over 1 year ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
19s so
36s [Music]
42s [Music]
51s [Music]
70s foreign
72s [Music]
93s so
95s [Music]
101s um
106s [Music]
161s so
169s [Music]
178s [Music]
250s roof
283s [Music]
294s [Music]
310s something
311s [Music]
332s [Music]
350s [Music]
370s [Music]
384s [Music]
403s [Music]
448s [Applause]
450s [Music]
465s [Music]
494s [Music]
517s [Applause]
519s [Music]
520s [Applause]
526s [Music]
540s do
543s [Music]
608s so
609s [Music]
656s hmm
667s [Music]
696s [Music]
768s roof
803s [Music]
812s [Music]
829s foreign
830s [Music]
850s [Music]
868s [Music]
888s [Music]
892s do
902s [Music]
921s [Music]
934s [Music]
950s okay i can rest this problem now i'm
953s much happier having seen this happen pew
955s pew pew pew pew
959s [Music]
965s the cleric is still alive the pyro ready
968s to whirlwind the amulet of the undying
970s coming down the boar is getting it done
972s drovo can see and pocket train is the
976s winner of masters tour for sheer water
979s performance
980s [Music]
989s hello everyone and welcome to day two of
992s hearthstone masters tour murder at
994s castle nathria not the shortest name for
997s a masters tour in the world but
998s definitely been a good one so far i'm
1000s raven and joining me is edelweiss now we
1002s are ready to kick off the day but how
1004s did you enjoy yesterday
1007s you know i had a blast watching all the
1009s matches yesterday we had one with fury
1011s hunter where i got to feel vindicated
1013s that school teacher belongs in naga
1015s priest
1016s it's it's been great yeah i think
1019s it's always fun to see what people have
1022s been
1023s hiding and holding out on us we saw that
1025s as well with lambie's rogue that has
1027s made its way
1029s made itself known in this tournament and
1031s i think is going to become one of my
1032s favorite decks going forward
1034s yeah the deck's definitely been making
1035s an impact with a lot of players actually
1037s uh saying that on paper it didn't look
1040s great but they gave it a try and they're
1041s actually been impressed by even players
1043s who aren't even playing in this masters
1044s tour so excited to see how many of those
1047s can make it potentially to that top 16
1050s and but we have got a lot of action
1051s coming up today but let's just go over
1053s the format for anyone who wasn't with us
1055s yesterday he's maybe just catching up at
1057s the beginning of the weekend and we are
1059s of course going to be playing out
1060s conquest the go-to competitive format
1063s for hearthstone of course there's eight
1065s total rounds of swiss we had four played
1067s out yesterday we have four more today
1070s and then by the end of that we're going
1071s to work out who's finishing in that top
1073s 16 cut it's gonna be played out tomorrow
1075s and then we'll crown our winner so still
1077s tons of hearthstone uh coming right up
1080s but uh it's been a pretty spicy weekend
1083s so far even though we're only one day in
1085s with a lot of players of course at that
1087s 4-0 mark so excited to see how they can
1090s do a little bit later on uh but for now
1093s it's uh we'll have to wait just to see
1094s what the first match of the day is going
1096s to be but before we do let's check out
1098s the prize pool and see what these
1099s players are competing for and not only
1102s prize pool of course but uh potential
1104s points to go towards that uh
1106s championship that will be coming up in
1108s the near future
1110s yeah this is the end of an era we don't
1113s know what hs esports is gonna look like
1115s next year but we're gonna
1117s you know take it out with a bang and
1119s we've got first place 14 thousand second
1122s place ten thousand and i think these pay
1125s out pretty far down even below what is
1127s being shown here so
1130s lots of prize money available to all our
1132s competitors and yeah hopefully a chance
1135s to qualify for you know the very last of
1138s our known events for this year
1140s yeah it's going to be a big deal isn't
1141s it especially when we start to see who
1143s makes that top 16 cut of course it's
1145s done by wins overall when we talk about
1148s the championship qualification so that
1150s will be interesting not to say that you
1152s have to make top 16 to have a chance is
1154s based on the three masters tours but
1157s without diving too much into that for
1158s now let's take a look at what happened
1159s yesterday we kicked it off with a maybe
1162s one of the most stressful times i've
1163s seen fury hunter have in this series
1166s quite
1167s well described by the the imagery of his
1169s camera there it was a really really
1170s close series very back and forth but
1172s capernaum got the job done and got a
1174s very nice win there and then things
1176s started to speed up just a little bit
1178s didn't they
1179s yeah we've got our very
1181s expressionless dryer phone trying to get
1183s there with a hunter against the druid
1186s but just not able to present a fast
1188s enough threat and ends up getting
1190s overrun by topiar just a very powerful
1193s tool for druids these days and here you
1195s see the topiar on the side of gia
1199s not you know
1200s unfortunately for us as casters pulling
1203s for her but
1204s not quite able to get there against
1205s soteg sotek played very well the whole
1208s series uh hope maybe we'll see both of
1210s them later on and then we saw donkey
1213s versus sx wl uh going up here in a quick
1217s 3-0 win donkey doing fantastic i think
1220s we'll be uh maybe checking in with
1222s donkey in the very near future once
1224s again on stream because he seems to be
1225s having one of those just very very good
1228s runs indeed we did then jump over to
1230s swan versus incaro where swan managed to
1233s take the series at 3-2 and with yet
1235s again any shaman shown on these replays
1237s but there's that rookie we were talking
1239s about with monsanto piloting it and
1240s they're looking very very strong indeed
1243s just overrun enticed on the celestial
1245s druid and not really able to get the
1248s benefit of the alignment going off there
1250s is monsanto just having enough damage to
1252s close it out in a good amount of time
1255s yeah and then a surprise fast win from
1258s the shaman here where the evolve just
1260s rolls battleground battlemaster and
1262s zolchi is able to just take a win
1264s against the hunter out of nowhere uh
1266s sort of accidental nice positioning for
1269s the battle master there
1271s and the devil matt had a really good
1273s series against reimu overall but this
1275s game was exactly what he wanted to see
1276s with his hunter he got a very strong
1278s start with one drop into buff buff and
1280s so on with wild spirits and it was just
1283s too much to handle for the warlock and
1285s then their impact versus reliquary was
1287s one of the later matches we had
1289s yesterday with reliquary just about
1291s finishing off impact couldn't quite get
1293s enough done even though weirdly enough
1295s he was the shaman as the tavish but
1298s maybe go back and watch the vodka
1299s understand how that happened and then we
1301s had this amazing ending to the to the
1303s day for us because we cast this one of
1306s c8 just absolutely demolishing construct
1309s in that final game getting a win with
1311s that curse wall up and really popping
1313s off with one of the new legendaries yeah
1316s i think it shows just the power of lady
1318s dark vayne and how many curses you can
1320s get rolling now brandly darkvane there
1323s giving four curses immediately for
1325s lethal and curse warlock i think has
1327s been surprisingly strong performance
1330s over the weekend when you do look at the
1332s stats
1334s and where's shaman
1335s you know still strong it's being banned
1338s i think 41 percent of the time it's it's
1341s the top ban for the tournament
1343s yeah it's always difficult is that when
1344s there's one class or you know one or two
1347s decks that you everyone knows is good
1349s everyone knows that a lot of people are
1350s going to bring it like it's win
1353s win rate might not look as impressive
1355s but that's normally because the only
1356s people leaving it up are generally
1358s people who have a plan against it that's
1361s normally how this sort of overall
1362s strategy goes in at conquest but before
1364s we dive into the first match of the day
1366s on stream let's take a look at the
1368s standings and see where everyone is
1369s going into day two as i said take a look
1372s at those four o's and see the players
1374s who have i guess just simply the best
1377s chance of making it to top 16 as of this
1379s moment in time uh i do believe as a
1381s slight spoiler i think donkey's already
1384s won his his round five match saying he's
1386s currently sitting 5-0 already but this
1389s was coming into today so a lot of great
1391s names on that 4-0 score edelweiss
1393s yeah reliquary who we saw went over
1395s impact yesterday with that quest hunter
1398s and uh yeah monsanto coming out in the
1401s 15 spot there i think we'd be cheering
1404s for him as well but lots of new players
1407s additionally
1409s so
1410s everyone has you know an opportunity
1412s here and of course the three ones are
1414s still in it as well and there are very
1415s very many three ones who have the
1417s opportunity to win out and claim their
1420s spot in the top eight yeah i'm sure
1422s there'll be plenty of cheers for
1423s monsanto and a few other players of
1425s course than the masters tour because uh
1427s there might be the glimmer of hope for
1430s the rarest of all creatures
1432s and america's masters tour winner uh in
1434s the wild we might see it one day
1437s one one day
1439s there's got to be hope until the day
1441s that masters tours don't exist anymore
1443s there's still going to be hope but let's
1445s take a look at who we're going to kick
1446s off the day with it's going to be
1447s thunder versus love storm love storm a
1450s previous winner of a masters tour
1452s winninger and nixie's light a while back
1455s now i think at the start of the year and
1456s he's going to be going up against
1458s thunder and this is a pretty mixed bag
1460s kind of line up here love storm uh
1462s bringing the you know the 40 card
1464s chairman 40 card alignment druid but
1466s then curse warlock with some imps in
1469s there as well uh and then the mine rogue
1472s going up against thunder who has the
1474s lambie rogue face hunter the um
1478s oh yeah this is just the the imp lock
1480s sorry i was just trying to get so many
1482s different cards in these lists and the
1484s shaman himself so two very different
1487s lineups actually going against each
1488s other with the hunter and chairman
1490s bandai
1491s yeah we'll sort of get to see which
1492s rogue is going to reign supreme here i
1494s don't believe we've seen a mine rogue
1496s yet today on broadcast but it's one that
1499s i've heard can perform well against
1501s these lambie rogues we'll have to put
1503s that to the test uh as you say though
1506s imp warlock it almost is
1508s a misnomer sometimes when there's curses
1511s mixed in there or they're doing kale
1514s fast and atheist things it's sort of
1516s riding on the strength of sort of the
1519s imp package and then filling it out with
1521s whatever other strategy you is to your
1524s liking right
1526s and here we look at some of the key
1527s parts about love storm of course as i
1529s said the masters tournix is layer winner
1532s and a great record this year 67.5
1536s win rate uh in in obviously competitive
1539s hearthstone is something that i would be
1541s very happy with myself and and also a
1544s fellow caster so not uh g not the only
1546s caster who's playing in the tournament
1548s today you'd love to see it
1550s hey language hacker is playing in the
1551s tournament too so you know we can maybe
1554s include him as well
1557s yeah it becomes very interesting doesn't
1559s it where where do we draw the line
1561s between a caster and someone who has
1563s cast before because suddenly we'll have
1565s to like think about putting hunt
1567s into race in this list and i'm not sure
1569s how i feel about that we'll have to i'll
1570s speak to casper on that one uh but for
1572s now uh we are gonna see what the players
1575s are gonna queue into that game number
1577s one i'm really excited for this just
1578s because the lineups are so so different
1580s both players as you mentioned having
1582s access to those rogues we are going to
1584s see thunder kick it off with lambie
1585s rogue first and also just these warlocks
1588s as well they're going to be pretty cool
1590s to see who comes out on top but this
1592s list taking the world by storm at the
1594s moment otherwise
1596s yeah you do still have shadowcrafters
1598s scabs at the top there but otherwise
1600s it's really all about the early game you
1602s know that's just kind of a backup you've
1603s got the sinstone graveyard door of
1606s shadows i think has really impressed me
1609s you know if you can infuse it which it's
1611s only infused too so it's often not that
1614s hard with just
1615s you know a couple of early minions but
1617s even uninfused just drawing a spell can
1619s be fine
1620s it feels fantastic though when you dwarf
1622s shadows into step and get an extra step
1624s or same thing with preparation those are
1626s the turns you really get to pop off and
1628s make a massive necro-lord draco weapon
1631s or uh stealth ghost
1634s yeah it's it's a deck that i'll honestly
1637s say when i first looked today i was like
1639s okay you just play stuff and get them
1641s you know like this that's a level one
1643s strategy there but the more you play it
1645s and the more you well i lose with it you
1648s quickly realize that it's a it's a lot
1650s about planning taking a step back
1653s instead of having two okay turns it's
1656s normally better to sit back and and have
1658s a weaker turn into a very strong turn
1661s and that's actually often way better for
1663s your overall game plan but tricky to
1665s actually master because to do that i do
1667s feel like you need a good amount of
1668s experience and i would be very
1670s interested to know how much uh all the
1673s players who have submitted this list
1675s have actually you know how many games
1676s they've got under their belt because i
1678s think there's a lot of that just
1679s experience that's required knowing okay
1682s how many cards is too many how often do
1684s you actually just dump a prep to kind of
1686s do nothing except above your turn so to
1689s speak and things like that so it could
1691s be interesting to see that play out and
1693s it's going to be the rogue mirror but
1695s definitely not in archetypes
1698s yeah this has been another deck that's
1700s taken some transformations where
1702s initially it was just all about mines
1705s and and going face very quickly and then
1707s it shifted over to throwing in a burning
1709s blade acolyte and going for swift scale
1712s trickster plus smoke screen which
1714s when it hits with the graveyard active
1716s can be
1717s quite powerful i mean getting the draw
1719s five on turn you know four or three with
1722s coin obviously strong on its own but if
1724s you do manage to pull out a couple of
1726s five eight taunts or you know eight
1728s damage to the face quite thrilled about
1730s that and yeah sometimes even without the
1733s smoke screen you can just do snowfall
1735s into sketchy information into
1737s counterfeit blade and the damage just
1739s ramps up very very quickly i would have
1741s thought this deck would be harder to run
1744s into a lot of the 40 health lists right
1746s now but perhaps the burning blade
1748s acolytes are able to shore up
1750s some of the extra damage that you need
1752s to to get through against them yeah it's
1754s very interesting isn't it because a lot
1756s of the 40 health lists they don't
1757s actually have access to that much
1759s healing so although they obviously have
1760s a natural plus 10 health going into the
1763s game which you'd never want to see as
1764s mine rogue it's not like there's ton
1766s it's like everyone's playing forty
1767s health paladin right and they are priest
1770s and has endless healing right now so i
1772s do think it's a it's a good plan a
1774s followed by some of that more late game
1776s that you were talking about so very
1777s interested see how this one pans out so
1780s far we are getting into it thunder
1781s versus love storm game one snowfall
1785s graveyard kept
1788s i think for both decks the graveyard is
1790s gonna tend to be a keep it's just such a
1792s powerful card in each obviously in
1794s different ways but
1796s even if
1797s you are wanting to hit the draw in this
1800s mine rogue graveyard just increases your
1803s threat potential by by so much that it's
1805s it's worth keeping but
1807s both minds is
1809s not what you're hoping for as this deck
1811s you really want to pull those
1813s off of your your draw spells so uh
1817s yeah a bit unfortunate there for love
1819s storm in terms of this opening just
1820s having to
1821s dagger up and swing
1823s gonna be looking for a smoke screen on
1825s that turn four with the trickster but if
1828s we don't find something quick it's it's
1830s really not going to be there it's
1832s thunder's hand on the other hand
1835s just kind of all the juice warlock hero
1837s power as well dangerous into something
1839s like a mine rogue but the resources can
1842s uh be quite helpful
1844s yeah it's gonna be interesting to see
1845s how thunder actually approaches this
1848s because you know while paul just
1850s throwing it out there is fine there's
1852s not tons of ways it actually dies with
1854s that health but to choose to go for the
1856s life tap because again
1858s you know that outside of those potential
1861s taunts
1862s that this rogue doesn't really stop you
1865s doing anything though the rogue's very
1867s focused on themselves a lot of the time
1869s right very selfish class um so
1872s thunder knows if he can wait and then
1874s have one of those big pop off turns
1876s there's nothing that really stops him
1879s just swinging face either with the uh
1881s the big dagger or with the big stealth
1883s minions so i do actually like utilizing
1885s the live tap especially after not really
1887s seeing too much come out from love storm
1889s so far but he doesn't like he's going to
1891s take this turn to activate the graveyard
1893s that's going to last a few turns and
1895s hopefully for his sake
1897s it gets some damage through at least
1900s yeah i like this you sort of need to
1901s take advantage of as much mana
1903s efficiency as possible on something like
1905s the mine rogue so doing the three mena
1907s spell now
1908s so that you can get down forsaken
1910s lieutenant and maybe a naval mine on the
1912s same turn swing into something like this
1914s and all activate your counterfeit blade
1917s it's not quite gonna line up in terms of
1920s being able to
1921s double the death rattle on the
1922s counterfeit blade unless you are able to
1925s break it yourself somehow but uh still
1928s getting in the double damage this turn
1930s you know they're not able to clear the
1932s other mine without taking double damage
1934s as well
1936s furthering that game plan
1937s just how you want to as the mine rogue
1939s and that's why i'm a little surprised to
1941s have seen that tap previously from
1943s thunder because you could have just gone
1945s with a coin
1946s shroud of concealment and be able to
1948s play the knoll for free
1953s yeah we'll see if it punishes thunder or
1955s not but he's making a big play on to the
1957s board now
1958s love storm did get because that death
1960s threat went off he does get to
1961s counterfeit blade if he really wants to
1964s does have now double tooth
1966s there's an alternate option here to
1967s clear up some of this
1970s and i think love storms may be
1972s considering just
1973s trying to use this graveyard while it's
1975s still there maybe thinking about using
1978s tooth on his own
1980s mind
1981s you know you can't do that on both minds
1982s but you can sort of get one in play and
1984s kill one and then use the counterfeit
1986s blade on the next turn yeah he can
1988s always start by using a tooth on the
1990s null
1991s right unless he's thinking about saving
1992s it anyway
1995s yeah of course i do think it's worth
1996s just seeing what you can fish out here
1998s it kills a null very cleanly you get the
2000s discover yes it maybe doesn't strictly
2003s accelerate your own game plan but
2006s it it does something i think anything
2007s else might be a little bit
2010s awkward but love storm looks like he's
2012s gonna say you know what actually
2013s i might just equip the dagger and hit
2015s them in the face because that's what
2017s that does and i can respect it i don't
2019s know if it's the play i would make but i
2020s can definitely respect it
2022s i mean you definitely are on you know a
2024s bit of a race here to to get them killed
2027s so equipping the weapon now gives you
2029s the most time to get the value out of it
2032s even if you lose the graveyard uh it's
2034s another you know four damage to face
2036s plus the four from the death rattle uh
2038s so that is a setup here in terms of
2041s having six damage from hand
2043s with the two
2044s tooths
2046s could just be enough
2051s yeah it's just actually going to have
2052s enough right yeah just a two-turn set up
2055s yeah i actually just did nothing expect
2056s the damage from the second west wing for
2058s some reason
2060s you know four damage weapons in rogue
2063s are just
2064s they tend to be powerful one way or
2066s another all the time and this one is in
2069s some ways
2071s an extra four damage right almost an
2073s extra durability because of how
2075s frequently it just gets the mayan death
2076s rattle so very quick game for love storm
2079s there and uh from my understanding that
2081s is just how it goes sometimes like like
2084s you say no healing from the other rogue
2086s so 30 health able to get taken care of
2089s very quickly
2090s yeah definitely a tough one and again
2092s it's one of those match-ups where even
2094s though love storm didn't strictly get
2096s the nuts opening i do think him getting
2099s the forsaken lieutenant saved him in
2102s that game because then he could okay pop
2104s that death rattle great and then the
2106s weapon becomes much stronger because it
2108s gains that death rattle and then from
2110s that point he could do the face hunter
2111s thing right how much health does my
2113s opponent have how much damage do i do
2115s how likely are they to burst and again
2117s something about this rogue on
2119s thunderside
2120s although we like the deck a lot it
2122s hasn't really got
2123s any consistent burst right
2126s outside of exactly a big dagger out of
2128s nowhere which is unlikely on this turn
2130s with the cell and it doesn't really have
2132s that guaranteed huge damage
2135s so lovestorm felt pretty confident that
2137s he was living that
2139s yeah absolutely i mean wicked stab at
2141s that turn only does four you know they
2144s do have tooth but it's really just not
2146s the same level of
2148s out of nowhere damage that the mind
2150s rogue is able to produce so sometimes
2152s you just have to
2154s resist the urge to say oh i've got to
2156s clear some of this stuff you know what
2158s if they have
2159s something to put in the way but no
2161s reconnaissance i think in in this
2163s version of the lambie rogue so
2166s no potential taunts out of nowhere i
2168s think love storm is feeling pretty
2170s confident in that two-term lethal setup
2172s and then next up i do believe that love
2174s stop is going to jump over to his druid
2176s which is the 40 card alignment
2179s version and again this one a little bit
2181s spicy because
2183s this is one of the decks that might
2185s struggle just a little bit against this
2187s rogue because thunder is going to stick
2189s on this lambie rogue uh if like uh and
2192s they said if lambie now that's my
2194s frustration with the name oh no i
2196s started calling everyone
2197s um but if
2199s if thunder can actually get one of the
2201s openings like with the double knolls get
2203s an early sin stone and do that it looks
2206s great but you aren't really guaranteed
2209s that opening as the rogue so it could
2211s get a little bit tricky because the the
2213s fear factor with druid it's not like the
2214s old days where if you stick a couple of
2216s minions you feel great like lust on one
2219s has 40 health and two is playing druid
2221s today which means that the access to
2224s ramp is ridiculous he's also running
2226s double earthen scales which means
2228s even late game as long as he's not dead
2230s if he gets to land one big minion and in
2232s earthen scales suddenly
2235s the druid becomes very quickly out of
2237s reach of the rogue
2239s yeah it really is going to be important
2241s to snowball the early game from this
2245s rogue and we saw that happen against
2247s tice earlier but sometimes the draws are
2250s a little more awkward you do have to
2251s wait a little while to get a payoff and
2253s if the druid is ramping during that time
2256s they're just going to
2258s take full advantage to be able to
2260s put out you know enormous minions it's
2263s one of the weird things you notice when
2264s you start playing this roguelist is
2266s there actually aren't that many minions
2268s in the deck right like you actually
2270s quickly realize a lot of the deck i mean
2273s two prep shadow steps cutlass door of
2276s shadows uh gun fishing extortion that's
2279s like you know i'm already getting to the
2280s point where that's nearly half the deck
2282s it's just all those like sort of cheap
2283s spells that are good for achieving your
2286s goal but not good on their own right you
2288s need that sin stone uh to be able to
2290s utilize those and a lot of those cards
2292s don't actually achieve much versus druid
2295s specifically because they're not playing
2297s that many minions that like extortion
2300s yeah or even the um bone spikes are
2303s really gonna have an effect versus right
2305s they're not just dumping out little
2306s minions all the time so we'll have to
2308s see how this one goes but i do feel like
2310s thunder's gonna need something
2312s really good to actually get going maybe
2314s even a start similar to the previous
2316s game
2317s yeah i think that one of the reasons
2319s something like a filet fighter is in the
2321s deck is not just because it's a very
2322s cheap thing to play that does damage but
2325s also because it's a thing you can kill
2327s on your own with bone spike to get the
2329s combos rolling if your opponent doesn't
2331s have uh minions for you to be hitting so
2334s it kind of serves that double function
2336s you know the lack of minions is sort of
2339s a double-edged sword because it does
2341s allow you to take full advantage of
2342s shroud of concealment
2344s so that card is able to fairly reliably
2347s draw you the very few but very powerful
2350s minions within the deck so you can find
2352s something like an edwin or a draka to
2354s really get your win condition rolling
2357s but
2358s here's one of those awkward hands
2359s krabatoa and shadowcrafter scabs not
2362s exactly what thunder's looking for in an
2364s opener
2366s also just look at love storm's hand what
2369s else do you want in life apart from this
2372s hand what he had jerry rigg turned to
2375s wild growth into golf into whatever part
2378s of nourish he wants to cast he has the
2380s northern scales already which means as
2382s soon as he just has the option of one of
2384s many of the large minions in the deck he
2387s can just gain a million armor at the
2389s moment thunder's considering the air the
2392s weird choice i've thought about a few
2393s times is sin stone on two feels
2395s fantastic but you also reveal yourself
2398s as rogue which means the wild paws don't
2400s really get any cheaper so it's kind of a
2403s weird juggling thing i played the game
2405s earlier where i actually waited another
2406s turn and ended up going sin stone wild
2409s paw wild ball which paid off a lot but
2411s it's very tricky to decide
2413s oh and to immediately pick up the shroud
2416s you know you obviously couldn't have
2417s known that would happen but waiting one
2419s more turn would have meant the null goes
2421s down to two and then zero once you play
2423s the shroud so
2425s maybe a little bit of a punish there for
2427s thunder but you can just play the null
2429s for three and a three and a three five
2430s rush is still a good rate just not
2433s exactly what you're looking for and i
2434s think more importantly the other null is
2436s also going to be yeah
2438s i'm just sorry just look at that i was
2440s waiting for thunder's response and it
2442s was the correct one
2443s yeah a unhappy laugh if such a thing
2447s exists from thunder there seeing the gov
2449s get played on curve and now there's even
2451s more that came from oh no even the
2454s innervate to get out the hero power to
2456s be on eight ready for this alignment
2459s next turn uh followed by all of the
2462s nourishes and another wild growth
2464s honestly i i don't know what you do
2466s about that it's all over
2468s even if the hand were better you don't
2470s quite get going this quickly as the
2472s rogue most of the time so
2475s unless thunder is able to present you
2477s know a very strong board right now and
2480s and love storm just sort of draws dead i
2483s i don't know how far you're getting i i
2487s guess
2487s never bring us krapatoa and scabs are at
2490s least great things to have going into an
2493s opposing alignment because they get
2494s cheaper
2496s but saving this coin is rough i think
2499s that turn honestly would have had to
2501s have been like shadow step prep door of
2505s shadows something else and then end with
2507s the sin stone and uh
2509s uh dagger and necrolord um you know
2512s something that silly right like that
2514s many things to really pop off to have
2516s any chance i'm not even saying that
2518s would win i'm just saying that'll give
2519s thunder a chance but now with all of the
2522s ramp available the scale of enyxia as
2525s well just to laugh
2527s why not
2529s yeah i mean i think you tend against
2532s this 40 car druid to sort of say okay
2535s well we we don't just play around all
2537s the things because it's 40 cards they
2539s they they don't just have it right and
2541s then to get a discovered alignment
2544s sort of is just extra salt in the wound
2546s here and yeah as you say i think we
2548s would have had to get
2550s at least some semblance of a stealth
2552s minion off of the cemetery already
2554s because now
2555s you're never really getting anything too
2557s high maybe a 4-4 if you go
2560s you know coin door prep something
2565s oh it's a big ask and honest honestly i
2568s wouldn't be too surprised if we saw a
2571s swift concede from sunday if
2573s thunder was blise right now we'd already
2576s be in the next game uh because he does
2578s not mess about yeah there we go i
2580s thought so yeah
2581s because there's just no way he just
2583s can't do anything he's barely even
2585s scratched lovestorm's health total
2587s we knew that there was plenty more
2589s health where that came from and
2592s the second love storm pops off with not
2594s only the alignment but then multiple
2596s sort of nourishes he had available as
2598s well and then to finish the turn with
2601s raid boss and nixia it's like well
2603s uh thunder's never getting back on board
2605s again and you can't win the game as that
2608s rogue without being on board so yeah
2610s really really rough series so far
2612s thunder probably a little bit frustrated
2614s right about now but he's gonna have to
2616s keep his cool because he's still got a
2618s chance
2619s yeah and that's what separates you know
2621s sort of the best players from the the
2623s pretty good players is if you're able to
2625s keep that mental game rolling say okay
2627s i'm down two but i'm just gonna pretend
2629s it's zero zero pull myself together and
2631s we can still come back and get the
2633s reverse sweep uh you know it's
2635s heartbreaking to to just get blown out
2637s like that but i think sometimes if
2639s you're able to get your head on straight
2640s you're able to say okay that happens
2643s it's not my fault you know i did what i
2644s could uh we weren't gonna win that one
2647s and just move on
2649s yeah i mean that's the thing uh in a
2650s perfect world and this obviously isn't
2652s necessarily the case but you take the
2654s very logical approach of right well the
2657s game's over it's done it doesn't matter
2659s anymore right that the game's lost let's
2661s move on to the next game because what's
2663s happened already just doesn't matter in
2665s any way because thunder's plan is still
2668s the same he needs to win with each of
2669s his decks like that's plan hasn't really
2671s changed yet so uh yeah got to keep his
2673s head on straight and keep us cool for
2675s this but it looks like now of course
2677s love storm gonna have this warlock uh
2680s left to go with and it is a
2682s predominantly the curse lock and again
2684s there are some imps in there but again
2686s it's mainly for that air for that car
2689s draw from impending catastrophe as
2691s something that we've seen you know who
2693s would have thought warlock likes card
2694s draw and so it is gonna have the
2697s impending catastrophe some of the imps
2699s and again because of that
2700s if you've got space you sort of go well
2702s if i'm playing any games i should
2704s probably play vowel library and then it
2706s sort of beefs itself out into this i
2708s wouldn't even call it a 50 50 deck
2710s mainly a 60 40 deck for curses and then
2713s imps
2714s yeah this is a little bit different than
2715s the one we saw yesterday yesterday it
2717s was an xl deck so 40 cards and uh still
2720s running things like bran etc to go all
2723s in on the curses this is you're sticking
2725s to the three cards you still have your
2727s your flame imps and things it's not just
2730s shipment and circle to go with impending
2732s catastrophe uh kind of much more hybrid
2736s sort of feel where you're you're wanting
2738s to get that early in start to kind of
2741s put pressure on your opponent with the
2742s vile library being so powerful but then
2744s the curses act as
2746s sort of an awkward burst that you have
2749s access to yeah you know maybe gives you
2752s a little bit of edge against some other
2754s import locks as well because you
2756s actually do have a comeback in the form
2758s of things like abyssal wave but yeah
2761s sometimes
2762s if you're the imp deck you just lose
2764s board and you're like well but i got
2766s enough damage in we'll we'll throw some
2767s curses your way and just you know draw
2770s it out especially with the prevalence of
2772s freeze decks right now looking at
2774s shaymin and mage specifically of course
2775s like if your board gets frozen with pure
2778s imps there's almost nothing you can do
2780s you just pass right so at least with
2783s curses there are options there and
2785s basically what this does for lovestorm
2787s is it sacrifices the normal healing and
2789s removal from a lot of older curse locks
2792s and replaces it saying well i won't need
2794s the healing removal if i just have imps
2796s on the board to fight anyway so we'll
2798s see how this one plays out starting off
2800s with again a couple of hips down right
2802s now thunder yet again with a null in his
2805s opening hand one thing that has been
2806s going right for him is that those nulls
2809s seems to get them every single game so
2811s far
2813s yeah and i think there's a decision here
2815s in terms of do you play the filet
2816s fighter or keep discounting that null
2818s this time going for the extra discounts
2820s but
2821s vile library could just come down and
2824s start
2825s you know hitting with some pretty chunky
2826s minions i think you go for that over the
2828s draw
2829s yeah i'm even staring at this coin and
2833s librarian coin obviously valuable in
2835s this deck because you aren't just
2837s running imps
2838s but it's an extra you know i guess three
2841s three at this moment in time
2843s difficult to work out if it's worthwhile
2845s though
2846s yeah i'm not sure i mean you could just
2849s play it next turn with an impending
2850s catastrophe you know it's not the crazy
2853s amount of draw that you see sometimes
2854s out of that card but i think just two
2856s mana draw two is a really solid rate
2858s when you think about it
2860s and uh not having to you know take the
2862s time to tap but
2864s looks like love storm likes your line
2866s yeah i like this because what love storm
2868s wants to draw next turn probably is
2870s circle right but if you draw a circle
2873s next turn this turn looks insane because
2875s you just pre-load all the damage so i do
2878s like this a lot actually there are a lot
2879s of cards that are just imps in the deck
2882s and even if it draws zero imps as you
2884s said there's impending catastrophe and
2886s also there's just you get a 3 3 on board
2889s to attack which i think is worth
2890s something itself
2892s oh and the second all picked up for
2894s thunder so i think we're going to see
2897s one of these go into the 4-4 plus the
2900s fillet fighter or
2902s okay this was another another option
2904s right so you just eliminate the lower
2906s health ones and then try keep a stealth
2909s so you can use that damaged null to
2912s finish up the
2914s 4-4
2917s can you imagine if these locations
2919s didn't have that one-turn cooldown i
2921s just think that was
2923s i mean the hunter one would still be bad
2925s but all the others will be discussed in
2926s here oh i i think the only reason the
2929s hunter one looks bad is because hunter
2931s has so many good cards
2933s that he just has no opportunity it's bad
2935s because it's not a minion and a hunter
2937s not playing something like onto spending
2940s two mana and passing is never a good
2941s thing
2943s but okay but say you just play something
2945s on one and you give it to attack and you
2947s hit him in the face
2948s you know i tried out some games where
2950s you just play a click clocker give it
2952s plus two attack you hit them it doesn't
2953s have to hit a beast every time
2958s i will agree to disagree i'm very
2961s into location but anyway uh this little
2964s viral library is going to be able to pop
2965s off and also love storm gets the
2967s opportunity to use grandma if he really
2969s wants to i think a pretty good
2971s opportunity honestly you know they're
2973s just one ones you
2974s you're kind of fine with sacrificing a
2976s one one you just use the vile library
2978s first to get the most stats
2980s uh yeah now you're contesting that null
2982s and
2983s powering up
2984s your uh king rafam
2987s now i've done that right
2989s yeah i'm curious here if you were to
2992s curve out lady dark vayne so he would
2994s have two grimoires but they don't
2996s sacrifice anything right they would just
2997s do the two damage
3002s oh that's a good point i've not done it
3005s yet so i don't know
3007s is that how it works it just deals two
3009s i'll take your word for it you sound
3010s more knowledgeable than me i mean it's
3012s not like it's going to bring up a menu
3014s to pick something to sacrifice so i got
3016s it
3017s i didn't know if it just it did pick
3019s something to sacrifice do you know what
3021s i mean the game well something or not so
3023s that would certainly be a reason not to
3025s play later
3026s i really want him to do it now i we need
3029s for science
3031s i think the dark vein is there for extra
3033s curses so i'm sure it's much more likely
3035s that love storm will go for something
3036s like the wicked shipment plus vial
3038s library plus just to get the vial
3041s library down now so it'll be active
3043s again the turn after you play in the
3045s king rafam sort of threatening lethal i
3047s think is pretty powerful you can weave
3049s in a tap as well
3051s justine i was actually just looking
3053s where the dark veins just an okay tempo
3055s play
3058s i think that's true but the the threat
3060s of imps on board is always just that
3063s something like an m king reform on curve
3066s gives them plus two plus two
3068s yeah that is very very fair
3071s this is still very good of course gets
3073s to
3074s push some damage as well
3077s stomp
3078s incredible this series is not doing the
3080s best to promote this lambie air rogue i
3083s could already hear lambie just put foul
3085s in a request to rename the deck after
3086s this
3088s to remove his name from it
3090s yeah but edwin you know maybe turning
3092s things around a little bit here if you
3094s pick up a key
3096s key thing off the top dagger will finish
3099s up that 5-2 and uh i don't think you
3101s want to play a step at this point i
3102s think you won a 12-12
3105s agreed
3108s oh
3109s i suppose the question is whether to
3111s bother hitting the imp or just go face
3118s you need three damage
3122s he goes space right
3124s because then
3124s [Music]
3126s what can you
3128s oh there's only ever
3130s plus two plus two to these right
3132s in terms of
3133s either inking or foam or i guess
3135s bartender isn't even in the deck to make
3137s room for curses right
3141s wait there's
3145s well that's going to be one off if
3147s there's a wicked stab
3148s oh i guess if he
3150s pulls shadows
3152s yeah but if i guess if your dark shadows
3154s miss and naturally draw a wicked stab
3156s it's just not lethal
3158s well you can attack with the edwin
3161s and then step it it's done its 12 damage
3164s and so now you can create another chain
3167s of draws to sort of look for that extra
3168s damage yeah that is fair
3176s just wondered whether that like
3181s you know what i mean like yeah i think
3184s there's a tendency to be afraid of the
3186s damage but but as as you say you're
3188s taking it whether you're killing the
3189s minion or not so it's about the extra
3191s two
3192s from it being on board and
3196s that might be oh was that double oh oh
3199s you got it double two
3202s wow
3202s i thought this was going to be a very
3205s very quick 3-0 but
3207s thunder finally gets a win on the rogue
3210s thanks to good old edwin van cleef he's
3212s been grabbing rogue wins for years right
3216s now and it's uh going to continue into
3218s the future by the looks of things as
3219s well uh but yeah thunder a bit of a
3221s recovery moment there well needed
3224s honestly because one thing no one wants
3226s to do is go on stream at the start of
3228s their day and get destroyed 3-0 in about
3231s 15 minutes so yeah i'm glad for him he's
3234s got the win there it does mean he's got
3236s that shaymin and his own warlock left to
3239s go with i'm going to take a quick quick
3241s look i'll let you know when i see what
3243s he's going to actually queue up but yeah
3245s pretty crazy game and uh some
3246s interesting decisions for both players
3248s here
3249s yeah very razor's edge for both of them
3252s i think that was gonna be decided one
3255s way or the other the rogue really has no
3257s way of dealing with an imp king rafam
3259s board i think
3260s that would be one of the highest win
3262s rate cards in that matchup just because
3264s what do they do unless they have already
3266s one board right it's it's gonna come
3268s down to one of you winning on that turn
3270s or the other and i'm i'm kind of happy
3272s to see that it's an infused door of
3274s shadows that gets there i think that's
3277s probably my favorite road car that they
3278s printed in nathria uh it just has so
3281s many possibilities in terms of
3283s duplicating spells
3285s looks like we are going to be going into
3287s the warlock mirror but again not
3289s strictly a mirror we've got the curses
3291s and imps from love storm but from
3293s thunder going for more of a pure imp
3296s build and he does however have the
3298s tamzin in there uh the kale fast gigafin
3301s and atherius i do feel like more and
3304s more lists are leaning more towards this
3306s kind of uh
3308s not quite as one-dimensional list we saw
3310s like on day one right where the curve
3312s stopped at five or something and uh
3315s whereas this gives you options in the
3317s slightly late game if things keep it a
3319s little bit even gives you some cheese as
3321s well with the kael'thas and donathrius
3323s so interesting list uh who do you
3325s think's got the edge here do you think
3327s this sort of pure imps are going to be
3328s too strong for the imp and curse from
3331s love star
3332s so i think that the pure imps might have
3334s a little bit of an edge in the early
3336s game just because there are more minions
3339s to
3340s you know get that imp ticker going and
3342s maximizing the utility of file library
3346s it also has a little bit of healing in
3348s the form of not only denatures but
3351s molecular and these key cards here i
3354s think are a nice feature because
3356s molecular once you get it infused it
3358s costs zero so you can potentially do
3360s something like chao those murlocula
3363s denathrius or kale or kale those
3365s molecular gigafin another card that
3368s could swing things very heavily in
3371s [Music]
3372s thunder's favor against most warlocks
3374s but then the curses are able to deal
3376s with something like a gigafin so there
3378s might be a lot of back and forth in this
3379s match
3380s yeah actually one of the few decks in
3382s the meta right now that can just kill a
3384s gigafin in a
3386s variety of ways right a lot of decks
3388s just don't really have a guaranteed like
3390s yes i can
3392s deal that damage doesn't really happen
3394s too often without having tons of minions
3396s and like the odd removal on board anyway
3398s but
3400s thunder now gonna have to face down
3402s early imps love storm going first is a
3404s bit of a big deal just getting those
3405s imps down early
3407s although
3409s this two-five is also quite a big deal
3411s it's just sort of the best early game
3413s tool for controlling the board so yeah
3416s love storm just gonna go face here you
3418s know it does have the drawback of every
3420s time they swing they take two but
3422s usually that's well worth it to be able
3424s to just
3425s win the early game board and have this
3427s minion that's really never going to go
3429s down and trade with another minion every
3432s single time
3433s i don't yeah i was going to say i don't
3435s think you use the library there although
3437s uh
3439s it does leave it vulnerable to something
3440s like some of these versus the deal for
3442s damage
3444s yeah it's interesting as well thunder
3445s had to blink first by trading it looks
3448s like he's going to try and set up a big
3450s buff turn though
3452s with this wicked shipment and the second
3454s location is he going to spread the buffs
3456s i imagine so was he going to dump them
3459s all no i think at this point you're just
3461s looking to end the game quickly and say
3463s okay i've made you know a warlock edwin
3467s and you've got the wide board i've got
3468s the tall board let's see who gets there
3470s first
3473s okay so love storm knows he's almost
3476s certainly not dead next turn
3479s how can he best prepare here does he
3481s want an impending doom
3484s i believe he will right wants to get
3486s dragged below potentially
3488s yeah so just making some space in the
3490s hand first with this touch and then you
3492s can also you know maybe pick up another
3494s touch that is something you have the
3496s opponent doesn't is a bit of life steal
3498s that smothering starfish is going to be
3501s huge though
3507s a bit of a strange interaction that will
3508s happen is all of the damage taken
3512s by this you know original e25 when you
3514s silence it it will go back down to a 2-5
3518s kind of a weird thing when you buff
3519s stuff beyond their normal health once it
3522s gets silenced the damage they've taken
3524s effectively is mitigated
3526s so it will still be a big thing to trade
3528s on board but it won't be
3530s you know as lethal
3531s yeah i think that's why i actually like
3533s this wicked shipment getting played even
3534s just for another two amps because it
3536s just gives luxdom knows he has the
3538s silence now so it gives him the
3540s potential power to either remove the
3542s board or keep pushing damage
3544s also
3545s reform is going to be getting there
3547s infused very quickly
3549s oh absolutely i mean i think that is
3551s kind of the threat of this many imps as
3553s well is that you can't just let them be
3555s because so many cards have been drawn by
3557s love storm that it's very likely he has
3559s his own library or you know in king
3561s rafam to take advantage of this wide
3564s board and thunder just doesn't have the
3566s tools to to deal with it really looking
3568s for a grimoire of sacrifice and it has
3570s not come up
3575s very huge though great start by thunder
3577s i do
3579s like the pure aggression play because
3581s the second that starfish isn't there
3583s this is still a rough turn for love
3585s storm but he did get hold of the
3586s starfish with the help of impending
3589s it's to silence all of this away
3591s suddenly only seven
3593s uh health on board and
3597s i think you have to clear right i think
3600s you can just kill the two five right
3602s doesn't have to clear the one three
3604s right you know the one three
3606s you've sort of gotten lucky in being
3608s able to silence a weights effect whereas
3610s the two five is an imp so you kind of
3612s need to deal with that uh maybe play
3614s your own librarian and
3617s not the flame imp because you're just
3619s too low
3621s these books are ruined yeah you've got
3623s to be very very afraid right of
3626s just
3628s even circle double and then the
3630s double buff
3632s i mean spicy
3633s with two library or two file libraries
3636s in play
3638s you're basically dead to circle every
3641s time
3642s so maybe you just play the flame imp and
3644s say they don't have it er you you're not
3646s that right because circle double would
3649s be plus eight and that's only nine
3652s oh yeah you're right oh if he empty
3654s would be dead
3655s to that but i think this is good
3657s actually just don't do anything just
3659s hold on and rely on either a farm or
3662s abyssal wave to uh sort of recover just
3664s a little bit
3667s drawing three
3669s that's one in
3673s just the one
3675s yeah i don't know that this is enough
3676s i'm honestly surprised we're still going
3679s face and not killing the two three
3681s because at this point you're fairly low
3682s yourself
3686s this is actually so close because now if
3689s this goes face
3691s yes love storms on two
3694s can you even deal with this
3697s i mean so reform uses
3700s full board oh my goodness
3704s wait i the curses aren't very high
3706s though right is that even
3708s enough
3709s oh we can't clear enough
3713s if you trade the starfish so that it
3716s dies
3718s and then well maybe you don't even need
3719s to do that but how much is imp king
3721s rafam
3723s gives
3724s plus two to the imp that we have in play
3726s it fills our board with
3728s a good number of imps
3731s love storm can't leave uh
3733s basically any minion on board this turn
3736s and there's no way even if he went tams
3738s in and then double drag below
3741s that wouldn't be enough
3749s yeah not even enough life
3750s there's just one too many minions like
3754s one of those one ones not being on the
3756s board would change everything here
3759s haven't heard of me yeah go go in for
3762s the curses but even if you clear the big
3764s minion
3766s not
3767s quite well there's still going to be two
3769s power left right yeah that's all i'm
3771s trying to work out here am i just stupid
3773s or is is love so i'm just doing this to
3775s just do it i guess i i think it's sort
3777s of like well there is nothing uh
3779s let me double check that i'm not
3781s mentally doing the math um by going
3783s through the motions but yeah it is not
3786s quite there so
3787s working our way towards that comeback
3789s right we're on game five
3791s yeah but this is the worry now actually
3793s because thunder done a great job to
3795s fight back now of course two very close
3797s games as well but he does now have the
3800s shaymin left i believe yeah going up
3803s against this warlock and this is where i
3804s think it gets a little bit scary
3806s actually because suddenly i think the
3808s curses get so much better the curse
3811s package versus the shaman than they do
3813s versus a lot of the other decks he's
3814s played against so far because again as
3816s we saw like there isn't really if you're
3819s playing dragged below against an implod
3822s killing a minion for three mana right
3824s that doesn't really sound like it
3825s achieves much and then abyssal wave
3828s again if on turn six they've not got
3830s something big on board well you were
3831s probably winning anyway whereas versus
3834s the shame and i think it's much more
3835s likely the curses kick in and the imps
3837s do a good enough job to sort of uh beat
3839s up on that elf total in general so this
3842s one and this next one sorry i feel much
3844s more winnable for love stop but by no
3846s means over for thunder
3849s yeah i mean one thing is that it's going
3851s to be very important for love storm to
3853s get that early damage in with the imps
3855s and the vile library because it is not
3857s the same curse lock as we saw yesterday
3860s where you are able to brand dark vein
3862s and take these curses up very quickly
3864s you know it's just sort of a regular
3866s curse pace uh as an added form of burst
3870s for the import lock so you're still
3873s looking to get that imp damage in early
3876s and then finish with the curses and if
3878s you're not able to get that ip damage in
3879s early it could be hard to get over the
3882s line with just curses with the way that
3884s this deck is built
3886s yeah we do take a look at thunder's list
3888s does have those wild poor caverns the
3890s usual suspects basically in shaman and
3893s we'll have to see if it pays off if then
3895s maybe these mukpools can pull out some
3897s crazy shenanigans like we saw from
3899s yesterday but again uh just a reminder
3901s if you join us a little bit late this is
3902s the first match on stream of round five
3905s even if uh these uh one of these well
3907s one of these players will lose but
3908s whichever player loses still got time to
3911s fight back right it's not like this is a
3912s winning in situation here or a losing
3915s out situation i guess um
3917s so the a loss here isn't the end of the
3919s world but of course after how much these
3921s two players have fought for this going
3923s all the way to game five a win would
3925s mean a lot putting them up at five zero
3927s going into round six
3929s yeah i think every round you can
3931s progress yourself keeping us zero losses
3934s it just makes you
3936s taste the the top plays
3939s like so much more and and uh and the
3942s losses are a little rough no matter what
3943s because then you've gotta win it in but
3946s uh yeah it's it's really a nail biter it
3949s looked like it was going to be a 3-0 but
3951s now this shaman might just be able to
3954s steal it away really
3955s doesn't have any
3957s terrible matchups and schooling is
3959s definitely one of the better things to
3960s have in the hand for dealing with the
3962s name warlock oh yeah that's exactly what
3964s you want to see came in just to the
3966s right time as the first draw of the game
3968s for thunder and now lovestorm already
3971s knows that if he plays any sort of small
3974s limps or leave some hips on board
3976s it's going to be difficult it's going to
3978s be easy sorry
3979s the thunder to clear up if wanted i
3981s actually really like
3982s that play with the location just make it
3984s a 5'4 hit them and now 2 piranha don't
3988s actually kill this
3991s yeah and this is something that uh from
3993s you know what we've seen from from devs
3996s on twitter this is not going to be
3997s sticking around this
3999s plus one plus one and then repeat for
4001s each imp it seems it's going to just
4003s be plus one plus one for each imp so uh
4006s with the change upcoming these will be
4008s able to kill that play uh sort of
4011s utilizing the power while it's there to
4013s get a 5'4 you know we'll at least get
4015s one swing in before it goes down
4018s yeah let's say thunder's going to commit
4019s the coin don't blame him here why not
4021s just kill it and the piranha's still
4023s doing their job one gets to stick around
4025s as well and still plenty of plays to
4028s follow up with has mukpools and ballner
4030s next turner or cookie if he so chooses
4033s so still got plenty of options for that
4035s turn three so even though it does lose
4037s the coin means you can't get command of
4039s neptulon out quite as early i think well
4041s worth it
4043s yeah and so forcing the coin out is you
4046s know no small thing uh it so happens
4049s that thunder has kind of the perfect
4050s curve follow-up but that isn't always
4052s the case and there can be some some
4054s pretty rough things that happen when
4056s your opponent
4057s is able to coin them out so still think
4059s it's worth it even if there wasn't a
4061s turn three follow-up i think uh love
4063s storm would have liked to have something
4065s like a fiendish circle to play on three
4068s kind of follow that up and take
4069s advantage but uh you know you take what
4071s you can get still working her way
4073s towards uh infusing this imp king reform
4076s where you just kind of pray the opponent
4078s doesn't have snowfall
4080s and go in
4084s yeah thunder now working out exactly
4086s what he wants to do he knows there's a
4088s potential location park next turn
4093s i'll just go for the ocarina on curve i
4095s wouldn't hate the three drop into
4097s potential milk pools though just to
4098s spend the money on mock pills now
4101s yeah getting it down you know the thing
4102s with locations is since they do have you
4104s know usually two or three uses the
4107s earlier you get them down the earlier
4108s you can start using them with that one
4110s cool down in between you know you want
4112s to try and get them down
4114s as fast as you can
4116s and just cleaning up as much as possible
4117s i think cookie is one of the best cards
4120s you can have against aggro i mean it's
4122s it's so much uh utility in terms of just
4125s clearing a little bit of minions getting
4127s in a little bit of lifesteal it really
4130s particularly is one of the few sources
4131s of lifesteal for the shaman helps you in
4134s some of these matchups against aggro
4136s decks yeah even though it doesn't like
4138s much it does start to add up love storm
4141s now has a few more imps to play for
4143s himself that's the librarian as well
4147s really
4148s think it's worth looking at the grimoire
4152s you know the grimoire doesn't do much i
4154s imagine you play the librarian just
4156s because you're trying to infuse this
4158s reform so more minions in play is kind
4160s of better for that
4162s yeah also knows there's no clean
4164s snowfall right so i'm not really getting
4165s punished for playing the extra minion
4167s ruined
4171s and then i imagine you just sort of
4173s library and go face try and
4176s lower that life total a little bit oh
4178s okay taking away the value traded
4180s potentially
4182s not too bad right because on the surface
4184s it means that thunder has to swing in
4186s with his weapon to kill this sevenfold
4188s with that piranha
4191s yeah and then you know it protects your
4193s 4-3 which is also a source of of high
4196s damage if they don't deal with it
4198s particularly on the turn that you play
4200s in king rafam
4204s i think it's always a question of like
4206s do you clear the imps themselves or do
4208s you clear the librarian right which one
4210s are you more afraid of
4215s yeah a little bit bigger thank you gonna
4217s go for
4218s value trades okay
4221s i'm a little surprised we're not
4222s preserving
4224s our life total a bit there uh taking the
4227s seven and leaving the librarian so i
4230s think this was
4231s sort of the nod with that value trade
4233s was like okay so this is most likely
4236s leave the library enough
4237s oh
4238s never mind what the one trade infused
4241s care in kangaroo
4243s i i forgot that we needed the last
4245s infuse so you do have to trade it in
4248s still a huge swing you know so many
4251s times you get one ones off this that
4253s become three threes this is actually one
4255s of the higher stat lines of kanger farms
4258s you can get
4261s oh simply just not a lot to do here
4265s well thunder might have to roll the dice
4267s on the evolve has a chance to go from
4270s five to six to seven
4272s well seven not the best
4275s seven
4276s instead
4277s yeah sevens are are really uh a gamble
4281s there are a lot of really bad sevens
4283s there are some quite good ones that
4285s people are always telling me ramornia i
4286s think is a very notable
4288s uh strong seven
4290s but uh i think on the whole they are not
4294s really worth it
4301s clears up a fair bit
4307s so we've got
4309s two of these to clear and then
4312s i guess the muck pools are getting down
4314s just to get down because it doesn't look
4316s like thunder is
4317s taking any of all chances it's a spongy
4319s amount of kind of situation isn't it
4321s yeah
4323s beefing up daenerys as well it's going
4324s to be a little bit of a while away
4326s though without a kale fast and now all
4328s the piranhas are used up
4329s means that there's nowhere
4332s and not another cheap way to do it right
4334s with uh kel'thas and then piranha in two
4336s directions
4338s well i think there's just not quite
4340s gonna be enough time here right because
4344s you go for the famished fool next turn
4346s maybe even boldner famished fool
4349s and because of this second library that
4351s love storm has once that comes down i
4354s don't think there's really any shot for
4356s thunder to make a recovery it has to be
4358s sort of a top deck snowfall to buy time
4362s i guess the main thing you're looking
4363s for is primordial waves
4365s possibilities
4367s hey even then though it's so tricky
4369s isn't it because this this library
4371s library is going to be really good and
4373s then the fact that there's silence for
4375s love storm means that even though he
4377s would remove stats
4379s ill he gets to attack yeah if there was
4381s no snowfall but even if everything's
4383s frozen for every reason he can't attack
4386s he can start just popping off with the
4387s curses
4388s that's what that's the sort of side
4390s benefit of this list right yeah exactly
4393s i think the prevalence of freezes is one
4395s of the reasons people have gone for
4396s those curses as you say and
4399s you're completely right that
4401s the silence on these doesn't set them to
4403s one ones it sets them to you know a
4406s couple of three threes and and three two
4407s so still a lot of power
4409s uh even if there's a freeze followed by
4412s silence
4413s it's under down to eleven
4415s two mana to play with and a couple of
4418s evolves it's a long shot he's gonna go
4421s for it
4422s again it's not good enough go again
4424s definitely not good enough the seventh
4427s strike again love storm after what
4430s looked like was going to be a very quick
4431s 3-0 had a bit of a struggle versus
4434s thunder as he started to fight back but
4435s in the end lovestorm takes it and goes
4438s 5-0 round five
4440s yeah i think it really is only a ten
4443s drop that can save you in a situation
4445s like that getting something like the
4446s stormborn general uh that eight eight
4449s rush deathrattle summon another eight
4451s eight rush maybe you take a value trade
4452s and evolve that again for another 10
4454s right right that's the only way that a
4456s double muk pools would have saved you
4458s and just not enough cards in hand if
4460s even if a gnaw was picked up
4462s yeah really really tough one there
4464s thunder like i said did well to fight
4466s back some very strong games from his
4468s side as well but this just wasn't meant
4470s to be uh love storm got the benefit of
4472s having a strong
4473s opening
4474s and then had the curses as a backup that
4476s he actually didn't really need in the
4478s end but that's exactly how you want
4480s these kind of decks to go right if
4482s you're going to run kind of two packages
4484s you want your aggro package first and
4486s then the burn later and it paid off air
4489s pretty well for him there so love storm
4491s looking to be on track to maybe make it
4493s twin or the finals of a masters tour but
4496s that was our first match on stream for
4498s the day we've got plenty more coming up
4499s for the rest of the day and we have got
4501s more coverage from round one coming
4503s right up so don't go anywhere and we'll
4505s be right back
4518s [Music]
4528s so
4530s [Music]
4569s so
4573s [Music]
4586s hmm
4602s [Music]
4626s so
4629s [Music]
4677s uh
4682s [Music]
4697s [Music]
4705s hello everybody and welcome back to
4707s master short murder at castle nathria my
4709s name is tj and i'm joined with a dabber
4711s looking uh image of derek brown who just
4715s so happens to sound
4717s like derek brown as well derek how you
4719s doing today buddy
4721s good man uh still haunted by this image
4724s i think four five years later i
4728s remember it as if it was yesterday my
4730s second ever event being bustled into a
4733s small side room to take publicity
4734s pictures in a uh
4737s a size that i didn't think existed uh in
4739s china uh of clothing and uh
4742s was a little tight but yeah
4745s excited to custom hearthstone here at
4746s the masters tour as well moving swiftly
4748s on from that one uh with some of the
4750s other games filling in from round five
4753s as we're now reaching that halfway point
4755s right starting to see who's really in
4757s with a shot of uh clutching that top 16.
4761s that's right that's right uh we are
4764s starting to get to the point where you
4766s know the pack is going to separate
4768s itself into players that have a chance
4770s of qualifying for the top 16 and players
4773s that
4774s i don't know don't
4776s no there's not a creative way to say
4778s that
4779s they just don't nailed it uh nailed it
4782s uh we're gonna be uh jumping into
4784s uh some more round five matches we're
4786s gonna have chaos
4788s draniko
4789s versus wd g3 woods
4793s uh-huh
4795s they have long names long names um and
4799s you got to see the the little rogue list
4801s there from castronica
4804s yeah that's right starting to see more
4806s of it pop up uh
4808s as the uh
4810s the meta settles more and more i mean we
4811s talk about the meta settling it's not
4813s necessarily gonna uh continue to be so
4816s with the balance patch having been uh
4819s maybe not willingly but announced
4821s nonetheless uh by the uh hearthstone
4823s development team meaning that things are
4824s gonna be shaken up a little bit this
4826s deck that we see here may not continue
4828s to exist in the form that we currently
4830s see at the snowfall guardian even in a
4832s 40 card list is just such a key
4834s component to lock down these board-based
4836s strategies uh which now that it's not
4838s going to get bonus stats for freezing
4841s the entire board just be a baseline 5-5
4843s i believe
4844s will definitely weaken the power of the
4846s deck i'm not sure if it kills it
4848s entirely maybe you just have to adapt to
4850s a uh a more dense board-based strategy
4853s rather than trying to go for pure freeze
4855s it'll be interesting to see because
4857s shaman is definitely for me uh right up
4859s there at the top of the tier list right
4861s now
4862s oh yeah um and uh it's also
4867s pretty high up there in win rate
4869s and you know it currently is fifth in
4872s overall deck win rate but that tells a
4874s little bit of a different story right it
4876s is by far the most banned deck in the
4879s format everybody knew that mostly
4881s everybody was going to be bringing
4882s control shaman
4884s um and so if you're leaving up control
4886s shaman that means you have a plan to
4890s deal with it
4891s and so the lineups that control shaman
4894s is going up against it are the decks
4896s that hey i don't mind
4898s leaving up control shaman despite it
4899s being quite obviously one of if not the
4902s strongest deck in the meta games so i
4904s feel like
4905s it having a 52-53 win rate
4908s is even better considering the fact that
4912s it was an expected bring in the field
4915s ej why do players do this
4918s ks dra necko it's just dragon man he's
4922s been a grand master before i know i've
4924s cast him in apac what it's dragging me
4926s no it's dragon man just dragon man
4931s no way second place in a masters tour
4933s already before and he's just completely
4936s rebranding he just changed his name i
4939s mean i know that the chinese players do
4942s it quite often but i haven't seen it so
4944s much in the uh the other regions but i
4946s don't know man why like 0 out of 10 for
4949s branding it's so hard to keep up with
4951s these players
4958s wait a second
4964s okay yeah yeah no uh so i i was
4966s wondering i i didn't scroll down far
4968s enough because i looked him up on
4969s donkey's website and he had a bunch of
4971s stats on it
4972s i was like wow competing a lot of
4974s masters tours but masters or undercity
4976s the uh match toward that he actually
4978s finished second in
4980s you actually have to scroll down to see
4981s and i just did a quick glance
4983s if i had seen that i would have known
4984s but i would have known
4986s i'm not dragon man i'm dragon man's twin
4988s brother chaos draniko
4992s i have the exact same backdrop and face
4997s identical twin brother and we play right
4999s next to each other
5002s well either way he's got himself a
5004s pretty nice starting hand joked aside
5007s with what will be
5009s uh
5010s not necessarily
5012s zero mana knolls but one man and alls is
5014s still more than good enough to swing
5015s back the board but none of the miracle
5017s cards right now the fact that he's going
5018s for a double vessel build is uh very
5021s interesting
5022s and in this instance could actually work
5025s out pretty well for him right he's got
5026s the full package of just prep vessel
5028s gone fishing to dredge up them pirates
5030s as well
5032s yeah i i think that this is a
5035s a pretty good approach to the deck
5037s because in a lot of matchups you really
5039s do just want the tempo like with your
5041s your graveyards you're just making small
5043s stealth things anyway why don't you just
5044s play a card that does that without
5046s having to
5048s get the graveyards down play a bunch of
5050s cards etc etc so
5052s um from woods aside here i think that
5055s just kind of going super wide on the
5057s board
5058s makes a lot of sense um obviously you
5060s know a lot of these little health
5062s minions gives targets for
5064s uh you know the
5066s serrated bone spike the
5069s tooths to try and get that card count up
5072s there on an individual turn
5074s but
5075s most of the time they're not going to be
5077s able to deal with everything yeah
5078s however
5079s yeah i mean this man's gonna be able to
5081s deal with most of this exactly this is
5083s the power of rogue right now this is
5085s really what is so
5087s broken about this class is like overall
5090s in the metagame whether you're playing
5091s this version with boats the lambie
5092s version that just runs the miracle plus
5094s my extra package
5096s you're not
5098s often gonna be beating the druids the
5100s shamans uh the the long control decks
5103s that can gain a lot of health because
5104s they just outlast you they have good
5105s removal but in any kind of board-based
5108s battle i do think rogue is the new king
5110s like shaman had that title
5113s last expansion i think when it was a 30
5115s card list and just a little bit more
5116s consistent in that early game with the
5118s uh the clownfish the caverns the command
5120s of neptulon as well but just look at
5122s this like franco didn't have an
5124s especially good starting hand like it
5126s was fine but he just sat there for a few
5129s turns and then did this and now he's
5130s winning board and has an excellent mid
5132s game to back it up too
5138s oh okay
5141s guitar off the top get another
5144s insta-thea
5147s and then uh you know
5150s next turn steal whatever else is in the
5152s hand or just get your card back
5156s give me that
5158s is theater a character in in world of
5160s warcraft is it a reference to an
5162s established i don't think so
5164s i think so
5165s maybe i'm wrong though um because i
5167s didn't play shadowlands that much and
5168s this expansion was themed around
5169s shadowlands oh okay
5171s uh actually it is
5174s it is
5175s the atar is a deer in one of the soul
5177s binds for the ventier covenant
5179s oh
5180s okay sinful revan draft
5183s oh and sinful revenge well why didn't
5185s you say
5186s yeah
5189s yeah i didn't go to robin drive much
5194s yeah i'm not much i didn't visit the
5195s lands of raven dress
5199s nearly as often as an adventurer should
5206s ah in the depths of the shadowlands
5210s you know how to feel comfortable as a
5211s brit playing tj
5213s all right
5214s that was a raven dress accent
5218s but you know
5220s named after reverend dress shire here
5225s all right things looking a little scary
5226s now for janiko as uh the uh guardian uh
5230s stouffer guardian as we've talked about
5232s many times is the card that is just
5234s soloing this mid game for woods right
5236s now but a temporary band-aid for this
5238s solution in the snap freeze for dranko
5240s isn't going to win him the game of
5242s course uh but it's going to keep him in
5244s it for the moment as he is going aggro
5246s sending that tooth to the face when his
5248s opponent is at 38 is a very bold play
5254s he's doing the math
5256s all right
5257s 38 minus three that's 35
5260s i got this
5264s ah that's gonna do it yeah
5267s and i thought he was winning that one
5268s like that that pop off turn was so
5270s strong
5273s yeah but
5274s [Music]
5275s snowball guardian like
5278s and 40 health um
5280s you know it
5282s when you play those decks with 30 health
5284s like snowfall guardian just hurts that
5285s much more because you have no
5286s opportunity to stabilize and
5288s when you when you go for these these uh
5290s pop-off turns with you know these types
5293s of rogue decks you're spending so many
5295s resources
5296s that there's not a great way for you to
5298s sort of come back in the game and you
5300s can't afford to just take multiple hits
5302s from a big snowball garden like that so
5304s as soon as the call came down easy there
5305s was just absolutely no chance even if
5307s his deck drew perfectly from that point
5309s right
5309s um
5310s it was didn't even have enough mana for
5313s like a scabs
5314s uh
5316s to be able to defend himself against
5317s that so
5318s uh woods just the mage left remaining
5322s just the mage let's take a peek at what
5325s he is playing in that one it looks to be
5327s 40 card
5329s uh
5331s gelatin mage but with double rune in
5334s there so it's kind of like a hybrid of
5335s big spell
5337s uh
5338s and the skeleton mage he's not running
5340s belinda obviously but he's got the
5341s parrots uh as we can see here to make it
5343s much more simple
5345s uh
5345s double broon oh no this is true
5347s cosmetics okay okay yeah you
5349s noob
5352s well this is an interesting list in its
5353s own right the double spell coiler i
5355s haven't seen that before
5358s uh yeah but
5360s it makes sense it makes sense yeah
5363s especially with 40 cards you just need
5364s to make fine like
5367s little slots that could potentially make
5370s you
5370s stronger in some cases i don't know
5373s i
5374s i feel like you just pick 30 cards and
5375s you just put in 10 other random cards
5379s so you get 40 health
5383s yeah
5384s i'm like i'm right on the brink with
5386s mage like every deck is i initially say
5388s there's no way you make this a 40 card
5390s version it just doesn't make sense like
5391s i said it was shaman i said it with
5393s hunter originally i don't know
5395s i just didn't see it working at all and
5397s mage i was thinking the same thing i
5399s still am personally on team 30 cards
5401s from age i would rather guarantee i get
5404s a stronger start find the location more
5406s frequently find my one drops find the
5408s wildfire find dawn grasp as well very
5410s importantly is a very very key card you
5412s want to hit in
5414s pretty much every single mid game and
5415s then find the frozen touches to round
5417s out the game at the end with a little
5418s bit more consistency
5420s but i will admit in like the mirror if
5422s both players are running a lot of burn
5424s the extra 10 health makes an enormous
5426s difference uh same deal with pretty much
5429s every version of rogue every version of
5431s hunter
5432s there are a lot of matchups where that
5433s 10 health is the difference between life
5435s and death
5437s would you rather have spell coilers or
5441s double rune of the arc major double
5443s power i mean come on
5445s yeah but there's no way to
5447s like ever make it cheaper
5450s what so you have to pay
5452s for 20 mana's worth of spell
5455s oh yeah okay
5457s you go coin brand double sorceress
5461s and then it's five mana
5466s oh look the combo's there
5468s unless they're both in your hand
5471s i think you have a pulse
5473s oh
5474s oh yeah that's true
5476s oh that's a good curve
5478s ah not the parrot
5482s all right
5483s 80 health
5486s in this match of
5490s it just hearthstone the top deck's the
5491s root again he gets the exact same
5492s starting hand
5495s the universe is like trust me mate
5498s you put these cards in your deck for a
5499s reason play them
5503s oh
5505s is he just gonna top deck the perfect
5507s card on curve every turn up until roon
5509s on eight i think he might
5511s all right what would be next sanctum
5514s nightclub victim frostwolf dungeoneer
5516s yeah any of the three drops cold case
5519s there's no five drops in the deck it's a
5521s disaster
5523s so here the arcane intellect into uh the
5525s second amplified snow flurry
5530s we saw it
5536s yeah kind of hard to predict right now
5538s actually like if
5540s woods can pick up a decent mid game just
5542s to see him through uh roon can obviously
5544s do a lot of work but if i had to wager i
5546s don't think roon is the game-winning
5549s card in this instance uh because
5551s straight up 40 health it's a lot less
5553s likely that you just burn them down with
5556s the rune jobs frozen touches fireballs
5557s pyroblasts whatever
5559s and also there's just dawn grasp on the
5561s other side which on its own can really
5563s really hurt your chances
5565s of finding all of that however dawngrass
5568s might be about to betray its alliance
5571s see
5572s he's no excuse
5577s is it coin
5580s i would say it's reckless apprentice
5583s coin rune into parrot
5585s oh death born okay trying to bust in
5589s uh
5591s well you're taking the deathborn so just
5592s give the parrot
5602s i think it's blizzard i think it's just
5604s the worst part in this instance
5613s coin brand spell coin
5615s that's reckless apprentice
5620s uh
5620s yeah
5622s it depends how much you care about
5626s belcoyla with
5628s drawn grasp i i think i agree it's not
5631s worth keeping enough but it it it can
5632s equal a huge amount of extra burst
5635s damage if you find a uh a wildfire or
5637s even just one honorable kill at any
5639s point along the way
5641s yeah don grass being in the hands
5646s it doesn't feel like there's uh enough
5648s other plays going on for a grade to be
5651s super relevant
5653s agreed now it gets trickier once again
5656s because you really really don't want to
5658s use the coin here but i really really
5660s don't want to use this reckless
5662s apprentice either
5663s but yeah i'm kind of coming down
5665s fast here as well yep
5682s this commander
5683s is gonna be
5688s in terms of raw value just absurd
5691s yeah but in terms of
5692s clunkiness
5694s also i'm serious yeah
5697s oh it didn't kill the parrot he would
5698s have got an extra skeleton if it killed
5700s the parrot
5702s oh yeah because it waits until deathborn
5704s waits until the entire whole exact
5706s resolve and then however many minions
5708s died after the board result
5711s yeah yeah
5713s which does mean there's four again back
5714s on the other side for dranko again or
5718s dragon man or whatever it doesn't matter
5720s it's roon time let's see what woods has
5722s got
5725s okay fine so far six
5729s that's good 11
5733s 14
5735s that's 14 completely neutral
5743s 17. i want to send with the counter
5745s spell
5748s exactly over drawing
5753s i mean that's okay it's a lot of mana it
5756s does cost an awful lot of mana doesn't
5758s it
5759s which is
5760s i mean when you have dinathrius in hand
5762s not necessarily a bad thing because
5765s even with just like 10 lifesteal that
5767s buys you a lot of time oh my god
5770s you can guess the card sure but
5773s you're not getting it
5778s this uh do you know because the
5780s the alchemist you know it has like the
5782s little active ability thing at the
5784s bottom like the it looks kind of like
5785s the spellburst symbol at the bottom of
5787s the card if you kill it before the end
5789s of uh before the end of your go do your
5791s opponents still get to discover or is it
5793s an active effect
5795s that's a
5796s good question i'm not sure i imagine no
5800s if it has the if it has that little
5801s effect yeah exactly but it's not the
5803s lightning bolt like lightning bolt means
5805s active effect i don't know what that
5806s little
5808s trip
5809s it looks like the spellburst
5812s it doesn't like spellburst yeah
5814s or
5815s oh my gosh okay
5817s let's go let's do some bugs then let's
5819s worry about the intricacies of
5821s hearthstone mechanics afterwards
5829s oh yeah
5831s he's just gonna die
5839s dude come on oh that's good
5843s something crazy is happening right now
5846s no that's number two that's from the
5848s brand oh that's from the brand we knew
5850s that was the guide so yeah
5852s oh
5854s that's it right with your score mana
5857s okay okay there we go
5864s okay not a bad turn all things
5865s considered
5876s [Music]
5881s eight eight so that's gonna be eight
5883s one off
5887s uh no it's gonna be awesome three off
5889s three on six so
5891s yeah it's awkward ordering
5893s yep
5897s he's got a pyroblast in hand uh
5900s he doesn't know it's not counter spell
5901s right now though right oh maybe he does
5903s he testifies the coin
5905s oh okay it's from a priest the turn that
5907s it was played so my bad is that it's uh
5916s huge swing turn though as i was talking
5918s about even with a big clunky hand sire
5920s denaturius can solve all those problems
5923s for you magic
5925s because right now it's only a six damage
5928s ping that's not getting honorable kill
5930s anytime soon
5932s that's a single drop
5937s he's only cast a deathborn right that's
5939s the only spell that he's actually cast
5941s because pyroblast this turn
5944s just to juice up the multicast who
5945s killed the dinatrius with pyrogenathrius
5951s instead so we have a level uh sorry a
5953s two damage ping
5957s i believe here
5961s me tusks won't stop shattering oh you
5967s [Music]
5970s oh no you had to use the first flame to
5971s kill off the uh
5973s the minion to get it i was looking if
5974s there was litha with like double second
5976s flame on your skeletons but
5978s it wasn't there
5979s yep
5981s by my calculations you need to chill out
5984s oh this is such a sad term
5988s well i mean this pig has six damage just
5990s does set up for lethal if these minions
5992s survive
5995s but this
5996s should this is lethal on the other side
5998s you
5999s us
6000s second flame
6002s or just reckless apprentice and then
6003s deathborn it's lethal a million ways
6005s yeah yeah
6007s but it was a lethal setup for
6009s uh dranko there um with
6012s the power block
6014s if
6015s like one of those minions had to rot but
6017s support his face yeah hard to believe
6019s that your opponent can't find a way to
6020s deal three damage with you know four
6023s skeletons on board so
6025s uh there you have it woods going to
6026s defeat
6028s dragon man aka trenecko
6031s 3-0 and move up to 5-0 uh draco move
6035s down to four and one but you know
6038s still a good start still in contention
6040s for that top six team usually it's
6043s uh two losses that that you take
6046s somewhere before the final round of play
6048s uh makes it so it's very difficult for
6051s you to make it to the top 16 because
6052s very few players that have two losses
6054s actually making it was like three
6058s three players
6059s yeah yeah
6060s it depends on the number of players and
6063s how the matchups even work how many
6064s individual players are etcetera etcetera
6067s so we shall see i hope for a good result
6069s for trineco you know he didn't have an
6071s especially great run in grand masters he
6074s didn't get on stream all that much uh
6076s and when he did you know there were a
6077s couple of uh shaky moments uh but you
6079s know second place in a masters tour
6081s alone i think solidifies him as a strong
6084s player and i want to see him
6086s show us what he's got in the rest of the
6088s tournament so hopefully he can win on
6089s out from here and uh represent uh hong
6092s kong and the asia pacific region in
6094s general in still fighting for that first
6098s masters tour victory i still believe
6100s that it's possible uh one day
6103s especially it's like looking down the uh
6105s the top players right now there's a lot
6107s of a lot of south korean players at the
6109s top of the leaderboard uh in terms of
6111s the score line which is really really
6112s cool to see
6113s because i was going on a
6115s long uh boring monologue yesterday i
6118s think it's time for south korea to come
6120s back on top in the apac region
6123s a lot of america's players up there as
6124s well
6126s uh really
6128s a two
6129s hey
6130s more than normal but you got monsanto
6132s right
6136s yeah if no one else got me i know
6138s monsanto got me
6139s yeah
6141s all right uh but speaking of that we
6144s actually do have uh in america's player
6146s where we're going to continue on
6149s with our coverage of round number five
6152s here as we uh wait for all the matches
6154s to finish and round number six to be
6156s ready so we're gonna jump into uh a
6158s match in progress of chewy
6161s versus gamer rvg uh chewie from sweden
6166s and gamer rpg from the old usma
6169s [Music]
6170s which is an often for forgot about
6173s region in competitive hearthstone
6175s subregion i guess you could call it
6178s not many players from the old us bay
6180s have a success recently despite it being
6183s one of the
6185s countries with the most representatives
6187s in defending play very early on
6191s yeah
6193s back in the day
6194s tough one
6197s the the old muzzy saiyan one-two punch
6203s firebase victory the 2014 hearthstone
6205s world championship is all that's keeping
6207s the moral fiber of america together
6209s right now you'd be
6211s a flame right now if he hadn't won that
6214s yeah i know
6216s oh okay two is gonna be playing wig
6218s priest
6220s and uh all right so we got one school
6222s teacher one and ninja hexan included
6226s um
6228s this is
6229s uh a cut
6231s chart of the naaru list
6236s oh no it's not just kidding it's still
6238s there
6241s good test there tj
6243s did i pause
6247s yeah it's an interesting list of honor
6249s now i i this is
6252s this is like quote-unquote standard
6254s i guess if you you want to call it that
6256s this is like the
6257s weak priest that has the largest sample
6260s size on
6261s uh
6262s on hs replay besides the partner crime
6265s like minus one teacher plus one partner
6267s crime
6268s and then this one is second
6270s [Music]
6272s even though you will make some
6273s convincing arguments for cutting the
6275s partnering crime i just cannot bring
6277s myself to do it it's just wrong i can't
6280s believe if if cutting uh
6282s crime is wrong i don't want to be right
6284s [Laughter]
6286s uh well you know
6288s there's a lot of different lists that
6290s are having success bunny hoppers
6292s currently four and one and he has two
6293s partners in crime i'm not four four of
6296s them actually
6298s i'm seeing double
6299s partners in crime
6301s yeah so um
6303s what do i know
6305s maybe partner crime is is just good i i
6308s feel like the core of the deck is what
6310s matters more
6312s than what you put in that four slot or
6313s sometimes three slot with a crush claw
6316s enforcer
6317s um and match-up dependent as well but uh
6320s game rbg going to be queuing up the big
6322s spell mage this is 30 card
6325s big spell mage
6326s a classic
6328s [Music]
6331s yeah you can't beat the uh the classics
6334s and i think for gamer rvg here he will
6336s be very happy that he's playing the 30
6337s card version because
6339s aside from the
6341s obvious power spikes that we talk about
6343s very very frequently belinda and
6345s possibly barbaric sorceress although
6347s that's an interesting talking point in
6348s its own right there's a lot of early
6350s game cards that you really want to be
6352s hitting at very specific timings pelican
6355s on one very often starfish on turn three
6358s snow flurry on turn two just making sure
6360s you're hitting these key break points in
6362s mana allows you to keep up and actually
6365s play belinda without dying
6367s and right now i'd say he's doing
6369s decently well in these early game tests
6371s right he's got two drop far watch post
6373s probably even better uh and knight cloak
6376s sanctum to be able to protect that as
6378s well and then all he needs now is to
6380s just curve into some way to bulk out
6382s this mid game and gabriel gamer rvg is
6386s uh looking good
6388s god did i miss that bunk bed
6391s [Laughter]
6394s what was the uh the story who was on the
6396s top bunk fled's on the top book
6403s because in flint's background there's
6404s also a bunch
6406s that looks exactly like this bunk bed
6409s like you just piece it together
6411s so
6412s rumor has it
6414s when gamer rpg is playing his match
6416s fled's sleeping in the top bunk
6420s blessing some kind of teleporting dog
6422s bed as well
6424s [Music]
6427s oh a tempo pelagos behind the taunt
6433s is this worth a silence on its own
6436s doesn't feel like it
6440s um
6441s i think i feel like you could i wonder
6445s get away with playing a four here and
6446s then next turn maybe going like starfish
6448s plus a two
6450s uh between which fours i'm not sure i'd
6452s guess the atar just to take away the
6454s possibility of like a serpent weight
6455s just to get the serpent wig out right
6457s now yeah i like it you can
6459s take wig radiant handmaiden there's a
6462s lot of good outcomes
6465s yeah that's awakened for sure insta wig
6468s the parrot give the parrot
6471s by the ascended
6475s and uh one of the
6477s upsides of this board with starfish is
6479s that it lets the watch post attack
6482s hmm
6489s man chewie looks disinterested in this
6491s game of hearthstone i've got to be
6493s honest i don't think he wants to keep
6495s playing this one
6497s yeah i mean wig priest is one of those
6499s decks where
6500s no matter if you're winning or losing
6502s you're really only having fun for like
6504s 30 seconds
6505s yeah
6507s but that 30 seconds is so great
6510s it's a fleeting high yeah
6514s that you you just keep playing it over
6516s and over again you're like oh
6517s i'm going to get that 30 30 pellet goes
6519s this game
6520s [Laughter]
6523s see right there three seconds of fun
6526s yeah
6526s [Applause]
6528s type into the guides on discord as well
6530s i'm about to do something so sick
6532s [Laughter]
6534s never mind
6536s oh wow
6537s this reckless apprentice
6539s is juicy
6542s you don't even need to use a starfish
6544s oh with the wig as well you could go wig
6546s trade into pelicos
6549s what to do
6551s oh wait you don't need it because it
6552s damages it as well my bad yeah yeah you
6554s just put the wig on the apprentice yeah
6557s yeah
6558s that's what i meant by weak trade
6563s send it out order that's fine
6569s i wonder
6572s yeah i don't know i mean to be honest
6574s this hand doesn't move towards anything
6576s else that's especially more impressive
6578s than that right now there's no way to
6580s tutor out belinda barbara uh if you were
6583s to shoot her out one of the big spells
6584s with deep water it's like two turns away
6586s before you're even playing with it if
6588s it's like uh
6590s coin into
6592s the
6593s roon
6594s and so i'm just very happy here taking
6596s it nice and slow
6607s yeah i guess there's no point in putting
6609s the uh wig on a minion yet because you
6611s don't know what you want to
6612s trade into you don't know how the break
6613s points are going to work so
6616s i'm going to trade the coin for another
6618s coin with mailbox dancer spread out as
6620s much power on board as possible
6624s [Music]
6626s [Laughter]
6638s yeah that's a uh
6640s that's not what you want to be doing as
6641s weak nope
6643s nope nope
6644s no spells in hand so
6647s hey maiden is kind of stranded
6654s hey can you get a coin
6664s i would be fine with like trade off the
6666s board and then evoke a snow flurry set
6669s up for
6670s uh the ping
6672s uh for the following turn
6675s i would be fine with this as well you
6677s don't really need the snow flurry
6678s pre-loaded next turn because you'll have
6680s man as a player and you have the
6681s location coming online anyway
6688s okay
6690s gets a boon
6697s nothing really to boon here though
6699s um
6700s oh yeah
6702s man i play a seven drop
6705s ah just get straight into so easily on
6707s the board because of the pelican
6710s yeah you could target the opposing
6712s three four and take a three six but that
6715s just dies
6716s yeah
6717s you want this like looking for like
6719s shadow or devour
6721s uh to be able to
6722s uh but the scribe is
6725s by the pelicans but still you're looking
6727s for
6728s power oh
6734s this uh
6737s there might be a read that there's no
6738s spell in hand though
6741s well you can trade him with the coin
6743s right and and then
6744s oh yeah
6745s yeah but
6747s but then okay yeah you can go coin dump
6750s the coin yeah yeah
6752s okay
6753s but my question is interaction again
6756s does boon of the ascended actually cost
6758s three right now or is it just like
6761s saying it costs three for ui easiness
6764s sake because the aura is like the next
6765s spell you cast across one less not like
6769s all your spells in hand cost one less
6771s until you cast a spell i don't know
6774s apparently it does
6777s yeah didn't take the coin trade
6781s no good though
6784s it was a risky play wasn't it
6786s um well if
6788s let's see here
6790s if
6791s chewie casts the spell
6794s then the drink firearm that goes back up
6796s to four
6797s [Music]
6800s okay game rubbishy takes the win
6803s um
6804s i feel like that's a unless you get
6807s off to a really good start as the
6809s preset's a tough matchup
6811s um because you oh you're almost always
6814s going to have like a cheap spell in hand
6816s unless you go all in with your wigs like
6818s really yeah radial elemental
6820s and there's so much disruption in the
6822s early game from big spell mage uh
6824s assuming they hit anything right you
6826s still have to freeze with snow flurry
6828s plus nikola sanctum
6830s um
6831s and
6832s uh it like roon is very likely to at
6835s least disrupt your board and stop your
6838s win condition so barbaric sorceress is
6840s always going to destroy you
6842s um
6843s it's
6844s it's just tough uh you do have to get
6847s like that crazy early start that wasn't
6848s a terrible start
6850s chewie obviously didn't have the
6853s the stone cold nuts but
6855s having like wig in the opening with you
6857s know able to make a big pelagos pretty
6860s early on good stuff just a lot of times
6862s it's not enough
6864s against big spell page
6866s agreed but i think he's got himself a
6868s nice uh
6870s maybe a couple of matchups one matchup
6871s in particular against the druid
6873s i still think especially against the 40
6876s card version as the wig priest you are
6878s owed a good match up by the universe you
6881s should not as the druid be drawing
6883s consistently enough ramp enough removal
6886s uh to be able to keep up with any kind
6888s of a decent wig pre-starting hand like
6890s one drop into buff kind of just ends it
6892s most of the time
6894s um
6894s in my experience as player madrid shaman
6897s though is a lot lot closer you have
6900s plenty of early game plays to be able to
6902s fight back on board both uh reactive and
6905s proactive uh in terms of uh knoll can be
6909s a very good reactive tool the schooling
6911s for piranhas can be a good reactive tool
6913s primordial wave is the ultimate trump
6916s card against wig priest that can really
6918s just shut them down
6919s and then even just proactively you have
6921s again the uh the
6923s sorry the clownfish all that goodness uh
6926s if you're playing it caverns command of
6928s neptune on so many cards that just lock
6930s down uh wig priests plays so i'm feeling
6933s good again for our boy rvg straight from
6936s the bottom bunk
6938s yeah this is usually the matchup uh when
6940s i'm playing the naga priest that
6943s i hate the most
6945s just because it feels like they always
6946s pull an answer from
6948s from somewhere
6951s uh to my board yes whether it's freeze
6954s or you know the uh
6957s the pools
6959s um it's it
6961s it's a very difficult matchup to
6963s navigate you just kind of have to make a
6965s giant board as early as possible and
6968s then
6969s hope that they don't have the ball
6970s effect i see you've got to get rid of it
6973s um another way you can approach it is by
6976s from chewie's perspective is by
6978s like
6980s dating out i guess
6983s uh the devolve effects
6985s and
6986s then going all in on a board but
6989s unless you have just so many cards early
6992s on it it just doesn't work right uh
6996s you have to be able to start off with
6998s like
6998s slither spear plus wigs
7000s keep rolling with wigs have double
7001s handmade and draw your whole deck and
7003s then just have a wealth of options but
7005s that rarely happens
7008s interesting to see gamer ravi g holding
7010s off on the
7012s uk pool uh in the starting hand because
7015s it kind of works like even in terms of
7017s manner that you're saving with gold
7019s shire knoll where
7020s you know you have an extra card in hound
7022s in hand to reduce it by one but you have
7023s to play it on the turn you're playing
7024s the null as well
7026s um but it does look like next turn if he
7028s wants it with the way all the mana works
7030s out he's got himself a rusher and a ten
7033s drop uh which
7035s i think we can agree priest is gonna
7036s struggle to deal with
7038s oh yeah
7039s oh yeah
7043s oh yeah
7045s that mug pool's real tough to deal with
7046s yeah
7054s yikes
7057s [Music]
7060s what's in the box
7062s hopefully not another knoll and gamer
7065s ovg should be good i mean even if it's
7067s another knoll he's still winning
7070s he's still good yeah cj we'll take it
7074s that's no no
7083s oh this is a sad game of thoughts then
7094s [Music]
7096s you need to take a long hard look in the
7097s mirror as the weak priest player and say
7099s is this really what i want with my life
7111s i mean the obvious play is fish fish but
7113s i i wonder if you even need to do that
7115s like is that the one where you lose
7116s where they have double
7118s devour in hand and they uh
7122s i don't know like radiant double devour
7124s boon exactly yeah
7126s um
7129s they have
7131s a giant taunt with two attack
7134s okay there's
7136s uh there's
7137s plays here right you have radiant
7141s devour
7145s recess double wig
7149s you could just go handmade yes
7151s handmaiden
7153s priestess bless handmaiden does that
7155s work
7157s bless handmaiden oh sorry
7160s yeah so you raid the elemental devour
7163s then you priestess so now you have four
7165s mana
7166s then you wig bless handmaiden yes yes
7168s yes yes yeah
7170s and then hope you find the second devour
7174s oh this gives one more mana if you bless
7177s first okay you just have less stats on
7180s your radio
7181s but i think that's fine and so yeah this
7183s is it right this is the out you find
7185s second devour and i think you have
7188s a chance
7190s wig
7192s devour oh okay okay
7199s this is not over keep the priestess
7200s alive
7204s play it dude play it what are you doing
7206s please
7208s okay
7209s yeah that's fine
7210s both of them are surviving the c giant
7212s right now
7222s though having the uh the double upgrade
7224s on the sea giant is a pretty big deal as
7227s well because there's a few rushes that
7229s you can hit
7230s uh on 10 in lockholla
7233s the new eight eight the death rattles
7235s into itself i can't remember the
7237s the name of it
7238s knoll as well like would not be terrible
7241s in this instance just to clear off
7242s another
7258s whoa
7262s ah snowfall guardian in hand oh yeah
7268s now we're talking
7274s so next turn you legos
7276s you can't play renathol right because
7279s you want to have the option of knoll
7281s plus
7282s mockpool
7284s yeah i
7285s i do agree with the tomb
7301s probably priestess yeah yeah
7303s you have enough spells to work with
7305s that's a lot of damage this is a lot
7308s dude
7311s you can even just play one on your
7312s pelagos as well and then you instantly
7313s have another massive minion
7319s drive first yeah you still love the mana
7321s boom
7324s and you could play boon as well because
7326s of
7327s the
7329s discount priestess
7330s yup
7334s because this would be three spells cast
7336s right now so priestess would
7339s go back up
7341s perfect
7344s it's actually perfect
7348s oh man whether or not it's going to win
7349s though is another question because gamer
7352s rbg obviously has lethal on board he
7355s just has no way right now to uh to get
7357s the damage facing honor i guess you can
7358s hold it but you know he's close the
7360s snowfall guardian alone can offer enough
7362s damage and there's the primordial wave
7367s oh my goodness
7369s so it's it's good but the
7372s uh boon is a ten drop
7375s uh which is stats okay as soon as it
7378s reaches ten like average 10 between
7382s health and
7383s attack at least this is a complete
7385s theory based on my boons okay um it it
7388s goes up to a 10 drop so it would go down
7390s to a 9.
7392s but this is going to be a wave
7394s and he's going to throw renathol out
7395s there first
7397s and that's the problem here is that if
7398s you go snowfall guardian into wave you
7401s can't attack face because it evolves
7403s your snowfall guardian into something
7405s much worse oh no it's
7409s no that's the smallest nine drop ever
7414s oh that's a disaster what does that two
7416s three do that doesn't draw your cards
7418s does it does it gain you health
7421s i can't even remember
7425s look it up
7427s i don't know what it's called
7430s 2-2
7431s jade
7432s oh not the jade the the 2-3 i think that
7435s the two two gains plus one plus two
7437s floors reduces the cost of a nature
7439s spell in hand at the end of the turn
7441s okay it doesn't that's a florist
7443s the tutu i don't know i think it's just
7445s tavern tipper right from vg's it's the
7447s same thing
7451s ah
7454s yeah
7455s must do the same thing
7457s because we all know what that does
7459s tavern tipper
7462s yep
7466s i think if you have spare mana at the
7468s end of your go it gets plus one plus two
7470s okay
7473s [Music]
7475s yeah
7477s oh there we go
7482s good old muty yeah not right now i think
7485s this is a
7486s a nice easy null
7488s smash in and hope for a good ten drop
7490s yeah no
7492s trade pools and then you have snowfall
7494s guardian into devour which is
7500s should be enough
7501s i think that'll win
7503s yeah i don't think mutinous is a good
7506s play here because you know two of the
7507s cards in hand are wigs
7511s more bones to knock on and i'm pretty
7514s sure a minion would have been played
7517s by so
7518s okay another eight fine or is he going
7521s again he wants better
7523s ah you leave it as an eight here surely
7525s yeah
7528s like there's a couple of real you know
7531s insta winners as i said like lot coli
7533s anything with rush
7535s but i'm not taking the risk to hit and
7537s all i don't think
7542s this is why america's hasn't done
7544s anything in faster
7547s okay
7565s i'll face boon the 88
7567s you
7575s hope you draw a naga next turn so you
7577s can go naga wig wig handmaiden
7579s yeah okay all right
7584s deviating
7587s trying to feel like these wigs
7589s yeah i just feel like too far away in
7590s health
7592s i mean he's trying to win back board
7593s right he's he's not going face
7598s he goes wig wig wig
7602s he can take a vt
7606s he loses everything it's completely all
7608s in at that point
7611s but i
7612s think he's kind of committed to that
7614s line now
7616s really okay
7622s wow okay
7626s he does get to keep double wiggin hand
7628s with this play even though he ends up
7629s with the worst board which i respect you
7631s know it does give you a lot more
7632s longevity if you get
7635s quite specific draws
7638s okay so that is a 5 8
7642s 13 stats divided by 2 6 and a half i
7645s think that's a seven drop
7647s okay
7648s i like your theory
7652s and it doesn't just go off the attack or
7654s the health it's like some combination of
7656s the two here
7661s oh radiant that's not the one is it
7667s you just play it right now
7669s like the wigs matters
7671s yeah i guess and
7673s devour
7678s bless you
7680s i was doing an impression of chewie
7682s who's
7684s by name and nature apparently
7689s now that's branding that's what dragon
7690s man needs to realize call yourself
7693s chewie and you chew on stream
7696s it's simple but it works uh in the the
7699s dreamhack bg event there was a guy named
7702s popcorn
7704s literally the whole tournament he was
7706s eating popcorn
7708s it was like for hours
7710s [Music]
7712s like i don't even know how he had that
7713s much popcorn just hours
7716s every time this camera was on
7718s just popcorn non-stop like that is
7721s branding
7722s like chewing okay that's easy but a very
7724s specific thing you call yourself popcorn
7727s every time you appear on stream you have
7728s to be eating popcorn the entire time
7731s that's dedication
7732s what uh what hearthstone player would
7734s that be the worst for if you had to
7737s do whatever your name meant on cam
7739s every time you were on camera for
7742s branding
7743s uh
7745s love storm
7746s [Laughter]
7752s just an absolute storm of love on camera
7754s just instantly banned from hse's foot
7761s [Music]
7767s bunny hopper would be pretty hard too
7769s yeah that's true
7770s you have to get on like his uh
7773s i don't know what do you do bunny ops on
7774s his bicycle just do bunny hops
7777s yeah i mean to be fair no hands gamer
7779s has been doing it for years that's true
7782s that's good branding
7783s yeah
7784s [Music]
7786s language hacker i'd be talking in
7787s tongues the entire time
7796s i'm literally looking through the
7798s standings right now to see oh dead draw
7801s would be he wouldn't be nearly as good
7808s wet goose
7809s [Laughter]
7813s these are mean if he had to have a wet
7815s goose in his background the entire time
7821s attacking him
7823s okay
7824s uh game five uh final game of round
7828s number five
7830s between gamer g and chewie chewie trying
7833s to get
7834s this wig priest across and this is the
7836s matchup to do it with
7838s your gee i like that i like that hand uh
7840s it's bold
7842s yeah
7843s uh
7845s if he can get to nourish safely
7850s then
7851s [Music]
7853s okay chewie's got a pretty good start
7854s because we
7856s an early minion to be able to pop that
7858s wig on and another naga to reset boone
7861s is also fantastic
7864s take a look at the uh
7868s list for game ravi g because this hand
7870s is the kind of hand that really wants to
7872s be
7873s ahead going into turn four like akane
7875s can be such a clutch card in this match
7878s up if you just pick minion all of a
7879s sudden they can't renew their serpent
7881s wig uh and they really fall behind
7883s because they just want to play one
7884s minion a turn basically
7886s uh but if you're behind going into the
7888s akani it basically does nothing uh
7891s or apart from forcing them to trade but
7894s he's running very few of these early
7895s game cards that allow you to be ahead
7897s there's no living roots there's no
7899s um
7900s planted evidence uh no natural causes
7904s so realistically i think he's just
7906s expecting to go into turn four behind
7908s and then praying that ramp into
7910s alignment will be enough
7917s that's uh
7919s oh i think that's nothing actually i
7920s think
7921s nourish is the only two uh choose one in
7923s the deck it is yep
7928s druid's okay right with a hero power
7933s just bring it down to one health or is
7936s it too big now is it up to five
7938s it's up to five yeah because should we
7940s use a devour last turn to get rid of the
7942s jerry carpenter otherwise it would be
7944s good
7945s big difference i mean it's the only
7946s thing that you actually draw right now
7948s so you pull it out of your deck
7957s yeah it feels like scale is worth it
7961s just as to have off the top
7964s i don't think sure he's got a comeback
7966s mechanism
7967s yeah agrees
7969s i think the plane might be like pick
7971s druid of the reef and pray that you
7973s top deck druid of the reef as well next
7976s turn so that you can actually kill
7977s something
7978s um
7979s like you could pick widow bloom seeds
7981s obviously and then just play it next
7982s turn
7983s but that doesn't really help your curve
7985s all too much right now does it
7989s yeah interesting
7990s chewie knows three cards in hand
7992s probably those four cards cause there's
7993s a card kept
7997s that could be just be the nourish but i
7999s don't think you wouldn't keep nourish
8000s and jerry carpenter in them
8003s yeah i mean it could be guff i think
8005s it's the other big one right that you're
8006s expecting to come down
8011s uh but no such luck for gamer rpg as it
8013s pretty much just has to be blade master
8015s akani
8019s weirdly enough it's probably spell here
8021s even though i usually prefer minion
8023s verse naga priest as i said just because
8025s it means they can't go
8029s up and wig uh to be able to kill it off
8032s instantly
8033s and it denies boon as well on this term
8038s but maybe they expect that's hugo minion
8040s so if they just like play school teacher
8043s then uh or play nadjak
8047s then you catch them out with that it's a
8048s lot of mind games here
8050s you just close your eyes pull your mouse
8052s on a circle
8055s if you don't know then there's no way
8057s your opponent could know
8060s i like it let's go
8070s boy picks minion
8073s i'm pretty sure that's the uh that's the
8075s bluff pick right like that's the
8077s the one you'll they wouldn't expect you
8079s to go for
8081s but then obviously if they think you're
8082s gonna try to double bluff them they
8084s might triple bluff you and end up back
8086s on the correct result it's so difficult
8087s to guess
8089s but as we can see a single wig here
8091s uh just puts chewie back miles in the
8093s lead yep
8098s and i believe this handmaiden would be
8100s active
8102s uh after this wig
8106s coin devour and wig
8111s no way
8113s that's such a sick play from rvg
8121s okay and all of a sudden it's not
8124s that bad for rvg right he's got
8127s ramp into either alignment scale or
8130s miracle growth depending on what the
8131s situation calls for
8137s looking okay for him
8151s but a
8153s radiant elemental okay this didn't make
8155s the hand made now it doesn't activate
8157s wow how it must be
8159s yeah i think i thought that was
8161s because it was on coin so i thought it
8163s was coin devour plus
8165s the first wig that went on the scribe
8167s but i guess the handmaid was drawn after
8169s that yeah i think so
8171s uh after the initial coin so
8175s all right the big question here right
8177s the card kept in the mulligan
8179s can we get away with it how bad can
8181s things go wrong
8183s uh
8184s if you put a wig priest down to one
8185s manner what disasters can they pull off
8194s yeah i guess that's about it right like
8196s boone would be
8198s boone would be pretty bad actually if
8200s you go alignment and they just play boom
8202s for one mana
8204s you're in trouble
8205s yeah
8206s i mean i'd be too worried to miracle
8208s growth here because
8212s yeah
8213s uh i don't know
8214s you get there'd be value trades on board
8217s you wouldn't have alignment down
8219s he's able to just build up the board and
8221s get through the miracle growth taunt
8223s i think it is just alignment
8225s you have ramp
8227s be able to get that mana back up you can
8229s so you can alignment this turn then
8232s i think that was an alignment man i
8233s think i would have slammed that there
8235s like i appreciate it's bad if there's
8237s radiant or boon
8239s but
8240s you had both halves of nourish scale as
8243s well
8245s i think you could have clutched that one
8246s back
8248s yeah look at the cards that were drawn
8249s if you could have just gone devour or
8251s like brand of our even if it's not
8253s activated like non-infused you double
8255s the stats you steal and then just kind
8257s of kill them next turn
8264s alignment and then
8266s right not jamming on eight with ramp in
8269s hand and not being dead i don't know
8271s like this is a very expected board to
8273s see around turn five or six right this
8275s is not massively high rolly versus druid
8279s yeah
8280s so it is possible that
8282s um game rpgs was trying to like dig for
8286s lady anacondra right with uh
8289s uh miracle growth first but yeah like
8291s this pla this play was still possible
8293s next turn
8294s right you go celestial alignment then
8297s you nourish for crystals and miracle
8298s growth with the crystals that you have
8300s yeah
8302s um
8315s right i see what you're saying what he's
8317s going for here in terms of
8319s uh
8320s you make an a8 uh you you might draw
8323s some better cards in anacondra but for
8325s me the the real clincher here is all the
8327s things that are bad for you if you do
8329s alignment are still just as bad for you
8331s if you don't alignment right like if you
8333s don't play it here and they go boon of
8335s the ascended or they have a radiant
8337s elemental and play like five weeks on
8339s that turn you're losing the game anyway
8340s you're not going to be able to beat that
8342s whereas i think the celestial alignment
8344s beats a lot of other plays because you
8346s just pop off massively next turn
8349s yeah
8349s and what this does with the miracle
8351s growth it means you're never playing
8354s alignment
8355s [Music]
8357s unless you like
8359s guff survive get enough mana crystals
8362s and then play
8364s anacondra and
8366s the same turrets
8368s it's coming out so
8369s uh this play is not
8373s it's not gonna be able to clear the
8374s board but it will be able to clean up a
8376s lot the two bigger minions right you
8379s could go uh earthen scales uh to clean
8381s up the five three and then trade the
8382s rest of the scribe
8384s and you are
8385s uh infusing the devour the next turn
8388s oh because he fuses the bauer he's going
8391s to trade off but this does mean that
8392s he's leaving a bigger minion on board so
8394s it's more likely to be lethal on the
8396s backswing
8397s uh for chewie
8400s oh my god say a lot
8403s it could just be a boon turn or it could
8404s be a
8407s oh this gotta be uh
8409s handmaded into what priestess and
8411s radiant elemental is like
8416s the draw
8418s i can just see this game branching out
8420s before me all the possible lines like
8422s it's going to be a big insatiable
8424s devourer a big nadjak a big starfish to
8427s to deal with that as well it just goes
8429s back and forth back and forth and i
8430s think right now
8433s i'm kind of still favoring rpg right
8436s like he just needs
8437s again if he was in alignment form it
8439s would be so so much easier here but
8441s without guff and alignment
8443s if the pan now is devourer nadjak
8446s starfish at that point it's really close
8449s and a good draw like uh onixia off the
8452s top for rvg could just clutch it out
8454s maybe even just scale of the next year
8456s would get the job done but unless
8457s there's a big top deck in the next
8459s couple turns i
8460s i don't know maybe chewie just about
8462s gets there with just the raw stats of
8464s minions on board even if they're
8466s silenced by the starfish
8470s it's really close why is the cathedral
8473s there definitely supposed to be in the
8475s middle there though yeah
8477s or wait maybe maybe it's bait it's bait
8487s he was just like oh i hope nobody eats
8489s my scribe
8490s [Laughter]
8494s smothering mustard on it oh no
8496s don't devour it
8516s and now gabriel reggie's probably
8517s thinking the same thing
8519s he put the cathedral in the middle
8522s it makes no sense though like
8526s you're still just supposed to do it if
8527s you're beating me
8531s i mean the the thing you're thinking
8532s here i think it's that obviously but
8534s it's also just do we go starfish by
8535s scale here is the other question because
8537s that does clear the board it puts you
8539s ahead
8540s um
8541s it leaves a lot of one health minions on
8542s the board which is very scary because of
8544s devour you never really want to do that
8546s against priests and so i do favor just
8548s going for this line here because
8550s because he gets a bigger boon he gets
8552s the boon as well he gets a bigger food
8555s and even the starfish comes down the
8556s boots take the same stats and just
8559s oh that's that was 100 intentional
8561s because this top wait no he didn't play
8563s around it because boone's responds to
8565s the right okay
8569s can you kill nadjak
8572s there's nothing in the deck that does it
8573s right park panther needs to attack
8575s through
8577s again he's not
8578s it doesn't matter he's just dead
8581s he's gonna be there no matter what i
8583s mean it would be like kill nadjak draw
8585s earthen scales right that's that's the
8587s way you survive but ah
8591s it's not there
8594s where's uh where's starfire when you
8596s need it starfire into draw earthen
8598s scales whoo
8609s theater something
8613s anything's anything that saves you
8614s though
8615s they played both boons so you couldn't
8617s get another boon of yourself
8639s what a sick game
8641s yeah that was uh
8644s very bizarre i i
8648s still think that game would have looked
8649s a lot differently maybe would have had
8651s the same result
8652s um if uh celestial line was put on it
8655s instead of miracle growth yeah
8657s um
8659s if we want to be results oriented
8660s obviously there was no raiden elemental
8662s picked up in like the next eight cards
8664s so uh there there would have been not
8666s even a chance for chewie to really
8668s capitalize on any board
8671s um
8672s so i think that's the big turn to look
8675s at in that game as something that gamer
8677s rbg could have done differently
8680s uh but it is a tough matchup right
8682s there's a lot of things to to consider
8685s you never really can fully comprehend
8687s the reach
8689s that the
8691s uh naga priest is capable of yeah
8694s a single minion sticking on the board
8696s could almost always be lethal if there's
8699s double wig in hand
8700s because of great elemental
8703s uh and priestess you can have infinite
8705s man on a turn and then end with a bless
8707s right that can always happen
8710s but you have to think like like you said
8713s those turns
8714s are going to kill you whether you're
8715s alignment or not it's just alignment
8717s makes that
8718s happen slower or uh
8722s you take more damage now but your
8724s opponent's potential is a lot less over
8726s the next three or four turns
8728s if it just feels like you give yourself
8730s more time to work with and
8732s make the cards in your hand actually
8733s more worthwhile right uh his hand it was
8736s incredibly expensive bran was completely
8739s useless without alignment being played
8741s in that deck unless like kale thoughts
8742s was picked up but
8744s come on
8745s um
8747s not even a kale toss on the deck because
8748s it's a lineman so lady anaconda is the
8750s only six
8751s but
8752s alas
8754s alas it's just one of those turns where
8755s every player who sees it will have a
8757s strong opinion one way or the other you
8758s can argue back and forth forever i think
8761s it was probably an alignment there but
8763s he could come up with a million reasons
8764s why that's wrong i could come up with a
8766s million reasons why it's right it's just
8768s so so difficult to work through he made
8770s his choice and in this instance he got
8772s booned
8776s the old devour bait gets him every time
8780s oldest trick in the book
8782s yep and now chewie is going to go to all
8784s his friends yeah that was intentional i
8785s wanted a bigger boon
8788s never play around never play around but
8790s uh that does conclude round five of
8793s swiss uh here at the mattress tour so we
8796s are gonna go to a break but when we come
8797s back we're going to kick off round six
8799s only three swiss rounds left remaining
8802s before uh we cut to that top 16 and look
8804s forward to our championship sunday uh so
8806s don't go anywhere plenty more
8807s hearthstone actually to come right after
8809s this
8819s [Music]
8833s um
8837s [Music]
8863s [Applause]
8865s [Music]
8897s so
8904s [Music]
8909s [Music]
8933s [Applause]
8941s [Music]
8954s so
8959s [Music]
9007s hello everyone welcome back to the
9009s masters tour castle nathria we have
9011s round five ready to go i'm raven and
9013s joining me for this one is larinda for
9015s his first time on stream today uh
9017s welcome lorinda how's it going so far
9019s yeah going good again just checking
9021s through how things are going in this
9022s tournament but also keeping an eye on
9023s the cast at the same time and it looks
9026s like the vogue deck is doing pretty well
9028s i haven't seen the stats exactly but it
9030s looks like the people who brought it
9032s have had an advantage over those who did
9033s not so well done to lambie series and
9035s the people that he let in on this yeah
9038s again i i've not looked at the sort of
9040s detailed stats but for me even just at a
9042s glance it feels like if that's your
9044s fourth deck then it's a pretty good one
9046s so i think it's fine uh but here though
9048s we are looking at mati and mero both
9050s players who aren't bringing rogue here
9053s and they're very similar if not
9054s identical classes both players on the
9057s naga priest which said that you know i
9060s uh i've been liking a lot recently and
9062s then also just a bit of a mixture
9064s between the the two warlocks the two
9066s shermans and mages of course so uh some
9069s differences mainly larinda in the bands
9072s in the band yeah the shaman has been
9074s banned for mero and uh mati's warlock
9077s has been banned but there's some
9078s differences in the builds as well
9080s uh mati's warlock was
9082s the the hybrid with the curses and the
9084s imps which is interesting to see that
9086s band because it comes across as quite
9088s inconsistent sometimes
9090s um but also matty's mage i've gone with
9093s ping mage it's a very aggressive mage
9095s build but it's basically got the ping
9096s mage components in there so i've gone
9098s with calling it that there's his record
9100s and i don't think that says it all he's
9102s kind of gone missing the last two or
9104s three tournaments but towards the end of
9106s last year he was one of the players we
9107s were talking about as
9109s this person will get a very very good
9112s result very soon
9114s but that result has yet to really
9116s materialize for matty but very solid
9118s play on his day yeah he was one of those
9120s players that his name kept popping up
9122s right in masters tours right we kept
9124s seeing him appear i feel like we've cast
9126s him a fair amount of times as well uh so
9128s yeah looking forward to seeing we can do
9130s this time around he is going to be on
9131s this mage you talked about here uh which
9134s again it does have cold case it does
9136s have the um
9138s you know like the obviously the location
9140s as well because i think that's just a
9141s given in pretty much any mage deck right
9143s now it's so strong but it's not focused
9146s on all that late game stuff with the
9147s skeletons as you mentioned it really is
9150s more focused on the pings and also the
9152s the nice little combo and not a combo
9154s with the two cards but solid alibi and
9157s frozen touch frozen touch a card i like
9159s a lot and solid alibi especially in
9161s mirrors can really change up the way the
9164s game works it works almost like an ice
9167s block but in this instance you're
9170s playing an ice block in your deck when
9171s most of the mages like don't choose to
9174s play it right so it's actually a
9176s potential huge advantage
9178s yeah i haven't i can't claim to have
9179s seen this build in action yet i must
9181s admit but
9182s it looks to me like you just race them
9184s like make my things and mess around with
9186s you while i'm just hitting you with
9188s stuff um it's even gone as far as to
9190s cook you know not include cars like
9192s death born and so on so yeah really is
9194s going to try and go fast and at you and
9197s mero's deck on the other hand is far
9199s more regular version of what we call in
9202s spooky mage
9203s um but with cards like murloc homes with
9205s kel'thus it's going to be a lot slower
9207s out of the blocks
9208s yeah that's the thing i think with matty
9210s he's removed all the sort of conditional
9213s effects right like uh deathborne and
9216s cards like that and has gone for more
9218s just i will damage you and again 40
9221s cards so 40 health for the spooky mage
9223s for mero but as you said a little bit
9225s less consistent a little bit slower kind
9227s of trundles along a little bit sometimes
9229s of course you get the draw that just
9231s pops off you have to kill fast and then
9233s you do the big things
9235s but without that i i am leaning towards
9237s matty for this mage mirror right now
9239s yeah that's what my instincts say as
9241s well um also has that several which is
9243s going to reload stuff so you can do it
9246s all again and if members waiting to get
9248s to turn six to start to stabilize that
9250s might be too late i think this might
9251s come out really quick from matty or i
9253s might just prove once again like a bit
9255s of an idiot find out very soon that's
9258s the thing right if matty just gets hold
9260s of just some of the tools required for
9262s the soft pink package it's kind of hard
9265s to stop right with mage because
9268s there's no real healing there's some arm
9270s again of course fine but if your
9272s opponent's just relentlessly pinging you
9274s in the face and atherius i guess now it
9276s mero's head
9278s isn't there to pop off and and heal then
9281s yeah there is going to be trouble but
9282s let's see how it goes as we get into
9284s game number one and also preemptively
9287s slight apologies about the dogs you can
9288s probably hear we've just had two turn up
9290s at the house so they'll be loud for
9292s about two minutes and then they'll be
9293s quiet knocked on the door so hi is this
9296s this uh the house um no turned up for a
9298s visit coming in yeah
9300s um that low curve of matthews didn't
9302s allow him to keep magister dawngrass
9304s here which is one of the lovely things
9306s when you've got a deck full of things
9307s that top out at four is you know you're
9309s gonna draw okay so you can keep your
9311s seven drop and move on with your life
9312s um obviously ripping the theater off the
9315s top as well theater this is where you go
9317s to watch a movie okay
9318s um
9319s it's going to allow him to
9321s steal some of the opposing cards we're
9323s talking about murrow's going to hang on
9325s till turn six if he gets theode he might
9328s lose his ability to do nice things to
9330s the deck that's already curved out so
9333s matty's still in a decent spot
9336s yeah it's looking pretty good and
9338s yeah it's interesting right now that you
9339s mentioned it i didn't really
9341s click that apart from modresh and don
9343s grasp the deck does just curve out at
9345s four
9345s very excited to see how this deck
9347s continues to do because it does look
9349s like more my kind of mage just get him
9352s although i will confess mero is playing
9354s the strictly correct portrait here
9357s okay i can go with that yeah if raven
9359s was ever going to play a deck that
9360s wasn't a face hunter deck this is it
9362s this is just a face major it looks very
9364s much like it it's the hunter
9366s morphed into a mage
9372s and this is what the deck's doing it's
9373s just maximum you know just the instant
9375s ping freeze there he spent a bit of time
9377s wondering if there's anything else he
9378s wants to please like no this is this is
9379s for more damage if that's frozen
9382s use my minions to hit you as i'm
9383s interested to see how much stock he pays
9386s to this potential value trade on the
9388s board and that sort of thing and how
9389s much he just goes i'm going to hit you
9390s because 40 is a lot of damage to do
9392s we've talked about it a lot already yeah
9394s i think the only thing he's gonna
9396s consider is the fact that his opponent
9398s does run deathborn and there's no need
9400s to like give your opponent a great
9402s deathborn if you don't have to right
9405s yeah i think that's the only thing to
9406s bear in mind like i'm a fan of face
9408s damage as much as the next person but if
9410s you give your opponent a really good
9412s turn six when you just didn't really
9414s have to
9415s i think that's what matty doesn't need
9416s to keep an eye out faster
9423s so that he's at the stage now where he's
9425s got to start planning ahead for his
9427s magister how much
9429s the draw how much damage does he want in
9431s there and how much does he just want to
9432s still be putting more minions on the
9433s board this is going to get awkward
9434s balancing your spells and your minions
9436s because it's where it diverges from face
9438s hunter right face until you play all
9440s your minions and you hit him with spells
9442s and that's kind of the formula
9444s this
9445s you sort of want to keep it coming in
9446s between a bit as well i think matty can
9449s start with theotar and then adjust from
9452s there
9454s depending on what he gets offered right
9456s i think that's where where i would look
9458s right now because he still has theoton
9460s and the one drop
9461s which will currently reduce arcane
9463s intellectual two
9465s yeah
9466s we have the advantage of being able to
9467s see murray's hand but he hasn't done
9469s much so matty can read that
9471s there's a good chance there's some of
9472s those sixes and sevens hanging around in
9474s there and if he hits this deathborn
9476s things could get
9477s very tasty for him
9483s [Music]
9494s lucky at least he's gonna do some trades
9496s if he's putting one in he's putting two
9498s in yeah
9500s you like trading away the third i think
9502s he he's got the goods right like he
9504s doesn't need to give his opponent
9506s something huge here he's going to leave
9508s it up so that's going to be a decent
9510s death bomb here for merrow
9513s i think they just don't grasp just in
9515s hand i think he could have gotten even i
9517s think you can see there he's not really
9519s happy and he knows it was a bit of a
9520s risk
9521s i think for me like with dawn grasp just
9523s don't die and then you'll win would be
9526s my view that's how i felt as well and
9529s now the game will be interesting because
9531s memo
9532s has resisted the opening
9536s that could have been hasn't taken much
9539s damage
9540s and now he's going to have more powerful
9541s things he can do compared to matching
9543s even though he'll be doing fewer things
9545s a turn
9546s mattie is still just going to plop
9548s things
9553s face there so he avoids the um
9556s the weird skeleton
9559s trade war
9564s stay where you are
9576s go again yep another bad deathbomb once
9579s more from the pirate here going to start
9580s stacking that damage and also
9582s really juicing the kel'thuzad right like
9584s that's going to be huge as well as that
9587s to nathrius but that's why i'd really
9588s like to see this theo tar get played
9591s there's a lot of cards i think matty
9592s would be okay giving over to merrow
9595s and the gain is huge because as we said
9598s mattie doesn't run donathius doesn't run
9600s you know this sort of extra late game
9603s stuff like roon like amulet that mero
9605s does i think there's a lot of upside to
9607s casting theotar right now
9609s yeah i can see it um
9611s i think he's still gonna try and sort of
9613s hit you freeze you hit you freeze you
9615s repeat
9616s uh i think that's the plan but
9619s the theo does look very very tempting
9625s doesn't feel like this is progress at
9627s the moment
9628s yeah if he's worried about the donation
9631s specifically he does have time yes
9634s absolutely
9639s yeah he's probably just giving it
9640s maximum chance to catch something
9641s obvious
9643s and still develop his board
9652s get some tempo
9667s i still have solid alibi so you know
9669s there's a turn where
9671s he can almost certainly not die as long
9673s as he plays it early right you obviously
9675s play it on like four health and you can
9677s still very much die you doesn't reduce
9679s all damage just reduces damage down to
9681s one per hit
9684s now you can see what the deck's trying
9685s to do it's got so much freeze in here
9686s but
9688s it's no use if you haven't got the board
9690s the idea is you freeze their stuff and
9691s you hit them
9693s freezing their stuff and passing your
9694s turns not quite as good
9696s strangely enough
9699s yeah i mean
9700s what matty wants to look at now is what
9703s six mana plays can he make right because
9705s he wants to hero power
9707s yeah
9708s but again there was just theota solid
9710s alibi hero power but looks like he's
9712s gonna go a little bit different here
9714s gonna go frozen touch
9716s again try and just uh make the skeletons
9718s high five each other i imagine
9720s look at merrell just mayor just being
9721s nodding like he just he's like yeah this
9723s is an acceptable play i'm okay with this
9727s yeah he got excited when the the
9728s skeleton chain left up for the deathborn
9730s that went his way but yeah he's just
9732s been yeah okay sure you're not doing
9734s anything that scares me anymore
9736s i've weathered the first eight turns now
9737s i have good cards
9739s rooney roone at donathius as i even
9742s pointed out
9744s [Music]
9750s a reminder both players are five and oh
9752s so if you're saying well this deck
9753s doesn't seem to play though yeah this
9754s deck's been doing fine off stream it
9756s must have been or he wouldn't be five or
9757s no right
9761s now
9773s i'm not bad honestly
9776s oh cold case as well okay i'll chop that
9778s up as a good one from there it starts
9780s off badly right didn't the first
9782s 10 man or so were pretty garbage but
9785s yeah okay
9786s is it time finally
9793s if he's not doing it now why is it in
9795s the deck that would be my question
9798s yeah
9801s and again although it's easy to say oh
9803s well we can see denaturius yes but there
9806s are a lot of good cards you can steal
9809s and as i said earlier matty has a lot of
9811s cards he can be okay with giving to his
9813s opponent
9817s yeah absolutely like his whole deck is
9819s fours and under as we've discussed a lot
9821s since the start of the cast so
9824s matty absolutely has that option but
9825s picking up this brand has made the turn
9827s a lot more interesting there's a lot of
9829s stuff going on now for him
9831s yeah parenthood
9832s [Laughter]
9836s oh theater
9841s war mana steal good stuff got to be a
9844s fan
9850s he's working out like the likelihood of
9852s just dying if he does that he's going to
9853s take a lot of damage
9855s yeah i mean i don't think it's bran
9857s theotar i think i theotar like farden
9860s would be good theota alibi would be fine
9862s as well if he wants to fit opinion
9864s instead
9866s he actually misses the infuse here does
9868s buff the pink though so that's huge just
9870s get the clean kill so it's gonna be six
9872s now
9873s now like how much is this denaturius at
9876s it feels like it's a reasonable sun it's
9879s just a big thing you see
9881s you do care but you know what i mean you
9883s do have five full heal as well straight
9885s to the heel
9887s hurt your opponent
9889s even with half those numbers would have
9890s been fine no he's loving it
9892s and also he got the ignite from not the
9894s ignite the wildfire sorry from the rune
9897s so actually his hero powers dealing too
9899s as well now
9901s so
9902s too bad at all can gain a ton of armor
9905s with the deep water as well with bran if
9907s he really needed to
9909s a lot of options now for mero
9912s a lot of options and they're all
9914s game-winning options i think right now
9920s that's the thing
9922s like if he makes a mistake here he's
9923s going to lose he's just
9926s how does matthew get out of it he's got
9927s to do 44 with this and remember he's got
9929s no big stuff just in case we haven't
9930s mentioned that a lot so
9934s how does he now assemble the board to do
9936s that much damage let's have two turns of
9938s solid alibi uh the second turn might not
9941s quite get him there but the first turn
9942s could
9946s thank you survive this turn if he can
9947s survive this turn
9953s sure good luck with that
9961s only one damage at a time but it's
9963s nearly lethal
9964s usually that speed
9974s tickle mattie to death through these
9976s alibis
9979s and there's a chance there's just five
9980s damage spells coming out here right
9982s excuse me yeah one is it gonna go face
9985s nope
9989s wait is meryl won somehow oh no he
9991s pulled him off that's what he's laughing
9992s at
10005s i redraw the hand makes sense honestly
10007s because nothing there ends the game and
10010s i believe his hair power is still on oh
10012s he's on three now actually yep three now
10018s i'm more just there so the second
10020s there's no alibis the game will end i
10022s think i always assume they're active
10023s it's not always active surely it is hey
10027s time for
10028s bran now
10031s brand theater
10033s get two more dresses
10038s uh he needs to play alibi he needs to
10040s play alibaba and kill some things
10041s because he's dead yeah
10043s yeah i thought it was going to be just
10044s uh alibi modrash not that any of these
10047s players i think particularly win mattie
10049s the game
10060s clear the board with apprentice and
10062s alibi that way okay
10065s [Music]
10068s if the brand sticks next turn he does
10071s have
10073s more dress
10075s the problem is he's just dead in two
10076s turns time right
10078s is he going to turn
10082s maybe actually pink
10084s oh yeah he can't ping
10087s he's just
10088s but he might choose not to he might if
10090s he pings he might actually win
10094s because if he pings he deals seven right
10099s and then if the brand lives he gets 20.
10102s it's
10104s maybe it's still fine actually he still
10106s wins advice yeah i think it's fine this
10109s doesn't win through freeze right
10117s no
10118s just a casual 20.
10123s it's closer than it felt like it was
10125s going to be i would admit
10128s after like four or five turns like matty
10130s had no chance but turns out that
10132s sticking a brand on the board is quite a
10133s big deal with mordred
10136s yeah
10137s it is
10138s close
10139s because we can see obviously there's 20
10141s damage from modresh but i didn't think
10143s it needed to be this close
10147s yeah i agree
10149s and again the self polymorph was a
10152s little bit rough for mero taking out his
10154s denathrius
10157s i think you just kill off this brown and
10158s then what can really happen to you
10163s it doesn't even need to ping face right
10167s that's the motor she isn't actually
10170s okay i mean he's gonna silence it right
10172s it's a spy yeah science is the brand it
10174s it's fine it should be fine
10178s do they need steel that could
10182s not money that was theoretically unlucky
10184s yeah
10190s now he's trying to work out if he can
10191s die
10194s and yeah there's only 24
10197s yeah that's all i can see
10199s just the 24 though that's a heck of a
10201s lot but yeah
10205s yeah i think
10206s oh
10207s yeah he can't win right
10211s i see theo toss something
10215s i don't even know what he could get from
10217s merrell's deck that would allow him to
10218s win as well
10221s did he have thin lead into cold case
10229s and then kill everything and not die
10230s next turn somehow
10233s so yeah does he
10235s wait he doesn't have a cold case
10238s does he use it both
10240s i believe so
10241s he's got multicaster
10244s vara
10247s he's not used
10249s i was any sound
10250s he's not helped has it yeah
10252s that was rough and again i think like
10253s there was options there that matty had
10256s uh there was the theotop earlier and
10259s when i think he had time to play it
10261s there was also the problem that very
10264s similar to you know timeout do you
10265s remember time out the party card like
10268s people were using it when they were on
10269s like five health and all it meant was
10272s you buy that one turn but then you did
10274s anyway the turn after whereas the people
10276s who used it to actually just reduce the
10278s most damage
10279s uh you know got the better end of the
10281s stick there and although of course that
10284s the daenerys came down on the turn i
10286s would have used it it just means that
10288s donations would have could have come
10289s down the turn after instead to deal what
10291s 10 15 damage whatever it was um
10294s it's not as easy to say that oh well if
10295s he alibid earlier would have been fine
10297s but i think alibi on higher health when
10300s there's minions on board and you don't
10301s have a way to clear them it's maybe a
10302s little bit better
10304s than saving it till the last second
10306s so yeah bit of a rough game there for
10308s matty i think he had the opportunities
10310s uh but mero played it cool and just
10312s stayed on top of the game throughout and
10314s the silence on the brand and made him
10316s very very comfortable indeed
10318s yeah he got a bit unlucky matty with the
10320s the death bomb being so big because the
10322s skeleton went face but yeah that's going
10324s to happen even if one dies then that can
10326s go facing again so eventually your one
10328s in three is gonna hit a face
10330s deathborn is allowed to get something
10331s there yeah and also bear in mind mero uh
10334s mass polymorphed his own dinathias which
10336s mattie didn't really have a way to stop
10338s a 10-10 yeah right so like there were
10340s still things that went a little bit
10341s funky both ways there but mero is gonna
10344s take the lead 1-0 with the mage and i
10347s believe now he's going to jump over to
10348s his warlock uh to go up against matty's
10350s mage once again let's have a quick look
10353s at the wall like i'm pretty sure it's a
10354s standard building
10356s one c giant
10357s and one battle master which i would uh
10360s guess it's not quite standard
10362s yeah i've seen battlemaster in a cursed
10364s deck somewhere
10365s it's testing around but yeah you don't
10367s see many battle masters they are they do
10368s kill you quick
10370s oh yeah batman is one of those cards
10372s that not everyone runs it but it's not a
10374s card i'd be shocked by if i saw it on
10376s ladder you i wouldn't be like whoa why
10378s are they running this card well because
10379s you can die
10381s with it so yeah not too bad at all a
10383s little bit um
10385s uh one of everything there's like the
10387s one grimoire the one silence the one
10389s okani of course uh the battlegrounds
10392s battle master one of c giant one of you
10394s know subtle would hate it but salt's not
10396s here so we're fine um
10398s so yeah it's good here
10400s it's gonna be an interesting one isn't
10401s it whether they're made that sounds like
10404s it should be able to be competitive
10406s actually can be versus this warlock
10408s because yep you think of reckless
10410s apprentice and you think of freezing
10412s stuff it all sounds good but how does
10415s matty actually kill the big imps is my
10418s question i i think this time around we
10422s might see a lot better of how it's
10423s supposed to work which is you don't
10426s you kill the small ones and you freeze
10428s the one or two big things you just keep
10430s hitting with your things because the
10432s warlock doesn't have the same way of
10434s being able to remove the board if it's
10435s minion to froze and that the opposing
10437s mage had
10438s so as long as matthew can get something
10440s on board you know maybe he'll actually
10441s draw the sanctum this time so he can
10443s take care of anything huge even the snow
10445s flow he's got freeze you know i know
10447s that's obvious but he is allowed to do
10449s some damage
10451s let's see how it goes as we get into
10453s game number two mero seems to be happy
10456s with his opening it looked okay to me
10459s yeah he's got imps yep looks good no
10461s circle though no circle no win this deck
10467s well no library
10468s ah library two yeah library two
10472s you can't stop
10478s they are but if you ask me which card
10479s i'd rather have in this hand circle or
10481s library it would be library every time
10484s we don't have anything i disagree with
10487s incredibly silly it's the reason people
10489s built this deck
10492s okay decision point here do you want to
10494s get this sanctum on the board
10496s i actually like the draw because if
10498s these one ones pop out i'm feeling very
10501s good about life
10503s how do you trade the one one
10506s and honestly you don't mind the blood
10508s bound him hurting his own hero to some
10510s extent
10512s you're not too slow yourself every time
10514s that attacks and does two yeah you can
10515s take two go for it
10522s the downside certainly aggro versus
10524s aggro of taking two for what is these
10526s days
10527s not a particularly huge minion a two
10530s five or two mana
10531s might be painful to say that but it's
10533s not massive anymore is it like it used
10534s to be oh yeah i mean let's be honest it
10537s wouldn't be played if it wasn't an imp
10539s right like it wouldn't it wouldn't make
10540s the list it's not quite the right shape
10542s but it is the right shape in you know
10544s cut matchups like the mirror and the
10546s fact that you can buff it where suddenly
10549s it's not a 1-1 being buffed right it's
10551s it's already got that sort of high
10553s health total to go against it so they're
10555s not looking too bad it's going to go for
10557s the okani and they're only trying to
10559s block something but also the ability to
10561s just soak a lot of hits from these
10563s minions
10564s yeah the bloodbound imp is the the first
10566s card that gets killed this is why people
10568s want to play curses in their in block
10570s it's there's a couple of them like imp
10572s gang boss blood bound him and
10575s there's one other kind of medium slow
10577s imp that you think yeah really oh just
10579s cut those and put some nurses in
10581s i don't know lauren i think i agree with
10583s your sentiment but do not put imp gang
10585s boss in there i think him
10587s gang boss is insane it's really good in
10590s the deck he's got a lot of synergy but
10592s it it is only a two four for three mana
10594s in 2022. but it's more imps that's the
10597s trick and you make a big imp gang boss
10599s and then you have never ending him just
10601s get it i understand
10603s but it is one of the cards you want to
10604s cut to put curse well you want to cut
10606s blood boundaries we agreed on that if oh
10608s in your world you put a different pin so
10609s people put a curse in for it then they
10611s say what else can i cut oh what's this
10613s thing yeah it's got synergy let's cut
10615s that as well and end up with a curse
10616s deck which
10618s for some reason just ends up being
10620s inconsistent anyway so you go back to
10621s this and just put them back in and get
10622s on with your life
10630s okay
10631s moment of truth now for matty can he
10633s deal with this
10636s let's get to potentially freeze too
10638s needs to test the ocarina of course
10641s or at least not test but get through
10648s again the issue of not really being able
10650s to connect that much damage through
10652s these even if you do freeze them or
10655s whatever
10656s yes a really good hand for this okay
10659s though right sorcerer's first to test
10661s minion and he can still reckless after
10664s and then he has if he want if that
10666s didn't pan out he could also use the
10668s flurry if he really needed to
10670s [Music]
10674s amazing but it's fine
10676s i like this the tutu gets to make a
10677s trade and maybe kills two imps and then
10680s the freeze little element oh no just to
10682s get some work done
10685s this is still okay
10688s this is what happens when you get an
10689s optimist with pessimists casting
10691s together
10693s i still think this was a solid turn
10695s uh-huh it was okay
10702s this is gonna be more okay though
10707s khan is still active
10712s oh
10713s even here comes all this stuff
10717s definitely stuff
10720s with the farm next turn as an option
10723s afford to be sort of wasteful here
10727s yeah rafan won't be infused though right
10729s or is unlikely to be infused
10732s it only got drawn this turn yeah sure
10736s that's fair
10740s is doing so much work just by existing
10746s i was going to trade away one of the
10747s bigger minions so that reckless going
10749s down
10751s means uh it's prepared to fight for the
10752s board a little bit longer
10757s again 26 health and matty means there's
10759s a lot of work still to be done
10762s yeah and he's going to want to play a
10763s lot of spells this time around matthew
10765s so that he can get the magister down
10767s maximum so he's gonna have to
10769s do the akani thing this time i have an
10771s idea
10775s i was shaking his head but
10778s at some point in two games
10784s alibi because then he gets another alibi
10786s a lot of the time to turn after
10797s first up next turn i think here is the
10799s main problem that's why he's pausing
10805s i think alibi is fine
10807s an alibi play the uh amplified but he's
10811s he would like to get double alibi right
10813s so when he plays manchester united gets
10814s another but that's not an option now
10820s i mean it can still happen right yeah
10823s yeah that's what the pause is i think i
10825s think it's just worth the matter right
10826s he's gonna probably take some damage
10828s this turn this means he can go face play
10830s a little bit more aggressive because and
10832s mero is um more inclined to trade with
10835s these imps now because of solid alibi
10838s and matty gets to go a little bit more
10839s aggro gets his more safely land dawn
10842s grasp and maybe gets the high roll as
10844s well with the spells so yeah looks good
10846s to me
10850s this is where the mage starts to look
10852s good because it's quite well protected
10854s you're forcing the imps to trade into
10855s yours right described
10857s and also you've just got a little bit of
10859s sort of your own chip damage the wallet
10861s doesn't want to tap really it doesn't
10863s want to flame him really
10865s i do wonder though if it is either
10866s flaming or void walker and then shady
10868s bartender this turn
10872s although i went to getting anything out
10873s of that i wonder if
10876s you're not waiting for circle are you
10878s with your bartender that's miles oh yeah
10880s and the thing as well is you
10882s maro will want matty to think this
10884s board's a threat and kill the board
10886s which means that there were farms ready
10888s to go as refill
10890s oh do we go into the game of chicken now
10892s where he just hits matty in the face and
10894s says okay i'm not trading your go oh
10897s hundred percent trades here right i
10900s don't know kill two minions or deal two
10903s damage
10904s i hm
10906s there's one
10911s which makes sense because now these
10912s three minions go in in theory into a
10915s three-five that's not ideal
10922s a lot of good work here i feel i have an
10925s idea including another five health of
10926s course
10944s i'm laughing because the decisions here
10946s are so weird
10948s yeah he got the alibi right yes you got
10950s the alibi
10951s yeah then just attack the skeleton see
10953s where it goes and make a decision yeah
10954s yeah yeah go from there
10958s i think in general if you've got the
10959s alibis so get through the void walker
10962s however you can and go all fakes right
10965s yeah or try and get the you've got zero
10967s amount of hero power so try and get the
10969s honorable kill somewhere
10978s there
10979s that makes a lot of difference when your
10981s opponents for 17.
10983s [Music]
10985s i like this
10987s yeah it does have that pardon as well
10988s ready to freeze out the board if needed
10991s yeah vardon then wildfire and ping on
10994s five to get to seven
10996s and then the other wildfire to go to
10998s eight
10999s frozen touch and you're just about there
11001s right
11002s wondering if that's a little bit too
11003s fancy
11005s i mean times you've spent pinging
11007s minions what if you just pinged face and
11008s won
11009s yeah it might be it might just be face
11011s face
11013s the numbers pan out but yeah
11016s don't call me fancy raven
11020s not being fantastic ketchup sandwich
11022s with the rest of them
11026s here though
11028s a lot mero can do
11030s nothing to trade into bored a little bit
11032s too full does get to use the uh library
11035s to open up a space but
11040s look at the uh
11041s the one drop here honestly
11044s the gang boss
11049s cycling away the bartender because it's
11050s not enough in that slot
11058s this is librarian
11060s all the hallmarks of somebody who
11062s knows they're up against it hasn't it
11064s it's like what do i play how do i clear
11065s my board what do i do in that one slot
11069s yep varden wildfire wildfire ping face
11072s next turn pink face frozen touch
11075s right yeah yeah yeah yeah
11077s that works
11078s is that the best order not that it
11080s really matters i think it's the best
11081s order as well
11084s yeah i mean with the location gone mero
11086s literally can't do anything right oh
11088s sorry he runs one grandma of sacrifice
11098s by my calculations you need to chill out
11101s nine nine just to be technically correct
11112s it's gonna hit for six and there's
11114s pretty much nothing mero can do about it
11116s with the whole board frozen
11119s and that looks like it's gonna be game
11121s number two going to matty series is
11124s evened up and the mage looked pretty
11126s good and honestly in both games the
11128s baits look pretty good right you just
11129s didn't quite get there in game one
11131s yeah absolutely i'd like to see that
11133s mage versus the
11135s the more regular spooky mage a few times
11137s to see how it pans out over a series of
11139s games but against the warlock there
11142s you can see exactly what the deck was
11143s supposed to do just
11145s be a very efficient streamlined version
11147s of the mage we know
11149s taking out some key cards the deathborn
11152s yeah
11153s there's some stuff there that isn't
11154s there but streamlined it to do the job
11156s that it's meant to do without all the
11159s things that i'm willing to call a little
11161s bit of clutter in the maid i'm not
11163s saying they're bad just yeah yeah things
11165s you might not need yeah like i said you
11168s just streamlined the deck and there are
11169s negatives to doing that and positives
11171s right it's just uh with the way matty's
11173s gone and it's looked pretty smooth
11176s overall so
11178s looking good there for matty does only
11180s even it up though there's still plenty
11181s of time for merrell or matty to take
11183s this and very quickly now that the mages
11186s are done with we're gonna jump into a
11188s naga priest mirror
11190s oh how priest mirrors have changed over
11193s the last 12 months
11195s imagine 12 months ago we said we're
11197s going into a priest move and we'd be
11198s like okay well just put your feet on the
11200s table just get ready to talk about boxes
11203s and now it's just going to be bam this
11205s is going to be very interesting as well
11206s because matty is playing i think card
11210s for card the list i've been playing on
11212s ladder i'm not saying he got it for me
11213s by the way
11214s i'm just saying it's the list with the
11216s one partner in crime and i believe mero
11219s is playing a list with a school teacher
11221s and no partner in crime so it's pretty
11224s much gonna be edelweiss versus me
11227s in terms of which version of the tech we
11229s like more so i'm very excited to see
11231s this is definitely going to be a a best
11232s of one for for the bragging rights and
11235s if i lose it's not best of one and we
11237s have to carry on later
11238s yeah well we just that's how we've done
11240s it in the americas region for years
11242s raven been doing it for absolute years
11244s we just keep going till we win one then
11246s say yep that's the one that mattered
11248s um
11249s i don't know partner in crime
11252s i am i
11253s played first with two of those in and it
11256s was rubbish i'm not sure about the one
11258s of them it's
11260s it feels like it's the 30th card either
11262s way so just put up whatever you want and
11264s i hope you don't draw it
11265s that's mine yeah i i i like it as a
11267s one-off just because it does give you
11269s that air sort of board in a box that has
11271s like relevant health again uh joking
11274s aside i do see the value of school
11276s teacher like 100
11278s it's just for me it's a card that procs
11280s wig but it's not an actual like
11284s that relevant a minion on board whereas
11287s the uh the partner in crime obviously
11288s can get a little bit crazy so uh we will
11292s see how it goes i do like these matchups
11294s though and not only do they have that
11297s sort of variable length because
11298s sometimes
11299s you could just one player pops off and
11301s it happens but the the decks can
11303s actually play pretty late if they keep
11305s things even uh but this opening for
11308s matty double radiant slither spear
11310s probably ends up throwing the boon away
11312s maybe of one of the radiants but pretty
11314s solid open overall you you're always
11316s happy to see slither spinner
11318s yeah absolutely oh my goodness though
11320s look at me look what they've both done
11322s what's happening this is gonna be nutty
11323s this game is gonna last like three turns
11325s i just don't know who wins
11327s it oh the tempo
11330s oh do it
11331s love it
11334s yes who needs mana just naught man of
11336s one one
11338s there's not to be a naught man or two
11339s three off we go
11341s oh my goodness
11343s david what's happening
11348s who needs any form of late game control
11350s priest when you have this
11354s this is absolutely nutty he's just got
11356s to decide whether he wants to hold on
11357s until turn two so he can get
11361s off and pellet goes onto the board he
11363s just makes me even more nutty
11365s my bloody how much nutty you are
11373s gonna go again i imagine with the wig
11376s oh my goodness make it stop tell me you
11379s know
11380s you've done it where's he gonna put the
11382s other one though okay he's going all the
11383s way on the slyther swear reasonable
11386s you're just basically this basically
11388s sacrifices the one one if merrell wants
11390s to kill it
11391s and then
11393s just leaves the slit the spare in a much
11395s better position overall so i do like it
11401s yeah probably going to be scribed romero
11404s not quite having the pop-off tony once
11406s but he's ahead on minions which is
11407s something to bear in mind
11410s how long for
11412s real question here
11413s i think you just play the radiant but do
11415s you play the radiant wig then
11418s anymore do you do nothing do you trade
11420s heal i think you trade heal
11422s okay
11423s if you play raging you know radians dead
11427s right
11428s do you get nothing
11429s i mean
11431s you know there's a wig in hand and
11432s there's very likely there's available
11434s yeah but both of them got incredible
11436s good hands or even like as you can see
11438s like devour bless like the the radiant
11441s very likely to die so i do like just the
11444s trade heal and weight
11446s because matty's very ahead right now
11451s yes
11454s i don't know how stable the very ahead
11456s is but he is very ahead
11460s because mario's got such a powerful hand
11461s himself might not stay very ahead right
11465s [Music]
11466s radiant
11467s and then dig for devour
11471s eventually sure
11477s he's running to the problem now where a
11480s lack of naga is a little bit of an issue
11483s but very they're both in the same spot
11485s now it's funny yeah it has some time
11487s there's also like the
11489s the
11490s interesting play of trading the slythers
11493s spear into the 4 3 and then just playing
11496s pelegoes and seeing what your opponent
11498s does
11499s a little bit spicy but if pellego sticks
11502s then you can do very silly things yeah
11504s it's close right it's definitely
11506s tempting because if it does stick you're
11507s in a great spot also got to decide how
11510s you want to use this samurai because
11512s that could just be a crazy crazy board
11514s swing
11515s if it gets one hit in with i know three
11517s attack your opponent just might never
11519s get back in the game so a lot to talk
11521s about as najak comes off the top giving
11523s memo even more
11525s stuff
11528s this devourer's going to be pretty
11529s devourers from here yeah ghost devours
11532s like yeah quite strong
11540s reasonable
11547s with nigec as well is this just coming
11549s up to the end or does matty actually
11551s have a way to deal with this i think
11554s there's ways right samuro is in hand and
11556s now there's a naga to activate serpent
11559s so he could play the slow game and go
11561s like thrive now
11563s then play naga then have serpent at zero
11567s and then look at you know if you draw
11568s bless next turn you can samurai bless
11570s that deal's eight and hope that's enough
11573s and there's bless so
11575s an option he's too far away to consider
11578s like samurai pelegos yeah that devourer
11581s which is it's a great play but it's not
11583s gonna happen but i do like the look of
11585s this bless and then you play the uh
11587s the um
11590s scribe i wanted to call it sea witch for
11591s some reason there but it looks like
11593s seaweed
11597s but yeah it says place scribe and then
11599s just have the a and hope that there's no
11602s naga to buff the pelicans
11604s and even if there is right there's it's
11606s still you get to deal eight damage to
11608s the peligos it's not gonna have that
11610s much more health left
11612s oh
11618s surprised at that honestly
11623s he's got something planned for next turn
11624s by the looks oh
11626s how do people cut boone
11628s madness
11631s isn't it just the best card in the day
11634s it feels look at this how do people not
11636s play this card just won the game
11641s yeah it's madness look at it it's just
11643s an extra 1012 for no good reason
11645s whatsoever
11647s and yeah by the way just buff something
11649s else like i'm gonna copy you but first
11650s of all i'm gonna make you bigger like
11652s really yeah
11654s how much matter oh four okay you know
11656s we'll take some of that then
11660s a little bit
11665s here's the thrive that matty set up last
11667s turn
11668s yeah not gonna matter though
11671s i just didn't know what the second
11672s thrive was going to do obviously the
11674s bless wouldn't have done anything either
11676s because the minions ended up being too
11677s big but i didn't really know what the
11680s plan was for matty it looked like like a
11683s three turn plan and i think assuming
11685s that
11686s more health isn't going to get dropped
11687s down in three turns is a bit a bit
11690s grander than assuming there's one turn
11692s gap that you can maybe get away with but
11694s it does mean mero takes the victory
11697s there uh looking good and uh does get
11700s the win uh with the school teacher that
11702s had zero impact along with the uh
11705s the um partnering crime that also had
11707s zero impact so that was a avoid the game
11709s in terms of who's who's uh
11712s wearing the better version does this
11714s mean almer's only got that warlock left
11715s and uh it's in pluck you've got to say
11718s he's got to be feeling confident
11720s yeah
11720s absolutely um
11723s two goes at it to go six and oh
11727s uh gonna
11728s probably struggle against the shaman
11730s gonna probably struggle against the naga
11732s priest but the thing is he's only going
11733s to win one of them and we have this
11735s discussion every time this comes up it's
11737s very hard
11738s you think oh no i'm 40 60. well that
11741s means you're like 70 something percent
11743s to win the match from here because the
11745s chances are you're not going to lose 240
11746s percenters even though you're unfavored
11748s each time
11750s yeah it's interesting right because
11752s although the shaman has tools to deal
11754s with zoo i feel like if the shaman
11756s doesn't get schooling early
11758s then zoo could just overrun them right
11761s it's not like it's a a done and dusted
11763s match-up right i do think the shaman
11765s needs the good early draws to be able to
11767s deal with it so we'll see how it goes
11769s it's going to be the priest once again
11771s though
11772s and this i think is a good match up for
11774s for the priest
11775s i agree absolutely devour being probably
11778s the key card well devour and having a
11780s minion
11782s being the the key combo there against
11784s this warlock so let's see how it goes
11786s radiant good pickup as well
11788s yeah the second you get one minion
11789s established as a a seven seven one eight
11792s eight you're almost there aren't you
11794s because it just keeps getting bigger and
11796s bigger and
11797s it just never gets dealt with you get
11799s the choice either just kill them in two
11800s turns or pick things off until you're
11802s ready to kill them in two turns and it's
11804s fine right
11806s you should be good
11808s we're actually wondering
11810s well she's really staring at this coin
11812s wicked shipment here as well
11816s there's a slight fear
11817s yeah because of the curve but again i
11820s think there is the fear that with like
11821s coin wicked shipments
11823s a radiant devourer is insane
11827s sure
11829s but the other side of it this doesn't
11831s happen so it's still awkward to work out
11833s what you want to do
11834s with nadjak in hand for matty matty's
11836s set pretty well obviously doesn't have
11838s that devour
11840s but as a devourerless hand this is about
11842s the best you could hope for
11848s oh okay
11850s i really like just playing more minions
11852s honestly
11854s sorry we don't have any
11856s really powerful thoughts
11861s they like to pick up something else you
11862s can
11864s yes it's just like this turn
11867s could have killed both minions right
11869s sure
11880s i just want to trade into the three two
11881s and just jam a pentagon on the board and
11883s say the game's over if you don't deal
11884s with this right now i mean i can't argue
11886s with that polygons pretty hard to kill
11890s especially because there's no location
11891s there's no library for mero yeah
11894s without if library got played that turn
11897s i would be a little bit more worried
11899s about it but i agree with no library you
11901s get the trade there's two attack there's
11903s going to be
11905s with coin
11907s maximum plus three that's still only
11909s five right
11911s yeah with corrections if it was location
11913s coin wicked
11919s but more likely he'll draw something and
11921s just play
11923s a couple of weeks priestess
11925s have a giant pelagos
11927s yeah sure good luck have fun
11931s not over yet though
11934s memo has the decision to make whether he
11936s wants to even
11937s worry about devour here he's so far
11940s behind he might just decide to jam a
11941s circle and see what happens
11946s yeah i keep staring at the sea giant
11948s trying to work out what the setup for
11950s the sea giant will be
11952s because with fiendish circle um and
11954s everything to just beef it up a little
11956s bit you start to make a very wide board
11958s very quickly and see giant is one of the
11960s few minions there without library of
11962s course they can actually fight some of
11965s the big priest minions once they're
11967s buffed up
11968s well slither spear off the top mattie's
11970s just gonna take time to order this for
11971s maximum efficiency but this is going to
11973s be absolutely ridiculous turn
11978s because the pillow goes because of the
11979s priestess he just leaves himself just
11981s plays everything ends up with a knife in
11982s hand
11990s oh okay i'm fine with this as well steal
11992s the two five trade into the two one and
11994s do all that next turn with even more
11995s cards sure
11998s i've got i think actually just wants to
12000s remove any threat whatsoever yeah
12005s it's better
12009s these books are ruined
12021s okay can he do everything
12023s oh he can barely
12025s just radium boom the palagos
12031s i mean it's not
12033s oh i'd even yeah he can do a lot of
12035s things yeah he could just sneak into
12037s pieces
12039s yeah
12040s i think he can right yeah he just
12043s priestess wig boo and yeah it's just to
12046s get out the game kind of turn
12048s just get out of the game
12050s set him up for game number five to see
12052s who's going 6-0 in a very strong chat
12054s top eight and who isn't yeah now like
12056s wake the pelagos
12058s and boom i mean just press buttons
12062s that's my um
12064s official stance here just press button
12068s can you play the other wig as well you
12070s can if you want honestly press buttons
12076s just take your time let the rope burn
12078s quite near to the end and hope your
12079s opponent concedes you don't have to
12080s bother working out the exact optimal
12082s turn
12094s yeah i think maui got a little bit lost
12096s there
12097s again i was wondering
12098s what was
12101s going on in that turn it looked a little
12103s bit strange in places but most
12105s importantly he played all his cards
12107s which was definitely the uh
12109s on a simple level the thing to do
12111s carney this hand gone i dare you
12116s i wonder any spells or any minions raven
12119s how does that work it does have a c
12121s giant though
12123s not quite gonna do the job but he does
12125s have one exactly but he's facing down
12127s 237 damage yeah he can't do that 37
12130s defense so he gives it
12132s to all
12134s what a weird series both players won
12137s with their mage
12138s in one game than game two now both
12140s players have won with their prese game
12142s three game four
12144s and also in both instances mero has been
12147s winning the mirror matches yeah which is
12149s just it's just an odd series to look at
12151s when it's on the spreadsheet linda but
12153s it does mean that it is going to be uh
12155s the wait what shaman versus yeah the
12158s shaman versus now you're going to play
12160s here they they have got slightly
12161s different lineups so slightly different
12163s bands aren't unexpected entirely
12166s but when you get down to what you just
12168s said where the two mirror matches have
12169s happened
12170s and you're in this spot then the band
12173s starts to matter and shaman
12175s is it a decent spot against warlock if
12177s it would if you're not in a decent spot
12178s against warlock you can't thrive on
12180s ladder so you've got to be pretty decent
12182s and obviously yeah
12184s it's just in a decent spot against
12186s everything
12187s yeah it's definitely looking okay um
12190s just looking at the build here
12193s there's nothing too crazy kind of the
12196s usual suspects in there it is the greedy
12198s shaming version so
12199s it's got the uh the primordial wave in
12202s there it's still got the kale fast combo
12204s with daenerys as you can see now and and
12207s kind of yeah all the usual stuff
12209s basically but the key cards to look at
12212s for any of the cheap murlocs uh bolner
12216s as well i think is quite good versus uh
12218s the imps
12219s if you can play it out on curve and most
12221s importantly schooling is the absolute
12224s nuts versus this warlock just push them
12226s off board once and it gets pretty
12228s difficult for them to keep up with you
12230s after that yeah fleurgal exists as well
12233s if you need a sort of fairly quick just
12236s get rid of some imps before they get too
12238s big
12239s and then you've got snowfall guardians
12241s and all everyone's favorite cards
12242s further down the list so
12244s become if you really get that far just
12246s for some heal
12247s you're fine
12249s that is i guess the one
12251s slight weakness of the deck against some
12252s decks where is that lack of heal but
12256s warlock isn't going to be throwing
12257s things to your face other than minions
12259s so you're okay
12261s yeah looking forward to this one going
12262s to be a crazy game a lot on the line
12264s here as again as you i think you
12266s mentioned right the player will that
12268s wins this will be going 6-0
12271s uh into the next round of swiss and once
12275s you hit that 6-0 something has to go
12278s very very wrong
12280s yeah you have to notice twice and go
12281s into and it'd be bad
12283s yeah yeah yeah so
12286s um so yeah you get into sort of
12289s i think i'm there but i better win
12291s another one territory at that point
12294s game mccall's an okay start oh okay this
12297s is fun
12298s both players have great openings matty
12301s will be happy to see schooling of course
12303s but mero has like the opening too right
12306s choice of one drops vial library i guess
12308s the thing missing is a uh a multi uh imp
12312s card uh whether that circle or the uh
12314s shipment or anything like that but yeah
12316s shake it head for mero
12318s he knows that's the one thing
12320s the one fish he didn't want to see
12324s and matty's looking a little bit sort of
12325s you know well look at my luck i'm i'm
12328s sorry but also matt he's had his fair
12329s share of bad luck on streams with the
12331s occasional accident thrown in over the
12332s last
12333s 12 months he's a louder a lucky one
12337s yeah this is a play i've already seen
12339s today actually the insta library proc on
12342s a flame imp means that uh the coin would
12345s have to be used here
12346s from uh from matty to be able to
12348s actually kill it uh we saw it earlier uh
12352s it was thunder versus love storm and i
12355s believe
12356s uh thunder did choose to coin he ended
12358s up losing the game uh but he did choose
12361s to coin to actually answer the emp
12362s straight away and then the turn with the
12364s fish still on board
12366s i'm happy not to here yeah
12370s because they can't punish you because
12371s their library's closed for renovations
12374s ruined yep the internet's ruined
12376s everything hasn't it yeah absolutely
12386s and now you've still got a coin
12387s and you've taken five damage but
12390s really what threats
12395s yep this is still a full clear right if
12398s everything trades down a little clear
12399s and coin next one in hand
12401s yup
12403s just in case
12406s with this order in as well nice clean
12408s play from matty meaning he gets to
12411s retain the three one which is huge the
12413s difference between having a minion and
12414s not
12416s able to trade is absolutely massive good
12418s follow-up though from mero i guess to
12420s decide whether he wants to use the
12421s library i feel like yet again just cr
12424s using that up is going to be worthwhile
12428s yeah um maggie still got it to do here
12430s even though you saw the sort of slight
12432s shake at the head it's like really
12433s you're gonna make me work for this one
12435s after this start come on it's not fair
12439s could
12440s play even slower if you really wanted to
12444s here he could take a trade into a 3-3
12447s um
12448s wind chill the seven seven and just play
12450s cookie
12452s because it means you'd have calling for
12453s glug because glug versus implod is
12456s actually pretty nuts sure i really
12458s wouldn't have hated
12461s this is it though he's assuming that
12463s member kind of has to go face here
12466s i mean he doesn't have to he can trade
12467s but if you trade sure you'll three one
12468s trades back
12470s and then he's still got the um job done
12472s the wind chill for next time with the
12473s two no your play but kind of different
12475s order no one of grimoire for mero off
12478s the top which would have been insane
12480s sacrificed to three three to kill the
12482s whole board
12484s yeah
12486s yeah some people are playing he's
12487s playing one but yeah some people are
12489s playing that as a two i've seen in this
12491s tournament which is really
12492s where you start getting into you might
12494s as well play cursed territory
12500s have the episode using the old muk
12503s to uh evolve one of these five ones as
12506s well
12515s and what's he gonna do next turn that's
12517s how he works out what he's going to do
12518s with his muck
12520s next turn is the hard turn right because
12522s he can't do the coin glug which you
12524s would go to try and do with a saved
12531s manner coming i'm coming
12536s i feel very safe for all the time being
12540s fairly so you can go wrong quickly again
12546s you trade i think you do i'm 14 though i
12550s guess yeah but with
12552s what aggro like what damage has matty
12555s got right 12 on the board that's that's
12557s what he's working with he's saying well
12559s he's gonna have to trade into him he's
12560s got seven but yeah
12562s because the trade would just happen
12563s right if you make this out of this push
12565s a trade happens
12566s um
12568s i guess it's just i'd be a little bit
12570s worried if this gets cleared up
12573s what kind of trouble you could find
12575s yourself in with that kind of weird turn
12576s six play that matty doesn't really have
12580s there's also a weird play if you're the
12581s battle master and then you get to trade
12583s into cookie and a five one with your
12585s three
12586s yeah that's not bad there's also the
12588s silence play which yes you lose the 7-7
12591s section of it yeah you get to silence
12593s and play an imp
12595s and you get to clear off both minions
12598s they're both big minions
12603s gets rid of the negative of the two five
12606s oh
12607s oh really wait what
12611s i'm already shocked it wasn't the five
12613s ones that got traded
12616s well one was a value trade which makes
12618s some sense with the three to face
12620s this is only 16 with battle master if
12623s everything lives
12625s yeah
12627s something went wrong here
12629s i don't know raven
12631s i don't like these five ones just
12632s pointing at my face
12634s i would have preferred to see a battle
12635s master
12638s yeah if you're going to do this i think
12640s i agree
12641s roll the evolve first has command of
12643s neptulon to clean up
12646s he's reading it
12648s it's the deal one right yeah
12653s i love it when players just obviously
12655s alike wait what's that card
12658s the king of that of course being pavel
12660s with rogue scenes oh that was the best
12662s like in this case matty probably has an
12664s idea what he does and just wants to
12665s double check
12666s in the case you're talking about with
12668s pavlet so he just didn't know rogue had
12670s secrets let alone what they did like why
12671s both playing a secret the look on his
12673s face
12675s we have a shout out as well a little bit
12676s of a promo that match is one of the
12678s matches featured in hearthstone the
12680s legends pavel edition uh on their the
12683s arsenal youtube channel so check it out
12684s absolutely let's check out the whole
12685s series they've been really good well
12687s good work from raven have to admit it in
12689s front of him which is horrible but yeah
12690s very nice stuff
12692s oh
12694s that's kind of hilarious
12704s get to push uh what's this push 10
12706s then clear the majority of the board
12709s okay and then get glued
12712s yeah that's true but i think meow's in a
12714s much better position than he thought he
12715s was going to end the turn in
12717s true
12720s yeah you've come this far now you have
12721s to do it
12723s you're here now
12724s yeah literally dead if you don't
12736s that
12737s just ends it right
12739s yeah hits
12741s there's no charge
12743s um
12744s there's no
12745s dinathrius there's no way the silence
12748s has been used which i think is the key
12750s factor here uh so silence has been used
12753s from mero which means this he's got
12755s absolutely no way in his deck to deal
12756s with this that's gonna be live tap
12758s that's gonna be a game and matty
12760s goes to a six zero score in swiss so far
12765s and i think uh you know i do understand
12767s it these are long days the players are
12768s gonna be stressed especially when you
12770s can almost taste that top 16 spot but
12773s matty did not really look comfortable
12776s during that series i think he played all
12778s right overall but there were moments
12780s where you could tell he was kind of
12781s getting lost in his own mind working out
12783s what turns to play um but still
12786s regardless of that matty was the winner
12788s takes the win and uh he's looking good
12791s to make him top 16. yeah and i think the
12794s lack of sort of comfort zone comes from
12797s the way that this meta works a lot of
12799s the time you can go one zero down you're
12801s like oh yeah but that's the deck that's
12803s supposed to lose or that's the deck
12804s that's supposed to win
12805s but this meta
12807s uh the decks as submitted nearly
12810s everything apart from some alignment
12812s match-ups are
12813s reasonably close to 50 50
12815s you know within
12816s some license to
12818s argue
12820s and so you're not really the positive
12821s one oh yeah well that one's lost so if
12823s you want a zero down
12825s you've just one zero down there's no
12827s messing about and sort of pontificating
12829s you're just behind so it was always
12832s playing from behind in that series just
12833s under a lot of stress and yeah just got
12835s it done at the end
12836s yeah pretty crazy series overall but as
12839s usual there's plenty more where that
12841s came from we are going to go to a quick
12843s break but there's more coverage from
12845s round six coming right up so don't go
12847s anywhere we'll be right back
12859s so
12887s so
12890s [Music]
12901s [Music]
12910s foreign
12915s [Music]
12926s foreign
12940s [Music]
12958s do
12960s [Music]
12977s [Music]
12982s [Music]
12986s so
12992s [Music]
13010s [Music]
13025s [Music]
13044s welcome back everybody to masters tour
13046s murder at castle nathria we're finishing
13049s off the rest of the action at round six
13052s here getting through to the really spicy
13054s rounds now
13055s uh how have you been enjoying your time
13056s though adelbeis joining me here on the
13058s casting desk uh here so far at the
13060s masters tour
13062s yep been having a blast i'm excited to
13063s see that monsanto is 6-0 and i'm
13067s very excited for this round where we've
13069s got
13070s wirer who is just an excellent deck
13073s builder you know i try and build decks
13075s myself i don't usually have as much much
13076s success as some of these players but i
13078s try everything so i'm a huge fan of wire
13081s and john bray who just have some really
13083s creative deck builds and i think the
13085s druid is the spiciest one that we're
13087s going to see in this matchup
13089s yeah poorer poor wiry spends his entire
13091s hearthstone career correcting people
13093s because it's like no he's not jamboree
13095s but he plays a lot of the same decks no
13097s he's not german he's from luxembourg
13098s even though you know he
13100s hangs out with a lot of the german
13101s players his name and discord i believe
13103s is actually not german
13104s right now so just to remind people uh in
13107s case they forget uh but yeah i agree
13110s really really big fan of wyra and he's
13112s brought the spice this tournament as
13114s well no surprises there with a couple of
13116s spicy tech cards and most importantly
13118s this druid deck which i think is
13122s very similar to a deck that jambray
13124s invented himself brought it to the
13125s solari party
13127s last weekend
13128s uh and he's made a couple of key tech
13131s decisions but basically this is just
13132s some weird kind of
13135s box druid where you try and like tutor
13138s out convoke the spirits as much as
13139s possible i have no idea how to describe
13141s it but it is gorgeous to watch it in
13143s action
13144s yeah you've got convoke the spirits and
13146s then nightshade bud as an option to
13149s if you don't have convoke you cast it
13151s and you look at the spells in your deck
13153s and can pick convoked cast so
13156s really all in on that strategy has a bit
13158s of the feel of sort of big spell mage in
13161s terms of playing uh barbaric sorceress
13164s even and green thumb gardener so taking
13166s advantage of those big spells and then
13168s the top end is just all beef right
13170s you've still got dinatharius raid boss
13172s neptulon
13174s insatiable devourers so it's a really
13177s interesting deck looking forward to that
13178s one but first we got some good old face
13180s hunter from pharath over here uh pretty
13183s traditional wild spirits are very strong
13186s and then
13187s got twin boat
13188s collateral damage although you don't
13190s really want a twin bow collateral
13191s anymore unless your opponent has like
13193s six minions in play
13196s no longer doing crazy amounts of damage
13198s i think twin bow is still just good
13200s enough to go with wild spirits
13203s agreed yeah yeah yeah i think that twin
13205s bow is just really uh a gorgeous
13207s inclusion in the deck allowing you to
13209s ramp up your damage your board control
13211s it does everything you want to do
13212s depending on which which mode you're in
13214s face hunter uh but fuyra on the other
13216s side on le quest hunter i think things
13220s could get a little bit trickier right
13222s because
13223s uh quest hunter generally does very well
13225s against board-based decks is what is
13227s your your bread and butter is a deck
13229s where you're trying to clear all their
13230s minions off and then you just burst them
13231s down in the late game when your hero
13233s power is way outpacing anything they can
13234s do
13235s but is it the same case against face
13237s hunter where they also have a lot of
13239s over-the-top burn
13242s so i mean quest hunter i think the main
13244s thing
13245s going against the face hunter is you
13247s have a lot of removal so it'll be really
13250s interesting to see if barath can just
13252s get so many wild spirits down so quickly
13255s that it's too much to remove all at once
13258s and so wire won't be able to keep up but
13260s of course if as the quest hunter you're
13262s just able to keep removing and keep
13264s removing you give yourself plenty of
13266s time to
13267s just complete the quest and eventually
13269s get there with you know a bunch of face
13271s damage
13272s [Music]
13274s interesting thing though is of course
13275s talking about uh
13277s 30 verse 40 on both sides i do like the
13280s wire is again going with the uh the 40
13282s card prince aren't allowed this is
13283s really the uh the perfect distribution
13286s for quest hunter where you want to play
13287s it yourself so that you can survive a
13289s little bit longer but you really don't
13290s want your opponent to be playing
13291s renaissance because it gets a lot harder
13293s to kill them uh and so here unless we
13295s see a really really fast start to the
13297s game which farth does admittedly have
13300s with click clocker into doggy biscuit uh
13302s wire should be able to uh
13305s have too much health to burst down and
13306s then i think have time to get tavish
13308s down as well
13311s yeah click clocker is actually one of
13312s the better turn one minions here i think
13315s just because if your opponent wants to
13317s play the quest
13318s they don't actually get any credit
13321s for popping the divine shield it'll be
13322s interesting to see if wire just
13325s okay it's still going to play the quest
13327s i think you might be willing to take it
13328s slow and
13330s play the one one rush just to prevent
13332s something like a doggy biscuit coming
13334s down
13335s it was very very tempting just because
13337s it's such a clean play but i think with
13339s the freezing trap in hand you'd be fine
13341s with just letting them play doggy
13343s biscuit here and then clearing up
13345s whatever other minions they play on
13346s following turns uh the k9 of tron i do
13348s think is a a very welcome uh deviation
13352s away from this line though uh of just
13354s the doggy biscuit
13356s yeah tough choice right do you play
13358s around something like just freezing trap
13360s on curve usually the quest
13363s hunter wants to get something like the
13365s uh objective down dunbalder bunker to
13368s start drawing
13369s secrets but this is a matchup where they
13371s wouldn't really have the breathing room
13373s to do that
13374s so i think you're right that that
13376s freezing trap was the reason why i felt
13378s comfortable playing the turn one quest
13381s but uh k90tron complicates things just a
13384s little bit
13388s a fine start to the game before our boy
13390s awira getting to as you said actually
13392s get the quest completion because for the
13394s moment he's just ignoring the click
13395s clocker which is uh i think fine this
13398s one point of damage return is not going
13400s to be
13402s anything especially threatening i think
13403s you should be able to still quite
13404s handsomely outpace the rest of the
13406s damage
13407s bear as well being presented uh
13410s usually i find the one i'm least happy
13412s to see most of the time because rather
13414s just the immediate attack of the uh the
13416s lynx or the bow which is now getting
13419s nerfed it's so powerful uh but in this
13421s instance the bear i think you know
13422s you're kind of still expecting it to die
13424s and it doesn't even push that much
13426s yeah like with the two five stat line it
13430s is a little bit challenging to clear
13431s sometimes but usually you only want it
13434s if it's sort of amongst a bunch of other
13437s minion like wild seed minions uh airline
13441s is coming down soon but turn five is
13443s pretty late for face hunters so i feel
13446s like this isn't exactly the sort of
13448s start that pharath was looking for um
13451s maybe he's wishing he would have played
13453s the doggy skit but at the same time you
13455s can't have known that there's freezing
13456s trap there
13458s but things are just slow enough wire i
13460s suspect we'll be able to comfortably
13462s clear all of this
13465s another barb nest it's really nice this
13467s is
13468s zero mana hero power available on this
13471s turn
13472s and uh
13473s potentially actually tavish on turn five
13476s right if he goes wound prey barbed
13478s barbed coin explosive and all of them
13481s get their effect uh i think that's just
13483s tavish next turn
13485s yeah might be willing to just present
13487s that threat too
13489s and it it makes your hero power free
13491s which at this point is dealing for you
13492s can just hold on to that because yeah
13494s such a great removal tool once it can
13497s target i think this is a match where
13499s certainly early on you're happy to have
13501s a hero power that can just help you
13502s remove things
13506s oh it's so tempting isn't it like it's
13509s probably more responsible to just uh
13512s save the coin until post tavish because
13515s you don't actually have any card draw in
13517s hand right now there's no way to
13518s guarantee you're gonna have a whole
13519s bunch of quest procs uh
13521s so i do like the line it looks like he's
13523s leaning towards it just going freezing
13525s trap and slowing down a little bit on
13526s the quest completion
13528s yeah i mean i almost wonder if you go
13531s explosive
13533s and and
13534s not coin out the barb nets just kind of
13536s okay bait the opponent right so they
13538s don't know what you've got
13540s it could be a freezing so perhaps that
13543s holds them off but if they do just
13544s attack into it like you see here
13548s you can
13549s play barbnet's coin and play the quest
13551s reward in the same turn still got the
13552s four damage hero power back up
13555s and this does still actually allow for
13559s tavish here right i believe with uh yeah
13562s bob next coin tavish and
13566s uh i think he even has an upgraded hero
13568s power in terms of the damage right from
13570s the aimed shot uh so i think this is
13572s ball as well which would allow him to
13574s yeah clear off the bear as well so all
13576s things considered as long as he doesn't
13578s draw completely dead from here on in
13580s this is such a good start to the game
13582s for wyra like turn five tavish is so
13585s rare
13586s yeah very rare and very nice to have
13588s against a face hunter still sitting
13590s comfortably at 27 even if you look at
13593s six facing you down the board here i
13595s think there's plenty of opportunity to
13598s get great top decks multicaster
13600s currently drawing at least two cards
13602s which is reasonable of course a furious
13605s howl would be an incredible top deck at
13607s this point
13613s just flooding the board for a hunter or
13617s well they're both hunters but pharah
13619s collateral damage not really doing
13621s anything in this matchup so wire
13624s probably gonna have a a pretty strong
13626s read on that card
13628s i think so and mark's shot
13630s is one of the better top decks i think
13632s you could be finding it's no howl but
13634s it's uh very much the next best thing
13639s yeah not even bothering to use any hero
13641s powers on the one one i think just gonna
13643s put the freezing trap down
13645s oh
13646s dragon bane is bad but is it that bad
13650s i
13651s think it's probably too bad i'm just
13654s thinking yeah yeah am shot is reliable
13657s good chunk of damage
13659s what a fall from grace dragon bane shot
13661s was such a sick card
13663s i you know i think it had to be done
13666s because it was just it was just such a
13668s powerhouse right i mean you don't
13670s usually think of two mana deal two as as
13673s that big a deal but when you could just
13675s clear entire boards with that and your
13678s hero power it was getting out of hand
13686s okay so ice trap is the pick here
13688s instead of freezing it makes sense the
13691s one one comes down again pretty easily
13692s but you can use ice to still
13695s you know bounce any spell that would
13697s buff it such as a doggie biscuit or you
13699s know a ramming mouth that could come
13700s down
13702s looking like a pretty solid position you
13704s know the stag wakes up soon but
13707s i gotta imagine without having any
13709s targets for collateral damage it'll be
13711s very tough for pharath to get the burst
13713s to close things out
13714s yeah so i do think you have to trade
13716s here i
13717s think the only draw that can pull him
13719s back into the game now is
13722s oh my god off the top
13726s okay now we're talking all of a sudden
13728s the race is back on
13731s yeah and this freezing trap is not
13734s looking too great at this point so i
13737s think wire is maybe just going to go
13739s into full race mode and say okay you've
13740s drawn some things
13742s the weapon wakes up next turn but we
13745s want to try and close things out before
13747s they get two swings of it that would be
13750s my thinking if i rewire right here
13751s tracking great tool to do that because
13754s it's huge one refresh and finds you
13756s another
13759s all right so what are we looking for
13760s multicaster
13762s furious howell barrett cotto bain even
13764s just another like uh
13767s quick shot aim shot like anything that
13769s just does a little bit more damage
13770s you'll have to yeah i just want another
13772s aimed shot right this freezing you're
13775s just using to maybe save you a little
13777s life but
13778s i think you take any damage you can find
13780s to just increase that clock speed
13784s and do we have enough with just this
13786s turn can we set it up you got
13788s two four six eight ten
13790s [Music]
13791s another five off the aimed shots
13796s you can set it up a two turn yeah i
13798s count we're not dead
13801s i think it's
13804s a pretty safe bet you're not dead they
13807s have six on board four from the weapon
13809s that i think wakes up this term as well
13814s so they have to find 14 from hand i
13817s think that's just a bit out of range
13820s yeah i mean we're staring at aim shot is
13823s five quick shots three barb nets two
13826s so that's just ten
13832s i don't think it's
13833s enough i mean obviously farrath right
13835s now is thinking this is explosive trap
13837s and i've lost the game but you know you
13838s don't play in that universe anyway
13840s because
13841s you've lost no matter what if it's
13842s explosive traps so
13844s i mean you lost no matter what anyway it
13845s doesn't matter the game is over because
13846s it just doesn't have enough damage
13849s yeah the twin bow if you had a little
13851s more time would be great because that
13853s unaided shot is just an insane amount of
13855s damage but it's just a little
13858s too late in terms of the draw there
13861s collateral damage
13863s being a little embarrassing in hand but
13865s what can you do
13867s and
13867s you know hunter v hunter always closes
13870s out relatively quickly because of the
13871s burst
13877s a valiant effort but falling down to
13879s wires quest hunter uh attack but i'm
13882s still kind of undecided on to be honest
13884s against decks like this where it's
13886s mainly a bit of a board battle uh i'm
13888s fully on board with quest hunter i think
13890s it's doing exactly what it should be
13891s doing there but against the likes of
13893s druid shaman uh where there's a little
13895s bit of healing even mage now with the
13897s cold case and the
13898s uh the hero card as well it's still very
13901s much undecided but wire made a super
13904s convincing case
13905s for the deck there
13907s yeah i think it's just one of the few
13909s from hand decks currently available to
13911s players which is why we've seen so much
13913s of it
13914s i'm not quite sure how it's been
13916s performing overall but that i have to
13918s guess is the thinking obviously not very
13921s great against druid because they just
13923s start going into two powerful things
13925s that you're unable to clear
13927s couple hunters have added
13929s urchin spines as sort of a nod to those
13932s bigger minions perhaps from vile library
13934s as well
13935s but for the most part i think you're
13936s just hoping to get a little bit more
13938s percentage points against stuff like
13940s shaman and mage even if they have more
13942s life the healing in general i think in
13945s this meta is relatively low just because
13948s the one priest is naga priest and
13950s there's really no paladins to be
13954s [Music]
13959s seen all right heading over to the uh to
13962s the next game
13963s we can see uh
13966s all right what is leftover for wire now
13968s he's got his uh mage and druid uh i
13970s believe the druid one that i'm really
13973s really excited to see but the mage first
13975s of all i think is just the much more
13977s uh standard 40 card version of mage with
13981s uh actually i will admit a couple of
13983s spicy picks in there for uh for big
13985s spell mage
13987s yeah absolutely it's that wire spice
13990s dispossessed soul both in the the big
13992s spell mage and in the shaman it's just
13996s i don't know how this plays it makes
13998s some sense to me if you've got a three
14000s durability location it does actually
14001s stick around for quite a while so with
14004s two of them you know that's sort of
14007s i guess 12 total turns you could have a
14009s location in play if they're not in play
14012s at the same time at all and discovering
14014s a copy of a card in your deck can be
14017s quite powerful particularly if you're
14018s looking for say an extra copy of
14020s mordrish or denathrius in the shaman
14024s i really want to see how this plays
14026s because it's a card i've definitely had
14028s my eye on
14031s i wonder like i'm kind of thinking in my
14033s head if they printed a four man of four
14035s or five
14036s discover a copy of a card in your deck
14038s like yeah i guess that would probably
14040s seem play in some decks but like i
14042s wouldn't be ecstatic about playing that
14043s card right it's still a four minute four
14045s five which in today's hearthstone is a
14047s little
14048s a little underwhelming overall but i
14049s guess i guess if it's giving you
14051s consistency in finding uh barbara
14054s barbara
14055s belinda the hero card as well
14058s i can see the thinking but i'm very much
14060s yet to be convinced
14062s it's sort of odd right you both
14064s you don't really run it unless you're a
14066s 40 card deck
14067s and if you're a 40 card deck you're less
14069s likely to consistently see any given
14071s thing so
14074s i don't know my thinking is that it
14076s would in at least increase consistency a
14078s little bit but if it's just turned off
14080s because you don't have your location
14081s anyway
14082s then maybe not
14084s we'll see whether it comes up or not in
14086s this match-up but the curve otherwise
14087s looks pretty solid just in terms of
14089s night cloak sanctum deep water evoker
14092s up here ready for later it's just a
14094s matter of can you endure this
14096s early pressure from the wild seeds
14100s which currently right now is a uh a very
14102s good question it's not really clear one
14104s way or the other he has a lot of the
14106s very good cards that you want to see in
14108s the starting hand nike looks like a
14110s fantastic apprentice especially if you
14112s can find the wildfire can just solo you
14114s the early game
14116s uh but farath is not slowing down with
14118s another wild spirits to follow up this
14121s is a lot of pressure
14123s yeah the bears are going to wake up
14124s right away and i think pharath is hoping
14126s that at least one of these spirits
14128s summoned is going to be the stag
14131s you know a lot of why hunter doesn't
14133s really run the weapon in the face deck
14135s anymore is just because you get them off
14138s the wild seeds half the time so it
14140s messes with things if you're actually
14142s running a natural weapon as well
14149s i'm curious why you freeze the trog here
14152s can you think of something
14154s i guess the trug is the more likely to
14156s be buffed
14157s uh and it also means that
14160s uh
14161s you trade him with a two two kill off
14163s the troll yeah i think it's mainly just
14164s so it can't be hit with
14166s ramming mountain and uh traded in that
14168s way
14171s and so that you know next turn if they
14172s hit the other thing with rounding mount
14174s then you have ping plus apprentice to
14175s kill it off
14176s right right
14178s yeah i mean not the most effective card
14181s against big spell mage they do run
14183s you know
14185s some spells but not a ton to be
14187s proliferating the trog i think the
14189s biggest thing it's doing here is keeping
14191s that coin sort of in check
14194s although uh if a
14195s deathborn comes up i forget if that is
14197s in this list i guess this isn't the full
14200s big spell mage is it right it's just
14201s sort of
14203s somewhere in between
14208s yeah it's true
14211s oh no we have we have got
14213s this you know it's just that wire spice
14215s all over again you've got
14217s gold shire nulls in here i guess his
14219s extra cleanup tool you do have the
14221s belinda barbaric rune all that stuff
14225s uh but then
14227s suspicious alchemists to find early game
14229s spells
14232s couple cops yeah starfish
14234s i do like the knot i think that's
14236s actually a bit of a throwback i think
14237s habigabu was playing ram commanders and
14239s knolls towards the start of big spell
14241s mage's uh
14244s lifespan which was obviously before
14245s renethal but when you have renathal in
14247s there
14249s i guess it makes sense you have a lot of
14250s extra card slots to work with and you
14253s know null is just a really strong
14256s card when you're not playing many cards
14257s at the start of your game like wire is
14260s and a lot of them discover you extra
14262s cards anyway like the uh the mailbox
14264s dancer let's give you an extra coin it
14266s makes sense to me uh and i think if it
14269s was drawn at any point here you'd be
14270s very happy to see it
14273s yeah i think this tournament has kind of
14274s messed with all our brains in terms of
14276s what are considered which archetype
14278s because we have so many hybrids floating
14280s around we have both big spelmage and
14283s spooky mage and then few people have
14286s done a strange mixture of the two where
14288s you don't have some of the chidi cards
14290s like barbaric and belinda but you are
14292s still running rune of the archmage and
14295s blizzard i guess so it's kind of all
14298s kinds of mixed up uh imp warlock
14301s sometimes having curses sometimes not as
14304s well this has been a
14306s very strange tournament in terms of what
14309s we're supposed to call any given deck
14312s very true
14314s but for right now i think this is just
14316s starting to spiral out of control for
14320s pharah he's got one final push here from
14322s the looks of it he can click ignite
14324s because it's the only one he wants but i
14326s don't think he's going to get it because
14328s wyra wouldn't even take a chance
14330s of giving him ignite
14332s but then from there you have one final
14334s push as i said ramming mount doggy
14335s biscuit barb nets get that damage in
14337s while you can push it face but at 26
14339s with the hero card yet to come roon
14341s mordresh all these powerhouse plays
14343s coming down i think verath is uh
14346s approaching the end of this game
14350s yeah the wild spirits are you know great
14352s early but the later and later you go the
14355s more you're sort of frustrated with that
14357s dormant time period
14358s and uh you know mages even on the
14361s controlling side of things can get
14362s pretty aggressive as soon as magister
14365s dawngrass comes down and just by the
14367s nature of the volatile skeletons
14374s probably the best role there i think
14375s you're glad not to have another bear
14387s yeah i agreed
14392s ramming mount is nice but you can't even
14394s afford to take advantage of its trading
14396s utility
14398s yeah not at all clock is ticking
14400s i mean it almost makes me wonder if it
14402s was just more worth it to go hero power
14404s there plus click clocker i i guess this
14406s is just a slightly stickier board
14407s overall so it
14409s does make a decent amount of sense uh
14411s but it's certainly not going to be
14413s winning him the game right now
14416s how still a fair amount of stats in play
14419s you know between four seven three five
14422s you gotta imagine if something is
14423s sticking to then land this doggie
14425s biscuit next turn uh this is a ton of
14427s armor though
14428s i think that's
14430s really not what ferrath wanted to see
14432s just picking up the drake fire amulet
14434s even if it gets traded right away you
14436s know it's done its job 10 armor
14438s uh we can
14441s how close are we to mordrish
14444s because the reckless apprentice was
14445s played but there's been no wildfires
14448s i think we're like three or four away
14449s still it's uh
14451s yeah because there were like three or
14453s four minions here he's pinned a couple
14455s times yeah i don't think that's a win
14457s condition quite yet
14459s that is an
14460s interesting top deck though right
14464s yeah i like trying to set up for that
14467s you can
14469s i mean so you won't get the nag
14471s activation with barb nets i feel like
14473s that never right
14474s um
14475s but you can
14476s you pick up let's see we never want to
14479s double the coin either
14481s i feel like you have to trade the donkey
14482s biscuit that's just for you
14486s okay okay double doggy okay yeah yeah
14488s yeah
14489s it's all in
14491s here i wonder i i kind of
14495s maybe that was supposed to be you just
14496s pray that you draw the best card ever
14498s off the top and you get to double that
14500s like maybe
14502s i don't know like say collateral damage
14503s doesn't really work anymore but aim shot
14505s could have done something
14507s in the end though he's just going all
14509s all in here and it's relying on the rune
14512s of the arc page for wyra of course to
14515s swing this one back
14517s it all comes down to this inevitably
14519s when you're a big spell mage polymorph
14521s probably the worst target there
14524s um
14525s all these spells are required to hit
14527s opposing minions which is what has made
14529s this card a bit better than
14531s the
14532s yog boxes of old where you truly had no
14535s idea where they were gonna land
14537s uh counterspell pretty great pick up
14540s there
14542s even if it does nothing else you get to
14544s freeze the remaining minion
14548s i really like trading away the 1-1 there
14550s as well just to play around collateral
14551s damage like i think he's realizing this
14553s game is very approach uh very rapidly
14556s approaching him winning uh so we just
14558s need to play around any outs whatsoever
14560s and he should be fine
14561s as uh
14562s [Music]
14563s right now we're on for a uh
14565s another go just parrot and box number
14568s two
14570s maybe you could also just try and get
14571s the barbaric sorceress down knowing your
14573s opponent has no spells there's
14575s effectively no downside so you could put
14576s a taunt in the way but yeah it's not
14579s really high enough value with only one
14581s freeze available so
14583s go again
14585s the barrier is massive and cold case as
14588s well
14594s extra counter spell so that's that's
14595s face up now
14597s oh my god the freeze every time pharah
14600s you poor man
14603s i mean this is just kind of
14605s what happens right rune of the archmage
14607s is
14608s so very likely to do something that you
14611s know
14611s maybe gives you a couple secrets clears
14613s a bit of the board at the very least
14615s freezes things
14617s it's just turned out to be
14619s so powerful for these mages to the point
14621s that some of the skeleton mages that are
14624s going 40 cards are just running rune
14625s without barbaric or belinda
14632s okay
14633s oh the counter spell as well like it's
14636s the best top deck in his deck but it's
14637s still just not good enough is it
14639s when he knows that there's a counter
14641s spell because it was rolled over both
14643s runes
14644s so you know
14645s sad news i mean
14647s maybe you even just don't cast it until
14650s you can cast it with something else
14654s i feel like this is always sort of an
14656s odd spot to be in as something like a
14657s face hunter where
14660s you know they're not going to kill you
14661s for a while
14662s but you're also just sort of like well
14664s but where do i go from here
14667s it's it's just at what point do you
14669s finally decide it's too much and you've
14671s got to concede
14673s i think right about now
14678s oh the uh
14680s lesser spotted re-damage ping as well
14683s you don't see that but yeah why are
14685s finally throwing it down as i struggle
14686s for anything interesting to talk about
14687s in that end game that was thoroughly
14689s over at that point in the series why are
14691s two games up to zero uh and at the uh
14695s the four one score line we believe both
14697s our players are rocking right now here
14699s in round six
14701s uh a loss pretty much puts them out of
14703s contention uh to making it through to
14705s the top 16. very very unlikely at the
14707s very least you have to get some really
14709s good tie breakers uh to be making it
14711s through at which point it's fully out of
14713s your hands and so for wire a single
14715s extra win puts him through to a very
14717s good position for top 16 but for pharath
14719s he is on his final lifeline right now
14722s one more loss and his hopes of the top
14724s 16 are pretty much dashed
14728s yeah and that's always the thing you
14729s hoped for but at that point you can sort
14730s of say all right well we're not making
14733s top 16 we'll do our best to qualify
14735s for the final master's tour of the year
14738s and that's what you've got to go for in
14741s terms of winning out end of 6-2
14744s uh
14744s not not the dream but
14746s something to still play for
14747s [Music]
14750s all right so now finally just the druid
14752s left over and i gotta say when i saw
14754s this deck in uh over solari party which
14757s as i said jambre brought a very similar
14759s list subtly different i think there were
14761s a couple of less spells he was playing
14764s to get a little bit more consistency in
14766s going nightshade bud in to convoke the
14770s spirits
14771s but the same core of the deck was very
14773s much there where you run basically no
14775s spells almost all minions
14778s and then you try and hit the combo of
14780s green thumb gardener which refreshes
14783s mana crystals equal to the most
14785s expensive card in your hand so in this
14787s deck you pretty much always get a zero
14789s mana four or five whatever it is on the
14791s turn you play it five five sorry and
14793s then you play kale fast and then you
14795s play something really really big and you
14797s hope to win the game you've got a lot of
14798s them in the deck alex devourer and nyxia
14801s neptulon and danathrius as well all
14804s would do absolutely fine it's such a
14807s cool deck i don't even think he was
14808s running barbaric sorceresses in there
14810s which uh wyra has now tossed in as well
14813s just for a little bit of extra high roll
14814s potential uh but yeah trust me this deck
14817s is just pure it's a content machine
14820s you're never going to run out of clips
14821s if you're playing this on stream
14823s it's it's a little bit of extra hyrule
14825s and it's a little bit of disruption
14826s right because convoke the spirits you
14828s know 10 mana sometimes you just make
14831s something important for your opponent
14832s costs 10 and that's card they're unable
14834s to use the rest of the time
14836s so really excited to see this i uh did
14838s not watch soldiery party early so this
14840s is very fresh and new for me
14845s up against face hunter though
14849s doubts severe doubts i've got to be
14851s honest there's no ramp there or much
14853s more limited ramp in the the start turns
14856s yes you're running a much more dense
14858s minion package at the uh the start you
14861s have as we can see a druid at the reef
14863s jerry mailbox uh brand starfish park
14866s panther
14867s it can be good enough but it's only like
14870s a quarter of the deck maybe less
14872s actually that is uh these really really
14874s cheap plays so you're far from
14876s guaranteed to find them uh even though
14879s right now wyra has actually got a decent
14881s enough starting hand
14884s mean the deck doesn't run wild growth
14886s like you said you know limiting the
14888s total spell count to increase
14889s consistency of fine and convoke the
14891s spirits but uh lots of early game
14895s minions they're not sort of the most
14897s premium early game minions but it's
14899s something to do against face hunter
14900s which is sometimes more than most ramp
14902s druids can save themselves park panther
14904s especially just such a great tool for
14906s clearing the board
14908s uh i almost wonder if you'll see
14910s starfish come down on three just to
14913s be a two-four i don't know
14917s often the silliest thing i've ever heard
14920s having casted with raven before
14923s [Laughter]
14925s well
14927s if there is just enough time because of
14929s being 40 life etc and barbaric sorceress
14932s is a three seven taunt
14935s we've got that nightshade butt in hand
14937s we may well see
14939s barack cotibane come down
14941s and then it's followed by a sorceress
14943s from wire and and
14945s [Music]
14946s you know
14947s we'll see what the spirits have to say
14948s about this game i guess
14952s oh that'd be so sick i'm just gonna have
14954s a one more look through the list i can't
14955s remember if it's guaranteed that you get
14958s a bud because how many spells are
14960s there's nourish
14961s scale
14964s innovate miracle growth
14966s and convert so there's a chance that
14969s uh juarez misses on the nightshade bud
14971s but he's only running one bud uh which
14973s means that he can't hit the same one
14975s again
14976s well and if you hit
14978s scale
14979s are you are you that sad about it right
14982s if you get barbaric sorceress three
14984s seven taunt and and now you've got a
14986s scale of enyxia i don't think you're
14987s that unhappy agreed
14989s uh what does make you quite unhappy is
14991s uh rapping mount on turn three when they
14993s already have a pretty much unbeatable
14995s board that is gonna push a lot of damage
14999s face and not even lose one uh one iota
15002s of the current board presence
15004s yeah gonna have to use that park panther
15006s just to clear up the mounts uh
15008s potentially both sides of the mount
15011s true yeah
15016s i think you you want as much trade
15018s potential as possible
15021s maybe
15022s value so that they have to kill the
15024s panther right you can actually take more
15026s damage off the board by just ignoring
15029s the
15030s mounted minion
15034s leaves yourself vulnerable to a few
15035s things but but
15037s yeah i guess that is the case sometimes
15039s you could take advantage of the fact
15040s that people
15041s want to get the value out of the immune
15043s attack and just use it as a way of
15045s gaining life
15048s i
15049s think you're supposed to trade into the
15051s 4-4 here because even though
15053s mitigating the damage is very very
15055s important in this match-up you're
15056s actually looking to win back board right
15059s in the near future it's it's not about
15061s just stalling out forever
15063s and trying to ramp up to infinity and
15065s then you know play uh and nyxia and
15067s denaturius on the same turn or whatever
15069s like you're doing the ramp versions of
15070s druid you need to be a little bit more
15072s honest about it for the moment you're
15073s just playing one or two minutes a turn
15077s clearly wire disagrees it might save him
15078s a lot more health in the long run but it
15080s means there's a very very tough to kill
15082s minions sticking around on the board
15086s and
15088s nothing really to do this turn i guess
15090s it's theater
15091s what do you even take i guess
15095s to get rid of the wild spirits you sort
15097s of want them to have a spell
15099s they've so much they don't have much
15101s room on board though right like
15104s i guess they could trade a couple of
15105s them in and then go for arrow
15108s it's it's risky to take the barb nets i
15110s think is the main thing because you want
15112s that to be in their hand no matter what
15114s they do
15121s jerry rigg of course does nothing for
15123s any other class since they have no
15125s choose one cards
15132s i mean
15133s i i like getting a stack sooner rather
15135s than later great
15140s oh yeah look at that so clean the full
15143s distribution all of them
15145s well it's dad coming soon but uh yeah
15148s all the spirits on board there
15150s and
15152s now we get we get to see the barbaric
15154s sorceress and and find out if it's going
15156s to be enough to save wire here because
15159s uh we're falling behind
15162s extra 5'5 for good measure yeah except
15165s he knows right because the the barb nets
15167s was played uh like it turns out the
15169s counter to bob was was just bob all
15172s along because
15173s uh he knows the two cards in hand
15175s because he spied the hand he gave the
15176s jerry rig as well so it's just not an
15179s option this is the only play available
15180s and just has to pray that by some
15183s miracle he can survive until turn eight
15185s and then just hard cast it
15187s well the boomkin pickup is actually
15189s quite good for that right either using
15191s it for four damage on the 5-4 or for the
15194s eight healing
15195s um you know airline was not a terrible
15198s pickup in that way as well because the
15200s 3-1 rush comes comes into effect of
15203s course you know four or five to fight on
15205s board it's not great but it is you know
15207s something
15208s uh might be able to just buy enough time
15210s to play the nightshade on eight
15213s and i believe this is every hearthstone
15215s player's least favorite phrase to hear
15217s one damage off lethal because if i count
15220s it correctly he is uh
15223s yeah the closest you can be without
15225s actually getting there which should be
15227s enough it should be close enough here to
15229s be the difference maker but like you
15230s said the boomkin and i don't know what
15233s else you could you get there's no
15236s uh
15239s sorry there's no earthen scales of
15240s course which is the one you'd really be
15241s looking for innovate i guess was the top
15243s deck right to go nightshade bud into the
15246s box
15248s yeah i think just with the hunter hero
15250s power and that weapon there's really no
15251s outs you're forced to heal off the boom
15253s kin and then you just can't clear enough
15255s of the board so really heads up play
15257s from fair out making sure to get rid of
15260s the barb nets you know it's not a
15262s guarantee that they have the sorceress
15264s in hand although i think you can kind of
15265s take the signal of the barb nets not
15268s having been taken that that's what your
15269s opponent is trying to do because it
15271s otherwise looked pretty clean to take
15273s the barb nets and use it immediately on
15275s the board
15278s interesting game
15280s and i think probably the best deck out
15282s of the way for
15284s barra in terms of the rest of his lineup
15286s uh the
15288s warlock that he has is
15292s a little bit more of a weird one it's
15293s like half imp warlock but it has just a
15295s very clunky top end with
15298s uh chao that's gigafin and atherius uh
15302s yes to close out at the top but it is
15304s essentially just still the imp package
15305s which should as well actually i guess be
15307s pretty good against the druid um
15310s really only
15311s oh that was banned away sorry okay so is
15313s the hunter uh the rogue and the uh the
15316s shaman left over apologies uh which i
15318s think both have me talking about this
15320s new development in warlock that so many
15322s are doing which is using
15324s kale those to get out some top end
15325s either gigafin or denathrius murlocula
15328s is there as an infuse you can get to be
15330s zero mana so you can actually play kale
15332s those on curve and then a zero mana
15334s molecular to get out one of the big
15336s things kind of a new development in the
15339s poor lock space but it is going to be
15341s that
15343s tempo rogue i think was the best thing
15345s from our options but we've been calling
15347s it lambie rogue the creator of the deck
15349s a really sweet list
15351s shroud of concealment specifically
15352s targeting drawing you know wild pawn
15354s knolls or necklord or
15357s edwin as a main source of card draw and
15360s then it's just make a big minion or a
15362s big weapon with sin stone graveyard
15365s go in there
15366s it's a deck i'm not necessarily going to
15368s say is
15370s really top tier but it's definitely a
15372s deck i really like it suits my style of
15374s play very very much so it's got a really
15376s nice mix between uh combo and tempo
15379s between saving up your resources for one
15382s big burst versus just playing cards
15384s every single turn both strategies
15386s depending on the match up have a lot of
15388s merit uh and it'll be interesting to see
15391s which way pharah goes about it does keep
15394s tracker in the starting hand which i
15396s don't know about you but that's a card
15397s that i've been kind of going back and
15399s forth on whether or not i like actually
15401s keeping it in the starting hand
15404s yeah it's interesting if you have the
15405s tools to go with it it can just sort of
15407s solo some matches uh the warlock hero
15410s power is massive pickup oh yeah for
15413s making that happen because you're able
15415s to just draw some cards on those early
15418s turns uh we might even so still see
15422s something like a coin shroud
15424s up against a druid maybe you've got some
15426s more breathing room to kind of just take
15428s it slow save your coin tap
15431s shroud next turn
15433s even if you get a zero man and all you
15435s just don't play it and kind of go all in
15437s on that drakka play
15439s i think the problem is if you go coin
15441s shroud your nulls cost
15443s one which is a very very very big
15446s difference when compared to zero uh
15448s which is of course what you want them to
15449s cost whereas here zero man and all
15451s perfect yes you have to play it instead
15453s of being able to use it to juice up that
15455s drakka a little more the next turn but
15457s that's uh that's okay that's not a
15459s disaster uh the main problem with this
15461s hand right now is
15463s it looks like it's like two turns away
15466s from really popping off with that
15468s tracker on the same turn which is the uh
15471s the two turns that wire needs to really
15473s get moving on the other side of the
15475s board
15476s yeah absolutely no wild growth in the
15478s deck but there's still nourish and the
15481s uh four new new four drop
15484s uh
15485s widow bloom seeds man oh yes there we go
15487s with those picked up for why are able to
15490s get out either just this wild growth
15492s naturally or just go in on the barbaric
15494s sorceress because you know a rogue
15496s opponent is going to have some very
15498s cheap spells for you to swap with
15504s setting up the simstone graveyard
15506s presumably for some kind of pop-off next
15508s turn
15510s or maybe making a minion this turn we'll
15512s see
15514s man the options available to wire here
15516s though a low key just kind of disgusting
15518s like whether you hit growth or convoke
15520s the spirits you're gonna be in a great
15522s position but this i think is the
15524s absolute nuts this is the power of this
15527s deck
15529s or is it what are these spells
15531s what is this it's something it's uh it's
15534s ted's what are these
15535s they could be anything oh
15537s oh no that's five
15542s there we go it's it's got it got better
15545s oh two innervates though not really what
15548s you're looking for but probably still
15550s just enough i think if pharath was
15553s looking to go in on a necro-lord draka
15555s that possibility is uh
15557s no longer looking very good in the face
15559s of multiple seven health taunts
15562s yeah that was pretty below average but
15564s it's still more than good enough to win
15566s this game like you say you you'd kind of
15568s just pay eight mana for a uh best in
15570s shell there and be pretty happy about it
15574s and then uh probably won't matter but
15576s the druid of the wreath oh wait druid of
15578s the reef doesn't even keep the buffs
15579s right because it transforms
15581s so those gardens that got played don't
15583s even do anything
15586s they're actively bad in fact right if
15589s if there were
15591s reg yeah well there's if you pick up the
15594s eight mana to discover a spell from your
15596s deck now you've got a chance of
15597s discovering the sunken gardens oh that's
15600s true yeah
15605s edwin picked up with a spare shadow step
15608s here that i imagine is going to get
15609s played
15614s i really don't want a shadow step here i
15615s hate shadow stepping edwin but
15617s i guess you're right like the problem is
15619s that shadow stepping edwin in the old
15621s rogue deck was okay because you had mr
15622s smite right you could set up for
15624s a huge 20 damage burst combo against
15627s some of the slower decks especially if
15628s they didn't run torn
15630s here though it's just so brutally slow
15634s are you going to play it again next turn
15635s play some more spells again at the end
15637s of it you have like an 8 8 10 10 best
15639s case scenario
15641s terrible
15643s yeah i honestly might have been willing
15645s to just burn there rather than use the
15647s coin as well because i feel like if you
15648s are gonna step edwin then what you've
15650s got to do is work your way towards a
15652s coin scabs to kind of reset get that
15655s hero power rolling and hope you can just
15657s make a massive edwin that they can't do
15659s anything about and having gotten the
15662s taunts out of the way sort of force them
15663s to be replayed if they want to stop a
15666s large dagger
15668s this location has been here for multiple
15669s turns and has not been activated clearly
15672s not what you want is the rogue
15674s yeah and just look at these powerhouse
15676s cards coming in danathrius scale
15679s insatiable devourer all incredibly
15680s powerful cards forcing farath into
15684s finding
15685s scabs pretty much exclusively here like
15688s oh sorry he has it in hand which
15689s apologies he can go for right now very
15691s clever play as well to hold on to the uh
15694s the bone spike last turn which allows
15697s him to play this six mana scabs
15699s yeah prep bone spike makes for some
15702s really interesting interactions the fact
15703s that you can basically turn your prep
15705s into prep anything i think very very fun
15709s uh still may not be enough just because
15711s of the sheer
15712s quantity of taunts wire is still sitting
15715s at 40 life
15716s and the ability to play denathrius at
15720s some point could even just use starfish
15723s plus scale if you want to make sure you
15726s can clear these minions
15728s oh you just play your edmond don't you
15730s it's an 80.
15732s i don't think you want to get any
15733s greedier than that sizzle
15737s yep i can't hold on but that edwin play
15741s opens up
15742s devourer right
15744s it does yeah um i'm looking at people
15748s out a little bit more
15749s uh because with scale coming down now uh
15752s and then the other silence as well yeah
15754s i mean
15755s it's just the line he finds it straight
15756s away right it juices up to nathrius
15758s juices up the devourer uh chao that's
15761s being burned hurts a little because bran
15764s danatharius is now a long way off you'd
15766s have to find guff and then ramp a bit
15768s first as well uh but the headline is
15770s still very much that wire is just
15772s sitting at 40 health right and uh look
15775s at his hand
15778s yeah it's all juice in there you know
15780s honestly
15781s barring hitting exactly the spell that
15784s you already debuffed to 10 mana you
15786s could just sorceress again and figure 5
15788s mana swap is going to be more expensive
15791s than any spell that the rogue
15793s runs just as a little bit of a
15795s disruption
15802s so many resources having to be committed
15804s here maybe you just need to tooth and
15806s find something
15811s i like that plan let's just hope for a
15813s miracle
15816s i mean that is the other uh name of the
15819s archetype as you know in a sense the
15820s miracle rogue not full in on gadgets but
15823s it is sort of just
15825s do stuff and hope it's enough
15828s but do stuff rogue thanksgiving
15837s [Music]
15838s gold
15839s yeah coat of cold is the best one but
15841s not exactly what you're looking for
15844s here powered tracker that doesn't even
15846s do that much it's not like a four four
15848s attack weapon i think
15850s yeah
15853s yep just more more minions uh you do
15858s ah that might have been a misplacement
15860s on
15861s location because it does always summon
15864s to the one side so
15866s you could have placed the location so
15868s that
15869s not all of these could have been eaten
15871s but as it stands devour just coming in
15874s massive there uh not that you're even in
15876s huge dangers hitting at 35 as is the
15879s druid um
15880s but
15881s you know one attack of that thing
15884s you can prevent it with the cone of coal
15885s but it's it's still coming
15888s and i think we're just going to see
15890s devourer plus an atherius ending up
15892s being the
15893s closing line of this match
15896s if nothing else i gotta say farah's
15898s facial expressions have been so
15899s perfectly representative of how i felt
15901s every time something like this happened
15903s to me he's just nailed it exactly like
15905s oh i just made a huge misplay
15907s but i'm just kind of getting high rolled
15909s so i'm gonna yeah you know whatever it
15912s happens
15913s not my fault
15915s yeah 40 life sneaky
15918s bunch of big minions what do you get
15921s and there it is the series goes to wyra
15923s and i do want to mention as well not
15926s that it's definitively right or wrong at
15928s all but just another interesting point
15929s in the uh the debate i was having there
15931s at the start dracker kept in the
15933s starting hand wasn't played for the
15935s entire game just sat there in hand doing
15938s absolutely nothing and yes he missed out
15941s on a couple of those key
15943s early cards that activate it the uh the
15946s cutlass to be trading away and cheapen
15947s your spells i don't know a couple of
15949s preps maybe uh in order to get more down
15952s at the same time but it still was just a
15954s completely useless card here and uh not
15957s a card that i personally favor keeping
15960s yeah i have to agree you know if you can
15962s find stuff like the cutlass early and
15964s just get those trades then you're not
15965s worried about
15966s playing an early shroud right because
15969s your nulls are discounted so it maybe it
15971s just shifts the dynamic of the game and
15973s all comes down turn earlier i do think
15975s with the ramp that wire had that it may
15978s not have mattered but absolutely i think
15981s keeping something like necklace renekal
15983s or draca is is very risky in the deck
15988s indeed indeed uh and so with that said i
15992s believe
15993s um we have a little bit more uh to come
15997s from this round uh unless i'm very much
16000s mistaken uh before we get round seven
16003s ready approaching the end of the uh the
16005s day's action here uh but taking a look
16007s at the match we have now i think it's
16009s gonna be
16010s cheesehead
16012s goose
16013s yeah cheesehead and wet goose man what a
16015s couple they would make
16017s if we were to further the discussion
16018s from earlier with cheesehead about
16020s people embodying their names this would
16022s be quite the strange one
16024s yeah indeed just the
16026s block of gouda on top of his shoulders
16030s but yeah not a player that i'm overly
16032s familiar with wet goose uh i have come
16034s across a few times before mainly just
16035s facing him on ladder he's one of those
16037s players not to shame him too heavily
16039s that floats around the same rank as me
16042s uh when i'm on the the higher side of my
16044s uh my range he is i think one of those
16046s uh overall very very strong ladder
16048s finishes i think he's actually
16050s i'm sure someone uh listening will be
16052s able to correct me but i think wet goose
16054s has like one of
16055s the best
16057s ladder win rates of uh he's got some
16060s stat where he's right up at the top of
16061s ladder like he's got the most like close
16063s to the most rank one finishes or top ten
16065s finishes some kind of claim to fame is
16067s for some reason popping up in my head i
16069s have no idea if it's correct or not but
16071s i think basically the point is he is a
16072s player you see a lot on ladder just
16074s because he plays an awful lot of ladder
16076s as his main attribute
16078s i just can't get out of my head the
16080s image of you know the aflac mascot as as
16083s a head and then for cheesehead
16086s have you ever seen in wisconsin how some
16089s people have these cheese head hats just
16091s because it's it's a very big dairy state
16094s in the u.s
16095s it's uh it's really something
16097s i i know that wisconsin is the dairy
16100s state because roz from frasier is from
16103s uh wisconsin and she makes a joke about
16105s it that's
16106s the closest i've ever come to wisconsin
16108s i think and the closest i'd like to be
16110s for that master as well uh but yes as we
16113s get settled in here we can take a look
16114s at both of these players decks the
16115s control sharpen the mid-range shaman
16117s whatever you want to call it here uh is
16119s going to be for cheesehead the pretty
16122s much standard list here one famished
16124s full slotted in there as well which i'm
16125s a big fan of one smothering starfish as
16128s well it's just a good deck right now and
16130s i think we're going to be seeing it a
16131s lot uh towards the top uh 16 as well
16134s yeah i think it's really the fours that
16136s have sort of been the flex are you
16137s running crud caretaker caverns or one of
16140s okani
16141s there's not a lot of flex slots but
16144s those have usually been where people
16146s mess about
16148s starfish like you mentioned sometimes
16150s you don't care about how big things are
16152s but in the mirror if you can just throw
16154s that down and your board actually gets
16155s to attack it's better than it
16157s not getting the q attack even if you get
16159s rid of the stats so
16161s starfish i think just has a lot of
16163s utility in this meta due to the
16165s prevalence of all the snowfall guardians
16167s and even from the mages there's a lot of
16169s freezes on that side as
16171s well uh also i do want to bring up as
16174s well that i think for wet goose let me
16177s look at his score line uh i do want to
16179s bring up as well because i had a little
16180s look at his twitter to see if he would
16182s have uh
16184s any indication to his ladder stats and
16186s in his bio it says uh top 16 finishes
16189s every month since may 2020. no idea when
16191s that was last updated but whenever it
16193s was that's pretty gosh dang impressive
16195s if you ask me uh and also that he is uh
16198s on his way out from competitive
16199s hearthstone i believe was just riding
16201s the last couple of mts that he had
16203s garnered himself an invite to
16206s uh but it's one of those things that
16207s always seems to happen when players say
16209s they want to quit hearthstone is as soon
16211s as they stop letting the uh the pressure
16214s get to them they stop wanting it so much
16216s and they're just like uh whatever will
16218s happen will happen they just start
16219s winning they just get out of their own
16221s heads and they just play the best
16222s hearthstone of their lives like fino
16225s twitchcon into uh the solari party back
16229s to back just nailed both of them winning
16231s both tournaments playing some incredible
16232s hearthstone all the way along the way
16234s because like he said you know he's just
16236s a streamer now he's just enjoying the
16238s life and because of that he played some
16240s of the best hearthstone of his career
16243s yeah absolutely i think it's very easy
16245s to get inside your own head and so once
16246s you kind of relieve that stress you can
16248s just move on i think also you know if
16251s you are this good at hearthstone
16254s it makes sense that at some point you
16255s might make a decision of hey you know i
16257s can do this but also i've i'm really
16259s smart i've got a lot of other things i
16261s could get into i've been doing this a
16262s long time maybe i'm interested in
16264s putting those talents elsewhere you know
16266s a lot of folks move on to do some really
16268s impressive things bunny hopper of course
16270s being a doctor as well oh yeah needy
16272s another doctor so
16274s lots of very very uh smart folks in the
16277s hearthstone community
16279s meaty honestly i'm starting to doubt
16281s whether he's a doctor like i feel like
16283s we might all just be being bamboozled in
16284s like the biggest con of all time like
16287s i i know he's a super smart guy but like
16290s i don't know man
16291s just just some of the tools what are the
16292s takes the meat man really i don't see it
16298s oh well i'll stop i'll stop flaming our
16300s players and jump into the this series
16303s here uh what goes on the quest hunter
16305s verse uh the uh the control charm the 40
16308s card mid-rangey style of shaman a
16311s matchup that i was talking about a
16312s little bit earlier that i think uh quest
16314s hunter can kind of struggle in i don't
16317s know why you come down on this but i
16318s think it's just uh your opponent has so
16320s much health and so many ways to gain
16323s health in the later game as well so many
16324s ways to wreak havoc with your hand
16326s uh that it just takes a little bit too
16329s long and your game plan is a little bit
16330s too shaky for me as the uh the quest
16332s hunter
16333s i think it really comes down to sort of
16335s the quest completion
16337s area of the game right is how awkward
16340s does it end up being to delay until you
16342s can complete the quest and play the
16344s reward in the same turn if it's not
16346s awkward at all i think the hunter has a
16348s pretty
16349s solid chance at winning because
16352s apart from the barucon hero i don't
16354s think there's a ton of healing available
16357s so you're really just hoping to dodge
16358s something like an early 10 drop off of
16360s wild pawn mukpools
16363s you hope not to get anything too serious
16365s stolen from a theater
16367s and we saw cheesehead even just throwing
16369s away mutinous because as the shaman you
16371s almost expect that the hunter is going
16373s to try and play the reward in the same
16375s turn
16376s so
16376s it's much more important to use
16378s something like a piatar to take one of
16380s their damage spells than it is to
16383s usually go for a mutinous onto the
16385s tavish so rarely does a hunter feel
16388s comfortable just completing the quest
16390s and then having the rewards sit in hand
16392s for one turn because uh you know that's
16394s an insta lose the game if it gets taken
16399s cheesehead right now hoping to uh
16403s put his name into action by cheesing
16405s this game with a null off the top he's
16407s got the full hand he's got the muck pull
16408s he's got everything he needs
16410s uh except for the null itself which
16413s would obviously massively catapult him
16415s into the lead so for right now he has to
16417s make do with what is generally like the
16419s second best thing you can do in this
16421s matchup against quest hunter uh you know
16424s the knoll pop off being number one uh
16426s but doing lots of stats all at once is
16429s what you want to do i think against
16430s quest until like a little bit turn after
16432s turn is perfect for them they play one
16435s or two spells a turn they get the hero
16436s power down to zero and every single
16438s thing dies whereas here one or two
16440s minions are pretty likely to actually
16442s survive and get some damage face
16445s yeah i'm actually a little bit surprised
16447s at that first war leader pickup of
16448s course not knowing he was going to be
16450s offered a second but the finley had to
16453s be pretty interesting there that being
16455s the finley of old which changes your
16457s hero power so maybe hesitated for so
16459s long on that decision just because of
16461s the option to pick up either the priest
16463s hero power or the warrior hero power
16465s which could give you just enough life to
16467s kind of keep you going until you find
16468s something like a a brew con that can
16470s offer even more healing but i i think
16473s i see where his head's at right just
16475s okay big border murlocs we'll play some
16477s war leaders and try and
16479s get in early damage
16485s okay
16486s leader here
16488s a card that always
16491s phases the two realities the two halves
16493s of my brain between bgs and standard
16495s like whenever i see it pop up in uh in a
16498s regular hearthstone like wait a second
16499s this isn't right there must be some kind
16501s of mistake but yeah in this instance
16504s pretty damn good for cheesehead to just
16506s ratchet up the pressure i actually
16509s wonder if it was ever worth it to just
16510s take the pools evolve on the clownfish
16512s there anyways because you have to know
16515s that a deck built of entirely damaged
16516s spells is going to be able to clear the
16518s war later
16525s now there's just no minions left in play
16527s for good evolves
16529s that's so sick look at this
16533s you really need something big now like i
16534s said the null would be the absolute
16536s dream like i don't know maybe a brand to
16538s go along the theater for a couple turns
16541s time could be good enough but man she's
16543s head not even trying to snipe the uh the
16546s tavish in a couple turns time saying
16548s realistically is my opponent ever gonna
16550s give me the opportunity to actually
16552s steal it
16553s uh and just letting rip with uh the
16556s theater and being met with some pretty
16558s bad news honestly it's just a handful of
16561s damage spells
16563s yeah i think it's a tough choice there
16565s right the spring the trap is something
16567s that uh is not good for you but it is
16569s good for the hunter no secrets having
16571s been drawn yet with the honorable kill
16573s could pull two of them out of the deck a
16575s wound prey honestly may be a good option
16577s to steal just because cheap damage is
16579s the most flexible for that final leg
16582s where you want to get the quest
16583s completed and played in the same turn
16587s on the decision here in terms of what to
16589s give yeah starfish does the least for
16592s your opponent
16598s okay sure
16600s kind of high health at least
16602s kind of
16603s kind of
16610s so the big concern here for wet goose is
16613s because your opponent played theater
16617s does that give you any kind of read on
16619s them having mutinous like
16621s are they trying to lull you into a false
16623s sense of security with what was pretty
16625s obviously not going to be a good theater
16628s do you want to get tavish into your hand
16630s this turn or do you just need to wait an
16632s extra turn and do it all at once
16636s yeah it's it's always that question
16638s right it's sort of uh rock paper
16640s scissors of you know who who is assuming
16642s which scenario we saw jesus had throwing
16645s back the mutinous and playing the
16647s theater out early
16648s sort of as a respect that well i'm never
16651s going to get the opportunity to use
16652s these anyway to take the reward but then
16655s how much does what goose kind of
16658s assume the opponent is going to think
16660s that way i
16661s i think everyone's just going with the
16663s worst right so what goose is going to
16666s try and make sure that he can play
16668s the quest reward on the same turn and
16670s she said is just going to assume that
16671s that's going to happen and just focus on
16673s putting stats on board
16682s football guardian pretty good amount of
16684s stats that's pretty good yeah
16690s uh to the point where now
16692s is he one activation or two away from
16695s [Music]
16696s rubbish
16698s i think we must be pretty close because
16701s of the hesitation to do something like
16703s trap
16705s yeah
16706s okay yeah yeah that does make sense
16708s otherwise you would have always played
16709s one of the uh the quick shots last turn
16711s uh so yes i concur i'm happy with this
16714s play
16715s and now uh we're reaching an interesting
16717s mid game right wet goose oh i suppose
16719s late game actually for quest hunter uh
16721s where wet goose has no card draw in hand
16724s but a few damage spells dumbledore i
16726s guess technically card draw and quick
16728s trot as well technically but with the
16730s way this is going that all looks way too
16732s slow
16732s because cheesehead is turning up the
16735s pressure now upgrading the knoll hoping
16737s for something big oh boy does it deliver
16740s that is
16742s monstrous
16744s only response for that is something like
16746s a freezing trap and with the wound prey
16748s having been taken
16749s there's a really easy answer unless uh
16752s you're able to get your own board clear
16754s so
16754s wet goose is just gonna have to ignore
16756s that for a while and take it and that's
16758s not really something you can do for
16759s terribly long
16766s i think the question is whether to
16767s bother rushing in or not
16770s i don't even think you bother i think
16772s you just want the most survivable minion
16774s possible you have primordial wave next
16776s turn if you need to to uh just deal with
16778s most of the stats from tavis anyway i
16780s like it
16784s and i think actually interestingly as
16785s well the para is
16787s still no full guardian right because you
16789s didn't actually play a
16793s right
16794s last turn
16795s null and piranha do not have a battle
16796s cry so yes yeah it is
16798s still snowfall
16800s interesting
16806s no way to get the
16807s honorable kill on the spring trap
16812s and you also just can't
16814s really justify going face here can you
16816s even if you go
16818s like uh
16821s you know piercing shot on the uh the
16823s snowfall guardians say for example to
16824s take out most of the damage i i think
16826s you do just have to be all on clearing
16827s the board here which wet goose is
16830s dutifully doing even if it feels
16832s absolutely terrible
16834s yeah trying to bluff a freezing i mean
16837s not even really just sort of a hope
16839s right you both know that it was randomly
16841s out of the deck
16842s i would expect to see wound prey used to
16844s check
16852s it gets the all clear
16855s so now you're just expecting
16857s freezing and i suppose the question is
16860s whether or not you worry about this
16861s tavis at all maybe just freeze it
16863s another turn
16868s i do like the attack overall i've got to
16870s say i think this game it looks good for
16872s cheesehead but the quality of his hand
16874s is very very low right now uh this could
16877s very very rapidly swing out of his
16879s control so i think you need to attack
16880s into something
16882s and i think that something is still face
16886s well so you could make the attack into
16889s the tavish just so you don't have to
16890s deal with it anymore you play a couple
16892s of minions to flood board and then
16894s expect that you're going to be playing
16896s a primordial wave
16900s to sort of you know refresh your 10 drop
16905s yeah i don't mind this
16907s just make
16908s wide board the totem roll is actually
16911s well i suppose not that nice when a hero
16913s power invalidates it no matter what but
16915s you know that with the death rattle it
16917s should at least be somewhat challenging
16919s and might involve trading the 77 to
16921s actually deal with the stormborn
16924s so yeah
16925s more i think about it the more i like to
16926s face it as well and you do have a fairly
16929s easy clear here there's a couple ways
16931s you can go about you could go obviously
16932s piercing shot you could have got an aim
16934s shot on the murloc and the 2 damage and
16937s 4 damage hero power to take out the
16939s other 10 drop
16940s but all of this works essentially the
16942s same right you're able to clear the
16943s board keep the tavish alive and
16945s cheesehead's expression in all its
16948s pixelated glory says it all right now
16950s because he is starting to lose this game
16953s and there aren't that many good top
16955s decks left to him in all honesty
16957s i think the best one honestly would be
16959s bru khan for six damage and six heal
16962s into
16963s rolling another fireball that's pretty
16965s much what you're looking for maybe even
16967s just have to bolner
16969s one of these right you know it's not ice
16971s trap so you bowler
16974s dungeoneer and then just use the wave
16976s because most five drops are not seven
16978s sixes
16979s yeah i i think
16981s fours rather
16982s agreed yeah yeah you have to go with uh
16985s ulna plus the uh the dungeoneer here
16987s right like your hand just needs more
16989s value you need to thin your deck even if
16991s it doesn't draw you brew can obviously
16994s it increases your chances of drawing
16995s brucon which is really a win condition
16997s here
16999s and anything you get in play is still
17001s something that dressed deal with on nine
17003s life you can't really afford to let too
17005s much stick around so
17008s yeah i very much like to see the the
17010s bolner dungeoneer and actually
17012s you wouldn't even have to wave if you do
17014s draw elemental right and pick up the
17016s other sleep breaker
17024s schooling is the first there it is oh
17026s there we go
17028s that's strong that's really strong turn
17030s actually
17032s yeah fills the hand back up
17034s freeze the seven six one more turn you
17036s can even involve the dungeoneer
17041s and absolutely chock full once again for
17044s uh cheese head wet goose though is gonna
17047s have a refill turd of his own because he
17049s gets furious howl
17051s uh off the top which is like the best
17053s card he could find right now
17056s yeah it's still just gonna have to be a
17058s little bit of chip damage as you do
17060s clear the board so that'll be the real
17062s test is how efficiently can wet boost
17064s clear while still getting in just enough
17067s damage to get over the finish line i i
17069s don't think you can leave bolner up
17077s multicaster with the arcane
17079s yeah i guess you probably can't leave it
17081s up can you uh but yeah multicaster
17083s absolutely enormous here
17087s i've heard
17088s cheesehead may be wanting to make sure
17090s that these piranhas always rush in
17091s because any one one in play could just
17094s mean a ton of damage from
17095s the end of a piercing shot
17105s do you just devour the seven six
17110s probably not right
17112s i don't think so yeah the problem is of
17113s course the secret that's really scary
17115s otherwise i'd love to go command of
17117s neptulon this is kind of why i think he
17119s was maybe supposed to hold on to the
17120s schooling uh at the end of the last turn
17122s i didn't get an opportunity to talk
17123s about it but it's just a much much
17125s better spell to deal with
17127s uh ice trap than commander neptulon or
17130s the wild poor uh caverns
17133s yeah absolutely and with no null in hand
17135s and one already used it's not providing
17138s a ton of utility
17141s uh so the last battle cry is now
17144s uh
17145s the sleep breaker i think right to give
17147s another freeze off the parrot which is
17149s something you can consider for sure uh
17153s but i think you'd much rather try and
17154s get command of neptune down but she said
17156s looks
17157s very surprised at that which
17160s honestly he shouldn't
17163s yeah what's happening i've seen an ice
17165s and an explosive i'm i'm very surprised
17168s uh
17169s this isn't exactly what you want you
17171s know wind chill
17172s would have been the better thing to
17173s bounce back if you were going to go in
17174s on this line i think there may have been
17176s a bit of panic there even playing the
17177s one one which as i said before dangerous
17180s in the face of piercing shot that's
17182s right yeah i think we just
17184s kind of had a bit of a brain delay there
17185s like he clearly had something in mind
17188s that he was convinced would happen and
17190s those are the most disorienting points
17192s in hearthstone when you're just
17193s completely thrown
17195s uh
17196s by uh you know reality not matching up
17198s to your expectations uh as now wet goose
17201s is just finding an awful lot of damahe
17205s stag charge piercing shot barb nets
17209s is this lethal it's it's like it's kind
17211s of close right it's it's very close i
17213s think if it's not lethal this turn it's
17215s uh it's
17216s really getting there
17217s yet
17218s you know stag charge was the pickup i
17220s don't know if the hesitation was what he
17222s was just doing a bit of math but i i
17223s think with the three from the
17224s multicaster it's just enough
17227s oh it's exact oh my god that's so sick
17230s or okay maybe two over with the
17232s explosive trap yes even so
17235s yeah uh you hate to see it but a little
17237s bit of um
17238s [Music]
17240s awkward turn for chee's head there
17242s playing into the the ice trap uh but
17246s well played for wet goose and you know
17248s some of that latter experience showing
17250s just how strong of a player he is you
17252s know the quest hunter
17255s can really just look like it has no
17257s cards and then out of nowhere just has
17259s all of these tools furious how of course
17261s draws you a ton quick shot is an extra
17263s card when you have an empty hand
17265s so it can really jump back in out of
17267s nowhere even if it looks like they're
17268s out of resources
17270s which means with that said and done we
17272s are all finished up with our matches
17275s from round six
17278s i believe
17279s yes all done going on to round seven
17281s after this and so the players at the top
17283s of the scoreboard in round six at the
17285s six and o score and we have chewie woods
17289s matty monsanto and love storms so uh
17293s some decent representation from uh all
17296s the regions except asia pacific i
17298s believe uh at that top score line but
17301s i'm sure they're they're just behind
17302s right in uh the five on one score line
17305s there's a good few apac players uh with
17308s uh some pretty notable names at that
17310s score line actually uh we have donkey a
17312s real favorite of the casters for all his
17313s stats work of course bonnie hopper glory
17317s soros a player who i've casted with a
17320s fair bit
17321s a fair bunch
17322s way back in the day fury hunter managed
17324s to claw his way back to five and one
17326s after losing on stream first round it's
17328s expected from fury hunter yeah yeah even
17331s possessing creeping in at five and one
17333s as well after his world championship
17335s victory last year so it's looking to be
17336s a good masters tour actually in terms of
17338s the top 16. i'm liking a lot of the
17340s diversity we have at the top of the
17341s field both in terms of uh region
17344s representation uh player
17347s um notoriety i guess would be the way to
17350s put it that we have there as well i'm
17352s feeling pumped
17353s [Music]
17355s me too yeah really looking forward to it
17358s all right with that all said and done
17360s let's go to a quick break and then when
17361s we come back round seven of masters tour
17364s murder at castle nathria will begin
17375s [Music]
17379s so
17381s [Music]
17409s so
17411s [Music]
17446s you
17460s [Music]
17484s [Music]
17499s so
17503s [Music]
17516s foreign
17517s [Music]
17556s right
17565s hello everyone and welcome back to
17567s masters tour murder at castle nathria
17570s i'm raven and joining me is a very uh
17573s jiggly tj i guess we're gonna go for
17576s here welcome my friend i've not cast
17577s with you yet this weekend so it's the
17579s first time here how's it going how you
17580s enjoying the masters tour
17582s ah it's been good it's been good um i
17584s mentioned at the very beginning that i'm
17585s a fan of this meta game we're not going
17587s to meet it for very much longer
17588s apparently
17590s based on what happened yesterday but
17592s uh still i like the decks that have rose
17595s up in popularity and some of these cool
17597s decks and players lineups that
17600s we may not have expected outside of you
17601s know the druid shaman so
17604s i've been enjoying it raven i've been
17605s enjoying it and i was just copying you
17607s uh nobody at home knows but uh the year
17610s i can see you and you're doing it too so
17613s very true i'm upset you've revealed my
17616s secrets tj of uh what i do when people
17619s are or viewers can't see me but here are
17621s the two players we are going to kick it
17622s off with with this round seven match up
17625s and it's gonna be two uh previous
17627s players we have a lot of experience
17628s casting tj uh a rock versus language
17632s hacker uh coming right up we are gonna
17634s have a double shaymin ban as well so
17636s we're not gonna get any uh i would say
17638s for me sharon feels like the deck that
17640s can play the most drawn out games right
17642s it does feel like it's just 40 high
17645s value cards and it's just who burns out
17647s more or which deck sort of opens that
17649s window to finish the game with uh but
17651s instead yeah they're gonna be banned
17653s away and we're gonna
17654s look like we're on track for a more bit
17656s more fast paced set of match ups than we
17658s used to
17660s yeah um you know we've seen similar
17662s lineups to these but uh you know they
17666s still fit within in the mold and i'm
17668s just excited to see the north american
17671s players do well so i'd say american
17672s players do well but language hackers
17674s only an honorary american is this the
17676s masters tour tj is this the day or the
17679s weekend it happens no absolutely not
17682s oh
17684s a rock coming up here with the uh yeah
17686s you know pretty strong previous
17688s performances uh in gm he did okay he did
17691s decent it wasn't you know the best run
17693s ever he was improving over time uh but
17696s didn't really make a huge impact i would
17699s say but seem to be doing them pretty
17700s well so far
17702s overall it's going to be rocking that in
17704s warlock the face hunter and the ramp
17706s druid going into this series so like i
17708s said even though you look at ramp druid
17710s and may not think it's a fast deck uh it
17713s definitely is it has very high game
17715s ending potential especially with the
17716s help of danathias
17719s uh yes it does um and you know we've i
17722s feel like we haven't seen those like
17725s those juicy genathrius's that much so
17727s far in this tournament um that's kind of
17730s what i expected to be the case with how
17731s many shamans and druids there are uh but
17734s we haven't seen like
17735s i don't think have we seen once on
17737s stream just like a brand kael'thas did
17739s atheists
17740s i i haven't i've not watched every
17743s second i don't think we're sorry but i
17744s don't think we have no
17746s i will say though as well for the druids
17748s at least uh it's a lot of the builds are
17750s very unlike the day one and two builds
17752s where people are in like flipper friends
17754s and like literally everything that can
17756s stack at an atherius because as soon as
17758s people started running theo tower
17760s everyone was like oh i should probably
17761s play more than one wing condition that
17763s can be stolen
17764s from from my hand and one of the reasons
17766s as well a lot of decks aren't running
17768s cold tooth mine
17769s right because it's just a signifier that
17771s you have daenerys in hand um and if you
17774s don't if you try and use it to not pull
17776s don't atheist then yeah you may as well
17778s not include it so it's gonna be pretty
17779s interesting but i believe we are gonna
17781s start with hunter from a rock uh going
17783s up against the warlock from language
17785s like a bit of a tricky matchup for both
17787s players honestly
17789s yeah it's uh um very it lives on a
17793s knife's edge in the early game right you
17795s know
17796s it only takes a little bit for one of
17798s the players to kind of blow the game out
17800s of the water
17801s um and but most of the time that's the
17803s import lock uh but hunter b because of
17806s you know wild spirits
17808s bag charge things like that can have
17810s like these big swing turns especially if
17812s the hunter's able to be on the play
17814s they can you know use doggie biscuit
17816s rimmy mount to kind of uh stay in the
17818s lead on the board right um but
17821s very
17822s interesting as well zero masters torp
17825s has language hacker was he unhappy with
17826s his previous win rate and he's like a
17828s zero that's a lowercase o well it's just
17831s a small zero okay
17834s but maybe he's just unhappy with his win
17835s rate previously so he's like you know
17836s what no no wipe it we're starting from
17839s now
17840s yeah he's gonna go for it to add it on
17841s but yeah uh
17843s very interesting here three fridays in a
17845s row uh i think there are more than
17848s fridays in a row from my understanding
17850s but who knows how these crazy america's
17853s players count time
17855s it's saturday
17860s oh i love it
17862s i love it these guys these graphics are
17864s my favorite thing in the world because i
17865s know for a fact
17867s that lorenzo works incredibly hard on
17870s stats to get them out
17872s um
17873s but there's always one per broadcast
17876s that slips to the cracks and i love it
17878s though i love the body yeah it is a
17880s treat i think the only thing correct on
17882s that whole image was the picture of
17884s language hacker that's the only thing i
17886s could confirm yeah but but anyway
17888s it doesn't matter
17890s as we check out a rock's face hunter
17892s list now how do you feel about face
17895s hunters specifically in zoo
17897s because it's a very different matchup
17899s than say for example quest hunter
17902s uh yes yes it's uh
17904s incredibly different because you live
17906s and die by
17907s the early game board right if you can't
17909s stick early game damage and then damn
17911s warlock's just going to run you over
17912s there's no comeback mechanisms you can't
17914s keep the board under control with spells
17915s with secrets
17916s um
17918s but
17919s i've
17920s i don't know
17921s i've the
17923s face hunter we're gonna call it face on
17925s it right the face hunter play style
17927s currently is so like
17930s when more lose more right
17933s even more so than it was previously
17936s you're either
17937s winning games by a lot and this is like
17940s ninety percent of the time right there's
17941s ten percent of games that are close back
17943s and forth where you know you top deck
17944s legal to turn before you put on kills
17946s etc but um
17948s it does feel like you either get really
17949s far ahead and just steamroll your
17951s opponent right you get you know
17953s uh
17954s spirit poacher into stag charge into wow
17958s you know wild spirits or twin bow tear
17960s coral and then wild spirits or you know
17962s you don't have a one drop
17965s they play wicked shipment and then
17967s library boom you lose yeah um that
17970s that's what it feels like to be honest
17972s that's the thing isn't as we head into
17973s game one
17974s a lot of attention needs to be on these
17977s openings right literally what the first
17979s three turns maybe i'm even being
17981s generous saying three actually define a
17984s lot of the outcome of the game and there
17987s are certain things that can help for
17988s example language hacker is running the
17989s dreadlitch tamzin that we can see in
17991s hand right now which is useful if things
17994s don't go well initially uh tamzin can
17997s help out later on as an emergency button
18000s but again much more preferable to be
18003s ahead and i think tj both players
18005s probably pretty happy with their
18006s openings this is mine
18009s is
18011s language hacker in super fake's house
18013s ruined
18014s that's a good point
18017s that looks exactly like super fake's
18019s background even like the way the books
18021s are placed yeah that's just a standard
18023s way to place books but you know it's not
18025s language hacker's background or at least
18027s not the last one i saw him on anyway i
18029s oh tj what if his big brain does what if
18032s he's
18033s both other players backgrounds and it's
18036s on his screen he's like now you've got
18038s to guess whose house is it today
18041s that sounds like something i would do
18042s well played language hacker i think
18044s we've seen this background from lego
18045s tracker once before it might be like a
18047s visiting family's house from something
18049s like that okay um
18051s or at the library i don't know
18054s one of the two
18055s but um this is a
18058s an interesting uh early game for
18060s language hacker because
18061s he does have bio library uh feed to
18063s circle but the big thing here is he's
18066s got the grimoire sacrifice
18068s um so he he could opt to like say play
18072s this slow
18074s uh just let the dominions trade over
18076s this librarian and then next turn go
18078s like feed the circle coin grimoire
18081s and clean up all of the
18083s uh
18084s uh
18085s troggs that he he's creating and things
18088s like that
18089s um he might
18092s have been worried about like a buff
18093s whether it be ramming mouth or dogs
18095s situation yeah
18097s and so i
18098s think that this play is perfectly
18100s reasonable
18101s yeah i think this is not what language
18102s hacker would have liked to have done but
18105s i think he got to the conclusion that
18106s annie buff makes this horrendous if he
18108s doesn't go for the clean now on the
18110s truck arock does follow up with a
18112s slither spear and gets that bear spirit
18114s locked loaded and ready to go
18117s what
18119s does he still go for the grimoire it
18121s still does a decent job of clearing the
18123s two tutus uh on board and still leaves a
18126s couple of imps there or do you think he
18128s stares a lot of this imp gang boss
18130s because it's very difficult for hunter
18133s to actually clear imp gang bus up in a
18136s sort of tidy manner and this could
18138s really set him up for a strong circle
18140s and then library the turn after
18144s the only thing is i think that language
18147s hacker really wants uh to hold on to the
18149s coin
18150s because of the dreadlitch champion
18152s pickup
18152s or at least have the option for dredlich
18154s damson
18157s just because of how powerful it can be
18159s in these early games the problem is
18162s you know not protecting himself from
18164s this damage this is going to be a lot of
18166s damage come at the face and a rock's
18168s hand this is basically what it said i
18170s think language hackers plays he was
18171s worried about buffs he wanted to make
18173s sure that he could hold on to the coin
18174s for dredlich thampson but eros was like
18177s sure whatever i'll
18179s i'll just go face
18181s works out fine
18182s i just get to clear everything but the
18184s slither spare or one of the slither
18186s spares right if he does go for the uh
18189s circle of criminals
18190s i didn't see what this murlocky low was
18192s at but um it only it could be maximum
18196s one because the librarian's the only
18198s minion on language hacker's side that
18199s has died
18202s but it will be able to come down soon
18204s maybe the merlocky look could be enough
18207s to
18209s just get him to tamzin get him to
18211s tampson or at least you know post
18214s hampson just be able to come down but
18216s now tamsen's a little bit awkward
18217s because it will clear off his
18219s stuff
18221s or a lot of his own stuff
18223s just thinking about where to use this
18225s library on before he remorse yep thank
18227s you i like this
18229s just make a huge gang boss and the
18230s benefit of this is well this one gets to
18232s attack right so i like the buff on that
18236s yep
18238s oh
18242s okay
18243s that's quite good
18245s it
18246s is
18248s i would have preferred more raw damage
18250s though
18251s yeah it doesn't really fit what he chose
18253s as his game plan last year his plan was
18256s probably to just dump whatever card came
18257s off the top quick shot
18259s and then uh try and roll through with
18261s this damage because this hero power does
18262s have the aim shot buff loaded up so just
18264s four
18265s there's currently seven from hand for
18267s just four mana
18269s very resilient to tamsin though
18271s to be fair you can't uh damage dormant
18273s minions take some of that but uh yeah
18276s i will say as well a rock did favor
18278s aggro throughout uh the majority of the
18280s gm career uh for him so he's very used
18283s to playing these kind of matchups
18286s what do you think was the ooh for seeing
18288s the bartender
18290s yeah but
18291s i feel like you just
18293s trade twice over the
18295s grizzly spirit
18297s [Music]
18298s i guess this is the the top shelf
18302s okay
18303s i feel safe
18304s yeah this gets molocular down too
18307s because yeah there will be two more
18308s minions traded in rocky it comes down
18310s it's a big board
18312s does it set up lethal if only one thing
18315s is cleared it's 18
18318s 21
18320s so not quite but the miraculous pretty
18322s scary
18325s funnily enough oh wow oh yeah quick shot
18328s now that's some damage oh yeah
18331s definitely going to help outpace the
18333s molecular
18341s yeah there's no way he's dealing 11.
18346s might be time to tamzin
18349s coin voidwalker as well
18352s sure
18353s he could probably just go all face pass
18354s and still win
18359s i'm not getting any younger
18364s girls gonna start stacking up
18366s there is the uh
18369s the dreaded collateral damage in the
18371s deck for a rock which always wins when
18374s you play on tourney
18376s yep
18377s the problem is getting to turn eight in
18379s a situation like this i'm not getting
18380s anything
18383s the grizzly spirit will emerge next turn
18384s so provide five health worth of taunt
18386s but the stag is not it could if a wild
18389s spirit is picked up off the top
18394s but that's still only adds a little bit
18396s of damage
18397s what do you think language echo is
18398s thinking about this term because is
18400s there really that much to consider
18404s i know the tamzin there's some drawbacks
18407s to it but does he really not want
18413s listen okay i'm a little bit surprised i
18416s thought tamsin coined voidwalker looked
18418s pretty strong
18420s yeah
18421s it it takes away power from the board
18423s maybe that's what he's worried about
18426s but you gain health but there's no way
18427s that he deals
18428s yeah that's like the thing is like what
18431s is
18432s i guess what's going to come out of this
18434s it's going to be a big problem here he
18436s did get the wild spirits as well so he
18437s does get the weapon and the three one to
18440s push through so not a bad outcome at all
18443s it's not gonna be good enough
18446s early game one gonna go for language
18448s hacker in there i think
18450s a pretty good display of what the match
18453s up looks like right is that the warlock
18455s can just go a little bit too wide too
18458s often and even though it was very very
18460s close indeed a language hacker obviously
18464s ended the game with tamsin in hand he
18466s could have gained even more armor right
18467s so even though a rock got off a little
18469s bit the the inclusions of these grimoire
18472s of sacrifice which were not in like the
18474s sort of day one builds
18475s are actually pretty huge
18478s yeah they certainly are and
18480s we're seeing so many uh more techs
18483s because i think players are just
18484s realizing that just having
18486s the core
18487s strong imps you know just like blessed
18490s librarian file library feature speed of
18492s circle and this is him like you can
18495s fit a lot of other stuff around that and
18498s it's still going to be powerful when it
18500s happens and you're still just as likely
18501s to hit them but having more support so
18504s you're not just all in on having an
18505s early board
18507s makes the deck feel
18509s you know a little bit more smooth you
18511s get like sort of multiple
18513s uh wind conditions in that regard um so
18517s definitely been liking these uh
18519s different inclusions um but
18522s that's kind of what we talked about with
18523s the hunter you know
18525s it seemed close for a second but
18528s it it at the end of the day it really
18530s wasn't that close uh still a lot of
18533s damage off and could have been even more
18535s damage off
18536s if uh language hacker
18538s had opted to play like tamsen
18541s that would matter you don't get extra
18542s bonus points for being
18545s higher health and you could have been
18547s you don't get like 1.1 wins in the
18549s series no you get one win no matter how
18551s it happens i'm glad because i don't
18552s really want to work with those kinds of
18554s numbers uh we do see language hacker is
18556s moving over to his priest and uh he's
18558s dipping his toe in there both pools here
18560s honestly tj one school teacher one
18563s partner in crime i know you and i have
18564s been playing a lot of uh this style of
18566s priest and i know you like the one
18569s teacher and i believe the crush claw is
18572s your weapon of choice uh for the other
18574s slot
18575s my most recent list
18577s has been no shard of the naaru
18583s one crush claw one schoolteacher and
18585s magic hexson still playing hatchet
18587s uh language hacker to make room for that
18589s second four drop has cut naja kexin
18592s right um it is very situational in a lot
18594s of matchups it can end up just dead in
18596s the hand and it's expensive
18598s um
18599s but i feel like the matchups where it's
18601s good it's it's very good
18603s um so
18604s yeah i think weirdly i found myself
18606s using it the most to um like just not
18610s get my minion traded into for a turn
18612s right even if hexa goes down if your
18614s main target isn't hexan as in your buff
18617s target then you have a big minion you
18619s just protect it for an extra turn and i
18621s think that's more than good enough to
18622s warrant it in the list but hey rock
18625s gonna be sitting on the hunter once
18626s again
18628s yep
18629s knows his stuff wild spirits on three
18631s it's all part of the plan
18632s all part of the plan
18634s um so for language hacker uh i oh
18638s throws away blademaster samuro
18641s um
18642s blademaster samuro can be good in this
18644s matchup but only if your opponent hits
18646s that side of their deck right right
18648s heavy side of their deck and
18651s he wouldn't you he wouldn't be
18653s guaranteed to have support with blade
18654s master samurai by itself it's not good
18657s if you have like cathedral and blade
18659s master samurai sure you can argue that
18660s you can keep both of those so you have
18662s three and then four to clear up the
18663s board and then your blade master summer
18665s was already pretty big uh to get things
18667s rolling lego tracker had no support for
18669s it so opted to keep the radiant
18671s elemental and the this matchup is pretty
18674s much just about one big swing
18676s right if if you can find a turn
18679s relatively early on before you've taken
18680s too much damage where you can just go
18683s okay i
18685s dealt with my opponent's board in summer
18686s guard or i built a giant minion
18690s or multiple giant minions that's what
18692s you want to go for it's hard to do have
18695s like incremental power spikes in this
18697s matchup because the hunter is just going
18698s to go right past it right they don't
18700s care if you have like one medium sized
18702s minion if they have
18703s three four
18705s small minions that are constantly
18706s attacking face usually they're going to
18708s win them
18709s one big moment yeah very simply stick
18712s aboard um and then make it stay there
18714s there is oh pardon crime as well
18718s oh that is interesting because i i do
18721s find this location
18724s very fun to use and interested to work
18726s out how to use it because now the easy
18729s idea is okay treasure card press the
18732s location button on it because that makes
18733s a big minion
18735s yes but what if now language hacker
18737s waits and does it in partnering crime
18739s instead right because that is an option
18741s he didn't go for it but it's something
18743s he could have done because currently uh
18746s this does just insta die to pretty much
18748s the fox and any other card in the hand
18751s right now so yeah uh just worth
18753s considering i think there's a lot of
18754s flexibility with that location
18759s the fox is so clutch in this match up
18761s normally the fox is one you're
18763s you know not as happy to see over some
18765s of the others if you get like just the
18766s one but there yeah in this matchup you
18768s just want absolute high impact damage
18770s all the time
18772s and language hacker
18774s is quite dead they're not bored right
18780s oh yeah the weapon procs this turn right
18782s yeah this stag emerges next to it
18785s um
18786s there's got to be heel face needs to
18788s happen
18789s yeah double then
18791s the a-rock doesn't have a single spell
18794s always hold it
18800s and he has it
18801s yep
18810s wow okay well um
18813s that was that was close
18815s yeah and i think that's something i
18816s didn't really say earlier but the hunter
18819s versus zoo matchup obviously you never
18821s want to lose the game of hearthstone in
18823s the tournament but the hunter you never
18825s going into that matchup expecting to win
18828s right because it's very very tough as
18830s the hunter but
18831s again aarock took the loss there but
18833s suddenly hunter well that hunter
18835s specifically versus priest well you do
18837s that pretty often actually though the
18839s priest needs a very specific strong
18841s opening to be able to survive that and
18843s it wasn't there so a rock again evens
18845s the series up gets the hunter out the
18846s way with not really any trouble and now
18849s yeah we're at that one on one score now
18851s tj priester is obviously available again
18853s for language hacker but a rock now has
18855s the druid hence the warlock so uh could
18858s get very interesting with that priest
18860s indeed
18862s yeah i think uh the game plan here for
18866s uh language hackers probably gonna be to
18868s have to corner the druid
18871s um
18873s just based on the matchups that are left
18876s um i i i
18878s mage is still sort of an anomaly to me
18880s especially this mage the
18882s uh like 30 card
18884s uh solid alibi skeleton page list
18887s because i feel like that's one of the
18888s decks that can just sort of steal
18891s i've on my break between there when uh
18894s derek and edelweiss were filling i was
18896s playing matty's version of this list and
18898s he doesn't run deathborn doesn't run
18900s kel'thuzad but it just runs like it's
18902s like four cost and below with mode dress
18905s in magister and i was playing i was like
18907s wow
18908s this deck's sick you just get him so
18910s yeah very excited to see more of at
18912s least that style of mage overall but for
18914s now we do have the warlock versus the
18916s priest and again matchup that's very
18919s focused on a couple of cards from the
18921s priest they're obviously having playable
18923s minions but most importantly for me that
18926s devour is clutch in this matchup you
18929s just win if you get to devour a board
18932s yeah um the
18934s only issue that i've run into with the
18936s devourer is like you know let's say they
18939s feed your circle right and you play like
18941s really elemental to power
18943s and then they play mischievous because
18945s it gets auto infused yeah
18947s and then you you need to have the
18949s follow-up for it uh it's not as simple
18951s as that but it's
18952s crazy how you look at like mulligan win
18955s rates how like shadow devour is really
18957s not that high of a of a win rate card
18959s when kept in the mulligan in in any
18961s matchup except for this one
18963s and this one it's like oh my god i got
18965s devour and i'm gonna win
18967s yeah it's uh
18969s pretty ridiculous
18971s um but oh okay
18974s this is
18975s uh in it
18976s oh it threw away the imp
18978s king
18980s it's also a matchup i feel where you're
18982s much more free as the priest to just go
18984s face if you have a big minion because
18987s zoo cannot really sustain itself a lot
18989s of the time right uh there is dan
18991s atherius in a rock's version but you're
18993s not planning on worrying about turn 10
18995s as this priest so yeah we'll have to see
18997s how it goes double handmade and devour
19000s elegos here for language hacker
19003s definitely would like to get something
19004s to fill that gap because pelagos devour
19006s on turn four and maybe even turn three
19009s with the naga is gonna be huge
19014s got to get there first and erock's going
19018s and i'm a wicked shipman and there's a
19019s vile library to follow it up this is uh
19023s oh oh
19026s that's
19027s good that's the that's the exact nugget
19030s he needed
19033s you really have to think hard if you
19035s want to go for this but i think it makes
19036s sense so
19038s hold right you hold
19041s hold it no i think you were he coined
19043s out a wicked ship and i think you're
19044s worried about bile library because bio
19046s library would make it so that the
19048s uh devourer would do next to nothing
19051s right
19052s and now this allows for the
19054s scribe to trade over i think this was
19056s good so now you get to play pelagos on
19058s an empty board yeah it's just nowhere
19060s near as cool though is it tj and that's
19062s what i was here for i wanted the the big
19064s pelicans play but yeah this is pretty
19066s nice does have the uh cathedral next
19068s turn as well
19071s i will find the truth this is an uphill
19073s climb now for a rock
19076s it's a good setup from him and i think
19077s at the absolutely correct set up from a
19079s rock
19080s again the devour we talked about it and
19082s it happened
19085s no spell though for language which means
19087s this pelagos is looking a little bit uh
19089s meager
19091s i do like the cathedral though
19099s what is elune's will ah i've also
19102s decided
19104s the pillar goes up to seven
19106s let's say a rock went fiend a circle
19109s draw
19110s a cob now though right play it
19117s yeah probably you play right just take
19119s the nine nine
19124s and just punch him in the face
19129s holy right it's actually really hard
19131s it's really hard i feel like it's way
19134s too greedy to hold if pelicos dies your
19136s next turn is kind of trash right
19140s yeah i think this is worth
19145s all right it's just a 99 this was talked
19147s about earlier i think in this match up
19148s if you do get a big minion
19151s it's too messy to try and deal with the
19152s imps so just punch them in the face and
19154s race them because a lot of the time you
19156s know you hit them pretty hard
19160s this is a three turn setup and he gets
19162s to protect the pelego's next turn with
19164s the treasure guard so
19166s yep oh yeah three
19168s rockies
19170s oh i wondered if he was gonna go for a
19172s machocula there to actually try and
19174s survive and heal a little bit out of
19176s this like perfect range
19179s yeah
19180s oh we just get
19193s tj i've seen lists in this tournament
19195s that don't run boon imagine
19199s there's no way there is
19201s it hurts
19203s once you go boom you never go back
19205s exactly becomes the best card in the
19207s deck no matter what you could have no
19208s minions on board or in hand and boone's
19210s still the best card
19211s yeah
19214s now you have to think about whether or
19215s not to trade um i'd be might be worried
19218s about a second buff
19220s on this murlocula
19223s but
19224s a rock was obviously fishing for
19227s something it kills the boon the the
19230s taunted boon on board if you go face
19234s he traded an imp gang boss in for one
19236s imp right and then infuse i think that
19238s uh reeks of desperation
19242s okay though there's an atheist is
19244s getting buffed
19247s yep
19258s the handmaiden has uh
19261s some lethal outs
19265s right if you hit let's say serpent wig
19269s serpent wig that's
19270s right or devour yeah serpent wig or
19272s devour
19273s are both lethal i mean he always wants
19276s to location the palace right so start
19279s with that uh the only thing
19282s yeah i guess okay oh
19284s never mind i told you
19286s well the reason for that is he's never
19289s dead right
19290s yeah and if he plays treasure guard that
19293s turn then
19296s the one one probably wants two minions
19299s have to go into it which means one he's
19301s never dead and two if he actually does
19303s buff the peligos the pelagos is almost
19305s certainly never dead either so then it
19307s always just feels better to buff the
19309s pelicans made the one big minion
19310s language hacker takes game number three
19314s and again that was just exactly what you
19316s want to do with priest and guess what he
19318s won the priest versus zoo matchup when
19320s he drew both devours makes sense
19324s makes a lot of sense they came at the
19326s perfect times as well
19328s yeah there were a lot of tricky turns
19330s though for both players tough decisions
19331s right even though it was a short game
19333s yeah i i
19335s like if you even have a whiff
19340s uh smell that they might
19342s uh have the
19345s always forgive me
19347s uh vile library there you go it's a
19350s library i always want to say graveyard
19351s but the graveyard is the
19353s uh it's the rogue yeah
19355s um oh my god i'm so bored
19357s uh if you even have a whip that a buff
19360s is there you you want to go for the
19362s devourer as soon as possible right and
19364s and then just go from there right yeah
19366s in those situations you
19368s can't hope that your opponent
19371s in what situation would you flame a coin
19373s wicked shipment if you didn't have
19374s violet library so i like i like the
19376s the play that he ended up going for and
19378s it worked out in the end so took the win
19380s now it's just that mage left
19382s for lego checker and it is the
19384s 30 card
19385s um
19387s solid alibi spooky
19389s age
19390s and
19391s as i was saying before i was playing
19392s matty's list which doesn't run the
19394s deathborns or kel'thuzad
19396s and i felt like it was very smooth you
19399s were almost just playing burn mage uh
19401s with some control tools and it was great
19403s it felt it felt amazing uh i'm very
19405s interested to see how this version looks
19407s because again there were just clunky
19410s potentially clunky cards added right to
19413s the version i was playing with
19415s kel'thuzad to deathborns so we'll see
19417s how it turns out only one alibi as well
19420s so we'll see what happens there but also
19422s it looks like a rock is jumping over to
19424s his ramp druid uh yeah this might be a
19426s bit of a tough one as well a ramp druid
19429s of course capable of crazy things but
19431s with both players playing theo
19433s yeah things can get a little bit wild
19436s oh yeah oh yeah i feel like we've seen
19439s some nasty theaters throughout the
19440s weekend so far but
19443s um i
19444s have liked this version of ramp druid a
19447s little bit more than like say the
19449s celestial
19450s uh variations
19452s this one has a lot more options in the
19454s early game right in terms of
19457s what you can do
19458s there's only one of dozen kelp keeper
19460s but playing that plus druid three plus
19462s planted evidence
19464s like amalgam if you just desperately
19467s need a minion on board like it's very
19470s uh sort of low curve
19472s uh acknowledges the fact that it can do
19475s something against aggressive decks that
19477s get onto the board fast even a spammy
19479s arcanist
19480s thrown in there but it still keeps its
19483s top end in there and instead of playing
19485s like alignment you
19488s play kazakhstan and that's what the
19489s amalgams are for right so you have that
19492s super
19493s late game tech for to to just be able to
19496s get there against some of the decks that
19497s go super slow yeah for druid just look
19500s in the decklist it has a surprising
19502s amount of the deck uh space giving over
19504s to three drops and less versus some of
19507s the other druids we've seen that pretty
19508s much start at four
19510s uh or three even uh but yeah looks like
19512s we are going to get straight into it
19514s here language hacker
19515s night cloak sanctum extremely powerful
19519s card but one that i don't think is
19520s necessarily a keep in this matchup but
19523s language shack are choosing to only keep
19525s that card i'm a just a little bit
19527s surprised
19528s it's just way too good like it's just
19530s always good like it's just a fantastic
19532s way to spend three mana yeah that's
19534s better when
19535s you're just like what the game state is
19537s on turn three i'm going to bank this
19539s banner now so i don't have to spend it
19541s later
19542s that's fair enough
19559s hacker could ping it but it doesn't die
19562s so now you cannot target me with your
19564s hero power
19569s checker second do i wanna save one
19571s health like i'm probably gonna ping this
19573s next turn to trade over it anyway yeah
19576s so i might as well because also as well
19578s it's not like he can ping next turn uh
19580s if if he pinged like somewhere else
19583s anyway because he'd be just night
19585s cloaking or drawing cards regardless so
19586s why not just do the thing you're always
19588s gonna do now get it traded and give
19590s yourself some more options
19592s yep and gets to freeze and then trade
19595s and get this
19596s skeleton
19597s [Music]
19600s things are looking up
19603s um well
19606s could coin innovate nourish for crystals
19610s it would only bring up to six mana next
19611s turn
19613s uh so no options to like prance the atar
19617s there wouldn't even be any cards left
19619s in this hand
19620s but i give you the ramp out of the way
19622s opens up the options for uh upcoming
19624s turns so it's like do you want to make a
19626s trade yeah yeah sure sure okay i'll take
19627s this card okay what can i take nothing
19631s there's nothing left
19636s which i oh
19637s he's playing for himself i know this is
19639s just
19641s just a very clean curve
19644s and a deathborn to follow it up but you
19646s know assuming these uh
19648s uh these minions stay alive okay planet
19650s evans is good
19652s uh nice but not cast bull uh
19655s capture cult in mind pick up a decided
19657s an atheist go into a scale turn
19665s i mean it's probably just the best card
19666s there anyway right even just
19669s removing everything else it's just
19671s better it does get the silence off to
19673s remove i'll reduce some of this damage
19675s uh language hacker looks like he's
19677s setting up to be very very uh well this
19679s game the only thing i'm worried about tj
19681s is this
19683s because it looks like he's playing on a
19684s tablet or phone
19686s i know
19687s that
19688s tomorrow that's going to be hurting
19690s like once it has to be by choice because
19693s he obviously has a computer
19695s available
19697s because
19698s there's a webcam it could be his phone
19701s and then that's his tablet
19704s i guess you can't yeah i guess yeah it
19706s could be yeah yeah okay yeah you're
19708s right
19709s just oh it worries me just to watch as
19711s someone who's had
19712s been working on their posture for a
19714s while now um it pains me to see someone
19716s like hunched over that much
19721s hey rock it's going to be able to clear
19723s this up
19724s let's scale over next year
19727s old faithful
19729s also start to juice after matthew as you
19731s said we haven't seen anything big
19733s dinatrius wise this tournament so far
19736s but
19737s he rocks putting himself in a position
19739s to and there's no
19740s uh theotor from language shaka so far
19744s not yet
19745s still a while before danatherius
19747s can come down and there's also the
19749s question of well do you want to just
19752s wait till you get guff or kale those to
19755s brand it out to try and get a little
19757s sneaky lethal
19759s i'm a big fan of if you don't have it
19762s obviously set up by turn 10 just play
19766s danatrius get it played so it doesn't
19767s get stolen you do the damage you put a
19770s 1010 on the board because it's also
19772s something that
19773s outside of moderate
19775s uh this
19776s deck doesn't really deal with big health
19779s minions right it takes a while they can
19781s freeze them but to actually kill them
19783s off it is uh quite the commitment and
19785s daenerys with lifesteal does require
19787s dealing with at some point
19789s oh
19790s whoa
19792s love stuff
19793s guff stuff
19797s even language i cannot kill us oh no i
19799s need to stretch my neck
19806s well that looked like a manner as well
19810s oh uh oh no you drew with that so
19814s now tj how
19816s greedy you become
19820s is the denathrius
19823s is not lethal levels of bran right
19827s yeah
19829s it's that i think it's about like 12
19831s because it's just the starfish plus six
19834s um welps that have died
19837s yes i i was around that number just over
19839s 10 was the number i was there bouncing
19842s around in my head
19854s what if you want to freeze these
19856s deathborns
19858s are not these deaths freeze these
19859s skeletons for the possibility of death
19862s just get more
19864s maybe use one just to have one next turn
19866s in case uh big minion comes out
19870s now
19871s again i'm a big fan of just doing the
19874s play because you have it
19877s like it's a threatening board in itself
19879s kind of difficult to deal with i don't
19882s think language hack is really pinged
19883s that much
19885s no i feel like he if he you ha if he had
19887s theater he would have played it though
19889s right because he saw you
19891s play
19892s oh yeah but the problem is that's fine
19895s that's why it's not happened yet but
19896s what if he just draws it next to him
19899s i guess that you know i mean he has the
19901s whole debt at the whole deck he has the
19903s play it puts tons of stats on board and
19906s it deals a lot of damage like these are
19908s ticking all the boxes
19910s yeah
19913s this commander savara has
19915s a death born an arcane intellect and a
19918s wildfire i believe oh is it wildfire
19922s casts a wildfire
19924s did he not have savara when he oh he
19926s didn't have survival when he cold case
19927s right that was yeah okay okay
19947s seems good
19959s all right we're getting into uh
19962s big siren atheist territory
19967s are we though because the thing here is
19969s like
19971s how
19972s much more is a rock gonna realistically
19974s juice than atheists
19979s unless he's really planning on waiting
19981s till the very very very last second here
19983s and getting like second scale raid boss
19986s you know what i mean which feels like a
19988s little bit overkill as you can tell i'm
19990s a fan of just playing it as i've said
19992s and i'm just scared for a rock
19996s throwing amalgam on the board here
19999s oh i mean
20001s i guess
20005s it's burning again
20008s i think
20009s in any other deck
20012s or if i explained this to someone and
20013s said you can have this board or you can
20015s clear the board and have two and a half
20018s minions that are pretty large on there
20020s instead what would you rather do
20027s i don't know
20028s i'd rather kill my opponent
20033s well not yet
20037s so wildfire and reckless is an option
20039s though for language hacker oh yeah to be
20041s able to get his modric upright as well
20043s oh no
20044s it gets his more jar shop
20046s just by itself because it's gonna be
20051s that disconnect looks like the ping is
20052s too high
20054s from this reckless
20057s hey
20058s that was a good one that look at all
20060s those ping
20062s look at all those pink
20065s sounds like a cheat code from our old
20066s rts
20069s all your ping pong belong to me
20077s now we're at what 15.
20082s you're the uh official death race
20083s counter tj
20086s could get it up to 16 with the emerald
20089s sky talent
20091s thanks for that
20093s you're doing a good job
20103s oh nixia
20113s like this is no bias whatsoever but i
20115s would love language hacking to just rip
20117s theoton now and just steal the
20119s not bring us
20122s 22. okay
20127s uh so solid alibi does
20130s protect against sire denathrius yep does
20133s it deal this damage in a chunk
20136s also would allow him to just play
20138s modresh right and save the freeze on the
20140s location for next turn
20143s because if you alibi and just clear the
20145s raid boss like just
20154s probably looking for that theater
20158s oh surely it's alibi
20163s what what did i say 21 so it's 42 2 i
20166s think you said right oh 22. okay
20169s that's 44 is there 44 health
20173s with the stuff there's six seven eight
20176s nine ten eleven plus thirty five oh he's
20178s alive
20182s but he still just does it right
20184s who knows
20186s i think he's alive my best cannot change
20189s 35 what did i say 11.
20192s 46.
20194s about this no it's exactly 46. oh is it
20199s it's exact
20200s it was 23. hi i was off the whole time
20203s it was exactly thought no way
20205s what a game oh geez
20208s hey rock takes it the greed paid off i
20211s was worried for him all game though but
20213s he got away with it so good job to a
20215s rock there gonna partake this series all
20218s the way to game number five it's gonna
20220s be the mage again for language hacker
20222s against the warlock but oh that was so
20225s close wasn't it tj and and this is
20227s something i do want to ask you because i
20228s think it will be relevant with this mage
20230s deck going forward um
20232s in a match up with dinathias in your
20235s opponent's deck
20237s when like is there a way to play alibi
20240s or is it completely by feel and you've
20243s just got to hope
20244s yeah complete my feeling just gotta hope
20246s like
20248s you can kind i guess you gotta you can
20251s kind of count how many if you expect
20254s cyrodinathias
20255s they saw cold tooth right he saw coats
20257s with it and then he saw raid boss onyxia
20259s come off the top
20261s right
20262s and there's only two tents
20264s so it had it it had to have been in hand
20266s so it was guaranteed to be in hand
20269s and it was guaranteed to be the first
20270s card so if he was counting he
20272s he could have counted and known that
20273s that would have been exactly though
20275s yeah on
20277s but he wouldn't have known about the
20278s world to expect but wouldn't have known
20280s about the brand right right
20282s yeah that was a
20284s pretty crazy but still does mean that we
20287s have one more game to go before we work
20289s out who's going to take this series as i
20291s said it's the warlock now for a rock
20294s back in the old imps with another
20295s dinathrius
20297s deck
20298s against this mage but again i do think
20300s this mage has got a lot of game versus
20302s this warlock for me
20304s i think
20306s i'm going to keep talking about this
20307s matty version of the deck that was
20308s playing but for me again another reason
20311s why the lack of deathborne and
20314s kel'thuzad is a positive because in
20316s these kind of matchups well are you
20318s really expecting to just get to turn six
20320s and then that wins you the game and
20322s maybe not but we'll see how it pays off
20324s but regardless the freeze the ping
20325s effects reckless and so on all good
20329s things to go against warlock with oh
20331s yeah oh look at this just about
20333s oh my gosh
20335s oh my gosh he's gonna out minion the
20338s import look at this right filthy
20342s this is the good stuff right here look
20344s and the curve just works out perfectly
20346s too because the shipping sources will
20348s reduce one of the cold case so you can
20349s go shipping sorceress coin
20352s either sanctum or cold case
20355s yeah just whatever's better right
20356s yeah
20360s in this case probably oh my gosh it's a
20363s part of two
20365s savara will have what coin cold case
20367s cold case yeah or maybe even coin cold
20370s case i can intellect depends on how far
20372s ahead language hacker is right
20374s yeah
20375s obviously heavily depends on how the
20377s turns work out but still go gonna go
20379s sanctum
20381s yeah that's fine
20382s start using it right the earlier he uses
20384s the first one the earlier you can use
20386s the second crop and so on
20388s don't mind this
20399s all right
20405s even just dog grass just
20407s in there ready to go
20409s probably because that's the thing as
20411s well if you get to dawn grasp safely the
20414s hero power just destroys warlock right
20416s because they're normally quite low at
20417s that point anyway
20419s yeah i mean this is a pretty good curve
20421s for a rock though he gets to go
20422s mischievous imp
20424s into
20426s bartender into
20437s it's like really good hands for both
20438s players
20440s we want to see
20443s i like i honestly think a rock comes out
20446s on top of this one i think he has way
20447s too many minions way too much minion
20448s pressure for language hacker to deal
20450s with
20452s what to do another bartender is going to
20454s be so many stats even with one minion
20456s traded over even if this skeleton trades
20459s over
20460s the blood bound and it hits a 1-1
20463s and then freezes a mischievous imp
20466s that's still
20467s a ton of power on board that's still 13
20470s damage that's going to be going
20473s yeah
20474s there's no world in which uh language
20475s hacker freezes with amplified right now
20478s i didn't think so
20479s something you know it's going to be a
20480s much better term next term with
20482s amplified i think
20483s yeah the top shelf is
20487s bartender into reform this is
20491s outside of like that library coming down
20493s at some point this is like
20495s oh idea oh
20503s i thought you could still amplify this
20504s turn i thought it was on six mana i was
20506s like does he freeze first and kill one
20513s hmm
20514s it's tricky
20516s like
20519s oh what
20521s trades and stuff this turn
20524s very awkward because of where the
20525s skeletons may or may not go with the
20527s death rattles
20529s could go savara coin amplified
20538s oh okay
20539s good little ping
20540s pickle up one extra
20542s yeah gee i like holding up on the vardin
20547s yeah i'm on board with you tj coin
20550s amplified now freeze one
20552s on me
20553s gets to save the fight because the
20554s bargain is
20555s pretty much just a hard stop right to
20558s warlock there's just nothing you can
20560s really do if your whole boards froze
20565s finally minions
20569s oh
20570s didn't take long for language hacker to
20572s turn into language clapping
20581s there any way you can lethal over two
20584s turns
20587s um you push all face you freeze and
20589s minion and then you dawn grass i think
20591s you freeze after dawn grasp so you don't
20595s like
20595s kill a minion because you don't want to
20597s leave board space up i guess
20599s no he
20600s he could
20603s [Music]
20605s he could freeze and put the imp king to
20607s low right it wouldn't kill it oh or this
20611s here or the big one yeah yeah that yeah
20612s yeah all that whatever yeah
20614s freeze a big one put him to low and then
20616s make him a little bit more killable but
20618s i think in this world he would need like
20622s already you've played wildfire and then
20624s like exactly bran reckless or something
20627s stupid
20628s there's there's ten
20632s on board
20633s oh we got the wildfires
20635s um dawngrass does not achieve much
20641s you have to frost frost weave dungeoneer
20644s into no it's not enough man off right
20648s into frozen touch what about double
20650s frozen touch arcane elected to double
20652s frozen touch or uh arcane intellect
20657s arcane intellect into solid alibi and
20659s then you kill two things
20662s but then you're not getting any closer
20663s to
20665s lethal i think i think i can intellect
20668s in a double touch
20670s oh it wasn't touch oh like this oh okay
20673s one mana
20675s off lethal
20682s there's nothing else right
20686s you can
20688s do a few trades but there's simply too
20690s many large
20692s mp boys on the board
20701s quick touch phase pink and uh hope for
20703s the concede
20704s well
20705s why these disconnects happen exactly
20707s when they ping or when they try to
20712s he rocks like let me win don't don't
20715s give me this kind of suspense a-rock
20717s genuinely does not know whether he's
20719s dead or not
20726s not dead buddy
20739s oh you'll probably see the hero power
20740s now
20742s there's a curse of agony in the deck
20744s from left field out absolutely nowhere
20748s and that's going to be the game there
20749s for a rock and the series yeah wipe that
20753s sweat from your brow that was a close
20755s one multiple games in that series that
20758s came down to the wire a stressful one no
20761s doubt but it does mean that a rock's
20763s gonna be sitting at six one going into
20767s the final round of swiss next so uh
20769s really really good victory for him
20771s they're gonna put him in a great
20773s position to make it that top 16.
20775s yeah and uh language hacker is still a
20778s very small chance his second loss came
20780s late enough to where if he does win the
20782s final round and his tiebreakers are good
20784s enough
20785s um then uh
20788s he does have a shot at making top 16
20791s but a lot of the time top 16 the players
20795s that have two losses that go to the top
20796s 16 are players that took their second
20798s loss in the final round right
20801s we've seen in the past players that have
20803s taken a second loss earlier but just had
20806s the the players that they were beating
20808s earlier on the tournament ended up like
20810s winning out a lot right so
20812s um yeah
20813s based on the tiebreaker rules so it's
20815s possible uh it's not out of the question
20817s but it's going to be unlikely from this
20819s point yeah that's the thing for me uh we
20822s can talk about how likely or unlikely
20823s things are but we find out for sure when
20825s round eight eight is finished and the
20827s actual placements are confirmed uh so we
20830s get all that sorted soon that is it for
20832s the first match from around seven we do
20835s have a little bit more coming up though
20836s but me and tj are gonna go for a little
20838s break before we set out to end the day
20840s so don't go anywhere we'll be back with
20841s some more hearthstone
20843s right after this
20847s [Music]
20854s [Music]
20887s [Music]
20898s [Music]
20913s [Music]
20921s what's up
20936s [Music]
20954s [Music]
20966s so
20973s [Music]
20979s [Music]
20988s [Music]
21007s [Music]
21019s so
21021s [Music]
21041s welcome back everybody to round seven
21044s here at masters tour murder at castle
21045s nathria and i'm with adolf ice who gets
21048s another chance to show off her
21049s hearthstone skills and casting ability
21052s you having fun today and yesterday so
21054s far
21055s yeah you are my last
21057s new pairing right so excited to talk
21059s some hearthstone with you and
21061s continue the trend of me casting with uh
21064s someone cosplaying as creepy portrait
21066s from this expansion hey this is a very
21068s good portrait i'll have you know
21071s been hours working on this back in 2014
21073s it's fine
21074s um we're getting you one at some point
21076s i'm sure but the candles kind of you
21078s know they set off my cheeks quite well
21079s so i'm quite happy with this
21081s but we are going to go into a match
21082s between oh and plastic now plastic uh
21086s top eight in the last tournament at
21088s masters tour this year um four
21090s tournaments ago went one and something
21093s five or something horrible and has just
21095s been getting better and better
21097s throughout resulting that top eight and
21099s somebody i think we should be paying
21101s attention to because when people get
21102s that good that quickly
21104s uh it can be lucky if they do it once
21106s but here's plastic again doing it a
21108s second time oh for all i can find this
21111s is their first masters tour so
21114s we'll see how this continues and opening
21117s up here with a 1-0 lead i believe we're
21119s going in but play the warlock in this
21122s one
21124s yeah you always hope that when it's
21126s someone's first time at an event like
21128s this first time on broadcast that
21130s they're not going to break under the
21131s nerves that can sometimes catch people
21133s by surprise even right they think
21135s they're going to be fine but then just
21136s the thought of having so many people
21138s watching them just a little bit of extra
21140s pressure on all the plays maybe it slows
21141s you down just a little bit you don't
21142s finish a turn so we'll see how her is
21145s able to handle it
21146s one oh to lead though certainly a good
21147s start
21149s you've played in incredibly high level
21151s events
21152s multiple times of course on camera
21155s how terrifying is it like what is it
21157s that's scary is it is it just the nerves
21159s in general or is there this fear that
21160s people are going to be judging how badly
21162s you play or
21164s yeah if you make a silly mistake what
21165s actually leads to all these nerves
21168s you know i think it's really the second
21169s one right just sort of the the thought
21171s that oh there's so many people watching
21172s and it's just gonna be so front and
21174s center if i make a mistake uh pretty
21177s much
21178s it's like i'm fine the rest of the
21179s tournament that you know there's always
21180s some pressure in terms of how well
21182s you're performing but when you're on a
21184s broadcast there's there's just that
21185s added level of oh gosh you know
21188s everyone's gonna see me if i screw up so
21191s and part of the mark of a season player
21194s is how well you're able to just kind of
21195s get over that over time and and just get
21198s used to it say hey i'm here because i
21199s deserve to be here and just not let it
21201s affect you
21202s yeah and i like the way you worded that
21204s as well for what i've done speaking to
21206s other top players about getting used to
21208s it a lot of people never actually get
21210s over it they just learn to deal with the
21212s fact it's there
21213s um i've spoken to several of the the
21215s very top players who still get nervous
21217s they say but now i'm used to being
21219s nervous so it's okay but they don't not
21221s get nervous anymore it seems to never go
21223s away for some of them and then there's
21224s people like blizz who looks like he's
21226s never nervous just sits there and plays
21228s hearthstone and goes home
21230s [Music]
21231s kind of reminds me of that saying right
21233s that it's it's bravery isn't about not
21236s being afraid it's about being able to
21238s face your fears and deal with them so i
21240s imagine it kind of is a similar dynamic
21244s okay well plastic will be feeling a bit
21246s nervous right now one zero down in this
21249s round seven encounter both of them i
21251s think are five and one yet confirmation
21253s there on screen thank you
21255s um so
21257s a big game between the warlock and the
21259s the naga priest obviously we've spoken a
21261s lot about shadow word devour today but
21263s if you don't get it i'll never mind we
21264s don't need to talk about if you don't
21265s get it because he's got
21267s it you can go there if you want what
21269s happens if you don't get the devourer in
21271s this matchup while we watch it kill some
21272s m's
21275s you know if you don't get the devour
21277s then you're just sort of hoping that
21278s they don't have something like a
21279s fiendish circle right or or wicked
21281s shipment i think you just
21284s are
21285s wanting to hit into some of the bigger
21287s minions maybe make something big enough
21288s to trade into imp gang boss without them
21291s generating any
21292s uh one ones
21294s but uh yeah usually you're almost happy
21297s to see them have those wider boards
21299s because of shadow word devour so that
21301s you can take advantage just make some
21303s kind of minion they're not going to be
21304s able to clear i think both shadow wear
21305s devour and blademaster samurai are two
21308s very important tools for this matchup
21309s just to set up swing turns
21311s yeah and he's gonna need them because
21313s has managed to get that
21314s sort of start we've seen a lot of
21316s flaming interlibrary to just make a
21318s thing that's big enough that it can
21319s survive
21320s and so plastic gonna have to just be
21322s patient take some damage and try and set
21325s up a decent samurai to clear this
21329s although with the library activation i
21332s don't know how possible that's gonna be
21334s i think the intent here was being able
21337s to hold on to a
21339s uh
21340s samuro coin valeesh
21343s bless
21344s and
21345s that's no longer an option when the
21347s minion buff is is so large so
21351s uh just having to make a taunt here i
21353s don't know how well this is going to
21354s hold up
21356s you can coin the leash bless just to
21359s sort of force the opponent to trade in
21362s yeah he's looking at it i think he's
21364s calculating
21365s do i have to do this or what can i do
21367s with a samurai next turn
21369s with coin priestess and wig but yeah
21373s your play or variant of it at least is
21376s you do what he has to do
21381s yeah i like this getting the wig in is
21382s effectively free because of the leash uh
21386s so you can just get that add a little
21388s bit of extra stats hope they're not able
21390s to punch through and the fact that this
21391s is one of your few naturally taunted
21394s minions
21394s unless they're able to pick up a
21396s starfish it's just no getting through it
21399s right so then you don't even need to
21401s rely on something like summoner or bless
21402s you can just have the big taunt buying
21404s you time and now you've got a fully
21406s juiced handmaiden as well if they choose
21408s to
21409s not trade in and wait then you're able
21411s to do something like boon to the
21412s ascendant so i'm not surprised to see
21414s these trades go in just to avoid that
21417s scenario and also to infuse this reform
21420s just to come down next turn
21422s now do it again go on plastic
21425s no bless available this time though so
21427s it will just be um
21428s a blocker for a turn whilst looking for
21431s other stuff this time around
21434s yeah see giant not really what you want
21436s to see on the other side of your
21437s opponent's clear turn and imp king or
21439s farm even more so
21441s i think
21442s that was sort of the all-in play from
21444s plastic and
21446s unless a bless is picked up off the top
21448s here
21449s there's not really going to be any
21451s chance to pull back in the game
21453s yeah and this time as well with
21455s bartender in hand it's just going to get
21457s worse and worse
21461s you can do double wig and sort of
21463s sacrifice your wig
21466s just to
21467s get the samuro up to three attack
21470s lets you deal with everything but the
21472s sea giant
21476s okay
21477s [Music]
21492s yeah you just end up leaving up a five
21494s two or five one right
21496s any which way you do this
21498s yep yep yeah this is better i
21500s miscalculated a little bit sort of
21501s forgot about the slither spear attack
21503s buffs uh so yeah much much safer
21506s although
21507s still was a lot of pressure
21510s impending catastrophe could draw two
21512s cards here for uhuru
21515s lots of the toughest boards out of the
21517s way i suppose but anything that does
21519s manage to stick could
21521s get buffed by something like a shitty
21523s bartender
21524s i think this matchup is so interesting
21526s because it's just a high density of back
21529s and forth board tension between the two
21532s sides over the course of you know
21534s usually no more than eight or so turns
21537s yeah and with a wig gone now i mean it
21540s was it needed to we've gone a bless gone
21542s it's going to be harder and harder for
21544s for plastic to hang in there the devour
21546s gone as well so this is allowing ahu
21548s just to ignore the mini minion on the
21551s board and just go face it's looking
21553s really really good maybe plastic can do
21556s something with the boom next term but
21558s it's going to need some help to do that
21562s yeah there was a decision there on
21563s whether to just go face and inch towards
21566s lethal further that way but i think
21568s having the shady bartender in hand uh
21571s uhuru more feeling like well if i clear
21573s this minion then i keep four demons in
21575s play it still sets up a lethal
21578s very important not to have traded the
21579s bartender at all on that last turn to
21582s have that potential out
21583s so uh unless something very silly is
21586s generated here uh to bring up eight
21589s i think it's just
21592s he went looking for the devourer from
21593s the thrive and missed that would have
21594s been quite good because he had been able
21596s to boon as well um but by missing means
21599s he doesn't get to get a taunt he still
21600s gets a monstrous
21602s a minion but not quite safe yet although
21606s definitely a long way towards it there
21610s now he's got the boon next turn
21613s does work towards stabilizing got to
21616s start with a tap here
21620s double librarian is not quite it huh i
21623s mean would you take the buffs and just
21625s sort of go go face or or just
21629s trade and look for something better
21631s i just hope that
21633s your opponent eats through your minions
21634s one or two at a time and you somehow get
21636s there
21637s it's horrible but i think just take the
21639s buffs where you've got them
21642s i think this is one of the reasons why
21643s so many people have included something
21645s like curses even though i i know you're
21647s not a fan and honestly i'm not a fan
21649s either in the mixture that we have seen
21652s but it does provide some source of sort
21654s of burst damage um awkward as it may be
21657s and uh yeah it looks like we are just
21660s taking the bartender as many stats on
21662s board as possible
21663s and hoping that enough things stick to
21666s be able to get there
21668s i have noticed looking free
21670s like the four matches we have lined up
21671s each round with the backups included
21675s there are more and more curse decks
21676s appearing as we get towards the end of
21678s this tournament in those lineups each
21680s time so it does look like the curse
21681s decks are the ones that are rising to
21683s the top in fairness um these i don't
21686s like them is cause they seem to be
21687s inconsistent but again
21689s like you've just described these
21690s situations come up far less frequently
21692s if you have got the curses you've got a
21694s bit of finishing power
21697s ah
21700s being picked up here and with the
21703s you know free uh thing we could have
21705s gone for
21706s shard but
21709s i'm a little
21710s surprised we didn't go for a shard there
21712s you could have removed some of the stats
21714s and then taken a trade over the 4-4 just
21716s put yourself in a little bit better
21717s position but i suppose plastic thinking
21720s with the 516 taunt not much really gets
21722s through that anyways
21724s yeah would have still been able to do
21726s everything if he does end up cutting his
21728s own minion as well uh well uh shard is
21732s not
21732s symmetrical right so
21735s just silences oh yeah i'm being
21737s okay it's that time of day
21739s yeah radiant in play just reduces all
21742s your ones to zeros so you can kind of do
21744s whatever you want yeah ghost of course
21746s being picked up means
21748s next wig turns into a bless so
21751s very high potential for just lethal on
21753s the side of plastic on the next turn
21756s maybe assess the the farm was the only
21758s way he loses
21760s rafale has already played so yeah so
21763s running out of ideas gigafin is the only
21765s way he loses that doesn't work either
21766s because then you silence it don't get
21767s them back um
21768s [Music]
21770s don't know yeah and uhuru does have this
21774s just straight up implod that was kind of
21776s seen earlier on but so many have shifted
21779s away from
21780s where it's got
21781s double c giant you know double bartender
21784s the one of starfish a couple of grimoire
21786s of sacrifice
21788s so it is just all in on that early
21790s pressure with library etc and i think
21794s naga priest is just even more able to
21796s deal with that because as soon as you're
21797s able to take hold of the board you just
21799s kind of keep it under your control yeah
21801s very traditional aggro deck obviously
21804s yeah things have got more powerful over
21805s time but basically the same as usual if
21807s you stop the flow there's very little
21810s way for it to get back into it so as
21812s soon as you set up a
21814s the game
21815s obviously you have to play it out things
21817s can happen but
21818s it's basically over the second you stop
21820s the damage coming in
21821s especially
21822s you can heal a bit if you're really
21823s desperate
21825s i think it's realized just as lethal you
21827s know pelegos making each wig into a
21829s bless both of the large minions survived
21832s you just get to
21833s punch through with the shard and finish
21834s that one up
21836s yeah i guess by saving i'm just curious
21838s now about why
21839s he did actually save the the shard but
21843s if there's more taunts played i think it
21844s just meant that he always had lethal
21845s this turn so maybe that was his
21847s reasoning knowing that he was safe don't
21849s know
21849s but i do know he's got it to one game
21852s all and that looked very very
21855s clean like it's not an easy deck to play
21857s well and he seems like instantly know
21859s all the decisions he wanted to make each
21861s time
21864s yeah i think wig priest is one of those
21866s where it you know it feels really really
21868s good when you're able to make it work
21870s and then the games where it doesn't
21871s you're just like why am i playing this
21873s pile of cards together they don't seem
21875s to do anything
21876s and it seemed very very dire straights
21878s for quite a while they're
21880s honestly very impressed to see plastique
21883s pick that one up had just the right
21885s tools able to you know put off using the
21887s samuro and then have it for that big
21890s swing turn pretty much the only card
21892s that's able to save you when im king
21894s rafam comes down on curve fully juiced
21896s as it was in that case
21900s and so have a look what they're going to
21902s queue up next but i believe it's going
21904s to be the rogue for plastic and we're
21906s going to get a chance to look at
21908s i've been calling it tempo vogue in the
21910s stat in the
21911s sheet but it's miracle vogue isn't it
21913s basically
21915s the name that everyone's using
21917s i think it's a bit of a debate right
21918s there's no gadgets in auctioneer which
21920s is really the iconic card for miracle
21922s rogue because then it's all about
21923s playing spells and drawing cards and
21926s this doesn't quite have as much of that
21927s i suppose there's an argument to be made
21929s that
21930s edwin sort of serves that role edwin
21933s defies kingpin and since you get him so
21936s reliably off of shroud of concealment
21938s maybe that's just what we should focus
21940s on just call it miracle rogue um
21943s you know we've been calling it
21945s lambie rogue just amongst ourselves
21946s because we know who made it but that
21948s doesn't really help people in terms of
21950s how it plays out right
21952s yeah i'm never sure we we talk about
21954s this way too much off stream but not so
21956s much on stream like what to call decks
21958s in terms of do you want to describe a
21960s deck for what it does so
21962s mid-range hunter great thrilling tells
21965s viewers and people are like what it does
21968s but god it's boring or do you have
21969s something like zoo which just means what
21971s does that mean i want to see what a zoo
21973s does that sounds exciting where do you
21975s stand on naming decks well we just wait
21977s to see this weak priest because we've
21978s seen this a million times
21980s you know i do sort of prefer the more
21982s interesting names i know when i'm just
21984s building decks in my collection that
21986s don't really have anything particular
21988s i'll come up with with wacky names that
21990s of course are too long to really use as
21992s an actual archetype name in some kind of
21994s stats but i think something like spooky
21997s mage is is really ideal right people
21999s know what you're talking about they know
22001s they're excited about taking a look at
22003s the list because uh well there's no card
22006s called spooky that doesn't actually tell
22007s you anything about the deck but he gets
22009s you excited about it right whereas
22011s skeleton mage is more descriptive but
22013s you know a little less exciting still
22015s better though then
22017s control class
22018s aggro class right which we have
22021s vogue yeah here we are yeah exactly
22023s that'd be my argument for calling it
22026s lambie or miracle or somebody'll come up
22028s with a funny name that makes sense at
22029s some point as well and we haven't had to
22031s see it that many times on broadcast yet
22034s and what interests me about this deck is
22035s the decisions you need to make as to how
22038s big how greedy do you go
22040s because a lot of the time just just
22042s using your stuff making
22044s small enough minion but really early is
22046s often just the way to win the game
22049s yeah we've seen how sort of waiting to
22052s pop off in a massive way can end up
22055s punishing you if you wait too long
22057s because it just gives the opponent more
22059s time to build things up to roll you over
22061s shroud of concealment is a really
22064s powerful draw tool in this deck because
22066s of how few minions there are
22068s but in the early game that is a pretty
22069s big mana investment so
22071s it's always tricky to find that balance
22073s of when is the right moment to pop off i
22076s think particularly against something
22078s like wig priest that can snowball so
22081s heavily in the early game although
22083s perhaps not with this hand
22086s yeah no minions at all not ideal as you
22090s can see from a who is rather confused
22092s perplexed look like give me something
22095s okay that's something
22098s giving me some memories of a certain
22100s fury hunter game earlier uh yesterday
22104s and
22105s yeah plastique may just
22108s take the trade it's gonna reduce your
22110s nals more second shroud you know it's
22112s it's a slower hand from plastique but
22114s it's still shaping up i almost wonder if
22117s with a hand like this as a guru you just
22118s coin out the pelagos
22121s i think you might yeah i just say okay
22122s my opponent's going slow we know they're
22124s going to explode because that's what
22125s this deck does i think that might be
22127s quite a good thing to do
22129s it shouldn't be destroyed on six it
22131s might be but
22134s well the slither spear pickup is quite
22137s welcome i think particularly with the
22139s wig found from thrive in the shadows uh
22142s certainly rogue does have a cap on how
22146s much damage it can deal so i imagine
22148s you're wanting to work towards some kind
22150s of you know very massive minion they
22152s won't be able to deal with
22154s but finally some some nagatop decks here
22157s uh working out a little better for uhuru
22160s i
22161s think you could just
22163s make a couple of small boards but that
22164s does leave you vulnerable to bone spike
22169s yeah
22170s is there much you can do about it though
22172s if you don't present an argument on the
22174s board your opponent's just going to be
22175s able to do what they want anyway
22180s it's kind of a who's going to blink
22181s first situation in terms of yes starting
22184s to go in on their their combo term
22188s remember when we used to cast shade of
22190s next farmers back in the day the the
22192s caster thing to talk about was always
22195s why if they just died with a 13-13 shade
22197s they played on turn two that they never
22199s attacked with
22201s oh i remember those days
22205s i don't know like you do that helps so
22207s much yeah exactly it is like okay well
22210s why didn't you just attack with it when
22211s it was a six six and win the game nope
22213s one to the 13 13 so i could lose the
22215s game
22216s this deck is going to remind me of that
22217s a lot you'll hear me say that again at
22218s some point i'm sure
22222s well in the double knull pickup is quite
22225s nice for this turn the bone spike can
22227s clean up the scribe and then play the
22229s sin stone graveyard onto the board then
22232s you drop both knulls which will remain
22234s stealthed
22236s oh
22237s wow this is the full greed
22240s oh my
22245s i don't know if i like it or not but
22246s it's going to be exciting
22249s i mean it's going for a big draco weapon
22251s right which i i guess i don't hate when
22253s you know you've gotta have big things to
22256s remove
22257s but
22258s oh i don't know i might have just taken
22260s the
22261s the minions on board that last turn
22264s it does also though
22266s withhold some information from your
22267s opponent
22269s in terms of they might make mistakes on
22271s sizing of their minions if they don't
22272s know you've got double knoll they know
22274s they know you've got at least one i
22275s think from how things have gone but they
22277s might make mistakes and
22279s underrated aspect of hearthstone
22281s sometimes
22283s yeah maybe they think you just picked up
22285s you know krabatoa edwin something like
22287s that some of the more clunky minions but
22291s thinking about this next turn
22293s how big can we make this right you've
22295s got
22296s bone spike location
22299s null null one drop draca
22302s you could even step the null if you like
22304s yeah you can also kill the 88 in the
22306s process
22310s probably losing gold but just just get
22312s rid of like a 10 10 but i think you
22313s still get rid of it three six
22317s yeah and and this has to be the turn
22319s right
22321s yeah
22322s yeah you have to spike
22325s you have to spike one of the minions
22327s that can die right
22328s made that mistake before right you don't
22330s actually get the discount unless it
22332s kills a minion
22334s do that then you read the card you're
22336s like oh i see what the card does now
22338s yeah i've done that twice once when i
22340s you know didn't read the card and when
22342s it was stupid and awful
22356s is it actually enough to clear
22360s oh i see with the ordering here so
22363s utilizing the serrated bone spike
22366s for killing
22369s bellicose oh we're going to use the
22370s weapon yeah we're just going to take
22372s 10 and not
22373s okay
22375s very good see i always lose track of how
22378s big the weapon in even is so uh very
22380s well thought out keeps the most power on
22382s board and still a very large weapon to
22386s clear things from the side of uhuru a
22388s little bit awkward in terms of
22390s not
22391s like we're going into potentially
22393s crabatoa turns so that's not great in
22395s terms of weapon use i imagine it'll just
22397s be
22398s maybe an edwin played
22400s but with this much in
22403s like board presence for plastique it's
22406s okay to have a slow follow-up turn
22409s absolutely and you know worst case i
22410s don't know i had to use a crabatoa to
22412s win the game losing my weapons sure
22415s um just keeping the police off the board
22416s we all know that that's usually
22419s you know easier said than done now but
22421s with your opponent having quite a
22422s powerful term the term before the
22424s likelihood is you're through the worst
22428s this is just
22429s forcing a response from the priest that
22431s they probably don't have
22437s even
22438s stepping at the edwin here for
22441s further draw next turn where you still
22444s have one last charge of this so you can
22446s go for a massive edwin turn use the
22448s location and follow that up with a
22450s kravitoa
22451s looking pretty solid for the side of the
22454s road right now i think uhuru is
22456s wanting to pick up something like
22458s asamiro
22459s are you okay with not using the location
22461s last turn i know it's going to be a lot
22462s bigger next turn but having something
22464s down now seems kind of moisture
22468s uh it's also important for getting card
22470s draw right when you're sort of
22472s this starved for for resources and a way
22475s of actually swinging the board like you
22478s need you basically need to find blade
22480s master somebody so i i think that would
22482s have been a way to try and come back i
22484s mean the taunt is nice i'm sorry i meant
22486s to play jack pick up this
22488s oh i made just like a four four or five
22490s five and just had it
22492s oh
22493s yeah i i agree with that i think people
22496s do sometimes tunnel vision on the sides
22498s and ends up being a 4-4 anyway
22503s but yeah now it's all set up obviously
22505s um some of those you were talking about
22507s before i cut you off so rudely does
22509s appear
22510s no it's it's uh it's not a full clear
22513s but it's a really good one
22516s very good
22517s location stop you dying yeah
22522s seems important right about now
22528s well maybe that's why uh plastic didn't
22530s use the location last time playing
22532s around samurai
22534s yeah that's that's you see from the look
22535s on his space that's exactly what he did
22536s last turn that's why he didn't make the
22538s minion before so he had um
22543s i assumed it wasn't there and of that of
22545s course yeah comes up off the top
22547s okay that woman
22548s is still
22550s pretty solid follow-up though
22553s you're not bad and wicked stab it's it's
22556s all coming together
22559s time to start counting but i can't see
22560s the board
22563s i believe it's one off this turn
22567s fine
22568s take the stab
22574s yeah one off because if we had perhaps
22576s the stab it would be dealing with before
22578s so
22581s but shadowcraft for scabs
22583s quite good for a reset and then having
22585s two stealth minions uh particularly with
22588s samuro being used
22590s it would just be double devour that you
22592s would be worried about
22594s and
22595s all the taunts are gone as well
22597s naturally barring
22602s pretty good steel here
22605s yeah this is
22606s an attempt to come back say this steel's
22609s nice
22611s it takes away the krabatoa from the
22613s rogue in terms of bounce as well but i'm
22616s not sure
22619s this just gets there now with the two
22621s damage from the
22623s insert
22628s plastic you
22629s run two games to one in pretty quick
22632s time after going one zero down
22635s and only the one that left with that is
22637s going to be
22639s [Music]
22642s the warlock
22645s which is we'll get there in a minute
22647s [Music]
22649s uh a regular block
22653s yeah it's got the
22655s kale those package i guess we would say
22657s molecular when it's fully infused costs
22659s zero mana which lets you go kale thus
22661s murlocula into whatever you please in
22663s this case the top end is gigafin and
22666s cyrodinathrius i don't know how often
22668s that actually happens but it is a sort
22670s of fun interaction and many players seem
22672s to have brought it so it must be
22673s performing reasonably well
22676s yeah uh again we've gone into this
22679s tournament with a weird situation where
22681s there's not many deck archetypes but
22683s within those archetypes there's a
22684s million different builds
22686s because people said okay this is the
22688s sort of thing that i want to do
22690s how is everyone else doing it how can i
22691s do it better
22693s but there wasn't enough time for
22694s everyone to build every available
22696s archetype in these matters i just
22697s finished up to the tried and trusted
22699s stuff and hoped they could out tech
22701s their opponents and so far
22703s i think that the imps that are doing the
22704s best are people who are probably the
22706s ones with curses in which
22707s is interesting to me
22709s [Music]
22710s interesting to me as well it you know it
22712s messes with the stats a little bit
22713s because i think anything with curses is
22715s just showing up as curse lock so it's
22717s hard to say how a fully cursed warlock
22720s is actually performing if we have so
22723s many imp curse locks and you know
22726s whatever weird in between space
22729s but yeah as you say i mean between these
22731s two players even three classes shared
22735s in in the shaman warlock and priest and
22739s then each of them has picked a different
22741s fourth
22742s with made for uhuru and rogue for
22744s plastique
22746s but yes then between those shared
22749s classes there's still certain card
22751s choices different etc uh so
22755s really a game of edges this whole
22757s tournament i think
22759s yeah gigafin might be quite important
22760s here because one of the decks remaining
22762s for a hero is that priest
22764s um it's kind of uh okay
22766s uh we lose to peace don't we because we
22768s get devoured let's what can we do about
22770s that i know let's just eat all those big
22772s minions off the board and reset all of
22774s their stuff
22777s well and dredlich champson as well is
22780s kind of uh
22781s goofy you know usually you'd think i'm
22783s an aggressive deck why would i want to
22784s include a card that just deals three
22786s damage to my board too but it turns your
22789s hero power into this thing where you
22791s just generate imps randomly it gets rid
22794s of the downside of two life
22796s and uh
22798s i don't know about you but i always feel
22799s like at least one gets drawn off of the
22802s three cards oh yeah of course especially
22804s well for my opponents of course yeah
22806s yeah i think i did one of those things
22807s where you shout at your imaginary
22809s opponent the first time they played
22810s tamsu how can you play that card you
22812s idiot then of course they destroyed me
22814s and i realized he was a good deck after
22815s all and i felt like the idiot which was
22817s probably true
22820s so choosing to keep this one two in the
22824s hand because it's one and two obviously
22826s absolutely not the one two start you
22828s want but
22830s you know
22831s malignant on going first you might as
22833s well have something to do
22838s yep plastic even doing a little bit of
22840s chip damage there just because health on
22842s minions is so relevant um i'm curious to
22846s see if this is just going to be an early
22849s you know coin pelagos priestess devour
22853s to make a very massive minion that would
22856s be one way to try and just cut
22858s like take control of the board very
22860s early another route you could take would
22862s be to just coin out the
22864s location and kind of get that rolling
22866s fight for board a bit take a more
22871s relaxed approach i guess
22873s knowing that the location will be back
22875s online for the turn that you play blade
22876s master samurai which can be a nice clear
22880s yeah i'm a big fan of the pedo ghost but
22882s we saw him not do that last time in fact
22884s he's taking an even slow about just
22886s healing up wow
22888s okay i don't know about this oh
22893s i think plastic is is as a nod to shadow
22896s where devoured not playing that fiendish
22898s circle off the top uh which is
22901s very heads-up play uh just keeping the
22904s board clear
22905s providing a little bit of incentive for
22907s a devourer to be played but not wanting
22910s to get fully blown out by that card i
22912s will find him here comes the pelagos as
22914s saved for this situation a plastic sort
22916s of
22917s you know rolls the eyes is like how can
22919s i put you on having this when you didn't
22920s do it but okay
22923s nine nine to deal with now
22926s does mean that the mischievous imp is
22928s fully infused though so in terms of raw
22930s stats on board
22932s quite a lot on plastic side boon to the
22934s ascendant though this has been
22937s i think this is really what put the deck
22939s over the edge for me it was pelegos and
22942s bunny ascended just
22944s so many stats out of nowhere
22948s yeah over the edge in terms of it in
22950s terms of now a super strong deck or in
22952s terms oh my goodness hang on i'm just
22953s gonna ignore everything
22955s yeah one of those down straight away
22959s you can continue sorry
22961s i do
22963s no no it's worth noting um but
22966s here we see just sort of the power of
22969s boone
22970s not being fully blown out because
22973s this boon minion is
22975s definitional stats so it remains a 9 11.
22978s i think we're so used to
22981s things giving you know green numbers
22982s which means that they can be silenced
22984s away
22985s but uh this just sticks around as a 911
22988s so not uh you know crazy in terms of but
22993s it lets you have fewer blowouts and
22996s still be able to fight somewhat for
22997s board uh after getting hit by something
23000s like a starfish
23001s interesting to see plastic's thought
23003s process you can almost see it the way
23004s he's hovering over the cards he's trying
23006s to decide between
23008s racing for victory which can get very
23010s very
23011s messy against a priest that can just
23012s make their things twice as big in 30
23014s seconds
23015s or holding on and just playing gigafin
23017s he was hovering over that multiple times
23019s in that weird little thought process
23021s there
23022s uh it's gonna be interesting to see
23023s which one he picks it will depend a lot
23025s on what he draws next of course
23028s yeah i think if if you get the library
23031s like i guess you sort of have freedom to
23033s do either plan right race or just start
23036s taking some trades because you have that
23038s value oh that may not be a library on
23041s its own but it does draw four
23044s yet
23045s two five if you want to commit yeah draw
23048s lots depending on who you want to go
23049s trade in kill the thing
23052s and now you've got plenty of juice to
23053s survive for two turns to play the
23055s gigafin and
23056s that should be
23057s [Music]
23058s a lot of the cases will lock things out
23060s depending exactly on the priest's hand
23062s of course
23064s i think it has sort of given plus leak
23067s the go-ahead to be more defensive here
23069s as well get the full value of the
23071s intercircle i think we could have
23074s maybe
23075s i don't know if it was a hand space
23077s issue to not have one more imp
23079s on board there but
23081s uh now
23083s if you're a huru you basically expect
23085s everything is there imking reform file
23087s library i mean it's just the juice and
23091s in catastrophe with how much it draws i
23093s think is the reason that it works to
23095s have something like denathrius and and
23098s kale floss in the deck because uh
23102s you know you hardly ever play it on 10
23104s but with kale floss and with molocula
23107s and other cheap minions you're able to
23109s get it down early and get it infused
23112s from big hands like this
23115s this is going to be really irritating um
23118s for her well he's not because he's got
23119s the shard but next term plastic looking
23121s at you know voidwalker and
23124s the farm and just saying okay that's my
23126s seven deal with that don't kill me and
23128s then gigafin into anything you like into
23131s the mathias
23136s yeah it really is a solid setup just
23138s sort of paving the way here uh so many
23141s cards at once demonstrating uh just how
23144s powerful impending catastrophe is
23148s it's not it doesn't really matter what
23150s imps you bring back either because of
23152s that plus two plus two
23155s no exactly uh gonna have to start off
23157s with drawing cards here one way or
23159s another
23164s needs to win right now i know we know
23166s about the gig of him but you know he
23167s knows that everything's there as you've
23169s just said he knows the hand is full of
23170s stuff so next turn is not going to be
23172s pretty for him
23175s yeah i mean how close are these
23176s handmaidens to getting charged up if you
23178s play shard right now
23180s does that get one of them ready
23183s uh i mean
23185s until i saw the green border i assumed
23187s they were already ready i must admit
23189s like last turn and then they came back
23190s green like it must be one to go
23194s maybe it's not
23198s taking that initial draw
23201s oh no jack is all right on some boards
23204s but not so much this one
23206s yeah you're expecting this ball to kill
23207s your next turn if you leave it up or at
23209s least win the game if it doesn't
23211s actually physically
23213s officially win the game
23217s and this is what can kind of happen when
23219s you just don't have wig right you're not
23221s able to juice up your handmaidens and
23223s then you're stranded on draw
23225s relying on top deck spells to bail you
23227s out and
23229s plastique meanwhile has
23231s all the cards in the world to work with
23232s i think bartender plus vile library may
23235s not be lethal this turn but it's
23237s certainly working towards it
23240s and by not gigger finning now he does
23242s have just gigafitting into an atheist
23244s over the next two turns as a way to win
23246s the game i'm only looking for that
23248s because that's what i had my heart set
23250s on the second i saw the gigafin but
23251s there's a lot he can win this game any
23253s way he wants to from here as far as we
23255s can see obviously in his head there's
23256s there's ways to lose but
23260s maybe difficult
23261s trying to make
23262s exact trades
23265s getting the eight attack minion to kill
23266s the eight health minion
23268s uh doesn't really matter how much damage
23270s you push
23271s and just use the minions left over and
23273s there's enough stats here for a lethal
23275s setup yeah nice split as well so nurjac
23278s isn't sort of some sort of weird punish
23282s now jacking to boon or something like
23283s that would be kind of scary but he's
23285s managed to make that as
23288s unterrible as possible he's always got
23290s the gigafin if it goes wrong anyway of
23291s course but yeah i like how he
23294s made like you said made economical trade
23296s and also
23298s didn't make any minion too big that it
23300s was expendable was not expendable
23305s at this point shadow word devourer just
23307s does not do enough the wig
23309s has to be expended to even activate the
23313s handmaidens and uh no friendly minions
23316s to play it on unless you just play the
23318s leash
23318s i i don't really see the lines here
23324s no i don't think he does either but if
23326s you don't see it you play the card and
23327s see what comes just in case there's
23329s something that you've missed
23333s the amalgam into another leash but even
23336s then not that much matter refreshed
23340s drawing another from the location
23341s there's malcolm
23343s no time though good luck with that
23349s i can respect practicing the apn you
23351s know
23353s can always be getting better
23355s yeah and
23357s unfortunately for herbert who took a 1-0
23359s lead that we didn't see
23361s plastic continues
23363s for the second masters toy in a row to
23365s look very impressive indeed with that
23368s 3-1 victory going to six and one and
23370s in a win and in situation for the next
23373s round i don't know which round he lost
23374s he might already have a very good
23375s tiebreaker but it's unlikely that six
23377s wins will get in but if he wins his
23378s final round he'll get into his second
23380s consecutive finals day which will be a
23382s fantastic performance
23385s yeah still a chance to make it in and
23387s also pretty good chance to qualify to
23389s the final masters tour of the year so i
23392s think some players are setting their
23394s sights on that as the next target yeah
23396s in his case of course because he reached
23398s the top eight last time picking up six
23400s wins here is a lot of points towards
23402s getting into the championships as well
23404s uh presumably he has eight nine ten that
23407s sort of order already
23409s plus another six from here that's sort
23410s of let's say 15-ish i don't know his
23412s exact record last tournament
23414s he would only need two or three more
23416s points to be in the sort of scores that
23418s would get you in so
23420s every win putting him very close to
23422s getting to that championship event with
23423s a chance to go to the world
23424s championships or you can just bypass all
23426s that and win the tournament and then you
23427s don't have to mess around
23431s yeah always the dream everyone looks for
23433s is getting a chance to make it to worlds
23435s even if you don't win worlds i think
23437s that is every hearthstone player's dream
23439s and really card players dream no matter
23441s what game you're playing
23443s we are going to have a look at one more
23445s match before we cut into round eight um
23448s it looks like it's going to be between
23450s w.e stone and suris
23453s a stone a player
23455s a chinese player who
23457s has been very close to the world
23459s championships twice i believe being one
23461s match away thanks to rice bowl for that
23465s information on twitter and also this
23467s time around came third in the first
23469s attempt this year so regarded now as one
23472s of china's very best players has about a
23474s 60 win rate in masters tours which is
23477s very strong um against this sort of
23479s field over a long time and service who
23482s is a player i followed very closely in
23484s 2018 in particular who
23487s was just so close to picking up points
23489s every tournament in top 16 never quite
23492s really getting that break the sort of
23494s player who you can say is unlucky
23496s constantly went 6-2 5-3 6-2 6-2 5-3 and
23501s has continued that ever since so i would
23503s love to see service get a win and get
23505s into a a top 16 i think maybe he made
23507s one i think he did make one some time
23510s ago but really
23512s do a breakout performance with those
23513s consistent wins so let's have a look
23515s what this is going to be game five and
23517s it's a druid from stone have a look at
23519s that for us
23521s ah yes the alignment druid a final send
23524s off to the card for
23526s those who may not be aware this is among
23529s the listed nerfs that we have had
23532s told to us by twitter it's going to no
23535s longer be symmetrical but still be able
23537s to give you those power turns in terms
23539s of making all of your things cost one
23542s i think it is a pick for this tournament
23544s for a lot of folks because it is one way
23546s you can kind of mess with the shaman
23548s they do have a couple of high-end cards
23550s and a few things to do but for the most
23551s part celestial alignment very very
23553s disruptive to your opponent's game plan
23556s and very very impactful for the druid
23558s who can start ramping their mana up very
23560s quickly again and kazakhstan as well uh
23563s making its presence known again i think
23566s for a while people were sort of happy to
23568s cast it aside and just do dinathias but
23570s as things have developed they decided
23573s you know what that's still a pretty
23574s solid wooden condition and you need to
23576s have multiple in the face of mutinous
23578s and theater these days
23580s yeah absolutely you say that like jury
23582s cards don't all cost one anyway
23585s like every druid card just costs one by
23588s turn seven or eight because they've got
23589s 200 mana they just yeah it doesn't
23591s matter what they cost to that point so
23593s be interesting to see where that goes a
23595s service on the big spell mage
23598s [Music]
23600s yes it is so i couldn't see the drake
23601s fire i mean it for a minute it's
23604s clearly there um
23606s this deck obviously
23608s not quite as popular as it was in the
23610s previous masters tour it has that
23612s inconsistency problem
23614s um but obviously when it does its thing
23616s it just wins games and with the
23618s inclusion of nightclub sanctum it is now
23620s able to get to turn six uh very safely
23624s compared to how it used to
23627s yeah one of the weaknesses previously
23630s was just having no tools to clear up the
23632s early game because you could not run
23634s those early spells so you might look to
23636s maybe discover some kind of spells in
23638s the early game to shore up that weakness
23640s but you didn't want to run anything
23642s because you want to draw off of
23645s deep water evoker i believe it is to
23647s gain you that 10 or 9 armor or off of
23650s belinda to get them reduced so
23653s uh as you say less popular this time
23655s around but still a good number of
23657s players deciding to bring it i think in
23659s part because of the disruption element
23661s of barbaric sorceress swapping one of
23664s your high spell high cost bells with
23667s something cheaper on the opponent's side
23671s let's have a look at this particular
23673s mage hand well
23675s we've seen a lot of this so far just
23677s none of the good six drops none of the
23678s early six rocks no belinda no barbaric
23681s and when you don't get those games get
23683s really messy because you have to start
23685s wondering whether to cycle your drake
23686s fires and ah stuff just gets grim
23689s because your your other cards really are
23691s just
23692s an assembly of rubbish for the most part
23695s as you can see
23698s i was wondering if cyrus might go for
23700s this uh something that i feel is
23702s happening more and more in this meta is
23704s just tempo brand tempo bowler these
23707s otherwise utility tools that you expect
23709s to get immediate value from in the late
23711s game
23712s because so many decks kind of build to
23714s something later on
23716s particularly mage shaman and druid you
23719s can just play it out on three as a
23722s threat that needs to be dealt with and
23724s even if you get a little bit of value
23726s from doubling a deep water of ochre
23727s you're kind of fine with that
23729s yeah do you want to double a deep water
23732s evoker
23733s because you know that the second you do
23735s it you're just going to draw a belinda
23736s right
23737s sorry though
23740s worst case scenario then you trade both
23743s amulets and you still have two spells in
23745s your deck to find with the belinda so i
23748s think that's part of what makes this
23750s deck so viable is unlike other you know
23753s big fill in the blank decks uh such as
23755s you know big demon hunter or big warrior
23758s in the past
23759s where you can get punished for drawing
23762s the targets that you want to pull out of
23763s your deck here drake fire ambulance you
23765s just trade it back and then you can
23767s still get a 10 10 belinda no problem
23769s yeah and with a turn to spare on turn
23772s five where
23773s let's face it next turn or this turn now
23776s for service
23777s um
23778s yeah next term for service is just gonna
23780s be a mess so time to trade a couple of
23782s things
23783s play a watch post play a pelican it's
23785s just just a turn of just sorting your
23787s stuff out because at the moment it needs
23789s sorting around
23791s and then you've got to see and the guff
23793s coming down
23795s here power immediately to be on
23798s nine nana so it could be devour could be
23801s malygos
23804s that is spicy but just to turn off
23808s yeah
23809s all the cheap stuff's gonna be gone by
23811s stone by next turn
23813s this is the power of druid
23815s it's got so much mana that it just can
23817s get rid of one and two mana spells so
23819s easily without even inconveniencing
23821s itself a lot of the time
23825s i'm wondering
23826s if it might even just be
23829s wash post pelican ping
23834s because you imagine that now that
23836s they've ramped they're gonna be looking
23837s to draw a bunch of cards of course we
23840s can see the hand that there is indeed
23841s quite a lot of card draw in the form of
23843s miracle growth in malygos but the
23845s pelican as well if they are going to
23847s miracle growth
23849s certainly doesn't hurt in order to clear
23851s the large minion at the end of it
23854s yeah and he sees it and again he hasn't
23857s got the advantage of seeing the opposing
23858s hand he's had to imagine that and yeah
23860s fair play
23862s at least buying a bit of time here
23871s [Laughter]
23876s yeah the scale nope
23879s 40 card decks
23881s you kind of just hope the scale isn't
23882s there right no no real card draw has
23885s been spent yet so i think sir is a
23887s little bit disappointed with that result
23889s but it did
23891s delay things otherwise
23893s an easy malygos or miracle growth could
23896s have come down if cirrus hadn't
23898s committed stuff like the wash post and
23900s uh yeah
23902s yeah you can in the early game
23904s 50 50 of hitting that wild growth when
23906s he swaps casts so
23908s by slowing it down that has brought him
23909s that and let's face it that ball against
23911s druids never getting there
23913s so not a total disaster you force them
23915s to waste a turn doing this
23921s [Applause]
23927s okay
23929s yeah you've earned this 50 50 if you hit
23931s it get in there
23933s nice
23934s nope not nice missed oh it
23937s oh the rune is well yeah yeah i was
23939s looking at the same as you was like wait
23940s hang on they both still cost 10. but
23942s yeah i got them
23943s [Laughter]
23946s a rune's probably not what you want
23948s though right i imagine the dragons are
23951s sort of better for for snowballing
23953s although grey sage doesn't allow you to
23956s pick what dragons you refresh anyway
23959s you might not mind a roon now as things
23961s have transpired
23963s apprentice first if you want
23965s is in time
23969s theater first if you want as well
23971s i don't think you want to give anything
23973s in your hand
23975s i don't either because it's drooling
23976s they just cast it
23978s what to do
23981s apprentice moon i think then is the
23983s conclusion from that
23985s i can't take it yeah otherwise you're
23987s relying on mass polymorph you know
23990s onyxia can still get hit by the random
23993s spells from roon even while it's immune
23995s i think to some extent i'm not entirely
23997s sure how that works so if you didn't
23999s roll something on like a mass polymorph
24001s you could struggle i think it makes
24002s sense to just get rid of all the one
24003s ones it charges up through mordred for
24005s later if you find it
24007s and uh yeah you're hoping for just a
24009s clear here and
24011s something extra honestly probably a
24013s counterspell or something
24016s that would be nice
24019s wildfire always welcome ignite can be a
24021s little awkward sometimes
24025s yeah it goes forever against some decks
24027s you wouldn't mind it but not against
24029s this deck
24031s [Music]
24034s alignment is interesting
24042s taking the discover first
24045s makes sense
24047s to get set to one
24051s yeah i think he feels that what why do
24053s it
24055s sort of going with the meme i said
24056s earlier all my cards cost one anyway
24058s because i'm druid doesn't really matter
24059s why i help out the expensive debt
24063s yeah fair enough fair enough
24069s explosive taken off some of the health
24072s you know there wasn't even that many
24073s cards drawn from the malygos was it
24077s compared to some we've seen
24080s yeah i think he feels pretty comfortable
24081s here
24085s that's why he's not aligning i think the
24086s hero powers keep ramping
24088s yeah
24090s yeah i feel like the alignment
24092s is a closer against some of the cheaper
24095s decks but against this you're just
24096s giving them a chance to cast a drake
24098s fire naturally and see what happens
24099s whereas i think he thinks he's in such
24101s control just play it like a vamp drawing
24102s now and the alignment's always there if
24104s you need it
24107s debating now this cold tooth mine you
24109s know of course it finds you danathis but
24111s it also signals that you have genathrius
24115s yep
24118s i think that's always
24120s the debate is
24122s oh right there are so many tens you
24124s don't always hit it
24129s maybe that's even what you want right
24131s play called tooth and then hope the
24133s opponent takes that opportunity to
24134s theater well it's not actually there
24137s sure yep okay
24142s what do you do
24145s all the big spells available for cirrus
24147s could just take another rune off of gray
24149s sage parrot which
24151s probably the best line honestly
24155s followed by a third hard cast next turn
24158s in an amulet amulet
24160s yep sounds good when you say it quickly
24165s yeah it's it's going okay
24171s decision for stone weather now he wants
24173s to align next turn
24176s i don't think he can
24179s that's the second ignite added to the
24181s deck
24185s stone's actually pretty low now i mean
24188s yeah got to be hoping for a top tech is
24192s i think there's morderish in the deck
24194s you could be wrong on that
24197s yeah there is a mordred
24202s thought there's everything
24205s with these 40 card decks you know it's
24207s it's more of a wonder of what isn't in
24209s the deck than what is
24215s yeah he hasn't got any of the good stuff
24217s really i mean he's got an atheist now
24218s but that's not going to
24220s he is going to save him quite likely but
24222s not immediately he's got to do some
24223s other stuff first
24231s hey
24234s double knolls nice although
24237s i almost wonder if you don't devour this
24239s board just to be able to
24242s birth in scale
24247s especially after seeing that roon
24250s i think it wants to serve the scale
24251s because 12 uh 11 even is pretty
24253s terrifying
24259s and the mana just works out here
24261s null
24263s devour ton of honor
24266s yep and suddenly
24269s now you're ready to start playing an
24271s alignment because you're so far ahead
24273s your opponent doesn't do something about
24274s it
24277s oh that's an x i forgot we had a
24281s this four mena spell played from the
24284s previous rune so
24285s two more runes to go if cyrus just
24288s believes he has to roll the dice
24290s i think
24291s i i think he has to what else
24294s what else are you gonna do
24295s yeah
24299s nothing that a lucky boo won't fix
24302s but he needs to get you know some good
24304s stuff because he is dead in two or three
24307s turns himself you know it doesn't look
24308s like that right now
24315s okay loads of armor there's the polly
24317s yeah
24318s another runes another big night
24322s that's three no you always hope to get i
24324s think at least one secret just so that
24326s the opponent has to think about it this
24328s must be the way
24330s agree
24335s this must be the way
24337s don't do the very good job keeping his
24338s hand size up while still
24341s playing powerful things every turn
24345s yep yep of course keeping hand size up
24347s means you are much less vulnerable to
24349s theater and most people have theater but
24352s not
24353s mutinous
24354s so
24356s just keeping a full hand means less
24358s likely to get sniped by that although
24361s plenty of other things to do in the case
24363s of this alignment druid even if your
24365s donathias does get stolen it takes away
24367s a valuable life gain tool and finisher
24369s but there's still lokolar there's
24373s kazakusan alexstras the lifebinder it's
24376s not like you don't have ways of closing
24377s out the game otherwise
24379s i wonder if he feels that scale might
24381s just be game closing here with
24382s donathious in hand
24385s yeah
24386s you know that thought was
24388s this scale is going to make dramatically
24390s just so much health and if i get back up
24391s to a sensible health total i'm
24392s definitely safe because i'm the druid
24394s why wouldn't i be safe
24400s seven more mana a turn than my opponent
24403s yeah
24404s yeah yeah
24406s just don't die for a turn or two and
24407s everything's well
24410s even though the mage is on 54 their life
24412s total doesn't matter so much
24415s just look at the difference in mana
24417s gonna be 18 to 10 crystals that's just
24421s effectively you have two turns for each
24423s one of your opponents i want to try
24425s explaining to a regular sports fan well
24428s i'm losing
24429s 54-23 but i fancy my chances from here
24436s i take a while
24440s reasons that life totals are not ways of
24442s determining who is winning
24445s absolutely
24449s well this certainly sets mordress online
24452s once it's picked up if it wasn't already
24454s it was
24455s uh i think we're gonna follow up with
24457s theatar finally
24464s i guess the miracle growth
24468s probably
24472s in fact definitely
24475s i could see his little brain thinking do
24477s i want to take the alignment here and
24479s lock them out but yeah that was what the
24481s thought process was right it's like
24483s actually if my opponent's not playing
24484s alignment does that mean it's good for
24485s me
24486s oh no i have no mana at the time i play
24488s it no it's not good for me
24489s [Laughter]
24490s i think it's it would be more about
24492s making sure that stone doesn't play it
24494s right that
24495s with how much
24496s headstone is they could play
24499s anything and then alignment afterward to
24502s try and lock out cirrus um
24504s so potentially you remove but you figure
24507s if they haven't played at all this time
24510s that's not really the way i'm gonna go
24513s however another scale coming this turn
24517s with mana to play donathia's apples
24519s immediately if he wants to
24526s exactly
24529s there is no bran in the list
24533s okay
24534s so we can't get into those really crazy
24537s numbers that we see out of druid
24538s sometimes in terms of their genethrous
24540s plays
24541s so
24541s as you say it might just come down as
24543s heal you know shore up any possibility
24546s of dying in the near future and then
24549s focus on drawing cards and working
24551s towards that kazakhstan
24553s [Music]
24555s unknown hill
24557s plays around the explosive rooms as well
24559s so absorb some more
24562s fancy um
24564s explosive runes
24566s yeah well one more time with feeling
24567s right
24569s it seems this fourth time
24571s yeah at least i could remember four i
24574s think it has to be four
24581s one of these days it'll just double
24583s pyroblast the opponent right it's
24594s because there was another power i think
24595s this might be the fifth i've lost that
24597s it's a lot of it's a lot of boxes
24601s take two take six oh no we could have
24604s got the honorable oh wait no we couldn't
24605s because it only targets ponies take two
24607s of my stuff's cheat
24609s oh my god
24611s and a pilot so much damage
24616s another put in a ping at the end in a
24617s weird business
24620s yeah
24620s yeah we're just creating amulet looking
24622s for those ignites
24626s mordor should be really handy as well
24633s i forgot about the ignites we just have
24635s two three damage ignites right one in
24637s the hand one in the deck
24639s more drift
24640s there's two more in the deck i think he
24642s got three in the end
24644s i thought oh my goodness
24646s they forced the genetics unfortunately
24648s for service and yeah he knows
24653s too close for comfort gotta go in now
24658s and you gotta do it all again
24659s and that was one heck of a box that last
24661s box by the way
24663s it was i i think that was the best one
24665s yet
24676s here we go
24677s alignment turns off the possibility of
24680s shenanigans with those ignites so it
24682s really is just the big stuff you're
24683s looking for as the mage
24685s um
24686s no opportunity to sanctum and something
24688s else for example
24690s uh so it is probably just gonna be
24692s another rune to be honest and we'll see
24697s but in the face of this much stuff all
24699s at once actually very clever there from
24701s stone using the amplified snow flurry to
24704s get a zero meta hero power before
24706s playing the alignment i really like that
24712s yes
24715s once you
24717s get a a filled mana crystal from guff
24720s from the hero power it plays anything in
24722s your deck so uh
24727s really great to be able to bank one of
24728s those from snow flurry
24730s dawn grasp a little too late here i
24732s think
24735s oh so many just
24743s what to do and honestly a cirrus hasn't
24745s played
24746s the miracle growth so i do wonder if he
24748s should have taken the alignment to
24750s prevent something like this
24754s possibly is he in a much i mean he is in
24755s a better spot if he doesn't get aligned
24757s there but he's in a much better spot if
24758s he doesn't get aligned there the turn
24760s might still just be well box for nine
24762s anyway
24763s obviously this maybe not a much better
24764s spot but it leaves you with more options
24767s right you can nightcloak sanctum freeze
24769s the 1010
24770s at the same time as playing the dawn
24772s grasp you know lets you have a little
24774s more flexibility
24776s no absolutely
24778s like so he didn't play the card that he
24780s took
24782s but at the time he did look like maybe
24784s hunting for three cars to be really
24786s useful and that's no longer the case
24790s or maybe it still is the case maybe that
24791s was his thinking
24794s get three cars next turn played in the
24796s turn after
24800s yeah the mana differential now even
24802s greater than what it was
24804s yeah
24806s it was double before now it's six times
24808s the amount that's pretty terrifying
24813s it looks like stone is going to get to
24814s close this out bombing something
24816s ridiculous from the box like three fiber
24818s blasts or something
24822s which is not possible so you know
24826s boxes maybe
24828s yeah old yog box you know maybe we're
24830s still in business but uh roon
24833s not gonna get you there in that front i
24835s think the best role is still mass
24836s polymorph and
24839s something else to clean things up i
24840s guess mass polymorph into
24842s deathborn is probably the best role
24847s sounds good yeah that's quite a lot
24850s burning again and you still need another
24852s turn for that to actually
24854s function really
24859s this is just stone going through the
24860s motions now of a very strong player
24862s wrapping up a decent game of hearthstone
24866s one of those situations where i feel
24867s like if it were a ladder game
24869s service might have conceded by now but
24872s you know just kind of doing everything
24874s you can
24876s going to cast that last rune
24878s honestly if it doesn't do enough could
24880s just see the concede afterwards
24882s especially in your service you're always
24884s five and one at this stage of a
24886s tournament and just get so few top
24888s eights and top 16s like
24890s you just need to get one extra win
24892s somewhere one day and possibly even get
24894s into that top eight top four winner
24896s tournament
24898s oh there is a deathborn
24903s not quite the polly into deathborn that
24905s we were talking about but honestly
24908s uh certainly could have been worse
24910s although the board space now bit of an
24912s issue if you wanted to go for drake fire
24915s there's just not enough room so i
24917s suspect you would
24919s kill the five one instead
24922s yeah the trouble is you're dying in two
24924s turns yourself now this is where it's
24925s different from earlier right so yeah
24927s gotta kill the five what i feel okay
24941s what do you kill it with
24942s you know as embarrassing as it is to use
24945s a second flame when all your stuff costs
24948s one and this costs one before it is just
24950s sort of the tool for the job
24959s [Music]
24961s so many cards my eyes are going
24962s cross-eyed looking at this trying to
24965s work out exactly what to do with this
24966s eight mana just play eight cards and see
24969s what happens
24971s i don't know there's options you could
24974s uh
24976s starfish silence away these pesky death
24979s rattles cherry rig spammy
24981s clears them up your minions stay alive
24987s for some damage as well
24989s oh there's lady anacondra because that
24991s matters
24994s well
24995s one hard remaining
24998s hey like in the deck every time i see it
25000s it's just like
25001s a shadow of her former self
25004s there's kazakhstan into the last one
25009s pick fast we're on the rope
25012s pure cold looks good
25015s i think that was a wax rager maybe
25017s banana split embers for sure oh yeah
25019s those are good enough
25021s all right you do this
25023s the alignment
25024s uh
25025s feel like you maybe would could have
25028s spammy there but let's be honest you're
25030s at 40 life you're never dying
25034s all the runes have been spent even the
25035s extra two
25040s and staying alive for one more turn
25043s looks difficult staying alive for two
25044s more turns or killing stone in two more
25046s turns looks impossible
25050s and after that it's into the um
25053s extra cards
25055s and this is where i have to wonder again
25057s lorendo that if we had taken that first
25060s alignment just to prevent you know being
25063s messed with in that way the second
25065s alignment was second from the bottom i
25067s think or near bouts and then kazakhstan
25070s the bottom card maybe there was a real
25072s chance there if you prevent yourself
25074s from getting disrupted so heavily as you
25076s say it
25077s it's may not have mattered the meta
25079s differential was already pretty
25081s intense by that point but
25084s yeah it's it gets so dramatic after
25087s alignment is played and particularly the
25089s second alignment where they're able to
25091s reduce the treasures to one it certainly
25093s made your point that you made at the
25094s time very clear on the board how yes it
25097s doesn't matter but yet it does matter
25099s so
25100s like we've seen the things that
25103s service has been struggling to be able
25104s to do
25105s because of the alignment i mean we all
25107s know that to some extent but that the
25109s number of times he could have squeezed
25110s in one extra card for next a couple of
25112s mana here and there
25114s were significant and stone
25116s you know does the professional job here
25118s gets through to six and one service five
25121s and two yet again
25124s um but yeah well played i think we might
25127s see stone now in another top 16.
25132s yeah well played from both i think that
25133s can be a tough matchup to navigate you
25136s saw stone holding on to the alignment
25138s for so long waiting until he could come
25140s right back into it in terms of ramping
25142s up the mana crystals i think one of the
25144s dangers of doing something like just
25146s ramping up and playing alignment as soon
25148s as you're able is that it allows the big
25150s spell mage to take advantage of that and
25153s follow immediately with a dragonfire
25156s amulet and stone kept that scenario from
25158s ever arising choosing not to play
25160s celestial alignment until there was
25162s already a board established just for
25164s disruption element
25166s and that gives china three of the top
25169s four players in the tournament at the
25171s end of round number seven
25173s wdg three woods and love storm both on
25175s seven and oh stone in fourth place on
25178s tie breakers with six and one and the
25180s other player in that top four
25182s which will delight a lot of people to
25184s hear with one more game to go is donkey
25187s on six and one and then there's a
25189s million other people on six and one as
25190s well which i'm deliberately not reading
25192s out because it would take all day
25194s um but yep
25196s uh
25197s very exciting time to see donkey go from
25199s a person who really wants to play a
25200s masters tour into person who forgot to
25202s sign up for master's forgot to check
25204s into a master's tour
25206s into
25207s yeah first ever masters tour that they
25209s qualified for they um
25212s didn't check in because they didn't know
25214s that's what they had to do and so missed
25216s the event
25217s um but here we are three or four
25219s tournaments later donkey right up there
25221s with a shot of reaching that top 16
25223s which would be i think something we
25225s would all love to see happen apart from
25226s whoever they end up playing against in
25228s the next
25229s round um
25231s but that is around number seven in the
25232s books and we're going to go on to round
25235s number eight the final round of the day
25238s so don't go anywhere we'll be back in
25240s three
25245s [Music]
25254s [Music]
25291s do
25294s [Music]
25303s so
25309s [Music]
25345s do
25353s [Music]
25362s [Music]
25387s so
25389s [Music]
25439s hello and everyone and welcome back it's
25441s time for the eighth and final round of
25444s swiss for this masters tour i'm raven
25447s joining me for this one is derek i will
25449s ever be able to
25451s take off the achievement of casting with
25453s everyone today one after the other so
25455s i'm happy with that but derek how's it
25456s going as we draw to the end of day two
25458s it is going great man i am having a lot
25461s of fun in the tournament seeing all
25463s these different decks all the subtle
25464s differences that you can uh
25467s change your lineup with which have been
25468s having pretty big implications this mt i
25470s think uh and also i am uh
25473s a terrible caster in that i let my mood
25475s be entirely judged by how my games have
25478s been going mid-cast and uh i'm glad to
25480s report really good so it's going to be a
25483s good one yeah same i'm off the back of
25485s an 8-1
25487s score in there while i've been on the
25488s break between the match so i met yeah
25490s i'm great as well we're all having a
25492s good day let's go
25494s as long as we're happy
25496s we are going to check in though with the
25498s first match of round eight with ton soku
25500s and devil matt uh devil matt a play we
25503s saw briefly at the end of yesterday as
25506s pretty cool uh end of game at least uh
25508s but then uh ton soku a player we've uh
25511s been the scene for quite a long time now
25513s when you realize how many years we've
25515s been casting ahem tonsoku was one of the
25517s uh
25518s early players out of japan that really
25520s started to put out performances at least
25522s for me i don't know about you but
25524s definitely a name that said it feels
25525s like one of the originals
25527s yeah for real he's been playing
25528s hearthstone for a long long time both in
25530s and uh and out of masters tours before
25533s uh of course in the other previous
25535s systems as well and he's had a decent
25537s time in masters tours i think he's just
25539s rocking pretty close to a 50 win rate in
25542s masters tours overall unless i'm very
25544s much mistaken but he is uh very much
25546s leading the charge this masters tour in
25548s another great performance for japan they
25551s always bait me every time into thinking
25554s that this is the one but i mean maybe
25556s raven this could be the one right we've
25558s got tan soku glory and possessi on the
25561s six one score line which uh obviously
25563s it's not the the classic trifecta of
25566s glory possesses
25567s but
25568s it's pretty good because as you say
25570s tanzoku has been knocking about for a
25572s long time
25574s and in this series he's got himself in a
25575s bit of a close one i think actually very
25577s very similar lineups from both our
25580s players uh devil matt on the other side
25582s of course uh representing italy uh the
25585s only difference really that i can see
25586s being uh
25587s face hunter versus this new lambie rogue
25591s yeah and just quickly go into your point
25593s no matter how uh many times you get a
25595s little bit baited by the japanese
25597s players and maybe taking a victory uh
25600s your hopes are never going to be as low
25602s as some of the other casters hoping for
25604s an america's winner so it's as always
25606s you know you always at least one step
25608s above but yeah you are right very
25610s similar overall lineups and it's
25612s something that's interested me a lot how
25614s just slight variations on lineups really
25618s seem to decide whether players are
25619s banning shaman or not as shaman does
25622s feel like the the terror of this masters
25624s tour this weekend uh still i think last
25626s time i looked at least a a couple of
25628s hours ago posting very good uh win
25630s percentages across the board uh but yeah
25633s but been very interesting to see
25635s like why players don't ban it versus
25637s some players seem to be banning it a lot
25639s and i think in this meta it's very
25641s difficult to sort of spin exact reasons
25645s why right cause i don't feel like
25646s anyone's running a lineup that's like oh
25648s yeah i'll three oh shame and no worries
25650s i feel like a lot of the matchups feel
25652s very very close indeed
25654s exactly i i fully agree with you there
25656s it's like when you're when you're a kid
25659s and you you look at growing ups and
25660s you're like okay these people have their
25662s lives together they're going around
25665s being grown-ups they know exactly what
25667s you're doing and then you know you
25668s realize now me i am a grown-up i don't
25671s know what the heck i'm doing with my
25672s life everything's spiraling out of
25674s control maybe getting a little too deep
25675s into it for cast but basically the same
25677s thing happens with players you think
25678s they have this master plan where they
25680s figured out every single pick every band
25682s every tech card but you talk to them
25684s about it beforehand and they're like
25686s yeah i went like 3-1 on ladder with this
25688s deck 10 minutes before submission i just
25690s submitted it and you're like what
25691s where's all the testing where's the
25693s science in this i love it because
25696s like
25697s talking to players and coming out with
25698s answers like that from players is one of
25700s the few ways i can actually relate with
25703s a pro
25704s player it's not in play you know not in
25706s knowledge it's just the fact that
25708s sometimes you do stupid things and i do
25710s a lot of stupid things as well so it's
25712s great for me at least it gives me some
25713s relatable factor uh but here tonsoku
25716s already decided his mulligan keeping
25718s wildport keeping shroud uh definitely
25720s two great openers there uh the the bone
25723s spikes uh
25726s definitely a mixed bag for me i think
25728s like you you 100 know why they're in the
25730s deck but some matchups the card feels
25732s fantastic like this one and then other
25735s match-ups you think oh i really need to
25737s find a minion so i can bone spike it
25739s right you know you're really struggling
25741s to actually make that card get work done
25744s but not going to be the case here
25745s because tonsoku will have plenty of
25747s targets
25749s yeah it's gonna be a really interesting
25750s start to the game here because
25752s uh with the standard pan out where you
25755s draw one two three cards by turn three
25757s and then go shroud on turn three as well
25759s because every card in the deck is a
25761s rogue card you are guaranteed to draw
25763s nothing but rogue cards and so pass past
25766s shroud on three means your nulls do cost
25768s zero uh but now already to be fair there
25771s are some more interesting options than
25773s just hero power pass yeah i'm even
25775s looking at just bone spike and equip is
25777s that madness
25778s [Music]
25780s because you have no lung curve next turn
25782s anyway
25786s so this goes to the heart of the deck
25788s right this is really the the balance you
25789s have to strike it's the player i was
25792s thinking of immediately which is build
25793s up all your resources for a big pop off
25795s or immediate tempo uh which you could
25798s get with the null line
25800s my instinct is to say having played a
25802s few games of the deck you're supposed to
25803s wait here you're supposed to just chill
25805s because having a zero mana knoll versus
25807s a three-man and all makes such a big
25810s difference i think you just lose in the
25811s long game with that play
25813s uh but it's very interesting it's uh
25816s yeah something i would have considered
25817s for sure i do think it's the uh
25820s this rogue deck is deceptively difficult
25823s officially it's not about oh well can
25826s you play a million cards in a turn and
25828s get a big dagger you know like it's not
25830s even about that it's about planning
25832s exactly how and when to use each single
25836s resource and i think it's very difficult
25838s to do well so again i would have
25841s probably wussed out and played the bone
25843s spike and then just uh equipped dagger
25845s killed in him and then said you know
25846s what this'll get me there with a null
25848s next turn but it's very likely i would
25851s have been quite wrong and would have
25852s lost the game because of it so we'll see
25854s how a much better player than me it's
25856s gonna play this one out
25858s well the problem is though that in this
25859s instance you are in some pretty big
25862s trouble in terms of that six six
25863s punching you in the face every single
25865s turn
25866s um but i i think you don't really have
25868s any choice so you have to go shroud you
25870s can't go prep first or you will de-cloak
25872s and the knob will cost two instead
25875s uh but picking up the second knoll here
25878s boy that makes things interesting worth
25880s the sacrifice of a null to kill the uh
25884s oh hold again
25886s oh
25887s i play way too safe
25889s i'm an idiot i should stop playing this
25891s rogue
25895s i mean it could be a great payoff i mean
25897s look how good the necrolord is going to
25899s be
25900s yeah and i think this is like
25903s just the right level of that that
25905s balance that i talk about of holding
25907s back for bigger pop-offs first going in
25909s as quick as you can i think tan soku is
25911s this turn you know now he's dying now he
25913s needs to do something on this play
25915s something this
25917s come on
25919s just pass again you know what i think i
25921s can make this dagger bigger pass
25929s you have to be careful definitely the
25931s type of turn where take a second
25934s work out order because it could go very
25936s wrong if you don't think about it
25939s and it's a really tough turn like you
25941s could start with trade dagger because
25942s you actually have a lot of mana to work
25944s with with like
25945s knoll trading to the librarian
25948s uh prep
25950s bone spike as well like right that gives
25953s you way more mana to work with
25956s okay it's infused now because of the
25958s paladin hero power that's very nice
25960s yeah you'd probably need to prep bounce
25963s by glass though right because if he
25965s wants necrolog on anyway
25967s which i'm pretty sure he will
25969s you'd hope soon
25973s ah the numbers are just a little awkward
25974s you'd have loved a
25976s one cost spell uh like extortion there
25979s oh but wow okay now we're talking oh my
25983s goodness back in the game
25986s and this is going to be fair
25988s yeah this looks like uh you know very
25991s convenient that second uh bone spike was
25994s drawn uh tonsoku choosing not to go for
25997s it though but
25998s again this sort of reward was what
26001s tanzoku set up for right like this was
26003s given to him uh because he decided to
26006s hold he's been punished because he's on
26008s 14 health but now this has to be
26011s worthwhile for him to win this game
26016s interesting because he had
26018s the ability to go for
26020s infused imp i think he would have had to
26022s have traded one of these one one imps in
26025s in on the board with the
26027s full three threes but instead he's just
26029s saying getting the damage face is more
26030s worth it you get a little bit less tempo
26032s now but this second one will still be
26034s ready to go next turn
26036s and it means there's a lot of damage
26038s coming through here
26040s yeah it's looking quite good because
26042s these trades simply have to happen right
26045s like there's no real way
26047s uh tansoku can leave anything up maybe
26049s he gets away with leaving the one one up
26053s if he needs to if he feels he needs to
26055s leave anything but right outside of that
26058s i don't think you can take three
26060s yeah i think you just full trade the
26061s board here the question is what would
26063s you rather get bone spike or tooth
26066s activated
26068s or sorry both can you
26070s yeah this the downside is you lose the
26072s null here whereas you could have traded
26074s it into the 3-3
26075s uh but he values both a spell and a bit
26077s of extra tempo uh
26080s or a bit of extra mana than a 3-2 on
26082s board honestly it's kind of too quick to
26084s figure out properly but it makes sense
26086s to me and final gasp is a pretty good
26088s one to get
26093s yeah oh that's his crap
26097s big king crab oh
26099s [Music]
26101s life steals pretty good too
26103s wow tonsoku
26104s holding gone
26106s just here
26107s just
26109s the whole voidwalk is gonna be a bit of
26111s a pain though that's just awkward right
26113s to actually punch through he's got the
26115s crab claws but
26121s okay so you have 11 that can go face
26123s here
26124s uh no way to boost that with crab
26126s obviously because
26127s you'll have already attacked
26129s it won't be 11 though right
26132s right
26133s yeah good point sorry yeah
26136s he could actually just trade with the
26139s um with the three four instead push six
26143s yep and then crab
26146s and i'm even wondering
26148s what the potential of
26151s epping the crab looks like
26159s just because you know there's always
26161s going to be
26162s the trades for the clause right so in
26164s this way you get to push for this turn
26166s and you step the crab and push forward
26168s again next turn
26170s at minimum or push uh yeah but uh i
26173s think with this and with the build that
26175s devilmatt's got there's not
26177s really a way to punish this crab without
26180s losing to the rest of the board so i do
26182s like holding on to it on there on board
26184s here
26185s yeah really really nice last couple
26187s turns for tan soku here the the pen
26189s ultimate turn that we saw there on turn
26190s five i was still a little unconvinced of
26193s because he did sacrifice away a null
26195s that i thought at the time he didn't
26196s have to but i think because of how few
26198s minions there were in the deck because
26200s he cleared the board and then had the
26202s mana to play the shroud he was very very
26205s likely to hit crab on the following turn
26207s which was the real uh you know full stop
26209s at the end of this game as tan soku with
26212s his uh adorable uh demeanor and very
26215s infectious happiness uh takes the win a
26218s very very well played example of this uh
26220s very new version of rogue and even
26222s though it's just game one it's kind of
26224s understandable like the mini pop off
26225s there right because he cut that close
26228s right we were talking about almost every
26230s turn from turn two onwards like oh what
26233s about this player what about that play
26235s that he could have done he decided to be
26237s as greedy as possible and it did work
26239s out but there were many ways where it
26241s wouldn't have worked out for him there
26243s so again i think he played well and how
26245s you should play with the deck but it
26247s does feel like you have to cut it close
26249s an awful lot of times
26253s yeah this was the turn right this was
26254s nice though because you still have three
26255s mana spare for a potential spell as well
26258s right and that you'd get from the tooth
26260s so even though he sacrificed a null
26262s there i do like the overall game plan
26264s yep looking at it uh cohesively uh i am
26268s a big fan of this line and with the
26270s rogue out of the way as a potential weak
26272s spot uh i guess against warlock and
26274s hunter i think it was probably going to
26276s be pretty good overall but major i'm not
26277s so certain uh as uh i wouldn't like to
26281s be the rogue so much against the mage i
26282s should say uh but now with just shaman
26284s and mage of his own left over for tan
26287s soku i very much like his position
26289s because shaman vs warlock is uh a bit of
26292s a close one one where i think you do
26295s suffer by transitioning over to the 40
26297s card list because it's not really about
26300s health in this matchup in my experience
26302s like having an extra turn with the extra
26304s 10 health can help of course but it's
26307s about finding the uh the immediate board
26309s control the clownfish pop-offs uh the uh
26312s the sleep breaker the wild core cabin
26314s whatever it is in these starting turns
26316s that you need to just lock down that
26317s board
26318s yeah i think there are two levels to
26319s this there's definitely the early start
26321s you're really happy if you get hold of
26322s schooling early on and i think the
26325s health kicks in if you are in a
26327s situation where you need to snowfall
26329s guardian right i think that's the only
26332s real
26333s place where the extra 10 health could
26335s kick in it might get you from turn five
26337s to turn six
26338s whereas 30 health wouldn't and then you
26339s can freeze and then go from there but
26342s devil matt is running double starfish in
26344s the list
26346s which is again
26347s maybe another nod to why tonsoku gets to
26349s play shaymin
26351s in in this match because uh with that
26353s double starfish it means he is able to
26355s just say okay well it might debuff some
26357s of my imps
26359s but i got get to attack get to interact
26362s uh with the board so again tonsoku will
26364s have to be a little bit wary which means
26366s he will of course be wanting the strong
26369s opening as opposed to relying on freezes
26371s for his life
26372s very true i have never seen that skin
26375s before for thrall i am a
26378s used
26379s yeah man i i use that i i know i
26382s shouldn't but on ladder whenever i see a
26383s skin that i rarely see i'm like
26386s i think that's a rogue i smell something
26388s fishy i'm suspicious yeah
26391s like what big robo fists thrall or
26394s whatever this is no i'm not buying it
26398s that's not the thrall i know
26399s yeah back in my day
26404s you know decent start for devil matt of
26407s course whenever you've got a turn one
26409s play and circles
26411s um you're you're very very happy here
26414s especially not seeing us schooling on
26416s one or two devil matt going to be pretty
26419s okay with this doesn't have any of the
26421s big payoffs yet and i wonder whether
26424s this lee ever leans to a play of holding
26426s the coin because he has the uh uh the
26428s bartender and rafam
26432s go for the double circle i think might
26434s have pushed him over the edge there
26438s yeah i think the curve is just too
26439s smooth like you say you don't want to
26440s mess up reform but that shady bartender
26442s if there's any chance that you can
26444s activate that with like three or four
26446s demons on board you're going to
26447s absolutely jump at it
26451s okay wave not bad at all one of the
26454s other sort of
26455s emergency buttons you can play in this
26458s matchup
26464s do we need to make this more complicated
26465s than just uh
26468s trade the flame and play the fiendish
26470s circle the problem is of course that
26471s you're
26473s not playing bartender next turn so then
26475s what does next turn look like
26480s it's trade and tap this turn
26490s okay yeah i was going to say do you have
26492s a trade thirdly and then just recircle
26494s again sure yeah
26497s okay that makes sense it gives you a bit
26498s more board space for next turn as well
26500s in case they don't start fighting for
26501s board yet
26503s yeah
26505s i like it
26510s i'm looking great is it
26513s just going to be okani here from tonsoku
26515s just
26516s purely because it said 2-6 that
26519s might stop something and the devil might
26521s is unlikely to want to trade all of his
26524s minions more or less into it
26526s yeah i like it
26529s the big fear on turn for his mischievous
26531s imp right and this does shut that down
26533s pretty hard
26534s so i'm fully on board with it
26537s just at this stage in the game as good
26538s as it's going to get isn't it
26542s minion i imagine
26558s i believe
26566s yeah he took his time deciding and
26570s again because we assumed it would be
26571s minion going into turn four there's not
26573s that many turn four spells
26576s to worry about right that maybe he's
26578s thought you know what if he thinks it's
26580s minion he's gonna try and play a spell
26581s and if he plays a spell i'm gonna laugh
26586s oh yeah like you can stop them from
26589s going for impending doom uh
26591s like
26593s maybe to be honest if they play that and
26594s it gets counted they're probably fine
26596s like and more likely they're just gonna
26598s play
26599s uh one small minion like a couple small
26601s minions on that turn
26603s it's always tough with akane there's
26604s never a strictly right or wrong answer
26606s at all but my instincts say i preferred
26609s minion there
26610s does devilman actually
26612s trade this shipment now because he with
26616s his hand doesn't particularly need
26618s spells for the near future he could
26620s spend the managers to bust okani anyway
26622s but it's likely he kills the ocarina
26624s regardless i'm just wondering if he gets
26626s the trade in now spend the manner and
26627s just get a better card
26629s agreed i think i like the trade
26632s worried about needing refill for
26636s i don't know what because he has him
26637s king rafam and he can't even play the
26639s shipment and bartender in the same turn
26640s anyway next time yeah i guess he's more
26643s cheap enough for c giant the way he sees
26645s it
26646s or or an akani counter that could be
26648s relevant later
26654s on okay
26656s those are not
26657s demons yeah i mean that's the benefit
26659s right and
26660s i say it's an odd play because this
26662s stops bartender yeah but other than that
26666s everything else is worse right like
26668s because there's no both being committed
26671s there's no imp king rafam played on an
26672s empty board for example so like this
26675s does stop stuff but a bit limited here
26679s yeah it's uh it's a good play on this
26682s turn undeniably but it does mean tan
26683s circus kind of tipping his hand here uh
26686s devil matt has all the go-ahead he needs
26688s to go pretty all in here like uh
26691s impending catastrophe for three more
26693s cards you have the c giant as well
26696s this is gonna be big though actually the
26698s more i look at this i kind of love it
26700s because one doesn't overload him so he's
26702s got snowfall uh-huh he's just got parrot
26705s that's true that is does he just win
26707s that's my next question i do like this
26709s though opening up some space because
26711s again he has the starfish
26714s although i like definitely the setup
26716s here from tonsoku i think devilmatt not
26719s falling into the trap of like no i need
26721s the most minions possible on board at
26722s all times
26724s problem is though for devil matt here is
26726s because he did trade everything in you
26729s don't really have to go for snowfall
26731s here maybe tansoku wouldn't have any way
26734s because there wasn't all too much attack
26735s with everything being a 1-1 uh but
26737s either way uh tanzo can get tansoku
26740s sorry can get away uh with just a
26742s windchill here
26743s meaning that for next time once in king
26745s comes down this guardian is
26748s perfect oh my goodness
26751s yeah still going to be a good chunk of
26753s damage coming out here uh even with the
26756s fish they're the starfish true yeah
26760s obviously making them play it is a lot
26762s better than not making them play it and
26764s dying so uh still looking good does have
26767s the parrot as the backup as
26769s well right okay so if you go face here
26772s and freeze
26773s they say they silence
26777s or lethal gets a bit weird cause i was
26779s gonna say do you die to silence plus
26782s location
26783s uh and i don't think you do but there
26785s wouldn't be boards based then anyway so
26787s the more reasons i come up with it uh
26789s the more reasons i think yeah you just
26790s go face and freeze if they silence it's
26792s not that bad you just go parrot it would
26795s be silenced trade location right so
26798s there's a space to do both losing imp
26800s still though do you lose yeah
26803s yeah i think basically nothing can go
26805s that
26806s wrong here for tan soku uh they only
26809s play one
26810s uh starfish i'm guessing as well and no
26812s devil matt plays two oh two starfish
26815s okay yeah yeah i think again like i said
26817s i think that's one of the reasons
26819s shaymin is even allowed to be played in
26821s this series from devil matt because it
26823s looks like he is running
26825s you know some levels of tech against it
26827s as a starfish in his mage as well uh so
26830s yeah i think there's just some nods
26832s towards what are the biggest problems
26833s gonna be freezes against him okay i'll
26835s run double uh silence
26838s and in that case you do really want to
26839s find it so i think uh impending
26842s catastrophe becomes a pretty high
26843s priority play on this turn
26846s i like it a lot yeah especially because
26848s he can still load their location right
26850s like it's true fine oh
26853s boy
26857s your c giant still costs zero nice if we
26860s trade again and then go location
26864s okay yeah he sees the lines
26866s matt knows what's up you're gonna buff
26869s the
26871s is it oh it's just it's gonna hold it's
26873s gonna hold okay
26875s okay sure
26878s oh
26879s oh
26880s so close
26882s because
26883s han soku
26884s there's ten cards left in the deck devil
26886s matt just drew a million
26888s yeah oh they played two starfish
26891s is it crazy
26893s that i'm looking at rakan because then
26895s you still have parapro khan afterwards
26899s i'm looking at parrot theater i'm
26901s slamming that and just yoinking the uh
26903s the starfish right from their hand
26906s then you're not dead on board
26910s uh no you freeze with parrot right and
26912s then and then oh sorry sorry sorry
26915s yeah yeah you know the order yeah yeah
26917s you know it's a it's been a long and
26919s quite warm day in this room when i'm
26921s like yeah derek really loves stealing
26923s cards
26925s he wants both he wants starfish and the
26927s air the one drop oh wow okay
26930s this slamming brute cam
26933s you ever die if you go for this line
26935s go taunts and field two right yeah
26939s okay
26942s and you gain the armor and then like i
26943s said oh oh heel
26946s yields oh
26947s the other two it's better okay
26951s oh the only thing i would have liked
26952s tomorrow is just push the three
26954s oh yeah 100
26956s put some with they can't tap not that
26957s they need to and puts them in range of
26959s the deal two hero power oh
26961s okay so 18 on board right now you're at
26965s 30 health so they need 12.
26969s four imps oh sorry three imps being
26971s played it does not offer lethal is there
26973s a second location and two imps being
26976s played i still don't think that offers
26979s lethal right there's just not enough
26980s board space yeah
26985s and the thing it oh
26988s yeah
26989s i don't think working out can die i was
26991s working out if he did push the three is
26993s it guaranteed lethal next turn
26997s because the arab picks two randoms
26999s that's a 50 chance at lethal anyway
27002s and then the hero power re-rolls
27006s you ever die if you leave the six you're
27008s you're at 24 health then so six damage
27010s kills you but there's one less board
27012s space so like
27014s i think interesting either way actually
27017s i
27018s think you always survive i might be able
27021s to
27021s let's go yeah but now we just pray
27025s all the prakhan
27027s all right
27028s fire me one time
27031s there we go six straight away no messing
27032s around ponsoku wins game number two and
27036s another tricky one uh from both players
27039s actually some difficult choices there
27041s again tonsoku uh really uh uh bringing
27045s it close there could have gone either
27046s way but i think the setup overall did
27049s look good and i think once we sat and
27051s worked it out yes the pro khan line did
27054s look like he was pretty much just
27056s actually maybe never going to actually
27058s lose that next turn and with bran parrot
27061s and still a go at the next prakan hero
27063s power it was so likely that he wins
27066s right
27067s yep absolutely i think it was a very
27069s very clever line from hansoku
27071s again like i said napkin mats i think
27073s whether he traded or not he was always
27074s surviving there right uh but the line it
27077s worked out massively in his favor and
27079s with shaman and rogue
27081s over the finish line now just the mage
27083s left to do it which i think just puts
27085s him in a great spot i like mage against
27087s most
27088s decks right now like druid i think is a
27090s little bit shaky uh face hunter
27094s we can talk especially if you have uh
27096s some of the weirder tech cards that tan
27098s soku has access to but for the most part
27100s uh against the the zoo fantastic face
27103s hunter i i don't even mind it that much
27105s in shaman yeah sometimes you just hit
27107s the nuts go face and they just die
27109s yeah my one loss during the break was
27112s versus a hunter but it was a face hunter
27114s that popped off and i did not have a
27117s good draw so yeah one slight weakness i
27119s think uh one thing to point out though
27120s with tonsoku's mage is he is running a
27123s couple of uh sort of clunkier cards i
27126s would say there's double blizzard
27129s there's a mass polymorph in there as
27131s well along with all the sort of spooky
27134s tech
27134s and two runes of the archmage it's uh
27138s it's definitely a lot of cards that do a
27139s lot of things but are they going to do
27141s the right things uh still i think he's
27143s favored right he's got three goes at
27144s this to get one win but i i do think
27147s this particular build has yet to impress
27150s me
27151s yeah i will agree uh i know that you you
27153s were saying you're playing the list that
27155s uh matty was playing broadcast right
27157s which does run solid uh double solid
27159s alibi yeah a card
27161s it's just so difficult to judge right
27163s because you're saying it's the absolute
27165s nuts it allows you to just go face a
27166s whole bunch stall out the game which is
27169s exactly what you want to do especially
27170s in a 30 card version of the deck but
27172s then we see gia playing double solid
27174s alibi on stream drawing both of them
27176s starting hand and it just looking like
27178s one of the most one-sided games of
27179s hearthstone we've ever seen the only
27181s good use it had was swapping it with uh
27184s with theater to give it to your opponent
27186s i i will say though um i can't quite
27189s remember the bill geo was playing uh but
27192s because the build i was like matty's
27194s list was he's very sort of burn
27196s dependent then it works more like just
27199s well give me one more turn and i win the
27200s race as opposed to any sort of you know
27203s if for example the double solid alibi in
27205s this deck uh
27207s isn't
27208s for me quite as strong because it
27210s doesn't necessarily mean your next turn
27211s is going to be good whereas in the burn
27214s list i feel like it gives you that one
27217s extra turns worth of you know big hero
27219s power some uh more like frozen touch or
27222s anything like that right to just push
27223s some extra damage through so yeah we'll
27225s see i do think the card is very
27227s interesting though because it's about as
27229s near an ice block as we've had for a
27230s very very long time so we'll see how it
27233s pays off but you can see there just some
27235s of the potential bad draws like if the
27238s opening hand it has a couple of these in
27240s it uh you're feeling pretty bad about
27242s life
27242s yeah you really are like there's a
27244s reason
27245s like i think matty's list that you were
27246s talking about that does cut kel'thuzad
27248s on the deathborn death one maybe not so
27250s much but cutting kel'thuzad was
27251s inevitable like players have been
27253s whispering about that since it came out
27255s like it makes sense at first you're
27257s playing a bunch of skeletons it's the
27259s payoff card right it's the card that the
27260s designers want you to pick and they made
27262s it strong because of it
27264s but it's just eight mana it's so
27266s expensive and it takes so much setup
27268s whereas mordresh you know you get the
27270s wildfire and that kind of does it alone
27272s an apprentice just instantly uh wins you
27274s the game that's it as well like in a
27276s weird way at that stage of a game that
27279s kel fazad's going to be active for you
27281s know
27282s a full board maybe a bit more on a full
27284s board
27285s pinging them with for two mana is
27287s probably better right he probably deals
27289s more direct damage that given turn so
27292s definitely a tough one maybe it does uh
27294s continue to be popular but for now we're
27296s going to jump into that game number
27297s three devil matt definitely against the
27299s ropes now uh in this mage mirror i'm
27302s gonna quickly jump over uh he has got a
27304s little bit more of a concise decklist of
27307s course we're only running the 30 cards
27309s and uh yeah this is looking good this is
27311s much closer to the list i've been
27313s talking about
27314s yeah man this deck for tan circular i've
27316s been full on team tan soka here with his
27319s reactions on camera but this build of
27321s mage
27322s i don't know if i see it like it's just
27326s with the initial build of 30 card mage
27328s that ran uh what was it like first flame
27331s and fire sale it was kind of a middle
27334s range between aggro and control it
27336s didn't really know what it wanted to be
27338s and it branched into two separate paths
27340s right it like evolved uh into different
27342s uh species
27344s i prefer the aggressive version i think
27345s that's definitely the way you want to
27346s specialize which is why i really like
27349s the what you're talking about with max
27351s version going over here with like deep
27353s water evoker in a deck that plays
27355s wildfire flurry solid alibi playing
27359s double solid alibi in a list with no
27361s burn like i just don't think that's what
27362s the core of the deck does
27364s so well i think it just wants to be a
27366s bit more burn based
27368s you should call it amazon mage
27370s there's packages everywhere in this
27372s checklist too many packages going on
27374s here but yeah we'll see how it played
27377s now so far at least tons of managed to
27379s get hold of a decent curve right double
27381s location has cold case you know it's not
27384s terrible but again looking at this it it
27387s feels like a control deck that wants to
27390s burn them as well and that doesn't
27391s really mesh and but we'll see how it uh
27394s plays out devil matt looking like he's
27396s got a much greater plan here already
27399s dominating the board for now has
27400s reckless apprentice has the modresh
27402s already locked and loaded just needs to
27404s beef it up a little bit and their worst
27406s case if devilmat decides and gets in a
27408s pinch can just press finley to uh sort
27410s of reset that
27412s oh okay you know what take it back i'm
27415s sorry for doubting you evoker because
27417s that is pretty insane
27423s just checking the hand
27425s there is an alibi in tonsoku's hand and
27428s there's a theotory devilmets not quite
27429s the uh the way round you want it to go
27431s but uh
27434s yeah it's got to be a five minute
27435s deathborn here it's so sick six whole
27438s skellies
27439s uh and that's the good thing is that
27440s like death boarding
27443s uh well actually no it's kind of close
27445s death warning second kind of ends up
27448s worse a lot of the time because
27450s you uh
27451s you take all the damage face whereas you
27453s don't necessarily get to deal all the
27455s damage face but because tansoku is at 40
27457s health instead of 30 taking 12 to the
27459s face is it's bad obviously but it's not
27461s necessarily as game losing as it would
27463s be on the other side
27466s yeah i think again the health is the big
27469s key here isn't it yeah is able to just
27471s do that just get a the option as well
27474s for freezing his own minion oh no sorry
27476s this is going to be full apologies
27477s something
27478s forgot a location takes up a slot for a
27480s second who cares um
27483s oh devil matt without a wildfire
27487s on the back foot here
27489s this is disgusting
27493s hey now what you've got to think about
27495s is if devil matt
27497s did not run deathborn
27500s he wouldn't be in this situation right
27501s now
27504s think about it that way around hey
27507s sure let's go with that you can't get
27509s counter death bond if you just don't
27511s play it in the first place
27514s i mean all the minions would be left on
27515s board but yeah sure trade them away
27517s trade them away
27518s you don't need minions where we're going
27522s ping to the face that's all you need
27525s and a skeleton with an axe
27528s i mean pink to the face is all that tan
27530s soku is going to need here like i say
27532s he's not playing the burn package but if
27534s we ignore the double solid alibi and
27537s even kale fast in hand like the rest of
27538s the hands boston oh yeah double what
27540s wildfire let's go yeah
27542s double mat finds his own wildfire but
27546s i think it might be a turn too late
27548s right you've got uh apprentice next turn
27551s and then you're gonna tank a lot of
27552s damage after just taking 12 on this turn
27555s even ignoring any damage they may be
27557s able to do from hand you put that arcade
27559s interlect down and you double wildfire
27561s ping them face like a man
27563s you know what the old saying is two
27565s wildfires are better than one
27567s that's true disappointed in tonsoku
27570s overall but he did
27571s get dawn grasp so i'll uh let him off to
27574s some extent
27576s back on the christmas card list
27586s does he need to ping
27590s or should he just consider just playing
27592s an alibi
27593s to be ultra safe
27595s oh you just send it upstairs right what
27597s do you think so i think so i'm just
27599s saying like
27602s are we just gonna start talking about
27603s does alibi make him one percent more
27606s chance to win the game you know what i
27608s mean like that sort of thing right
27609s what's the worst that could happen here
27612s oh if you're gonna do this there's no
27614s way it was worth playing ai i would much
27616s rather have dealt damage this turn no
27618s cap
27622s now i want to see alibi ping gala by
27624s ping from tonsoku to win the game
27627s that's what i'm talking about
27629s i mean if you're deathborn you're one
27630s damage off dying right you take 12 and
27633s they have three damage in hand
27635s you can't even play it uh finley death
27637s born to try and soak it because that
27640s doesn't work
27642s is he actually playing it
27645s i mean every place sucks like i'm saying
27647s you can't play it what else can you do
27648s though you can go apprentice to try and
27650s soak up a couple more hits it activates
27652s the more dress obviously for next turn
27654s but then what you're still not killing
27656s them and you're tanking so much
27658s it might actually just be the play
27660s though right because i think anything
27661s else just doesn't really work does it
27664s yeah i think i think apprentice hope it
27666s tanks six
27668s and then more dressed next soon and hope
27670s your opponent has finally hit the bad
27672s cards because that's one thing i'll say
27673s i was talking about a lot of the whiffs
27675s that tonsoku has in the deck uh he's
27677s just not drawn them so yeah who who knew
27681s you can just choose to not draw the bad
27682s cards and win
27684s i mean the thing is he kind of has drawn
27685s some of the bad cards but the rest of
27687s his hand was so good it didn't matter
27688s that's what i mean like yeah yeah
27690s alibaba
27691s we could we'll probably end up talking
27693s about alibi till till the end of time
27695s right or at least rotation i suppose uh
27697s but kel that's not good
27700s everything else has felt fairly solid
27702s honestly oh yeah
27705s even now there's there's that level
27706s where you can just ping freeze one and
27709s play cold case or just play alibi like i
27712s said like with alibi he just never dies
27714s he pings twice wins the game
27716s yeah is there that much to think about
27718s that's my question
27719s yeah i mean the one thing that goes
27721s wrong is they play uh
27722s dawn grasp that's how you potentially
27724s don't win so we need to consider what is
27726s the best play if they have that in hand
27728s uh in which case the dawn grasp of your
27730s own could theoretically be the way to go
27734s don't you still just win if it's ping
27736s this turn with alibi
27738s ping next turn with alibi and then
27740s dawngrass ping again
27743s maybe yeah
27745s i guess they could have cold case as
27746s well to follow up like it's getting
27748s super fringe but
27753s is she a little bit scary
27756s this is a little bit scary isn't it just
27758s a little that's what todd's probably
27760s working was like wait do i go to 10 if i
27762s do this because my opponent just has
27763s moderation it's like but he knows it's
27765s not active because there wasn't the
27766s reckless played last turn so it's still
27768s going to be safe devil matt definitely
27770s going to take a quick look at kel'thuzad
27773s but uh that's more likely to kill him
27775s than it is his opponent at this point
27778s if you go
27781s maybe okay
27782s so that out is thinly
27784s into
27785s flurry plus dawn grasp
27789s and then you're still dead hurry
27797s and you could freeze enough but i don't
27799s think that actually
27800s is he hoping to just get the kill here
27802s are we just playing skeleton tennis for
27804s the win
27805s oh
27805s because look even if they all went off
27807s it would be 12 not 30 uh not 14. yeah
27810s true oh yeah he was always going to be
27812s off there tonsoku ends the series 3-0
27815s and he is going to go 7-1
27818s in the swiss and that means that i hate
27820s to say this because i'm never sure until
27822s it happens but i'm pretty sure it's
27824s through to top 16.
27826s i think very much so it's a good day for
27827s tan soku a uh a good day for japanese
27830s hearthstone overall because i believe
27832s given that he's not in any of our backup
27834s matches i can say possessee also i think
27836s gone 7-1 through to the top 16.
27840s uh i didn't get word on how glory
27843s uh finished i think he's also 7-1 so we
27846s actually have at least three
27847s representatives i have another uh
27849s glory seven and one possesses seven and
27851s one
27852s um
27854s those are the end of obviously tonsoku
27856s now as well but yeah those three seven
27858s and one and of course uh a rough series
27862s i think for devil matt on soku just kind
27864s of got him there were some interesting
27866s choices throughout the series to make it
27868s wasn't you know one-sided in a way that
27870s a player didn't really get to play the
27871s game uh but still a rough one for devil
27874s matt still he's going to be 6-2 i think
27876s there's a chance he gets through
27878s of course
27879s but we'll have to see how that one plays
27881s out with a cool series and uh happy to
27884s see tonsoku happy derek
27887s yeah big time i think it was very very
27889s well played from start to finish from
27890s santoku like you know i arrived on this
27892s man
27893s oh yeah that road game was so sick that
27895s was very very cool
27897s yeah
27898s great series overall but as usual i
27901s believe there will be a more coverage of
27903s round eight before we wrap up the day
27905s and they're are able to confirm the top
27907s 16 for you guys a little bit later on
27909s but for now me and i are gonna be done
27911s for the day but we've got a two more
27913s coming up for you to uh end out who is
27916s it oh it's the it's the chuckle brothers
27918s it's tj and lorinda they're gonna be
27920s ending the day so stay tuned and you've
27922s got those guys gonna be filling out some
27923s more matches from round eight
27928s [Music]
27934s [Music]
27979s [Applause]
27981s [Music]
27996s [Music]
28011s do
28013s [Music]
28020s so
28025s [Music]
28048s [Applause]
28057s [Music]
28121s hello everybody and welcome back to
28123s mattress tour murder at castle nathria
28126s my name is tj i'm joined by neil aka
28128s lorinda aka bond and we're gonna bring
28130s you some more round eight action before
28132s we close out the day and get that nice
28135s sweet top 16 cutting how you doing buddy
28138s doing great these candles don't seem to
28140s be going down any so yeah that's good i
28143s can still see which is also helpful uh
28145s yeah been a good day's action so far
28148s really looking forward to seeing
28150s um who gets into this top 16 because
28153s as things were bubbling up it looked
28155s like we might get a fairly
28157s new set of players but over the course
28159s of today
28160s i think the better players that we know
28162s and love are starting to rise to the top
28164s so we shall see by the end of the end of
28166s this round how that ends up
28168s and the players that are rising to the
28170s top that aren't the ones we know and
28172s love may soon become the ones we know
28176s and love yes
28177s and that's the beauty of the bastard's
28179s tour
28181s is that that's simple fact
28183s absolutely a plastic for instance player
28185s who went top eight last time around
28187s didn't know anything about him checked
28189s out his stats hadn't done particularly
28190s great doing it again backing it up and
28193s that's what i like to see
28194s um not a one-hit wonder and
28197s not many of them are these days if you
28198s see somebody make a top eight top 16
28200s they tend to repeat it
28203s so good to see pocket train had a bad
28204s one but he'd had multiple good
28206s tournaments on the road before his win
28207s we all knew that pocket train was likely
28209s to win an event sometime
28212s yeah
28213s it was uh just needed a little bit of
28216s help from a combo meta you know what i'm
28217s saying
28220s it took to push a pocket train over the
28221s edge another combo meta comes around
28223s pocket trains right up in there
28225s um but uh we have you saw the match on
28227s our hands uh we're actually going to be
28229s coming into this series fresh gonna be
28231s starting series over from scratch it's
28233s between donkey
28234s and uh for the sake of ease we will call
28236s him c8
28238s uh even though his full name is c8763
28242s i thought you know him well enough to
28243s say that
28244s has he you know
28246s teach
28249s no i don't i don't know him at all but
28252s for the sake of ease for us all right
28254s fine the every single time
28257s what have i done
28261s oh you really shouldn't put your pin
28263s numbers your username by the way kids
28265s pro tip
28267s uh out for a second i thought it might
28270s be um
28271s battle tag right but you're not assigned
28273s a valentine until after you create a
28274s username i guess you can change your
28275s username because on hearthstone i used
28277s to be
28278s azimo cutie and now i am just my my full
28281s name just tj sanders is my host
28284s that's so boring that's so very derek
28286s brown of you
28287s i know
28288s i know it really is um
28291s like how dare i use my real name
28294s imagine just what i cast is j your
28297s middle name like is it first name t
28299s or is it tj one word my first name is
28302s thomas and my middle name is just the
28304s letter j yep
28306s just thomas j
28307s yep i'm just neil no middle name just
28310s eight letters neil bond get it over with
28312s sign the form easy
28314s bond
28317s yeah that's the first time anyone's ever
28320s done that in my entire life
28322s so uh whoever makes the town rotation
28324s made a mistake by putting me and you as
28327s the uh
28329s the final cast of the day yeah that
28331s person you know along with the stats
28333s person who obviously messed up in the
28335s last match so that we talk about how
28337s many fridays somebody had played
28339s hearthstone this year
28340s um they should just fire the both of
28341s them i think i know
28344s it's just just ridiculous because uh
28348s after about eight hours
28350s um
28351s my hearthstone braid still functions but
28353s the the rest of it doesn't so anything
28356s other than hearthstone just comes out as
28357s nonsense
28358s which is a shame because you're casting
28360s with me last thing of the day so yeah
28363s all right
28364s let's go there's a game on our screen
28365s they must have shown the decks and
28366s everything while we were talking about
28368s that okay it's going to be donkey
28370s on the mage and
28373s c8763
28374s on the curse warlock which we've talked
28376s about a lot we haven't seen that much of
28378s actually on broadcast so gonna be
28380s interesting to see if this is
28381s inconsistent as i've been pretending for
28383s the last two days
28385s what curse warlock
28387s yeah
28388s build the highest win rate deck in the
28389s masters tour
28390s yeah we've seen more and more them sort
28392s of as we're doing the key cards as the
28393s days have gone by they've risen to the
28396s top
28396s as we tend to do the key cards for the
28398s people who are doing well because then
28399s we might have to show them
28401s um so yeah he's been doing well and this
28403s is a 40 card version i believe yes it is
28407s yep certainly is all sorts of cards in
28410s this deck
28411s yeah um i mean
28414s you name it you got it right it can draw
28417s a ton of cards and has an answer to just
28421s about every situation
28422s it's got heal in the form of spice bread
28425s baker it's got disruption in the form of
28427s theotar
28428s and some other starfish i suppose it's
28430s also disruption it's got the insane draw
28432s engine of fiendish circle plus impending
28435s catastrophe
28437s uh it's got small aoe in grimoire of
28440s sacrifice medium aoe an abyssal wave in
28442s large aoe in a title customer and just
28445s in case all of that isn't enough you
28447s have gigafit which wipes the
28449s board and then all the while it's
28452s dealing damage to you
28455s when i pitch it like that right like a
28457s salesman who's who wants you to buy
28459s something like i'll take three i curse
28461s warlock yeah uh it sounds like something
28464s that you can't refuse and you know it
28465s shouldn't be a surprise why it's the
28467s highest win rate deck especially
28468s considering
28470s that a lot of the field especially once
28472s you get to
28473s the higher win rate um
28475s decks are very slow they take a while to
28477s win the game they do have ways to win
28479s the game sooner i'm talking about shaman
28481s druid
28482s um mage to an extent
28484s uh they take a while to get their game
28486s plan rolling you know when i get your
28487s downtrend will be down that fast you
28488s have time to put the curses the curses
28490s themselves are also disruption and the
28493s fact that if your opponent's sitting on
28494s a full hand sometimes you can fill their
28496s hand up with curses make it really
28498s awkward for them
28499s uh
28500s they might overdraw a key card something
28502s like that it's another form of
28503s disruption so
28505s yeah plenty going on um i think this one
28509s isn't what we're seeing many of curse
28510s warlocks either we're seeing the thing
28512s we're calling a lot of curse warlock is
28514s just the imp deck with some curses
28516s thrown in but this is full on as you've
28518s just beautifully described absolutely
28521s cursed warlock
28523s the absolute max
28525s control warlock with some curses thrown
28527s in
28530s all this but
28532s okay
28533s we have a cool little situation here um
28536s donkey has set up both mailbox dancers
28538s which means that
28540s if c8 wanted to play around the possib
28543s oh no
28545s i missed one key element of this play
28548s what's the key that would have been
28549s great he hasn't got a spell in his hand
28551s he has to guess his hand to swap with
28553s barbaric sorceress oh no
28556s yeah he's got curses as well to deal
28558s with first that one's gonna go but it
28560s could be there could be more
28561s yeah so gonna just use the coin to get
28563s impending catastrophe if anything if
28565s there's a trade and the coin is in hand
28567s if you pick up a more expensive spell
28568s it's not as damaging but
28571s there you go
28572s deal hasn't gone
28574s i mean there's not that many in the deck
28577s so it's not crazy to think
28579s that if you don't mulligan into a spell
28581s plus barbaric sorceress um
28584s that you wouldn't find one
28585s uh because
28587s outside of deepwater evoker
28590s not really a way to to to fetch him
28593s very easily
28594s it's even worse than that he can't even
28595s coin it out sort of just to get
28596s something on the board because the coin
28598s the other coin would suddenly become a
28600s three mana coin which sounds like a
28602s terrible hearthstone card yeah this is
28604s just going to have to be try and get
28606s some incremental damage in most likely
28608s so probably going to freeze one of these
28610s zips
28613s uh the three one here and then maybe you
28616s can play watch post and
28618s you know hope that spell's gonna
28620s come pretty soon right not trade in the
28622s mailbox the answer to preserve the
28624s ability to
28626s give your opponent a coin then barbaric
28628s sorcerers to make sure that they can't
28629s play around it
28631s it's such a relief to see a real watch
28633s post in play i've seen the big square
28635s flat watch posts twice so far this
28638s tournament
28640s no it's cool square flat the one that
28643s isn't the crossroads just other watch
28645s posts
28646s i don't know what his actual name is
28647s watch post
28648s it's just called other watch posts as
28649s far as i'm concerned yeah
28652s because there's also the other other
28654s ones
28657s there's the other other ones crossroads
28659s yeah it's not the crossroads it's the
28661s other
28662s one that isn't the crossroads the other
28664s one that makes two twos
28669s okay
28670s okay
28671s i'm just gonna call it other watch posts
28674s i probably could have said any word i
28676s wanted and then followed up with a watch
28677s post and it would have been like yeah
28678s just sounded sort of vaguely you know
28681s warcrafted like this
28683s allen guard
28684s watch post yeah that's great
28691s who's allen why does he need cardigan
28693s but the whole watch post to guard maybe
28695s he was you know one of the the kings
28697s under anduin's friends mums
28700s brothers sisters
28702s yep legion of allen guard
28704s yeah yeah only is he called down and
28706s he's guarding but his area is also
28707s called allenguard just to confuse people
28709s so they get lost
28711s fair enough that's why they let me name
28713s things tj they never have and they never
28715s will
28720s but i keep trying
28723s all right
28724s this game is progressing
28726s fill up the hand
28730s c8763 is going to lose a card
28734s however
28737s does it really matter
28740s what what's one card that you couldn't
28742s afford to lose in this situation i guess
28743s danatherius might be like one of the
28745s worst but even then like that's just a
28747s secondary win condition the main win
28749s condition is just curses
28751s um there's already a brand um maybe
28754s school teacher
28757s could be one i don't know school or
28759s theater
28761s i'm looking at donkey's hand what's he
28764s supposed to do
28767s what are you supposed to do with
28768s absolute mess of our hand
28772s the coins are actively hurting you at
28774s this point
28777s i think pink is the answer
28781s and float five
28786s oh
28788s not like this donkey
28802s like a donkey um oh just playing 88.
28808s [Applause]
28810s okay with the full hand the pending
28812s attachment is probably the one card
28813s you're like
28815s you wouldn't want anyways just be taking
28817s that space so anybody
28819s donkey having to to label his clothing
28821s so he does have to get dressed by a
28822s little bit donkey top he's got donkey
28824s trousers donkey socks
28828s what's up every morning what's my name
28830s comes down oh donkey okay yeah this is
28832s my top so i'll be on the top
28834s excellent
28839s still nothing to at least you get
28841s something out of the palette here but i
28842s think you just hold still
28845s you get
28846s anything out of the parrot
28854s it's not very
28855s good just
28857s freeze
28859s yeah worry
28860s yeah
28864s you can't stop this
28869s only floated four man at this time he's
28870s getting better
28875s he's got a stage now he's got like a one
28877s in five chance better than one in five
28879s chance of actually drawing a spell each
28880s time so you know the hopes brings it up
28897s not ideal we've got to do something
28899s surely
28902s [Music]
28905s and it casts
28908s nothing i mean a lot of the times in
28911s big spell mage it doesn't really cast
28913s anything unless you cast a drink
28915s there's a fire spell yeah
28917s well
28920s these pings are
28921s nearly got c8763 down to normal starting
28925s health total right
28926s this is uh five and six
28930s and he's back to 40.
28935s uh in this here power's still at two so
28938s no minions on board that can get
28939s anything deep water evoker there we go
28943s so soon
28944s yep deep water evoker
28947s and then
28948s but he's got to get rid of the curses
28951s yeah you
28953s can't let's just dive don't get rid of
28955s the curses you die no you don't die
28957s because you're going to get an arm
28958s but you can't like barbaric sources here
28960s because you could just end up swapping
28962s the cost of the abyssal curses
28965s and also you don't even have a good idea
28968s of what your opponent can have in their
28969s hand in terms of spells
28972s so
28972s [Music]
28975s counterpoint you're so dead you might as
28977s well
28979s to be honest yeah i mean we could see
28981s the hand so it's a little bit easier for
28982s us like yeah
28984s um it it could have worked out it would
28987s have been a one and three
28990s and then a 50 50. right a one and three
28992s to swap the 26
28994s and then no no one in four because he
28997s has a coin too so one and four to swap
29000s the his rune and then a one in three
29004s two to swap with the grimoire then you
29006s can coin out
29008s then you've got a box which might go
29010s wrong anyway
29012s yeah yeah yeah yeah it's it's uh it's uh
29015s it definitely should have done it
29017s yeah he's just got pirate blasts all
29018s over the place
29020s ooh so all of these nogglings are
29023s well the second knuckling doesn't matter
29025s because it doesn't come into the hand
29026s but both of these nogglings i'm i'm
29028s pretty sure just
29029s garbage
29030s uh touch of nathrezim sure
29033s and grimwar of sacrifice
29035s okay at least there's a brand so you
29038s know
29040s [Applause]
29042s now
29045s box
29046s what's in the box
29049s here comes we've seen some pretty crazy
29051s boxes today so far but now i've actually
29053s swung the game more than you'd expect
29055s tiny little pieces good start
29058s order
29059s stay where you are no
29061s okay yeah
29063s no sweet
29075s all right solid alibi is not bad
29078s and this is another box
29093s all right well
29096s oh
29099s well there it is
29101s good luck with this next box
29103s [Music]
29105s just say something
29107s oh because the touch was not okay i see
29110s it okay the touch was cast from the uh
29116s uh noggling
29118s that's just it
29120s no it's only oh yeah because
29123s [Music]
29124s yep okay well
29128s nice
29129s wrecking
29133s ignition
29135s there you go see i told you it's only
29136s hearthstone that my brain functions
29138s after i've been cast at the eight hour
29139s mark it's only in hearthstone
29142s like english no only hearthstone words
29145s um
29146s and for some reason the lyrics to
29148s [Music]
29156s um have you tried listening to it that
29158s usually works
29160s i i did
29161s multiple times and it just made it worse
29163s oh no
29165s okay well
29166s why is recognition not the name of a
29168s hearthstone card i thought we ran out of
29170s names for cards ages ago that's why
29171s we've got cards like
29173s entitled customer
29174s or gigafield
29176s recognition would be what we do
29179s draw your cards wouldn't it or steal
29181s cards
29183s um
29184s one mana look at your opponent's hand
29189s okay didn't we have that and it wasn't
29191s called recognition
29194s we had that really what was it i can't
29196s remember i mean
29198s it was mind renderer lucia you looked at
29200s your opponent's hand because you got it
29203s you never got to see your opponent's
29204s hand because they conceded when you
29206s played it
29208s many times
29209s well you you talk about something moving
29211s on i'm going to fight what this card was
29213s yeah
29215s control shaman i think it existed
29219s but maybe
29220s i'm sure it existed
29222s because i've been casting hearthstone
29223s since the very beginning of person
29226s right but your brain's fried and you
29228s can't remember anything so you could be
29230s wrong and i make things up all the time
29232s i've actually cast at least once
29235s in every single
29239s bet
29240s that has ever existed in hearthstone
29241s including three next
29245s the esl i can't see the
29251s that was released no i was playing at
29253s the time but i wasn't casting at the
29255s time i was still playing lots of arena
29257s close i can find is envoy of lizal which
29259s just looks at three cards but i'm sure
29261s there was something that let you look at
29262s the hand
29264s i'm going mad aren't i this doesn't
29266s exist if you say it doesn't exist it
29268s probably doesn't exist but
29270s that would be recognition i don't even
29272s know if it'd be played it's hard to take
29273s a card slot it doesn't do anything you
29274s just get to look maybe though i don't
29277s know that combined with theater it's
29279s like do i want a theater now let me play
29282s recognition real quick
29284s all right i recognize your hand now
29288s and then you can decide if you do it are
29289s i know what i'm thinking of i think of
29291s that camellias thing where it turned
29293s into one of your opponent's cards it
29294s turns into a card in your opponent's
29296s hand yeah the beginning of each turn
29298s sure you were sort of looking at your
29300s ponytail but very slowly
29302s yeah and every time a new car gets added
29305s like it it reduces the
29307s chance that you're gonna get to see
29308s every card and it can it can't change it
29310s to the same thing twice in a row i don't
29312s think but it could swap back and forth
29314s between two over and over again that's
29316s definitely what i was thinking of
29317s because it's one manner and you never
29318s play it you just keep in your hand
29320s yeah unless it's up really good all
29322s right let's get into it
29325s versus mage
29327s uh taking a look at this this mage
29330s uh from the side of c8 it is a
29334s uh 30 card
29336s skeleton mage
29338s the solid aggro solid aggro
29341s solid alibi frozen aggro version i like
29344s to call it aggro because it does seem
29345s like you're just trying to
29348s get as much many skeletons kill them off
29350s as fast as possible and then
29352s get a bunch more and then
29354s deathborn them and get about and get
29355s more and you do that repeatedly i quite
29358s liked mati's take on this where he he
29360s even cut the deathborns and just went if
29361s i'm going to hit him i'm going to hit
29362s him
29363s oh yeah he just played more minions so
29365s you get more frozen
29367s he literally just he just literally did
29369s that yeah and just just skimmed it all
29371s down so that four was the top end apart
29373s from the two obvious cards whatever they
29375s might be
29377s but they weren't death pawns he took
29378s them out
29382s which has worked pretty well for him so
29383s far i think
29385s yep
29387s uh
29389s i'm kind of a
29390s big fan of the tempo brand here
29394s with clownfish in hand i like it just go
29396s see if you can hit if it doesn't die you
29398s kind of look so good
29400s yeah well with like dungeoneer guess
29402s it's not worth it just for a dungeon if
29404s you had a higher payoff like if there
29405s were more murlocs in hand and you could
29407s go super wide with clown fish
29410s then maybe
29413s nature waits for no one
29419s it's made of neptulon
29421s so gets together draw an elemental as
29423s well
29425s which also happens to be a murloc
29428s and a demon and a beast and an imp and a
29431s total
29433s demon
29435s not yet
29438s ah now how are you liking um trying to
29440s set up next turn
29443s round clown
29446s and
29447s then
29448s seven you need seven mana
29450s the problem is now it's like uh see it
29453s would just have to have a frozen touch
29455s and a ping wouldn't have to use the coin
29457s in order to kill it off
29460s um
29461s you go the other way right you dump
29463s everything over the next two or three
29464s turns and set up a crazy murloc turn
29467s seven
29471s okay how do you like that
29475s that's fine i'd get
29480s more simply
29481s just like clownfish piranha
29491s i wanted to see exciting stuff but yeah
29494s next turn we could anyway
29498s yep
29499s sadly this makes sense
29502s get it on the board
29508s that's piranha merlot
29511s cause this needs dealing with otherwise
29513s the game might end really quickly
29516s yeah
29518s ah there's a coin deathborn
29521s next turn there's the see it's got a lot
29524s of stuff no
29534s if you read those cards the plan is
29536s fairly straightforward as well
29542s a lot of things to be done here uh
29544s potential things to be done
29547s um command of neptulon i don't like
29549s because you're going into coin
29551s deathborn so if you just
29554s go ahead and double
29558s but
29558s at the same time there's not really much
29560s else that
29562s plays around it you could go prana
29564s piranha and then gorlock
29568s i feel like you don't want to neptune as
29569s well because next turn six mana just
29571s seems like an important number right now
29572s you've got a lot of threes in your hand
29575s he's up to six so i don't think you're
29577s too overloaded right now
29581s all those factors
29583s all told i think yeah
29591s there's a amalgam
29595s yep okay
29599s just making sure he's got stuff
29607s i think donkey may have thought the last
29609s battle cry was uh the
29611s clownfish possibly yes
29627s oh wow this is some good stuff
29634s yeah the exact opposite half of the deck
29636s to what he just had he had the sort of
29638s comboy parts of the deck and now he's
29639s just got the stuffed part of the deck
29641s slow you down
29643s yeah all again
29645s and donkey needs slowing down right now
29646s because
29648s the eight seven six three is down to 28.
29652s now to take another chunk the ball sort
29653s of
29655s big enough to be annoying from donkey's
29657s side the next few turns so yeah c8 needs
29659s this game to slow down
29667s random numbers
29669s 38 763.
29673s i'm always fascinated when people put
29674s like strings of numbers in where it
29676s comes from and the other question is
29678s like what happened 762
29683s this is the lowest number you could get
29685s to go with your name let's see
29692s i'm gonna go what solid out by wildfire
29695s here
29699s this is still getting a little awkward
29701s though for c8 because this is still
29705s damage
29706s that he's taking right um
29709s yeah this actually might be a good
29711s opportunity for theater seeing you
29713s seeing a lot of cards drawn
29723s okay no theotar so just gonna go
29726s max pressure and play things that are
29728s not
29730s really susceptible to it
29733s i'm just looking at this board of cards
29735s it's just
29736s ridiculous just absurd selection of just
29740s things
29741s i don't even know
29746s okay so commander is wildfire or kenyan
29749s elect and
29752s it fleury
29752s oh the alibi oh the alibi played the
29755s alibi last that's right
29762s okay
29765s but how are you going to kill anything
29773s he's in trouble isn't he like clearing
29776s this stuff up it's just difficult he can
29778s stall for a turn or two but it's
29779s actually just not going away
29788s there's no cheese your opponent to death
29789s version because you know donkey's still
29791s on 40 yet
29797s yeah i was just a whatever there from
29799s donkeys shrugged it off
29803s i feel the need to play four cards to
29805s freeze my board and kill a minion to
29806s make me a slot sure
29808s yeah do that
29814s well this is uh
29818s sort of problematic for donkey but at
29820s the same time not really
29822s uh there's no way to avoid
29826s or there's way you just have to
29828s sacrifice a bunch of piranhas
29832s [Laughter]
29845s i want to sacrifice see
29847s this is still going to fill up the hand
29850s those are like real cards take one of
29853s those
29855s i like it
29857s yeah
29858s what a mech
29860s smack
29861s you thought that was never getting
29863s buffed ever in this game
29868s donkey done
29869s something he thinks he's silly
29873s uh he filled up his hand
29875s and he's bored he just maxed out
29877s everything you can do just needs a
29878s weapon now
29883s donkey don't worry you played great on
29885s stream earlier you're playing great in
29886s the tournament
29895s c8763 got rid of earlier
29899s they'll probably want a solid i'll buy
29901s in a macbook sanctum
29904s i think so
29909s in positions that your deathborn
29910s actually can win you this game somehow
29912s because this game is slipping away from
29914s c8763
29920s which is funny because
29922s ducky's just playing like a 2-3
29925s every turn that's it that's the game oh
29929s macaw okay
29931s that's a little unfortunate but at least
29933s now donkey's got some board space to
29935s work with
29937s um
29938s brand theater
29941s i want to see a theater now as well yeah
29945s it's got to the point now where c8763
29947s was digging for cards earlier with
29948s finley you can expect the hand to be
29951s contained only one or two ounces yeah
29958s and
29960s pick the piranha back
29962s for yellow one
29967s uh which is it it's probably cold case
29970s but you can tell uh i would say frozen
29972s touch because see it's kind of gonna die
29976s and there's also a lot of minions so
29978s donkey could get this infused
29984s i'm loving the part here where these
29986s absolute garbage minions have just been
29989s coming in for one each
29990s several turns well the alibis and
29992s they're still getting the job done
29994s yep
29996s they can this turn with some armor
30005s [Music]
30008s oh that is actually a card
30012s yeah
30013s that is a full clear with the two
30014s swarmers in hand because this is double
30016s wildfire
30019s not all of them
30020s that's the rubbish dealt with now
30023s welcome to neptune online
30026s yeah oh sorry nearly all clear we're
30028s still going to be two too long
30031s oh wait there's there's a swarmer to
30032s clear up some of this stuff another is
30034s kings you're fine yeah
30036s even just
30038s thank them
30045s because it's useless
30050s problem for c8 though completely out of
30052s cards or nearly out of cards and donkey
30054s still at 37 life with a lot of good
30057s stuff
30059s yeah donkey can do what they like in
30060s this game i think
30063s 37 health as well so there's no
30066s there's no backup plan for c8763 here
30069s of like just somehow getting the damage
30072s over the line or something
30074s actually got to find a way to win back
30075s forward i guess
30080s i guess set up some
30082s [Music]
30083s incredible
30086s luck turn
30088s there there just haven't been enough
30089s celtics
30093s or dresser is active but it summons an
30094s 88 which
30096s oh you could mordresh and then
30099s no flurry and ping the 88 that pops out
30101s of this
30105s thing that i played in the deck that i
30107s got baited by habigaba to play the demon
30109s hunter deck
30111s have a go it does not bait people people
30114s just play the decks badly
30115s those are paid no they're texas
30121s honestly every day that happy field
30123s wakes up
30124s grounds demon hunter
30126s putting these cards in my deck today and
30128s then he plays it to rank one legend
30130s and they can't all be perfect first time
30133s but they just can't
30136s but because he's had bugaboo it doesn't
30137s matter
30139s yeah
30141s i think it's neptulon time
30151s he's like
30152s fixed
30161s i need to elaborate i guess of course
30162s you've gone quite like jumbo will just
30164s play cards and decks for fun really well
30166s do really well with them they'll be
30168s creative and enjoyable
30169s and happy does the same thing and wins
30175s hey jabra wins
30176s he's really good but
30179s enjoys the
30181s challenge sometimes though i've been
30182s playing
30183s the most awful vogue deck that he
30185s insists on trying to win a game with
30190s it was the one where he played the
30191s importer and there's only two or three
30193s cards you could possibly hit and it
30195s combos turtle rogue was it called oh the
30199s infinite yeah
30201s okay yeah he just insisted on playing
30203s sort of 700 games of that until he
30205s finally won one
30207s yeah
30208s and haboo doesn't do that he just peels
30209s decks that win from the start rather
30210s than like
30213s force them to work yeah this wave makes
30214s sense from donkey just looking at the
30216s game
30217s make sure there's no skeleton accident
30219s waiting to happen
30222s and draw a card and draw a card yeah
30225s that's what he needs right now
30237s oh
30238s nice
30251s [Music]
30252s i think if you showed this situation to
30254s someone who'd never played hearthstone
30256s before but you know an idea about how
30257s gaming works it says
30259s which one of these players is winning
30261s every single person in the world first
30263s asked what are those brown square things
30265s in the middle of the board
30266s and then they would say okay they don't
30268s do anything then donkey has won
30276s just by all of the numbers all of the
30278s number of cards everything donkey has it
30280s completely
30283s locked well dawn grasp is probably the
30286s best draw off the top
30288s but it's still not enough
30290s even if it
30292s flurries uh the rank two flurries both
30295s death wings
30298s oh
30299s maybe
30301s i think even if it more dresses due to
30303s something that shouldn't even happen
30306s it might still be hard from here
30309s stay where you are
30311s so flurry we need to hit the deathwings
30313s okay did not so that'll be it
30316s unless there's a miracle from the arcane
30317s intellect
30319s frozen touch
30322s that's a big ping though that's four
30324s wildfires plus the upgrade plus another
30326s wildfire cast that's a what a seven
30328s damage ping
30329s i guess a couple of turns of freezing
30331s maybe could get there i guess
30334s yeah but probably not right
30337s delayed reaction
30339s [Music]
30340s i will allow myself
30342s to feel an ounce of joy
30345s now back to business uh all tied up 1-1
30349s down to
30351s asian peace versus mage and druid uh
30354s something that's interested me a little
30355s bit this tournament is how little we've
30357s seen of druid in these matches
30360s i thought it might be a bit of a go-to
30362s date for some people
30364s not really seeing lots of druid
30367s yeah because it's it's not being banned
30369s that often if you take rampant anaconda
30372s druid and their band rates and add them
30373s together it's like close to 20 percent
30378s um
30379s between 15 and 20
30381s so it's not being banned like that often
30383s uh but
30385s yeah i don't know
30387s i think people might have been scared of
30388s it a little bit because it's quite
30390s targetable in this matter like if you
30392s walk into
30394s four aggro decks which is a thing you're
30397s very likely to walk into if you count
30398s weak priestess an aggro deck which it
30400s definitely is
30402s then
30403s yeah maybe you just lose with the druid
30405s three times and if you don't walk into
30406s that then maybe they ban it anyway so
30409s yeah i might have put people off
30411s but
30412s it didn't put off
30414s the 8763
30418s all right
30421s wig priest nagis buff priest boon priest
30426s i like this deck by nicole starting to
30428s run out of things to say about it
30431s yeah
30432s play a minion with high health put a wig
30434s on it attack
30438s [Music]
30440s yeah sounds about right
30444s i mean the interesting part comes about
30446s when you don't get the early board and
30447s you've got to work out
30449s how long you go before you make four
30451s things in one turn wise man taught me
30452s that yesterday but
30456s other than that
30470s double frozen touch
30471s okay
30473s [Music]
30484s this is oh wow that's a thing i thought
30486s he might just kill it
30488s yeah
30489s coin is a
30491s pretty valuable resource start the
30493s frozen touches uh but with no minions in
30496s hand
30497s are you really gonna wait till they're
30498s induced
30501s i don't know good point yeah okay
30504s thrive
30512s [Music]
30520s this makes far more sense
30528s when do you want to play it this is this
30530s is one of the
30532s tougher decisions in this deck in
30533s general i think
30535s is it's your game-winning card but if
30536s you just jam it too early it's not
30538s anymore sometimes but sometimes it still
30540s is
30541s i mean it's it's not like that much of a
30543s game-winning card it's a game-winning
30544s card in the sense that it's like
30546s a lot of pluses
30547s but the truth like it's a key i think
30550s the biggest game-winning aspect of
30552s pelego's is just when you play it on
30555s curve
30557s because that's how it's going to win you
30558s more games than if you try and hold on
30560s to it and greet for it until you're
30562s going to get like oh yeah i'm gonna wait
30564s two things for sure
30565s huge it's gonna be an eight eight or
30567s something next turn already so yeah
30571s oh no
30573s just order this right and everything's
30574s huge
30580s well so there's two options here one you
30582s just leave the pellet ghost as is and
30583s you just play school teacher and then
30585s next turn your pelagos gets massive
30588s um the other option is you just play an
30590s amalgam don't get anything serpent wig
30593s now and then just go right that's what i
30596s wanted to do
30598s i want to get out of range of any sort
30599s of weirdness that the mage might throw
30602s at me and just hit them for 18 times
30603s yeah they can freeze it but it's still
30605s on the board doing its thing if it's
30607s frozen so
30608s yeah
30611s okay well theater would normally be a
30613s good guard on curve against a weak
30615s priest that thrived but
30618s um
30619s you can't afford to take 10 even if
30620s you're stealing a wig like
30624s all in due time
30629s is that the
30630s standard punishment for stealing a week
30632s these days
30634s yep
30637s okay so this is
30639s uh just the tube check
30641s the caster i've heard of it
30644s okay though the hands okay so
30648s oh it's three hang on
30651s on fire
30652s intellect
30654s oh okay and the doesn't touch forget
30657s about the enemy sure that's three then
30658s yeah
30659s game's working as intended
30667s but now c8 has
30671s infinite freezes it feels
30673s yup as the amplified snow flurry has the
30677s nightclub sanctum
30679s has a another flurry
30682s um you can space it out to where you
30684s have
30685s a good amount of freezes the next
30687s three ish turns at least freezing the
30690s higher power stuff
30692s that cloak sanctum also has a benefit
30694s that it's just putting a minion on board
30695s that you can use to
30698s trade and try and get this power down
30700s quickly
30701s it's gonna need them though
30703s because this is some large things
30715s like this board's not going away by
30716s being frozen so really going to need to
30719s get the tempo together too
30722s you freeze repeat make threats repeat
30724s which he could definitely do
30744s yep
30765s all right this is good this is good
30770s he just now has like freeze solid alibi
30773s next turn as a way to sort of bridge the
30775s gap you could do that and play a cold
30777s case
30778s so then you're not going to die you have
30780s a ton of options
30781s moving forward
30783s ooh deliverance
30786s you just make another minion on the
30788s board
30789s yeah sure
30791s yeah just circumvent something
30794s and then uh play the noggin link
30796s deliverance on the amplified snow flurry
30798s because at this point you kind of you
30799s kind of just want number a number of
30801s minions that are
30803s not susceptible to
30804s deathborn or reckless apprentice so in
30806s this case it'd be
30809s just more than two health
30811s take me pick me yeah and you don't want
30813s to be susceptible to being frozen either
30815s so you don't want anything particularly
30817s large you just want exactly what donkey
30818s is doing right just a whole bunch of
30820s tools
30822s yeah a whole bunch of mediums
30831s yeah i kind of like uh solid alibi
30835s uh ping something you don't even have to
30838s ping the pelagos just because
30841s um it is only gonna be dealing one with
30843s solid alibi
30845s um you could ping something that might
30847s die to a death board next turn
30851s like the other spear i suppose you could
30854s save the game
30857s oh you can save the ping as well because
30858s you're behind an alibi for now but next
30859s turn you've got to start freezing again
30861s so
30863s saving the the ping seems decent here
30884s if you don't care if the snow flurry
30885s dies so you're just kind of seeing where
30887s these go fine sharpening can be used as
30890s a heel as well with pelvis on the board
30893s it just sets the attack in health to
30894s equal
30896s so for example we'll
30899s bring the health of vicious sort of
30901s spirit up to
30902s x
30904s and then zero and four and then back to
30906s six again
30908s as it went through all the different
30909s things
30923s stuff
30932s i don't even know what the safari is
30934s it's probably like
30936s yeah it might have some um flowies in
30937s there followed out by flurry and
30940s wildfire
30943s i have no idea
30947s help cold case okay
30949s we've got two earth we've got one each
30950s and we let c8 763 have the other one so
30953s it's fine
30961s all right
30962s this is
30964s oh
30968s i even called it ice block yesterday and
30970s i i'm starting to agree with him i don't
30972s know these hallucinating ice blocks
30976s anybody door park aid station oh my god
30981s that's insane it's actually really good
30986s takes everything out of range
30990s yeah so you just heal up that trade in
30992s doggling heal up something else probably
30994s your six three
30996s oh
30998s take me pick me wow that is so good
31006s what's the response going to be here
31009s freezes he thinks it's bars yeah just
31012s keep freezing and hope
31018s [Applause]
31022s why is it so difficult for these 11 11s
31024s and 88s to do
31026s oh solid alibi you're silly
31032s all right what's left in the deck oh
31034s geez
31035s um
31037s can you swap
31039s there's another flurry right
31040s um
31046s yes it was last game where he used them
31048s or wasn't it yeah it was this game is a
31049s new game yes there's another flowy
31053s are you flurry
31055s then
31059s to that close no dawngrass
31063s but it could cast a cold case
31066s yeah i've seen the dawn girls play but
31068s that feels i mean is it it is an
31069s emergency but is it that much of an
31071s emergency it is
31072s emergency measures
31075s cold case probably just loses right
31082s stay where you are worry okay so now you
31084s get another flurry
31088s and you get to freeze and your hero
31090s power also freezes so he can freeze
31092s everything he can freeze literally
31093s everything
31095s and wildfire
31096s stay where you are and he held that hero
31098s power for two or three turns
31100s yeah
31102s that paid off
31103s yeah in spades
31106s this is
31107s i mean
31108s this stuff is like not going anywhere
31110s because the storm pike aid station is
31111s still there
31114s so it's just going to get even higher
31115s health and donkey's still at 30.
31118s yeah i don't know the hero power count
31122s let's assume it's enough but i don't
31123s think it might not be there's a reckless
31125s in hand anyways it'll be enough soon
31132s i'll work it backwards
31134s he held it for two turns i think
31137s i i don't think it's enough
31139s but it is worth three
31142s yeah but it's only been worth for three
31144s since last turn
31146s it's probably on nine
31148s or was four i don't know
31153s this is why he's called c8763 because
31156s that's how many
31157s more direction numbers are we don't know
31159s it's just eight seven six or three it's
31160s one of those
31162s quickly pick one
31165s here
31173s just continuing about this process of
31176s okay well
31177s we've gone from having all medium sized
31179s six sixes now look the game's gone let's
31181s just have all ten tens instead
31185s wardrobe is not active but another three
31187s might well activate it joking aside
31191s because if it's on seven for the three
31192s and two twos seems quite likely
31195s yeah they're i don't know there can't be
31197s enough here right like
31207s oh no the hero powers at five
31211s oh
31212s yeah
31213s oh so it's gonna get
31215s buffed
31217s and then can flurry and leave one minion
31219s up
31222s and can ping and buff it to nine
31226s oh no there's not going to be any
31227s minions up and another flurry oh my gosh
31230s this is stay away starting to get out of
31232s this
31233s tj what is happening
31237s is active
31239s how
31241s how
31243s i don't know
31244s i do not know c8763 has found a way to
31248s get this
31250s turn around i would say with the hero
31251s power doing 9 and active mordress
31254s how
31258s i don't know
31259s the board has been full of massive
31261s minions the whole game
31264s the donkey can heal these up
31268s a lot
31269s yeah that will this will heal it up to
31271s 12 and heal the other one up to 11
31274s and then there's still one more turn of
31275s storm by gate station there's also a
31277s hand maintenance there's gonna be a lot
31278s of circuit wings
31280s there's gonna be a lot of health on
31281s these minions
31283s it needs to be because
31285s d8763 can do 19
31289s one of them if he wants to
31291s i suspect he does want to because that
31292s sounds like a lot of damage
31294s my place
31298s this pelagos is on the board on turn
31300s three right and it's live
31303s and it hasn't mattered
31310s and that's
31312s the ping will clear up one the nightclub
31314s sanctum will freeze another
31316s oh my double ping next turn face pings
31327s this
31328s is
31331s probably the end of
31334s and by probably the end i mean
31336s that was a valiant effort i think that
31338s donkey played that very well but ca just
31342s fighting his time
31344s with the freezes
31346s like treasure that was how many turns
31348s was that
31350s six turns six turns off solid alibi plus
31353s freezes
31355s a massive board seven because pedego
31357s came down and turned three and now
31358s donkey has ten mana
31360s well polygons did attack so yeah
31363s the pellet goes oh that's what we mean
31366s six turns of actual freezing
31368s yeah
31371s the queen's
31393s [Music]
31399s [Music]
31401s ah doesn't matter i think that's yeah
31403s that's the reason why it doesn't matter
31405s yeah
31407s um but it's valiant effort but that is a
31410s tough game like that is
31414s uh
31416s i would cue a different deck
31419s if
31420s i lost like that
31422s um or like on ladder where you have yeah
31424s yes insurmountable board
31426s and it just gets frozen and
31429s solid alibi
31431s for six turns in a row
31434s until like a perfect like
31437s ping reckless apprentice freeze clear
31440s you just don't want to look at peace
31442s minions anymore at that point right it's
31443s like let's just kill the other deck
31444s because i do not want to look at any
31446s more priest minions for a good 20
31448s minutes
31452s why would you ever want to look at them
31453s again
31460s okay that was that was actually a really
31461s good game of hearthstone to watch it's
31463s just
31464s brutal how it went down
31466s yeah i think both players played very
31468s well
31469s um i think that
31471s donkey understood having
31473s a lot of big targets on the board
31476s is better in the matchup than just
31478s having a single massive threat
31481s yeah played around all of the pieces of
31484s like aoe removal
31486s that c8 could could have
31488s and tried to go as wide as possible with
31490s as big as men as possible to play around
31492s the possibility of multiple minions
31493s getting frozen
31495s but c8 just
31497s solved the puzzle right or after turn of
31500s all right how many resources do i need
31501s to expend here just to stay alive
31504s and hope that everything comes together
31507s yeah that's right like the plan
31509s obviously
31510s magister don grasp casting the
31513s the flurry
31514s is the biggest one there if a cascoll
31516s case
31519s ea dies
31520s there was that sort of
31522s uh flip there in the mid game it did
31524s have to go right but he played to his
31526s outs which is what you need to do with
31527s that situation you can't control the
31529s outcomes of everything you just need to
31530s try and give yourself the best option to
31531s win and that was 100
31533s the best odds to win so
31535s uh nicely done there was also like the
31538s panic
31538s uh
31541s the if you needed to desperately you
31543s could don grasp if it hits cold case you
31545s flurry then thinly and look for the
31548s second flurry that was still in the deck
31550s right and see if it's on the bottom so
31552s there was that out too
31554s uh available but now see it moving over
31556s to his final deck which is the ram druid
31559s it's the uh no celestial alignment lady
31562s in the conjurer ramp druid
31564s um everything we're going to see from
31566s next week on wisdom right because yeah
31570s as we
31571s will if the the rumors are correct and
31574s there's no celestial alignment you just
31575s you just play this
31578s yeah
31578s i i
31579s because of
31581s have they released the full ones i know
31583s alex teased it
31585s but if there's buffs to deck classes
31587s that like to be aggressive
31590s i don't know if this deck's gonna
31591s survive
31592s i mean we'll see but
31595s like if enraged warrior gets more
31597s support oh i see what you mean if you're
31601s yeah yeah and we've already discussed
31603s how druid kind of dies to a lot of decks
31605s already so yeah good point ah druid
31608s always finds a way
31611s and if it doesn't there'll be a card
31612s come out at christmas it's like naught
31614s manor start the game with seven mana
31622s this car starts in your hands
31628s it's not about him for c8 go coin growth
31630s into season
31632s and then insert
31634s random turn here and then topiar
31637s yeah and we've seen this before from
31639s donkey already in this match
31641s all the stuff and no spell
31643s [Music]
31645s there's people dancing on mailboxes
31649s there are three twos i'll take a three
31651s two
31653s into
31654s theo
31656s here we go
31658s amulet off the top nope
31660s deal something good slow the druid down
31663s just jam the guitar right like yeah
31666s you've got to
31672s insanity is no excuse for bad manners
31677s oh no oh my goodness that's just the
31680s worst three
31696s i think when you see those three you
31699s know you've whiffed as well somehow yeah
31702s uh see it already had an innervate
31704s topiar right so it wasn't that big of a
31706s deal
31715s and then you just
31716s you can't hit mana because you can keep
31718s rushing into
31719s the three twos to get a coin
31722s oh this is disgraceful behavior
31730s and then you can maybe get another
31732s innervate then you get another coin and
31734s then you could wild growth
31737s oh my what this is disgusting
31740s [Music]
31745s make them stop
31747s yeah i feel the same donkey just
31749s watching it's even worse to receive it
31752s [Applause]
31756s oh
31757s and then just one final coin to just
31759s play around the perfect sorcerer's
31762s butt spell came off the top
31764s yeah
31765s it didn't
31767s yeah yeah
31768s it's gonna cost them a chance at the top
31770s 16 but what can you do when this happens
31773s like you know you played your best in
31774s this match
31775s like yeah
31777s sometimes you sometimes it just happens
31782s and every time we see donkey it's
31784s happening at later and later stages it
31786s won't be long before we see them in the
31787s top 16 i'm sure but i don't think it's
31790s going to be today
31793s no
31799s this just uh that's a heel six
31803s that's what then oh connie did
31806s yeah
31807s like in the old days when you just jam a
31809s doomsayer and you know full well it's
31811s just going to get eaten
31815s okay discover a dragon
31817s malagos seems pretty good no innervates
31820s left to the deck though
31822s but that is
31825s 16 damage being represented on board
31828s i probably would have actually like set
31829s up lethal there instead of going for
31830s amalgam go gone for earthen scales
31834s notice something three three instead i
31835s guess one of the three ones getting
31836s kicked out but
31840s none of it
31842s makes any difference
31860s well
31862s well there's still a small chance
31866s [Music]
31868s barbaric sorceress
31870s if the runes picked up off the top nope
31872s if roon was picked up off the top
31874s it could be barbaric sorceress you hit a
31876s 50 50 to trade the rune with the
31878s composting okay skills and then you
31881s could coin out the rune
31883s and the rune would clear the board right
31886s summon a bunch of stuff
31889s and then you pair it next turn and then
31891s until they play who's the board against
31893s damage yeah
31895s yep there was a chance i agree i'll
31897s accept it because you're technically
31899s right which we all know is you know the
31900s tj
31901s sort of right
31903s okay oh
31905s we have a chance
31910s let's do it
31911s go on
31914s survive this turn first
31923s you know what you could do with right
31924s about now is none of those
31927s clear your own board
31928s play a one drop
31932s be its own treasure thus
31941s the 8763 like we've talked about
31943s donkey's side i think c8 has played
31945s incredibly well 763 in this game
31950s this match sorry he's going to play
31952s cards
31953s [Applause]
31958s it all comes down
31961s to this
31963s six-figure
31966s the miracle rune
31972s the room to end all runes
31977s yeah go on moon
31984s ruin your opponent's day wound orb
31991s blurry there's a pirate in hand now tj
31994s that must make our house even better
31997s blurry
32001s stop
32002s oh
32007s with a
32008s very good win see your donkey fingers
32010s crossed for donkey
32012s six and two could get in
32015s and i would love to see them in that top
32017s 16 but
32019s there's going to be a million players on
32021s six and two and probably two or three
32022s would get into that top 16 so
32025s probably not going to see donkey get in
32027s this tournament but we might
32029s um but even if we don't we'll see them
32031s again in the next one absolutely sure
32033s because they're just getting better and
32034s better each time
32038s yeah i would agree uh it's a pretty
32040s solid player overall uh from both
32042s players to be honest there was a couple
32044s of like uh
32046s flubs i think from on on both sides but
32049s overall like macro game plans on point
32052s the naga priests versus uh skeleton mage
32055s game was
32057s just a nice display from both players i
32059s thought um
32060s of uh understanding
32062s how to win
32064s in any given situation and it
32067s just got the better that of donkey
32069s that's it in that game but i thought it
32071s was a pretty cool one to watch
32075s um and with that with c8 taking that win
32077s uh we are we've had we finished we
32080s finished all the games i'm looking we
32081s just finished the tournament's over we
32083s could all go home that's it we finished
32085s all the games so we've cut to our top 16
32088s and that's it tournament's over
32089s congratulations to the top 16.
32092s if we're not going to show you we're
32093s just going to go
32094s and
32095s based on
32097s based on my calculations these are my
32100s personal calculations okay no
32102s third-party website that tracks these
32104s things my personal calculations donkey
32106s has made it into the top 16. oh those
32109s are my
32110s those are my personal cats we're into
32111s the phone i don't think he's made it i
32113s don't think they're going to make it
32114s through i think we have to wait till
32115s next tournament and continue the
32116s narrative of the improving donkey
32119s um i've been told
32121s uh
32122s we might be able
32126s we do we're going to be able to and
32128s bracket oh my talk for a little while
32131s longer to stall out so i'm disappointing
32133s you tj because you said at the start of
32135s that match
32136s that you were going to say c8763's full
32139s name every time
32141s and you didn't
32143s and i did i avoided saying his name
32145s as much as i could all right we have the
32148s bracket
32149s we have the top 16 bracket
32153s let us rejoice
32155s donkey has made it he is the top seed at
32158s six and two the highest tiebreaker 6-2
32160s player so
32161s uh wasn't even close but this is a great
32164s top 16. uh one because japan showed up
32168s we have our two previous world champions
32170s and glory and possessing in the top 16.
32172s a game
32173s who was one of the uh og
32176s japanese representatives in competitive
32178s hearthstone we have love storm at the
32180s number one seed 8-0
32182s going for another master short victory
32184s a storm of love throughout this master's
32187s tour
32189s last time when he won by the way as well
32192s yeah that's that is correct that is
32194s correct and the meta gives me similar
32196s vibes but we also have
32199s as is tradition
32201s our one american player in the top 16.
32205s gamer rpg
32210s every time we just sit here every time
32212s go this is gonna be the one in 16 and
32214s then we've got eight left and we're
32215s cheering for
32216s japan because all the americans region
32219s players are out
32220s and we don't want europe to win because
32221s sottle gets excited
32224s yeah as americans have it tough tj
32228s but
32229s also looking at stone and looking at
32231s matty over there on the right
32233s yep maddie
32236s maddie um
32238s he was pretty big at the end of last
32240s year um went missing a bit sort of early
32243s this year i think but he's back he was
32245s somebody we're billing as you know
32246s player who might win soon stone
32249s very close to the world championship
32250s once again last week
32252s um didn't quite get there but one of the
32255s favorites to get there from the
32257s the second round when it comes up of the
32259s the chinese tournaments
32261s so
32262s really good looking top 16.
32266s and uh as is edition
32269s we have to uh
32270s uh give shout outs uh to the six to play
32274s the the i'll say notable but i don't
32276s want to take anything away from any of
32277s the other 62 players these are just 60
32279s players that you know we we've watched
32282s um from time
32283s over the course of competitive arsenal's
32285s history uh lakewood hacker monsanto
32289s banter face bunny hopper fury hunter
32294s i rock
32296s yeah
32298s wet goose shouty
32301s deads
32302s always making a run up there
32304s never count deads out
32308s uh yeah so oh tianming
32312s a melody as well he's somebody that
32313s isn't necessarily
32315s one that we see very much but always
32317s seems to be six too
32320s i think a bunch of others as well i'm
32321s sorry if you didn't get shouted out then
32323s we went through about half
32325s yeah
32327s well we uh got a pretty solid top 16 i
32330s feel um i i know we always say that but
32333s uh like from what we've seen from
32335s players on stream at least the players
32337s that have made it
32338s and uh
32340s the players that we didn't know right
32343s yep uh that we've seen on stream as well
32345s as you know these players with a huge
32347s amount of history behind them like you
32349s know our previous two world champions in
32351s the top 16
32353s at this master store which is uh pretty
32355s incredible uh enough we have a chance
32358s for a player to win
32359s another master store right a master
32361s store
32362s uh second make it to another yes yeah
32365s there you go
32366s thank you
32367s though um isn't french who isn't french
32371s yep that's right we also have probably
32373s about as good of a chance as we're ever
32376s gonna get for an asia pacific master
32378s tour champion
32380s uh with
32382s one two
32383s three
32385s four
32386s five
32388s wow what should what's going on in the
32390s top 16
32392s uh which is
32394s cool a lot a lot of representation we
32396s have representation for every every
32397s region but it's majority european and
32400s chinese but uh
32402s asia pacific and americas are there
32405s okay we're we're going on too much neil
32407s this is why they can't let us in the
32408s show because we will we will never stop
32410s but uh we are done we have nowhere
32413s matches broadcast today neil do you have
32415s any last words before
32416s [Laughter]
32419s uh before i close out the sheet no i
32421s think i've said enough words for one
32423s broadcast day again so i'm gonna let you
32425s do your thing tj with the style of which
32428s we are all accustomed
32429s okay if my words will actually escape my
32432s mouth
32432s all right uh we are done we will return
32435s tomorrow at the same time we've been
32436s starting uh over the course of the last
32438s uh two days which is 11 a.m uh eastern
32443s time
32444s uh 8 00 a.m pacific time
32447s um
32449s p.m central european standard time 5 pm
32452s central europe summertime
32454s 4 p.m whatever time the uk is in
32458s uh
32459s and we are in british summer time and
32461s boy can't we feel it
32463s there you go and all the other times as
32466s well that i'm forgetting so make sure
32467s you tune in because top 16 is going to
32469s be great we're going to crown champion
32471s one other cool thing about tomorrow and
32472s this happens year after year is
32474s tomorrow's my birthday so it's going to
32476s be a top 16
32477s it's going to be tj's birthday it's
32479s going to be a lot of great hearthstone
32480s to watch it's going to be fantastic
32483s so you're not going to want to miss it
32484s but that's it for myself from the rinda
32486s the other casters in the broadcast crew
32488s thanks for watching and we'll see you
32489s tomorrow for more masters tour action
32494s [Music]
32500s hello
32506s [Music]
32530s i am
32534s [Music]
32546s give me
32553s sneaky
32557s [Music]
32564s [Music]
32583s [Music]
32594s [Music]
32602s [Music]
32635s [Music]
32640s [Music]
32648s [Music]
32672s okay i can rest this problem now i'm
32674s much happier having seen this happen pew
32677s pew pew pew
32687s the cleric is still alive the pyro ready
32689s to whirlwind the amulet of the undying
32692s coming down the boar is getting it done
32694s drove open scenes and pocket train is
32697s the winner of masters tour this year
32700s what a performance
32702s [Music]
32711s [Music]
32727s do
32745s i