s there but I wish I could takes the win
11682s gets the Mage over the line but he still
11685s knows that priest is still lurking
11686s around of course this is Conquest so
11688s once you win with the deck you're gonna
11690s lose it and it does mean that Django is
11693s going to be able to play this priest
11694s once more so it's not over yet and it is
11697s the type of deck soul that if I was
11699s against someone and they had this priest
11700s I'd almost want it to win just so I
11703s won't have to think about it anymore you
11705s know just get it out of the way I'll
11706s play against some more regular decks of
11708s hearthstone and worry about that instead
11710s yeah my only question at the ending of
11711s that game is he got very deep into the
11715s Rope while trying to make all of his
11717s last actions raiding Elemental who did
11719s hit the board at the end
11721s um I confess I didn't count it
11723s specifically with the Rope burning and
11724s all the cards flying over my point of
11726s view but I don't know if there's a way
11727s to get another copy potentially down on
11729s on the the same term with the radiant
11731s Elemental because it did end up being
11732s played last which you know kind of makes
11734s sense as a lot as a final minion to play
11736s around things like flurry but I don't
11738s know if there's a way to do more cheap
11740s more Mana if that radiant Elemental
11741s could have come down earlier but anyway
11743s regardless the uh that shattering Blast
11747s from the naggling would have been hard
11748s to beat as you could ascertain from
11751s language Hacker's reaction immediately
11753s as it was uh shown on the screen to him
11755s off the Discover all the way back in the
11757s early game it's the one it's the great
11759s thing about this type of deck right and
11761s it's uh you know you could talk about
11762s this bore priests a lot of them do seem
11764s to be priests that do silly silly things
11767s but I think players love discussing them
11769s because there are options right they're
11771s like could you've done anything a turn
11772s earlier could he have done this again
11774s this is kind of forgetting about the
11775s shattering blast just for a second but
11777s you have so many options on you know at
11781s most turns of the game I think working
11783s out or players arguing over what's
11785s optimal is very entertaining at least
11787s for me so I look forward to seeing that
11789s a little bit later on as the weekend
11790s continues but for now going to be priest
11793s again for Django and language hacker
11795s jumping over to his ramp druid
11798s and by ramp I mean wow our ramp over
11801s that hand is even the emote from
11803s language hacker
11810s reasonable hand for Django as well uh
11813s card drawer is really just about all
11815s you're looking for in these early turns
11817s particularly against a deck where you're
11820s not going to have to deal with early
11821s board States
11822s so having Thrive into switch a route as
11825s potential is very promising indeed
11828s and this has been so a theme for a long
11831s time against Druid you know make a big
11833s minion early and hit them hard but how
11836s early can this priest deck realistically
11839s go you know obviously it won't be as big
11841s as if you wait and really pop off but
11843s you know are we looking at turn five
11845s potential here turn six or does it have
11848s to wait a little bit longer it can
11850s certainly be done yes particularly it
11853s depends on the deck match up and start
11856s that your opponent is playing and has
11859s respectively like against a druid with a
11861s slow star that hasn't played a bunch of
11862s minions and doesn't have scale of inexia
11865s Mana available yet you can actually you
11868s know do a sort of mini pop-off and just
11869s get a couple of mid-ranging Minions on
11871s board and then just build on that over
11873s time right like just drop a radiant
11875s Elemental put some fortitudes or
11876s whatever on it leave it there because
11878s it's not going to get dealt with and
11879s then just sort of scale your pop-off
11880s over turns against this kind of start
11882s from your opponent you're gonna have to
11884s have something a little bit extra but
11886s Django does already have something a
11888s little bit bit extra here with double
11889s radiant Elemental already so this can be
11892s absolutely disgusting zero Mana
11896s everything and the Priestess Village all
11898s still available here with the handmaiden
11900s getting Juiced as well this could be a
11904s lightning quick 2-1 Victory here for
11907s Django yeah the handmaiden is huge right
11910s because of the actual card draw going
11911s into the uh the Buffs you can
11913s potentially get
11917s okay
11919s each comes down for four can now
11922s get the wig and Maiden is Juiced
11926s and should probably have the manner to
11928s play everything that comes off the top
11930s yeah
11933s at least a bless right would you commit
11936s a blessing
11939s I think there's no real harm
11948s the language hackers
11950s a little bit of trouble doesn't have a
11953s scale of a Nick even kill off some of
11957s the minions
11959s remind the 1717 on board very Jenga is
11963s just self-satisfied smile after that
11965s turn it's just tickled me enormously
11968s that because it was something you would
11970s do
11971s I mean probably yeah
11973s involuntarily yes but yeah it was the
11976s exact kind of look that would pull off a
11978s big turn and then you just see smug
11980s little smile like oh God
11985s you know you're in trouble when you're a
11986s bad winner and a bad loser right like
11988s you should be able to do one of them
11990s yeah with some Grace but no I can't
12002s funnily enough it's a Grace that's
12004s usually the victim of it when we're
12005s playing board games but there you go
12009s language hacker has to do
12012s a lot more sort of deep thinking and
12014s creative thinking here because although
12018s cards such as scale of an extra raid
12020s butter next to you as strong up to a
12023s point they are but once minions get to a
12025s certain size it's still not good enough
12027s and Jared has access to way less you
12030s know hard counter options than Mage does
12033s in itself generation pool
12035s yes however
12039s enough ramp has been found from language
12041s hacker
12043s I mean that uh Devourer is now a threat
12046s that Django has to at least be thinking
12047s about on every turn from now on right
12063s actually Arguments for all three of
12065s these
12072s weirdly enough I'm I'm looking at The
12074s Shard of the narrow just to cycle it
12077s honestly
12085s yeah sorry for the relative silence I'm
12088s just trying to work out situations where
12090s you know if Devourer were to come down
12092s here and eat your biggest minion whether
12094s you could have wait what if you could uh
12097s have a situation where
12099s um you threatened a two-ton lethal just
12102s with enough Buffs with powered fortitude
12103s or whatever else but it just really
12105s really wasn't available and now I think
12107s you are just gonna see the uh the
12109s potential power I'd actually just raid
12110s Bossa nixia is looking like what
12112s language hack is going to go for here
12115s I suppose at 22 yeah this is still going
12119s to be enough clearing power right
12123s yeah I think so
12126s and I think that's why language hacker
12127s looked very happy when there was no
12129s actual Buffs being played on the
12131s elemental and then that's huge threat
12134s number one dealt with still a 7-7 on
12137s board so that is something but again
12139s just effectively one card in hand for
12142s language uh for Django sorry it means
12144s that he's uh I'm gonna be able to get
12146s too much done Burger giant is a very
12149s amusing discover to be offered as priest
12151s when every spell you've played the
12152s entire game cost you absolutely zero
12155s Mana
12156s oh double Miracle growth level Miracle
12159s growth sure yeah going back to that
12161s previous turn though it was potentially
12164s a little bit messy from Django but also
12166s it was kind of a rock and a hard place
12168s situation because by not putting Buffs
12170s on the radio Elementals he allowed the
12172s big clear from the ray boss annexia but
12175s obviously likewise if you just go all in
12176s on that radiant Elemental even an
12179s unenfused Devourer just deletes you at
12182s that point right because you are just
12183s all in on this one minion so really
12186s tough situation I think for Django to
12188s navigate through
12189s yeah it's really true and like if you
12191s wait and say okay well I'll wait for
12193s Boone wait for all the perfect cards
12195s it's like well it's Druid you'll die if
12198s you'd wait too long so it's definitely
12200s tricky overall identity theft number two
12203s is in hand for him so you can maybe fish
12206s some extra things out with that Miracle
12208s growth
12209s I think it's at the point now where it's
12210s going to be a very very big ask indeed
12214s agreed yes
12216s don't go choosing to double trade here
12218s obviously would have wanted to have been
12220s aggressive but he would still get
12222s deleted by a Devourer that was in hand I
12224s think Django's committed to playing
12226s around Devourer here if there was an
12228s uninfused Devourer on the previous turn
12229s it is now certainly in as we can see on
12233s the left-hand side of Hacker's hand so
12234s Django just choosing to take the trades
12236s but really
12237s does that just concede the game to any
12240s Druid card you know like even now
12244s language hack has gone with Miracle
12246s growth but I think he could even just
12247s gone like Oracle ivis right and just
12250s been like well here's two awkward things
12252s to deal with outside of Silence
12255s I'll wait until you commit something and
12259s then devour it and then it's game anyway
12261s so yeah I think you're right there's
12263s just nothing much to do now with that
12265s push from Django dude fail
12267s I
12268s I thank you Reef scales into this before
12271s rain
12275s just to get the armor
12277s well just to take the 4-4 off the board
12279s right because okay choose to go oh the
12282s other way sorry with Rush sorry I
12284s thought you're saying scales on the 10
12285s 10. apologies
12287s so my thinking there would be you know
12288s this is the last turn where Django will
12291s probably ever get to attack with a
12293s minion so if you remove that attack from
12295s this minion you're basically never going
12297s to be in a situation where the game is
12299s losable identity theft finding the uh
12302s the infused Devourer is a big deal
12305s indeed
12306s but even ramp to it
12309s true yeah
12311s I mean look at the options is it that
12313s bad of a plan give let yourself be able
12315s to cast it next turn he does have
12317s Miracle growth number two of course but
12319s still
12320s problem is he doesn't want to go first
12322s right he can't he cannot go first all
12325s right
12326s so he needs a way to deal with this 1010
12329s that language hacker has while making
12330s big minions of his own Force the
12333s Devourer from language hacker and then
12334s play his own Devourer that's a pipe
12337s dream it's never going to happen because
12339s language hacker has Oracle Ivor scale of
12342s enixia all of these various other ways
12344s uh that he can use to clear that up but
12346s I think the one thing that is almost
12348s certain here is that if Django plays
12350s this Devourer first he's just probably
12352s not winning the game from that position
12354s yeah he needed to find golf go over 10
12357s mana and go devour Boone and then they'd
12360s still be horrible yes but then you can't
12363s go yeah I know well dude look placement
12365s it depends on play you could just put it
12367s to one side hope for the best yeah true
12378s fry I think there was some form of a
12381s plan if Django could Miracle growth into
12383s an empty board
12385s maybe it lives then play the Boon on
12388s that maybe it gets devoured then you can
12391s devour but again I think you are right
12393s in saying that there's just so many
12394s other tools the language hacker could
12396s use to clean that board that you almost
12398s will never have to play Devourer anyway
12400s so yeah uphill climb doesn't quite do it
12403s just to say it for Django and he'll know
12405s he's a smart boy like identity theft you
12409s you are hardwired to think about this
12411s when you play against this priest right
12412s you've pretty much defeated the plan a
12416s at this point but you will also know
12418s from experience that just because their
12419s plan a is defeated does not mean that
12421s you've won the game because they're very
12423s very good at finding these weird plan
12424s B's with identity theft and various
12427s other random cards but I think language
12429s hacker positioning his minions very
12431s nicely with the uh the crushing walls
12434s position big or the anti-crushing walls
12436s position I suppose are the big Minions
12438s on the extremes uh Django saying all
12441s right fair enough if anything that
12443s proves to me as Django that you're going
12446s to play around this Devourer for the
12448s rest of the game and if you do that I
12450s can't win therefore let's give it up and
12452s move on to the next game it does mean
12454s now that language hackers only got
12456s warlock left to get a victory with if he
12458s wants to take a very Swift victory in a
12461s Swift step to that 2-0 skull in this way
12463s so then um are you aware are you with me
12466s on this subtle where curse warlock seems
12468s a lot better than raw imps or are you uh
12471s are you on the in the train
12474s on the hybrid deck a little bit more
12477s these days which is weird and it's a
12480s fairly drastic culture shift for me
12482s because historically you know we
12484s generally do see this like hybridization
12486s of decks throughout Hearthstone history
12488s where you know you had aggro Hunter and
12489s mid-range Hunter and then hybrid Hunter
12491s appeared all these things and like
12493s generally throughout history I've been
12495s one of the people that have been like no
12497s like aggro Hunter does a job mid-range
12499s Hunter does a job like one of those two
12501s things is better and will be more
12503s targeted for tournaments in particular
12505s right these hybrid style decks do seem
12508s to make more sense on ladder where
12509s you're playing against a wide spread you
12510s have less control of which individual
12512s matchups you're playing against but this
12514s deck once the curses came in to me it
12517s just seems so transformative to the deck
12520s as a whole that I've never really looked
12522s back to the pure Zoo version of the deck
12525s overall I think having the curses
12527s available just gives you so many more
12529s plan B's as I was just talking about
12531s with the priest deck on the other side
12533s that I think it continues to be the
12535s choice for me in this particular meta
12537s game but of course there are always uh
12539s lineup and construction concerns when
12541s you go into tournament play but yeah I'd
12544s be on the curse train for sure well
12546s let's see how it goes Django I'm going
12548s to continue on with the priests and to
12550s even get it over the line and hopefully
12551s for him the rest of the series would go
12553s well a language hacker looking good so
12556s far does have a great start with the
12558s Warlock 2 and again it's another matchup
12561s where language hacker can put some
12564s pressure on Django health-wise and maybe
12566s force out a bit of an earlier play than
12569s Jenga would want to now this deck does
12571s run some level of removal so there are a
12573s couple of options here especially when
12575s we're talking about one Health imps and
12577s a deck that can run Shadowood devour but
12580s there are other tools as well and that's
12582s why I really like this play from
12583s language hacker just play a spider tank
12585s make him deal with it because they
12587s probably can't and then you have a
12589s spider tank
12595s foreign
12598s wants to hit the leash I'm sure does hit
12601s the village and now I would say Django
12603s is in a fantastic position overall uh
12607s having answered the general question
12608s about the various iterations of warlock
12611s uh yes I'm in favor of the curse warlock
12613s overall yes I think even in this matchup
12615s I would probably prefer to be the curse
12618s warlock overall but as a more General
12620s point I don't want to be playing warlock
12623s in this match it it just seems so
12626s miserable you yes this looks great for
12629s language hacker so far but the swing
12630s turn is just so effective when it comes
12632s down for Django
12634s um with the the light and the devour can
12637s take care of the majority of this board
12639s straight away uh having now found that
12641s for leash as well I think Django will be
12643s able to do more than enough to counter
12645s swing again
12646s yeah I think
12648s a language hacker
12651s it would have to almost be like
12654s dragged below with this tamzin alive
12657s into I don't know another dragged below
12661s with the times in a lot you know I mean
12662s like that kind of now he would have to
12664s just chain pump out curses which is
12667s difficult to do depending on how much
12669s Django pops off because obviously hand
12670s space is a consideration so things would
12673s have to go very very well if Django pops
12676s off now for language hacker to win this
12678s one
12680s foreign
12684s [Music]
12689s it's to choose the right card because
12691s gift of the narrow is going to draw
12693s anyway didn't even see what it was
12694s assumed it was a wig from the speed at
12696s which it was taken and there it is
12702s ends it heal up clear the board
12708s and that's about all you need to do
12710s there's enough healing the deck isn't
12713s you know super heel heavy so there's
12715s enough in it uh you know with the help
12717s of maybe a hero power or two here and
12719s there as well that like it's enough to
12721s just stabilize because you often need
12723s stabilize for one turn right because
12725s you're hitting your opponent so hard the
12727s turn after that it's normally enough
12732s yeah this matchup is just miserable I
12735s haven't looked at it but I imagine if
12736s you you know filter for high ranks this
12738s is in the 70s for priest you know it's
12741s such a strong match-up
12750s and there we go
12753s lovely
12761s end up leaving the tams in alive which
12763s could be the only alarm Bell in the
12765s situation but no language hacker is not
12767s going to listen for the sweet chime of
12768s any alarm Bells he's going to get out of
12770s this game and play the next one instead
12773s to tell you something subtle I'm gonna
12774s choose to believe
12776s that you because I think you could or
12779s you would you look this up before you
12781s said those words do you want to know the
12782s percent of this matchup Diamond through
12784s Legend go ahead yeah what is it 73.6
12787s yeah no I mean that does not say at all
12791s um only 200 odd games but again it's
12793s just a small sample size or whatever so
12796s now you have to be honest did you go and
12798s look that up because you didn't you
12799s didn't believe me and you wanted to
12800s argue I was interested well I'm not
12803s gonna lie I would have loved it if you
12804s were wrong
12805s so uh it's a win-win for me I learned
12808s something and I have the chance to prove
12810s you wrong but wasn't my day-to-day uh
12813s very used to that as an outcome
12814s unfortunately yeah Django though gonna
12817s be jumping over to the base Center and
12819s we are going to another game five that's
12821s two for two for the initial matches of
12823s each round so far uh warlock versus
12826s Hunter
12827s this is a tricky matchup because both
12830s decks want to do the same thing and by
12832s that I mean sort of curve out very very
12834s early and have their payoff cards later
12837s on
12838s um but both decks don't always get to do
12840s the same thing I do think that the
12843s hunter opening can get punished more
12846s than the Warlock one because warlock
12848s does run AOE to actually catch up but if
12851s warlock opens with imps and Hunter
12853s misses a turn also then it's really hard
12857s to kill those imps afterwards right
12859s there's just too many of them
12861s yeah it is and I think you know gone are
12863s the days where Hunter played damage that
12867s double Dapper's removal that's kind of
12869s always been the case with these
12871s mid-rangey aggressive Hunter decks where
12873s you know your quick shot or your aim
12875s shot or whatever could be fired an
12877s opinion in an emergency let's talk about
12878s hybrid hunter or a few minutes ago like
12881s your Argent horse rider could be used to
12883s to trade two for one into things you
12885s know in certain situations
12887s um this deck really struggles to deal
12890s with board States if it falls behind I
12892s would say a lot more than uh some Hunter
12894s decks in the past have done obviously
12896s there are options uh hydralodon and the
12898s like can be able to deal with it and uh
12901s hero tavish can really flip any game
12904s State on its head talk about these plan
12906s B's it's a very common trait in The Meta
12908s game right now the decks have to have a
12910s very solid plan B because it's almost an
12913s arms race in some ways right where as
12915s soon as one deck starts to build itself
12917s to be more Swiss army knife and more
12919s Jack of all trades suddenly other decks
12921s have to be prepared to deal with those
12922s scenarios as well if they can't just
12924s blast all the way underneath them so you
12928s know having these hero cards in
12929s particular which I think do function as
12931s such effective players in a lot of spots
12933s is uh is really adding an extra a level
12936s of variation to a lot of matchups in The
12938s Meta game I'd say and that applies to
12940s the game itself like in-game if that
12942s makes sense where both players will want
12944s to get the board early with their you
12946s know imps obese or whatever but the
12949s second one of them falls behind
12951s if they don't have that backup plan they
12954s just lose right like that's just it the
12956s game just ends so we'll have to see how
12958s this one goes this is for a round to win
12961s one of these players will be ending on a
12964s 2-0 score and be looking good for the
12966s rest of the tournament so far
12969s I've got to be a coin spirit
12972s coach I imagine from Django might go for
12976s the bats as well because there isn't
12978s really too much that can interact but I
12980s would be a little bit worried that there
12981s is something that can interact with the
12983s other two one
12985s in the form of touch or something like
12987s that
13001s hence what's he gonna pick
13005s oh yeah okay this I think that's how
13009s close it was though I think you know you
13011s can play the bats there and it's fine it
13013s gives you more guaranteed options but I
13017s personally maybe wrongly always lean
13020s towards Spirit poetry in almost every
13022s scenario like this
13024s yeah I do think it was Thai I think
13026s obviously the vanilla argument here is
13029s sight unseen with no further development
13031s from the opponent this is the card that
13034s one for ones what could be a very
13035s problematic card on the other side
13037s whereas Spirit poacher does not
13039s immediately you're kind of a little bit
13040s more reliant on the the wild Steed
13042s outcomes
13043s but
13045s obviously you are missing out then on a
13047s potential uh Spike turn with the bats in
13050s future but still I think curving into
13053s Harpoon Gun here I don't mind the way
13055s that Django's gone about it because he
13057s has a very strong alternate game plan
13061s or a bit of a whiff
13067s I was just going to work out the turns
13069s there's even a chance here that like
13071s lateral damage is picked I know that
13074s sounds stupid but next turn the saber
13077s the turn after you would assume you've
13080s drawn you know four drop five drop even
13082s three drop or something and then you
13084s know you would assume to curve out so
13087s out of these I think Wing Commander's
13090s too slow collateral damage could just
13093s snipe you the game out of nowhere but
13095s k9otron is just
13097s a little bit lackluster
13100s um although we I guess
13103s he knows
13105s you can take another look at what's at
13107s the bottom of the deck with the weapon
13109s but he already knows okay now Trump
13110s won't initially draw something or
13112s something exactly uh you'd be taking K9
13114s a Tron to hit a dredge that you already
13116s know doesn't work apart from the one
13118s card that replaces it so it just seems a
13120s little bit awkward overall I think the
13121s damage finisher does make the most sense
13123s the curve that's available in hand is
13125s not the end of the world right now if
13127s Django has to play this particular hand
13129s and he does still have a couple more
13131s dredge options available
13134s yeah I mean yeah it's the best option
13135s now right because he saved us into an
13137s imp and then swings the weapon and then
13139s just guarantees the uh The Dredge saber
13142s and then Anakin's can happen yes or
13145s there's a mountain bearing hand though
13146s which is a little bit unfortunate it's
13148s true but yeah I'm surprised that the uh
13151s the canine Tron did end up being the
13153s pick here I guess just
13155s guaranteeing some kind of play at the
13157s very least uh for perhaps turn six ish
13160s when it comes down but it seemed like he
13162s has a lot of Mana allocated up until
13165s that collateral damage potential later
13167s in the game yeah and and the weird thing
13169s for me is it comes down on turn six ish
13172s the turn where multiple aoes will kill
13175s it it's like
13177s yeah I'm not sure how good that is I
13179s wonder if our hero power would actually
13180s just be you know overall do more damage
13182s but we'll see how it pans out
13190s language hackers got to decide whether
13192s he wants to or or how he wants to play
13195s some curses
13197s like he's gonna go for a spell it's
13199s always a tricky Choice a pointless
13200s because he has he doesn't have bran all
13203s times in so it's like which ones do I
13206s use up here like yeah you know like do I
13208s commit the Spells do I just want another
13210s Minion on board sometimes minion on
13213s board versus Hunter actually isn't good
13215s because you give Rush targets for cards
13218s such as hydraulic
13222s using to go with really the slowest
13226s variation of that turn available uh
13229s using spell instead of Minion as you
13230s said trading the minion as well as
13232s opposed to using the touch and that way
13235s getting the location into place so
13237s slowest turn initially but obviously the
13239s turn that offers the most fruitful
13241s bounties as we move forward and also
13244s absolute maximum dodging of the saber he
13247s knows will be in hand this turn right so
13250s he doesn't want anything for it to rush
13252s into and so many King crush on his face
13254s or anything like that so
13260s ported tarantula option here as well
13263s Django doesn't have to go for it but
13264s it's a tech I've seen a lot of players
13266s play when they're uh worry about
13267s worrying about decks such as priests
13269s funnily enough
13273s especially when um Django plays uh
13276s Nathaniel right
13281s I am unsure oh he doesn't
13286s nope
13295s what a delicious
13297s it's another good reason to play the new
13299s legendary just because that will summon
13301s the spiders right and then you get like
13303s waves of poisonous rushing spiders which
13306s you know by the sounds of it it's pretty
13307s strong
13311s solid hands in however but obviously uh
13314s plenty of layers of threats here from
13318s Django board state will be replaced
13326s well that's just a lot of imps from
13328s language package
13329s okay
13331s to imps on board for imp drawers
13334s all right oh ranking's not the one
13337s either oh horrible outcome for Django
13340s overall there
13342s not only with a massive amount of
13344s pressure the language hacker found out
13345s nowhere with the the two imps being
13347s summoned immediately from the dreadlich
13349s times in but uh just an underwhelming
13351s pull from the saber
13355s foreign
13370s absolutely fine with seeing the
13372s tarantula which is not a normal reaction
13376s for most human beings I would presume
13378s but okay
13379s yeah I mean he has the option of
13381s actually using Library
13383s trading the tarantula
13385s putting the other rimp into the rat and
13388s then just using a Bissell wave
13391s you ever stop and listen to the words
13393s you're saying well doing this job and
13395s then just wondering oh yeah all the time
13397s I'm saying weird things
13401s put the Imp into the rat no like call
13404s the animal authorities immediately what
13406s is this person doing sorry you're right
13408s right you put the right into the Imp
13409s yeah oh yeah that makes sense yeah
13416s I mean anyone that knows me well would
13419s know I would not be talking about doing
13421s anything with a tarantula because
13422s spiders hurt me
13427s I wonder like with the the the work your
13430s parents have always done with animals
13432s that you didn't get like a desensitized
13435s is not the word but I imagine like
13436s people who care for Animals particularly
13438s exotic animals would sort of train their
13441s kids to be like well none of these
13442s animals are actually scary they're not
13443s going to hurt but they were though
13445s what's the problem they were
13447s legitimately dangerous animals
13451s so I got sent the other way
13454s ah it was like you can't come into the
13456s room because these could kill you so
13460s yeah I got went all the opposite
13462s direction
13463s no uh Peppa Pig
13466s uh not personally but yeah I know of
13468s them yeah yeah yeah our good friend
13470s Peppa Pig there was a there's an episode
13473s of that show that uh talks about how
13475s like insects and and spiders are your
13477s friend right like that's the message
13479s like Daddy Pig telling Peppa Pig like oh
13481s you know as you see like insects of your
13482s friend and they've had to like ban that
13484s episode in Australia because I've been
13486s giving that advice to children would
13489s actually kill them
13492s tell you honestly
13494s yeah put it this way we had some animals
13496s that originate from Australia if that
13499s helps describe some of the danger
13502s no one should live in Australia it's two
13504s feet from the Sun and if you go outside
13506s any animal you see will murder you it's
13508s just not a habitable place
13513s go here working out what you can even do
13516s he does have the tarantula to trade off
13519s well it's not a pretty trade is it
13521s because you trade into something you
13523s want to poison anyway
13536s this is one of the issues Hunter can run
13539s into again very strong deck but it's um
13544s brilliant it's it's very clunky right
13547s like
13548s that turn was either he plays altamore
13552s or he plays the best right
13556s your language hacker personally insulted
13559s by the fact that Django would go face in
13561s that position
13563s I mean he's playing Hunter yeah but
13565s honestly like there is a lot of fear
13568s equity in making attacks like that it's
13570s something I actually do believe in in
13571s Hearthstone it's where not if like going
13573s face sometimes even if it isn't the best
13576s play is the best play because it makes
13578s your opponent play badly it scares them
13580s it makes them think about well how much
13582s damage do they have in their hand if
13584s they're going face in this position
13585s right and I think you see language
13587s hacker there after the original uh shock
13589s and incredulity it's like okay well
13591s let's start counting collateral damage
13594s right and let's start thinking about
13595s everything that could possibly be done
13597s to me
13598s um just makes you play a little bit
13599s timid a little bit scared and I think
13601s particularly when you're on Hunter
13603s love it when your opponent starts
13605s playing timid and scared oh 100
13609s um language hacker could if he's
13611s actually specifically worried about uh
13614s collateral damage make some trades
13618s uh is this enough with the double curses
13621s going through yeah there's the other
13622s drag below to go through Tango's face
13625s two three four yeah plenty oh just like
13629s that and again
13630s it's very easy to say at this point but
13633s wouldn't it have been possible if you
13635s were just playing the imps right that
13636s kind of reach doesn't exist uh he still
13639s had the minion board but yeah language I
13641s could take in the victory there uh
13643s Django struggling to get it done with
13645s Hunter but again I do think that's a
13647s very close and tricky matchup I do like
13650s the face attack because again like you
13652s said if you went for a clear instead
13654s then suddenly well the game goes on and
13657s then you still just two hits away from
13659s winning the series as Hunter so good job
13662s there I think for Django overall as it
13664s happens going face there lost him the
13666s game and the series immediately but I do
13668s still that stand by it I I respect it I
13671s think it's a a smart gimmick to take in
13674s that situation is just to try and trick
13676s your opponent into actually believing
13678s you're the aggressor in that position
13680s right absolutely did not work out and if
13682s nothing else it got us that facial
13684s expression from Lancaster which was
13685s worth the price of admission alone yeah
13688s good win there for language hacker
13690s though off to a great start going 2-0
13693s first two rounds it's also maybe not the
13697s best time zone for some of the America's
13698s players to play into as well so at least
13700s on to offset some of that uh first two
13703s rounds of Victory is probably feeling
13705s pretty good about the tournament so far
13707s but that is just the first match from
13710s round two we've got plenty more coming
13711s up don't go anywhere and we'll be right
13713s back with some more Masters top
13722s no no no
13730s [Music]
13734s Fair Witness
13737s shall rise
13741s bad for your life
13749s you must acquit the dark lady did not
13753s commit this unspeakable lies
13759s your cell awaits
13762s your confession will save us all the
13766s time
13769s [Music]
13787s foreign
13792s [Music]
13798s foreign
13805s [Music]
13830s foreign
13832s [Music]
13845s [Music]
13860s [Music]
13872s thank you
13875s [Music]
13887s [Music]
13898s [Music]
13902s foreign
13905s [Music]
13913s welcome everyone once again to
13916s Hearthstone Masters Tour more and
13918s disorder where she and I are bringing
13919s you some more of the continued coverage
13922s as TJ so eloquently put it and Gia we're
13926s back in Action once again how you doing
13927s being here on the casting desk from your
13929s new setup yeah doing well missing all of
13933s you guys and very much appreciating the
13936s the concerted effort to say mo and
13939s disorder instead of disorder said
13942s the word more later on and I would have
13945s gotten lost so thank you very much uh we
13947s have a very exciting continued coverage
13950s match right here between pasca and the
13954s draw two members of The mtog Practice
13957s Group and two of the players that have
13960s some of the most storied pasts in the
13962s Hearthstone competitive history another
13965s storied past and potentially some of the
13967s most storied Futures as this could be a
13970s a world championship match that we are
13972s seeing a little bit beforehand because
13974s both Pasqua and Dedra have already
13976s qualified through to the world
13977s championship later on this year whether
13980s or not they make it through to the full
13981s Championship already and so it's going
13984s to be very exciting to see them both
13985s fight it out with pascular being the
13988s only America's representative currently
13990s at the world championship and dead draw
13993s being the only UK representative of the
13995s world championship two regions I think
13997s completely comparable in terms of scope
13999s and skill in Hearthstone uh but for
14001s Pasco over the last uh couple of years
14004s it really has been a big turnaround for
14007s him in terms of his play and I think a
14010s big part of that is a turn up in his
14013s self-confidence he's talked a lot about
14016s his own mental health while competing in
14019s Hearthstone and his journey to really
14021s start believing in his own play which
14023s quite clearly we can see now is very
14025s much Justified with these results to
14027s back it up
14029s very much so and we have of course the
14032s most important addition to the pantheon
14034s god of the sun goddess of wisdom god of
14038s the ocean and God of spreadsheets which
14041s I don't know how Pascual was awarded
14044s that title but he is I think in charge
14045s of stats for mtog so it must be that and
14050s if the stats are backing up Relic Demon
14053s Hunter then it could be quite one of the
14056s brings of the tournament because I don't
14058s think this is a particularly popular
14060s deck going into this weekend it was very
14065s very strong after that first round of
14067s Nerfs to Demon Hunter but kind of fell
14069s off a little bit but it has a little bit
14072s of injection of new cards here with that
14075s prosecutor meltronics being one of the
14078s most high impact ones I think when I
14081s first saw this card I was like wait does
14083s that work how I think it does that you
14084s can only do cards in a turn but it does
14087s actually move the effect over if you can
14089s keep playing the outermost cards in your
14091s hand
14092s yeah it's a cult that I think maybe fell
14095s a little bit short of players
14096s expectations I saw a lot of players
14098s calling it the card of the mini Set uh
14101s whereas and you know saying it's
14103s basically just lothip in terms of how
14105s much it locks out your opponent on the
14106s following turn I don't think that's
14108s quite true and the fact that it's a four
14109s Mana card with only two attack is pretty
14112s slow in terms of your immediate
14113s development but I do feel really great
14115s that it has earned its spot in The Relic
14119s Demon Hunter the question really just
14121s being now whether or not The Relic Demon
14123s Hunter can get going quickly enough to
14126s fight back against the ruid which for
14129s dead draw is not the alignment version
14131s it's not the more nature spell based
14134s version in the early game uh it's the
14137s giant variant that we have seen for by
14139s the wayside a little bit but when you
14141s think about it without much
14142s justification like nothing's really
14144s changed to make this deck not still the
14146s tier one version of Druid and so I fully
14148s support going for this build
14150s right
14152s um if anything there's I think a bit
14155s more difficulty with single Target
14157s removal and so having the Giants hit the
14160s board early can be a great way of
14162s pushing back there's no Battlegrounds
14163s Battle Master here to really double down
14165s on that but the Oracle of elune still
14168s exists to have a bit more Synergy with
14169s big minions and uh Relic pH is a matchup
14174s where Druid can certainly get run over
14176s but I feel it kind of depends on which
14178s relics that Pasqua is able to hit the
14180s doubles up on uh because the summon one
14183s relic of phantasms if you can get that
14185s up to the Realms of 6677 that's just not
14189s answerable for Druid outside of exactly
14192s insatiable Devourer
14195s this is a pretty interesting planted
14197s evidence because my instinct is usually
14199s not to play it on turn one unless you're
14201s against a super aggro deck and you need
14203s some kind of an instant answer but his
14205s Mana is spoken for for like the next
14207s four turns because he can just go Jerry
14210s wild growth ramp with nourish Miracle
14212s growth and then he'll probably have
14213s other better stuff to do on the turns
14215s thereafter so I was kind of tempted to
14217s go for the planted evidence to hit so
14220s the soil or natural causes just some way
14223s to basically get a 2-2 on the board and
14225s start chipping face
14227s yeah it's I completely get your point I
14230s just kind of wonder how much use the
14232s chipping face is in this matchup I don't
14235s think dead draw can expect to really win
14237s off of incremental damage I feel like he
14240s needs to get to his managerians and try
14243s and have significant damage output
14246s before relics can start to build up
14250s smaller minions just kind of provide
14253s fodder for relic of Extinction that's
14255s true
14258s in that awkward spot where he's got the
14261s two Relic vaults
14263s um and is just kind of waiting for a
14265s train Force so he can coin out that
14267s relic of Dimensions going to go for the
14269s tempo ladies tunnel here pushing a
14272s little bit of damage face and attempting
14275s to punish that draw for the expected
14277s just nourish play that doesn't clear the
14279s Sano
14284s but for uh deadro here there are a few
14286s cards that allow him to actually kill
14288s off this thano alongside the uh ramp
14291s from the nourish in the form of what
14294s kelp strike is that what that's called
14295s he reads stroke I think he would strikes
14298s Barrel Ridge yeah exactly
14302s because of that I do think it's worth it
14304s I don't think he's in any rush to draw
14307s and split the second nourish because he
14309s has Miracle growth anyway
14312s you gotta be Scrappy with scraps
14315s that's a close one
14321s right
14325s so are we doubling up on relic of
14328s Dimensions that does seem like the most
14331s powerful thing to do here even gets two
14334s spells played uh for ladies tunnel
14339s yeah really just looking for relative
14341s phantasms here too
14342s get some extra static on the board next
14346s turn before the curtress hero card comes
14348s online and all in all you know pretty
14351s good discounts actually these score pits
14352s can be very annoying uh for the Druid
14355s when they wanted to slam down Miracle
14357s growth
14358s um and uh the Giants as well
14361s yeah and then being discounted means
14363s Pascal on turn six could potentially
14365s brand double scorp it and have a lot of
14367s value not that he is running out of
14370s value uh perhaps the brand is better
14372s safe for something higher impact later
14374s on but overall it's nice that he has
14378s gotten you know no over discounts on
14380s some of the cards which is something
14382s that you often have happen with the
14385s relic of dimensions
14391s from your passion shall rise
14401s yeah this is the potential one weakness
14403s of this Relic Demon Hunter a single
14405s Target removal is a little lacking as
14407s they do need to get ahead preemptively
14410s with the scorpids if they want to be
14411s able to clear things off so this kind of
14414s play from dead draw makes a lot of sense
14415s just swing the board back in your favor
14417s we want to see Beaty plays uh turn after
14419s turn with the Devourer the Ivers the
14422s miracle growth this is where DH can
14424s really struggle
14425s you want to see meaty plays I'm sure he
14427s streams pretty often dark
14431s ironically enough that's where you get
14433s bad plays this is
14436s all right so double up on relic of
14439s phantasms here really putting together
14442s the type of board that Druid starts to
14445s struggle
14447s dealing with
14449s a pretty nice pickup in the Druid of the
14451s wreath to just pick off that Scorpion
14454s and allow the eye of us to go face we're
14457s getting to the territory where the Naga
14459s Giants are pretty much free for dead
14461s draw
14463s foreign
14467s he's managed to just about avoid one of
14471s those awkward Druid hands that doesn't
14472s actually apply much pressure uh because
14475s even though he doesn't have any of those
14476s individually big threats like the the
14478s giant you were talking about and nixia
14480s uh dinathrius uh he's got enough the
14482s insatiable Devourer with an infused on
14484s either the root of the reef or the scale
14487s will be able to quickly Infuse and then
14489s swing the board back once again and even
14491s just scale of annexia if it goes
14492s alongside these minions already on board
14494s to just clear the runway for them to go
14496s face uh it's still very powerful
14499s back-to-back turns for dead draw
14504s aren't particularly large I don't think
14507s so he could go topple the idol after
14510s taking some preemptive trades maybe to a
14512s break point of at least six Health on
14515s either minion
14516s but he is going for the Scorpion instead
14519s field of strife is interesting how bad
14523s is it
14527s um with the remaining Mana he can fit
14529s and sigil and fury although face tanking
14533s even nine seems like a very iffy
14535s Prospect at the moment
14537s yeah you probably just toss in the fell
14539s barrage I think yeah
14542s agreed even the hero power and he does
14545s lose a lot of temp oh is he tanking the
14548s nine it's a disaster he messed up yeah
14551s yeah the order meant that he could have
14554s you know
14555s I guess dealt one less damage face but
14558s not taken nine to his face
14563s yeah and he could have done it so that
14565s the fell barrage hit both the taunt
14566s minions and then he gets to Center at
14568s least I think or yeah like you say he
14570s does not have to tank the damage as he
14572s uh salvages it as best as possible but
14574s now he is quite clearly in pretty Dire
14577s Straits
14579s right
14581s um
14583s I think of living a seed draws anything
14585s yeah I don't know any
14591s as a kelp is oh sorry true to the reef
14593s knocked
14594s yet to be a beast and also
14602s and space issues kind of deter me from
14605s looking at Miracle growth here
14608s oh it's all close to being good like
14611s soul of the forest one manner away from
14613s going with the scale natural causes does
14615s just go face though which already at
14617s this point is starting to be pretty
14619s tempting to me yeah it's quite valuable
14621s especially if dead draw can pick up more
14624s damage from theater right
14628s we have time to get it in
14631s would be all right yeah okay
14636s that seems good just going for the mass
14638s board buff with that scale of inyxia and
14642s the natural causes going wide like this
14644s is actually quite strong against the
14646s relic of Extinction means that pascala
14650s almost certainly needed toppled idle to
14652s clear this board
14655s yeah it does more or less just force him
14657s to have it as a hard check at this point
14660s in the game which he does so the game
14662s can continue dead draw unable to close
14664s out quite yet but nothing to really do
14667s alongside that is just going to be a
14668s chaos strike or a hero power to get a
14671s little bit of Chip damage face but that
14673s gives full uh Liberty for dead raw to
14676s capitalize on that empty board if he can
14679s do so in his own right
14683s yeah and with the Giants version of the
14685s Druid there's certainly more ways to
14687s rebuild a board that was lost by druid
14694s hmm
14696s well all of these would clear the board
14698s so which is the best immediate dredge my
14701s mind goes to school teacher because he
14703s has bran in hand
14705s I agree you don't have a board to make
14709s use of meltronics
14712s yeah it's not really protecting anything
14714s is it
14721s also school teacher Pascua would be
14723s going into eight Nana allowing him to
14726s also play one of the nagalings he gets
14728s and if that is some form of lifesteal
14731s that could be huge to just let him
14733s stabilize
14737s okay moonlit grew uh sorry uh moonlit
14740s guidance does give you access to
14742s a couple of other plays you wouldn't be
14744s able to get otherwise mainly top you're
14746s in Miracle growth
14749s not tempting for sure so probably start
14752s with guidance and then
14754s Irish to draw after
14757s I'm sure he's relieved by the turn not
14760s immediately starting with dinathrios
14763s true
14772s I'm guessing Earthen scales
14776s okay fair enough
14778s honestly kind of just the cycle the deck
14781s by getting the drawn copy after playing
14783s it
14787s um the fury upgrade if you take it
14792s at this point it does yeah okay
14795s I think so
14800s uh I don't really want to give any of
14802s these yeah you want all of them
14805s but I guess he doesn't need two enriches
14807s oh Extinction okay
14812s I guess it's by far the best clear that
14814s Pasco has right more to protect that
14817s draws on board especially since could
14820s have doubled up on one of those
14828s well kurtius is the obvious first
14830s thought here just to tear up the board a
14832s little bit get some damage face
14834s alongside it as well but maybe Pascal
14836s was thinking that taking a turn not
14838s drawing here is a little bit too slow
14840s because if he's gonna have a chance
14842s [Music]
14843s relic of uh
14846s uh dimensions
14849s I'm the zymox now
14853s is it too slow
14859s the big deal that the bats get value
14861s trades because yeah
14863s that draw has to allocate
14865s I mean outside of the relic of
14867s extensions I should say he would have
14869s had to allocate quite a lot of Mana to
14871s deal with these but extension does put
14873s in quite a lot of work here
14875s a giant the first has been found
14878s foreign
14883s of monarchs yeah
14891s the time has come
14893s our former master and again that's an
14897s actual Monarch it's a prince
14902s and I'll follow the second
14908s all right let's look at the Demon Hunter
14910s cards we've got access to here
14912s chaos leech oh there it is okay
14917s that's the big one oh phantasms
14923s the thing is the leech doesn't kill the
14926s giant
14930s if you if predation it can
14933s that's true
14936s I'm wondering if multi-strike is ever
14938s worth it to fully clear the board but
14941s surely it's The Relic
14944s yeah I think even though you're probably
14946s not going to get max value from it
14947s because you're not going to have board
14949s space to double Battle Cry it
14951s it's just another Phantasm you're
14953s playing uh another Relic story
14963s it's so weird you could make room by
14965s activating A Relic even though yeah
14967s that's true it's not actually double
14969s casting it because you're not casting it
14972s as the nogling
14974s okay now we're talking over Pascal he's
14977s clearing up the board healing up a
14978s little bit Staying Alive relic of
14980s dimensions in hand with the location
14982s still in play this is salvageable
14985s looking forward
14987s appointments did he actually end up
14989s taking off his foot uh no he picked
14992s chaos
14993s okay Australia okay yeah for this cycle
14998s deadline now consolidating the board
15001s with anixia
15009s that means
15011s might want to commit even just one Mana
15014s to clear a well to make
15016s the zymox relic of Extinction hit enixia
15023s you're not gonna be zymox though
15029s oh
15034s wow okay oh my goodness goodness you can
15038s play both the furies and then Jace
15041s like 8 16. that's a lot of damage
15044s is it lethal I'm not sure it feels close
15047s doesn't it
15051s there was a fell barrage played yeah
15054s probably not going to go where you want
15056s to stay
15058s right we're gonna find out oh he's going
15060s for it okay come on this is the spicy
15062s play no matter what
15069s oh I forgot about that give them hell
15077s yeah that's just feels like lethal power
15079s yeah
15082s easy lethal look at that
15087s well beyond
15092s ah that fella just kind of came out of
15094s nowhere that lethal there for the the
15096s Demon Hunter you like you know the power
15097s of the deck in terms of the relics
15099s themselves just juicing up further and
15100s further the Phantasm is getting bigger
15102s and bigger but you forget the power of
15104s Jace especially with the level three
15106s Furies that is just disgusting
15112s radiations and Chaos strikes have been
15114s played but even through an onyxia board
15116s I don't think there was any combination
15118s that didn't end up becoming lethal for
15120s Pascal all the orders seem
15123s um relevant enough that he gets enough
15124s attack and with the amount of predations
15127s and the fell barrages I feel like he
15130s always gets there so very nicely
15131s calculated to go for that relic of
15134s dimensions and hit that Jace out instead
15138s of going for a rather finicky zymox so
15141s that means that pescua ties it up with
15145s dead draw here both players but their
15146s Druids still available but differences
15149s in the other remaining decks
15153s indeed yeah the well just in terms of
15155s the Druid in its own right already
15157s difference in terms of no Giants here
15159s going with a slightly more anti-aggro
15161s package I see a second kelp keeper I see
15163s spammy arcanists thrown in there as well
15165s double the turning it more to which also
15168s gives you a little bit of extra
15169s antiagara capability uh which does mean
15171s in terms of the uh the mirror the head's
15173s head I would give the advantage to dead
15176s draw were it to come around uh but I
15179s think we are going to be seeing reverse
15181s priest first of all here which for dead
15183s draw is the ball priest a deck that we
15186s haven't seen in a little while it feels
15188s like despite winning uh the last but one
15191s uh Masters Tour last plus one the master
15194s saw four uh for pocket train would be
15197s the easier way of saying it uh
15198s definitely feels like it's Fallen by the
15200s wayside since the introduction of
15203s theater I think was really the big
15205s turning point for the deck in terms of
15207s players perception but having said that
15209s I've actually had quite a lot of people
15211s say that theater is not quite so bad bad
15213s for the deck as you would expect
15216s yeah I think the timing of when to play
15218s it is actually really really difficult
15220s because poor priest tends to have a lot
15223s of cards in their hand they can make the
15225s call that if they are playing against
15227s the deck with you it's our they play
15229s their boards immediately and trade
15231s amulets immediately so nothing of
15234s crucial importance to the combo stays in
15237s hand that being said though theatar the
15241s player playing theater doesn't
15243s necessarily like wait till the end of
15245s the game and try to trip up the boar
15247s priest if they know that the Borah
15249s priest player is skilled they can try
15250s instead to time theater right after they
15253s see a Switcheroo for example because
15255s there's a high chance that there's a
15257s boar drawn from that or if there's a
15260s turn where it felt like the Mana was
15262s really really tight maybe they did have
15263s the chance to trade away that amulet
15266s then that could also be the signal for
15269s the theater all this to say it's not one
15272s of those matchups where you wait for
15274s them to have all their combo pieces and
15276s and for as long as possible and wait for
15279s the last opportune moment because it's
15280s the highest odds that they have
15282s something important in hand it's very
15283s different against four priests because
15285s they can shuffle them back
15287s that's where things get really really
15288s complicated but here for pasquer this
15292s hand is looking mighty juice
15294s uh the the Guff Nerf I will say is going
15298s to be hitting pretty hard in this
15299s instance because like with a coin and
15301s innovate available we're missing out on
15303s like multiple hero Powers over the
15305s course of this uh this rum but even
15307s having said that just coin Bloom uh
15309s sorry seedsman intergov into Miracle
15312s growth and just having a dinner is ready
15314s to go quite quickly uh is a real threat
15317s because just slamming a 10-10 is awkward
15319s for the bore priest a lot of the time
15321s when you know completing the quest does
15324s or sorry completing the uh the objective
15327s the combo and getting the sword online
15329s does not necessarily equal winning the
15331s game
15332s yeah very very true and with that pickup
15336s of innervate from the moonlit guidance
15337s it alleviates some of the awkwardness of
15340s the curve for Pasqua because on turn
15342s three you can go straight away into Guff
15344s and then follow up with the room
15345s seedsman and uh with the next seedsman
15349s if he likes
15350s um if he had picked up another ramp
15352s spell maybe he can go for an early
15355s Miracle growth and the Jerry rig
15357s represents the nourish as well options
15360s options all available to Pasquale but he
15363s is going to start with the Widow Bloom
15365s here instead
15368s and if you really wanted to it could be
15370s like goth next turn and then
15374s either Bloom Miracle growth which is
15377s probably the outcome or like Jerry bait
15380s uh nourish for ramp and then hero power
15383s as well that you can fit in a lot of uh
15384s extra Mana cheat uh if you wanted to but
15388s I think for Pasco he needs to be not too
15390s greedy with gaining as much Mana as
15392s possible and start converting this
15393s gained Mana as quickly as he can into
15396s stats on the board turning this game
15398s around and putting on some pressure
15400s especially now that he's seen uh the
15402s light it burns to answer one of his big
15405s threats
15407s yeah agreed it's a very delicate balance
15409s that he needs to tread because all the
15411s ramp in the world is useless if you get
15413s hit with a Thor a sort of a thousand
15416s truths to the face later on but it's
15418s also a bit of an awkward spot for dead
15421s draw because currently his card draw
15423s engine package is all there but it
15425s depends on Pascal having a couple more
15427s minions higher than one Health committed
15429s to the board so he can get real big
15431s value out of the gift of the naru
15433s [Music]
15438s and Maiden at one left like he can
15440s choose to commit a gift for no value
15442s just to activate the handmaiden and
15445s because there is not infinite time in
15447s the matchup I think it is worth it to do
15449s so but painful for sure
15451s absolutely yeah you'd much rather have
15453s thrown away any of these cards that you
15456s just drew for that matter uh instead of
15457s the gift of the narrow uh but like you
15460s say the combo is still active the game's
15462s still very much alive for dead draw
15469s yeah so if Pasco wants to go down the
15472s full ramp Route there is of course Jerry
15475s rig into nourish ramp into hero power
15478s for further ramp
15482s which means he would have 11 Mana next
15485s turn
15486s and once you get to the the heights
15489s where denatures and bran is available
15492s then right and very very scary for the
15494s priest the nothing is not especially
15496s Juiced though because pasco's hardly
15498s played minions
15501s I'll say I think I would have ended on
15505s bait into the miracle growth there like
15507s I appreciate that by doing so your next
15509s turn is probably not that powerful
15512s comparatively
15513s um then like you said being able to ramp
15515s up into the
15518s Brand Plus denatures combos a little bit
15520s sooner but you've just seen her the
15523s light it burns from your opponent yes
15524s there's a decent chance they have the
15526s second one but I kind of want to force
15528s them to have it and if they don't really
15529s start hitting them quite hard and then
15531s ramp up more on the next turn instead
15536s definitely a close call Dad draw here
15539s with the Eternal bar priest dilemma of
15542s how to manage hand space here because he
15545s can get three draws off of pyroclaric
15548s gift if he wants to just playing one
15551s activating spell before that and that is
15553s going to be the desperate prayer
15558s foreign
15564s so from this point forward it's tough to
15567s get tons of value off of the cleric
15571s there's a board now
15572s pretty nice
15574s I think just play that right away don't
15577s leave your yourself any chance of
15579s getting theotard
15580s yeah you're not gonna get suvarna
15587s everybody
15593s oh okay it's a nice big threat activates
15596s the denatures quite like
15598s that can fit in ramp with the hero power
15601s uh by using innervate as well if you
15604s want
15609s I guess the question really is just how
15612s much do we want to focus on pure stats
15614s in getting as much onto on board every
15617s turn as you can uh versus trying to find
15620s specifically theater at this point in
15622s the game in order to get some disruption
15624s against your opponent because even if
15626s you don't get the amulet or the ball
15628s getting a wild pyro getting the
15630s Priestess Village a lot of these cards
15632s make it a lot more difficult for your
15634s opponent to actually win the game okay
15636s specifically pyro if your board push is
15640s mainly welped from anixia uh it's huge
15642s that he has already seen one
15647s there's one amulet
15649s which he can immediately trade into and
15651s trade back using shard
15658s but the welds represent a lot of
15660s awkwardness because they are protecting
15662s anixia and because this is the last pyro
15665s that draw wants to hold on to it to
15667s actually proc his Boris later on
15671s there's a Devourer
15674s big deal
15678s and with Pyro
15680s egg thrive
15686s I don't think you would pyro and thrive
15689s on this board
15692s okay
15693s I'm just figuring out if it's a velish
15696s turn as well not sure if there's gonna
15698s be another turn than this one where you
15699s place too many spells
15704s the question is really whether he can
15705s win the game next turn now which it
15708s doesn't look like it would have to be
15710s very unlikely drawers were here to do
15714s it's like gonna end here
15718s um
15718s clearing off the whelps not a huge
15721s priority if he doesn't also clear off
15723s the onyxia in the same turn
15726s uh mousing over the Nazis but I can't
15728s see how infused it is feels like that's
15730s been enhanced since the beginning of the
15732s game and there is 18 damage on board
15736s here
15738s just start with planted evidence because
15740s there's you know a few reasonable
15743s outcomes of so the soil
15746s Pride's Fury
15748s yeah part of the world plenty
15751s all of them
15752s representing six more damage
15756s [Laughter]
15761s and every time I play that it goes wrong
15763s it's just I have a full board I play
15765s convoke insta double composting without
15768s even blinking
15769s yeah insta align yourself that's my
15772s experience
15774s oh my God he took it though
15789s I think again it comes down before the
15793s sword comes online and even if they get
15795s it at this point they're probably still
15797s just dead the turn after because they're
15799s gonna have to swing the sword three
15800s maybe four times before they're actually
15803s even gonna kill you
15805s in terms of board clear potential though
15807s there is the zirella only desperate
15810s prayer here he needs a little bit more
15812s than that to actually get rid of
15815s denatures
15816s I wonder
15821s I don't recall if there's still a flash
15823s heel in the deck this is the last
15824s desperate prayer though and Gift of the
15826s narrow both used as well correct yeah
15832s I'm currently not seeing it
15836s I must consider
15842s I mean I guess there is a clear right
15845s just
15849s someone injured
15852s yeah the village will
15855s let this turn resolve favorably
15860s well actually it wouldn't have eaten
15863s being a clear yeah like say you have to
15865s use the police
15878s wait this is one chart of killing the
15881s nothing
15883s oh
15885s my bad yeah
15888s pretty sick turn all in all it's got to
15890s be said I don't think I would have found
15891s that
15895s yeah and importantly left a Devourer in
15897s hand to proc second amulet in case this
15900s board gets cleared
15905s and the board doesn't all immediately
15908s blow up to spammy which is a lot of
15911s things to consider
15912s in a turn that complicated
15916s as well and there's no way to activate
15918s it
15920s immediately available to Pasqua uh
15924s if we were to just see
15927s moonlit guidance into theater I think
15930s would probably still win you the game
15932s because you could just take this must be
15934s nice and they don't have enough swings
15936s then yeah
15939s oh there it is that rope's burning again
15943s we've got to get moving though that rope
15946s is burning God too true yeah
15948s but just theater spammy right there's
15951s the three Health minion you needed
15953s there's the clear and after you take
15954s zirella
15957s give them
15959s that draw would have to stick bored and
15961s that's just never happening yep the
15964s spammy does create that perfect clear
15967s and that's just it all the damage that
15971s dead draw can get
15973s is
15974s not enough
15975s yeah gorgeous turn from dead uh from
15978s Pasqua all in all very very nicely
15980s played
15981s I don't know if he's seeing something
15983s that could potentially go wrong that
15985s we're not but he's above 45 Health right
15987s his opponent's literally just gonna
15989s fatigue
15996s sticking the seasoned on board yeah is
16000s that thing I don't know
16004s yeah I don't see it
16008s and honestly this is the type of
16010s approach to a boar priest game that a
16013s less experienced player would not have
16016s taken I would say there's a lot of
16018s points where you get trapped into
16019s thinking you've got to save the
16021s denasters for the brown for the one turn
16023s kill but just recognizing the pivotal
16026s points when boar priest goes for very
16029s predictable lines and how to abuse that
16032s force them onto using their crucial
16034s resources and in this case for Pasqua
16037s looking for that theater when he knew
16039s that Joe's hand was trimmed down to the
16041s point where if there was a zairaland
16043s hand he could always hit it it is very
16046s very clever
16047s very nicely done Pascal obviously
16049s loading up on stats as much as possible
16050s this turns out and no matter what he
16052s will be coming away to Victor as a 1-0
16056s start to deadro at the start of this
16058s series The One game we did not get to
16059s see is a very rapidly eroding with
16062s pascular taking some really nice games
16064s back to back I think uh you know a bit
16066s of a mess up as we saw in the the first
16068s game of the day where he just didn't
16071s really think through the fell barrage
16073s positioning in order to get that one
16075s done but apart from that very very
16077s nicely done and now left with only one
16079s deck remaining which is his warlock I
16084s believe right to close things out if he
16086s wants to take the win here which is yeah
16088s the hybrid version which the debate
16090s rages on as to which version is the
16093s superior deck but based on our sample
16095s size today it's definitely looking like
16097s the curse hybrid version is performing
16100s far better that's right the debate rages
16103s on you say but I don't know I feel like
16104s I've seen way more cursive influence
16106s straight up today and there's actually
16109s even one more warlock floating around in
16111s the mine locks some people still
16113s standing behind that uh a deck that has
16117s its merits against all of these 40
16119s Health slow mid-rangey decks but again
16122s Falls prey to see it are pretty heavily
16125s which is why people I think are moving
16128s more towards the curse lock which
16129s doesn't have as many glaring weaknesses
16131s as either of the two decks on uh the
16135s Warlock Spectrum we do have dead draw
16140s given it another go on Druid
16145s and with the Naga giant version I'm not
16149s actually sure if this helps him more on
16152s average against warlock because even
16154s eight health is not that tough for
16156s kerstock to deal with
16158s um if they have tamzin it's just too uh
16163s I of either the drug below or a Bissell
16166s wave to deal with
16167s yeah I do want to say this hurts their
16169s draw because like just as direct
16171s comparisons there's one spammy instead
16173s of two it's one dozen kelp keeper
16175s instead of two it's just all these extra
16177s little cards no uh attorney at more in
16180s order to get a bit of Silence to deal
16182s with maybe a low minion that's been hit
16184s by the location all of these things just
16186s come in together to give you a slightly
16188s greedier build that on average is gonna
16191s struggle especially against an opponent
16193s that's drawing librarian double flaming
16196s right out the gate
16198s an insane opening hand for turn one turn
16201s two there is a slight question of
16203s whether it's a blue flame imp or
16204s librarian on turn one but because of the
16208s fact that if even if you play librarian
16210s turn one and turn two you follow with
16211s two flame mips you still only got three
16213s damage uh I think it makes more sense to
16216s start with flame it because the best
16217s answer from dead draw is Druid of the
16220s reef which technically you got some more
16223s value killing a three Health minion if
16224s it were in hand
16227s be terrible outcomes for Deadpool though
16229s with no living Roots no natural causes
16233s no seaweed strike any of these key
16236s removal options at the start of the game
16237s uh just not presenting themselves
16241s a better late than never for Druid of
16244s the reef pretty clear uh game plan for
16247s dead draw which is survive till he can
16249s get the topiar and that's really the
16251s turning point where Druid can stabilize
16253s and continue to deal with waves of
16256s boards because oftentimes Druid can you
16258s know spend their entire turn removing
16260s things but if the Warlock has in King
16263s reform to follow up or any sort of even
16265s mid-level board Redevelopment then Druid
16268s just takes so much incremental damage
16270s but with topir you can take value trades
16272s you can set up for dealing with not only
16274s the board on the turnits plate but
16276s follow-up words
16279s all right what's coming off the end of
16280s this impending catastrophe some slightly
16283s awkward cards oh I take it back of a
16286s pascal with the vile Library coming off
16288s as the last card outside of that it was
16290s a bit Grim with the double grimoire uh
16292s in hand alongside the Tamsin but now oh
16294s my goodness this is just damage damage
16297s damage to the point where even coin
16299s Vapes topio to get it down on turn four
16302s uh is looking to be too slow
16304s yeah
16306s questions of what to Target I actually
16309s do prefer buffing a one one into a five
16311s five rather than a three two into a
16313s seven six because of the scale of
16316s annexia and I guess to a certain extent
16318s topir as well where the sixth health is
16321s a cleaner break point for dead draw
16323s against both the three three tokens and
16325s the two one tokens
16331s foreign
16351s you only have one play
16354s top and Hope
16356s fully
16357s foreign
16361s skills which there's not likely to be a
16365s good Target for them next turn
16367s but he had to do something
16372s right so just clearing this off is a
16374s pretty high priority I would say you
16376s want to deny targets for urban scales
16379s just trades of their own so spending
16381s your mana on
16382s uh
16385s three Mana uh to put a cursing as well
16388s it's not terrible drag below
16392s yeah the thing with drug Billow is it's
16394s so tempting to save it alongside Tamsin
16396s so you can double it up next turn times
16398s it doesn't have good double up effects
16401s other than that uh
16404s is that cool for Tempo and just saying
16407s you can have your topiar so that means
16409s that draw gets six plus seven armor
16413s and a couple rushing three threes is
16416s that enough to save him
16420s play that plus one
16422s Urban scales were he to ramp obviously
16424s instead of draw yeah and that's not
16427s enough to survive I don't think
16432s I mean on board it is
16438s and the ramp does give him much better
16441s prospects for the following turn
16449s you would gain six health and be able to
16452s remove nine damage from the board
16455s I guess he's not really that alive
16457s because of the library so he does have
16459s to go for the double scales yeah not
16461s really
16463s [Applause]
16474s it's a pretty good play take all the
16477s imps off the board make it at least a
16479s little bit more difficult to just give
16480s straight away
16485s but oh my Lord
16487s it never stops it's perfect
16489s yeah Wicked shipment and yeah
16500s and even if this board were to be swept
16503s up Pascal then has many curses from hand
16505s for reach
16508s and that looks like it is going to be
16510s the end of the series for dead draw not
16512s even gonna see what his next card was
16515s knows that he had no outs whatsoever and
16517s that's Pascal going up 2-0 in the Swiss
16520s and as I said a great turnaround for the
16524s Americas as it's looking pretty dire
16526s overall in terms of their representation
16528s they have one player through to the
16530s world championship which is the one
16532s player they were guaranteed to get
16534s through the last season uh of uh
16537s America's Grand Masters before that
16538s turned into last call uh for one extra
16541s player to go through uh and they
16544s currently have a few players towards the
16546s top of the point scores in order to
16548s qualify through to the fourth
16549s championship so Pasqua definitely The
16551s Last Hope or the the main hope of the
16553s Americas at the moment over dead raw who
16555s is also going to be appearing at the
16557s world championship so even though I
16559s would imagine that's one of the easier
16560s losses to swallow for dead tour overall
16562s given against is against such a strong
16565s opponent and he's already got that spot
16566s spot locked in at Worlds uh it still
16569s hurts as we know he wants to do well and
16571s take down one of these Masters tours
16573s I feel like I'm somewhat obligated to
16576s make a America's cheering for America's
16578s joke now but maybe I will I will save
16580s that for when I'm casting with either TJ
16583s or Lorinda but yes very big
16585s congratulations to Pasqua and for dead
16589s draw we will still be seeing him in
16590s Worlds and potentially later on in the
16592s tournament it's just round two uh anyone
16595s that has taken their first loss here can
16597s still easily turn this around I say
16599s easily as if they're
16601s habugs taking every single win after
16603s your first loss we shall see the Knight
16606s is Young and so is the tournament
16609s that's right yeah I guess it is over in
16611s uh America's still technically still
16613s just the middle of the night uh but
16615s thank you so much for joining us for uh
16617s the tournament thus far still plenty
16618s more to come as you said so when we come
16620s back from this break we're going to be
16622s starting with round three here at
16624s Masters Tour more anti sword
16629s [Music]
16641s [Music]
16647s and shall rise and soon
16652s beg for your life
16658s [Music]
16659s you must acquit the dark lady did not
16664s commit this unspeakable life
16670s your cell awaits
16673s your confession will save us all the
16676s time
16679s [Music]
16685s foreign
16696s [Music]
16700s [Applause]
16702s [Music]
16717s foreign
16721s [Music]
16730s [Music]
16761s foreign
16764s [Music]
16795s foreign
16799s [Music]
16814s [Music]
16824s welcome back everyone Hearthstone
16827s Masters Tour more in disorder my name is
16830s subtle and I am joined by former
16832s professional Hearthstone Caster geo geo
16834s how are you doing
16835s I'm feeling very not former what am I
16838s doing here
16839s come on
16841s I mean you just saw in your you're like
16844s you look like a guest Caster right now
16845s where's your green screen where's your
16847s lighting set up like come on you guys
16849s gotta try harder than this surely then
16851s fit in my luggage I'm so sorry
16855s well moving on we do have a Whopper of a
16858s series to kick off round number three it
16860s is featuring one of my absolute favorite
16864s players to watch and to cover a player
16867s who is an absolute force to be reckoned
16869s with in the China circuit and has very
16872s quickly over the last four to five years
16875s established himself as one of the
16877s overall best players in the world Zhao T
16880s is going to be kicking off round number
16881s three for his gym
16883s I am so glad I finally been illuminated
16885s as to what that number one pose means it
16888s means he is one of soddle's favorite
16891s players to watch and to cast and I have
16894s to admit he's one of my favorites too
16896s had the privilege of interviewing him
16898s after his master's tour when previously
16902s and he's always remained on top of his
16905s game for years and years now one of
16907s these players that just never seems to
16910s fall off I mean I will never ever say
16912s shouty is washed because he's always
16914s coming up with good results here not
16916s afraid to go for strange deck lists too
16919s and it has worked to his favor before
16921s but this time we're not quite
16924s understanding it feels like what's going
16927s on with these middle two decks yeah then
16930s suddenly the control priest with
16932s something called throwing in there as
16934s well and the thief Rogue as well the
16937s jackpot Rogue those are two decks I have
16940s seen jlt playing on ladder specifically
16943s can I tell you what they are doing in
16945s this particular lineup sandwich between
16947s two of the most common Decks that we're
16949s seeing in the tournament the Beast Druid
16950s and sorry the Beast Hunter and the ramp
16953s Druid uh no I cannot but I am sat in the
16956s host chair for this series Gia so I
16958s don't have to think over to you
16961s yeah I kind of feel like these are just
16964s meant to outgrind some of the other
16967s Midway control decks like say Shaman
16969s where
16971s um if they're not hitting the super
16973s early dinathus macaw don't actually have
16975s a very quick win condition and the thief
16979s Rogue and the priest can just keep
16980s putting together board after board slash
16983s board clear after board clear and
16985s eventually not end up with the most
16987s value in the sense that they fatigue
16990s their opponent but they probably have
16991s more cards in hand and their opponent
16994s might run out of stuff to do in the
16996s immediate there's also the upside of
16998s control priest being able to run
17000s Whirlpool which is one of the very few
17002s answers in The Meta right now to the
17004s Jailer if shouty was expecting to see
17007s some of that
17008s yeah so going over to cled now it's a
17012s lineup which I would imagine at the very
17014s least and admittedly we're flying by the
17017s seat of our pants a little bit here in
17018s terms of dealing with the priest and the
17020s Rogue matchups
17021s um but I would imagine this lineup is
17023s something that pre-specifically would
17025s struggle against a little bit just the
17028s um you know Mages capable of going as
17030s late as you like with just about any
17032s deck in the game if it gets to that
17033s point and Hunter and Druid specifically
17036s just kind of have that sort of mid
17038s mid-range mid game pressure that ends up
17041s exhausting the priest of control tools
17043s more often than not in my opinion so I
17046s think this could be an uphill one for
17048s jlt but we will wait and see I'm very
17051s willing to be surprised by what this
17053s priest and Rogue is capable of yeah
17055s absolutely that alignment Druid also
17058s looking pretty scary wouldn't be
17059s surprised if xiaote banned that away but
17063s cialid is going to lead with perhaps his
17066s most generic deck of the line up with
17069s that Beast Hunter in there one of Castle
17072s kennels tucked in I feel like I'm on the
17074s side of not really liking this card
17076s being in the list but certainly can help
17079s if you are falling behind on board it
17082s synergizes really nicely with any death
17084s throttles you can get to immediately
17085s give those Rush
17088s other than that the list looking pretty
17092s standard
17093s yeah what do you make of Hunter in
17096s general terms because obviously it was
17097s the Talk of the Town coming into this
17099s it's the dominant ladder deck so it's
17101s the one that is the debate is rumbling
17103s on like should this get nerfed shouldn't
17105s it get nerfed what's the play rate
17106s what's the win rate all of these things
17107s being thrown around
17109s hasn't looked like the dominant force
17112s that maybe some players might expect it
17114s to have been coming into this tournament
17115s so far yeah I'd agree I think it's a
17118s very fourth deck type of ring where
17121s it because it's such a weird deck where
17124s it can play Early curve but doesn't have
17126s that consistent reach
17128s um that the old face Hunter you saw
17130s you're basically taking the front half
17132s of facehunter and then the mid to late
17134s game half of B Center and shoving those
17136s together and it doesn't feel like you
17138s have that much of a linear game plan you
17141s can be a lot more flexible which is an
17143s upside but also means you don't have any
17145s real polarized matchups so I feel like
17148s if you're bringing Hunter you just
17149s didn't really necessarily land on a
17151s lineup that's hard targeting something
17153s where I think in this meta there is
17155s opportunity to be a bit more heavily
17158s targeting not necessarily one deck but
17160s an archetype because you can build four
17163s very cohesive aggro decks you can build
17165s for control decks so uh Hunter I don't
17169s think it will end up as one of the
17170s highest win rate decks but I won't clock
17172s anyone for bringing it too because
17174s sometimes it's hard to go for a full
17176s Target strategy
17178s we are absolute disaster cled has that
17182s unfortunate lighting position where it's
17184s not just going to be hidden all the time
17185s nor is it just going to be shining in
17187s your face all the time every time he
17189s moves his head you're just going to get
17191s the glare of his ceiling light unlucky
17196s well uh
17197s a camera I'm not gonna spend much time
17199s looking at compared to our Jew I guess
17205s double psychicandra and The Peasants now
17207s curved out here for gel tea getting him
17210s comfortably ahead on board on the early
17211s in the early game which is really nice
17212s because it at least allows him to
17214s potentially deal with some of this uh
17217s wild seed presence in the immediacy
17220s yeah luckily gets the rush here which is
17222s a big deal to stop some of the value for
17226s Xiao tea he can use yalad's own ramming
17229s Mount against him though but I don't
17232s necessarily think that's better than
17234s identity theft here I feel like ramming
17236s Mount is really nice to get a value
17238s trade on board and using it preemptively
17241s for damage it doesn't really feel worth
17242s it just for plus two plus two
17248s yeah it's incoming climb to agree with
17251s you it's just how much xiaoti really
17253s values getting significantly ahead on
17256s board here and putting the hunter Under
17257s Pressure which I would imagine is not
17259s that much
17261s oh
17267s uh yeah between saber and King Crush
17271s it feels weird because I don't think
17274s that the king like like actual damage is
17277s the
17278s usual wincon for the priest here it's
17280s more kind of just grinding out all of
17283s the resources from Seattle but still
17284s somehow King Crush also represented the
17287s most value
17289s yeah I think it's one of the again
17291s another reason why this matchup is not
17294s fantastic from the pre-side we see this
17296s as an argument from some players as to
17300s cutting theater from some decks in the
17302s current meta game as well that it's not
17303s particularly good against Hunter because
17305s stealing cards from them most of their
17307s cards require synergies in order to be
17310s at all effective
17312s um so you know having a king Crush in
17313s your hand having an ajar and saber like
17315s without access to all the same tools
17317s that that means for the hunter those can
17319s be some particularly weak cards yeah the
17323s saber does have Synergy with some of
17325s shouti's Base deck like the Blackwater
17327s Behemoth being the big one to pull but
17329s the problem is how are you gonna dredge
17331s the sunken saber
17333s um
17334s maybe steal something to dredge that
17337s remains to be seen uh anyway on this
17340s turn it does represent a pretty clean
17343s trade against that renithal unless
17345s xiaote would rather commit ramming Mount
17347s and get one immune trade and one trade
17351s away on the one one but that represents
17353s a minion that's just dead to the weapon
17355s waking up next turn
17364s Realty very much taking his time with
17367s these early game turns was very quick to
17369s play the psychic conjurers but since
17370s then uh slowed the pace down
17373s significantly but as you said earlier
17375s ramming Mount perhaps at its best when
17377s it's able to take a value trade
17378s immediately uh does play Mana
17381s inefficiently but is able to get
17384s guaranteed value out of the immune basis
17386s at the very least
17387s yeah
17389s I was surprised by this because the 3-3
17391s does get taken down by the weapon from
17394s the Stag uh but maybe shouty
17397s just hoping to get some value from the
17400s ramming Mount wherever possible because
17402s maybe he feels like he's going to fall
17404s behind on board in the near future and
17406s maybe never gets to buff anything from
17408s that point
17409s and I think if Sheltie is doing this he
17412s has a plan for this turn right because
17414s he kind of has perfect information as to
17416s what that turn would be a weapon that
17418s you know is about to appear and a German
17420s saber that you know is in hand because
17422s you stole from the opponent and it's
17423s just a perfectly clean turn on turn form
17428s infused to clean the scene able to get
17431s rid of all these but is it worth it on
17433s just two minions he could go for a clear
17436s with two separate resources instead
17438s lighted Burns and a Sharon saber
17447s It's the weird position to be in where
17450s xiaoti has actually very few resources
17452s to work with not much card draw in the
17455s deck It generally relies on stealing
17456s resources from the opponent
17466s it could even be a pass altogether if he
17469s wants to read this out and get more
17470s value from clean the scene
17476s halfway play in the end holds on to
17478s light but does use the saber to be able
17480s to clear up the Firefall
17482s happy to leave the Assurance saber in
17485s play I think motivated mostly by not
17487s wanting to put the card on the bottom of
17490s the deck while dredge is so easily
17492s available for seal it
17494s air
17495s drudge and pet collector both being
17498s relatively scary at that point and also
17502s the fact that the Sabers at one Health
17504s means at the very least if shouty wanted
17506s to he could hero power after deals
17508s damage and zyrrela to get rid of it now
17511s though there's an okani complicating
17513s things
17514s and if this is for Minion there's no
17516s easy way to test
17518s no not really in the deck in general
17523s especially when you've played double
17525s psychic conjure out early in the game
17527s there's not too many minions you'd be
17528s overly pleased with throwing away at
17530s that point
17532s but there is a way to get rid of it
17534s outside of minions using clean the scene
17537s but if cled did take spell then shouty
17540s would have to test with light it burns
17542s first
17543s and overall that sounds like a lot of
17545s resources still I wonder how you can get
17547s away with just hero powering and passing
17550s again
17553s yeah if you have to kind of two for one
17555s yourself in this situation you're down
17557s to a very spouse hand and
17560s you're really faced with the same
17561s problem as you were last turn as well
17563s right as you are just setting up your
17564s opponent for that perfect dredge by
17567s clearing this board regardless
17570s I think this might be a long uphill
17572s battle for xiaoti's priest in this
17574s series Geo ah
17578s I'm gonna try not to think about that uh
17581s cielo's hand though looking very very
17583s promising here with that school oh he
17587s just
17589s did it just shipped it okay
17594s I mean
17598s was it
17600s that heart of a read to make that you
17603s know minion was quite likely at that
17604s point
17606s I I would have thought that minion was
17609s the more common of the two picks in the
17611s matchup I don't have a great deal of
17612s experience playing this match up but I
17614s would imagine it was more common because
17615s you know the big pile of cheap spells
17618s right desperate prayer gift of the
17619s Naruto shout of the Naru light it burns
17621s all available whereas the minions seem a
17623s lot more premium and I don't think there
17625s was any great surprise on gel T's face
17627s in reaction to the the minion I think he
17629s just decided that was the best line
17633s I guess so I mean
17638s I'm trying to figure like if you know
17640s that it's minion then why even play
17643s zyrala is my question here
17647s because he could just sweep everything
17649s up with a spell on the next turn if you
17651s do think that that's minion
17653s maybe he is somewhere in the halfway
17656s where like he wasn't necessarily sure
17659s it's minion and so even if it were he'd
17662s be okay with losing zairala in theory
17664s because he didn't have any good healing
17666s cards in hand
17668s uh and then in the case where it ended
17671s up being spelled he gets to clear part
17674s of the board
17677s you think that makes sense overall
17679s because even just allocating the minion
17681s on clearing the akani if the okani then
17684s manages to survive for an extra term
17686s which is unlikely at least you've then
17687s got that done you can use the nether
17689s Drake for something further down the
17691s line so there are reasons to do it I
17694s think the play was I think essentially
17696s what we're saying is xiaoti was just in
17697s a miserable position and anything he did
17700s that turn was going to look bad
17702s for sure
17704s on the opposite side Clyde with two
17707s strong curve options here Huntsman
17709s Ultima are not fully infused but two
17712s gargon companions isn't too bad here
17714s whatsoever I wouldn't mind just greeting
17716s it out with the mountain bear either
17721s and for all the thieving this priest
17723s does it hasn't found room to include
17725s Sylvanas which is a huge deal
17728s for all these death rattle minions for
17731s clad feeling a lot safer once they hit
17733s the board it's strange that they're less
17735s safe when they're in hand and deck yes
17742s Galaxy now does have the location
17745s available which is really the principal
17749s source of card draw in the deck as Geo
17751s was alluding to earlier otherwise it
17753s just kind of deals in stealing cars and
17755s scorpions so this will be a welcome
17757s addition to that hand
17760s trick points all just a little bit too
17763s awkward though the sex Health denying
17764s both the trade from just location on a
17767s minion and light it burns from getting
17769s rid of that first half of the bear
17773s but I do like activate oh oh using this
17777s for lighted Burns that's two plus one
17778s and then lion Burns it yeah spicy I like
17781s that I was also looking at whether
17783s there's any Merit to drawing the card
17785s first and then looking for break points
17787s with a potential nether Drake play but
17789s there was nothing good there this did
17790s look significantly better overall
17793s Here Comes everyone's favorite
17795s Hearthstone card theater
17805s support
17807s I mean it makes sense right you have a
17810s dinosaur and all they have is a prayer
17817s Gorgon companions yeah I mean and and a
17820s significant amount of damage that you
17821s can just ship into your opponent's face
17822s this turn that's also quite beneficial
17826s the fact that shouty hasn't found a
17827s shadow spell this whole time than
17829s another Drake has been a Sitting Duck uh
17831s the break point on it isn't necessarily
17833s good but if he had found a shadow spell
17835s like brand netherjick was a solution
17837s however there is a cleaner solution now
17840s with the whirlpool
17851s that would actually tied shouty over for
17853s the meantime
17855s the whirlpool would tide shouty over I
17858s mean honestly you haven't lost you
17860s haven't lost it you've still got it
17862s really
17863s not a former broadcaster
17873s yeah xiaoti taking his sweet time here
17875s but there is no other play on this turn
17878s as far as I'm concerned
17880s rip that Whirlpool oh that's some refill
17884s if I ever seen it though not immediately
17886s but alongside the frenzied fangs yep
17888s absolutely that's enough problems that
17891s Clyde has created for shouty to answer
17894s can start weaving in the hero Powers
17896s feeling looking a little bit sad without
17899s any drudge effects no canine Tron or
17901s Harpoon Gun drawn but this looks like
17904s it'll be enough to get there shouty is
17906s still in desperate need of at the very
17908s least a shadow spell
17911s and failing honestly just as a Yeti at
17914s some point over the course of the game
17916s might just be enough
17920s Mr
17922s terrible
17925s no copied cards in hand other than King
17927s Crush right now and that doesn't get
17929s Battle Cry double charge so
17932s um
17941s I mean it should
17946s are you saying this because I've joined
17948s the dev team
17950s wait yeah hang on we've got an inside
17952s track now okay do not don't listen to
17955s any of Raven's opinions about Hunter
17958s uh actually remove the words about
17960s Hunter from that sentence and then
17962s [Laughter]
17964s mm-hmm
17968s I think you'll be fine maybe I will I
17970s need to actively choose to not listen
17972s when he's talking about Battlegrounds
17974s I'm not that mean
17976s foreign
17984s sorry one draw and
17988s it's terrible
17997s just
17998s the beginnings of uh Sierra running out
18001s of steam here though
18002s is still gonna need one or two big
18004s clears obviously that uh nether Drake
18007s finally becoming active would be
18008s absolutely key
18010s if it can get there
18014s big if big if indeed
18018s and the fact that there's a couple more
18021s wild seeds waking up for salad and
18024s eventually sex damage from the weapon is
18027s very scary for a shouty because he's
18029s really not doing anything to stabilize
18031s he's not been given the option to do so
18043s foreign
18047s oh yeah push the two
18052s yeah continuing to disrespect the king
18054s crush on board as you absolutely should
18056s be doing here
18058s God there's been no death rattles
18066s and I think he needs to just take the
18067s upgraded hero power though
18076s I mean if you do that in hero power you
18080s don't get delighted Burns which is
18083s Maybe
18085s something to consider instead that
18087s shouty could use
18089s the rest of the Mana building board and
18091s say light it burns sometimes lets him
18093s survive here if there's no damage from
18096s Han
18097s yeah like not using the light kind of
18100s negates the five armor you get from the
18103s zarella immediately right by not
18105s clearing the extra minion but I there's
18107s just nothing else in the hand that's
18109s worth spending mana on here it really
18111s seems like
18113s so did it yeah
18117s super relevant clearly
18126s all right 11 damage on board plus two
18130s from the hero power salad needs five
18133s decent to just kill a dinosaur
18136s Sylvanas the Big Game Hunter
18140s again I posed the same question I posed
18142s to Raven earlier do you ever just stop
18143s and listen to the words that you say
18145s while casting this game that's decent to
18148s kill a dinosaur like it's just not a
18150s thing that sounds great out of context
18151s is it
18154s yeah I can't really think of anything
18157s other than meteors that are truly decent
18159s at killing dinosaurs true yeah
18166s holding on to it though
18170s that's still considering well I'm bored
18173s yeah and I think just considering this
18175s is enough pressure and if one of the
18177s really big swingy minions does come out
18179s here uh they then just having that
18182s Sylvanas to deal with it is going to be
18183s a big deal
18185s surely this scarfid can find a shadow
18187s spell right you can even double roll it
18190s with brand score of it and still have
18191s the Mana to play another drink
18193s absolutely I think that has to be the
18194s line
18197s that says Shadow spell no we actually do
18201s have to make a decision there's two of
18203s them which one's better
18206s uh
18212s uh not actually sure because
18215s okay I guess this tag does represent
18218s something that gets cleared by the
18219s shadow word ruin
18222s Amulet of undying for saber uh-huh yep
18226s because as we but of course both know
18228s Jia there have been Death Rows that have
18230s died this game
18232s my bad I should be a former Caster at
18235s this point for disrespecting the saber
18238s absolutely washed
18251s that's incredibly awkward timing to have
18254s drawn Harpoon Gun but it is Harpoon Gun
18256s uh-huh and there's a bunch of random
18260s colossals yup
18267s and the Sylvanas feels awful to play
18269s here as well because it just takes a
18271s little more Infuse and the only way to
18274s infuse it right now is to rush the Stag
18277s which means there's no minion to take
18279s control of
18283s actually just gonna go fishing
18286s Baker the head means that he's probably
18288s not hit the juice here
18293s they're not the worst
18300s I was honestly wondering about Leviathan
18302s just to get another card draw straight
18304s away because you can dredge and draw and
18307s dredge again
18309s yeah true actually
18314s or behemoth and then you drink it
18320s so this is the kind of thing that salad
18322s has been waiting for here with the
18324s Sylvanas right like you could definitely
18325s make the argument if he'd have just
18327s spent his mana and put it in play it
18329s would have attacked face by now and the
18330s game would have been over but this is
18332s the kind of situation he's been playing
18334s around it's the you know light shower
18336s Elemental Blackwater Colossus those big
18338s back breaking cards you just don't want
18340s to deal with at all from priest yeah
18344s yeah I also got the Feeling shouty won't
18347s even play the uh the Colossal until it
18350s immediately gets something to lifesteal
18351s off of
18355s like this it's still of course a very
18357s good Sylvanas Target for salad but
18359s shouty can shadow where Drew in that
18362s board
18363s yes indeed
18369s very clever
18374s I mean this is such a weird world we
18376s live in where shouty has been sub 10
18379s health for many many turns now and the
18381s hunter just cannot kill him I know the
18383s winter was a priest
18385s like why am I drawing so violence
18387s instead of aim shot like what has gone
18389s wrong with Hunter at this point
18394s I'm certain Raven would have an opinion
18396s on this but I've been instructed not to
18398s pay attention to it absolutely
18406s so let's go ahead and play the
18408s hydraulicon of course Shadowood ruin is
18410s something that sealer will definitely be
18412s considering is it being a natural card
18414s in the deck as well as the generated one
18416s that we can see that xiaote has taken
18419s huge deal that he can't pair the
18421s Behemoth with it on the same turn which
18423s means that the shadow word ruin posed
18425s that there's still three minions left on
18427s board the two Hydra heads and the elec
18429s popping out of the scorpid that's
18431s another thing taken out of context that
18433s sounds really really weird
18436s um
18437s and he can remove two of these things
18439s with lighted Burns and the hero power
18442s but still leaving 4 damage on board and
18444s and cielad's own hero power means cled
18447s is simply a uh weapon draw away from
18452s lethal
18455s he is drawing Leviathan next turn though
18459s I believe right I think it's been
18461s dredged on the the following term
18464s but will not have a Target
18467s oh behemoth
18470s okay taking two and three that it
18473s doesn't immediately get poisoned and
18474s even if it does it still gets the
18476s lifesteal yeah it still won't be lethal
18478s on board even if it does have the worst
18480s attack which it does yeah
18485s does mean this Leviathan now has a
18487s Target though which is a big deal
18491s there's like one off right now including
18493s the castle Kennels
18498s uh
18504s um
18505s that doesn't work same thing
18514s fine
18518s your power
18520s push the damage and shouty
18524s slowly but surely has been pushed out of
18527s the game
18533s and I can't stress enough how
18535s unfortunate the poison going into the
18538s Behemoth was I guess salad had a good
18541s answer to remove it still even
18544s um if it had stayed on board without
18546s giving the lifesteal because he put
18548s Leviathan on top but from shouti's
18550s perspective that could have gotten two
18552s procs of lifesteal and given him time to
18554s potentially stabilize
18555s [Laughter]
18560s that's just funny
18562s uh the ultimate theater Synergy put
18565s cards in your opponent's hand just so
18567s you can get an extra copy of them later
18568s honestly does does that cards
18571s applications know no bounds
18573s oh the light it burns
18578s Very fittingly Yes we'll have plenty of
18581s time for continued priest puns it seems
18583s throughout this series because uh xiaoti
18586s losing with the priest this is conquest
18588s of course which means LT will continue
18590s to have the priest available in his
18592s lineup and again it does seem to me just
18594s looking at the match-up she holistically
18597s that the priest will struggle against
18599s the overall type of decks that clad has
18600s available
18602s that's right
18603s um
18604s it does of course have the potential to
18607s immediately end certain matchups the way
18610s theater does by actually stealing
18613s something away from your opponent not
18615s just through the theater but Harvester
18617s of Envy being a bit of Envy being a big
18619s one and that's even repeatable if that
18621s manages to stick around longer that can
18623s be back breaking for Druid if they take
18625s the nautrius backbreaking against Mage
18628s if you take their Don grasp they're more
18630s drush so on and so forth so this priest
18633s just needs to hit the nuts one time can
18636s they do it
18637s I mean it's a great question but one
18640s that will still I think take some time
18642s to answer the decks remaining of course
18644s are The Relic Demon Hunter a deck that
18647s made an enormous Splash uh towards the
18651s end of last call I had the great
18653s pleasure of uh being able to cast that
18656s one alongside Fino where we got to see
18658s bly's piloting a very similar deck to
18660s this uh to Great skill much to the
18663s excitement of Fino who is a huge huge
18665s fan of this deck overall uh started off
18668s seeming like a bit of a meme deck and
18669s then it wasn't going to get there but do
18670s you think this actually has a place in
18672s The Meta right now Jim
18674s yeah absolutely
18676s um this is another deck that the power
18678s ceiling on it is so high if you're able
18680s to hit a strong curve of relics get the
18682s location and uh build a board of
18685s phantasms very quickly not many decks
18687s can answer a board of that size
18690s um super early in the game and then of
18692s course as we saw from Pasquale a while
18693s ago if you get multiple procs on relic
18696s of Dimensions you can get your JS really
18698s really cheap and you are running Brown
18700s bronze beards so there's a lot of damage
18702s that can come out of nowhere with the
18705s right discounts and then there's that
18707s new splash of prosecutor mailtronics
18709s here which is just a very annoying card
18711s to get hit by and potentially you can
18713s buy you a full turn of extra Relic procs
18718s and so just looking at what limited data
18721s is available because this is not a
18724s common matchup on ladder and even more
18725s Uncommon matchup in tournaments uh yeah
18729s this one kinda sucks gear the numbers
18731s seem to be hovering around 25
18734s uh for the priest 75 for the Demon
18737s Hunter overall on this one based on uh
18740s ladder data and what limited tournament
18742s data I can find on it as well so like I
18745s said could be a continued uphill battle
18747s here for GLT he's really gone left field
18750s a little bit with some of his lineup
18752s choices and as I said he's been playing
18754s these decks on bladder and I've
18756s certainly like played against him and
18758s thought why on Earth is xiaoti playing
18760s this deck and then I've opened streams
18762s and seen other streamers playing in GLT
18763s and then why is GLT playing this deck it
18766s just seems to be a fairly Universal
18768s reaction but xiaoti is one of the best
18771s in the world and currently in really
18773s fantastic form in the the China circuit
18775s as well you know really playing on the
18777s top of his game at the moment so there's
18779s clearly some motivation here that we're
18781s not seeing
18782s great maybe hoping to hit a more
18786s aggressive decks in theory but he
18789s doesn't even have that much of a spin to
18791s beating like aggro Druid for example
18793s there's not a lot of small removal here
18795s but he has 2-0 in the Swiss so far so
18798s let's see if he can make this work uh
18801s relic of Dimensions kept first y'all had
18803s no big surprise here I do worry about
18806s the overall quality of cards to be
18809s copied From shouti's perspective because
18811s similarly to the point you made about
18813s Hunter there's a lot of cards that
18815s synergize with each other literally
18817s anything with Relic in the name is gonna
18819s be tough for the priest to get full
18821s value out of unless they steal multiple
18823s of them
18827s foreign
18830s and furthermore like it's gonna have
18834s very limited time to actually make
18836s something happen here with the location
18838s draw that CLA does have here this is
18840s going to be a very fast hand overall
18842s it's looking to be there is that new
18844s card of course the prosecutor coming out
18846s that you was alluding to earlier very
18848s disruptive card in certain situations
18852s it is a big deal that shouty has a clean
18854s the scene on the far left though because
18856s that is generally a card that you would
18858s want to play to clear a board that
18860s meltronics is protecting
18863s foreign and the additional Whirlpool
18867s picked up from the scorpid also a big
18869s deal because I do think shouty's Avenue
18871s to winning this especially with this
18873s hand is to just clear every single
18875s Phantasm you see and hope to not die to
18878s Jace
18885s it's been an inordinate amount of
18887s renaults drawn early these past few
18889s games
18891s yeah it's true actually we have been
18893s seeing an awful lot of it not just at
18896s the start of games which is is anyone
18898s else entirely sick of that animation yet
18901s um but also just through the early games
18903s as a spider tank it has been showing up
18905s an awful lot
18908s I will definitely hold my hands up on
18910s this one Renato ended up being a much
18912s much stronger card than I expected it to
18914s be
18916s I continue to hate it and wish it would
18918s go away but it is good I will admit it
18921s is good
18924s again solo I'm on the Battlegrounds team
18927s these
18928s these concerns must be directed to other
18931s people
18934s I mean if you could just give me uh
18937s Boar's phone number that would be ideal
18938s I'll get right on it
18940s wait still Battlegrounds team damn no it
18943s doesn't work either
18946s Oh I thought you just wanted to call a
18948s friend that you haven't seen in a while
18949s yeah true actually
18952s glow about football for a while it'd be
18954s nice haven't got to do that in a while
18961s for context
18963s another trick
18964s Paul's team and my team are direct
18966s rivals
18968s but you might want like the context as
18969s to what that means because clearly you
18971s care enormously
18973s uh-huh I mean it's not just I mean
18976s you're trying to make me jump through so
18978s many Hoops here first sports which I
18980s don't care about on that sport
18982s specifically in the UK and then
18984s specifically two teams that you each
18986s care I don't know why you expected me to
18988s react to this I'm sorry
18994s well that's an awkward another Drake
18997s leaves up a stano and two four ones
19006s it leaves up enough to the point where I
19009s start to think is it even worth playing
19011s because clean the scene could
19013s potentially clear everything just not
19016s Infuse though so if anything the Drake
19018s just being another Minion in exactly
19021s cool to infuse yeah
19023s yeah that's the big deal right now right
19026s is that he just really needs to get
19027s minions out there to die and then
19029s probably wants to use the clean the
19031s scene that's kind of stranded midhand so
19033s he still has that one on the far left
19034s for emergency situations but honestly
19039s oh my God
19041s no Connie this turn
19044s but bran okay zymox next turn
19048s powerful I mean the fact that there's
19051s just a ladies thinner
19054s still sticking to the board throughout
19056s all of this as well is just absolutely
19058s disgusting
19065s okay thankfully for Xiao tea now
19069s um no matter which thing is countered he
19071s has good ways to test for it obviously
19073s spell is much more important to get
19076s through with the clean the scene here
19078s but the annoying thing is there's now
19080s seven sevens that are out of the range
19082s of clean the scene within the range of
19084s Shadow were Gruen but Shadow word ruin
19086s doesn't catch the sun oh and the four
19087s ones and the okani
19091s yeah you might just say that this board
19093s is like 100 optimal for being annoying
19097s against priest removal right like there
19098s is absolutely no single card or really
19101s combination of cards to be able to clear
19103s this up apart from like massive zirella
19106s as an individual tool right
19108s eight
19110s one Mana short of whirlpool
19117s okay so actually playing Shadow were
19121s Gruen removes more damage than clean the
19123s scene here
19126s so I was gonna say what if it's just
19128s ruined and played or I mean played the
19130s Scorpion first see if you get maybe a
19132s lighted Burns to complement the turn
19134s better uh and if not just go for shadow
19138s word ruin but going for gift of the Naru
19141s instead to cycle
19144s yeah I think that draws specifically uh
19147s fishes for the zirella right because
19149s then you'd already have enough healing
19151s with the desperate prayer and the gift
19152s played to be able to fall clear at that
19154s point
19155s I think you might as well take a look
19157s sorry
19158s right and yeah he couldn't have played
19160s the Scorpion my bad it was minion
19163s counter
19171s this does feel like a pretty strong
19174s meltronics turn
19176s to protect these two seven sevens or you
19179s know give yourself the best odds that
19181s shouty doesn't have a playable answer
19184s yep absolutely
19187s as it happens he would though be able to
19189s play The Mysterious visitor and thus
19191s shift his shadow word ruin to the far
19194s left
19207s there's also a world where bran zymox
19209s happens and he gets such a heavily
19211s discounted Jace from the draw that it's
19213s immediately lethal yeah there's also
19215s just so much damage hanging around which
19218s is what I was excited about that to her
19220s like he started with warblades for
19221s barrage Fury plus the 14 damage on board
19224s I think just going for outright damage
19226s here is what I favor even if it wasn't
19229s immediately lethal on that turn uh
19231s playing as a log just allows you to push
19233s as much extra damage as possible makes
19235s another big board that has to be
19237s answered and then if Whirlpool comes
19239s down you have lethal through the
19240s whirlpool on the following turn anyway
19243s you possess and this just makes me
19246s understand
19247s viscerally why this is like a 25 amount
19250s of priest like salad has well over
19254s lethal here with a brand and three Mana
19256s zymox sitting in hand unnecessary that's
19260s crazy yeah it was absolutely disgusting
19264s as soon as I saw that location in the
19266s opening hand it's like yeah like I
19268s imagine the game's priest wins are when
19270s the location just isn't found early on
19273s because individually the the relics can
19276s be dealt with for long enough but as
19278s soon as that location is there just to
19280s continue to ramp it up extra fast double
19282s up all of those effects and that is when
19284s you get into trouble very very quickly
19287s indeed so what do you think going to be
19290s a zero three gamer is he the the kind of
19292s player that just cues up the priest
19293s again
19296s I think he's the kind of player that
19298s cues up the priest again whether or not
19300s he'll go zero three I don't have a hot
19303s take about it because I do think in
19306s theory the Mage can fall prey the most
19309s to priests because of uh the decks from
19313s salad it's the worst one at getting on
19314s board in significant ways and when the
19316s priest is not under too much pressure
19319s and they have time to put together these
19322s stealing combos maybe that's a matchup
19323s or even keep Harvester of envy and try
19326s and get one of the crucial pieces from
19329s Mage whether that be the dawn grasp or
19331s mardrash kel'thuzad or roon or the
19334s dinathrius
19337s yeah I can see it in terms of it's gonna
19340s be a it's a different kind of match-up
19341s but Mage still does feel like a deck
19344s with an inevitable conclusion right
19346s which priest is going to struggle
19348s against I do think this is a matchup
19350s where because you're not being pressured
19352s out in the mid game you have time to
19354s potentially make stuff happen with your
19356s steel cards and particularly your
19357s theater type steel cards which actually
19359s deny the the resource from your opponent
19362s to be able to mess them up in the mid
19364s game but I think the same problems that
19367s are scattered throughout this matchup
19368s for GLT just do really apply to the Mage
19372s as well and the the priest just needs
19375s infinite time to be able to actually
19377s make anything effective happen and if
19379s you give this Mage infinite time they're
19382s gonna lethal you at some point pretty
19384s much unpreventibly on the other side
19387s yeah that denaturis just a ticking time
19391s bomb as it has been in so many matchups
19393s we've also just seen kel'thuzad
19395s throughout the day
19397s um getting so much damage through
19398s perhaps those numbers have been inflated
19400s by the Mage mirrors where you do see
19402s more skeletons on average because you
19404s get bigger death porns on average but
19407s it's still something in terms of board
19409s refill which we've seen repeatedly
19411s shouty struggling to deal with several
19414s waves of boards on this deck see if
19418s xialed can close out the Clean Sweep
19421s versus priest
19424s I just take one look at frostweaved
19426s engineer and I'm just flashing back to
19429s your Series where whether or not it drew
19431s a frost spell was apparently the most
19433s important thing in the universe so
19435s honestly
19439s all right it mattered more for me than
19441s it did I would you come on I was against
19442s Druid you need every bit of pressure
19445s I remember viscerately
19448s okay uh opening hand from shouty looking
19451s a lot more promising here he has the
19453s incriminating psychic to start copying
19456s some cards and Oh I thought he had kept
19459s the Harvester of enemy but threw it back
19461s here
19464s you can't stop this decent opening for
19468s Seattle at least now with the multiple
19470s card draw options I think this will be
19473s looking very promising from his
19475s perspective
19476s about build up some resources just get a
19479s little bit of early game pressure going
19480s as well which won't go amiss in this
19482s situation
19489s curve looking great for Xiao tea too
19491s honestly getting the Scorpion and having
19493s this be awkward enough or even if she
19495s all had pinged this it's not immediately
19498s dead and so post freezing it can still
19501s challenge that Amplified snow Theory
19505s later on and if it's not immediately
19506s dead he can also just get a nice Target
19509s for the location get that cycle going
19513s oh I drew a frost spell huge fist bump
19516s he's up out his seat he's dancing around
19518s the room no not fine
19526s Target denied so location not looking
19529s quite so good here
19533s still has to be the play though I think
19535s you have it in your hand it's usually
19537s Worth to invest the Mana as early as
19539s possible you make it back very very
19540s quickly over time
19544s yeah true it's not as though the
19545s identity theft was gonna get shouty any
19547s closer to finding a holy spell and he
19550s already has a holy and Shadow if
19552s necessary
19554s job done
19561s let's see what size
19566s yeah shake of the heads
19568s not what he wanted to see but I don't
19570s think any great Panic like I said like
19572s if this was one of the other two
19574s match-ups that we've seen in this series
19576s I think the other would be a lot more
19577s worried that all of his early game
19579s pressure has just Fallen away and he's
19581s behind on board already I don't think
19583s this matchup is going to be defined by
19586s the board battle between turns like four
19588s and eight right I think it's after that
19590s when things are going to get a lot more
19592s interesting
19595s and charity has a lot of gas here it
19599s doesn't like almost every other card in
19601s his hand then shadow where Drew and
19603s generates something
19605s um taking into account that the zarella
19607s will get the incriminating psychic death
19610s rattle and he also has the location to
19613s keep cycling so now he will have gas for
19617s a long time to come
19622s and the judge from the illuminate even
19624s though it didn't pick up a spell was I
19626s think pretty nice for shouty to see that
19628s the Renault was all the way at the
19629s bottom of the deck not gonna be drawing
19631s that dead card absolutely
19634s hmm
19644s meanwhile for salad he has the kind of
19646s hand that's very reactive right you want
19649s to see your opponents trying to build a
19652s huge board and just stall stall stall
19654s and play Rune here
19657s it does end up going with the blizzard I
19659s was a little interested in maybe seeing
19662s the extra skeleton attack go through but
19664s once the first one was made and it
19666s landed on the minion it probably did
19668s make sense to clear that up with the
19670s blizzard
19673s I was wondering if there was a way to
19676s hold off on lizard a bit longer with the
19678s night cloak sanctum but yeah this ends
19681s up being pretty clean still
19685s I would imagine in this matchup as well
19687s just for hero card concerns right you'd
19689s like to curate your your spell School
19692s pools for as long as possible I don't
19694s necessarily think you'll be wanting your
19696s hero to cast blizzard in most situations
19698s might be wrong on that one so you know
19700s maybe just holding onto a blizzard not
19702s casting it at all could be beneficial
19705s I thought oh this could be a game where
19708s we see more than four rooms
19710s [Laughter]
19715s that's my limit I'm hard capped before
19718s my brain explodes
19721s surely it's a brand copied here right he
19723s has school teacher haven't you already
19725s broken that record by a significant
19728s margin as well in various costs in
19731s recent memory
19732s uh-huh don't you remember my brain
19734s exploding oh that's right yeah it did no
19737s I see yes I see I see I see
19739s I thought I was like well if I see this
19741s many runes I'm just gonna quit and you
19743s know go work for the Hearthstone team
19744s instead something like that but no make
19746s sense
19747s Strangely I kind of remember that too
19755s ajara being picked up quite late doesn't
19757s feel amazing for cled but
19760s yeah it's going to have a rune and it's
19763s pool and it's gonna be out there at some
19766s point
19774s and crucially on top of all of that
19777s the random tools are great here for GLT
19779s but just an overall number of resources
19781s he is kind of winning the attrition game
19784s right now because of the the extra
19786s location value that's coming through
19787s which is a really really big deal
19789s overall
19791s he has got an embarrassment of riches
19794s here to the point that I feel like roon
19796s might be the only way he gets behind
19799s um I feel like that needs to be saved
19801s exclusively for fcr Led managers to turn
19803s that turn this around
19805s and there's not gonna be a way for him
19808s to get ahead on board for quite some
19810s time there's a way that he can remove
19812s the board
19814s and it's happening
19818s insta box spring water is lovely I take
19822s that for sure as they start
19825s the classic shattering glass to kill
19828s your own Minion no
19835s no I'll eat jelly Oh wrong one
19841s well I've certainly seen better boxes
19845s and I've seen worse indeed
19850s still can be a full clear pinging the
19852s jelly and then trading and second flame
19854s on the psychic
19857s yeah the blessing here is the two extra
19859s Mana from the spring water right at the
19860s start which is enabling cleanup as well
19863s as the zero Mana hero power very nice
19871s crucially picked up the water evoker as
19874s well
19875s because salad needs to find his Magister
19879s Don grasp sooner rather than later
19882s the double brand I know this is some
19885s 2019 priest casting right now like just
19888s that just a handful of random generated
19891s garbage that didn't start in the deck
19894s oh my God amulet
19898s I feel like clear conscience purely to
19901s have some hand spaces okay I mean
19903s illuminate too but shouty has seen that
19906s the bottom of his deck is not very
19908s exciting yeah another school teacher and
19911s ex
19913s I mean another school teacher is quite
19915s exciting though when you have a spare
19917s brand in your hand to be fair fair
19919s enough
19928s this is the problem right like xiaoti is
19931s approaching infinite value with this
19933s hand right with the runes that he has
19935s with the brands with the zirella
19936s repeating you know it's some sort of
19938s sort of curated pool of whatever death
19940s rattles he gets going off and so on and
19943s so forth
19944s he needs to turn this into pressure
19946s because
19947s this game won't go to fatigue that's not
19950s a win condition for jlt right like
19951s surely unless he's able to steal the
19953s perfect cards away from Seattle that
19955s he's not going to be able to get there
19957s so he actually needs to be able to turn
19958s this into pressure at some point
19964s s
19964s and Don grasper is far enough down in
19967s his deck than I think fatigue can be a
19970s win con for xiaote uh but yeah there's
19973s still many draws to be seen here we're
19975s going finally
19978s interested in why he didn't
19981s like proc azshara first I think ajara
19984s was on one spell left you could flurry
19986s azshara and then Finley back and get
19989s more stuff back because of the azshara
19991s Spells you have less Mana to work with
19993s on that turn
19995s he wouldn't be able to play the pirate
19997s presumably is the thinking here I guess
19999s this is kind of specifically the out he
20001s was looking for
20003s admittedly the the untargetable 610
20006s brand is a pretty significant problem
20008s right so you can kind of understand
20012s a problem you say well okay I imagine
20016s this is a reasonable solution to said
20018s problems you just you start throwing all
20020s of your damage at the face that makes
20022s sense infinite flurries all the zero
20025s costs but what is happening hello
20028s I've never seen that before was that
20030s four in a row or just three in a row
20034s I think that was
20036s four flurries and a hot streak
20040s maybe it was three flurries but yeah
20041s that's just
20043s strange
20046s what kind of mancy here actually kind of
20049s nice does allow to help clear up that
20051s brand at some point if need be but the
20053s power blast of the face does just open
20055s up all sorts of new and exciting
20056s opportunities in this game
20060s right it's very exciting the potential
20063s to not have the game last a million
20065s turns
20068s um
20071s does he need more card draw I mean no
20075s Cold Case
20078s okay looks like the most sensible
20081s oh he can even have his own compass
20086s if he takes the deep water evoker though
20088s that has a good shot of getting
20091s Whirlpool I don't even know if xiaoti
20094s wants that though I feel like he's the
20096s aggressor right now
20097s yeah I think he has to be by necessity
20101s so I mean this is it's still just a lot
20104s of stats for eight Mana right if he's
20106s just plays the one cold case then plays
20108s kel'thuzad at some point
20111s probably better than he's gonna get up
20112s anything else sticking around
20113s indefinitely so extra skellies yep
20122s yeah I can't Target this with spells or
20124s hero Powers doesn't say anything about
20126s locations does it no
20129s um
20132s there's the Harvester of Envy now as
20134s well which is very very spicy I can't
20138s remember if the remaining Brown in hand
20140s was the stolen one
20143s or the natural one from his duck oh good
20146s point I mean I would assume that jlt got
20148s that right right and has kept the stolen
20150s one in hand
20158s well looking for a mass poly that's oh
20162s okay not bad
20165s yeah flame strike's actually huge right
20169s one of the best ways of actually dealing
20171s damage to the brand that was available
20174s once again the location on the other
20177s side can Target it
20181s now I can get a few skeletons down and
20185s maybe just a deathborn I'll be able to
20187s clear this bran up at some point
20193s but it is done so much damage in this
20195s matchup already
20199s and it's so difficult to figure out the
20202s ideal turn here there's so many decent
20204s things to do
20208s like
20209s death porn you definitely don't want a
20211s reckless while there are damaged Minions
20214s on the opponent's side
20216s as priests
20218s that's a thing I'm pretty sure that's a
20221s thing it's called the briothorne we
20223s we're into intimately familiar
20229s the thing is if even if that is the
20231s stolen brand Harvester brand here just
20234s doesn't seem that appealing because he's
20235s not doing very much with the rest of the
20237s Mana agreed yeah
20240s it seems kind of sweet
20247s oh okay it does tell you everything
20251s that was stolen that's nice
20272s surely there's some two to three turn
20274s Avenue to lethal firstialed here he can
20277s push seven face here the Ping is
20279s upgraded he can play Dawn grasp this
20281s turn
20283s did he not attack with the
20286s DP Dragon it did seem like he did not
20288s attack face with the Sleepy Dragon yes
20291s oh and it died from the skull oh oh
20294s never mind it's gonna die from oh it
20296s died yeah
20302s I could be huge any amount of Miss
20304s damage
20316s yeah I think just assuming that it
20318s couldn't die forgetting about the first
20319s flame in that position
20324s sure
20326s I am surprised by runneth all on board
20328s over just pinging here I feel like
20330s there's a lot of value to even
20333s little bits of damage you can get here
20335s and there
20338s yeah I would agree I mean the hero power
20340s isn't what it was the hero power Wing
20342s condition is a little bit harder in some
20344s sorts in some situations but I would
20347s agree with you absolutely I think it's
20348s time to start weaving that in and really
20350s put pressure on your opponent because
20352s you know a great deal of cards in the
20354s hand right now are not healing because
20357s they're generated cards they're cards
20359s that have come from you right and one of
20360s the best ways your opponent has to heal
20362s is you putting a minion on the board and
20365s then the the Colossus can come down
20368s uh really strange to say that the
20370s healing for this build of priest is so
20373s conditional it's only one desperate
20375s prayer and then it kind of reliers on uh
20379s getting light shower Elemental and being
20381s able to copy that death rattle but that
20382s too is a one of
20387s any case though the Colossal helping
20389s shouty to stabilize for now
20395s no more rune for now forsy Allah to be
20399s able to clear this up and it does need
20401s to be dealt with for sure
20407s one of the few minions in the game that
20410s Mage can't just freeze and uh deal with
20413s the problem later
20418s I mean they can technically freeze and
20420s deal with it later if they don't play a
20422s minion
20426s which could be the line here blizzard
20430s ping but yeah he definitely wants to get
20433s more skeletons on board
20435s this is the issue now with the the line
20438s that's been taken with the no hero power
20440s playing a minion obviously now the
20442s Colossus has come down the life still
20443s has come down
20444s the island now has to be so reactive for
20446s one maybe two turns here instead of just
20449s playing more skeletons blowing them up
20451s dealing damage pressing the hero power
20453s to your opponent's face like he's he's
20455s really stuck himself in a position now
20457s where he's having to deal with the
20459s priest's threats which I would imagine
20461s is not the spot he wants to be in
20464s and yet
20466s it's not a bad spot because shouty can't
20469s kill him he's like Alex still has all
20472s the time in the world 13 cards left in
20475s deck very far off from fatigue all the
20477s Heavy Hitters in his hand and shouty has
20480s copied a bunch of I mean effectively
20482s garbage unless xiaoti can somehow get
20485s the Don grasp as well but that's not
20487s possible anymore because it's in play
20489s not in hand and not in debt
20497s was it Rune time again nothing on
20503s it could be zarella there's a fair
20505s amount amount of incriminating psychics
20508s played and the zirella getting that hero
20511s power online sooner rather than later
20513s represents quite a lot of value
20517s it doesn't actually have that much
20518s headspace for copied cards literally
20520s only one
20523s oh oh you want to get that is a huge one
20526s to get actually
20528s oh he has a skeleton that's funny
20540s uh apparently quite a lot
20543s this
20545s and yes yell it is somehow still above
20547s 30 health
20557s okay
20564s it's not three of Steel could end up
20566s being a very very big deal here for GLT
20569s it's something that your lead might
20572s forget about in the shuffle for sure
20573s because there are so many different
20576s stolen cards at various times throughout
20578s the game to be accounted for
20579s and uh now with all of these minions
20582s coming down in hand like yes all of
20583s these minions represent just large
20585s amounts of garbage in this situation but
20587s they are at least each now a minion
20588s that's going to juice that dinathrius
20590s over time so that'd be a big deal
20595s and it's highly unlikely I would say
20598s that Ciara is able to get shouty dead in
20602s one big push of damage it feels like
20604s he'll have to chain
20606s um a reckless turn into a more dress
20608s turn into a dinathurist turn or two out
20610s of the three I mentioned and in between
20613s any of those two that's a window for
20616s Sheltie to get huge healing back from
20618s his own denaturas yep
20629s a priest
20631s first of the big stolen bombs coming
20635s down here for cialet sorry for xiaoti
20642s your power currently dealing four I
20645s think
20647s which means there are opportunities to
20649s scale it with the Reckless Apprentice
20654s don't know if it's worth taking all the
20657s death rattle damage from the skeletons
20659s though
20665s you just go with the more directions
20666s dead
20670s okay he's gonna be the Reckless though
20672s he's gonna summon minions first though
20675s yeah so just freezing the minion the the
20678s freeze doing nothing just essentially
20680s summoning an extra skeleton here and
20681s then using the Cold Case as well putting
20683s as many minions in play as possible
20687s yeah I like this
20694s the downside of using Reckless is I
20697s think Charlotte still has his natural
20699s brand in deck and that gets a lot worse
20702s after you use Reckless because it can't
20704s be paired with any of any of these other
20706s Heavy Hitters then parrot I guess
20710s yeah xiaote could have had the
20712s opportunity with the Harvester of Envy
20715s over some point to deny the brand which
20717s I think he really would have loved to do
20719s but Harvester was dealt with very very
20721s quickly as soon as it came down to
20723s is only the deathborn I believe that was
20726s denied
20731s when shouty gets his damage hero power
20734s and he has bran Reckless I've not
20736s actually seen this as cyrilla
20739s um does that work
20741s it works but it's random targets I
20745s believe no
20748s what is this how does the oh no yeah no
20751s I suppose it would all just go yeah okay
20753s fine yeah because the Mage hero power is
20755s also a single Target
20759s so in theory xiaote just has 15 damage
20763s burst next turn
20782s which is just short of actually dealing
20785s lethal so Charlotte can technically get
20789s away with just clearing and putting
20792s together some pressure this turn problem
20794s is he doesn't set up a clear to turn
20796s lethal of his own
20801s son
20804s let's get the perfect break point on the
20807s clear though
20808s his own kelther's side only at eight I
20810s feel like we've seen games where like 10
20813s turns earlier than this there was like
20815s 11 skeletons coming off of the kalthazar
20817s that's kind of ridiculous
20825s I'm still interested in the brown
20827s Reckless for shouty here just because
20828s it's gonna take him two turns to get
20830s this hero power back
20835s then I guess the question is begged how
20838s does he deal the one damage next turn if
20840s he doesn't have the damage hero power
20842s anyway
20850s but it does clear the board
20864s interesting option for the brand as well
20869s I think the brand is going to have to
20870s come down this time
20872s [Music]
20875s very cool
20878s oh
20879s this animation instead of just the
20881s fireball things
20883s it is a lot better to be but yeah
20892s look at that
20896s we'll probably be good enough to bring
20899s out the dinathrius here
20904s yep
20906s salad back up to 20 after this
20910s just contemplating whether he wants the
20912s tutu and yeah I think it's fine just get
20915s it on board
20922s huge swing xiaote back down to 14 still
20925s more dress ping available now next turn
20928s for cialid but we are on heel hero power
20930s now of course for gelty
20937s no big deal to be able to clear up this
20939s board State either still of course the X
20941s Factor of that Rune to rely on as well
20946s true
20951s and Seattle's hero power is currently
20954s doing five rights so in theory it's at
20957s parody with shouti's healing but shouty
20959s only gets the healing every other turn
20961s so it does feel like he can't just go
20964s for a very passive Whirlpool solid Alibi
20967s is insane here so is objection honestly
20970s it's not his ice barrier in a weird way
20973s oh yeah
20976s wait what this is like the perfect turn
20979s for a perfect rune well I mean the 1010
20983s is still alive if we're gonna get picky
20985s you know
20986s I mean you can clear it easily next turn
20989s is the thing and the fact that there are
20990s minions alive means that your barrier is
20992s getting activated yeah
20997s yeah
20998s play an inconsequential minion here
21001s first
21004s for the objection how dare you that
21006s could have summoned two one ones very
21008s consequential
21011s and solid Alibi now found as well both
21013s copies this is one of the very few
21014s reasons I think why cr-led has been
21016s under any pressure over the course of
21018s this game honestly is that both of those
21020s were buried very deep in the bottom of
21022s the deck
21025s this thing as to why he didn't commit a
21028s mana on wildfire
21037s of course it didn't make any difference
21038s for the Ping that turned because The
21040s Alibi was in effect but for later on it
21043s seemed kind of nice to have that Mana
21044s spent because it feels like more Josh
21046s ping is going to be a very real
21049s possibility in the near future and every
21051s bit of extra damage there matters
21059s this does feel like a pretty clean
21062s Whirlpool for shouty
21070s with the whirlpool I mean you can save
21073s the Mana by just dealing with the
21074s significant threat with either uh oh
21077s okay interesting uh drown not
21081s necessarily what I was looking at more
21082s at the Shadowood ruin to be perfectly
21084s honest but still this allows you to
21086s actually spend man on doing something a
21087s bit more Progressive as well which I do
21089s like
21092s that gets him a bit ahead on board
21101s the brand finally
21107s feel it has to clear this up
21111s we can see already that is one missed
21113s damage
21115s from the hero power
21119s juicing the wildfires now on jlt's side
21122s as well
21126s that's so funny
21128s okay light shower Elemental better late
21133s than never
21142s like I'm trying to think if there's a
21144s huge punish for just hiding behind this
21146s and using hero power face because yes it
21148s can get mass-pollied but that would
21150s still mean siala doesn't push eight face
21152s with the more drush
21155s right
21159s so in in a weird way at the very least
21161s the light shower death rattle is paying
21164s for itself even if it gets transformed
21168s yeah see what you're saying
21179s none of those really looking ideas
21181s really slow yeah
21188s I'll just
21190s you think up more josh
21196s beans I believe there's a reckless
21198s Apprentice draw here
21201s there it is
21207s your power I mean it was definitely on
21211s five at some point already so oh yeah
21215s it's it's a millionaire I'm not quite
21217s sure what the hesitation is this is one
21220s million damage
21222s and it was honestly harder work than I
21225s was expecting it to be uh for tiarled in
21229s this final game uh gelty clearly
21231s grinding this out as close as you could
21234s have get it was very very close to
21236s making me look like a fool because we
21238s are one or two turns away there from uh
21242s see Outlet losing that game in fatigue
21244s right the thing I specifically said was
21247s not going to happen could well have
21249s happened if uh he was able to survive
21251s one or two last threats GRT on this case
21253s and then you'll actually land lifesteal
21256s or something similar on board use the
21257s light share Elementals to heal up was
21259s not far away from happening but in the
21261s end a lot of the crucial cards were
21264s buried pretty deep in the deck I would
21266s say so those last 10 15 cards kind of
21269s brought out the big Power Heavy Hitters
21271s the brand The Reckless Apprentice the
21273s more dress Etc uh that cialid was really
21276s needing for the whole game
21278s just such an interesting I want to say
21282s like when I say mid game I generally
21284s mean the middle half of the game but
21286s there was such a long late game as well
21288s that I want to say like the the 75th
21290s percentile of that game was where it got
21293s very very interesting for me where
21296s shouty had an opportunity to get counter
21299s lethal well he was one damage off of it
21301s and I kind of thought it was worth it to
21304s go for the um Brown Apprentice for the
21307s zirella damage hero power there and set
21310s um salad down to one outside of exactly
21313s denatures Mitch doesn't have a good way
21315s of coming back from that but it did come
21317s back to bite shouty later on because
21319s maybe if he had held on to that a little
21321s bit longer maybe salad wouldn't have
21324s felt the need to go for a preemptive
21326s denaturism could have gotten caught off
21328s guard it's just such a weird landscape
21331s because you have no idea as the person
21334s playing against Thief priest what sort
21336s of breakpoint of damage you're supposed
21337s to play around so many weird outcomes
21341s there but I will say I'm very glad we
21343s didn't see too many runes
21345s there was still quite a few I think in
21348s the end but yeah I mean fair enough it
21350s could have been a lot worse for sure uh
21352s there was a second pirate still hanging
21354s around but a really interesting series
21356s or a break from the norm from what we
21358s have seen so far that was a long one
21361s even though it was a 3-0 but I would
21362s imagine we still have plenty of action
21365s in round three remaining we're gonna go
21367s to a very quick break Shuffle around the
21369s casters a little bit but there'll be
21371s plenty more round three action coming at
21373s you do not go anywhere
21375s [Music]
21377s foreign
21380s [Music]
21393s [Music]
21406s I will never
21409s so much you shout
21411s you must acquit the dark lady did not
21415s commit this unspeakable life
21421s your cell awaits
21424s your confession will save us all the
21428s time
21431s [Music]
21451s [Music]
21457s [Music]
21464s thank you
21466s [Music]
21468s foreign
21472s foreign
21474s [Music]
21515s thank you
21517s [Music]
21527s thank you
21529s [Music]
21561s thank you
21563s [Music]
21576s hello everyone and welcome back we've
21579s got plenty more Hearthstone coming up
21581s for you I'm Raven joining me this time
21583s is TJ I decided to switch casters every
21586s single time I come on screen uh are you
21588s okay TJ you ready to go
21592s okay this entire my entire First cast I
21596s didn't notice it
21597s but who's that at me is that nathanos
21600s yeah
21601s he's completely covered
21603s just scoot over
21607s well do we need to get out the shrink
21609s ray again TJ
21610s shrink you down a little bit
21615s there he is
21616s [Music]
21619s we're threatening
21620s oh yeah he doesn't have any he doesn't
21622s have any pulls
21623s you know it's also threatening Fury
21625s Hunter's skill at the game of
21627s hearthstone so yeah check out one of the
21629s other matches from a round number three
21632s going up against agent pwe I'll be
21635s honest I don't know too much about agent
21637s uh but Fury Hunter TJ we know just a
21640s little bit about
21642s yeah I'd say so yeah you've seen them a
21645s couple of times I guess a couple times
21647s just you know one of the best players to
21649s uh uh to Grace the game of of
21652s hearthstone in the
21655s the history of it there we go that's
21657s much better watch the shrink ray works
21660s every time it's fine now now he looks
21662s appropriate
21666s yeah standing over you hold me
21672s a bigger green screen
21673s I know I do I can't even read to him I
21676s came here all smaller arms I'm not sure
21679s which one that's how threatening he is
21681s as soon as you try and touch his beard
21682s your hand disappears nope
21688s this goes inside his armor he's a
21690s bulletproof vest it's all those is that
21694s part of the law he has a bulletproof
21696s vest I don't know if those are in there
21698s Azeroth but we'll see maybe they're
21699s sorry invented by now dwarves are
21702s wheeled hand cannons which are guns
21706s right so uh and they shoot little
21709s magical pellets and Nathaniel shoots
21711s blighted arrows it's a blighted arrow
21714s vest
21715s why would you get a vest that defends
21717s against his own arrows just in case
21720s someone steals his bow
21723s okay well moving on to the actual game
21727s of hearthstone and not the law of the
21729s world it's going to be furyente on the
21731s Beast Hunter and I believe let me just
21733s triple check
21736s uh yeah we are going to go into game
21738s number two so uh game one I believe Fury
21742s already won with his warlock against
21744s Druid so yet another victory for the um
21747s I'm pretty sure Fiori's running the yeah
21749s the Imp curse lock which is actually at
21751s least from what I've seen TJ been doing
21753s very well over the course of the weekend
21756s yeah it's kind of got everything you
21757s want right
21759s um I think a lot of us predicted or
21761s assumed or guessed
21764s uh one of those three pick which one you
21766s like best
21767s um that aggro would do pretty well and
21770s the M curse will kind of gives you the
21772s best of both worlds right where
21774s inevitably You're Gonna Lose board at
21776s some point and it gives you that little
21778s bit of additional reach that you
21780s wouldn't otherwise have if you were
21781s playing just straight up amps or like
21782s aggregor or something like that so
21785s um I I've uh I've liked it
21789s um and uh we're gonna see hun versus
21793s the spooky maid
21796s to kick things off working it off but
21798s we're not really kicking it off we're
21799s kick we're kicking off
21801s but they've already kicked off wait wait
21803s can I do do you want to fight me TJ or
21806s is that just an English thing or British
21809s thing should I say that's a
21812s super
21814s okay well
21817s at the Mage here how do you feel about
21819s this matchup because Hunter again
21821s historically has done quite well versus
21823s Mage by just pushing a lot of damage
21825s Mage at least in the past hasn't really
21828s had much ability to heal but now with
21831s all the freezes the armor and Hunter
21832s being are much more broad focused Deck
21835s with not really any burn damage from
21837s hand we've had we've seen a few decks
21839s run the odd spell here and there but
21842s really it's just all about those minions
21843s is Mage favorite in this one
21848s um I think it's tough right because
21850s you're always just continuously getting
21851s whittled down by uh by hero power I
21855s think you can buy a lot of time but it
21857s sometimes it can be a little bit
21858s difficult to like fully clear everything
21860s and you're almost always going to take
21862s like chip damage and things like that so
21864s it's about whether or not you can find
21866s your win condition in time
21868s I found in my experience it's rare that
21870s you just completely run the hunter out
21872s of stuff though possible
21874s all right
21875s um because you know there's so many
21879s threats just like packed into the deck
21882s um so I think it's about you know
21885s finding a place can actually approach
21888s your own wind conditions
21890s that way you're not giving the hunter
21891s time
21893s um and for the hunter you know it's
21894s you're trying to just keep them busy for
21898s the first first few turns right actually
21901s having an early curve is pretty
21903s important because one right you get that
21904s chip damage two you keep the Mages Mana
21907s busy and then three you're getting
21911s resources out of them to make room for
21913s your bigger stuff to actually stick on
21915s the board that was actually a huge
21917s pickup for Fury right because other than
21918s that I was just about to say uh agent
21920s was gonna have a very relaxed early game
21922s against Fury Hunters Hunter there
21925s because he's handy starts at five
21927s minutes until he drew that so looking
21930s quite good getting saved Again by the
21932s Harpoon going off the top does mean he's
21934s able to actually finally curve out and
21937s now in a weird way has this very odd
21940s looking Hunter hand just suddenly
21943s become the most powerful thing to doing
21945s in this matchup because Fiori's about to
21948s pretty hard curve to fight sort of like
21950s not actually five six seven but he has a
21953s lot of plays to do in the next few turns
21955s yeah I mean this is pretty absurd I'm
21960s pretty sure he actually dreads yep sir
21961s denounce
21964s um there was no Beast a Harpoon Gun
21966s dredge and he always could dredge the uh
21968s like Barracuda band right for more
21970s resources you could always go to that
21972s next turn but actually hits pet
21974s collector
21976s um which you know makes a lot of sense
21977s and this is just it's just a very
21980s powerful curve and there's not really
21982s much uh
21985s paid agent pwe
21988s that was a lot of syllables
21991s um uh can can do about right this is one
21994s of those the the our line is like all
21997s right well you gotta wait a couple
21998s before you can even
22000s acknowledge this board existence right
22002s and funnily enough fam we saw fiori key
22005s barillon and I was looking at the uh the
22008s Mulligan win rights of Hunter cards in
22011s Inuit these kind of decks the soft piece
22013s of those few different times but um
22015s Ireland was actually one of the highest
22017s cards as a mulligan win rate card and it
22019s just shows how strong even though
22021s Everything feels delayed it's a turn
22023s five play most the time you then summon
22025s Minions that don't actually do anything
22027s uh for the next turn or so or anything
22030s reasonable and it's just the sheer
22033s number of stats you get to put on board
22035s with one single card that really pushes
22037s it over the edge and with Fury Hunter
22039s now going into tavish and can sort of
22041s pick his poison in terms of the secrets
22044s and this is a pretty big deal like
22046s certainly agent is under a lot of
22047s pressure which feels weird because he
22049s had such an easy going opening of the
22052s game
22053s yeah
22055s yeah our lawn also as uh as Derek would
22058s say it's just easy
22060s right yeah apparently you think you just
22063s hey it does the work for you you don't
22064s even have to Target anything
22066s as a hunter player in that conversation
22069s boom it's on the board that's it you
22071s don't even need to do anything else
22073s I don't know whether you're described in
22074s the card or the deck
22076s yeah exactly
22078s you just play a card that's it you don't
22080s even worry about where it goes you don't
22082s need to worry about what it does just
22083s play it and then it's a great Tech face
22086s you just make it attack face like that's
22087s it is it green well click it and put it
22090s somewhere
22093s I mean that's what Derek thinks yeah but
22095s what does he know let's be honest
22098s he's only high rank than me every single
22100s season but what does he know
22105s I mean it's a solid theater turn for
22108s agent just because of the share quality
22110s of Fury Hunter's hand
22114s not to be the pirate right
22124s there's no he can't do it to repair it
22127s right
22133s no
22136s for a second I got excited I'm like
22137s there's gotta be there's something cool
22139s in here
22140s nope there's not
22142s only wild Spirits cost for Mana you know
22149s some players are playing the collateral
22152s right
22154s there are some players playing
22155s collateral but encounter is not one of
22156s them correct
22159s and that makes parrot an even better
22161s choice to uh hand on over with
22164s the guitar
22166s but uh you know it's got some bigger
22169s issues at hand right now
22172s um
22182s I'm gonna go he knew it wasn't ice truck
22184s because he already ice trapped his coin
22186s so he yeah but that was clear yeah yeah
22189s and the mass polymorph there could be
22193s another one right loaded up in the dawn
22195s grasp so
22196s right I think I think you're okay with
22199s expending it even though that's the only
22200s copy because you're well it's not
22202s guaranteed right because a our candidate
22205s elect was played
22206s oh yeah he played it early right yeah he
22210s played it early I noticed it was okay
22211s it's not there anymore so oh this is a
22214s lot of damage and like with the second
22216s swing of the bow maybe another hoofer I
22218s mean this board has to be cleared first
22220s there is just King Crush just sitting
22222s there waiting
22224s yeah like a board like this solid Alibis
22227s you're still taking a good amount of
22229s damage
22231s death porn is still quite good you can
22233s deathboard ping
22236s um and just be left with four attack on
22238s board and you get a lot of little
22240s skellies well that's one of the things I
22242s wanted to bring up as well interested
22243s about this matchup is this matchup is
22246s actually really good for Wing Commander
22248s because turns like this happen and then
22251s you just play Wing commander and summon
22253s your own board that's often a lot bigger
22255s than the skeletons so I think yeah
22257s that's what Fiori's gonna do and there's
22259s so many targets
22265s another bear
22266s yeah I mean he doesn't have many more
22268s beasts left right that's saber and is
22271s that everything now with the King Crush
22273s oh sorry Hydro there's a hydraulic yeah
22275s and that is everything
22283s from this oh yeah the saber didn't die
22285s right so it wouldn't summon anything
22287s even if there was in space anyway
22290s yeah super scary board we've already
22292s seen Agent I have to use uh polymorph
22294s then had to use a half clear with death
22297s Bond
22301s agent have to Don grasp because
22304s even though it's not guaranteed he could
22307s play Alibi but and he has to Dawn grass
22310s for the polymorph again anyway you know
22312s like yeah do you just have to rip it now
22315s and Hope
22320s locking in the skeleton damage anyway
22322s because
22328s I mean he's used to double Wildfire
22330s right
22332s hoping for something cheap okay let's
22333s get ruined and okay he's going to still
22336s have to solid Alibi oh yeah we already
22339s cannot believe it and into the motion
22341s denied as well at play we've seen a
22343s couple of times here and that agent was
22345s aware of that always want to finish on
22346s Alibi if it's your third card played and
22348s it's a mystery Secret
22351s but still this isn't
22353s really solving the problem there is of
22355s course the blizzard the problem now as
22357s well is the saber doesn't pull anything
22360s of the dredge version right because
22362s there's no more Beast left in the deck I
22364s believe
22364s yeah
22366s but still
22369s upload trades hero power pass call it a
22373s day
22386s problem now
22388s his Fury Hunter only has really
22390s a altimore would you say is the the last
22395s final threat I guess he does have his
22397s own theater that I believe is not played
22399s yet but that could be anywhere in the
22401s deck and there's still a smooth 24 cards
22403s left so fiori is running out of juice
22407s just a little bit that sounds very silly
22409s with what his hand is made from but if
22411s this gets cleaned up an agent somehow
22413s stabilizes like all most of Fiori's
22417s drawers are like one drops and two drops
22418s you know what I mean like nothing that's
22420s singularly going to impact the game yeah
22423s but Asian is you know down to a pretty
22426s low life total King Crush plus a couple
22428s good hair Powers Harpoon guns Still
22429s Still equipped right there's damage
22431s loaded up
22434s so
22438s um
22439s even though it doesn't have like that
22441s many just singular big threats left is
22444s still in a reasonable position right
22447s it's Mouse over the dawn grasp I mean
22449s Saturdays is also at 15 because it was
22451s Juiced up a little bit before it was
22453s even
22454s flopped over yeah
22458s I was looking at like pink blizzard
22463s okay because then you even put the
22465s blizzard as the I know I know the solid
22467s Alibi in there for agent and that's a
22469s great card but blizzard pretty much does
22473s stop most damage anyway from Hunter at
22476s this point right with tavish as the um
22478s uh as the hero like unless you roll her
22481s first so
22484s because as you said before this is still
22486s gonna be what six damage minimum seven
22489s if they swing
22492s yeah and did get the arc and intellect
22494s so that could have reduced a lot of
22496s power on board as well
22499s if it was mass polymorph Instead This is
22503s like tracking doggy biscuit and frame
22506s him out yep
22509s four white Spirits yeah
22512s yeah Ramen Mount would have actually
22514s been nice just as another death rattle
22516s right to add if the bot does get cleared
22518s up
22530s also
22532s Yuri will know that there's no more mass
22534s polymorph unless one is
22537s generated somehow I'll say played for
22539s Moon of the archmage so even
22541s preemptively dropping the the biscuit
22543s there wouldn't have been the worst idea
22544s in the world you know to maybe buff up
22546s the bear or you know make a DOT move
22548s something out of ping range I'll be
22550s honest I'm not 100 sure what the
22552s Magister ping total is it's so much
22554s harder to remember now that it's been
22556s nerved
22557s it's five okay that's five could have
22562s bumped it up with the uh
22563s but you know because it's nerfed like
22568s adding five damage to this
22571s is better than
22573s increasing by because you you'd have to
22576s Ping
22578s foreign
22581s uh the uh the damage that you'd Miss
22585s yeah I think if we were looking at
22587s reckless in hand with a brand or
22590s something we could then talk about the
22592s the sort of value of uh ramping it a
22595s little bit more but yeah this is looking
22597s pretty good here Seven health for agent
22600s does have another phrase does have solid
22603s Alibi but one thing furiant is doing
22605s quite well is making this denaturius
22607s just just a little bit scary right
22611s because
22612s denatures does not necessarily kill this
22614s King Crush yeah
22619s this is still at 15 I don't think
22622s anything else has died
22626s also I did more Health to the board
22628s right
22630s way more Health actually yeah
22638s maybe yeah you can get away with this
22640s Barton Cold Case now and a pink face
22644s and then juice up the nap's next turn
22647s even more if you want
22655s Yori isn't running a fish right I'm sure
22658s I saw someone running it but yeah yeah
22663s not really a beast you want to pull from
22665s pet collector yeah
22667s does get hoofer though
22670s wait
22672s wait for
22677s Hilltop
22678s and get theater next turn if the natural
22680s stop playing I was just looking at Hope
22681s for doggy biscuit yeah but it's just
22683s slightly short yeah
22686s but that Wild Spirit was a ramming mount
22690s oh yeah 50 50.
22695s but alas
22700s no trade Toyota wait
22703s is this demathrius that has to just be
22706s game right
22711s give him some give him a pet collector
22714s oh I don't know about that
22718s there's no peace
22720s oh Reckless as well this would have been
22724s so good if you didn't spend all game
22727s ramping your opponent's dinathrius
22731s yeah
22732s he kept hold of that
22735s and Reckless cleared
22739s probably feels very good about his
22741s chances going forward but that
22742s dinathrius I mean agent needs something
22745s good to happen he does have solid Alibi
22747s so he can buy himself one turn but
22750s there's enough right fiori just plays
22752s Ultima or something right and just says
22754s okay well well okay what about next turn
22759s Fury Hunter as long as there's not
22761s massive armor gain from somewhere he is
22763s happy the board's not even clear so
22765s that's three damage
22771s still looking brutal yeah
22774s what can roon would have cousin he would
22776s have to cast roon again next turn
22781s because hero power still hasn't been
22782s buffed up so there's still no Leaf of
22784s possibilities for agent uh going into
22787s the next turn
22788s rude would have to cast a solid alaby
22791s and clear the board at this point right
22792s because it's likely that
22795s you don't like enough oh like Cold Case
22798s Cold Case Cold Case saw something right
22800s you know just
22805s but hey Fury can
22808s pretty much do whatever uh one thing he
22811s needs to bear in mind is he does want to
22812s make sure he has board space uh because
22815s there's just the chance right that the
22817s whole Board gets Frozen and then you
22819s can't do anything about it and he has to
22821s pass another turn so I'm sure Fury
22823s Hunter will be well aware of this and
22825s not step into that trap yeah just gonna
22827s clear off the board got plenty of space
22829s nothing to worry about and now agent has
22832s to do something uh
22834s pretty impressive here
22838s leaving himself to one space render
22840s Fell's not gonna do it and parrot is
22842s gonna cast roon once again
22845s yep
22846s a little bit extra Mana to work with
22848s after but again it's got to be like the
22850s perfect
22853s by perfect I mean he's got a clue to the
22855s board and well he he has the boat clear
22858s anyway right Reckless would have cleared
22860s sure yeah but he also needs a solid
22863s Alibi yes that's the that's the big one
22866s oh hey well see you later sheep
22872s ruins none of this does anything and I'm
22877s pretty sure that dinathurist is up to a
22879s million right now
22881s it's a lot
22884s so there's 10 objections
22890s I got it if it was objection that would
22893s have been uh pretty brutal yeah to be
22897s quite honest because I don't think he
22899s knew I don't cast explosive Roots twice
22901s he just cast it once so he didn't have
22903s that information
22904s um but uh yeah it felt like oh no that
22908s was how he wins if it casts twice don't
22910s you see the canceled card
22913s don't you see like it tries to cast it
22915s fails
22916s I didn't cast it twice that's right
22918s right yeah you didn't know what it was
22920s right yeah he purposefully just played
22922s tired and atheros knowing that it could
22923s be objection yeah in that instance but
22926s if it's not he had to win that turn it
22929s was like it was our objection you win if
22930s it's a one in six or whatever it is
22932s right right yeah five and six you win
22935s the game if it's not then well it's
22937s gonna be difficult because that's your
22939s damage yet altimore plus hero Powers but
22942s it would have been more difficult from
22944s that point but a nice game there it was
22945s just too much pressure right agent just
22948s could never there was a couple terms
22950s where he fit in those hero powers to
22951s face and he did get Fury down to 13. at
22955s the end there right so it was just like
22957s just a couple pings off but so much of
22959s his his attention that mid game was
22960s spent
22962s dealing with a massive board every
22964s single turn that never relented so and
22966s and what's really and what's really
22968s interesting there as well is a lot of
22970s the times like that opening hand from
22972s fiori is the last thing I want to see
22974s when I'm hunting right it's just nothing
22976s to do for five turns of the game it's
22978s not what Hunter wants to do but the fact
22981s that he got hold of just a couple of
22983s cards to play to just tied him over from
22985s that I think was ten to three and he
22987s managed to just do enough and then the
22990s the as you said like the pressure turn
22992s after turn was truly ridiculous and now
22995s fiori Hunter could be playing a major
22996s his own but this is a much sort of more
22999s focused and and streamlined pinged Mage
23002s right way more focused around actual
23004s burn damage and pressure through just
23007s raw damage output than anything else not
23009s running the late game skeleton stuff and
23012s not running runes or anything like that
23013s it is just I'm gonna push damage and
23016s with the cold uh cold touch Frozen touch
23019s sorry not cold touch
23020s um the potential for burn damage just
23024s goes through the roof
23026s yeah it really does
23031s I was like wait
23032s [Music]
23034s there's one with me there's only one
23035s against me all right yeah we're just
23037s gonna move over to uh ramp Druid here
23038s against uh that that final deck from
23042s uh from Fury I was like what like it's
23045s just the last one
23048s you've lost it TJ
23050s um but here this is sometimes supposed
23052s to talk about a little bit early was
23053s Mage versus Druid uh Druid feeling
23056s pretty strong against Mage right now but
23058s we were talking about the skeleton
23061s spooky Mage not just I don't want to
23065s call it Acro Mage feels more like Fern
23067s slash ping Mage right it's like that
23069s kind of it's not playing for any huge
23071s late game plan it does want to kill
23073s their opponent there's no huge value uh
23076s cards or anything in this list it's just
23078s all about damage damage damage and uh
23080s it's still gonna have to go pretty fast
23082s because Druid still runs uh scales right
23085s so other than scales which can be very
23087s very scary indeed
23091s foreign
23095s as well Jerry rig with wild Coast yeah
23100s into Miracle growth it's just the
23103s perfect curve
23111s [Applause]
23114s the whales of these covers also might
23116s well be a match-up where if agent has
23119s nothing else to do like a throwaway
23121s Sylvanas isn't really that terrible
23124s right just kill a minion whatever it is
23126s a reckless Apprentice or something and
23128s play a five five like I think that's
23130s really the strength of that card right
23131s now why so many people are playing it is
23134s it's pre-infused mode it's fine right
23138s six Mana five five killer thing like yep
23140s that's no problem
23142s yep
23145s where are you at now and the aggro down
23148s yeah but oh both dungeoneers not pulling
23153s Frost Bells there's flurry plus double
23155s Frozen touch in hand so like you know
23157s there's less Frost bells in the deck but
23160s uh those go a long way in
23163s actually infusing these Frozen touches
23165s yeah to start to start
23168s you know toss and burn everywhere
23171s well that's it in in this kind of deck
23174s you actually want to cast or Infuse
23176s Frozen touch more than once right you
23178s don't just wait till it's infused then
23180s use it to end the game you would much
23182s rather you know just throw it out there
23184s push damage and then Infuse it again do
23186s it again and so on so on
23196s awkward though the ramp's been done for
23197s agent or at least the main part of it
23199s Miracle growth has scale of inyxia as
23202s well which
23204s most of the time puts an end to any
23207s minion based plans pretty much any debt
23209s cards when they can do it this fast so
23211s Fiona is already got a bit of an uphill
23214s climb
23220s oh wait
23226s really purposely not infused at one yeah
23233s thoughts
23236s hand space is the only thing I can think
23238s of
23241s he would have had nine he would have
23242s gone to ten next turn right
23248s multicaster
23252s would be one two
23255s three
23257s it just makes space I guess well
23263s okay
23265s alignment coming down here for agent
23269s yeah it was for hand space just to make
23271s sure that he can multicast yeah sure
23274s I have a bit
23275s which is interesting I guess if you
23276s don't have like the right hand for this
23279s Frozen touch spam it doesn't make sense
23282s especially against Druid they have a lot
23283s of health and can get even more Health
23285s yeah and this and as we said right he's
23288s dunk all the Time in the World to do
23289s this there's a point that Truitt just
23291s out heals you basically or at least
23293s overruns the board and wins anyway so
23296s does want to do this pretty fast
23305s I'm still gonna get used to a live and
23308s being one-sided
23309s yeah because the animation still like
23313s plays yeah on the opponent's side like
23316s it it still does the glowy effect on the
23318s Mana Crystal plus the hand so it's like
23321s you're like ah no and then you realize
23323s wait a second this changes nothing for
23325s me
23327s uh yeah and I change a lot in terms of
23330s the games though
23332s yeah and I'm genuinely thinking like did
23335s you like the alignment there from agent
23337s like did it do that much for him he was
23340s already way ahead on Mana
23345s could have played the cards he had it a
23347s general rate of how he's playing maybe
23349s not this turn but I was playing anyway I
23352s mean I think it's just it with how his
23354s hand was it just ends up being slightly
23356s more efficient that's like everything
23358s that he does is slightly more efficient
23360s so you know obviously it's not the
23363s biggest deal but it's a big enough deal
23366s to where if it's worth you know yeah and
23369s I mean guess we guess look at this right
23371s right now he's pretty much on par with
23373s Mana again yet everything costs one so
23376s he's gonna have some very very explosive
23379s turns going forward
23389s so furyente can ramp right
23396s yeah and it's gonna be full clear right
23399s ramps into three
23401s or is he above three now no it's already
23405s on four oh yeah he's back at all
23408s um because he casts Wildfire then he
23410s reaches
23412s uh grasp so that was the fire spell that
23417s Juiced up the multicaster too
23421s but starting to apply the pressure
23422s double Earth and scale is still
23423s available for agents
23428s and
23429s um a million car draw
23433s too much at this point yeah this is the
23438s moment as the Mage you think oh no
23443s is this more big minions are going to be
23445s hard to clear there is more dress there
23447s as well but again the um the miracle
23449s growth swamp Elemental or whatever
23453s um has 11 Health which is a little bit
23455s annoying since you can't think as well
23459s swamp Elemental
23462s or is it a bug creeper same thing right
23464s I don't know isn't that effectively a
23467s swamp Elemental
23469s you could have said whatever you wanted
23471s there anything there any words that kind
23474s of look like what it is
23478s I would have just assumed it's called
23479s Mirror a
23481s um miraculous growth no
23485s brass man
23488s would that have gone through yeah
23492s looks like a bog creeper
23497s the Orient is still cutting pings to the
23499s face trying to catch up but
23503s it's gonna be a tough one right like
23504s just out of damage he doesn't have that
23507s second Frozen touch to sort of you know
23509s try and push that free six damage return
23512s so to speak yeah
23520s I just have a big clear now though with
23522s Mo trash ping right
23524s I'll just just close the board that's
23526s going to be a smooth 14 pushed yeah and
23528s he just keeps pinging
23531s turn in like frozen touch when he can
23533s like it must be the way
23535s he's got a lot of time to buy
23538s yes okay solid Alibi yeah
23547s he also has a chance a bit of a strange
23550s board clay if the board's full of the
23552s three threes he does have the uh brand
23554s Varden right if he really needs it
23558s yeah
23562s now modest is going to put in a lot of
23565s work
23572s oh
23576s you're throwing one out for hand space
23578s issues
23586s what if this is just a freeze with
23587s Varden TJ
23593s pretty much all the time here agent has
23596s to just pass maybe hero power but pass
23598s like I like this a lot just say you know
23600s what board's locked don't need to clear
23602s it I'll save more dress ping again yeah
23607s yeah no I like this a lot it's Wildfire
23609s out gets draws cards it's
23613s like strictly beneficial they just
23615s literally can't do anything fills up the
23617s hand
23619s and freerunner also Nets some additional
23622s damage on this as well it's now brand
23625s Reckless
23627s uh uh so it would upgrade once
23633s because from the
23636s I would do five by to the 10 10.
23641s so you push uh you clear the board and
23643s push 16.
23646s uh push 21 right actually
23651s five on board plus ten that's 15.
23654s you push two because then you get to
23656s hear a power after because it would
23657s upgrade once yeah I was looking at is it
23660s ever better to trade both minions in
23664s it upgrades on the first hit then does
23667s it upgrade on the six six
23670s uh no
23675s because Miracle growth was he it's over
23678s a place or right so it's yeah but the
23680s thingy came down last right
23683s the Devourer yeah growth oh The Devout
23685s yeah so you trading to the growth make
23687s it five
23689s the pink is that then goes to six and
23691s then hits the Devourer right
23695s I might be being dumb
23696s it's happened before
23699s I could easily be wrong
23702s but the Devourer came down last if the
23704s trade's going first
23706s it goes from five to six
23709s yeah then the next well and then later
23711s on the pink hits the six six and goes to
23713s seven right yeah okay I see what you're
23716s saying I mean it might not be a big deal
23718s and ferenta didn't do it so at this
23720s point in life it doesn't matter but
23724s something he could have done
23727s yeah
23729s dildo I really like him holding on to my
23732s dress here
23734s and I wait to my opponent just to
23736s commits more to the board I'm still fine
23739s The Alibi doing a good job uh always got
23741s to be conscious of playing an alibi too
23744s late uh where you could actually get
23746s lethal through it so I like the early
23748s Alibi get that done first then clear the
23751s board and ask your opponent to uh to do
23754s something after the fact
23760s the time has come to Detroit
23769s and there's still a flurry for if
23771s Sylvanas steals the minion
23774s or the Devourer eats the mode Rush
23776s anyway
23789s so if he actually goes Mo dresh ping
23791s face maybe he freezes first
23795s just to get the two twos Mo just ping
23798s face for what 15.
23801s yeah that puts him to 12. then he has
23804s bran Reckless ping next to
23807s stay where you are
23810s he's gonna go savara
23813s oh get more flurry and another Frozen
23817s two yeah
23819s it's so painful to see Frozen touch like
23822s not infused
23838s minion damage in before anything right
23841s because he's making it so agent is like
23843s board locked
23846s because of all these freezes and at the
23849s same time well Fury Hunter could also be
23851s putting stuff on board because uh he
23853s wants to play around possible with the
23855s nathrius well Brian dinathris as well
23858s right he could be very for all he knows
23860s dinathus has been in hand for for ages
23862s right yeah and he could just be dead to
23864s Brandon arthrieus
23865s he's actually stopping him playing plus
23868s putting a bunch of Health on board yeah
23871s there's a a lot of going into a stop
23875s processor
23877s he's probably hoping to have a bunch of
23880s Health on board when he uses more dress
23882s that I kind of just adds more Health
23886s right now there's
23889s um
23903s all right
23912s oh only one farewell though
23915s that's fine
23917s pingle salt that out with Modric if you
23919s want
23921s so at this point
23924s wait wait
23925s what about
23928s Mo dresh Alibi now
23932s okay yeah so then he has bran Reckless
23935s pink the turn after
23939s oh wow Philly's playing even slower
23944s just from 10 he can't die this sets it
23947s up without even putting anything in the
23949s way right
23951s oh sure sure yeah yeah I definitely did
23954s not count this
23955s and there's nothing that can be on board
23957s right still completely board locked
23958s nothing that he can do to remove
23960s anything and yeah that's going to be
23961s Fury Hunter
23964s he didn't even use brand Reckless he
23967s didn't use more dress like he just used
23970s everything else and even though we never
23973s saw the scenario of it playing out like
23975s it was never possible for Asian to play
23977s like this big demathrius here kind of
23979s was like giving himself as Alex in
23981s return in case it was there right making
23984s sure that there was always like six
23985s meetings on board that were frozen yeah
23987s plus the mathrius making sure to play
23990s his minions like right minion Health
23992s before anything maximizing how many
23994s skeletons were on board using freezes
23996s when things were already Frozen
23998s and just consistently faced to get age
24001s in range that was a a pretty cool game
24003s one that was very unorthodox and
24006s I think it just shows navigated through
24008s the late game I think it just shows how
24010s good Fury Hunter is and we say this
24012s every time we cast him but he is right
24014s is that me and you would talk about
24016s plays throughout most of that game and I
24019s think between us yeah we had some decent
24021s suggestions right but I'm pretty sure
24023s Fury Hunters plays were just the best
24026s right because as you said he never let
24029s himself be open to any problems like
24031s that
24032s um he didn't really give agent any
24035s chance to uh sort of steal the win or
24038s push extra damage or do any of the
24039s things agent really wanted to do and he
24042s held all those resources managed it and
24044s it was simply just better so yeah really
24048s really impressive game uh overall for
24051s Fury Hunter I do believe though TJ that
24053s is US done for the round unless I'm told
24056s otherwise I think we are ready to get
24058s into the next round so it's a great one
24060s from Fury onto there we've got plenty
24062s more Hearthstone coming up so don't go
24063s anywhere and we'll be right back foreign
24069s [Music]
24093s but you shout you must acquit
24098s the dark lady did not commit this
24102s unspeakable lie
24106s your cell
24111s save us all the time
24115s [Music]
24129s [Music]
24137s [Music]
24141s [Applause]
24143s [Music]
24146s thank you
24150s [Music]
24171s [Music]
24175s foreign
24176s [Music]
24207s foreign
24209s [Music]
24240s [Music]
24257s I don't know
24261s everyone I have returned and I am
24264s surprised now that I'm on the other side
24266s of the screen I wasn't expecting that
24268s it's really thrown me off as someone
24269s who's been on the other side of that
24271s screen for years I pointed the wrong
24273s direction shows how offset I am but yeah
24276s we're back and ready to kick off the
24278s fourth and final round of the day I'm
24281s joined Now by Derek and uh what do you
24283s think of that last series it's pretty uh
24285s crazy play from Hunters right yeah it
24287s was such a such a great series it's just
24290s so uh indicative gives us such a good uh
24292s Showcase of why Fury Hunter is doing so
24295s well at the moment both in the top level
24297s competitive Circuit of hearthstone in
24299s Grand Masters previously and in uh the
24302s master tours as well obviously but also
24304s in a lot of third-party tournaments at
24306s Max land Danish Nationals apparently
24308s everything dominating as well probably
24310s not the stiffest of competition
24311s comparatively but still we'll give him
24314s the uh the big hand for doing so well in
24316s that as we have two other players here
24318s on the other side of the spectrum who
24321s are real unknowns uh both by us uh but
24324s not just for being noobs and not doing
24327s our jobs properly they are really
24328s newcomers uh to the scene for goddess I
24331s believe it's his first Masters Tour and
24333s for Jacinto I believe it's his second uh
24336s if donkey is to be frosted which I will
24338s admit he usually is uh and both of them
24341s up with a fantastic start three and O is
24344s obviously a real boost to your mentality
24347s when you are like I said a real newcomer
24350s coming into this system however they one
24353s of them has not got off to the best
24354s start in this series because even though
24357s this is effectively the start of the
24360s series we have not skipped any games
24361s you'll see a little tick next to gun
24363s this is Mage and that's because I
24365s believe de Santo uh does not have a
24368s webcam uh to be on stream and he did not
24371s apply for an exemption which is in the
24373s rules if you can't have a camera for
24375s whatever reason you just have to email
24377s the staff and tell them why and then you
24379s get an official exemption uh that was
24381s not the case here and the penalty is a
24383s game loss so gonis gets an auto win on
24386s his Mage and then that means already
24388s Derek he's starting off at a 1-0 lead
24391s just got Hunter warlock left and even
24393s though Hunters maybe been a little bit
24396s up in the air now and again at least
24398s from what we've seen on stream I have a
24400s lot of faith in this Warlock deck it
24401s seems at least when I've been watching
24403s it to be doing very very well
24405s absolutely it's one of the highest uh
24408s sorry sorry one of the most brought
24409s archetypes to this tournament I believe
24411s it slots in firmly in fourth place
24414s behind ramptrid skeleton Mage and uh
24417s Beast hunt obviously which is just Far
24419s and Away the most brought deck of the
24420s tournament and you can see why it's been
24423s doing very very well in terms of those
24425s early pushes and a little bit of extra
24427s curse damage that you tack on to the end
24429s has really been the difference because
24431s that's what's getting our players over
24432s the finish line and I am very happy to
24435s eat Humble Pie on this one I've made uh
24438s no secret of the fact that I really did
24440s not like this deck when it first came
24442s around it felt like a bit of a troll
24443s deck where you just have two completely
24446s separate game plans and you just hope to
24448s draw the good one at the start and then
24449s draw the other one that's better at the
24451s late game later on but I don't know what
24453s it is our players have just been doing
24455s it the innate card drawing Warlock the
24457s Absurd power of impending catastrophe is
24461s maybe strong enough of a glue to hold
24463s this uh monstrosity to together so far
24467s it's getting the job done it really does
24469s remind me of like older versions of
24471s Hunter right where you do push some
24473s damage early on and then you just have
24475s burn at the end game it's just the burn
24477s looks weird because it's in the form of
24479s curses
24480s um so both players are going to be on
24482s their warlock so it's going to
24483s effectively be a mirror match although
24485s it's going to be a Mecca girax that's on
24488s one side here as we see their chosen
24490s portraits but again this is just going
24492s to be a tough one for DeSanto he has to
24495s do a lot more work now as we get into
24498s what is actually game number two of this
24501s match up and it is going to be this
24503s mirror match let's see how this one goes
24505s how important Derek do you think the Imp
24508s opening is in the mirror do you think
24511s that's the deciding factor or do you
24513s think more of the late game has a bigger
24515s impact
24516s I'm gonna say it's still mostly about
24518s that board-based start that you're
24520s trying to hit because not only does it
24522s give you the initial very strong push of
24525s damage you get ahead on the board which
24526s is obviously what you want to do in a
24528s Tempo based matchup but it helps your
24530s mid game plan so much as well it's not
24532s like if you hit the early curve you
24534s won't hit the curses if you hit the
24536s early curve you'll hit more curses could
24538s be a good impending catastrophe that's
24540s how powerful this card is so I think for
24543s both players here it's a reasonable
24545s start but just that difference of going
24547s first here for DeSanto is going to make
24550s such a big difference because even with
24552s God it's being left with a couple of
24553s imps it looks like at the end of this
24555s turn it's still so much more of an
24557s uphill struggle with all this damage
24559s coming phase turn after turn yeah and
24562s this is that weird problem where you
24564s you're in trouble no matter what you do
24566s here and it's one thing that infuriates
24568s me when playing against this deck it's
24569s like okay guys can make a good trade
24572s kill the three one wait that infuses his
24575s turn foreplay with the imps it's like oh
24578s oh no if I clear the board of these imps
24581s they get to play more imps if I don't do
24583s it well there are still imps on board
24585s and it's a it's a nightmare to deal with
24587s here but goddess now does have at least
24590s access to some level of AOE some bits of
24594s removal as well with the drag pillows in
24595s hand so he might have to just keep
24597s fighting back uh what you'll really be
24599s looking for is an Abyssal wave right
24602s like that's the one good thing against
24604s like these wide imp boards most of the
24606s time
24608s it looked to me there I saw God has lift
24610s his hand up on cam that he's playing
24611s with like one of those drawing pens that
24613s you get for like digital artists oh
24615s really I think either pegs him as a
24617s digital artist which is very cool or as
24619s an OSU player which there is no greater
24621s shame in this universe oh do they use
24624s pens I think so yeah like oh that
24627s explains why they're good yeah yeah
24629s exactly
24630s obviously joking of course as a
24632s Hearthstone player we are the lowest
24633s wrong
24635s although I don't think my uh my carpal
24637s tunnel could handle the uh dude that
24640s game in any way shape or form there's
24643s videos you see of people at the top
24644s level are ridiculous
24647s and though descento is going to keep
24650s ahead with the tempo right and this uh
24652s if if he wins this game it's the best
24655s possible start frame right because
24656s obviously it sucks right for him to have
24658s the loss it's his own fault so there's
24660s no one else to blame there but it still
24663s feels bad right but if you just snap
24664s back in an insta win okay 1-1 let's go
24668s that's the sort of uh uh Victory you
24671s want right very quick very decisive get
24673s it done and then move on with the rest
24674s of the series and it looks like that may
24676s well be the case because not only is he
24678s winning on board but he's swimming in
24680s resources as well
24682s years uh but there are a couple of cards
24685s that could turn this one around for
24686s goddess uh immediately there's times
24690s good old gunners
24692s quite appropriately in this game at
24694s least
24696s um before this grimoire of sacrifice
24698s came down he had the ability I should
24699s say uh to draw tams in and then go
24702s double grimoire to clear off the board
24704s uh if he can survive the turn he can set
24707s up for the Abyssal wave that he's now
24709s drawn but I think quite clearly he's
24711s unlikely to do so and even if he can uh
24715s he will then just be acceptable to the
24718s curses that follow up after yeah this is
24720s frustration right because the drag below
24723s can't really be used on the six six to
24725s set up the abyss a wave yeah because
24727s he's probably dead but if he doesn't
24729s drag below the six six
24731s the Abyssal wave doesn't kill it because
24733s he's not got the Mana it's a little bit
24735s frustrating there double curse is coming
24737s out from the center with the help of
24738s bran the imp's purse and is that one and
24741s two
24743s oh
24744s yeah little baby curses and that's just
24748s gonna be a quick game number one wow oh
24750s two technically yeah damn the center is
24753s not going to bring a cam to anything he
24754s does is he's just he's taking games like
24757s that he's like hey you know what take
24758s two games I don't have a keyboard either
24761s I don't have a keyboard and then people
24763s like how are you talking to us oh it's
24766s activation
24767s it's just in an Iron Man suit it's like
24770s my AI is dealing with it
24772s I think it's a good edit to have Iron
24774s Man in front of his advisor instead of
24776s all the the crazy computer stuff it's
24778s just playing game of curse a lot
24780s Boston
24781s oh that would be great that someone's
24784s got to do that at some point but yes
24785s decento has evened it up very very
24787s quickly and now there's gonna be Hunter
24789s on both sides and then the Warlock and
24791s priest and they're just triple checking
24793s uh the priest is actually the uh the
24796s sort of full blast priest going out
24798s there a deck I still need to spend a lot
24800s more time with before I'm a man any
24802s level of comfortable to actually you
24803s know play and be confident in my ability
24806s I've watched a chunk but that's a very
24808s different game it's one of those decks
24809s where you can watch it and you can learn
24811s how it works but when you're in the
24813s moment making those like you know turn
24815s to turn decisions it's very very
24817s difficult to Pilot
24818s yeah I mean you and me both I I sent out
24821s the uh the bat signal in the casting
24823s Discord saying please someone help me
24825s with this deck I am absolutely tanking
24827s my rank uh trying to learn it and I do
24830s feel over the last couple days I've got
24831s a little bit better I've learned
24832s something oh whoa whoa let's finish this
24834s story Derek sent the signal out anyone
24837s want to play some of this priests
24838s because I'm bad here less than two
24840s minutes later I'm pretty sure he replied
24842s no actually never mind I'm the nuts and
24844s I'm guessing you won one game of priests
24847s guys
24850s I destroyed that game and that's that's
24853s kind of how it feels like it's an
24856s enticing deck once you get a taste of it
24857s you just want to keep going more and
24859s more because when you hit that combo of
24861s like a Turn 5 20 20 with two massive uh
24865s kirians alongside it like it's
24867s intoxicating that feeling you just want
24869s to do it again and again but it's very
24871s very difficult to pull off because I
24873s find it in some ways even less forgiving
24876s than
24877s or priest in a way because even though
24879s it's a little bit more flexible in terms
24881s of how you can do the combo the cards
24884s that you can get rid of along the way
24886s feel much tighter and it's much more
24888s difficult to activate your hand mavens
24890s and to clear hand space it's been one of
24892s the biggest problems I've found with
24893s this deck because you don't want to play
24896s bless on an enemy minion you don't just
24898s want to play serpent wig on an enemy
24900s meeting you don't want to throw away
24901s light it burns because that's your one
24903s removal piece in the deck and so drawing
24906s and activating your handmaidens and then
24908s creating hand space for those handmaids
24910s to draw you extra cards is a very very
24912s difficult thing to do right and has been
24915s one of my main things I've been trying
24916s to uh improve on as I play the deck as
24920s well as just accepting that sometimes
24922s over drawing cards is the correct play
24924s quite often actually because you already
24926s have the combo and you just need a bit
24928s more Mana uh to activate it so I'm very
24931s very glad that we've seen this deck rise
24932s in popularity because I think it's a
24934s very very interesting one indeed yeah
24936s and uh we move on to garnis and Hunter I
24940s think Derek will completely agrees at
24942s exactly the same skill ceiling as this
24944s priest in the matchup here so uh yeah
24947s it's going to be a tricky one because
24949s Hunter definitely has the ability to
24951s like hard curve out and as you mentioned
24953s there actually isn't that much removal
24956s at all in the priest so
24959s something big does have to happen and
24961s just taking a quick look here the
24963s tarantula Tech is not there from garnish
24966s on this Hunter we have seen a few
24967s players bring it I think with a big nod
24970s to almost exactly priest uh to bring
24973s that card just to get those poisons out
24975s and be able to have some form of answer
24977s to Big minions so I think this is going
24979s to be another one of those matchups
24981s where it really does feel like it's on a
24982s Razor's Edge as to who's going to win
24984s because I mean Saul talked about this
24986s earlier but like
24988s the deck that isn't the priest could
24990s look like they're obliterating their
24991s opponent and then two gigantic taunts
24994s come down you're like oh well I just
24997s can't kill them so I don't know what to
24999s do and then the game ends so yeah very
25001s very spicy indeed so let's get into it
25003s game number three between desunto and
25005s gun is the winner will actually go on
25008s and end the day at 4-0 score and guess
25010s what that's exactly where you want to be
25013s and desunto is pretty squarely where you
25015s want to be in this matchup with a Thrive
25018s as one of the Premier ways to activate
25020s that handmaiden a Switcheroo uh in hand
25023s in order to draw the rest of your
25024s minions hopefully find that for leash
25026s although it's not guaranteed with five
25028s minions in the deck and this is kind of
25031s exactly what I was talking about where
25033s you have a good hand for this point in
25034s the game you have proactive ways to
25036s spend your Mana but hand space is going
25039s to be a massive problem as the game
25040s progresses so very very interested to
25042s see how the center will manage that as
25045s the game goes on and how much you'll
25047s favor just over drawing potentially at
25049s some point I also think identity theft
25051s is a extremely difficult card to use in
25055s because you have to use it differently
25057s in different matchups right like Hunter
25060s or at least this version of Hunter does
25062s not really play that many cards you you
25065s want to have in your hand right like
25067s it's very weird well funnily enough the
25069s spirit poacher might have been a good
25071s one anyway because anything that
25072s someone's domain minions it means you
25074s can have a protected minion on board
25076s until your turn and then you can buff it
25079s but outside of that some of the choices
25081s that you actually have to make with
25082s identity theft are very very difficult
25085s even now doggy biscuit as a buff looks
25087s good to me coin not gonna argue so I
25089s think Jacinto actually did very very
25091s well out of that identity theft yeah
25094s these were absolutely premium for Hunter
25096s it's definitely one of the worst decks
25098s to steal from uh like the mirror is the
25100s absolute number one Druid is very good
25102s Rogue can be pretty good as well to get
25104s yourself preps or Shadow steps something
25106s like that but yeah like you say most of
25108s the time you're getting something pretty
25109s terrible uh the real problem now is just
25112s how we're going to be popping off here
25114s for desunto because he has some of the
25118s the payoff obviously in Boone he could
25120s go with a serpent wig maybe even
25123s replayed a couple times but he doesn't
25125s have uh the powered fortitude he doesn't
25128s have uh devour either and he doesn't
25130s have bless so were he to go in uh next
25134s turn which he absolutely can at the
25136s moment it's a bit risky because without
25138s some big pickups from the handmaiden he
25140s wouldn't actually create that big of a
25142s board
25143s yeah it's very tricky I mean we might
25146s even see the biscuit just cycled right
25148s so depending what the drawers like
25153s here for goddess it's so sad playing uh
25157s your hand out like this like coin aralon
25160s is so so so much worse the tarantula in
25164s this match yeah yeah being able to go
25166s tarantula into nathanos tarantula into
25169s the Swarm which is like the tech if you
25173s put both of those cards it turns this
25174s from a disaster into an arguably good
25177s matchup uh for the hunter whereas right
25180s now you know any kind of decent draws
25183s here for desunto and he is pulling miles
25184s into the lead that powered fortitude
25186s alone should be able to get the job done
25188s yeah and the problem as well is right
25190s you you know that even Bears aren't good
25193s enough because there's just silence in
25195s the deck right so taunt doesn't cut it
25197s doesn't really ever buy you time because
25199s there's enough silence to get through
25201s these things as we've just seen and
25203s there goes the leash to regain a lot of
25206s Mana there for the Santo
25209s all right as you go has an active wig
25212s oh there's no shot you play it's
25214s handmade in this turn
25215s and even if you do you still play the
25217s wig first right like you still want to
25219s play the wig
25220s 100 I like where he ended up uh blade
25223s Master it's pretty nice
25227s yeah not only very awkward against
25228s Hunter because you just pick minion and
25231s laugh but also the right amount of stats
25234s to be a side minion to build are on uh
25236s as well so yeah
25238s think as well I would have just thrown
25240s down the last copy of serpent wig as
25243s well it's like plus two plus four you're
25245s getting in that instance for zero Mana
25246s like you can copy again with the
25248s handmaiden but at this point in the game
25250s you've kind of won or lost anyway you
25252s may as well just throw it down uh to get
25254s the immediate stats and just make it
25256s that little bit tougher to clear but as
25258s we can see there's very little chance of
25260s a clear anyway with uh racking being the
25263s best you have
25264s doesn't even scratch it you can't even
25267s kill one right like and you would even
25269s argue having Rat King on curve whilst
25272s coining out a five drop beforehand
25275s is about as strong as you're
25276s realistically going to get right like
25278s there's not much more guys can do it
25281s does look like he's going to go for
25282s extra minions and push some damage
25284s instead didn't even bother equipping the
25286s Harpoon Gun either just
25289s have tavish though tavish might
25293s be able to cause some trouble depending
25295s on what the Santo does this turn of
25297s course there's a chance he might just
25298s win but um tavish with say you know the
25301s explosive trap and then freezing trap
25303s might hinder this until just a little
25306s bit
25307s oh this looks like a win to me unless I
25310s think just closer another devour
25313s yeah it does Miss but Boone is perfectly
25315s fine
25317s oh no sorry not playable on this turn
25319s okay
25321s not the uh insta win necessarily
25323s he is committing the wake of strong
25327s does this start get there it's very
25330s close yeah I was gonna say I actually
25332s like the silence because knocking the
25334s damage off those bats and being able to
25336s kill them is massive right it makes the
25338s potential clear way less possible oh
25342s yeah that'll do it that'll do big yeah
25344s that's uh all the things I was talking
25346s about for Jacinto kind of in the end
25348s didn't really matter uh I like the way
25350s he went about those early turns they
25352s were pretty easy for the most part they
25355s would just uh play your Switcheroo to
25357s draw your extra good minions and then
25359s find a way to draw with the priest oh
25362s sorry with the handmaiden on the same
25364s turn that you go in on the pop-off which
25366s is I think one of the things for me that
25368s I really didn't quite get when I first
25370s started playing this deck is handmade
25371s and is not a clunky three Mana draw turn
25373s you do it in the middle of your combo
25375s and pop up with release at the same time
25377s right right and uh from there it was
25379s just a walk in the park for distance
25383s every time I've seen it on stream today
25386s that's exactly what's happened open the
25388s handmaiden in in the village turn
25390s because you just have not infinite
25392s manner but it feels like infinite manner
25395s you can often just spend your whole hand
25396s if you really want to so yeah really
25398s solid play there from the Sun tone very
25400s confident play I think uh that just
25403s didn't look like there was any problems
25404s it looked like he went in when he should
25406s which is what I struggled the most with
25408s is
25409s um you know deciding when to actually
25412s pop off because I always get nervous is
25414s always this too soon is this too too
25415s late you know am I gonna just die I
25417s think that's very very tricky to do
25418s without a lot of reps on the deck
25420s yourself so yeah excited to see that one
25422s but now Jacinto is going to be on Hunter
25424s himself going up against the hunter once
25427s again from Garners and edisonto is
25429s actually running the insatiable Devourer
25431s the collateral damage as well uh but
25435s funnily enough no tarantula which I do
25437s find interesting
25440s um oh never mind no it makes sense
25442s because the Santo banned priest so that
25444s must be his game plan because normally
25446s if you're bringing a deck who thinks go
25447s good you should probably be prepared to
25450s face it right but yeah it is Banning the
25452s priest out which means he doesn't have
25454s to Tech for it so yeah all making sense
25456s from DeSanto apart from the lack of Cam
25459s well actually even to go even further
25461s than that goddess is actually playing
25462s ball priest not uh the buff priest yeah
25466s yeah you're right 90 of the same cards
25468s weirdly enough
25469s uh which further complicates things but
25471s I I do still agree with you I I think
25473s for for goddess
25476s I personally would have preferred he'd
25478s gone with the tarantula build I do you
25479s think that was a slightly better call
25480s for this meta game because even though
25482s rat king is a better card in the deck
25486s than tarantula it's just for this
25489s particular tournament it's so clutch to
25491s be able to have an answer for priest
25492s which is going to be pretty popular a
25494s lot of the time and that's the thing
25496s Ryan that's the big difference and the
25498s one the
25499s and things I think is really difficult
25501s about tournament play is yeah the deck's
25504s great on ladder but because you're
25506s playing all rounder cards right you're
25508s playing that on average better deck but
25511s that's not how a tournament meta works
25513s and we've seen that time and time again
25514s and so father in this mirror match both
25517s players get in a pretty good opening
25518s Harpoon guns either side
25521s now the double truck coming down from uh
25523s gonis is gonna get cleaned up very
25526s nicely
25530s please be sick as well though even
25532s though it's no uh tarantula into
25533s nathanos racking the Thanos is still not
25536s bad at all uh to give yourself a mid
25538s game Power Spike but the real power
25541s Spike for both of our players is going
25542s to come down to these harpoons who can
25544s get the biggest uh the biggest Beast off
25546s of these
25547s that's a big one
25549s the biggest one might say
25553s apart from uh Mega saw rest in peace
25558s oh kind of hydrolodon right depending on
25562s how you
25563s that's true add up the numbers here oh
25566s dinosaur wars how is that not just a
25570s Hearthstone expansion name I would that
25573s would sell is all I'm saying Hearthstone
25576s dinosaur wars who wouldn't be interested
25580s imagine Gia just gets fresh off the
25582s plate Kicks Down the door to Blizzard HQ
25585s all right guys dino wars I've got it
25590s was just like my God she's brilliant I
25593s knew we hired her it's a good job
25596s here though the uh spirit's gonna come
25598s down very nice again another very
25601s impactful card if you have it on curve
25604s and your opponent does not because guess
25605s what you just want more stuff than your
25607s opponent and that's how these matchups
25609s work again very high level thinking
25611s going into it as I'm sure you'd agree
25616s wondering whether to swing again I mean
25618s I think we knew there wasn't a another
25622s uh beast on the bottom it was like
25623s school teacher and one of the non-beast
25625s I can't quite remember uh but unless
25627s you're picking up exactly
25630s the azharan saber on the next turn
25632s you're unlikely to get much of a better
25633s outcome and he manages to snipe the
25636s hydralodon as like the fourth from
25639s bottom card in his deck which is
25641s absolutely disgusting and that in this
25644s matchup is just the best at least for me
25647s anyway because it does what you need to
25650s do which is clear up boards and uh yeah
25652s hydraulic done does it by far the best
25654s than anything else so yeah really big
25656s pick up there King crush and hydraulidon
25658s absolutely huge
25660s this is hard to come back from
25662s it is especially as God has had the
25665s opportunity to go for ajar and saber
25667s have it die off admittedly in a bad
25670s trade to one of the the links is uh but
25672s he could have gone the sunken saber in
25674s the hand uh if he'd wanted it
25679s and just passed up that opportunity
25680s which I find very surprising
25683s it's a weird problem though because like
25686s that is good and I guess he didn't know
25690s about the Hydra hydraulicin but
25693s you really don't want to answer that
25695s with your own from a saber or something
25697s right because they don't have rush so
25699s it's terrible and then you're just
25702s feeding a bear to to a board maybe
25705s that's okay yeah it's kind of tricky
25706s right but now at this point it's that
25709s stage you always get into in Hunter
25710s mirrors where is there any way you can
25714s come back from this
25716s and I don't think gonis will ever
25717s recover from this
25719s I think this is going to be a very Swift
25721s Series yeah I mean only losing to
25724s himself
25726s the person who can beat me is me this
25730s will call him Chuck Norris at this point
25731s awesome sounds like that kind of joke
25734s and there's just nothing
25737s and it's just too fast such skill in one
25740s like you two Roux descento blink of an
25745s eye just gonna win at three one there
25748s and kind of 3-0 considering he did lose
25751s game one but he didn't actually play
25753s game one and so really impressive
25756s lightning fast play lightning fast
25758s decision making and at least from what
25760s the short time we had at Derek from
25762s someone I've not seen about too much
25764s very impressive so far
25767s yeah very very nice stuff I liked a lot
25769s of what I saw uh from desunto from
25772s goddess I will say I did disagree with
25774s how he played that Hunter game I think
25776s he wasn't necessarily doubling down on
25778s what his hand was telling him to do uh
25780s like you know I've talked about the two
25782s kind of halves of the day the two game
25784s plans which is just spend your Mana
25786s curve out and do the broken B stuff and
25788s I was screaming at him to do the broken
25790s Beast though he just didn't want to do
25792s it like if he'd managed to cheat out uh
25794s one of the Bears at that point in the
25796s game slows down his opponents so
25798s drastically those two fours are such
25800s awkward trades for the hydralodon
25802s tentacle thingies uh to answer so I
25805s would like to see a slightly different
25806s approach there from him but I don't want
25809s to destruct uh to track sorry from
25810s decento as we were saying he goes up 4-0
25813s and very deservedly
25815s yeah a really rapid match there for our
25818s first one of round four but I'll tell
25820s you something it's not the last match of
25822s round four we're gonna go to a quick
25823s break where we set up some more
25824s Hearthstone games for you to watch don't
25826s go anywhere we'll be right back
25831s [Music]
25846s their Witness
25849s and shall rise and soon
25854s beg for your life
25859s but you
25860s [Music]
25861s you must acquit
25864s the dark lady did not commit this
25867s unspeakable lies
25871s your cell awaits
25874s your confession will save us all the
25878s time
25881s [Music]
25886s foreign
25905s [Music]
25911s [Music]
25919s [Music]
25923s foreign
25931s [Music]
25947s [Music]
25955s foreign
25960s [Music]
25974s [Music]
25986s [Music]
25994s [Music]
26013s thank you
26018s [Music]
26024s hello everybody and welcome back to
26025s Masters for Ma and disorder my name is
26028s TJ I'm joined by saddle for the last
26030s cast
26032s of the day here with our continued
26034s coverage of round number four so how are
26035s you doing buddy
26036s I am doing fantastic TJ a little bit
26040s caught by surprise by the uh brevity of
26043s the previous series uh Not only was
26045s there the uh the game loss of course
26046s thrown in there but just rapid fire
26048s games that seemingly ended out of
26051s nowhere which has kind of accelerated us
26053s along a little bit of course there is
26055s still some action going on around uh the
26057s tavern for round four and we are here to
26060s bring you additional coverage of it TJ
26063s continuing coverage
26066s sorry continuing coverage I didn't
26068s realize we'd named it and say the racial
26070s capacity
26076s [Music]
26080s hold on wait what
26083s that's my seating face
26085s if you were to I missed half of that if
26087s you were talking you cut out for like a
26089s good solid five seconds for me just I
26091s did yeah oh weird yeah must have been to
26095s you only
26097s ah
26098s you're also covering your
26100s um
26101s your avatar is this so long it's behind
26104s you I have I guess yep that's it they'll
26107s remain a mystery forever
26110s all right talk about Tian Ming playing
26112s the uh jackpot Rogue
26117s um
26117s and I mean I was playing the stick a
26120s little bit earlier because shout tea
26121s also had it yup his lineup and I was
26125s like I I wonder if this is still good
26127s it's not that that much
26129s like it really has got anything new
26133s right it's just
26135s nope it's just Jack Rogue
26138s um and I I felt like my win conditions
26140s were get something really good from
26142s jackpot early or
26144s everything else you do is the same as
26147s all of the other renithal decks just
26148s weaker that's honestly what it felt like
26152s um
26152s but it does have that X Factor of being
26155s able to do things the the crazy things a
26158s little bit earlier
26159s in the game and so I'm curious as to
26162s where this deck
26164s will lie in terms of strength once this
26166s master store is over but lko is going to
26169s be playing the shaman
26172s kick it off yeah and speaking of you
26175s know Decks that haven't changed much
26177s this is pretty much the same Shaman that
26179s we've been playing for quite some time
26180s as well we've stuck a Sylvanas in there
26183s but on top of that it also got nerfed
26186s into Oblivion at one point and somehow
26188s the deck has just managed to cut out the
26190s freeze package and just keep on trucking
26192s as an effective meta deck which I don't
26195s think too many people necessarily saw
26197s coming at the time it's just such a got
26200s such an excellent toolkit as a deck that
26202s it is able to deal with so many
26204s situations which I think makes it quite
26205s appealing for a lot of people as a
26208s tournament deck as well particularly if
26210s you're a bit unsure about what exactly
26212s the field you're up against is going to
26214s look like
26219s yeah
26220s I'm looking at the Shaman deck yeah it's
26222s nothing new either wait there's a
26224s Sylvanas now oh I said that he check
26228s come on listen to the words that are
26231s coming out of my mouth please
26233s I was uh actually adjusting my headset
26235s because you freaked me out when you told
26237s me that uh you can I see okay five
26239s seconds so I unplugged the thing and
26242s then plugged it back in I see for
26244s example when you unplug the thing it
26246s also means you unplug the whole thing
26248s yes oh oh don't worry TJ I'm intimately
26252s familiar with unplugging uh various
26254s audio devices in the middle of a
26256s broadcast that was that was my life for
26259s an entire year
26260s okay well
26262s then you know you know all right let's
26265s get into it uh I haven't cut out right
26267s nope
26269s Draka
26274s yup understood you perfectly the exact
26276s same level of coherence the full
26278s sentence all the analysis okay yep we're
26281s good then we're good
26287s very awkward looking opening hand from
26290s Tia Ming which is largely what you have
26293s come to expect from this deck it really
26296s is like you just have like all these
26298s pieces you're like oh yeah I'm like a
26300s turn away from doing something so cool
26302s and then that's every turn every turn
26306s you're a draw away from doing something
26308s so cool
26309s and then you die before you get to do
26311s the cool thing
26312s that that's my personal experience now
26314s obviously I have like six games of it
26317s um but to me in my very short-sighted
26320s memory six games is a lot so
26323s um but I I guess you can just hope to
26327s get something really good from your
26330s opponent's hand from this minion like
26333s that's about it draka's doing a whole
26335s lot of nothing here
26336s and without jackpots really
26340s the only way especially in this deck
26341s that doesn't play many expensive spells
26343s that you can capitalize on with
26345s trickster to be able to steal you're
26347s waiting for jackpot to do something cool
26350s so
26355s and even then this is one of the better
26357s outcomes that you can get off at early
26360s game reconnaissance right unless you're
26362s looking for the reconnaissance as an
26363s answer later on I think this is one of
26366s the best points of synergy with the deck
26367s and yeah timing doing something that I
26370s always respect in this kind of situation
26372s just playing out his cards he does have
26374s the shadow step in hand good chance that
26376s the 3-4 hangs around next turn anyway so
26378s he could have a significantly more
26381s exciting turn next turn but there I am
26383s falling into the exact trap that TJ was
26386s just describing next turn next turn will
26388s be good I promise
26390s it's not even like a it's not even like
26393s a trap
26396s all right his dog dog sparked me in my
26399s immediate vicinity
26401s um oh oh we know
26404s I'm just having all sorts of issues
26408s just
26411s my roof's caving in my mic's in the
26414s cutting out okay I'm eating real quick
26418s uh I believe currently in TJ's house
26421s there are 15 living mammals for your
26423s information so uh yeah kind of hard
26426s there's 14 one's at school a 14 okay my
26430s bad sorry I didn't mean to uh present
26432s inaccurate information but yeah this is
26434s what I was talking about from Tim being
26435s on the other side has to have a slightly
26438s more effective turn this time around can
26440s pick up the weapon but the freeze from
26443s the previous turn does prevent him
26445s getting particularly good value out of
26448s any of the tracker weapons right now so
26450s he could even still consider
26453s taking a really slow turn here he does
26456s absolutely nothing but that feels deeply
26460s miserable but deeply miserable it is
26466s let's try this again nope okay
26468s immediately with it as soon as I unmute
26473s they keep going
26475s um
26476s no one may come let them out
26479s but we'll see all right we're still
26483s waiting for something cool we're still
26484s waiting for something cool yeah all
26486s right we gotta we got a cookie
26489s in like
26492s it's honestly the worst I think because
26495s it just
26497s clashes with Draka that he used the
26499s shadow step on that's true actually yeah
26501s has to play the cookie just to try and
26504s survive but I mean this is the exact
26505s position that Shaman wants to be in just
26507s an unanswered board
26509s you can do whatever you want with your
26512s Mana evolve whatever you want just
26515s beautiful
26516s yeah at the very least he knows he has
26519s scabs the next turn so he can delay
26521s things significantly uh hand size wise
26525s here just looking at what lko is
26526s actually going to get back seven cards
26528s in hand he kind of like the cookie to
26532s die I imagine as opposed to be returned
26534s to hand which is the scenario that's
26536s gonna happen here so this works out all
26538s pretty well overall I think lko
26540s correctly recognizing no point in
26543s trading into that cookie right now
26544s doesn't really do anything against scabs
26547s which is the accepted play anyway and if
26549s you want to play the game of chicken or
26550s both players leaving it there I think
26552s you're happy to do it later against the
26554s bigger Draco weapon that comes down this
26556s gaps isn't going to be played anywhere
26557s around so I think lko absolutely correct
26560s yep
26564s but finally something cool happens and
26567s uh maybe things are gonna start to get
26570s pieced together just slightly but Timmy
26573s may run out of time before that happens
26575s we shall see
26578s um yeah definitely gonna remove the
26580s tutus
26581s probably deal six but you could make a
26584s case for uh the Elementals just because
26587s the cookie weapon doesn't line up
26590s particularly well yeah but I like the uh
26592s the face damage here
26595s foreign
26602s oh yeah
26606s you want a 2-6 and a cookie
26610s I mean the cookie part sounds great but
26613s in the context of what it actually is in
26616s this game of hearthstone considerably
26618s less appealing than usually when TJ
26620s offers me
26620s [Music]
26633s oh what about another cookie
26644s days is not actually watching the game
26647s that that's just his internal monologue
26649s all the time
26651s what about I don't know I actually got
26654s this the dogs to stop barking
26658s what about another cookie
26661s oh there's a game going on
26665s yeah I mean strangely you were managing
26668s to play by play it perfectly it was
26670s really strange
26671s oh yeah well it describes my full
26674s casting crew just accidentally being
26676s right sometimes
26679s and yet another weapon in in some form
26682s or another picked up with krabatoa
26685s um and a face that's frozen
26688s so
26690s yeah the Saturday Matthews can't be that
26692s big
26693s um
26694s maybe like 12. I don't know it's
26698s it hasn't really been
26702s Juice It Up Again here but you can't be
26705s played even with the hero power plus
26706s kravitella so Tammy is gonna have to
26709s hope that there's not as much damage
26711s there the time has come down
26721s laughs
26726s oh wow
26729s I mean one card's been in the far left
26733s the whole game yeah one's a Draka
26737s yep
26739s who knows what Secrets will um
26748s clear pretty good options oh my goodness
26752s oh my goodness
26757s two
26762s oh with the overdraft yeah
26767s me pick me a little bit more
26773s damage
26775s off
26777s it's the the first one unlocks
26780s [Applause]
26780s yeah
26782s all right can we do something fun
26786s August announcers is pretty fun
26790s what about hero power donafius draca
26794s whoa so much
26797s I kind of oh is that 21 wow okay ah that
26802s makes sense
26803s I mean I think of a lot oh they're off
26806s every every minion be fair you said
26810s you said about 12 and then two krabatoa
26812s tokens died after that and then there
26814s was a lightning storm clear on like a
26815s full board so you were pretty much right
26817s with your guess at the time because
26820s accidentally pretty close that's the one
26824s you want a cookie
26827s oh that's a good floor goal one of my
26830s dogs
26834s uh they're just all-night all dogs and
26837s cats in your house are just named after
26838s murloc noises it gets incredibly
26840s confusing come feeding time
26854s okay
26857s oh
26860s fun things Ahoy that is a Sprint that is
26864s very definitively a Sprint
26867s gotta go all right so what do we need
26869s here
26871s um Jack got into brawl
26886s um well that isn't that
26891s uh extortion
26896s prep bone Spike
26900s Queen horn gigafen mm-hmm
26913s I still wouldn't have had enough right
26915s even with the prep by and Spike to be
26917s able to do it
26919s yeah the queen was three I would have
26921s done yet the queen would have been three
26922s instead of this Contraband stash right
26923s yeah and then you have four Mana lefts
26925s then you horn for a gigafin
26928s all right
26934s yep I think so
26936s yeah I I think that's a better out than
26939s than whatever this is
26942s also I think wanted to attack with these
26946s cookie weapon first before playing Draka
26949s right probably uh better in that
26951s scenario
26953s and no matter what it was pretty slim
26956s pickings uh for Tien being in that game
26958s that was just a rough opening fell too
26961s far behind and then had to play kind of
26963s the Miracle game uh to get back into it
26966s so uh unfortunate but at least we got to
26969s see some cool stuff from the deck might
26972s get to see it again typically
26975s all right like you you have such high
26978s standards
26980s for jackpot Rogue like that was pretty
26982s cool it was a big big dinathrius yeah
26986s but I I feel like
26988s influenced by how badly you lose the
26991s game right like I could build you a deck
26993s right now that did something cool and
26995s lost the game you know that's not
26997s impressive you know doing a triple
26999s backflip is not that cool if you land on
27001s your face you know you had to you
27004s do you disagree I do yeah if you could
27008s do a triple backup I don't care where
27010s you land like
27013s that's hard that is hard
27016s I probably pitched that a little bit too
27018s high yeah
27021s [Music]
27023s okay
27025s moving over stick of the jackpot Road
27028s going with the Beast Hunter
27033s look changes or a couple of variations
27035s on what we've been seeing from other
27037s people with the collateral damage coming
27040s back in for example we saw that in an
27042s early list but then I believe what Fury
27044s Hunter was playing on stream recently
27046s with no collateral damage there's a
27048s couple of different ways you can go
27049s about this also the tarantula check in
27052s here which I do think is a good bring
27055s for the specific tournament meta game
27057s might not necessarily be the best ladder
27059s card
27060s um but we've talked a lot about the fear
27063s of those all interns for priest for
27065s example and how some decks just don't
27068s really have the tools to be able to deal
27069s with it that is very specifically a tool
27072s that deals with it that is a match up
27074s that otherwise I think Hunter can really
27075s struggle uh in a match up against a
27079s priest of high enough standard but this
27081s is going to be the Mage coming out on
27084s the other side for lko this is viewed as
27087s a slightly favored matchup for the Mage
27090s overall but I do think it is it's
27092s blightly by getting Mage is a deck that
27095s exists as part of lineups and exists on
27097s ladder because it has a decent matchup
27099s against Hunter I don't think it's a good
27101s enough matchup that you can put it
27103s together in like a Target Hunter lineup
27105s right it's just something that you can
27106s put in that improves your spread of
27108s matches and possibilities are endless
27122s yeah
27124s there is yay
27135s his hand is ferocious
27140s I don't think that's the adjective he
27142s would prefer though
27143s uh not made any better by how smooth
27148s this curve is on the other side either
27150s the ashore hero power on two I guess but
27153s outside of that location into Cold Case
27156s and then discounted deathborn to follow
27159s that up as well using the extra
27162s skeletons that you have potentially as
27164s break points this could go very fast
27167s very quickly for lko hmm
27175s [Music]
27177s one draw from The Dredge I mean it's
27181s a small name
27186s it was a nice little bonus
27189s here's what he picked I didn't even see
27190s okay that makes sense on the Curve
27194s uh poacher would have been good to play
27196s on two in the wild spirits but after
27198s that it's kind of doing nothing so
27201s I can just fix the curve a little bit
27203s okay oh I mean this is just yep do that
27207s up all upstairs
27210s like you said that one lined up
27215s oh what was that was an Arlon oh
27221s oh yeah anybody
27228s oh a devouring Bloom at a devouring and
27231s a serpent bloom in the same hand exactly
27233s what tianming was looking for this game
27243s it realistically
27245s shattering our world does this line up
27249s yeah I mean I guess it's it's pretty
27251s nuts right
27257s okay
27258s are you okay
27261s I I love deathborn when there's like
27264s a bunch of minions
27267s it's just the most satisfying thing ever
27269s I don't even like playing this thing
27270s that much I just play the Dexter I can
27271s get juicy deck boards that's it
27274s I mean ending as we began I think our
27276s first series of the day there was a mage
27278s mirror where they literally just death
27280s borned each other back and forwards for
27281s like four straight turns yep
27285s beautiful what a sight to behold
27289s wow like Reckless finish just lines up
27291s so cleanly on this board
27296s dude
27298s hit the Ping Nail First yeah
27301s just playing so fast like I mean I with
27306s this hand it makes sense but yes it just
27309s it has that much more of a an impact you
27312s know
27313s punch
27321s okay well let's start the mountain dares
27327s we saw a few of these cards
27330s I bought them
27338s already had 10.
27346s eight that's what location into Cold
27348s Case into deathborne does TJ when your
27350s opponent does nothing in the entire game
27364s only three more turns
27366s then after this is Juiced
27368s full of energy okay like genuinely at
27370s the end of every turn it looks like he's
27372s just about to peace out like he looks
27374s like he's about to lift out of his chair
27375s and just walk off every time I cannot
27377s stay so I think is uh quite indicative
27380s of the speed that he's playing the game
27381s at as well yeah well it is the uh
27385s selector final round of the day 3-0 you
27388s know
27390s get out of here let me take my my quick
27392s dub and
27394s let's go
27406s I mean that's probably the least
27407s satisfying outcome from those skeletons
27409s you neither achieved the full clear or
27412s the ton of damage in the lethal yeah
27413s like that's just a really annoying
27415s Middle Ground
27422s oh also theater if this goes wrong just
27426s take to Nature's next turn oh another
27428s room
27430s I say oh fine let's go on here okay sure
27437s no damage
27440s oh nice
27441s no damage try again next turn yeah
27449s let's play the minions I mean
27452s there's four damage could could last a
27455s while I wonder if I'll keep oh
27463s oh it's just one of those series for TM
27466s being isn't it like it really is
27471s I like the decision from lko though I
27473s think a lot of people especially people
27475s playing as fast as he is would have just
27477s gone well Rune again try again try and
27479s get the fireball to face or whatever but
27481s I think him recognizing three cards in
27483s hand yeah might as well take a look and
27485s see if we can just straight up win the
27486s game
27487s yeah
27488s I saw the uh Wing Commander
27491s um so he did not play the Deepwater
27493s revoker to make sure that there wasn't
27495s another Beast that could be someone out
27497s of the deck
27498s now
27500s oh okay yeah clear the full board more
27504s kills opponent
27508s they're at one it's fine don't worry
27510s about it too much yeah there you go
27513s you never count no
27516s particularly with dinathrius when it
27518s gets to that point like you can sit
27520s there and calculate the odds of how it
27521s can all break up in certain situations
27523s like you might count if it's guaranteed
27526s lethal but outside of that there just
27528s just throw on the board to her yeah
27532s from that point well that was uh
27536s quite the game of Firestone Nokio now up
27540s 2-0 in the series
27542s and final deck remaining is
27546s going to be the
27549s Hunter
27550s yeah hunter
27553s or lkf so good to see the hunter curious
27557s what Tian Ming's gonna do
27558s I really want to see the jackpot row
27560s again
27561s got away with it anyway
27564s it's looking out of most of us all right
27567s just looking out of curiosity uh um the
27569s off curve stats on Hunter because it's
27572s one of those things and we get sucked
27573s into these traps pretty much every
27575s broadcast with one deck or the other we
27577s guess most ample size of of games of a
27580s particular deck on stream and then
27582s obviously there's hundreds more games
27583s being played elsewhere so we sometimes
27585s get this war perspective of how a deck
27587s is performing my perspective of our
27589s hunter is performing right now is very
27591s eh and so I looked up the stats and it
27594s has basically dead on 50 win rate in the
27597s tournament right now which I think backs
27598s that up pretty well overall and I think
27601s coming into this said this earlier kind
27604s of what I expected the decks fine but I
27607s never expected it to do as well in this
27609s tournament as it does on ladder right
27611s for a myriad factors that I went into
27613s early and won't won't tread that ground
27615s again but I think it's a fine deck no
27617s one's Really Gonna bat an eyelid at you
27619s if it's in your lineup it's a fine Bring
27621s but I don't think too many people all
27624s involved in this tournament directly
27626s we're expecting it to be like the king
27629s of decks coming into this room party
27631s yeah yeah
27633s I'm not gonna do it either because you
27635s did it earlier so
27638s all the reasons obviously we both know
27641s both the reasons we we we don't need to
27643s oh the reasons there's like four reasons
27645s I'd say did I say but yeah sorry at
27648s least five TJ please come on oh no
27650s there's four
27653s I know what you think is the fifth one
27655s and you're wrong oh okay fairness yeah
27659s of course Derek would tell you there's
27660s only one reason as to like you know
27663s Hunter is the easiest deck ever and if
27664s you play Hunter you're a sweaty Noob
27666s that should uninstall Hearthstone I'm
27668s pretty sure that's a direct quote from
27669s Derek Brown
27670s Derek Brown
27672s um six hours ago yep yep
27675s I remember it
27682s oh it's the bear
27688s [Laughter]
27696s nice curve
27699s in the absolute story of this series
27702s video Ming so far yeah yeah maybe the
27706s end of the road game was a little messy
27707s but I don't think that was a winnable
27709s Hearthstone game anyway the Mage uh the
27712s Mage matchup with the hunter just did
27714s not find any sort of curve and now he's
27715s just back here again like school teacher
27718s on four really being the first impactful
27720s thing that he's doing in the whole game
27721s and it's going to be answered by a
27723s mountain bear on the other side
27725s okay yeah I like this diversion actually
27731s minion
27734s um that's when you you pick spell every
27736s time what is it
27738s predictable
27743s because they're gonna know that it's
27744s minion right he picks Belle because
27747s they're never going to play a four
27748s minute mountain bear into it
27754s okay
27756s really powerful economy in the end even
27758s though like this is the power of okanie
27760s even though okayo kind of found the best
27761s Pace scenario to deal with it right the
27763s one drop off the top to be able to
27765s answer
27766s it's still it's still wasted its whole
27767s turn right like he might as well have
27769s jammed a four Mana minion into it that
27771s got counted because he did nothing with
27773s his turn the only difference is he still
27775s has the mountain deck to be able to play
27777s on the following Zone the dark lady did
27780s not commit this unspeakable
27784s and inexplicably off the back of pretty
27787s much that solitary okanie
27791s looks like tamming is slowly taking
27793s control of this game
27797s foreign
27802s three but he essentially forced his
27804s opponent to skip turn four and that
27806s ended up being a far more important turn
27808s he's just gained a whole bunch of tempo
27810s from it
27811s yep
27815s secret not so Secret
27817s unless you are against mousing over the
27820s notherly
27824s but I mean he cares according to Derek
27828s Brown Hunter players can't read so I
27831s mean Timmy didn't even acknowledge it
27839s is an enormous swing though on the
27842s mountain badge
27847s damning what really needs to avoid here
27849s is getting stuck in the loop that I get
27851s into this Loop sometimes right away you
27853s genuinely you get really unlucky during
27855s a series right like no one's disputing
27857s that timings Had a Bad series just in
27859s terms of the run of the green so then
27861s you have this very particular brand of
27863s tilt where you make plays just to see if
27867s the most unlucky thing possible can
27869s happen to you and you just go down that
27872s tunnel over and over again it's like
27873s well there's no way they're just also
27875s gonna have the Sylvanas on top of that
27877s just drop the mounting burn oh yeah no
27879s they probably are
27880s hahaha
27885s there's no way they have a banasters in
27887s their hand that is getting continuously
27889s Changed by all these Minions that I'm
27890s killing
27896s it looks like that Sylvanas swing turn
27900s might just be too brutal here
27903s yeah it's a lot it's okay I was just got
27906s a very reasonable curve yep coming up I
27909s draw Dawn into Commander into Saturday
27912s Matthews
27913s foreign
27925s card in general
27931s the way they have the hydraulics
27935s since all his cards to deal with there's
27937s no way they have the wing Commander
27940s that's all it's hard to deal with it
27946s foreign
27967s [Laughter]
27975s ones I don't know
27978s they're three ones on the other side
27980s like
27981s just take the damage and hope that the
27983s one ones can kill something bigger I
27985s don't know
27989s like just in case he wants to Pivot at
27992s the end yeah
27994s technically what he did was absolutely
27996s yes
27998s no way
27999s [Music]
28005s oh that's it had enough get out mental
28009s health concede straight up do not want
28012s to handle any more of that at that point
28014s absolutely brutal series but you can see
28017s what it meant for lko at the end 4-0
28021s start to the Masters Tour the things
28023s that dreams are made of of course we are
28026s wrapping up the day so before we do so
28028s it would be nice to remind you the
28029s stakes of what we're playing for this is
28032s the final Masters Tour of the year which
28034s means for a lot of the players involved
28035s this is their final route it's still a
28039s long and winding route but it's their
28040s final route to try and make it through
28042s to seasonal and World Championships and
28044s keep their competitive season going so
28046s players who don't already have their
28048s season tied up don't already have their
28049s worlds ticket booked this is really the
28051s last chance to learn and you can see
28052s what it means to some of these players
28054s to really get off to that big 4-0 or
28056s even a 3-1 start going into day two
28059s yeah and uh Tien Ming 3-1 still
28064s good score still possibilities of uh top
28067s 16. uh if you uh get a lot more wins uh
28071s tomorrow
28073s so
28074s um we're not done yet we do have uh one
28077s more continued coverage match
28081s continuing I think I said continuing
28083s earlier I'm even messing up my own thing
28085s uh continuing coverage match which is
28087s pocket train versus Nolan
28089s um
28090s two of the greatest ladder players
28094s in uh Hearthstone I guess recent history
28099s um but two players that are always at
28102s the
28103s top of the ladder on multiple regions
28106s [Music]
28108s this should be a good one yeah
28110s you know learn even more so than pocket
28112s train like if pocket train is one of the
28114s best ladder players in recent history
28116s Nolan is one of the best ladder players
28118s in extremely recent history like in
28121s terms of in terms of the rank one
28123s screenshots that have popped up like
28125s Nolan is a newer name on my list of what
28129s I'm used to seeing on my feed on a on a
28131s daily basis of this deck or rank one
28133s that deck got rank one
28135s um very very accomplished ladder player
28137s these days and clearly now trans
28138s starting to transfer it to the Masters
28141s Tour as well pocket train of course
28142s having a empty title under the belt
28145s already and also you know I I would say
28149s not in love with the current meta this
28152s doesn't really feel like it's vibing
28153s with him I know I've seen some comments
28155s from him recently that he feels that his
28157s best chance of doing well is honestly to
28160s bring lineups from like two masters
28162s tours ago when he won when he won the
28163s tournament rather than bring any of the
28165s Decks that uh are popular in the meta
28168s right now and honestly what he's done is
28170s not far off that
28174s yeah that's uh that's true I feel like
28177s they have like sort of these
28181s I don't want to call it differing styles
28185s would you agree like pocket train hyper
28188s focuses on a single
28190s like a single deck
28192s and Nolan just plays what's necessary to
28194s climb
28195s yeah no I I think that's a fair
28197s assessment but I do think you people
28199s need to be careful like pocket train is
28201s not laughing on freeze Mage for example
28203s right where like that's literally the
28205s only deck they know how to play Pocket
28208s train is a very very accomplished
28209s well-rounded Hearthstone player It's
28212s just sometimes he finds a deck that he
28214s absolutely adores and just goes
28216s absolutely way too deep on that one deck
28219s for thousands and thousands of games
28222s but the deck changes like when he finds
28226s the thing that he likes yep whereas no
28229s one's all about all right this is the
28230s deck that's good against the meta game
28232s that I've seen in my past 20 games I'm
28235s gonna play that whatever strongest
28239s um so hard to say
28242s uh which one works better I'd sit in in
28245s tournament format uh you know I would
28247s say that Nolan style in in ladder style
28251s would work better but pocket train has
28253s way more results in competitive play I
28256s yeah I mean all up so I think that's an
28259s interesting particular niche in this
28261s instance because it's pocket train and
28264s the deck that we're talking about is
28265s boar priest now bull priest is broken if
28269s you play it to the level that no one in
28273s the world can including I'm including
28275s pocket training that right but he gets
28277s as close to playing it at that level as
28279s you possibly can and so just by being at
28283s that level you kind of inflate your
28285s stats like he's been as always going
28288s around screaming from the rooftops like
28289s no ball priest is still broken right now
28292s I don't care how many theaters there are
28294s how many mutinous there are or this or
28296s that or the other or all these new tools
28297s or Sylvanas can now steal boards all
28300s this stuff I don't care about or priest
28302s is still broken so just being able to
28304s have that security in bringing the best
28306s deck in the game to a tournament and
28308s doing well with it like that just kind
28310s of gives pocket train a natural buff
28313s that other people don't have I suppose
28316s [Music]
28322s all right well let's get the show on the
28324s road
28325s them curse were a lot warlock versus
28328s Jailer Paladin
28331s Jayla Reno Paladin which just to carry
28335s on with that point real quick and just
28336s back that up bull priest right now is
28339s the third highest win rate deck in the
28341s tournament with 58 win rate and I think
28343s actually analyzing that data what that
28345s means is we've now refined the field
28347s down to the people who if they're
28349s bringing boar priest they are bull
28351s priest players right like they have
28353s actually got to the point where they can
28355s play that deck very very well and so
28357s it's performing incredibly well in the
28359s the tournament overall would you like to
28361s guess what the two decks above bore
28363s priest in the stats are right now
28364s without looking
28365s uh the other two priests
28368s Quest priest yes is one of them oh that
28371s was not in my the other two priest's uh
28374s priests but okay and is the other one
28377s blessed Priest No it is Thief Rogue
28383s no yup oh man wait which which version
28388s because we call a lot of things Thief I
28390s mean they saw a fire off curve it's all
28392s Consolidated right they're playing
28394s enough okay it'll just be called tea
28396s frog soon ah okay oh 62 win rate 56 wins
28400s out of 91 games
28406s there's different variations out there
28408s right there's like the tempo variation
28409s yeah
28410s um uh with I don't even I can't remember
28413s the name of the six Mana card uh they're
28416s not in the water
28419s yeah the right the four-fold rush that
28422s is reducing costs for how many cards you
28423s play that turn never remember the name
28425s even though I looked at it specifically
28427s and was like I'm gonna remember this
28429s name
28431s um and then you have Jack morose there's
28432s a bunch of different variations
28435s uh board brace is also getting banned a
28436s lot we've seen a band there hasn't been
28439s that many players in the series that we
28440s watched and we've seen two Series where
28444s it has been banned already
28446s even with a small sample size of matches
28448s where the player actually has it yeah
28450s that means that if a player is leaving
28452s it up
28454s they're confident that they can beat it
28457s so I don't know it's skewed even further
28459s towards
28461s the nuts all right got a game going on
28464s it's awesome one one more point on
28466s overall stats all right one more Point
28467s talk about the thing that's in front of
28469s us uh Boone priest which you predicted
28471s would be one of the top decks above bull
28473s priest is 39 win rate in the tournament
28477s right now doing absolutely misery oh wow
28480s okay did not expect that
28482s if you want to dig into all that more
28483s detail off curve.com lots of great work
28485s always done on Hearthstone statistics
28487s very happy to shout them out whenever
28489s because they make my job easier
28496s so Jayla Paladin yeah ordering the court
28499s was played
28502s so I don't know how much of that
28504s statistical breakdown was from us
28506s actually finding it interesting at that
28507s moment and how much of it was just
28508s resistant to wanting to talk about Jayla
28511s Paladin I think it's a healthy dose of
28513s both of them on my side of things
28517s I just like talking about anything I'll
28520s just go with the flow
28523s you know that
28525s you don't even have to try or to give me
28526s the going on here in order to get me to
28528s go to you know
28531s hop on your magic carpet and just enjoy
28533s the ride of your tangent yeah
28536s you want a cookie
28543s and now I just have this chair in my
28544s head of
28546s saddle singing a whole new world to me
28548s while we ride around on it I did I did
28550s also have that many points he points at
28553s like just random statistics on the
28554s ground we fly over them in a magic
28557s carpet
28558s I can show you the stats
28566s all right well
28569s we know what's going to come off the top
28572s every turn well not every turn next turn
28574s it's a 50 50 between the Countess and
28576s Leviathan but yeah I mean it's about
28579s getting there now getting to the light
28581s Forge carrier I think is the uh
28584s the biggest one and this Reno being in
28586s the opening hand in order of the Court
28587s played it's gonna be a long long time
28592s uh before Arena's gonna do anything
28598s in fact it's never going to do anything
28600s and make that simpler
28615s I'm starting to push
28618s yeah Library being able to fill this out
28620s as well actually gets us some some
28622s significant damage down and this is
28623s important right because this deck is
28626s linear from both sides right Nolan knows
28629s what he's going to draw he can plan out
28630s every turn one by one
28632s pogi train can do exactly the same thing
28635s so he knows he's going to have to deal
28637s with Carol at some point in the coming
28640s turns probably on turn eight he knows
28642s it's in hand so getting as much damage
28644s through now as possible before that
28646s carry all comes down then makes his
28648s eventual job of having to deal with the
28650s curse situation much much easier later
28652s on so at least attempting this huge push
28655s is massive of course it gets shut down
28657s by the Mackie roll here but it's a card
28659s that pocket train does not necessarily
28661s have information about but it's a big
28663s deal for Nolan in terms of being able to
28665s stabilize
28666s yeah
28668s and now no one think about whether or
28670s not to even play these light rays
28671s because it just opens up board space
28674s for pocket train might be looking to
28677s play those light rays on the turn where
28679s he's cleaning up a little bit more stuff
28680s yep
28683s um but then you could also make argument
28685s that well the file library is not active
28688s next turn so you're
28692s allowing pocket train to have the least
28694s amount of maneuverability and what he
28695s Buffs and what it can trade over
28699s yeah you can also you can also file that
28702s exact same argument in the don't play it
28704s column though right because if there's a
28707s situation the library was open You could
28709s argue well they still have a really good
28710s turn just go face with everything buff
28712s another in Deal a million damage but
28713s they can't do that which makes their
28716s their turn fairly weak overall yeah
28720s so don't play it is
28722s two for one in favor
28735s plenty of neutral cards
28737s [Music]
28742s on the bike
28745s as to the point where if you do really
28748s want to min max your information it is
28750s important to pay attention from the
28752s position of the hand that certain cards
28754s leave from because as soon as you start
28756s Gathering that information you can kind
28757s of reverse engineer what every other
28759s card is exactly because obviously you
28761s don't know how many of the cards have
28763s been drawn before the deck has been
28765s ordered which can change exactly which
28767s cards your opponent has in hand at any
28769s given time but the more you see which
28771s cards are where the more you can gather
28772s that perfect information over time
28778s hmm
28788s I must move quickly
28794s yeah well
28796s Ariel's guaranteed to be their next turn
28797s from pocketrance perspective
28801s and her knowledge perspective yeah I
28803s guess now is a good time to play
28805s uh the light race you have stuff on
28807s board borders already paired down uh I
28811s feel like he just wants to not take his
28813s as much damage try and block as much as
28816s possible before Carol
28818s comes out and allows them to have that
28820s extra level of Defense
28822s yeah interesting whether it was this
28823s turn or next turn
28825s um generally I like to play light rays
28827s when they create the biggest swing turn
28831s um and Carrie always going to be your
28832s clearing turn right when you actually
28833s deal with a lot of this board State you
28835s would imagine
28836s uh Leviathan did of course do a little
28838s bit and this is still a swing turn it's
28840s just a question of whether the carial
28841s term would have been the bigger one but
28843s I think this is fine and it also
28846s theoretically hypothetically prevents
28848s some pre-carial damage going through
28850s right with the uh the location still up
28853s on that turn
28854s yeah
28855s not going to
28859s grimoire again I guess this preserves a
28862s 3-4 on board right because you can just
28863s trade the one one into the final minion
28867s and that one one uh would die anyway
28871s because Carol's into it so just making
28874s sure it has highest level uh protection
28878s against life force carrier that is such
28882s a good turn from pocket train if you
28884s look at all the boxes that were ticked
28886s on that turn
28887s maximum damage pre-carial he knows carry
28890s always is what Nolan wants to do on the
28892s following terms the way I talk about the
28894s linearity of playing against this deck
28895s right he knows Nolan wants to to carry
28898s all so he wants to push as much damage
28900s now as humanly possible so dropping the
28902s tams in now getting the multiple curses
28904s through using the the grimoire and the
28907s curses efficiently to deal with the
28909s taunts and push damage phase and then
28911s also remove every single two or less
28914s Health Minion from his own board in the
28916s process like it was that's that's just a
28919s good Hearthstone turn TJ that's what
28921s that is it's clean yep just a good clean
28925s family fun
28928s get everybody around here show them that
28930s turn
28934s like the moon landing
28938s wait you mean on a Sound Stage or what
28942s technically yes
28947s a lot of layers to uh that one there
28949s subtle yep a lot of layers yeah
28954s uh two two and three right is enough
28957s yeah okay
28959s yeah
28960s it's a little bit complicated working
28962s out the break points with Carol and the
28964s curses because you know some of them
28967s executive curses end up doing the same
28969s amount of damage sometimes because of
28971s the way the rounding Works in that spot
28972s but yeah pocket train had that nicely
28974s covered in the end as I mentioned that
28977s is kind of the strength and the weakness
28979s of that deck uh that is one of the Decks
28981s that Nolan I believe has hit rank one
28983s Legend with very recently it's a deck
28985s that some people have faith in some
28987s people don't but I do think we're it's
28991s such a double-edged sword because all of
28993s the consistency and the perfect game
28995s plan and the repeatable strategy that
28997s you have from your deck yourself when
29000s you play against the very best the
29002s pocket the the pocket trains the jlts
29004s the fury Hunters of this world they
29006s exploit that same linearity of your deck
29009s and that is exactly what we saw there
29010s with uh with pocket train perfectly
29012s playing into that carry all turn and
29014s really just not giving Nolan any any
29017s option to be able to answer it yeah
29019s and gets rewarded with the chance to
29023s play mage
29025s and a little bit different from what
29026s we've been seeing for most of the day uh
29029s it is the uh 30 card just straight up
29033s blue mage
29036s [Music]
29041s the cast for a lot of blue
29043s each itself
29047s it costs with dust to craft dust is
29053s uh I agree TJ this deck absolutely blows
29056s 100 agree with you
29059s blue WD
29062s has a blue house with a blue window is
29065s that was that what you're trying to say
29066s yeah
29068s the Corvette and everything is blue
29070s is that that line I don't think I've
29072s ever known what because that line is so
29074s heavily like pitch shifted on the vocals
29076s it's actually the next line of the song
29079s blue Corvette I'm pretty sure I don't
29082s know
29085s we'll go with it
29087s I see you yeah
29099s the light dims
29101s all right we are back to the well again
29105s with the Paladin from Nolan
29108s is is the same deck I'm gonna see these
29112s cars
29120s yeah this is pretty much the the hidden
29123s part of the deck right like you you pack
29126s your deck with early game efficiency
29128s almost an aggro curve overall and then
29132s you just have this this five or six card
29134s combination at the top end of your deck
29136s that you draw in perfect sequence every
29138s single time to be able to set up your
29140s win condition at the end and then you
29141s have uh the tutor effect to pick up the
29144s spell put everything in the right order
29146s and you go from there it is this
29147s supremely linear deck overall but it is
29151s it is starting to prove to be effective
29153s it was a deck that was Theory crafted
29156s super early on as soon as the mini Set
29158s Card started to be revealed a little bit
29160s of a got the meme treatment early on on
29163s kind of mini set expansion day but over
29165s time I think people are starting to
29168s just grow in hope that this might be a
29170s real deck I don't have Hope's actually
29172s the word uh grow into the crushing sense
29176s of reality that this might be a real
29178s deck
29182s ah let's hope
29187s their first comment in everything
29193s great again
29201s I mean Bannerman's a tutu
29204s true
29208s for the alliance
29210s so look at that is quite good I actually
29214s played fully for minions in board
29216s presence early on
29218s um at the pointing out snow flurry into
29221s snow flurry so he's got the Wildfire
29223s online but could do it now Savar
29225s currently has a coin
29227s to be just going Wildfire Frozen touch
29229s which would be a pretty solid savara
29232s I think
29235s really good
29238s I am definitely on board with that I
29241s think frozen touch in savara is always a
29245s pretty effective strategy because it
29246s does allow you to use that Frozen touch
29249s freely uh as a frostball if you really
29252s want to without having to wait for the
29253s full infused value you know you're going
29255s to get it back later from that savara
29256s anyway and just if you do end up with
29258s multiple copies of it in your hand and
29260s get that duplication effect then the
29262s damage really really picks up rapidly
29264s yeah
29278s you know the play other than the
29281s big and plus the night of an ointment
29283s you know like brand appointment
29288s is that a thing
29290s is what a thing
29291s brand height of anointment
29294s I mean it's a thing
29297s you want to get literal about it
29302s Okay so
29310s maybe they're real slow
29320s yeah it's kind of the situation I was
29322s talking about right just dump it get the
29324s value get it Juiced now you are
29326s duplicating it with the savara
29330s yep
29332s and it is very much looking like it's
29335s going to be one of those uh Frozen touch
29337s path games to the Mage like sometimes
29339s particularly with the streamlined
29340s version of the deck the 30 version uh
29343s blue Mage as TJ has now christened it
29345s sometimes you you need to recognize like
29349s which of the routes to damage you're
29352s looking for because it is primarily like
29354s a damage based burn deck overall right
29357s it's just whether you're doing it with
29358s hero Powers whether you're doing it with
29360s skeletons whether you're doing it with
29361s frozen touches or some combination of
29363s the above overall
29370s yeah in that regard it's a fairly well
29372s put together deck because you know for
29374s example the skeletons while pushing
29375s little bits of Chip damage to your
29377s opponent are also juicing your Frozen
29378s touches so there's just this natural
29380s Synergy between all the sources of
29382s damage
29382s yeah it's just like
29385s usually into being like Mana that's the
29387s limiting factor
29392s chipping away and if you're spending
29395s like four minutes yeah sure you're doing
29398s six damage every turn but that's like
29399s less development they can get
29402s and I got to do one thing each turn
29404s either push the damage or develop enough
29406s stuff to wear your Frozen touches keep
29409s getting reset
29410s but against slower decks like this
29413s quite good
29417s hmm
29430s brand biggin
29435s I very much enjoyed hearing you say big
29437s and that makes me happy
29442s how am I supposed to say a little light
29444s no I like that it's just you know
29448s it's a very British word
29450s goon
29453s burgundy
29460s ah it's late everyone can you tell
29468s but yeah
29475s Graham Finley
29480s who was it that actually happened like
29483s who was it that did that I want to shame
29484s them again all over again after doing it
29487s significantly last time around
29489s I mean if you really want a two four and
29492s a one three on board
29495s sometimes you gotta dig deep
29500s and then
29503s dig deep again
29506s dig deep and then very very carefully
29510s replace every Speck of dirt that you dug
29512s out of the hole to completely and
29515s perfectly fill the hole back in again
29519s I must move quickly
29522s well there's The Vindicator there is
29524s step one of the puzzle that Nolan would
29527s have liked to have completed many many
29528s turns again
29531s and that's not that's a Miss anyway
29544s reporting for Duty he got the main
29546s expenditure I think traded the city tax
29548s again right at the end yeah okay
29553s so Slammer more trash
29557s set up for next turn
29559s [Music]
29561s yeah
29562s thumbs up
29567s yeah yeah
29570s big smile from Nolan
29574s with every step you know before at this
29576s point one of those games Mackie roll
29579s that is a Mackie roll okay
29581s I mean
29585s yeah it is
29587s delaying the inevitable what it feels
29589s like
29592s gotta pick it though only way to stay
29593s alive
29600s hmm
29607s [Music]
29609s pocket train caused physical pain by the
29612s fact that he does not have lethal
29614s anymore
29621s bake of the head wag of the finger no no
29624s no sir counter play is strictly illegal
29627s at this point in the game just let me
29628s win
29630s foreign
29640s and those frozen touches are not
29648s that happens every time yep oh that
29651s doesn't help
29652s I'll put it there
29655s somewhere else
29662s foreign
29666s [Applause]
29673s [Music]
29691s [Music]
29694s or get through all of his duplicates
29698s yep was just not not gonna happen
29708s not even close
29714s Connie has to count a spell yep
29718s that'll do it
29722s predictable
29724s fine
29732s yep just adds back to the hand anyway
29736s out four and then with the wildfires on
29738s the hero power that is just going to be
29739s lethal pocket train waves goodbye is
29741s going to go 4-0 in the end absolutely
29744s straightforward games honestly both of
29747s those series that we have covered here
29749s at the end of the day in our continued
29752s coverage or continuing coverage or
29754s whatever we're deciding to call it now
29758s pretty one-sided overall you know the
29760s what players would go on on Twitter and
29763s describe as non-games unwinnable games
29765s right nothing I did mattered and
29768s sometimes that Soul sometimes that's
29770s tilt uh in both the cases of what we saw
29773s from cheming and Nolan I think that
29776s would be a 100 accurate assessment of
29779s the situation sometimes you just get got
29782s because you're playing a card game
29784s that's right that's right luckily for us
29787s and for the players we have been
29789s watching players that have been
29790s undefeated so even the 3-1 players still
29793s got a
29794s a solid chance but here's our current
29797s up-to-date standings down at round four
29798s our day one is complete
29801s um I mean there's a lot of players here
29803s that
29805s we have not seen much of and a few that
29807s I've I have not read their name before
29809s outside of maybe just browsing through
29811s standings and we also have a ton of
29814s really big names
29817s um in this uh current top 16 there's
29819s even more it goes even further down but
29821s we just saw pocket train there's pun
29824s chilling on there at 4-0 a fury Hunter
29826s okashinski right a lot of a lot of big
29829s names xiaobai as well down there all the
29831s way number 16. Letta
29836s yeah real mixed bag and kind of what you
29839s expect to see in a Masters Tour lineup
29841s right there are a lot of great players
29843s there are a lot of you know up and
29845s comers who are kind of using the system
29847s as intended and pushing their way
29849s through from ladder to qualifiers to the
29851s Masters Tour itself and I think one of
29854s the most exciting things about this year
29856s has been that openness and the increased
29859s branches and routes that players can use
29862s to get to premium level tournaments
29865s right seasonal championships World
29866s Championships last year year before that
29869s was kind of closed off and exclusive to
29870s the Grand Masters system this year it
29872s has been opened up yes we have some
29874s former Grand Masters making up this list
29877s but it it opens the door for the likes
29879s of the names that TJ's saying that you
29881s just kind of see in Brackets and have
29883s not seen get a great deal of camera time
29885s overall or two players that you have not
29889s seen at all because this is literally
29890s their first Masters Tour you know
29892s anything is possible if you really put
29894s things together yes time is running out
29896s yes you will almost certainly need to
29899s have had some prior performances before
29901s this last Masters Tour of the year to
29903s have a realistic route through to the
29904s world championship but anything can
29906s happen all you have to do is pick up
29907s that win
29909s all Texas won
29912s all Texas one and then to uh just name
29915s the four other players who are currently
29917s undefeated that we cannot fit on the
29919s bracket lko who just saw dardar Binks
29921s impact and idle
29924s are the other Bears down there a lot of
29927s notable players at 3-1 I'm not gonna
29929s list them all because there's a lot of
29931s players that are three four rounds of
29932s Swiss and hundreds of players in the
29934s tournament so you guys can head over to
29936s the battlefy bracket if you really want
29938s to uh uh be updated or just go on
29940s Twitter because a lot of players
29944s just tweet out their results
29947s updates on how their match went how
29949s unlucky they got
29950s or if they won how skillful they they
29954s were in those matches that seems to be
29957s uh seems to be the trend so if you want
29959s to read all that by all means
29961s go for it
29963s um and while you're at it you know
29965s twitter.com
29966s [Music]
29971s if you want to read really good tweets
29975s [Music]
29977s thanks thanks for the plug TJ and also
29981s while you're there on on Twitter uh
29983s unfollow Raven that is that's the most
29984s important thing make sure you do that
29989s vegan I don't even know how I said it
29992s it's too late too early whatever time it
29994s is but still we're done anything else
29995s you wanted to say before I uh
29998s do my best attempt at closing off the
30000s show was uh was a great day you know
30003s glad to get the band Back Together cast
30005s some constructed Hearthstone uh
30007s obviously huge Stakes deciding who is
30010s going to be filling up those last few
30011s spaces not in terms of just in terms of
30013s who wins the tournament but also we'll
30014s find out who the other 13 best
30017s performers are they're going to end up
30018s making up the seasonal championships so
30020s we are quickly ramping up towards the
30023s end of the 2022 competitive Hearthstone
30025s season now uh so you know if you wanna
30028s if you want to keep up to date with
30029s everything that's going on through this
30031s through seasonal championships through
30032s worlds you're not going to want to miss
30033s the next couple of days because they're
30034s going to be great
30037s yeah I want those next couple days will
30038s consist of tomorrow we're going to
30039s finish out the Swiss round so we're
30041s going to have rounds five through eight
30042s uh then uh hopefully at the end of the
30044s day tomorrow I'll be able to show you
30045s the top 16 bracket which we will play
30048s through in its entirety uh on Sunday
30052s um so uh tomorrow a lot of hearthstone
30054s Sunday even more Hearthstone uh Sunday
30057s usually goes even longer so if you're a
30060s fan of constructed Hearthstone in the
30062s metagame right now don't worry because
30064s we got you covered
30066s um so tomorrow we're going to start at
30067s the same time the only time I know is in
30069s about my own time I don't know Asia
30072s Pacific time which is where this uh this
30075s term is based off of uh but it's going
30077s to be 3 A.M
30080s steering U.S time or midnight if you're
30084s Pacific time I believe that's correct
30086s and everybody else just do the
30089s conversions
30091s I can't do it I'll Google right now it's
30093s the same time that it started today so
30095s if you're watching at the beginning
30095s today it's the same time so for myself
30097s from subtle the other cash is the
30099s broadcast crew thanks for watching and
30101s we'll see you tomorrow for more
30102s Hearthstone action
30104s [Music]
30107s thank you
30109s [Music]
30119s [Music]
30121s thank you
30125s [Music]
30136s [Music]
30155s foreign
30158s [Music]
30164s [Music]
30177s [Music]
30191s [Music]
30195s thank you
30202s [Music]
30213s [Music]
30221s [Music]
30231s foreign
30240s [Music]
30257s thank you
30265s [Applause]
30278s [Music]
30289s [Music]
30297s all right
30300s [Music]
30308s affects direct damage
30311s [Music]
30315s plus a spell grabs the win from the
30319s clutches of defeat there for Glory
30326s [Music]
30335s [Music]
30339s filthy in every single way
30343s [Music]
30355s [Music]
30362s [Music]
30369s [Music]
30380s foreign
30384s [Music]