over 1 year ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s we arrived at castle nathria earlier
5s this evening and murloc holmes is
6s already hard at work investigating the
8s grounds for any clues as to the sire's
10s untimely passing or rather he says he is
13s to me it appears he's simply looking for
15s his dinner in the mug pools in any case
18s i spotted a most distressing sight as
20s holmes was tucking into some
21s unsuspecting crabs the court jester
23s falling into the muck and emerging
24s moments later as some sort of battle
27s master
28s before taking the life of another
29s unsuspecting guest
31s most perplexing indeed i dare say this
34s will be home's greatest case well my
36s name is dr watfin how does that go faze
39s and zoki feel safe because this
43s oh
46s god
47s at least not men don't see the funny
49s side of that because that is filthy in
53s every single way
55s after the perplexing and violent ordeal
57s in the nearby swamps holmes tasked me
59s with gathering all the guests in the
61s drawing room for tea and interrogation
64s their reports of cyad and atherius's
66s final hours were fascinating to say the
68s least
69s by all accounts he tried to drain the
71s very life force of a man named woods but
74s was distracted by her nearby ooze and
76s fish meaning the supposed victim escaped
78s without a scratch the scullery maid even
81s claimed to have overheard him exclaim
83s never lucky rubber ducky the plot
86s thickens yet further dear reader
88s stenathias is up to like ten yeah
91s actually ten oh my god
95s oh he missed he missed everyone
99s oh he's not dead though
101s he's still not dead what is this game
105s got 20 what 25
109s also what gets to heal this turn
113s and go above a damage hero power
117s from euster that's right oh my god and
119s he gets to freeze
121s so we can just go mccor munch that eats
123s the donathrius on the other side
125s guaranteed
127s oh gets the heel the heels so big
132s i cannot believe one million damage
138s what are even the outs now for us does
140s he have another guardian maybe or i
142s think the outs are in the next game
144s derek at this point i think it might be
146s i i
147s even what like
149s even a guardian woods has two guardians
152s so you can't win that fight right like
154s it's just not gonna matter
157s and the problem now is
158s oosters in range of us hit damage hero
161s power woods is not and if you assume
163s they they get their own hero powers at
166s the same rate
167s who's just forever going to be in the
169s soft danger zone right yeah
176s oh nemo's not gonna help this time
179s i think that's it
183s got
184s nemo gorlok
187s and then you can get an amalgam but that
189s can't even discover you anything that
191s allows you to survive
193s oh that's gonna be game woods takes it
196s and i know we started the series off of
198s the game off sorry saying like well
200s these shaymin games go long they get
202s very grindy but i will say derek this
204s one one of the more exciting ones i've
207s had the pleasure to cast wow
209s while i would posit that holmes and i
211s make quite the formidable pair i am now
213s forced to concede that glug and lush
215s water scout appear to take the
217s proverbial cake
219s speaking of which i wonder if cookie has
221s another slice of that delectable
222s victoria sponge
224s where could he have gotten to glug who
226s knew it's the uh
230s the body movie we all needed there's no
232s way
234s wait you get the weapon too for the
236s weapon too dude plus the extra one
238s damage okay this is actually a lot it's
240s a lot a lot so this is going to be an
242s extra four attack on glug from these
245s because it's just that the base right
247s yeah
249s okay it's not enough but
252s it's close it's really close does mean
255s lock hillary's active but i don't know
257s about fire there's a 13-17
261s it's always clogged dude
264s okay so you have alignment lock a lot
266s plus null now that just doesn't matter
269s it's still too big you have starfish
275s lochellar or starfish knoll lock collar
279s that's not good enough
284s um
287s aquatic form for scale and then you
290s scale then starfish
293s okay now because nope
296s losing attacking the weapon as well yeah
299s no no you you'd trade off first and then
301s starfish yeah yeah because yeah the the
304s gloves
305s would lose the rush yeah yeah
308s ah
310s gur
312s uh null means you have another zero cost
315s minion if you wanted to alignment right
317s now like you can go lock a lot double
319s knoll which is in almost every situation
321s good enough to save you but quite
322s clearly
323s still not here
332s oh man so close at the end on the other
335s side of the board exactly well you know
338s uh there was the option for siren
339s afterwards that turn with kale those
341s because there was an amalgam in hand so
342s yeah that was lethal in all sorts of
344s ways there we go glory moving on to the
346s top four
347s there are about four suspects remaining
349s hailing mostly from the faraway land of
351s apac
353s while i have heard great tale of their
355s reputation as master tacticians and as
357s home so eloquently puts it
359s high rollers that hit glide on curve
361s every game
363s nothing could have prepared me for the
364s sight that met me later that very night
367s woods the man i pegged as the most
369s likely perpetrator was eliminated as a
371s possibility after being dispatched by a
373s naga queen and her rather fearsome
375s looking knife i must say this whole
377s ordeal is playing havoc with my stomach
380s still as my father always used to say
383s ribbit
384s ribbit
386s words i take great solace in for
388s worthwhile at this point
390s for him to try and samurai this
393s very is true
394s he actually has lethal or not
396s let's have bless that's nine health
398s already
402s i'll lock this in quick
404s it's to zola
407s the priestess
409s 13 14 15 1670's one off
421s wait that was
424s that just wasn't a full turn though was
426s it
429s right
432s he could have traded the 1-3 away
436s played a a real wig and not a one that
438s disappears zola the priestess have room
441s play another wig have room to play the
444s priestess i think he can then do exactly
446s what he did at the end anyway
448s okay oh
451s okay
452s how much damage now there's five taunt
454s uh health to go through these two twos
457s could kind of go anywhere at this point
459s okay
460s doesn't really cut it
462s you just have flurry
465s one thing to note
467s there's still
471s oh he wins queen ashara into ring into
473s shard
479s is there any way to gain case is the
481s cold case in the deck
483s you use the cool case last lap
485s is there oh there's a cool case in the
488s commander
489s wait deep water invoker
491s in hand
494s his board is full
496s he can ping
497s it's fine he pinged face
500s wait
501s it would ring pushyard that's it wait
504s what we have
516s a spell grabs the win
518s from the clutches of defeat there for
521s glory and it does mean we are having
524s that all aipac final that derek has
527s dreamed of since he was a made boy when
530s you have eliminated all which is
531s impossible then whatever remains however
534s improbable must be the truth
536s undeniably the maxim which allows holmes
538s to be the great analytical mind he is
541s but i must say my faith in these
542s immutable words has been tested this
544s evening
545s a fight broke out between the last two
547s suspects tansoku and glory and while
550s this may not be too surprising in itself
552s the manner of said quarrel beggars
554s belief
555s glory employed the use of a nearby
557s unsuspecting flock of sheep enchanting
560s one with some sort of dark magic into a
562s behemoth that would rival the colossi of
565s the sunken city
566s however even this blasphemous
568s incantation couldn't overcome the arcane
571s brilliance of tansoku who had finally
573s defeated all who came before him and uh
577s is our culprit i suppose
580s to be perfectly honest with you dear
581s reader i'm not entirely sure what murloc
584s holmes actually did this investigation
587s or that it was even an investigation at
589s all i overheard the butler saying
591s something about it being a hearthstone
593s tournament
594s and why are there murloc footprints all
597s over the castle
599s oh well all just unimportant details in
601s another thrilling installment of the
603s adventures of dr watfin
606s title pending
608s yeah
610s uh you could with both wigs used right
614s there's
615s no wig in hand
616s oh my god
620s okay so we just need one mass polymorph
622s here two shots at it
626s there it is there it is
628s oh my goodness
631s oh the cold case as well yeah it just
633s makes it even tougher to kill to kill
637s is there a shadow word devour left in
639s the deck oh
641s it was
645s wrong perfect
647s i think that means we're getting the
648s conceit
650s oh
651s my goodness you know
653s well played by both here really really
657s keeping us in uh loads of tension till
659s the end couldn't ask for a better series
662s go into a full five games and you know i
665s think this just means that mage is the
667s better fourth deck right
675s you